Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn

Page created by Raymond Chapman
Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn
Winter 2020

Directors’ Message

Dear Camp Families,
We hope everyone is having a great 2020 so far!
Summer is only a few months away. We are counting
down the days until we are back with our campers on
the shores of Lake Fairlee!

Tony has been all over the map in the off-season! He
traveled to Boston, Connecticut, New York and South
Florida this fall. Tony and Stacie had an amazing trip to
camp over the holidays. Scout and Summer absolutely
loved the snow. It has been great running into a few
campers this year – Ruby Delinsky in Woodstock, VT,
and Isa Ponce at a Florida Gator Football game. Tony
enjoyed returning to the West Coast in February to visit
returning and new camp families. The Lochearn family
really is everywhere!

We have many of your favorite staff returning this

summer as cabin counselors, activity instructors and
campus leaders. Our campers will be excited to see the          You are braver than
smiling face of our Head Counselor, Amy Jo Dailey,                  you believe,

returning as additional support for our campus                stronger than you seem,
leaders and campers. Our new staff are also excited to      and smarter than you think.
be welcomed into the Lochearn community!                         - Winnie the Pooh

We thank our camp parents, friends and campers for
your continued support and recommendations. Your
kind words recommending Lochearn are so valuable
to upholding our culture of kindness and community.
Our enrollment is strong for 2020 and some of our age
groups are closing soon. This summer we are excited to
celebrate new and returning campers and staff
joining us from 32 states and 16 countries!

We love hearing from you, so keep in touch! We are
greatly looking forward to seeing you soon for
an “Amazing Summer in the Beautiful State of Vermont!”

Happy Camping!

and your lovable
camp dogs,
Scout & Summer
Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn
Winter 2020

                            We Love Vermont Word Search
                                                      BEN AND JERRYS
                                                      LAKE FAIRLEE
                                                      CABOT CHEESE
                                                      COVERED BRIDGE
                                                      DARN TOUGH SOCKS
                                                      HOT AIR BALLOON
                                                      LAKE CHAMPLAIN
                                                      MAPLE SYRUP
                                                      NEW ENGLAND
                                                      POST MILLS

                            Lacrosse Clinic
Sign your camper up for Lochearn’s Summer 2020
Lacrosse Clinic! We are so excited to welcome back
Babson College Lacrosse Coach Maggie Chizmar to
lead the clinics again. This two-day Lacrosse Clinic is
available to campers with previous Lacrosse
experience attending Session 1 and Session 2.

Campers will improve skills in the following areas:

•   Defense (team and individual)
•   Ground balls
•   Dodging
•   Shooting
•   Fast Breaks
•   Triangle Offense
•   Stick Skills
•   Clears
•   Man up, Man down
•   Face-Off and Wing Play
•   Goal-keeping (Campers bring personal goalie gear
    if applicable)
Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn
Musical Theater Production                                    Winter 2020

The summer 2019 production of Beauty and the Beast had us
dazzled with excitement for the talent and continued
potential in our performing arts department. The dedication
of our Lassie actresses really showed on both Session 1 and 2
Performing Arts Nights.

We applaud the creative costuming for the characters of
Lumiére, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts and Chip. The ensemble’s
careful choreography and well-rehearsed chorus
highlighted the beauty of the voices in our lead roles for Belle,
Gaston, and the Beast. We cannot forget stagecraft’s hand
painted set design and behind the scenes action that really
brought the story to life.

We are so excited to announce the production for the 2020
season will be: Aladdin! A tale sure to be full of magic carpet
rides and a hopeful genie. We can’t wait to explore a whole
new world with you!

                              What’s new this summer?!
The Lochearn waterfront on the shores of Lake Fairlee just keeps
getting better summer after summer! Campers and staff will be
excited for two new ski boats as an addition to our waterskiing and
wakeboarding program! Several new sailboats will be added to the
fleet. Campers with a love for the Culinary program will be excited
for a new challenge with more complicated recipes in a new
double block advanced Culinary Arts class!

                                                        “    The higher you climb,
                                                                 the better the view.
Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn
On Lake Fairlee                                                                          Winter 2020
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                                          Happy Birthday, Lassies!
December                    Reagan Mohammed
                            Jane Hempel
                                                         Ava Powell
                                                         Taylor Santaniello
                                                                                      Kelly Neuner
                                                                                      Kate Salvesen
Audrey Marshman        1    Grace O’Donnell         25   Reese Vanderwarker      16   Campbell Billingsley            11
Natalie Miller         2    Lucy Von Zuben          25   Caroline McDermott      17   Carol Earp                      11
Elsa Skorski           2    Olivia Pompe van             Catherine VanDerzee     18   Hala Abed                       12
Charlotte Callahan     3          Meerdervoort      26   Nuala Dill              19   Lillian Sen                     12
Emily Mayo             3    Penelope Arredondo      27   Chippy Hutchings        19   Emma Brown                      13
Valentina Barletta     4    Caroline Conover        27   Cordelia Weld           19   Ava Powers                      14
Kate Conover           5    Ella Springer           27   Eliza Fleming           20   Julia Siegler                   15
Alyssa Quarles         5    Grace Maher             28   Wren Griffin            20   Julia Santry                    16
Carroll Drucker        6    Lily Mann               28   Sage Smith              20   Alix Smith                      16
Elena Higgins          7    Sofia Breton            29   Elizabeth Stone         20   Emily Zhou                      18
Isa Losada             7    Anna Johnston           29   Catelin Bromfield       21   Annabel Curry                   21
Katherine Plunkett     7    Lyla Swenson            29   Eve Calio               21   Edie Newhouse-Rigling           21
Amalia Pompe van            Dorothea Weeks          29   Sophia Milian           21   Addie Looney                    23
      Meerdervoort     7    Mia Taylor              30   Olivia Bailey           22   Katie Neuenfeldt                23
                                                         Ally Diaz               22   Brooke Carter                   24
Charlotte Kelley       8
                                                         Nisha Jha               23   Ella Larken                     24
Molly Meehan           8
                                                         Cammie Curtin           24   Nini Slingsby                   25
Cate O’Connor          8    January                      Pippa Taylor            24   Sophia Brown                    26
Ella Catania           10
                                                         Lily Shor               26   Ashton Santos                   26
Maddie Hagger          11   Lachlan Rowley          1    Emma Braun              27   Ella Croom                      27
Jane Earp              12   Olivia Schulhof         1    Josie Frame             27   Beatrix Goldstein               27
Ivy Flynn              12   Reedo Foster            4    Mollie Luth             30   Ella Swenson                    27
Emily Huang            12   Junerose Manzotti       4    Lauren Pence            30
Avery Lehmann          12   Annabelle Toth          4    Ellie Innes             31
Sarah McManus          13   Phoebe Crowley          5    Alex Rein               31
Annie Statter          13   Annie Kats              6
Kate Baxter            14   Trina Falk              7
Catie Colao            14   Hopey Richardson        8
Carly Seidel           14   Ainsley Zauel           8    February
Allegra Wallison       14   Merrill Foster          9
Claire Burris          16   Sydney Peduto           9    Olivia Figueroa         1
Helen Burris           16   Julia Feeney            10   Billie Grace McGinley   2
Olivia Blake           17   Collette Zubizarreta    10   Char Reedy              2
Ellie Eising           17   Lilly Davenport         11   Noa Gottlieb            3
Alice Miller           17   Skye Hord               11   Kate Sahin              3
Chiara Mackay          19   Anika Palmer            11   Iso Gordon              7
Leah Rose              20   Phoebe Schuh            11   Chloe Anselmi           8
Cate Speros            20   Fionna Albright         13   Issie Gunther           8
Annie Baxter           22   Elizabeth Watt          13   Sophie Gunther          8
May Collins            22   Ella Billotti           14   Tessa Isaac             8
Heather Coneybeer      22   Sky Roberts             14   Sydney Johnson          8
Marie Preis            22   Charlotte VanDerzee     14   Millie Brown            10
Anabel Rissman         22   River Cassidy           15   Dwyer Corrigan          10
Aubrie Williams        23   Evelyn Frasca           15   Gracie Justice          10
Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn
Session 1
Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn
Session 2
Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn Directors' Message - Camp Lochearn
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