Digital learning 2022 - MAN PrimeServ Academy

Digital learning 2022 - MAN PrimeServ Academy
MAN PrimeServ Academy
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                                                                     – Short interactive learning nuggets consisting of 10-30 min
                                                                     – Typically combined with a more extensive course
                                                                     – No hands-on training just interactive exercises respectively combined with quizzes

                                                                     –	Completed by participants on their own using their own computer without the
                                                                        need for an instructor
                                                                     – Can be done anytime and anywhere

                                                                     Tailor-made instructor led online courses
                                                                     –	Full day courses and several day courses

                                                                     –	Web-based instructor led courses
                                                                     – Comparable to our on-site courses at the Academy - with the benefit of joining
                                                                        from any location
                                                                     – Complete courses including hands-on training options
                                                                     –	Interactive learning through direct communication between instructors and
                                                                        participants (no. of participants is limited to 10)
                                                                     –	Training hardware (simulator) can be provided by the Academy and sent to the
                                                                     –	Some courses can be carried out using customer equipment (e.g. using spare
                                                                        parts from stock)
                                                                     – Adaptable to the different customer time zones allowing flexible time planning
                                                                     –	Tailor-made courses for one-to-one lessons
                                                                     –	Fully established courses are also available
Our mission to supply the best quality education solutions and       –	We are open to any customer suggestions for developing additional courses to
                                                                        our already established online courses
products to our customers around the globe has not changed.
Nevertheless, we are convinced that only change leads to progress.
This is why we are determined to continue developing our essential   Open instructor led online courses
PrimeServ training portfolio. Digital learning is necessary to       –	Full day courses and several day courses
                                                                     – Web-based instructor led courses
complement our MAN PrimeServ Academy course offers.                  – Comparable to our on-site courses at the Academy - with the benefit of joining
                                                                        from any location
                                                                     – Highly interactive courses thanks to a limited number of participants
                                                                     – Fixed time with fixed content
                                                                     – Only for courses which do not include hands-on training
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                                                                                                                      Engine fluids
                                                                                                                      Learn how to apply the correct specification for fluids, understand
                                                                                                                      the characteristics of a fuel and lube oil analysis as well as how to
                                                                                                                      draw the right conclusions, select the proper lubricant for a

                                                                                                                      particular application and ensure the right quality of cooling water
                                                                                                                      – all you need to know about engine fluids for medium-speed
                                                                                                                      engines can be obtained from our eLearning course.

on demand
                                                                                                                      Fuels for diesel engines                                     Lube oil for diesel engines
                                                                                                                      (8 modules)                                                  (7 modules)

                                                                                                                                                   – T he crude oil refining                                    – 	Purpose of diesel engine lube
                                                                                                                                                      process                                                       oil and lube oil formulation
                                                                                                                                                   – Fuel specifications                                         – 	Approval of lube oils for
                                                                                                                                                   –	Fuel characteristics                                          MAN engines
                                                                                                                                                      defined by ISO 8217                                        – Lube oil degradation
                                                                                                                                                   –	Additional fuel                                            – Selection of lube oil
                                                                                                                                                      characteristics                                            – Specific application: Biofuels
                                                                                                                                                   – ECA fuel                                                    – Specific application: Dual fuel
MAN Energy Solutions PrimeServ            eLearning is a flexible, self-paced                                                                      –	Fuel treatment                                             – Specific application: Gas
Academy Augsburg has developed a          method for acquiring the information                                                                     – Bio fuels
wide range of eLearning courses           that is most essential for specific roles                                                                – Gas
which include a variety of subjects.      or areas where you feel the need to
This platform covers areas such as        extend existing knowledge and
SaCoS one, common rail, variable valve    competencies.
timing, SCR catalyst and engine fluids.
                                                                                                                      Cooling water for diesel engines
                                                                                                                      (1 module)

                                                                                                                                                   – Q
                                                                                                                                                      ualification requirements
                                                                                                                                                     for fresh water and cooling
                                                                                                                                                     water treatment

                                                                                      Benefits of eLearning
Get a first glimpse of our comprehensive eLearning platform and
take part in the demo versions of our courses which you can                           –	Flexible
access free of charge right here:                                                     – Self-paced
                                                                                      – Interactive                                           – Available anytime, anywhere
                                                                                      – Online via our eAcademy
Username: eacademy                                                                    –	Fun to learn
Password: MANeAcademy!1                                                               – Sustainable
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 eLearning courses
The following portfolio shows a range of further online courses
available to provide you with the essential information for a safe
and reliable engine operation.

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)                          SaCoS one
(4 modules)                                                  (5 modules)

                                 –	Rules and regulations,
                                    functional principles
                                 – Air path
                                                                               Components            Order your
                                 – Urea path                               –   Exchange of modules
                                 – Control system                          –   Device manager
                                                                           –   Expert tool

                                                                                                     so you can participate in these
                                                                                                     comprehensive eLearning courses
Common Rail and Variable Valve Training
(2 modules)
                                                                                                     The license, which is personal and        Course                 Number of modules    Approximate duration    Price for a single license
                                 – Common Rail system,                                               non-transferable, is valid for 3 months   Engine fluids                         16                     5h                         350 €
                                   functional principles                                             and allows the authorized participant     SCR                                    4                     2h                         175 €
                                 – Variable Valve timing,                                            repeated access to eLearning courses.     SaCoSone                               5                     2h                         200 €
                                   functional principles                                                                                       CR/VVT                                 2                     1h                         100 €
                                                                                                                                               Full package                          27                    10 h                        700 €

                                                                                                                                               Number of ordered licenses         4 – 10     11 – 50    51 – 100    101 – 200          > 200
                                                                                                                                               Discount                            15 %        20 %        30 %          40 %          50 %

                                                                                                     For further information and registration please contact:
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                                                                                             Tailor-made instructor
                                                                                             led online courses

                                                                                             SaCoSone course                         SCR course                               Dual fuel and gas engine
                                                                                             This course offers an overview of the   This course is designed for              technology course
                                                                                             SaCoSone automation system and          SCR system operators on power            This course is designed for our
                                                                                             enables the participants to             plants or ships. This course provides    customers´ personnel who operate

                                                                                             troubleshoot the automation system      basic knowledge of NOx-reduction         and maintain medium-speed gas or
                                                                                             and exchange system components.         technologies and describes               dual fuel engines. It covers the
                                                                                                                                     the functional principle of the          operational aspects of gas and
                                                                                             – 3 day course                          system and its components in detail.     dual fuel engines including safety
                                                                                             – Lectures with exercises and                                                    requirements.
                                                                                               hands-on practice                     – 2 day course
                                                                                             – Use of simulators sent to customers   – Lectures with exercises                – 3 day course

                                                                                               for hands-on training                                                          – Lectures with exercises
                                                                                             – Hands-on: module exchange,
                                                                                               device manager, expert tool
                                                                                             – Different versions: for CR, DF and
                                                                                               conventional engines

                                                                                             Introduction course on                  Cylinder head maintenance course         Injection equipment
                                                                                             combustion engines                      This course is designed for engine       maintenance course
                                                                                             This course is designed for             maintenance staff and covers a           This course is designed for
                                                                                             individuals who require a broad         complete cylinder overhaul.              maintenance staff and covers the
In addition to eLearning, we can provide you with instructor led online                      basic knowledge of combustion                                                    entire maintenance of injection
                                                                                             engines and their application (e.g.     – 1 day course, mainly hands-on          systems.
courses including web based instructed hands-on lessons. We are also                         individuals in commercial positions     – Requirement: spare cylinder head for
open to any customer suggestions for developing additional courses to                        and managers).                            hands-on training                      – 1 day course, mainly hands-on
                                                                                                                                                                              – Requirements: spare fuel pump,
our already established online courses. We really look forward to                            – 2 day course                                                                     injection nozzle and nozzle tester for
cooperating with you in determining the most suitable solution for your                      – Lectures with exercises                                                          hands-on training
training demands.

                                                          Benefits of online courses
                                                          – Full course without travelling
                                                          –	Invest in training, not in      We are also open to any customer suggestions for developing
                                                          – Tailor-made option
                                                                                             additional courses to our already established online courses.
                                                          – Highly interactive
                                                          – Led by an instructor             For further information and registration please contact:
                                                          – Hands-on
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Open instructor led
  online courses
Introduction to MAN combustion engine
technology course                                         Introduction to MAN combustion engine technology online
This course is designed for individuals requiring a       January 17-18, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CET           A-22-066

broad basic knowledge of combustion engines               October 27-28, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CET           A-22-067

and their application (e.g. individuals in
commercial positions and managers).                       SCR standard operation online
                                                          April 11-13, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CEST            A-22-022
                                                          May 23-25, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CEST              A-22-023

SCR standard operation
This course is designed for operators of SCR              Nutshell courses online
systems on power plants or ships. This course             Introduction to MAN combustion engine
provides basic knowledge of NOx-reduction                 technology in a nutshell online
technologies and describes the functional principle       February 28, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CET             A-22-060
of the system and its components in detail.               July 18, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CEST                A-22-070

                                                          SaCoSone in a nutshell online
                                                          March 1, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CET                 A-22-061
                                                          July 19, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CEST                A-22-071
Nutshell courses

                                                                                                                                    Get started
These courses are aimed at technical personnel            Common rail in a nutshell online
requiring a comprehensive overview of specific            March 2, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CET                 A-22-062
technologies (e.g. managers and superintendents).         July 20, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CEST                A-22-072
Trainings cover SaCoSone, common rail, dual fuel          Dual fuel and gas engine technology in a nutshell online

                                                                                                                                         with digital
and gas engine technology as well as turbocharger         March 3, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CET                 A-22-063
and exhaust gas treatment.                                July 22, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CEST                A-22-073

                                                          Exhaust gas treatment in a nutshell online
For our worldwide customers, we offer these

                                                                                                                                    learning today
                                                          March 4, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CET                 A-22-064
nutshell courses within a time-frame of one week,
                                                          July 22, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CEST                A-22-074
starting with a general engine introduction course.
It is also possible to book just single days within the   Turbocharger in a nutshell online
nutshell week. One course is scheduled to suit the        February 23, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm CET             A-22-027

eastern time zone while the other course is               August 11, 2022 starting at 6:00 am CEST              A-22-095

scheduled for the western time zone.

                                                                                                                                    Just contact us, let us know what your requirements are and we will
                                                                                                                                    engineer tailor-made online courses for you and your teams.
                                                                                                                                    We really look forward to cooperating with you in determining the most
                                                                                                                                    suitable solution for your training demands.

                                                                                                                                    For further information and registration please contact:
Digital learning 2022 - MAN PrimeServ Academy
MAN Energy Solutions
PrimeServ Academy
86224 Augsburg
P + 49 821 322-1397
F + 49 821 322-1170

                                                            All data provided in this document
                                                            is non-binding. This data serves infor-
                                                            ma­tional purposes only and is not
                                                            guaranteed in any way. Depending on
                                                            the subsequent specific indivdual
                                                            projects, the relevant data may be sub-
                                                            ject to changes and will be assessed
                                                            and determined individually for each
                                                            project. This will depend on the parti-
                                                            cular characteristics of each individual
                                                            project, especially specific site and
                                                            operational conditions.

                                                            Copyright © MAN Energy Solutions.
                                                            D2366660-N4 Printed in Germany
MAN PrimeServ – the service brand of MAN Energy Solutions   I*AM-10210.3
Digital learning 2022 - MAN PrimeServ Academy Digital learning 2022 - MAN PrimeServ Academy Digital learning 2022 - MAN PrimeServ Academy
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