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Established 1927                                          Covering the campus like a swarm ofgnats                                                         The Official Student Newspaper of Georgia Southern University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Scheduled Events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Monday, Oct. 11 • GSU Idol
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Russell Union Ballroom

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tuesday, Oct. 12 • Spirit Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Performing Arts Center (PAC)
                                                                                                                                                                                               Southern Safari • October 11-16

                                                           Monday, October 11,2004. Volume 77, Number 36
                                                                                                                                                                                                 GSU vs. Ap. State, Saturday @ 12 noon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          See page 2 for Homecoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          King and Queen candidates

                  By Jessica Luber

                 The Bald Eagle is a symbol of liberty and free will.
                 President JohnF. Kennedy said, "the fierce beauty and
              proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes.
              the strength and freedom of America."
                 Georgia Southern has had the honor of housing
              not one or two, but four bald eagles over the past
              nine years. With the tradition of powerful names,
              the newest addition to GSU's bald eagle community
              named Freedom.
                 Just this past spring, Gina Holt, a nest sight attendant,
              found a baby eagle in a heap of its own feathers lying
              on the ground.
                  Lying motionless on the driveway, the bird had ap-
              parently fallen from its nest. Now suffering from Cone
              Enable Syndrome—a misalignment of Freedoms upper
              and lower mandibles—this seven-month old eagle has
                                                            been termed "non-
                   Formoreinformationaboutthis              releasable" bv the
                   eagle,pleasecontactSteveHein             USFishandwildlife
                   at snein@georgiasouthem.
                   edu.                                     Sevnce.
                                                           While the bird is
                                                       not yet at the GSU
                  Rapture Center, it is here in Statesboro, residing at
                  the home of Steve Hein, the Director of the Center for
                  Wildlife Education at GSU.
                      "While the bird is property of the U.S. Fish and
                  Wildlife Services, the university has a permit allowing
                  the exhibit of eagles via the wildlife center. I'm simply
l» •
                  the bird's trainer. The bird is residing off campus for
                  time being to facilitate training and to minimize negative
                  experiences," Hein said. "The very nature of the bird
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LaVene Bell/STAFF
                  often dictates the pace of the training and therefore the
                                                                                       Steve Hein, director of the Center for Wildlife Education at GSU is seen here with GSU's new bald eagl e, Freedom. Hine is currently training Freedom at his
                  See FREEDOM, page 9                                                  home for use in school functions and educational purposes.

                Miller sees little
                                   Students protest at state Capitol
 > .»

              change after speech
              By Jeffrey McMurray
          Associated Press

                  WASHINGTON - In the weeks since
              his blistering speech at the National
              Republican Convention attacking his
              own Democratic Party, Georgia Sen.,
              Zell Miller says he has noticed little
              difference in how he is being treated by
              his colleagues.
                  "I have passed all of them in the
              hallway, ridden up on the elevators with
              them," Miller said in an interview with
              The Associated Press. "I can't think of but
              two I sensed any iciness to me, and they                Zell Miller
              weren't the biggest of fans beforehand."
                  Miller, who retires in January as the Senate's most conservative Demo-
              crat, says it's a myth that he has kept a lower profile since his keynote
              address at the GOP convention fiercely cast Democratic presidential
              candidate John Kerry as weak on defense.
                  Miller's campaign schedule representing President Bush has been
               "much heavier" since the convention, Miller says, and he expects it to
               pick up even more before the Nov. 2 election.
                  As for his speech, Miller says he wouldn't change a word _ and it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Luke Hearn/STAFF
                  See MILLER, page 9
                                                                                                             SGAsentor Angela Byrd (left) hasastudentsign a petitiontostopamidyeartutionincreaseonSeptember29th.This past weekend
                                                                                                             roughly 34,000 signitures were handed to Gov. Sonny Perdue's secretary during a protest staged outside of the state Capitol.

                  Weekday Weather
                                                                                                             Vocal student crowd demands                                                   Planned tuition hikes could
         .:   .         ■        ■   ■   :   ■   ■

          Monday                                               Tuesday
                                                     HIGH                              HIGH                  more state money for colleges                                                    stress HOPE program
                                                     77°                               77°                From staff and wire reports                                                Associated Press

                                                                                                             ATLANTA - Angry that college budgets have been cut and tuition              ATLANTA - Plans to raise tuition at state colleges in Georgia could
                                                                                                                                                                                     cause complications for officials who thought they had already dealt
                                                     LOW                               LOW                may rise if more state money isn't given to public colleges, more
                                                                                                          than 100 students rallied outside the state Capitol Friday morning         the HOPE scholarship program's money problems.

              Thunderstorms                          65°       Scattered               63°                demanding better funding for higher education.                                 The state Board of Regents is considering a 10 percent midyear
                                                                                                             Students from 18 public colleges and universities chanted "No           tuition increase for the University System of Georgia.
                                                               Thunderstorms                              more cuts!" and "We vote, too!" as they delivered more than 34,000             The proposed tuition increase would cost HOPE about $ 10 million
                                                                                                          signatures begging Gov. Sonny Perdue to ease budget cuts for the           this fiscal year, which ends June 30, and $20 million in the next fiscal
                  Opinions                                     Sports                                     Board of Regents, which oversees state colleges.                           year. Also, the system could add another 10 percent or so this spring,
                                                                                                              SGA Presidents from across the state have already met privately        potentially adding another $20 million to next year's cost.
                  • Adam Crisp thinks that Bush               • Eagle Football beats                      with Perdue to complain about the budget cuts that Regents members             "We have been fortunate that lottery revenues have been going up,"
                    should thank gay activists                  the Western Carolina                      have said may force a hefty tuition increase.                              said Rep. Ben Harbin, R-Evans, a member of the House Appropria-
                                                                Catamounts                                    The governor was not at the Capitol Friday to see the larger protest   tions Committee. "But if the Board of Regents continues to dip into
                  • KRT Columnist Salim                                                                   or accept the petitions. But students from each college represented        that bucket, it is going to run out of money."
                    Muwakkil believes that                    • Women's Tennis enjoys                     presented their petitions to the Governor's secretary.                         HOPE is funded by the state lottery. Ticket sales set a record last
                    Democrats are ignoring                      double success on final day of                The protesters, mostly student government presidents and mem-          fiscal year by increasing 4 percent. But university and technical col-
                    issues important to                         tournament                                bers, complained that the governor is not taking their complaints          lege enrollment and the number of scholarship recipients have gone
                    minorities                                                                                                                                                       See HOPE, page 9
                                                                                                          See PROTEST, page 9
                  Page 4                         ^_^_           Page 6

              (912)-6&1 -5246 •                                                                                              Williams Centpr Rm. 2023 • P.O. Box 8001 . Statesboro„.GA 30460
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2          GEORGE-ANNE
             Monday, October 11,2004                                                                                                                                                                               AMPUS
                                                                                                                                        ■ft                              n%M 111111 \m                                             f IM^H^Bl^Hn^
 Special to the G-A                                                                                                             By Rachel Weeks                                                 Christie Johnson                              Allison Vaughn
                                           the Averitt Lecture Series, and the           Most students choose to write a                                        Alpha Omnicron Pi                             Golden Key Society
    The Department of Literature and       Cinema Arts Program.                       Masters thesis under the sustained                                                                        Classification: Sophomore                     Classification: Senior
Philosophy ofGeorgia Southern offers                                                  direction of an individual faculty            Georgia Southern Homecoming is                              Major: Recreation                             Major: Economics
                                               The department also houses three                                                                                                                 Hometown: Marietta, Ga.
the M.A. program in English.                                                         member at the completion of their 30       this week, and campus is decorated with                                                                       Hometown: Savannah, Ga.
                                           national literary periodicals: The
    Twenty-five faculty members staff                                                                                           colorful banners blowing in the breeze,
                                          Journal of Commonwealth and Post-          hours of coursework, but the depart-
a stimulating and innovative depart-                                                 ment also offers a non-thesis option.      and chalk messages on the sidewalks.
                                           colonial Studies; Children's Literature
ment that emphasizes close interac-       Association Quarterly; and Studies in      Many of our recent graduates go on to          This year's crowning of the Home-
                                                                                                                                coming King and Queen will take place                  Kimberly Keys                            A.D. Benson-Jaja
tion with our graduate students.          American Culture.                          pursue the Ph.D. in English.                                                                      Christ Full Gospel                      Baptist Student Union
    In addition to coursework, the                                                                                              during halftime at Saturdays game.            Ministries, Residence Hall
                                              Faculty work closely with gradu-            If you have any questions, con-                                                                                                       Classification: Senior
Department sponsors a number              ate students in the department. The        tact Douglass H. Thomson, Director             You can support your King or Queen               President's Council                          Major: Psychology
                                                                                                                                                                                  Classification: Junior                    Hometown: Savannah, Ga.
of programs that enrich graduate                                                                                                by logging on to WlNGS and voting.
                                          department customarily admits              of the M.A. program in English at                                                             Major: Broadcasting
education, among them the Annual          only 12-14 students a year, and this                                                      To vote for your favorite candidate,           Hometown: College
                                                                           , or                                                                             Park, Ga.
Conference of Commonwealth and                                                       visit the departments web site at          log on to WINGS using your student
                                          relatively small number ensures small
Postcolonial Studies, the Irish Studies                                                                                         ID and pin number. Then, click "vote"
                                          class sizes and frequent one-on-one
                                                                                                                                in Homecoming Election and load the                             Nathalie Lobefaro                            Jonathan Buckner

Program, the Georgia Author Series,       time with faculty.                         phi/graduate.htm.                                                                                          PhiMu
                                                                                                                                on-line ballot.                                                                                              Minority Advisement
                                                                                                                                                                                                Classification: Senior                       Program
                                                                                                                                    The on-line ballot system will be                           Major: Public Relations                      Classification: Sophomore
                                                                                                                                open for voting until 5 p.m. on Oct. 13.                        Hometown: Atlanta, Ga.                       Major: History
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hometown: Columbus,
                                                                                                                                Get your vote in today!                                                                                      Ga.

Monday, Oct. 11                                                                                                                                                                    Carmen McCart
                                          to be the next GSUIdol. Support your                  Spanish Club                                      Reece Anthony                                                               Matthew Childree I— niTifc—1
                                                                                                                                                  Gamma Sigma Sigma                      Spanish Club                                 Phi Beta Sigma s.^PwvBBk :
                                          fellow students who are showcasing                      5:30 p.m.                                       Classification: Graduate       Classification: Junior                         Classification: Junior
          DebateWatchll                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    :
                                          their vocal talents. At the Russell           The Spanish Club will have a                              Student                      Major: Spanish/Justice                        Major: General Manage- ^1> — '*^^P%         bei:
               7 p.m.                                                                                                                             Major: History/Africana                      Studies                                           ment  \-V
                                          Union Ballroom.                            meeting today. At the Forrest Drive                                                     Hometown: LaGrange, Ga.
    This event will include a viewing                                                                                                             Studies                                                                    Hometown: Athens, Ga.
                                                                                     Building, Room 1227.                                         Hometown: Oxford, Ga.                                                                                                  dis;
of the second presidential debate; a
discussion will follow with students      Tuesday, Oct. 12
                                                                                                Outdoor Movie
and professors. At the Art Building                                                                                                      Sidni Barfield
                                                                                                   7:30 p.m.
Auditorium.                                             Spirit Day                                                                 Baptist Student Union
                                                                                         The event will feature the movie           Classification: Senior
                                                     10 a.m. - 1 p.m.                "Spider-man 2." It's free, so bring your    Major: History Education
            GSUIdol                           Event featuring food, games, mu-                                                    Hometown: Vidalia, Ga.
                                                                                     friends, blankets, and have a good old
              7 p.m.                      sic, and best dressed contest. At the      time. At the Performing Arts Center
   Come and see who has what it takes     Russell Union Rotunda.                     Parking Lot.

                                     r Oil t% qPjqpf
10-05-04                                       Main Street, Statesboro, was
 . • Ron David Whidby, 22, of                  charged with DUI and failure to
     University Place Apartments,              maintain lane.
     Statesboro, was charged with            • Kevin Christopher Vance, 18, of
     DUI, public drunk, disorderly             Veazey Hall, was charged with
     conduct and failure to obey a             minor in possession/consump-
     traffic control device.                   tion of alcohol.
                                             • Steve Coleman Wilson, 18, of
10-06-2004                                     Kennedy Hall, was charged with
   • Rachna N. Mistry, 21, of East             minor in possession/consump-

 In Thursday's edition of The George-Anne, in the article on 'Yell Like Hell/the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority was
 misnamed. Also, Daylight Saving Time takes place on Oct. 31.

                                MAC, Conference Room
                  Contact: Brad Perry 678-471-8638
                  (tryouts start Tuesday, Oct 12, 7 pm)
                (Georgia Tech, Georgia, Emory, & Middle
               Tennessee in the Dixie Baseball Conference)
                                   check it out
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Monday, October 11, 2004                     3
                       Only in America                                                                                                            National News Briefs
                         Man fired for        Bush, Cheney                                                                                                 The swamp, which only three                   Police spokesman James Tate said           Two other children, apparently
                                                                                                                                                       months ago had to close some canoe            the child died after being rushed to the   uninjured, were taken to a hospital as
ah, Ga.
                      searching for aliens missing from ballots                                                                                        trails because they were too dry, has         hospital in critical condition.            a precaution, authorities said.
                                                                                                                                                       seen 17 to 20 inches of rain from a                She'd been shot in the head, a            The Family Independence Agency,
                       COLUMBUS, OH. - The search for              VAN BUREN, MO. - Carter Coun-                                                       series of hurricanes that began in            doctor said.                               which oversees day-care facilities in
                   extraterrestrial life has ended at the      ty officials are reprinting absentee                                                    August with Bonnie and continued                   Police were searching for the         Michigan, listed the address where
                   Ohio Department of Job and Family           ballots for the Nov. 2 general election                                                 last month with Frances and Jeanne.           shooter, who they said came to the         the shooting took place as a licensed
                   Services.                                   after discovering that President Bush                                                   There is now water in places that have        door of the house, exchanged words
                                                                                                                                   Associated Press                                                                                             facility serving up to 12 infants, tod-
                    • The department on Thursday               and Vice President Dick Cheney were                                                     been dry for a decade.                        with someone, entered and opened           dlers or school-aged children.
                   fired a computer programmer who             left off.                                   Law enforcement officials answer
                                                                                                                                                           No buildings were flooded and             fire.
                   admitted to using a state-owned                                                         questionsduringanewsconference
                                                                   The ballots were mailed begin-                                                      now the park can run its boat tours                A7-month-oldboysufferedahead
                                                                                                           about a tour bus crash on Saturday,
                   computer server to process data for         ning Sept. 21, and Carter County                                                        into areas that were previously inac-         injury, possibly from being dropped,              - All News Briefs compiled by
                                                                                                           near Marion, Ark., that killed 15
                   the Search for Extraterrestrial Intel-                           ClerkBeckyGibbs                                                    cessible, said manager Martin Bell.           and was taken to a hospital, Bully-            Rachel Weeks and Morgan Marsh.
                                                                                                           people including the bus driver.
sr                 ligence project.                                                 said several vot-                                                  With slightly cooler temperatures             Cummings said.
t              i .
                               ^         Charles E. Smith,                          ers noticed the                                                    this week, alligators are climbing out
imore                          H 63, told administra-                               oversight.             Tour bus crash kills 15                     to bask in the sunshine.
                               B tors he didn't think                                   Replacement
                             BF loading the SETI soft-                              ballots will be sent
                                                                                                           people in Arkansas                              Because it is a national wildlife
                                                                                                                                                       refuge, animals are supposed to prevail
                   ^^^^T            ware on the server was                          to everyone who            MARION, AR. - A bus carrying            during encounters with humans. And
                        Ohio        much of a problem          requested an absentee ballot along          Chicago-area tourists to a Mississippi      Gillette warned that the wet swamp
              « •                   because he ran the         with a letter explaining the error.         casino crashed and overturned early         means more of those encounters could
                   program only when the server wasn't              Ballots that other voters will use     Saturday, killing at least 15 people, in-   involve snakes.
                   being used.                                 Nov. 2 have not been printed yet.           cluding the driver, state police said.          "If they find a snake on a trail, even
                       Department director Tom Hayes                Gibbs said the cost to print re-           The bus crashed on Interstate           a rattlesnake, that rattlesnake has the
                   disagreed.                                  placement absentee ballots should           55 in northeastern Arkansas, near           right of way."
                       "I understand his desire to search      be minimal.                                 Memphis, Tenn. It was headed to Tu-
                   for intelligent life in outer space, be-                                                nica, Miss., a popular destination for
                   cause obviously he doesn't find it in the                                               casino gambling, when the accident
                   mirror in the morning," Hayes said. "I         Man pays ticket                          happened at about 5 a.m.
                   think that people can be comfortable
                   that security has beamed this man out          with dirty money                             Thirty-one people were aboard
                                                                                                           the bus, which was the only vehicle
                   of our building."                                                                       involved in the crash. Some of the

                                                                   BURLINGTON, IA. - Psychiatrist

                                                               Ronald Preston McPike has been              dead were found crushed beneath the
              « •
                                                                                                           vehicle after wrecker crews arrived to
                      Elephant treadmill                       charged with harassment of a public
                                                                                                           pull it upright, state police spokesman

                                                               official for smearing excrement on dol-
                        first of its kind                      lar bills used to pay a parking ticket.
                                                                   McPike, 52, pleaded not guilty to
                                                                                                           Bill Sadler said.
                                                                                                               Each of the 16 others aboard were
                                                                                                                                                                                Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                       Bernard Gerald Kelly, 37, is taken
                  ANCHORAGE, AK. - The Alaska                  the charge, a misdemeanor, and was          hurt. To reach other victims, emergen-      from the Detroit Police Headquar-

              Zoo is building what it believes to be           released on $ 125 bond pending a Dec.       cy workers sheared off the top of the       ters for an arraignment. Kelly has
              the world's first elephant treadmill as          8 court appearance. He was arrested         bus. The rooflay nearby while rescuers      been charged with six-felonies in
                                                                                                           worked amid popped-open suitcases,          his daughter's death
              part ofplans to enrich the life of its only      Sept. 30 at his office in Burlington.
              elephant with better accommodation                   Officers received an envelope in July   clothes, pillows and cameras.
          « • and activities.                                                         labeled "Foreign         Authorities on the scene had not
                                                                                                           determined a cause for the crash,
                                                                                                                                                       3-year-old killed in
                  At 9,120 pounds, Maggie could                                       brown substance
Ga.           stand to slim down. Zoo officials are                                   on bills." The       which occurred near a point where           day care shooting                                      Quality • Caring • Convenient
                                  talking with engi--                                 envelope con-        Interstate 55 veers to the left to take
                                                                                                           travelers into Memphis.                         DETROIT, MI. - A man opened
                                  neers and manu-                                     tained several
                                                                        Iowa                                                                           fire at an in-home day-care center
                                  facturers about                                     dollar bills and
                                  building     Maggie                                                                                                  Tuesday, killing a 3-year-old girl and
          » *                                                  a parking ticket made out to a vehicle
                                  her very own exer-
                 Arkansas cise equipment.
                                                               registered to McPike, police said.
                                                                   Tests indicated the brown sub-
                                                                                                           Okefenokee great to
                                                                                                                                                       critically wounding two women, of-
                                                                                                                                                       ficials said.                                                                   =P
                  Designing and building the first             stance was fecal matter and indicated       visit after hurricanes
              elephant treadmill could costbetween             the stain patterns resulted from feces
              $150,000 and $250,000. The zoo has               being smeared on the bills.                     ALBANY - Rainfall from three
              talked with mining experts because                   McPike told police the money fell       recent hurricanes has raised water in
          c » they knowaboutheavy loads, convey-               into a toilet and was retrieved to pay      the Okefenokee Swamp to its highest

96                                                                                                         level in years, forcing snakes, deer
              ers and belts.                                   the ticket, police said.
                  Maggie, a 22-year-old African                    If convicted, McPike could face         and bears to higher ground, and of-
              elephant, arrived at the zoo in 1983             up to 30 days in jail and a fine of up      fering visitors an excellent chance to

                       GeoxetA soi/meav
              as an infant.                                    to $500.                                    spot wildlife.

                        The Search for Southern's Superstar!
                                                                              2004                                                                                     Sell Union and Eagle Entertainment would like to

                                                                                                                                                                                                ^^^^#wrey on WIN^
                                                                                                                                                              Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
                                                                                                                                                              With your help, we hope to bring a major concert to ,
                                                                                                                                                              4" AT* a 1           iXiflrX ^1 V"\*V * J   1          i"1#Z_"~^/                 *                   t. L     i i \

                                                                                                                                                              cai#iUin the very near futureU^ymJ|1f %\£
                                                                                                                                                            To list four of your favorite musical groups,
                                                                                                                                                            please follow the steps listed below.
          4       •

                                                                                                                                                             1. Log onto WINGS from this link

                                                                                                                                                            2. From WINGS Main Menu,
                                                                                                                                                               click on Personal Information

                                                                                                                                                            3. From the Personal Information Menu,
                                                                                                                                                               click on Answer a Survey

                                     TODAY at 7:00 p-m.
                                                                                                                                                            4. Choose the Concert Survey

                                           Russell Union Ballroom                                                                                          The survey will remain open until October 22, 2004.
                                             Homecoming 2004                                                                                                                        Let us hear from you!
                         Tickets can be purchased in advance for $3.00 at the SAC or look
                          for the SGA booth at the rotunda Oct. 4-7 from 11:00-2:00 p.m.
y                                     Or purchase tickets at the door for $5.00                                                                                               Homecoming King and Queen Elections
                                   ALL Proceeds benefit the United Way.                                                                                             start 8 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 8 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13
                                        Brought to you by... SGA                                                                                                                Xatch the BIG GAME AT 12:00 p.m.
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
The oldest continuously published newspaper in Bulloch County                                                                                                                       

      4         GEORGE-ANNE
               Monday, October 11, 2004

                                 Our Opinion
   Candidate's ramblings
  don't amount to a debate
     Thursday night was the second match up between President George Bush and his
 opponent Senator John Kerry. The two men met in St. Louis in a town hall setting,
 with members of the audience asking questions that they supposedly wrote, and that
 were chosen to be asked by debate moderator Charles Gibson of ABC News.
     To say it kindly, the debate was terrible. Neither man took any kind of stance
 on the issues, but only hurled political rhetoric to those watching.
     Saturday Night Lives Amy Poehler from Weekend Update said it best when she
 announced that "the candidates took questions from the audience, and preceded
 to say whatever the hell they wanted to." She was dead on.
     Regardless of the question asked, each
 man trailed on about whatever he decided              Regardless of the
 he would talk about, with most all of their
 meandering answers going back to Iraq and          question asked, each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Monday, October 11, 2004

                                                                                                                                         Let Freedom Ring for Afghanistan
            WA5MIN(?T0NJ, DC,To 0£T BA560AU, T£W
                                                                                                                                         ByJoshMoran                                                                                                   lack the will power to get things done
                                                                                                                                                                   This election is a                                  in Iraq, but what we have proven
                                                                      ?                                                                                                                                                                                in Afghanistan is that we will not
                                                                                                                                                 A new day has dawned in Af-                      huge defeat for the                                  just conquer a nation and leave the
                                                                                                                                            ghanistan. Free elections were held
                                                                                                                                            last weekend for the first time in that
                                                                                                                                                                                                   remnants of the                                     people of that nation defenseless and

            so^e OAV (3A£5 WXJL0                                                                                                            country. Thebirthofdemocracyisan                       Taliban and the                                     alone. We will rebuild and create a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       foundation of democracy on which
                                                                                                                                            amazing thing to see. Pictures flowed                remaining Al-Qaeda...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       they can build.
                                                                                                                                            in on all the news channels of both
                                                                                                          i                                                                                                                                                The election is only a few weeks
             To flAA^e u/Ar f^
                                                                                                                                            men and women standing in line for
                                                                                                                                                                                           a free and sovereign Afghanistan that                        away. It is important for the voting
                                                                                                                                            as long as it took to get their chance
                                                             U(bH                                                                                                                          could one day hold elections, well that                      population to understand that the
             Tff^STAPiUM/                                  ^v£K /
                                                                                                                                            to decide, for the first time, who their
                                                                                                                                            leader will be.
                                                                                                                                                                                           day has come.                                                Bush administration is not failing

                                                                                                            TH£ T£Al*                             Election results aren't expected
                                                                                                                                                                                               Some say the United States is failing
                                                                                                                                                                                           in Iraq, that couldn't be farther from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or forgetting nation building. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        administration is prepared for the
                                                                                                                                            until October 30, with a good idea of
                                                                                                                                                                                           the truth. The U.S. is doing hard work                       ongoing task of building a new Iraq
                                                                                                                                            who is leading becoming available in
                                                                                                                                                                                           fighting a shadowy insurgency that                           while dealing with other problems
                                                                                                                                            about a week. Sixteen names were on
                                                                                                        i                                   the ballot including current leader
                                                                                                                                                                                           will attack, bomb, and behead, with                          that may crop up around the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                           no sense of human decency. These                             The task is a hard one, but then again,
                                                                                                                                            Hamid Karzai. All 15 challengers
                                                                                                                                                                                           terrorists believe that the Americans                        most important tasks are.
                                                                                                                                            have questioned the validity of the

                                                                                                                                            election, but this from

                                                                                                                                             answers that question; "By and large,
                                                                                                                                             I would have to say that the process
                                                                                                                                            was extraordinarily orderly, the level of
                                                                                                                                            violence was unexpectedly low and the
                                                                                                                                             polling station committees, consider-
                                                                                                                                             ing the fact that they had never done
                                                                                                                                             anything like this before, did, I think,
                                                                                                       So was Latin America, one of a commendable job," said Ambassador
        Daily Telegraph, London,
        on U.S. presidential debates:
                                                     states who will decide the outcom of
                                                     this election. ... Although they may         Americas biggest markets. Africa and Robert Barry, head of the Organiza-                                HULL owe 6N SURVE9
                                                     have been impressed by Mr. Kerry's           its Aids pandemic was not even men- tion for Security and Cooperation in
                                                                                                                                                                                             We need your input on what movies you want shown for Halloween.
                                                     polite eloquence, they will also have        tioned, other than a passing reference Europe's delegation.
               ... It is always difficult to know                                                                                                 The biggest fear surrounding these         Circle one movie in each category. Turn in this survey to the SAC
                                                     appreciated the simple clarity of his        to the genocide in the Darfur area of                                                      located in the Russell Union or Landrum Box 8094.
         what to make of the BBC's analysis
         of American politics, so egregious          opponent's message.                          the Sudan. The increasing violence elections was the danger of Al-Qaeda
         is its pro-Democrat bias. ... On this            ... Even so, Democrats have every       between Israelis and Palestinians? attacking throughout the day. Both
         occasion, however, the BBC seems to         reason to feel more confident than           Nothing. Nothing, too, about the the people of Afghanistan and the                            The Exorcist                  The Shining          Poltergeist
                                                     they have for several weeks.... (But)        potentially harmful consequences of international community feared for
         have got it about right. John Kerry did
                                                                                                  rising oil prices on world economies. the safety of the voters but hoped for
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Friday the 13th                  Dawn of the Dead
          not manage to skewer his opponent,         after such a lacklustre campaign, Mr.
                                                     Kerry's last hope is a presidential gaffe.   ... What about specific solutions to...    the   best. This election  is a huge  defeat                         Nightmare        on Elm Street 1
          even on Iraq: his own voting record
          on the subject is so convoluted and        Mr. Bush is unlikely to oblige him.          the unravelling of Iraq and the con-        for the  remnants  of the Taliban  and  the          Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
          opportunistic that he finds it difficult                                                tinued activities of Islamic militants remaining Al-Qaeda terrorists. This
                                                                                                  in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Noth- election is the biggest proof that their                                                 COMEDY
          to play what might otherwise have
          been his trump card. But, crucially, he                                                 ing other than standard bromides capabilities of attacking and causing                            The Addams Family Values                       Goonies
                                                     The Straits Times, Singapore,                like continued determined pursuit chaos have been severely damaged.                                      Scary     Movie       1      Scary Movie 2
          failed to conform to the Republican                                                                                                      President Bush has led our mili-
                                                     on U.S. presidential debates:                of terrorists.
          stereotype of the long-winded flip-
                                                                                                        ... Many pundits called it more tary into this treacherous country of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Scary Movie 3
          flopper. He even appeared fleetingly                                                                                                Afghanistan,   which   was  determined    to
                                                          ... The 90-minute exchange              positively for Mr Kerry which should
                                                                                                  inject new life into a candidacy that support terrorism and oppress women
                                                     between President George W. Bush
                George W. Bush, for his part,
                                                     (news - web sites) and his challenger,       has been described as lackadaisical.        and   all other religions.   In just  a few                          The   Mothman       Prophecies
          looked tired and edgy, pulling faces
          as Mr. Kerry criticized him          His   Senator John Kerry turned out to be           Mr Bush seemed ready with facts and        years   our military   has  destroyed   the            Bram Stoker's Dracula                     Underworld
                                                     almost exclusively about Iraq, Af-            figures on foreign policy issues raised, enemy while fostering relationships
          body language ... occasionally sug-
                                                     ghanistan, terrorism and North Korea         but it was a pity his questions did not with the local population. The United               Other movie suggestions:
          gested that he was worn out by his                                                                                                  States  then helped  create  an acceptable
                                                     (news - web sites)'s nuclear ambitions.       range more widely across a world in
                                                     Asia, the worlds most populous and            which the thinking and actions of government that helped lead towards
               But Middle America is not very
                                                     economically most dynamic region,             the US would affect the well-being of
        ' interested in body language; and it

                                                     received no attention....                     nearly every other nation.

                                                                                                                                             GET CARDED AT PIZZA HUT.
          is swing voters in rural and rust-belt

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                                                                                                                                                                              Georgia Southern University
                                                                                                                                                                                 Todd A.
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    6         Monday, October 11, 2004

    College Football
    Weekend Report
                                                                                                                                   Eagles Down Western Carolina

             Benedict 0
            The Citadel 29

             Furman 29
            App. State 30

        Georgia Southern 38
        Western Carolina 16

             Wofford 27
              Elon 13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         File Photo
                                                                                                                                 2003 Eagles defeat Western Carolina 31-25. This year the Eagles won 38-16
                                                                                                                                 GSU Athletic Media Relations
        Tennessee Tech 52                                                                                                                                                                               18-6 halftime lead. Williams was four-of-six passing for
                                                                                                        Felicia Emanuel/STAFF
                                          Christie Mitchell and Jennifer Charles defend at the net.                                   CULLOWHEE, N.C. - Georgia Southern overcame an                    65 yards on the drive and found Craft for a touchdown for
                                                                                                                                  early 6-0 deficit to defeat Western Carolina 38-16 in South-          the fourth straight game, the longest such streak for an
Appalachian State                         Record set; Streak snapped for                                                          ern Conference football action Saturday afternoon.
                                                                                                                                      The Catamounts (2-4, 0-2) got on the board first
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Eagle receiver since Chris Johnson caught touchdowns
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in four straight games during the 2000 season.
upsets Furman 30-29
                                          GSU Volleyball over weekend
                                                                                                                                  as Russell Hemby found Michael Reeder for a 46-yard                       A. J. Bryant ended a Western Carolina scoring threat
Appalachian State Media Relations                                                                                                 touchdown pass at the 14:36 mark                                                        in the final 10 seconds of the half as he
                                                                                                                                 of the first quarter. The play came                                                      picked off a Russell Hemby pass on the
  • BOONE, N.C. - Richie Williams         GSU Athletic Media Relations                two teams fought closely throughout        on Western Carolina's first play from                    GSUvs                           Georgia Southern 13 yard line.
 completed one of the most prolific                                                   the match.                                 scrimmage after recovering a Chaz                                                            Georgia Southern upped its lead to
performances in NCAA history with
                                              SOUTH CAROLINA - Unable to
                                          contain Furman's balanced attack, the           Despite being out-hit by Wofford       Williams' fumble on the Eagles' first          Western Carolina                          28-9 during the third quarter. Dudley
a 13-yard touchdown run with 35                                                       (6-11, 2-2), Georgia Southern man-         play from scrimmage.                                                                     connected on his third field goal of the
seconds remaining to give No. 21
                                          Georgia Southern volleyball team was
                                          upset Sunday afternoon, falling to the      aged to claim the opening game 30-26           Georgia Southern (5-1, 4-0)                GSU won 38-16                             day, a career-long 41 yard attempt with
Appalachian State University a heart-                                                 before edging the Terriers in game two     responded on its next drive with a
                                          Paladins in four games in Southern                                                                                                                                              11:02 showing on the clockbefore Craft
stopping 30-29 victory over No. 2                                                     by a hard-fought 34-32 margin. The         22-yard field goal by Jonathan Dud-
                                          Conference action at Timmons Arena                                                                                                                                              returned a punt 53 yards for a touch-
Furman Saturday afternoon at Kidd                                                     Eagles then clinched the match with a      ley that capped off a 15 play, 47 yard drive before adding
                                          in Greenville, South Carolina.                                                                                                                               down after the Catamounts were forced to punt on their
Brewer Stadium.                                                                       30-22 win in game three, as they held      a Brandon Andrew four/-yard touchdown run with four
                                              This was a disappointment after                                                                                                                          next drive. Tim Mayse connected on a 20-yard field goal
    Williams set new NCAA all-divi-                                                  Wofford to a match-low .130 attack          seconds to go in the first quarter to take a 9-6 lead after
                                          the Eagles swept Wofford in a con-                                                                                                                           for Western Carolina during the quarter.
sion records for completion percent-                                                 percentage.                                 15 minutes of play.
                                          ference match Saturday evening at                                                                                                                                 Dudley added his fourth field goal, a 21 -yard attempt,
age and consecutive completions in a                                                     Junior Iulia Porumbescu paced the           Dudley added a 30-yard field goal for the Eagles with
                                          Johnson Arena in Spartanburg, South                                                                                                                          just 15 seconds into the final period before Jermaine
game. The junior from Camden, SC                                                     Eagle attack with 15 kills, but was held    5:10 to go in the second while Williams found Teddy Craft
                                          Carolina.                                                                                                                                                    Austin added a 23 -yard touchdown run with 5:10 to go
connected on 40-of-45 passes (88.9                                                   to nine digs, snapping a streak often       in the end zone for a 23-yard touchdown pass with 48.6
                                              The Wofford game moved Georgia                                                                                                                                                           See FOOTBALL, page 7
percent) for a school-record 413                                                     straight double-doubles. Freshman           seconds to go in the second quarter to give the Eagles an
                                          Southernhead volleyball coach Kerry
yards on the afternoon and shattered                                                 Bailey Coleman notched 16 digs on the
                                          Messersmith ahead ofJ.B. Claiborne to
the national collegiate record with
28-consecutive completions, a streak
                                          become the winningest coach in team
                                          history. The win was Messersmith's
                                                                                     night, while junior Natalia Galantini
                                                                                     paced the setters with 25 assists and       Men's Tennis completes in Georgia Tech Fall Invitational
that stretched from early in the first                                               12 digs.                                    GSU Athletic Media Relations                                                                 Janashia and Trottet did see action
                                          84th since she arrived at Georgia
quarter into the fourth quarter.                                                         Andrea Duke and Katie Laser each                                                      quarterfinals via a first-round bye, but   as a doubles team Saturday, getting a
                                          Southern prior to the 2001 season.                                                        ATLANTA, GA - The men's ten-
    With the victory, Appalachian also                                               posted 13 kills to lead Wofford, while                                                    could not get by Chris Gilli of Furman     chance to play their postponed first-
                                          Claiborne, the previous record holder,                                                 nis team completed competition in
extended its regular-season home                                                     Rhea Dejesus added 41 assists.                                                            in the quarterfinals, dropping a close     round match. However, they were             » •
                                          won 83 games in his time as head coach                                                 the Georgia Tech Fall Invitational
winning streak to 10, its longest since                                                  As a team, Furman (8-10, 3-3)                                                         three-set match (2-6,7-5,7-5). In the      unable to start a run through the
                                          from 1988 until 1993.                                                                  Saturday. Before bowing out, the
winning 13-straight at home from                                                     tallied an attack percentage of .325 in                                                   same bracket, Vincent Patry was able       bracket as they lost 8-3 to Ian Keeler
                                              In addition to serving as a new high                                               Eagles placed Vincent Patry in the
1997-99. On the other hand, Furman                                                   the match, a better rate than any other                                                   to win his quarterfinal match before       and Clement Reix of Clemson. Keeler
                                          point in the Eagle record books, it also                                               semifinals of the Flight A consolation
lost its fourth-straight in Boone, dat-                                              team has accumulated against the                                                          succumbing to A. Balog of Georgia          and Reix went on to eliminate another
                                          extended Georgia Southerns confer-                                                     bracket and saw the doubles team of
ing back to 1996.                                                                    Eagles (9-5,5-1) this season. Furman                                                      Perimeter College in the semifinals        Eagle team, Flores and Green, in the
                                          ence winning streak to 20 consecutive                                                  Tom Green and Diego Flores move
                                                                                     took the first two games by scores of                                                     (6-2, 6-4).                                quarterfinals of the doubles draw, win-
                                          matches. However, the Furman loss                                                      through to the quarterfinals of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      *   9

                                                                                                                                                                                   After losing their first-round
     Applachian State                     snapped Georgia Southerns 20-match         30-27 and 30-23 to put the Eagles on
                                                                                                                                 doubles draw. -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ning 8-3. Patry and van den Heever,
                                                                                     the brink of defeat.                                                                      matches on Friday, Tom Green and           after winning their first- round doubles
        vs Furman                         conference winning streak and gave                                                        Lasha Janashia and Charles-Henri           Diego Flores both played additional
                                                                                         Georgia Southern managed to                                                                                                      match Friday, dropped their second-
           30-29                          the Eagles their first conference loss                                                 Trottet both completed play in their          matches in the Flight B consolation
                                          of the season.                             hold oft the loss, taking game three                                                                                                 round match Saturday to Baker and
   Applachian State faces                                                                                                        respective brackets on Friday, but            bracket. Green fell to Matija Sulin of
                                              For the Eagles (9-4, 5-0) to earn      30-26, but the Paladins' match-high                                                                                                  Viega of ABAC (9-7).
                                                                                                                                 the Eagles began the day with four
   GSU for Homecoming                     the Wofford victory, they had to fight     .421 percentage in game four proved                                                       Georgia State 7-6 (9-7), 6-2 late Friday       The men's team will complete            *   %
                                                                                                                                 players still alive in singles play. In       while Gabriel Viega of ABAC was too
      Oct. 16.12 p.m.                     through a pesky Terrier squad, as the                See VOLLEYBALL, page 7            the Flight A consolation bracket,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          their fall tournament schedule next
                                                                                                                                                                               much for Flores on Saturday, winning       weekend byparticipating in theSouth
                                                                                                                                 Danie van den Heever reached the              in straight sets 6-2, 6-0.

   Lady Eagles Soccer falls to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Carolina Fall Invitational.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      !   »

                                                                                                                                  Women's Tennis enjoys doubles success
   Davidson Wildcats 2-1                                                                                                          on final day of USAFA Fall Invitational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      i   *

                                                                                     By Chuck Thomas
                                                                                                         GSU Athletic Media Relations

                                                                                         The Georgia Southern Women's                  COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.
                                                                                     soccer team was edged out by the              - Four Eagles doubles teams completed
                                                                                     Davidson Wildcats in a close game             play in the U.S. Air Force Academy Fall
                                                                                     on Saturday.                                  Invitational late Saturday. The teams
                                                                                         The Eagles (4-6-1, 2-3-0 SoCon)           managed to capture second, third,
                                                                                     were looking on picking up some               sixth, and seventh place finishes in
                                                                                     momentum after besting the Citadel            three separate brackets.
                                                                                     last Wednesday 3-2. Davidson (7-6-0,              Stephanie Tyrell and Szilvia Zsakay,
                                                                                     4-1-0 SoCon) expands on their great           playing together in Flight 1, lost their
                                                                                     record this season.                           initial match Friday but advanced
                                                                                         Scoring started early with Wildcat        to the fifth place game by virtue of a
                                                                                     Anne Stevens popping in the first goal        walkover victory. They were not able to
                                                                                     during the 15th minute. The lead was          capitalize though, losing 8-2 to Rachel
                                                                                     quickly lost when senior Forward              Sackmaster and Marisa Mechem of
                                                                                     Katy Znosko slammed the ball past             Denver University to finish in sixth
                                                                                     Davidson keeper Sarah Hobart for              place.
                                                                                     her third goal of the season.                     In Flight 2, the team of Ciara Fi-
                                                                                         The tie lasted until the 61 st minute     nucane and Heather Reynolds, after
                                                                                     when Wildcat Amanda Traver re-                winning their initial match Friday,
                                                                                     ceived a pass from Nancy Haskell and          came up short against Lynzee Kever
                                                                                     snaked it around GSU keeper Megan             and Jenny Hanson of Colorado, losing                                                                     Hillary Jones/STAFF
                                                                                     Macdonald for the winning goal.               8-2. Finucane and Reynolds were able            GSU Women's Tennis player conntects with the ball.
                                                                                         Macdonald nabbed eight saves              to bounce backlater Saturday, defeating
                                                                                                                                                                                     The final team of Charlotte          able). Bruneteaux and Wollett's final
                                                                                     during her stay in the box. Znosko            Nora Quintal and Jennifer Ryba ofNew
                                                                                                                                                                                  Bruneteaux and Kim Wollett won          record of 2-1 was good enough to
                                                                                     took over the keeper position shortly         Mexico 8-3 to claim third place.
                                                                                                                                                                                  their Friday match to enter the         garner a second place finish in the
                                                                                     before the end of the game.                       In the same bracket, Jessica
                                                                                                                                                                                  winners bracket in Flight 3. Tnere      flight.
                                                                                         Sophomore Colleen Znosko was              Vanderkooi was paired with Carla
                                                                                                                                                                                  they managed a split in their two           The Eagles, after making the
                                                                                     issued a yellow card in the 70th minute       Pallares of Colorado State. The duo lost
                                                                                                                                                                                  additional Saturday matches,            long trek back to Statesboro, will
                                                                                     for an illegal touch.                         their first two matches, but were able to
                                                                                                                                                                                  capturing a 9-8 victory over Veera      conclude the fall portion of their
                                                                                         Davidson outshot the Eagles               come back and defeat Jane McDonald
                                                                                                                                                                                  Nurmi and Martina Sedivec from          schedule in two weeks as they com-
                                                            Felicia Emanuel/STAFF    16-6.                                         and Lauren Wilson from the Air Force
 GSU ser.ior Vikki Corbitt attempts to steal the ball from Wildcats                                                                                                               Colorado and dropping a match           pete in the ITA South Regionals to
                                                                                         GSU faces Chattanooga October             Academy. The 8-5 victory secured
 player.                                                                                                                                                                          to Teri Wilkerson and Katherine         be held at the University ofAlabama
                                                                                     15th at 4 p.m. in the Lady Mocs               seventh place in Flight 2.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Palider of UTEP (score unavail-         October 22-25.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Monday, October 11, 2004                       7
      Braves rally to take Falcons fall to Lions
                                                                                                                                    By Paul Newberry
                                                                                                                                    Associated Press

                                                                                                                                      ATLANTA - 'Ihe Detroit Lions
                                                                                                                                 have learned to win on the road.
                                                                                                                                      Michael Vick is still trying to get a
                                                                                                                                 handle on the West Coast offense.
                                                                                                                                      After going three years without a
                                                                                                                                 road victory, the Lions made it "two
                                                                                                                                 in a row Sunday with a 17T10 victory
                                                                                                                                 over Vkkand the previously unbeaten
                                                                                                                                 Atlanta Falcons.
                                                                                                                                      Detroit (3-1) harassed Vick into
                                                                                                                                 three turnovers, including a fumble
                                                                                                                                 in the final minute that sealed the
                                                                                                                                       Joey Harrington threw a 39-yard
                                                                                                                                 touchdown pass to Az-Zahir Hakim
                                                                                                                                 on fourth-and-5, and Artose Pinner
                                                                                                                                 scored on a one-yard dive with 1:57
                                                                                                                                 left in the first half, the Lions' first
                                                                                                                                 rushing TD of the season.
                                                                                                                                       'Ihe Falcons (4-1) were denied                                                               John Amis/AP Photo
                                                                                                                                  the first 5-0 start in franchise history,    Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick (7) is sacked by Detroit Lions
                                                                                                                                 along with Jim Mora taking the first          linebacker Alex Lewis (59) during Sunday's game.
                                                                                                                                 loss of his head coaching career. Ihe
                                                                                                                                                                               trying to get away from Jared DeVries,      Ihis time, Chris Mohr lobbed a pass
                                                                                                                                  only other time Atlanta began 40
                                                                                                                                                                               the quarterbacks arm hit teammate           to Brian Finneran breaking free down
                                                                                                                                 was 1986. '                                                                               the middle for a 39-yard gain.
                                                                                                                                                                               Todd Weiner and the ball popped free.
                                                                                                                                       "We'll handle this like we handled
                                                                                                                                                                               Hall gobbled it up to seal the victory.         Finneran wasn't done. On fourth-
                                                                                                                                  the wins," Mora said. "You're going to
                                                                                                                                                                                   Vick completed 18 of 29 passes          and-5 at the Detroit 33, the second-
                                                                                                       David J. Phillip/AP Photo  have some adversity in the NFL."
                                                                                                                                                                               for 196 yards and ran five times for        string receiver kept the drive going by
      Atlanta Braves'Adam LaRoche (19) hits a three-run home run against the Houston Astros to tie the game during                     Just ask Vick. Once again, he
                                                                                                                                                                               29 yards. But, for the third week in a      hauling in a 10-yard pass from Vick.
      the sixth inning in Game 4 of their National League Division Series Sunday.                                                looked     uncomfortable in the Falcons'
                                                                                                                                                                               row, hedidn't do a whole lot of positive    Warrick Dunn finished it off with a
                                                                                                                                  new West ("oast offense. He fumbled
      By Joel Anderson                          move right after Chad Quails replaced Oakland in 2000.                                                                         things for the Falcons.                     2-yard touchdown run _ his sixth TD
      Associated Press                                                                                                            three times, losing two of them, and
                                                Clemens. Chipper Jones singled,            Houston fell apart when Clemens                                                         The Falcons scored their lone           of the season.
                                                                                                                                  also threw an interception that led to
                                                                                                                                                                               touchdown off a fake punt in the                Otherwise, Dunn struggled to find
           HOUSTON - As soon as Roger Andruw Jones doubled with one out left, and the sellout crowd of 43,335. Detroit's go-ahead touchdown.
                                                                                                                                                                               second quarter. Initially, they had         running room. His longest run was
      Clemens was gone, the Atlanta Braves and LaRoche homered into the Astros' got eerily quiet.                                       "I was caught up looking lor receiv-
                                                                                                                                                                               kicked the ball away, but offsetting        for 7 yards; he finished with 44 yards
      pounced on the Houston Astros' bullpen in right.                                     Chipper Jones had a different take
                                                                                                                                  ers and got careless with the ball," Vick
                                                    The winning rally began when Russ on the Braves' comeback.                                                                 penalties forced themto line up again.      on 18 carries.
      bullpen and avoided another quick                                                                                           said. "The bottom line is I should have
      exit from the playoffs.                   Springer, who relieved Brad Lidge to       "We overcame a fluke five-run
                                                                                                                                  had the ball tucked away."
           Adam LaRoche hit a game-tying, start the ninth, hit Rafael Furcal with rally," he said. "You're just thinking                Vick faced intense pressure all        VOLLEYBALL,                                 and 26 assists, respectively.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Julia Fredrickson was one of five
      three-run homer in the sixth inning a pitch with two outs and Furcal stole to yourself right there that there is day. Early in the third'quarter, with
       and J.D. Drew singled home the go- second.                                       no way we're going to end our season
                                                                                                                                  the Falcons at the Detroit 21, James
                                                                                                                                                                               FROM PAGE 6                                 Paladins to notch double-digitkills, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           she totaled 16 on the day, while also
       ahead run in the ninth for a 6-5 victory     Drew, hitless in three previous at- on that note."
                                                                                                                                   Hall knocked the ball loose and Cory        to be too much, as they won the match       adding a .433 percentage. Chibuzo
       Sunday that tied the best-of-five NL bats Sunday and 2-for-15 in the series         With the score tied at 5" in the
                                                                                                                                  Redding fell on it for the Lions.
                                                to that point, singled to right-center, eighth, Houston put runners at the                                                     by a 30-24 edge.                            Agubcha also added 16 kills while
       series at two games apiece.                                                                                                      The Falcons had one more chance            Junior Iulia Porumbescu paced           Courtney Stewardson put together a
           Pitching on only three days' rest,   with  Furcal scoring easily.            corners and threatened to take the
                                                                                                                                   to force overtime, driving again to the     the Eagle attack with 21 kills and 16       match of 57 assists and 15 digs.
       Clemens left after five innings with a       Coming into Sunday, Clemens was lead.
                                                                                                                                   Detroit 21 in the final minute. Vick        digs', while hitting .333. Senior Kristen       Georgia Southern will look to
       5-2 lead, but the Braves rallied to snap 0-3 with a 6.98 ERA on short rest. He      Orlando Palmeiro hit a grounder
                                                                                                                                   completed three passes, including a         Kasprak tied a season-high with 13          bouncebackonTuesdayOct. 12when
       Houston's 19-game home winning was making a quick turnaround for that Marcus Giles scooped up and 24-yarder to Alge Crumpler, but the                                   kills, while freshman Bailey Coleman        it hosts Davidson for a 7 p.m. start at
       streak. It was another agonizing loss the first time since April 11, 2002. flipped to Smoltz - just before Palmeiro Lions turned up the heat again.                     posted eight kills and 12 digs. Juniors     Hanner Fieldhouse. Furman returns
       in'October for the Astros, still looking And he hadn't pitched on three days' got to the bag - for the final out of              Vick was sacked by Shaun Rogers        Susan Winkelman and Natalia Galan-          to action Friday, Oct. 15, traveling to
       to win a postseason series for the first rest in the postseason since a loss to the inning.                                 for a 5-yard loss. Then, as Vick was        tini shared the setting duties with 27      meet Western Carolina.
       time in team history.
           Houston tried to mount its own
       comeback in "the bottom of the ninth,
       when feffBagwell and Lance Berkman
i •    singled off John Smoltz with one out
       to put runners at the corners. Smoltz
       then got his record 14th postseason
       win when Jeff Kent grounded into a
       game-ending double play.
           On the verge of its third consecu-
       tive first-round loss, Atlanta made its

       FROM PAGE 6
       for the final score in the game. Calvin
       Guinyard's 10-yard touchdown recep-
       tion with five seconds remaining in the
       game closed out the scoring.
            Austin led Georgia Southern
       with 129 yards rushing as the Eagles
       picked up 276 yards on the ground.
       Williams compiled 43 yards rushing
       andthroughfor 155 yards as the Eagles
       tallied 431 yards of total offense while
       holding the Catamounts to 205.
            The Eagles return to action next
        Saturdaywhentheyhost Appalachian
        State at Noon. The game, which will be
                                                     For Homecoming Queen
        clayed on Georgia Southern's home-
        coming weekend, will be broadcast
                                                      Oct. 11-13 on WINGS
                                                     Sponsored byNPHC & ZetaPhi Beta Sorority, Inc.
        live on Comcast Sports South.

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                     Monday, October 11,2004
               n 1111 m 111111111111 r             •           ■ •.. ■                              11,                                  t i-Lm^m

    Crossword                                                                                                                                                                                                        "jerky

                                                                                                                                                                     CAPTAIN RIBMAN                                                                                                                                   by Sprengelmeyer & Davis
          ACROSS                                          '                                                                         ':                  13   j
                                                                                                                                                                           EXCUSE ME,
                                1     ?     :i     4                                    7           8          9               10             12
       1 Contain
       6 Japanese peak          1-1                                                                                            16
      10 Conceits
      14 Start of a bet?
                                T/                                                                                             19                                         I AAA AAISSING
      15 Render                                                                 °                       ■ 22
                                                                                                                                                                          A BIG JAR OF
                              2::                                   21                                                ■n
                                                                                                                                                                           BEEF JERKV.
      16 Bog down                                         ?4                                        25
      17 Indian
         instrument           26      27    as     28                           ■Ho                                                 3!       32     33
     18 Labels
     19 Concoct               3-;                                             135                                            ■ '"-
     20 Make light of
     22 Informed against      3/                                     ■ 3B                                                ■ -'"
     24 Droop
     25 Noah of "E.R."
                              4',                      ^m dl        4?
                                                                                                              I43    44

     26 Persian Gulf          45                  |46                                                   ■ 4/
     30 Bungler                                   48                                                49

     34 Life-and-death                                                                  :
         situations           50      61    62                                           ,'-;                                  54   55       56     57
   ' 36 Spanish river
     37 Liability             58                                    69        60

     38 Very long time
                              62                                    w                                                64
     39 Pay figure
     40 Wildebeest

                              65                                66                                                   67

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BY MIKE                 MAYOAK
     41 Realizes
     45 Tallinn man
     47 Defeated side
                             © 2004Tribune Media Services, Inc.                                                                              09/13/04
                             All righto reserved.
     48 List-shortening
     49 _voyage!
     50 Debates
                           10    Logo                          Solutions
                           11   Surround
     53 Chronologically    12   Sandwich cookie                N 3             1 V 0                     A         ila u            3    1    V S
         measurable        13   Stitched                       3         A y        n       0            W V X 3                    y y 3 X
     58 Homemade knife     21   Slimy stuff                    a         I     n    0           s        1 1 V I                    A   H S
   59 Follow               23   Corrida shouts                 3         1     a    V           3 IV GHS 1                          n    9 y V
   61 Ten-armed            25   High-pitched
      mollusk                   hum
                                                                                    ■           N O|B|I V 1                         -]_■
   62 John or Deborah 26        Steeplechase                   s         ti    3    so                   ■L          V     [    N 01          s    -1
                                                               s                                    0 3 y d d v|r N 9
   63 Checkup                   barrier                                  3     1 V              1
   64 Highway turn    27        Portents                       3         O V                             N 0 3                      i    a 3 a
   65 Vendor's goal   28        Attempt to                     0         1     y    ■s              3     1        0 N 3 9 y             3 n 3
   66 Depend                    disprove                       "I        3    1 \n              3   1    H         sJBz n n y 0                    H
   67 Like Cheerios   29        A-Team guy
                                                                              ■ I           i A M|d O                           1■

                      30        Ridicule
      DOWN            31        Furious                        N O            a 1           0       ill!
                                                                                                  O O d H 0 O d
    1 Hinged fastener 32        "The _                         M 3            y a                   S 9 V 1                     U V      i         S
    2 Hodgepodge                Sanction"                      3 y               m                  N n 1 s                     V H d         1    V
    3 As far as       33        Fertile loam                                                             n n                             n O H
    4 Former ruler of 35        Himalayan
                                                               S 0 9 3                              1
                                                                                                                     ^          3 S

      Iran                      kingdom
    5 Noise           39        Used to be                     46 Lifework of an                                         forerunner
      suppressor      41        Feed the pot                      artist                                              54 Marine color?
    6 Lens setting    42        Egyptian coin                  49 Slightly daffy                                      55 Bacharach or
    7 Beehive State   43        Coagulate                      50 Questions                                              Young
    8 Quantity of     44        "The Bald                      51 Saturn satellite                                    56 In-person
      moonshine                 Soprano"                       52 Young lady                                          57 Idyllic spot

                                                                                                                                                                     Comfort Zone                                                                                                                         by Shane Johnson
    9 Fashionable               playwright                     53 Pushbutton                                          60 Tin Man's tool

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DWT I
  20 Announcements                    liams Center, room 2023                                                 FUN & STUFF Visit our
                                      for details.
CRI FITNESS now offering                                                                                      Web site for list of things
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one attends your club meet-           learn more, call 681-5197
ings? Put an announce-                today!                                                                  MALE AND FEMALE Mod-
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                                      respond.                                                                                                                                                   GRADUATE STUDENT                                                                                          Jamaica From $459!
HAVE A special friend or                                                                                      WEIGHT BENCH, rarely                               call 871-5242, Jason                                              storage. Call Bethany @          SPRING BREAK 2005 with                                                      SPRING BREAK Ba-
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                                      student services or meet-                                               WHIRLPOOLMINIFRIDGE,                                                                                                 bath, rent is $310 per                                                    1-800-678-6386
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   40 Autos for Sale                                                                                                                                                                             NAKE, 1 month old. Comes for info.             Bahamas Celebrity Party           our Operator. Hiring cam-           
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                                                                                                                                                                                                     out a way to fill that empty
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                                                                                                                                                                                                 OWNER LOOKING to mate
                                      All in one color printer.                                               TER for sale. $30. Call                                                            male miniature apricot col-       The George-Anne
55 Books - Swap or Sell                                                                                                                                              150 Lost & Found
                                      Great for college projects.                                             Lindsey for more info @                                                            ored poodle. Price is nego-       ROOMMATE NEEDED in
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NEED TO sell old books?                                                                                                                                                                          tiable. Will produce cutest       Towne Club! $440/month
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Buy new ones? Place an                                                                                                                                                                           puppies over! Call 912-681 -      gets you two rooms, a pri-
                                                                                                                     140 Help Wanted                             found call 912-618-0571.        6848 for more details.
ad in The George-Anne                                                                                                                                                                                                              vate bath, and includes
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and take care of the book                                                                                     PROMOTIONS FOR Hire-                                                               EXOTIC PET for sale:              utilities w/cable and HBO,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Monday, October 11,2004

        PROTEST, FROM PAGE 1                                                                   FREEDOM, FROM PAGE                                                  I                                    MILLER, FROM PAGE 1

        seriously. They said thequalityof edu-      that Georgia's reputation for good col-    timeline that these activities can take            to very limited conditions.                               As for his speech, Miller says he       of the Democratic war room."
        cation has slipped in recent years as       leges could be damaged permanently         place."                                                Freedom stays calm in reaction to                 wouldn't change a word _ and it came            The media, perhaps as much as
        declining state revenues have forced        if budgets are cut any further.                Because of the historical status of            dogs, cars, and loud noises, but the                  off as angry because he was.                Kerry, were the target of a fiery Sen-
        cuts at all state agencies, including           One student protester, Georgia         the bald eagle, very few have been in              only distraction to date appears t be                     "When everybody says, 'You              ate floor speech that Miller delivered
        the university system. The protestors       College & State University senior          the possession of human beings. As                 the rumblings of a lawnmower.                         looked mad and sounded angry I              Tuesday in which he called the defense
        started at the student center at Geor-      Adam Edge, was unsympathetic to            a result, there is limited knowledge                   Through continued training, effort                say, 'You're a very perceptive person,'"    of Kerry's record a "sorry and disgrace-
        gia State University and marched to         other state programs that would            on appropriate methods in training.                is underway to desensitize the bird                   Miller said.                                ful pattern of selling an agenda rather
        the Capitol.                                have to be cut if more money went          "Unlike other raptures, the bald eagle             to better integrate him into man's                        However, he says the tone of his        than the facts."
            Among those present was Georgia         to colleges.                               has a variety of social behaviors that             environment. "The mechanics of                        speech might have come across a little          Miller also confirmed a news re-
        Southern SGA President Charisse                 "Let's tell the state to handle        require special training techniques,"              handling, hooding, and even flying                    softer if he hadn't felt compelled to       port that Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M.,
        Perkins. She said that the protest          their budget and let us handle ours,"      Hein said.                                         the bird is not the most difficult task,"             rush through it. He said he wanted          recently approached him outside the
        went well, but she expected more            he said.                                       "As a rehabilitator and master                 Hein explains. "Having the bird stress                to stay within his allotted 15 minutes,     Senate chamber to let him know he
        students to be there.                           A spokesman for the governor,          falconer," he said, "I have worked with            free before various audiences is a                    just before Vice President Dick Cheney      would take care of his appropriations
            "Two years ago our average class        Dan McLagan, said Friday's protest         birds for more than seventeen years.               higher hurdle."                                       took the stage.                             requests. But, Miller said he didn't
        size was 35 students. Now we have           would not change Perdue's position         The university, under my care, has had                 The training procedure is under-                      He also stands by his argument that     sense the offer came as payback for his
        70 students in our classes," said Cas-      that the Regents will have to cut costs.   bald eagles since 1995."                           way and going well. Hein is confident                 Kerry voted to cut major weapons sys-       convention role and pointed out most
        sandra Lewis, a junior from Albany          McLagan said that colleges have been           As for current conditions, Free-               that GSU now possesses an eagle that                  tems during the Cold War and brushes        ofthe requests were joint projects with
        State University. "The budget cuts are      spared many of the cuts forced on          dom is adjusting well to the new                   will represent this institution when                  aside analyses by some news organiza-       Georgia's other senator, Republican
        affecting our education."                   other state agencies.                      surroundings and is being exposed                  called upon.                                          tions that Cheney, as a congressman         Saxby Chambliss.
            The students' arguments echoed              "Higher education is a top priority                                                                                                             and Pentagon chief, essentially touted          Miller, a popular former governor,
        complaints made earlier by Universi-        for the governor," McLagan said.                                                                                                                    the same policies. Miller said the tim-     says he doubts he'll shed many tears
        ty System Chancellor Tom Meredith.              Perdue was in Perry for the                                                                                                                     ing was not the same.                       about leaving the Senate in January,
        Meredith has said many times that           opening day of the Georgia National                                  Please Support                                                                     "That is just a lie," Miller said.      even though he calls Washington a

                                                                                                Sandy Dostal
        college enrollment is exploding and         Fair.                                                                                                                                               "This will become a chapter in the          "magnificent city."
                                                                                                                                                                                                        next book about how the media got                "I don't have any problem with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        this so wrong by just taking nothing        city or the people," Miller said. "I just
                                                                                                                                                                                                        but the talking points that came out        think the process stinks."

                                          lAwarenessWt                                                       for Homecoming Queen                                                                       HOPE, FROM PAGE 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                        up in recentyears. And college tuition      Speaker Pro Tem DuBose Porter, D-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        rose as the University System tried to      Dublin, a member ofthe House Higher
                                                                                                                                                                                                        make up for state funding cuts.             Education Committee. "Thegovernor
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Some lawmakers speculate that           created an artificial budget crisis. He

           MOCRTAD.TABK/                                                                                                                                                                                rising costs could force the state to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        change the HOPE scholarship's pay-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    tried to raid the HOPE scholarship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    program during the session. I am not
                                                                                                                                                                                                        outs. Currently, the scholarship pays       sure if this isn't an underhanded way
                  Monday,                                                                                                                                                                               tuition and provides book and fee           to do the same thing."
                  Oct. 11 &                                                                                                                                                                             money to public college students who             Perdue's budget proposal during
                 Wednesday,                                                                                                                                                                             maintain at least a B average.              the 2004 session cut $125 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in HOPE book and fee payments to
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Already, state lawmakers passed
                   Oct. 13                                                                                                                                                                              legislation on the final day of the         students.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        2004 session to create the tougher               However, the governor says he was
            Union Commons                                                                                                                                                                               3.0-grade-point-average requirement         merely following the recommenda-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and to freeze the amount of HOPE            tions of a task force set up to find
                10:30 -1:00                                                                                                                                                                             payments for fees. The law also would       ways to cut costs. He later restored
                                                                                                                                                                                                        eliminate book and fee payments,            the funding.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        gradually, if the HOPE fund dipped               Perdue said he is concerned about
                                                                                                                                                                                                        for three years.                            how the University System's tuition
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Some blame Gov. Sonny Perdue's          increases will affect students and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        budget cuts for causing colleges to         HOPE program.
                                            Simulated Driving Course                                                                                                                                    raise tuition, which have led to possible        "I want affordable college educa-

                                                                                                  Vote October 11-13 on Wings!
                                                                                                                                                                                                        problems for the HOPE program.               tion," Perdue said.
                                                 Thursday, Oct. 14                                                                                                                                          "The outrageous part about all of            Instead of raising tuition, colleges
                                                                                                                                                                                                        this is it doesn't have to happen," said    should cut spending, Perdue said.

                                                                                                        Homers Wild Contest
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                                                                                                                                                                get a Student Media gift bag. Rules are listed below. Enter early, enter often.

                                                                                                     Name                                                                                                   Phone Number
                                                                                                   I Local Address
                                                                                                     Email Address
                                                                                                     Favorite Ramen Recipe

                               Georgia Southern's
                          arts and literature magazine
                             This semester's theme:

                Stories, poems, essays, photographs, paintings,
                  drawings, sculptures, collage, and other art
                will be accepted and reviewed for publication.                                           Submit entry forms on campus at the William Center, Room 2023 or use campus maflto(korge-Arme,P.O.BOT8^
                                                                                                    RAMEN WILD CONTEST^Offkial Ruin
                                                                                                    Georgia Southern University Student Media in association with Bi-Lo Foods and EagleExpress presents the                Be sure to include your name, phone number, fecrf
                                                                                                    RAMEN WILD CONGEST.
                  Submission information and applications are                                       CONTEST: There are two. ways to win. Recipe Contest and Prize Drawing. Contestants should submit their
                                                                                                    favorite recipe using Karnfli noodles. Or, contestants can simply enter the contest for a drawing for prizes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      address, email address and your favorite
                  available at the Williams Center, room 2009.                                      HOW TO ENTER: (DCje^nt entering their recipes using Ramen Noodles as an ingredient on a complet-
                                                                                                    ed entry form or plain pte^V^paBjanWlween 3x5 inches to 8.5x11 Inches and must include (printed legibly)

                                                                                                    the recipe, include legal ttmtdpaimjft M'*jpl phone number, and emal address if available.                                            Brought to you by
                                                                                                    (2) Contestants wishing to enfW nKdapag M^ffaes should write the phrase "Ramen Noodles" on a com-
                             Deadline for submissions:                                              pleted entry form or on plain piece of papeTbewe& Jt^jfcaHtK^il' inches, and most include legal name,
                                                                                                    local address, local phone number,and email
                            October 15, 2004 by 2:00 p.m.                                           Dt'RAtlOlfeThe contesfjiegins begins September JWflElTmdsWclober 13,2004 at 5 pjn. All entry forms
                                                                                                    become the prfcjfesly of Georgia Southern University Student Media.
                                                                                                    JUDGING: A pariei of judges will determine the winner of the recipe contest And, winners w» also be se-
                                                                                                    lected from a random drawing for prizes. The decision of the judges is final.
                           For more information, contact:                                           ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to enter, contestants must bea Georgia Suiiflttrn University student, facafty, or
                                                                                                    staff member. University ID will be required to confirm eligibility and claim prizes.
                                                               PRIZES: Duplicate sets of prizes will be awarded in both the recipe |pnjest and the drawing. The two first
                                                                                                    place winne&will get to donate m their name 500 packages of Rainefi Jtodles to the Bulloch County Food
                                   or 681-0565                                                      Bank. TMliwif) first-place winners wiD receive prizes of $75 each ta an EagelExpress Account, two (2) sec-
                                                                                                    ond-place prizes of $50 each in an EagleExpress Account, and two third-place prizes of $25 each in an Eagle-
                                                                                                    Express Account All winners win receive a Student Media g        lag in addition to their EagloeExpress prizes.

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