Page created by Louise Lawrence
2     Service Guide DHL Express 2018                                                                                                                          Service Guide DHL Express 2018   3


Logistics is more than transport alone. With our logistics services, we connect your business to your   Corporate Social Responsibility						 04
customer. DHL Express understands that your shipment is more than a package alone. Whatever you         An appropriate service for every shipment			          06
send, we know how your shipment can make a difference. With our global express network, DHL             Simple payment with DHL MyBill					                   08
Express will deliver your products on time and at the right place. Whether you are sending a
                                                                                                        Calculate the rate for your DHL Express shipment			   10
document to Paris or a package to Hong Kong. Just as you have promised your customer.
                                                                                                        Sending DHL Express shipments						 12
                                                                                                        Importing DHL Express shipments					 14
                                                                                                        Additional zone classification						 16
4     Service Guide DHL Express 2018                                                                                                                                                      Service Guide DHL Express 2018        5


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of our business strategy. We use our experience
and global presence to help people and the environment, striking a balance between our economic
and social responsibility goals.

COMMITMENT                                              GOGREEN                                                    GOHELP                                                  GOTEACH
We do everything we can to make sustainable and         GoGreen is DHL‘s environment program. DHL is actively      Together with various strong partners we are            GoTeach reflects our commitment to a better quality of
positive changes in the world. We do this by using      working to reduce the impact of logistics on the           striving to improve people‘s living conditions.         education. We are promoting and developing initiatives
available knowledge and a global presence in a way      environment by minimizing the use of natural resour-       For example, we are utilizing our logistics expertise   across the globe that support individuals in their deve-
that benefits people and the environment. We focus      cesmand using the most efficient transport. This enables   to provide effective emergency aid in areas af-         lopment and help them expand their skills. To achieve
on four strategic areas of involvement to fulfill our   DHL toreduce its CO2 emissions. DHL has set itself the     fected by natural disasters. We have our own            this we partner with global organizations in the field of
responsibility: GoGreen, GoHelp, GoTeach and            ambitious mission: ZERO emissions by 2050.                 Disaster Response Team, which works together            education.
Volunteering.                                                                                                      with the United Nations and UNICEF.
                                                                                                                                                                           We encourage our employees to take an active part in
                                                                                                                                                                           social projects in their immediate environment.
6     Servicegids
      Service Guide
                                2018                                                                                                                                                                           Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Guide DHL Express 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2018                    7


                                                                                                                  VARIETY OF SOLUTIONS

                                                                                                                                                      SAME DAY-SERVICES                    TIME DEFINITE-SERVICES                     DAY DEFINITE-SERVICES

                                                                                                                       Description   For mission-critical shipments          Time-critical shipments with delivery     Less urgent and heavy shipments with
                                                                                                                                     that need immediate pickup and          before 9:00 am, before 12:00 noon,        delivery within a few days.
                                                                                                                                     delivery within the shortest possible   or before close of business, with
                                                                                                                                     timeframe or special care.              a money-back guarantee.*

                                                                                                                           Service   DHL SPRINTLINE                          DHL EXPRESS 9:00                          DHL ECONOMY SELECT
                                                                                                                                     Urgent non-stop delivery of your        Door-to-door delivery before 9:00 am      Delivery of international parcels and
                                                                                                                                     shipment (from a document to            on the next possible working day.         pallets to more than 30 European
                                                                                                                                     a lorry load) at any time in the        With a money-back guarantee.              countries.
                                                                                                                                     Netherlands or the rest of Europe.

                                                                                                                                     DHL JETLINE                             DHL EXPRESS 12:00                         DHL IMPORT ECONOMY SELECT
                                                                                                                                     Urgent delivery of your shipment        Door-to-door delivery before 12:00        You can import parcels and pallets
                                                                                                                                     (from a document to several pallets)    noon on the next possible working         fromnearly every European country
                                                                                                                                     on the next available flight out to     day. With a money-back guarantee.         with DHL IMPORT ECONOMY SELECT.
                                                                                                                                     any destination worldwide.
DHL Express is the number one in express transport. DHL Express has a variety of solutions depending
on your requirements. From emergency same day delivery, to guaranteed time-definite next possible                                    DHL SAME DAY SOLUTIONS                  DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE                     DHL GLOBALMAIL
                                                                                                                                     Customized solutions for all your       With DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE                For all your international mail (to
working day delivery, to less urgent day definite delivery options, DHL Express offers you the right                                 specific logistic needs.                we guarantee delivery of your             any country in the world except the
                                                                                                                                                                             national and international express        Netherlands).
transport solution. We have listed all of our services on this page. DHL Express likes to think with you.                                                                    shipments before close of business
                                                                                                                                                                             on the day of delivery.

                                                                                                                                                                             DHL IMPORT SERVICES
SAME DAY-SERVICES                                         DAY DEFINITE-SERVICES                                                                                              You can import shipments from
For all those mission-critical shipments that need        For less urgent shipments that still needs to be                                                                   more than 214 countries around the
                                                                                                                                                                             world with DHL Import Services. With
immediate pickup and door-to-door delivery within         delivered in Europe with a set transit time choose
                                                                                                                                                                             delivery before 9:00 am, before 12:00
the shortest possible timeframe. Within the Nether-       our Day Definite-services. Reliable and easy.                                                                      noon, or before close of business.
lands, in Europe or in the rest of the world. We
                                                                                                                       Destination   Netherlands, Europe and worldwide       Netherlands, Europe and worldwide         Europe
always provide customized delivery solutions. By          For international mail till 2 kg you choose DHL
road? By scheduled airline? A helicopter or private       GLOBALMAIL. Your DHL Express Courier takes the          Type of shipment   Documents, parcels and pallets          Documents, parcels and pallets            Parcels and pallets
jet? Everything is possible.                              post and hands it over to Deutsche Post. They ensure
                                                          delivery via local postal service all over the world.            Pick-up   Same day, as fast as possible           Same day                                  Same day
                                                                                                                                     after booking
TIME DEFINITE-SERVICES                                    Fast and easy.
For time-critical shipments that have to arrive quickly                                                             Book shipment    088 - 0552 888                          via or via 088 - 0552 000   via or via 088 - 0552 000
and on time choose our Time Definite services. Fast
national and international deliveries, anywhere in
the world, with a choice of different delivery times:
before 9:00 am, before 12:00 noon or before the end                                                               * The money back guarantee only counts for time-critical shipments with delivery before (import) 9:00 and 12:00
of the working day. This we guarantee.                                                                             Check for more information.
8     Service
                                2018                                                                   Service Guide DHL Express 2018   9


DHL MyBill allows you to efficiently manage and pay your DHL invoices online. It’s free, easy and
secure. DHL MyBill helps you streamline your billing process, with all your DHL shipping information
in one secure location. Our secure online environment saves time, eliminates paperwork and is easy
to use because you can receive and pay DHL invoices 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

DHL MyBill is a simple and effective tool for review-      eceive email notification of new
ing invoices, making payments, and downloading            invoices
reports. Our secure online environment saves time
and eliminates paperwork for all our Dutch customer       Pay
                                                            invoices online via credit card or
DHL Express accounts in one location. It combines the     bank funds transfer.
convenience of an online interface with the speed
and security of electronic banking.                       Review payment history online.

HOW CAN YOU BENEFIT FROM ONLINE                           View
                                                               and download copies of all
BILLING?                                                  invoices, including corresponding PDF
You maintain full control of all your export and          and TIF documentation.
import accounts in one profile. Specify the dates you
would like to make a payment and determine the            Download
                                                                    invoice and shipment trans-
amount for each payment. Research individual line         action data in spreadsheet format.
items on your invoices. If you need to file a dispute
for charges, it’s simple to submit your request with      Query
                                                                and submit disputes at the
DHL MyBill.                                               invoice level.

To Register for DHL MyBill:                               Designate
                                                                   a company administrator to                                            create new logins for multiple internal

                                                               invoice and shipment docu-
                                                          mentation for up to 12 months.
10     Servicegids DHL Express 2018                                                                                                                            Servicegids DHL Express 2018   11


 1   WHAT RATE ZONE?                                 3   INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE EUROPEAN UNION                FUEL SURCHARGE
Check the rate zone of the country to which you                                                              The fuel surcharge for air transport (which
                                                    Different rates apply for domestic shipments, and for
want to send the shipment, or from which you want                                                            applies to international Time Definite
                                                    shipments within and outside the European Union.
to import the shipment.                                                                                      services) is based on the (US Gulf Coast)
                                                    The EU rates apply to all shipments within the
                                                                                                             kerosene prices published monthly by the
                                                    European Union. Outside the European Union
                                                                                                             US Department of Energy.
                                                    a distinction is made between shipments that do not
 2   WHICH RATE LIST?                               require customs clearance (Documents) and ship-
                                                                                                             The fuel surcharge is adjusted in line with
Decide when you want your shipment to arrive:       ments that require a statutory customs declaration
                                                                                                             an index inincrements of 0.5%. The fuel
before 9:00 am?                                    in the destination country (Non-Documents).
                                                                                                             prices are published by the US Department
                                                                                                             of Energy with a two-month delay. So the
    DHL EXPRESS 9:00
                                                                                                             fuel surcharge for May, for example,
    DHL IMPORT EXPRESS 9:00                          4   WHAT WEIGHT?
                                                                                                             is based on the average fuel price in January.
                                                    The rate for your shipment also depends on the
before 12:00 noon?                                  weight in kilos or volume in m3. If you are sending      The fuel surcharge for Time Definite services
                                                   a large lightweight shipment, the rate will be           within the Netherlands is based on the diesel
   DHL EXPRESS 12:00                                based on the volumetric weight. Once you have            prices published monthly by the European
   DHL IMPORT EXPRESS 12:00                         calculated the volumetric weight, compare it with        Commission for Energy.
                                                    the actual weight in kilos. The heaviest of the two is
before close of business?                           the billing weight for your shipment.                    The fuel surcharge is adjusted in line with
                                                                                                             an index inincrements of 0.5% per 40 euros
                                                                                                             cost difference per 1,000 liters of diesel. The
                                                                                                             fuel surcharge is adjusted by DHL Express in
                                                                                                             the month after publication by the European

                                                                                                             The fuel surcharge tables can be viewed on
     CALCULATING THE VOLUMETRIC WEIGHT:                                                                      our website.

                     5000                                     LE
                                                                NG                         H
                                                                   TH                   DT
12        Service Guide DHL Express 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Service Guide DHL Express 2018                                 13

                                                                                                                                                               DHL Express strives to provide you with accurate and reliable information. Published transit times are indicative. Current transit times can be viewed at
                                                                                                                                                               Published transit times are based on the most common occurring transit time between two countries to direct delivery areas in the destination country. Transit times for
                                                                                                                                                               non-direct delivery areas are available from our customer service team. Actual transit times may differ from published transit times due to customs procedures in the
                                                                                                                                                               destination country, non-average values, non-average dimensions or the non-average weight of a shipment. All our services are subject to the DHL Express General Terms

                                                                                                                                                               and Conditions of Carriage, deposited on the 18th of July 2016 at the clerk to the Noord-Holland court, location Haarlem, under no. 25/2016 and are available on request.
                                                                                                                                                               The DHL Express General Terms and Conditions of Carriage are also published on

                                                                      0    :00                                                                      0    :00                                                                                   0    :00                                                                             0    :00
                                                             t    9:0 S 12                                                                 t    9:0 S 12                                                                              t    9:0 S 12                                                                        t    9:0 S 12
                                                         m en ESS      E S                                                             m en ESS      E S                                                                          m en ESS      E S                                                                    m en ESS      E S
                                             nt     oc
                                                       u       R     R                                                     nt     oc
                                                                                                                                     u       R     R                                                                  nt     oc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                u       R     R                                                            nt     oc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     u       R     R
 Transit times and shipment options         me              XP    XP                                                      me              XP    XP                                                                   me              XP    XP                                                             me              XP    XP
                                         cu      n D HL E HL E                                                         cu      n D HL E HL E                                                                      cu      n D HL E HL E                                                                cu      n D HL E HL E
 for export                           Do      No     D         D                                                    Do      No     D         D                                                                 Do      No     D         D                                                           Do      No     D         D
 Afghanistan                          3     4                                    Estonia                            1    EU             •                      Malaysia                                       2      3             •                 Spain                                          1    EU      •      •
 Albania                              1     2                                    Ethiopia                           2     2                                    Maldives                                       4      4                               Sri Lanka                                      2     2             •
 Algeria                              1     2                                    Falkland Islands                   5     6                                    Mali                                           2      2                               St. Barthelemy                                 3     4
 American Samoa                       5     5                                    Faroe Islands                      3     3      •      •                      Malta                                          1     EU                               St. Eustatius                                  3     4
 Andorra                              3     3      •      •                      Fiji                               4     4                                    Marshall Islands                               6      6                               St. Helena**                                  10
 Angola                               4     4             •                      Finland                            1    EU             •                      Martinique                                     2      3                               St. Kitts                                      3     4
 Anguilla                             3     4                                    France                             1    EU      •      •                      Mauritania                                     3      4                               St. Lucia                                      3     4
 Antigua                              3     4                                    French Guiana                      2     3                                    Mauritius                                      2      2                               St. Maarten                                    3     4
 Argentina                            2     3                                    Gabon                              2     2             •                      Mayotte                                        6      6                               St. Vincent                                    3     4
 Armenia                              2     3                                    Gambia                             3     3                                    Mexico                                         2      2                               Sudan (North)                                  3     3
 Aruba                                3     4                                    Georgia                            2     3                                    Micronesia                                     6      6                               Sudan (South)                                  4     4
 Australia                            3     3             •                      Germany                            1    EU      •      •                      Moldova, Republic of                           2      3                               Suriname                                       4     5
 Austria                              1    EU      •      •                      Ghana                              2     2             •                      Monaco                                         1     EU                               Swaziland                                      3     3
 Azerbaijan                           2     3                                    Gibraltar                          1     1      •      •                      Mongolia                                       3      5                               Sweden                                         1    EU      •      •
 Bahamas                              2     3                                    Greece                             1    EU             •                      Montenegro                                     2      3                               Switzerland                                    1     1      •      •
 Bahrain                              2     3      •      •                      Greenland                          7     7      •      •                      Montserrat                                     3      4                               Syria                                          7     9
 Bangladesh                           3    4              •                      Guadeloupe                         2     3                                    Morocco                                        1      2                               Tahiti                                         6     6
 Barbados                             2     3                                    Guam                               4     4                                    Mozambique                                     3      3             •                 Taiwan                                         2     3      •      •
 Belarus                              2     3                                    Guatemala                          2     3                                    Myanmar                                        3      3             •                 Tajikistan                                     5     6
 Belgium                              1    EU      •      •                      Guernsey                           2     3      •      •                      Namibia                                        3      3             •                 Tanzania                                       2     2
 Belize                               3     4                                    Guinea Bissau                      5     5                                    Nauru, Republic of                             5      5                               Thailand                                       2     3      •      •
 Benin                                2     2                                    Guinea Equatorial                  3     5                                    Nepal                                          3      5                               Timor Leste                                    5     7
 Bermuda                              2     3                                    Guinea Republic                    2     3                                    Netherlands                                    1      1      •      •                 Togo                                           2     2
 Bhutan                               5     5                                    Haiti                              3     3                                    Nevis                                          3      4                               Tonga                                          5     5
 Bolivia                              3     4                                    Honduras (Republic)                2     3                                    New Caledonia                                  5      5                               Trinidad and Tobago                            2     3
 Bonaire                              3     4                                    Hong Kong                          2     2      •      •                      New Zealand                                    3      3                               Tunisia                                        2     3
 Bosnia and Herzegovina               1     1                                    Hungary                            1    EU             •                      Nicaragua                                      2      3                               Turkey                                         1     1             •
 Botswana                             3     4                                    Iceland                            1     1             •                      Niger                                          3      4                               Turks and Caicos Islands                       3     4
 Brazil                               3     3                                    India                              2     3             •                      Nigeria                                        2      3             •                 Tuvalu                                         5     6
 British Guyana                       3     4                                    Indonesia                          2     3                                    Niue                                           5      5                               Uganda                                         2     3
 Brunei                               3     4             •                      Iran (Islamic Republic of)         3     4             •                      Norway                                         1      1             •                 Ukraine                                        1     2
 Bulgaria                             1    EU             •                      Iraq                               4     6                                    Oman                                           2      3             •                 United Arab Emirates                           2     2      •      •
 Burkina Faso                         3     3             •                      Ireland, Republic of               1    EU      •      •                      Pakistan                                       2      3                               - Abu Dhabi                                    2     2      •      •
 Burundi                              3     3                                    Israel                             1     1                                    Palau                                          5      5                               - Dubai                                        2     2      •      •
 Cambodia                             2     2                                    - Gaza Strip                       7     7                                    Panama                                         2      3             •                 United Kingdom                                 1    EU      •      •
 Cameroon                             2     3             •                      - Ramallah-West Bank               7     7                                    Papua New Guinea                               4      4                               United States of America***                    2     2      •      •
 Canada                               2     2             •                      Italy                              1    EU      •      •                      Paraguay                                       2      3             •                 Uruguay                                        2     2
 Canary Islands, The                  2     4      •      •                      Ivory Coast                        2     3             •                      Peru                                           2      3                               Uzbekistan                                     3     3
 Cape Verde                           6     7                                    Jamaica                            2     3                                    Philippines, The                               2      3      •      •                 Vanuatu                                        5     5
 Cayman Islands                       2     3                                    Japan                              2     3             •                      Poland                                         1     EU      •      •                 Venezuela                                      3     4
 Central African Republic             5     6                                    Jersey                             2     3      •      •                      Portugal                                       1     EU             •                 Vietnam                                        2     3             •
 Chad                                 6     6                                    Jordan                             2     4      •      •                      Puerto Rico                                    2      2                               Virgin Islands (British)                       3     4
 Chile                                2     3                                    Kazakhstan                         2     3             •                      Qatar                                          2      3      •      •                 Virgin Islands of USA                          3     3
 China People's Republic              2     3             •                      Kenya                              2     3      •      •                      Reunion, Island of                             3      3                               Yemen                                          4     6
 Colombia                             2     2                                    Kiribati                           5     5                                    Romania                                        1     EU                               Zambia                                         3     3             •
 Comoros                              5     6                                    Korea, D.P.R. of (North Korea)*    6     7                                    Russian Federation, The                        1      2                               Zimbabwe                                       3     4             •
 Congo                                2     3             •                      Korea, Republic of (South Korea)   2     3             •                      Rwanda                                         3      3
 Congo, Democratic Republic of        2     2             •                      Kosovo                             2     3                                    Saipan                                         4      5
 Cook Islands                         4     4                                    Kuwait                             2     3      •      •                      Samoa                                          3      3                              *     lease contact DHL customer service via 088 - 0552 000 for
 Costa Rica                           2     3                                    Kyrgyzstan                         4     5                                    San Marino                                     1      2      •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the possibilities.
 Croatia                              1    EU             •                      Lao People's Dem. Rep. (Laos)      4     5                                    Sao Tomé and Principe                          3      3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ** Please contact your DHL contact person for the actual
 Cuba                                 4     7                                    Latvia                             1    EU             •                      Saudi Arabia                                   2      3      •      •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        transit times.
 Curaçao                              2     3                                    Lebanon                            2     3      •      •                      Senegal                                        2      2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *** DHL EXPRESS 9:00 becomes DHL EXPRESS 10:30 in the U.S.
 Cyprus                               2    EU             •                      Lesotho                            3     3                                    Serbia, Republic of                            1      1
 Czech Republic, The                  1    EU      •      •                      Liberia                            3     4                                    Seychelles                                     3      3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Delivery options at the postal code level can be found at
 Denmark                              1    EU      •      •                      Libya                              7     8                                    Sierra Leone                                   3      3
 Djibouti                             3     5                                    Liechtenstein                      1     2                                    Singapore                                      2      2      •      •
 Dominica                             3     4                                    Lithuania                          1    EU             •                      Slovakia                                       1     EU      •      •
 Dominican Republic                   3     4                                    Luxembourg                         1    EU      •      •                      Slovenia                                       1     EU             •                EU means the country is a member of the European Union. For
 Ecuador                              2     3             •                      Macau                              2     2             •                      Solomon Islands                                5      5                              transit times for shipments requiring customs clearance within the
 Egypt                                2     3      •      •                      Macedonia, Rep. of (FYROM)         1     1                                    Somalia                                        6      6                              EU please call our customer service team on 088 - 0552 000. All
 El Salvador                          2     3                                    Madagascar                         3     3             •                      Somaliland, Republic of                        6      6                              information subject to printing errors. Prices subject to change.
 Eritrea                              4     4                                    Malawi                             3     3                                    South Africa                                   2      2             •
14        Service Guide DHL Express 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Service Guide DHL Express 2018                                 15

                                                                                                                                                     DHL Express strives to provide you with accurate and reliable information. Published transit times are indicative. Current transit times can be viewed at

                                                                                                                                                     Published transit times are based on the most common occurring transit time between two countries to direct delivery areas in the destination country. Transit times for
                                                                                                                                                     non-direct delivery areas are available from our customer service team. Actual transit times may differ from published transit times due to customs procedures in the
                                                                                                                                                     destination country, non-average values, non-average dimensions or the non-average weight of a shipment. All our services are subject to the DHL Express General Terms
                                                                                                                                                     and Conditions of Carriage, deposited on the 18th of July 2016 at the clerk to the Noord-Holland court, location Haarlem, under no. 25/2016 and are available on request.

                                                                                                                                                     The DHL Express General Terms and Conditions of Carriage are also published on

                                                                                                                                                     For countries marked with • in the columns DHL IMPORT EXPRESS 9:00 and DHL IMPORT EXPRESS 12:00 the shipment option is available for Documents and Non-
                                                                                                                                                     Documents. D means only Document shipments are available. Delivery options per postcode are listed at DHL Import Services are not available from the
                                                                                                                                                     following countries: D.P.R of Korea (North Korea), Kosovo (Republic), Somaliland, Rep of (North Somali) and Venezuela. It is possible to import from these countries if
                                                                                                                                                     shipments are sent at the expense of the sender. EU means the country is a member of the European Union. For transit times for shipments requiring customs clearance
                                                                                                                                                     within the EU please contact our customer service team on 088 - 0552 000. All information subject to printing errors. Prices subject to change.

                                                                 0    :00                                                                  0    00                                                                                      0    :00                                                                              0    :00
                                                        t    9:0 S 12                                                             t    9:0 S12:                                                                                t    9:0 S 12                                                                         t    9:0 S 12
                                                    m en ESS      E S                                                         m en ESS      E S                                                                            m en ESS      E S                                                                     m en ESS      E S
                                        n t       u       R     R                                                 n t       u       R     R                                                                    n t       u       R     R                                                             n t       u       R     R
 Transit times and shipment          me        oc      XP    XP                                                me        oc      XP    XP                                                                   me        oc      XP    XP                                                            me        oc      XP    XP
                                  cu        n D HL E HL E                                                   cu        n D HL E HL E                                                                      cu        n D HL E HL E                                                               cu        n D HL E HL E
 options for export            Do      No       D         D                                              Do      No       D         D                                                                 Do      No       D         D                                                          Do      No       D         D
 Afghanistan                   3     4                                 Ecuador                           3     4       •      •                      Liechtenstein                                   1      2       •      •                 Serbia, Republic of                           1      2      •       •
 Albania                       1     2      •       •                  Egypt                             2     3       •      •                      Lithuania                                       1     EU       •      •                 Seychelles                                    3      4
 Algeria                       1     2      •       •                  El Salvador                       3     4       •      •                      Luxembourg                                      1     EU       •      •                 Sierra Leone                                  3      4
 American Samoa                4     5                                 Eritrea                           4     5                                     Macau                                           1      2       •      •                 Singapore                                     1      2      •       •
 Andorra                       1     2                                 Estonia                           1    EU       •      •                      Macedonia, Rep. of (FYROM)                      1      2       •      •                 Slovakia                                      1     EU              •
 Angola                        3     4                                 Ethiopia                          2     3       •      •                      Madagascar                                      3      4       •      •                 Slovenia                                      1     EU              •
 Anguilla                      3     4                                 Falkland Islands                  5     6                                     Malawi                                          4      5                                Solomon Islands                               5      6
 Antigua                       3     4                                 Faroe Islands                     2     2                                     Malaysia                                        2      3       •      •                 Somalia                                       5      6
 Argentina                     3     4      •       •                  Fiji                              4     5                                     Maldives                                        2      3                                Somaliland, Republic of                       6      7
 Armenia                       2     3      •       •                  Finland                           1    EU       •      •                      Mali                                            2      3       •      •                 South Africa                                  2      3      •       •
 Aruba                         3     4      •       •                  France                            1    EU       •      •                      Malta                                           1     EU       •      •                 Spain                                         1     EU      •       •
 Australia                     2     3      •       •                  French Guyana                     3     4       •      •                      Marshall Islands                                6      7                                Sri Lanka                                     2      3      •       •
 Austria                       1    EU      •       •                  Gabon                             2     3       •      •                      Martinique                                      3      4              •                 St. Barthelemy                                3      4              •
 Azerbaijan                    2     3                                 Gambia                            3     4                                     Mauritania                                      2      3       •      •                 St. Eustatius                                 3      4
 Bahamas                       2     3              •                  Georgia                           2     3       •      •                      Mauritius                                       2      2       •      •                 St. Helena**
 Bahrain                       2     3      •       •                  Germany                           1    EU       •      •                      Mayotte                                         4      5                                St. Kitts                                     3      4              •
 Bangladesh                    2     3      •       •                  Ghana                             2     3       •      •                      Mexico                                          2      3              •                 St. Lucia                                     3      4              •
 Barbados                      3     4              •                  Gibraltar                         1     2       •      •                      Micronesia                                      6      7                                St. Maarten                                   3      4              •
 Belarus                       1     2                                 Greece                            1    EU       •      •                      Moldova, Republic of                            1      3       •      •                 St. Vincent                                   3      4              •
 Belgium                       1    EU      •       •                  Greenland                         3     3                                     Monaco                                          1     EU       •      •                 Sudan (North)                                 3      4      •       •
 Belize                        3     4                                 Grenada                           3     4                                     Mongolia                                        4      5                                Sudan (South)                                 3      4
 Benin                         2     3      •       •                  Guadeloupe                        4     5              •                      Montenegro                                      1      2       •      •                 Suriname                                      3      4
 Bermuda                       2     3              •                  Guam                              3     4                                     Montserrat                                      3      4                                Swaziland                                     3      4      •       •
 Bhutan                        3     4                                 Guatemala                         3     4       •      •                      Morocco                                         1      2              •                 Sweden                                        1     EU      •       •
 Bolivia                       3     4              •                  Guernsey                          1     2       •      •                      Mozambique                                      3      4       •      •                 Switzerland                                   1      2      •       •
 Bonaire                       3     4              •                  Guinea Bissau                     4     5                                     Myanmar                                         2      3                                Syria                                         4      4              •
 Bosnia and Herzegovina        1     2      •       •                  Guinea Equatorial                 3     4                                     Namibia                                         3      4                                Tahiti                                        7      8
 Botswana                      3     4                                 Guinea Republic                   3     4                                     Nauru, Rep. of                                  5      5                                Taiwan                                        2      3      •       •
 Brazil                        3     4      •       •                  Haiti                             3     4              •                      Nepal                                           2      3              •                 Tajikistan                                    5      5
 British Guyana                3     3                                 Honduras (Republic)               3     4       •      •                      Nevis                                           3      4                                Tanzania                                      2      3      •       •
 Brunei                        2     3              •                  Hong Kong                         1     2       •      •                      New Caledonia                                   5      6                                Thailand                                      2      3      •       •
 Bulgaria                      1     U      •       •                  Hungary                           1    EU       •      •                      New Zealand                                     2      3       •      •                 Timor Leste                                   4      4
 Burkina Faso                  2     3              •                  Iceland                           1     2       •      •                      Nicaragua                                       3      4       •      •                 Togo                                          2      3
 Burundi                       3     3                                 India                             1     2       •      •                      Niger                                           3      2                                Tonga                                         5      6
 Cambodia                      2     3                                 Indonesia                         2     2       •      •                      Nigeria                                         2      3       •      •                 Trinidad and Tobago                           3      4      •       •
 Cameroon                      2     3              •                  Iran                              2     3       •      •                      Niue                                            5      5                                Tunisia                                       1      2      •       •
 Canada                        2     3      •       •                  Iraq                              6     6                                     Norway                                          1      1       •      •                 Turkey                                        1      2      •       •
 Canary Islands, The           2     3      •       •                  Ireland, Republic of              1    EU       •      •                      Oman                                            2      3       •      •                 Turks and Caicos Islands                      2      3      •       •
 Cape Verde                    3     4                                 Israel                            1     2       •      •                      Pakistan                                        2      3       •      •                 Tuvalu                                        5      6
 Cayman Islands                2     3      •       •                  Italy                             1    EU       •      •                      Palau                                           5      6                                Uganda                                        2      3      •       •
 Central African Republic      3     4                                 Ivory Coast                       2     2       •      •                      Panama                                          3      4       •      •                 Ukraine                                       1      2      •       •
 Chad                          3     4                                 Jamaica                           2     3                                     Papua New Guinea                                5      5                                United Arab Emirates                          2      3      •       •
 Chile                         3     4      •       •                  Japan                             2     2       •      •                      Paraguay                                        3      4       •      •                 United Kingdom                                1     EU      •       •
 China People's Republic       1     2      •       •                  Jersey                            1     2       •      •                      Peru                                            3      4       •      •                 United States of America                      2      3      •       •
 Colombia                      3     4      •       •                  Jordan                            2     3       •      •                      Philippines, The                                2      3       •      •                 Uruguay                                       3      4      •       •
 Congo                         3     4                                 Kazakhstan                        2     3       •      •                      Poland                                          1     EU       •      •                 Uzbekistan                                    2      3      •       •
 Comoros                       3     4                                 Kenya                             2     3       •      •                      Portugal                                        1     EU       •      •                 Vanuatu                                       5      6
 Congo, Democratic Rep. of     3     3                                 Kiribati                          4     4                                     Puerto Rico                                     2      3                                Venezuela                                     3      4      •       •
 Cook Islands                  5     6                                 Korea, Rep. of (South Korea)      2     3       •      •                      Qatar                                           2      3       •      •                 Vietnam                                       2      3      •       •
 Costa Rica                    3     4      •       •                  Korea, D.P.R. of (North Korea)*   5     6                                     Reunion, Island of                              2      3              •                 Virgin Islands (British)                      2      2              •
 Croatia                       1    EU      •       •                  Kosovo                            1     2       •      •                      Romania                                         1     EU       •      •                 Virgin Islands of USA                         2      3
 Cuba                          6     7                                 Kuwait                            2     3       •      •                      Russian Federation, The                         1      2       •      •                 Yemen                                         4      5      •       •
 Curaçao                       2     3      •       •                  Kyrgyzstan                        2     3       •      •                      Rwanda                                          3      4                                Zambia                                        3      4      •       •
 Cyprus                        2    EU      •       •                  Lao People's Dem. Rep. (Laos)     2     3                                     Saipan                                          4      5                                Zimbabwe                                      3      4      •       •
 Czech Republic, The           1    EU      •       •                  Latvia                            1    EU       •      •                      Samoa                                           3      3
 Denmark                       1    EU      •       •                  Lebanon                           2     2       •      •                      San Marino                                      1      2       •      •
 Djibouti                      3     4                                 Lesotho                           3     4                                     Sao Tome and Principe                           4      5
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 Dominica                      3     4                                 Liberia                           3     4                                     Saudi Arabia                                    2      3       •      •
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 Dominican Republic            3     3              •                  Libya                             7     9                                     Senegal                                         2      3       •      •
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