Determination of Nitrogen Species (Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia Ions) in Environmental Samples by Ion Chromatography

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Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Vol. 15, No. 1 (2006), 5-18

         Determination of Nitrogen Species
       (Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia Ions) in
   Environmental Samples by Ion Chromatography
                                           R. Michalski1*, I. Kurzyca2
                       Institute of Environmental Engineering of Polish Academy of Science,

                                 Sklodowska-Curie Street 34, 41-819 Zabrze, Poland
               Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Water and Soil Analysis,
                                     Drzymaly Street 24, 60-613 Poznań, Poland

                                                  Received: March 4, 2005
                                                  Accepted: May 30, 2005


                 The necessity of environmental protection has stimulated development of all kinds of methods allowing
             determination of different pollutants in different elements of the natural environment, including methods
             for determining inorganic nitrogen ions. Many of the methods used so far have proven insufficiently sensi-
             tive, selective or accurate and recently much attention has been paid to ion chromatography, which seems
             most promising. This paper reviews applications of ion chromatography for determining nitrate, nitrite and
             ammonium ions in environmental samples and in food products along with ISO standards and the relevant
             methods proposed by the US EPA and Dionex.
                 Literature examples describe the application of ion chromatography for determining NO3-, NO2- and
             NH4+ ions in water, waste water, air, food products and other complex matrix samples. Critical analysis of
             the methods based on ion chromatography is presented.

             Keywords: ion chromatography, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia ions

                      Introduction                                   nitrates or ammonia. Their presence in water can be a result
                                                                     of water processing or use of nitrite salts as corrosion in-
    Nitrogen - one of the most commonly occurring elements           hibitors. Nitrites are commonly used in preservatives. To
in nature - forms many inorganic ionic species, of which the         surface waters they get from the same sources as nitrates,
most important are nitrate, nitrite and ammonium ions.               i.e. in municipal wastes, industrial wastes, mining wastes
     The main anthropogenic sources of nitrates in the envi-         and with water flowing in from artificially fertilized fields.
ronment are municipal and industrial wastes and artificial           The sources of ammonium ions in surface waters are re-
fertilizers. Nitrogen oxides present in the air and originat-        actions of biochemical decomposition of organic nitrogen
ing from natural and anthropogenic sources (combustion,              compounds, reduction of nitrites and nitrates by hydrogen
transportation) after the reactions with water come back to          sulfide, iron (II), humus substances (or other reducing
the earth surface in the form of acid rains [1]. Nitrites ap-        compounds) and, first of all, municipal wastes, industrial
pear as intermediates in the nitrogen cycle. They are un-            wastes and animal farm wastes. Nitrogen compounds en-
stable and, depending on conditions, are transformed into            hance eutrophisation of surface waters. Organic nitrogen
                                                                     compounds undergo biochemical decomposition into ni-
*Corresponding author; e-mail:              trites later oxidized to nitrates.
6                                                                                                  Michalski R., Kurzyca I.

    The main source of inorganic nitrogen ions in the hu-         can be divided into weight, titration, spectrophotometric
man organism is drinking water and food products, in              (UV/Vis, IR, fluorimetric) and electroanalytical (including
particular beetroots, celery, lettuce, spinach and preserved      potentiometric based on the use of ion-selective electrodes,
meat. An estimated daily dose of nitrates consumed by man         voltamperometric, amperometric, coulometric) [12].
reaches 75-100 mg, of which 80-90% come from vegeta-                  The most important methods for determination of ni-
bles and 5-10% from water [2]. The admissible concentra-          trates are colorimetric ones (e.g. determination of nitrate
tion of nitrates and nitrites in drinking water in the majority   nitrogen after a reaction with p-fluorophenol), or reduc-
of countries controlling these parameters is 50 mg L-1 and        tion in a cadmium column. The method most often used
0.5 mg L-1, respectively. The admissible concentration of         for routine analyses is based on the reaction of nitrate ni-
ammonium ions expressed in ammonia is 0.5 mg L-1 [3,4].           trogen with sodium salicylate in an acidic environment,
Nitrates and nitrites do not have direct carcinogenic effects     giving nitrosalicylate acid transformed on alkalization
on humans, but it is supposed that neoplasmic diseases in         into the coloured (yellow) ionized form. Nitrate ions can
people are related to the formation of N-nitroso compounds,       also be determined by the potentiometric method with an
of which many are carcinogenic to animals. High concen-           ion-selective electrode [12,13].
trations of nitrogen ions in drinking water and other food            The basic method for determination of nitrites in water
products can lead to serious problems and diseases. Taken         samples (proposed by Griess over 125 years ago), relies
in excess, the compounds increase the risk of appearance of       on the reaction of nitrites with sulphanilic acid giving di-
methemoglobinemia, especially in infants below 3 months           azo compounds, which couples with 1-naphthylamine.
old, which is directly related to transformation of nitrates in   The reaction gives an azo dye of intense red colour. There
nitrites in humans [5].                                           are other methods that are modifications of that proposed
    EU countries in 1991 approved the Nitrate Directive           by Griess, e.g. that involving the reaction with sulfanil-
[6] on the protection of water against pollution by nitrates      amide and N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine) [12, 13].
from agricultural origin. The Directive recommends cer-               The method for determination of ammonia was pro-
tain measures to protect the natural environment against          posed by Nessler in 1856. In this method the Nessler reagent
degradation caused by nitrogen compounds used for agri-           (alkaline solution of mercuric potassium iodide - K2HgI4)
cultural purposes.                                                reacts with ammonia to give a colour complex. Unfortunate-
                                                                  ly, elimination of interfering factors is not always possible
                                                                  in this method. Ammonium ions are often determined by a
                 General Principles                               colorimetric indophenol titration method and a potentiomet-
         of Nitrogen Species Determination                        ric method with ion-selective electrode [13].
                                                                      The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    Nitrite, nitrate and ammonium ions are determined in          recommends the methods of ion chromatography, poten-
drinking waters, surface waters and underground waters,           tiometric and colorimetric methods for determining nitrate
as well as in municipal and industrial wastes. Because of         and nitrite ions [14]. The ISO standard methods used for
ion instability, the samples should be analyzed immedi-           determinations of nitrates, nitrites and ammonium ions (ex-
ately after collection [7,8]. The methods of collection and       cluding ion chromatography method) are presented in Table
storage of water samples for determination of these ions          1. These methods have some advantages and disadvantag-
are described by Gardolinski et al. [9]. Because of low           es. The latter are related to low selectivity, low sensitivity
concentrations of the ions to be determined, their direct         and poor repeatability of determinations. Nevertheless, the
analysis is not always possible. Some preliminary sample          search for alternative new methods continues.
preparation may be needed, including precipitation proce-
dures, ion exchange, distillation, microdiffusion, solvent
extraction or thin layer chromatography [10]. Preparation                  Determination of Nitrogen Species
of samples with a complex matrix (blood, food products)                        by Ion Chromatography
is usually time consuming, laborious and, performed in-
correctly, can be a source of significant errors. Prelimi-             One of the most commonly used methods for deter-
nary preparation of samples for analyses by the methods           mining anions (including NO2- and NO3-) and cations (in-
of ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis has           cluding NH4+) is ion chromatography. It offers the pos-
been described by Haddad et al. [11].                             sibility of simultaneous determination of a few ions in a
                                                                  short time, good reproducibility of results, high sensitiv-
                                                                  ity, the possibility of simultaneous determinations of an-
    Nitrogen Determination by Classical Methods                   ions and cations (including organic and inorganic ions),
                                                                  small volume samples and the possibility of using differ-
    There are a number of methods for determining NO2-,           ent detectors (from the most popular conductometric one,
NO3- and NH4+ ions. Determination of these analytes in the        UV, to mass spectrometry) [15, 16]. Ion chromatography
sample often poses analytical problems related to low se-         is particularly recommended for speciation analysis. Such
lectivity of the methods and the presence of many interfer-       analyses have been performed for simultaneous separa-
ing factors. The classical methods used for these purposes        tion and determination of nitrate and nitrite ions [17] or
Determination of Nitrogen Species...                                                                                                  7

Table 1. ISO standards for determination of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium ions in water samples.

Method number                             Method name                              Range [mg L-1]           Main interferences
   ISO 7890-1     Water quality. Determination of nitrate.                                              Strong oxidants, chloride,
                                                                                    0.006 - 25.0
     (1986)       Part 1: 2,6-Dimethylphenol spectrometric method                                               turbidity
   ISO 7890-2     Water quality. Determination of nitrate.                                                Calcium, magnesium,
                                                                                     0.22 - 45.0
     (1986)       Part 2: 4-Fluorophenol spectrometric method after distillation                                turbidity
   ISO 7890-3     Water quality. Determination of nitrate.                                              Chloride, nitrite, calcium,
                                                                                     0.003 - 0.2
     (1988)       Part 3: Spectrometric method using sulfosalicylic acid                                       magnesium
    ISO 6777      Water quality. Determination of nitrite.                                                Chloramine, chlorine,
                                                                                     0.003 - 0.1
     (1984)       Molecular absorption spectrometric method                                            polyphosphates, tiosulphates
                  Water quality. Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate
   ISO 13395                                                                     NO2-: 0.32 - 20.0
                  nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA)                          Organic matter, surfactants
     (1996)                                                                       NO3-: 0.01 - 1.0
                  and spectrometric detection
  ISO 11905-1     Water quality. Determination of nitrogen.                      About 0.1 for each      Dissolved or suspended
     (1997)       Part 1:Method using oxidative digestion with peroxosulfate      determined ions             organic matter
    ISO 5664      Water quality. Determination of ammonium. Distillation                                  Calcium, magnesium,
                                                                                      0.1 - 10.0
     (1984)       and titration method                                                                   aluminium, phosphates
                                                                                                         Selected cations present
    ISO 6778      Water quality. Determination of ammonium - Potentiometric
                                                                                     0.2 - 50.0           in high concentration,
     (1984)       method
                                                                                                           unstable temperature
     ISO 5664     Water quality - Determination of ammonium. Distillation
                                                                                     0.2 - 10.0           Urea and chloramines
      (1984)      and titration method.
   ISO 7150-1     Water quality - Determination of ammonium.
                                                                                     0.003 - 1.0          Magnesium, calcium
      (1984)      Part 1: Manual spectrometric method
   ISO 7150-2     Water quality. Determination of ammonium.
                                                                                     0.5 - 50.0           Magnesium, calcium
      (1986)      Part 2: Automated spectrometric method
    ISO 11732     Water quality. Determination of ammonium nitrogen                                       Volatile amines, high
                                                                                     0.1 - 10.0
      (1997)      by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection                           convcentration of metal ions

sulphate and sulphite ions [18]. Recently, ion chromatog-             with alkali metal ions and alkali earth metal ions, the main
raphy has been used to determine of side products of wa-              problem is related to the overlapping of the peaks assigned
ter disinfection (bromates, chlorates, chlorites) [19] and            to sodium ions (often present in much higher concentra-
metal ion species [20].                                               tion) and the peak assigned to NH4+.
    Separation and determination of nitrate and nitrite ions               The problems related to separation of the pairs of
by ion chromatography is carried out in anion-exchange                Cl-/NO2- and Na+/NH4+ ions can be solved by optimizing
columns filled with a suitable exchanger and using a prop-            the conditions of analysis, i.e. changing the composition
er eluent (e.g. water solution of sodium carbonate and/or             of the eluent, type or pH of eluent, intensity of its flow,
sodium hydrocarbonate) and most often conductometric                  type of column and detector. Moreover, the excess ions
or UV detection. Nitrogen ion determination by ion chro-              interfering in the determination can be removed by spe-
matography is accompanied by determination of other an-               cial cartridges. The effect of eluent and detector on the
ions present in the sample, such as: fluorides, chlorides,            determination of nitrite ions in the presence of chloride
phosphates, bromides and sulphates. The main problems                 ions in high concentrations has been discussed by Pastore
are related to proper separation of NO2- from Cl- ions. Ir-           et al. [21]. The use of a classical conductometric detec-
respective of the column used, the retention times of the             tor and water solution of Na2CO3/NaHCO3 as eluent, the
ions (related to their structure, ionic radius, selectivity           maximum ratio of the concentrations of the ions Cl-/NO2-
against the exchanger) are close and in environmental                 ensuring good performance is 200:1. With water solution
samples with chloride ions concentrations usually a few               of NaCl as eluent and UV detector, this ratio increases to
times higher than those of nitrite ions, the peak assigned            200,000:1, and in the system with NaCl as eluent and an
to NO2- can be masked by a large peak assigned to Cl-                 amperometric detector it increases up to 1,000,000:1.
ions. Consequently, the quantitative analysis of nitrite ions              Although ion chromatography has been designed for ion
can be very difficult or impossible. The retention times of           analyses in water, the recent progress in development of new
bromide and phosphate ions are close to nitrate ions but,             fillings, new detection methods and new preliminary proce-
fortunately, on the majority of anion-exchange columns                dures of sample preparation has extended the use of this meth-
they can be selectively separated. In determination of am-            od to samples with a more complex matrix. A review on the
monium ions, the column is filled with cationic exchanger             applications of ion chromatography in analyses of biological
and a conductometric detector is most often employed.                 samples has been prepared by Singh et al. [22] in analyses of
As the ammonium ions are usually determined together                  food products - by Pereira [23] and Buldini et al. [24]. Compar-
8                                                                                                            Michalski R., Kurzyca I.

Table 2. ISO standards for determination of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium ions in water samples.

                                                                                                      Range for
 Method number                Method name                 Ions determined        Detector           nitrogen ions        Interferences
                                                                                                       [mg L-1]
                    Water quality - Determination
                    of dissolved fluoride, chloride,
                    nitrite, orthophosphate, bromide,
    ISO 10304 – 1                                        F-, Cl-, NO2-, PO43-,                  NO2- : 0,05 – 20
                    nitrate and sulfate ions using                             Conductivity
       (1992)                                             Br-, NO3-, SO42-,                     NO3- : 0,1 - 50
                    liquid chromatography of ions -
                                                                                                                     Selected organic ac-
                    Part 1 : Method for water with low
                                                                                                                     ids such as: malonic,
                                                                                                                      maleic and ions in
                    Water quality - Determination of
                                                                                                                      high concentration
                    dissolved anions by liquid chro-
    ISO 10304 – 2   matography of ions – Part 2 : De- Br-, Cl-, NO3-, NO2-, Conductivity        NO2- : 0,05 – 20
       (1995)       termination of bromide, chloride,        PO43-, SO42-,      or UV/vis       NO3- : 0,1 - 50
                    nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and
                    sulfate in waste waters
                    Water quality – Determination of                                                                Selected aminoacids,
                                                         Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+,
     ISO 14911      dissolved Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mn2+,                                                               alifatic amines and
                                                          Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Conductivity         NH4+ : 0,1 - 10
       (1998)       Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ using                                                                 some metal ions such
                                                              Sr2+, Ba2+
                    ion chromatography method                                                                        as: Zn2+, Ni2+ , Cd2+.

Table 3. Ion chromatography-based methods for determination of the NO3-, NO2- and NH4+, recommended by selected American organizations.

 Method number                      Method name                              Ions determined                           Matrix
                                            United States Environmental Protection Agency
                    The determination of inorganic anions in water        F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-,
        300.0                                                                                              Drinking water, surface water,
                    by ion chromatography                                    PO43-, SO42-, ClO2-
                    The determination of inorganic anions in          F , Cl , Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
                                                                       -     -
                                                                                                           Drinking water, ground water,
                    waterby ion chromatography                           SO42-, ClO2-, ClO3-, BrO3-               surface water
                    Chlorite, orthophosphate, nitrate and sulphate
        300.6       in wet deposition by chemically suppressed            Cl-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-                    Rain water
                    ion chromatography
                    Dissolved sodium, ammonium, potassium,
        300.7       magnesium and calcium in wet deposition by         Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+                     Rain water
                    chemically suppressed ion chromatography
                                                                         F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-,
        9056        Inorganic anions by ion chromatography                                                          Water, solids
                                                                               PO43-, SO42-
                                            Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC)
                    Determination of inorganic anions in water           F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-,
       993.30                                                                                                          Water
                    using ion chromatography                                   PO43-, SO42-
                                    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
                                                                         F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-,
        4110        Anions determination by ion chromatography                                                         Water
                                                                               PO43-, SO42-
                                          American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
                    Anions in water by chemically suppressed             F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-,
     D 4327-97                                                                                              Drinking water, wastewater
                    ion chromatography                                          PO43-, SO42-
                    Determination of chloride, nitrate and suplhate
     D 5085-90      in atmospheric wet deposited by chemically               Cl-, NO3-, SO42-                        Rain water
                    suppressed ion chromatography

ison of different methods of nitrates and nitrites determination           Ion chromatography has become a standard method for
in plant samples and biological fluids has been made by Cruiz          determining anions and cations in water, air and solid sam-
and Mam [25] and Everett et al. [26]. Determination of nitrites        ples. In 1984 the American Society for Testing Materials
and nitrates in preserved meat has been described by Bernini et        (ASTM) approved it as the standard method for determin-
al. [27] and in blood serum by Monoghan et al. [28].                   ing anions in water [29]. The EPA also has recommended
Determination of Nitrogen Species...                                                                                            9

Table 4. Methods recommended by Dionex (Dionex Co., Sunnyvale, CA, USA).

 Method number                   Method name                              Ions determined                     Matrix
                 Analysis of engine coolants by ion chromatog- F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
     AN 4                                                                                                Cooling solutions
                 raphy                                           SO42-, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+
                                                                 Cl-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-, selected
                 Determination of inorganic ions and organic                                          Non-alcoholic beverages
     AN 25                                                         organic acids, Na+, NH4+, K+,
                 aids in non-alcoholic carbonated beverages                                                 carbonated
                                                                              Mg2+, Ca2+
                 Determination of anions in acid rain by in       F , Cl , Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
                                                                    -    -
     AN 31                                                                                                  Rain water
                 chromatography                                                  SO42-
                 Method for determination of anions in sodium     F , Cl , Br , NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
                                                                    -    -    -
     AN 51                                                                                                NaOH solutions
                 hydroxide                                                       SO42-
                 Determination of trace anions and key organic    F , Cl , Br , NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
                                                                    -    -    -
                                                                                                      Recylculated water from
     AN 56       acids in high purity ammoniated and borated                     SO42-,
                                                                                                           power plants
                 waters found in steam cycle power plants              selected organic acids
                 Determination of trace anions in concentrated
     AN 78                                                              Cl-, Br-, NO2-, SO42-              Fluoric Acid
                 hydrofluoric acid
                 Determination of oxyhalides and other anions by F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
     AN 81                                                                                                Drinking water
                 ion chromatography using a borate-based eluent       SO42-, ClO2-, ClO3-, BrO3-
                 Determination of trace cation in power plant                                         Recylculated water from
     AN 86                                                           Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+
                 waters containing morpholine                                                              power plants
                 Determination of trace anions in concentrated
                                                                    Cl-, Br-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-,
     AN 93       bases using autoNeutralizationTM pretreatment                                          Concentrated bases
                                                                            ClO2-, oxalate
                 and ion chromatography
                 Determination of trace cations in concentrated
                                                                  Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+,
     AN 94       acids using autoNeutralizationTM pretreatment                                          Concentrated acids
                 and ion chromatography
                 Determination of trace anions in high purity
                                                                  F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
    AN 113       waters by high volume/direct injection ion                                               Ultrapure water
                                                                            SO42-, oxalate
                 Determination of trace anions in high purity
                                                                  F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
    AN 114       waters using direct injection and two-step                                               Ultrapure water
                                                                            SO42-, oxalate
                 isocratic ion chromatography
                 Determination of inorganic oxyhalide dis-
                 infection byproducts anions and bromide in
                                                                  F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
    AN 136       drinking water using ion chromatography with                                             Drinking water
                                                                      SO42-, ClO2-, ClO3-, BrO3-
                 the addition of a postcolumn reagent for trace
                 bromate analysis
                 Transition metals in power plant high purity     F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, PO43-, SO42-,
    AU 101                                                                                                Ultrapure water
                 water                                                          oxalate
                 Trace anions in power plant high purity water    F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, PO43-, SO42-,
    AU 102                                                                                                Ultrapure water
                 and borated water                                              oxalate
                                                                  F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, PO43-, SO42-,   Recylculated water from
    AU 103       Trace anions in power plant high purity water
                                                                                oxalate                    power plants
                                                                  F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-,
    AU 106       Trace calcium and magnesium in brine                                                         Brines
                                                                           SO42-, Mg2+, Ca2+
    AU 121       Monovalent cations in explosives                        Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+                 Explosives

a number of methods which use ion chromatography in                  mination of nitrites, nitrates and ammonium ions in all
analyses related to environmental protection [30]. The ISO           kinds of water samples, municipal and industrial wastes,
standards for anion and cation determination by ion chro-            precipitations, in gases absorbed in solutions, in food
matography are given in Table 2, while the standards rec-            products, biological samples and other samples with com-
ommended by select American organizations are given in               plex matrix. Selected examples of ion chromatography
Table 3. Table 4 presents the application notes on determi-          method applications for determination of nitrates and ni-
nation of ionic nitrogen species recommended by Dionex               trites, with specified samples, column, eluent and detec-
- one of the most renowned firms specializing in ion chro-           tor, are presented in Table 5 (nitrates and nitrites in water
matography in the world.                                             samples), Table 6 (nitrites and nitrates in food products),
    Apart from standard methods, literature gives many               Table 7 (nitrites and nitrates in air), and Table 8 (nitrates
examples of applications of ion chromatography in deter-             and nitrites in complex matrix samples). Examples of the
10                                                                                                      Michalski R., Kurzyca I.

Table 5. Examples of ion chromatography applications for determining nitrates and/ or nitrites in water samples.

  Sample matrix                    Column                                Eluent                      Detector        References
                               Waters IC-Pak
        Waters                                                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          31
                                Anion HC
Reference material          Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          32
                       TSK guardgel QAE-SW (Tosh)               Trimetallic acid-EDTA                UV/Vis              33
                            Laboratory packed
     Polar ice core                                           Potassium hydrogenphtalate           Conductivity          34
                           with resins synthetized
     Natural water          Dionex IonPac AS4A                         NaHCO3                      Conductivity          35
                                                            Sodium tetraborate, boric acid,
 Synthetic samples    TSK-gel IC anion PWXL (Tosh)                                              Conductivity, UV         36
                                                                potassium gluconate
                               Column filled
       Sea water                                             Sodium tetraborate, boric acid          UV/Vis              37
                        with copper-plated cadmium
      Rain water             Dionex IonPac AS4                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          38
     Mineral water          Biotronik BT I ANS                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          39
     Surface water           Metrohm IC anion                     Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          40
  Drinking water             Biotronik BT II AN                   Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          41
         Snow                Biotronik BT II AN                   Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          42
  Drinking water                Dionex AS11                              NaOH                      Conductivity          43
        Water              Dionex IonPac AS9-HC                   Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                                        44
        Water                   ODS column                             Phthalate                     UV/Vis              45
                                Metrohm IC
  Drinking water                                                      Phtalic acid                 Conductivity          46
                          Anion Column Super Sep
                              Laboratory made
        Water                                                       NaOH + HClO4                   Conductivity          47
                           anion-exchange column
     Groundwater            Dionex IonPac AS11                           NaOH                      Conductivity          48
                               Dionex IonPac                  HCl + tris-(hydroxy-methyl)-
        Water                                                                                        UV/Vis              49
                                  AS9-SC                             -aminomethane
                               Dionex IonPac                  p-toluenesulfonic acid + tris-
        Water                                                                                        UV/Vis              49
                                  AS9-SC                   -(hydroxy-methyl)-aminomethane
                                                            HClO4 + tris-(hydroxy-methyl)-
        Water               Dionex IonPac AS5A                                                       UV/Vis              50
 Dam water, river      Laboratory packed bed Cu-Cd
                                                                        Na2B4O7                    Conductivity          51
     water                   reductor column
 Power plant water          Dionex IonPac AS10                           NaOH                      Conductivity          52
      Rainwater             Dionex IonPac AS11                           NaOH                      Conductivity          53
 Reference materi-
                            Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          54
     Fog samples            Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          55
         Rain               Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          56
     Waters from
                            Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          57
                            Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          58
      Rainwater             Waters IC Pak A HC                Gluconic acid + Boric acid           Conductivity          59
  Drinking water       Dionex IonPac AS4A or AS10                        NaOH                      Conductivity          60
     Fog samples            Dionex IonPac AS14                           NaOH                      Conductivity          61
                             Dionex IonPac AS4
      Rain water                                                  Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                  Conductivity          62
                                  or AS7
                                                                                                 Table 5. continues on next page...
Determination of Nitrogen Species...                                                                                              11

                                                          Phthalic acid + tris-(hydroxy-methyl)-
    River water               Shimadzu IC-A3                                                        Conductivity        63
      Waters               Metrohm Star-Ion A300                  Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        64
  Drinking water           Waters IC-Pak C anion                         PDCA                         UV/Vis            65
    Roof runoff
                            Dionex IonPac AS14                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        66
     Rainwater              Dionex IonPac AS14                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        67
  Drinking water            Dionex IonPac AS17                           NaOH                       Conductivity        68
                         Metrohm Metrosep SUPP3                   Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        69
     Sea water              Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        70

Table 6. Examples of ion chromatography applications for determining nitrates and/ or nitrites in food products.

  Sample matrix                    Column                                Eluent                       Detector       References
   Meat products            Dionex IonPac AS11                           NaOH                         UV/Vis            71
                       Mixed bed column packed with
      Coffee           anion exchange resin) ICS-A23                  Oxalic acid                   Conductivity        72
                       and cation exchange resin CH1
      Spinach                IC anion PRP-X100                   Phthalic acid, acetone            Amperometric         73
    Fruits juice         Dionex OmniPac PAX-500                 NaOH-ethanol-methanol               Conductivity        74
       Wine             Shimadzu Shim-pack IC-A1                      Phthalic acid                 Conductivity        75
   Orange juice              Hamilton PRPx100                                                         UV/Vis            76
                                                                     acid + EDTA
                                                                                                   Conductivity or
       Food               Dionex IonPac AS4, AS9                  Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                                       77
                     Yokogawa ICS-A23 and Yokogawa
    Frozen food                                                   Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        78
      Spinach               Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        79
       Beer                  Dionex IonPac AS4                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        80
   Food extracts          Alltech Universal Anion              Lithium 4-hydroxbenzoate             Conductivity        81
       Meats            Wescan Anion Exclusion/HS                        H2SO4                     Amperometry          82
       Beer                 Dionex IonPac AS4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        83
     Rice flour           Dionex IonPac AS 12A                     Na2CO3/NaHCO3                    Conductivity        84
      Spinach                Dionex IonPac S4A                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        85
                     Laboratory packed anion-exchange
    Vegetables                                             Potasium gluconate + borate acid         Conductivity        86
       Fruits               Waters IC-PAK Anion                   KH2PO4 + Na2HPO4                    UV-Vis            87
    Meat extract            Dionex IonPac AS-3                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        88
  Vegetables and
                           Wescan 269-001 anion                         Phthalate                   Conductivity        89
                                                            Tetrapentyloammonium + aceto-
    Infant food               Hamilton PRP-1                                                          UV/Vis            90
    Cured meat            Vydac 302 IC, Waters CN                       KH2PO4                        UV/Vis            91
    Cured meat                Waters IC-Pak A                           KH2PO4                        UV/Vis            92
    Cured meat               Biotronik BT II AN              Chloromethanesulphonic acid              UV/Vis            93
    Vegetables                  Waters IC Pak                  sodium gluconate + borax             Conductivity        94
 Edible vegetable
                             Dionex IonPac AS9                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity        95
     oils, fats
12                                                                                                           Michalski R., Kurzyca I.

Table 7. Examples of ion chromatography applications for determining nitrates and/ or nitrites in gas samples.

   Sample matrix                    Column                                  Eluent                       Detector           References
                                                                    Na2CO3 + NaHCO3
       Flue gas          Dionex IonPac AS4A or AS7                                                     Conductivity              96
                                                                or NaOH + p-cyanophenol
                                                               Potassium gluconate + sodium          Conductivity or
     Stack gases           Toyo Soda IC-Anion-PW                                                                                 97
                                                                      borate + EDTA                     UV/Vis
     Ambient air             Biotronik BT I ANS                      Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity              98
     Ambient air             Dionex IonPac AS14                      Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity              99
                                                             Tetrabutyl-ammonium hydroxide,
                                      RP18                  3-(N-morpholine)-propane-sulfonic          Conductivity             100
                                                                  acid (zwitterion), Na2CO3
                                                                        Phthalic acid +
                             Shim-pack IC-A1 or
     Ambient air                                            tris-(hydroxy-methyl)-aminomethane         Conductivity             101
                            Dionex IonPac AS9-SC
                                                                    or Na2CO3 + NaHCO3
  Atmospheric air            Dionex IonPac AS4A                      Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity             102
  Atmospheric air            Dionex IonPac AS4A                      Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity             103
  Atmospheric air            Hamilton PRP-X 100                    Phthalic acid + acetone             Conductivity             104

Table 8. Other examples of ion chromatography applications for determining nitrate and/ or nitrite ions in samples with complex matrix.

   Sample matrix                    Column                                  Eluent                       Detector           References
        Blood               Dionex IonPac AS12A                      Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                    Culometric              105
                      Carbon B1-01 (Bio-TechResearch)            TBA, Na2CO3, acetonitrile             Conductivity             106
                        A C18 reversed-phase column
                      (TSKgel, ODS-100S, i.d., Tosoh,
                         Tokyo, Japan) modified by
        Urine                                                         H3BO3 + Na2B4O7                  Conductivity             107
                      saturation with micelles of 3-( N,
                       anesulfonate (Zwittergent 3–14)
      Fertilizers              Shim-pack IC-A1                       Citric acid + NaOH                Fluorescence             108
                       Ion exchanger based on styrene–
                         divinylbenzene with quarter-
  Human plasma                                                             NaClO4                         UV/Vis                109
                       nary amine in the Cl- form of the
                           HEMA-BIO 1000Q type
  Tear fluid, blood
                             Dionex IonPac AS4A                      Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity             110
     Human saliva           Dionex IonPac AS12A                      Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity             111
   Mouse plasma             Dionex IonPac AS9-SC                     Na2CO3 + NaHCO3                   Conductivity              26
                         Dionex IonPac AS4A, AS9A,
                                                                                                     Conductivity or
     Human serum         AS12, or Nucleopac-PA 100,              Na2CO3 + NaHCO3 or NaCl                                         28
                                Carbopac PA
                                                                                                    Electrochemical or
     Human blood          Anion-exchange LC Sykam              Acetonitrile + methanol + H2O                                    112
        Serum             Anion-exchange Hamilton                  Methanosulphonic acid                  UV/Vis                113

ion chromatography applications for determination of                     yldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) for fast (about
ammonium ions are given in Table 9.                                      30 seconds) analyses of iodine, chloride, nitrate, nitrite,
    An important recent achievement of ion chromatog-                    phosphate and sulphate ions has been described by Hat-
raphy is the use of highly selective microcolumns for                    sis and Lucy [131]. They used 6 mM o-cyanophenol (pH
fast determinations of anions and cations [130]. The ap-                 7.0) at extremely high flow (up to 10 mL/min) as eluent
plication of a monolithic column covered with didodec-                   and a conductometric detector. The limits of detection
Determination of Nitrogen Species...                                                                                           13

Table 9. Examples of ion chromatography applications for determination of ammonium ions.

  Sample matrix                   Column                                 Eluent                   Detector        References
                        Mixed bed laboratory packed
                         with Yokogawa ICS-A23                         Oxalic acid              Conductivity         114
                           and Yokogawa CH1
        Tea                 Dionex IonPac CS3             HCl + 2,3-diaminopriopionic acid      Conductivity         115
      Spinach               Dionex IonPac CS1                             HCl                   Conductivity         116
   Bread, cheese        Waters IC-PAK Cation M/D                     EDTA + HNO3                Conductivity         117
  Food simulants            Dionex IonPac CS3             HCl + 2,3-diaminopriopionic acid      Conductivity         118
   Food extracts              Wescan Cation-R                 Lithium hydrogenphthalate         Conductivity         119
       Grain               Waters IC-PAK Cation                          HNO3                   Conductivity         120
                             Metrohm Supersep
       Foods                                                       Citric acid + PDCA           Conductivity         121
                              125 IC-Cation
       Beer                 Dionex IonPac CS1                HCl + m-phenylenediamine           Conductivity          83
   Mineral water           Waters IC-PAK CM/D                        HNO3 + EDTA                Conductivity         122
 Air in cleanrooms          Dionex IonPac CS15                     H2SO4 + acetonitrile         Conductivity         123
   Fog samples              Dionex IonPac CS12                    Methanesulphonic acid         Conductivity          55
   Snow and firn
                            Dionex IonPac CS12                    Methanesulphonic acid         Conductivity         124
       Rain                 Dionex IonPac CS12                    Methanesulphonic acid         Conductivity          56
   Waters from
                            Dionex IonPac CS10             HCl + 2,3-diaminopropionic acid      Conductivity         125
                            Dionex IonPac CS10             HCl + 2,3-diaminopropionic acid      Conductivity          58
     Rainwater              Waters IC Pak CM/D                       HNO3 + EDTA                Conductivity

  Drinking water                 Fast Cation               HCl + 2,3-diaminopropionic acid      Conductivity         127
   Fog samples              Dionex IonPac CS12                    Methanesulphonic acid         Conductivity          61
    Rain water              Dionex IonPac CS2                             HCl                   Conductivity          62
  Drinking water            Dionex IonPac CS16                    Methanesulphonic acid         Conductivity         128
    Roof runoff
                           Dionex IonPac CS12A                    Methanosulphonic acid         Conductivity          66
     Rainwater             Dionex IonPac CS12A                           H2SO4                  Conductivity          67
                       Metrohm Metrosep Cation1-2                     Tartaric acid             Conductivity          69
  Natural waters       Dionex IonPac CG10 + CG10                          HCl                   Conductivity         129

for all these ions were on a level of a few to a few dozen             are concerned. A thorough comparison of the methods of
μg L-1.                                                                injection flow analysis and ion chromatography in appli-
    Kitamaki et al., have described simultaneous determina-            cation to determine nitrogen ionic species has been made
tion of nitrites, nitrates and ammonium ions in river water            by Ferree and Shannon [133].
samples on microcolumns [132] with NO3- and NO2- detec-                    The quality of analyses performed by ion chroma-
tion by a UV detector at λ=206 nm, ammonium ion detection              tography has been confirmed by the fact that it has been
by a fluorescence detector after the post-column derivatization        proved the most versatile and optimal in the analyses of
with o-phthaldehyde in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol.              the contents of the main cations and anions (including
    Ion chromatography as a method applied first of all                ionic nitrogen species) in water samples, performed in
for ion separation has also been applied in combination                155 laboratories in 30 countries within the “Analytical
with other analytical methods and has been a reference                 Quality Control and Assessment Studies in the Medi-
standard as far as sensitivity, repeatability and efficiency           terranean Basin Project” (AQUACON) [134].
14                                                                                                 Michalski R., Kurzyca I.

    Usually the contents of nitrate, nitrite and ammoni-         2. TANNENBAUM S.R., WALSTRA P., Handbook of Water
um ions are determined using ion chromatography with                 Analysis, Edit. Nollet L.M., M.Dekker, New York, 2000.
conductometric or UV detection. However, it has been             3. Minister of Health’s Ordinance of 19 November 2002 con-
shown that the sensitivity and selectivity of the deter-             cerning the quality of water intended for human consump-
minations can be significantly improved by the post-                 tion (in Polish) (Law Gazette no. 203, position 1718)
column derivatization methods. An exemplary solution             4. Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the
is the use of the reaction of the formation of tri-iodides           quality of water intended for human consumption, Official
with nitrites and their spectrophotometric detection [135,           Journal of the European Communities
136]. The method permits determination of nitrites on a          5. DUSDIEKER L.B., GETCHELL J.P., IIARAKOS T.M.,
level of a few μg L-1, and what is particularly important            HAUSLER W.J., DUNGY C.I., Nitrate in Baby Foods: Adding
– there is no interference by the presence of chlorine ions          to the Nitrate Mosaic, Arch. Ped. Adol. Med., 148, 490, 1994.
not oxidized by iodides. Another direction for improv-           6. Council Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 con-
ing ionic chromatography is design and development of                cerning the Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused
new fillings of the ion-exchange columns, e.g. zwitter-              by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources. Official Journal L.
ionic stationary phases [137, 138]. These phases permit              375 , 31/12/1991.
a greater differentiation of the retention times of the ions     7. NAMIEŚNIK J., JAMRÓGIEWICZ Z., PILARCZYK M.,
determined so a better selectivity of determinations also            TORRES L., Preparation of environmental samples for anal-
of chlorine, nitrite, sodium and ammonium ions, which                ysis (in Polish), WN-T, Warszawa, 2000
has been a basic limitation of their determination by ion        8. WALNA B., KURZYCA I., SIEPAK J., Monitoring of an-
chromatography.                                                      ions in the precipitations over the Wielkopolski National
    Although this paper is devoted to the applications of            Park (in Polish), The Integrated Monitoring of the Natural
ion chromatography for determinations of inorganic nitro-            Environment, edit. W.Bochenek, E.Gil, The Library of the
gen ions, related methods such as high-performance liquid            Environment Monitoring 2003, pp. 140-147.
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columns should also be mentioned. A review of the applica-           BERG E.P., GLEDHILL M., TAPPIN A.D., HOUSE W.A.,
tions of HPLC with reversed-phase columns in determina-              WORSFOLD P.J. Comparison of Sample Storage Protocols
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used for over 30 years, it is still a modern method whose            Sample Preparation and Separation Techniques for the De-
application has been extended over new groups of com-                termination of Inorganic Ions by Ion Chromatography and
pounds and types of samples. The progress in the method              Capillary Electrophoresis (Review). J. Chromatogr. 856,
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