Desktop and application virtualization to improve security compliance - Wipro

Page created by Larry Mendoza
Desktop and application virtualization to improve security compliance - Wipro
Desktop and application
virtualization to
improve security
Desktop and application virtualization to improve security compliance - Wipro
            s businesses attempt to become more              all the heavy lifting for this, without having to
            agile, global, mobile and secure, Virtual        invest in expensive end-point devices while
            Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) has been            ensuring data security. It is no surprise that the
    gaining attention. Adding to the attraction of VDI       global VDI market, estimated to be $4.98 billion
    has been the roles of cloud in lowering costs and        in 2017, is expected to hit a staggering $9.18
    of automation in speeding up deployment.                 billion by 2023i.
    Industries like Banking and Financial Services
                                                             VDI works by providing end-users with access to
    (BFSI), healthcare, telecom, manufacturing and
                                                             their applications and data hosted in a
    support functions such as CRM have been
                                                             datacenter. The access can be enabled on any
    leading VDI adoption. Among the most
                                                             type of end-point device such as a desktop,
    significant drivers of VDI has been the need for
                                                             laptop, tablet or a smartphone. Users can be
    organizations to place vast amounts of data,
                                                             granted access to complete desktop or limited
    graphical, visual and analytical information in
                                                             set of applications and data required to perform
    the hands of their employees, regardless of
                                                             their job function.
    where they are, without compromising on
    security and compliance. VDI can be used to do

                                                      Desktop VM

                 Thin client                                                         OS, provisioning
                                                                                       and update

                   Desktop                                                            User data and

                                            Disaster recovery security
                                             availability and backup

                   Laptop                                                              Application

    Figure 1: Virtual desktop environment

    VDI is configured to ensure that access to               virtualizing and centralizing the desktop
    applications and data can be provided                    environment, an enterprise can improve
    dynamically, based on end-user roles, protocols          desktop, application maintenance and
    and security policies of an enterprise. End users        management, making an enormous impact on
    can be employees, partners, associates or                user experience, operational flexibility
    customers. They can be located anywhere, and             and productivity.
    still get access to applications and data anytime
    they want, in a secure manner. By simply

Desktop and application virtualization to improve security compliance - Wipro
As information and data analytics
                                                  become their digital trade secret,
                                                  companies may actually look towards
                                                  reducing IT outsourcing.

                             User (subject)                                Environment

                    Is Joe (subject) authorized
                    to access US customer                                 Allow
                    table (object) from EU IP
                    addresses (environment)?                              Deny

                   Allow only US employee
                   group to access US
                   customer data from                               service
                   domestic IP addresses

                       Policy rules

                                                  Resources (objects)

Figure 2: Enterprise data and application access control

           Next generation                           Flexible                         Choice
            workspaces                              locations                       of devices
Figure 3: Next generation workspace attributes

VDI technology enables organizations to             don’t reside on the end-point device and
    attract next generation talent by granting them     therefore, there is no chance of a data leak.
    access to applications and data from their          Users can access anything they want, work, and
    choice of work location, using a device of their    leave the system without having to worry about
    choosing as well. Enterprises can implement         unauthorized access to their devices or device
    flexible and futuristic workspaces where they       theft/loss. Instead, sophisticated security
    can save on expensive real estate by leveraging     measures can be implemented at the data
    VDI technology.                                     center hosting the VDI environment, ensuring
                                                        protection from cyberattacks and intrusions.
    VDI for BFSI
                                                        The centralized environment makes it easier for
    VDI technology is hard to resist. It has special    IT to detect intrusions and isolate viruses before
    appeal for the BFSI segment because of the          they can cause widespread reputational, legal or
    extra layers of defense required for data and       financial damage. Even in the case of any data
    applications, while ensuring that user              center eventuality, service can be restored from
    experience is maximized.                            a backup location in the matter of minutes or
                                                        hours based on active-active or active-passive
    Let’s examine the case of a broker trading in
                                                        standby solutions.
    stocks. Normally, the broker would access real
    time information on a traditional laptop/desktop    BFSI, which has always been at the forefront of
    and then execute transactions online. The data      technology adoption, will naturally find the high
    and transaction details would have to traverse a    level of security and compliance that VDI
    number of networks—from the broker’s laptop         provides to be especially advantageous.
    application to a gateway, and then perhaps
                                                        In the case of the insurance industry, the
    across a handful of public networks, to the stock
                                                        advantages of VDI are amplified. Today, every
    market and back—leaving it vulnerable to being
                                                        insurer has employees using their own mobile
    compromised. However, in a VDI environment,
                                                        devices for customer meetings and to acquire
    the broker’s applications and trading data could
                                                        customer data. If the customer data were to
    potentially reside in the datacenter and
                                                        reside on the employee’s mobile device, it would
    securely connected to that of the stock market.
                                                        present a major privacy and security concern.
    This would make the speed of access to data
                                                        However, with VDI, the mobile device would not
    faster, improve speed of order execution as well
                                                        store the data; the data would be maintained at
    as ensure the transactions are secure. Traders
                                                        a datacenter with the VDI environment.
    and advisors will find the speed and security a
    major advantage.                                    The upside of VDI is directly related to other
                                                        reassuring security advantages for the
    Improved security is the result of a simple fact:
                                                        BFSI segment.
    in a VDI environment, the data and applications

           VDI makes it simple to ensure that                  IT administrators don’t have to worry
           users have access to only                           about end-point devices and their poor
           authorized and licensed applications,               and often outdated firewalls and
           thereby reducing legal and other                    security measures; VDI allows this to be
           operational complications.                          managed centrally.

                                                               Poor backup practices and crashes
           Mobile users may want to use native
                                                               associated with desktops, laptops and
           apps that, without the right security
                                                               smartphones can result in loss of
           solutions such as EMM, can become
                                                               critical files, records, etc. VDI
           vulnerable; this is not the case with
                                                               environment ensures backups are
           VDI where the app does not reside on
                                                               created, eliminating risks from data
           the device.
                                                               corruption or an accidental wipe.

VDI is the recommended technology choice for                     BFSI customers, it is critical to design,
security-sensitive Financial Services customers                  implement and operate a VDI solution that
addressing regulatory and compliance                             meets business demands. Else, it can be
requirements. These are businesses where it is                   counterproductive. Though there is initial
imperative that customer data stays secure and                   excitement during VDI rollout, in most
employees be provided the freedom to work                        organizations user adoption is a challenge.
from anywhere, anytime and over any device. VDI                  Enterprises need to focus on following critical
provides a simple solution to storing data, using                elements for successful VDI adoption and
apps and preventing embarrassing and                             sustained usage in enterprise. Having a scalable
potentially damaging data leaks.                                 solution with effective monitoring framework
                                                                 and evergreen VDI estate are critical for user
While VDI addresses several business
                                                                 adoption and stickiness.
challenges and compliance requirements of

                       User                           Application                        Effective
                    experience                       performance                        monitoring

                     Service                              Ease of                        Change
                    availability                         operations                    management

Figure 4: Critical factors for successful VDI adoption

Total cost of ownership or return
    on investment
    Most decision-makers tend to compare VDI Total                        device policies, etc. TCO can be optimized with
    Cost of Ownership (TCO) with Desktop/Laptop                           user profiling and providing the right quantity of
    TCO, which isn’t a fair comparison. We need to                        resources that employees need instead of
    look at Return On Investment (ROI), as VDI                            providing the configuration laptops/desktops for
    delivers much higher business benefits in terms                       every employee. HW refresh cycles will be higher
    of data security, regulatory compliance,                              than desktop/laptop HW refresh cycles. With the
    effective protection from external and internal                       right technology and design choices, like
    threats, enabling cloud journey for end-user                          replacing user-based antivirus software with
    devices, applications, enabling critical HR                           host-based software models, we can reduce
    processes to attract next generation talent like                      cost as well as improve user experience.
    flexible working, global workforce, flexible

          DaaS providers' top industries by customer volume
                                                1st choice         2nd choice        3rd choice

                Banking and Securities                         4                                          4
                  Healthcare Providers                               5                                    2
                              Education                        4
                    Manufacturing and                2               1              2
                    Natural Resources
                              Insurance              2                    2

                            Government           1             2
                                   Retail        1
                        Engineering and          1
                    Media and Services           1
                       Communications            1

                                            0        1         2         3          4          5          6         7          8
         Source : Gartner, Market Guide for Desktop as a Service, 28 June 20182

    Figure 5: Customer preference for VDI as-a-Service

    As VDI adoption is increasing in the market,                          customers are opting to consume VDI in
    customers are looking for more standard                               As-a-Service model from a service provider.
    solutions than bespoke VDI implementations.
    Per Gartner, BFSI is on top of the list where


    ²Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology
    users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the
    opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties,
    expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About the author

General Manager,
Cloud & Infrastructure Services,
Wipro Limited.

Seshu has two decades of IT industry           customers to easily secure, provision, and share
experience across multiple domains—Telecom,    applications and data, for a collaborative and
Energy, High-tech, Healthcare, Consumer,       mobile workforce. Designed for fast and secure
Banking & Financial Services—covering          deployment, Virtuadesk minimizes the risk in
product development, enterprise application    desktop virtualization implementation.
development, infrastructure management.        Seshu can be reached at
Currently, he heads Virtuadesk practice
globally in Wipro. Virtuadesk is a complete
desktop virtualization solution that enables

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