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1 Introduction 3 2 Statutory Obligations 4 3 The Design Review Committee Approval 5 4 Approval Process 6 5 Allowable Land 7 6 Minimum Floor Area 8 7 Service Connection 9 8 Construction Timeframes 9 9 Siting Your Home 10 10 Identical Facades 10 11 Specific Allotment Requirements 10 12 Facade Design 11 13 Facade Materials and Colours 12 14 Roof Design 13 15 Ceiling Heights 13 16 Corner Allotments 14 17 Garages 15 18 Driveways 16 19 Fencing 17 20 Sloping Land 18 21 Retaining Walls 18 22 Landscaping 19 23 Services 20 24 National Broadband Network 20 25 Construction Management 21 26 Sustainability & Efficient Living 22 Appendix A 27 Appendix B 45 Appendix C 46 Disclaimer 47
Bellevue Design Guidelines 03 Introduction 01 Bellevue vision is to provide a residential estate where the community becomes one. From the initial master planning, the amenity of all residents has been carefully considered and will emerge as a highly desirable residential community. The Design Guidelines are in place to protect the investment of your home and ensure surrounding homes are of an equally high standard. They encourage a variety of contemporary styles and modern designs that will be harmonious to surrounding environment and provide a distinctive neighbourhood character.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 04 02 Statutory Obligations It is the responsibility of the Purchaser/Builder/ Building Certifier to ensure compliance with any applicable statutory requirements, such as Building Regulations, planning requirements and current Queensland energy rating standards. Approval from the Design Review Committee (DRC) is not an endorsement that plans comply with such requirements.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 05 03 The Design Review Committee Approval 3.1 ll house designs and A Applicants will then 3.6 The Design Guidelines may building works including be required to submit be amended from time to fencing, retaining walls amended documents in time at the Developer’s and outbuildings require order to gain approval. discretion to reflect approval from the Design changes in design and 3.3 Please refer to the Review Committee (DRC). building trends and/or Developer Approval Approval from the DRC is amendments to legislation Application Form at the rear required prior to applying affecting building approvals. of this document for further for a building permit for Applications will be assessed information. The Application the construction of a new against (and must comply form must accompany dwelling. with) the current version of the submission documents. the Design Guidelines. 3.2 T he DRC will assess all 3.4 Before construction can The final decision regarding designs and if they are commence, your house all aspects of the Design compliant with the design plans must be approved by Guidelines will be at the guidelines, provide a letter the Bellevue Design Review discretion of the DRC. for approval along with Committee (DRC) prior to an endorsed copy of the 3.7 The DRC also reserve the the application of plans and external colour right to waive or vary any a building permit. schedule. If the design requirements of the Design submitted does not comply, 3.5 Design approval from the Guidelines, this will not set the DRC will advise the DRC does not exempt the a precedent nor imply any applicant on the areas of plans from any building or such action will apply again. non-compliance and the statutory regulations and required amendments. the plans are not checked against these requirements.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 06 04 Approval Process The following steps 4.1 Site Plan (Scale 1:200) illustrate the process Must indicate all boundary setback dimensions, building envelopes, total to build at Bellevue site coverage and floor areas, site contours, natural ground levels and finish ground level, proposed earthworks and retaining wall, north point, vehicle crossover, driveway, fencing details, ancillary items, any proposed PURCHASE out-buildings. YOUR LOT 4.2 Floor Plans (Scale 1:100) Must indicate key dimensions and window positions. SELECT YOUR NEW HOME 4.3 Elevations (Scale 1:100) Must include all 4 elevations and indicate building heights, finished floor to ceiling levels, roof pitch, eaves depth, LODGE YOUR external finishes, existing ground levels and retaining walls. SUBMISSION 4.4 External Colour and Material Selection Must include brands, colour names and colour swatches DRC APPROVAL where possible. 4.5 Where to Send Your Application OBTAIN Submit via the design assessment portal link A BUILDING Beveridge Williams Design Application Portal or email PERMIT Attachments must be in PDF Format. COMMENCE The DRC will endeavour to assess CONSTRUCTION proposals in the shortest possible time, which is generally within 10 business days of receipt of a completed and compliant application. COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION
Bellevue Design Guidelines 07 05 Allowable Land 5.1 No more than 1 dwelling may be constructed on the lot. 5.2 Lots cannot be further subdivided. 5.3 Relocatable homes are not permitted. 5.4 “Dual Key” dwellings are not permitted. 5.5 Dual Occupancy dwellings are only permitted on lots nominated in the Council Approved Planning Permit.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 08 06 Minimum Floor Area 6.1 Minimum 100m² on lots less than 350m². 6.2 Minimum 120m² on lots between 350m²–600m². 6.3 Minimum 150m² on lots over 601m². 6.4 Floor area excludes garages, porches, verandas, pergolas, balconies or alfresco areas.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 09 07 Service Connection 7.1 Your home must be connected to all available in ground services according to the service provider’s standards. 7.2 The estate will be serviced with underground NBN infrastructure. 7.3 Reticulated natural gas will be available and it is encouraged that you consider the benefits of connecting this service to your home. 08 Construction Timeframes 8.1 C onstruction of your home is encouraged to begin within 12 months of settlement of your land. If construction does not occur within 12 months, lots must be turfed and maintained. 8.2 Certificate of Occupancy must be issued no later than 12 months after the commencement of construction. 8.3 L andscaping and fencing must be completed within 3 months of the Certificate of Occupancy being issued.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 10 09 Siting Your Home 9.1 All homes must comply with siting, setbacks and site cover in accordance with the Council approved Plan of Development – Appendix A. 10 Identical Facades 10.1 Two dwellings with the same front facade must not be built within three house lots. This includes lots either side, opposite and encompassing other street frontages where applicable. 11 Specific Allotment Requirements 11.1 For all allotments fronting/adjoining the below, refer to the Council approved Plan of Development – Appendix A – for additional allotment specific requirements. • Monterea Road • Ripley Road • Neighbourhood Recreational Park • Public Open Space
Bellevue Design Guidelines 11 12 Facade Design 12.1 To ensure that dwellings constructed within the community are designed to a high-quality standard, they should be designed so that front and secondary street frontage facades are well articulated. Broad flat surfaces extending greater than 6 metres are not permitted. 12.2 Entries must be covered and clearly identifiable. Suggested entry features include: Porch, Portico, Verandah or Balconies. 12.3 Entry is to project forward of the main building line. 12.4 Entries must have a minimum 1.5m depth and a minimum 1.2m width; 12.5 One habitable room window to the facade. 12.6 Roller shutters, vertical blinds and grill screens are not permitted. 12.7 All dwellings should also comply with section Street Address of the Council approved Plan of Development – Appendix A.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 12 13 Facade Materials and Colours 13.1 External walls of your 13.4 Unpainted metalwork home must be from is not permitted. a combination of materials 13.5 Downpipes, gutters and and colours. A minimum fascia must be colour of two materials and coordinated with the colours are required and remainder of the dwelling. both materials and colours 13.6 The external colour must equate to a minimum scheme of your home 30% each. should be neutral tones 13.2 Materials used on that blend in with the the facade must return surrounding environment. a minimum 1m or to Mute tones are preferred. the return fence line No bright colours. (whichever is greater) to non-corner lots. 13.3 Lightweight infill is not permitted above windows and doors visible to the public. White on White Tranquil Retreat Grey Pail White Duck Quarter Colourbond Surfmist Still Western Myall Colourbond Woodland Grey Domino
Bellevue Design Guidelines 13 14 Roof Design 14.1 Where there is a roof pitch it must be a minimum 22.5°. Where a skillion roof style is incorporated it must have a minimum pitch of 5° and be proportional to the main body of the home. 14.2 Flat roofs may be permitted under architectural merit. 14.3 All roofs must incorporate eaves of a minimum 450mm to any street or open space frontages. 14.4 All pitched roofs to double storey homes must incorporate 450mm to the entire roof line. 14.5 Eaves must return to the point of the first habitable room window or 3.0m, whichever is greater. 14.6 Where a parapet wall is constructed eaves are not required. 14.7 Roofs must be constructed from terracotta, slate or concrete tiles or pre-finished metal roof sheeting. Galvanised or zincalume is not permitted. 14.8 Roof colours are to be of neutral tones. Parapets, flat and curved roofs will be reviewed on architectural merit. 14.9 Roofing must be of low reflective materials. 15 Ceiling Heights 15.1 Ceiling heights to the ground floor of double storeys and all single storey homes must be a minimum 2570mm.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 14 16 Corner Allotments 16.1 Treatment must be provided to side street and reserve elevations visible to the public. Both single and double storey dwellings are to be designed incorporating feature elements that address both the primary and secondary frontage. Treatment is required to the area visible to the public. 16.2 The secondary frontage must include feature window/s matching the style of the window/s on the primary facade. 16.3 Materials used on the primary facade must return along the secondary frontage for a minimum 3.0m. 16.4 Eaves are required to return the full length of the dwelling. Except where a parapet wall has been provided. 16.5 Blank walls facing the secondary frontage are not permitted. 16.6 Solar panels are encouraged to not be visible to the public realm, including side street where possible.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 15 17 Garages 17.1 All homes must have a garage which is incorporated into the dwelling roof line. 17.2 The garage door must be sectional or panel lift. 17.3 Roller doors are not permitted where visible to the public. 17.4 Carports are not permitted. 17.5 Boats, caravans, motorhomes, or trailers are not permitted in the front yard or street, they must be garaged or located behind the front fence return. 17.6 The garages requirements and setbacks are to be as per the Council Approved Plan of Development – Appendix A.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 16 18 Driveways 18.1 Driveways must be fully constructed prior to the occupation of the dwelling. 18.2 Only one driveway permitted per lot. 18.3 Acceptable driveway materials are: coloured concrete, or exposed aggregate. 18.4 Plain concrete driveways and front paths are not permitted. 18.5 Driveway colours should be of muted tones that complement the external colour scheme of your home. 18.6 The driveway shall be no wider than the width of the garage opening and tapering to match the width of the crossover. 18.7 A minimum 500mm landscape strip is required between the driveway and the side boundary. 18.8 Garages are not permitted to be constructed on the corner where the primary and secondary frontages meet. 18.9 Crossover relocations are strongly discouraged and will be at the cost of the lot owner. 18.10 Driveway locations are to be constructed as per the approved Plan of Development – Appendix A.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 17 19 Fencing Refer to the Specific Fencing Plan – Appendix B – that nominates Developer installed fences and allotment specific fencing which the Buyer must install. 19.1 Side and rear fencing Secondary Frontages 19.3 19.5 No colorbond fencing To be constructed of to have a maximum unless approved under capped vertical butted height fence of 1.8m the Council Approved Plan timber palings to a height where containing vertical of Development and of 1.8m. openings that make Bushfire Management Plan. 19.2 Return Fencing the fence at least 25% To return to the sides of the transparent. dwelling a minimum 1.0m 19.4 Landscape planting from the main building line combined with some and be the same height as articulation is encouraged the side fencing. Must be where possible. painted or stained to match the facade. Standard Fence Corner Fence – 30mm Corner Fence – 50mm
Bellevue Design Guidelines 18 20 Sloping Land 20.1 A well designed home on 20.3 Advice should be sought a sloping lot should have from building designers minimal excavation work experienced in a wide range and where applicable of slope sensitive designs. attractive retaining walls. 20.4 Where a site excavation 20.2 Undercroft areas visible is required, it should be from the primary and minimised where possible. secondary streets must 20.5 We strongly recommend be screened. This may the use of batters to any site be achieved through cut with consideration of battening, landscaping or landscaping options, as this a combination of both. is more visually pleasing. 21 Retaining Walls 21.1 The maximum permissible 21.3 Retaining walls constructed height for retaining walls by the Developer are not visible to the public is permitted to be altered 1200mm unless otherwise or removed. approved by the DRC. 21.4 Unpainted timber sleepers 21.2 Retaining walls to the are not permitted primary street frontage unless they are of a high must be constructed from architectural quality. architecturally aesthetic 21.5 Unfinished concrete walls/ materials. blocks are prohibited.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 19 22 Landscaping 22.1 Landscaping plays an 22.3 Front landscaping must be 22.8 A minimum of one canopy integral part in assisting completed within 12 weeks tree with a minimum to soften the built form of of house completion. mature height of 2m must the streetscape. It is also a This includes turfing and be included in the front useful element in providing planting. landscaping. privacy screening and 22.4 Impermeable hard surface 22.9 It is the responsibility of shade during summer. areas must not exceed 40% the allotment owner to The selection of planting of the front garden area establish and maintain should be appropriate including driveways and turf on nature strips. for the conditions of pathways; 22.10 Letterboxes are required placement, such as 22.5 A minimum softscape to be constructed in orientation, solar access area of 60% of the total accordance with Australia and the topography of the front garden area is to Post standards and must land. Careful landscape be installed, with at least be designed to match and plant selection should 30% of the softscape the dwelling, using similar minimize the need area consisting of planted materials and colours. for garden watering. garden bed. Must be erected prior to 22.2 Front landscape designs occupancy permit. 22.6 Garden beds should be must be submitted at time mulched and where mulch 22.11 Garden sheds must be of developer approval is used, it must be of separated from the main application. Failure to natural colour. dwelling and located to submit landscape plans will 22.7 Artificial turf is not the rear of the lot. prevent an approval being issued. Hand drawn plans permitted forward of are acceptable. the front fence.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 20 23 Services 23.1 Ancillary items are not permitted to be visible to the main street frontage or secondary frontage. These items include Hot Water Services, Ducted Heating Unit, Rainwater Tanks, Clothes Lines, Sheds and Rubbish Bins. 23.2 Roof mounted satellite dishes and TV aerials are to be located to the rear of the dwelling. 23.3 Air conditioning units are to be located away from public view and must be located below the ridge line. 24 National Broadband Network 24.1 Bellevue will provide infrastructure to enable telecommunication providers to install cabling. All homes constructed at Bellevue must include conduits, cabling and housing and comply with NBN Co Limited Building Ready Specifications.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 21 25 Construction Management 25.1 During the construction of your dwelling, the builder must install a temporary fence and ensure that all rubbish and building waste is contained within the allotment. Regular rubbish removal must be carried out and any waste bins must be covered to prevent wind-blown matter. 25.2 Street trees and nature strips must be protected. Damage to nature strips, paths, kerbs and street trees caused during the dwelling construction is solely the responsibility of the lot owner and their builder, and any rectification required will be invoiced to the lot owner. 25.3 Nature strips must be maintained at all times including weed eradication and mowing.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 22 26 Sustainability & Efficient Living 26.1 The DRC supports and encourages all efforts made to reduce a household’s impact on the environment, particularly by limiting the overall energy and water consumption of the household. 26.2 For additional guidance please refer to the Sustainable Living Education Pack. 26.3 Designing, building and living in a more sustainable house has numerous long term financial health and comfort related benefits. Environmentally conscious homes also reduce impact on the wider environment and community. Passive Solar Design Solar Access and House Orientation 26.4 Aim to orientate your living rooms and kitchen towards north to capture more natural day light. This strategy will reduce your need to use electricity for lighting. Naturally bedrooms are a lower priority when it comes to needing daylight. Shading 26.5 By using sufficient shading on the northern side, preferably using eaves, you can let sun light inside in winter but keep the heat out in summer. Eaves let the lower winter sun inside and keep the higher tracking summer sun out. Aim to shade your eastern and western facing walls and windows where possible. Eaves are recommended for all sides of your home for shading and some protection from wind and rain.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 23 Windows 26.6 Use larger windows on the northern side of the house to let winter sunlight in but use optimal shading above them. Minimise windows and their sizes on the east and west as these are harder to shade and will expose rooms to more heat in summer. Colours 26.7 Since lighter colours tend to reflect rather than absorb heat, aim to use a lighter coloured roof and internal walls. This strategy will reduce heat gain and hence your summer cooling bills. Insulation 26.8 Ensure you insulate roof spaces and walls well to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and power bills. Ventilation 26.9 Position your windows to encourage cross ventilation, as air slows down if it has to travel around corners or cannot exit on thru the other side. 26.10 Use skylights with ventilation capabilities in bathrooms. Skylights can light a room during daylight hours for free and make it too sunny for mould to accumulate. 26.11 Use active ventilation systems to ventilate roof spaces. 26.12 Install ceiling fans in living areas and bedrooms
Bellevue Design Guidelines 24 Energy 26.13 Hot water heating, air conditioning and appliances, refrigeration and lighting contribute the most to household energy bills so aim to: • Preference appliances with higher Star ratings such as TVs, refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and computer monitors. • Use efficient LED lights. Halogen and most other light are relatively inefficient and add heat to a room. • If you wish to go beyond the National Construction Code minimum for Thermal Performance (for example 6.0 Stars), improve your design and aim for a ‘thermal performance energy rating’ of 6.5 to 8 Stars using an accredited NatHERS energy assessor to reduce your bills and increase your comfort. Natural Gas 26.14 You may connect your house to the reticulated underground natural gas system for uses such as cooktop/oven cooking, heating and hot water boosting/heating. Using gas instead of coal-fired power station electricity can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially if you do not have renewable (roof top solar) energy. Renewable Energy 26.15 By installing a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) energy system your home can generate electricity during the day which is better for the environment and will reduce your energy bills. Consider a 3kW to 9kW solar energy system for your roof, especially as most cars in the future will be electric and could be charged using your cheaper solar electricity. Aim to install a Solar PV system on your north, east and/or west facing roofs. A north facing pitch of around 22 to 28 degrees is optimal.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 25 Materials 26.16 Aim to preference materials that have a lower impact such as those with independent certifications or made from natural materials. Aim to avoid materials that contain volatile organic compounds (VOC), such as many paints, finishes and adhesives which can cause irritation and allergies and impact poorly on your health. Water Rainwater 26.17 You may install a rainwater tank and harvest free rain from your rooftops. Rainwater can be connected to your toilets and washing machine or used for watering your garden which can reduce your water bills. 26.18 To be water efficient aim to: • Use water efficient showerheads with a minimum 3 Star Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) rating. • Install Water efficient toilets with 4+ Star WELS rating. • Purchase dishwashers with 4+ Star WELS rating. Waste Reduction 26.19 Builders can recycle at least 80% of all construction waste.
Bellevue Design Guidelines 26 Flora and Fauna 26.20 Beyond growing plants for food production, aim to install mainly endemic native plant species as they will adapt to local climate conditions and survive summer and winter conditions better than introduced species. Local species will also require less or no watering and provide native birds and animals with food they need to survive. Front Landscape 26.21 Aim to landscape at least your front yard with native vegetation or grass as this will keep your house cooler in summer. Avoid planting tree species near your home that will grow tall and shade solar energy panels on your roof or drop leaves onto your roof or gutters.
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 1 27
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 2 28
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 3 29
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 4 30
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 5 31
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 6 32
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 7 33
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 8 34
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 9 35
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 10 36
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 11 37
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 12 38
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 13 39
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 14 40
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 15 41
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 16 42
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 17 43
APPENDIX A | Council Approved Plan of Development - Stage 18 44
APPENDIX B | Specific Fencing Plan 45 DEVELOPER INSTALLED FENCING CLIENT FENCING REQUIREMENTS LEGEND LEGEND 1.2m High Pool Style (Timber posts & 1.8m High Feature Fence 1 capping, planting behind) 9 (Hardwood batten) 212 211 210 Feature Fence 2 209 208 207 202 206 (Stone pillars & pool fence infill sections) 900 205 204 203 201 C 1.8M Screen Fence 200 3 170 171 199 (Timber lapped, capped & painted) 172 173 174 449 175 450 448 169 447 446 445 198 451 176 444 177 443 4 Entry Wall Feature (Stone Wall & Signage) 178 442 179 452 441 168 181 440 197 453 454 166 165 180 196 167 1.8m High Feature Fence (Hardwood 164 455 163 5 162 161 182 456 160 batten to circuit road) 159 157 195 158 306 307 457 272 273 458 194 270 156 183 271 459 236 1.8m High Feature Fence (Hardwood 237 214 6 305 193 460 184 274 155 Batten, Semi-permeable to open space) 461 310 304 269 213 215 216 217 218 185 192 462 309 219 275 238 154 220 EO 221 EU 463 308 222 268 191 223 Bollards, Planting and Boulders 303 235 186 153 EO 464 335 7 239 EU TU 276 (Combination to open space boundaries) 465 334 190 EO 267 233 EU 311 302 TU 232 152 234 231 224 187 240 230 466 277 229 EO 188 189 EU 228 TU 266 227 336 301 149 333 225 Acoustic Fence to DTMR standards 226 EO 467 278 241 8 312 150 > EU TU 468 300 265 151 (by Civil Contractor) 67.0 337 332 469 EO 439 279 242 EU TU 313 > 470 264 EO 299 EU TU 66.5 338 331 109 471 280 243 110 111 Indicative Driveway Locations to lots 314 142 EO > D 112 EU TU 472 438 263 298 D 66.0 339 330 127 141 EO 244 128 EU TU 544 281 129 315 130 > G D 545 437 262 108 FUTURE G EU TU 297 Maximum 1.5m high surveillance fence 65.5 340 329 143 STAGE 4 G 10 245 D 282 113 G EO 546 316 476 EU TU > with a minimum of 50% transparency 436 126 D 296 261 107 G 547 144 EO 475 341 140 328 131 D EU TU 283 246 D 548 317 114 G 474 EO > 435 D 260 EU 145 TU 295 106 125 549 D 473 G 342 327 247 132 EO 284 D 550 11 500 115 EU TU 318 D 10 139 G 434 > 59.5 477 259 146 105 D 551 499 343 294 124 326 248 G 285 D 552 319 EO 116 133 138 D 433 258 147 D 478 104 553 344 325 293 249 FUTURE TU EO EU D G 503 123 498 STAGE 4 D 59.0 320 286 137 554 6 2 432 257 D 117 G D P 148 TU > EO EU 502 > 2 W 479 2 292 4 555 103 14 31 345 250 P 134 D 501 287 D G 3 P S 136 W TU 135 EO EU 3 EU 324 29 497 1 11 556 D 7 16 D 323 D 431 256 120 518 480 322 > G 121 S 58.5 557 W 321 251 D TU 10 EU EO EU 346 122 31 14 8 D 517 7000 291 Join Line - Refer Below 496 118 G 8 83 S 16 > 1 W 290 119 5 C 12 504 D 100 30 10 TU C EU EO 289 EU P 430 11 9 481 101 7 6 29 516 D 2 > 288 15 102 > G S 347 W 255 P D 13 TU EU EO 32 495 84 EU 254 D 58.0 > D 253 252 FUTURE 82 G 85 7 S 482 W 429 9 505 STAGE 5 D 519 86 > 15 8 12 > TU WT D EU EO 2 D > 4 EU 30 4 515 348 87 > G WT S 13 494 88 W 32 P D 353 D R > 57.5 WT 1 3 89 81 1 TU EU EO WT S R 483 WT 428 C EU G D 506 1 C S D 5 WT 90 R S WT W S D R S 543 520 349 WT D S FUTURE R 354 91 S WT TU D EU 493 EO R 355 G 514 S D W W EU 356 STAGE 6 S R 59.0 542 W WT 352 D 357 92 S R 79 D 93 S 484 80 D 507 358 94 S R WT R 78 D G 95 TU 99 R EU 359 S EO WT W > 96 D 362 R 360 77 EU 521 427 97 WT 60.0 D 492 361 S 513 61.0 76 WT D EU R G S WT TU EU EO 351 75 EU 375 W 508 D 485 59.5 S D WT 350 EU D 74 S S WT D 60.5 S EU S D R WT 98 > 73 EU S D 491 363 EO EU D S D 72 65.5 373 S EU S D G 523 WT TU S C EU 522 486 372 EU S D 512 374 371 EU S 71 D D D R 511 370 S WT 70 C 57.5 EU EU D WT W C 524 > 510 369 64 69 EU S D WT WT 68.0 368 68 S S 509 364 EU D WT G EO 67 S 367 S C D D WT WT 66 R TU EU D EU 366 C 57.0 S D WT D WT WT 490 W EU EU S D D WT 489 EU S G C D WT EO EU S S D 488 56.5 > C EU D 487 S > TU WT EU EU S D D S W EU S D 65 D WT EU EU S C EU S D WT G EU S 56.0 365 70.0 D D S S EU EO C S WT EU D 425 S TU Temporary Gravel By Civil as EU D EU S WT D part of Stage 1 Works D C > S EU S (future road works) EU S D C WT 55.5 EU G EU S C > D C D S S > WT D EU EU S D EO C D WT C S S TU EU D S D WT 424 S D 55.0 C D WT G W S EU D WT 423 S W EU S D D WT W S D 422 WT EU S D 426 EO W WT > 421 D D S WT TU 54.5 62.0 S EU C S D WT > 420 WT > S D G D W 1001 61.5 419 S WT 416 D W D D S WT C EU 418 D 54.0 D WT 61.0 EO 16 D 417 16 D W WT S TU 60.5 EU G S S 384 WT D 53.5 D 60.0 403 W WT C W > S WT S S 59.5 15 W WT S 15 D D 14 W 14 EO 415 ROAD D > 13 D 12 59.0 TU S WT 12 EU D G S W 383 S W 11 W D 17 > 11 D 17 D 405 10 FUTURE S S D 406 385 58.5 S > WT S EO 404 407 STAGE 2 D W > S 3 382 382 G 99 S TU > 408 W EU S S 409 88 58.0 S S D 414 > WT D 410 W S EO D 411 18 S > 18 G S TU W 412 S 57.5 S EU D 386 W > S S D C WT 77 S > D 57.0 D > 4 EO S W ROAD W 381 S 20 D S 20 G 413 21 56.5 TU D EU S S D 22 22 19 D W S 23 23 19 D S D EO 24 S 56.0 W 25 D 387 D 25 D D S D G W D S W S TU 26 EU 6 26 > W S D D S 380 S D D W S > EO W D W W D S D D W S G D 902 W ROAD 9 D D > W D D S TU EU W D D D W S D S D W > D D D C S D 388 W D W EO 5 W D W S S S G W D C > W D S W S D W C S S W 379 D TU EU S S C S W > D S S W S 55.0 W S S W G S S > EO S 54.5 S W S W S 399 S S 61 W 61 D 54.0 > 4 S S S S TU EU 389 D S W 700 27 S D 53.5 W C W D > 4 G 53.0 ROAD S D 402 EO W W 378 S D 401 W 52.5 S TU S D D S 400 W EU 52.0 D D W S W D 59 D G 398 3 55 57 58 58 59 60 60 S D D D 57 W W 56 56 D EO D D 62 /// 62 S 55.0 C W D S 54.5 C S D S 28 W 54.0 TU EU S W D D G 377 /// S D D 390 56.0 W EO D S D D 2 55.5 TU EU D G 397 54 63 S 29 /// D D W S EO D G 376 TU D EU S / // 1 W // S / EO 52 51 53 D 45 G 30 50 D 49 TU EU 396 S 48 S C 47 S EO S D G D TU EU 31 EO 561 904 D G D 46 TU EU 395 EO 61.5 61.0 60.5 562 394 D 60.0 393 G D 59.5 D 59.0 392 58.5 58.0 57.5 57.0 56.5 804 56.0 391 TU 563 EU 55.5 52.5 D G 32 542 33 564 34 55.0 TU 54.5 EU 54.0 53.5 35 53.0 52.5 D G 803 D 36 D 565 541 37 D 38 Join Line - Refer Above D TU EU D 39 G D 566 540 40 41 42 TU EU G 567 539 43 44 568 538 52.5 G TU EU 55.0 569 537 570 536 525 571 526 572 535 527 573 534 574 528 575 52.0 576 533 577 529 532 530 531 D 905 D D D MONTER EA ROAD 0m 25m 50m 75m 100m Bellevue - Overall Fencing Plan 1:3000 @ A3 Approx. Scale
Bellevue Design Guidelines 46 APPENDIX C Documentation Checklist Minimum Documents Checklist for DRC Approval OWNER & BUILDER DETAILS Lot Details: Owners Full Name: Owners Email: Builder Contact Details: SITE PLAN - FLOOR PLAN - ELEVATIONS - INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: • Setbacks (as per POD), building envelope, easements with dimensions (if applicable) • Location of any retaining walls (if applicable) • Driveway details including finish, colour and crossover details • Bins, air-conditioner/s, letterbox, clothesline, rainwater tank and all other ancillary services DWELLING COLOUR SCHEME AND MATERIALS: • Main dwelling colour and materials • Garage door colour and materials • Roof colour and materials LANDSCAPING PLAN INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: • Hard landscaping areas - planting species • Details and materials • Fencing details • Landscape drainage • Letterbox to be included in elevation • Erosion and sediment control plan PLEASE NOTE: Failure to provide the above information will result in delays for processing. All dimensions should be clearly marked on the plans. Applying this approach to all elements of the Design Guidelines will make for an efficient approval process. All applications must be submitted via the design assessment portal link Beveridge Williams Design Application Portal or email to
Information in this document is given with care but without responsibility. Purchasers and owners of allotments are responsible for the implementation of the Design Guidelines. BELLE V UE SALES & INFORMATION CENTRE 3 5 7 R I P L E Y R O A D, R I P L E Y | 1800 777 787 B E L L E V U E R I P L E Y. C O M . A U
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