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Koch, Richter
IAWA  Journal, & Schmitt
               Vol. 32 (2),—
                           2011: 213–220
                             CITESwoodID                                                          213

        Design and application of CITESwoodID
   Computer-aided identification and description of
              CITES-protected timbers*

                Gerald Koch, Hans-Georg Richter and Uwe Schmitt
   Institute of Wood Technology and Wood Biology, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas,
            Forestry and Fisheries (vTI), Leuschnerstr. 91, D-21031 Hamburg, Germany


       Wood identification is of prime importance in enforcing CITES poli-
       cies regarding protected species. A tool to facilitate wood identification
       based on macroscopic features, CITESwoodID, is available, developed
       in the DELTA-INTKEY-System. This database contains descriptions
       and an interactive identification system for 12 CITES-listed timbers (11
       hardwoods, 1 softwood) known for their potential in the manufacture of
       lumber and downstream processing into products, and 44 trade timbers
       which can be easily mistaken for CITES-listed timbers due to a similar
       appearance and/or wood anatomical pattern. The database is primarily
       designed for institutions and persons involved in regulating import and
       export of wood and wood products controlled by CITES regulations. It
       is also used in primary and secondary educational facilities active in
       teaching wood anatomy and wood identification, and has been the basis
       of a number of training modules and short courses for government in-
       spectors and students.
       Key words: CITESwoodID, database, macroscopic wood identifica-


The computer-aided wood identification program CITESwoodID (Fig. 1) was developed
at the Institute of Wood Technology and Wood Biology, Federal Research Institute for
Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (vTI) Hamburg, in response to a proposal by the
German CITES Scientific Authority (BfN), and is at present available in four languages:
English, German, French, and Spanish. CITESwoodID enables the user to identify trade
timbers controlled under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Spe-
cies of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) by means of macroscopic characters. Macroscopic
characters are all those which can be observed or perceived with the unaided eye and
a handlens of approximately 10-fold magnification.
    Wood identification often begins with macroscopic characters which are particularly
suitable for making a basic identification and narrowing down the possible taxa to which
*Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Walter Liese on the occasion of his 85th birthday
(January 31, 2011).

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214                                                       IAWA Journal, Vol. 32 (2), 2011

                   Figure 1. Cover image of the database CITESwoodID.

a specimen belongs, especially in non-laboratory situations, (e.g. Wiedenhoeft & Miller
2005; Koch et al. 2008b; Garrett et al. 2010). Final or definitive identification is typi-
cally left to microscopic scrutiny as it offers a range of additional structural features
for species recognition (e.g. Wheeler et al. 1989; Wheeler & Baas 1998), especially for
CITES enforcement (Gasson 2011; Gasson et al. 2011). However, most practitioners
do not usually possess the sophisticated infrastructure, i.e., laboratory equipment and
reference collections, required for microscopic identification. Hence, macroscopically
visible features are the only means to provisionally satisfy quality control requirements
and verify whether a given timber is correctly named.

                         Objectives of the database

CITESwoodID is intended to serve as a visual (illustrations) and textual (descriptions)
identification tool for institutions and persons involved in controlling import and export
of wood and wood products listed by CITES (Schmitz-Kretschmer et al. 2006; Koch
et al. 2008a). It also can be employed in primary and secondary educational facilities
active in teaching wood anatomy and wood identification.
   The current version of the software contains a) the 12 CITES-protected timbers (11
hardwoods, 1 softwood) known for their high potential in the manufacture of lumber
and downstream processing into products (Table 1), and b) 44 trade timbers which can
be easily mistaken for CITES-protected timbers due to a similar appearance and/or wood
anatomical pattern and their high economic relevance in international trade. Moreover,
many are known to have been traded as substitutes for timbers now protected under
CITES regulations which, in turn, may spawn illegal trade of CITES-protected timbers

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Koch, Richter & Schmitt — CITESwoodID                                                                 215

Table 1. List of cites protected trade timbers in the database cites woodID.
 Botanical name          Trade name       cites     Trading*                                    Quantity
                                          Appendix		                                            [m 3 /a]*
 Bulinesia sarmientoi    Palo santo       II              NI                                    NI
 Caesalpinia echinata    Brazil wood      II              NI                                    NI
 Cedrela odorata         Cedro            III             Bolivia, Peru R USA                   45,000
 Dalbergia nigra         Brazilian        I               no trade permitted                    NI
 Dalbergia retusa        Cocobolo         III             NI                                    NI
 Dalbergia               Honduras         III             NI                                    NI
  stevensonii             rosewood
 Fitzroya cupressoides   Patagonian       I               no trade permitted                    NI
 Gonystylus spp.         Ramin            II              Malaysia R Italy, China               70,000
 Guaiacum spp.           Lignum vitae     II              Mexico R Germany                      100 tons
 Pericopsis elata        Afrormosia II                    Congo, Cameroon R Italy,
                         		                                Belgium                              15,000
 Platymiscium            Granadillo       II              NI                                    NI
 Swietenia spp.          American         II              Bolivia, Peru R USA                   NI
 Intsia spp.             Merbau           under cites     Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
                                          observation       R Germany, Netherlands              660,000

 * Data available from the German CITES Scientific Authority, 2006. NI = no information.

under the name of any of their non-protected substitutes. CITES-protected plants/trees
utilized for non-wood products are not included. According to an agreement with the
German CITES Scientific Authority (BfN) it is intended to add further CITES-protected
timbers within the next years (next planned update in 2012).

Using CITESwoodID for wood identification
Macroscopic wood identification is based on observations in the following planes:
– Transverse (perpendicular to the stem axis),
– Radial (parallel to the stem axis), and
– Tangential (parallel to the stem axis),
Observations made in these different planes add up to a three-dimensional picture of
the gross wood structure. However, a fresh end grain cut is an absolute necessity as
only a clean surface will reveal sufficient details of wood structure (comp. CITES Iden-
tification Guide – Tropical Woods 2002). Observed differences in structure between
the various timbers can be described, attributed to certain characters, and used for
wood identification with the help of reference material for comparison (Richter &
Trockenbrodt 1995). For macroscopic and microscopic wood identification, the trans-
verse plane usually offers the most useful diagnostic information about type, distribution,
and arrangement of the axially orientated wood tissues, including the important growth

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216                                                       IAWA Journal, Vol. 32 (2), 2011

Figure 2. Database CITESwoodID – image of the desktop.

ring characteristics. Even a small transverse area may still reveal more information
about the wood structure (composition) than large longitudinal (radial and/or tangen-
tial) surfaces. However, there are limits as to how small a transverse area may be in
order to still reveal useful structural details. In the case of thin (generally around 0.5
mm thick) veneers, for instance, typical structural patterns cannot be fully recognized
in the transverse plane and need to be reconstructed from the corresponding patterns
on longitudinal surfaces.
   When initiating the identification process using CITESwoodID, the user has several
options to follow. The program starts in the normal working mode, i.e., the available
features are listed in a sequence of “best characters” wherein the character on top of
the list is best suited for separating the (remaining) taxa in the database (Fig. 2). For
inexperienced users the software encourages looking for these targeted characters first.
If a more experienced user is sure of the detection of a certain character it can im-
mediately be chosen. The search function in the toolbar facilitates locating the desired
character. A further option is using the natural order of the characters as represented in
the original character list.
   Each character is accompanied by notes with information on definitions, explanations
as to how observations can be correctly interpreted, procedures concerning specimen
preparation for certain purposes, examples of timbers with a very typical expression
of the character in question, cautionary notes on how to guard against misinterpreta-
tion, and information on specific wood characters not covered by the character list, etc.

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Figure 2. Database CITESwoodID – image of the desktop.

Figure 3. Description of specific wood characters such as “occurrence of axial parenchyma” in
the database CITESwoodID.

(Fig. 3). In addition, characters and the timbers in the database are accompanied by
high-quality colour images illustrating important macroscopic features on both trans-
verse and longitudinal surfaces (Fig. 4 and 5). The photomacrographs of transverse
sections were taken at a magnification commensurate with that of a handlens (c. 10-
fold). Illustrations of wood surfaces are reproduced at magnifications that parallel what
is seen with a hand lens. These illustrations provide an excellent means of visualizing
certain character expressions and directly compare the results of an identification run
and the unknown object to be identified (Richter et al. 2008). Furthermore, nearly all
characters used for description and identification are accompanied by explanatory notes
with definitions, examples, procedures, etc.
    CITESwoodID also offers complete program-generated wood descriptions. These
encompass all relevant information contained in coded form in the database, converted
into a natural language text and saved in a single file. The individual wood description
can be used interactively for consultation and/or printing at any point of an identification
run (Richter & Trockenbrodt 1995). Independent of the program, the system provides
access to several files in the directory EN\RTF such as: descr.rtf (document contain-
ing the descriptions of all taxa); chars-lg.rtf (character list with explanatory notes);
chars-sh.rtf (character list without explanatory notes); names.rtf (list of the botanical
and trade names of the timbers in the database).

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218                                                            IAWA Journal, Vol. 32 (2), 2011

Figure 4. American mahogany = Swietenia spp. (CITES Annex II, left) is very similar to khaya =
Khaya spp. (right) in external appearance. The two timber groups differ significantly by the lack
of macroscopically visible axial parenchyma in Khaya spp.

Figure 5. Ramin = Gonystylus spp. (CITES Annex II, left) and limba = Terminalia superba (right)
are similar in appearance and structure. However, limba has much larger and fewer vessels often
filled with tyloses. Furthermore, the wood of limba is darker with a greenish hue.

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Koch, Richter & Schmitt — CITESwoodID                                                         219

   It is important to emphasize to the user that the possibilities of macroscopic wood
identification are much more limited than those of a microscopic study. Firstly, the
number of characters available for observation is considerably smaller. Secondly, in
macroscopic identification one has to rely quite often on characters subject to a high
variability due to different growth conditions of the tree (viz. formation of growth rings)
or exposure to oxygen and UV radiation (viz. wood colour). This may lead to subjective
judgement on behalf of the user, and errors that might result in wrong decisions. In fact,
in cases of closely related trade timbers, the use of macroscopic characters will end with
a choice of several likely matches whose safe separation must be left to microscopic
study performed by any of the scientific institutions with the necessary equipment and
experienced staff (comp. Miller & Wiemann 2006; Gasson et al. 2010), for instance
CIRAD-Forêt (, Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, USDA
(, Institute of Wood Technology and Wood Biology, Hamburg,
Germany (, Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (http://www.nhn., Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale (, Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew (, just to name a few.

Dissemination strategies and evolution of CITESwoodID as a tool
CITESwoodID was first presented and demonstrated in December 2005 within a na-
tional workshop in response to the German Agency of Nature Protection (BfN). During
the past five years eight national (Environmental Agencies of the German states) and
four international workshops and training courses were held. The next international
workshop and training course (European participants) is scheduled to be held at the
vTI Hamburg, Germany in May 2011. To date, more than 350 institutional persons and
approximately 250 students (University of Hamburg) were instructed in the use of
CITESwoodID. Furthermore, two individual training courses of German customs of-
ficers were conducted in order to prove the suitability for practical uses. CITESwoodID
was also officially introduced during the last two international CITES-meetings in
Den Haag/Netherlands (2007) and Doha/Qatar (2010).
   The current version of CITESwoodID includes 12 CITES-listed timbers which are
known for their high potential in the manufacture of lumber and a continuous request
in international trade. The next planned update in 2012 (expected to be budgeted by
the German CITES Scientific Authority) aims at including the CITES-listed species
Pterocarpus santalinus (Appendix II), Aniba rosaeodora (Appendix II), and Dipteryx
panamensis (Appendix III); species with an expected or possible importance in inter-
national trade. However, no record of any sizable trade in logs, sawn wood, veneers is
currently known for the CITES-species Abies guatemalensis, Caryocar costaricense,
Podocarpus neriifolius, Oreomunnea pterocarpa, Magnolia liliifera, Pilgerodendron
uviferum, Taxus wallichiana, Gyrinops spp., Tetracentron sinense, and Welwitschia
mirabilis. Protected species which are utilised as non-wood products (e.g. bark of
Prunus africanum for medical purposes or traumatic tissue of Aquilaria spp. for incense)
have not been included due to the fact that the materials traded offer no macroscopic
wood characters for identification. All these species are, however, illustrated in the
wood anatomical atlas by Gasson et al. (2011) in this issue.

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Software review and availability
   CITESwoodID was comprehensively reviewed in the IAWA Journal and was de-
scribed as an “excellent and inspirational tool” for anyone interested in wood identifica-
tion of CITES-protected timbers (Baas 2009). Approximately 400 copies of the data-
base have been distributed on CD-ROM up to this date. Further copies are available
at the Institute of Wood Technology and Wood Biology, Federal Research Institute
for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (vTI), Hamburg and can be ordered (nominal
charge of € 20 plus mailing expenses) by e-mail:

Baas, P. 2009. CITESwoodID – Innovative medium for education, information, and identifica-
    tion of protected trade timbers. Review in IAWA J. 30 (1): 95–96.
CITES Identification Guide – Tropical Woods. 2002. Government of Canada, Environment
    Canada. CW 66-204 /2002. 188 pp.
Garrett, L., N. McGough, M. Groves & G. Clarke. 2010. CITES & Timber: Ramin (+ Timber
    Identification CD-ROM). Kew Publishing. 32 pp.
Gasson, P. 2011. How precise can wood anatomy be? Wood anatomy’s role in support of the
    legal timber trade, especially CITES. IAWA J. 32 [this issue]: 137–154.
Gasson, P., P. Baas & E.A. Wheeler. 2011. Wood anatomy of Cites-listed timber. IAWA J. 32
    [this issue]: 00–00.
Gasson, P., R.B. Miller, D. J. Stekel, F. Whinder & K. Zieminska. 2010. Wood identification of
    Dalbergia nigra (CITES Appendix I) using quantitative wood anatomy, principal compo-
    nents analysis and naïve Bayes classification. Ann. Bot. 105: 45–56.
Koch, G., H.G. Richter & U. Schmitt. 2008a. Cites and wood data bases: computer-aided iden-
    tification and description of cites-protected trade timbers. Landbauforschung vTI Agricul-
    ture and Forestry Research. Sonderheft, Band 321: 61–66.
Koch, G., H. G. Richter & U. Schmitt. 2008b. Computer-aided identification and description of
    CITES protected trade timbers. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques N° 297 (3): 69–73.
Miller, R.B. & M.C. Wiemann. 2006. Separation of Dalbergia nigra from Dalbergia spruceana.
    Research Paper FPL-RP-632. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
    Forest Products Laboratory. 5 pp.
Richter H.G., K. Gembruch & G. Koch. 2008-onwards: CITESwoodID: Descriptions, illustrations,
    identification, and information retrieval. In English, German, French and Spanish. Version:
    October 2008.
Richter, H.G. & M. Trockenbrodt. 1995. Computergestützte Holzartenbestimmung unter Einsatz
    des DELTA /INTKEY-Programmpaketes. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
    53: 215–219.
Schmitz-Kretschmer, H. J., G. Koch & G. Krämer. 2006. Lupe, Notebook und die Software
    CITESwoodID. 132: 484 – 485.
Wheeler, E.A. & P. Baas. 1998. Wood identification – a review. IAWA J. 19: 241–264.
Wheeler, E.A., P. Baas & P.E. Gasson (eds.). 1989. IAWA List of microscopic features for hard-
    wood identification. IAWA Bull. n.s. 10: 219–332.
Wiedenhoeft, A.C. & R.B. Miller. 2005. Structure and function of wood. Handbook of wood
    chemistry and wood composites. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press: pp. 9–33.

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