Dependencies between morphophonological patterns

Page created by Tom Burton
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns

                        Guy Tabachnick (New York University),

                                                April 30, 2021

1   Introduction

One problem that learners face: how to arbitrarily associate morphophonological patterns with specific
lexical items. Examples:
    • English past tense (Albright and Hayes, 2003): reach–reached but teach–taught
    • Russian diminutives (Gouskova et al., 2015): [ángj il]–[ángj il-ók] ‘angel’, but [mónstr]—[mónstr-j ik]
When learners need to generate a previously unseen form (past tense, diminutive) of a novel lexical item,
how do they do it?
    • Typical approaches focus on phonological generalizations that speakers can pick up on
        – -ok never attaches to stems ending in consonant clusters
    • Ackerman et al. (2009); Ackerman and Malouf (2013): inflectional systems are organized in a way to
      allow speakers to efficiently predict one form given others (solving the Paradigm Cell Filling Problem)
Some models of lexically specific patterns, like the sublexicon model (Gouskova et al., 2015; Becker and
Gouskova, 2016), allow speakers to pick up on phonological biases.
Today: a case study from Hungarian showing that just looking at the phonology isn’t enough:
    • nouns take one of two possessive suffixes, -6 or -j6
    • nouns in a class known as “lowering stems” overwhelmingly take -6 and only rarely -j6
Crucially: these correlations are not due to shared phonological characteristics between the two classes!
Models that capture phonological tendencies in a pattern are not capturing the whole story.
I propose an extension to the sublexicon model to account for these morphological depencies.

PhoNE                                                                                                         Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                                               April 30, 2021
2      Case study: Hungarian possessives

2.1      Possessive allomorphy

In Hungarian, the possessive suffix has two allomorphs (ignoring vowel harmony), -6/E and -j6/jE. Nouns
select one or the other, with some allowing both (sometimes with a distinction in meaning):

                                               word       gloss         possessive
                                                pa:r      ‘pair’          pa:r-j6
                                                sor       ‘line’           Sor-6
                                               6bl6k    ‘window’        6bl6k-(j)6

                     Table 1: Some Hungarian possessive forms (see Rácz and Rebrus, 2012)

Rácz and Rebrus (2012) summarize: -j6 has spread to become the productive form today (used for loan-
words, etc.)
Some basic generalizations about possessive allomorph selection (they describe other non-categorical pat-
terns as well):

                               stem shape        possessive allomorphy              example
                                 V-final               always -j6               k6pu-j6 ‘gate’
                              palatal-final            always -6                 la:ñ-6   ‘girl’
                              sibilant-final           always -6                 ga:z-6   ‘gas’

             Table 2: Rácz and Rebrus (2012): Generalizations about possessive allomorph selection

2.2      Lowering stems

They also note: irregular noun classes usually take -6. One example: lowering stems, which have a low
vowel in forms like the plural where most nouns have a mid vowel (see also Rebrus, 2013; Rebrus et al.,

                               stem class      example        gloss       plural      possessive
                                 regular         pa:r         ‘pair’      pa:r-ok     pa:r-j6
                                lowering         éa:r       ‘factory’     éa:r-6k     éa:r-6

                                            Table 3: Hungarian lowering stems

      1 Bydefault, nouns are non-lowering stems, while all but a handful of adjectives are lowering stems, and some forms behave
differently depending on the syntactic environment (Rebrus and Szigetvári, 2018). Setting aside these issues, I limit my inquiry to
words that are listed as nouns.

PhoNE                                                                                                      Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                                            April 30, 2021
How strong is this tendency? Quite!2

                              possessive                                 possessive
              stem class
                             -6/E -j6/jE                      -6/E                     -j6/jE
                regular       642     935           ka:r-ok, ka:r-6 ‘damage’ pa:r-ok, pa:r-j6 ‘pair’
               lowering       104      15           éa:r-6k, éa:r-6 ‘factory’ ña:r-6k, ña:r-j6 ‘poplar’

                 Table 4: Distribution of Hungarian lowering stems and possessive allomorphy

One possibility: lowering stems just look like typical -6 words (maybe a lot end in sibilants and palatals, for
This may be a small factor, for example:
      • 470/1575 ≈ 30% of regular stems end in palatals or sibilants (which only take -6)
      • 48/119 ≈ 40% of lowering stems do
However, this alone doesn’t explain the effect—the morphological effect is independent of the phonological

2.3     Phonological and morphological factors influencing possessive allomorphy

I fit two models for predicting a noun’s possessive allomorph—one with only phonological factors, one with
stem class as a predictor as well.3
Not only does adding stem class improve the model, but the phonological effect sizes stay steady—the
morphological dependency is independent!
Example: the effect of final consonant place. (Here higher coefficient → more likely to take -j6 relative to
the baseline, alveolar. All effects are significant, p < .0001.)

                                        effect size in model effect size in model
                    predictor                                                                 predicted rates
                                        without stem class       with stem class
                final C:   alveolar                      (baseline)
                final C:   labial               −2.05                 −2.25                 tsi:m-jE < si:n-jE
                final C:   palatal              −9.01                 −9.40                    ryé-jE < tSyd-jE
                final C:   velar                −3.35                 −3.63                  gø:g-jE < tSø:d-jE
             stem class:   regular                       (baseline)
             stem class:   lowering               —                   −3.77                  ña:r-j6 < pa:r-j6

 Table 5: The effect of final consonant place on Hungarian possessive allomorphy, with and without stem
                                            class as a predictor

      2 MyHungarian source is Papp (1969), a morphological dictionary. I consider consonant-final, monomorphemic nouns that are
not marked as variable in the possessive. Not included in Table 4 are 23 nouns listed as having variable stem class.
     3 The models were fit using the lrm function in R’s rms package (R Core Team, 2020; Harrell Jr., 2020). See Appendix A for

the full models.

PhoNE                                                                                                                Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                                                      April 30, 2021
Not only is being a lowering stem a fairly strong predictor of selecting -6, but it gives information that the
phonology of a noun alone does not!
To put it another way: seeing a noun’s phonological form is helpful to the learner in figuring out its
possessive—but seeing its plural to learn that it’s a lowering stem is even more helpful.

3     A sublexicon model with morphological dependencies

3.1    The basic sublexicon model

The phonological effects in Table 5 can be handled with a sublexicon model (Gouskova et al., 2015; Becker
and Gouskova, 2016).
Steps for the learner (in the basic sublexicon model):
    1. The learner associates a morpheme with a particular morphosyntactic context and creates a rule of
       exponence linking form to meaning
          • basic rule of exponence for the Hungarian possessive: POSS ↔ j6
    2. The learner encounters the same morpheme with a different exponent, and splits the rule of exponence
       into two contextually specific rules marked by diacritics4
           • spun-off rules of exponence for the Hungarian possessive:
               – POSS ↔ j6 / [+j] ___
                  – POSS ↔ 6 / [−j] ___
    3. The learner places lexical items into sublexicons associated with these diacritics (i.e. their behavior in
       the given context)
           • [+j] sublexicon = {pa:r, k6pu, . . .}
            • [−j] sublexicon = {éa:r, ga:z, . . .}
    4. The learner generates a phonotactic grammar (Hayes and Wilson, 2008) for each sublexicon, which
       captures generalizations over the phonological shape of its members through phonotactic constraints
          • highly weighted constraints in the [+j] sublexicon: *[palatal]#, *[sibilant]#
            • highly weighted constraints in the [−j] sublexicon: *V#
    5. When the learner encounters a new lexeme and has to generate the form in question, they evaluate the
       stem against each sublexicon’s grammar to see which is a better fit and place it accordingly
          • nonce word [o:d] rates better on the [+j] sublexicon
            • the learner marks it with [+j], places it in the [+j] sublexicon, and produces [o:d-j6]5

    4 For the sake of illustration, I mark both new rules of exponence with a diacritic. An alternative is that one rule gets the diacritic

and the other is left as a default applying in other cases.
    5 By a regular rule of palatal assimilation, the actual surface form would be [o:é6].

PhoNE                                                                                                          Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                                                April 30, 2021
3.2      Adding morphological dependencies

Meanwhile, the learner has also noticed that there’s variation in the vowel in plural and other forms and has
placed words into additional sublexicons based on a [±lower] diacritic:6
      • PL ↔ 6k / [+lower] ___            [+lower] = {[éa:r], [ña:r], . . .}
      • PL ↔ ok / [−lower] ___            [−lower] = {[ka:r], [pa:r], . . .}
Recall: being a lowering stem is a very good predictor for taking -6 as a possessive allomorph ([éa:r-6k] →
In sublexicon terms: if a noun is in the [+lower] sublexicon, it’s likely to also be in the [−j] sublexicon.
The basic sublexicon model, however, can’t account for this! Let’s add a step:
   40 . When creating a new sublexicon, add *S UBLEX constraints penalizing membership in already ex-
        isting sublexicons, and add *S UBLEX constraints for the new sublexicon into all existing sublexical
            – the new [±j] sublexicons are seeded with *S UBLEX-[+lower] and *S UBLEX-[−lower]
            – by definition: *S UBLEX-[+lower] penalizes lexical items in the [+lower] sublexicon
            – *S UBLEX-[+lower] will be weighted heavily in the [+j] sublexicon grammar: candidates for
              taking possessive -j6 are penalized for also being a lowering stem with plural -6k
The addition of *S UBLEX constraints thus extends the sublexicon model to pick up not just on phonological
patterns, but also on dependencies between lexically specific patterns!

3.3      The organization of morphological systems

Sublexicons can help us conceptualize learning declension classes, which are essentially diacritics that
appear in multiple contextual rules of exponence:
      • in Russian, class II nouns like [komnata] ‘room’ have [-a] in the nominative, [-u] in the accusative,
        etc. (Corbett and Fraser, 1993)
      • potential learning process:
           – learner starts off with [NOM:a] and [ACC:u], etc. diacritics/sublexicons
            – the two classes contain almost identical nouns and grammars
            – accordingly, the learner merges them into a single [class:II] sublexicon

      6 Theserules of exponence are simplified for the purposes of illustration. A given noun’s choice of vowel, known as a “linking
vowel”, is uniform across several morphological categories, of which plural is only one, so there is good reason to think that the
selection of vowel is handled in a different rule of exponence from insertion of the plural allomorph.

PhoNE                                                                                      Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                            April 30, 2021
Relatedly: researchers like Ackerman et al. (2009); Ackerman and Malouf (2013) have argued for treating
the inflectional paradigm as a basic unit of linguistic structure based on the ways in which inflected forms
are informative about one another.
    • some patterns that seem almost unlearnably complex from the perspective of “X contains an exponent
      of morpheme M” look much more efficient when viewed as “X is a member of paradigm P”
Sublexicons with *S UBLEX constraints allow the formal grammatical model to capture some of this infor-
mativity, even under theories of exponence like Distributed Morphology that deny the formal existence of

4   Summary

Hungarian possessives show:
    • many patterns of lexically specified behavior show phonological biases that speakers can pick up on
      and exploit in generating new forms
    • sometimes two such patterns are informative about one another—no reason speakers can’t exploit
      these as well
    • we can model these dependencies using the sublexicon approach with additional *S UBLEX con-
      straints, which give us a way to pick up on biases in the organization of a language’s morphological

PhoNE                                                                                       Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                             April 30, 2021
A     Appendix: Full models

This appendix contains the full models calculated for predicting possessive allomorphs among monomor-
phemic Hungarian nouns without variable possessive forms, with data taken from Papp (1969). The models
were calculated using the lrm function in R’s rms package (R Core Team, 2020; Harrell Jr., 2020). The first
model (Table 6) contains only phonological factors, while the second (Table 7) also includes the morpho-
logical factor of lowering stem class.
I assembled the models using stepwise comparison, where each additional factor significantly improved the
model (p < .0001) according to the same package’s lrtest function. For both cases, an ANOVA confirmed
that each factor in the final models was significant (p < .0001). Furthermore, each addition to the models
improved their Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), a metric that rewards model likelihood but penalizes
model complexity—that is, the improvement in model fit brought by adding each factor outweighed the cost
of having a more complex model.

                                        β coef   SE        Wald z      p           predicted rates
    Intercept                             3.03   .32        9.48     bot-6
    C Manner (default: plosive)
      fricative                          −1.40 .39          −3.54    .0004        ra:f-j6 < la:p-j6
      sibilant                          −11.57 1.09        −10.65
PhoNE                                                                                       Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                             April 30, 2021
                                      β coef   SE        Wald z      p            predicted rates
 Intercept                              3.54   .34        10.51    bot-6
 Stem class (default: non-lowering)
   lowering                            −3.77   .45        −8.47
PhoNE                                                                                         Guy Tabachnick
Dependencies between morphophonological patterns                                               April 30, 2021
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