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DENTAL North Carolina REVIEW A Publication of the University of North Carolina Dental Alumni Association FALL/WINTER 2017 Years THE CAMPAIGN FOR CAROLINA AND MOVING BEYOND EXCELLENCE
UNC Dental Alumni Association DENTAL North Carolina 2017–18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS REVIEW A Publication of the University of North Carolina Dental Alumni Association FALL/WINTER 2017 PRESIDENT FOURTH DISTRICT L’Tanya J. Bailey MS Class of 1985 Nedda Ibrahim High Point, N.C. DDS Class of 1990 Raleigh, N.C. VICE PRESIDENT Rafael Rivera, Jr. Ben Koren DDS Class of 1998 DDS Class of 1999 Years Gastonia, N.C. Raleigh, N.C. SECRETARY-TREASURER THE CAMPAIGN FOR CAROLINA Anita Sawhney AND MOVING BEYOND EXCELLENCE DDS Class of 1991 FIFTH DISTRICT Raleigh, N.C. Amy W. Hunt IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT DDS Class of 1991 Robert P. Stowe Rocky Mount, N.C. DDS Class of 1998 Winston-Salem, N.C. Elizabeth E. Miller DDS Class of 2007 The North Carolina Dental Review is published Tarboro, N.C. by the Dental Alumni Association and the Dental FIRST DISTRICT John J. Sweeney Foundation of North Carolina for alumni and friends of the UNC School of Dentistry. Alicia G. Rodriguez DDS Class of 2004 DDS Class of 1994 Wilmington, N.C. Asheville, N.C. Dean Scott S. De Rossi, DMD, MBA R. Lee Warren DDS Class of 1972 OUT OF STATE Editor Boone, N.C. Tiffany Brannan, BA, UNC ’06 W. Jackson Faircloth, Jr. DDS Class of 1977 Photography SECOND DISTRICT Charlottesville, Va. Sara Davis Chris Pope Lam S. Chu E. Lynn Styers Alexandra Thompson DDS Class of 1997 DDS Class of 1987 Donn Young Jonesville, N.C. North Myrtle Beach, S.C. Graphic Design Steven R. Patty Alison Duncan, BA, BFA, UNC ’96, DDS Class of 1984 Duncan Design Monroe, N.C. We welcome your comments, opinions or THIRD DISTRICT EX-OFFICIO questions. Please address correspondence Scott S. De Rossi, DMD, MBA to Tiffany Brannan at: Nona I. Breeland Dean and Professor (919) 537-3260 DDS Class of 1987 MS Class of 1989 Paul Gardner UNC School of Dentistry Chapel Hill, N.C. Associate Dean of Advancement Attn: Tiffany Brannan James P. Fetner Koury Oral Health Sciences Building DDS Class of 2008 Korry Tauber CB #7450 Burlington, N.C. President, DDS Class of 2018 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450
Message from the Dean Alumni and friends, I will address you a number of times in this issue of our magazine, so I will be sure to keep this brief. I am sure you have often heard it said, but there is no truer thing to say: this is the beginning of an incredibly exciting time at our great UNC School of Dentistry. The University has kicked off the largest campaign in its history, and the second largest of any public university in the southeast. And, almost simultaneously, we have passed our Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) assessment, and De Rossi are beginning aggressive work on our strategic plan. This is a pivotal time for our school. As I mentioned in my first letter to you in this magazine, my vision for this school is not to maintain its standing, but to move beyond excellence. Our school’s vision is to become the global model for oral health education, in care and discovery. This is the beginning of both of those endeavors. The time is now for us to choose to forge our own path, one that allows us to achieve our vision. That vision is bold, and it is something we cannot achieve alone. As such, our entire school will be relying on you along the way. We will need your advice, your opinions, your ideas and your continued support. Our school community will sometimes need your hand to lift us up, your words to encourage us and your shoulders to stand on. It is only with your help and enthusiasm that we will be able to achieve our mission of transforming dentistry for better health. Perhaps it is fitting, then, that this issue of the North Carolina Dental Review pay tribute to so many of you in its pages. Included in what follows are celebrations of your class reunions, updates on your lives in alumni notes and a tribute to your generosity in our honor roll of donors. There are not words to adequately describe how appreciative we are of your financial contributions, and it is difficult to articulate how reliant on that funding we are as a school. Your monetary gifts are a large reason we are able to continue being excellent, and that we are able to dream beyond that. “Thank you” seems to fall short of the level of our gratitude, so know that we are thankful beyond what those words convey. I am grateful to be on this journey with each of you. Thank you for joining us as we move beyond excellence. Sincerely, Scott S. De Rossi, DMD, MBA Dean, UNC School of Dentistry N ORT H C A ROLIN A D E N TA L R E V I EW 1
Continuing Dental Education In this Issue 1 Message from the Dean Dental Sleep Medicine Mini Residency Session I DATES: SPEAKERS: January 26–27, 2018 Dr. Gregory Essick, Dr. Terry Bennett, Dr. Mayoor Patel Six-Hour Medical Emergencies: Prevention and Management of Medical Emergencies for Dental Hygienists DATE: June 8, 2018 LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. SPEAKERS: Professor Jennifer Harmon, Ms. Elizabeth Kornegay 3 Continuing Dental Education LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. Veneers for Every Day Practice — Practical, Esthetic, and Ethical Considerations Annual Dental Review Features DATE: February 9, 2018 DATES: June 14–16, 2018 4 UNC Embarks on Ambitious Comprehensive Campaign SPEAKER: Dr. Wendy Clark SPEAKER: Dr. Taiseer Sulaiman LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. LOCATION: Kingston Plantation, Myrtle Beach, S.C. 18 7 Moving Beyond Excellence: A Bold Strategy for UNC Dentistry School and Faculty News Shankel Lecture with Dr. Asgeir Sigurdsson DATE: March 2, 2018 Concepts and Educational Strategies for the Radiology Educator SPEAKER: Dr. Asgeir Sigurdsson Date: July 16–19, 2018 10 Ritter to Become School’s Next Executive Dean LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. SPEAKER: Dr. Sally Mauriello LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. 10 School Rated Number Two Dental School Globally Dental Sleep Medicine Mini Residency Session II 11 Wilder Appointed Assistant Dean for Professional Development DATE: March 2–3, 2018 Hilton Head Prosthodontics and Faculty Affairs SPEAKERS: Dr. Gregory Essick, Dr. Terry Bennett, Dr. Mayoor Patel DATES: July 23–28, 2018 LOCATION: G405, UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. SPEAKER: Dr. Ibrahim Duqum 12 Pimenta Named Assistant Dean for Global Initiatives LOCATION: Omni Resort, Hilton Head, S.C. 13 Kelsky Appointed Assistant Dean for Human Resources Advanced Cone Beam CT Interpretation 13 Ko Appointed Chair of Orthodontics DATE: March 16, 2018 14th Annual Distinguished Lecture in Restorative and SPEAKER: Dr. Donald Tyndall Esthetic Dentistry 14 Faculty Development LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. DATE: September 14, 2018 15 Faculty Notes SPEAKER: Dr. Taiseer Sulaiman Dental Sleep Medicine Mini Residency Session III LOCATION: The Friday Center, Chapel Hill, N.C. DATES: April 6–7, 2018 Student News SPEAKERS: Dr. Gregory Essick, Dr. Terry Bennett, Dr. Mayoor Patel 3-D Imaging LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. 18 Students, Faculty, Staff Honored at Annual Spurgeon Banquet DATE: September 21, 2018 SPEAKER: Dr. Donald Tyndall 22 Class of 2017 Commencement Pediatric Dentistry — Ken Hargreaves LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. 24 DEAH DAY 2017 22 DATE: April 13, 2018 27 Hawkins, Jah Named Schweitzer Fellows SPEAKER: Dr. Kenneth Hargreaves Digital Smile Design and Restorations LOCATION: The Friday Center, Chapel Hill, N.C. DATES: September 28–29, 2018 28 UNC Student National Dental Association Named Chapter of the Year SPEAKER: Dr. Ryan Cook 29 Lawson Named Rising Leader by National Student Organization 22nd Annual Dental Hygiene Lecture LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. DATE: April 20, 2018 SPEAKER: Ms. Karen Davis Digital Approach to Implant Placement and Restoration Special Section LOCATION: The Friday Center, Chapel Hill, N.C. DATES: October 5–6, 2018 SPEAKER: Dr. Ryan Cook 30 Celebrating the Best at the Sixth Annual Best of Dentistry Weekend Pankey Lecture with Dr. Gary DeWood LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. DATE: April 27, 2018 Foundation News SPEAKER: Dr. Gary DeWood LOCATION: TBD 38 Students, Donors Attend Annual Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards Dinner For more information on the courses listed please Sleep Medicine Practice Management contact the Continuing Dental Education program at: 38 Dental Foundation of North Carolina 2017-18 Board of Directors DATES: April 27–28, 2018 Phone: (919) 537-3400 41 The Dean’s Report SPEAKERS: Dr. Gregory Essick, Dr. James Hogg Fax: (919) 537-3098 42 John W. Stamm Planned Giving Society LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. Email: NEW URL: 44 FY 17 Donors by Amount Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Meeting DATE: May 4, 2018 Alumni News SPEAKER: Dr. Pei Feng Lim Don’t forget to check out our online offerings: LOCATION: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N.C. 30 54 55 Message from the UNCDAA President Class Notes Update in General Practice DATES: May 31–June 1, 2018 SPEAKERS: Dr. Christine Downey, Ms. Deedra Donley LOCATION: The Friday Center, Chapel Hill, N.C. 2 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 3
F E AT URE UNC Embarks on Ambitious Comprehensive Campaign A NOTE FROM DEAN DE ROSSI Dear Friends, Many times, when universities and schools embark on capital and comprehensive campaigns, they ask for “donors.” That is not what we seek here at the UNC School of Dentistry. Instead, we seek investors. As we move forward to become the global model for oral health education, in care AT CAROLINA, we are embarking on something big. and discovery, we aspire to become your partners, equally invested in the future of Something bigger than we have ever done. Something our great profession and the impact our school only one other university has done on a bigger scale. can have locally and globally. Learn more about how you can support the UNC School of Dentistry and the Campaign for Carolina: Five years to raise Many of you helped provide our students, • Visit the website for The Campaign for Carolina: $4.25 billion faculty, staff and patients with one of the world’s premier dental education and research facilities • Contact the school’s Office of Advancement staff: when you contributed to the campaign that Paul Gardner, Associate Dean for Advancement focused on Koury Oral Health Sciences. Prior to, 919.537.3258 The UNC SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY’S goal matches the that, when our school was in need of a new Sarah Huppert, Regional Director of Development ambitiousness, the aggressiveness of the campus-wide goal. clinical facility, you helped us build Tarrson Hall., 919.537.3259 Each day when we enter the UNC School of John Bonvechio, Regional Director of Development Five years to raise Dentistry, our school community enters some of, 919.537.3114 the best facilities in the world — thanks to you. $50 million Now more than ever — in a time of rising student debt and diminishing state support — we must invest in our people. By investing in our students, faculty, staff These goals were not set because they will be easy to hit. Nor were they set and patients, our UNC School of Dentistry will continue transforming dentistry for because someone decided it was time, yet again, for another campaign. better health as it remains a leader in the oral health profession. No, we have collectively embarked on this journey because we must. And again, it will be thanks to you. We act because we must. And so, we officially begin this campaign. For all that’s now. For all that’s new. For all that’s next. For all kind. 4 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DENTAL R EV IEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 5
For all that’s now. OUR PURPOSE The UNC School of Dentistry is an internationally recognized leader in oral health education, patient care and medical research. We take pride in preparing the next generation of dental professionals, and ultimately ensuring the people of North Carolina receive quality care. We offer opportunities for students to explore all aspects of oral health and our graduates go on to become exceptional leaders in all areas of the field. Since 1950, we’ve been providing the highest caliber of education and clinical care to North Carolina and the world. OUR PROMISE For all that’s new. Today’s oral health practitioners are often the front line of defense in recognizing an array of health concerns and conditions. At the UNC School of Dentistry, we will educate tomorrow’s oral health leaders, enabling them to adapt to their patients’ evolving needs, ensuring the field of dentistry meets all future challenges. We will improve the health of our communities and embody Carolina’s public mission to advance the greater good. OUR PRIORITIES PUTTING OUR PEOPLE FIRST: Above all else, we are committed to our people. Our For all that’s next. emphasis on fostering exceptional teaching and learning is essential to the future of the school. Supporting faculty endowments and research dollars will help us recruit and retain the teaching staff. Likewise, to attract the best students, we must maintain affordability and access through scholarships and aid. PROVIDING SERVICE TO OUR STATE: Our alumni live and work in 96 of North Carolina’s 100 counties. Nearly 80 percent of graduates stay in-state to practice. Our dedication is clear. Whether in local communities or around the world, we aim to bring oral health care to those who need it most, and in turn expose our students to the diversity of patient care. To continue A Bold Strategy for Carolina Dentistry this commitment, we seek funding for our outreach programs, such as student service Upon arriving at the UNC School of Dentistry, Dean Scott The school's strategic plan, called Moving Beyond groups, community rotations, free clinics and international service experiences. S. De Rossi spent some time assessing the school climate Excellence, will direct the school's effort for the next four in Chapel Hill. He talked with – and, more important, years. As part of the process, the task force also revisited For all kind. INTERDISCIPLINARY SUPPORT: We can only advance by broadening our reach, and Carolina’s preeminent health-care enterprise enables us to do so. We look to bolster our listened to – people from all different constituencies. the school's strategy statements, so what follows not only And then, he decided to act. examines the school's new strategic priorities, but it also interdisciplinary partnerships across campus, such as the UNC Craniofacial Center, the Pain shares the school's new mission, vision and values Management Program and Prenatal and Baby Oral Health Programs. These collaborative He reached out to the Kenan-Flagler Business School and statements. enterprises will allow the school to continue leading in the fields of dentistry and medicine. connected with Dr. Paul Friga, clinical associate professor for strategy and entrepreneurship. A couple meetings and a The school community is thrilled to share our new plan, STAYING AHEAD OF THE CURVE: As one of the top dental schools for NIH funding, we few hours of planning later, the UNC School of Dentistry our unified direction forward: Moving Beyond Excellence. advance research that pushes the boundaries of oral health. To prepare for the future, we officially kicked off an aggressive strategic planning must invest in state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge research. We must also secure process, facilitated by Friga and his team. unrestricted funds to augment state funding. De Rossi wanted things to move quickly, decisively. Friga and his team were up to the challenge. It took just three months, roughly 60 contributors, 409 survey responses, We begin the work NOW. three schoolwide town halls, and it all culminated in one We begin the work HERE. What are you for? afternoon carnival to celebrate. 6 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 7
1 A Personal Note From Dean De Rossi PRIORITY Retain and Recruit the Very Best People Friends, investment means you are joining us on this journey. You are joining us in sharing your ideas, sharing your time, in a Collaborative Environment I am honored to be part of the process in sharing our sharing your concerns and sharing in our success. And, This is a special place, with special programs and special people. The “place” has been the focus for many years. Because of two recent capital campaigns and contributions from the state, each day when we enter new strategic plan with you. When I addressed you in the of course, if you choose to financially invest, we will be the UNC School of Dentistry, we enter some of the best facilities in the world. We are now at a juncture last issue of the North Carolina Dental Review, I told you grateful for your financial support of and partnership in where we must focus on our people and the experiences they have while here. I knew that to reach the ultimate goal of Moving Beyond our endeavor. But more than capital we need you to be Excellence, our school community would need to rely alongside us on this journey together. We must enhance our culture. We must cultivate our faculty, staff and students. We must attract new talent. heavily on each of you. We need your expertise and We must invest in what makes us so special—our people. enthusiasm, but chiefly we need your investment in I expect many of you will be asked to contribute in some fashion over the course of the next four years. In some OBJECTIVES: • Create a culture of transparency, integrity, respect, collaboration and trust our plan. cases, you have already been asked, and you have already • Promote the career development of faculty and staff I want to be clear: your investment is not necessarily answered our call for your support. In all cases, we thank • Recruit exemplary and dedicated people financial, and it is not a one-way street. You see, all of us you for whatever you do, whatever you give, whatever you at the UNC School of Dentistry are committed to our provide, to being equally invested with us in our vision of new direction, and we plan on investing our energy, time, becoming the global model for oral health education, and resources and ideas to making that vision a reality. Your our goal of Moving Beyond Excellence. 2 Revolutionize Curriculum and Operations PRIORITY We are at a pivotal time in oral health education, and our school is at a crossroads. We can champion new ways of educating and operating, or we can let the opportunity to set the new standard pass. We will, as we always have, choose to lead. This is our opportunity to harness the best about our school and combine it with transformative methods of instruction, patient care and organizational strategies. We must examine Our Mission. Our Vision. Our Values. our educational and operational models and improve them. We must find efficiencies. We must challenge ourselves to innovate, to think differently—simply, to lead. OBJECTIVES: • Reinvent a contemporary curriculum The revised mission, vision and values statements below • Reimagine academic, administrative and support structures reflect our school’s unique culture and new direction. We • Generate programs that facilitate communication, collaboration and collegiality plan to lead. We plan to transform. We plan to invent. We plan to move beyond excellence. M IS S I ON Transforming dentistry for better health V ISIO N To become the global model for oral health education, in care and discovery V A LUES Passionately serving • Our people • Our community • Our field Through inclusiveness and beyond excellence 3 PRIORITY Embrace an Entrepreneurial Mindset A source of pride at the UNC School of Dentistry is our ability to employ and enroll the best and the brightest people. Now, we have an opportunity to prove that. Here at UNC, we have all the necessary tools to truly transform dentistry. We do not need to ignore the chance to truly invent. This is the time to look for new opportunities, explore new ways of thinking, and identify problems and discover their solutions. We must invent. We must ideate. We must not be afraid to try something new. We must craft the future we want for oral health education. OBJECTIVES: • Foster and create high-impact programs • Increase translation and commercialization • Secure capital and invest strategically 8 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 9
SCH OO L A N D FACULTY N EWS Ritter to Become School’s Next Executive Dean Wilder Appointed Assistant Dean for Professional Effective January 1, 2018, Andre' Ritter, DDS, administration functions such as chairing the school's administrative board; “I want to thank Dr. Mike Roberts, who has faithfully and selflessly served as Development and Faculty Affairs MS, current chair of the coordinating reviews of school interim executive associate dean since July Department of Operative administrators; working with financial 1, 2016,” said De Rossi. “He has done and Effective July 1, 2017, Rebecca Wilder, graduation and a one-year Achievement Award from the University Dentistry, will begin his affairs on budget planning; providing continues to do an exceptional job in this MS, director of the Master of Science in faculty appointment at of Missouri at Kansas City. She was a new appointment as the oversight and guidance of support services role, and I am grateful for all his efforts Dental Hygiene Education, has been Texas Woman’s University, fellow in the 2007-08 ADEA Leadership school’s next executive Ritter operations, HR and IT; and representing during this time of transition.” named the school’s first assistant dean she joined the UNC School Institute though the American Dental dean. De Rossi when necessary. Roberts and Ritter have already begun for professional development and faculty of Dentistry in 1981. She Education Association. Wilder is a “I am excited that André has agreed “It is an honor and a privilege to serve transitioning responsibilities to Ritter. affairs. currently serves as the member of Omicron Kappa Upsilon, the to join the Office of the Dean and am as the school’s next executive associate Ritter, the Thomas P. Hinman “When considering candidates for this Wilder editor-in-chief of the dental honor society, Sigma Phi Alpha, confident that he will be an excellent fit for dean,” said Ritter. “The UNC School of Distinguished Professor of Operative role, Rebecca easily rose to the top,” said Journal of Dental Hygiene, and has the dental hygiene honor society, and this role,” said Scott S. De Rossi, dean and Dentistry has been my home for 20 years, Dentistry, has been a member of the Scott S. De Rossi, dean and professor. published approximately 200 articles, maintains a membership in the American professor. “I look forward to working more and I am looking forward to serving the school’s faculty since 2000 and has served “Rebecca has dedicated much of her time abstracts, book chapters and editorials, Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), closely with him, and the rest of our school school community in this new capacity.” his department in a number of roles, in recent years to developing our school’s and speaks internationally in the areas of the American Dental Education community, as we move our school Currently, the executive associate most notably as director of the Operative faculty mentor program. That program is nonsurgical periodontal therapy and Association, and other national and beyond excellence.” dean position is held in an interim capacity Dentistry Graduate Program and chair one the University regards as a standard As executive dean, Ritter will assist De by longtime faculty member, Mike Roberts, of the department. on campus for other schools and units Rossi in a variety of day-to-day school DDS, MScD. to follow. I am confident Rebecca will continue to move these efforts, and others, forward in this new role.” “This is an exciting opportunity to enhance With this new appointment, Wilder will continue her work with the faculty what we do at the school to improve the School Rated Number Two Dental School Globally mentoring program while creating new initiatives and enhancing current quality of life for our people, and I am efforts around professional and career The UNC School of Dentistry was rated as the number universities. Additionally, 10 other development working closely with department chairs and the school’s looking forward to having a positive two dental school in the world in the 2017 Academic Ranking subjects were ranked in the top Office of Human Resources to assist them of World Universities (ARWU) released by the Center for 20 globally. Those were: in faculty affairs such as recruitments, impact on our school community directly.” World Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University • 4th in statistics on-boarding, credentialing, and earlier this month. • 6th in pharmacy and promotion and tenure. “We are incredibly proud that the UNC School of Dentistry pharmaceutical sciences “I am thrilled about this new received the number two ranking globally for dentistry and • 8th in public health appointment,” said Wilder. “This is an products, oral-systemic health, risk and international organizations. She has oral sciences by ARWU,” said Dean Scott S. De Rossi. “This • 10th in nursing exciting opportunity to enhance what we dental practice management and served as chair of the ADHA Institute for ranking highlights our longstanding legacy of leading the way • 12th in education do at the school to improve the quality of communication strategies for increasing Oral Health Research Grant Review in dentistry, and supports our school’s vision of being the • 12th in sociology life for our people, and I am looking patient adherence to oral health. Committee, the ADHA Council on global model for oral health education, in care and discovery.” • 13th in biological sciences forward to having a positive impact on In 2014, Wilder won the inaugural Research, and president of the Oral Other dental schools in the top five include the University • 17th in finance our school community directly. Working UNC School of Dentistry Four Corners Health Research Group of the of Michigan (number one), and the University of Washington, • 18th in computer science and engineering with and mentoring the junior faculty has Study Club Faculty Mentoring Award. She International Association of Dental Harvard University and the University of California at Los • 19th in communication been one of the greatest pleasures of my is a recipient of the Colgate/International Research. She has also served the UNC Angeles, in that order. The UNC School of Dentistry was not the only UNC entity The ARWU rankings are compiled annually by the Shanghai career.” Association for Dental Research Oral campus as a member of the Faculty to receive high marks. The University overall ranked 33rd in Ranking Consultancy. For a full list of rankings and more on the Wilder earned her Bachelor of Science Health Research Award for outstanding Executive Committee, and the the world and 23rd in the United States among global methodology, visit in dental hygiene and her Master of accomplishments in oral health research, Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Science in dental hygiene education and the Pfizer/American Dental Hygienists’ Committee, both in the Office of the administration from the University of Association Award for Excellence in Provost. Missouri at Kansas City. Following her Dental Hygiene, and the Alumni 10 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 11
Pimenta Named Assistant Dean for Global Initiatives Kelsky Appointed Assistant Dean for Human Resources Effective July 1, Luiz quality of life worldwide. Nationally and Effective May 1, 2017, Jaime Kelsky will matters; work with school University. She began her career path in “In collaboration with begin her appointment as the UNC School departments and units to human resources in 2006, when she took a Pimenta, DDS, MS, PhD, will regionally, we will be able to open the begin his new appointment other schools on opportunity for our students, faculty and of Dentistry assistant dean for human create and implement staff position in Florida State University’s Office as the school’s first assistant staff to interact with other leading global resources. development programs; and of Human Resources. She first worked as a dean for global initiatives. campus, we will dental schools, to initiate and foster “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to will be the lead human relations specialist and later as an contribute more significantly to the School representative for the school assistant director. After relocating to North Pimenta “Globalization — the develop initiatives to mutually advantageous relationships that of Dentistry,” said Kelsky. “We have a great Kelsky in human resources policy Carolina, Kelsky joined the University of increasing transnational facilitate student and faculty exchanges, circulation of money, goods, people, ideas, improve care, and collaborative research and scholarship. team in the Office of Human Resources; it development and interpretation. North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She served in and information worldwide — is generally Certainly, those initiatives and integrative is wonderful to be part of a group that is so “I am excited that we are able to keep human relations roles for the Office of the recognized as one of the most powerful together, potentially efforts will allow our students to become focused on service. It is exciting to foster a Jaime at the helm of our human resources Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost warm and healthy environment for staff, unit at the school,” said Scott S. De Rossi, before joining the UNC School of Dentistry forces shaping healthcare,” said Scott S. impact quality of even more conscientious global citizens, De Rossi, dean and professor. “The creation aware and respectful of world cultures.” faculty, students and administration, and dean and professor. “She possesses a in 2013. At the school, Kelsky has acted as a of this office and the appointment of Dr. life worldwide.” Pimenta joined UNC from the School of also to continue making our administrative wealth of institutional knowledge from her human relations consultant and also Pimenta as its director allow our school to Dentistry at Piracicaba — State University processes operate smoothly and years of service to the school and the interim assistant dean of human relations —PIMENTA be better positioned as the leader in oral of Campinas (Unicamp) — Sao Paulo accurately.” University, and she showed great prior to this role. She also holds her health on a global scale.” Brazil, where he was full professor at the In her role, Kelsky will provide direct leadership and vision while serving as professional in human relations In this position, Pimenta will direct Department of Restorative Dentistry from management over the school’s Office of interim assistant dean.” certification (2009) and earned her Society can utilize its resources more efficiently the new Office of Global Initiatives. As the 1992 until 2006. He received his DDS from Human Resources; provide advice and Kelsky earned her Bachelor of Arts and for Human Resource Management to impact oral health on a global level in Office of Global Initiatives continues to be the Federal University of Minas Gerais, counsel concerning employee relations her Master of Arts from Florida State certification in 2015. addition to developing new and exciting formalized, Pimenta will advise on Brazil (UFMG), his Master of Science programs that support the global mission structure of the office and how the school from the University of Sao Paulo (USP), of the University. He will continue Bauru, Brazil, and his PhD from the overseeing the school’s international State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP), service trips and acting as the dental director for the UNC Craniofacial Center. “The new Office of Global Initiatives Araraquara, Brazil. He also holds a certificate in restorative dentistry and prosthodontics and practiced full-time Ko Appointed Chair of Orthodontics at the UNC School of Dentistry will with emphasis in preventive, restorative, operate to positively impact and esthetic dentistry. For patients with Ching-Chang Ko, DDS, MS, PhD, phenomenal asset to our school and our Lorne Koroluk, DMD, MSD, MS, the dentistry globally through its cleft lip and palate, Pimenta also fabricates recently began his appointment as the new orthodontics program. I am confident department’s previous chair, stepped aside mission and by sharing the oral appliances to help with speech, chair of the Department of Orthodontics. that Dr. Ko will be a great leader for the earlier this year. Koroluk remains on the school’s core values, providing function, and esthetics. Ko, who has served as the director of department, and I am excited for the school’s faculty as a dual appointee in both care to underserved Pimenta has presented many lectures the Orthodontics Graduate Program, will future of orthodontics here at UNC.” orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. communities,” said Pimenta. and continuing education courses see his leadership responsibilities expand Ko earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery “In collaboration with other regionally, nationally and internationally, in this new role. As chair, Ko degree from Kashsiung Medical University schools on campus, we and he has published over 100 scientific will develop initiatives articles and 90 abstracts, and has co- will oversee the faculty and graduate clinics, community in 1984, his Master of Science in bioengineering from National Yang- “He is a brilliant to improve care, and together, written five textbook chapters. He is also member of several professional service ventures such as the Ming University in 1989, and his PhD in entrepreneur and potentially UNC/Wake County Health bioengineering and biomaterials in 1994. impact organizations including the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, Department (WCHD) He earned a certificate in orthodontics a phenomenal asset Ko Orthodontic Program, and from the University of Minnesota in 2006. the International Association for Dental research including his own lab, which Ko has published approximately 100 peer- to our school and Research and the American Dental focuses on bone regeneration using reviewed articles and his research has Education Association. He biomaterials and biochemical approaches. been funded by Whitaker Foundation, 3M our orthodontics serves as associate editor and “I am thrilled that Dr. Ko agreed to chair ESPE, N2Bio, NC Biotech Center, American manuscript reviewer for several our Department of Orthodontics,” said Association of Orthodontics Foundation, program.” scientific publications. Scott S. De Rossi, dean and professor. American Association of Endodontics “He is a brilliant entrepreneur and a Foundation, and NIH/NIDCR. —DEAN DE ROSSI 12 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 13
facultyDEVELOPMENT Clinical Update Series 2017 Four Corners Study Club Faculty Mentoring Award Presented Formal Mentoring Program Update ADEA Travel Awards Dr. Don Tyndall, Diagnostic Started in 1986, the Four Corners Study Club, named after Dean Smith’s famous Four The Formal Mentoring Program was implemented in March 2013 for all assistant professors and TeachBack Sciences, provided the fall Corners offense, was initiated to enhance the professional development of dentists in in the School of Dentistry. Currently the school has 28 teams for assistant professors and Clinical Update Nash, Pitt, Craven, Carteret, Beaufort, and Wayne Counties. Due to the generous Five faculty attended the 2017 two for associate professors. More than 50 faculty mentors participate in the development Series topic for the donations and commitment to the UNC School of Dentistry, a new award was started American Dental Education of junior faculty through the mentoring program. To recognize the dedication to mentoring faculty. The topic Association meeting in March in the spring of 2014. The Four Corners Study Club Faculty Mentoring Award recognizes in the School of Dentistry and the support of the faculty in the mentoring program, was “Radiographic 2017 through a School of Dentistry outstanding mentoring practices provided to UNC School of Dentistry faculty by full- Drs. Jessica Lee and Bill Vann, hosted all of the mentors and mentees at a reception at Selection Criteria: travel grant. All of them provided time faculty members. their home in July. All mentoring teams were recognized and thanked for their efforts. What Radiographs “Teachbacks” for the faculty. Each year the awardee is selected from peer nominations via letters from faculty Following is a list of the mentors who are currently participating in the formal mentoring members, department chairs or members of the administration who have directly program. Special recognition and thanks go to the entire faculty who have enthusiastically benefited from the mentoring of the nominee or observed the impact he/she has had embraced this program and are providing their time and expertise to the junior faculty. on other faculty. All forms of mentoring are considered including mentoring in teaching, New Faculty research/scholarship, service and patient care. Recipients receive a monetary award, a desk plaque as well as their name added to a perpetual plaque that is located in the Orientation Dr. Lee Boushell Dr. Danyu Lin Dr. Glenn Reside hallway leading to the Dean’s Suite. Dr. Sumi Ahmed Department of Operative Dentistry UNC Gillings School of Global Department of Oral Surgery A New Faculty Orientation Public Health Brain friendly strategies for Professor Jennifer Brame Dr. Andre Ritter presentations was held in September 2017 to Department of Dental Ecology Dr. Shaun Matthews Department of Operative Dentistry welcome several new faculty Enrique Platin, MS, EdD, was selected as the recipient of the Four Corners Study Club Department of Oral Surgery Dr. Alice Curran Dr. Allen Samuelson who have joined the School Faculty Mentoring Award for 2017. Platin is a clinical professor of oral and Department of Diagnostic Sciences Dr. Glenn Minsley Department of Dental Ecology of Dentistry in recent months. maxillofacial radiology in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences. He has Department of Prosthodontics The new faculty received Dr. Ingeborg De Kok authored more than 50 radiology related publications in professional Professor Jeffrey Simms presentations from members Department of Prosthodontics Professor Shannon Mitchell UNC Gillings School of Global Public journals and is co-author of the textbook Radiographic Imaging for the Department of Dental Ecology of the administration and key Dr. Kimon Divaris Health Dental Team. In addition, Dr. Platin is a co-inventor of the stationary intraoral resource individuals. Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Antonio Moretti Dr. Sun-Yung Bak tomosynthesis (s-IOT) X-ray source using Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT). This Dr. Gary Slade Department of Periodontology Dr. Terry Donovan Department of Dental Ecology Edutainment Professor Li Chen 3 dimensional intraoral radiography technology is a clinically viable tool that can be used Department of Operative Dentistry Dr. Valerie Murrah in the radiologic diagnosis of common dento-alveolar diseases. In addition to his work Dr. Ed Swift Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Sciences Dr. Amelia Drake Department of Operative Dentistry Dental Ecology with faculty mentoring, he has been a thesis mentor to many graduate students. Department of Dental Ecology Dr. Warren Newton Dr. Don Tyndall UNC School of Medicine Dr. Katharine Ciarrocca Dr. Ibrahim Duqum Department of Diagnostic Sciences Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics Dr. Kari North Dr. Jennifer Webster-Cyriaque UNC Gillings School of Global Dental Ecology Dr. Greg Essick Department of Dental Ecology Public Health Department of Prosthodontics Professor Jennifer Harmon Dr. Morris Weinberger Dr. Wendy Clark Growing Our Leaders Dr. Tung Nguyen UNC Gillings School of Global Public Oral Health: An Essential Dr. Eric Everett Department of Orthodontics Clinical Assistant Professor, Health Component of Whole Person Care Department of Pediatric Dentistry Prosthodontics Enrique Platin, MS, EdD, Operative Dentistry, and Jeannie Ginnis, DDS, Pediatric Dentistry, in the Primary Care Medical Home Dr. Steve Offenbacher Dr. Jane Weintraub recently completed the 2017 Academy of Academic Leadership (AAL) Institute for Dr. Rick Gracely Department of Periodontology Department of Endodontics Department of Dental Ecology Dr. Jennie Ginnis Teaching and Learning in Atlanta, Ga. Research Assistant Professor, Dr. Ricardo Padilla Dr. Bernard Weissman Dr. Carol Haggerty Department of Diagnostic Sciences UNC School of Medicine Pediatric Dentistry Department of Operative Dentistry Dr. Lauren Patton Dr. Ray White Jennifer Harmon, MS, Dental Ecology, and Gustavo Oliveira, DDS, Operative Dentistry, Dr. Kent Healey Department of Dental Ecology Dr. Jack King Department of Oral Surgery Department of Prosthodontics Clinical Associate Professor, participated in the American Dental Education Association Summer Program for Dr. Charles Perou Dr. Al Wilder Operative Dentistry Emerging Academic Leaders in Freeport, Maine. The program is designed to provide Dr. Harald Heymann UNC School of Medicine Dr. Lew Lampiris Department of Operative Dentistry Department of Operative Dentistry early-career faculty showing great promise as potential leaders the guidance, insight and The “Gies Report” for the 21st Professor Beth Kornegay Dr. Mary Pettiette Professor Rebecca Wilder skills needed to build an academic career. The year-long program begins in July with a Dr. Asma Khan Century — Phase I findings Department of Endodontics Department of Dental Ecology Clinical Assistant Professor, highly interactive three-and-a-half day onsite session. During the meeting, fellows engage Department of Endodontics Dental Ecology Dr. Ceib Phillips Dr. Tim Wright with senior leaders in dental education and work in peer groups to discuss leadership Dr. Ching-Chang Ko Department of Orthodontics Department of Orthodontics Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Beau Meyer development and other essential subjects in academic dentistry. Fellows interact through Dr. Luis Pimenta Dr. Thom Ziemiecki Research Assistant Professor, online and other virtual experiences with their peer groups and advisors throughout the Dr. Lew Lampiris Department of Dental Ecology Department of Dental Ecology Department of Prosthodontics Pediatric Dentistry year as they develop research projects that highlight emerging trends and initiatives Dr. Rick Platin within academic dentistry, the profession as a whole and at ADEA member institutions Dr. Jessica Lee Department of Diagnostic Sciences Dr. Shaoping Zhang specifically. The year-long program culminates with peer group presentations of their Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Andrea Zandona Research Assistant Professor, research findings during a dedicated session at the 2018 ADEA Annual Session and Dr. Rocio Quinonez Promoting Critical Thinking in Dr. Pei Feng Lim Department of Pediatric Dentistry Periodontology Dental School Exhibition in Orlando, Fla. Department of Endodontics 14 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 15
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Dr. Luiz Pimenta, Dental Ecology, visited the Qingdao Stomatological Hospital Dr. Ricardo Padilla, Diagnostic Sciences, Dr. Jane Weintraub, Dental Ecology, was Professor Jennie Brame, Dental Ecology, in China and gave a talk entitled "Comprehensive treatment of patients with was named chair of the American an invited speaker at the NIDCR Workshop completed the 2017 ADEA Allied Dental craniofacial anomalies — team approach" as part of the activities to celebrate Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial for Dentist-PhD Trainees on September 14 Faculty Leadership Development Program. the 30th anniversary of the Qingdao Stomatological Hospital. Pimenta also Pathology Fellowship Exam Committee. and served as a member of the NIH visited Peking University in Beijing-China, where he met with the dean of the facultyNOTES ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council on September 15, 2017. She also completed her 4-year term as a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Dr. Christine Downey, Dental Ecology, is Hospital of Stomatology, Professor Chuanbin Guo, to discuss the continuation of the agreement between UNC and Peking University. After meeting with Dr. Rocio Quinonez, Pediatric Dentistry, a new member of the editorial advisory Dean Guo, Pimenta lectured to members of the faculty and residents. member of the Council but has been asked is the 2017 recipient of the American board for the multidisciplinary journal to stay on for one more session in January. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Academy of Pediatrics Section on Oral Decisions in Dentistry. Health's 2017 Oral Health Service Award. Dr. Ryan Cook, Prosthodontics, Dr. Kimon ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ The award recognizes someone who has ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Divaris, Pediatric Dentistry, and Dr. Rick demonstrated exceptional dedication Dr. Antonio Amelio, Dental Ecology, was Walter (Operative Dentistry) represented Professor Jennifer Harmon, Dental ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ and commitment to the work of the AAP awarded NIH Innovation Grants to Nurture the School of Dentistry at the Chancellor's to improve children's health. Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE): Ecology, and Dr. Gustavo Oliveira, Operative Dentistry, were selected to Dr. Jonathan Reside, Periodontology, PROMOTIONS Entrepreneurship Workshop. Additionally, a Development and Validation of Model team led by Drs. Cook and Divaris, which attend the ADEA Summer Program for was selected to be a fellow of the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Systems and/or Pharmacodynamic also included Amanda Corbett (Pharmacy) Emerging Academic Leaders. International College of Dentists. Ceib Phillips (Orthodontics) was Markers to Facilitate the Discovery of promoted to associate dean for and Marianne Cockroft (Nursing), tied for Dr. Ibrahim Duqum, Prosthodontics, was Neurotherapeutics (Parent R21/R33), RFA- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ graduate and advanced education. the top prize at the Chancellor's selected as a fellow of the International NS-16-013. Project Title: “Development and Entrepreneurship Workshop. College of Dentists and was inducted Dr. Shaoping Zhang, Periodontology, validation of a genetically engineered Dr. Julie Marchesan, Periodontology, Luiz Pimenta (Dental Ecology) was during this fall's American Dental received a NIDCR Dentist Scientist model of neurofibromatosis type 2 to received the NIH/NIDCR Mentored Career promoted to assistant dean for ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Association Annual Session. Pathway to Independence Award facilitate discovery of neurotherapeutics.” Development Award to Promote Diversity global initiatives. Dr. Asma Khan, Endodontics, was elected Role: co-principal investigator. in the Dental, Oral and Craniofacial (K99/R00). Zhang will be investigating ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Rebecca Wilder (Dental Ecology) to Omicron Kappa Upsilon dental honor Research Workforce (K01). The award “The role of tumor necrosis factor- receptor associated factor 3 interacting was promoted to assistant dean for society. Dr. Harald Heymann, Operative Dentistry, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ will provide a total of $742K for salary protien2 (TRAF3IP2); A critical adaptor in professional development and faculty has been named the interim Operative and research support during a five-year Dr. Silvana Barros, Periodontology, IL-17 Pathway in periodontal disease.” The affairs. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Dentistry Graduate Program Director. period. Marchesan will collaborate with received the Global Partnership Award for award period is from July 2017 to June her co-mentors, Dr. Steve Offenbacher, Lee Boushell (Operative Dentistry) Professor Rebecca Wilder, Dental Ecology, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ collaborative exchange with Qingdao 2022. Zhang will be working with his Periodontology, and Dr. Jenny Ting, School will become the Operative Dentistry was an invited speaker at the Canadian Hospital and Peking University from UNC co-mentors, Dr. Steve Offenbacher, of Medicine, evaluating a protein named Predoctoral Clinic Director effective Dental Hygienists’ Association Global Dr. Jennifer Webster-Cyriaque, Dental Global. IFI16 and its influence in the pathogenesis Periodontology, and Dr. Flavia Teles, on January 2, 2018. Dental Hygiene Conference in Ottawa, Ecology, received the UNC GAA 2017 of periodontal diseases. The award period Periodontology. Canada in October. McClinton Outstanding Faculty Starr starts in September 2017. Award. She was named the research director of the National Dental Association Foundation.. 16 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NO RTH CARO L INA D E NTAL R E VIE W 17
STU DEN T NEWS Students, Faculty, Staff Honored at Annual Spurgeon Banquet American Association of Women Dentists Eleanor Bushee Award Nichole Schiro, DDS ’17 American Student Dental Association Award of Excellence Elnaz (Ellie) Gharah-Bash, DDS ’19 Nearly 250 students, faculty and staff member of the DDS Class of 1955. Class of 1990) to a fourth-year student American College of Dentists American Student Dental Association members and other guests attended the The 2016-17 James Harrell Award for who demonstrates humor, loyalty and Outstanding Student Leadership Award Spotlight Award 2017 Spurgeon Dental Society Annual Citizenship and Leadership, awarded great caring for others. The Zane E. Eargle, Phil Hamilton, DDS ’17 Mr. Paul Gardener, Dental Foundation Awards Banquet, which is held annually for bringing exceptional leadership, Jr. Memorial Award, which honors the American College of Prosthodontics Carolina First Campaign Scholarship in April. The event recognizes faculty, extraordinary enthusiasm, and strong late Zane Eargle (DDS Class of 1988), was Award Carlie Brown, DH ’17 staff and student contributions to the sense of service to the community, went awarded to Jackson Boone, DDS Candidate Matthew Bostian, DDS ’17 profession of dentistry and to the mission to two students: Preston Ford, DDS 2019. Boone was nominated for the award Colgate S.T.A.R. Award (Student American Dental Association/ Total Achievement Recognition) of the school. Candidate 2018, and Matthew Barnes, by her classmates who identified her as the DENTSPLY Student Clinician Ashley Pittman, DH ’17 The Spurgeon Award Banquet is DDS Candidate 2017. Ian McDonald, DDS member of the class who best exemplifies Research Program Award coordinated by the Office of Academic Candidate 2017, received the Robert E. a strong dedication to community, faith Danielle Burgess, DDS ’20 DA Awards Affairs and the Spurgeon Dental Society. Tormey, Jr. Memorial Award, which is given and dental school. FACULTY: Dr. Lynn Smith, Dental Ecology American Dental Society of STAFF: Yan Yao, Clinical Affairs Mallory Cochran, DDS Candidate 2018, annually in memory of Bob Tormey (DDS Anesthesiology Horace Wells STUDENT: Ann Collins, DA ’17 served as president of Spurgeon during Senior Student Award 2016-17. The other executive board officers Victor T. Warren, DDS ’17 DA Clinical Achievement Award included Vice President LaShawn Hart, Jasmine Nelson, DA ’17 American Student Dental Association DDS Candidate 2019; Treasurer Timothy Advocate Award DDS-1 Awards Neal, DDS Candidate 2021; Secretary Dr. Ralph Leonard, General Dentistry FACULTY: Dr. Gina Donato, School of Medicine Jaeyoung Yoo, DH Candidate 2018; and STAFF: Ms. Tammy Collins, Clinical Affairs periodontology resident Brenda Lopezas TA: Dr. Awab Abdulmajeed STUDENT: Cody Sabol, DDS ’20 the graduate representative. Associate Dean for Education Ed Swift, DMD, MS, received the Richard F. Hunt, Jr. Memorial Award for Excellence in Predoctoral Teaching. The Hunt Award is considered the school’s most prestigious teaching award. Students nominate and select the recipient of this honor, named in memory of Dr. Richard F. Hunt, Jr., a Academy of General Dentistry Awards American Academy of Oral and American Association of Oral Alyssa Wolff, DDS ’17 Maxillofacial Radiology Award and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Sarah Barker, DDS ’17 Carli Antor, DDS ’17 Implant Student Award Zachary Carnevale, DDS ’17 Academy of Operative Dentistry Award American Academy of Pediatric Mathew Bostian, DDS ’17 Dentistry Certificate of Merit American Association of Oral and Predoctoral Student Award Maxillofacial Surgeons Student Academy of Osseointegration Award Erica Afanador, DDS ’17 Achievement Award Mathew Bostian, DDS ’17 Thomas Brader, DDS ’17 American Academy of Periodontology Alberta Beat Dolan Scholarship Award Dental Student Award for Achievement American Association of Oral Katrina Knapp, DH ’17 in Periodontology Biology Award Kaushal Gandhi, DDS ’17 Alexander Edelmann, DDS ’17 Alpha Omega Award Preston Colven, DDS ’17 American Association of Endodontics American Association of Cody Barrett, DDS ’17 Student Achievement Award Orthodontics Award Tran Ung, DDS ’17 James Zhong, DDS ’17 American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Michael McAdams, DDS ’17 American Association of Oral and American Association of Public Maxillofacial Pathology Award Health Dentistry Student Award American Academy of Implant Dentistry Sarah Smith Barker, DDS ’17 Emily Tran, DH ’17 Preston Ford, DDS ’18 18 N O RTH CA R O LIN A DEN TAL R EVIEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 19
ST UDE N T NE WS DDS-2 Awards DH Alumni Award DENTSPLY International Award in FACULTY: Dr. James Fiordalisi, School of Med. Katelyn (Alex) Myers, DH ’17 Removable Prosthodontics STAFF: Ms. Tammy Collins, Clinical Affairs Vanessa White, DDS ’17 TA: Dr. Kimberly Schlam DH-1 Awards STUDENT: Jordan Sawyers, DDS ’19 FACULTY: Prof. Jennifer Harmon, Dental Ecology Dwight Clark Memorial Awards Prof. Nancy St. Onge, Dental Ecology DDS4: Kaushal Gandhi, DDS ’17 DDS-3 Awards STUDENT: Emily Turner, DH ’18 DH: Kayla Scinta, DH ’17 FACULTY: Dr. Rick Walter, Operative Dentistry DA: Jennifer Cortez-Zamora, DA ’17 STAFF: Ms. Lisa Mauldin, Pediatric Dentistry DH-2 Awards RESIDENT: Dr. Beau Meyer FACULTY: Dr. Jennifer Brame, Dental Ecology Eleanor A. Forbes Clinical STUDENT: Robert Long, DDS ’18 Prof. Judy Adkins, Dental Ecology Achievement Award STUDENT: Emily Tran, DH ’17 Sarah (Morgan) Crawley, DH ’17 DDS-4 Awards FACULTY: Dr. Jack King, Operative Dentistry Dental Ecology Community Dentistry Four Corners Study Club Faculty STAFF: Ms. Latamra Thompson, Clinical Affairs Award Mentoring Award RESIDENT: Dr. Bill Yeung Keren-hapuc Sanchez, DH ’17 Dr. Enrique Platin, Diagnostic Sciences STUDENT: Brian Swift, DDS ’17 Graduate Programs Awards FACULTY: Dr. Steven Card, Endodontics STAFF: Lisa Mauldin, Pediatric Dentistry STUDENT: Dr. Elizabeth Campbell, Orthodontics Grover C. Hunter Award Kaushal Gandhi, DDS ’17 Hillenbrand-Lupton Student Award Michael Mclennon, DDS ’17 Hinman Scholar Lilly Michelakis, DH ’17 Hu-Friedy Golden Scaler Award Nushaa Kaz, DH ’17 International College of Dentists Humanitarian Award Dayena Lee, DDS ’17 Markie Thomas Award Pierre Fauchard Academy Senior Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene International College of Dentists Student Kayla Ramsey, DH ’17 Student Award Honor Society Leadership Award Taylor Warren, DDS ’17 Nushaa Kaz, DA ’17 Kaushal Gandhi, DDS ’17 Marvin Block Community Dentistry Lilly Michelakis, DA ’17 Achievement Award Priscilla Levine Scholarship Katelyn (Alex) Myers, DA ’17 International Congress of Oral Kayachtta Hawkins, DDS ’18 Amina Masood, DH ’17 Hannah Cheung, DA ’17 Implantologists (ICOI)/Sullivan Schein Award Monte Miska Award in Fixed Quintessence Award for Clinical Southeastern Academy of Prosthodontics David Chodosh, DDS ’17 Prosthodontics Achievement in Periodontics Award Jordan Thomas, DDS ’17 Payam Anvari-Aliabad, DDS ’17 Nate Hoang, DDS ’17 James Harrell Award for Citizenship and Leadership N.C. Dental Society Student Leader Award Richard Hunt Award for Teaching Student Research James Bawden Preston Ford, DDS ’18 Andrew Burton, DDS ’17 Excellence Mentor Award Matthew Barnes, DDS ’17 Dr. Edward Swift, Operative Dentistry Erica Afanador, DDS ’17 Pankey Study Club of North Carolina Linda Paschall Jarvis Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Robert E. Tormey, Jr. Memorial Award Susan P. Foy Award Brittney Poe, DH ’17 Dr. Gustavo Oliveira, Operative Dentistry Ian McDonald, DDS ’17 Michael McAdams, DDS ’17 Linda Stewart Professional Excellence Pat Jacques Memorial Scholarship Sara O’Daniel Dental Assisting Whip Mix "Best of the Best" Award Award Mariana Martinez-Alvarado, DA ’17 Clinical Experience Award in Prosthodontics Ann Collins, DA ’17 Taylor Boyd, DA ’17 Sarah Barker-Smith, DDS ’17 Pierre Fauchard Academy Junior Kermit Knudtzon Award Student Award Sheila Harris Award Zane Eargle, Jr. Award Jennifer Cortez-Zamora, DA ’17 Natalie Dunlop, DDS ’18 DeAnna Thompson, DA ’17 Jackson Boone, DDS ’19 20 N ORT H CA RO LIN A DENTAL R EV IEW NORT H CAR OLI NA DEN TAL R EV IE W 21
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