Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...

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Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
Summer 2021
           A Publication of the California Mor tgage A sso ciation

Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum:
  How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity
Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
Elizabeth Knight – President
                     PLM Lender Services, Inc.
                                                                                             A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e C a l i f o r n i a M o r tg a g e A s s o c i a t i o n

            Michelle Rodriguez – Vice President
                  R.C. Temme Corporation

                   Odell Murry – Secretary
                   MAI Financial Services, Inc.
                                                                   Inside This Issue
                                                                   From the President...................................................................... 2
                  Richard Selzer – Treasurer
                      Selzer Home Loans
                                                                   From the Editor............................................................................ 3
         David Herzer – Immediate Past President
               Herzer Financial Services, Inc.
                                                                   Sacramento Summary................................................................ 5
      Steve Belleville                       James Perry
   Redwood Mortgage Corp.                  Alliance Portfolio

         Mark Forbes                       Lori Randich
                                                                   Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum................ 7
   F.E. Forbes Company, Inc.             Bay Laurel Financial

    Angelica Gardner                     Stephen Rexrode           Everything You Want to Know
   Asher Evan Investments             Cushman Rexrode Capital
                                            Corporation            About the New Auditor’s Report............................................10
       Glenn Goldan
       ReProp Financial                      Pam Sosa
                                     Standard Mortgage Financial
  Bradley Laddusaw, CPA                     Services, Inc.         Eleventh Circuit Decision in Hunstein Places
     S&L Capital Group
                                          Shafiq Taymuree          Debt Collection Business Models at Risk.............................. 13
       Joffrey Long                          Stonecrest
   Southwestern Mortgage
                                         Richard Wachter
    Sandy MacDougall                   Wachter Investments, Inc.   Fall Seminar Save-the-Date..................................................... 15
    Mortgage Vintage, Inc.

                                                                   Annual and Summer Sponsors...............................................16
           Michael Arnold & Michael Belote, Esq.
                    Legislative Advocates                          PAC Contributors........................................................................18
        T. Robert Finlay          K. Bradley Rogerson
        Legal Counsel               Securities Counsel             MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Odell Murry......................................... 21

                                                                   Stricktly Strickland.....................................................................26
    Jennifer Blevins, CMP             Michael Cochran                                       is published by the California
Director of Management Services     Webmaster / IT Manager            Mortgage Association, a voluntary trade association
                                                                      serving California mortgage and trust deed brokers
  Teresa Excinia, MBA, CAE             Stephanie Schoen               and lenders.
       Executive Director                Special Projects

      John Berkowitz                  Tricia Schrum, CPA                           2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 150
     Publications Director                 Accounting                                   Sacramento, CA 95833
                                                                             (916) 239-4080 – phone • (916) 924-7323 – fax
       Jen Gross, CMP                   Natalie Sinclair                        
       Meeting Planner                  Special Projects             

Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                              Page 1
Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
Elizabeth M. Knight
                                                           2021-2022 CMA President

  hope as of this writing you are all             members perform many or all of these              exceeded the list price by 12%, all cash, and,
  doing well; taking time to be with your         functions themselves. Could any of you            the original list price was at market. There
  families, taking time to take care of           imagine simply performing one function            are four driving forces that create such an
yourself, staying healthy and enhancing           all day, every day? For the entrepreneurial       occurrence: Low inventory, low interest
and protecting your businesses from the           CMA members, it would be a “roller coaster        rates, people who feel they need to jump
ongoing changes to the market and the             on a flat track.”                                 into the market, people with cash.
enactment of new legislation.
                                                  Sometimes, although we ride a roller              But, as any of us know who have been in
As I had mentioned in the last Points of          coaster ride every day, we want to make it        this business many years, this is a cyclical
Interest President’s Message, I enjoy sharing     wilder than it already is. Perhaps, it is not     market and every time there is a downward
quotes from famous people. This edition’s         a conscious choice. It is just something          adjustment in the market it follows an
quote best described my thoughts about            that wants us to feel bolder, more creative,      accelerated uptick. My message here
CMA as a group since we are strong and            just ... more. But, when looking back we          today is to be especially cautious when
bold:                                             think, “What was I thinking? Why did I work       writing your loans in this type of market. Be
                                                  with that borrower? Why did I let them            careful of the roller coaster rush of being
   Yeah, life is complicated, but                 push me into closing so quickly without           able to write a loan today because of the
   if it wasn’t complicated, it                   performing as much due diligence as I             lower LTV that you wouldn’t have written
                                                  normally do? Why did I step outside my            six months ago.
   would be a roller coaster on a                 knowledge base without further review or
   flat track. Wouldn’t be a ride                 consult on this loan?” Maybe it is because        Really get a feel of the values in your area,
   worth taking.                                  we want a bit of the shrieking highs and          where they were and where they are going
                        — Suspense writer         lows of any great roller coaster to rise to       and how quickly. Perhaps you always were
                             Dean Koonz           the precipice, free fall and then soar again.     writing at 70% LTV. Today, you may want
                                                                                                    to be more conservative. Although the
Many of the CMA members consist of small          Currently, the real estate market is, in many     market seems like it won’t be adjusting
enterprises which allow (or make) the             areas, rising in value very quickly. Properties   anytime soon since the rates are staying
owners to perform and perfect so many             that sold last month for $1,250,000 are now       low for at least a year or more, so say the
different functions of their business. Where      selling for $1,450,000. We are seeing not         feds, and the building of homes hasn’t
a large company has a team of loan officers,      just multiple offers but unprecedented            caught up with demand, the building
processors, underwriters, loan committees         numbers of multiple offers causing offers         will catch up and unless you are writing
for different types of loans, funders, closers,   to exceed list price by as much as 10%,           very short term loans, your loan could
post-close auditors, HR teams, accounting         maybe more in some areas. I was talking           get caught up in that. In some areas, tens
departments, marketing departments and            to one agent who had 85 offers come in on
a myriad of other departments, our CMA            one property and the final accepted offer                                 continued on page 27

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Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
Mayumi Bowers

  hope that the first half of 2021 was fruitful   shoring up the things that we should have         always good to revisit. It is a nice reminder
  for your business. I know that I was            been doing but had not had the time to do.        of those things that you should be doing, but
  incredibly busy this year and my busyness       These things alone have made us incredibly        that may have slipped to the back burner. I
didn’t just come from new loans coming. A         busy on top of dealing with new loans             hope that the second half of 2021 will be great
lot of it came from making improvements           coming in.                                        for everyone, and I look forward to seeing
to our current processes and procedures,                                                            everyone at the Fall Seminar in Las Vegas. As
implementing the new rules and regulations        The articles in this edition, touch on a couple   another reminder, we are always looking for
that have come as a result of COVID-19, and       of things that aren’t necessarily new but are     new articles and newsletter ideas.

             Steve Belleville                                    Glenn Goldan                                 Bradley Laddusaw, CPA

                Odell Murry                                    Stephen Rexrode                                       Pam Sosa

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Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
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Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
By Michael J. Arnold & Michael D. Belote, Esq.
                                                 CMA Legislative Advocates

      he Legislature is scheduled to adjourn   both tenants and landlords. Working with         to complete continuing education
      this first year of the 2021-2022 two-    other groups in the lending industry, we         eliminating bias and cultural competency
      year legislative session on September    were able to avoid legislation which would      – in Senate and likely to pass.
10th. Thus, it is a sprint to the end of the   have impacted the foreclosure process.
 session. In many respects, this is the most                                                  AB 1405:
 dangerous period of the Legislature. Bills    Several bills which did not pass this year,     Creates the Fair Debt Settlement
 are often “highjacked” at this time of year   however, are now “two-year bills” which         Practices Act regulating debt settlement
 and a bill on garbage trucks can suddenly     will be eligible for further consideration      of unsecured debt, such as credit card
 become a bill on mortgage lending. It         during the second year of this two-year         debt – in Senate and likely to pass.
 is for that reason that your lobbyists        session.
 in Sacramento read every amendment                                                           AB 1466:
 to every bill daily. Amendments can           CMA is closely tracking over 60 bills during    Establishes task force to search, redact,
 transform a bill in our “watch” category      this session. Some of the measures on our       and compile a publicly searchable
 into a measure we must strongly oppose        list include the following:                     database of unlawful and discriminatory
– and on short notice.                                                                         restrictive housing covenants – in Senate
                                               AB 345:                                         and likely to pass.
COVID-19 has made this session of the            Would allow an ADU to be conveyed
Legislature the strangest one ever!              separate from the primary residence          SB 263:
Members and staff have been difficult            pursuant to a local ordinance – in Senate     Requires 2 hours training on “implicit
to reach, and lobbying committees has            and likely to pass.                           bias” as part of the 45-hour continuing
required considerably more effort. Thus                                                        education for realtor license renewal – in
far, we have been successful in our efforts    AB 255:                                         Assembly and likely to pass.
to stop bad legislation or, in some cases,       Would enact the C0VID Emergency Small
avoid the introduction of bad ideas in the       Business Eviction Relief Act – killed on     SB 373:
form of legislation we would have opposed.       the Assembly Floor. This measure would        Defines “economic abuse” as certain
                                                 have created more problems than it            types of debt – 2-year bill.
The Legislature and the Governor have had        would have solved – 2-year bill.
many issues to deal with this year including                                                  SB 449:
COVID-19, housing, homelessness, and a         AB 561:                                         Requires specified lenders to report on
budget outlook which went from a $54             Requires State Treasurer’s Office to          climate-related risks in their portfolios to
Billion deficit to almost a $100 Billion         help homeowners qualify for loans to          the Department of Financial Protection
surplus. The roaring economy and                 construct ADUs and junior ADUs – in           and Innovation – 2-year bill.
significant assistance from Washington           Senate and likely to pass.
created a situation where the biggest                                                         SB 531:
problem for the Democratic majority in         AB 948:                                         Amends the Rosenthal Fair Debt
the Legislature was how to spend the             Enacts measures to prevent unlawful           Collection Practices Act and the Fair
unanticipated revenue.                           discrimination in the conduct of real         Debt Buying Practices Act. Defines the
                                                 estate appraisals: (1) provides notice        term “delinquent debt” as “a consumer
As we have reported, early in the session        to buyers and sellers of their right to       debt, other than a mortgage debt, that
the Governor signed a bill extending             an unbiased appraisal of the property;        is past due at least 90 days and has not
the State’s eviction moratorium through          (2) establishes a mechanism to track          been charged off” – in Assembly and
September and boosting funding for a             complaints of underappraisals by              likely to pass.
rent relief program addressing the needs of      demographics; (3) requires appraisers

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Deflating a Balloon Partial Payment Conundrum: How to Handle Partial Payments After Loan Maturity - California ...
Sarah E.
                                  Greenberg                          T. Robert
                                  Davis, Esq.                      Finlay, Esq.
                                  Wright, Finlay                 Wright, Finlay
                                  & Zak, LLP                        & Zak, LLP

              Deflating a Balloon Partial
                Payment Conundrum:
                        How to Handle Partial
                     Payments After Loan Maturity
                       f you service loans with balloon payments,
                       you have almost assuredly faced a situation
                       where the loan has matured, but the borrower
                       fails to remit the full payment amount owed.
                       Instead, you receive a partial payment and
                       are left with two options – reject or accept
                       the payment.
              Many times, the servicer, generally at the     made by the borrower will not pay the
              direction of the lender, accepts the partial   loan off in full, which results in a large final
              payment. But, by accepting, have you also      payment at maturity. With respect to
              inadvertently agreed to extend the loan        residential loans, the Legislature decided
              terms? Moreover, if you accept do you          that borrowers needed to be reminded of
              also need to send a new notice of payment      the final payment to ensure awareness of
              pursuant to Civil Code section 2924i? The      what was coming due and adequate time
              answer is found in the interplay between       to prepare. Thus, Civil Code section
              California Civil Code section 2924i and any    2924i, which requires the servicer send a
              non-waiver clause contained in the loan        notice of final balloon payment to the
              documents.                                     borrower, was enacted. In short, the
                                                             statute applies to balloon loans which are
                                                             for a period of longer than one year,
              A. How Does Civil Code Section                 secured by a deed of trust on real
                 2924i Apply to Balloon Loans?               property containing one to four
              A balloon loan is a loan that does not         residential units, of which at least one is
              fully amortized over the course of the         occupied by the borrower. Civil Code
              loan term. That means any payments                                       continued on page 8

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Balloon Payments – continued from page 7
section 2924i(a). The statute requires the       owed on the maturity date. Id. Notably, a      Here, assuming the lender’s loan documents
lender provide a notice of final payment         waiver can be oral, written or it can arise    contain an anti-waiver clause which covers
to the borrower at least 90 days, but no         from conduct that shows the lender clearly     acceptance of payments post- maturity,
more than 150, before the final payment          gave up the right. Id., see also Howard J.     the lender’s mere acceptance of the
is due. Civil Code section 2924i(c). This        White, Inc. v. Varian Associates (1960) 178    partial payment would not extend the
notice must identify the date the final          Cal.App.2d 348, 353-355.                       loan terms. This is, of course, subject to
balloon payment is due, the payment                                                             the above caveat that the lender’s other
amount, where the payment should be              Estoppel is an equitable doctrine codified     conduct is consistent. For instance, if the
sent, and whether the borrower has a             in California Evidence Code section 623,       servicer orally representsto the borrower
contractual right to refinance. Civil Code       which provides that when a party, by either    that the loan due date has been extended
section 2924i(c). Failure to send the notice     statement or conduct, leads another to         or a monthly statement is sent to the
timely does not invalidate the loan but will     believe a particular thing is true and the     borrower showing a different due date
extend the loan terms via operation of law       second party acts in reliancethereon, the      post acceptance of the partial payment, a
to a date at least 90 days after the notice      first party is not permitted to contradict     court could find that the lender waived the
date, thus delaying collection on the loan.      that statement or conduct in any litigation    anti-waiver clause protections based on
Civil Code section 2924i(e), (f). Moreover, a    arising out of that statement or conduct.      that separate conduct. As a best practice,
willful violation of the statute can result in   Cal. Evid. Code section 623. To succeed        in situations where the lender decides to
an award of actual damages and attorney’s        on an estoppel claim, the borrower would       acceptthe partial payment, we recommend
fees. Civil Code section 2924i(f).               need to show that the lender knew about        the servicer also send a reservation of rights
                                                 the breach of the loan payment terms but       letter to the borrower specifically advising
As relevant to our question above, this          extended the loan term by accepting the        them that acceptance of the payment is
section also states that “[i]f the due date      partial payment, that the lender intended      not to be considered a modification of the
of the final payment of a loan subject           its conduct to be acted upon, that the         loan or a waiver of any of the loan terms.
to this section is extended prior to the         borrower did not know differently that         This letter would not only cut against any
time notice is otherwise required under          the loan had not been extended, and that       argument by the borrower that the lender
this subdivision, this notice requirement        the borrower relied upon the statement or      intended to modify the loan, but also be
shall apply only to the due date as              conduct to his detriment. DRG/Beverly Hills,   strong evidence that the borrower knew
extended (or as subsequently extended).”         Ltd. v. Chopstix Dim Sum Café & Takeout III,   the acceptance was not a modification of
Civil Code section 2924i(c). Thus, if            Ltd. (1994) 30 Cal.App.4th 54, 59.             the due date.
accepting a payment after the loan matures
automatically extends the loan terms, then                                                      We are aware that some servicers will
                                                 C. How Do I Protect Myself?
you would arguably also need to send                                                            sometimes send a new 90-day notice
another notice to comply with Civil Code         While the lender’s course of conduct/          under Section 2924i if they accept a partial
section 2924i(c) in situations where the loan    acceptance of payment can potentially          payment. However, we do not recommend
is extended more than 90 days.                   extend the loan terms, generally all           such a course of action for two reasons.
                                                 loans also contain an anti-waiver clause       First, logic dictates that since the loan
                                                 specifically to prohibit such an occurrence.   terms have not been extended, a new
B. Can Acceptance Alone                          (Note – if you loan documents do not           90-day notice is not necessary to comply
   Extend the Loan Terms?                        contain one, they should!) Anti-waiver         with the statute’s requirements. Second,
As a general matter the parties’ course          clauses generally provide that a lenders’      sending such a notice could actually be
of conduct, i.e., acceptance of partial          failure to enforce its contractual rights in   problematic because it could be used by
payments post-maturity, can extend the           a breach situation shall not constitute        the borrower as evidence that the lender
loan terms, usually through application          a waiver of that breach or the remedies        intended to voluntarily extend the due
of equitable principles such as waiver or        available to the lender. Many also             date, otherwise why did the lender send
estoppel.                                        specifically provide that acceptance of late   the new notice in the first place.
                                                 payments or partial payments does not
Waiver is the intentional relinquishment of      constitute a modification of the loan or a     In summar y, f irst check your loan
a known right after knowledge of the facts.      waiver of any other remedy available by        documents and review the anti-waiver
Waller v. Truck Ins. Exchange, Inc. (1995) 11    law. These clauses are consistently upheld     provision. If it does not already specifically
Cal.4th 1, 31. To succeed on his waiver claim,   by courts across the nation based on their     address acceptance of late/partial
the borrower would need to prove by clear        plain language, but enforcement is based       payments, consider revising it. Next,
and convincing evidence that the lender          on the parties’ actual conduct, which must     consider implementing a policy requiring
freely and knowingly gave up its right to        be consistent with the anti-waiver clause
require the borrower to pay the full amount      terms.                                                                  continued on page 9

Page 8                                                                                                                       Summer 2021
Balloon Payments – continued from page 8
a reservation of rights letter be sent to
the borrower in situations where a partial
payment is going to be accepted post-
maturity. Ultimately, if you are unsure
what level of protection you currently
possess, please reach out to Wright, Finlay
& Zak, LLP or your counsel to discuss your
specific situation.

If you have any questions regarding
this topic, please do not hesitate to
contact Sarah Greenberg Davis at sdavis@ or Robert Finlay at rfinlay@

Disclaimer: The above information is
intended for information purposes
alone and is not intended as legal advice.
Please consult with counsel before
taking any steps in reliance on any of the
information contained herein.

Sarah Greenberg Davis is a Senior Associate
Attorney at WFZ’s California office. Robert
Finlay is a founding Partner of WFZ.

Summer 2021                                    Page 9
Everything You
                                                                                         Want to Know
                                                                                         About the New
                                                                                         Auditor’s Report

                                                                                               Henry Chavez
                                                                                   Spiegel Accountancy Corp.

        fter seemingly eons of time that        The new auditor’s report is intended to            In our opinion, the accompanying
        we have had to become familiar          increase its value by providing more               financial statements present fairly, in all
        with the standard auditor’s report,     transparency into the audit and supplying          material respects, the financial position
it is about to categorically change. That’s     the user with more information on the              of Company X as of December 31, 2021,
right, the Auditing Standards Board (ASB)       auditor’s and management’s responsibility          and the results of its operations and its
of the American Institute of Certified Public   for the audit.                                     cash flows for the year then ended in
Accountants (AICPA) has changed the                                                                accordance with accounting principles
auditor’s report by issuing Statement of                                                           generally accepted in the United States
                                                What Are the Changes?
Auditing Standard (SAS) No. 134, Auditor                                                           of America.
Reporting and Amendments, including             1. Facelift
Amendments Addressing Disclosures in the                                                         2. We are independent,
Audit of Financial Statements.                  The first thing you will notice is the entire       ethical, and we own it
                                                structure of the auditor’s report was flipped.
This new auditor’s report, which becomes        In short, the audit opinion now comes first      The “Basis for the Opinion” is a new section
effective for all reporting periods ending      rather than last. Yes sir, no more waiting       in the auditor’s report that provides clarity
on or after December 15, 2021, is designed      for the auditor’s punch line to come at the      regarding the auditor’s obligations. Here is
to give us a whole new literary thrill in       end of the joke, as it will now come first.      something new in the paragraph: we are
audit reporting because the report is                                                            ethical and independent. We as auditors
presumably more relevant and transparent.         Report on the Audit of the                     find this amusing, and you should too since
Be forewarned as I attempt to elaborate           Financial Statements (Template)                this is the reason you hired us.
on the new standard with an injection of
humor. After all, who wants to read a dry         Opinion                                          Basis for Opinion (Template)
article on auditor’s reports?
                                                  We have audited the financial statements         We conducted our audit in accordance
                                                  of Company X, which comprises the                with auditing standards generally
Why the Change?                                   balance sheet as of December 31, 2021,           accepted in the United States of America
The ASB issued the new auditor’s report to        and the related statements of income,            (GAAS). Our responsibilities under those
coincide with international auditing and          changes in stockholders’ equity, and             standards are further described in the
assurance standards and create consistency        cash flows for the year then ended,              Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit
with the auditor’s report previously issued       and the related notes to the financial           of the Financial Statements section
by the Public Company Accounting                  statements.
Oversight Board.                                                                                                          continued on page 11

Page 10                                                                                                                        Summer 2021
Auditor’s Report – continued from page 10
  of our report. We are required to be           the financial statements in accordance       wanted to know about the steps auditors
  independent of Company X and to meet           with accounting principles generally         perform.
  our other ethical responsibilities, in         accepted in the United States of America,
  accordance with the relevant ethical           and for the design, implementation, and       Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit
  requirements relating to our audit. We         maintenance of internal control relevant      of the Financial Statements (Template)
  believe that the audit evidence we have        to the preparation and fair presentation
  obtained is sufficient and appropriate         of financial statements that are free from    Our objectives are to obtain reasonable
  to provide a basis for our audit opinion.      material misstatement, whether due to         assurance about whether the financial
                                                 fraud or error.                               statements as a whole are free from
3. Management, you are still                                                                   material misstatement, whether due
  responsible, too                               In preparing the financial statements,        to fraud or error, and to issue an
                                                 management is required to evaluate            auditor’s report that includes our
Management, you are lucky! Not much has          whether there are conditions or events,       opinion. Reasonable assurance is
changed in what we have to say about your        considered in the aggregate, that raise       a high level of assurance but is not
role in making sure the financial statements     substantial doubt about Company X’s           absolute assurance and therefore is not
are correct. Essentially, you must promise       ability to continue as a going concern for    a guarantee that an audit conducted
us your company will not fold within 12          one year after the date that the financial    in accordance with GAAS will always
months of issuing the financial statements.      statements are issued.                        detect a material misstatement when
Remember, management is responsible for                                                        it exists. The risk of not detecting
the financial statements, not the auditor.     4. A discourse on your auditor and              a material misstatement resulting
                                                  what work we do in your audit                from fraud is higher than for one
  Responsibilities of Management for                                                           resulting from error, as fraud may involve
  the Financial Statements (Template)          Anyone who reads the new auditor’s              collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
                                               report will now have the joy of obtaining       misrepresentations, or the override
  Management is responsible for the            an auditor’s “101 guide” through the audit
  preparation and fair presentation of         process. Voilà! Here is everything you                                continued on page 12

Summer 2021                                                                                                                      Page 11
Auditor’s Report – continued from page 11
 of internal control. Misstatements            internal control–related matters that              In truth, the changes to the auditor’s
 are considered material if there is a         we identified during the audit.                    report should not impact the viewpoint
 substantial likelihood that, individually                                                        of any reader. Therefore, you should not
 or in the aggregate, they would influence   5. The new and exciting                              have to prepare them for it, other than
 the judgment made by a reasonable             Key Audit Matters (KAM)                            letting them changes exist.
 user based on the financial statements.
                                             The intent of this new, optional paragraph         • Should you elect to include KAMs in the
 In performing an audit in accordance        in the auditor’s report is to disclose the           auditor’s report?
 with Generally Accepted Auditing            most important audit matters encountered
 Standards, we:                              during the audit. The spirit of this new             Given that the paragraph is optional,
                                             paragraph is to provide better information           prior to including it, management should
 • Exercise professional judgment and        to users of the financial statements and to          really consider whether it adds value to
   maintain professional skepticism          improve governance. While the AICPA may              the readers of your financial statements.
   throughout the audit. Identif y           be excited about this revision, it remains
   and assess the risks of material          to be seen how beneficial it may be to the         If you have any questions about SAS 134,
   misstatement of the financial             reader of the financial statements. Further,       please contact me. I’m happy to help.
   statements, whether due to fraud or       key audit matters are already discussed in
   error, and design and perform audit       the communication with those charged
   procedures responsive to those risks.     with governance letter that auditors are           Henry Chavez serves as a strategic resource
   Such procedures include examining,        required to provide to management.                 for growing organizations, guiding their
   on a test basis, evidence regarding                                                          development and success. A seasoned public
   the amounts and disclosures in the        Key Audit Matters (Example)                        accountant, Henry provides assurance and
   financial statements.                                                                        business consulting services to privately-
                                             Key audit matters are those matters that           held businesses in the financial services,
 • Obtain an understanding of internal       were communicated with those charged               manufacturing and distribution, technology,
   control relevant to the audit in order    with governance and, in our professional           and non-profit sectors.
   to design audit procedures that are       judgement, were of most significance in
   appropriate in the circumstances,         our audit of the financial statements of the
   but not for the purpose of expressing     current period. These matters were addressed
   an opinion on the effectiveness           in the context of our audit of the financial
   of Company X’s internal control.          statements, and in forming our opinion
   Accordingly, no such opinion is           thereon, and we do not provide a separate
   expressed.                                opinion on these matters.

 • Evaluate the appropriateness              The most sensitive accounting estimate
   of accounting policies used and           affecting the financial statements is Company
   the reasonableness of significant         X’s estimate of the collectability and valuation
   accounting estimates made by              of mortgage loans receivable, which is based
   management, as well as evaluate the       on historically collections and the fair value
   overall presentation of the financial     of collateral. We evaluated and tested the key
   statements.                               factors and assumptions used to determine
                                             fair value and found them to be reasonable
 • Conclude whether, in our judgment,        in relation to the financial statements taken
   there are conditions or events,           as a whole.
   considered in the aggregate, that raise
   substantial doubt about Company X’s
                                             Are You Ready For the Change?
   ability to continue as a going concern
   for a reasonable period of time.          The two issues management should
                                             consider prior to the adoption of SAS 134
 We are required to communicate              are as follows:
 with those charged with governance
 regarding, among other matters, the         • Do I need to inform the readers of the
 planned scope and timing of the audit,        financial statements about the change
 significant audit findings, and certain       in financial statement reporting?

Page 12                                                                                                                    Summer 2021
Eleventh Circuit Decision in Hunstein
Places Debt Collection Business Models at Risk

                                                                                                                     Brett L.
                                                                                                                     Foster, Esq.
                                                                                                                     Wright, Finlay
                                                                                                                     & Zak, LLP

                                                                                                                     Michelle A.
                                                                                                                     Mierzwa, Esq.
                                                                                                                     Wright, Finlay
                                                                                                                     & Zak, LLP

       n April 21, 2021, the U.S. Court of debt, (3) the entity to which he owed               creditor, or the attorney of the debt
      Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit the debt, (4) that the debt concerned his               collector.
       issued an opinion in Hunstein vs. son’s medical treatment, and (5) his son’s
Preferred Collection and Management name. Compumail used that information                   Thus, the mere act of providing its
Services, Inc., creating new risk and to generate and send a dunning letter to              third-party vendor with the information
uncertainty around the most common, Hunstein.                                               necessary to create and deliver the
everyday business practices used by many                                                    collection correspondence can constitute
debt collectors, including loan servicers. On Appeal, the 11th Circuit ruled that           a violation of the FDCPA.
994 F.3d 1341 (11th Cir. 2021). While a Hunstein could pursue claims that by
petition for rehearing en banc was filed providing this information to its third             Often it seems Courts do not appreciate
on May 25, 2021, and thirteen industry- party vendor the debt collector violated             the impact of their rulings on routine,
related amicus curiae briefs in support of § 1692c(b) of the Fair Debt Collection            widely understood and accepted business
the rehearing were also timely filed, the Prac tices Ac t (“ FD CPA” ), entitle d            practices on which entire segments of
opinion remains published at this time.      “Communication With Third Parties.” This        industry depend. That is not the situation
                                              section provides –                             in Hunstein. The Court recognizes its ruling
Debt collectors often contract with third                                                   “may well require debt collectors ... to
party vendors for services such as creating     Except as provided in section 1692b of       in-source many of the services that they
and mailing collection letters, receiving       this title, without the prior consent of     had previously outsourced, potentially
incoming phone calls, even simple               the consumer given directly to the debt      at great cost.” The Court goes on to note
accounts receivable bookkeeping. These          collector, or the express permission of      that its “obligation is to interpret the law
practices now face increased scrutiny and       a court of competent jurisdiction, or as     as written, whether or not we think the
potential litigation as described in further    reasonably necessary to effectuate a         resulting consequences are particularly
detail below.                                   postjudgment judicial remedy, a debt         sensible or desirable.”
                                                collector may not communicate, in
In Hunstein, the debt collector provided        connection with the collection of any       The 11th Circuit’s decision is only binding in
its mail services vendor, Compumail, with       debt, with any person other than the        Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. However,
information about Hunstein, including,          consumer, his attorney, a consumer          since the Court indicated that this is an
among other things: (1) his status as           reporting agency if otherwise permitted
a debtor, (2) the exact balance of his          by law, the creditor, the attorney of the                           continued on page 14

Summer 2021                                                                                                                     Page 13
Hunstein – continued from page 13
issue of first impression, it is very likely                                                      Both the federal FDCPA and the California
that Federal Courts of Appeals covering                                                           Rosenthal FDCPA only apply to the
other states may adopt the same approach                                                          collection of consumer debts. However,
in evaluating the inevitable lawsuits on                                                          California expanded the definition of a
this issue. It remains to be seen whether                                                         debt collector beyond the federal scope
arguments regarding agency and/or severe                                                          to include persons or entities collecting
services contract limitations on the use of                                                       their own debts, not only debts owed or
information will be considered to mitigate                                                        due to another.
claims of violation. As a result, loan servicers
and debt collectors should evaluate each                                                          If you have any questions or need assistance
third-party vendor relationship utilized                                                          evaluating your current debt collection
in relation to interaction with or about a                                                        practices in light of the Hunstein decision,
debtor. For residential loan servicers, this                                                      please contact Michelle Mierzwa at
may include call center vendors, business                                                or Brett Foster
process outsourcing vendors assisting in                                                          at
the processing of modification requests
and, clearly, print and mail vendors.                                                             Disclaimer: The above information is
                                                   exemption to the federal FDCPA’s definition    intended for information purposes
For tunately, the initial transfer of              of debt collector (and California recently     alone and is not intended as legal advice.
information to counsel for the debt                eliminated its attorney exemption to the       Please consult with counsel before
collector would be exempt under the                Rosenthal FDCPA). Thus, counsel for the        taking any steps in reliance on any of
plain language of the statute. However,            debt collector itself may be deemed a debt     the information contained herein.
any further transfers of information by the        collector under federal or state definitions
debt collector’s counsel to a subsequent           of a debt collector, subjecting the transfer   Brett Foster is Of Counsel for Wright, Finlay
vendor would be subject to scrutiny under          of information by the law firm to a third-     & Zak, LLP. Michelle Mierzwa is a Partner at
Hunstein. There is no longer an attorney           party vendor to potential coverage as well.    Wright, Finlay & Zak, LLP.

Page 14                                                                                                                        Summer 2021
Save the Date!
                            Current Trends and Industry Update

                         How I Grew My Business:
                    A panel of industry superstars lead by Glenn Goldan

                                KEYNOTE SPEAKER:
                Jeff Havens of Big Pow Enterprises – “Top Business Challenges”

                 Landlord Tenant Issues Post-COVID Update

                Cross-Collateralization Benefits and Pitfalls

                           Servicing and Default Issues

        Broker Round Tables Ideas to improve your bottom line

              PLUS – Members Only! Pool Managers Focus Group

  And … TWO Sponsored Cocktail Events, Networking, and more!

                       Live in Las Vegas
                       CMA Fall 2021 Conference
                       October 13-15, 2021, Aria Resort

Summer 2021                                                                      Page 15
CMA Thanks Our Annual Sponsors
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      CMA Thanks Our Summer Seminar Sponsors
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Page 16                                                                Summer 2021
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Summer 2021                                                                                                                     Page 17
                                                   California Mortgage Association
                            2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95833 • 916.239.4080 – phone
                                     • •
PAC Contributions from July 2020 - June 2021

      $2,000 – $7,300                  $1,000 – $1,999 continued        $500 – $999 continued
  F.E. Forbes Company Inc.              Cushman Rexrode Capital          MAI Financial Services, Inc.
                                             Corporation                         Toluca Lake
                                                                              Private Lender Link
      Fidelity Mortgage                    Equity Wave Lending                    Redwood City
         Lenders, Inc.                             Irvine                Spiegel Accountancy Corp.
          Los Angeles                                                           Pleasant Hill
                                          FCI Lender Services, Inc.
          Herzer Financial                      Anaheim Hills                 Sun Pacific Mortgage
           Services, Inc.                                                          Santa Rosa
                                         LBC Capital Income Fund
            Redwood City                      North Hollywood            Val-Chris Investments, Inc.

        To view this member-only content,
  PLM Lender Services, Inc.
                                          Mortgage Vintage, Inc.
                                              Newport Beach            Woodland Hills Mortgage Corp
                                                                              Woodland Hills
     Selzer Homebecome
                  Loans a member
                         ReProp Financial
                              Eureka      of CMA
            Ukiah                                                              $200 – $499
                                                                          A.C.M. Investor Services, Inc.
                                              $500 – $999                           Larkspur
     Standard Mortgage
    Financial Services Inc.                      Buchalter                    A.S.K. Investments, Inc.
          Riverside                              Los Angeles                          Anaheim

                                               Casco Financial                  Action Funding, Inc.
    Stonecrest Financial                          Los Gatos                          Calabasas
          San Jose                                                        Allstar Financial Services, Inc.
                                              Creative Realty                      Woodland Hills
                                           Marketing & Mortgage
 Wachter Investments, Inc.                       Bakersfield               Applied Business Software
       Burlingame                                                                  Long Beach
                                             JMJ Financial Group              Asher Evan Investments
                                                 Garden Grove                        Carmichael
      $1,000 – $1,999
                                           Lantern Financial Corp.             Bay Laurel Financial
          Abundance Capital                    Sherman Oaks                         San Carlos
                                                Law Office of                 Budget Mortgage Corp.
          Anchor Loans, Inc.              Benjamin R. Levinson, APC
                                                                                   Los Angeles
            Thousand Oaks                         Campbell
                                                                                         continued on page 19

Page 18                                                                                         Summer 2021
PAC Contributions from July 2020 - June 2021

   $200 – $499 continued                             $20 – $199                        $20 – $199 continued
          Empire Trust Deed                          Agricultural Finance                     Private Financial, Inc.
            Woodland Hills                            San Juan Capistrano                         Sherman Oaks
                                                       Bench Equity, LLC                    Redwood Mortgage Corp.
  Hamilton Ridge Asset Management                           Mesa                                  San Mateo
               San Jose
                                               Crawford Real Estate Services, Inc.      Redwood Trust Deed Services, Inc.
       Mid Valley Services, Inc.                           Redlands                               Santa Rosa
                Fresno                                Dryden Capital Inc.                      S&L Capital Group
                                                           Novato                                    Brea
       Mortgage Securities Inc.
              Encinitas                                Duner and Foote                          Select Mortgage
                                                            Irvine                                  Calabasas
          Mortgage+Care                               E.F. Foley & Co., Inc.             Sequoia Mortgage Capital, Inc.
      LOAN SERVICING SOFT Inc.                               San Jose                             San Anselmo
         San Juan Capistrano
                                                   Federal Home Loans Corp.           Soaring Falcon Mortgage Corporation
                                                           San Diego

         To view this member-only content,
     National Equity Funding, Inc.                                                                  Pleasanton
                Irvine                                   James Baron                            Sunset Mortgage
                                                           Saratoga                               Mission Viejo
      North Coast Financial, Inc.

              become a member of CMA

      Pacific Capital Loans, LLC
                                                 Mortgage Lender Services, Inc.
                                                           Fair Oaks

                                              Murphy Austin Adams Schoenfeld LLP
                                                                                              The Helvetica Group

                                                                                                The Norris Group
               Calabasas                                  Sacramento                                Riverside

     Private Capital Investments                      NDetail Capital LLC                  Total Lender Solutions, Inc.
               Danville                                 Newport Beach                               San Diego
                                                        Omni Financial                  Valley Mortgage Investments, Inc.
     Private Mortgage Fund, LLC                           Capitola                                 Bakersfield
                                                  Pacific Capital Funding Corp.          Wilshire Finance Partners, Inc.
     Residential First Mortgage                             Calabasas                            Newport Beach
           Newport Beach                          Pivotal Capital Group II, LLC             Wright, Finlay & Zak, LLP
                                                          Ladera Ranch                           Newport Beach
          The Argus Group
            Woodland Hills                     PrideCo Capital Management, LLC
                                                         Newport Beach
            Trilion Capital
               San Diego                                                                  PAC
       Unitrust Mortgage, Inc.
              San Diego
                                                                                     • Thursday AirPod Pros:
        Watsonville Mortgage                                                           Mayumi Bowers
                                                                                     • Friday AirPod Pros & Apple Watch:
     Woody Financial Realty Corp.                                                      Peter Steigleder
             Long Beach

Summer 2021                                                                                                               Page 19
   CMA’s positive influence is crucial for our survival. Send your contribution today!
              To view    thistomember-only
                    It’s easy   donate:    content,

                   become a member of CMA $51,768
                            Online at
                                                 — or —
                         Send the additional amount with your monthly CMA dues
                                                                                                                                                                             raised so
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                                                                                                                                                                             far since
                             Write a check to “CMA PAC” and send it today to:                                                                                               July 1, 2020
                         2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 150 • Sacramento, CA 95833

                                  For more information contact:
                   Richard Wachter, Chairperson, CMA PAC Fundraising Committee
     Our PAC and our advocates in Sacramento always operate in full compliance with all laws and regulations relating to efforts to influence the public policy
     process. We would never engage in any type of quid-pro-quo on public policy issues or entertain contributions in return for access. We support legislators
     who are philosophically aligned with the interests of our membership and who work to ensure a business environment which allows our members to flourish.

Page 20                                                                                                                                                                     Summer 2021
Odell Murry

                                              he California Mortgage Association turns the spotlight on members who are making an impact
                                              in their professional field and around the Association. These members exemplify the Mission of
                                              the CMA. We know that our members are one of the most important aspects of this Association,
                                        and we work hard to feature outstanding members. This time, the California Mortgage Association
                                        turns the spotlight on member Odell Murry, President of MAI Financial Services, Inc., located in Los
                                        Angeles, California. Odell has been a member of the California Mortgage Association since 2008.
                   Angelica             He has also served as the CMA Board President, Vice President and Treasurer, as well as many CMA
                   Gardner              committees, seminars, and panels. In addition to his many accomplishments in the CMA, he has led
                   Asher Evan           quite an inspiring life. We are grateful to have Odell as a member and are excited for our members
                   Investments          to learn more about his life.

Q    Tell us a little about you, your
     family, hobbies, etc.
                                                                                                 crops, and a bayou that ran right through
                                                                                                 the property – great for catching catfish!
                                                                                                 We had our own cemetery, right on our

A     As one of the youngest members
      of my family, I was born and raised
in Los Angeles, California, but my oldest
                                                                                                 property, where many of my ancestors are
                                                                                                 buried. My father developed an incredible
                                                                                                 work ethic which paid off. He left the farm
sister, Evell, and oldest brother, Nathan,                                                       and moved his family West. His first stop
were born in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish,                                                       was Houston, Texas, where my second
Louisiana. My mother and father, Ida                                                             oldest brother, Jerry, was born. Several
and Joshua, grew up as farmers in the                                                            years later, my father made a final move
tiny community of Garland, Louisiana,                                                            to Los Angeles, California, where I, and
also in St. Landry Parish. My grandfather                                                        two years later my youngest sister, Joselle,
William on my father’s side of our family                                                        were born.
was a sharecropper who never owned real
estate, but my grandfather Phillip on my                                                         There were five children in our family,
mother’s side owned an abundant amount                                                           which kept my mom busy as a stay-at-
of farmland. There were horses and cattle,                                                       home mom. She was a fantastic cook who
chickens and pigs, lots of hunting dogs,
a pecan orchard, acres of planted food        Odell’s father and mother, Joshua and Ida Murry.                          continued on page 22

Summer 2021                                                                                                                        Page 21
Murry – continued from page 21
                                                                                                             me. I like to take walks and exercise as
                                                                                                             time permits throughout the day.

                                                                                                             Q    How did you find yourself
                                                                                                                  working in this industry? Was it
                                                                                                             love at first sight or a longer path?

                                                                                                             It was a 20-year journey that began in the
                                                                                                             retail industry. Until 1960, F.W. Woolworth
                                                                                                             Company, one of the country’s largest
                                                                                                             retailers, would not allow Black Americans
                                                                                                             to eat at lunch counters in their stores.
                                                                                                             That changed when nationwide sit-ins led
                                                                                                             Woolworth to rethink its policies. Little
                                                                                                             did I know the change would launch me
                                                                                                             on a career path.

Odell and his siblings, Evell, Nathan, Joselle, and Jerry.

enjoyed preparing delicious Louisiana-                       the most important and influential Black
style delicacies. Mom and dad frequently                     scholars and activists of his time. Among
displayed their Southern hospitality, often                  his many achievements, he was the first
hosting a parade of interesting people for                   African-American to earn a doctorate
dinner. This gave me an introduction to                      degree from Harvard University, and he
the value of being part of a community                       was a founding member of the NAACP
and of civic life.                                           and the Pan-African Congress. The literary      Woolworth’s board chairman decided the
                                                             estate is one of the world’s most extensive.    company must hire an African American
                 As a kid, I was never good                  It includes not only the life works of Dr. Du   executive to run one of their stores. I was
                 at sports, but excelled in                  Bois, but also those of Shirley Graham Du       17, working after school at a Woolworth
                 math and science and was                    Bois, his second wife, and David Graham Du      store, and was stunned when I was offered
                 awarded a Bank of America                   Bois, Shirley’s son. Shirley was nationally     the opportunity to train to become the
                 scholarship in mathematics.                 known as a playwright, composer and             company’s first black store manager.
                 I attended Pepperdine                       author, and for her influence as an activist.
                 College (later Pepperdine                   David was a professor who devoted his           While attending college full time, I went
University), majoring in                                     career and much of his life to preserving       through a special accelerated Woolworth
technical management, and                                    and furthering the legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois.    management training program. In 1969,
then matriculated at the                                                                                     age 20, I became Woolworth’s first African
California Military Academy,
where I graduated and was
commissioned a second
                                                             Q    What do you do for work? What
                                                                  is your typical day like?
                                                                                                             American store manager. I was also the
                                                                                                             first African American national chain store
                                                                                                             manager in the United States.
lieutenant in the U.S. Army.

I did not have many hobbies growing up,
                                                             A    My work includes operating a
                                                                  commercial mortgage company,
                                                             managing investment properties, and
                                                                                                             I managed several Woolworth stores over
                                                                                                             the next 11 years. After leaving Woolworth
but as a young man, I became a sailor,                       managing the Du Bois literary estate. My        for a new opportunity, in 1985 I opened
golfer, and mountain climber. During the                     typical day starts in the early morning,        Mervyn’s flagship department store at
summer of 1986, I climbed to the summit                      and sometimes my day does not end until         Horton Plaza, San Diego (Mervyn’s was
of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa.                    late at night. When projects require lots       owned by its parent company Dayton
                                                             of brainpower and concentration, I prefer       Hudson Corporation, later renamed Target
A huge honor and responsibility came to                      to work on them early in the morning            Corporation).
my life in 2005, when I inherited the rights                 when my energy level is high, or late in
to the W.E.B. Du Bois Estate. As everyone                    the peaceful hours of the night. I’m a
probably knows, Dr. Du Bois was one of                       workaholic, so long days do not bother                                 continued on page 23

Page 22                                                                                                                                  Summer 2021
Murry – continued from page 22
My final, capstone position in retail was
as President of Gateway Marketplace, an
affiliate of The Price Club (later named
                                                 others, I helped develop and introduce new
                                                 operational systems at CMA.                     Q   Tell us a little about what else
                                                                                                     you’re working on outside of the
                                                                                                 mortgage industry.
Costco Warehouse Stores).                        I joined CMA after becoming interested

I then moved on to found a commercial
mortgage finance company, MAI Financial
                                                 in learning about the private mortgage
                                                 business. I discovered the value of a private
                                                 mortgage in 1989 when I learned banks
                                                                                                 A     Since 2005, I have had the distinct
                                                                                                       honor to own and manage the estates
                                                                                                 of W.E.B. Du Bois, Shirley Graham Du Bois,
Services, Inc. MAI specializes in origination    had stopped financing industrial properties     and David Graham Du Bois. As such, I
of institutional and private business-           in the wake of the San Francisco earthquake.    have the responsibility to oversee the vast
purpose loans in residential, retail, office,    As the managing partner of a 120,000            intellectual property of the three estates,
industrial, and other income-producing           square foot industrial building in the Bay      including important works of fiction and
commercial real estate.                          Area, I needed to refinance a matured loan.     non-fiction, as well as theatrical works. This
                                                 A private mortgage was my only option.          is one of the most extensive literary estates

Q    Who is your ideal/target customer?
                                                 That attracted me to CMA, the state’s only
                                                 private mortgage trade association, and
                                                 its long track record of providing quality
                                                                                                 in the world, and many key works remain
                                                                                                 unpublished or are being rediscovered.

A     My b usin ess m o d e l in clu d es
      origination of private and institutional
                                                 education to its members.                       I recently finalized negotiations with the
                                                                                                 Roundabout Theatre Company in New
mor tgages on income producing
commercial properties, so my ideal/
target client owns or controls a portfolio
                                                 Q   Knowing that you have attended
                                                     many CMA seminars, what is one
                                                 thing you look forward to the most at
                                                                                                 York City to produce and perform Shirley
                                                                                                 Graham Du Bois’s full-length play, “I Gotta
                                                                                                 Home,” in one of their Broadway theaters.
of sizable income producing commercial           each event?                                     We recently did a successful live reading
properties. Such investors appreciate                                                            of the play for virtual viewers during the
having access to an experienced capital
source that understands their issues and
becomes part of their team.
                                                 A    As an active CMA member, I always look
                                                       forward to meeting and networking
                                                 with my peers at events and keeping
                                                                                                 COVID-19 lockdown. Of the viewers who
                                                                                                 tuned in to the live event, 92% said they
                                                                                                 are likely to see the performance and
                                                 up to date on industry news through             recommend it to someone else when it is

Q    What do you think your greatest
     personal achievement has been?
                                                 CMA publications and seminars. The
                                                 organization affords members important
                                                 professional development opportunities,
                                                                                                 available on a live stage.

                                                                                                 Shirley Graham Du Bois was a noted Civil

A    At age 33, I was named Outstanding
     Young Man of America for 1982, which
was announced by Doug Blankenship,
                                                 as well as serving as an effective advocate
                                                 for the California private lending industry.
                                                                                                 Rights activist and an integral figure in
                                                                                                 Black theater. She authored an opera,
                                                                                                 numerous plays, and many biographies
President of the U.S. Junior Chamber of          With the massive uncertainty caused by          that illuminated the Black experience
Commerce. I was honored to become                the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting         in America. This will be the first full
a member of a group of distinguished             economic fallout, CMA’s mission to educate      performance of her works in 80 years. I am
Americans who have received this national        its membership and to be responsive and         excited to lead the resurgence of her work
award since 1934, including Nelson               proactive is more important than ever.          at this important time in our nation’s history.
Rockefeller, Henry Ford, John Kennedy,
Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, and Bill                                                         In addition, I am currently reviewing
Clinton.                                                                                         requests from major publishers and
                                                                                                 producers to bring the works of W.E.B.

Q    How long have you been a
     member of the CMA? Why did
you join the CMA?
                                                                                                 Du Bois to the renewed attention of the
                                                                                                 world. It is no surprise that the works of
                                                                                                 two of the greatest Black thinkers of the
                                                                                                 20th century are resurfacing at this point

A    I have been a member since 2008
     and have served on the California
Mortgage Association board as Treasurer,
                                                                                                 in history. I hope to continue to share
                                                                                                 their wisdom to help illuminate the path
                                                                                                 for future generations.
Vice President, and President. I also served
as chairperson of the Executive, Finance,                                                        I am also finishing up my memoir, titled
Nominating, and General Counsel Search                                                           The Woolworth Story 1960-1969, which I am
Committees. With the hard work of many                                                           planning to publish next year.
                                                                                                                       continued on page 24

Summer 2021                                                                                                                           Page 23
Murry – continued from page 23

Q    You represent the legacy of
     W.E.B. Du Bois a prominent Black
historical figure, and I know you have
                                                 Of course, I’ll never forget my time spent
                                                 working with Sol Price, the founder of
                                                 Price Club (Costco Warehouse Stores), who
                                                                                                in the mountains. We plan to continue that
                                                                                                routine. Although my heart goes out to our
                                                                                                many relatives and friends who have fallen
met many celebrities and famous                  I consider the greatest retail merchant of     during the COVID-19 virus, the technology
people, who stands out as the most               the 20 th century. And, I must mention         that developed as a result of the pandemic
memorable?                                       David Andrew Graham Jr. (Uncle David), the     was a momentous advance, and will have
                                                 brother-in-law of W.E.B. Du Bois, who was      lasting effects on the way business is

A    I’m unable to list them all, but I’ve met
     a lot of wonderful people in my life
                                                 my uncle, mentor and best friend.              conducted. I express my gratitude to all the
                                                                                                first responders, front line medical workers,
and I’ve had many memorable occasions.

On December 22, 1999, I was pleased to join
                                                 Q    Over the last year during the
                                                      COVID shutdown, what have you
                                                 learned to do differently? What is one
                                                                                                those who worked in the laboratories,
                                                                                                grocery stores, and other essential jobs
                                                                                                to keep things moving throughout our
President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton at    new change that you will stick with            nation’s shutdown.
the White House Holiday Reception. I was         when everything opens up again?
also very impressed with meeting Secretary                                                      “You and I can never be satisfied
of State Madeleine Albright and David            California has reopened, and things are           with sitting down before a
Dinkins, the former mayor of New York City,      quickly getting back to normal. I think the       great human problem and
at that same White House holiday party.          isolation of being in such a long lockdown       saying nothing can be done.
                                                 brought everyone including me closer to
                                                                                                 We must do something. That is
It was a delight to meet Cyril Magnin, CEO       family, friends and neighbors. During the
of the Joseph Magnin Company, in San             shutdown, my lovely girlfriend Cecilia and I     the reason we are on Earth.”
Francisco. We spent time together in his         spent time each week hiking and picnicking                     — W. E. B. Du Bois [1909]
office during 1980 in mentoring sessions
on fashion merchandising.

On June 19, 1981, a day I will never forget,
I had the pleasure of having dinner with
Frank Sinatra in San Francisco. Our dinner
party included Frank Sinatra, Rich Little and
Jerri Lange. Jerri was an award-winning
journalist, producer and host of several TV
shows in the Bay Area from 1969 to 1979.
She was the mother of Ted Lange who
played the bartender, Isaac Washington, on
the popular TV series “Love Boat.” Frank
and I developed a bond that night.                                                                                          Odell and Cecilia
                                                                                                                            at Bao Dai Summer
During the summer of 1988, I had the                                                                                        Palace, Da Lat,
privilege of meeting with the United                                                                                        Vietnam
States Ambassador to Czechoslovakia,
Shirley Temple Black, in her office in Prague,
Czechoslovakia. This was while that
country was still under communist rule. As
a little boy I had always enjoyed watching
Shirley Temple movies, but having a
personal one-on-one conversation with her
was certainly a highlight. She had been an
ambassador to Ghana and although their
paths never crossed in Africa, she knew
and spoke very highly of W.E.B. Du Bois,
and talked about the honorary doctorate
degree he received from Charles University
in Prague.                                                                                                                  Odell in Hue City,

Page 24                                                                                                                      Summer 2021
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