December 2019 - City of Tacoma
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REMINDER ABOUT PERSONAL PACKAGES DELIVERED AT WORK AN IMPORTANT REMINDER ABOUT PERSONAL PACKAGES DELIVERED TO EMPLOYEES AT THE TACOMA MUNICIPAL BUILDING (TMB) AND TMB NORTH During the holidays, shipments of personal packages create a burden upon Mail Services staff and impact their ability to complete City work. Employees are asked not to ship personal packages to their City work addresses. If personal packages are sent to TMB or TMB North, please be aware of the following: Some personal packages for employees are delivered directly to departments (for instance: UPS, FedEx, and Amazon). • PLEASE DO YOUR BEST TO MINIMIZE THE IMPACTS OF THESE DELIVERIES ON STAFF Some personal packages for employees have to be picked up by Mail Services (for instance, United States Postal Service). • MAIL SERVICES WILL NO LONGER DELIVER PERSONAL PACKAGES TO EMPLOYEES • MAIL SERVICES WILL NOT NOTIFY EMPLOYEES THAT THEY HAVE RECEIVED PERSONAL PACKAGES • MAIL SERVICES CANNOT ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL PACKAGES Please be aware that the City’s Ethics Code prohibits employees from using City staff, property, or resources for personal gain. TMC 1.46.030. 3
2019 Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s Employee Appreciation Breakfast. Several lucky employees won some great door prizes! COLEMAN CAMPING GEAR #1 - ALAN OAK, PUBLIC WORKS Pierce COLEMAN CAMPING GEAR #2 - JEFF NANAKUL, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Trips' NESPRESSO ESSENZA - YEFIM STRUPINSKIY, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Milestone Rewards 2 TICKETS TO SPONGEBOB THE MUSICAL - FRANK SARMIENTO, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FIRE HD 8 - BEN THURGOOD, HUMAN RESOURCES FIRE HD 8 - GREGORY ERNSBERGER, PUBLIC WORKS ends soon YETI COOLER - ERIC TATE, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Pierce Trips’ Milestone Rewards program ends soon! $50 FANDANGO GIFT CARD + MOVIE CANDY - BELINDA GALLOWAY, MUNICIPAL COURT But wait! There’s still time to $50 FANDANGO GIFT CARD + MOVIE CANDY - AMANDA THIBEAULT, INFORMATION win! Smart commuters have TECHNOLOGY until Tuesday, January 7 to log $50 FANDANGO GIFT CARD + MOVIE CANDY - LINA HAMMOND, TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES their 2019 smart trips to earn their Milestone Reward. $50 FANDANGO GIFT CARD + MOVIE CANDY - DAN TAYLOR, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MEAL PREP CONTAINERS - SUSAN HAIGH, CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE Check out the Pierce Trips INSTANT POT - MARK THESSEN, PUBLIC WORKS Campaigns page to learn about other opportunities to win, be a $60 PACIFIC GRILL #1 + $25 UBER - JOHN MCCLEES, TACOMA VENUE AND EVENTS super commuter and continue $60 PACIFIC GRILL #1 + $25 UBER - JOHN SHELL, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY to take smart trips! Need BABY/PET MONITOR - WENDY HOBSON, HUMAN RESOURCES other information about the Employee ORCA cards? Check 65” TV - ANGIE SKRABAK, TACOMA POLICE DEPARTMENT out the Commute Smarter 65” TV - SAMOL HEFLEY, FINANCE intranet page. 4
NICK BAYARD CITY WELCOMES NEW DEPUTY CHIEF OFFICER OF EQUITY Nick Bayard most recently served as Director of The REACH Center, an organization that provides education, housing, employment, leadership development, and behavioral health resources to thousands of youth and young adults throughout Tacoma/Pierce County. Over the past five years, he has played a pivotal role in expanding the region’s continuum of care and services for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. Bayard developed and leads a course at the University of Washington/Tacoma focused on institutional and structural racism within the nonprofit sector, and has led equity initiatives in both nonprofit and government arenas. He is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer from Paraguay and speaks Spanish and Guaraní (Paraguay’s indigenous language). Bayard is also a certified mediator, a musician, an Eagle Scout, and the Scoutmaster of Tacoma’s Boy Scout Troop 299. Bayard holds a master’s degree in Public Administration in International Development from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from Brown University. He and his wife, Sedia, live in Tacoma with their three children. WAGE ADJUSTMENTS FOR NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2020 The City Council has approved an ordinance that provides a general wage increase of 3 percent for all non-represented classifications, excluding the City Manager and TPU Director, which will go into effect Wednesday, January 1, 2020 and be reflective in the paycheck provided on Friday, January10, 2020. 5
UPDATED INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY Employees who are unable to report for work because of inclement weather should follow the department/section’s process for calling in an absence, and indicate the type of leave they will be using when calling in. The following leave may be used: accrued compensatory time, personal time off, or vacation leave; accrued sick leave (up to three days each calendar year); or leave without pay. Employees may designate the absence as MPSL (Mandatory Paid Sick Leave) when qualified. The City Manager and Public Utilities Director may authorize up to two hours of paid time for tardiness and/or early departure when inclement weather conditions warrant. This policy replaces PMP 110to reflect Tacoma Municipal Code section 1.12.280, “Inclement Weather or conditions,” which provides that the City Manager and Director of Utilities may declare an inclement weather condition to exist, and addresses potential allowances for tardiness or early departure and available leave usage upon such declaration. Please refer to this policy, your collective bargaining agreement (if applicable) and Tacoma Municipal Code section 1.12.280 for additional information and for instructions regarding essential personnel. During inclement weather, information may be available on the City’s webpage, social media outlets, local TV, and radio stations. The City’s emergency phone line is (253) 591-5333. For information on road conditions, winter driving, and travel alerts, please refer to information provided by the Washington State Department of Transportation. TACOMA EMERGENCY MICRO-SHELTERS SITE The City Council recently approved a contract with the Low-Income Housing Institute to operate a temporary emergency micro-shelters site at 802 Martin Luther King Jr. Way for a duration of eight months including setup and removal. The site is expected to be operational in December. The site is in response to the health and safety concerns from the growing encampment at People’s Park. Several City departments are assisting with the construction and implementation of the site. If you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact Allyson Griffith at *5119. For more information about the City’s Authorized Encampment Sites visit us online at 6
Vests May Have Gone Out of Style, Vesting Has Not While vests may no longer be popular, vesting will continue to be a big deal. If you are a member of the Tacoma Employees’ Retirement IT Department Invites You to Celebrate System (TERS), a milestone occurs when you reach five years of Sally Sherman’s Retirement on credited service. TERS service credit begins when you join the retirement system, not DECEMBER 30 necessarily when you start working with your respective employer. Some positions are exempt from TERS membership, and other Potluck Celebration: interruptions in your employment such as a temporary position, leave TMB North, Room 16 without pay or military leave can cause your credited TERS service to be different than your employment service time. When: Monday, December 30, 2019 If you separate from employment before you have five years of 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. credited TERS service, you are entitled to a refund of all of the contributions you have made as well as the interest that has been Questions? Contact Kathy Lapp at credited. or (253) 502-2271. Once an employee has accrued five years in TERS, however, they are categorized as “vested”. This provides you with additional benefits. You can also vest in TERS at age 60 or through a combination of five years with portable retirement systems. In this case, if you separate from employment you can now leave your contributions in TERS by electing to “defer” in writing. This means that TERS will continue to credit you with interest on a quarterly basis. You can then elect to retire from TERS once you meet retirement eligibility requirements. Alternatively, if you have accrued five years in TERS and then separate you can withdraw all of the contributions you have made as well as the interest that has been credited. And because you are vested you are also granted an additional amount. So if you are getting close, pay attention to your five year anniversary with TERS. JANUARY Additional information is available at If you TRAINING CALENDAR have questions about retirement, contact TERS at CLICK HERE TERSretirement@cityoftacoma.orgor (253) 502-8200. 7
2019 FIRST-CLASS MAIL® SERVICE SHIPPING Dec. 20 Hawaii Dec. 19 Alaska Dec. 18 DEADLINES PRIORITY MAIL® SERVICE Dec. 21 Hawaii Dec. 19 NEW MEASUREMENTS FOR SHIPPING Alaska Dec. 19 RESTRICTIONS PRIORITY MAIL EXPRESS® SERVICE Dec. 23 If you are using regular postage stamps when Hawaii Dec. 21 shipping packages, and the item is more than Alaska Dec. 21 ½” thick, or weighs more than 10 ounces, you must take the item to a USPS retail counter (the Post Office). Here are some options: 1) Go to, sign up for Click-n-Ship, pay for postage online and print off your label. 2) Use the Post Office self-service kiosk to purchase a postage label (debit or credit only). For details, please visit the USPS website. Have questions pertaining to mailings that your department is planning to do? Contact Senior Stock and Mail Processor Wayne Birdsell at or (253) 594-7866 or Mail Services Supervisor Eileen Foraker at or (253) 502-8140. LOSS OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY OR FUNDS Do you know what you are supposed to do when you have lost your City-issued phone, or if you have had your car broken into and your work tablet stolen? How about when City-owned equipment or materials disappear from a job site? As a public entity, the law requires the City to report to the State Auditor missing or stolen items, or any indication of fraud as soon as we know of it. Currently, many departmental processes and procedures exist throughout the City to handle the loss and at times the loss is not reported at all. In an effort to improve this process, Risk Management has created a SharePoint site that centralizes the process with a Loss of Property or Fund form. The form should be completed by the employee who discovered the loss. Once completed, a notification will be sent to the employee’s supervisor to approve and add additional information if needed. Depending on what the user selects as the type of loss or issue, notifications are sent automatically to Finance, Risk, IT/UTS Security, and Treasury so each department can follow the necessary procedures as required. If you have questions, please reach out to Kristy Baker at (253) 591-5458 in Risk Management. 8
CITY MANAGER AND TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES DIRECTOR SELECT LAURIE HARDIE AS NEW SAFETY DIRECTOR City Manager Elizabeth Pauli foundational to our success as “I am honored and humbled and Tacoma Public Utilities One City.” by the opportunity to serve Director Jackie Flowers have the City of Tacoma and selected Laurie Hardie for the Over the course of her 16- Tacoma Public Utilities in this position of Safety Director. year career in the field of capacity,” said Hardie. “I look Hardie assumed her new role safety, Hardie has worked in forward to getting to know effective December 2, 2019. strategic policy development, the employees who work so implementation and hard each day to ensure that “Our joint efforts to establish compliance, management the needs of our community an organization-wide of U.S. Department of members and customers are safety program support our Transportation safety, met.” overarching commitment to compliance, alcohol and cultivating a safer workplace substance abuse programs, Hardie has a Bachelor of environment where employees and building safety Science, cum laude, in can grow and thrive,” said compliance programs for transportation and aviation Pauli. “Our new Safety private corporations from the management from the Director was selected through ground up. University of Central Missouri, an extremely competitive and an Associate of Arts in recruitment process that Hardie has served as business from Shasta College encompassed three months of divisional safety manager for in Redding, Calif. extensive review and vetting, the WestRock Corporation and we are confident that she of Atlanta, Ga. with 22 sites has the knowledge, skills and nationwide; operations experience necessary to lead supervisor for the industrial this important work.” and commercial operations of Republic Services in Bellevue, “Employees across all City Wash.; senior safety specialist departments – including for the FedEx Corporation in Tacoma Public Utilities – have Pittsburgh, Pa.; and in logistics demonstrated great support for the U.S. Army based in and energy toward this effort,” Kitzingen, Germany. said Flowers. “We are grateful for this support, which will be 9
ZOOM MEETING AUDIO RECORDING OF DECEMBER 6 INFORMATIONAL SESSION FOR ALL CITY EMPLOYEES WITH CITY MANAGER ELIZABETH PAULI AND TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES DIRECTOR JACKIE FLOWERS NOW AVAILABLE On November 15, November 18 and December 6, City Manager Elizabeth Pauli and Tacoma Public Utilities Director Jackie Flowers hosted information sessions to provide all City employees with an overview of what the City has learned thus far about the experiences that employees of color have had at the City of Tacoma, and the actions the City plans to take moving forward. A Zoom meeting audio recording of the December 6 informational session for all City employees is available here. At informational sessions for all City employees, they shared some examples of the City’s ongoing work to address the issue of equity which include: • Equity 101 training • Implicit bias training for hiring panels • A workforce disparity study • An Environmental Services Department-specific Equity Advisory Group • TPU adoption of equity related goals, establishment of an Equity Committee and establishment of an Office of Equity and Human Rights office at TPU which has conducted Equity 101 training with 21 percent trained thus far in 2019 In collaboration with other staff across our organization, the Office of Equity and Human Rights is spearheading the City’s ongoing work to address the issue of equity. Some examples shared were: • Establishment of employee resource groups • Development of self-care models for those doing equity work • Developing an equity training continuum • Conducting equity mapping to capture all equity work that the City is doing, internally and externally • Considering creating a Citywide employee equity and inclusion commission. (More information will follow on this effort.) Please contact Lisa Woods at or (253) 591-5179 with any questions that you may have. 10
Access Changes Coming to Tacoma Municipal Building North Starting January 2 In a continued effort to consolidate public access activities to By making TMBN staff only, it eliminates any confusion to the first three floors of the Tacoma Municipal Building, Facilities community members as to where services are located and Management is changing access to Tacoma Municipal Building instead will direct them to TMB. The exception is that TMBN North. With this consolidation, Facilities Management is now in will be open to public access on Tuesdays for Study Session a position where they can limit the access to TMBN staff only. between the hours of 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Starting Thursday, January 2, during regular business hours Click here to view a list of frequently asked questions and beyond, staff will be required to scan their City-issued available on GNET. badge to gain access to TMBN from either entry on Market or St. Helens streets. If you have any questions, please contact Facility Operations Manager Jeff Paradee at or (253) 591-5466. RETIREMENT SYSTEM UPDATES EFFECTIVE 2020 In 2017, the Tacoma Employees’ Retirement System (TERS) Board of Administration made some updates to the Plan, including the adoption of an updated mortality table which projects that today’s members will live longer than previously expected. These updates were made to help ensure the long-term sustainability of the Plan. That means your retirement benefit will be there for you when you retire and for other members as well. The impact of the changes are different for each member because they take into account your specific contributions, years of service and average final compensation. The revisions that produced positive impacts already took effect at the beginning of 2018. The change that could potentially reduce some of that increase will take effect January 1, 2020. The Board decided to delay the implementation to give TERS members the opportunity to evaluate the implications of retiring in 2019 versus 2020. For TERS members looking to retire in 2021 or beyond, these changes will simply take effect and no action is needed at this time. In addition, periodic adjustments to the actuarial option and annuity factors will occur in the future as needed. 11
Residential Curbside Recycling Changes Coming to Tacoma in 2020 Recent changes in the international recycling market created a need to make adjustments right here in Tacoma. Strict material quality policies took effect in January 2018 when China stopped accepting many recyclables due to high contamination from garbage. Solid Waste Management identified options to respond to these changes and conducted outreach between January and March and received feedback from over 6,100 customers about how these adjustments could work in Tacoma. Over 75% of respondents to the City’s survey supported continuing the recycling program as is and enhancing it through additional education and outreach. In October, the City Council passed an ordinance approving changes to Solid Waste Management’s residential curbside recycling program. THESE CHANGES INCLUDE: • Maintaining residential curbside commingled recycling service, with minor adjustments to the accepted curbside recycling list. • A new recycling surcharge of $2.82 per month for all residential recycling customers, which will take effect on Jan. 1, 2020. • As well as a plan to replace curbside glass collection with five glass drop-off stations throughout the city. Curbside glass collection will continue until these locations are finalized in early 2020. Part of the monthly surcharge ($2.32) will cover the increased processing, marketing, and shipping of recyclables due to global recycling industry changes. This portion of the surcharge is set to be reexamined in December 2022. The remainder of the monthly surcharge ($0.50) will fund increased education and outreach for the City’s residential curbside recycling program. This portion is set to sunset on Dec. 31, 2023. These changes will be identified on customers’ bills as “Recycle Reset Surcharge.” Customers who participate in the Tacoma Public Utilities and Environmental Services bill payment assistance programs will be waived from this surcharge. For more information on these changes check out the Recycle Reset document, visit or contact Solid Waste Management at (253) 502-2100. 12
MONSTER JAM TO PURCHASE TICKETS T R I P L E T H R E AT S E R I E S Visit this site. January 10-12, 2020 Click Monster Jam “Buy Tickets” link to be at the Tacoma Dome directed to Ticketmaster. Choose the date of your choice and click “See Tickets”. DISCOUNT AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING PERFORMANCES Enter your code, TDOME, and click “Unlock”. Make sure the Tacoma Dome Super Group Offer is Friday, January 10 at 7 p.m. unlocked before proceeding. Saturday, January 11 at 7 p.m. Select your seats in the map or from the best available to the right. Sunday, January 12 at 6:30 p.m. This offer is INTERNET-ONLY and is not valid at the Box Office, charge-by-phone, or Ticketmaster CITY OF TACOMA EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT outlets. It is also not available for previously purchased tickets. A $5 discount is available for select seating for the above shows: Regular Ticketmaster fees apply to all orders. This offer expires Friday, January 3 at 11:59 p.m. 200 Level Sides or while supplies last. 200 Level Corners and Ends To purchase 15 or more tickets, please call Not all price levels offer a discount. Prices above do not (253) 573-2350. include a facility fee or Ticketmaster fees. Children who have reached the age of two will need a ticket. Discounts are not available on Saturday, 1 p.m. or Sunday, 1 p.m. performances. 13
SATURDAY MARCH 28, 2020 | TACOMA DOME Every other year, the City of Tacoma hosts a City services expo All TPU Section Managers and GG Department Directors will for the residents of Tacoma. soon be asked to identify their T-Town Booth Captains. T-Town is a way for us to engage with our community while That role is central to the success of T-Town. Booth Captains providing opportunities for playing, exploring, and learning. help design booths and facilitate communication between Last year, attendees were able to learn about City services, workgroups and T-Town planners. If you are interested in explore the work done in General Government (GG) and helping out with your department’s booth, please talk with Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU), and play with cool City trucks your supervisor. and utility equipment at this free, interactive community event. Make a note on your calendar and invite Once the planning process is further along, you will be your family, friends and neighbors: provided with more detailed information. Sign Up Today to Receive Emergency Notifications Click here and sign up today to receive emergency notifications. If you have questions about the notification system or a safety related concern, please call (253) 591-5745. 14
CITY CLERK’S OFFICE CONTINUES TO DELIVER fdgdfg EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE It’s no secret that City Clerk Doris Sorum is amazing, and so is her staff in the City Clerk’s Office, a part of the City Attorney’s Office. The stories just keep coming in. Recently, Louisa Legg Tacoma Public Library will start in the Hearing Examiner’s office shared that staff was trying to standardizing hours of operations at locate records from 2008. After an exhaustive search by several all eight of its branch locations. On City departments, City Clerk’s Office Records Management Thursday, Jan. 2, TPL’s Main Library, Supervisor Susan Haigh found a series of meeting minutes located at 1102 Tacoma Avenue South that solved “a puzzling mystery”. “It was apparent she in downtown Tacoma, will align its comprehensively researched numerous archived records hours with the rest of the library to find the ones needed,” said Louisa. “When I sent Susan system under the One System, One my appreciation, she humbly replied saying the research Schedule campaign. project was good for her and explained how she used it as a learning experience. I want to share my gratitude for Susan’s Currently, downtown’s Main Library enthusiastic assistance and thorough efforts. Susan is a vital operates on a different schedule from and valuable City staff resource!” its system counterparts. However, on Jan. 2, it will adjust its operating hours to match the rest of the library HUMAN RESOURCES EMPLOYEE RECOGNIZED BY LOCAL system: noon to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays RADIO STATION and Wednesdays, and 10 a.m. to Marie Angel in Human Resources also happens to be the 6 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, and president of a youth football league in North Tacoma called Saturdays. Norwest Rams Football and Cheer. This is a volunteer gig she devotes a good portion of her time to outside of her day With one set of hours across the job. She was nominated for the 98.9 The Bull radio station’s system, it will be easier than ever Community Heroes Award and won! Congratulations, Marie, to plan regular visits to Tacoma’s on this awesome accomplishment! libraries to check out materials, attend programs, and utilize all of the in-branch and online services PUBLIC WORKS’ FACILITIES DIVISION CONTINUES TO available to TPL card holders! GET CUSTOMER PRAISE Chrisy Vindivich with the Community and Economic Learn more at Development Department would like to thank Public Works’ Facilities Division Manager Justin Davis and his Facilities Maintenance team for their amazing support of the relocation and removal of several pieces of surplus furniture and equipment on the 9th floor. “The staff on the 9th floor sends their thanks for the responsiveness and care that was recently demonstrated by Justin and his team,” she wrote. 15
Employees Approved for Donated Leave Employees who are eligible to receive donated leave are listed here.If you wish to donate leave, please contact your timekeeper, or Human Resources at (253) 591-5400, to submit a Sick Leave/Paid Time Off Donation Form. CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE DONLISA SCOTT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES BIA Security Escorts WADE IVERSON JETTA ANTONAKOS Available to Accompany VANESSA SIMPSON LIZ TATTERSALL You to Your Car FIRE BRIAN HARDY Are you often here late or outside JACK HAWKINS PDS of normal business hours? MAURICE MILBRANDT SUSAN COFFMAN You don’t have to walk to your car alone. TVE ANDREA HITLIN Simply give BIA Bike Patrol a call at (253) PUBLIC WORKS 383-1131, give them the street address and RUSSELL OLSON exact location of where you would like them BEN MERKOW KODY AGUE to meet you, and get a free escort to your car. TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES The BIA Security Patrol, in their yellow and LOUIS DELICINO SHANNA TIPTON black uniforms, are a readily identifiable RICHARD CRAIG presence in Downtown Tacoma. They ANGELA AMBROSIO provide a constant security presence in TV TACOMA Downtown Tacoma 24 hours on weekdays, JOHN PHILLIPS and most weekend hours. 16
Please Discontinue Use of Outlook “.pst” Files Do you use .pst files to archive email? The has increased the size of your current e-mail Information Technology (IT) Department’s storage based on your consumption. With this work to migrate the City’s email and other new expanded limit, most people should no office productivity applications to the cloud- longer need to create new .pst files, or add to based Office 365 is ongoing and, by July 2020, existing .pst files. If your mailbox appears to be the entire organization will be able to access approaching the new expanded limit, IT will Office 365 on City-issued desktops, laptops, work with you to address your storage needs. tablets and smartphones. One of the biggest FAQs regarding the use of .pst files can be found advantages of having Office 365 is that you’ll here. If you use .pst files for different business have much more storage for email, which needs, or have additional questions, please eliminates the need to create .pst files to archive reach out to the Office 365 Project Team. email. To prepare you for this migration, IT Over the years, many of us have accumulated a mountain of CDs, hard drives, devices, online accounts, and other mediums that store information Cleaning that are out there and unused. Outside of the key information you kept stored on purpose for long term use or retrieval, The Information Technology Out Department advises that is good to periodically assess and dispose of unneeded storage media and information. Learn more about how to better Old Data manage your information and data, as well as how to safely dispose of those pieces you do not and need any longer. Check out the City’s established records Devices management guidelines here. Not sure if it’s ok to get rid of old emails and files? Please check with your supervisor. 17
Blocking Unwanted Calls and Texts on City-Owned Wireless Devices The Information Technology Department consulted with AT&T Mobility and Verizon Wireless to address an increase in the number of unwanted wireless calls and text messages received on City-owned wireless devices. IT staff also researched applications that could potentially address this issue. While there is currently no way to prevent all unwanted phone calls and text messages, there are options available to decrease the number of unwanted calls and text messages. These options are detailed here. If you wish to purchase and install applications on your City-owned wireless device, please check first with your supervisor. For Verizon Account Call Filter Premium or Call Filter Basics, please coordinate with your department’s Telecom coordinator. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE PRESENTED WITH ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SERVICE AWARD Kudos to Environmental Services Engineering Technician III Raeshawna Ware who recently received the Environmental Justice Service Award from Citizens for a Healthy. Raeshawna received this award for her work over the past summer where she partnered, with other organizations, in three 2-day weekend Environmental Justice Camps for young girls (primarily girls of color). These camps taught the girls about impacts on the environment. Raeshawna spoke at each event about Tacoma’s history, redlining, and environmental choices that impact our waterways. Raeshawna created a learning experience for the young ladies by using City materials as well as sharing her personal stories and information. 18
Vanpool Riders Needed Have you thought about the many benefits of ridesharing to work? Carpooling, riding the bus, vanpooling and taking the Sounder train are examples of ways you can save money, make your commute more relaxing and reduce two things that negatively impact our community: air pollution and traffic congestion. If you have been thinking about vanpooling to work, now is the perfect time to get started! Pierce Transit is offering a variety of incentives to those who would like to join (or rejoin) the ranks of vanpoolers. Additionally, the City of Tacoma currently subsidizes the vanpool monthly fee, so all you need to do is visit the Human Resources Department in the Tacoma Municipal Building (TMB) Room 1420 and request an ORCA card. The ORCA program is available to permanent and temporary City of Tacoma employees, as well as City of Tacoma volunteers and interns. Here is a list of vanpools who are seeking riders right now: • Gig Harbor 6:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. work shift • Lacey 6:45 AM – 4:45 p.m. work shift • Puyallup 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. work shifts • Summit / Midland 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. work shift • University Place 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. work shift • Renton 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. work shift Get information about starting a vanpoolor joining an existing Pierce Transit or other regional vanpool, or check out the Commuter Board in TMB Room 708. Questions? Please email or call (253) 573-2345. 19
Translation Services Contract Now Available The City’s Finance Department has a City-wide contract with TeleLanguage to provide interpretation by phone, video and in- person and print translation services. To access the contract, you will need to: Identify a need for interpretation and translation services. Contact TeleLanguage,, please cc Alex Clark, senior buyer and your office administrator. TeleLanguage will send an access code that will be connected to your department’s cost center. Download the TeleLangauge outreach materials from GNET. Start translating! TeleLanguage supports over 240 languages and is available anytime you need assistance. Click Here for Language List The City’s contracted rates are: 20
To view the contract with TeleLanguage visit the Finance Department GNET page. To view the contract with TeleLanguage visit the Finance Department GNET page. If you have questions about the contract or how to use the contract, please contact Alex Clark at or (253) 502-8431. 22
How to Receive or Share News and Information Receive Employee News and Information 1 You can opt in to receive g eneral City of Tacoma news releases, news releases from our Mayor and City Council Members, and updates on City programs or initiatives. Simply click on this link to get started. Receive City of Tacoma News and Information 2 City of Tacoma employee news updates are posted on our running intranet blog, the Gnet News Snapshot, the moment they become available. Besides bookmarking the Gnet News Snapshot landing page, you can also subscribe to the Gnet News Snapshot RSS feed or opt in to have Gnet News Snapshot updates delivered directly to your work email in whatever frequency you prefer.. Share Employee or City of Tacoma News and Information 3 Have news that you’d like to share with your fellow employees or members of the media? Need to develop materials for community members or a specific group you are trying to reach? Please contact your communications staff l iaison for assistance. Maria Lee Megan Snow Land (253) 591-2054 | Mobile (253) 534-5915 Land (253) 591-5051 | Mobile (253) 219-7083 • City Attorney’s Office • City Manager’s Office • City Manager’s Office • Hearing Examiner’s Office • Customer Support Center • Office of Equity and Human Rights • Government Relations Office • Neighborhood and Community Services • Mayor and Council (in conjunction • Planning and Development Services w/ Council staff) • Tacoma Fire Department (serving as Media and Communications • Community and Economic Development Office liaison to Tacoma Fire Department communications staff) • Finance • Tacoma Police Department (serving as Media and Communications Office liaison to Tacoma Police Department communications staff) • Human Resources • Information Technology Stacy Ellifritt • Tacoma Employees’ Retirement System Land (253) 591-2005 Mobile (253) 241-1232 • Tacoma Municipal Court • Tacoma Venues and Events (Office of Arts & Cultural Vitality only) • Environmental Services • Tacoma Public Utilities (serving as • Public Works Media and Communications Office • Tacoma Public Library (serving as Media and Communications Office liaison to Tacoma Public Utilities liaison to Tacoma Public Library communications staff) communications staff) • Tacoma Venues and Events (serving as Media and Communications Office liaison to Tacoma Public Venues and Events communications staff; excluding Office of Arts & Cultural Vitality) 23
WONDERING WHAT TO DO THIS WEEKEND? Check out the Special Event PRESENTATIONS TO Calendar at THE CITY COUNCIL AND to see events for which permits have been STANDING COMMITTEES issued or are pending through the Special Events Office. Here is the PowerPoint template that For other events not represented departments should be using for Study on that calendar, go to their Sessions, Council Meetings and Standing Partner Organizations page. Committee Meetings. All PowerPoint presentations should be on this template. Please remember to have PowerPoint presentations for Study Sessions and City CITY OF TACOMA Council Meetings to LaTasha Ware, copying JOBS the Management Fellow inbox, by no later than the Monday prior to your presentation, at noon. For Study Sessions, you will also need to provide copies of your handouts and PowerPoint presentations, 14 color and 20 black and white, to LaTasha Ware in TMB North, Room 16, by no later than 11:45 a.m., on the day of your presentation. The Standing Committee timeline for items to be submitted to the Committee support staff: Bucoda Warren (CVS), Lynda Foster (EDC), LaTasha Ware (GPFC), and Claire Goodwin (IPS) are as follows: • Memorandums are due 14 calendar For the latest City of Tacoma job days in advance postings, and to submit an application, visit • Advance materials are due 7 calendar days in advance Occasionally, closing dates are revised. • PowerPoints are due 7 calendar For additional assistance, days in advance call (253) 591-5400, Ext. 1. 24
City of Tacoma 747 Market Street, Tacoma, WA 98402 311 Within Tacoma City Limits We want to hear from YOU! Would you like to see the great things your department is doing highlighted in Take5? Have workplace tips, kudos, fun stories and more that you’d like to share with your fellow employees? Submit content for the January 2019 issue of Take5 by December 19 at 10 a.m. to your respective communications staff liaison. If you have general comments, questions or suggestions about Take5, contact Maria Lee in the Media and Communications Office at maria. or (253) 591-2054.
You can also read