DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association

Page created by Helen Romero
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
Ver. II dated 06/07/2020
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
This document is approved and endorsed on 01/06/2020

Amendment 1, 29/06/2020
Coach/Steer permitted to also wear face mask in lieu of face shield   …Slide 10

Amendment 2, 03/07/2020
Added Control Measures at KWSC                                        …Slide 29
Added Control Measures at Nursery                                     …Slide 32
Added COVID-19 Positive necessary actions                             …Slide 33 & 34

Raizal A Jalil
General Manager
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
                                  COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new
                                  coronavirus, which has not been previously
                                  identified in humans.

                                  In most cases, COVID-19 causes mild symptoms
                                  but may escalate to become more serious, even
                                  life threatening.

COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization
with the number of global infection steadily rising everyday.

To combat and coordinate efforts to control and manage the COVID-19
outbreak, the Singapore government formed an Inter-Ministry Task Force (the
“Task Force”) to helm all efforts.

For more information regarding COVID-19, including control measures and
recommended safe policies in placed, please visit the following websites:-
a) Singapore Government: https://www.gov.sg/article/covid-19-updates-and-announcements
b) Ministry of Health: https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19
c) World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
                                                       DB-Safe is designed for the sport of dragon boat, covering the
                                                       unique requirements and dynamics of the sport and related

                                                       COVID-19 is still being studied and understood. Hence the
                                                       information and knowledge about the coronavirus is still
Nonetheless, SDBA guarantees the accuracy and factuality of this document at the time of writing. DB-Safe takes into
account the directives and recommendations issued by The Task Force and/or Sport Singapore (SportSG).

At any time new information and
knowledge is confirmed by
The Task Force, SDBA will share
them with the dragon boat

We shall then refined our necessary
response and issue advises and/or
directives, as and when required.
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
With the end of the Circuit Breaker, businesses and activities may gradually resume in three (3) phases with Sports
& Recreation planned for resumption in Phase 2

DB-Safe aims to deliver safe management and operation procedures (the “DB-Safe Plan”) to guide the sport. It
shall cover:-
          i)       Facilities
          ii)      Organized training
          iii)     Organized programs
          iv)      Courses

         TRAINING                          PROGRAMS                            COURSES

                                 ADMIN OFFICE                           KWSC                             NURSERY
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
DB Unite…SG United

  COVID-19 is not only a health threat, it is also a social and economic threat. It hurts everyone and there is no
  escaping its many impact.

  To keep our sport going, the dragon boat community
  must adapt to living with it. In doing so, we need to
  adopt new norms to ensure that we are safe while
  playing our sport.

  This new norms may not be ideal to all but they are

  We are a strong and close-knit community. Let’s come
  together, support one another, and help each other
  so that we can all overcome it.

  This will be the hardest and longest race in all our lives.

  Are You Ready?!
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
SportSG Advisory for Resumption of Sport & Physical Exercises & Activities Phase 2
                                                                                                           Cap = 50 pax per Facility

                                 Sport & Recreational Facilities may open
                                 Maximum number no of persons allowed is limited to its gross floor area
                                 on 10m2 per person or cap at 50 persons, whichever is lower

                     Group Activities
                     Limited to no more than 5 athletes

                                 Physical Distancing
                                 2m between individuals while exercising and playing sport. 3m between
                                 different groups

                     Wear face mask
                     By default and at all times but can be taken off
                     when performing strenuous activities

                                 Sharing of Equipment
                                 Should be avoided. If cannot be done, the equipment must be sanitised &
                                 disinfected before/after every use
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
Required for all dragon boating and related activities
                                                                                                                                                  Wear face mask at all times
1                                                               4                                                7             ! Unless !
                                                                                                                                                  unless undergoing strenuous
                                                                                   Temperature checking                                           exercise with adequate
                               Come > Train > Leave                                at facility entrance                                           social distancing
                               Do not linger & quickly do all
                               that needs to be done                               Temp 380 and above shall be                                    Coach/Steer may wear Face
           TRAIN HARD                                                              declined entry                                                 Shield during dragon boat
                               Purpose: To reduce time spent                                                                                      activity
    Come   TRAIN QUICK Leave   in crowded places
                                                                                                                 Wear face
                                                                                   Purpose: To avoid contact
           TRAIN HAPPY                                                             with someone who is sick       mask       Strenuous Exercise
                                                                                                                                                  Purpose: Protect yourself &
                                                                                                                                                  protect others

2                              Group size limitation of max 5   5                  Whereabouts tracking via      8                                General 1m apart applies.
                               persons, excluding the Coach                        SafeEntry app
                                                                                                                                                  2m apart when exercising or
                               4 paddlers + 1 steerer shall                        Mobile phone with QR                                           playing sport
                               make-up one(1) crew in the                          scanner app required.
                               DB12 dragon boat                                    NRIC scanning option                                           3m between groups/ boats
                               Purpose: To limit social                                                                                           Purpose: Protect yourself &
                               gathering                             © GovTech     Purpose: Contact tracing                                       protect others

3                                                               6                                                9
                               Deconflicted schedule                                                                                              Disinfect equipment
                               i.e. specific launch/ recovery                      Whereabouts and proximity                                      regularly, especially after
                               timing, etc.                                        alert via TraceTogether app                                    use

                               Purpose: To reduce time                             Purpose: Contact tracing                                       Purpose: Protect yourself &
                               spent in crowded places                                                                                            protect others
      Team A         Team B                                         © GooglePlay
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
NEW NORMS - CREW                                                                Set-up of DB12-crew , without Coach
                                                                                1) Reduction of 7 crew members = loss of 58%
Based on limit of 5 athletes per Crew                                           2) Loss of stability is still marginal at best
                                                                                3) Boat is still stable
                                                                                4) Only 5-crew aboard DB12 permitted
 ❑   Definition of 5 athletes = 4 Paddlers + 1 Steer, excluding one (1) Coach
 ❑   Max. permissible inside boat (the “Crew”) = 1 Coach + 5 Athletes
 ❑   Alternatively, the Coach can double-up as the Steer to just make 5
     athletes inside the boat in total
 ❑   5-crew permitted for the DB12 boat only
 ❑   2 paddlers on the Right & 2 paddlers on the Left to balance the boat
                                                                                Set-up of DB22-crew , without Coach
 ❑   Social distancing of 2m between the 2 paddlers on one side                 1) Reduction of 17 crew members = loss of 77.3%
                                                                                2) Loss of stability is serious
 ❑   1 Steer in the back ; 1 Coach (if have), in the front                      3) Boat will become very unstable and may capsize
 ❑   Crew must practice proper boat handling, i.e. stabilize seating,           4) 5-crew aboard DB22 therefore not permitted

     bracing, controlled movements inside the boat, etc.
 ❑   Crew and Coach in different boats cannot cross over ; Crew must
     remain unique at all times for the session
DB-SAFE SAFE RETURN TO SPORT PLAN - Ver. II dated 06/07/2020 - Singapore Dragon Boat Association
Must be SDBA certified Trainers and/or Technical Coach (Level 1 or 2)
   ❑    Total permissible inside boat (the “Crew”) = 1 Coach + 5 Athletes
   ❑    The Coach must be in the front of the boat
   ❑    The Coach can double-up as the Steer ; in this case, the boat can only have 5 persons (1
        Coach/Steer + 4 Athletes) aboard
   ❑    If no Coach present, the boat can only have 5 athletes (1 Steer + 4 Athletes) aboard

   ❑   The Coach & Steer are required to wear Face Shield as they will be shouting commands
       and instructions. Face Shield will accord clearer voice commands as Face Mask may
       muffled the voice commands
   ❑   The Coach & Steer need to re-wear Face Mask after dragon boating over, i.e. recovery of
       boat into storage OR recovery of crew on land (refer to New Norms for Training or
       Programs)                                                                                   Amendment 1, 29/06/2020
   ❑   A non-Coach (i.e. no qualifications) cannot fill-in the exclusive Coach position
                                                                                                   Coach/Steer also permitted to wear Face Mask. Arising
   ❑   The Coach or Steer cannot cross over to another boat ; The Coach or Steer must remain       from feedback of wind buffeting effects on certain face
       with the same boat at all times for the session                                             shield designs that may pose a safety issue to the wearer.
                                                                                                   Note that face mask will get wet more easily.
   ❑   The Coach/Steer can only coach and/or steer for one(1) crew in one(1) day to limit          Coach/Steer reminded to give commands in loud and
       exposure across different groups of people                                                  clear voice
Pattern 1 & 2                       Pattern 1                     Pattern 2
                                  ✓ With Coach                 ✓ Without Coach
                                 ✓ Front seat blank           ✓ Centre seat blank I
  Note: This Seating pattern may also be used without Coach

  Note: This Seating pattern may also be used without Coach
Pattern 3 & 4       Pattern 3               Pattern 4
                 ✓ Without Coach         ✓ Without Coach
                ✓ Centre seat blank II   ✓ Last seat blank
For DB12 boat with 5-crew embarked
 Description                                                                        NURSERY

 ❑   There is general reduction about 60% in the Weight to Power ratio               KWSC
     with only 4 paddlers in the boat
                                                                                         ARMY FITNESS CENTRE
 ❑   The boat may encounter difficulties negotiating strong winds, swift
     currents and high waves                                                                  SPORTS HUB WSC
 ❑   In case of a capsize, more difficult for The Crew to recover the boat

❑    All boats must stay within Kallang River and/or Kallang Basin           PASSION WAVE@MARINA BAY
❑    Keep sight of the Lightning Warning System installed at KWSC
     and/or Passion Wave ; If you launch from Sports Hub WSC, keep
     sight of their unique Lightning Warning System
❑    Return to base if you encounter dangerous situations (i.e. Cat 1
     weather / lightning strikes) or emergencies (i.e. medical or damage
     to the boat)
❑    Each boat must maintain a distance of 3m from another boat, even
                                                                                                               Operating Area
     when stationary. Bunch up (i.e. rafting) of multiple boats are not
                                                                                                               Do Not Enter
       For both High Performance & Mass Participation
NEW NORMS – TRAINING SESSION (Regular Dragon Boat Teams)
In conjunction with New Norms for Facilities
                            1. SDBA shall provide a                          1. Crew members are                         ! Unless !         1. The Crew may remove
                               Booking Schedule for                             required to have their                                         face mask during
                               Teams to indicate their                          temperature taken at                                           paddling activity
                               preferred date & time                            entrance into Facility                                      2. Removal of face mask
                            2. Follow the Schedule                           2. Those with temp 380 and                                        permitted before
        TRAIN HARD          3. Be on time!                                      above shall be declined                                        launching into the water
 Come   TRAIN QUICK Leave   4. Come in your training attire                     entry                      Wear face                        3. Re-wearing of face
                               & ready to train                                                                                                mask required after
        TRAIN HAPPY                                                                                         mask       Strenuous Exercise
                                                                                                                                               recovery of boat into
                            5. Move quickly (& safely)

                            1. Teams may have more                           1. Crew members are                                            1. 2m apart between
                               than 1 crew in same                              required to log into the                                       individual when
                               session but must be in                           SafeEntry app before                                           exercising or playing
                               different boats                                  entering Facility                                              sport on land
                            2. Crew in different boats In                    2. Mobile phone with QR                                        2. 3m apart between
                               the same session cannot                          code scanner app                                               crew/groups on land
                               cross over                                       required ; NRIC scanning                                    3. 3m apart between
                            3. Rafting (or bunching-up) of                      option in unavailable                                          boats on water
                               different boats are not         © GovTech

                            1. Each training session is                      1. Crew members are                                            1. Boat and equipment
                               2hrs, i.e. 1.5hrs land prep                      required to activate the                                       used shall be
                               and training + 0.5hrs boat                       SafeTogether app                                               disinfected after use
                               recovery and for                                 before entering the                                         2. If can, do not share
                               disinfecting                                     Facility                                                       paddles & PFD!
                            2. Next batch can only enter                                                                                    3. If must share paddles
                               Facility after previous                                                                                         and PFD, to disinfect
                               batch has left                                                                                                  BEFORE & AFTER
   Team A         Team B                                      © GooglePlay                                                                     use
What Needs to be Done for Training
Planning                Organize Your

          Select                           Select DB12                                                                                               ❑ Teams are only permitted to train within allocated time,
        Date/Time                              boat                                                                                                    based on the Booking Schedule
                                                                                                                                                     ❑ Launch the boat once it is ready, do not linger (there are
                                                        Own boat                                                                                       other crew awaiting their turn)
                                                     Rent/Borrow boat
                                                                        ❑ Come in your training attire, i.e. suitable for getting wet                ❑ Move quickly away from the pontoon or beach
                                                                          and ready to train, etc.                                                   ❑ NOTE! With lesser crew onboard, power to weight ratio is
 No      available                           Vessel ID                  ❑ Be on time!                                                                  reduce. Crew may encounter difficulties negotiating strong
                                                                        ❑ Wait for the rest of your crew before entering the Facility                  wind, wave and currents
          Yes                                                           ❑ Only enter the Facility when all crew are present                          ❑ Stay close to base or in Kallang Basin
                           Training                                                                                                                  ❑ Post training
                           Session                                      ❑ * SDBA may tag every person that enter Nursery (i.e. with
                                                                          a wrist band, etc.) to track their allocated training time                        ❑ Debrief/ conduct training assessment inside the
                                                                        ❑ Move quickly and safely (there are other crew awaiting                                boat, before heading back to base
❑ SDBA offers the rental of either our DB12 racing or                                                                                                       ❑ Quickly disembark and/or recover boat back into
                                                                          their allocated time to enter the Facility)
  training boats at $32.10/2hr session (inclusive of GST)                                                                                                       stowage
                                                                        ❑ Quickly prep and ready your boat with accessories and
❑ Submit your training schedule to SDBA at least 5 working                                                                                                  ❑ Disinfect the boat, accessories and equipment
  days before your training session                                                                                                                             used
        ❑ Include the total number of pax that will be                  * Note: If you are training at Sports Hub WSC or Passion Wave, please               ❑ Recover your belongings and quickly exit the
           attending the training session                                       comply with their tracking system and process                                   Facility
        ❑ Submit the DB12 boat vessel ID number if not
           renting SDBA boat
❑ NOTE! Availability of preferred time and/or boat is on 1st
  come – 1st get basis (otherwise SDBA may allocate a
  suitable time for you if there are available slots)
❑ *SDBA shall confirm your training session and rental of                                                                                                                                  3m
  boat in writing (via email or Whatsapp, if necessary)

* Note: If you are training at Sports Hub WSC or Passion Wave, please
        check with them on their schedule and boat availability         Social distancing on land                                  Move quickly & safely                   Social distancing on water
What Needs to be Done - Booking Schedule
      For both High Performance & Mass Participation
In conjunction with New Norms for Facilities
                                                                                                                                             1. Participants may
                            1. Minimum age to participate                    1. Participants are required                 ! Unless !            remove face mask
                               is 12 years old                                  to have their temperature                                       during activity
                            2. Come in suitable attire,                         taken at entrance into                                       2. Removal of face mask
                               ready to get wet                                 Facility                                                        is permitted before
                            3. Be on time                                    2. Those with temp 380 and                                         embarking into the
        TRAIN HARD          4. Stay within your designated                      above shall be declined                                         boat
 Come   TRAIN QUICK Leave
                               group                                            entry                       Wear face                        3. Re-wearing of face
                            5. Follow instructions given by                                                                                     mask required after
        TRAIN HAPPY            SDBA Trainers & Steerers
                                                                                                             mask       Strenuous Exercise
                                                                                                                                                recovery of Crew and
                                                                                                                                                Coach back on land
                            1. Minimum no of persons per
                               Crew = 4 pax + 1 Steer                        1. Participants are required                                    1. 2m apart when
                            2. Minimum no of persons for                        to log into the SafeEntry                                       exercising or playing
                               Program = 8 pax                                  app before entering                                             sport on land
                            3. Maximum no of persons for                        Facility                                                     2. 3m apart between
                               Program = 40 pax                              2. Mobile phone with QR                                            crew/ groups on land
                               (subjected to time slot and                      code scanner app                                             3. 3m apart between
                               boat availability)                               required ; NRIC scanner                                         boats on water
                            4. If you do not have own                           option is unavailable
                               Steer, SDBA shall assign        © GovTech
                               one to you

                            1. Each crew launch and                          1. Participants are required                                    1. The Boat, its
                               recovery time shall be                           to activate the                                                 accessories and
                               staggered                                        SafeTogether app before                                         equipment used shall
                            2. Each session is 2 hrs, i.e.                      entering the Facility                                           be disinfected after
                               0.5hrs safety & technical                                                                                        every use
                               briefing + 1.5hrs water
   Team A         Team B                                      © GooglePlay
What Needs to be Done for Programs
Planning                                            Do you
                       No. of


                                                                           Kit-up quickly                             Follow the Trainer’s instructions       Move quickly away from gathering points
                    Email request
                      to SDBA*
                                                                           Preparation                                                         Execution
                                                                           ❑ Come in suitable attire, ready to get a little wet                ❑ Follow instructions given by the Trainers / Steerers
                   Time slot/Boat                                          ❑ Be on time!                                                       ❑ Kit-up quickly and embark the boat once the crew is ready,
            No        available                                            ❑ Wait for the rest of your participants. Only enter the              do not linger (there are other crew awaiting their turn)
                                                                             Facility when all your participants are present                   ❑ Move quickly away from the pontoon
                      Yes                                                  ❑ Limit movement inside the Facility, i.e. between the              ❑ Maintain at least 3m distance from other boats on the
                       Program                                               storage space, toilets and boats, etc.                              water (even when stationary – bunching together is not
                      Confirmed                                            ❑ Move quickly and safely (there maybe other crew waiting             permitted)
                                                                             for their turn)                                                   ❑ NOTE! With lesser crew onboard, power to weight ratio is
❑ Submit email request at least 14 working days before                     ❑ Individual Trainer / Steer shall conduct the Safety &               reduce. Crew may encounter difficulties negotiating strong
  Program date                                                               Technical Briefing according to the assigned groups                 wind, wave and currents
❑ Please refer to *SDBA website (www.sdba.org.sg) for                      ❑ Smile lots & have fun!                                            ❑ Stay close to base or in Kallang Basin
  program rates                                                                                                                                ❑ Post program
❑ NOTE! Availability of preferred time and/or boat is on 1st                                                                                          ❑ Debrief/ conduct training assessment inside the
  come – 1st get basis                                                                                                                                    boat, before heading back to base
❑ SDBA shall confirm your program booking, inclusive of                                                                                               ❑ Quickly disembark, recover your belongings,
  availability of boats, trainer & steer (if required)                                                                                                    change and exit the Facility
                                                                                                                                                      ❑ SDBA will disinfect the boat, accessories and
* Note: If you are intend to do the Program at Sports Hub WSC or PAssion                                                                                  equipment used
        Wave, please check with them                                                                                                                  ❑ Recover your belongings and quickly exit the
What Needs to be Done - Booking Schedule
          For Practical Component only
                           1. Be in suitable attire                         1. Candidates entering                       ! Unless !         1. Candidates may
                           2. Be on time!                                      KWSC (venue for                                                 remove face mask
                           3. Move quickly                                     Practical Session) shall                                        during activity
                           4. Stay within your designated                      have their temperatures                                      2. Removal of face mask
                              group                                            taken                                                           permitted before
       TRAIN HARD          5. Follow instructions given by                  2. Those with temp 380 &                                           embarking into the
Come   TRAIN QUICK Leave      the Assessors                                    above shall be declined     Wear face                           boat
                           6. Keep calm & don’t stress!                        entry into KWSC                                              3. Re-wearing of face
       TRAIN HAPPY                                                                                          mask       Strenuous Exercise
                                                                                                                                               mask required after
                                                                                                                                               recovery on land

                           1. Theory session shall be on                    1. Candidates entering                                          1. 1m apart during
                              webinar platform                                 KWSC shall be required                                          Theory Technical Test
                           2. Theory Technical Test shall                      to log into the SafeEntry                                    2. 2m apart when
                              be conducted in KWSC                             app                                                             exercising or playing
                              Trainer’s Room                                2. Mobile phone with                                               sport on land
                           3. For practical test session,                      QRcode scanner app                                           3. 3m apart between
                              size of crew shall be 6                          required ; NRIC scanning                                        crew/ groups on land
                              persons = 1 Assessor + 5                         option is unavailable                                        4. 3m apart between
                              candidates                      © GovTech                                                                        boats on water

                           1. Each session = 4hr                            1. Candidates entering                                          1. The Boat, its
                           2. Each crew shall be isolated                      KWSC shall be required                                          accessories and
                              from the other                                   to activate the                                                 equipment used shall
                           3. Each crew’s launch and                           SafeTogether app                                                be disinfected after
                              recovery time shall be                                                                                           every use
                              staggered                                                                                                     2. Candidates must use
                                                                                                                                               their own PFD and
  Team A        Team B                                       © GooglePlay
What Needs to be Done
                                                 ❑ Theory will be done online via Zoom and the Theory       Execution
                                                   test will be conducted when the participant comes
                                                                                                            ❑ Launch and/or embark in the boat once it is ready, do
                                                   for their Practical session.
                                                                                                              not linger
                                                 ❑ Practical assessment will be done in person at KWSC
                                                                                                            ❑ Move quickly away from the beach or pontoon
Social distancing during Technical Theory Test
                                                 ❑ All participants will be in groups of 5 + 1 Assessor
                                                                                                            ❑ NOTE! With lesser crew onboard, power to weight
                                                   (total 6pax in a DB12)
                                                                                                              ratio is reduce. Crew may encounter difficulties
                                                                                                              negotiating strong wind, wave and currents
                                                 ❑ SDBA will allocate date and a 4 hour time slot for the
                                                   practical test
                                                                                                            ❑ Post training
                                                                                                                  ❑ Debrief/assessment, if any, shall be conducted
                                                                                                                      inside the boat, before heading back to base
                                                 Preparation                                                       ❑ Quickly disembark, recover your belongings,
                                                 ❑ Come in suitable attire, ready to get a little wet                change and exit the Facility

Social distancing during Practical Assessment
                                                 ❑ Be on time!                                                     ❑ SDBA will disinfect the boat, accessories and
                                                                                                                     equipment used
                                                 ❑ SDBA will designate you into crew of 5 pax each
                                                                                                                   ❑ Recover your belongings and quickly exit the
                                                 ❑ Theory test will be conducted in the Trainers Room                Facility
                                                 ❑ Ready the boat & kit-up quickly and safely
                                                       1. SDBA Admin Office
                                     2. Kallang Water Sports Centre (KWSC)
                                             3. Kallang Dragon Boat Nursery

  Note: For Sports Hub Water Sports Centre & Passion Wave, please refer to their control measures
                                             If have to Work from Office

 Not Cleared to Work from Office                  Team A                     Team B

                                             Separate Work Groups                              Staggered work stations
                                             Staff shall be divided into two(2) groups         Staff shall occupy alternate work stations and
                     Work from home                                                            shall not share same space
                     Until permitted to
                     return back to office



                                                   Team A                    Team B

                                             Alternate Work Schedule                          Line of Communications
                                             The two(2) groups shall work on alternate days   The two(2) groups shall rely on pre-established
                                                                                              open line of communications
In conjunction with New Norms for Training, Programs & Courses
                                                                                                                                    1. Coach and Steer shall
                     1. SDBA is sharing KWSC                         1. People entering KWSC                     ! Unless !            wear Face Shield as
                        with Singapore Canoe                            shall have their                                               they need to shout
                        Federation (SCF)                                temperatures taken                                             commands &
                     2. Facility capacity = 50 pax                   2. Those with temp 380 &                                          instructions
                     3. SDBA shall coordinate with                      above shall be declined                                     2. Removal of face mask
                        SCF to maintain no of both                      entry into KWSC                                                permitted before
                        SDBA and SCF participants                                                  Wear face                           entering pontoon
                        = max 50 pax                                                                mask       Strenuous Exercise   3. Re-wearing of face
                                                                                                                                       mask required after
                                                                                                                                       recovery on land

                     1. Minimum dragon boat                          1. People entering KWSC                                        1. 2m apart when
                        participants at KWSC is                         shall be required to log                                       exercising or playing
                        1*DB12 boat with 5 athletes                     into the SafeEntry app                                         sport on land
                        per boat, excluding Coach                    2. Mobile phone with QR                                        2. 3m apart between
                     2. Maximum dragon boat                             code scanner app                                               crew/ groups on land
                        participants at KWSC is                         required ; NRIC scanning                                    3. 3m apart between
                        10*DB12 boats at 5 athletes                     option is unavailable                                          boats on water
                        per boat, excluding Coach
                                                       © GovTech

                     1. Every Training, Program                      1. People entering KWSC                                         1. Boat and equipment
                        and Course session shall                        shall be required to                                            used shall be
                        be pre-scheduled and                            activate the                                                    disinfected after use
                        rostered                                        SafeTogether app                                             2. There is also a weekly
                                                                                                                                        disinfection schedule

   Team A   Team B                                    © GooglePlay
What Needs to be Done at KWSC
Facility Capacity = 50 pax to be shared between SDBA & SCF

                                                                                                           SDBA Screening Station

                                                                                                                      Bay 1

                                                                                      Crew shall embark               Bay 2
                                                                                        in DB12 boats in
                                                                                                                       Bay 3
                                                                                           separate Bays
                                                                                                                       Bay 4
                                                                                           Each pontoon
                                                                                       finger is 2m wide               Bay 5
         Q-markers at
                                                                                                                       Bay 6
        known heavy
    congested areas,
      i.e. Entrance to

                                           Example of Designated Crew holding areas
Control Measures at KWSC
                                                                             Minimum 3m

                                                   2m          2m
                                      3m            2m      2m

 At Screening Station                 Warm-ups/Warm Downs on Land            On the Pontoon
 - Only correct Crew-size permitted   - There are Crew Activity Boxes        - SDBA will assign which boat
     to enter                           marked on the floor                  - Keep 3m apart between groups/
 - Scan SafeEntry QR Code             - Each Box can contain one crew of 5     boats
 - Temperature check                    persons                              - Wait your turn to launch from the
                                      - When exercising, warm-ups or           pontoon
                                        warm-downs, can don’t wear Face      - When recovering, wait your turn
                                        Mask                                   to get on the pontoon
                                      - Maintain 2m separation between       - Give way to crew exiting the
                                        Persons                                pontoon first
                                      - Maintain 3m separation between
                   1. Stick to the Booking                         1. Crew entering The                         ! Unless !         1. The Crew may remove
                      Schedule (see below)                            Nursery shall have their                                        face mask during
                   2. Move quickly (& safely) as                      temperatures taken                                              paddling activity
                      other Crew are waiting for                   2. Those with temp 380 &                                        2. Removal of face mask
                      you to end your session                         above shall be declined                                         permitted before
                   3. The next Crew on the                            entry into Nursery                                              launching into the water
                      Booking Schedule have to                                                    Wear face                        3. Re-wearing of face
                      wait for the previous                                                                                           mask required after
                                                                                                   mask       Strenuous Exercise
                                                                                                                                      recovery of boat into
                      session to vacate first

                   1. Only the Crew indicated on                   1. Crew entering The                                            1. 2m apart between
                      the Booking Schedule will                       Nursery shall be required                                       individual when
                      be permitted to enter                           to log into the SafeEntry                                       exercising or playing
                      Nursery                                         app                                                             sport on land
                   2. Limit time spend in                          2. Mobile phone with QR                                         2. 3m apart between
                      Nursery, quickly prep and                       code scanner app                                                crew/groups on land
                      launch your boat                                required ; NRIC scanning                                     3. 3m apart between
                                                                      option is unavailable                                           boats on water
                                                     © GovTech

                   1. Each training session is                     1. Crew entering The                                            1. Boat and equipment
                      2hrs, i.e. 1.5hrs land prep                     Nursery shall be required                                       used shall be
                      and training + 0.5hrs boat                      to activate the                                                 disinfected after use
                      recovery and for                                SafeTogether app                                             2. If can, do not share
                      disinfecting                                                                                                    paddles & PFD!
                   2. Next batch can only enter                                                                                    3. If must share paddles
                      Facility after previous                                                                                         and PFD, to disinfect
                      batch has left                                                                                                  BEFORE & AFTER
 Team A   Team B                                    © GooglePlay                                                                      use
What Needs to be Done at Nursery
Facility Capacity = 50 pax permitted to operate at any one time

                                                                                                              No of people entering Nursery
                                                                                                                     closely regulated

                           EXIT    IN

                                                                                                     Staggered launch & recovery of boats on the beach

          SDBA Screening Station                    Q-markers at known heavy congested areas, i.e.
                                                            Team storage cage area, etc.
Control Measures at Nursery

  At Screening Station                                   Launching of Boats                                       On the Ramp
  -    Only correct Crew-size permitted to enter         - Wait your turn to move your boat                       - Keep 3m apart between boats
  -    Scan SafeEntry QR Code                            - Can don’t wear Face Mask due to strenuous activity     - Wait your turn to launch into the water
  -    Temperature check                                 - When unmasked, MUST maintain 2m safe distancing        - When recovering, wait your turn to get on the ramp
                                                            between persons & 3m between other crew/boat          - Give way to boats launching first

 At the Beach                                            Recovering Boat from the Water                          Warm-ups/Warm Downs on the Beach
 - Maintain 3m separation between boats                  - Wait your turn                                        - When exercising, warm-ups or warm-downs, can
 - You may disembark BUT stay with your boat             - Maintain 3m separation between boats                    don’t wear Face Mask
 - As long as you are unmasked, DO NOT MINGLE with       - As long as you are unmasked, DO NOT MINGLE with       - Maintain 2m separation between Persons
    crew from other boats Or other people on the beach      crew from other boats Or other people on the beach   - Maintain 3m separation between Groups
                    Necessary Actions
What needs to be done

       Action from Team Manager                      Action from SDBA
       1. Inform the rest of The Team about the      1. Shall temporarily stop all dragon boat
           COVID-19 positive teammate                    activities in entirety or in part
       2. Contact tracing ; Identify the people in   2. Inform SportSG and relevant authorities
           the Team he/she has been with             3. Contact tracing ; Identify people from
       3. Advise Teammates that were in contact          other Teams that may have come in
           with to consult a doctor                      contact with
       4. Inform SDBA                                4. Carry out disinfection works at facility
       5. Comply with Stay Home Notice or                that may have come into contact with
           Quarantine Order, if any                  5. Review plans before restarting
Let’s do our very best to comply with the control measures

 Government agents                                   Government CCTV                              Someone is always watching
                                                     “There’s one at Nursery Beach too….”

                                                                 Raizal at 94528266

 Screening Stations at Facilities                    Feedback channels                            SDBA patrols
 “Mobile phone with QR scanning app required, NRIC   “Can also contact us if you are lonely…..”
 scanning option unavailable”
Stay Safe & Healthy
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