DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE - Summary Minutes - Grand Bretagne - Athens, Greece July 25th-July 31st, 2021
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Daughters of Penelope Supreme Convention ‐Athens, Greece Monday, July 26, 2021 DOP Supreme Convention Welcome Hellas District 25 Liaison Maria Sofianou Tzampazi who welcomed the delegation to the Supreme Convention with a warm message presented in English and Greek. Presentation of Grand President Past Grand President Demi Thomas escorted Grand President Celia Kachmarski to the podium. Opening Prayer was offered by Grand Governor Zone 3‐ Gretchen Holtsinger. Memorial Service for Deceased Sisters A memorial service was conducted by Grand Vice President Kathy Bizoukas and assisted by the Grand Lodge. May their memories be eternal. Introductions 1. Grand President Celia Kachmarski introduced the Past Grand Presidents in attendance at the convention. She also called on Past Grand President Elaine Kevgas to share the Past Grand Presidents’ Message. 2. Current Grand Lodge Officers in attendance were asked to rise and be recognized: Grand President Celia Kachmarski of Calgary, AB, Canada Grand Vice President Kathy Bizoukas of Munster, In Grand Secretary Georgette Boulegeris of Bedminister, NJ Grand Treasurer Marianthi Treppiedi of Spokane, WA Grand Governor Zone I Kathy L. Matrakas of Silver Spring, MD‐Absent Grand Governor Zone II Charrie Regopoulos of Springsboro, OH Grand Governor Zone III Gretchen Holtsinger of Houston, TX Grand Governor Zone IV Beverly Kennedy of Modesto, CA‐Absent Grand Governor Zone V Margaret Dritsas of Ottawa, ON, Canada Grand Advisor to the Maids of Athena Kathy Leles of Tracy, CA‐Absent 3. Past National Penelope of the Year Honorees were recognized. 4. It was announced that Craig Clawson will be 2021’s Parliamentarian and will be with us on July 27th. Appointments by Grand President Celia Kachmarski Sentinels appointed: 1. Karrie Jean, District 12, Gaia 060 2. Dr. Dimitra Potsi, Europe, Metera 425 Tellers appointed: 1. Athanasia Vassiliadou European Liaison 2. Maria Sofianou Tzampazi Hellas Liaison 25 3.Toula Barber Past District Governor District 9, Ilios 051 Credentials Report: Voting Strength‐64 Times 11:04 a.m. Page 1 of 16
Adoption of Standing Rules M/s Eva Skoufis,District 21, EOS 001/Marie Kyriacou, District 02, Cassandra 372 to adopt the Standing Rules for Convention as outlined in the DOP Constitution & By‐Laws. Motion carried. Adoption of Convention Agenda Grand President, Celia Kachmarski, District 24‐R, ERATO 295/ Helen Sexton, District 21, Leto 071 to adopt the 2019 Supreme Convention Agenda as printed and with changes as necessary. Motion carried. Election and Installation of Convention Officers Grand President Kachmarski asked the Convention to nominate and elect one convention secretary. She sited ease of accumulating accurate information for the Convention Minutes. Chairperson‐ Anna‐Helene Grossomanides, PGP of District 7, Lysandros 181 and President of the Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. Nominated by Georgette Boulegeris, Grand Secretary District 5, Tethys 229 Vice Chairperson Veronica Tsalta, District 25, Karyatides 271 Nominated by Kathy Bizoukas, Grand Vice President, District 12, Pleiades 50 Secretary‐Jeannie Kouros, District 06, Ilion 135 Nominated by Margaret Dritsas, Grand Governor Zone V, District 23, Euphrosyne 292 M/s‐moved and seconded 2019 DOP Supreme Convention Summary Minutes There being no other nominees, Grand President Kachmarski declared the Convention Officers elected. Grand President Kachmarski proceeded with the Installation of the Convention Officers. Grand President’s Report Highlighting her overall message to the Daughters of Penelope was her theme in her mission as stated by Grand President, Celia Kachmarski, herself “ Together We are Stronger, Together We Thrive! Together We are United”. She discussed many examples that supported her theme through virtual webinars, fundraisers, Zoom gatherings throughout the world and much more. She encouraged everyone to read her report as printed in the yearbook. She thanked her Grand Lodge, and expressed thanks to Elena Saviolakis, Executive Director, for her guidance, knowledge and assistance. She concluded by thanking all the Sisters of the Daughters of Penelope for their support throughout the two years she served for their hospitality and generosity, especially through these trying times with the pandemic. Growth and Expansion Report Presented by Grand Vice President Kathy Bizoukas Grand Vice President Kathy Bizoukas created a “Family Game Night” called D‐O‐P‐opoly to stay focused, stay on track, and to keep moving forward for the main purpose of growing and recording membership throughout the world. She announced through virtual activity they were 350 Sisters who were initiated or reinstated. She thanked everyone for their help. 2021 Growth and Expansion Awards were presented to: Page 2 of 16
Award #1‐ District with the Most New Initiates / Members: Hellas D25 (41) Award #2‐ District with the Most Reinstatements: Hellas D25 (92) Award #3‐ District with the Most Members: Citrus D2 (403 paid members) Award #4‐ Chapter (over 50) with the most New Members: Citrus D2 Pelias 186 Clearwater, FL (9) Award #5‐Chapter (under 50) with the most New Members: D25 Olympiades 446 Patras, GR (14) Award #6‐Chapter (over 50) with the Most Reinstatements: D25 Athinaides 430 Athens, GR (61) Award #7‐Chapter (under 50) with Most Reinstatements: D8 Zelia 120 Salem, MA (29) Award #8‐District with the Largest Maids of Athena increase Royal Canadian D23 (14) DOP Sponsoring Chapter D23 Mycenae 220 (7) DOP‐opoly Awards Award #1‐Chapter with Most Reinstatements in the month of November (In celebration of our Anniversary) D16 Achaia 054 (3) Award #2‐Chapter with the Most incentive points (Chapter who participated in EVERY challenge) D12 Gaia 060 (15 points) Moving around the DOP‐opoly Board ‐3rd Place ($50.00) D12 Gaia 060 ‐2nd Place($50.00) D8 Zelia 120 ‐1st Place (41 spaces) $200.00 for PASSING GO D12 Pleiades 050 DOP Foundation, Inc. Report Anna‐Helene Grossomanides, PGP, Foundation President. She began her report by her expression of appreciation to the Past Presidents of the Foundation and her present Board Members, thanking them for their devotion, commitment and efforts. She extended a special thanks to the Grand President, Celia Kachmarski, Grand Vice President Kathy Bizoukas, the Grand Lodge and the Executive Director, Elena Saviolakis, for their support throughout the year. She reviewed the Foundation’s mission, history and its many accolades from its point of its inauguration on December 31st, 1983. She also gave a special expression of appreciation to Sonja Stefanadis, PGP and Scholarship Chairperson, Antoinette Marousis Zachariades. She was very proud of this year’s Scholarships that were awarded for a total of $31,500 in grants, one of which is the “Bridges Incentive Grant Program”. The winner of the Bridges Incentive Program went to Pleiades Chapter 50 for $250 going towards L.A.M.S. (Lymphangioleiomyomatosis), a rare lung disease that usually strikes women during the prime of their lives. Anna‐Helene also asked everyone to visit the website: www.dopfoundation.com for more information. Sister Anna‐Helene Grossomanides invited everyone to refer to the details of the report in Page 3 of 16
the yearbook. She ended by quoting Aristotle, “What is the essence of Life? To serve others and do good.” DOP Headquarters Report Executive Director Elena Saviolakis began her report with thanks to the AHEPA, Basil Mossaidis, who is the AHEPA Executive Director, to the Grand Lodge Sisters, Andrew Kaffes, AHEPA and DOP Legislative Consultant, and to all the Sisters of the Daughters of Penelope, and to everyone who assisted in making the 2021 Supreme Convention a success. She spoke about the leadership of the Grand President, Celia Kachmarski, the first Canadian Grand President who was able to increase memberships through a pandemic. Her continued contributions include Meals on Wheels and that program’s efforts to service senior isolation and hunger. She spoke of her gratitude for the continued guidance and mentorship under the Grand President’s leadership. She stressed the importance of visiting the website to access and to learn more about the membership portal in addition to viewing helpful webinars and tutorials. She also stressed the budget, specifically per capita tax, is the main source of funding, and how appreciative we are for our members’ continued support. Elena’s complete report is published in the Yearbook. Closing session announcements: 1. Committee meetings changed from 3:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon on this day, July 26th, 2021, except Budget and Finance, which will proceed at the regularly scheduled time of 3:30 p.m. 2. All committees need to be prepared to report on Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. The convention was recessed at 12:30 p.m. Daughters of Penelope Supreme Convention ‐Athens, Greece Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 Page 4 of 16
The Supreme Convention of the Daughters of Penelope was called to order by Chairman PGP, Foundation President Anna‐Helene Grossomanides at 9:30 a.m. Welcomed and thanked a true friend to the Daughters of Penelope, Craig Clawson, 2021 Parliamentarian, for his ongoing hard work and dedication. Credentials‐ Voting Strength‐47 Time. 9:34 a.m. Committee Reports: Maids of Athena (MOA) Committee Report‐ Chairperson Helen Sexton PDG, District 21 MOA Advisor, reported that the committee met Monday, July 26th, at 2:00 p.m. The purpose of this committee was to seek ways to strengthen relations between Daughters of Penelope and Maids of Athens, find ways to reactivate and/or open new MOA chapters, to revitalize existing chapters and suggest guidelines and activities. The committee came up with six recommendations which she gave out to everyone and read it out loud. The committee also made a growth of existing chapters recommendations which were also read aloud. Questions and Discussion followed the report. Motion carried. National Projects‐ Chairperson Demi Thomas PGP, District 05, Agape 336, presented the committee’s proposal for the 3 mandatory projects and three voluntary projects to remain the same as approved at the Chicago convention in 2019. They are listed below. Mandatory: 1. Penelopean Day Care Center 2. Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. 3. Penelope House Voluntary: 1. Limitless Solutions 2. Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation 3. Penelope Place Sister Eva Skoufis District 21, EOS 001 made a motion to increase the mandatory projects to four. The chair ruled this out of order as the Constitution provides that no more than three mandatory projects (Section 16, By Laws) are permitted at one time. The proposal was to add Limitless Solutions as an extra mandatory project. Following discussion and extensive explanation of voting procedures, with translations in Greek provided by Veronica Tsalta PCP Karyatides 271, the main motion was amended and adopted by a vote of 28 in favor and 26 against as such: The Mandatory Projects for 2021‐2022 are: A. Limitless Solutions B. Penelopean Day Care Center Page 5 of 16
C. Penelope House The 2021‐2022 Voluntary Projects are: A. Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation B. Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc C. Penelope Place In summary, the amended motion changed Limitless Solutions to be a mandated project and moved the Daughters of Penelope Foundation to be a voluntary project. On behalf of her committee, Chairperson Demi Thomas moved to accept these projects. Motion carried. Budget and Finance Committee The meeting took place July 26, 2021 at 3:30‐4:45 p.m. Budget and Finance Chairperson Cynthia Papadopoulos Hollister District 11, Chrysa 100. The report of the committee included the review and approval of the following: 1. Daughters of Penelope 2021‐2022 Operating Budget 2. Maids of Athena 2021‐2022 Operating Budget Chairperson Hollister reviewed the distributed Daughters of Penelope Budget in detail before moving on behalf of her committee to accept the budget and the committee report. No changes were made to the presented budget. Discussion on Budget 2020‐2021 and Actuals as 7/12/2021 was over 100,000 less than originally planned due to the pandemic. The Grand Lodge will decide how to move forward with this unexpected surplus of monies. See attached Budget September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022 Credentials Report: Voting Strength‐60 ‐ Time‐10:57 Voting took place 60 for and 0 against for the following. Motion Carried. Penelope of The Year‐ Chairperson Lainie Damaskos Christou, District 6, Lt. Governor, Alope 158. The committee met on July 26, 2021 and seven applications were reviewed and rated using the scoring rubric (and point system) as put forth by the Daughters of Penelope. Services to the DOP at the chapter, district and national level were evaluated, as well as volunteer services to churches, community and civic groups. The announcement of the recipient will be made at the Awards Luncheon. The 2021 Penelope of the Year Award will be awarded to District 11 Tina Paulos Kasidonis. She received a total of 114 points. A legislative recommendation from District 20 was made. Recommendation is as follows: To update the Penelope of the Year application form to include the option of using any traceable service requiring a signature as apposition to certified mail‐receipt requested. The option as such was passed at the District 20 Convention 2020. Vote to accept the report as presented by voice. Motion carried. DOP Grievance Committee Report There were no grievances submitted to the committee for review. Page 6 of 16
DOP Legislation Committee Chairperson Roberta Jackson District 22, Parnassus 115 had her meeting on July 26th from 2:15 p.m. until 4:20 p.m. The committee reviewed 12 changes to the DOP Constitution, 5 changes to the MOA Constitution, and 4 changes to The Book of Rituals. It was recommended that an ad hoc committee be appointed by the Grand President to complete a comprehensive review of the constitution and Book of Rituals and make recommendations for changes to be presented to the delegates at the 2022 Supreme Convention. This committee would include a parliamentarian as well as an attorney. Discussion followed with Sister Georgette Boulegeris, GS in speaking in favor of this motion, while stating that it is necessary to review the Constitution in whole, for the purpose of improving and modernizing the constitution. Grand President Celia Kachmarski added the importance of this motion so as to make it more comprehensive for the everyone. The process would be initiated at the Legislative level and then will proceed to be reviewed at the Convention. All in favor of accepting this report with clarification was passed. Motion carried. Chairperson Jackson presented the recommended changes to the constitution and rituals (Translated in Greek by Veronica Tsalta PCP Karyatides 271): The chairperson read the entire section, noting to the delegates the bold text in their handheld reports were the only changes. All information was translated to Greek. Changes to DOP Constitution 1) Article XXV Meetings of Chapter Teleconferencing and video conferencing permitted as needed. Changes to Maids of Athena 2019 Revision 1) Article IV Section 1 Page 8: A member in good standing is defined as an individual who has paid Per Capita Tax (annual membership dues) and has attending a minimum of four (4) chapter meetings per year. 2) Article IV Section 7 C Page 10 A Maids of Athena seeking dual membership in the Daughters of Penelope shall submit a Daughters of Penelope application as well as a Dual membership application form to the Daughters of Penelope. Dual members will be required to pay their Maids of Athena Per Capital Tax in its entirety and a one‐time initiation fee to the Daughters of Penelope. The Daughters of Penelope Per Capita amount will be waived as per the Daughters of Penelope Constitution. 3) Article XIX section 1 page 24 Section 1 For clarification, “President” will be added to the title of Worthy Maid and put in parentheses. 4) Article XIX section 2 page 25 Section 2 For clarification, “Vice President” will be added to the title of Loyal Maid and put in parentheses. Item #3 and #4 will be considered as 1 vote. After posting and careful consideration of the recommendations, a vote is required after a minimum of two hours. It was decided that the vote would take place the next day, July 28th, 2021. Page 7 of 16
Welcoming Grand President Celia Kachmarski welcomed the newly elected incoming Maids of Athena Grand President Maria Ana Pantelous. She read the message from President Theodora Ronstadt who thanked AHEPA and the DOP for their support and helping them grow. She also highlighted the successful endeavors of the past two years. She then introduced the newly re‐elected Sons of Pericles Supreme President Timothy Noitsis. He introduced his Supreme Lodge. He emphasized the increase of membership, as well as new scholarship opportunities. In partnership with the Maids of Athena, they sold Tee‐Shirts to help the Mental health community. He also encouraged the Daughters to purchase raffles and cookbooks they are using as fund raisers. Brother Timothy strongly expressed how happy he was to see everyone again in person. Recessed at 12:08 p.m. Daughters of Penelope Supreme Convention ‐Athens, Greece Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 Meeting commenced at 9:37 a.m. Voting on Legislation On July 27, 2021 the Legislation committee’s chairperson, Robbie Jackson, District 22, Chapter 115 explained to the delegate body the report that was presented on July 27, 2021 Article XXV which everyone reviewed and then proposed changes needed 2 hours of reviewing before the body was allowed to vote on it. The first proposed change was for the DOP Constitution: The chairperson reread Article XXV Meetings of Chapters, Section 1 page 51. Then she read the proposed change verbatim from the posted report, which was highlighted in bold text. There was no follow‐up discussion. Credentials Report: Voting Strength‐56; Time‐9:43 a.m. Motion was passed. Changes to DOP Constitution 1) Article XXV Meetings of Chapter Teleconferencing and video conferencing permitted as needed. Motion was passed. MOA Constitution Change, 2019 Revision 1) Chairperson Jackson stated the next proposed change will be for the MOA Constitution, 2019 revision. She read the current Article IV Section 1 page 8. Then it was translated in Greek. She then stated that the proposed change will be letter “ C “ which states: C. “A member of good standing is defined as an individual who has paid Per Capita Tax (annual membership dues) and has attending a minimum of four (4) chapter meetings per year”. Credentials Report: Voting Strength 57 ‐Time‐9:58 a.m. Discussion and Questions followed. Motion was passed by a Majority vote of 54 2) MOA Article IV section 7C page 10: The Chairperson read the complete section verbatim in the report (stressing the bold text). See attached report. Page 8 of 16
Maids of Athena seeking dual membership in the Daughters of Penelope shall submit a Daughters of Penelope application as well as a Dual membership application form to the Daughters of Penelope. Dual members will be required to pay their Maids of Athena per Capital Tax in its entirety and a one‐time initiation fee to the Daughters of Penelope. The Daughters of Penelope Per Capita amount will be waived as per the Daughters of Penelope Constitution. Credentials Report:‐63‐Time‐10:25 a.m. The motion passed by a Majority vote (61) 3) Article XIX section 1 page 24 Section 1 for clarification, “President” will be added to the title of Worthy Maid and put in parentheses. 4) Article XIX section 2 page 25 Section 2 for clarification, “Vice President” will be added to the title of Loyal Maid and put in parentheses. The final two proposed items will be voted together and have been proposed for the purpose of clarification. This clarification will be indicated in parentheses. Credentials Report: Voting Strength‐65‐Time‐10:31 a.m. The motion passed by a Majority vote (64) Chairperson Jackson thanked the Delegate Body for their time, for facilitating the process, and for their professionalism. Carl Hollister, PSP and DOP Financial Carl Hollister, PSP and DOP Financial Advisor presented the Annual Investments Report. He addressed the finances of the Daughters of Penelope and the Daughters of Penelope Charitable Foundation, Inc. Carl indicated the funds and investments presented in the distributed report have shown conventional stability in growth for the purpose of empowering our organization to donate moneys to special programs. Carl noted the incoming monies generated for the current year to this day totaled $22,276.00 with interest, and the current total portfolio value was $759,392.36. A short question and answer session completed the presentation. Meeting Recessed at approximately 12pm. Daughters of Penelope Supreme Convention ‐Athens, Greece Page 9 of 16
Thursday, July 29th, 2021 Meeting Commenced at 9:30 a.m. Nominations and Presentations of Candidates Grand President: Celia Kachmarski, GP. Nominated by Kathy Bizoukas, GVP. (declined) Kathy Bizoukas, GVP. Nominated by GP Celia Kachmarski (accepted) Grand Vice President: Georgette Boulegeris, GS. Nominated by Demi Thomas, PGP Grand Secretary: Marianthi Treppiedi, GT. Nominated by Eva Jean Fomalont, PGP Credential Report: Voting Strength 68, Time 10:47 Grand Treasurer: Charrie Regopoulos, GG Zone II. Nominated by Cynthia Hollister, District 11, Chrysa 100 Margaret Dritsas, GG Zone V. Nominated by Celia Kachmarski, GP Grand Governor, Zone I: Antoinette Marousis Zachariades. District 5, Aulis 191 Nominated by Demi Thomas, PGP Grand Governor, Zone II: Dorothea Williams, District 10, Thamyris 272 (Letter of intent included) Nominated by Kathy Bizoukas, GVP Grand Governor, Zone III: Elaine Koutsoukos, District 14, Eurydice 02 (Letter of intent included) Nominated by Gretchen Holtsinger, GG Zone III Grand Governor, Zone IV: Robbie Jackson, District 22, Parnassus 115 Nominated by Marianthi Treppiedi GT Carol Stathopoulos, District 20, Aegina 340 (Letter of intent included) Nominated by Michele Lotakis District 20, Aegina 340 Grand Governor, Zone V: Xanthe Vafopoulou, District 23, Mycenae 220 (Letter of Intent included) Nominated by Margaret Dritsas, GGV Page 10 of 16
Nicki Douklias, District 24, Elysia 124 (Letter of intent included) Nominated by Margaret Dritsas, GGV Grand Advisor Maids of Athena: Patty Didik, District 2, Eros 356 (Letter of Intent Included) Nominated by Georgette Boulegeris, GS Nominations were closed. All candidates had three minutes for their presentations. After their presentations their resumes were posted for the Delegation. They were asked to read them or take pictures. The Chairperson, Anna‐Helene Grossomanides cast one unanimous ballot for all unopposed candidates to their nominated office: Grand President, Grand Vice President, Grand Secretary, Grand Governor Zone 1, Grand Governor Zone 2, Grand Governor Zone 3, Grand Advisor of Maids of Athena. Motion was passed. The chairperson, Anna‐Helene Grossomanides, announced that voting for the positions Grand Treasurer, Grand Governor Zone 4, and Grand Governor Zone 5 will take place the next day, July 30th, 2021, between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. The Convention would proceed thereafter. Three Presentations 1.The History of the DOP Logo Stuttgart Sister, Dr. Dimitra Potsi, was given the 2021 DOP Research Award for her research and writing on the history of the DOP Logo. She donated each Delegate a copy of her book. 2. Poems by Award Winning Poet Dimitris Despotidis. The poet received an honorary distinction from the Association of Literature Writers of Northern Greece with his poem, “Thoughts of Life”. He also dedicated to all the Daughters his favorite poem by Lord Byron, “She walks in beauty, respectively, devoted to all women, who are beautiful inside and out.” GP Celia gifted Dimitris a personalized poetry notebook. 3. Parthenon Marbles Elly Symons discussed the issues of the Parthenon Marbles and how we can help with the return of these historic pieces to our mainland of Athens, Greece. Meeting Recessed at approximately 1pm. Daughters of Penelope Supreme Convention ‐Athens, Greece Page 11 of 16
Friday, July 30th, 2021 Delegate voting for Grand Lodge Treasurer, Grand Lodge Governor Zone 4, and Grand Lodge Governor Zone 5 commenced at 9:00 a.m. Convention Chairperson Grossomanides closed voting at 10:00 a.m. The Supreme Convention of the Daughters of Penelope was called to order by Chairperson Anna‐Helene Grossomanides at 10:10 a.m. Credentials Report: Voting Strength 82, Time 10:10 a.m. Parliamentarian Brother Craig and Tellers proceeded to count the Ballots. Initiation of New Chapter Grand President Celia Kachmarski announced that there will be a new chapter chartered. The chapter is from Voula, Vouliagmeni in Athens. President‐Penelope Christodoulou Member‐Eleni Mouka Member‐ Kyriaki Tsakiroglou The new Chapter is called Agnodiki The Grand President and the Grand Lodge will be doing the initiation. She asked Vice President, Kathy Bizoukas, Grand Treasurer, Marianthi Treppiedi , and Grand Governor Zone 3, Gretchen Holtsinger to take their place and prepare for the initiation. Chairperson Anna‐Helene Grossomanides to serve as the Marshall. Veronica Tsalta administered the oath. Grand President, Celia Kachmarski, explained the history of Penelope to the new chapter. The Grand President congratulated them to the Daughters of Penelope family. Sister Eleni Mouka explained where the name came from in Greek. The name of the chapter comes from two words: PURE JUSTICE. The President: Penelope Christodoulou thanked everyone for the honor and privilege to be initiated with all the Sisters. The Executive Director, Elena Saviolakis, announced it was her privilege to present a video message for the celebration of the Daughters of Penelope 90th Year Anniversary. It was supposed to be shared last year but because of the pandemic it will be shown today. The presentation lasted 17 minutes and included anniversary tributes from leading Greek women around the globe including Greek Ambassador to the US Alexandra Papadopoulou and President of Greece Katerina Sakerallopoulou. The chairperson announced that voting has ended. Brother Craig (the Parliamentarian) and the Tellers went to count the votes. Election Results for Grand Treasurer, Grand Governor Zone 4 and Grand Governor Zone 5. 1) Grand Treasurer Total Ballots cast‐ 82 Page 12 of 16
Margaret Dritsas, GG Zone 5 =48 votes Charrie Regopoulos GG Zone 4=34 votes, 1 blank slate The new elected Grand Treasurer is Margaret Dritsas. 2) Grand Governor Zone 4 Roberta Jackson District 22, Parnassus 115 = 57 votes Carol Stathopoulos, District 20, Aegina, 340 = 24 votes 1 blank slate The newly elected Grand Governor Zone 4 is Roberta Jackson. 3) Grand Governor Zone 5 Nicki Douklias, District 24, Elysia 124 = 62 votes Xanthe Vafopoulou, District 23, Mycenea (Toronto) 220 = 19 votes 1 blank slate The newly elected Grand Governor Zone 5 is Nicki Douklias M/s Marianthi Treppeidi, District 22, GT Parnassus 115/Angela Kavounas, PGP, District 22, Alcides 160. To destroy the ballots. Motion carried. Chairperson Grossomanides so ordered. 2021‐2022 Grand Lodge Officer to be installed at Installation Ceremony Grand President Kathy Bizoukas of Munster, IN; Grand Vice President Georgette Boulegeris of Bedminster, NJ; Grand Secretary Marianthi Treppiedi of Spokane, WA; Grand Treasurer Margaret Dritsas of Ottawa, Canada; Grand Governor Zone I Antoinette Zachariades of Ocean, NJ; Grand Governor Zone II Dorothea Williams of Detroit, MI; Grand Governor Zone III Elaine Koutsoukos of St. Paul, MN; Grand Governor Zone IV Roberta Jackson of Spokane, WA; Grand Governor Zone V Nicki Douklias of Winnipeg, MB; Grand Advisor Maids of Athena Patty Didik of Hudson, FL; Credential Report. Voting Strength 82‐ Time 10:10 am Good of the Order and Special Announcements: Kathy Bizoukas Thanked everyone and announced that as this day is National Friendship Day, how fitting this day is to the special relationships made in our Sisterhood and wishes for us to continue to be united in friendship. Elaine Kevgas PGP Thanked the Convention Officers for all they did, as well as the Grand President Celia Kachmarski along with her Grand Lodge. She wished good beginnings to the newly elected Grand Lodge, encouraging them to continue the fine work our organization is known for. Demi Thomas‐PGP Thanked the Chairperson and the convention officers. Thanked Grand President Celia Kachmarski who was the right President at the right time and made us all look good. She had an Page 13 of 16
amazing Lodge who worked very hard with her. She thanked all the Sisters for coming from all over the world. It was our first convention where there were tables of Delegates from countries all over the world. She thanked the Sisters for coming to the Convention. Georgette Boulegeris ‐ Thanked the convention officers, including Brother Craig, the Sentinels, and Tellers. She thanked her present Lodge who worked very hard with her, and if something didn’t work we tried something else. She thanked the Delegates. She congratulated the incoming Grand Lodge. Thanked them for their hospitality and encouraged them to attend the convention next year in Orlando. She read a poem in Greek that her dad taught her which she holds close to her heart. She thanked Executive Director Elena Saviolakis for her hard work for the convention. Antoinette Zachariades‐ Thanked the Convention officers, thanked the Grand President Kachmarski for an outstanding job and her Lodge who worked very hard. She promised to work hard and will honor her duties wholeheartedly on the Lodge. Eva Jean Fomalont‐ PGP Sister Eva Jean asked Madame President Kachmarski to stand for the audience, expressing how appreciative she was for her dedication and stating, “Celia Kachmarski is a dynamic woman, and has always been one”. She thanked the Convention Officers and wished the incoming lodge members good endeavors. The Good of the Order is the members who make the Lodge better. She thanked all the PGP and said they are here because they care. Sister Eva Jean also thanked Greece for their hospitality and support. Rena Vasilaki – Sister Rena thanked the Grand President and the Lodge and expressed how this event was “like magic” to her. She thanked everyone for the wonderful experiences set forward by the organization and looks forward to the future endeavors of the newly elected members. Eleni Smith Sister Eleni spoke strongly about her pride in the Greek culture and that it is her belief that that the love of our culture begins in the homes while extending to the many experiences such as those that our organization provides. Maria Sofianou Tzampazi As the Hellas District Liaison, Sister Maria thanked the Grand President and the Grand Lodge for their dedication to our organization. She shared how the organization opened the doors to so many wonderful things at a much needed time in her life. She thanked Executive Director Elena Saviolakis as well for all her support. Margaret Dritsas Thanked the Grand Lodge and the many people involved in making this Convention the success it was. In her new role as Treasurer, she promised to be committed to her new responsibilities. She expressed sisterly love to Charrie Regopoulos. She hopes to see everyone at our next convention in Orlando, Florida next July 2022. Marina Vamvakas Thanked the Grand President Celia Kachmarski and the Lodge for being so kind and supportive towards her. She was one of the women at the webinar to celebrate International Women’s Day. She was so honored that she worked with such distinguished women. It was a great opportunity to meet all the Grand Lodge in Europe who were so kind to her. A special thank you to Elena Saviolakis, and Margaret Dritsas. A heartfelt congratulations to the incoming Grand Lodge. She thanked everyone for their love. Page 14 of 16
Dimitra Kiakou Sister Dimitra expressed her appreciation to the Grand President, the Grand Lodge as well as Athanasia Vassiliadou, European Liaison, for the opportunity to be a part of this convention. This was her first convention and feels like she is a part of a family, working in unity. She congratulated the newly elected Grand Lodge members and wished them well. Athanasia Vassiliadou As the European Liaison, Sister Athanasia expressed her gratitude to the Grand President as well as the Grand Lodge. She acknowledged and wished the newly elected members well in their new positions. She stressed how much it meant to her to have so many “Sisters”, not having one of her own growing up. A warm thank you to both Sister Maria Tzampazi and Sister Elena, the Executive Director, for guiding and working together. Eva Skoufis Thanked all the past Grand Presidents who made the organizations strong, acknowledging that a captain is as good as its cabinet…and with that she praised the Grand Lodge for their commitment to the organization. She invited DOP members to the EOS #1 Founders Day Event, which will take place on November 13, 2021 in San Francisco, California. Sister Eva thanked the incoming Lodge for committing to their new roles in following their predecessors. Marianthi Treppiedi Sister Marianthi thanked the Convention Officers and the Chairperson. She acknowledged the ongoing hard work and dedication of the sisterhood, meeting regularly on zoom to work as a team. It was a pleasure seeing the members she met on zoom before her. Sister Marianthi bid farewell to the outgoing Sisters, Charrie Regopoulos and Gretchen Holtsinger, and thanked them for their dedication to the organization and will be missed. Michele Lotsakis Sister Michele expressed appreciation to Greece for their warm hospitality. She thanked the Grand President as well as the Grand Lodge for the hard work they do. She expressed her wishes to have the Sons and Maids included in their future conventions. Eleni Mouka Sister Eleni summarized the story of the first female physician and midwife, Agnodice, praising her for opening doors to enable women to become doctors in Ancient Athens in the 4th Century BCE. She expressed the hardship Agnodice endured as she disguised as a man in order to help the many women who needed medical care. Anna Goritsa Sister Anna thanked the Grand President, the Grand Lodge, as well as the incoming newly elected members. She acknowledged Supreme President George Horiatis for his ongoing support to Greece and their Hellenic issues. Greece would not be the same without our ongoing organizations involvement. Anna‐Helene Grossomanides, PGP Sister Anna‐Helene was proud to serve in this organization and serve as the Chairperson of the 2021 Supreme Convention, while stressing how the members made it easier. She expressed heartfelt appreciation for the outgoing Grand Lodge as well as for Sister Elena and reminded them they will always be sisters. She also congratulated and wished well to the incoming Grand Lodge, assuring them they have her support to help them with the transition. She told of how Sister Celia was there for her during challenging times and truly appreciated her help in all she did. Sister Celia was proudly served as the first Canadian Grand President for our organization. ‐ For clarification, Sister Anna‐Helene explained that due to the pandemic, the Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena elected to hold their convention through Zoom. Although, several newly elected officers were present for the initiation to take place on this day. Page 15 of 16
‐ The scheduled installation was announced. Celia Kachmarski Sister Celia expressed gratitude to the Grand Lodge for their ongoing support during her time in office as Grand President for the past two years. She thanked the Convention Chairs, the Sentinels, and Brother Craig for their dedication in making this convention a success. She wished the incoming Grand Lodge success in all they set out to do for the organization. She thanked Greece for their hospitality and making us all feel welcomed. There being no further business, Chairperson Anna‐Helene Grossomanides, adjourned the 2021 Supreme Convention, Athens, Greece at 12:45 p.m. Page 16 of 16
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