Data, BI & Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 - The world's largest survey of data, BI and analytics trends - Swapcard
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Data, BI & Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 The world's largest survey of data, BI and analytics trends BARC Research Study
Authors Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 Larissa Baier Nikolai Janoschek Senior Analyst Analyst Dr. Carsten Bange Patrick Keller Founder & CEO Senior Analyst Annika Baumhecker Torsten Krüger Research Analyst Senior Analyst Jacqueline Bloemen Gernot Molin Senior Analyst Senior Analyst Dr. Christian Fuchs Ann-Katrin Oppmann Senior Analyst Research Analyst Timm Grosser Robert Tischler Senior Analyst Senior Analyst 2 Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center
Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 Table of Contents 32 | Alerting 4 | Foreword 34 | Advanced Analytics/Machine Learning/AI 6 | Management Summary 36 | Integrated Platforms for PM & Analytics 38 |3 Embedded BI and Analytics 9 | Survey Results 40 |3 Cloud for Data and Analytics 42 |3 Mobile BI 10 | BI Trends Overview 44 |3 Analytics Teams/Data Labs 12 | BI Trends Development 46 |3 Decision Automation 14 | The Trends in Detail 48 |3 Data Catalogs 14 | Master Data/Data Quality Management 50 |3 Augmented Analytics 16 | Data Discovery/Visualization 52 |3 IoT Data and Analytics 18 | Establishing a Data-Driven Culture 20 | Data Governance 54 | Recommendations 22 | Self-Service Analytics 57 | Sample & Methodology 24 | Data Warehouse Modernization 26 | Data Preparation by Business Users 58 | BARC Company Profile 28 | Agile BI Development 60 | Sponsor Profiles 30 | Real-Time Analytics ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 3
Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 Foreword 2 020 has been a time of fundamental intelligence (AI) and machine learning provide a holistic understanding of change in many organizations. (ML) have receded into the background in regional, company and industry-specific The COVID-19 pandemic has had the face of the crisis. Instead, companies differences and offer state-of-the-art a massive impact on the economy and have focused more on basic operations insights into developments in the BI, many companies have had to restructure and processes. However, most trends analytics and data management market. their work. For some, this situation meant are rather stable which shows us that, Our longitudinal analysis also reveals how shifting their workplace from the office even in times of transition, companies’ trends have developed, making it possible to their homes. For others who could not focus does not shift in a drastic way. to separate hype from stable trends. work from home, the workplace had to T be made safer. It is hard to imagine an he BARC Data, BI and Analytics Trend Dr. Carsten Bange area that was not in some way affected Monitor 2021 shows which topics by the economic, social and individual Würzburg, Germany, November 2020 companies currently rely on and consequences of this global pandemic. which areas are less important. We asked BI, analytics and data management are 2,259 users, consultants and vendors no exception. We have observed this for their opinion on the most important year that hyped topics such as artificial BI and analytics trends. Their answers ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 5
Management Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 Summary The market for BI and data management is identifying trends: we asked over 2,200 us- hensive insights on the BI, analytics and data constantly changing. As an industry analyst, ers, consultants and vendors for their views management market. We have condensed the we frequently highlight and predict important on the most important BI, analytics and data main findings of this study into six result areas topics that have an impact on the agendas of management trends, delivering an up-to-date in order to contextualize the most striking con- organizations and the people within them. perspective on regional, company and indus- trasts and continuous trends. For this study we took a unique approach to try-specific differences and providing compre- Result Result Best-in-class Result Top trending topics Vendors vs. users area 1 area 2 companies area 3 Data quality and master data management Best-in-class companies attach greater impor- In general, vendors, consultants and users has been ranked as the most important trend tance to all trends than organizations that see have quite a similar view of the importance of for four years in a row now. The stability of themselves as laggards. However, their per- trends. However, perceptions differ when it this trend shows the relevance of having good ception of some trends is fairly similar (e.g., comes to real-time analytics and data prepa- quality data to be significantly higher than oth- data warehouse modernization and embed- ration by business users, which are seen as er trend topics with a much broader presence ded BI and analytics). considerably more important by users and in the media. It also reflects the fact that many One thing best-in-class companies and lag- vendors than by consultants. However, users organizations place high emphasis on their gards do not agree on is the importance of and vendors do not agree when it comes to master data and data quality management data governance and establishing a data-driv- the relevance of the cloud for data and analyt- because they have not reached their goals yet. en culture. Laggards place much less empha- ics. Like last year, this is a trend that vendors This trend is a long-term mission that will re- sis on these trends. For both data governance attach great importance to whereas users main very important and is also linked to the and data-driven culture, it is hard to define seem less enthusiastic. This also applies in the equally stable significance of data governance, and measure their actual output in terms of case of augmented analytics, where the view which is ranked in fourth position again this value for the company. So, it might be that of vendors and users clearly differs. Howev- year. Data discovery and data visualization re- laggard companies are having a hard time es- er, augmented analytics is a relatively new mains the second most important trend and tablishing those concepts to begin with and sphere for many companies. It may therefore is therefore equally as stable as establishing a prefer to concentrate on areas where they become more important for users in the fu- data-driven culture in third place, where it was already have a foot in the door. However, it ture. The opposite effect can be observed in also positioned last year. All the top trends could also be argued that laggards might not relation to analytics teams / data labs, which represent the key message that managing be aware of the benefits or might not have is a trend that users are more likely to rate as and leveraging data in organizations needs access to adequate resources. Best-in-class important compared to vendors. As a rather to combine organizational and technological companies, on the other hand, place an espe- ‘organizational’ topic, it is understandable that elements. They have been consistently sta- cially strong emphasis on these topics. In this it should be closer to the hearts of users than ble over the years, which reflects the fact that case, the opposite might be true: the benefits software providers. these trends act as a solid foundation on which of a data-driven culture and data governance most companies are keen to put great empha- are undisputed and there is access to ade- sis. quate resources in order to execute a compa- ny-wide roll out in these areas. ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 7
Management Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 Summary Result Result Result Industry comparison Global differences Europe area 4 area 5 area 6 There are some trends that are consist- Observing trends from a geographical per- The importance of BI trends is perceived ently considered important across all in- spective shows a greater tendency in the quite differently across European coun- dustries. This especially applies to master APAC region to assess trends as impor- tries. Eastern Europe and the United data/data quality management as well as tant. In comparison, most trends are gen- Kingdom in particular place greater im- data discovery/visualization. Meanwhile, erally rated as less important in Europe. portance on most trends than the other other trends are perceived as less impor- This rather conservative view is typical for European regions. Conversely, the Ger- tant across all industries, such as IoT data Europe and can be further examined by man-speaking region (Germany, Austria and analytics and also augmented ana- looking more closely at the regions within and Switzerland – collectively known as lytics. Nevertheless, the manufacturing Europe (see result area 6). North America DACH) and France place much less impor- sector pays less attention to most trends and South America have a rather mixed tance on most trends. The only exceptions than other industries while the telecom- view on trends. While master data/data in the DACH region are self-service analyt- munications industry attaches greater im- quality management is perceived as im- ics and master data/data quality manage- portance to the majority of trends. portant, IoT data & analytics is consistently ment: both trends are rated as relatively Most industries present a mixed view. For deemed as rather irrelevant across all re- important compared to the rating of other example, the IT sector attaches great im- gions. However, when it comes to alerting, European regions. Master data/data qual- portance to data discovery and real-time APAC and North America attach greater ity management is also the one trend that analytics but sees data catalogs as less sig- importance to this topic than Europe and the DACH region values the most out of all nificant. South America. This finding perfectly il- the trends. lustrates the fact that priorities vary from All in all, the European perception reflects These industry-specific differences indi- region to region. In particular, new trends the overall assessment of the top trends cate which trends are prioritized, either are perceived with varying degrees of en- with master data/data quality manage- because they facilitate day-to-day busi- thusiasm. ment, data discovery/visualization, data ness in these sectors or because they add value over and beyond that. governance and establishing a data-driven culture as the most important BI trends. This is a consistent finding over recent years and it shows that handling and lev- eraging data is hugely important regard- less of region. 8 Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center
Data quality/master data management, data discovery/ Data, BI and Analytics visualization and data-driven culture are the top trends. Trends Overview Importance of Data, BI and Analytics trends from “not important at all“ (0) to “very important“ (10) Viewpoint 7.3 Master data/DQ mgmt 7.1 Data discovery/vis. We asked users, consultants and software 7.0 Data-driven culture vendors of BI and data management tech- nology to give their personal rating of the 6.9 Data governance importance of twenty trending topics that we presented to them. Master data and 6.7 Self-service analytics data quality management in first position 6.0 Data warehouse modernization and data discovery in second are ever- greens that have been in these top posi- 5.8 Data prep. by business users tions for four years in a row now. Many companies see these two trends as impor- 5.8 Agile BI development tant and their significance transcends in- dividual regions and industry sectors. Es- 5.6 Real-time analytics tablishing a data-driven culture is a trend that was newly introduced to the BARC 5.6 Alerting BI Trend Monitor two years ago. Starting from rank five in the first edition, it made 5.5 Advanced analytics/machine learning/AI its way up to rank three last year where it remains this year. Data governance and 5.3 Integrated platforms for PM and analytics self-service BI (ranked four and five re- 5.2 Embedded BI and analytics spectively) have been equally consistent trends, but self-service had occupied a 5.0 Cloud for data and analytics higher position before data-driven culture was introduced. 5.0 Mobile BI All in all, these top five trends represent the foundation for organizations to man- 5.0 Analytics teams/Data labs age their own data and make good use of it. Furthermore, they demonstrate that 4.7 Decision automation organizations are aware of the relevance 4.5 Data catalogs of high quality data and its effective use. Organizations want to go beyond the col- 4.1 Augmented analytics lection of as much data as possible and ac- tively use data to improve their business 4.0 IoT data and analytics decisions. This is also supported by data warehouse modernization, which moved up one place to sixth position this year. 0 Not important at all Very important 10 n = 2259 ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 11
BI Trends Development
The trends are relatively stable. The biggest surge in interest Data, BI & Analytics is seen with cloud for data and analytics. Trends Development Development of rankings of Data, BI and Analytics trends Viewpoint 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Master data/DQ management Some trends have slightly increased in 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. Data discovery/visualization importance since last year (e.g., data cata- logs). However, most have stayed the same 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. Data-driven culture or just changed one rank. The only excep- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Data governance tion is cloud for data & analytics which was 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Self-service analytics in 18th spot for two years before moving up to 14th this year. This can be explained by 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. Data warehouse modernization the increasing interest in cloud BI. The idea 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. Data prep. by business users of using a cloud environment to run BI and analytics is no longer merely promoted by 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. Agile BI development software vendors but is transitioning from 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. Real-time analytics theory into practice. Even though adoption is developing slowly, the upward trend of 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. Alerting the cloud tells us that companies are be- 11. 11. 11. 11. 11. Adv. analytics/Machine learning/AI coming increasingly familiar with using cloud, or at least hybrid, solutions. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. Integr. platforms for PM & analytics There are also no major shifts in the down- 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. Embedded BI and analytics ward trends. Data preparation by business 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. Cloud for data and analytics users dropped from rank six to rank seven due to data warehouse modernization be- 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. Mobile BI coming more important. Advanced analyt- 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. Analytics teams/Data labs ics/machine learning and AI also fell one place to rank eleven. In this case, a con- 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. Decision automation tinuous downward trend can be observed 18. 18. 18. 18. 18. Data catalogs over the last three years. Companies are 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. Augmented analytics struggling to adapt machine learning mech- anisms when the foundation – good quality 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. IoT data and analytics and accessible data – has not quite been achieved yet. Most companies seem to be going back to the roots and concentrating Trend not included in Data, on the basics of using and managing their BI & Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 data before they shift their priorities on to advanced methods. n = 2772/2770/2679/2865/2259 ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 13
Master Data/Data Quality Management
Transport sector and large companies value master data Master Data/Data management very highly. Southern Europe sees it as less relevant. Quality Management Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint IT user 7.4 1 Company/ Business user 7.4 1 User type 7.1 Consultant 2 Vendor 6.8 1 The importance of data quality and mas- More than 2500 empl. 7.7 1 ter data management can be explained Company/ 7.4 very simply: Correct decisions can only be size 100 - 2500 empl. 1 made on the basis of reliable, consistent Less than 100 empl. 6.6 3 data. Models can only make accurate pre- Transport 8.0 1 dictions if they are trained and supplied Telco 7.8 1 with correct data. Utilities 7.6 1 Master data provides the structure to un- derstand and use data. It is only through Retail/Wholesale 7.5 1 master data that transactional data, IoT Industry Manufacturing 7.5 1 data and clickstreams get their meaning Services 7.4 1 and context. Harmonized master data is 7.3 critical to the uniform understanding of Public sector/Educ. 3 data and the interaction of company di- Financial Services 7.0 3 visions as it helps to ensure consistent IT 7.0 2 reporting and data-driven operations. Best-in Best-in-Class 7.5 4 In today’s digital age, in which data is in- Class 7.0 creasingly emerging as a factor of pro- Laggards 1 duction, there is a growing need to use Europe 7.3 1 and produce high quality data to make Global South America 7.3 4 new services and products possible. regions North America 7.3 3 There are proven concepts for increas- Asia and Pacific 7.1 4 ing data quality and implementing mas- 7.6 ter data management, but it is still a big UK & Ireland 3 challenge. The critical success factors for Eastern Europe 7.4 2 sustainable high data quality are defined DACH 7.4 1 roles and responsibilities, quality assur- European 7.4 ance processes, the continuous monitor- regions France 2 7.4 ing of the quality of a company’s data and BeNeLux 2 – most importantly – everyone’s aware- Northern Europe 7.0 3 ness and transparency regarding the im- Southern Europe 6.5 5 pact of poor data quality. 0 10 n = 2,238 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 15
Data Discovery/Visualization
Data discovery is prominent in Eastern Europe and best-in-class Data Discovery/ companies, but less relevant to organizations in the DACH region. Visualization Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint IT user 7.1 2 Company/ Consultant 7.0 3 User type Business user 6.9 2 Data discovery is the business-user-driven Vendor 6.7 3 process of discovering patterns and out- More than 2500 empl. 7.2 4 liers in data. At least three functional ar- Company/ 7.0 eas are required to identify patterns and Less than 100 empl. 1 size 100 - 2500 empl. 7.0 2 outliers efficiently and effectively in an it- IT 7.6 1 erative approach. Business users must be 7.4 well equipped with data preparation fea- Telco 3 tures to connect to a wide range of sourc- Retail/Wholesale 7.4 3 es, clean, enrich and shape data to pub- Utilities 7.2 2 lish data sets for analytics. These data sets Industry Public sector/Educ. 7.2 4 are explored by visual analysis or sifted by Financial Services 7.0 4 guided advanced analytics to reliably iden- Transport 6.9 5 tify relevant patterns. Services 6.9 4 Data discovery is evolving along two axes Manufacturing 6.8 3 to increase efficiency and quality. Improv- 7.8 ing user guidance and automation is at Best-in Best-in-Class 1 the top of the agenda for most vendors. Class Laggards 6.7 2 Machine learning is increasingly leveraged North America 7.5 2 to guide business users and automate Global South America 7.5 2 tasks through all steps from preparation regions Asia and Pacific 7.4 3 to visualization. Leading tools help users Europe 6.8 2 not only to answer their questions but 8.1 they also provide hints and explanations Eastern Europe 1 (NLG) for questions beyond that. Provid- France 7.7 1 ing data discovery at scale based on a gov- Northern Europe 7.6 2 erned platform to allow business users to European 7.3 regions UK & Ireland 4 build on each other’s assets is also fueling BeNeLux 7.1 4 innovation. Southern Europe 6.8 4 DACH 6.5 3 n = 2,238 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 17
Data-Driven Culture
UK & Ireland and South America regard data-driven culture as very Data-Driven Culture important. The DACH region is some way behind. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. 7.1 Viewpoint IT user 3 Company/ Consultant 6.8 4 User type Business user 6.7 3 6.7 One of the biggest shifts in today’s busi- Vendor 4 ness world is the transformation from More than 2500 empl. 7.4 3 isolated and project-oriented data usage Company/ 6.8 to a completely data-driven enterprise. Less than 100 empl. 2 size 100 - 2500 empl. 6.8 4 ‘Data-driven’ in this context means that 7.6 as many decisions and processes within Telco 2 a business as possible are based on data. Public sector/Educ. 7.6 1 This concerns simple key figures such as Retail/Wholesale 7.5 2 revenue and profit, but also results from Financial Services 7.1 2 advanced analytics models. Moreover, 7.0 both quantitative and qualitative data can Industry Utilities 3 be used to support the decision-making Services 6.9 3 process, and decision-making on all levels Transport 6.9 4 – from operational to tactical and strate- IT 6.8 3 gic – are affected. While companies have 6.6 always been interested in their numbers, Manufacturing 5 the extent of data use is exercised at a Best-in Best-in-Class 7.7 3 higher level within a data-driven culture. Class Laggards 6.5 3 The main aim is to replace managers’ gut South America 7.8 1 feelings with data-derived facts and to em- power all employees to actively use data Global Asia and Pacific 7.8 1 to enhance their daily work. The goal is to regions North America 7.7 1 fully utilize a company’s potential by mak- Europe 6.6 4 ing decisions more successful, initiatives 7.9 more effective and competitive advantag- UK & Ireland 1 es more striking. Southern Europe 7.7 1 However, a data-driven culture should not BeNeLux 7.5 1 be interpreted as blindly following num- European 7.3 regions Eastern Europe 3 bers. Key focus areas should be to en- Northern Europe 7.0 4 hance data interpretation skills and critical 6.6 thinking. This enables businesses not only France 4 to base their decisions on data, but also to DACH 6.1 5 know when it is better not to do so. 0 10 n = 2,236 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 19
Data Governance
UK & Ireland leads the way. Data governance is much less Data Governance important in small companies and for laggards. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. 7.1 Viewpoint Consultant 1 Company/ IT user 7.0 4 User type Vendor 6.8 2 Business user 6.6 5 Unlike BI or analytics governance, which More than 2500 empl. 7.5 2 center on preparing and presenting data Company/ 6.8 for analytical use cases, data governance 100 - 2500 empl. 3 size focuses on the data in all systems that are Less than 100 empl. 6.3 5 dealing with data. Because business and Transport 7.5 2 technical responsibilities are traditionally Public sector/Educ. 7.4 2 covered on a per system level, this over- Financial Services 7.2 1 arching view of data needs to be specifi- Telco 7.1 4 cally addressed, preferably by a central 7.1 body within the organization. This ensures Industry Services 2 6.8 broader thinking in terms of knowledge, Retail/Wholesale 4 organization and technology. Utilities 6.7 6 Data governance is needed as the steer- Manufacturing 6.6 4 ing mechanism for data strategy. A proper IT 6.5 4 data strategy orchestrates how business Best-in Best-in-Class 7.8 2 strategy is translated into data and ana- Class Laggards 6.3 4 lytics. It enables the business to get value Asia and Pacific 7.6 2 from data. Data strategy manages the ex- 7.2 ploitation of data across all business pro- Global North America 4 cesses to promote business efficiency and regions South America 7.0 5 innovation. Data governance is required Europe 6.7 3 to implement a data strategy, including UK & Ireland 7.9 2 policies and frameworks to manage, mon- Northern Europe 7.6 1 itor and protect data capital while taking BeNeLux 7.2 3 people, processes and technologies into European France 7.0 3 account. Establishing data governance is regions a long-term endeavor. Most of all, it re- Southern Europe 7.0 2 quires a clear, conscious management de- Eastern Europe 7.0 4 cision on how to work with and use data. DACH 6.3 4 0 10 n = 2,237 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 21
Self-Service Analytics
Especially relevant in best-in-class companies and South Self-Service Analytics America, but not so much in Northern Europe. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint IT user 6.8 5 Company/ Consultant 6.7 5 User type Business user 6.7 4 Creating essential parts of analytics and Vendor 6.4 5 BI content through self-service is part of More than 2500 empl. 7.1 5 almost every new implementation and Company/ 6.5 size 100 - 2500 empl. 5 remains a high priority. The continuously Less than 100 empl. 6.4 4 high demand for self-service underlines Transport 7.1 3 the importance of equipping modern an- 6.9 alytical landscapes accordingly. But a shift Financial Services 5 6.9 has taken place. Companies today no Manufacturing 2 longer solely focus on providing self-ser- IT 6.9 5 vice capabilities to users to serve their de- Industry Public sector/Educ. 6.9 5 partmental requirements. They also want Utilities 6.8 4 to democratize data access while ensuring Retail/Wholesale 6.7 5 efficient creation and consistent results. Telco 6.7 5 Self-service analytics allows business us- Services 6.5 5 ers to self-reliantly answer urgent ques- 7.5 tions and inform decisions and deci- Best-in Best-in-Class 5 Class 6.0 sion-makers based on solid evidence. To Laggards 5 do so, they communicate insights and South America 7.3 3 results via quicker and more efficiently Global Asia and Pacific 6.9 5 prepared dashboards and reports. The regions North America 6.7 5 number of implementations that allow Europe 6.6 5 business users to build their own content, Southern Europe 7.0 3 a prerequisite to democratizing data, is 6.9 increasing. Not all business users create UK & Ireland 5 analytics and BI content. Companies need Eastern Europe 6.8 5 European to understand that self-service does not DACH 6.6 2 mean that business users do not require regions France 6.4 5 IT or analytics and BI experts. They still BeNeLux 6.4 5 play a major role in enhancing, monitoring Northern Europe 6.0 7 and supporting successful analytics and BI environments. n=2,237 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 23
Data Warehouse Modernization
Very important in best-in-class companies. Less important in Data Warehouse small companies and for vendors. Modernization Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint IT user 6.3 6 Company/ Consultant 6.1 6 User type 5.7 Business user 8 Vendor 5.5 12 Older data warehouse landscapes have 6.4 become too complex to support agile de- More than 2500 empl. 6 Company/ velopment, or too expensive to have their 100 - 2500 empl. 5.9 6 size functionality extended to accommodate Less than 100 empl. 5.4 13 modern analytics requirements. Further- Telco 6.5 6 more, the type of implementation for Retail/Wholesale 6.3 6 which many data warehouse landscapes Transport 6.3 6 were originally designed and optimized 6.3 does not cover the way analytics is cur- Utilities 7 rently moving forward in the direction of Industry Public sector/Educ. 6.1 6 exploration and operational processing Financial Services 6.1 6 alongside classical BI requirements. Manufacturing 5.9 6 Now, organizations are beginning to un- IT 5.8 10 derstand the new challenges and the po- Services 5.7 8 tential of alternative methodologies, ar- Best-in Best-in-Class 6.7 6 chitectural approaches and utilizing other Class Laggards 6.0 6 technical options such as in-memory, 6.6 cloud data platforms and data warehouse South America 7 6.2 automation tools. IT must be prepared Global North America 8 for fast-changing analytical requirements, regions Asia and Pacific 6.0 12 and must also compete against new and Europe 5.9 6 cheaper implementation options from ex- Southern Europe 6.2 6 ternal service providers. Collaborative ap- France 6.0 7 proaches are needed to cover the increas- Northern Europe 6.0 6 ing expectations of the business to pull European 6.0 maximum business value from data. It is regions Eastern Europe 7 now time to assess historically grown data UK & Ireland 6.0 7 warehouses against present demands BeNeLux 5.9 6 and evaluate how updated hardware and DACH 5.8 6 technology could make life easier. n = 2,233 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 25
Data Preparation by Business Users
Utilities top of the list for data preparation. Northern Europe and Data Preparation by laggards are less sold on the trend. Business Users Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Business user 6.0 6 Company/ Vendor 5.9 7 User type 5.8 IT user 7 Consultant 5.4 10 Data preparation encompasses cleaning, 6.0 structuring and enriching data for use in More than 2500 empl. 8 Company/ analytics. Its goal is to build valuable as- Less than 100 empl. 5.8 6 size sets from raw data to help answer con- 100 - 2500 empl. 5.7 7 crete business questions though analytics. Utilities 6.7 5 Achieving agile data preparation at scale Telco 6.2 9 is of utmost importance in today’s volatile Public sector/Educ. 6.1 7 economy. It is key to leverage enterprise IT 6.0 7 and external data to inform decisions, au- Industry Financial Services 5.9 7 tomate processes and monetize data. Services 5.7 7 Collaboration between development re- 5.7 sources in IT and the business users in- Manufacturing 7 5.5 volved is vital to ensure high efficiency and Transport 11 quality. The necessary agility is achieved Retail/Wholesale 5.4 10 by shifting the task of shaping and enrich- Best-in Best-in-Class 6.5 9 ing data from IT to business users. Easy-to- Class Laggards 5.3 8 use and intuitive tools with sophisticated South America 6.6 6 user guidance and automation powered Global North America 6.4 7 by machine learning are the foundation regions 5.8 to infuse efficiency and quality into data Asia and Pacific 14 preparation efforts. Governing distributed Europe 5.6 7 data preparation assets cannot by over- France 6.3 6 valued. Data catalogs serve as inventories Southern Europe 6.0 8 and ensure access to and reuse of data. UK & Ireland 6.0 8 Collaboration must be promoted to bene- European 5.6 fit from democratized access to data. Pro- regions Eastern Europe 11 5.4 viding the required systems and tools is DACH 7 just the first step. BeNeLux 5.3 10 Northern Europe 5.2 12 0 10 n = 2,246 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 27
Agile BI Development
Agile BI development is prominent in Northern Europe, but less Agile BI Development important in BeNeLux and the IT sector. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Consultant 6.0 7 Company/ IT user 5.7 8 User type Vendor 5.7 10 Business user 5.6 9 Agile BI development is a customer-centric More than 2500 empl. 6.1 7 approach to provide reliable information Company/ 5.6 products and services to meet dynamic size 100 - 2500 empl. 8 Less than 100 empl. 5.5 10 business demand. Business and IT experts 6.4 work together to provide continuous im- Telco 8 provements to information products. New Transport 6.2 7 dashboards, reports and KPIs are supplied Retail/Wholesale 6.0 8 using model-driven, metadata-generated Services 5.9 6 data pipelines and other data warehouse Industry Public sector/Educ. 5.8 10 automation concepts. Metrics monitor the Utilities 5.8 8 quality and usage of the delivered products Financial Services 5.8 8 or artifacts. The DevOps approach brings a 5.6 mindset and technical best practices to im- Manufacturing 9 plement an automated continuous delivery IT 5.5 8 pipeline enabling rapid change. DataOps Best-in Best-in-Class 6.6 8 aims to accelerate the provision of data Class Laggards 5.6 7 and its use, to increase data quality, to au- South America 6.4 8 tomate data-driven processes and to make Global Asia and Pacific 6.3 9 the value of “data as an asset” accountable. regions 5.9 The main benefits of agile development are North America 10 speed, adaptability and closer alignment be- Europe 5.6 8 tween business and IT. Northern Europe 6.8 5 UK & Ireland 6.0 6 France 5.8 8 European 5.7 regions Eastern Europe 10 Southern Europe 5.5 11 DACH 5.4 8 BeNeLux 5.3 9 0 10 n = 2,239 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 29
Real-Time Analytics
Real-time analytics is a major trend in North America, but less Real-Time Analytics important in the DACH region and in financial services. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Business user 5.8 7 Company/ IT user 5.6 9 User type Vendor 5.4 14 Faster reporting and analysis of data, Consultant 5.2 12 not only in terms of query performance Less than 100 empl. 5.8 7 (which is still one of the biggest problems Company/ 5.7 users experience with their BI tools), is a More than 2500 empl. 10 size challenge in many companies. There is an 100 - 2500 empl. 5.4 10 6.2 increasing need to make data from trans- IT 9 actional systems available immediately to Transport 6.0 8 support faster and fact-based operational Public sector/Educ. 5.9 8 decision-making. Manufacturing 5.7 8 Analytics with real-time data refers to the Industry Services 5.6 9 near-immediate processing and provision Telco 5.6 13 of information about business operations 5.4 in transactional systems (i.e., stream- Retail/Wholesale 10 ing). Real-time analytics is about catch- Utilities 5.3 13 ing events or other new data immediate- Financial Services 5.0 12 ly after their occurrence and processing Best-in Best-in-Class 6.2 12 them for alerting (e.g., in an operational Class Laggards 5.1 10 dashboard) or triggering pre-automated 6.6 events (e.g., an algorithm detects certain North America 6 problems during the manufacturing pro- Global Asia and Pacific 6.5 6 cess of a given batch and recommends or regions South America 6.3 9 automatically triggers counter-measures). Europe 5.1 11 Like visual BI and predictive analytics, ana- Eastern Europe 6.0 8 lytics with real-time data can complement UK & Ireland 5.9 10 an organization’s existing analytics strat- 5.4 egy to optimize certain business process- Southern Europe 14 European es. As real-time analytics is nearly always BeNeLux 5.4 8 tightly interwoven with a given business regions France 5.3 10 process, it is therefore even more impor- Northern Europe 5.0 15 tant than in standard analytics projects to DACH 4.7 13 always have the entire process that is to be adapted and/or optimized in mind. n = 2,243 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 31
Best-in-class companies value alerting much more than laggards Alerting do. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint IT user 5.6 10 Company/ Consultant 5.5 9 User type Vendor 5.5 11 5.5 Alerting is not a new feature in analytics Business user 11 5.7 and BI, but recently its application has Less than 100 empl. 8 Company/ changed significantly. Alerts always aimed 100 - 2500 empl. 5.6 9 size to save time by focusing the attention of More than 2500 empl. 5.5 11 business users with notifications based Telco 6.4 7 on recent events. But approaches that Transport 5.9 9 required the upfront definition of what is Retail/Wholesale 5.6 9 deemed relevant, such as selecting KPIs 5.6 and setting thresholds, failed to fully live Financial Services 9 up to their promise as they often did not Industry Services 5.5 11 grasp impactful changes. Manufacturing 5.5 10 More recently, powered by machine learn- Public sector/Educ. 5.4 12 ing and brought to prominence by the IT 5.4 15 discussion around augmented analytics, Utilities 5.3 15 alerts have moved from upfront definition Best-in Best-in-Class 6.7 7 to machine-made recommendations in- Class Laggards 5.3 9 fused by usage patterns. ML is employed 6.2 in leading tools to focus the awareness Asia and Pacific 11 of users on trends and outliers they were Global North America 5.9 9 previously not looking for. Alerts can not regions South America 5.6 15 only notify users of important changes, Europe 5.4 9 they can also trigger automated process- Eastern Europe 5.9 9 es spanning multiple business applica- UK & Ireland 5.8 11 tions. These alerts are often placed to 5.7 detect events on real-time data streams. Southern Europe 9 European 5.6 Here, the impact of analytics on business regions Northern Europe 9 success and data monetization becomes France 5.3 9 obvious. DACH 5.2 9 BeNeLux 5.2 11 n = 1,651 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 33
Advanced Analytics/ Machine Learning/AI
Companies in eastern Europe companies place the most value on Advanced Analytics/ advanced analytics, France and UK & Ireland much less so. Machine Learning/AI Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. 6.0 Viewpoint Vendor 6 Company/ Consultant 5.6 8 User type Business user 5.3 12 5.3 Advanced analytics, machine learning and AI IT user 11 are important trends among BI & analytics More than 2500 empl. 5.8 9 Company/ decision-makers for 2020. 100 - 2500 empl. 5.4 11 size Advanced analytics uses mathematical and Less than 100 empl. 5.3 14 statistical algorithms in order to generate Telco 6.0 10 new information, identify patterns and de- Public sector/Educ. 5.8 9 pendencies, and calculate forecasts. There is Utilities 5.7 10 a major drive to completely automate specific Services 5.6 10 decision processes with AI. Industry Financial Services 5.5 10 The number of possible use cases is immense, 5.4 and ranges from conducting forecasts on in- IT 14 5.3 come, prices, sales, or customer value to pre- Retail/Wholesale 12 venting contract cancellations, optimizing un- Transport 5.3 13 planned machine downtime, and many more Manufacturing 5.2 13 besides. Best-in Best-in-Class 6.0 13 Line of business and IT decision-makers and Class Laggards 5.1 11 managers need to assess which use cases to Asia and Pacific 6.3 8 tackle, the level of priority advanced analyt- Global North America 5.7 12 ics should have in the company as a whole, regions 5.7 which roles are required (and with which South America 13 5.3 capabilities), and which technology fits best. Europe 10 Many companies have now moved on from Eastern Europe 6.5 6 experimentation into actual deployment of Southern Europe 6.2 7 AI. Here, new DevOps and MLOps-enabled Northern Europe 5.7 8 products and cloud services have greatly re- European 5.2 duced the complexity . Additionally, consider- regions BeNeLux 12 DACH 5.2 10 ations of bias in algorithmic decision-making 5.1 and ethical standards for such solutions are UK & Ireland 15 gaining in importance. France 5.0 12 0 10 n = 2,230 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 35
Integrated Platforms for Performance Management (PM) and Analytics
A big gap exists between best-in-class companies and laggards Integrated Platforms as well as between UK & Ireland and France. PM and Analytics Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Vendor 5.5 13 Company/ Business user 5.5 10 User type Consultant 5.1 13 5.0 Decision-making in an increasingly com- IT user 14 plex and volatile world needs transpar- More than 2500 empl. 5.5 12 ent plans and data analyses. Therefore, Company/ 5.4 the seamless integration of performance size Less than 100 empl. 12 5.1 management (particularly planning) and 100 - 2500 empl. 12 analytics functionality is beneficial to sup- IT 6.0 8 port decision-making processes optimally. Telco 5.8 12 Best-in-class companies and users know 5.5 that there can be no transparent deci- Transport 12 sion-making without supporting function- Public sector/Educ. 5.4 13 ality for planning, reporting (e.g., results Industry Manufacturing 5.3 11 reports), analysis (e.g., analyses of planned 5.3 and actual values) and dashboarding (e.g., Utilities 12 monitoring). Having all these options in Services 5.1 14 one common and integrated platform Retail/Wholesale 5.0 14 is a decisive factor for sustained success Financial Services 4.6 17 when integrating performance manage- ment and analytics. Consequently, this Best-in Best-in-Class 6.3 10 integration has been one of the most sta- Class Laggards 4.9 14 ble and relevant trends in the market for Asia and Pacific 6.2 10 years and software vendors equip their software tools with comprehensive func- Global South America 5.6 14 tionality accordingly. regions North America 5.5 14 Integrated platforms for performance Europe 5.1 12 management and analytics are equally rel- UK & Ireland 5.7 12 evant for all user types, company sizes and industries. Best-in-class companies in par- Southern Europe 5.5 12 ticular have invested heavily in integrating BeNeLux 5.5 7 performance management and analytics European 5.2 processes as well as specialist software regions Northern Europe 11 solutions and the benefits from this effort Eastern Europe 5.0 15 have been empirically proven. Supporting DACH 5.0 11 performance management and analytics France 3.9 18 on an integrated data platform with an in- tegrated tool is a goal worth investing in. 0 10 n = 2,225 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 37
Embedded BI and Analytics
Embedded BI and analytics is most relevant within best-in-class com- Embedded BI panies, and least relevant in France and financial services. and Analytics Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. 5.7 Viewpoint Vendor 9 Company/ IT user 5.2 12 User type Business user 5.1 13 Consultant 5.0 14 Embedding intelligence in operational ap- Less than 100 empl. 5.4 11 plications is growing steadily in popularity. Company/ More than 2500 empl. 5.2 From dashboards to prediction and opti- 14 size mization models, users get insights direct- 100 - 2500 empl. 5.1 13 ly in their specific operational processes Utilities 5.7 9 and can act on the findings – closing the IT 5.7 11 classic management loop from informa- Manufacturing 5.2 12 tion to action at an operational level. Em- 5.2 bedded BI and analytics enables users to Telco 16 derive information rapidly by themselves Industry Services 5.1 12 without having to involve the IT depart- Public sector/Educ. 5.1 14 ment or supervisors. In effect, many more Transport 5.1 15 people gain access to information and BI Retail/Wholesale 4.9 16 capabilities, making BI more pervasive or 4.7 “democratic”. It even allows for automated Financial Services 14 processes where no active user request is Best-in Best-in-Class 5.8 14 needed to initiate data analysis or actions Class Laggards 5.1 12 based on data-driven decisions. However, Asia and Pacific 5.7 15 this operationalization of BI and analytics North America 5.7 13 implies various challenges. For example, Global regions 5.5 clarifying the responsibilities of the BI/an- South America 17 alytics and application teams, integrating Europe 4.9 13 operational BI in a holistic data and ana- Northern Europe 5.3 10 lytics strategy that also includes classic BeNeLux 5.1 13 and explorative BI, and deciding whether UK & Ireland 5.0 17 to “make or buy” embedded functions. European 4.9 Also, the broad approach of automating Southern Europe 17 regions decisions through embedded models and DACH 4.9 12 rules brings about completely new possi- Eastern Europe 4.8 18 bilities and challenges. France 4.7 13 0 10 n = 2,225 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 39
Cloud for Data and Analytics
Cloud for data and analytics is most relevant in Asia & Pacific. Cloud for Data and Less popular in Europe, especially in France. Analytics Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Vendor 5.9 8 Company/ Consultant 5.2 11 User type Business user 4.9 15 The global trend of running applications in IT user 4.7 17 a cloud environment started to branch out Less than 100 empl. 5.6 9 into the analytics domain about ten or twelve Company/ 5.2 years ago. Start-ups were founded to disrupt More than 2500 empl. 15 size the established vendors with a platform- or 100 - 2500 empl. 4.7 16 software-as-a-service business model. The IT 5.9 9 incumbent vendors, who typically generated Retail/Wholesale 5.0 15 their revenues from on-premises implemen- 5.0 tations, followed suit and now nearly every Services 16 analytics, CPM and data management vendor Telco 4.9 17 offers a cloud-based solution. Industry Transport 4.8 16 Cloud analytics and data management now Manufacturing 4.7 15 have very similar functional capabilities to Financial Services 4.6 16 their corresponding on-premises products. 4.5 Licensing is often based on a rental or pay- Utilities 20 per-use model, which reduces the one-off Public sector/Educ. 4.4 18 investment. However, the adoption rate for Best-in Best-in-Class 5.7 16 cloud analytics and data management de- Class Laggards 4.7 15 ployments is still rising slowly. It is not the 6.4 attractiveness of the platform that deters Asia and Pacific 7 organizations from moving their analytics Global North America 5.9 11 landscapes into the cloud. Instead, there are regions South America 5.3 18 many contributing factors: legal, security and Europe 4.6 16 privacy concerns, a shortage of best practice 5.9 advice on how to build hybrid or multi-cloud UK & Ireland 9 architectures, a lack of trust in the vendors, Southern Europe 5.2 15 and the desire to keep company data under Eastern Europe 5.2 13 the control of the IT. However, the overarch- European 4.7 ing issue is that analytics leaders prefer to BeNeLux 15 regions bring the analytics to the data, and not the Northern Europe 4.5 17 other way around. As such, organizations DACH 4.3 16 with much of their data already in the cloud France 3.8 20 show a much higher cloud affinity than those with all their data on premises. n = 2,240 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 41
Mobile BI
Mobile BI is most important in the retail/wholesale sector and Mobile BI Asia & Pacific and least relevant in France. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Business user 5.0 14 Company/ IT user 5.0 15 User type Vendor 4.9 17 4.7 Mobile BI – driven by the success of mo- Consultant 16 bile devices – was considered by many as More than 2500 empl. 5.2 16 a big wave in BI and analytics around the Company/ 4.9 beginning of 2010s. Many BI vendors de- 100 - 2500 empl. 14 size Less than 100 empl. 4.9 15 veloped native apps to provide analytics Retail/Wholesale 6.0 7 on mobile devices. However, adoption 5.7 was very slow and there was a degree of IT 15 disillusion in the market. Our survey re- Utilities 5.3 11 sults show that mobile BI usage grew very Manufacturing 4.9 14 slowly and has in fact declined since pea- Industry Telco 4.9 18 king at 30 percent in 2018. Currently only 4.8 27 percent of the companies we surveyed Services 17 use mobile BI. Another 18 percent tell Public sector/Educ. 4.8 17 us that they plan to use it in the next 12 Transport 4.7 17 months, but in practice only a fraction of Financial Services 4.4 18 them actually will. Best-in Best-in-Class 5.7 15 In our experience, the most successful mo- Class Laggards 4.5 17 bile deployments are those in which a mo- Asia and Pacific 5.9 13 bile strategy has already been devised and the needs of mobile workers are carefully Global South America 5.9 12 addressed with the BI tool. So, for examp- regions North America 5.1 17 le, simply copying an existing dashboard Europe 4.8 14 to a mobile environment does not fulfill Southern Europe 5.5 13 the requirements of all different types of 5.4 users. There is great potential for mobile UK & Ireland 13 BI to support operational processes while Northern Europe 5.0 14 European simultaneously increasing the penetration Eastern Europe 4.9 17 of BI within organizations. Therefore, it regions BeNeLux 4.7 16 is not surprising to see the retail, utilities DACH 4.6 14 and manufacturing industries using data 4.3 on mobile devices more frequently than France 14 others. n = 2,232 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 43
Analytic Teams/Data Labs
Best-in-class companies are much more aware of the value of Analytic Teams/ analytics teams than laggards. Vendors are the less enthusiastic. Data Labs Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint IT user 5.2 13 Company/ Business user 4.8 16 User type 4.7 Consultant 17 Data science is the generic term for pro- Vendor 4.4 18 cesses that generate knowledge out of More than 2500 empl. 5.4 13 data using methods from statistics, ma- Company/ 4.8 chine learning, artificial intelligence and size Less than 100 empl. 16 4.8 operations research. Data labs are sepa- 100 - 2500 empl. 15 rate organizational units, specifically de- Telco 6.0 11 signed to conduct the first project steps in Transport 5.6 10 data science projects within the organiza- Public sector/Educ. 5.6 11 tion. They offer a space for design thinking 5.3 and experimentation, aside from estab- Financial Services 11 lished processes in the organization. Data Industry Retail/Wholesale 5.1 13 labs require investment in personnel as Services 5.0 15 well as new technologies to store, process IT 5.0 16 and analyze data. Utilities 5.0 16 Against that backdrop, it is not surprising 4.5 that data science and data labs are of in- Manufacturing 16 creasing importance for larger companies. Best-in Best-in-Class 6.3 11 Businesses in many different industries Class Laggards 5.0 13 are adopting data science and data labs. South America 5.9 11 The investment cost for data labs has de- 5.7 creased significantly over time as more Global Asia and Pacific 16 software and cloud services providers have regions North America 5.4 16 hit the market and general competition Europe 4.7 15 has increased. However, considerable in- Southern Europe 5.5 10 vestment in terms of staff is still required. Integrating data labs and analytics teams UK & Ireland 5.3 14 poses new challenges and requires revised Eastern Europe 5.3 12 organizational approaches to link data European 5.0 labs, IT departments and business units. regions France 11 4.7 Many companies therefore integrate data BeNeLux 14 scientists into IT or line of business. This Northern Europe 4.6 16 has many advantages, especially for the DACH 4.4 15 operationalization of analytics solutions. n = 2,229 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 45
Decision Automation
Decision automation is very popular in South America. Its Decision Automation relevance is much lower in France and the manufacturing sector. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Vendor 4.9 15 Company/ IT user 4.7 18 User type Consultant 4.6 18 Business user 4.5 17 The primary goal of BI and analytics to- 4.8 day is to enable decision-makers to make More than 2500 empl. 18 Company/ 4.7 better informed decisions. However, the Less than 100 empl. 17 size number of processes and decision-mak- 100 - 2500 empl. 4.6 17 ing situations in which a person should or Telco 5.6 14 can no longer be asked to make decisions Utilities 5.3 14 is increasing. This is the case when a large Services 5.1 13 number of decisions have to be made in Public sector/Educ. 4.8 16 a very short time, the amount of data to 4.8 be processed for decisions is very high or Industry IT 17 the complexity of the correlations that in- Retail/Wholesale 4.7 17 fluence a decision becomes too high for Financial Services 4.7 15 humans. Transport 4.5 18 This naturally affects initially very sim- Manufacturing 4.0 19 ple operational decisions that have to be Best-in Best-in-Class 5.5 17 made within a clear framework of a few Class Laggards 4.4 18 decision options. The basis for this is a set South America 6.0 10 of rules or, increasingly, models that can 5.4 be built up using statistical or machine Global North America 15 learning methods. regions Asia and Pacific 5.3 18 4.4 Examples of automated decisions already Europe 17 exist today - in the detection of fraud in Eastern Europe 5.1 14 financial transaction data, dynamic pric- Northern Europe 5.1 13 ing in online retail and in the scheduling UK & Ireland 5.0 16 of orders in service, production or logistics European 4.9 processes. In these examples, the shift of Southern Europe 16 regions the human role from decision-maker to BeNeLux 4.5 19 4.2 creator and supervisor of decision models DACH 18 has already happened. France 4.0 17 n = 1,647 0 10 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 47
Data Catalogs
Data catalogs are especially popular in the telecommunications Data Catalogs sector, but less so in Northern Europe and for business users. Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint IT user 4.9 16 Company/ Consultant 4.8 15 User type 4.2 Vendor 19 Business user 4.2 18 Data is essential for BI and analytics and 4.9 thus also for expanding a company’s abil- More than 2500 empl. 17 Company/ ity to respond to change through digitali- 100 - 2500 empl. 4.4 18 size zation. However, the ability to use data is Less than 100 empl. 4.2 19 no small matter. Data that is incomplete, Telco 5.3 15 inaccurate or inaccessible hinders the BI Transport 5.1 14 and analytics process and impairs value Public sector/Educ. 5.0 15 creation from data. The desire for a cen- 4.9 tral data store can therefore be great, but Utilities 17 also very complex to implement. Industry Financial Services 4.9 13 4.6 A solution to these challenges is seen in IT 18 the deployment of a data catalog. Data Services 4.5 18 catalogs are designed to register, catalog Retail/Wholesale 4.3 18 and link data in order to make it findable Manufacturing 4.2 18 and usable for “everyone”. This helps to Best-in Best-in-Class 5.3 18 fulfill regulatory as well as business re- Class Laggards 4.6 16 quirements. This is possible by describing 5.0 data objects and their relationships with South America 19 metadata without having to physically in- Global North America 5.0 18 tegrate data. The use of a data catalog, regions Asia and Pacific 4.7 19 however, requires a different way of think- Europe 4.3 18 ing and an awareness that data catalogs Eastern Europe 5.0 16 must be actively maintained. Technology UK & Ireland 4.7 18 can assist this process with connectors to BeNeLux 4.7 17 different types of sources, workflows, UIs European 4.3 and collaboration functions as well as line- regions France 15 age analysis and cross references to auto- DACH 4.2 17 mate metadata ingestion and preparation. Southern Europe 4.2 19 But building a data catalog and keeping it Northern Europe 4.0 20 alive is much more of an organizational challenge. 0 10 n = 2,214 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 49
Augmented Analytics
Augmented analytics is a bigger trend in South America, but less Augmented relevant in the DACH region and for laggards. Analytics Rank of trend in this region/ Average industry etc. Viewpoint Vendor 4.9 16 Company/ IT user 4.1 19 User type Consultant 4.0 20 Business user 3.8 19 Augmented analytics describes features More than 2500 empl. 4.3 19 that supplement human capabilities with Company/ 4.3 machine learning to couple creative prob- size Less than 100 empl. 18 lem solving with unrivaled pattern recog- 100 - 2500 empl. 3.8 19 nition to get the best out of two worlds. Telco 4.8 19 This approach plays an increasingly im- Utilities 4.6 19 portant role in data preparation, visuali- Services 4.2 19 zation and discovery. The major goal is to IT 4.0 20 make analytics and BI easier to use to low- Industry 4.0 er the entry barrier for casual users and at Retail/Wholesale 19 the same time increase the efficiency and Transport 4.0 20 effectiveness of power users. Public sector/Educ. 4.0 19 ML is leveraged in augmented analytics not Financial Services 3.9 19 only to identify correlations, clusters, out- Manufacturing 3.8 20 liers and trends in data. More users are at- Best-in Best-in-Class 4.8 19 tracted to use analytics by adding features Class Laggards 3.7 19 such as natural language queries as they South America 5.5 16 can get answers simply by searching data 5.3 in a Google-like manner. Additionally, us- Global Asia and Pacific 17 regions ers are presented with automated insights North America 4.6 19 that are explained in natural language too. Europe 3.8 20 Beyond democratizing access to valuable Eastern Europe 4.8 19 data sources, users are actively assisted BeNeLux 4.6 18 when preparing data or creating visualiza- Northern Europe 4.3 18 tions. Leading tools recommend steps to European 4.2 ‘heal’ data quality issues or the best way to regions UK & Ireland 20 4.0 visualize data. While the use of augment- Southern Europe 20 ed analytics is currently not extensive, the France 3.9 19 limited spread of the term is expected to DACH 3.5 20 reduce the number of positive responses. 0 10 n = 1,650 Not important at all Very important ©2020 BARC – Business Application Research Center Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor 2021 51
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