CSO BACK STORY How Chief Sustainability Officers Reached the C-Suite - Weinreb Group presents

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CSO BACK STORY How Chief Sustainability Officers Reached the C-Suite - Weinreb Group presents
Weinreb Group presents

How Chief Sustainability Officers
Reached the C-Suite
September 2011

Weinreb Group
Recruiting and Consulting
Specialists in Sustainability, Supply Chain, and External Affairs

CSO BACK STORY How Chief Sustainability Officers Reached the C-Suite - Weinreb Group presents
Table of Contents
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................3
Executive Summary: Top 10 Findings & A CALL TO ACTION....................................................................4
Introduction: 29 Chief Sustainability Officers ..................................................................................6
The First CSO ......................................................................................................................................................7

CSO Profile: Peter Graf, SAP........................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Candidacy: What Makes a CSO?...................................................................................................................10

CSO Profile: Charlene Lake, AT&T...................................................................................................................................................................................12
Corporate Governance and Strategy: Where Does the CSO Fit?..............................................13

CSO Profile: Scott Wicker, UPS...............................................................................................................................................................................................15
Organizational Structure: The Nuts and Bolts of the CSO’s Team .............................................16

CSO Profile: Kathrin Winkler, EMC..................................................................................................................................................................................18
Makings of a Successful CSO .................................................................................................................19

CSO Profile: Linda Fisher, DuPont.......................................................................................................................................................................................22
Best Practices: The CSO ..............................................................................................................................23
Rankings vs. Title: Is Green the Right Measure? ..............................................................................25
Call to Action: COmpanies...........................................................................................................................26
Call to Action: Sustainability managers...............................................................................................27
Methodology ...................................................................................................................................................28
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................................29

CSO Back Story                                                                                                                                                                       Weinreb Group
Foreword By
                                             Ellen Weinreb
                                             CEO, Weinreb Group

  The person in charge of corporate                                         I felt that companies struggle with what                                 In the next few pages, you will see
  sustainability and corporate social                                       to call it, where to put it, and who to                                  the first-ever data driven report of its
  responsibility has evoloved, from a                                       lead it would appreciate some real data.                                 kind analyzing and encapsulating the
  largely director level position, to vice                                  Even a list of CSO’s does not exist to                                   essence of a crucial and emerging
  president to chief, over the last decade.                                 date. It was my intention in CSO Back                                    executive role: the Chief Sustainability
  As the sustainability function crept                                      Story to conduct exhaustive research to                                  Officer. You will understand this role in its
  up the corporate ladder, so has the                                       generate 1) a CSO list, and 2) a study of                                entire complexity and scope, learn from
  caliber of the person leading it. Thus                                    how they arrived to their role today.                                    examples, see firsthand the evolution
  we have the title “Chief Sustainability                                                                                                            of these chiefs, and gain valuable
                                                                            To structure the research, I created
  Officer,” which implies the senior-most                                                                                                            perspectives into how organizations
                                                                            specific criteria. I decided to focus on
  sustainability leader in the senior-most                                                                                                           define and implement sustainability.
                                                                            U.S.-based individuals who had “Chief
  possible position.
                                                                            Sustainability Officer” in their title at a                              We owe many thanks to the people who
  Two years ago, the New York Times                                         company traded publicly in the United                                    supported the methodology, research,
  called this emerging role a “swelling                                     States.                                                                  content, editing and reviewing of CSO
  of the C-suite1.” But nothing out there                                                                                                            Back Story.
                                                                            My team and I found 294.
  defines or questions the role’s scope.
  As an executive recruiter2 who has                                        While the criteria for the research
  watched and worked in the sustainability                                  required the title “Chief Sustainability
  field now for 15 years, I have seen                                       Officer,” there are many sustainability
  firsthand the evolution of this profession                                leaders who hold other titles. Because
  from a discretionary cost to a strategic                                  titles remain diverse across industries,
  necessity. However, little attention has                                  this report develops best practices for
  been paid to this title – no data, no                                     those in the senior-most role regardless
  definition, no best practices.                                            of their official title.
  In 2010 I wrote an editorial for GreenBiz,                                My research uncovered several startling
  where I questioned the definition and                                     facts and identified a roster of best
  this varying use of the term “Chief                                       practices that the profession sorely
  Sustainability Officer3.” I even made a                                   requires.
  an early attempt at the definition, which
  just scratched the surface. It was then
  that the idea for CSO Back Story was
      Companies Giving Green an Officer http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/03/business/03sustain.html?pagewanted=2
      The Weinreb Group http://weinrebgroup.com/
      In search of the elusive CSO: http://www.GreenBiz.com/blog/2010/04/01/search-elusive-chief-sustainability-officer
      We included Georgia Pacific even though it is not publicly traded. We felt compelled to include GP because of its sheer size and the fact that it had been public until 2005, when it was acquired by Koch
      Industries for $21 Billion.

CSO Back Story                                                                                                                                                               Weinreb Group
For years, businesses have pursued           also being the external representative of        and an understanding of its importance
sustainability. Perhaps not the green,       the company.                                     in today’s complex corporate structure.
social or environmental kind but certainly                                                    Independently verified, the data was
the economic kind. Their shareholders        Sustainability Chiefs by                         collected through publicly available
have made sure of it. Now, another           Another Name                                     documents and vetted with the CSOs
kind of stakeholder has emerged, that                                                         themselves.
influences corporate behavior. They push     This report, then, provides a
corporations to recalculate the social and   comprehensive look at the role of a Chief
                                                                                              A Call to Action
environmental consequences of doing          Sustainability Officer by charting the           While research-based, this report also
business.                                    evolution of the 29 executives who hold          serves as an important call to action:
And some companies respond by                this title among US public companies and         For companies and sustainability
rethinking how they strategize for the       analyzing their responsibilities.                professionals.
long term. As SAP’s Chief Sustainability     We focused on researching those                  As businesses, senior leadership must
Officer Peter Graf says, “Make your          who specifically hold the title “Chief           recognize that for sustainability to be
corporate strategy a sustainable one.”       Sustainability Officer” because we               truly and effectively embedded within
Therein comes the latest executive           assumed that this select group would             an organization, it must be rooted in top
to join the powerful C-suite: the Chief      be at the executive level - close to the         leadership and given the same strategic
Sustainability Officer.                      CEO, and perhaps on an executive                 elevation as other operational functions.
                                             team involved with all corporate strategic
Lack of Clarity: Who is a                    decisions – to support our efforts to glean      As for sustainability professionals, only
Chief Sustainability Officer?                best practices.                                  29 companies among the roughly 7,000
                                                                                              publicly traded companies [listed on the
Further, no one has come forward to          We understand that the senior-most               NYSE or NASDAQ] in the U.S. have
suggest standardized guidelines on the       sustainability executive might have              instituted Chief Sustainability Officers.
scope and authority of the role. Where       another title that is equally as powerful        That’s a big opportunity for sustainability
do the vice-presidents, directors, and       and influential and acknowledge that             professionals.
managers rank in authority, power and        there are heads of sustainability that are
leadership alongside the sustainability      not on this list of 29, yet who follow all the   Use this report and the successes noted
chief? How should companies choose?          best practices laid out in this report.          in these pages to make your case as a
                                                                                              sustainability manager. Don’t use the
For example, there aren’t many roles in                                                       CSO term lightly. Share this report with
                                             This report is aimed for not only the
the pantheons of corporate leadership                                                         your colleagues and senior leadership.
                                             growing group of sustainability managers
that require the healthy dose of humility                                                     Question the current reporting structure,
                                             but also companies who are looking for
and anti-hero capabilities that we                                                            pry apart linear hierarchies, and
                                             examples, best practices and precedents
found CSO’s to hold. One CSO even                                                             understand how sustainability can
                                             in charting their own sustainability
calls it having a “very low score on the                                                      become your company’s differentiator
megalomanic meter.”                                                                           over the long term.
Or that holds responsibility for internal    In the following chapters, you will get a
behavioral and cultural change while         taste of the role, a sense of its scope,

CSO Back Story                                                                                             Weinreb Group
                                             4. Knows the Business: These                8. Close to the CEO: Ninety percent of
Key Findings
                                                 executives know the business. They           CSOs are one or two steps removed
While each finding represents a crucial          have worked their way up through the         from the CEO, with 10 out of 29
element of how business is conducted             ranks and were at the company for            [35%] reporting directly to the CEO.
when sustainability is an integrated             an average of 16 years before being          A further 16 [55%] are no more than
process, here are our top 10 findings            given the CSO title. Twenty-five out         two degrees removed, reporting to
that form the basis of the chapters that         of the 29 were selected internally for       another C-level executive such as the
follow:                                          this role. Only four were new hires.         COO or CMO.

                                             5. S
                                                 trong External Affairs Background:      9. Not Many MBAs: The group’s
1. Emerging Executive Role: There
                                                Of the 25 CSOs (we did not include           educational background is diverse; as
   are 29 CSOs (people with that title) at
                                                the four CSOs who were new hires),           their highest degree of education, nine
   publicly traded companies in the US.
                                                nine held an external facing role prior      hold a bachelor’s degree, 17 hold a
2. The Secret Sauce: Chief sustainability      to being named CSO.                          master’s degree and three hold PhDs.
    officers are business veterans who                                                       Of the Master’s, there are four MBAs,
                                             6. F
                                                 ew Resources: With an average
    are good at leading new initiatives                                                      five JDs, three graduates of public
                                                of 4.2 direct reports, these CSOs run
    and cross-functional teams, and who                                                      policy, and seven science graduates.
                                                nimble operations with few resources
    understand how to translate external
                                                but a growing, often company-wide,        10. Involved in overall corporate
    factors into internal opportunities.
                                                team supporting their efforts                  decision making: Twelve of the
3. M
    ore CSOs Appointed Each Year:                                                             surveyed CSOs sit on an executive
                                             7. Operational Freedom: All 29 have
   This role is emerging. Linda Fisher                                                         committee responsible for all
                                                 their own budget but not necessarily
   was the first CSO, appointed in 2004                                                        corporate strategic decisions, not just
                                                 their own P&L.
   at DuPont. Next to follow was Ed Fox                                                        sustainability.
   at Pinnacle West in 2006. Kellogg’s
   CSO Diane Holdorf is the first CSO to
   succeed another CSO, Celeste Clarke
   who is set to retire later this year.

CSO Back Story                                                                                          Weinreb Group
We hereby present the current list of 29 Chief Sustainability Officers in order of company size. These CSOs are based in the United
States and work for companies publicly traded in the United States.

    Chief Sustainability Officer                                                                   Company                                                               CSO since                                  Revenue ($M)6

               Charlene Lake                                                                           AT&T                                                                   2009                                        124,280

               James Gowen                                                                           Verizon                                                                  2009                                             97,354

                     Dave Kepler                                                                        Dow                                                                   2007                                             57,514

                 Scott Wicker                                                                           UPS                                                                   2011                                             51,486

                Edwin Pinero                                                   Veolia Water North America7                                                                    2010                                             46,099

                     Bea Perez                                                                    Coca-Cola                                                                   2011                                             35,119

                     Linda Fisher                                                                    DuPont                                                                   2004                                             32,733

                     Bill Frerking                                                          Georgia-Pacific8                                                                  2007                                             27,000
                     Kevin Anton                                                                       Alcoa                                                                  2007                                             21,013
              Kathrin Winkler                                                                           EMC                                                                   2008                                             17,015
                     Peter Graf                                                                        SAP9                                                                   2009                                             16,517
                     Jerry Lynch                                                               General Mills                                                                  2010                                             14,797
                     Steve Kline                                                                      PG&E                                                                    2009                                             14,628
            Roberta Bowman                                                                     Duke Energy                                                                    2008                                             14,272
                Diane Holdorf                                                                        Kellogg                                                                  2011                                             12,397
               Dennis Treacy                                                          Smithfield Foods Inc.                                                                   2010                                             12,203
           Roger McClendon                                                                     YUM Brands                                                                     2010                                             11,343
                John Gardner                                                                         Novelis                                                                  2011                                             8,673
              Gary Lawrence                                                                         AECOM                                                                     2010                                             6,546
                     Bill Kilbride                                                  Mohawk Industries, Inc.                                                                   2009                                             5,319
       Frank O’Brien-Bernini                                                                Owens Corning                                                                     2007                                             4,997
              Mark Greenlaw                                                                       Cognizant                                                                   2010                                             4,592
               Cynthia Curtis                                                                             CA                                                                  2010                                             4,429
                     Mike Kelley                                                            YRC Worldwide                                                                     2008                                             4,335
                     Edward Fox                                                               Pinnacle West                                                                   2006                                             3,524
                     David Clary                                                     Albemarle Corporation                                                                    2008                                             2,363
                     Paul Gilman                                                          Covanta Energy11                                                                    2008                                             1,582
                     Jack Rizzo                                                                    ProLogis                                                                   2009                                              909
                     Laurie Fried                                                              West Marine                                                                    2007                                              623
Source: Hoovers European company traded in Europe and the United States We decided to include them on our list even though they are not currently publicly traded. They have been publicly traded for much of their history. European company traded in
6                7                                                         8                                                                                                                                               9

Europe and the United States 10Diane is Kellogg’s second CSO. Celeste Clark took on the role in 200 and will retire this year. 11The parent company is Covanta Holdings. Majority of Covanta Holdings is Covanta Energy.

CSO Back Story                                                                                                                                                                                         Weinreb Group
The title, Chief Sustainability Officer,         “Few big companies operate without a
connotes different things to different           CEO, COO (chief operating officer) and
people -- and across industries. With            CFO (chief financial officer). Many have         There has been no
industry-specific variations common,             CMOs (chief marketing officer). When
companies tend to seat this role in              they are joined in the C-Suite by the
                                                                                                  one true and tested
a number of departments, including               CSO, we’ll know that sustainability has          path to the chief
compliance, marketing, public affairs,           finally become integral to the core of           sustainability officer’s
and operations.                                  business.”
What to call the leader of this function         As she had predicted, some companies
varies. The options are long and                 were starting to take note. In 2004,
complicated with no formal guidelines            DuPont13 appointed Linda Fisher as its       However, as you will see magnified
dictating a sustainability chief’s scope         Chief Sustainability Officer, making her     frequently in the next few pages, there
of work. Many refer to the term “chief           the first CSO among America’s publicly       has been no one true and tested path to
sustainability officer” as the senior-most       traded companies. Today, there are 29.       the chief sustainability officer’s chair.
executive in charge of a company’s               Fisher, who graduated with a Bachelors
                                                                                              Being a leader in an emerging sector
sustainability activities. To narrow our         degree in History and later went on to
                                                                                              brings with it several challenges, but
research, we wanted to study senior-             earn an MBA and a JD, is one of only
                                                                                              most importantly, a lack of precedent;
most sustainability leaders who were             eight women Sustainability Chiefs. An
                                                                                              i.e., there are no guidance or success
also at the very senior seats offered at         industry veteran, Fisher, unlike most
                                                                                              models to follow. Fisher’s mission was
their company. We chose CSO’s who                other CSOs, was an external hire. Before
                                                                                              clear: to tie the sustainability strategy to
formally hold this title “Chief Sustainability   joining DuPont, she served as the Deputy
                                                                                              the company’s overall strategy.
Officer.”                                        Administrator for the U.S. Environmental
                                                 Protection Agency (EPA). Her expertise:      For Fisher, the position evolved from
In 2010, Ellen Weinreb wrote a GreenBiz
                                                 Environmental, Health and Safety.            decades spent in environmental research,
article12 questioning the semantics of the
                                                                                              safety and policies. For PG&E’s Steve
title, CSO. She confessed that the first         The past seven years have seen Fisher’s
                                                                                              Kline, the path involved international
time she had heard about the title -- and        work constantly increase in scope. Today,
                                                                                              politics, economics and a Master’s in
she has been in this space for almost            she is not only in charge of environmental
                                                                                              Diplomacy. Today, he reports directly
15 years -- was from a reporter back in          health and safety but also owns DuPont’s
                                                                                              to the CEO and handles the company’s
2006 who was developing a story on the           CSR reporting process, compliance and
                                                                                              federal affairs as well.
emergence of the CSO.                            government affairs, as well as its product
                                                 stewardship and regulatory affairs.          What is clear, say Fisher, Kline and
At that time, Ellen told the reporter that
                                                                                              the other CSOs we interviewed, is that
the title did widely not exist, and the story
                                                                                              the strategic necessity of their role
was dropped. However, the position did
                                                                                              is increasingly becoming obvious to
exist, and has continued to evolve with
a widely diverse palette of duties and no
defined parameters of job responsibilities
since. Writing in 2010, she ended with a
hopeful prediction:

CSO Back Story                                                                                              Weinreb Group

                                                              CSR Rising through the Executive Ranks

                                                       Source: 2009 CSR Jobs Report: The Weinreb Group14

The diagram above shows the promotion                                 (GRI). In fact, CSR and sustainability                  In the next segment, we examine the
of the sustainability function from 2004 and                          reporting might be one of the primary                   candidacy of the CSO: What have been
2009. Based on Weinreb Group’s research,                              factors -- if not the main one-- for this               some of the commonalities in their career
we found that the number of Vice President                            emerging executive role.                                tracks; are they sustainability experts or
and Director level job postings on the rise                                                                                   business insiders; and is an MBA key for
from 2007 to 2009. This suggests the                                  As UPS CSO Scott Wicker put it, “GRI                    this position?
promotion of sustainability and corporate                             is asking for such complex data and
social responsibility within the corporation.                         accountability, that it requires a top down
It is a natural progression for the Chief title                       deliberate focus on sustainability. We
to come next.                                                         were constantly hunting for data in an
                                                                      uncoordinated manner. As the questions
Another driver for this sustainability role                           became more and more sophisticated, we
becoming more senior is the increasing                                realized that our governance structure had
complexity of the Global Reporting Initiative                         to change as well.”

     2009 CSR Jobs Report: Weinreb Group http://weinrebgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/CSR-Jobs-Report-2009-FINAL.pptx

CSO Back Story                                                                                                                              Weinreb Group
Peter Graf, SAP:
                            Business Veteran, Sustainability Ambassador

  Peter Graf, 44, loves teaching, public      We asked Graf to describe the                agenda -- and today helps him get
  speaking and technology. His father,        indicators that something is going to        stakeholders on the table and programs
  a science teacher by profession and         be “big”. “Sustainability is similar in      into implementation faster.
  a technophile at home, taught Graf to       impact and transformational power as
                                                                                           “The ability of a CSO to influence and
  embrace change and to appreciate the        previous business megatrends such as
                                                                                           drive sustainability is correlated to their
  value of resources. “We weren’t the most    globalization or the introduction of the
                                                                                           ability to drive value for the company,”
  well-to-do but he really added depth of     internet in business. They are inevitable,
                                                                                           he says. To date, SAP has avoided a
  thought to everything we consumed,” he      irreversible and foundational. That’s
                                                                                           quarter of a billion dollars in costs due
  says.                                       why building sustainability into SAP
                                                                                           to its internal sustainability efforts. But
                                              solutions can really change the world,”
  Graf went on to a master’s degree                                                        it has also helped create the market for
                                              he says. Also starting to become clear
  in computer science, a master’s in                                                       sustainability solutions for its customers.
                                              was the intense competition brewing in
  engineering and topped it off with a PhD                                                 “SAP’s corporate mission of helping
                                              the software sector to push sustainable
  in artificial intelligence.                                                              the world run better ties perfectly
                                              products out to the market. “As the
                                                                                           into sustainability. In fact, we see
  With this understanding of processes        market leader in enterprise software,
                                                                                           sustainability as our purpose,” he says.

  and systems, today Graf leads software-     we are condemned to stay ahead of the
  maker SAP’s sustainability team and is      curve,” Graf acknowledges.                   His advice for aspiring sustainability
  the company’s first Chief Sustainability                                                 managers and directors: “The real
  Officer. A company veteran, he started                                                   challenge is making your corporate
  working at SAP in 1996, and most                   The real challenge                    strategy a sustainable one rather than
  recently served as its EVP for Marketing                                                 only creating a sustainability strategy.”
                                              is making your corporate
  before being named CSO.
                                              strategy a sustainable
  While he wasn’t an external hire for the
  CSO role, the title was, in fact, a new
                                              one rather than only
  venture for SAP, a strategic decision in    creating a sustainability
  response to market forces, according        strategy.”
  to Graf. “It was clear from the start
  that the sustainability topic is going to                               -Peter Graf
  be big,” he says. What followed was a
  one-hour meeting with SAP’s CEO in
                                              Graf’s ability to observe external
  2008 and a six-month exploration of the
                                              forces and leverage them into internal
  opportunities around sustainability.
                                              opportunities isn’t the only quality that
  “I met [the CEO] in July 8, 2008. My new    makes him an ideal CSO candidate.
  role was then publicly announced on         His tenure at the company was crucial
  March 2, 2009.”                             in driving sustainability on the board’s

CSO Back Story                                                                                            Weinreb Group
Candidacy: what makes a cso?
                                             While their previous titles represent a wide
Outward-facing road map
                                             diversity of experiences and knowledge,

When we launched our research, we
                                             here is a list of our respondents with their   36% of CSOs held an
                                             most recent titles before CSO:                 external facing role
expected the path to the CSO title to
have included a major component of
                                                 Previous Title              Total          prior to being
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)
responsibilities. We were very wrong.             External Affairs              5
                                                                                            named CSO.
Instead we found several CSOs who had
                                               Environmental Affairs            4
previously held external facing roles.
                                                     Research                   4
Of the 25 CSOs (we did not include the
four CSOs who were new hires), nine                  Operations                 3
(36%) held an external facing role prior             Marketing                  3
to being named CSO. Four of those
                                              Head of Business Unit             2
nine were environmental external affairs.
This brought us to the conclusion that the            Finance                   1
candidates picked for the CSO role tend
                                                        Legal                   1
to have outward facing external affairs
experience rather than a strong EHS                Sustainability               2
                                                    Grand Total                25
With much being said in the media about
sustainability increasing as a strategic     Surprisingly, only two CSO’s had
function, we also expected to see a          sustainability roles before the CSO title.
majority of former SVPs and VPs of
                                             For example, Bill Frerking, the CSO of
sustainability being promoted to CSO.
                                             Georgia-Pacific, the only not-publicly-
Not so, say our 29 CSOs. Of course,
                                             traded company included in this report,
there are many more VPs, directors and
                                             was previously Chief Counsel for Building
managers of sustainability and CSR than
                                             Products. Coca-Cola’s Bea Perez, also
CSOs, and while no less important, these
                                             the youngest CSO at age 41, served
titles remain distanced from the authority
                                             as the food and beverage giant’s Chief
of the C-suite. While many report into
                                             Marketing Officer for Coca-Cola North
the C-suite, their potential remains
                                             America before taking on the mantle of
Unsurprisingly though, we also found
that the vast majority (86%) of the
respondents were selected internally.

CSO Back Story                                                    10                              Weinreb Group
Candidacy: what makes a cso?
                                                                                                                   We broke down the Master’s degree further
CSO: Industry and Business                                           Education: The Perfect
                                                                                                                   and found the following:
Veterans                                                             Degree for a Career in
                                                                     Sustainability                                         Degree
On average, CSOs have been with their
                                                                                                                             Science                    7
respective companies for 16 years.                                   Okay, that’s a teaser. There really remains
Moreover, 86% of them were internal                                  no one clear degree that guarantees a
                                                                                                                            Business                    5
hires.                                                               successful career path in sustainability,                 Law                      5
As their roles evolve and adapt to a                                 primarily because of the intense need for
                                                                                                                          Public Policy                 3
fast-changing environment, the one                                   professionals who understand business
commonality in their success is a long-term                          operations and strategy, as well as                Communications                  1

understanding of the organization. With a                            environmental and social complexities.
                                                                                                                           Grand Total                 21
majority of the CSOs having risen through                            Of the 29 CSOs we surveyed, three hold
the ranks, it is a C-suite role that requires                        PhDs, 17 have master’s degrees as             When we began our research, we expected
a deep systems grasp of the challenges                               their highest level of education, with the    more CSOs to hold MBAs because of
specific to the company’s sector and global                          remaining nine holding bachelor’s degrees.    the speed business schools have shown
environment.                                                         Of those with master’s degrees, we found      (compared to other professional degree
                                                                     a diverse group of lawyers, public and        programs) in developing sustainability
UPS’ Scott Wicker offers the classic
                                                                     government affairs experts, and MBAs          specializations.
example. He started with the company in
1977 and has risen within the ranks by                               (See below).
                                                                                                                   As it turns out, however, an MBA does not
building on his engineering training with                                                                          translate into the CSO title. According to our
                                                                      Furthest Educational Degree
an understanding of the operations and                                                                             research, business experience and industry
challenges of the freight and packaging                                   Masters: 59%                             knowledge weigh much more heavily in the
sector. Today, he reports to the Chief                                    Bachelors: 31%                           CSO selection than educational degree.
Operating Officer and manages the
                                                                          PhD: 10%                                 For Graf, sustainability came by way of
company’s Sustainability Report, human
rights, supply chain, compliance, as well                                                                          engineering and learning how to create
as environmental sustainability.                                                                                   and innovate. For Kathrin Winkler, CSO
                                                                                                                   of EMC, however, the path began with
Peter Graf presents a similar track. After                                                                         a bachelor’s degree in pre-med and a
joining SAP in 1996, Graf worked on a                                                                              lifelong passion for systems. “I’ve always
variety of roles before being named CSO                                                                            had an innate curiosity for understanding
in 2009. His strengths: An engineering                                                                             connections and interdependencies. Some
background, a systems approach, and a                                                                              peoples’ curiosity leads them to take things
deep understanding of SAP’s organizational                                                                         apart; mine was always about putting them
structure, internal challenges and external                                                                        together,” she says.

     Calculated from Internal hires, not those new to the company.

CSO Back Story                                                                           11                                       Weinreb Group
Charlene Lake, AT&T
                              Collaborator, Risk Taker

  Perhaps it was Charlene Lake’s years as        “There was a lot of discussion around         She also believes that the perfect
  a journalist that taught her to take risks.    where to seat the function. We chose          sustainability chief must “score poorly
  After graduating with a bachelor’s degree      [external affairs] because of a realization   on the megalomaniac meter.” Lake
  in journalism and mass communications,         that sustainability for us meant being        explained: “there is a high degree of
  Lake spent a couple of years in                in tune with our social, environmental        authority without control in this function
  journalism before joining AT&T in 1986.        and community stakeholders, and the           and that means occasionally you

  She dabbled in various communications          external affairs department was already       need to give credit to others who are
  roles, including financial, product and        in sync with that,” she says.                 deserving and be okay with not sharing
  employee communications, before                                                              the spotlight. Your goal shouldn’t be to
  settling into the external affairs function.                                                 be the headline.”

  “I was asked to start a public affairs                 Our discipline has                    Lake understands that as a disciplined
  program. Then I acquired the                   no roadmap to follow.                         profession, the industry is in very early
  philanthropic and volunteering efforts,                                                      stages. Her expectations -- and her
                                                 We learn everything on
  and went on to build out an advocacy                                                         leadership’s -- are therefore measured. “I
  function for the company,” she recalls.        the job. There are situa-                     don’t want to build a sustainability empire.

  Sustainability has arguably been practice
                                                 tions when you have ab-                       That’s not what the company needs. The
                                                                                               company needs sustainability integrated
  at the telecommunications behemoth for         solutely no idea on what
                                                                                               with every function and champions
  all 130 years of its existence, according      to do next, you just have                     in every corner. For that to happen,
  to Lake, but it wasn’t an orchestrated
  effort. But in 2007, there was a
                                                 to figure it out”                             sometimes you have to step back and
                                                                                               take one for the team,” she says.
  realization that, “our efforts needed to                               -Charlene Lake
  become more disciplined.” Lake, along                                                        “Your ability to connect your work
  with a colleague and a supportive boss,                                                      and initiatives with the success of the
  got the CEO’s buy-in. Soon thereafter,         Lake’s journey through the company’s          company is critical. That means you
  instituting sustainability as a strategic      complex organizational structure [See         have to go beyond the ‘what’ into the
  function reached the board of directors.       Page ], hasn’t been without its risks.        ‘why’ of your actions. That takes a good
                                                 In fact, she credits the abilities to         deal of courage, belief, confidence and
  “Not only did the board receive our
                                                 “recognize when a door is open and            the ability to take risks. To lead, you
  proposal well, they also included a new
                                                 the courage to walk through it” as being      have to be the one to take the first step,”
  corporate citizenship charter in their
                                                 crucial in her success as a CSO. “Our         she advises.
  existing public affairs committee,” she
                                                 discipline has no roadmap to follow. We
  says. Contrary to most of the companies                                                      And that’s the kind of people she prefers
                                                 learn everything on the job. There are
  we researched for this report, Lake, who                                                     to hire. “Ambiguity is a really helpful trait
                                                 situations when you have absolutely no
  was named Chief Sustainability Officer                                                       in this discipline.”
                                                 idea on what to do next, you just have to
  in late 2007, continues to sit out AT&T’s
                                                 figure it out,” she says.
  external affairs function.

CSO Back Story                                                      12                                         Weinreb Group
Corporate Governance And Strategy:
Where Does The CSO Fit?
                                                       with the other functional heads of the
A Seat at the Executive
                                                       organization, i.e., finance, technology,
Table                                                  information and operation, indicating that   Sustainability is finally
                                                       sustainability as a business imperative      rising to the top
A necessary precursor to leading                       is finally becoming an integral part of
company-wide cultural change is                        organizational strategy. By investing
                                                                                                    echelon of leadership.
true commitment from the top. While                    in and appointing executive-level
the role of a Chief Sustainability                     sustainability chiefs, these companies
Officer has continued to evolve, Linda                 are committing themselves to pursuing a
Fisher’s appointment in 2004 set off                   long term sustainability strategy.
set off a consistent promotion of the
sustainability profession as a whole. In               Succession Planning: The
role and responsibilities for sustainability           CSO is Here to Stay
executives as shown in the chart below.

         Number of CSO’s                               Succession planning is a significant
         Appointed By Year                             exercise for members of the C-suite to
                                                       ensure that these main functional areas
                                                       are never without an executive in charge.
                                                       Succession planning signifies the critical
                                                       nature of these roles, and in recent years
                                                       it has become an imperative to maintain
                                                       a trained line of executives who can
                                                       take on the leadership role as and when

  1                                                    This research reveals that the office
  0   2004   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010
                                                2011   of the CSO is not much different.
                                                       With the relatively recent arrival of the
                                                       sustainability chief to the C-suite, our
Companies have had environmental
                                                       research identified only one succession
managers and compliance officers doing
                                                       story. That of Diane Holdorf at Kellogg.
a variety of functions for a long time, but
now, due to several colluding factors                  Holdorf, formerly VP of Environmental
and an urgency in the marketplace,                     Stewardship, succeeded Celeste Clark
sustainability is finally rising to the top            who is set to retire later this year.
echelon of leadership.
                                                       When succession planning becomes de
With these C-suite executives all reporting            rigueur for the CSO, sustainability has
one to two steps away from the CEO,                    truly become a company priority.
their executive powers today are on par

CSO Back Story                                                            13                                Weinreb Group
Corporate Governance And Strategy:
Where Does The CSO Fit?
                                                “It is important that the company’s           one person who was truly in charge of
Diversity of Duties: An
                                                governance structure ensures the senior-      sustainability.”
Advantage in the C-Suite                        most person in charge of sustainability is
                                                                                              “They felt the need to make it clear who
                                                on par with the other top operational and
It is also important to note that the sheer                                                   was responsible for leading sustainability,”
                                                functional executives,” he says, adding
diversity of a CSOs’ duties actually helps                                                    he added. Today, as CSO, Scott Wicker
                                                that this helps not only demonstrate the
her get the other executives on the                                                           reports directly to the COO UPS.
                                                essentially of the company’s commitment
leadership team to buy in.                      to sustainability top down but to the board   As any sustainability professional well-
                                                and shareholders as well.                     versed in GRI guidelines will admit,
In fact, 17 of the 29 CSOs have
sustainability as their sole responsibility,                                                  the process of putting a sustainability
with another 12 having dual jobs. That
                                                CSR Reporting:                                report together can be a time- and labor-
second function, echoing our finding            Championing Sustainability                    intensive project that requires a full time
regarding previous title, is largely external                                                 commitment. Therefore the CSO needs
affairs related. Additionally, five have        A crucial aspect of these CSOs’               to be in a central coordinating role integral
externally facing second roles (public          responsibilities is preparing annual CSR      to running the entire corporation.
affairs, community affairs, external            reports. With increasing complexities
affairs) and two had environmental,             within the Global Reporting Initiative
health and safety responsibilities.             (GRI) and the Carbon Disclosure Project
                                                (CDP), the pressure -- and competition
AT&T’s CSO Charlene Lake, for example,          -- is on for companies, big and small,
emphasized that it’s essential to “be able      to make their mark on the sustainability
to recognize when a door is open and            board game by reporting on their
have the courage to walk through it” when       sustainability goals and challenges.
needed. Lake’s emphasis underlines
the most important responsibility of this       For UPS, increasing complexities within
role: Managing several buckets of duties        GRI and CDP was an important part of the
with an eye on collaboration, change            decision to revise its governance structure
management, and how they lend to the            to ensure there was a senior executive
company’s reputation and long term              in charge of all sustainability activities,
strategy.                                       from reporting to implementation as well
                                                as communication. “There was a mutual
Scott Wicker expressed similar                  feeling that the questions were constantly
sentiments. Having risen through                getting more complicated and that
UPS’ ranks and served as the VP for             sustainability required more attention,”
Sustainability before taking on the chief’s     Wicker informed.
role early this year, Wicker has seen
firsthand the immensity of strategic            It wasn’t until Bob Stoffel--UPS’ SVP for
oversight and input the complex role can        supply chain, strategy, engineering and
allow you with senior leadership and the        sustainability--retired that the company
board.                                          realized that “there actually wasn’t any

CSO Back Story                                                      14                                       Weinreb Group
Scott Wicker, UPS:
                             Engineer, Company Veteran

  Scott Wicker, 50, started his career with    In hindsight, though, Wicker admits that     Wicker admits that while external
  the United Parcel Service (UPS) in 1977,     the structure was clearly transitional and   pressure provided the initial motivation
  also his first day of college. By 1983,      experimental.                                to create the CSO role, the internal
  when he graduated with a bachelor’s in                                                    impact was a real eye opener. “I had no
                                               When Stoffel decided to retire early this
  electrical engineering, UPS was already                                                   idea how much impact this would have
                                               year, the reporting structure became
  home. “UPS was in a major growth spurt                                                    internally on employees. The company’s
                                               a topic of discussion yet again. “For
  and they were hiring engineers to build                                                   commitment to sustainability finally sent
                                               Stoffel, sustainability was just one of
  their facilities. So off I went,” he says.                                                the right signal to all the departments,”
                                               many responsibilities,” says Wicker,
                                                                                            he says. “We were trying to conserve
  Today, Wicker is UPS’ first Chief            preventing him from making it a strategic
                                                                                            energy and operate more sustainably
  Sustainability Officer and handles           focus. Externally, pressure was building
                                                                                            for a long time. Sustainability has
  “everything sustainability” for the          on providing more sophisticated data
                                                                                            never been a hard concept at UPS. But
  transportation and shipping company.         and enhanced accountability. “We

                                                                                            creating an executive position seems to
  At UPS, sustainability isn’t a new           were constantly hunting for data in an
                                                                                            have really cemented our commitment
  phenomenon. “Sustainability as a             uncoordinated manner,” he adds.
                                                                                            and mission.”
  function was always there at the
  company but it was very uncoordinated.                                                    Of his current priorities, Wicker has this
  A few people were pulling data and                   Sustainability has                   to say: “I’ve been with UPS for a long time
  answering questions on an ad hoc             never been a hard con-                       and understand how everything works.
  basis,” he says.                                                                          Now it’s time to use my experience and
                                               cept at UPS. But creat-                      relationships to embed sustainability
  In 2006, however, it was clear internally
                                               ing an executive position                    into every function.”
  that the firm needed to review the
  sustainability governance structure.         seems to have really ce-
  The leadership team realized that, “We       mented our commitment
  needed to evolve to get better. We also
  knew that we had to include all the
                                               and mission.”
  departments since sustainability affects                               -Scott Wicker
  everyone,” he says.

  What resulted was a new reporting            It was time to make it “crystal clear” who
  structure in 2007 which included a           was responsible for leading sustainability
  sustainability group with a director, vice   at UPS, and instead of SVP, Wicker was
  president, and five other staff. Scott       named CSO. Revising their reporting
  was that vice president. He reported         structure, Wicker now reports directly
  to Bob Stoffel, a senior vice president      to the COO with one direct report and a
  who held other responsibilities including    staff of seven overall.
  Corporate Strategy and Engineering.

CSO Back Story                                                    15                                        Weinreb Group
The Nuts And Bolts Of The CSO’S Team
                                                                        majority run very humble operations but
The CSO in the C-Suite
                                                                        with significantly overarching impact.        90% of CSOs are one
Ten CSOs report directly to the CEO.                                    At SAP, for example, CSO Peter Graf,          or two steps away
Another 16 are two steps away.                                          who reports directly to the CEO, has
Here’s how it plays out by numbers:                                                                                   from the CEO in
                                                                        11 direct reports but works with a cross
                                                                        functional team of over a 1,000 employees     reporting structure
              Distance to the CEO
                                                                        to achieve all his myriad duties,
          Reports Directly to CEO: 35%                                  which include diversity and inclusion,
          Two Steps to the CEO: 55%
                                                                        employee volunteerism, supply chain
                                                                        sustainability, environmental initiatives
          Three Steps to the CEO: 10%
                                                                        and communications, and publishing
                                                                        a formidable multimedia CSR report16.
                                                                        He achieves this influence over 1000
                                                                        employees through 15 division leaders
                                                                        who hold dotted line reporting to Graf.

                                                                        The CSO’s Team

                                                                        On average, surveyed CSOs have 4.2
                                                                        direct reports and an overall team of
This indicates significant progress and                                 approximately 185 cross-functional
elevation for sustainability professionals.                             staffers. Because of the diversity of
Considering that the first CSO wasn’t                                   the CSO’s responsibilities, most team
appointed till 2004 (DuPont’s Linda                                     members are virtual and spread across
Fisher), followed by Ed Fox in 2006, it is                              functional areas. As sustainability grows
encouraging to see that sustainability is                               through the ranks at these companies,
finally becoming an integral element of                                 the governance structures are also
the corner office.                                                      revised to accommodate a real filtering
                                                                        of sustainability across the company.
Moreover, 12 of the surveyed 25
sustainability chiefs sit on the senior-most                            Take a look, for example, at AT&T’s
executive leadership team, responsible                                  organizational structure: (See Page 30,
for all corporate strategic decisions, not                              Chart 1)
just sustainability.                                                    Lake who reports to the EVP for External
With great power comes greater                                          and Legislative Affairs, sits with the core
responsibility, although you couldn’t say                               team and has seven direct reports and an
that when you look at the average CSO’s                                 additional eight staff members assisting
team. Our research indicates that a                                     her. In a complex structure like ours,

     SAP’s 2010 CSR Report http://www.sap.com/about-sap/csr/index.epx

CSO Back Story                                                                              16                              Weinreb Group
The Nuts And Bolts Of The CSO’S Team
“Collaboration is key to integrate              an average of 16 years and are well-          independent budget.
sustainability into multiple company            versed in company structure, operations
                                                                                              Wicker’s observation is spot on because
functions,” she says.                           and strategy, on average, they have
                                                                                              without financial independence, the
                                                only been in their current role only since
For organizational structures like AT&T,                                                      sustainability function will risk being
the sustainability chief’s role often                                                         marginalized even though it sits in the
becomes one of a change manager                 Moreover, 12 of the 25 who responded          C-suite.
instead of a project or product manager.        to the surveys sit on the senior-most
As Winkler put it, the role of a CSO is one     corporate decision making body
of “a catalyst.” “Your job is to catalyze       responsible for all strategic decisions,
change top-down and horizontally in             not just sustainability.
a way that reaches every area of the
organization. It is a significant undertaking   Budget
and it takes a complex governance
structure to make it all work,” she says.       Interestingly, however, all the surveyed
                                                CSOs reported having their own operating
EMC’s structure, while visually more
                                                budget but not all maintain independent
linear, is no less complex. Take a look:
(See Page 30, Chart 2)
                                                This is something companies -- and
The complexities of such a structure
                                                sustainability executives -- must modify
remain as significant as AT&T’s more
                                                for the role to be truly effective. A
parabolic setup. For a CSO to be
                                                commitment to sustainability involves
successful, she needs to be resourceful,
                                                giving CSOs the independence and
collaborative, and most importantly,
                                                the corresponding power to implement
a critical systems thinker who can
                                                their ideas with built-in accountability
objectively engage every internal
                                                standards. After all, you cannot improve
stakeholder across functions.
                                                what you cannot measure.
Note that both structures emphasize local
                                                UPS is in a similar situation.
employee champions leading to functional
leaders, and a senior leadership team           CSO Scott Wicker emphasized that
led by a C-suite executive. Sustainability      for years the budget for his team’s
managers and executives should use              activities has come from a whole
these structures as guiding points in           list of departments, including PR,
revising their organizational structure         communications, community relations,
around a core component of sustainability       and HR. Now, he is in the process of
strategy.                                       determining what his budget should
                                                look like with the leadership team, and
Further, research reveals that while most
                                                hopes to start the next fiscal year with an
CSOs have been at their companies for

CSO Back Story                                                      17                                     Weinreb Group
Kathrin Winkler, EMC:
                            Systems Thinker, Vocal Female Executive

  When the CSO position was created at         a woman with one exception. “If you          She also had specific advice for
  EMC, Kathrin Winkler recalls several         are a woman in charge of sustainability,     sustainability professionals who would
  colleagues asking her if it was written      there is a risk of it being perceived as a   like to see the sustainability job elevated:
  with her in mind. “I told my boss I          soft program. You don’t want executives      “Be patient. Sell the value of the work,
  absolutely had to apply for this job,” she   to think of it as just a feel-good program   not just yourself. We did a really good job
  says.                                        and so women have to work harder             of selling the critical need for someone
                                               to make it clear that sustainability is a    to focus strategically on sustainability
  Winkler credits the role to her passion
                                               business strategy,” she emphasizes.          at EMC. They didn’t hire me only based
  for sustainability and her background
                                                                                            on my personal value proposition. You
  in working horizontally to improve           A strong believer in systems thinking,
                                                                                            must also be able to take gratification
  systems. Her passion comes from an           Winkler emphasized that sustainability is
                                                                                            from indirect results of your work.”
  innate curiosity for systems. “Some          a “change management project.” “Being
  people’s curiosity leads them to take        a change agent and being able to work        That said, she agreed that the CSO
  things apart; mine has always been to        cross functionally helps me get the job      title does accord proper authority to
  put things together,” she says, adding,      done. You have to know the business          her work and helps achieve more,

  “With my kind of systems thinking and        and the culture you operate in,” she         including “carrying a lot more weight
  curiosity there is no way I could have       advises.                                     with stakeholders, both internal and
  ended up in any other field other than                                                    external.”
                                                                                            As for other women in the sustainability
  A pre-med student in college, Winkler’s
                                                      The CSO title is                      field, Winkler suggests demonstrating
  career is anything but linear. She           not just something you                       more assertiveness. “Take your seat at
  has worked in operations, consulting,                                                     the table. It’s easy and tempting to sit
  enterprise management, software
                                               have to earn. It is the                      against the wall figuratively and literally
  engineering as well as a short stint in      role your company has                        when all the people around you are
  marketing prior to working at EMC as a                                                    much senior. But you are the subject
  Director of Product Management before
                                               to realize it needs.”                        matter expert. Walk up and sit at the
  assuming her current role.                                           -Kathrin Winkler     table, figuratively and literally.”

  Since her appointment in 2008, Winkler                                                    In the end, much like her journey at
  has emerged as an authoritative voice in     Her advice for aspiring sustainability       EMC, Kathrin Winkler puts the onus
  a field that, at the executive leadership    professionals is cautionary: “You need       back on companies: “The CSO title is
  level, is predominantly a man’s club.        to be willing to take risks, recognize       not just something you have to earn. It
                                               that you don’t know all the answers, be      is the role your company has to realize
  One of only eight female CSOs in our         willing to borrow ideas and be equally       it needs.”
  research, Winkler says the position          willing to admit that you were wrong.”
  brings most of the same challenges any
  other influential position would pose for

CSO Back Story                                                    18                                        Weinreb Group
Makings Of A Successful CSO
What makes a successful chief                                                years of experience, a keen sense of
                                                                                                                               Leveraging External
sustainability officer? As the role                                          observation and a nose for recognizing
develops, evolves and emerges as a                                           challenges and being able to leverage             Opportunities into Internal
necessary and crucial element of the C-                                      them to positive action. Or as Graf puts          Innovation:
suite, what qualities help a sustainability                                  it: “The ability of a CSO to influence and
chief achieve her goals?                                                     drive sustainability is correlated to their       In Graf’s case, it wasn’t his individual
                                                                             ability to drive value for the company.”          passion or persuasion that got senior
We put the question to all 29 CSOs
                                                                                                                               leadership thinking about sustainability.
and what emerged is the portrait of                                          Systems thinking:                                 While it was certainly a gut reaction in the
an accomplished professional with a
                                                                                                                               beginning that “sustainability was going
passion for sustainability and decades
                                                                             For Winkler, this again is a huge                 to be huge,” nine months of exploration
of whetted business expertise. While
                                                                             prerequisite. When the CSO role was               and heavy researching went on before
the respondents didn’t have many
                                                                             posted, she felt like the description was         the CEO announced a focused team on
commonalities in education or career
                                                                             written for her. Having had a history of          sustainability.
paths, they did emphasize several key
                                                                             working horizontally to improve systems
requirements:                                                                                                                  “There was intense pressure in our
                                                                             with some of her previous work focusing
                                                                             on sustainability, she remembered                 market to stay ahead of the curve,” he
Change management:                                                                                                             says. In 2010, after SAP acquired Clear
                                                                             several colleagues wondering if the job
                                                                             description, had, in fact, been written for       Standards, this focus accelerated. To
For EMC’s Kathrin Winkler, sustainability                                                                                      date, Graf’s department has created $14
is all about catalyzing change. “You must                                                                                      billion in savings for the conglomerate.
be a great change agent and a systems                                        “It was my passion and system oriented
thinker17. You have to be someone who                                        brain that made sustainability the perfect        It is this ability to recognize an external
does not care to be a hero but takes                                         field for me,” she says. “It’s all about making   market challenge and turn it into internal
satisfaction from being a catalyst,” she                                     the connections and understanding the             progress that can often be the crucial
says.                                                                        social and environmental community we             difference between a successful and
                                                                             operate in,” she adds.                            lackadaisical sustainability strategy.
In fact, each of the five CSOs we
interviewed emphasized their role as                                         Graf also has a deep understanding                Compounding that is the fact that,
change catalysts, but it was Winkler                                         of processes and systems. Perhaps it              according to Lake, a CSO’s goals are
who perhaps stated it best: “Our role                                        was his technological and engineering             never constant. “Sustainability programs
in sustainability is to influence and                                        background or simply a curiosity for              aren’t the kind that finish,” she says.
implement behavioral and operational                                         processes. “Managing sustainability is the        “They are ongoing and can always
change. Regardless of whether you                                            clearest leadership challenge today. For          be improved with innovation being an
call the role chief sustainability officer                                   me, it was always about making SAP’s              important element. The ability to see
or something else, our function as                                           corporate strategy a sustainable one,”            programs outside the company that can
executives leading sustainability strategy                                   he says, noting that the progress SAP             be translated into sustainability efforts is
is that of change agents.”                                                   has made in recent years would have               incredibly critical.”
                                                                             been impossible without a clear systems
According to these chiefs, it takes
                                                                             thinking coordinating the efforts.
     Peter Senge: Systems Thinking http://www.infed.org/thinkers/senge.htm

CSO Back Story                                                                                    19                                          Weinreb Group
Makings Of A Successful CSO
                                               Women need to work extra hard to make         important to your own success that your
Courage And The Ability to
                                               sustainability a business strategy.”          company succeeds.” Instead of personal
Take Risks:                                                                                  recognition, she sought progress for
                                               Personal Satisfaction Tied to                 AT&T’s sustainability programs.
When you are a senior sustainability           Company Progress:
executive, it’s often taken for granted that                                                 Resourcefulness:
you grew through the ranks with specialty
                                               You must be happy being the catalyst,
and expertise on your side. While that                                                       If there is one common denominator
                                               say the CSOs. If your purpose is to be
might be true for more functional roles,                                                     that underlines all these chiefs’ roles, it
                                               the hero, then this job isn’t for you. As
a Chief Sustainability Officer’s path is                                                     is that they run extremely lean functions,
                                               Charlene Lake remarked, “Attitude is
anything but straightforward. In fact, all                                                   often spread across departments and
                                               huge in this field. You cannot do well if
the CSOs we interviewed went to great                                                        geographies. Our research, in fact
                                               you’re looking at being in the spotlight
lengths to emphasize that their field takes                                                  reveals that on average a CSO has no
a ton of gumption and steel.                                                                 more than four direct reports.
                                               “Sell the value of your work, not yourself.
“You have to be able to take risks and                                                       “What becomes key to getting things
                                               Most people in the sustainability field
recognize that you don’t know all the                                                        implemented       is    resourcefulness,
                                               take gratification from the role,” advises
answers. You must be willing to borrow,                                                      knowing how to work the organizational
                                               Winkler, who says stressing the critical
ask for advice and be equally willing to                                                     matrix to get results,” says Charlene
                                               need for sustainability is what got her the
admit that you guessed wrong,” advises                                                       Lake. Essentially, the CSO has influence
                                               job, not personal achievements or value.
Winkler.                                                                                     without power. While their task is to
                                               “My father taught me to recycle and to        catalyze change across organizations
Edwin Pinero, CSO of Veolia Water
                                               use everything,” says SAP CSO Peter           with thousands of employees and
North America, adds: “Be cognizant
                                               Graf. His father, a teacher by profession
of business drivers and organizational
                                               and a technophile by passion, instilled in
strategy. Realize that sustainability has to
                                               him an acute depth of thought and taught
be integrated into the company’s DNA.”
                                               him to question everything. “I appreciate
For both Winkler and Lake, gender              the value of resources. When SAP made
presented subtle and not-so-subtle             the decision to invest in a sustainability
challenges as well. While Winkler admitted     chief and team, it was born from a core
that the pressure to succeed is much           mission of tying our corporate mission
greater for women, she emphasized that         into sustainability ‘to make the world run
gender had never slowed her down or            better,’” he says.
been a factor in her career decisions. Yet,
                                               And Graf isn’t alone. AT&T’s Lake,
she did have one piece of advice: “If you
                                               who grew through the ranks at the
are a woman in charge of sustainability,
                                               telecommunications firm after a
there is a risk of it being perceived as a
                                               bachelor’s in journalism and mass
soft program. You don’t want executives
                                               communications, has similar advice: “It’s
to think of it as just a feel-good program.

CSO Back Story                                                    20                                       Weinreb Group
You can also read