The British Digital Cooperative: A New Model Public Sector Institution -Dan Hind September 2019

Page created by Holly Delgado
The British Digital         ­—Dan Hind
Cooperative: A New Model     September 2019
Public Sector Institution
The information technology sector,      and direction of our economic, social, and
                                            broadly defined, is now at the leading edge     ecological systems. Technology will not
                                            of the capitalist system. Material produc-      save us from the overlapping and intensi-
                                            tion and distribution, enterprise and profes-   fying crises we face. But it has an important
                                            sional management, finance, insurance,          contribution to make in a broader process
                                            and real estate are all increasingly depen-     of reform.
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                            dent on digital technology. In the second
                                            quarter of 2019 the top five firms in the                As well as sketching the outlines of
                                            world by market capitalisation were Micro-      this transformative agenda, I set out some of
                                            soft, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, and Face-        the key structural features of an institution
                                            book. Their combined value of $4.7 trillion     that will be tasked with the primary respon-
                                            tracks the extent to which the broader          sibility of developing digital resources with
                                            economy of production and exchange              which to articulate and inform a revived
                                            currently relies on a relative handful of       democracy. This institution, the British
                                            digital intermediaries.                         Digital Cooperative (BDC), will combine
                                                                                            election, executive appointment, random
                                                    Any attempt to reassert the primacy     selection and general popular supervision
                                            of democracy over private power must            in order to reorient research, development,
                                            reckon with these leading firms and with        and production away from the needs of
                                            the sector more generally. In what follows,     profit-seeking investors towards widely
                                            I set out the outlines of a socialist agenda    discussed and broadly supported social
                                            for digital technology—a programme that         priorities. The BDC is intended to provide
                                            begins with a new approach to networked         a space for egalitarian collaboration as
                                            communications, and shows how a ‘public         well as rapid technical innovation, bring-
                                            option’ here opens up new possibilities for     ing some fragments of a better future into
                                            much more extensive popular oversight           being in the here and now, where they are
                                                                                            needed most.[1]
The British Digital Cooperative:
Common Wealth

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                                                        It is not OK for every move, emotion,    ise, and indeed often deliver, user benefits.
                                                utterance, and desire to be catalogued,          But these benefits are secondary to their
                                                manipulated, and then used to surrepti-          core business model, best understood as
                                                tiously herd us through the future tense         a combination of surveillance and manip-
                                                for the sake of someone else’s profit            ulation.[7]
                                                        —Shoshana Zuboff
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                                                                                         While the advertising platforms
                                                —       Welcome to the Hotel Northern            mainly cater to the needs of other corpo-
                                                        California                               rations, they also count political propagan-
                                                        he preeminence of the technology         dists and election strategists among their
                                                sector is particularly obtrusive in what Paul    clients. Moreover, they are now a signifi-
                                                Sweezy and Paul A. Baran called “the sales       cant medium for the delivery of news and
                                                effort”: the realisation of profits through      current affairs, and important producers
                                                market research and advertising.[2] The          and distributors of entertainment content
                                                internet is now by far the most important        in their own right. A distinct new media
                                                medium for commercial manipulation in            regime is supplanting broadcast-plus-print
                                                the world.[3] More than 40% of the world’s       as the means by which the social order
                                                advertising by value takes place online, and     becomes visible and intelligible.[8] So far
                                                a handful of large players have a command-       the leading players in this new regime have
                                                ing position.[4] Google and Facebook alone       avoided the formal regulation and legal
                                                are expected to rake in $171.1 billion in        responsibilities that apply to broadcasters
                                                advertising revenues in 2019, capturing          and print publishers. But elected represen-
                                                51% of the total digital spend.[5] By provid-    tatives and the remnants of the pre-inter-
                                                ing free and low-cost services on propri-        net media sector in the US and the UK are
                                                etary sites (‘platforms’), Google, Facebook      agitating to secure a privileged position in
                                                and their competitors and collaborators          any future media landscape. The current
                                                gain access to vast amounts of informa-          debate about ‘fake news’ and foreign
                                                tion about vast numbers of individuals.          subversion is part of a process, already far
                                                They analyse this data and use it to inform      advanced, of ensuring that the digital media
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                                efforts to modify our mental states and our      serve the same, essentially conservative,
                                                behaviours. Clients then pay to reach ever       function as the outlets they are displacing.
                                                more precisely described and intimately          (The debate about the shortcomings and
                                                understood sub-groups within these plat-         excesses of the digital platforms largely
                                                forms’ gigantic user base.                       ignores the extent to which the major
                                                                                                 media have always staged a production of
                                                        These corporations are always look-      diverting half-truths and mystifications that
                                                ing for new ways to extract more, and more       keep the fundamentals of political econ-
                                                detailed, data from their users, and for new     omy safe from sustained scrutiny.)
                                                ways to generate insights from it. The need
                                                for more data helps explain why they are                 None of the dominant players in the
                                                moving into fields as diverse as crypto-cur-     current economic order have any desire
                                                rency and urban development.[6] The need         to see the emancipatory potential of digi-
                                                to make more sophisticated use of it helps       tal media realised. Needless to say, those
                                                explain their lavish investments in artificial   tasked with defending the status quo
                                                intelligence. It is also in their interests to   already take a keen interest in the plat-
                                                promote engagement and interaction, to           forms. US-UK State intelligence agencies
                                                elicit the personal disclosures that are         now have direct access to the data gener-
Common Wealth

                                                their raw material. As a result almost all       ated by Facebook, Google, et al. Indeed,
                                                aspects of human sociability, the very life      their infiltration of, and substantial integra-
                                                of the species, are now shadowed by digital      tion with, the digital communications archi-
                                                architectures. These architectures prom-         tecture in many ways recalls earlier efforts

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to bring both newspapers and broadcast-          whom they trust: we must get at them by              ism depends on their continued massive             state-corporate media system can only
                                        ers into their orbit.[9]                         some kind of ‘personal persuasion’. We               profitability, and so would further entrench       be challenged and dispelled if the online
                                                                                         must not show our hand directly; rather              them as foundational institutions in the           spaces used by the majority of the popu-
                                                Our activities online are subject to     than merely advise or command, we must               emerging, digitally mediated social order.         lation are subject to effective democratic
                                        unseen and unacknowledged supervision            manipulate.[10]                                      [13] The idea of a ‘data dividend’ – payments      oversight and control. And the collection
                                        by employees and automated processes.                                                                 to individuals for their information – also        and analysis of data from very large plat-
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                        While we are nominally free to interact with              Nevertheless, the extent to which           presupposes that personal, intimate, and           forms would be an extremely important
                                        others digitally, we do not fully understand,    the platforms separately and together                politically sensitive data will continue to be     aid to the work of democratic planning. In
                                        and certainly do not control, the terrain        constitute living spaces, artificial habitats        collected in vast quantities by the leading        other words, both political and economic
                                        on which we do so. And even when the             whose elements can be arranged and rear-             companies and then monetised.[14] Union-           emancipation depend on building a public
                                        platforms afford us opportunities to build       ranged at the whim of their owners, must             isation of the tech sector, while desirable        network architecture that rivals the size
                                        communities around shared interests              make us pause. If it is true that media influ-       in itself, will not be enough to change the        and sophistication of the private platforms.
                                        we cannot reliably reach others outside          ence is qualified, and to some extent coun-          relationship between the leading firms and         Capitalism can survive challenges from the
                                        them. Commercial platforms cannot prior-         teracted by, the social contexts in which            the rest of society.[15]                           margins. Indeed, it draws both legitimation
                                        itise the ideals of the liberal public sphere,   individuals are shaped and reshaped, then                                                               and profit from them. Its most sophisticated
                                        much less the principle of popular sover-        the platforms’ ability to exercise unseen                     Attempts to apply the principles          partisans have always understood this. Our
                                        eignty, over the profit motive. The need to      control over these processes of socialisa-           of American progressivism to the digital           task is to bring revolutionary imagination
                                        deepen and prolong our engagement must           tion suggests that they possess new capac-           sector run into similar problems. Elizabeth        and post-capitalist practice into the broad
                                        come first, even if it means that isolated       ities for manipulation.[11] Friends and family       Warren’s proposals to break up the digital         daylight of the everyday.
                                        and vulnerable individuals are exposed to        can be made to serve as vehicles for paid-           giants have some merit, but a world where,
                                        misleading, hateful or distressing content.      for content on an unprecedented scale; our           for example, Instagram, Whatsapp, and              —       The Need for a Socialist Response
                                                                                         wider social networks can be made up of              Facebook are owned by separate corpo-                      We need to develop a distinctively
                                                 Human sociability relies on digital     deceptive and malicious actors; our ideas            rations is still a world where massive             socialist response to the emerging digital
                                        mediation to a far greater extent than it did    of what constitutes ‘common sense’ can be            corporations generate vast profits through         organisation of communications. Working
                                        a generation ago, and this digital mediation     algorithmically steered towards hair-rais-           surveillance-and-manipulation. While               from a presumption in favour of commonly
                                        is for the most part shaped by commercial        ing extremes.[12] The picture is further             making the digital sector more competi-            owned and managed resources, with
                                        logics. The platforms are becoming sites         complicated by the activities of well-funded         tive in certain respects, Warren would leave       democratic governance, we can begin to
                                        of addiction and compulsive use, and there       and highly motivated groups who use the              society’s most important communicative             outline a digital sector that provides the
                                        is little scope to develop ‘public service’      dynamics of social interaction to radical-           resources in private hands.[16]                    infrastructure for a much broader process
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                        interventions, let alone more radical forms      ise others.                                                                                             of democratisation.
                                        of democratic control, if we do not break                                                                       The imposition of data portabil-
                                        with the underlying economic logic.                      There is no shortage of reporting            ity and interoperability in functions like                 Our ultimate aim is to establish
                                                                                         on the power and reach of the advertising            instant messaging might deliver real bene-         democratic deliberation as the central
                                                The fusion of the sales effort with      platforms, the pathologies associated with           fits to consumers by reducing the power            method for allocating material resources
                                        news and entertainment content is by no          social media use, and the malign possibil-           of currently popular platforms to ‘lock-in’        and social goods. This requires that we
                                        means new. And attempts to enlist the            ities created by the capture and analysis            users. But even in a ‘re-decentralised’            reduce the importance of markets, and
                                        dynamics of social life to the task of persua-   of behavioural data at scale. Although the           system we will remain consumers rather             market-mimicking or market-anticipating
                                        sion are a constant theme in modern              picture that emerges is distorted by vested          than citizens: we will still choose between        institutions, and that we greatly enhance
                                        propaganda. In the 1950s, the American           interests, it is obvious that we cannot leave        competing firms in a vastly asymmetric             the powers of the citizen body. Large-scale,
                                        sociologist C. Wright Mills noted the desire     the preeminent means of public communi-              marketplace when deciding how we will              state-level planning decisions can then be
                                        of powerful groups to gather knowledge           cation and social coordination in the hands          conduct our lives online. In such circum-          made intelligible to the public and, as plan-
                                        to inform efforts towards covert control:        of a few private corporations and their part-        stances, network effects will still favour         ning becomes more detailed, individuals
                                                                                         ners in the secret state.                            capital’s pursuit of scale, and free services      and self-organised groups can take the lead
                                               To change opinion and activity, they                                                           funded by data harvesting and advertising          in decision-making, until the glamourous
                                        say to one another, we must pay close            —      The Limits of Liberal Reform                  will still tend to win out over paid-for options   mystifications of the commodity’s work
                                        attention to the full context and lives of              Many of the responses to the emerg-           in which users are customers, rather than          on the psyche of isolated individuals is
                                        the people to be managed. Along with             ing reconfiguration of global information            products.                                          replaced by a conversation between demy-
Common Wealth

                                        mass persuasion, we must somehow use             flows leave this partnership between                                                                    stified citizens. Instead of a few all-know-
                                        personal influence; we must reach the            private and secret interests more or less                   Scale, in itself, isn’t something that      ing centres surrounded by manipulable
                                        people in their life context and through         untouched. Taxing Google and other                   should trouble us. The mystifications that         masses, each of us secures the means
                                        other people, their daily associates, those      companies to fund public service journal-            flourish in the mainstream of the current,         necessary for clear-eyed decision-mak-

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ing about our needs and wants, and about
                                        the balance to be struck between them. In
                                        other words, the assembly displaces the
                                        marketplace—both in the digital sector and
                                        in the broader political economy. This will
                                        only be possible in an information environ-
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                        ment characterised by equality-in-speech
                                        and rules-based participation in public

                                                If we do not adopt a decisively
                                        democratic and socialist approach to
                                        digital technology, we will be drawn into
                                        an exhausting struggle for what will only
                                        ever be minor adjustments to the status
                                        quo. In this struggle the companies will
                                        marshal vast lobbying resources while we
                                        will be denied the only possible counter-
                                        vailing power—the appeal of a transforma-
                                        tive agenda. In the next section I trace the
                                        outlines of this agenda.
The British Digital Cooperative:
Common Wealth

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                                                        It is inconceivable that we should       ing resources, as well as secure data
                                                 allow so great a possibility for service, for   storage for individuals and groups. These
                                                 news, for entertainment, for education, to      resources will need to be tied to a broader
                                                 be drowned in advertising chatter.              reform agenda that includes changes to
                                                        —Herbert Hoover                          the structure of the BBC and direct control
                                                                                                 by individual citizens of public subsidies
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                                          We do not have to believe that the     to support journalism. They will also need
                                                 new, digital iteration of capitalism marks      to bring the public into their governance
                                                 a radical departure from what preceded it       through random selection, election, and
                                                 to recognise that new technologies create       general participation based on the rights
                                                 both new opportunities to exert unaccount-      outlined above.
                                                 able power, and new opportunities to
                                                 strengthen democracy. A socialist govern-                Instead of relying on an environ-
                                                 ment that takes this state of affairs seri-     ment designed to deliver advertising
                                                 ously will use public investments to create     content to targeted demographics, we will
                                                 democratically managed resources and            be able to shape our online experience and
                                                 commonly held properties in the sector.         collaborate in efforts to understand and
                                                 The immediate goal is to break the hold         change the world. We will share informa-
                                                 of the surveillance-and-manipulation plat-      tion consciously and be able to access
                                                 forms over citizens who aspire to self-gov-     and analyse collectively generated data
                                                 ernment. This public claim on the central       as equal citizens. Designers and applica-
                                                 means of communication also creates             tion developers will be able to concentrate
                                                 potential for democratisation throughout        on promoting sociability and productive
                                                 the social field. The formal constitution and   exchange, without the need to extract and
                                                 key aspects of the informal order underpin-     analyse data for the purposes of manipula-
                                                 ning it, such as land and credit, stand to be   tion. Any use of algorithms will be open to
                                                 transformed by changes to how they are          scrutiny and public oversight. A democrat-
                                                 described, and by changes to the distribu-      ically brokered consensus will take prece-
                                                 tion of those descriptions.                     dence over the promotion of engagement
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                                                                                 at all costs. Wherever possible, this socialist
                                                 —       Platforms of Our Own: Reithbook         programme will adopt and adapt free and
                                                         and Beyond                              open-source material. (We might decide,
                                                         As a first step, we need to create      for example, that the Decidim platform in
                                                 public platforms on which commercial            Barcelona, for example, delivers much of
                                                 imperatives will be replaced by clear prin-     what we want from a public platform for
                                                 ciples of communicative equality. These         political decision-making, and to adopt it
                                                 include a right to attend to one’s private      on a broader scale.[18])
                                                 affairs and participate in public life with-
                                                 out harassment or surveillance; an equal                By working at a national scale we
                                                 power to make our worldview, experi-            will be able to establish a public option as
                                                 ence, and interests into matters of general     a central part of our online experience. A
                                                 consideration; and a corresponding power        public platform will connect us to content
                                                 to challenge and disarm efforts at manipu-      from the BBC, from museums, theatres and
                                                 lation. Citizens must be able to access and     galleries, from archives and libraries. Public
                                                 share publicly relevant information, publish    institutions will become platforms in their
                                                 their responses, and have their responses       own right that also connect with others. An
                                                 assessed in turn, confident that, to the        individualised system for distributing public
Common Wealth

                                                 extent that they are vulnerable to manip-       subsidies for journalism and research will
                                                 ulation, they have the means to combat it.      find a publishing outlet on these platforms.
                                                 In practical terms this means developing        This content and the debates that surround
                                                 interoperable social media and messag-          it can then be made to mesh transparently
                                                                                                 and according to well understood princi-
                                            10                                                                                                     11
ples with the output of the BBC.[19] In this      leads to a joyless and resentful scrolling            communications system would make                  the existing state settlement. The arterial
                                        way, public service values at the BBC will        through more or less artificial images of             the best available account of the social          supply of credit requires capillary networks
                                        be supplemented by a more kinetic and             social success and connection. Resources              a shared point of reference in politically        of insight and assessment if it is to find its
                                        mutually rewarding relationship between           we control, on the other hand, will enable            consequential speech.                             way back to the National Investment Bank
                                        the institution and the audiences it serves.      us to find one another in diverse ways, and                                                             and its regional subsidiaries as repayments
                                        [20]                                              to delight in the full potential of our socia-                The creation of this collection of        on viable investments.
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                                                                          ble natures.                                          public digital resources does not only
                                                Attempts to misinform or mislead                                                                threaten the interests of the digital giants.     —        Governance Online
                                        the public will be subject to sustained chal-              We can be confident that a public            Newspapers and broadcasters have long                      We will want to supplement the
                                        lenge by organised and articulate publics.        option in social media technology will serve          benefited from the restrictions imposed           public platform architecture with special-
                                        This will make powerful institutions more         our needs better than its corporate rivals in         on public curiosity by insiders. A genu-          ised software that makes the public sector
                                        transparent and bring the citizen body as         other respects. Being able to live as civic           inely public platform, designed to func-          more transparent and accountable. In this
                                        a whole into sharper focus, while making          and social beings without being subject               tion as a collection of spaces for collective     we will again be able to draw on resources
                                        individuals less vulnerable to data harvest-      to panoptical oversight and surreptitious             sense-making, will transform the terrain on       from Barcelona. For example, the City
                                        ers. Self-organising networks will be able to     direction by private and secret interests             which all content providers operate.              Council there has established an open digi-
                                        create their own sub-platforms and shape          will provide an important respite from the                                                              tal marketplace to make public procure-
                                        their functionality to serve particular needs     commodification of life processes pursued                    The elite vetoes that frustrate efforts    ment more accessible to local startups and
                                        and interests.[21] Each of us will be able to     by the leading capitalist enterprises. While          towards general enlightenment will be over-       small and medium-sized firms. This could
                                        engage as members of a range of collectiv-        it is utopian to imagine that we will be able         ruled at last by a public communications          be adopted in the UK to promote commu-
                                        ities. Rather than a single site, this platform   to prevent abuse online, users and techni-            system that privileges democratic speech          nity wealth building along lines pioneered
                                        architecture will provide us with a profu-        cians working cooperatively to reduce the             over the claims of property and its paid-         in Preston, Lancashire and Cleveland, Ohio.
                                        sion of spaces that overlap in diverse ways.      impact of insincere and malicious speech              for experts and apologists. Journalists and       [24] If citizens’ assemblies are to become
                                        Public sector institutions, including local,      will not need to worry about protecting a             researchers will be gradually drawn out of        an ordinary feature of public life, they will
                                        regional and national government, will            business model that demands engagement                patronage relationships with institutional        also need a digital infrastructure to support
                                        provide venues where citizens and more            at all costs.[22] Indeed, we will be able to          superiors and owners and into a dialogue          their work and integrate their proceedings
                                        or less cohesive groups can assemble and          participate in a conversation about what              with their audiences. In this way the tight       and recommendations into the wider field
                                        secure a claim on the political.                  digital technology is for, and what its limits        control of political speech by private and        of publicity.[25]
                                                                                          should be. Platform design could then be              secretive actors will give way to a much
                                                We will be free to use commer-            used to encourage real-world engagement               more plural, open, and reflexive public                   An expanded co-operative sector
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                        cial platforms, of course. But the surveil-       and association and we could , and could              sphere.                                           will also benefit from new forms of online
                                        lance-and-manipulation business model             even aid in devising ways to reduce the                                                                 governance. Members need to be able
                                        means that these platforms cannot make            net amount of time we spend staring at                        As the state is democratised, we          to access information and express their
                                        facilitating collective deliberation and          screens.[23]                                          will need a digital architecture that maps        preferences in secure conditions. With-
                                        agenda-setting their priority. Advertisers                                                              onto its changing structure. More extensive       out new capacities for general oversight
                                        prefer to work their magic on physically                  The value currently created by the            participation in the political process can        and for effective, rewarding participation,
                                        isolated, and preferably anxious, individu-       users of the private platforms is captured            then be publicised according to clear and         there is always a danger that insiders will
                                        als who can be persuaded that competition         by their owners and advertisers. The plat-            consistent rules in order to benefit those        use their information edge to corruptly
                                        and consumption, not collaboration and            form architecture proposed here will return           who are excluded from decision-making in          secure benefits for themselves. A reform-
                                        conviviality, are the answer to their trou-       that value to the public in the form of a             the current order. The result will be better      ing government will no doubt want to
                                        bles. And in an environment where willing-        better understanding of the social world,             decision-making as the quality of general         legislate to make it simpler to form co-op-
                                        ness to spend money translates directly           and greater power to address problems                 invigilation improves.                            eratives. But it will also want to ensure
                                        into communicative reach, the citizen body        within it. The relationship between the                                                                 that publicly funded digital resources are
                                        as a whole and in all its diverse constitu-       social, the political, and the economic can                   It is particularly important to bring     available that give power to workers and
                                        ent elements tend to be marginalised by           be renegotiated in ways that do not accept            the population into a dialogue with public        consumers.[26] New institutional forms,
                                        concentrated capital.                             the limits now imposed in the main circuits           institutions when the state is expanding          such as public-common partnerships, will
                                                                                          of communication. The public platforms                into areas that have been left to the private     also need to be supported by technology
                                                For the same reason, the commer-          will give the majority the means to resolve           sector in the recent past. For example,           so that their democratic potential is real-
Common Wealth

                                        cial platforms promote a highly restricted        conflicts and pursue shared interests, in             public banking will need detailed informa-        ised through sustained and broad-based
                                        version of the social. The competitive            much the same way that elite media and                tion about social priorities if it is not to be   participation.[27]
                                        need to generate insights about consump-          elite sociability have historically served            captured by those few institutions capable
                                        tion-oriented subjects, taken to its limit,       the ruling class. At a maximum, this public           of making themselves intelligibly present in

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Similarly, voluntary organisations        alised Royal Mail to provide individuals and         —        Socialise All Rents!                   serve and put a technical gloss on efforts to
                                        and charities stand to benefit from more          businesses with a publicly accountable                        Wherever possible, a reforming         coerce and control. A public programme of
                                        democratic governance. Large institutions         alternative to Amazon and Ebay. Publicly             state will want to reduce monopoly rents        investments would build democratic prin-
                                        in particular will benefit from forms of online   owned and cooperatively governed e-com-              and compulsory charges in the economy.          ciples and conscious participation by citi-
                                        governance that bring them more firmly            merce promises lower costs of intermedi-             Our agenda for the digital sector would         zens into this and other forms of high-end
                                        under the supervision of their members. At        ation and transparent and equitable terms            therefore include a suite of publicly owned     computing. The awesome computational
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                        the moment, too much of civil society oper-       of service. Whereas Amazon tracks sales              and democratically managed software             power currently in private and secret hands
                                        ates as a kind of genteel racket, in which        categories and then manufactures items               resources. At the outset this would include     will become available to citizens where it
                                        the generous and humanitarian impulses            designed to compete with those sold by               enterprise and operating systems based on       can be used by individuals and collectiv-
                                        of mass memberships are converted into            the businesses that use its platforms, the           existing free software resources—publicly       ities to create new kinds of knowledge
                                        lavish lifestyles for a few senior managers.      proposed approach will provide fairer terms          funded and maintained versions of Linux,        and hence new capacities to act. In this
                                        Where charities receive public funding, it        of service to consumers and producers. A             Open Office, and so on. Small businesses        way, economic planning will ultimately be
                                        might be desirable to insist that they adopt      public e-commerce option might also be               and the self-employed will immediately          devolved to individuals in free assemblies
                                        defined standards of democratic gover-            able to favour local, ‘onshore’ production           enjoy lower overheads, and public sector        and given a properly civic character.
                                        nance supported by digital resources, so          over transnational corporations based in             organisations will benefit from enhanced
                                        that they can act as models of egalitarian        secrecy jurisdictions by imposing a duty             system security and reduced operating                   This standardised and stable free
                                        transparency. At any event, the socialist         of candour on vendors.                               costs. The state’s ability to establish stan-   software architecture, combined with the
                                        project aims to reproduce the values and                                                               dards across its own institutions means         other capabilities outlined above, would be
                                        structures of a democratic state through-                This retail platform, when combined           that it has enormous power to stabilise and     available at cost to other countries. Social-
                                        out society, and digital technology will play     with other investments in technology,                promote a low-cost system architecture.[30]     ist technology would then provide an alter-
                                        an important part of this process of diffu-       establishes the conditions for a much more           A publicly-funded development platform          native to an emerging duopoly in which
                                        sion.                                             extensive democratisation of the economy.            could allow independent operators to add        we have to choose between American and
                                                                                          As real-time behavioural data becomes                to the share of free resources and provide a    Chinese styles of surveillance-and-manip-
                                        —        E-Commerce: From PayPal to               available to the population at large,                structure of payments that rewarded valu-       ulation.
                                                 PayPub                                   rather than a relative handful of network            able innovations without resorting to the
                                                 Platform retail has proved extremely     managers, consumers can combine to                   market mechanism.[31]                           —       Where Are We Going? Digi-
                                        successful and seems to follow a simi-            access goods on equitable terms with                                                                         tal Resources for Democratic
                                        lar logic of market concentration as the          producers. Indeed, production, which                         There is also a case to be made                 Planning
                                        advertising platforms. A single company,          is already informed by intensive surveil-            for public and collaborative search and                 Other services currently offered by
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                        Amazon, now accounts for half of all of           lance of consumers, could take a much                reference capabilities, especially if they      the surveillance-and-manipulation firms,
                                        online retail in the US, and for $7 of every      more collaborative form. Demand would                are tied to academic publishing platforms       such as mapping, can be reimagined to
                                        $100 spent by US shoppers.[28] The informa-       be discovered in undistorted discussion              and a reinvigorated library sector.[32] Web     deliver greater public benefits. For exam-
                                        tion it captures from its operations means        between civic equals, who would then find            browsers would bring these functions            ple, a government seeking to reshape the
                                        that Amazon can now exercise enormous             the material resources and labour power              together in a way that would make possi-        built and natural environment will need
                                        power throughout its vast supply chain.[29]       needed to satisfy it.                                ble a host of challengers to Google organ-      popular constituencies to displace concen-
                                        It has also become a leading provider of                                                               ised on regional, national, institutional, or   trated private interests as the lead actors in
                                        computer services and is putting together                 Taken as a whole, the public plat-           sectoral lines. Rather than seeking to maxi-    the land economy. The gathering climate
                                        a portfolio of sites and services, such as        forms will allow citizens to make economic           mise their share of global attention, each of   crisis requires something like a process
                                        Amazon Prime and, from which             decisions on the basis of better informa-            these search-browser combinations could         of disenclosure—a reversal of the privati-
                                        it can extract commercially valuable data.        tion and at a remove from the needs of               concentrate on serving the specific needs       sation of the countryside that marked the
                                        It is expected to become a major compet-          the moment. Patterns of consumption that             of particular groups while contributing to      beginning of English capitalism. Public
                                        itor to Google and Facebook in the digital        compensate for powerlessness will be                 a shared stock of resources.                    mapping, through which representations
                                        advertising sector over the next few years.       redirected towards ends that are discov-                                                             of physical space are tied to public data-
                                                                                          ered through collective deliberation and                    The design of algorithms has, to         bases of ownership, permitted use, hydrol-
                                                It is important for the state to          reflection. The sales effort gives way to the        date, been dominated by commercial and          ogy, soil quality etc., can help citizens to
                                        develop an online payment system as part          public discovery of needs and wants, and             military, rather than social, values. Where     understand the places where they live
                                        of its public banking infrastructure. This        the balance to be struck between them..              algorithms have bled into the adminis-          more fully and to take a more active role in
Common Wealth

                                        payment system, supported by e-com-                                                                    tration of the civil state, in policing and     planning their future. The 3-D design tech-
                                        merce authoring tools that are compatible                                                              welfare provision, for example, they have       nologies currently used by property devel-
                                        with the rest of the public platform archi-                                                            often reproduced unexamined prejudices          opers will, once made generally available,
                                        tecture, would integrate with a re-nation-                                                             about the populations they are meant to         greatly assist in this work of democratic

                                                                                                                                          14                                                                                                    15
place-making. Similarly, publicly owned                 For example, small-batch and
                                             augmented reality holds out the promise         bespoke manufacturing production is
                                             of making the places where we live more         becoming increasingly expensive to source
                                             legible and informative, and hence more         from foreign markets. The state can facil-
                                             conducive to both real-world sociability        itate a programme of re-industrialisation
                                             and collective direction.                       that grows the co-operative sector and
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                                                                             deepens workplace democracy while
                                                    Planning in the UK is bedevilled by a    driving up real productivity and greening
                                             kind of legalised corruption in which state     the economy. Through a conversational
                                             power forces the majority to hand over          partnership with public bodies, organised
                                             much of their income to a tiny minority in      labour can take the initiative without the
                                             the form of interest and rent. The building     enervating approval of private capital. The
                                             that does take place promotes a landscape       knowledge accruing in the public sector
                                             of car-dependent estates and out-of-town        would enable it to make targeted invest-
                                             shopping centres that no one in their right     ments to complete supply chains and bring
                                             mind would choose. Public mapping and           key technologies into production. An entre-
                                             design will help ensure that infrastruc-        preneurial state indeed.
                                             ture investments, new technologies in
                                             construction, and other interventions in               As part of this process, the public
                                             the land economy track our collectively         platforms will need to provide crowd-fund-
                                             discovered priorities. Self-governing           ing capabilities that help direct the atten-
                                             groups in the process of deciding how           tion of technocrats and elected officials
                                             they want to live together will inform the      away from the heavily promoted proposals
                                             industrial strategy as it relates to housing.   of large corporations and their lobbyists,
                                             Underused or mismanaged land can be             and towards initiatives that recommend
                                             brought into public or common ownership         themselves to the people who will, one
                                             in an orderly way and put to use as part of     way or another, pay for them. Villages
                                             a broader economic, environmental, and          and towns, cities and regions, as well as
                                             social programme.                               currently disaggregated fractions of labour,
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                                                                             would use a variety of publicly funded and
                                             —       Building a Co-operative Economy         owned digital resources to develop their
                                                     At the moment, bank lending over-       own plans, engage with the institutions of
                                             whelmingly supports asset purchases.            an expanded public sector, and create the
                                             But public finance, with the help of            organisational forms they need.
                                             publicly developed software capabilities,
                                             could be used to support the creation of        —       Industrial Strategy: Research,
                                             commonly held properties such as co-ops                 Development, and Production
                                             and public-commons partnerships. Public                 For the most part, the state’s role in
                                             social media platforms would provide a          the economy is ignored or disparaged, the
                                             venue for workers and consumers to find         better to ensure that its contribution can be
                                             one another, develop detailed business          captured by a handful of privileged private
                                             plans, and secure start-up funding from a       interests. But it is responsible for the bulk of
                                             National Investment Bank and the National       the research and development that drives
                                             Transformation Fund. Digital technology         private sector innovation, either directly or
                                             would support the process of enterprise         through the use of subsidies.[33] A publicly
                                             formation from casual expressions of            owned digital architecture would be part
                                             interest through to the creation of legally     of a new approach, in which the state-as-
Common Wealth

                                             defined and democratically governed oper-       patron plays a much more active role. This
                                             ations.                                         digital architecture would help integrate
                                                                                             research, development and production so
                                                                                             that the implementation of new technol-

                                        16                                                                                                      17
ogies tracks the public interest—through          collectivities on the terms of civic equal-          economy while reducing carbon use. This
                                        state ownership of publicly funded inno-          ity. Rather than treating populations as the         might require investments in manufactur-          —      Digital Socialism
                                        vations, through free diffusion into the          raw material for research, these experts             ing technologies that track the needs of                 A socialist approach to digital tech-
                                        global intellectual commons, or through           help the rest of us to define what human             small, independent and interdependent             nology aims to help democratic assemblies
                                        the creation of co-operative forms that           flourishing looks like and to secure it. The         growers, rather than those of industrial          meet human needs and wants with more
                                        subordinate market logic to social need           entire process of research, development              agribusiness and national retail chains. It       granularity and sophistication than the
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                        in clearly defined ways.                          and production remains in public hands.              will certainly require new communicative          market. A fully constitutionalised digital
                                                                                          Democratic oversight, rather than the profit         resources. Efforts to increase yields from        sphere, rather than the corporate board-
                                                For example, the UK state currently       motive, becomes the driver of innovation             the UK’s home waters will also require            room, becomes the central space in which
                                        provides massive levels of support to             and the guarantor of efficiency.                     investment in new kinds of social coordi-         economic planning takes place. Prefer-
                                        privately owned pharmaceutical compa-                                                                  nation as well as physical infrastructure.        ences that are currently revealed through
                                        nies. This sector is able to negotiate with               This collaborative approach holds                                                              our guileless online activity are discovered
                                        the NHS from a position of strength, thanks       out the prospect of more rapid progress                       The restoration of pre-enclosure         instead through reflection and deliberation
                                        to its control of intellectual property rights,   in pharmaceutical medicine. But once                 patterns of land use, and a new relationship      on the basis of the best available informa-
                                        a.k.a monopoly rights, derived to a very          the social and economic determinants of              with the sea, together promise an abun-           tion.
                                        considerable degree from these same               health are given due weight, and commer-             dance of food. Massive public health gains
                                        subsidies. Public funds end up gravitat-          cial considerations no longer inhibit the            can be made through the self-conscious                   By changing the process of discov-
                                        ing towards a narrow range of patentable          clinical imagination, a much broader hori-           creation of a patchwork of new and revived        ery, we change the nature of the prefer-
                                        chemical interventions designed to act on         zon of possibilities opens up. After all,            food cultures across the British Isles. But       ences discovered. Instead of acting as
                                        inert individuals, and away from social and       cures are much less lucrative than symp-             all this needs to be knitted to a social order    mystified consumers, we make choices
                                        collective approaches that enlist the indi-       tom management. Meanwhile, the citizen’s             characterised by collective deliberation          in a state of disenchantment. What is
                                        vidual as a collaborator in their own well-       experience of an increasing power over               and shared powers to frustrate tactics of         kept hidden in commercial culture – the
                                        being. Where innovation does occur, the           their own circumstances becomes insep-               manipulation. At the moment this might            range of possibilities beyond individual
                                        financial upside is captured by a handful of      arable from the therapeutic process.[34]             seem a distant prospect. But however              consumption, the full implications of partic-
                                        global companies, whose legal structure           In healthcare and other sectors such as              unlikely it sounds, it is necessary if these      ular choices and styles of life, the tendency
                                        and business model makes them incapable           housing, there is a long history of top-down         islands are to support a population in the        towards magical thinking encouraged by
                                        of acting in a public-spirited way.               provision from both the state and the                tens of millions expected a few decades           the creation of the commodity form itself
                                                                                          private sector. Digital technology has an            from now.                                         – can be acknowledged and taken into
                                                Rudolf Virchner once wrote that           important contribution to make in efforts                                                              account. What is currently unspeakable
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                        politics is medicine at scale. The vast mate-     to establish the citizen body as the deci-                    Public investments in digital tech-      becomes available as a matter of public
                                        rial and intellectual demands of modern           sive actor in publicly funded innovation.[35]        nology are a necessary component of an            business.
                                        medicine mean that it is an inescapably                                                                industrial strategy that serves the majority.
                                        a branch of the political. We are now in                  An integrated approach to popula-            This is in part a matter of preventing insid-
                                        a position to develop technologies that           tion health would have important implica-            ers from securing corrupt advantages. In
                                        prevent it from serving oligarchical inter-       tions for the food economy. And, as noted            part it is also a matter of bringing the public
                                        ests. A platform architecture of the kind         above, if the UK is to play a full and equi-         into the development process as active
                                        outlined above will be key to liberating the      table role in moves to address the climate           participants with a direct stake in projects.
                                        sector, in that it will provide us with a space   crisis, we will need to develop new technol-         Above all it is a matter of acknowledging
                                        where the nature of human flourishing can         ogies that make much more efficient use              that technological development is shaped
                                        be discussed in ways that do not privilege        of natural resources. Efforts to bring land          by the power relations that surround it.
                                        the needs of powerful interests.                  into more productive use will rely heavily           Unless innovation is embedded in a culture
                                                                                          on the kinds of coordination made possi-             of democratic oversight and direction, it will
                                               In a democratic and socialist              ble by digital technologies.                         never deliver on its emancipatory potential.
                                        approach to healthcare, citizens with
                                        defined communicative and political rights                If we are to be well nourished in
                                        form collectivities in which they seek to         the future we will need to be able to iden-
                                        promote their own wellbeing. Data is              tify suitable land, bring it into public and
Common Wealth

                                        pooled for clearly defined ends, accord-          common ownership through legislation and
                                        ing to previously agreed-upon princi-             purchase at fair value, and develop highly
                                        ples. Experts, including medical experts,         productive, highly diversified networks
                                        are brought into partnership with these           that substantially de-commodify the food

                                                                                                                                          18                                                                                                     19
                                                        If you want to do something new,            tend to intensify as one moves up the vari-
                                                 set up a new unit, and recruit. You’ll get         ous hierarchies.
                                                 people joining who want to do new things.
                                                        —Michael Jacobs                                     After forty years of neoliberalism,
                                                                                                    public institutions need to be restruc-
                                                         Some people might accept the need          tured along lines that combine democratic
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                                 for the public sector to take a more active        legitimacy with technical expertise and
                                                 role in developing digital technology but          efficiency. This does not mean a simple
                                                 reject the idea of a new institution. After all,   reversion to the principles of Keynesian
                                                 a constellation of government departments          public service. Rather, the public sector
                                                 and parastatal organisations already exists        must develop an approach that enhances
                                                 and might be able to do the necessary              the capacities of the citizenry in assembly.
                                                 work. But reliance on what already exists          The focus shifts from the minister of the
                                                 would be a serious mistake for a number            crown to the body politic as a whole.[38]
                                                 of reasons. For one thing, we are faced            This approach will help secure the state
                                                 with overlapping economic, social, and             from subversion by sectional interests,
                                                 environmental crises, all of which require         and model a wider shift in the economy
                                                 new technological resources if they are to         and in society towards more egalitarian
                                                 be addressed. The existing institutional           practices and a more equitable division
                                                 array was designed for a different time,           of wealth and power. But this amounts
                                                 with a different set of agendas, and with          to a new logic of state. It will need novel
                                                 different operating assumptions. A new,            institutional contexts in which it can be
                                                 generously funded organisation allows              elaborated and refined. Just as the Brit-
                                                 us to start afresh, on a scale and with an         ish Broadcasting Corporation provided a
                                                 urgency equal to the task.[36]                     template for the institutions of the postwar
                                                                                                    social democratic settlement, the British
                                                         The need becomes more pressing             Digital Cooperative (BDC) is intended to
                                                 when we factor in resistance to far-reach-         lead the way in developing the structures
                                                 ing changes to the structure and purpose           of democratic socialism.
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                                 of the state. Ralph Miliband once warned
                                                 that “to achieve office by electoral means                  The supporters of reform deserve
                                                 involves moving into a house long occupied         to see swift, conspicuous action, in new
                                                 by people of very different dispositions—          places, according to new principles, in the
                                                 indeed it involves moving into a house             pursuit of clearly defined goals that enjoy
                                                 many rooms of which continue to be occu-           broad support. The BDC will be able to
                                                 pied by such people.”[37] Electoral success        establish development teams in towns
                                                 secures control of one, very visible, piece        and villages, coastal resorts, post-indus-
                                                 of the state apparatus for would-be reform-        trial cities, and rural areas that have long
                                                 ers. But much of the rest will be staffed          been neglected. It will also be able to create
                                                 by people with very different ideas about          new physical infrastructure to support its
                                                 the purpose of public intervention in the          mission and move quickly to establish labo-
                                                 economic sphere, about the practicality of         ratories for a democratic and prosperous
                                                 democratic self-government, and about the          future.
                                                 primacy of private capital. Career progres-
                                                 sion has depended on working effectively                   While the creativity of start-up
                                                 and creatively within a governing logic            culture can be exaggerated, new insti-
                                                 established by Thatcher and elaborated             tutions provide opportunities to escape
Common Wealth

                                                 by her successors. While many individu-            bureaucratic organisation and the stifling
                                                 als will welcome the opportunity to think          effects of hierarchy. The BDC will be able
                                                 and act more expansively, some will not,           to hire from the existing state and from the
                                                 and resistance to any reform agenda will           private sector. But it will be able to sidestep
                                                                                                    recruiting norms that filter out potentially
                                            20                                                                                                        21
valuable workers, and to experiment with
                                        new forms of workplace organisation. It                  A new institution begins without
                                        will also be able to try out new ways of         an accumulation of internal assumptions
                                        contracting labour from a global pool of         and unspoken taboos about who can, and
                                        talent through mission prizes and remote         cannot, contribute and how. It provides an
                                        working. After the shambles of the Brexit        opportunity to think creatively about how to
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                        referendum and its aftermath, the BDC            give expression to fundamental principles
                                        will demonstrate Britain’s openness to           and values, while addressing vitally import-
                                        the world in its structure as well as in its     ant problems. Justice, and the demands of
                                        mission.                                         the moment, call for an institution in which
                                                                                         talent, public spiritedness, and achieve-
                                                A new institution offers skilled work-   ment count for more than cultural capital,
                                        ers a chance to escape the stultifying           seniority, and conformity. By establishing
                                        demands of venture capital. Technicians          the BDC on these lines we will present both
                                        and software engineers who have been             a template and a challenge to the rest of
                                        encouraged to think in terms of an IPO or        the state.
                                        a Google buyout will have a chance to put
                                        their talents and energy to use creating a                Operating away from the metropoli-
                                        new economic and political order, compat-        tan core, the BDC will be able to develop a
                                        ible with the survival of human civilisation     different understanding of the UK’s political
                                        at scale. People are all too easily demor-       economy and its various potentials, and
                                        alised and depressed by the small-mind-          work with local government and other
                                        edness of neoliberal ambition. The BDC           institutions to ensure that reindustrializa-
                                        will be a place where people can live well       tion does not simply add to the advantages
                                        and be celebrated for their contribution         enjoyed by London and its periphery. It will
                                        to the common good. And aAn institu-             also be able to assemble land and proper-
                                        tion founded with an explicit mission to         ties so that the uplift from local economic
                                        promote democracy will be better able to         growth can be captured for the public, and
                                        resist those who want digital technology to      it will be able to work with other institutions
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                        remain an instrument of oligarchic domi-         without the burden of a shared history.
                                        nation than institutions predicated on the       Crucially, people will learn to exercise new
                                        idea of ‘smart’ collaboration with transna-      powers through their participation in the
                                        tional capital.                                  democratic structures of the BDC. It is to
                                                                                         these structures that we now turn.
                                                The BDC is an opportunity to break
                                        with the chauvinistic and status-obsessed
                                        culture of parts of the technology sector.
                                        As a public institution with an urgent
                                        mission, the BDC will be able to combine
                                        accountability and the highest standards
                                        of workplace civility with intense creativ-
                                        ity. Relatedly, the BDC will also be able to
                                        develop novel relationships with the end
                                        users of its products. This is a chance to tie
                                        research teams to co-designing publics so
                                        that innovation tracks the expressed needs
                                        of the citizenry on which it depends. In
Common Wealth

                                        this way the BDC will model a relationship
                                        between public expertise and the citizen
                                        body that will become more familiar as the
                                        UK becomes more fully democratic.

                                                                                                                                           22   23
                                                         We will establish a British Digital        from employees in confidence, and attend
                                                 Cooperative with a mission to develop the          to representations from the general public.
                                                 technical infrastructure for economic, polit-      Members of this assembly will be free to
                                                 ical and cultural democracy.                       conduct research, hold public and private
                                                         —Manifesto of a reforming admin-           hearings, and publish reports and recom-
                                                 istration                                          mendations.
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                                 —       Notes on Structure                                 The first chief executive of the BDC
                                                         The transformative mission of the          will establish Research, Development and
                                                 British Digital Cooperative (BDC) must             Production (RD&P) centres in severely
                                                 dictate both its structure and spatial organ-      deprived local authority areas. The physi-
                                                 isation. Legally, it will be established by        cal geography covered will include cities,
                                                 Parliament as a public cooperative whose           towns, villages, coastal resorts, and rural
                                                 members are the citizens and residents of          areas. Mirroring the national structure, the
                                                 the United Kingdom. The responsibility for         centres will have an operations officer, an
                                                 managing this cooperative will be borne            executive board, and an oversight board
                                                 jointly by its workforce and by the public.        selected by lot from local residents. These
                                                 The powers of the latter will be exercised         assemblies will be responsible for ensuring
                                                 by assemblies formed through random                that the BDC acts in accordance with its
                                                 selection.                                         statutory responsibility to promote work-
                                                                                                    ing relationships based on civic equality.
                                                         Parliament will create this public         They will also be responsible for establish-
                                                 cooperative with a mandate to develop the          ing and testing the governing principles of
                                                 infrastructure of a more complete social,          the platform architecture as it relates to
                                                 economic, and political democracy. It will         privacy, civility, security, and so on.
                                                 impose a particular duty on the BDC to
                                                 establish working relationships based on                   Product design and development
                                                 civic equality. In the first instance, the Prime   will be structured as a partnership between
                                                 Minister will appoint a chief executive to         the BDC and the communities in which it is
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                                 deliver on detailed articles of instruction        based. Technologies will meet the needs,
                                                 that elaborate on its fundamental mission.         and defend the interests of citizens, in
                                                 The chief executive will serve for a single        part because citizens will be involved
                                                 four-year term. They will appoint an exec-         throughout the development process as
                                                 utive board, and after one year, a quarter         both participants and invigilators. Through
                                                 of these board members will be elected             their involvement in product design, resi-
                                                 by the workforce.                                  dents will be familiar from the outset with
                                                                                                    the potential of new technologies to build
                                                          The chief executive will be required      community wealth. The centres will act as
                                                 by statute to convene an oversight assem-          transfer points for new skills and capaci-
                                                 bly of thirty people selected by lot from each     ties, and the duty to promote equality will
                                                 one of the local authority areas in which          require them to establish educational proj-
                                                 it operates.[39] All assembly members will         ects wherever they operate.[40]
                                                 be paid at the national living wage for the
                                                 equivalent of one day’s work per week.                     The RD&P centres will have a defined
                                                 They will serve one year. This assembly,           mission under the articles of instruction
                                                 supported by its own secretariat, will be          and will be free to establish subsidiary insti-
                                                 responsible for invigilating the operations        tutions, including land trusts, to ensure that
Common Wealth

                                                 of the BDC to ensure that it meets the             they meet their objectives in a timely and
                                                 obligations imposed on it by Parliament.           thrifty manner. They will liaise with public
                                                 It will have general powers to summon the          sector institutions to improve the physical
                                                 company’s officers, and to hear complaints         infrastructure for data collection, and to

                                            24                                                                                                        25
develop municipal resources. Local public       “a complex system designed from scratch”             from the workforce and the public, and to
                                        sector institutions will have defined rights    which “never works, and cannot be made               publish their own findings. During this time
                                        to representation on each RD&P centre’s         to work.”[41]                                        it will also confer honours on employees
                                        consultative boards.                                                                                 and citizens nominated by the various other
                                                                                                In the fourth year of their term the         assemblies.
                                               Each centre will also be required        chief executive will convene a large assem-
A New Model Public Sector Institution

                                        to establish ‘high street hubs’ where the       bly drawn by random selection from the UK                     If the first oversight assembly         .
                                        public can use free software, open hard-        population. This 100-person assembly will            decides that the BDC is failing to pursue its
                                        ware, and other resources. BDC employ-          draft new articles of instruction within the         articles of instruction with sufficient vigour
                                        ees will be free to spend up to two days a      terms established by statute. It will sit for        it will be able to begin recall proceedings
                                        week in these collaborative spaces work-        six months and take evidence from staff,             against the chief executive. If the move to
                                        ing on their own projects, provided these       from the other BDC assemblies, and from              recall is confirmed by the large assembly,
                                        are consistent with the overall mission of      the public. Its deliberations will be public         the chief executive will be removed and the
                                        the BDC. Beginning with these production        and the new public infrastructure and the            workforce will elect a replacement for the
                                        hubs, the BDC will also experiment in ways      other digital resources outlined above will          rest of that term.
                                        of using technology to promote diverse          bring the drafting process to the attention
                                        forms of online and offline sociability.        of a large and engaged audience in the UK            —      Funding the British Digital
                                                                                        and beyond.                                                 Cooperative
                                                The chief executive will have overall                                                               The BDC will be established with
                                        responsibility for ensuring that each centre           In this way, every four years the BDC         a grant from the National Transformation
                                        meets its obligations under the articles of     will host a widely shared discussion about           Fund. It will also be responsible for admin-
                                        instruction, and for ensuring that all tech-    the future of the digital sector, which will         istering the revenues from any charge on
                                        nologies are deployed in ways that maxi-        shape its operations for the next four years.        broadband or mobile internet access.
                                        mise the public good in a manner defined        This conversation will inform the country’s
                                        by statute. They will decide how to spin        broader industrial strategy by providing a
                                        out new institutions and promote the work       venue in which organised labour, the coop-
                                        of the BDC nationally and internation-          erative sector, private industry, and other
                                        ally. They will maintain an overall view of     interests can articulate their needs in a
                                        the centres’ projects and to ensure that,       manner that the public can understand
The British Digital Cooperative:

                                        wherever possible, resources are shared         and assess. The BDC will be mandated to
                                        between centres. They will also be required     give the deliberations of the large assem-
                                        to build and maintain connections between       bly due prominence in the communicative
                                        the BDC and the rest of the public sector.      resources it controls.
                                        Their office will ensure that, wherever
                                        possible, the BDC proceeds by adapting                  Once new articles of instruction
                                        existing free software resources in a way       have been published, all candidates for
                                        that helps socialist and non-profit projects    chief executive will be interviewed first
                                        worldwide.                                      by one of the RD&Ps’ assemblies, which
                                                                                        will send a confidential note to the large
                                               Operational details are beyond the       assembly. The large assembly will inter-
                                        scope of this paper, but the chief execu-       view the candidates it wishes to consider. It
                                        tive will want to draw on best practices        will then appoint a chief executive to a new
                                        in the private sector and in civil society      four-year term. Past service to the public
                                        to ensure that the collection of public         and a plausible agenda for the future will
                                        resources envisaged here starts with what       count for more in this selection process
                                        John Gall called “a working simple system”      than a talent for office politics.
                                        and grows rapidly to achieve considerable
Common Wealth

                                        scope and sophistication. The emphasis                 The large assembly responsible for
                                        on adopting and adapting existing open          appointing the chief executive will meet
                                        source and free software resources means        once a year during their term to receive a
                                        that the BDC won’t be tempted to develop        report on progress, hear representations

                                                                                                                                        26                                                        27
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