(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta

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(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
2021 Change Report

                     2021 Change Report

                     (Re)Building a
                     sustainable utopia
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta

Change Report Introduction

As business leaders, we have a choice                     Introducing the 2021 Change Report,
when faced with a global crisis: change                   our annual snapshot of how the world is
with it for the better or be changed by it                changing, what this means for business
for the worse.                                            leaders, and how change always brings
                                                          opportunity on which to capitalise for the
For those organisations that took the reins               good of people, profit, and planet.
in 2020, there’s no denying that agility
and digital preparedness became the                       We look beyond momentary trends and
lifeline to reshape their current realities               hone in on the momentous changes that
and to reimagine the future.                              are keeping us all connected in an ever-
                                                          evolving commercial landscape.
As we look ahead, we believe we’ll see
greater strides towards sustainable digital               Born from our 1,600 strategy, digital, data
transformation across all industries,                     and consulting experts, the 2021 Change
as businesses keep building resiliently                   Report represents everything we stand
towards a utopian outcome.                                for at Kin + Carta: helping businesses
                                                          embrace change to make the world work
                                                          better, together.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
Top 9 changes of 2021

Data democratisation: The paradigm of company culture               5

The turn of the MACH (Here it is)                                   11

Sustainability and the digital do-gooders                          17

The contactless economy: Mind the gap                              22

The great inclusion: Bridging the digital divide                   28

Turn and face the change: The agile evolution                      33

Just another malleable Monday: Investing in tomorrow’s workplace   38

Hyperconnected humanity and the urgency of now                     44

When physical met digital: A marriage of convenience               49
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
The paradigm of
company culture
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
Data democratisation: The paradigm of company culture                                                                                                                  5

                                        If language is the roadmap of a culture,
                                        it’s time to get fluent in data.           Whose data is it anyway?
                                        Tomorrow’s organisations are depending
                                        on data to change the way we speak, the
                                        way we think, and the way we act on our
                                        paths towards barrierless business.        Most business leaders are probably            data democracies that, in an ideal world,
                                                                                   familiar with the feeling that more data      know no bounds regarding access and
                                                                                   doesn’t necessarily mean more value. Far      understanding for all instead.
                                                                                   from it, in fact: the growing reserves of
                                                                                   data at their disposal have become more       In reality, however, the language of data
                                                                                   of a burden than a benefit - until now.       has many layers 1 , so organisations must
                                                                                                                                 overcome operational and cultural
                                                                                   The pandemic has magnified the value of       challenges to realise an all-inclusive,
                                                                                   insights and the power of putting them        product-focused utopia in which
                                                                                   in the hands of (or, at least, within reach   everyone can access, analyse, and report
                                                                                   of) the employees who need them. As           on data. This is a necessary culture shift
                                                                                   we make sense of this new world, leaders      upon which the success of full data
                                                                                   are changing their relationships with data    democratisation depends, and it is led by
                                                                                   for the better. They are moving beyond        one fundamental question: how powerful
                                                                                   self-serving data dialects that incentivise   can a language be if nobody within an
                                                                                   neither sharing data nor approaching          organisation is taught how to speak it?
                                                                                   it with a product mindset, to creating

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
Data democratisation: The paradigm of company culture                                                                                                                   6

The truth is out there                                                                                as a knowledge asset that is available
                                                                                                      to anybody with basic data literacy               It means that
                                                                                                      requirements, anytime.                     data can be treated as a
                                                                                                                                                 knowledge asset that’s
                                                                                                      It means that the mindset can shift from
                                                                                                      more data to more accessible data to
                                                                                                                                                 available to anybody
The United States alone knows all too                     the abundance of data dialects and          facilitate better customer experience,     with basic data literacy
well that vast amounts of data are more                   bottlenecks. Now, organisations are         more timely decision-making, and more      requirements, anytime.
money-burner than money-maker if                          changing this by democratising data and,    engaging content marketing (to name a
they are inaccessible, unintelligible, and                thus, empowering more people to do          few benefits).
unusable. It’s a problem that costs the US                more with it.
economy $3 trillion every year 2 .                                                                    Businesses that have more data than
                                                                                                      they know what to do with simply run the
Even if the data is intelligible and usable,              Access all areas                            risk of unnecessary operational expense
many employees have neither the ability                                                               when it comes to people, projects, and
to access it nor the capacity to analyse                  The legacy of the data warehouse            processes. One Gartner survey found
it: only 10 percent of sales departments,                 ‘owned’ by specific departments has         that three in five organisations don’t
for instance, can take advantage of their                 restricted the realisation of true return   even bother to measure the annual
company’s data, and a staggering 79                       on investment (ROI) for businesses          cost of storing data that nobody can
percent of people must call on IT for help                with valuable data sets. The advent of      understand 4 .
when a problem arises 3 .                                 the data marketplace and, indeed, its
                                                          effective adoption as a new wave of tech,   More accessible data by way of well-
These issues, of course, have existed                     means that leaders can finally unlock       structured, well-managed warehouses
not at an operational level but at an                     the potential value of these data sets by   and marketplaces means more options
organisational level because of the                       giving everyone a set of the proverbial     for people, more potential for projects,
absence of data-driven cultures and                       keys. It means that data can be treated     and more of a common language around

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
Data democratisation: The paradigm of company culture                                                   7

internal processes and the ways data sets                 instant insights foster instant connections
are used. Microsoft’s user-centric Azure                  between people and businesses.
Purview 5 is a good example of how this
democratisation can be managed with                       Walmart’s Data Café, a state-of-the-art
data governance front-of-mind.                            analytics hub, processes 2.5 petabytes
                                                          of data every hour – and people are
With greater access to data, of course,                   the liaisons 6. At this scale, lightning-
comes a greater need for data literacy,                   fast insights can lead to lightning-fast
so business leaders must create                           reactions, such as correcting in-store
democracies in which everyone who                         price miscalculations to recover sales.
needs it is equipped with the capacity
to interpret, analyse, and use the data                   In agriculture, John Deere’s data-enabled
available to them.                                        services allow real-time monitoring of
                                                          data collected from the company’s
                                                          equipment, which is aggregated and
Power to the people                                       synced with external data sets like the
                                                          weather to help farmers optimise their
It’s becoming increasingly important in                   farms and machinery 7.
this age of real-time, self-service analytics
to adopt a data-driven culture as a                       In banking, digital marketing leaders
competitive advantage.                                    at RBS hold the torch of data
                                                          democratisation after encouraging
Such a shift in mindset means that on-                    interdepartmental collaboration to
demand access to information from single                  improve customer experience8 .
sources of truth can benefit everybody
because insights become instant – and

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
Data democratisation: The paradigm of company culture                                                                                                                                         8

                                                          Colleagues from across the business                61% of people said, ‘I don’t              processes, which is evident in financial
                                                          – from HR to legal to the call centre –            mind sharing my data with                 institutions, too.
                                                          analysed the same data and offered                 organisations so long as I know
                                                          transformative insights that were                  what it’s being used for, and it’s        Anti–money-laundering procedures
                                                          previously invisible to the marketing team.        useful to me.’                            can now be bolstered by automated
                                                          This kind of cross-functional and cultural                                                   connections between disparate data
                                                          approach to data is creating a virtuous            Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021        sources to modernise compliance
                                                          cycle of value acceleration for businesses                                                   processes. The credit criteria of at-risk
                                                          because time to value is shortened and                                                       customers can now be automatically
                                                          power to the people is strengthened.            This is where automation comes into its      monitored thanks to the integration
                                                                                                          own. Retailers can automatically monitor     of multiple data sets and real-time
                                                                                                          purchasing trends and stock levels via in-   analytics, so institutions can understand
                                                          Insight, foresight, more sight...               store sensors and cameras, for instance,     and, crucially, respond to their financial
                                                                                                          and use the data to trigger orders from      requirements at speed.
                                                          This acceleration of value is vital             suppliers well in advance.
                                                          for businesses that are dealing with                                                         The value of velocity and capacity in
                                                          increased demand from increasingly              Thus, with greater data fluency for          many other industries can be realised,
                                                          demanding customers.                            all, customers are happier because           too, if data automation is adopted to
                                                                                                          businesses can give them what they want      streamline clunky processes and pre-
                                                          Everybody saw the pandemic’s effect on          exactly when they want it, and businesses    empt behavioural changes, something
                                                          habits and behaviours in commerce. Lest         are slicker because they can order what      that the US Small Business Administration
                                                          we forget, those customers are savvier          they need exactly when they need it.         found out the hard way 9.
                                                          than ever about the data they share via
                                                          transactions, so businesses are not only        Automation mitigates the need for
                                                          getting more data, but they’re expected to      predictions and eradicates the nuisance
                                                          use it more responsibly and effectively, too.   of long lead times and drawn-out

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
(Re)Building a sustainable utopia - 2021 Change Report - Kin + Carta
Data democratisation: The paradigm of company culture                                                  9

                                                          Business-changing decisions can be
                                                          made in seconds, minutes, or hours rather

                                                          than days, weeks, or months when the
                                                          right data can be accessed by the right

data years:
                                                          people at the right times.

                                                          With governance to maintain trust,
                                                          technology to enable action, and faculty
                                                          to turn raw data into useful insights, the
                                                          productisation and democratisation
                                                          of data will allow more businesses to
                                                          become digital natives and galvanise
A data-driven culture won’t come at the                   inclusive, sustainable progress.
expense of culture itself. In fact, it will
enrich it in an environment where people
are inspired to share ideas for mutual
benefit and reap the rapid rewards of
company-wide data fluency.

Everyone from marketers to analysts to
executives will be empowered by growing
portfolios of harmonised data sets and
targeted data products when they share a
common language and no longer have to
wait on support from IT as a result.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The turn of the
MACH (Here it is)
The turn of the MACH (Here it is)                                                                                                                                     11

                                        It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day,          A coming of age
                                        it’s a new set of customer expectations
                                        in almost every industry in the world.

                                        People are more digital, diverse
                                        and demanding than ever before,           Before the pandemic, a few early adopters   It’s not a magic elixir, though.
                                        so organisations of all shapes and        were reaping the benefits of the MACH       Organisational pain-points like skillsets,
                                        sizes need to be more agile to meet       approach and reaching more customers        security, resilience, and recruitment
                                        them at their various points of need.     with the right content on the right         must be nursed if legacy systems and
                                        At enterprise-level in particular, this   channels at the right times.                processes are to become nothing more
                                        kind of agility might have seemed like                                                than nostalgia.
                                        a pipedream for many - but then came      In 2021, everyone can see that this
                                        the MACH* architecture revolution.        dynamism for the dynamic is now a           The good news is that we can now stop
                                                                                  precondition for survival, and the MACH     telling people that microservices-based,
                                                                                  ecosystem has stepped up to the task.       API-first, cloud-native Software as a
                                                                                  Its maturity primes it not only for post-   Service (SaaS) and headless solutions are
                                                                                  pandemic recuperation but also for          the way forward because we can show
                                                                                  future-focused innovation at pace.          them just how achievable, adaptable, and
                                                                                                                              enterprise ready they are for 21st-century
                                                                                     By 2025, 80% of interactions             businesses.
                                                                                     between suppliers and buyers
                                                                                     in B2B sales will occur in digital
                                        *Microservices-based, API-first,
                                        Cloud-native, Headless                       Gartner Future of Sales 2025

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The turn of the MACH (Here it is)                                                                                                             12

Modular modernity and                                                                                    Key traits of MACH technology

the demand for more

One of the main challenges holding                        System reboot:
brands back from MACH was not simply                      Consulting the MACH book
a fear of the unknown but a fear of the
cost of the unknown. The familiarity of                   Those who have replaced old tech
legacy tech provided comfort blankets to                  with new MACH solutions can discover         Microservices              API first
pull over the eyes of those suffering from                economic benefits in terms of total cost
technical debt – until the pandemic burnt                 of ownership (TCO) because of their sheer
giant holes in them.                                      flexibility.

Now, many more businesses can see the                     SaaS providers, for instance, offer
benefits of optimising digital experiences                integrations that can be achieved in a
for the benefit of their customers.                       few clicks, so large-scale, lift-and-shift
Thanks to headless technology, for                        replatforming jobs are becoming distant
instance, continual iteration is possible                 memories.
on a modular level, so development and                                                                 Cloud Native               Headless
delivery comes down to making things
better instead of making things again.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The turn of the MACH (Here it is)                                                                                                                13

Multi-cloud solutions supply the kind                        74% of respondents agreed that           £10,000+ cars and not £20 toasters in
of resilience enterprises need to cope                       ‘It’s important to me and people         this manner meant that designing with
with outages, so multiple providers are                      in my household that websites            trust to create confidence was crucial.
sharing the responsibility of protecting                     and apps be accessible for
trust in business-critical applications                      people with different needs.’
and lessening reliance on debilitating on-                                                                    We live in exciting times
premise solutions.                                           Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021               for online experiences,
                                                                                                         and 2020 has shown us the
In addition, using cloud-native technology                                                               need for a new playbook –
ensures that only the necessary computer                  This is all possible because of leading        platforms that can allow
resources are used. Instead of overpro-                   headless technology providers such as          businesses to build compelling
visioning an entire virtual machine, system               Contentful and commercetools, which            and differentiated experiences.
designers have the flexibility to choose the              take an API-first approach to content          This requires flexibility, the
cloud functions, database technologies,                   management. Such is our faith in the           scope to experiment at low
and SaaS-driven APIs to meet their needs,                 headless approach that Kin + Carta             cost, and technology that
with flexible time-based cost models that                 worked with the Co-op and Contentful           converts ideas into market-
scale with the growth of their solution.                  to deliver an experience that resulted in      facing content within hours
                                                          a 300 percent increase in dwell time and       rather than weeks.
The MACH approach packs ethical wins,                     a 40 percent decrease in bounce rate.
too, insofar as the digital divide and the                                                               Kevin Zellmer, VP of Partnerships
Purple Pound are concerned. Headless                      We also worked with the UK’s fastest-          at Contentful
technology is delivering the kind of agility              growing startup, Cazoo, to build an
businesses need to adapt to legislative                   end-to-end platform with all the benefits
requirements in new markets and                           of cloud-native architectures and MACH      Combining the availability of data and
accessibility requirements in new and                     solutions such as commercetools. The        programmability of structured content
underrepresented audiences.                               complex and emotional nature of buying      has allowed Nike10 and IKEA 11 to create

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The turn of the MACH (Here it is)                                                                                                                                                           14

                                                                                                       Fix up, look sharp
category-leading, story-forming customer                  It’s the kind of transformation that
experiences, too. Even fast-moving                        breeds differentiation because of
consumer goods (FMCG) businesses are                      the collaboration it facilitates within
getting involved.                                         teams. This comes with its own unique
                                                          challenges, of course, but, in the wake of
One of Kin + Carta’s clients – a global                   the pandemic, the potential rewards for
leader in the industry – chose a headless                 overcoming them are simply too great to      The ability to easily distribute content to   There is no denying that many needed the
approach for the efficiencies in time                     ignore.                                      multiple channels at speed sounds like        change, but they also needed the teams
and cost it could bring to its corporate                                                               a daunting task to undertake. Indeed, it      and trust to absorb it, which manifested a
platform network and 48 local network                                                                  was for years, but 2020’s seismic shifts in   two-fold challenge in training existing staff
sites.                                                                                                 culture and behaviour forced unprepared       and hiring prospective talent.
                                                                  The MACH                             businesses to find their footing again in
Quicker time to market can save                           approach’s flexibility                       unfamiliar landscapes.                        Legacy-focused staff might lack the
costs, simpler user journeys can boost                                                                                                               SaaS experience to see the light and be
                                                          means freedom,
accessibility, and better testing and                                                                                                                inherently reluctant to relinquish control
pivoting can open doors to services and
                                                          not frustration,                                75% of respondents in our                  of their data. Moreover, technical talent is
technologies that would otherwise be out                  so marketers can                                consumer research agreed that              tough to find: notions of rocks and hard
of reach.                                                 focus on creating                               ‘an old-fashioned or out-of-date           places spring to mind.
                                                          valuable and engaging                           app, store or website reflects
                                                                                                          poorly on a brand.’                        There is, however, a way out and the
                                                                                                                                                     sooner those moves are made, the sooner
                                                                                                          Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021         businesses can gain from ever-changing
                                                                                                                                                     customer needs.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The turn of the MACH (Here it is)                                                                                                                                                       15

                                                                                                        MACH to the future
                                                          The MACH approach’s flexibility means
                                                          freedom, not frustration, so marketers can
                                                          focus on creating valuable and engaging

                                                          When the weight of legacy suites is lifted
                                                          and the liberty of global collaboration       Clearly, old technologies no longer        Those that have made prudent tactical
                                                          becomes reality, businesses can engage        support new markets, so businesses that    adjustments will start to embrace cloud
                                                          not only more international talent but also   were previously hesitant will now become   modernisation and realise the potential of
                                                          a more intentional client in face-to-face,    impelled to make a change.                 agile ways of working.
                                                          screen-to-screen, person-to-person
                                                          interactions.                                 In our recent survey, 70 percent of        Customers will enjoy richer and more
                                                                                                        consumer respondents said that they        rewarding relationships with brands,
                                                                                                        have abandoned an online purchase          while employees will be able to pivot at
                                                                                                        because the website or app was             a moment’s notice because they’ll have
                                                                                                        complicated, slow, or unfamiliar.          tighter control of their stack.

                                                                                                        A modern, MACH-based architecture          Ultimately, businesses will grow much
                                                                                                        can help overcome this challenge and       more comfortable with the fact that they
                                                                                                        allow organisations to harness the         don’t need fixed platforms, off-the-shelf
                                                                                                        cloud-native technologies developed by     products, and five-year plans.
                                                                                                        commercetools, Google, Microsoft, and
                                                                                                        Amazon to deal with the highest traffic    Rather, they need nimble ways to meet
                                                                                                        estates online.                            the needs of markets that can shapeshift
                                                                                                                                                   from one day to the next.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
and the digital
Sustainability and the digital do-gooders                                                                                                                              17

                                                                                   The North Star of responsibility
                                        If we are meeting the needs of the
                                        present without compromising the
                                        ability of future generations to meet
                                        their own needs, we can all be part of a
                                        brighter and better (digital) ecosystem.

                                        This is only true, however, if we choose   Businesses across verticals had their        It’s this holistic approach to (digital)
                                        the right partners and walk the right      sustainability credentials put to the test   sustainability – one that considers every
                                        paths with them – arm in arm, shoulder     by the coronavirus crisis. The ability       consequence of every action on people,
                                        to shoulder, carbon footprint by carbon    to cope with compound shocks to              planet, and profit – that can help today’s
                                        footprint.                                 operations, behaviours, and work–life        leaders build better businesses for tomorrow.
                                                                                   balances was inextricably linked to pre-     There is, of course, a market for doing
                                        Indeed, choosing the wrong partners        pandemic decision-making.                    well by doing good12 , and its ear is firmly
                                        and the wrong paths for any kind of                                                     pressed to the ground beneath our feet.
                                        digital transformation can be more         Often, those who led with sustainability
                                        damaging than simply standing still.       and digital enablement came out on top.
                                                                                   In other words, they proactively chose
                                                                                   their partners and paths because they
                                                                                   understood the impact of their business
                                                                                   on everything and everyone around them.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Sustainability and the digital do-gooders                                                                                                                                           18

O sustainability, where art thou?                                                                      How seriously brands take that                          How seriously brands
                                                                                                       responsibility is transforming their                   take that responsibility
                                                                                                       relationships with people and, as a result,
                                                                                                                                                              is transforming their
                                                                                                       altering their impact on an ever-changing
                                                                                                                                                      relationships with people and,
                                                                                                                                                      as a result, altering their impact
The problem with buzzwords is that their                  The ethical odyssey                          It might be obvious enough for a               on an ever-changing world.
widespread repetition makes them all too                                                               business to allow remote working to
tempting to ignore. However, the problem                  We live in a world in which a new doctrine   reduce emissions, for instance, but
with ignoring sustainability is that the                  of Corporate Digital Responsibility 13       what if another facet of its digital
consequences become more difficult to                     has the potential to change the way we       transformation strategy excludes people
ignore with every passing day.                            do business for the better. The people       with impairments because ‘going digital’
                                                          demand it for the sake of equality and       inadvertently pushed its products out of
That’s why the businesses that want to                    quality of life.                             reach?
do more to protect themselves and those
they serve are taking a more sustainable                     81% of people agree that                  The truth is that it wouldn’t be taking
approach to digital transformation.                          ‘Brands and businesses have a             full responsibility for sustainability. That
                                                             responsibility to do good in the          digital divide, in fact, is shutting out
Ethical directives are newly bolstered                       world - not just to maximise their        billions of potential consumers around the
by commercial incentives for leaders to                      profits.’                                 world, which is, in many cases, seriously
make better decisions, from reducing                                                                   damaging brand reputation for those that
their carbon footprints to bridging the                      Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021        aren’t holding themselves accountable for
digital divide by making their products                                                                doing good with inclusionary, digital-first
and services more accessible.                                                                          thinking.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Sustainability and the digital do-gooders                                                                                                                                                   19

    74% of people agreed that ‘It's                       What are they offering? How and why         Multinationals like Visa 15 and Mastercard 16   businesses grow their customer bases by
    important to me and people in                         does it exist? Who will it affect at any    have pledged hundreds of millions of            up to 20 percent and, crucially, be more
    my household that websites and                        given point of its journey? Who does it     dollars to support small businesses in          ethical in the process.
    apps be accessible for people                         leave behind?                               coping with the crisis, while millennial
    with different needs.’                                                                            investors are predicted to contribute to        If that means staying out of the red,
                                                          This ethical shift in mindset shows that    the ‘biggest-ever generational transfer of      the onus must be on leaders to hold
    Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021                    it’s not simply about modernising for       wealth’ to the tune of $30 trillion (£21.2      themselves accountable for every
                                                          modernity’s sake; it’s about evolving for   trillion) in the coming years. A change that    decision they make, whether it has a
                                                          posterity’s sake.                           Nigel Green, founder and CEO of deVere          direct or indirect impact on their people,
The reputational impact will be                                                                       Group, says has been accelerated by             their planet, or their profit.
generational, too, if businesses don’t                                                                COVID-19 17.
keep up with today’s digital natives who                  The commercial reality
are growing up in a much more ethically                                                               Organisations large and small want
awake world. Of course, this applies as                   The desire to be more B Corp is driven      to move from happy accidents of
much to tomorrow’s consumers as it does                   not only by a changing customer base,       sustainability to active investments in
to tomorrow’s job applicants.                             workforce and climate but also by a         responsibility in light of the pandemic.
                                                          growing understanding of the impact
As more physical experiences become                       of funding and environmental, social,       If that means going green, the scientific
digital and vice versa, people are                        and governance (ESG) investment             studies and commercial warning signs 18
becoming more intentional about their                     opportunities 14 .                          are there to help businesses choose the
behaviours and decisions at home and at                                                               right digital strategies for good and not
work. This means that businesses must                     The conversation and its many benefits      just for now.
become more intentional about their                       existed before the pandemic, of
products, services, and workplaces to                     course, but it has now given the global     If that means going Purple, the global
ensure they are as aligned as possible.                   conscience a new direction and a fresh      spending powers of people with
                                                          focus on the future.                        disabilities are enough to help some

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Sustainability and the digital do-gooders                                                               20

Follow the sustainable leader

The business landscape of the future will                 Leaders who take responsibility for
be filled with the business leaders who                   the footprints they leave behind – who
decide to act in the present. There will be               embed sustainability in everything they
no other path to a fruitful future. There                 do – will weather storms and may have
will be no teleportation to the proverbial                to reroute from time to time, but they will
promised land.                                            almost certainly make better friends 20
                                                          and more money along the way 21 .
There will be – indeed, there is – a
physical, digital, ethical, commercial, and               Are you ready to take responsibility?
sustainable journey that all businesses
must take together, and the directions for
it already exist 19.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The contactless
Mind the gap
The contactless economy: Mind the gap                                                                                                                              22

                                                                                 Come closer (but not too close)
                                         The whole world has quite literally
                                         taken one step back to take two steps

                                         Whether we must click and collect
                                         or quickly disinfect anything and
                                         everything around us, contactless       Businesses must now adopt a people-first    Leaders must understand and confront
                                         experiences have become                 approach to profitability, so they have a   a cacophony of challenges and
                                         commonplace, and they are here          renewed and sharpened focus on data,        opportunities if they are to deliver
                                         to stay.                                technology, infrastructure and customer     the contactless experiences that the
                                                                                 experience (CX) in a world of change that   economy now depends upon and which
                                                                                 they thought they had 10 years to adapt     the people now demand.
                                                                                 to, rather than one.
                                                                                                                             The question is, then, how do we make
                                                                                                                             sense of that? How can we create
                                                                                                                             experiences that people will actually use,
                                                                                                                             and what is the cost of getting it wrong?

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The contactless economy: Mind the gap                                                                                                           23

All for one and one for all                               Close encounters of                           Businesses benefit from not having to
                                                          the convenient kind                           contend with lengthy lines that ultimately
                                                                                                        limit the number of transactions that
                                                          The best thing about the added                can be completed in any given day. They
                                                          convenience that comes with a                 can use the likes of Tiliter’s ‘plug-and-
Contactless solutions are nothing new –                   contactless society is that it can be         play’ cashierless tech 25 to automatically
think key fobs and transit cards created for              valuable for everybody. Let’s consider this   identify products via artificial intelligence
speed and convenience – but the safety                    from the brick-and-mortar perspective.        (AI) and, thus, reduce the need for
imperative of the pandemic means that                                                                   physical staff, barcodes, and extra
businesses now require a more thoughtful                  Consumers benefit from not having to          packaging and increase the ease and
orchestration of their customer touchpoints.              wait in line for anything from financial      speed of sales.
                                                          advice to fast food. They can use voice
It’s for that reason that the likes of                    assistants and chatbots to sort their         Recognising the need for convenient
contactless delivery, scan-and-go                         finances from a futon while they order        solutions that reshape physical and
commerce, and ID authentication                           a Whopper from Google Maps to their           digital experiences is only part of the
technology, amongst others, have been                     doorstep 22 .                                 puzzle, though; the real challenge is in
fast-tracked into society.                                                                              understanding how to action them in a
                                                          Employees benefit from not having to          way that enhances human connections.
On the one hand, the digital leaders                      meet so many customers face to face 23        Even the best intentions of CX can come
embracing the universal need for safety                   or repeat themselves over the phone 24 .      undone if operational and even emotional
are not only gaining ground, but they                     Thanks to the acceleration and                complexities aren’t considered.
are cutting costs with better customer                    automation of certain processes, they
experiences, slicker supply chains, and                   can be more productive in repurposed          Before convenient contactless tech is
smarter manufacturing processes.                          and more rewarding roles that take their      installed, store planners need to ask how
The world’s digital laggards, on the other                safety and wellbeing into account.            they will slip seamlessly into the in-store
hand, are scrambling to keep up.                                                                        experience. Will some customers feel

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The contactless economy: Mind the gap                                                                                                                                                       24

                                                          alienated because they aren’t digitally     Some of the world’s most fervent             Despite all of that, we can’t shy away
        The prospect of                                   astute enough? Are staff trained to field   consumers might have been reticent           from the fact that, regardless of whether
a cashless society is one                                 questions from customers who don’t          about it as recently as 2019 26 , but        people carry cash or not, the fear of
                                                          know what to do?                            Mastercard still reported in May 2020        coronavirus transmission has drastically
example of a shift that’s forcing
                                                                                                      that 78 percent of all its transactions in   affected global transactions 29. When we
businesses into this mindset as                           Before agile cloud and machine learning     Europe were contactless 27. Alipay and       consider that the eCommerce share of
they come to terms with a                                 technologies are adopted, employee          WeChat Pay are growing increasingly          global retail sales is expected to rise from
contactless economy.                                      experience (EX) and CX managers need        popular for contactless payments in          14.1% in 2019 to 22% in 2023 30, businesses
                                                          to understand how they will affect the      China, while data from Juniper Research      are left with an existential quandary to
                                                          productivity of a distributed workforce     suggests that 53 percent of global point-    solve: how do they digitally onboard
                                                          or the proclivity of a customer base        of-sale transactions will be contactless     everyone to make sure no-one gets
                                                          to engage with a chatbot that asks for      within five years 28 .                       left behind?
                                                          personal information.

                                                          Such solutions can provide stability           75% of people agreed that they ‘...
                                                          in some areas, but they might cause            used contactless payment more
                                                          shockwaves in others if they are not           often in the last 12 months than in
                                                          applied with a full view of the landscape      previous years,’ and ‘...used less

                                                                                                                                                             78             %
                                                          in question.                                   cash in 2020 than in previous
                                                          The prospect of a cashless society is
                                                          one example of a shift that’s forcing          Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021
                                                          businesses into this mindset as they                                                               Mastercard […] reported in
                                                          come to terms with a contactless                                                                   May 2020 that 78% of all its
                                                          economy.                                                                                           transactions in Europe were

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The contactless economy: Mind the gap                                                                                                                 25

We come in peace                                          The opportunity of inclusion, however, is    Customers, employees, and businesses
                                                          evident in technologies like Internet of     alike can enjoy the mutual benefits of
People can feel the friction of change for a              Things (IoT) devices and voice biometrics.   a contactless, tech-centric economy
variety of reasons. They might like the way                                                            because it has the potential to meet
things were, they might not get the way                   In 2018, Kohler 31 introduced voice-         everyone’s needs.
things are, and they might struggle to see                controlled fixtures for bathrooms and
the way things will be.                                   kitchens that create more accessible and     AI product recognition can reduce the
                                                          hygienic environments for everybody.         need for plastic packaging to protect the
With that in mind, it’s of paramount                      In 2020, Phonexia 32 made speaker            planet. Encrypted payment technology
importance that businesses take                           identification for contact centre agents     can enhance the security of transactions
inclusivity and sustainability seriously                  possible with only three seconds of net      to protect the people. Motion sensors and
when it comes to becoming part of a                       speech, benefiting those who would           cameras can improve stock management
safe, contactless economy. If they don’t                  prefer to speak on the phone than            in stores and warehouses to protect the
make consumers or employees feel like                     struggle with an app.                        profit of businesses that want to be more
they’re a part of their vision and purpose,                                                            responsible.
then they might not be a part of the                      The role of contactless technology
contactless economy at all.                               is not to displace people of different       We can even get back to enjoying live
                                                          socioeconomic status. It is to help us all   performances again in a contactless ‘gig’
The urgency of inclusion is evident in the                stay connected in a safe and sustainable     economy, thanks to initiatives like Busk in
digital divide that has widened because of                way, so business leaders must start by       London 33 , through which iZettle, a PayPal-
the pandemic. Some older people don’t get                 pinpointing the precise (non)touchpoints     owned Swedish fintech, provides buskers
on well with smartphones, for instance, and               at which it can be most effective.           with card readers so passers-by can tap
some poorer people can’t afford them to                                                                to tip 34 .
begin with, so the prospect of ‘automated
this’ and ‘contactless that’ fills them with                                                           Is that an encore we hear?
dread when they already feel out of touch.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The contactless economy: Mind the gap                                                                    26

Let’s keep in touch

If anything good has come out of the                      Clean and COVID-free stores and supply
pandemic, it’s that the protection of our                 chains will be just as vital for shopkeepers
physical and mental health is much more                   and warehouse workers as hassle and
deeply ingrained in the global conscience                 contact-free collections will be for
than it was before.                                       customers and delivery drivers.

This will be the beacon of hope for the                   Businesses that can develop the digital
contactless economy as we set about                       maturity that is required to make the
designing better experiences and building                 world a safer place will ultimately reap the
better societies for everyone, from those                 rewards that an efficient, inclusive, and
who are used to digital to those who are                  sustainable digital approach can offer.
new to it. It will be especially pertinent to             Are you ready for contactless everything?
stay connected when social distancing is

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The great
Bridging the
digital divide
The great inclusion: Bridging the digital divide                                                                                                                                       28

                                                                                                         To be (inclusive) or not
Five people have the same destination,
but only four can access the directions.
One gets lost.
                                                                                                         to be (inclusive)
Now, multiply that by a billion and
you get an idea of how many disabled
people felt further away than ever after
the whole world went digital in 2020.
Multiply that further still and you start
to account for the billions of socially
excluded people, too.                                     When digital poverty gets disregarded,         This is, of course, as much a commercial     53% of people make purchasing
                                                          underrepresented people can’t even             and legal question as it is a moral one      decisions based on how diverse
When exclusion points in eCommerce                        afford to get online in the first place.       for a variety of reasons, especially as we   and inclusive they know a
get overlooked, underrepresented                          The digital divide is costing businesses       ‘build back better’ after the pandemic.      business to be.
people can’t shop online.                                 dearly – literally billions35 and billions36   It’s our shared obligation to embrace
                                                          in commercial terms but irreversibly           inclusivity to build digital estates that    Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021
When skills gaps in digital get ignored,                  in reputational terms – so it’s time for       appeal to everyone and not merely (and
underrepresented people can’t work                        ethics to prevail as we usher in the great     often inadvertently) a privileged few.
online.                                                   inclusion.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The great inclusion: Bridging the digital divide                                                                                                                                                   29

Who’s in?                                                                                                 Bridging the digital divide                        Poverty is a barrier to internet access,
                                                                                                                                                             and this digital divide is widened because
                                                                                                                                                             online-only businesses can offer cheaper
                                                                                                          To proactively affect the inclusive nature         prices with little or no overhead. In fact,
                                                                                                          and culture of a business, this strategy for       online shopping was found to be 13
                                                                                                          progress must acknowledge, understand,             percent cheaper on average than in-store
                                                                                                          and address two concerns: cost and access.         shopping, so some people spend more
                                                                                                                                                             simply because they can’t afford the
                                                                                                          Cost concerns the affordability of the             technology to spend less.
In October 2019, Gartner identified                       inclusion as a box-ticking, virtue-signalling   technology and the connections that open
Inclusive Design as one of its Top Digital                exercise. Progress became a prerequisite        digital doors to bigger, better, cheaper things.   Access concerns the ability or capacity
Experience Trends for 2020 37, and many                   for profit, and everyone was watching.                                                             to engage with products and services
businesses, such as Procter & Gamble                      In this age of activism, movements like         For instance, the UK’s Office of National          online. Millions of people are excluded
and Unilever, were already blazing trails                 Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, ExcludedUK,         Statistics (ONS) 38 stated that, in early          from CX or EX because either they lack
as far as Diversity and Inclusion were                    and Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) have          2020, 96 percent of households had                 the skills or knowledge to access them
concerned.                                                collectively bumped equality up on the          access to the internet, but the nature and         or the experiences are not Designed with
                                                          global agenda, which has led millions of        quality of that ‘access’ was undefined.            Empathy (DwE) to allow them to do so.
The subsequent pandemic accelerated                       people to reassess how and why they
demand for online access to products                      engage with businesses.                         The UK’s government subsequently                   Staggeringly, 98.1 percent of the one
and services for shop-from-home                                                                           allocated £84 million to providing devices         million homepages analysed in WebAIM’s
customers and productivity tools for                      This means it is no longer about what           for children without suitable remote               2020 report 39 contravened the Web
work-from-home employees, which, in                       businesses say; it’s what they do that          learning access during the pandemic,               Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
turn, accelerated the need for the wider                  counts (as ESG investors will testify).         which raises questions about equality and          2.1, which means that those who can
business world to shift itself into gear.                                                                 access in relation to such a statistic. Was        access the internet are presented with
                                                                                                          the equal access already there or not?             immediate exclusion points.
Businesses could no longer afford to treat

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The great inclusion: Bridging the digital divide                                                                                                                                               30

                                                             Adults with a disability are less            The good, the bad and the                      It goes to show that data sets will always
                                                             likely to have recently used                 exclusionary                                   be biased because they are built by
         If customers reach                                  the internet (78%) than adults                                                              humans, but, naturally, more diverse
points of exclusion and                                      without a disability (95%).                  Both Procter & Gamble and Unilever             teams will build more diverse data sets,
                                                                                                          have recently set the precedents for           so it pays to plan.
can no longer shop,
                                                             – ONS, May 2019 40                           progress in inclusive design. The latter’s
revenue is lost. If                                                                                       CEO, Alan Jope, has been vocal about           Reactive readjustments, on the one hand,
employees can’t access                                                                                    its D&I strategy for ‘attracting and           can be expensive and reputationally
the right tools to work                                   These difficulties indicate not only an         retaining the very best talent,’ 41 while      damaging, to say the least; proactive
remotely, productivity                                    ethical shortfall but a financial one as well   the former, whose workforce comprises          planning, on the other hand, can save
                                                          (the UK has $352.2 billion USD in spending      over 140 nationalities 42 , has re-evaluated   time, money, and, indeed, face in the
is lost.
                                                          power, and the US has $490 billion USD          everything from product design to              long run.
                                                          in disposable income). If customers reach       advertising to support blind and
                                                          points of exclusion and can no longer           deaf people.
                                                          shop, revenue is lost. If employees can’t
                                                          access the right tools to work remotely,        Not everyone is getting it right, however.
                                                          productivity is lost.                           Amazon’s AI-driven recruitment tool 43
                                                                                                          was doomed 44 after it was trained to vet
                                                          Businesses that don’t consider designing        applicants based on a 10-year database
                                                          with empathy from the beginning – that is       of previous job applications. Because
                                                          to say, businesses that don’t remove bias       most were from men, the tool favoured
                                                          before building – will struggle to attract      male applicants.
                                                          and keep customers and employees in
                                                          the years to come.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
The great inclusion: Bridging the digital divide                                                                                                       31

A change is gonna come                                                                                Are you designing with empathy?

                                                                                                      The key to inclusion is to embed this
                                                                                                      thinking into the way your business
                                                                                                      operates at every level.

The Purple Pound presented a huge                         for companies concerned with safely         Are your product designers considering
opportunity for business growth via better                implementing inclusive design for all.      how a blind customer will distinguish
D&I before the likes of the pandemic and                                                              between different drinks in identical bottles?
Brexit hit, but its potential is unequivocal              What’s more, ageing populations with
now.                                                      more access to technology suggest           Are your web designers considering how
                                                          a growing number of prospective             dyslexic people will engage with your
    75% of disabled people and their                      customers and employees, so the digital     content?
    families have refused to give their                   divide could become much wider if
    custom to UK businesses after                         businesses don’t act now.                   Are your marketers considering how
    they provided poor accessibility                                                                  underrepresented minorities will feel
    or customer service.                                  Governmental focus on D&I is also           about your communications?
                                                          sharpening around the world with the
    WeArePurple.org.uk                                    WCAG2.1 criteria becoming law in the UK,    Are you considering those who are stifled
                                                          the USA, and Canada and with WCAG2.2        by digital poverty?
In the short-term, refocusing on ‘the                     landing in summer 2021, so exclusionary
missing 20 percent’ who were previously                   choices could have (and have had) greater   Good design is compassionate design
neglected will be crucial to recovering                   legal consequences.                         that avoids tokenism and stereotypes and
revenue in a dramatically reshaped                                                                    instead intentionally includes everyone.
market. In the long term, contactless user                                                            It’s time to be the change or react to
interfaces (UIs) will be critical                                                                     it later.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Turn and face
the change:
The agile
Turn and face the change: The agile evolution                                                                                                                                        33

                                                                                                      The era of the agile
When the biggest shopping event of                        Not even Jeff Bezos and the
the year for the biggest online retailer                  Amazonians were built to withstand
in the world gets postponed because                       such a force of nature, but withstand it
of supply chain shortages and delivery                    they did, in a robust display of agility,
delays, you know there’s a seismic shift                  from warehouse prioritisation to
afoot.                                                    workforce optimisation.
                                                                                                      Entire business models collapsed under    COVID-19 accelerated a true agile
Amazon’s Prime Day was moved from                         The company reported $125 billion+ in       the stress, while others absorbed the     evolution where change is the only
July to October last year after record                    quarterly sales46 for the first time and    shockwaves and harnessed their energy     constant and the future-proofed promise
Q2 sales rocked its logistics45. It bought                hired 425,000+ people in 10 months47 to     with nimble approaches to serving         for prosperity is made through flexibility
the company time to contend with the                      buck the trend of a crisis that shook so    customers, sorting supply chains, and     and a full view of people, products,
unprecedented demand caused by                            many businesses to the core.                doing business on any channel, anytime,   and processes.
the pandemic while forcing many other                                                                 anywhere.
retailers to recalibrate their campaigns                                                                                                        The companies that can now find their
around the holiday season, Black Friday,                                                                                                        feet will gain stability from agility in
and Cyber Monday.                                                                                                                               unpredictable landscapes. Those that can’t
                                                                                                                                                might fall through the cracks for good.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Turn and face the change: The agile evolution                                                                                                       34

Strong minds and (fr)agile hearts                                                                      COVID-19 took what was probably Pret’s
                                                                                                       biggest strength and brutally exposed its
                                                                                                       operational constraints, which compelled
                                                                                                       its leaders to adopt a more holistic
                                                                                                       channel strategy 48 .

Even with the best predictive analytics,                  The seismic business shift                   Part of its response was to pivot to a
no-one was prepared for the full extent                                                                subscription-based loyalty programme,
of 2020’s disruptions. Movement                           There is no one-size-fits-all approach to    YourPret Barista, to streamline in-store
restrictions and trade wars challenged                    implementing an agile business model,        experiences for subscribers via in-app
the expectation of easy cross-border                      but there is one common thread: the          orders and QR codes. Perhaps its ultimate
shipments, while social distancing                        openness and capacity to change.             success will depend as much on reaching
requirements urged hubs to revise                                                                      pre-pandemic traffic levels as it will on
staffing practices overnight.                             The leaders who have shunned rigidity        winning post-pandemic price wars, but,
                                                          in favour of flexibility have set the        by 3pm on launch day, it had eclipsed
Businesses of the agile variety, though,                  precedents for post-pandemic business.       the number of sign-ups it had expected
have been able to rethink and reshape                                                                  that day five-and-a-half times over. 49
the way they work, and reshoring and                      Take Pret a Manger, for instance. The UK-
hyperlocal production are only the                        based sandwich shop chain relied heavily     Pret also put its money where its
beginning.                                                on footfall thanks to a high concentration   customers’ mouths were by opening a
                                                          of city-centre stores, but its operating     ghost kitchen in North London and hastily
Agility paves the way for better                          model buckled at the knees when millions     joining every major food delivery platform
experiences for customers, better roles                   of workers started lunching from home.       in the city. Supermarket shelves and
for employees, and, ultimately, better                                                                 Amazon listings were added to the mix,
results for those who get it right.                                                                    too, as the business strove to sate the
                                                                                                       changing habits of a nation.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Turn and face the change: The agile evolution                                                                                                                                               35

                                                          Meanwhile in the US, the concept of        Physical spaces can be repurposed as          Manufacturing decisions must be
                                                          ‘going ghost’ continued to change          anything from in-store vertical farms 53      shrewder, supply chains must be slicker,
         Recognising                                      fulfilment, too. Whole Foods opened        to logistical assets in localised storage     and recruitment choices must be wiser
the need is one thing;                                    permanent dark store facilities 50 from    lockers 54 . Interestingly, Walmart is        and wider in international scope if leaders
                                                          which employees pick products for          pioneering ways to further narrow the         are to lead.
delivering it seamlessly
                                                          quicker delivery so customers don’t        physical gaps between customers and
sans friction is another.                                 have to leave home, which is especially    products with InHome Delivery 55 and at-      In a kind of global hyperlocalisation, it is
                                                          important when they can’t.                 home smart boxes 56 , moves that could        now more about bringing the business
                                                                                                     redefine the concept of the ‘convenience      to the people than bringing people to
                                                          From manufacturing to marketing and        store’ forever.                               the business.
                                                          development to delivery, the impact of
                                                          an agile business model is more cross-     Proactive advancements like these have           72% of people agreed with
                                                          functional than it was before customer     defined the agile evolution that was only        the statement: ‘I prefer to eat,
                                                          needs and employee expectations were       hastened by the pandemic.                        socialise and shop local to where
                                                          rocked by the pandemic.                                                                     I live.’
                                                                                                     If flexibility was a foresight before 2020,
                                                          Now, internally agile businesses can be    it’s now a guiding light for those who must      Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021
                                                          externally tactile brands to more people   be able to pivot at a moment’s notice.
                                                          at more touchpoints.
                                                                                                                                                   This means that the proverbially tight
                                                          Digital solutions can help banking         Pulp friction: This is a tasty merger         purse-strings of the supply chain are
                                                          customers move from in-branch to                                                         loosening and managers are increasingly
                                                          online 51 or equip employees with AI       Recognising the need is one thing;            likely to choose speed and resilience
                                                          assistance to better manage inventories    delivering it seamlessly sans friction        over cost efficiency 57 to meet people’s
                                                          and shipping processes. 52                 is another.                                   demands.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Turn and face the change: The agile evolution                                                                                                                                                36

                                                                                                        Into the agile: Pivot by pivot
It’s a change that’s manifested in the                    Such unlikely alliances are simultaneously
interdependent partnerships and multi-                    optimising precious real estate and
purpose spaces springing up globally.                     revolutionising the ways businesses
                                                          streamline supply to meet demand
Deliveroo, for instance, blazed the trail                 together. It has blown the potential for
for on-demand groceries 57 by teaming                     more global partnerships and, indeed,
up with 7-Eleven and Marks & Spencer                      better offshore talent acquisition            If the vision is to become truly agile, the     Is there a partner who can help you
to bring safety and convenience to Hong                   wide open.                                    mission will be to iteratively evaluate the     deliver better food to more customers?
Kong shoppers.                                                                                          way business is done in a world that can        Is there an automated process that can
                                                          We know by now that the world can             and probably will change with little to no      help reduce wasted time, money, and
Kroger piloted a partnership with                         change overnight, so it has become a          notice at all.                                  resources in your supply chain? Is there
Indianapolis-based startup, ClusterTruck,                 competitive advantage for businesses to                                                       an existing process of your own that can
to run kitchens inside its stores and offer               have goods and talent distributed globally    The leaders who expand their horizons           help you pivot to service an emerging
restaurant-grade food for pick-up or delivery58.          because it makes them internationally         into true agile business models driven by       industry?
In an industry that’s expected to be worth                available at any given moment.                resilient stacks and flexible workforces will
$21.6 billion in 2022 59, this level of colla-                                                          achieve their objectives more profitably        If we are collectively smarter about how,
boration will be a critical aspect of post-               As both businesses and consumers, we          and sustainably than ever. Those are the        where, and why our business is done, we
pandemic recovery for many businesses.                    are so au fait with on-demand now that        leaders who will strategically analyse sales    can be collectively suppler about our
Even in manufacturing, the benefits of                    we expect it to be at least an option for     funnels and tactically optimise operations      organisational responses to that universal
co-operation became clear in the early                    everything from electric razors to electric   not yearly or monthly, but weekly,              constant: change.
days of the crisis when carmakers like                    cars, so leaders can only make it work if     because being set up to do so means
Ford, General Motors and Jaguar Land                      they can make it seamless.                    being set up to do more before someone
Rover struck deals with global healthcare                                                               else gets there first.
partners, which meant repurposing their
plants for mask and ventilator production
at scale.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Just another
malleable Monday:
Investing in
Just another malleable Monday: Investing in tomorrow’s workplace                                                                                                                38

                                                                                     You scratch my back...
                                        We’ve been propelled into a world in
                                        which flexible, remote, and distributed
                                        collaboration technologies are
                                        necessities for many instead of
                                        nice-to-haves for a few.

                                        Some businesses were prepared                This change makes the undercurrent of              It’s time to invest in the tech that fosters
                                        and some were caught off guard,              trust and understanding in the employee–           connections between colleagues as if
                                        but now everyone is faced with the           employer relationship even more powerful           they were still in the same workspace.
                                        same challenge of becoming digitally         and unpredictable than it was before the           It’s time to show the kind of leadership
                                        attached to physically detached              pandemic.                                          that creates a sense of purpose and
                                        workforces.                                                                                     belonging among colleagues and
                                                                                     When four in five people in the US alone           redefines our relationships not only with
                                        When ‘normal’ vanishes, leaders must         would quit their jobs to join a company            work, but with each other.
                                        leverage technology as a multiplier          that cares more about mental health and
                                        to craft company cultures that are as        flexibility 60, it’s evident that the onus is on
                                        fulfilling for those on the inside as they   employers to do more to deliver the kinds
                                        are alluring to those on the outside.        of symbiotic relationships that people
                                                                                     truly seek.

                                                                                     It’s not enough to say that mental health
                                                                                     is ‘a priority’ now.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
Just another malleable Monday: Investing in tomorrow’s workplace                                                                                     39

Work to live, not live to work                                                                           We need to start by being more
                                                                                                         intentional about sustaining better work-
                                                                                                         life balances, creating more dynamically
                                                                                                         productive workforces and, crucially,
                                                                                                         nurturing more trusting relationships
                                                                                                         between employers and employees.
We find ourselves in an opportune                            58% of people can't see the way
moment to ask fundamental questions                          they do their jobs going back               We need to start by choosing the right
about what home and work mean to us.                         to how they were before the                 tools for the job.
What do we ultimately want out of each
experience? How do we find the sweet                         Kin + Carta Consumer Research 2021
spot of enjoying both at the same time                                                                                 We need to start
(especially when both happen under                                                                             by being more intentional
the same roof)? What will our work–life                   Businesses have always had the choice
                                                                                                               about sustaining better
balances look like a decade from now?                     to invest in the tools that allow us to
                                                          work to live rather than live to work. Now,
                                                                                                               work–life balances,
The answers differ from industry to                       that investment is a prerequisite for                creating more
industry, but the commonalities of                        sustainability.                                      dynamically productive
flexibility and personalisation are there                                                                      workforces and, crucially,
for office, gig, and warehouse workers                    The world is moving from off the shelf
                                                                                                               nurturing more trusting
everywhere.                                               to of the self when it comes to bespoke
                                                          stacks with flexibility at their core – look
                                                                                                               relationships between
                                                          no further than the move to microservices            employers and
                                                          and headless systems for evidence of this.           employees.

2021 Change Report : (Re) Building a sustainable utopia
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