Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte

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Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate
Predictions 2020
Prepare to adapt to the changing market
Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Section title goes here

Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte

Executive Summary

Welcome to the 2020 edition of the Real           Campus: The working environment                 Where and how will we live in 2040?
Estate Predictions. Twelve different              for companies willing to optimize real          Brazil is facing a series of trends that are
countries have worked together to                 estate                                          affecting the real estate sector across the
analyze the latest developments and               At a time when the modern economy is            globe. From rapid urbanization to changing
trends that will impact your business.            knowledge-intensive and relies heavily          demographics, the challenges in Brazil’s
Curious to see which changes lie ahead?           on innovations, companies have become           real estate market can be seen in major
Read about the impact of climate                  increasingly specialized and value              markets everywhere.
change, Conversational AI, Proptech and           chains became more complex. Campus
many more...                                      development generates benefits for              Smart development of smart places
                                                  companies that want to innovate, grow and       With cutting-edge technologies combining
Climate change and the real estate                create a future-proof working environment.      to make them a reality, smart places
sector: From pleading guilty to                                                                   are the next generation of real estate
delivering solutions                              Proptech on the move                            development. Smart places have evolved
Fully aware of the responsibility they have       As Forbes defines it, proptech is               from the sophisticated technologies that
on climate change and the impact this will        “businesses using technology to disrupt         power smart homes and are now finding
have on their activities, the Real Estate and     and improve the way we buy, rent, sell,         their way into offices.
Construction players are firmly moving            design, construct, and manage residential
forward from a "plead guilty" position to a       and commercial property.” Although a            From workplaces to living
"solution maker" role.                            relatively young field, proptech startups       environments
                                                  have already raised over $43 billion in         It goes without saying that you would
Blending the digital with the physical            funding worldwide since 2012.                   design a building to include lightbulbs and
to augment tenant experience                                                                      doors, but how about voice-controlled
Considering real estate (CRE) as just a           Diversity & Inclusion in the Real Estate        lighting or desk sensors that track user
physical space is a thing of the past. The        Industry                                        behavior in the workplace? Smart building
industry is at an inflection point. Real estate   Traditionally, real estate has been a male-     technologies are here, and they will
tenants and end-user expectations are             dominated industry, especially in key           profoundly impact the future of work.
evolving continuously in terms of how they        management positions. Although various
engage with their physical surroundings.          efforts have been made to develop a more        Data minimization: the importance of
                                                  inclusive environment, there is still a gap     data
Conversational AI: A potential game               that needs filling.                             The importance of data and the growing
changer                                                                                           impact of data mining and data analytics
The entire real estate industry is facing         Real estate in 2020: The year climate           is clear to almost every one. Over the last
significant disruption as new technology          change bears down on investment                 two decades developments in these areas
and various digital offerings change the way      pricing                                         have resulted in the increasing availability
people live and work. Enhanced customer           Nearly 35 years have passed since the           of data for numerous purposes in society
expectations for more and more real-time          publication of Our Common Future—               as a whole.
and high quality services are a major             otherwise known as the Brundtland
challenge.                                        Report—and its definition for sustainability:   The workplace “hierarchy of needs”
                                                  “Development that meets the needs of the        In today’s fast changing digital world
                                                  present without compromising the ability        of work and as companies rethink how
                                                  of future generations to meet their own         they approach traditional real estate
                                                  needs.                                          investments, workplace experience is
                                                                                                  increasingly in the spotlight.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                          Table of contents

In today's world; real estate,
society and technology are
inextricably linked. There’s
growing interest among
enterprises in looking beyond
what’s new to what’s next.
Deloitte can help. Our real
estate professionals have
deep industry experience
and knowledge to help you
achieve your business goals.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                           Table of contents

Table of contents

 Executive summary                                03

 Climate change and the real estate sector        06

 Tenant Experience                                09

 Conversational AI                                13

 Campus development                               17

 Proptech on the move                             21

 Diversity & Inclusion                            25

 Real estate in 2020                              28

 Where and how will we live in 2040?              31

 Smart development of smart places                34

 From workplaces to living environments           37

 Data minimization                                40

 The workplace “hierarchy of needs”               43

 Contacts                                         48

 Authors                                          49

Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Climate change and the real estate sector

Climate change and the
real estate sector
From pleading guilty to
delivering solutions
For years those in real estate and construction have been
aware of the impact their sector has on climate change. But
while most acknowledged their responsibility, little was being
done by them to address the problem.

Until now. In the past year, real estate               understanding the full extent of the risk     The construction sector is also adopting
and construction have started to take                  climate change poses to real estate assets.   new methods and materials to both limit
concerted action to not only mitigate the              In 2019, FourTwentySeven a publisher          their resources and energy consumption
impact of their sector on climate change               and provider of market intelligence on the    and resist climate-related extreme weather.
but proactively develop solutions. Whether             economic risk of climate change, estimated
due to expected tighter regulations or                 that in Europe, 19% of retail spaces and      These actions bring the sector more in step
public pressure or generational change,                16% of offices were exposed to floods and/    with much of the business world. More
the sector’s newfound ambition to reduce               or sea level rise.                            than 500 of the largest companies are now
their impact is a decidedly positive and                                                             part of the Science Based Targets initiative
important step in the climate mitigation               Clearly, the time has come for the real       that champions competitive advantage in
effort.                                                estate and construction sectors to start      the transition to a low-carbon economy.
                                                       initiate real action on climate change.
Making the case for change                             Already investors are taking climate change   Moving beyond regulation
From carbon production to consumption                  into account in their strategies by:          Regardless of voluntary actions, the real
of resources and land development, the                                                               estate and construction sectors, like
                                                       • Mapping physical risks for current
lack of environmental movement from the                                                              every other sector, has to adhere to the
                                                         portfolios and potential acquisitions
real estate and construction sectors was                                                             rising tide of climate-related regulations.
contributing to an increasingly negative               • Incorporating physical adaptation and       All European countries are now following
image of the sector. For years the sector                mitigation measures for assets at risk      a path to tighter regulation and more
received repeated censure from NGOs                                                                  demanding standards. In Germany, the
                                                       • Including climate risk in their due
and warnings from scientists. Regulations                                                            European Energy Performance of Buildings
                                                         diligence processes
imposed new reporting standards.                                                                     Directive (GebäudeEnergieGesetz) will see
Millennials, buyers, and even investors                • Investing directly in mitigation measures   numerous building efficiency regulations
voiced their objections.                                 for specific assets                         combined.

                                                       • Getting involved in local resilience
But only in the past year or so has the
                                                         strategies with policy makers
pressure started making a difference.
And it has only been reinforced by

Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Climate change and the real estate sector

Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Climate change and the real estate sector

And in France, by 2021, regulation will                • Climate transition leadership: The
be tighter and impose several actions                    building sector has to take the lead in
for the real estate sector. This includes                mitigating climate change by preparing its
low carbon strategies that either adopt                  employees, products, and clients as well
new construction methods or integrate                    as the population for deep changes.
circular economy as well as the respect
of biodiversity, which calls for reducing
                                                       Leading the revolution
or ending soil artificialization, renaturing
                                                       In order to achieve what represents no
soil, or developing natural spaces in urban
                                                       less than a revolution, the real estate and
                                                       construction sectors will have to move
                                                       quickly. They must review their operations
But even though regulation is mandatory,
                                                       and processes and supply chains. They
moving faster than regulation can be a key
                                                       need to adapt to new construction options,
competitive differentiator. A demonstration
                                                       such as modular construction, and increase
of climate concern ahead of and even
                                                       their R&D investments. And they need to
beyond regulation can prove invaluable
                                                       recruit, hire, and train new positions like
in today’s marketplace, where climate and
                                                       environmental or energy engineers and
other social issues are playing a much
                                                       carbon specialists.
larger role.

                                                       This will require new ways of working
Taking bold action
                                                       with an increasing number of external
The real estate and construction sectors
                                                       partners as well as successfully leveraging
are not only changing their attitude toward
                                                       technology to ensure fluidity, traceability,
climate change but are embarking on bold
                                                       and accountability. It’s a challenging
actions to take mitigation even further.
                                                       task—but one that is no longer optional.
Recognizing their role in climate change,
                                                       Because the time is now for the real estate
companies are thinking about even larger
                                                       and construction sectors to finally take a
solutions that can help society at large
                                                       leading role in saving the planet.
limit temperature rise to below 2°C or
3.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 10 years,
as stipulated in the Paris Agreement. These
                                                       Stéphane Martin
solutions are expected to revolutionize the
                                                       Director | FR
sector’s approach in four specific fields:
• Energy production: Every new building
  needs to be at least energy self-sufficient          Pierre Bernat
  and ideally supply urban networks with               Director | FR
  additional production.                     

• Raw material re-usage: Each building
  must serve as a material repository:
  every refurbishment operation is an
  opportunity to supply other construction
  (infrastructure, housing, or other)
  with second-hand material. BIM and
  technology will facilitate inventorying and
  monitoring stocks.

• Biodiversity enablement: Biodiversity
  improvement should become a
  central pillar of every construction and
  rehabilitation operation, especially
  in dense urban areas where it is
  much needed for both health and
  temperature reasons.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                               Blending the digital with the physical to augment tenant experience

Blending the digital with
the physical to augment
tenant experience
The commercial real estate (CRE) industry, which largely
operates at the intersection of the physical real estate space
and its users, appears on the cusp of a digital transformation.
Tenants and end-users are largely looking forward to doing
more with the physical space. They are increasingly looking at
innovative and personalized technology-enabled experiences.

As an example, guests at Alibaba’s futuristic           Figure 1: Ninety two percent of respondents plan to maintain or increase their tenant-
FlyZoo hotel in Hangzhou, China, can use a              experience-related technology investments
digital assistant called Ask Genie to have a
more personalized and secure experience,                                                                             Percentage of respondents
from reservations to in-room services1.                                                     1%
                                                           PERE Investor or Manager          6%      21%                          52%                        21%

Yet, a majority of respondents of our
                                                                                 REITs      5%          34%                             48%                    14%
recent global survey of 750 CRE executives
don’t consider digital tenant experience a
                                                                    Non-REIT Owner           10%           29%                          48%                     13%
core competency. Only 38 percent of the
CEO respondents consider digital tenant
                                                                Broker or Consultant         9%               38%                          41%                  13%
experience a core competency of their
company, which is the lowest amongst the                                   Developer        7%                      50%                          34%               9%
various C-suite respondents. However, it
could be imperative for CRE companies to                           Property Manager          9%                      51%                          31%              9%
prioritize tenants’ and end-users’ needs
given the increasing influence of technology                                    Overall      7%               36%                        42%                   14%
on customer preferences.
                                                            Significantly decrease         Somewhat decrease      No change   Somewhat increase    Significantly increase

How are companies digitizing tenant
experience? Let’s begin with tenant                     Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.

experience-related technology investments
over the next 18 months. Thirty six percent
of respondents expect their organizations
to hold the line on tech spending, while 42
percent anticipate a moderate increase,
and 14 percent are likely to more than
double. (see Figure 1).

1. Anthony Pearce, “Alibaba’s Flyzoo Hotel In Hangzhou Is Staffed By Robots”,
   Globetrender, August 5, 2019.
Real Estate Predictions 2020 - Prepare to adapt to the changing market - Deloitte
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Blending the digital with the physical to augment tenant experience

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                     Blending the digital with the physical to augment tenant experience

Second, companies should put tenant           Figure 2: Data governance investments in the next 18 months
and end-user preferences at the center of
every business decision. The on-demand                                                                    Percentage of respondents
economy is reshaping tenant expectations
about how real estate is consumed,                  Chief Strategy Officer      4%          23%                                65%                             8%

and technology-enabled facilities and
personalized experiences are already                  Chief Digital Officer    2%           28%                             51%                          19%
transforming the CRE industry. Today,
creating superior experiences is not just        Chief Investment Officer       4%           28%                                  58%                          9%
about engaging the tenant, but also about
extending services to the CRE end user,
                                                    Chief Financial Officer     2%             34%                                50%                        14%
or the day-to-day consumer of that space:
a retail shopper; a resident living in a
                                                 Chief Acquisition Officer     1%                37%                              47%                        15%
multifamily property; an employee working
in an office space; or a manufacturer
using a warehouse. As attention spans              Chief Executive Officer      5%                35%                                50%                      10%
wane, it will likely become more difficult
                                                          Somewhat decrease           No change          Somewhat increase         Significantly increase
to attract and retain tenants and end-
users. Our surveyed executives believe
that IoT technology and mobile apps are       Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.
important technologies to help improve
front-end experiences for tenants and
end users. More than half of respondents      Figure 3: Departments benefiting from using AI technologies
believe that environmental and security
technology investments will improve tenant                                                               Percentage of respondents
experience. Mobile apps are a powerful
                                                            Sales & CRM                54%                         57%                          61%
tool to create personalized tenant/end-user
experiences. Respondents cited features
such as app-based entry, notifications and/
                                                  Accounting and FP&A                    56%                      50%                         63%
or virtual events to enable community-
building among occupants, tenant
handbooks and newsletters, and contact           Property management                      60%                      43%                    54%
information for property management
and maintenance services as some of the
most essential smart features’ properties          Lease administration             42%                    44%                  46%
could offer.

Currently, 58 percent of surveyed CRE                 CRE development              38%                   40%                 51%
executives consider tenant preference
during the predevelopment stage.                                                           North America         Europe    Asia
Organizations can use digital reality (DR)
technologies to attract, retain, and engage   Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.
tenants during the development phase
of a CRE project. With DR, owners and
developers can use prototyping tools
and offer potential tenants a futuristic
experience at the predevelopment stage.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Blending the digital with the physical to augment tenant experience

Third, data control, access, and analysis              To gain more in-depth insights from our
are expected to become more critical as                global executive survey and strategies
data generation and usage continues to                 that can help companies amplify digital
rise. Most CRE companies have not yet                  tenant experience, read our report “2020
fully explored how to capture and use                  commercial real estate outlook: Using
information to enhance decision-making,                digital and analytics to revolutionize
improve operating performance, and                     tenant experience.”
create a differentiated tenant experience.
To maximize the value of the data they                 Author
already have, whether collected internally             Surabhi Kejriwal
or purchased from a vendor, CRE                        Real Estate Research Leader | US
companies should develop platforms,          
processes, and a governance structure
that enable data discovery, availability,
management, and usability.
Most organizations appear to understand
the importance of data governance, as 68
percent of the surveyed chief investment
officers (CIO) plan to somewhat or
significantly increase data governance
investments in people, processes, or
technology over the next 18 months
(see figure 2).

Last, with CRE industry’s growing access
to a wider variety of personal data such as
user location, communication, behavior,
and sentiments, cybersecurity and tenant
data privacy are becoming top priorities.
For some organizations, these concerns
tend to limit use of emerging technologies
such as IoT and AI. For instance, 44 percent
of respondents chose data and privacy
issues as one of the biggest challenges
in adopting AI technologies. Separately,
surveyed executives consider tenant
relationship damage, turnover or lower
rentals as the second most important
impact of a data breach. High attention
to cybersecurity and tenant data privacy
are important to comply with different
regulations, increase tenant loyalty, and
maintain brand and reputation.
As we look to 2020 and envision the next
decade, the traditional mantra of Location,
Location, Location is becoming increasingly
irrelevant. The most successful CRE
companies will likely be the ones that follow
the mantra: location, experience, analytics.
This requires companies to fundamentally
rethink location, space requirements,
users, and user preferences, and gradually
shift to a service mindset.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                                                            Conversational AI

Conversational AI
A potential game changer for
real estate customer service
The entire real estate industry is facing significant disruption
as new technology and various digital offerings change the
way people live and work. Enhanced customer expectations
for more and more real-time and high quality services are a
major challenge.

What is needed is more than a chatbot         But to do this AI offerings need to
but rather a so-called “intelligent virtual   move beyond static Q&A chatbots to a
assistant.” Enabled by conversational         “personalized” agent with the ability to
AI, these assistants would be built for       trigger or perform relevant tasks and
purpose, have a rich set of capabilities,     events. For some selected use cases (e.g.,
and be integrated into the end-to-end         targeting group-specific rental offerings
process landscape of the enterprise.          or cross-selling services) additional
They can also simultaneously act as an        capabilities will evolve, allowing the
important interface within the entire real    assistant to act as an intelligent advisor
estate ecosystem.                             capable of making suggestions based on its
                                              integrated AI driven recommender engine.
Real estate and the digital customer          In the future add-on services like these
experience                                    could make the difference in real estate just
Today, expectations regarding customer        like they do in modern online retailing.
service experience are mainly driven by
the standards of the big technology firms.    What is needed is more than a chatbot
Personal contact is no longer the major       but rather a so-called “intelligent virtual
relevant success factor in many processes.    assistant.” Enabled by conversational
Rather, it’s easy and simple contact          AI, these assistants would be built for
channels, 24/7 availability, fast response    purpose, have a rich set of capabilities,
times, and a low error rate. Service desk     and be integrated into the end-to-end
automation and conversational AI can          process landscape of the enterprise.
enable companies to design and deliver        They can also simultaneously act as an
an experience that provides this value to     important interface within the entire real
the customer.                                 estate ecosystem.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Conversational AI

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                                                                           Conversational AI

Facts and figures on market insights for AI based smart assistants

                              Global market                                             18–24
                                                      Where voice assistants are                                                        51%
   2 billion voice           growth for smart
                                                       used:79% at home, 51%
 requests per week           speakers will be                                           25–34
                                                               in car,                                                     37%
     worldwide                  30% p.a.                                                                                                           Ø2019
                                                      6% in transit, 1% at work
                                until 2022                                                                                                          30%

Deloitte, "Beyond Touch – Voice Commerce 2030"                                                                 18%

     31% will consider smart home as decision driver for next flat or house             65–74
        19% are willing to pay more rent for space equipped with smart
                                                                                              0%              20%           40%             60%             80%
                               home applications
                                                                                            2018       2019

Bitcom Digitalverband, Bitcom Research                                                Deloitte, "Voice assistant usage per smartphone“ - Global Mobile
                                                                                      Consumer Surveys 2018-2019

                                         91% of customers have called a customer service more than once to                         Up to 10x higher cost
                                                               solve the same issue                                              savings (comparison of
     75% of Netflix
                                            90% complained that they had been put on hold for too long                            resolution efforts for a
  viewership is driven
                                                                                                                                 classic customer phone
 by recommendations             80% had to repeat the same information to a different person during the same call                call vs. virtual assistant
                                 50% of all customer service calls remain unresolved due to poor customer service                      interactions)

Deloitte, "Beyond Touch – Voice Commerce 2030"                                                                             Deloitte, Real Estate housing analysis

Real estate and the digital customer                  events. For some selected use cases (e.g.,         course becomes much easier if your virtual
experience                                            targeting group-specific rental offerings          assistant covers real estate processes
Today, expectations regarding customer                or cross-selling services) additional              from end-to-end (which needs a deep
service experience are mainly driven by               capabilities will evolve, allowing the             and comprehensive understanding of all
the standards of the big technology firms.            assistant to act as an intelligent advisor         underlying real estate specific workflows
Personal contact is no longer the major               capable of making suggestions based on its         and tasks) and provides open interfaces
relevant success factor in many processes.            integrated AI driven recommender engine.           for connectivity to such systems as ERP,
Rather, it’s easy and simple contact                  In the future add-on services like these           individual databases, CRM/ticketing,
channels, 24/7 availability, fast response            could make the difference in real estate just      apps, smart devices, or external service
times, and a low error rate. Service desk             like they do in modern online retailing.           providers. It’s also important that the
automation and conversational AI can                                                                     virtual assistant is flexible enough to
enable companies to design and deliver                A virtual assistant in practice                    stretch its scope or to integrate services
an experience that provides this value to             To be able to address all real estate related      from an ever-growing universe of micro
the customer.                                         requirements, it is essential that a virtual       services, the relevance of which will
                                                      assistant and the underlying digital service       increase even more in the digital future.
But to do this AI offerings need to                   platform are integrated with as much of
move beyond static Q&A chatbots to a                  the real estate ecosystem as possible. The
“personalized” agent with the ability to              more relevant the stakeholders within
trigger or perform relevant tasks and                 the process cycle are, the better. This of

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Conversational AI

With applied conversational AI and                 Within the real estate industry only a
intelligent automation a wide range                few companies, especially in housing,
of suitable and easy-accessible                    have started to realize the benefits of
communication channels becomes                     conversational AI. As of now most of the
available (e.g., web, app, voice, smart            existing conversational AI services lack
speaker, smart watches, etc.). They all            maturity and/or scalability, a reason being
provide a much lower barrier to customer           the functional depth of the real estate
connection. Thus, the amount of reported           ecosystem, the diversity of requirements,
incidents to be processed and managed              and a weak process alignment. This
will increase, particularly in a company that      often leads to bad user experiences,
in the past avoided contact with customers         forcing businesses to rebuild their
due to poor service. Also, as digitalization       solution on a better suited technology
allows you to better utilize and leverage          platform and with a heightened focus on
your customer service resources,                   business requirements.
subject matter experts can take care of
more extensive and value-added tasks               The future of customer service is AI
while virtual assistants work on simpler           Having a suitable conversational AI
client incidents.                                  platform and intelligent service offerings in
                                                   place is the only way to foster sustainable
There are opportunities for quick wins in          and successful digitized customer service.
this sphere, especially where there is little      Of course, solution implementation is only
diversity, no sensitive client data to manage      the first step. Providing conversational AI
(e.g., residential marketing or letting            and virtual assistants to your customers is
research), and no demand for sophisticated         not a one-off task but an ongoing activity.
interface models. But more attention and           It requires robust monitoring and analysis
consideration is required.                         of all interactions in a professional digital
For example, in a CREM (corporate real             operations setting that is optimized for
estate management) case, a virtual                 the world of AI. This way continuous
assistant has to tackle the individual             improvement becomes possible, which will
responsibilities and requirements of all           ensure continuous service excellence and
involved players (owner, tenant, and service       the overall success of your initiative.
provider), needs to cope with the diverse
interface landscape, and requires a clear          Authors
data governance definition (e.g., ownership/       Jörg von Ditfurth
usage of gathered data).                           Partner | DE
Don’t get left behind
Remember, virtual assistants will impact           Tobias Piegeler
your customer service no matter if you or          Director | DE
your competition apply them. And even    
though conversational AI has already
entered the market, implementation has             Nicola Machaczek
typically not been treated as a multi-             Senior Consultant | DE
domain exercise across the entire real   
estate industry. Use cases differ across
domains (e.g. housing associations,
corporate real estate and facility service
departments, RE service providers,
nursing home operators, concierges,
hospitality, etc.) and, as such, need to be
adapted accordingly.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |

The working environment for
companies willing to optimize real
estate, collaborate, co-create, innovate,
attract talent and grow
At a time when the modern economy is knowledge-intensive and
relies heavily on innovations, companies have become increasingly
specialized and value chains became more complex. Innovation is no
longer a closed process that companies and knowledge institutions
go through independently.

They increasingly innovate and co-create       Campus development
together. This is done through a dynamic       A campus is a clearly spatially defined
network of partnerships. This new way          area in which researchers and companies
of innovating changes the needs for the        collaborate intensively. Campuses are
(physical) environment in which companies      often part of a larger ecosystem. Users
operate. A network of interactions is          have access to knowledge, facilities, and
created - a web of interconnected,             talent. Real estate is no longer only used
interdependent, companies and                  by a single user, but (parts of) buildings are
organizations that together innovate and       opened up to third parties and alternative
create value - "the business ecosystem".       functions. By opening up real estate, one
                                               can promote interactions between parties
The spatial translation of a business          and individuals, stimulate engagements
ecosystem are commonly dubbed                  and cooperation, and learn from one
campuses, valleys, and districts. The          another. The campus environment is,
campus, as the workplace of the future,        therefore, a means for companies to
facilitates cooperation and joint innovation   achieve their broader objectives. The idea
between and within parties. We see a           that companies have to do everything
trend of companies that increasingly           inhouse is outdated. Cooperation leads
and successfully work in campus-like           to progress. On the one hand, we see
environments. Campus development               companies that become part of an existing
generates benefits for companies that          campus. On the other hand we see
want to innovate, grow and create a future-    companies that use their real estate to
proof working environment. However,            realize new campus environments.
there is no blueprint for successful
campus development.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |

Reasons for campus development                  Talent attraction: The campus model
We have identified several reasons              is also used to attract the increasingly
for companies to start with                     scarce talent since it is a favorable
campus development:                             working environment especially for young
                                                professionals. The campus can also
Aspiration for cooperation and                  facilitate education and programs to suit
innovation: New products and services are       the demand and supply of talent better.
emerging, while at the same time existing
products and services are disappearing.         Benefits on different scales
The search for cooperation can lead the         While the strict definition of a campus is
way to new products, services and markets.      often linked to educational institutions and
The market shows that most successful           research, we see that the benefits offered
innovations are developed with partners.        by the campus model can be applied at
This can be explained by the fact that in       different scales for all types of parties. We
the early stages of an innovation process,      identify six layers of proximity:
there is a need for direct interaction and
                                                • Geographical proximity: Being able to
exchange of knowledge. That is, multiple
                                                  work together physically to consult and
cycles of developing, testing by third
                                                  coordinate ad hoc.
parties or potential clients, redeveloping
and testing again, have generally proved        • Social proximity: Being in, or being able
to be more effective than linear in-house         to find contact with like-minded people
developments. Innovation activities are           (socializing).
therefore often strongly spatially clustered.
                                                • Institutional proximity: Belonging to
A campus offers the possibility to facilitate
                                                  a certain "subculture" or group with
the required geographical proximity and
                                                  corresponding norms and values. It can
cooperation between different parties.
                                                  have a virtual or physical component.
The real estate environment can therefore
serve as a catalyst for innovation and          • Cognitive proximity: Access to people/
lead to the development of new products           databases, events, etc. with the same,
and services.                                     related or relevant knowledge levels to
                                                  make knowledge sharing easier.
A shift in housing: Nowadays companies
                                                • Organizational proximity: Reduction
require fewer square meters of housing,
                                                  in barriers by belonging to the same
because of shared workplaces, co-location,
flexible workplaces, smart building
technology and more efficiency. By              • Financing proximity: The possibility to
reducing their own footprint, companies           get in touch with potential financiers
create space for third parties within             and investors.
their properties, which saves costs and
generates additional revenues. This also        Campuses are a spatial translation of the
applies to shared facilities. Research has      emergence of local innovation ecosystems.
shown the campus-concept meets these            However, only spatial proximity is not
workplace requirements of the future.           sufficient to exploit the benefits of the
The workplace of the future is focused          campus environment and to facilitate
on cooperation, sustainability, flexibility,    innovation. The benefits of working in a
shared facilities and entrepreneurship.         campus environment are only achieved
                                                under certain conditions. Firstly, the
Soft exit: When relocating to a new             cooperation that underlies innovation must
location, companies want to make sure           also be facilitated by programming (for
their existing buildings do not sit empty. To   example, workshops, lectures,
prevent vacancies and knowledge loss, they      congresses, events, etc.) and by informal
leave the old location in phases, while new     meeting places. Secondly, the physical
companies gradually take over their place.      space must be arranged in such a way that
Knowledge and facilities are then shared by     cooperation is encouraged.
a wide range of new parties.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |

This includes a strong organization that            A campus as a physical environment                   Authors
actively shapes the cooperation. Thirdly,           can facilitate the development of new                Mark Platier
a clear content driven profile that is              partnerships and innovations and can                 Director | NL
supported by the various users is also              attract scarce talent. Parts of the campus 
essential to make optimum use of the                concept can be beneficial for several
benefits that a campus environment can              parties that want to create a future-proof           Sofie Woldring
generate.                                           working environment. The benefits of a               Manager | NL
                                                    campus are such that more and more
Conclusion                                          parties are opting for a campus solution.
To be able to keep up with the pace at
which innovation is taking place, it is crucial     There is no blueprint for "how a campus,
to recognize that leveraging third parties’         valley or district is successfully set up". This
resources, generates more benefits within           depends on the type of organizations and
a shorter timespan than doing everything            the goals they wants to achieve. Specific
in-house.                                           knowledge of real estate in combination
                                                    with how to set up partnerships is essential
                                                    for creating a successful campus.

  Value creation is increasingly taking place in ecosystems


                                                  corporates                                      Financial

                                  Party X
                                                        Technology                           Hospitals


Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                                                            Proptech on the move

Proptech on the move
As Forbes defines it, proptech is “businesses using technology to
disrupt and improve the way we buy, rent, sell, design, construct, and
manage residential and commercial property.” Although a relatively
young field, proptech startups have already raised over $43 billion
in funding worldwide since 2012. In 2018 alone there was an 82%
increase from the year before.

To emphasize the current size of this          The Geograpghy of 2018 Proptech Companies
developing ecosystem, proptech today
has the same funding size as fintech did
back in 2013. And given fintech’s growth of                                        9.6%
44.8% (CAGR) since then, the prospects for
proptech are strong.

The rent generation
According to CNBC , the fastest growing
trend in the housing industry is the
demand for rental units and for fast
development of vertical rental properties a
trend also known as the “rent generation.”
This shift in preference from owning to
renting real estate is a major driver of the                                 USA      Europe       Other      Asia
proptech trend. Tenants today have a
constant desire to move into better, more
updated spaces – spaces that include the
                                               Funding perspective: Real estate vs. Fintech
latest technology, or what is now termed
the “digital occupant experience.”              20

Whether it is in their work, retail, or
living environment, consumers want an           15
“experience” they can control – control of
lights, temperature, access, and more –         10
either from their mobile phones or some
other digital channel. Proptech not only
delivers this digital occupant experience,        5
but with the use of technologies like
augmented/virtual reality, it can radically
enhance the customer experience while
                                                           2013            2014              2015              2016               2017
tenants and companies choose, manage,
                                                                                   Real estate    Fintech
and use any property. In this way, co-living
companies can now allow flexible leases
and offer a high-quality furnished living

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Proptech on the move

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                                                            Proptech on the move

And fintech-proptech companies can             latest technology, or what is now termed         provide insights as to the future of the
now offer a seamless tenant onboarding         the “digital occupant experience.”               burgeoning proptech sector. Known to be a
process. Proptech not only reduces costs       Whether it is in their work, retail, or          leader in disruptive technologies and a first
in operational support but enhances the        living environment, consumers want an            mover in new trends and fields, Israel was
overall customer experience.                   “experience” they can control – control of       ranked the world’s sixth most innovative
                                               lights, temperature, access, and more –          country by the Bloomberg Innovation
Smart buildings are the foundation of these    either from their mobile phones or some          Index in 2020 and has the second-largest
solutions. By offering a platform to collect   other digital channel. Proptech not only         number of startup companies in the
and analyze data, integrated systems that      delivers this digital occupant experience,       world – more than 7,000 – after the United
provide a better understanding of the          but with the use of technologies like            States. With a population of only 8 million
end user can be enabled. The advanced          augmented/virtual reality, it can radically      people, the country has more startups per
technologies that support these platforms      enhance the customer experience while            capita than any other country in the world,
are now reaching a maturity stage where        tenants and companies choose, manage,            concentrated around the city of Tel Aviv in
they can be implemented.                       and use any property. In this way, co-           an area called Silicon Wadi (valley).
                                               living companies can now allow flexible
To emphasize the current size of this          leases and offer a high-quality furnished        Currently, there are more than 100
developing ecosystem, proptech today           living experience. And fintech-proptech          proptech startups operating in Israel, and
has the same funding size as fintech did       companies can now offer a seamless tenant        this number reflects a 80% CAGAR in the
back in 2013. And given fintech’s growth of    onboarding process. Proptech not only            number of proptech startups over the last
44.8% (CAGR) since then, the prospects for     reduces costs in operational support but         five years. In 2018 alone, $200 million were
proptech are strong.                           enhances the overall customer experience         invested in proptech startups in Israel,
                                                                                                closing a decade that saw over $1 billion
The rent generation                            Smart buildings are the foundation of these      in capital raised, with several companies
According to CNBC , the fastest growing        solutions. By offering a platform to collect     raising more than $100 million. Given the
trend in the housing industry is the           and analyze data, integrated systems that        vast definition of proptech, which refers to
demand for rental units and for fast           provide a better understanding of the            the entire value chain of property, several
development of vertical rental properties a    end user can be enabled. The advanced            of the proptech companies are fintech
trend also known as the “rent generation.”     technologies that support these platforms        related, demonstrating the connectivity
This shift in preference from owning to        are now reaching a maturity stage where          between the two industries.
renting real estate is a major driver of the   they can be implemented.
proptech trend. Tenants today have a           One innovation hub’s proptech story              The key to Israel’s success in proptech
constant desire to move into better, more      With its more than 400 multinational R&D         can be seen more clearly when analyzing
updated spaces – spaces that include the       centers and innovation hubs, Israel can          the leading sectors within the proptech
                                                                                                ecosystem – which includes investing
                                                                                                and financing; planning and building;
Israeli stratups founded                                                                        buying, selling, and renting; and managing
                                                                                                and operating. It’s this last sector that
160                                                                                             really stands out in Israel. That is, the
140                                                                                             strongest Israeli proptech startups
                                                                                                focus on managing and operating,
120                                                                             132             using technologies that digitalize
100                                                                                             tenant management, payments, and
 80                                                                                             communication between buyers, sellers,
                                                                   86                           and property owners.
             7              9            18
           2008            2010        2012         2014          2016          2018

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Proptech on the move

These startups draw on such relevant                  Authors
solutions as data analytics, maintenance,             Doron Gibor
energy management, and tenant                         Partner & Leader of RE | IL
experience. They are fueled by the          
advanced technologies referred to above
and, as such, thrive in the Israeli ecosystem.        Amit Harel
                                                      Director | IL
Proptech’s prospects                        
Like other traditional industries, real
estate is a market that hasn’t changed very           Maya Trajtenberg Madar
much in decades – maybe even centuries.               Senior Staff | IL
Proptech presents that rare chance to       
disrupt such an industry and its attracting
a lot of attention from entrepreneurs,
investors, and industry incumbents all
at once.

Innovation centers like Israel are jumping
on this opportunity and companies like
those based in the Silicon Wadi tech cluster
will play an important role as the proptech
trend evolves. Because challenging
orthodox thinking, while implementing new
business models and technologies, is the
key to success in today’s real estate world
– a world in which proptech is now staking
a claim.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                                                                            Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion
In the Real Estate Industry
Traditionally, real estate has been a male-dominated
industry, especially in key management positions. Although
various efforts have been made to develop a more inclusive
environment, there is still a gap that needs filling. It’s a
situation that is gaining increasing visibility – as demonstrated
by the 2019 publication of the book Managing Diversity &
Inclusion in the Real Estate Sector, which focuses on unlocking
the potential of diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the sector.

Unpacking the question of Diversity &                  Why diversity and inclusion matters                     eight times more likely to achieve better
Inclusion in the Real Estate Industry                  As recognized by the 2017 Deloitte Global               business outcomes, as Deloitte partner
D&I covers a broad spectrum of topics,                 Human Capital Survey, D&I matters                       Juliet Bourke found in her research.
including gender balance, generation gap,              critically to business performance, as                  Indirect effects from having a diverse
ethnicity, disability, sexual preference,              it increases creativity and innovation                  and inclusive workforce include a
religion, and more. But with many official             within teams1. In other words, D&I can                  better company image and improved
definitions around, it can be agreed that              bring organizational benefits that are                  transparency as well as benefitting talent
a diverse and inclusive environment is an              directly linked to company performance.                 attraction and retention. Also, there are
environment in which everyone is part                  Organizations with inclusive cultures are               external pressures driving D&I practices
of a whole and where individuals can                   twice as likely to meet or exceed financial             within companies, including potential
participate and uncover their potential.               targets and three times as likely to be high-           blaming and shaming of an organization
                                                       performing. And companies are six times                 and risk mitigation.
                                                       more likely to be innovative and agile and

Figure 1: How diversity and inclusion makes sound business operations

  Organizations with inclusive cultures are:

                2x                                       3x                                       6x                                        8x
       as likely to meet or                         as likely to be                         more likely to be                    more likely to achieve better
     exceed financial targest                     high-performing                          inovative and agile                      business outcomes

  Source: Juliet Bourke, Which Two Heads Are Better Than One? How Diverse Teams Create Breakthrough Ideas and Make Smarter Decisions
  (Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2016)

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Diversity & Inclusion

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                                                               Diversity & Inclusion

Figure 2 – Identified barriers for Diversity and Inclusion in business

                                                                                                      In order to put the vision to work,
                                                                                                      there are specific resources and
                                                                                                      tools needed:

                                                                                                      • Knowledge and skills – First
                  Complexiity                                  Non-core area
                                                                                                        of all, there needs to be the
                  of the topic                                  for business
                                                                                                        opportunity for everyone
                                                                                                        involved to acquire the needed
                                                                                                        skills and knowledge. This starts
                                                                                                        with creating awareness on
                                                                                                        every level of the organization.

                                                                                                      • Engagement – After awareness
Taking the first steps                             challenges need to be worked on. This                comes active engagement,
As the real estate sector progresses toward        analysis should focus on more than just              which requires a continuous
a more inclusive environment, how can              gender in order to uncover any additional            loop of learning and engaging
a company get started? Of top priority is          discrimination in the organization. Forms            with an agenda that is carried
recognizing that D&I requires a mindset            of discrimination that may be neglected              throughout the whole year and
change across stakeholders, management,            through unconscious bias can then be                 company.
and employees. Developing a vision                 identified and proper action taken.
                                                                                                      • Role models throughout
statement that includes D&I as part of
                                                                                                        – A frequently discussed
organizational goals can help achieve this.      As we progress…
                                                                                                        and proposed solution is
That vision should include three themes          By actively integrating the above themes
                                                                                                        representation. Representation
that are critical for change regardless of the   into initiatives, 2020 may very well be the
                                                                                                        is crucial in regard to the
field of business:                               year D&I gains traction in the real estate
                                                                                                        multiple effects it has. It holds
• Leadership: The value of leadership            industry. With its positive impact on
                                                                                                        with the idea that role models
   is crucial for driving change—and the         business outcomes and talent attraction
                                                                                                        are vital for minorities to be
   complexities of D&I demand a strong           and retention, diversity and inclusion has a
                                                                                                        given the confidence that it is
   leader to guide an organization. A            proven track record and it’s time real estate
                                                                                                        possible to attain certain goals.
   company needs visionary leadership            unlocked its potential.
                                                                                                        Representation does not only
   that can set the tone and be available
                                                                                                        apply to higher management as
   for needed support. It is vital to create     Authors
                                                                                                        it is important for minorities to
   a working environment where all               Mary Enriquez – Ramones
                                                                                                        participate both vertically and
   employees are heard and able to suggest       Manager | LU
   and create change.                  
• Commitment: For D&I initiatives to                                                                  • Facilities – Finally, there has to
   succeed, there needs to be a sense of         Christian Van Dartel                                   be policies and facilities catered
   commitment from people throughout the         Partner | LU                                           to the needs of minorities.
   entirety of the workforce. Commitment                                 An example of these types of
   leads to action and is the first stepping                                                            policies include paternity leave
   stone for establishing a diverse and          Chiara Schlösser                                       and child-care provision. Another
   inclusive environment. Taking a stand         Master Student | NL                                    often neglected minority group
   on certain matters can have a catalyzing                                 are disabled workers. Creating a
   effect, and a dedicated team that can                                                                work environment that not only
   put this commitment into action will          Feike-Jan Nauta                                        removes the physical barriers
   enhance the visibility of D&I endeavours.     Business Analyist | NL                                 but is also flexible in providing
   By building a team that oversees and                                     the policies disabled workers
   monitors this commitment, the efforts                                                                need to thrive and succeed in
   of a company will dive deeper than just                                                              any organization will help build a
   window-dressing, and, therefore, improve                                                             diverse and inclusive culture.
   the organization’s reputation and brand.
• Reflective: A company needs to
   reflect D&I in its own operations and a
   company-wide analysis can show what
Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Real estate in 2020

Real estate in 2020
The year climate change catches
up to investment pricing
Nearly 35 years have passed since the publication of Our
Common Future—otherwise known as the Brundtland
Report—and its definition for sustainability: “Development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Roll the
clock forward and sustainability—long time anathema to the
world of real estate—is now on the verge of impacting sector
values in a way that will redefine the market in the form of
climate change risk.

The momentum for sustainable change                   This adjustment is underscored by
within the real estate sector has been                increasingly transparent performance
building for some time, setting the                   benchmarks in the sector, with disclosure
stage for both technical capability and               now the focus of such climate change
market choice. But today, with headlines              groups as the Taskforce on Climate Related
dominated by such movements as                        Financial Disclosures. The taskforce is now
Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg’s             supported by almost 1,000 organizations
activism, mindsets are shifting across the            with assets under management well
general population rather than in niche               in excess of $100 trillion. But though
quarters alone. No longer are climate                 the taskforce reported in 2019 that
change-informed investments modeled so                transparency in reporting is growing, more
that they appeal to so-called “responsible”           is required in light of the United Nation’s
investors only. Instead, not engaging in              prediction that climate change risk to
sustainable behavior is regarded as a                 business over the next 15 years is in the
business risk in its own right.                       region of $1.2 trillion.

With the built environment contributing               The response to climate change risk is
between 30% to 40% of all global carbon               manifest within the real estate sector,
emissions—and the push to keep average                with multiple investors and owners
temperatures from rising beyond 1.5                   committing to delivering net zero carbon
degrees—climate-change risk is of                     portfolios by 2050 through organizations
particular relevance to real estate. Most             like the Better Buildings Partnership, a
significantly, investors are now considering          UK-based collaboration of commercial
new and emerging risks as part of real                property owners focused on improving
estate pricing.                                       the sustainability of existing commercial
                                                      building stock.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Real estate in 2020

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                              Real estate in 2020

Others in the sector are challenging                  Those assets equipped to address the            Authors
themselves with even stiffer timescale                challenges of climate change should find        Philip Parnell
ambitions. Delivering on such a                       themselves less exposed to the risks and        Partner | UK
commitment is far from straightforward                consequently the specter of premature 
and will undoubtedly require immediate                obsolescence. They should also find
changes in approach.                                  themselves better placed to participate in      Bo Glowacz
                                                      market-led growth and therefore enhanced        Manager | UK
At a more modest level, yet nonetheless as            performance compared to their peers. The
illustrative of the changes afoot, regulatory         corollary is that assets that are more poorly
valuation standards are sharpening their              able to address climate change will become
focus. The new RICS Red Book, effective               increasingly exposed to elevated risks of
from the end of January 2020, sees a                  value erosion.
tightening of requirements placed on
valuers with a new mandatory obligation to            This value arbitrage may sound similar
include comment on assets’ sustainability             to the notion of a green premium, that
credentials.                                          is, sustainable buildings yielding a higher
                                                      financial return. But climate change is
With the drive toward ever increasing                 indiscriminate. It is an issue for all built
data and management information                       stock, not just those buildings regarded
transparency, coupled with investor                   as “sustainable” or “responsible.” While a
appetite for climate change-resilient assets,         green premium can only ever apply to the
climate change risk will inevitably and               few, the reality is that exposure to climate
demonstrably move the value dial.                     change risk applies to all.

Real Estate Predictions 2020 |
                                                                                                                  Where and how will we live in 2040?

Where and how will we live
in 2040?
Lessons from Brazil’s real
estate market
Brazil is facing a series of trends that are affecting the real
estate sector across the globe. From rapid urbanization to
changing demographics, the challenges in Brazil’s real estate
market can be seen in major markets everywhere. As such, an
analysis of real estate in this increasingly robust market can
offer valuable insights for the sector—insights that can help
answer the all-important question, “Where and how will we
live in in 20 years?”

Global trends, local market                       of greater mobility, connection, and             space, and convenience are already priority
In terms of its economic, social, and             immigration, as can be seen in Europe            elements when choosing a property
behavioral aspects, the real estate               and the United States.                           and these factors are likely to remain
market in Brazil reflects movements                                                                relevant until 2040, even as they adapt to
                                                 • Changing demographics: Due to the
that have been gaining strength around                                                             the financial constraints and behavioral
                                                   increase in life expectancy, Brazil is
the world. According to Real estate                                                                characteristics of new generations.
                                                   undergoing a demographic transiton that
consumer behavior in 2040, a report from
                                                   many developed countries have already
Deloitte and the Brazilian Association of                                                          The changing needs of residents as they
                                                   experienced and which many developing
Real Estate Developers (Abrainc), these                                                            enter different periods of their life, such
                                                   countries will face in the near future.
movements include:                                                                                 as living near work or having more room
                                                 • Sustainability: The evolution of Brazil's       for children, are also priority factors in
• Urbanization: Like many countries
                                                   reliance on and use of its large wealth of      choosing a property. This requires greater
  around the world, Brazil is experiencing
                                                   natural resources is making sustainability      flexibility and diversity in the real estate
  intense urbanization. It’s a process
                                                   a fundamental and strategic part of             offered by builders and developers. And
  that has been going on for decades,
                                                   the long-term development of its real           while the need for larger spaces can be
  especially in its megacities (São Paulo
                                                   estate and construction sectors. It’s a         met in the regions around urban centers,
  and Rio de Janeiro), but it is also now
                                                   reality already observed in more mature         which offer larger housing at lower prices,
  impacting the development of the other
                                                   markets, where the relationship with the        larger condominiums are helping to meet
  regional capitals.
                                                   environment is playing an increasingly          some of the same social demands for
• Diversity: As a country of continental           larger role.                                    quality of life within urban centers. These
  dimensions, there is a rich diversity of                                                         spaces can offer recreational and green
  cultures and living habits that coexist        The state of real estate in Brazil                areas as well as jogging spaces, multi-sport
  in Brazil. Reconciling this multicultural      According to the Deloitte-Abrainc study,          courts, swimming pools, and even personal
  character is an increasing challenge for all   real estate in Brazil continues to evolve         services.
  countries in today’s global environment        along a few key trends. Security, privacy,

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