Page created by Jeffery Hayes
Rise Insights report
                       1 /
        4	The time is right for              24 The green consumer
             Climate FinTech

                                                 Q&A: The rise of the
          Macro landscape
                                                   green retail bank

                                                 Influencing green consumer
        8    Enablers                              choices with behavioural
        9    Data
                                              34    ringing personalisation
        11   Policy                                to impact investing

        12   Technology                       38	
                                                 Solving the pensions and
                                                   environment conundrum
        13   From enablers to opportunities

                                              40 Ecosystem update
        14 Alternative markets
                                              42   From our Rise sites
        16    oyalty peer-to-peer
             energy trading                   48	
                                                 Programmes and
                                                   Strategic Initiatives
           Embedded carbon removal
                                                 Making an Unreasonable Impact
           Sustainable foundations
             in the insurance market          52	
                                                 Rise global network

                                                                           3 /
The time is right for
Climate FinTech
Tackling climate change is an essential component of the global                                     But how can FinTechs understand the
                                                                                                    real-world possibilities and turn ideas into
sustainability agenda and one in which financial services can                                       practical solutions? Collaboration with
                                                                                                                                                     To find out more about Barclays’
                                                                                                                                                     commitment to a low-carbon economy,
make an important contribution.                                                                     business and technology teams in banks is a      visit our website, where you can also
                                                                                                    great place to start. These teams have           see our climate dashboard and learn
                                                                                                    experience with new patterns of spending,        about BlueTrack™, our methodology
The United Nations recognised this when           We are also committed to helping finance          saving and investing; and witness first-hand     for measuring financed emissions.
it created the Principles for Responsible         a greener economy. By 2030, we aim to             how attitudes towards money are changing.
Banking, a framework to develop a more            provide £100 billion of financing for green       They are also engaged with the development
                                                                                                                                                     To learn more about how to work with
sustainable banking system. Many banks,           activity that supports the low-carbon             of green financial products; appreciate the
                                                                                                                                                     enterprises on Climate FinTech
including Barclays, have signed up to these       transition, including for renewables, energy      increased emphasis on sustainability in
                                                                                                                                                     opportunities, attend one of Rise’s
Principles, which seek to align industry          efficiency and sustainable transport. This is     capital markets; and understand how to put
                                                                                                                                                     enterprise engagement workshops.
practice with the vision set out by the UN's      driven by innovative products from our            new types of data to use.
Sustainable Development Goals and by the          Corporate and Investment Bank, including
2015 Paris Climate Agreement.                     things like green trade loans, green              Based on what the Rise ecosystem has
                                                  innovation loans, green deposits and green        achieved through collaboration over the last
It's our ambition for Barclays to be a net zero   asset finance. Our retail bank, Barclays UK, is   five years, I know that synergies exist                        Sasha Wiggins
bank by 2050. We are already net zero for         also helping small businesses to fund green       between smaller, more agile FinTechs and                       Group Head of Public Policy
our own operations, so our focus now is on        energy and sustainability projects, and was       the teams innovating in large financial
                                                                                                                                                                   and Corporate Responsibility,
reducing the client emissions that we finance     the first mainstream UK bank to launch a          institutions. Working together is fruitful. It
– so-called ‘financed emissions’. That starts     green mortgage.                                   allows both parties to discover new insights
with aligning our financing with the goals of                                                       and drives greater, more rewarding
the Paris Agreement, not just for lending but     The FinTech sector has an important               innovation.
for our capital markets activity as well.         contribution to make. I see significant
                                                  opportunities for innovative, fast-growth         Whatever your interest in Climate FinTech,
To help us do that, we have developed a           companies that are developing financial           I encourage you to explore this report, learn
methodology to measure our financed               technology in supporting the transition.          about how financial services are evolving
emissions and track them over time against a      Capital is increasingly being deployed into       fast to support new low-carbon scenarios
decreasing ‘carbon limit’. We have already        the green economy with expectations of            and industry enablers, and take part in the
started work to track and reduce the              investment returns driven by several factors,     exciting innovations you’ll read about – or
financed emissions of our clients in the          including technological innovation and            invent your own.
energy and power sectors, and we are              shifting consumer demand - two areas that
committed to extending this approach to our       FinTechs are disrupting. In addition, the
entire client portfolio over time. As we          collection and analysis of new types of
progress, we will continue to work closely        climate-related data will lead to exciting
with clients to help them better understand       value propositions in Climate FinTech.
and manage their transition to the low-
carbon economy.

4 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                                                                                                       5 /
Macro landscape
Data, policy and technology are enabling startups across
a range of sub-verticals. Take a look at a few of these
startups in the macro Climate FinTech landscape.

                                                                       Carbon offsetting
                                                                        and sustainable            Risk
Data                                                                   challenger banks            management

Policy                                                                                                                  ESG data
                                                                                                                    and reporting

Technology                                                   Impact

                                                                                                 Energy trading
                                                                                                 and marketplaces

6 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                  Source: CB Insights                                      7 /
                                                     Quantifying the impact of environmental, social and governance
                                                     (ESG) initiatives started over 20 years ago, but in the last three
                                                     years, climate change has accelerated the need for new data
                                                     sources, improved analytics and better benchmarking.

                                                     Access to data mirrors the growth and             Clarity
                                                     evolution of Open Banking and Open
                                                     Finance over the last decade. In the EU,          Broadly speaking, environmental data
                                                     the revised Payment Services Directive            covers a company’s energy use, waste,
                                                     (PSD2) required the UK’s nine biggest             conservation efforts, and also environmental
                                                     banks to release their data in a secure and       risks and how these are being mitigated.
                                                     standardised form. Open Finance extends           “Broadly speaking” is key. Turning these
                                                     this beyond access to banking data, and           general terms into well-defined and clear
                                                     includes other financial information such as      measurements to obtain an accurate
                                                     investments, liabilities, lending and payroll.    representation of a company’s sustainable
                                                     FinTechs have an opportunity to leverage          impact isn’t simple. To take just one problem
              Three huge areas of change and         this data to build use cases around               that needs fixing, with the growing use of
                                                     transparency and increased connectivity           carbon markets, there is potential for double
              opportunity are enabling Climate       and infrastructure in the sustainability space.   counting in carbon offset issuance that must
              FinTech. New sources and ways of                                                         be avoided to maintain credibility.
              treating data combined with emergent   According to the Energy and Climate
                                                     Intelligence Unit, almost one sixth of global     Without the appropriate data points, asset
              government policy are allowing         GDP is now covered by net-zero emissions          managers and investors are unable to easily
                                                                                                       compare companies. Take the analogy with
              FinTechs to harness technology that    targets1. It’s no surprise that data is a key
                                                                                                       accounting. Investors wouldn’t consider
                                                     enabler of this global change as nations,
              informs environmental standards and    regions, cities, companies and individuals
                                                                                                       examining markets and comparing companies
              product design. We spoke to several    measure how those targets are being met.
                                                                                                       without accounting standards for the data
                                                                                                       they’re using. But with ESG data, there is
              contributors to discuss how these      But as so often with data, this raises
                                                                                                       no GAAP (generally accepted accounting
                                                     questions. What exactly does it mean to be
              enablers support organisations' ESG    sustainable, and which metrics should the
              reporting problems, for investors’     industry use? Who sets the data standards?        This lack of clarity extends to corporates
              sustainability insights and for        And what technology will enable us to better      who are relatively underserved, with few
                                                     understand and project these metrics?             accounting data requirements and standards.
              consumers’ growing adoption of
                                                                                                       Whether it's data in (data tracking and
              sustainable patterns of consumption.   Although the standardisation of                   emissions recording) or data out
                                                     environmental (as well as societal and            (requirements around reporting), this
                                                     governance) data has accelerated in the           lack of clarity affects sustainability
                                                     last few years, these questions aren’t always     and net zero policies across
                                                     easy to answer. Three things are currently        corporations and their supply
                                                     in short supply: clarity, more granular           chains, an area that has been
                                                     data and tools.                                   particularly complex and

8 / Rise FinTech Insights                            1. Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit                                           9 /
As more data sources are defined and              Tools                                            15 countries already have policies to achieve net zero by 2050,
environmental data frameworks take shape,
FinTechs have the opportunity to access                                                            have proposed it or are considering it.
                                                  Investors and financial institutions need
more granular transactional, expense,             reporting tools to make sense of environmental
accounting and investment data sets and
                                                  data and to prepare submissions to regulators
develop specific use cases and products to                                                         More than 1,000 businesses are working              Should we anticipate a single, globally
                                                  and other external bodies. The tools must
accelerate innovation.                                                                             with the Science Based Targets initiative           recognised data standard? Probably not.
                                                  allow users to easily align data and
                                                                                                   (SBTi) to reduce their emissions in line with       Alternative frameworks may overlap and have
                                                  frameworks, and identify meaning that steers
                                                                                                   climate science. And more than one third of         commonalities but different standards will
                                                  financial decision-making towards reduced
More granular data                                environmental impacts and risk exposure.
                                                                                                   the FTSE 100 have joined the UN's Race to           likely always exist. It's possible that de-facto
                                                                                                   Zero campaign.                                      standards will emerge and be accepted,
Finding, cleansing and comparing reliable                                                                                                              especially in less regulated geographies,
                                                  Collaborations with institutions are more                                                            based on the work of individual providers
data is hard. Currently, it’s spread across                                                        National governments, and leading industry
                                                  likely if FinTechs can show a unique                                                                 who take the lead in developing data sources.
many documents and websites, and not                                                               and academic groups are collaborating on
                                                  approach to data and demonstrate how                                                                 This means that the key to comparing green
reported in a consistent way. What’s needed                                                        common standards and best practice around
                                                  other companies won’t be able to clone it.                                                           investments in international markets will be to
is the capability to assess how well companies                                                     disclosure scores, with the Task Force on
                                                  FinTechs must clearly demonstrate how                                                                examine and understand the differences
are doing against, say, the UN's broad                                                             Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
                                                  their data or tools bring new information to     aligning change in regulation and policy. The       between frameworks and, at a more granular
financial inclusion or water usage goals, and     decision makers that creates value, such         Task Force, comprising 31 members from              level, the factors used within frameworks.
ways of making that assessment robust when        as the eligibility of green products, or         across the G20, aims to develop consistent          That can be complex but FinTechs are helping
reporting requirements and data standards         improvements in alpha (a basic performance       climate-related financial risk disclosures for      address the problem.
change. But right now, there are gaps in the      indicator of a fund) or beta (the impact of a
measurements and it’s difficult                                                                    use by companies, banks and investors.
                                                  fund's volatility on performance).
to identify the data that describes how
                                                                                                   Collaboration is taking place partly because
                                                                                                                                                      " One of the things that I get most
companies' and customers' decisions affect
the bottom line. Such measurement                " FinTechs have the opportunity                 governments are involved in programmes like            excited about when I deal with
capabilities would really add value.
                                                     to become the flag bearers for
                                                                                                   TCFD, but also because the explosion in global         FinTech is that I don’t know what
                                                                                                   investing means investors and asset managers
                                                     better ESG data."                             need to compare companies from country to              they’re going to come up with."
FinTechs’ ability to put blue-sky thinking to
                                                                                                   country. As the world’s most international
practical use is allowing them to discover
                                                                                                   exchange2, London is leading best practice          Mark Carney,
new, granular data sources and metrics that       Katherine Wilson,
                                                                                                   and, like other global financial hubs, is           Secretary-General’s Special Envoy
the traditional vendors are likely to have        VC at Illuminate Financial
                                                                                                   promoting globally consistent disclosure            for Climate Action and Finance, United Nations
missed. Whether those discoveries amount
                                                                                                   standards for ESG. The EU, Canada, India,
to 5% or 50% of the total meaningful data         You don’t have to go it alone. Climate           New Zealand and China are also developing
required to accurately and reliably measure       FinTechs are also adding value to well-                                                              A global initiative of interest to the FinTech
                                                                                                   taxonomies to define green business activities.
environmental performance is difficult to         established data vendors and other financial                                                         ecosystem is the Green Digital Finance
say. One thing is certain. There’s a lot we       service providers by delivering                                                                      Alliance (GDFA), a partnership between Ant
                                                                                                   "Agreeing on policy details such as weightings
don’t know so even if it’s 5%, the financial      enhancements and add-ons to their product                                                            Financial, China’s leading online and mobile
                                                                                                   attributed to some variables, can be hard. For
opportunity is enormous given the size of         offerings, while also creating marketplaces                                                          financial services provider, and the UN
                                                                                                   example, some investors will overweight
the market for data.                              that allow corporates to find a respective                                                           Environment Programme, the global
                                                                                                   nuclear power as a zero-carbon power source.
                                                  offset partner based on specific                                                                     environmental authority. GDFA promotes the
                                                                                                   Others will underweight it based on concerns
                                                  sustainability mandates.                                                                             development of current and emerging digital
                                                                                                   over its waste. Much research and consensus
                                                                                                                                                       technologies to advance sustainable finance,
                                                                                                   are required to decide the point of balance. Or,
                                                                                                                                                       and creates publications about specific
                                                                                                   in finance, the emissions impact of Bitcoin may
                                                                                                                                                       technologies and the digital sustainable
                                                  2. London Stock Exchange Group                   be high now, but technology and investment
                                                                                                                                                       landscape in individual countries4.
                                                  3. New York Times                                companies are actively seeking ways to make
10 / Rise FinTech Insights                        4. Green Digital Finance Alliance                its production greener3.                                                             11 /
Technology                                                                                       From enablers to opportunities
Any technology that opens new routes to customer                                                 The three enablers – data, policy and technology –
engagement or removes friction for corporates has                                                are supporting the development of products and services
a place in new green finance products.                                                           demonstrating the best of FinTech innovation.

Perhaps the technology that’s most relevant      " Open Banking can track the                  Data providers like Net Purpose will begin        and complex reporting journey. Nossa Data
to Climate FinTech is blockchain. It’s a vital                                                   to quantify many of the aspects of company        provides companies with a platform with
enabler in tracking the highly connected
                                                     carbon impact of transactions and           behaviour which, until now, have sometimes        simple ESG reporting templates, data
world of carbon emissions and energy                 encourage lifestyle changes."               been viewed as largely subjective and more        collection, workflow optimisation, and
consumption. It makes taking action                                                              of an afterthought4. Data points like this will   robust peer and investor analytics.
much simpler.                                     Bruno Werneck de Almeida, Corporate and        move from being alternative to conventional
                                                  Business Development Lead, Plaid               and any market participant not factoring          Up until this point, action has been driven
For example, blockchain allows smart energy                                                      them into their analysis may be putting           by ‘pull factors’, particularly regulatory clarity
distribution to take place, verifying how                                                        themselves at risk of mispricing assets.          and policy, that are pulling corporations to act
                                                  The convergence of blockchain, IoT and AI
utility companies have redistributed their        means that physical objects will be able to                                                      in more sustainable ways. However, we’re
overproduction of energy. How else could          capture, validate and report ‘impact’ data     In the policy field, YvesBlue, for example,       now seeing more ‘push factors’ led by
that be done without connecting a myriad of       that reflects the real-world effect the        has created a platform for investors that         increased engagement, profit motives and
incompatible systems and verifying data at        environment is having on them, or that         pulls together the disparate and growing          value-based signals that are pushing
each connection? FinTechs are already             they’re having on the environment. The data    number of ESG data sources, and presents          corporations and consumers towards
involved in this world of smart energy. One       can then be uploaded to storage devices        a consolidated view of the impact                 sustainable products more organically.
example is Dipole, the distributed energy         where algorithms can analyse it, before it’s   characteristics of the companies in a
aggregator that's decarbonising the energy        reported to distributed ledgers.               portfolio. Investors can visualise this across    There’s no doubt that further innovations
sector, using blockchain, and the Internet of                                                    regulatory frameworks, compare and                across financial markets and the consumer
Things (IoT), to manage consumption and to                                                       prioritise scenarios, and then report back        space will be demanded by consumers and
                                                  IoT, 5G and AI will allow investors to track
allow energy providers to trade electricity.                                                     to clients.                                       clients, with Climate FinTech in a prime
                                                  huge volumes of metrics on physical assets
                                                  without human intervention and review the                                                        position to tackle the challenges.
                                                  data against a chosen ESG taxonomy to          Nossa Data, an alumnus of the 2021 New
                                                  examine the assets’ environmental              York Barclays Accelerator, powered by
                                                  performance.                                   Techstars is streamlining the ESG world for
                                                                                                 corporates, simplifying all parts of their long

12 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                       4. Springer                                                                         13 /
New financial markets for environmental assets
                                                                         Technology has historically played a big      The traditional insurance sector is innovating

                                                                         part in the energy and environmental          too through collaboration and adopting the
                                                                         sectors. Nowadays, with green finance         latest tech to offer new insurance products
                                                                         fusing ‘digital’ with ‘sustainable’, tech     that promote sustainable behaviour.
                                                                         innovations are more fundamental.
                                                                                                                       The insurance market is also shifting
                                                                         For example, Patch is using the smart         towards greater collaboration of big players

                                                                         application of APIs to help digital banks     with smaller companies and use of the latest
                                                                         calculate carbon footprints and identify      technologies. New ways of underwriting
                                                                         offset projects to programmatically           and disruptive product offerings are
                                                                         remove carbon from their operations.          becoming established.

                                                                         Power Ledger’s blockchain platform is         Common to all of these scenarios is the
                                                                         being used to decentralise energy trading     involvement of FinTechs, who continue to
                                                                         and provide trusted accounting and            drive innovation in markets.
                                                                         settlement solutions in energy markets.
                                                                         The loyalty peer-to-peer programmes
                                                                         that enable this allow exciting new ways     " Global ESG assets are on
                                                                         for brands to engage consumers while             track to exceed $53 trillion
                                                                         also helping them meet their
                  Can you really get beer in exchange for electricity?   sustainability goals.                            by 2025."
                  Yes. Are there tradable assets that truly reflect
                                                                         Asset managers and institutional investors    Bloomberg Intelligence
                  physical carbon allowances? Also yes.
                                                                         can now track and index carbon in their
                                                                         assets and portfolios, and remove ‘their’
                  FinTechs are involved in shaping new asset classes,    CO2 from the atmosphere through
                  and markets are adapting to the increasing             sustainable operating practices. Investing
                                                                         in carbon has become easier, allowing
                  popularity of green solutions.                         institutions to trade in green financial
                                                                         products that directly reflect the value
                                                                         of physical carbon allowances.

14 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                                                                             15 /
Loyalty peer-to-peer                                                                                 A case study:
                                                                                                     Energy beyond carbon, loyalty beyond air miles
energy trading
                                                                                                     For any ESG manager, sourcing green             Participants in the electricity exchange
                                                                                                     energy is a difficult balance to achieve.       programme can log in at any time and find
Blockchain is reducing costs, increasing trust between                                               On one hand, companies need to procure          out how much electricity they’ve produced
                                                                                                     electricity at an affordable rate. On the       for the brewery and how much beer they’ve
customers and brands, and decentralising energy trading.                                             other, companies also need to make sure its     accrued. And it's not long after they’ve
                                                                                                     credentials are solid enough for when the       provided the electricity that a van pulls up
                                                                                                     media start scrutinising what they are          outside to deliver their beer.
Customers are increasingly scrutinising          like Power Ledger’s blockchain platform,            doing. This balance between perception,
brands’ claims of sustainability. With           allows all the participants in the CUB              reality and the financing of green energy       There are so many different ways to source
energy, there’s a disconnect in public           programme to do instantaneously what is             has never been easy.                            energy, but when you drill down to it they
perception between power sources, their          quite an extensive and complex piece of                                                             all come with issues and complications.
green credentials, and how they get traded       accounting, without the aid of any bank or          Carlton United Brewery (CUB) and Power          CUB's energy exchange avoids these, and
in highly complex often quite circuitous and     ‘trusted party’.                                    Ledger in Australia are trying a new option.    has the added benefit of promoting brand
abstract ways1. Brands can address this                                                                                                              engagement. The brand gets to engage with
issue by engaging in new ways that build         This cost efficiency feature brought by             After CUB was acquired in 2020, it set about    their customers on a whole other level. They
trust – like loyalty peer-to-peer (P2P)          blockchain technology, combined with its            helping to meet a sustainability goal of its    can stop talking about being sustainable and
programmes.                                      intrinsic security (traditional systems are         new owner, Asahi Beverages. That goal was       just start demonstrating it by buying their
                                                 more likely to get hacked or corrupted),            to be powered entirely by 100% renewable        customers’ solar energy.
Loyalty P2P creates an increased and             make blockchain key to decentralised energy         energy by 2025, but balancing the cost of
dynamic interaction with consumers by            trading. The public likes the blockchain part       electricity while also ensuring its green       Sustainability goals met.
turning a commodity (for example, energy)        of it, almost like it’s become a brand in itself.   credentials was difficult.                      Brand engagement increased.
produced by them into a currency that can
be exchanged for goods, services or
individual recognition.
                                                 "The brand can stop talking about                 Loyalty P2P energy trading provided a
                                                                                                     solution. It allows CUB’s customers to sign                      Dr Jemma Green
                                                    being sustainable and just start                 up to a deal supplying the brewery with their                    Executive Chairman of
Loyalty P2P energy trading turns the trust          demonstrating it."                               excess rooftop solar electricity, in exchange                    Power Ledger
challenge into an opportunity for brands by                                                          for beer. The programme involved Power
using customers’ interest in sustainability                                                          Ledger’s blockchain-powered software                                 jemmagreen
                                                 Maybe the connection between CUB’s beer
and getting them to do the work of a             and solar electricity isn’t a particularly          platform that facilitates the exchange of
traditional energy provider. In the case of      intuitive one. But it’s easy to imagine many        energy at a decentralised scale.
Carlton United Brewery (CUB, see the case        other consumer goods and services brands
study on the opposite page), the customer’s      looking to loyalty P2P as a way to solve their
acting as a solar farm and providing a           energy procurement headaches in the future.
significant proportion of the electricity the    Telecoms, supermarkets, fashion, hospitality,
brewery needs to make the beer.                  restaurants, food and beverages sectors are
                                                 all now expressing an interest, but they will
Like many really good ideas, you might ask       need help to integrate sustainability into their
why this hasn’t been done before. Part of the    customer journeys using innovative products,
answer is technology. Before the arrival of      such as those provided by FinTechs.
blockchain, the numerous small transactions
between the various parties would collectively   Thinking back to the 1990s, loyalty
have been too expensive. Blockchain makes        programmes were all predicated on air miles
them economical. The accounting and              and burning fossil fuel in a conspicuous way.
settlement process, based on technology          They’ve come a long way since then.

16 / Rise FinTech Insights                        1. BBC                                                                                                                            17 /
carbon removal
Embedded carbon removal enables developers to build a whole new
set of Climate FinTech products and features, fostering a more
sustainable financial services industry.

Now poised to be at the vanguard of              emissions through nature-based solutions,
embedding environmental sustainability           such as reforestation, and leading-edge
directly into digital products, a number of      negative emissions technologies, such as
FinTech startups have recently gone to           direct air capture, biochar (charcoal           Using Patch’s platform, businesses can:       In digital banking, we expect to see a
market with climate-focused products             produced from biomass) and mineralisation                                                     growing number of applications providing
across banking, wealth and infrastructure.       processes. The science is clear that both       •A
                                                                                                   chieve net zero goals (they remove         users with the option to offset emissions for
                                                 levers need to be pulled to reduce the           as much carbon as they emit) or negative     particular purchases – say a flight or petrol
In a few years, a majority of FinTech            impact of climate change.                        emissions goals (they remove more than       – or offering carbon removal as a credit or
applications will offer environmentally                                                           they emit)                                   debit card reward type. Car insurance
sustainable products in one way or another.      Patch focuses on carbon removal, facilitating                                                 providers are exploring how they can let
This shift to sustainability across industries   negative emissions for businesses. The          •E
                                                                                                   mbed carbon removal into their             customers offset their driving emissions
is imperative to address climate change,         API-first platform makes it possible for         products and services                        directly in a user portal. And all FinTech
so the business opportunity to offer             businesses to programmatically remove                                                         companies can offset operational emissions,
sustainable products in the FinTech sphere       carbon from a growing network of removal        There are a number of FinTech use cases       which they should also be working to reduce,
is incredibly compelling.                        projects across the globe. APIs, or             that are well suited for embedded carbon      and position their brands and products as
                                                 application programming interfaces, enable      removal. Take cryptocurrency. Bitcoin         environmentally sustainable.
Studies show that 88% of consumers want          software to communicate with each other,        mining has come under heavy scrutiny for
brands to help them live more sustainably1.      and—in the case of API providers such as        its carbon footprint, which is estimated at   If you’re a FinTech company wanting to
Products marketed as sustainable show            Twilio, Plaid, and Patch—can serve as an        nearly 37 megatons of CO2 annually3. This     efficiently acquire and retain users and
growth at over five times the rate of those      external infrastructure layer upon which        energy requirement means Tesla’s recent       deliver sticky, engaging experiences, we
that are not2. There’s clear evidence that       developers can build products or features       $1.5 billion investment in Bitcoin has an     encourage you to explore climate-themed
sustainability can improve employee              within their applications. In the case of       estimated carbon footprint equivalent to      products and features. Some users won’t
acquisition and retention, and increase          Patch, developers are able to embed project     the annual emissions of 1.8 million cars4.    care. But for the 88% of those who do,
workplace satisfaction and overall               metadata into their digital experiences,        Many potential Bitcoin buyers may be          you’ll be offering a powerful combination
productivity in the workplace.                   generate emissions estimates for certain        put off by this negative environmental        of financial services and environmental
                                                 activities, and then programmatically order     impact. We imagine a world in which           responsibility.
To balance carbon emissions budgets, there       carbon removal from our network of projects     crypto exchanges offer their users the
are two primary levers businesses can pull.      across the globe.                               option to offset the carbon footprint
First, they can reduce the amount of carbon                                                      associated with their Bitcoin purchases.                        Brennan Spellacy
they emit into the atmosphere using more                                                                                                                         CEO, Patch
energy efficient business operations and
renewable energy. Beyond that, businesses                                                                                                                   
can also opt to remove any unavoidable                                                                                                                               bspellacy

                                                 1. Forbes 2018                                  3. Digiconomist
18 / Rise FinTech Insights                       2. Harvard Business Review                      4. Cointelegraph                                                             19 /
Sustainable foundations
in the insurance market
Investors, rating agencies, regulators and consumers are looking for
insurers to intensify their efforts in sustainability.

This is backed up by a 2020 survey1, finding                                                          Sustainable insurance products
that only 14% of the insurance sector
regarded ESG factors to be extremely                                                                  Recognising the importance of engineering
                                                   Climate change is often described as having
important in the underwriting process (and                                                            behavioural change in customers, many
                                                   three types of risk2:
10% viewed them as unimportant), indicating                                                           insurers are expanding beyond traditional
that some insurers are still adapting to the                                                          risk transfer activities into risk mitigation
ever-changing ESG landscape.                       • Physical: the risk resulting directly from
                                                                                                      to develop engagement strategies that
                                                      extreme climate-related events
                                                                                                      shift customer behaviour in a more
Nonetheless, industry leaders no longer                                                               sustainable direction.
view ESG defensively and instead see its           • Transition: the risk resulting from policies
opportunities. The industry is reacting               and regulation aimed at decarbonizing
                                                                                                      A new impetus in the industry, 'impact
with better climate-risk modelling and it             economies
                                                                                                      alignment', aims to prevent unwanted events
increasingly recognises its part in promoting                                                         and instead promote positive environment
                                                   • Liability: the risk resulting from clients
climate resilience, with larger insurers                                                              outcomes. This makes perfect ecological
                                                      suffering a loss resulting from a physical or
increasingly using tools like risk dashboards,                                                        and economic sense, as insurers are
                                                      transition risk (for example, if an investor
risk capital allocation and limit consumption                                                         increasingly aware of the ESG underwriting
                                                      claims against a business that makes a loss
reports to understand early-warning indicators                                                        dividend in a growing market that leads the
                                                      due to a climate-related event)
of breaking climate risks and the impacts on                                                          way in driving a low carbon economy. In
capital allocation.                                                                                   expectation of a rise in demand, insurers are
                                                   Uniquely, insurers are susceptible to all three
                                                   risk types and are taking steps to address them.   already innovating with new types of cover
The industry leaders now also conduct their                                                           for climate-related risks.
own organisation-wide stress tests and include
climate risk assessments more consistently in      The emergence of new hazards has required          For consumers, the innovation has mainly
their broader enterprise risk management           new underwriting solutions and new                 centred on buildings insurance and motor
(ERM) framework. These activities help in          products. Today’s challenge for many               insurance. In the latter class, many providers
assessing capital and liquidity implications and   insurers is that traditional models are            offer discounts for low emission vehicles. But
in identifying and correlating impacts across      relatively simple – they merely reflect the        now, depending on your location, you can
different lines of business and investments.       experiences of past losses and don’t               also get limited mileage motor cover, with
                                                   adequately predict the future. With climate        gradual discounts depending on the
Regulators are increasingly mandating              change, those models become less useful.           distances covered. Research has shown that
disclosure and stress-testing, and bodies like     New thinking is required in managing               such packages encourage customers to use
the International Association of Insurance         portfolios, but the compounding nature             their vehicles less, leading both to reduced
Supervisors (IAIS) are working to share best       of climate losses adds complexity.                 greenhouse gas emissions and claims. In
practice on ESG regulation within the sector.                                                         another green scenario, in France you can
Ratings agencies too are increasing pressure                                                          get covered if you hire a small urban,
on insurers to take into account growing                                                              low-emissions vehicle during the week and
vulnerabilities to future payouts by the sector.                                                      a large family car over the weekend or for
                                                   1. AM Best
20 / Rise FinTech Insights                         2. Deloitte                                                                                         21 /
holidays, thereby reducing overall emissions         Innovation and collaboration                    Other InsurTechs are enabling on-demand
                             without the need to purchase two cars.                                                               insurance for micro-events (like borrowing
                                                                                  2020 was a difficult year for the insurance     your neighbour’s car) as well as peer-to-
                             For companies, new and sustainable                                                                   peer insurance (when individuals pool
                                                                                  industry, but it saw extraordinary digital
                             insurance includes pollution liability insurance,                                                    a premium).
                                                                                  transformation as the pandemic forced
                             warranty insurance (to increase confidence in
                                                                                  incumbents to explore digital distribution
                             the long-term performance and financial                                                              It’s becoming more common for incumbents
                                                                                  channels, enhance back-office capabilities
                             attractiveness of photovoltaic products like                                                         to partner with InsurTech companies in an
                                                                                  and leverage analytics in new ways. The
                             solar panels), environmental liability insurance                                                     effort to enhance the customer experience,
                                                                                  demand for digital solutions continues to
                             (for damage to the environment caused by                                                             up-sell and cross-sell, generate cost
                                                                                  increase across the value chain, from quote
                             companies’ operations), crop insurance and                                                           efficiencies and explore new markets. As
                                                                                  issuance to claim settlement.
                             flood insurance.                                                                                     with FinTechs and banking, incumbents in
                                                                                  New platforms, like Pega, and cloud             insurance often face barriers to innovation
                             With global renewable energy capacities set
                                                                                  solutions are driving operational efficiency,   due to legacy technology, and InsurTechs
                             to more than triple by 2050, the renewables
                                                                                  but InsurTech companies really bring their      lack the experience operating in one of the
                             sector is growing. Energy producers will
                                                                                  prowess in designing simple customer            oldest financial insurance markets.
                             increasingly need insurance for new energy
                                                                                  experiences and, perhaps most importantly,      Collaboration, where both companies form
                             installations. Accordingly, risk consulting and
                                                                                  analytics with cutting-edge products such       a strong relationship and learn from each
                             risk service solutions supporting those sites
                                                                                  as ultra-customised policies and using new      other, is key to disruption in the industry.
                             and their underlying technologies will also
                             be required.                                         streams of data from internet-enabled
                                                                                  devices to dynamically price premiums
                             New approaches to close protection gaps              according to observed behaviour. This drive
                             have inspired new thinking on sustainable            in precision allows products to be priced                         Cedric Leung
                             insurance. For example, Allianz proposes             more competitively.                                               Financial Institutions Group,
                             that the insurance sector can support clients’                                                                         Barclays International
                             transition journey by offering3:                     Some InsurTech companies are also                                     cedric-leung-04861577
                                                                                  experimenting with AI to automate the
                             • Policies that support upgrades to eco-            tasks of brokers and find the right mix of
                                labelled appliances, and that encourage           policies to complete an individual’s
                                people to repair rather than replace products     coverage. An example of what’s possible
                                                                                  is Lemonade4, the US-based insurer,
                             • Insurance solutions for car-sharing and           disrupting the buildings insurance model
                                the transition to electric vehicles, including    with AI and behavioural economics to
                                vehicle batteries and energy infrastructure       evolve traditional insurance. This is unusual
                                                                                  in the highly specialist industry with its
                             • Support as a mediator, service provider           high barrier to entry (due to regulation
                                and risk bearer to help accelerate the            and capital requirement), and other
                                take-up of energy efficiency measures             solutions are likely to follow.
                                in real estate properties

                             If impact alignment succeeds globally, a
                             fraction of the industry’s capital could make
                             a substantial impact on global sustainability.

22 / Rise FinTech Insights   3. Allianz                                          4. Forbes                                                                         23 /
Empowering consumers to make green decisions
                                                                       FinTechs are seeking to innovate and               OpenInvest uses technology to mainstream

                                                                       empower individuals to turn climate                socially responsible investing, as individuals

                                                                       thinking into climate action.                      seek an ethical way to invest.

                                                                       Transactions are a rich data source. They          Perhaps nothing typifies an individual’s
                                                                       can broaden the understanding of how               long-term commitment to the planet like
                                                                       consumption affects the climate. And               an ‘ethical’ pension. As more of us grow our
                                                                       personal finance management tools –                pension pots with the environment in mind,

                                                                       standalone or built into a bank’s or utility       Cushon is giving people a more active say
                                                                       provider’s app – can use the data to tell users    in how pension investments are made.
                                                                       that they’re purchasing a lot of fossil fuels,
                                                                       analyse their use and provide ways
                                                                       to soften the environmental hit.
                                                                                                                         " Highly empowered consumers
                                                                                                                             seek and champion brands that
                                                                       In the US, companies like Aspiration have             commit to sustainability."
                                                                       a green take on the shift toward digital
                                                                       banking. They foster consumer action with
                                                                       socially-conscious and sustainable cash
                    Debit cards can work for you in new ways,          management services, enhancing the trust
                    like helping you go green. You can even round      between customers and banks. (Aspiration is
                                                                       the company behind the tree-planting idea.)
                    up your card purchases to plant trees.
                                                                       Surfacing insights into consumer behaviour
                    By understanding customers’ aspirations and        is a great way of applying behavioural
                    developing the products and services that meet     economics to environmental data. It’s an
                                                                       imaginative fusion of data science and
                    their needs, FinTechs are playing a pivotal role   FinTech. Envaluate, a London-based startup,
                    in supporting green consumers.                     is using research-based behavioural
                                                                       economics to create new technology that’s
                                                                       good for both individuals and banks.

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Q&A: The rise of the
green retail bank
Green consumer banking is one of the most direct ways that
individuals can understand their impact on the environment, and
challenger banks are helping their customers see the link between
their money and their values. Susana Lacouture, FinTech Associate
for Barclays Investment Bank, spoke with Andrei Cherny, Co-Founder
and CEO of Aspiration, on the success of green retail banking.

Susana Lacouture: Tell us a little about          concept of sustainable money into a reality.
Aspiration’s aims.                                That was the inspiration for Aspiration.

Andrei Cherny: We’re on a mission to build        While we have seen ESG investing grow by        consumers in their financial lives. We’ve seen     SL: Aspiration has amassed an amazing
a better world. Aspiration is a 'Sustainability   incredible leaps and bounds, especially over    a lot of movement on that front over the past      number of customers, so the platform is
as a Service' platform that offers ways for       the past two or three years, when we started    couple of years, but there is certainly still      clearly resonating. What is driving that
individuals and businesses to align financial     Aspiration eight years ago it was clear that    more work to do.                                   growth, adoption and engagement?
needs with their values.                          ESG investing wasn’t enough – we needed
                                                  ESG banking, saving and spending.               SL: Will traditional retail banks follow suit or   AC: We’ve seen that growth increase over
SL: What was your inspiration to tackle                                                           partner with FinTechs to address this demand       the past six years since inception. The
climate change through a consumer                 SL: What steps are you taking to educate        in the market?                                     impact of COVID-19 has really supercharged
finance solution?                                 Americans on climate change and encourage                                                          that growth. Not only has there been a
                                                  action through the use of your products?        AC: We are seeing with Aspiration a real           greater movement towards digital products
AC: Climate change is an issue that I’ve been                                                     acceleration over the past few years as            across the board, specifically financial
engaged with for 25 years, going back to          AC: Most people care a great deal about a       people seek out ways to align their money          solutions, but there has also been what I
when I was a young person with the incredible     challenge like climate change. They’re          and their values and to bring ESG into all         think of as a ‘flight to sustainability’, as
opportunity to work for then Vice President Al    changing the way they power their homes,        aspects of their financial life. When you see      opposed to the traditional flight to safety and
Gore in the White House on the issue that we      get to work or the kinds of products they buy   that kind of trend, it creates an enormous         a return to the tried and true that people
called global warming at the time.                in the grocery store, but then think nothing    market opportunity, and so it is no surprise       might have expected in this kind of crisis.
                                                  about buying those products with a big-bank     that we are seeing a lot of companies in
Since then, we’ve seen the rise of sustainable    debit or credit card.                           different sectors jumping into aspects of the      What we’ve seen at Aspiration, even more
energy companies transforming the energy                                                          sustainable money revolution. It is going to       than before the pandemic, is consumers
industry, the growth of sustainable               People might not realise that their deposits    be a multi-trillion-dollar trend. The growth       thinking about what kind of world they want
transportation transforming the auto              in a bank are not sitting in a vault but are    in new startups and their acceleration in          to live in, and about what really matters to
industry, and yet it was clear to me that if we   being lent out and a large portion of those     the space really speaks to the scale of            them (whether it’s the need to buy plant-
really wanted to have the kind of impact we       deposits are being used to fund oil and gas     the opportunity.                                   based foods or any other imperative of the
needed on an issue like climate change and        exploration, pipelines and the like. There is                                                      consumer landscape). I really think that the
the other ESG challenges that we are facing,      an education process to help that part of the                                                      COVID-19 impact has supercharged the
we needed to have a financial institution         ‘conscious consumer’ demographic really                                                            sustainable money revolution and there is
for consumers that was going to turn the          understand that they can also be conscious                                                         no going back.

26 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                                                                                                           27 /
SL: Could you tell us about the Aspiration         SL: While we are on the subject of products,         us to grow in reaching more customers
Impact Measurement and other data                  congratulations on launching the Aspiration          and providing more products here in the US
Aspiration is tracking for their users? How        Zero credit card. Could you say more about           and other countries. And our Aspiration
does that tie into customer engagement and         your products and their impact?                      Sustainable Impact Services arm is helping all
accountability?                                                                                         kinds of businesses meet the sustainability
                                                   AC: We are really excited to be rolling out          demands they are facing from government,
AC: Aspiration Impact Measurement (AIM) is         our Aspiration Zero credit card. It’s the first      shareholders, employees and customers alike.
something that we launched almost five             credit card that enables customers to reduce
years ago and it really is a first and one-of-a-   their carbon footprint by using it on a daily        SL: If you had to identify one key lesson from
kind offering that empowers consumers by           basis and rewards them for doing so. 70% of          your journey as an entrepreneur in the
allowing them to see their own daily personal      Americans are concerned about the climate            sector, what would it be?
sustainability score based on where they are       crisis and 35% are highly alarmed by it. This
spending their money. Think of it as a Fitbit      tool allows them to reduce their carbon              AC: When we first started in 2013, telling
for sustainability.                                footprint easily and automatically – without         investors that we were going to launch a
                                                   changing their behaviour.                            financial institution that would provide an
It also shows you the People and Planet                                                                 alternative to big banks built around ESG and
scores of different places where you might         It builds on our plant-your-change                   sustainability, that would allow customers to
be thinking of making a purchase. So if            programme that we launched last year for             pick their fee (even if it was zero) and that
you’re walking down a street in New York           our debit cards, and then launched at                would give 10% of its earnings to charity, it led
and there is a Duane Reade, a CVS and a   This allows customers           to some pretty short meetings. My advice is
Walgreens across the street from one               to plant a tree with every purchase they             that if people aren’t telling you “you are crazy”
another, it helps you make a decision              make with any credit or debit card simply by         then you aren’t thinking big enough.
between them on the basis of both how              rounding up that purchase to the nearest
those businesses treat their employees (the        dollar (if the card enables that feature). The       There is an enormous opportunity to sail into
People score) and how they treat the               Aspiration community has planted over 10             the sustainability revolution that’s transforming
environment (the Planet score).                    million trees in the past year which has the         all aspects of our lives. By aligning the ways
                                                   collective carbon impact of taking every car         in which a company can do well and do good
Americans spend $36 billion a day as               in West Virginia off the road for a year. But        at the same time, you are able to marry profit
consumers. That is an enormous amount              that’s just the beginning. As we scale, so will      and purpose together in ways that not only
of power that they can wield through their         our ESG and climate impact.                          create a lot of economic value but also
dollars to give them a voice and a vote. There                                                          create societal value.
are many people who want to take this sort         SL: What’s next for Aspiration and the future
of action.                                         of green retail banking?
                                                                                                                           Andrei Cherny
                                                                                                                           Co-Founder and CEO,
AIM is a unique tool that allows them to,          AC: We think a third of the US population
and it’s built right into the app that they use    (and even more than that in other parts of                              Aspiration
for their day-to-day spending, saving and          the world) are looking to bring conscious                                   andreicherny
banking.                                           consumption and sustainability into the core                                @AndreiCherny
                                                   of their financial life. Aspiration has really led
                                                   this type of ESG and sustainability-focused
                                                   financial service. While we’ve brought that                             Susana Lacouture
                                                   to people’s banking lives, credit cards and                             FinTech Associate,
                                                   investments, there is still enormous room for                           Barclays International

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Influencing green consumer
                             choices with behavioural
                             Public concern for climate change is at an all-time high and consumers
                             want values to be reflected in the products and services they use.

                             Green behaviour differs among individuals         Envaluate is conducting research with
                             and is influenced by a number of variables        University College London’s Centre for
                             such as income, attitudes to climate change       Behaviour Change to determine the optimal
                             and personality (for example, their degree of     combination of behavioural change
                             activism). Building ‘green profiles’ of           techniques to get people to reduce their
                             consumers can segment the market and help         carbon footprint. Informed by this research,
                             to get the right products to the right people,    our technology can connect to users’ bank
                             increasing the uptake of green products and       accounts through secure APIs and analyse
                             accelerating the transition to net zero.          their spending to give feedback on the impact
                                                                               of their purchase, allowing users to monitor
                             Data can create visibility. One example is        their behaviour and make changes (see the
                             smart meters, where the goal is that              case study on Envaluate). Metrics and charts
                             households will change their daily behaviour if   such as a monthly carbon score can be
                             they understand how it impacts their energy       displayed, as well as breakdowns by different
                             consumption. We need to make it easy for          sectors (e.g. transport) that highlight users’
                             consumers to adopt greener habits, and smart      most carbon-intensive purchases. By also
                             meters achieve this by automatically taking       implementing personalised tips, users can see
                             readings and reducing energy bills.               the positive impact they have on their scores,
                                                                               which helps to close the intention-action gap.
                             When it comes to green behaviour, there
                             is an intention-action gap. There is a            Social comparison is an important method of
                             disconnect between the values people say          inducing behaviour change. Envaluate, for
                             they have and how this translates to their        example, incorporate this into their product
                             consumption. Framing language can be used         through benchmarking against UK averages.
                             to avoid the ‘doom and gloom’ of climate          Put simply, users who fall below the average
                             change and to motivate people with a sense        are motivated by guilt and competition to
                             of urgency and optimism. Prompts or cues          reduce their carbon footprint. And using the
                             can be used to shape good habits both             right language encourages ‘above-average’
                             digitally and in person, such as placing          users to stay on track and lead by example.
                             reusable cups at the front of a till when we
                             order our morning coffee. While it’s important    Read more about Envaluate over the page.
                             to make people feel good about buying
                             sustainable products, the focus should be on
                             creating the products with the most positive
                             impact and avoiding greenwashing (glossing
                             over facts to appear green).
30 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                                     31 /
Company spotlight:
         Envaluate manages individuals’ carbon footprints
         and helps them lead a greener life.

                The company                                                                          Key features

         Carbon footprint should become a           The London-based company received           Transaction-level             Carbon scoring             Simple, API-enabled
         significant factor in decision making,     pre-seed investment from Bethnal Green      analysis and feedback                                    product
         similar to price. Envaluate is an early-   Ventures, Europe’s largest tech for good                                  • ‘CO2 per pound’
         stage startup aiming to achieve this by    VC, and rolled off their accelerator        • Estimates, using              factors take into        • Banks enable the
         helping consumers to measure and           programme in December 2020. They              unique Carbon                 account what spending      software via an API
         reduce their carbon footprint through      also received investment from Atomico         Models, a carbon              across categories and
         analysis of their spending habits.         Angel, Harry McLaverty.                       impact for each               brands                   • Users log in to their
                                                                                                  transaction made                                         existing mobile
                                                                                                                              • Deep level of analysis     banking apps to view
                                                                                                • Provides analytics and        unlocks the footprints     their carbon footprint
               The proposition                                                                    tips to help lead a           of specific products       data
                                                                                                  greener life
                                                                                                                                                         • Leverages Open
                                                                                                                                                           Banking technology
         Over 70% of adults in the UK are           By partnering with retail banks, our
         concerned about climate change, yet        technology can reach a wider audience
         often feel overwhelmed and unsure what     to achieve large-scale climate impact,           Working with Barclays                        The team
         actions to take. Data shows that people    and also be a platform for banks to
         also want to see green values from their   segment their customers and launch
         bank. Retail banks are looking for         green products. Banks benefit by being
                                                                                                Envaluate participated in the 2021                           Sabrina Gill
         innovative solutions to retain climate-    more attractive to climate-conscious
                                                                                                Barclays Black Founder Accelerator,                          Co-founder at
         conscious customers and increase           customers, enhancing their sustainability
                                                                                                kickstarting their relationships with                        Envaluate
         stickiness, while also facing a rising     agendas and by increasing the stickiness
                                                                                                Barclays and working with the
         pressure to put sustainability at the      of their mobile app.                                                                                         sabrina-gill1
                                                                                                Innovation team in their Chief
         forefront of their operations.
                                                                                                Technology Office.

                                                                                                                                    Ahmed Babikir
                                                                                                   @envaluate                                                Co-founder at


32 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                                                                                                   33 /
Bringing personalisation
 to impact investing
 Impact investing is transforming from being a standalone product
 to a disruptive service for consumers based on transparency,
 personalisation, and new models of engagement.

 ESG, especially the environmental side,        Individual consumption is
 is disrupting how individuals are choosing
 to invest their money. Though large
                                                driving a new model
 corporations are educating their audiences
 about the need for change and are taking       The psychology of investing is changing, and
 steps themselves, individuals are having a     with it, the way that investment products
 major impact. So much so, that we can          work is being re-examined. Transparency
 think of ESG as a new paradigm for             and personalisation through digital channels
 consumer investing.                            are giving consumers the power to engage
                                                with and act on their ESG values.
 Traditionally, well-paid experts have issued
 new investment products through legacy         In the pre-digital era, music was packaged
 fund vehicles. While understanding and         and sold in the form of CDs, without the
 interpreting all the facts and figures may     ability to purchase individual tracks
 be easy for corporations, it’s difficult and   according to taste and preference. From the
 time-consuming for individuals. Thanks to      perspective of consumption and simplicity,
 FinTech, this product-centric industry         the experience wasn’t great. Nowadays, it’s
 model is being turned on its head.             all much easier – with consumers, not the
                                                record label, increasingly in control. Curating
                                                our favourite songs into a customised playlist
" 32% of consumers are highly                 is a wholly digital, quick and engaging
    engaged with adopting a                     experience thanks to excellent user
                                                interfaces and AI recommendation engines.
    more sustainable lifestyle."
                                                That consumption model is what’s driving
 Deloitte                                       modern impact investing. Whereas ESG used
                                                to be sold to institutional investors as a
                                                product, its success increasingly rests on
                                                how the consumer experience addresses
                                                real-world impact. For example, the modern
                                                consumer might ask how the companies in
                                                their portfolio contribute to carbon
                                                emissions or how they can vote at
                                                shareholder meetings. Instead of
                                                impenetrable financial products, a new,
                                                environmentally aware generation wants

 34 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                       35 /
feature-rich experiences involving AI-            These factors have stoked demand in impact         One area of opportunity as more granular
enabled analytics, realtime dashboards,           investing. Capital flow is following and           data is accessed is supply chains, historically
personal impact reports and stories based on      regulators are working to prevent the ‘green       seen as black boxes. Supply chain issues
ESG data. All the technology to design these      washing’ of investment vehicles that don’t         account for 40% of environmental,
experiences exists: it just hasn’t been           stand up to ESG scrutiny.                          governance and social impacts – 60% of
assembled on a large scale yet.                                                                      which are for the environment alone.
                                                  One impediment to greater capital flow is          However, these ESG impacts have not
                                                  inertia with many people reluctant to switch       historically been captured in the “four walls”
Societal factors also play a part                 investment providers. However, as the above        that determine portfolio construction. As
                                                  drivers (especially the powerful cultural shift)   individuals demand more detailed impact
Increased exposure to environmental factors       take hold and innovative new providers             tracking, AI and Big Tech use cases will
in our lives is driving consumers’ demand for     become mainstream, that investor                   address these needs for probability mapping
change and interest in impact investing. It       demographic may well view a switch as an           around supply chain impact.
was there 15 years ago, but the influence of      exciting opportunity.
climate change (and ESG as a whole) on                                                               We need quality data to address these issues
decision-making comes down to:                                                                       and quality technology to communicate
                                                  More granular data is needed                       them to consumers. OpenInvest is providing
• Culture: The ‘silent generation’ has                                                              scalable compliance solutions for maximum
   traditionally left investments to the          ESG data was originally designed for large         impact. We offer values-based financial
   experts. Today, consumers are more             institutions. Typically, a big data provider       solutions that help financial advisors
  aware that money has many dimensions.           would help fund managers build a report            seamlessly build, manage and report on ESG
  People are eager to take a more active          describing large entities – funds or               portfolios by providing frontend
  role in their investments                       companies – and a third-party consultant           visualisations and experiences to engage
                                                  would validate the report. This asset              with clients on a new level.
• Governments: Addressing climate change         supported the fund managers’ advice to
   is causing nation states to deliver policy     institutional clients.
   ever more urgently. The resulting top-down                                                                           Josh Levin
   legislation is high-profile and gets noticed   For impact investing to succeed, different                            Co-Founder, Chief Strategy
                                                  data – in fact, a complete inversion of the old                       Officer, OpenInvest
• Education: Large asset management firms        data model – is needed. Instead of large
   have made retail investors aware of green      entities, the data must describe the                                      joshualevin
   products and impact investing for several      individual accounts (within funds) into which
   years. Promotion and educational               investments flow. This more granular,
   marketing will continue                        account-level data can reveal insights and
                                                  stories that plug a gap for investors who not
• Costs: Trading costs have decreased in         only want to feel that they’re making a
   the last few years, allowing more people       difference to the planet, but see tangible
   to explore what individual trading feels       results validating their efforts.
   like on a small scale

36 / Rise FinTech Insights                                                                                                                             37 /
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