PUBLIC SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION (2019) - National League of Cities

Page created by Maurice Wade
Providing for the public’s safety is ultimately the responsibility of municipal government and one
of its highest priorities. “Public safety” means not only putting an end to the levels of crime and
violence that impact the everyday lives of our residents, but just as importantly, delivering life-
saving rescue services, preventing fires, and preparing for and responding effectively to foreign
and domestic terrorism, natural and manmade disasters, and pandemic events.

The list below is a summary of all the federal policy objectives contained in the Public Safety and
Crime Prevention chapter of NLC’s National Municipal Policy. The purpose of the summary is to
provide a quick reference guide in responding to most legislative and regulatory actions that may
affect local authority over public safety programs.

 • implement the principles of community policing within their local law enforcement agencies.
 • target, prosecute and convict violent criminals, drug dealers, sex offenders and human
 • reduce gun violence.
 • prevent hate crimes and youth violence.
 • establish initiatives that reduce the need for the incarceration of at risk youth, mentally ill and
    non-violent drug offenders.
 • provide assistance to victims of crime.
 • address problems associated with of domestic violence through prevention, intervention,
    treatment, and effective prosecution.
 • manage drug abuse prevention, education, treatment, and community wellness programs.
 • reintegrate convicted offenders, who have completed their sentence, back in to the community.
 • fight cybercrimes and cyberattacks.
 • mitigate risk, respond to and recover from natural and manmade disasters.
 • share information and intelligence among local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.
 • maintain safe and secure roads and public transit systems.
 • improve first responder voice and data communications, public alerting and 9-1-1 calling systems.
 • acquire and maintain first responder equipment and technology.
 • train law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical personnel.
 • safeguard civil liberties and privacy of its citizens while ensuring public safety.
 • is unfunded or underfunded.
 • reduces or restricts local control of public safety programs.
 • limits a local governments ability to enact laws to improve public safety.
 • imposes or increases the liability or risk to a local government.
 • conscripts local government personnel to enforce federal immigration laws.
 • adopts or gives legal status to law enforcement, fire and emergency medical standards
    developed by bodies not having adequate representation by elected officials.
 • restricts local governments ability to participate in programs that support local, state and
    federal law enforcement partnerships.

                            2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
6.00 Introduction                                   B. Goals
                                                    Prevention of crime and violence is the goal;
The primary goal of local public safety and         public safety education is the key. This can
crime prevention efforts is to ensure that the      be done by such efforts as implementing drug
nation’s cities and towns provide a safe,           awareness programs, restricting access to
healthy environment in which residents can          guns, increasing recreational programs,
live. To achieve this goal, federal, state and      returning schools to the “safe havens” they
local officials must view the safety of the         once were, providing children with
community in holistic terms. Officials must         successful role models, and celebrating
recognize the danger of focusing exclusively        positive successes of our youth. This nation
on prevention, intervention, response or            needs to view young people as assets – not
punishment. Public safety efforts are more          liabilities.
likely to result in safer communities if all
solutions are integrated into a single strategy.    Action must be taken to prevent crime and
                                                    violence in our communities. To accomplish
                                                    this, NLC:
6.01 Crime Prevention
                                                    • Strongly supports community policing
A. Problem Statement
Crime       prevention      is    everyone’s        • Supports adequate and direct federal anti-
responsibility because crime and violence               drug, anti-violence and gang prevention
plague all American cities and towns.                   funding to cities and towns that can be
Serious discussions continue to be held by all          directed towards community policing
levels of government over the complex                   efforts, anti-crime and violence activities,
coordinated services that can make a                    and rural enforcement programs;
difference, but substantive action has been         • Cities must continue to partner and
slow in coming. These services include                  collaborate with state and federal
preschool        education,        recreation,          government to help combat youth and
neighborhood and employment programs                    gang violence;
targeted for youth, substance abuse treatment       • Cities should continue to work with state
on demand, victims assistance programs,                 and federal government agencies to
economic development, and job training and              provide resources for transitional services
creation.                                               to all prisoners reentering society;
                                                    • Urges a greater role for municipal elected
The attention of all levels of government               officials in federal decision-making
should not only be aimed at the perpetrators            regarding the local use and expenditure of
of crime and violence, but also their victims.          federal anti-crime and violence funds.
Toward this end, NLC supports direct federal            This would allow flexibility to redirect
funding to cities for local victims assistance          financial resources from drug interdiction
efforts and programs funded through an                  activities to prevention and treatment;
office for victims of crime.                        • Urges on-going reevaluation of state and
                                                        federal laws and regulations related to
The practice of community policing is an                public safety and crime prevention issues.
important part of crime prevention and has              This reevaluation should include a review
helped to return a sense of unity between               of laws and regulations which address the
local law enforcement and the community.                age at which juveniles are charged as

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
adults and should include the input of          C. Weapons and Ammunition Control
    municipal elected officials;                    The growing illegal use of firearms in cities
•   Urges the federal government to continue        and towns throughout this nation is the
    to gather information on hate crimes,           common denominator for most violent
    family status, educational level and            deaths. Firearms do not kill and maim
    income as well as race in its crime             without someone pulling a trigger.
    statistics on perpetrators and victims and      Controlling weapons and ammunition is just
    give the reporting of these variables equal     part of a more comprehensive effort
    prominence;                                     necessary to reduce violent acts. NLC urges
•   Encourages federal law enforcement              all levels of government to adopt statutory,
    officials to investigate and prosecute          regulatory, and policy actions to confront,
    cases in which crimes occur because of          curb, and eventually eliminate firearms
    the real or perceived race, national origin,    violence in America. Specifically, NLC asks
    religion, gender, sexual orientation or         the federal government to:
    disability of a victim. Such investigation      • Provide funding and resources to the ATF
    and prosecution should not supersede the            to help facilitate efforts of states and
    right of state and local communities to             localities to register guns;
    legislate and prosecute in the area of hate     • Continue to enact initiatives and
    crimes;                                             strengthen laws imposing enhanced
•   Urges Congress to continue to support the           sentences for the use of a firearm in the
    efforts of the National Crime Prevention            commission of any federal, state, or local
    Council (NCPC) which has provided                   crime;
    cities and towns with the hands-on, how-        • Strongly support enhanced programs to
    to, materials and publications to assist            arrest gun traffickers and shut down the
    citizens in their efforts to organize and           illegal sale and distribution of firearms;
    fight back against crime and violence;          • Regulate, in a manner consistent with the
•   Urges the United States government to               Constitution, Internet facilitated firearms
    use all means at its disposal to secure the         commerce and provide the same
    extradition of those alleged to have                oversight as other types of commerce
    committed crimes against the people of              involving the sale and/or transfer of
    the United States; and                              ownership of firearms; grant authority to
•   Encourages and supports federal efforts             the appropriate Federal agency to
    to address the growing forms of                     regulate and otherwise oversee the
    electronic or “cyberspace” crimes                   design, safety, and responsible marketing
    through the Department of Justice and               and sales of firearms;
    other federal law enforcement agencies.         • Support flexible federal funding for local
    Cooperation, specialized training and               programs that address gun violence and
    tracking equipment is essential for                 promote gun safety;
    federal, state and local law enforcement        • Continue the federal ban on all
    personnel. Continued federal funding to             manufacture, sale, importation or use of
    train local governments and law                     armor-piercing bullets that can penetrate
    enforcement agencies on how to deter,
    identify, and capture cybercriminals is
    essential to prevent and detect on-line

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
bullet-proof vests except for legitimate                         •    Require that the background of an
     use by the military and police officers.1                             individual who acquires a weapon from a
•    Support passage of federal, state, and                                pawnshop, gun show or online seller shall
     local     laws    imposing      substantial                           be subject to the same scrutiny as an
     mandatory sentences, with no possibility                              individual who purchases a firearm from
     of parole, probation, or suspended                                    a federal firearms licensee;
     sentence for the use of armor-piercing                           •    Enact federal legislation that would allow
     bullets in the commission of any crime;                               states and/or local governments to adopt
•    Ban the manufacture, sale, importation,                               stricter standards and rules regarding
     or transfer of all automatic and semi-                                purchase, storage and possession of
     automatic assault type weapons except                                 firearms; and
     for legitimate use as authorized by the                          •    Enact federal legislation to prohibit an
     National Firearms Act (NFA) and by the                                individual under the age of 21 from
     military or law enforcement;                                          purchasing or possessing an assault rifle
•    Apply a waiting period of up to 30 days                               and or handgun.
     for the purchase or transfer of all guns so                      •    Urge firearm manufacturers to be
     that local police agencies may check the                              responsible corporate citizens by:
     criminal and mental health status of                                  1) including safety devices with their
     purchasers.                                                                products and developing new
•    Expand and enhance the National Instant                                    technologies to make guns safer;
     Criminal Background Check System                                      2) selling only to authorized dealers and
     (NICS) to ensure every states criminal                                     distributors,   and     allow     their
     records are easily entered and updated                                     authorized distributors to sell only to
     and to require anyone who is selling or                                    authorized dealers;
     transferring a gun to check appropriate                               3) allowing no firearm sales at gun
     records through and authorized federal                                     shows or similar events unless all
     firearms licensee (FFL) to ensure the                                      background checks are completed;
     person acquiring the firearm is not a                                 4) not selling firearms that can readily
     prohibited person.;                                                        be converted into fully automatic
•    Require federal licensing of gun dealers.                                  weapons or that are resistant to
     Applicants for Federal Firearms Dealer                                     fingerprints;
     licenses should be required to show proof                             5) not selling large (more than 10
     of compliance with state and local laws to                                 rounds) capacity ammunition clips;
     the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and                                   6) maintaining an electronic inventory
     Firearms (ATF) before the agency issues                                    tracking plan; and
     a gun dealer license. The ATF must be                                 7) forgoing firearms sales to licensed
     required to provide each general purpose                                   dealers known to be under
     government with a list of that                                             indictment.
     jurisdiction’s     Federally      Licensed
     Firearms Dealers annually;

 Armor-piercing ammunition, sometimes referred to as metal-piercing ammunition, is ammunition that is designed primarily to
penetrate metal or armor, including body armor commonly worn by police officers. Under federal law, armor-piercing
ammunition is defined as any projectile or projectile core that may be used in a handgun and that is constructed entirely from one
or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium. (18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(17); 27
C.F.R. § 478.11) In addition, armor-piercing ammunition is defined as a full jacketed projectile “larger than .22 caliber designed
and intended for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the projectile.” 18
U.S.C. § 921(a)(17)(B). 18 U.S.C. § 923(k)

                                     2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
D. Youth Oriented Crime Prevention                 NLC supports:
It is essential that all levels of government,     • Federal assistance for the establishment
community leaders, the business community,           and operation of youth courts to ensure
and residents work together to create and            swift and appropriate sanctions for
sustain environments in which violence is not        certain juvenile offenses;
a pervading presence in the everyday lives of      • Direct, flexible funding to municipalities
our nation’s children.                               for local juvenile justice and delinquency
                                                     prevention initiatives        with    strict
1. Youth and Gang Crime and Violence                 limitations on the amount of federal funds
Federal juvenile justice efforts within the          that can be used for administrative costs
Department of Justice have not had enough            to ensure that a high percentage of the
resources devoted to them to address the full        funds go to the local level; and
range of problems in the area of youth             • Continued federal technical assistance to
victimization and youth crime.                       train local governments on how to apply
                                                     for federal funds administered through
Youth crime has been associated with                 states and units of local governments.
increased gang activity across the nation.
Many schools and public facilities have            2. Sentencing
become battle grounds for youth gang               NLC believes that, except in cases of federal
members. As gang activities have become            crimes, the federal government should not be
increasingly mobile in crossing geographical       involved in juvenile sentencing – this is a
boundaries, NLC urges the federal                  state and local function.
government to continue its work toward
placing increased penalties on gang-related        3. Corrections
crimes, such as prosecuting offenders under        The federal government should provide
organized crime statutes.                          funding for mandates imposed on state and
                                                   local governments that call for more
The federal government must prioritize
establishing and maintaining effective             accountability in punishing juvenile
juvenile crime and gang prevention programs        offenders. Currently not enough juvenile
on the local level by directly funding city,       holding facilities are available to adequately
town, and multi-jurisdictional initiatives.        meet the demands of the justice system.
Federal partnership and collaboration with         Overcrowding and the high costs of
cities and towns is the best way to take           implementing          specific       separation
advantage of local leadership on this issue
                                                   requirements are problems that severely
while encouraging innovative thinking and
cooperation across jurisdictions and levels of     hinder rehabilitation efforts. More flexibility
government.                                        is needed in all areas of juvenile corrections,
                                                   including juvenile detention facilities and the
The federal role in juvenile justice should        education of juvenile offenders. NLC urges
also focus on support services for state and       the federal government to provide sufficient
local governments and information gathering        funding for all phases of all juvenile justice
and dissemination in the areas of
rehabilitation of juveniles and progressive        mandates to achieve desired results.

                            2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
4. School Safety                                     enforcement agencies, would establish
The federal government must provide                  benchmarks for consistent guidelines on
increased federal funding to augment local           reporting school crime and violence.
efforts aimed at improving school safety,            NLC calls for a consistent commitment
such as School Resource Officers. The long-          among all levels of government, school
term effectiveness of programs that help to          systems, businesses, and community groups
improve school safety can succeed with               to ensure that public safety contributes to a
continued investments by federal, state, and         good quality-of-life in all communities.
local governments. The federal government
must provide funding for the implementation          5. Mass Media and Media Violence
of effective intergovernmental partnerships          NLC urges the federal government to adopt
to truly achieve the goal of developing a            an approach toward violence in the media
comprehensive approach to school safety,             that emphasizes alternative approaches
including comprehensive mental health                which encourage and applaud pro-social
treatment and counseling for all youth and           values, demystify violence, and teach youth
their families, sensitivity training programs,       how to handle frustration, prevent suicide,
and other services that help prevent students        and deal with conflict.
from becoming perpetrators or victims of
crime and violence.                                  NLC supports entertainment rating systems
                                                     that will provide advance notice of violent
The federal government should increase               content in programming. NLC supports a
flexible funding for Title V, juvenile justice       federal public health campaign in schools
programs and innovative approaches to                that targets violence in a manner similar to
school safety that can be replicated by              that used to combat drunk driving.
communities across the nation. The federal
government must work with state and local            The federal government must:
authorities to establish more uniform                • Provide a clearinghouse that coordinates
guidelines and recommend mandatory                      and evaluates recently conducted credible
reporting for crime and violent incidents in            studies on the mental health implications
schools. School districts should be required            of mass media violence; and
to provide the U.S. Department of Education          • Provide flexible, direct funding and/or
and other federal agencies, as well as state            assistance    for    Internet    filtering
education agencies and state and local law              capabilities for our nation’s libraries,
enforcement agencies, with school incident              schools, community centers and other
reports. The school districts should also               local public facilities that provide
provide these agencies with an analysis of              children access to computers and other
incidents and intervention techniques to                interactive media.
create a national database of school crime and
violence incidents and “best practices” for          E. Substance Abuse
intervention.                                        Substance abuse is a public safety concern.
                                                     Illegal drugs, as well as alcohol and
This responsibility to report creates a difficult    prescription drug abuse, are all straining the
task of defining what a violent incident is.         capabilities and resources of governments,
Intergovernmental cooperation, to establish          especially public safety budgets.
reporting standards and criteria for federal,
state, and local education and law

                              2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
Despite considerable efforts, there has been        •   Funding    for    hazardous      material
little discernible progress being made in               equipment and training that reduces the
reducing the social costs of drug abuse.                occupational health issues associated
Efforts to control drug trafficking have been,          with methamphetamine lab and other
for the most part, unsuccessful. Local law              drug production lab seizures and clean-
enforcement efforts continue to be hampered             up; and
by inadequate and ill-defined state and             •   Technical      assistance,       national
federal laws, limited resources, overcrowded            information sharing services, and direct
prisons, and overburdened criminal justice              fiscal support for Prescription Drug
systems.                                                Monitoring Programs; and,
                                                    •   Increasing the ease of access to and
Drug abuse prevention is under-funded,                  prevalence of safe, environmentally
particularly at the federal level, and there is         sound disposal of prescription drugs
uncertainty and disagreement at all levels of           through convenient take-back options for
government       about    what      constitutes         all    unwanted     prescription     drug
prevention. Currently, federal funding is               medications.
focused on programs which stress care to the
chronic substance abuser, while providing           1. Economic Deterrents
only minimal attention to programs aimed at         In order to effectively address the drug issue,
preventing the proliferation of illegal alcohol     the economic incentive is a critical element to
and drug use.                                       any anti-drug strategy. To do so, NLC
                                                    supports the following actions:
NLC supports a comprehensive strategy for           • Aggressively using all legal means to
substance abuse prevention, intervention,               pursue      actions   against      financial
treatment and law enforcement, including                institutions that knowingly conduct
alternatives to incarceration. NLC further              financial transactions which involve
urges that a balance in expenditures should be          proceeds from unlawful activity;
sought between prevention, treatment and            • Withholding foreign aid to source
corrections. NLC supports:                              countries being uncooperative in
                                                        interdiction efforts;
•   Federal research into alternative               • Developing treaties with countries to
    sentencing programs for non-violent drug            restrict the flow of precursor chemicals
    use offenses;                                       into drug manufacturing countries; and
•   Funding for the creation of non-                • Seizing the assets of individuals
    incarceration alternatives for non-violent          convicted for involvement in illegal drug
    drug use offenses;                                  activity. These funds should go to local
•   Federal funding and standardized training           law enforcement agencies.
    for law enforcement, fire fighters, public
    emergency medical personnel, and other          2. Enforcement
    first responders on identifying, seizing        Current enforcement efforts have simply not
    and clean-up of illicit drug producing          been      effective    in    controlling     the
    labs;                                           manufacturing, sale, distribution and use of
•   Reimbursement of the cost associated in         illicit drugs. NLC believes that better
    the clean-up and damages to property            definitions in state and federal laws related to
    contaminated by illicit drug producing          illicit drug and alcohol use will enhance
    labs;                                           enforcement efforts.

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
To improve this situation, sufficient federal       •   Federal funding and assistance to every
resources must be committed to ensure that              state to establish and maintain
enforcement strategies are realistic and are            Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
coordinated with efforts in education,                  (PDMP) and to ensure these programs
prevention, treatment and research.                     achieve data uniformity and implement
                                                        information sharing across all state
NLC supports:                                           PDMPs. The federal government should
• The maintenance of adequate funding for               also require healthcare providers utilize
  local, federal and state law enforcement              the PDMP prior to prescribing
  agencies to deal with drug-related                    medications to patients.
• An increased focus on enforcement                 F. Domestic Violence
  against those involved in cases that are          Domestic violence is a serious social crime
  determined as high-level manufacturing,           and a criminal justice problem that
  sales and distribution of illicit drugs,          significantly impacts our nation’s cities and
  especially those selling or furnishing            towns in a variety of ways, including
  illegal drugs to minors;                          emergency       shelters,    schools,     law
• Prosecution to the fullest extent of the law      enforcement and emergency medical service
  for those involved in violent crime related       agencies, and the courts. Domestic violence
  to illegal drug use;                              crosses all socio-economic strata and should
• Increased penalties for those convicted of        not be viewed as a private family matter, but
  drug offenses where firearms are                  in the context of other crimes and problems
  possessed by the offender;                        requiring prevention, intervention, and
• Increasing the use of federal law                 prosecution.
  enforcement in the interdiction, arrest,
  search, and seizure of illicit use and sale       All levels of government must make
  of drugs;                                         domestic violence initiatives a priority on
• Federal assistance in the arrest and              their agendas. Federal legislation should be
  prosecution of those responsible for the          enacted to provide funding and support for
  death or injury of public safety and law          local government programs to address the
  enforcement personnel involving official          problems of domestic violence through
  investigations of illegal drug operations;        prevention, intervention, treatment, and
• The utilization of extradition as a key tool      effective prosecution. Legislation must take
  in combating international trafficking;           into account the potential impacts on already
                                                    overburdened      probation    and     parole
• The immediate deportation of illegal
  immigrants convicted of offenses related
  to the illicit sale of drugs after the court’s
                                                    NLC encourages the federal government to:
  disposition has been fulfilled;
                                                    • Provide funding and assistance to
• The aggressive pursuit and prosecution of
                                                      maintain successful domestic violence
  medical personnel illicitly prescribing,
                                                      programs already in existence, to initiate
  selling,      administering,      dispensing,
                                                      demonstration projects, and to aid local
  mixing or otherwise preparing any
                                                      governments and organizations in
  prescription drug, including any
                                                      modeling programs after successful
  controlled substance under state or
                                                      holistic approaches;
  federal law; and

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
•   Establish a central point for the collection    factors prior to release and then require these
    and dissemination of information on             prisoners to seek continued treatment prior to
    domestic violence programs taking place         and upon re-entry. Furthermore, the federal
    across the country that includes examples       government       should     encourage      state
    of what is and is not working, the              governments to require policies mandating
    progress of legislative initiatives at both     that all state prisoners have DNA collected
    the state and federal levels, recent studies    during the initial screening and exiting
    on domestic violence issues, and other          process in an effort to solve open cases.
    relevant information;
•   Assist all levels of government in the          For prisoner reentry to succeed, reintegration
    development of programs that work with          must be emphasized as soon as a prisoner
    children exposed to domestic violence           enters a correctional institution. Emphasis
    and in the development of general               must be placed on identifying a prisoner’s
    education programs for all children on          specific risk factors, providing treatment
    domestic violence issues; and                   while in custody, and following up with
•   Fully fund the Violence Against Women           community-based treatment once a prisoner
    Act programs, as well as, efforts which         is released. Programs must be implemented
    support the abolition of physical, sexual       on both the federal and state level to involve
    and psychological human rights abuse            the prisoner’s family unit or mentor in any
    and oppression of women.                        decisions or treatment plans, both during
                                                    incarceration and at the time of release.
G. Prisoner Reentry                                 Federal grant money is needed to fund
Each year prisoners are released back into          community-based intervention and treatment
society without access to immediate                 programs focusing on the issues of housing,
supervision and/or support. These prisoners         job opportunities and training, mental health
face a multitude of problems including              screening and treatment, substance abuse,
homelessness, a lack of job opportunities,          healthcare,      education,     and     family
educational deficits, mental health issues,         reunification. In addition, attention must be
substance abuse, infectious diseases, and no        paid to the specific struggles and barriers
connection      to    their    families    and      associated with youth prisoner re-entry.
communities. Over half of all released              Often, youth leaving the criminal justice
prisoners will be rearrested causing increased      system lack age-appropriate levels of
costs and burdens for cities.                       education, needed social and developmental
                                                    skills, and are returning to environments that
In order to combat this problem, the federal        do not foster rehabilitation and development.
government must provide local and state             Emphasis must be placed on creating the
governments with resources and funding for          necessary support systems and opportunities
transitional services to all prisoners in the       to help youth transition into adulthood,
areas of housing, education, mental health          reintegrate into communities, and stop cycles
treatment, substance abuse counseling,              of recidivism.
employment opportunities, and healthcare.
In addition, the U.S. Department of Justice         Successful federal, state, and local pilot
should adopt a policy mandating that all            projects must be expanded to address
federal prisoners be screened for                   challenges related to prisoner reentry and the
drug/alcohol addiction, mental health               full spectrum of problems. The federal
problems, infectious diseases and other risk        government should fund programs that

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
include the cooperation of corrections               I. Stopping Human Trafficking
officials, probation and parole officers,            Human trafficking is a modern-day form of
former offenders who can serve as mentors,           slavery that impacts people of all ages and of
families, police, prosecutors, the court             both genders, where services, labor, or sex
system, mental health administrators,                are supplied by victims who are forced,
healthcare providers, housing agencies and           defrauded or coerced to work through such
rental advocates, substance abuse counselors,        methods as involuntary servitude, debt
businesses, educational and vocational               bondage, and forced labor. At the heart of this
training providers, victim advocates,                heinous crime are the myriad forms of
community-          and/or         faith-based       enslavement – not the activities involved in
organizations, neighborhood associations             international transportation—and hundreds
and coalitions, researchers and records              of thousands of U.S. citizens and other
personnel, and public affairs officers.              permanent residents, including kidnapped
                                                     and homeless youth, are considered to be at
Congress       should       pass     legislation     risk for or victims of trafficking. Victims of
guaranteeing that appropriate programs such          human trafficking live among us in our cities
as Medicaid, Social Security Disability,             and towns, but are typically captive and
educational or vocational retraining, and            isolated, unaware of their rights, powerless to
other federal benefits, are available to eligible    access services, and afraid to ask law
individuals on the first day of their release,       enforcement and other authority figures for
ensuring access to the necessary services and        help. Combating human trafficking requires
resources vital to making a successful               a collaborative, comprehensive approach
transition back into society.                        across all levels of government.

H. Driving Under the Influence and                   To combat human trafficking, sufficient
    Distracted Driving                               federal resources must be committed to
The enforcement of laws for distracted               ensure that law enforcement strategies are
driving (including texting or the use of             realistic and are coordinated with efforts in
mobile devices) and driving under the                education, prevention, and support of
influence, adjudication of cases, treatment of       victims.
offenders, prudent punishment of repeat
offenders and the development of public              NLC supports:
awareness are all important state and local          • Congressional action that will provide
functions.                                             adequate funding for the Trafficking
                                                       Victims Protection Reauthorization Act,
The role of the federal government, through            which gives law enforcement additional
the National Highway Traffic Safety                    tools and resources to prevent human
Administration in assisting state and local            trafficking, investigate human trafficking
governments should continue and be                     crimes, promote increased cooperation
expanded. These efforts should focus public            among federal agencies, between the U.S.
attention on the distracted driving and driving        and other countries, and between federal,
under the influence problem, facilitate public         state and local law enforcement.
and private sector actions to counter the            • Congressional authorization and funding
problem and provide administrative support             of block grants to localities to support
for interstate coordination of driving under           comprehensive local approaches to
the influence countermeasure efforts.                  stopping sex trafficking of minors

                              2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
through prevention, support for victims,        service personnel, and others) to properly
    and resources and support for the police        respond to mental health calls. Federal
    and prosecutors who pursue justice              programs that fund joint efforts between law
    against traffickers, pimps and others who       enforcement and health officials to reduce
    participate in or coordinate these crimes.      repeat calls for service and better serve
•   Federal programs that train key state,          people with mental illness are also crucial to
    local government, and non-profit                reducing unnecessary interactions between
    personnel, as well as make efforts to           police and the mentally ill.
    increase the public’s awareness of human
    trafficking.                                    Mentally ill persons who do not receive
                                                    psychiatric treatment and/or fail to comply
J. Mental Illness and Criminal Justice              with their medications regimen are
As people with mental illnesses continue to         significantly more likely to face arrest. For
come in contact with the criminal justice           this reason, NLC supports funding for
system, communities across the United States        programs that improve the screening of
struggle to develop interventions and               incoming jail and prison detainees for mental
supports that improve outcomes for these            illness; the diversion of individuals to mental
individuals, their service providers, and the       health     programs      when      appropriate;
public.                                             increasing the availability of grants for
                                                    mental health courts and other diversion
How the criminal justice community engages          efforts; providing intensive treatment while
people with mental illness is a matter of           incarcerated, when necessary; requiring
national concern. Untreated mental illness          Bureau of Justice Statistics to regularly
often leads to volatile situations that require     update the “Mental Health Problems of
law enforcement to intervene.             These     Prison and Jail Inmates; and ensuring
interactions can require special training, be       transitional services when leaving jail. These
difficult to resolve, and create unique risks to    programs ultimately reduce the likelihood
the safety of all involved.                         that mentally ill individuals will return to
                                                    incarceration or have a future interaction with
In 2004, Congress passed the Mentally Ill           law enforcement. (NLC’s policies on Mental
Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction              Health are detailed further in the HD
Act (MIOTCRA), which enhances local                 Chapter of the National Municipal Policy.)
public safety by funding training for law
enforcement officers on how to identify and         K. Equity in the Criminal Justice System
respond to incidents involving people with          Every person has a right to expect equal
mental illnesses, increasing mental health          treatment by law enforcement officers,
courts nationwide, improving collaboration          prosecuting     authorities,  judges     and
between criminal justice and mental health          correctional officials.      Discriminatory
systems, and improving access to effective          enforcement of criminal laws has a corrosive
treatment.                                          effect on our cities and towns, undermining
                                                    the confidence of the community in law
NLC supports MIOTCRA federal efforts that           enforcement and interfering with our efforts
provide additional resources for veteran            to prevent crime and prosecute offenders.
treatment courts, and increases resources and
training for first        responders     (law       Unfortunately, our country has a long history
enforcement, fore, emergency medical                of disparate treatment in our criminal justice

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
system. Numerous studies confirm that racial                of our communities, the integrity of our
minorities, especially African Americans and                criminal justice system, and the safe and
Latinos, are more likely to be arrested, more               effective delivery of policing services.
likely to be prosecuted and more likely to be               Unfortunately, high-profile officer-involved
incarcerated for offenses than whites accused               killings have exposed racially divisive issues
of the same crime.                                          in the relationships between local police and
                                                            the communities they protect and serve,
NLC supports federal legislation and action                 especially in communities of color.
which eliminates discrimination in the
enforcement of our criminal justice system.                 In December 18, 2014, President Barack
NLC opposes profiling of suspects based                     Obama signed Executive Order 13684
solely on race, ethnic origin, religion, gender             establishing the Task Force on 21st Century
identity, poverty or other similar factors.                 Policing to examine ways of fostering strong,
                                                            collaborative relationships between local law
In addition, the federal government should                  enforcement and the communities they
assist local law enforcement agencies in their              protect and to make recommendations to the
efforts to provide data collection and analysis             President on ways policing practices can
education and training for law enforcement                  promote effective crime reduction while
officers regarding appropriate investigative                building trust. The final report of the Task
and enforcement techniques.                                 Force was delivered to the President on
                                                            March 2, 2015 that included a total of 63
L. Poverty                                                  recommendations, most of which were
Crime statistics demonstrate the significantly              directed at the approximately 18,000 state
greater risks of direct criminal victimization              and local law enforcement agencies spread
of poor people.2        In addition, indirect               throughout the country.
victimization     of     crime    also    falls
disproportionately on poor individuals.                     NLC supports the report’s findings that
Neighborhoods with large concentrations of                  encourage collaboration with community
low income people are also generally the                    members, especially in communities and
geographic areas of cities in which there are               neighborhoods disproportionately affected
greater reports of crime, particularly street               by crime, to develop policies and strategies
crime. Other chapters of the National                       for deploying resources that aim to reduce
Municipal Policy cover a variety of programs                crime by improving relationships, increasing
and initiatives to reduce poverty and address               community engagement, and fostering
affordable housing issues. These should be                  cooperation.
viewed as a way to get at the root causes of
crime and violence.                                         NLC calls on Congress and the
                                                            Administration to provide financial and
M. Improve Policing in the 21st Century                     technical assistance to local governments to
NLC believes that trust between law                         help      implement        the     applicable
enforcement agencies and the people they                    recommendations of the Task Force on 21st
protect and serve is essential to the stability             Century Policing and to assist municipalities

 Marcus Berzofsky, Dr.P.H., RTI International, Lance Couzens, RTI International, Erika Harrell, Ph.D., BJS
Statistician, Lynn Langton, Ph.D., BJS Statistician, Hope Smiley-McDonald, Ph.D., RTI International, “Household
Poverty And Nonfatal Violent Victimization, 2008–2012” Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics,
November 18, 2014,

                                2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
with their efforts to make sure law                 consider legislation to change or limit the
enforcement training provides the foundation        Department of Justice’s ability to transfer
to cultivate police officers as leaders in – and    property and funding to state and local law
guardians of – their communities by                 enforcement agencies through the civil asset
providing increased training in racial and          forfeiture program. NLC believes the reforms
implicit bias, intelligent restraint and de-        already implemented by the Department of
escalation tactics and the use of nonlethal         Justice address many of the concerns that
force.                                              have been raised regarding asset forfeiture
                                                    and that any further steps to reform the
N. Federal Asset Forfeiture Program                 program should only be taken after careful
The criminal and civil asset forfeiture has         consideration as to not further weaken this
long been an effective law enforcement tool         valuable tool that aids state and local law
to fight against illegal profiteering and to        enforcement in protecting our communities.
deter crime. The federal asset forfeiture
program, when it is properly managed and            NLC opposes federal legislation that would
regulated, redirects illegally gained property      limit local law enforcements ability to
to be used by law enforcement to combat             participate in the Federal civil asset forfeiture
criminal activity consistent with federal and       program. We strongly believe and future
state regulations.                                  efforts to change or severely limit local law
                                                    enforcements ability to participate in the
When Congress passed the Civil Asset                federal civil asset forfeiture program should
Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (CAFRA),              not give safe harbor to the cartels and
P.L. 106-185, it made significant reforms to        professional criminals who engage in drug
the Department of Justice’s asset forfeiture        trafficking, human trafficking and child
program to ensure property owners are               pornography. NLC believes Congress should
afforded adequate due process before their          maintain the method for reimbursement of
property was forfeited.                             state and local agencies that have committed
                                                    resources participate in joint Federal task
NLC strongly supports the provision in the          forces, while also establishing appropriate
law that authorizes the Attorney General to         requirements that safeguard individual rights
transfer or share seized assets with other          and remove financial incentives for potential
federal, state, local, or foreign law               misconduct. The Department of Justice
enforcement agencies who have participated          should also pursue sanctions against local
in the investigation or proceedings that            law enforcement agencies that habitually
resulted in confiscation. The civil asset           misuse the federal civil asset forfeiture
forfeiture program provides millions in             program.
additional funding to support local law
enforcement agencies ability to continue to         6.02 Public Safety
participate in federal task forces targeting
criminal and gang activity.                         A. Problem Statement
                                                    Public safety requires the commitment of all
NLC is concerned that Congress’s continued          levels of government. Information sharing
scrutiny of the civil asset forfeiture’s            among levels of government must be
peculiarities in greater detail because of          comprehensive and timely. Through the joint
ongoing allegation of misconduct by local           efforts of local, state, and federal
law enforcement agencies it may once again          governments, as well as the responsible

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
actions of individual residents and corporate           costs to local government that can be
citizens alike, the safety and well-being of            easily upgraded for future purposes;
our business and civic communities can be           •   Provide technical assistance and funds to
controlled successfully.                                local police for the adoption of advanced
                                                        policing       technology,     particularly
B. Goals                                                alternative use of force options that help
• In order to keep our cities and towns safe:           safely deescalate violent situations; and
   The federal government should assist             •   Provide technical assistance and support
   cities and towns across the nation in                to      established     intergovernmental
   acquiring        modern        emergency             institutions to ensure a collaborative
   communications       capabilities     and            exchange of information that maximizes
   advanced law enforcement technology;                 resources, streamlines operations, and
   and                                                  improves the ability to fight crime and
• Federal, state and local law enforcement              terrorism by merging data from a variety
   must share information and intelligence              of sources.
   across       intergovernmental        and
   jurisdictional boundaries.                       NLC strongly urges flexibility in the use of
                                                    federal public safety funds for upgraded
C. Public Safety Technology and                     technology      and      training.       Many
   Intelligence                                     municipalities face great difficulty in
1. Public Safety Technology and Intelligence        purchasing      necessary       public   safety
Goals                                               equipment because of budget constraints or
NLC urges the federal government to assist          inability to qualify for available funds. New
local governments across the nation in              duties placed on law enforcement related to
acquiring          modern           emergency       homeland security have constrained budgets
                                                    further. NLC urges the federal government
communications capabilities and advanced
                                                    to assist all municipalities with public safety
law enforcement technology. Specifically,           advancements without imposing stringent
the federal government should:                      compliance guidelines.
• Make surplus equipment available to
    local governments (without undue                2. Emergency Communications
    restrictions on use) that would improve         Having the capability to transmit vital
    emergency response capabilities;                information to different emergency response
• Provide funding for research and training         personnel among all levels of government
    opportunities and publicize these               without interference and delay is key to
    opportunities;                                  disaster preparedness and emergency
• Make direct, flexible grants to local             response. No man, woman, or child should
    governments for local law enforcement           lose his/her life because public safety
    and fire safety training and equipment;         officials cannot communicate with one
• Conduct regular, well publicized training         another.
    sessions and provide coordinated
    technical assistance to local public safety     The federal government should take
    personnel operating public safety               immediate action to provide local
    technologies;                                   governments with the broadcast channels
• Encourage manufacturers to make public            needed to enhance their communications
    safety equipment available at reasonable        capabilities. Reliable and interoperable

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
wireless communications are essential to           use. Currently, cities and towns that do not
public safety’s mission to protect life and        have timely emergency response services
property.                                          usually have not implemented a 9-1-1 system
                                                   or their systems are antiquated. NLC also
The federal government should encourage            urges the federal government, in particular
regional planning for public safety                the Department of Justice and the Federal
communication needs and address the current        Communications Commission, to continue
shortage of spectrum channels with a long-         its efforts to improve the wireless 9-1-1 or E
term plan that ensures sufficient and              9-1-1 services by working in partnership with
appropriate spectrum to meet future public         state and local land use authorities, public
safety     needs     across    the    nation,      safety officials, and the telecommunications
communications equipment with open                 industry. The telecommunications industry
standards, and funding for the necessary           must fully develop and fund wireless
building, operation, and maintenance of a          emergency locater services and tracking
national       interoperable       emergency       systems and lead efforts to resolve
communications system.            If federal       interoperability problems that affect
reallocation of radio spectrum forces a            emergency        communications       systems
municipality to change radio frequencies           throughout the nation. These efforts must
and/or channels to preserve its public safety      continue to respect the premise of local
and emergency communications services,             autonomy, avoid burdensome mandates, and
there should be prompt and fair                    reflect the need for greater funding in
compensation made for transfer costs, such as      underserved jurisdictions.
new equipment and additional personnel and
training. (NLC’s policies on public safety         3. Law Enforcement Technology
communications are detailed further in the         The ability to transmit and access
ITC Chapter of the National Municipal              information quickly and easily helps local,
Policy.)                                           state and federal law enforcement agencies
                                                   prevent and reduce crime. The federal
The federal government should also link all        government should facilitate criminal records
emergency warning systems across the               information sharing among all levels of
nation, supplying all areas with appropriate       governmental law enforcement agencies.
equipment so that no area is left unprotected.     Such an information system would provide
Emergency alert systems should be used to          law enforcement agencies a tool to track and
ensure that any presidentially declared            apprehend     transient,   violent,    repeat
emergency, homeland security, and National         offenders, and/or suspected terrorists and
Weather Services alerts are timely and             share information with prosecutors, courts,
accurate and provide direction on                  corrections, parole agencies, and other
recommended protective measures local              relevant agencies. This integrated system
governments should take when the threat            would be particularly useful to localities in
level is increased. Local governments should       securing essential data during a time of
be reimbursed for any costs associated with        emergency or disaster.
heightened alerts.
                                                   Advanced public safety technologies
NLC urges the federal government to ensure         including mobile data terminals, geographic
that all areas of the country have access to       information    systems,    and    biometric
modernized 9-1-1 technology for emergency          information repositories increase efficiency

                            2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
and can help return law enforcement officers       with local law enforcement and other
to the streets, enhancing community policing       necessary agencies in potential impact areas.
efforts. The collection and analysis of
biometric evidence - particularly DNA- has         The federal government must continue to
proven a valuable tool in identifying suspects     improve standing task forces, centers, and
in both violent and non-violent crimes, as         institutions for sharing classified information
well as ruling out innocent individuals, and       on threats with first responders. Both federal
expansion of its use should be supported at        financial and technical assistance, as well as
the federal level.                                 on-site assistance of federal personnel,
                                                   should be provided to local government, to
Ultimately, the use of modern technology           assist in these information sharing
results in cost efficiencies because it allows     institutions and joint analysis efforts.
for better management of workloads,
streamlines processes, and provides rapid          The federal government should assist local
analysis, all of which reduce overtime among       law enforcement with acquiring the proper
personnel. The federal government should           equipment, technology, and training to
facilitate the availability of these               participate in information sharing activities,
technologies to cities regardless of size.         such as establishing fusion centers. The
                                                   federal government should continue to refine
4. Training                                        policies and practices surrounding these
As local governments acquire new public            institutions to ensure all activities respect
safety technologies, the federal government        civil liberties and privacy concerns.
should continue to promote interagency
sharing of equipment during emergencies            D. Transportation of Hazardous Materials
among all levels of government and provide         The transportation of hazardous materials,
training to local public safety personnel. To      including nuclear waste, must be made as
promote greater compatibility among                safe as possible. Minimizing the danger of
training programs and curriculum, the federal      injury, environmental damage and other costs
government should lead efforts to ensure that      of such events requires knowledge of the
public safety training programs provide a          materials so that appropriate measures can be
level of consistency among all agencies,           taken and decisions made regarding
which are essential to implement mutual aid        evacuation or traffic diversion. NLC urges
and regional cooperation agreements.               the federal government to provide adequate
Federal assistance that enables local              funds, training and equipment to all cities
governments to improve public safety               affected by the transportation and disposal of
services will always be a key component to         hazardous waste to assure the protection of
reducing crime, planning for and predicting        public health and safety in the event of an
disasters, and responding to emergencies.          accident.

5. Information Sharing                             The federal government must also ensure that
Access to both specific and aggregate              the transport of high-level radioactive waste
information on public safety threats —             (HLW) be safely accomplished by employing
ranging from acts of terrorism, to health          state of the art technology, engineering and
threats, to gang violence trends — gathered        procedures.
by the federal government, should be shared

                            2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
1. Consolidation of Federal Programs                development of a         unified   data    and
NLC supports federal efforts to consolidate         notification system.
hazardous materials policies and to designate
the U.S. Department of Transportation               5. Disaster Prevention and Training
(DOT) the lead federal department. NLC              First responders regularly respond to
believes that when more than one federal            incidents involving the release or threat of
agency regulates a hazardous material, the          release of hazardous materials in transport,
appropriate agencies must take steps to             therefore emergency response should
correct conflicting or inconsistent policies.       continue to be the primary responsibility of
                                                    state and local governments. The federal
2. Standards                                        government must ensure that first responders
National Hazardous Materials Driver                 have the resources and capacity to address
Standards                                           and respond to any hazardous materials
NLC supports federal hazardous materials            incidents.
driver training standards that are tailored to
the transportation of specific materials. As a      In order to respond quickly and efficiently to
prerequisite to receiving a license, drivers of     any hazardous materials incidents federal,
such vehicles must be required to certify that      state and local governments should develop a
they have received special training.                centralized emergency response command
                                                    structure within each of their jurisdictions to
3. Insurance                                        improve inter-jurisdictional communications
NLC supports existing federal regulations           when an accident does occur. There must be
that require motor carriers to maintain             terrorism response plans for shipments of
sufficient liability coverage. NLC also             hazardous materials.
supports continuation of federal law that
provides supplemental liability coverage in         The federal government should set minimum
the event of a catastrophic accident involving      training and education standards, require all
radioactive materials.                              stakeholders to participate, and offer
                                                    technical and financial assistance to support
4. Notification and Communication                   these efforts. The federal government should
NLC encourages federal guidelines to clarify        evaluate and certify training programs used
the level and frequency of notification and         by regional, state and local emergency
communications between state and local              personnel.
officials necessary to protect public safety.
Currently available technologies and systems        6. Enforcement
must be used to ensure immediate                    NLC believes that the federal government
communication between transporters and all          should continue to be responsible for the
entities charged with responding to any             enforcement of hazardous materials
incidences. Any carrier must be required to         transportation regulations.     The federal
make an immediate notification to designated        government must be more vigilant in its
local emergency personnel when a hazardous          enforcement of its regulations regarding
materials incident occurs.                          unregistered carriers and shippers.

Federal,  state, regional and local                 States and localities should be allowed to
governments should cooperate in the                 adopt and enforce vehicle operating
                                                    requirements and standards, including the

                             2019 Public Safety and Crime Prevention
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