CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL - Cumberland County Bar Association

Page created by Barry Deleon
                LAW JOURNAL
No. 35                  Carlisle, PA, August 27, 2021                    257-268

                       Legal Notice

                             (USPS 140-000)
                         Published every Friday by
                   Lisa Marie Coyne, Esq.
 Cumberland Law Journal           Telephone: (717) 249-3166
 32 South Bedford St.             FAX (717) 249-2663
 Carlisle, PA 17013	
               Copyright © 2021, Cumberland County Bar Association
                             Carlisle, Pennsylvania

     Containing reports of cases decided by the various Courts of Cumberland
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                          Cumberland Law Journal
   The Cumberland Law Journal is the official legal publication of Cumberland
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Effective 1/12/2021

LXX 35              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                               8/27/21

  ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES                     George, Betty C., dec’d.
                                                 Late of West Pennsboro Township.
    Notice is hereby given that, in the          Executrix: Dawn R. Mixell c/o
estates of the decedents set forth be-           Sommer & O’Donnell, LLC, 36
low, the Register of Wills has granted           South Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA
letters testamentary or of administra-           17013.
tion to the persons named. Notice is             Attorney: Brandon S. O’Donnell,
also hereby given of the existence of            Esquire.
the trusts of the deceased settlors
set forth below for whom no personal           Gsell, Guy D., Jr., dec’d.
representatives have been appointed              Late of Dickinson Township.
within 90 days of death. All persons             Administratrix: Nancy J. Gsell c/o
having claims or demands against
                                                 George F. Douglas, III, Esquire,
said estates or trusts are requested
                                                 Salzmann Hughes PC, 354 Alex-
to make known the same, and all
persons indebted to said estates or              ander Spring Road, Suite 1, Car-
trusts are requested to make pay-                lisle, PA 17015.
ment, without delay, to the executors            Attorneys: Salzmann Hughes, P.C.
or administrators or trustees or to
their attorneys named below.                   Jayne, Joan E., dec’d.
                                                 Late of Cumberland County.
       FIRST PUBLICATION                         Executor: Kevin B. Jayne c/o
Brockway, Rosemarie R. a/k/a                     Nicholas O. Schwartz, Esquire,
  Rose M. Brockway, dec’d.                      Allied Attorneys of Central Penn-
  Late of Cumberland County.                    sylvania, LLC, 61 West Louther
  Executrix: Julie A. Brockway c/o               St., Carlisle, PA 17013.
  Nicholas O. Schwartz, Esquire,                 Attorneys: Nicholas O. Schwartz,
  Allied Attorneys of Central Penn-              Esquire, Allied Attorneys of Cen-
  sylvania, LLC, 61 West Louther                 tral Pennsylvania, LLC, 61 West
  St., Carlisle, PA 17013.                      Louther St., Carlisle, PA 17013.
  Attorneys: Nicholas O. Schwartz,
  Esquire, Allied Attorneys of Cen-            Little, Daniel Scott, dec’d.
  tral Pennsylvania, LLC, 61 West                 Late of Cumberland County.
  Louther St., Carlisle, PA 17013.                Executor: Brandon Scott Little, 11
                                                  Watson Drive, Carlisle, PA 17015.
Estes, David E., dec’d.                          Attorney: Chad J. Julius, Esquire,
   Late of Cumberland County.                    8150 Derry Street, Suite A, Har-
   Executor: Richard Schaeffer.                  risburg, PA 17111.
   Attorney: Dominic Montagnese,
   Esquire, 624 North Front Street,
   Wormleysburg, PA 17043.                     Picking, Mary G. a/k/a Mary Grace
                                                  Picking, dec’d.
                                                  Late of Hampden Township.
Gavlick, Vilma G. a/k/a Vilma
  Graciela Gavlick, dec’d.                       Executor: Jay E. Picking c/o
  Late of the Borough of Wormleys-                Charles E. Shields, III, Esquire, 6
  burg.                                          Clouser Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA
  Executor: Daryle R. Gavlick, 374                17055.
  N. 29th Street, Camp Hill, PA                   Attorney: Charles E. Shields, III,
  17011.                                         Esquire, 6 Clouser Rd., Mechan-
  Attorneys: Stephen C. Nudel, Es-                icsburg, PA 17055.
  quire, Law Offices Stephen C.
  Nudel, PC, 219 Pine Street, Har-             Stewart, Patricia R., dec’d.
  risburg, PA 17101.                              Late of the Township of Hampden.
LXX 35             CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             8/27/21

   Executrix: Nancy L. Eckert, 43              Co-Executors: Judy A. Baker and
   Sunset Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA             Robert E. Baker, Jr. c/o Nathan
   17050.                                     C. Wolf, Esquire, Wolf & Wolf, At-
   Attorneys: Law Office of Keith O.           torneys at Law, 10 West High
   Brenneman, P.C., 44 West Main               Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.
   Street, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055.            Attorneys: Nathan C. Wolf, Es-
                                               quire, Wolf & Wolf, Attorneys at
Walsh, Mary C., dec’d.                        Law, 10 West High Street, Car-
  Late of Cumberland County.                  lisle, PA 17013, (717) 241-4436.
  Executor: Timothy P. Walsh, Me-
  chanicsburg, PA.                         Barrick, Clyde W., dec’d.
  Attorneys: Jacqueline A. Kelly,             Late of Penn Township.
  Esquire, JSDC Law Offices, 11 E.            Co-Executors: Victor G. Barrick
  Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA               and Judy E. Allen c/o Bradley L.
  17036, (717) 533-3280.                      Griffie, Esquire, Griffie & Associ-
                                              ates, P.C., 396 Alexander Spring
Walsh, Mary C., dec’d.                       Road, Suite 1, Carlisle, PA 17015.
  Late of Hampden Township.                  Attorneys: Bradley L. Griffie, Es-
  Mary C. Walsh Revocable Trust               quire, Griffie & Associates, P.C.
  dated November 6, 2002 and any
  amendments thereto.
  Successor Trustee: Timothy P.             Bayler, Lavida L. a/k/a Lavida
  Walsh.                                     Leona Bayler, dec’d.
  Attorneys: Jacqueline A. Kelly,             Late of the Borough of New Cum-
  Esquire, JSDC Law Offices, 11 E.            berland.
  Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA               Co-Executors: Tammy L. Ball, 107
  17036, (717) 533-3280.                      2nd Street, Highspire, PA 17034
                                              and David H. Stone, P.O. Box E,
Wilson, Glenda M., dec’d.                    New Cumberland, PA 17070.
   Late of Carlisle.                         Attorneys: David H. Stone, Es-
   Executrix: Valerie E. Wilson, 100          quire, Stone LaFaver & Shek-
   Stonehouse Road, Carlisle, PA              letski, P.O. Box E, New Cumber-
   17015.                                    land, PA 17070.
   Attorney: Anthony L. DeLuca,
   Esquire, 113 Front Street, P.O.          Carabillo, Elizabeth H., dec’d.
   Box 358, Boiling Springs, PA               Late of Upper Allen Township.
   17007.                                     Executrix: Julliane Port c/o Ger-
                                              ald J. Brinser, Esquire, P.O. Box
     SECOND PUBLICATION                       323, Palmyra, PA 17078.
Arnold, Michael J. a/k/a Michael              Attorney: Gerald J. Brinser, Es-
  Jeremiah Arnold, dec’d.                    quire, P.O. Box 323, Palmyra, PA
  Late of Hampden Township.                  17078.
  Administrator: David M. Hollar,
  Esquire, 8 Tower Bridge, 161              Christlieb, John W., dec’d.
  Washington Street, Suite 400,               Late of West Pennsboro Township.
  Conshohocken, PA 19428.                    Executrix: Susan C. Naugle c/o
  Attorney: David M. Hollar, Es-              Nathan C. Wolf, Esquire, Wolf &
  quire, 8 Tower Bridge, 161 Wash-            Wolf, Attorneys at Law, 10 West
  ington Street, Suite 400, Con-              High Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.
  shohocken, PA 19428.                        Attorneys: Nathan C. Wolf, Es-
                                              quire, Wolf & Wolf, Attorneys at
Baker, David E., dec’d.                      Law, 10 West High Street, Car-
  Late of Newville.                          lisle, PA 17013, (717) 241-4436.
LXX 35             CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             8/27/21

Conti, Rosalie V. a/k/a Rosalie                Co-Executors: Gerald R. Hol-
  Vivian Conti, dec’d.                        singer, Jr. and Shelley L. Gerson
  Late of Hampden Township.                   c/o Marcus A. McKnight, III, Es-
  Executor: Michael A. Conti.                 quire, Irwin & McKnight, P.C., 60
  Attorneys: Bruce J. Warshawsky,              West Pomfret Street, Carlisle, PA
  Esquire, Cunningham, Chernicoff              17013.
  & Warshawsky, P.C., 2320 North               Attorneys: Irwin & McKnight, P.C.
  Second Street, Harrisburg, PA
  17110.                                    Moats, Richard F., dec’d.
                                              Late of the Borough of New Cum-
Davis, D. Aileen, dec’d.                     berland.
  Late of Carlisle.                          Executrix: Susan C. Zindler, 3950
                                              N. 6th Street, Harrisburg, PA
  Executrix: Cynthia Murphy c/o
  John C. Oszustowicz, Esquire,
                                              Attorneys: Adam R. Deluca, Es-
  104 South Hanover Street, Car-              quire, Stone LaFaver & Shek-
  lisle, PA 17013.                           letski, P.O. Box E, New Cumber-
  Attorney: John C. Oszustowicz,              land, PA 17070.
  Esquire, 104 South Hanover
  Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.               Nicholl, Dorothy Jane a/k/a Doro-
                                               thy J. Nicholl, dec’d.
Donnelly, Kevin Shane, dec’d.                 Late of North Middleton Township.
  Late of North Middleton Township.            Executor: Paul G. Nicholl, 412
  Co-Administrators: Jesse V. Don-             Perlo Court, Loysville, PA 17047.
  nelly and Gertrude May Donnelly              Attorney: Scott W. Morrison, Es-
  c/o Marcus A. McKnight, III, Es-             quire, 6 West Main Street, P.O.
  quire, Irwin & McKnight, P.C., 60            Box 232, New Bloomfield, PA
  West Pomfret Street, Carlisle, PA            17068.
  Attorneys: Irwin & McKnight, P.C.         Onishea, Phillip J., dec’d.
                                              Late of Shiremanstown Borough.
Farst, Linda L., dec’d.                      Administrator: Matthew Onishea.
   Late of South Lebanon Township,            Attorneys: Jessica Fisher Greene,
   Lebanon County.                           Esquire, Walters & Galloway,
   Executor: Douglas A. Farst, 102            PLLC, 39 West Main Street, Me-
   Shady Lane, Palmyra, PA 17078.             chanicsburg, PA 17055.
   Attorneys: David R. Warner, Es-
   quire, Buzgon Davis Law Offices,         Patterson, Kathy Ann, dec’d.
   525 South Eighth Street, P.O. Box           Late of Middlesex Township.
   49, Lebanon, PA 17042.                      Executor: Aaron Thomas Patter-
                                               Attorneys: Bruce J. Warshawsky,
Hoffman, Mary Lou, dec’d.                     Esquire, Cunningham, Chernicoff
  Late of the Borough of Mechanics-            & Warshawsky, P.C., 2320 North
  burg.                                       Second Street, Harrisburg, PA
  Executor: Craig H. Hoffman, 471              17110.
  Frances Dr., Mechanicsburg, PA
  17050.                                   Smith, Lureda B., dec’d.
  Attorney: J. Diane Brannon-                 Late of Carlisle Borough.
  Nordtomme, Esquire, 1450                    Executor: Frank M. Smith.
  Yocumtown Rd., Etters, PA 17319.            Attorneys: Joy L. Kolodzi, Esquire,
                                              Elder Law Firm of Robert Clofine,
Holsinger, Gerald R., Sr., dec’d.            340 Pine Grove Commons, York,
  Late of West Pennsboro Township.            PA 17403-5193.
LXX 35              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                             8/27/21

       THIRD PUBLICATION                      Driscoll, Austin J., dec’d.
Ambrose, Joanne Robb, dec’d.                    Late of Upper Allen Township.
  Late of Cumberland County.                    Executrix: Kathleen L. Spacht.
  Administrator: Robert Ambrose,                 Attorneys: Katherine L. McDon-
  III, 408 W. Spencer Street, Phila-             ald, Esquire, Dethlefs-Pykosh Law
  delphia, PA 19120.                            Group, LLC, 2132 Market Street,
  Attorneys: Brandon S. O’Connor,                Camp Hill, PA 17011, (717) 975-
  Esquire, Mette, Evans & Wood-
  side, 3401 North Front Street,
  P.O. Box 5950, Harrisburg, PA               Gantz, Carol L., dec’d.
  17110-0950.                                   Late of the Township of Penn.
                                                Executors: Kevin B. Gantz and
                                                Stephen B. Gantz.
Arter, Eric G., dec’d.                         Attorneys: Melissa L. Kelso, Es-
   Late of the Borough of Mechan-               quire, Kelso Law, LLC, 396 Alex-
   icsburg.                                    ander Spring Road, Suite 1, Car-
   Administratrix: Diane L. Kings-              lisle, PA 17015.
   borough c/o Martson Law Offices,
   10 East High Street, Carlisle, PA
                                              Hippensteel, William G., Jr., dec’d.
                                                 Late of South Middleton Town-
   Attorneys: Hubert X. Gilroy, Es-
   quire, Martson Law Offices.
                                                 Co-Executors: David A. Hippen-
                                                 steel and Dale L. Hippensteel c/o
Barbour, Jean E., dec’d.                        Robert G. Frey, Esquire, 5 South
  Late of Carlisle Borough.                     Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA
  Executor: Garry S. Barbour c/o                 17013.
  Bradley L. Griffie, Esquire, Griffie           Attorneys: Frey and Tiley.
  & Associates, P.C., 396 Alexander
  Spring Road, Suite 1, Carlisle, PA          Horwhat, Anna Mae a/k/a Anna M.
  17015.                                       Horwhat, dec’d.
  Attorneys: Bradley L. Griffie, Es-            Late of Hampden Township.
  quire, Griffie & Associates, P.C.             Executor: Robert D. Horwhat, 18
                                                Teaberry Drive, Carlisle, PA
Brymesser, Jean M., dec’d.                     17015.
   Late of Cumberland County.                  Attorneys: Theresa L. Shade Wix,
   Administrator c.t.a.: Dale B.                Esquire, Wix, Wenger & Weidner,
   Bry messer c /o N ic h o la s O.             4705 Duke Street, Harrisburg, PA
   Schwartz, Esquire, Allied Attor-             17109.
   neys of Central Pennsylvania,
   LLC, 61 West Louther St., Carlisle,        Kitner, Wendy L. a/k/a Wendy Lou
   PA 17013.                                    Kitner, dec’d.
   Attorneys: Nicholas O. Schwartz,              Late of Cumberland County.
   Esquire, Allied Attorneys of Cen-             Executor: James S. Hall, 1071
   tral Pennsylvania, LLC, 61 West               Rockledge Drive, Carlisle, PA
   Louther St., Carlisle, PA 17013.              17015.
                                                 Attorneys: Elyse E. Rogers, Es-
Cassidy, Mary Alice, dec’d.                     quire, Mette, Evans & Woodside,
  Late of Upper Allen Township.                 3401 North Front Street, P.O. Box
  Executor: Daniel F. Cassidy.                  5950, Harrisburg, PA 17110-
  Attorneys: Rosemarie Gavin-                    0950.
  Casner, Esquire, Johnson, Duffie,
  Stewart & Weidner, P.C., 301                Miller, Leroy R., Jr., dec’d.
  Market Street, P.O. Box 109, Le-               Late of the Borough of Mechanics-
  moyne, PA 17043.                               burg.
LXX 35             CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                               8/27/21

   Executrix: Constance K. Miller c/o        Zecha, Angelyn B., dec’d.
   Lisa Marie Coyne, Esquire, Coyne            Late of Lower Allen Township.
   & Coyne, P.C., 3901 Market Street,          Executrix: Amy Zecha.
   Camp Hill, PA 17011-4227.                  Attorneys: Vicky Ann Trimmer,
   Attorneys: Lisa Marie Coyne, Es-            Esquire, Daley Zucker, LLC, 635
   quire, Coyne & Coyne, P.C., 3901            N. 12th Street, Suite 101, Le-
   Market Street, Camp Hill, PA                moyne, PA 17043.
                                                    PETITION FOR
Mosier, Charles F., dec’d.                     CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE
  Late of Mechanicsburg, Township
  of Hampden.
  Administratrix: Lisa Mosier.                 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
  Attorney: Michael S. Travis, Es-           on July 9, 2021, a Petition of Change
  quire, 3904 Trindle Road, Camp             of Name was filed in the Court of
  Hill, PA 17011.                            Common Pleas of Cumberland Coun-
                                             ty, requesting a decree to change
Soder, Ann E., dec’d.                       names of three minors from R.A.A. to
  Late of Cumberland County.                R.K.D.; F.A.A. to F.K.D.; and N.A.A. to
  Executrix: Elizabeth S. Legore, 3          N.K.D. The Court has fixed October
  Teaberry Drive, Carlisle, PA 17015.        29, 2021, at 2:30 p.m. in Courtroom
  Attorney: None.                            No. 6, at the above-named court in
                                             Carlisle, PA as the time and place for
Taylor, Joanne L., dec’d.                   the hearing on said Petition, when
  Late of Upper Allen Township.             and where all persons interested
  Executrix: Scarlett J. DeRosa c/o          may appear and show cause if any
  Gerald J. Brinser, Esquire, P.O.           they have why the prayer of the said
  Box 323, Palmyra, PA 17078.               Petition should not be granted.
  Attorney: Gerald J. Brinser, Es-              DAVID R. GALLOWAY, ESQUIRE
  quire, P.O. Box 323, Palmyra, PA              WALTERS & GALLOWAY, PLLC
                                                    54 East Main Street
                                                    Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Tomkiel, Claudia A., dec’d.
  Late of the Township of South                                             Aug. 27
  Administrator: Joseph V. Tomkiel,                   PETITION FOR
  644 Yorkshire Drive, Carlisle, PA                  CHANGE OF NAME
  Attorney: Stephen J. Bushinski,              In the Court of Common Pleas of
  Esquire, 264 Green Mountain                 Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
  Road, Ringtown, PA 17967-9611.                             ———
                                                    Docket No. 2021-06067
Wilt, Meade R., dec’d.                                      ———
   Late of Lower Allen Township.                           NOTICE
   Co-Executrices: Joanne R. Lower
   and Suzanne L. Schmitt c/o
   James D. Bogar, Esquire, Bogar                NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a
   & Hipp Law Offices, LLC, One              Petition has been filed in the Court of
   West Main Street, Shiremans-              Common Pleas of Cumberland Coun-
   town, PA 17011.                          ty, Pennsylvania, by Elizabeth Mans-
   Attorneys: James D. Bogar, Es-            field, parent, seeking to change the
   quire, Bogar & Hipp Law Offices,          name of J.L.M.R., a minor, to J.L.M. A
   LLC, One West Main Street, Shire-         hearing on the Petition will be held on
   manstown, PA 17011.                       September 13, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. in
LXX 35              CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                                8/27/21

the Cumberland County Courthouse,                 The corporation has been incor-
Courtroom No. 7, 1 Courthouse                  porated under the provisions of the
Square, Carlisle, PA 17013, at which           Non-Profit Corporation Law of 1988,
time any persons of interest may               as amended.
attend and show cause, if any they                LAW OFFICE FOREST MYERS
have, why the prayer of the Petitioner               137 Park Place West
should not be granted.                               Shippensburg, PA 17257
   KAREN W. MILLER, ESQUIRE                                               Aug. 27
      635 N. 12th St.
      Ste. 101                                   NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF
      Lemoyne, PA 17043                              PARENTAL RIGHTS
      (717) 724-9821
                             Aug. 27             In the Court of Common Pleas of
                                                Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
              NOTICE                                       Orphans’ Court
                                                   Docket No.: 060-ADOPT-2021
the shareholders and directors of                    In re: male child, L.J.W.B.,
Air Therm, Inc., a Pennsylvania                          born March 1, 2004
business corporation, with a regis-                             ———
tered address of 207 Hempt Road,               To: Timothy John Brown
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050, and a                     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
mailing address of P.O. Box 446,               a Petition has been filed by Tammy
New Kingstown, PA 17072, have ap-              Rivera asking the court to put an end
proved a proposal that the corpora-            to all rights you have to your child,
tion voluntarily dissolve, and that the        L.J.W.B. The court has set a hear-
Board of Directors is now engaged in           ing to consider ending your rights to
winding up and settling the affairs of         your child. That hearing will be held
the corporation under the provisions           in Courtroom 2 of the Cumberland
of Section 1975 of the Pennsylvania            County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse
Business Corporation Law of 1988,              Square, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, on
as amended.                                    September 9, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. via
   METTE, EVANS & WOODSIDE                     ZOOM. You are warned that even if
       3401 N. Front Street                    you fail to appear at the scheduled
       P.O. Box 5950                           hearing, the hearing will go on with-
       Harrisburg, PA 17110-0950               out you and your rights to your child
       (717) 232-5000                          may be ended by the court without
                                               your being present. You have a right
                               Aug. 27
                                               to be represented at the hearing by
                                               a lawyer. You should take this paper
              NOTICE                           to your lawyer at once. If you do not
                                               have a lawyer or cannot afford one,
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that                go to or telephone the office set forth
Articles of Incorporation have been            below to find out where you can get
filed with the Department of State of          legal help.
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,                  Cumberland County
at Harrisburg, PA on or about July                 Bar Association
14, 2021, for:                                     32 South Bedford Street
   HEART STRINGS ReHOME, INC                       Carlisle, PA 17013
31 Quigley Road, Newburg, PA                       (717) 249-3166
17240.                                                                        Aug. 27
LXX 35             CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL                               8/27/21

 NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF                    a lawyer. You should take this paper
     PARENTAL RIGHTS                         to your lawyer at once. If you do not
                                             have a lawyer or cannot afford one,
  In the Court of Common Pleas of            go to or telephone the office set forth
 Cumberland County, Pennsylvania             below to find out where you can get
            Orphans’ Court                   legal help.
                ———                              Cumberland County
   Docket No.: 061-ADOPT-2021                    Bar Association
                ———                              32 South Bedford Street
     In re: male child, M.J.R.B.,                Carlisle, PA 17013
          born July 5, 2005                      (717) 249-3166
                ———                                                         Aug. 27
To: Timothy John Brown
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that                     CORPORATE NOTICE
a Petition has been filed by Tammy
Rivera asking the court to put an end            NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
to all rights you have to your child,        Articles of Incorporation have been
M.J.R.B. The court has set a hear-           filed with the Department of State of
ing to consider ending your rights to        the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
your child. That hearing will be held        at Harrisburg, PA on or about August
in Courtroom 2 of the Cumberland             4, 2021, for:
County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse                        MISMO SKIN AND
Square, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, on                 WOUND INSTITUTE PA PC
September 9, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. via          704 Admirals’ Quay Drive, Mechan-
ZOOM. You are warned that even if            icsburg, PA 17050.
you fail to appear at the scheduled              The corporation has been incor-
hearing, the hearing will go on with-
                                             porated under the provisions of the
out you and your rights to your child
                                             Pennsylvania Business Corporation
may be ended by the court without
                                             Law of 1988, as amended.
your being present. You have a right
to be represented at the hearing by                                       Aug. 27

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