Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art

Page created by Thomas Taylor
Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
Crossed Looks

     August 27 - December 11, 2021
Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
About the Exhibition
The Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art is           About the Artist
pleased to present Crossed Looks, the first           Namsa Leuba (b. 1982) is a Swiss-Guinean
solo exhibition of Swiss-Guinean artist Namsa         photographer and art director. Leuba studied
Leuba in the United States. Opening in fall           studied photography at ECAL, University of
2021, the show will feature over 90 works             Art and Design in Lausanne, Switzerland, and
from the photographer’s projects from                 obtained a Masters in Art Direction at ECAL.
Guinea, South Africa, Nigeria, and Benin, and
it will premiere new work from Tahiti. The            Leuba has participated in international
exhibition is organized by Nigeria-based              exhibitions including Making Africa: A
curator Joseph Gergel. This project is                Continent of Contemporary Design at the
supported by a grant from the National                Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain; Africa Reframed at
Endowment for the Arts and from Pro Helvetia.         Øksnehallen in Copenhagen, Denmark; Daegu
                                                      Photo Biennale in Daegu, Korea; the Athens
Leuba’s photographic practice explores the            Photo Festival in Athens, Greece; Photoquai
representation of African identity and the            in Paris, France; LagosPhoto Festival in Lagos,
cultural Other in the Western imagination.            Nigeria; and a performance in Off Print at the
Inspired by statues, masquerades and the              Tate Modern, London. In 2018, Leuba was
religious ceremonies of her West African              featured in the group exhibition African State
heritage, as well as contemporary fashion and         of Mind at New Art Exchange, London and
youth culture in Africa, Leuba offers                 and held a solo exhibition at the Hangar Art
a fictional proposition. Her photographs              Center, Brussels.
re-stage traditional artifacts and symbols,
which she performs in collaboration with local        In 2019, Leuba was featured in the special
participants. Leuba often uses models that she        project Focus in the Eyes at Art Basel’s VIP
informally casts in the street, who become            Lounge. In fall 2019, her work was included in
active collaborators as subjects of the portraits.    the group exhibition The New Black Vanguard
                                                      at Aperture in New York.
Leuba’s work mirrors the visual codes
of documentary photography and the                    Leuba was commissioned by Nike to create
photojournalistic lens on Africa, which so often      the Nigerian campaign for the 2018 FIFA
reflects the process of exoticizing the other.        World Cup, and she was commissioned by The
Yet, in prioritizing fictions, her images subvert     New Yorker to create a photographic series
the notion of photographic truth and engage           with emerging Afrobeats musicians in Lagos in
fantasy. Leuba’s work questions the politics of       2018. She has produced fashion campaigns for
the gaze: Who is looking? Who is being looked         Christian Lacroix, Edun and La Prairie. She also
at? And in what context does this looking             collaborated with Dior to create two Lady Dior
occur? Blending diverse traditions, her works         art bags.
challenge notions of the authenticity of one
blanket “African” identity.
Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
Her work has been published in numerous            He has organized exhibitions with
magazines, including The New Yorker, I-D,          contemporary African artists in Lagos, London,
Numéro, KALEIDOSCOPE, Foam, Interview,             Paris, New York, Cape Town, Johannesburg,
Vice Magazine, New York Magazine,                  Miami, Dubai, Marrakesh, and Odessa.
Libération, British Journal of Photography, and
European Photography.                              In Lagos, he developed public projects
                                                   including YECA (Youth Empowerment Through
Leuba won First Prize at the Planches Contact      Contemporary Art), a community outreach
Festival in Deauville, France in 2010. In 2012,    project supported by the Ford Foundation,
she was awarded the PhotoGlobal Prize at the       and Art Base Africa, an online database for
Photography Festival in Hyères, France. She        contemporary African art, supported by the
was the winner of the Magenta Foundation           Prince Claus Fund. He has contributed to
Flash Forward Festival in 2013. In 2018, she       international publications of contemporary art
was nominated for the Foam Talent Call.            including The New Yorker, Foam, Aperture,
                                                   British Journal of Photography, DIS Magazine,
Namsa Leuba lives and works between                Something We Africans Got, Omenka
Switzerland and Tahiti.                            Magazine, Guernica, I AM, and Art Africa.

About the Guest Curator                            Gergel received a Masters Degree in Modern
Joseph Gergel is an independent curator and        Art: Critical and Curatorial Studies from
art consultant with a focus on contemporary art    Columbia University and a BA in Photography
in Africa. From the United States and currently    and the Philosophy of Images from New York
based in Lagos, Nigeria, he serves as Director     University. He received a post-graduate
of kó, an art gallery specializing in modern and   diploma in photography from the Speos
contemporary art, and Director of Arthouse         Photography Institute in Paris, France. He has
Contemporary, an art auction house. He is also     participated in international curatorial training
Director of the Arthouse Foundation’s Artist       fellowships including the International Curator
Residency Program in Lagos, and is a co-           Course at the Gwangju Biennale (Gwangju,
founder of ARTOJA, the online marketplace          South Korea), Curatorial Program for Research
for contemporary art in Africa. He also served     Program in Eastern Europe (Kiev, Warsaw,
as Senior Editor at Moon Man, an experimental      Prague), and the ICI Curatorial Intensive in
publication based in London that profiles          Accra (Ghana).
global art and culture.

Gergel served as co-curator for three editions
of the LagosPhoto Festival and as a curator at
Art Twenty One and African Artist’s Foundation
(AAF) in Lagos.
Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
Catalogue                                         About Us
As part of Crossed Looks, the Halsey Institute    The Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art at
plans to produce a comprehensive catalogue.       the College of Charleston School of the Arts
The monograph will focus on Namsa Leuba’s         provides a multidisciplinary laboratory for the
work, including series not included in the        production, presentation, interpretation, and
exhibition. It will feature over one hundred      dissemination of ideas by innovative visual
color images of the artist’s work accompanied     artists from around the world. As a non-
by essays by renowned writers. It will be the     collecting museum, we create meaningful
first major museum publication of Namsa           interactions between adventurous artists and
Leuba’s work.                                     diverse communities within a context that
                                                  emphasizes the historical, social, and cultural
Film                                              importance of the art of our time. For more
The Halsey Institute is also commissioning a      information, please visit us online at halsey.
short documentary film to investigate Leuba’s
practice. The film will feature interviews with
the artist and guest curator.
Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
Join the tour
Crossed Looks
Exhibition specs:
Number of works:101 total
    54 framed prints
    25 unframed prints on Dibond
    13 vinyl adhesive prints (will be
    reprinted for each partner
    6 textiles
    2 prints on porcelain
    1 publication

Space requirements: 3000 sq. feet

Exhibition fee: $8,000 for 8 week bookings
Other costs, including incoming
shipping,insurance, any honoraria or travel,
etc. will be the responsibility of the venue.
January 2022 - December 2023
Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art Crossed Looks NAMSA LEUBA - August 27 - December 11, 2021 - Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
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