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42   • JUNE 2018
It’s flying off
health food store
shelves for a
definitely delivers
when it comes
to joint health
and beauty
by Lisa Turner

      ollagen, the most abundant protein in the human body,
      is responsible for regenerating and forming new tissue,
      and is crucial for skin, hair, nail, joint, and bone health.
As we age, the skin’s collagen matrix starts to decline, collagen
fibers break down, and the rate of regeneration slows dramat-
ically. This process can start as early as age 25, and by age 40,
collagen production generally decreases by 25 percent. By age
60, it decreases by more than 50 percent. The result: sagging
skin, fine lines and wrinkles, and aching joints.

                                                                     JUNE 2018   •   43
Studies on Collagen
& What They Show                                                                 Tips from a Collagen Expert We asked collagen formulator Nick Bitz, ND,
                                                                                 of Irvine, Calif., to weigh in on a few pressing questions:
Up to 28 different kinds of collagen have
been identified, but the vast majority fall                                      Q: Does it really                    18 amino acids that                  its peptide and                      Q: What are some
into three categories, known as types 1,                                         matter which type                    your body needs to                   amino acid subunits.                 other, lesser-known
2, and 3. Supplementing with collagen                                            of collagen I use?                   rebuild its collagen                 So it requires                       benefits of collagen?
                                                                                 A: Most people                       structures.                          minimal digestive                    A: Collagen is an
(types 1, 2, 3, or a combination of the
                                                                                 have heard that                                                           effort to absorb and                 incredibly versatile
three) has been shown in several studies
                                                                                 types 1 and 3 are                    Q: Do I need to take                 utilize. Studies show                and functional
to protect against bone and joint diseases                                       found in the skin,                   collagen with food?                  that collagen’s                      protein. Although
and fight skin aging. Some highlights:                                           and type 2 is found                  A: Collagen is a                     bioavailability (the                 it’s well-known for
                                                                                 in the joints. While                 dietary protein.                     amount that enters                   its skin and joint
❱❱ People who took 3 grams of a collagen                                         this is technically                  As a rule, dietary                   the bloodstream)                     benefits, it has huge
   extract significantly improved recovery                                       true, it does not                    proteins are ideally                 is not dependent                     potential in other
   after exercise.                                                               mean that you need                   consumed with a                      on the presence or                   areas as well,
❱❱ Collagen supplements reduced pain                                             to consume “types                    full meal (when                      absence of food,                     including bone health,
   and decreased inflammation in people                                          1 and 3” collagen in                 digestive enzymes                    but rather on the                    sports performance
   with osteoarthritis.                                                          order to receive the                 are at their high-                   degree of hydrolysis                 (especially for injury
                                                                                 skin benefits, nor                   est) to optimize                     (how small the                       prevention and
❱❱ Athletes who took 10 grams of colla-
                                                                                 “type 2” collagen                    absorption and                       collagen subunits                    recovery), inflam-
   gen per day significantly improved
                                                                                 in order to receive                  assimilation. But                    are). So to get                      mation, gut health,
   joint pain, mobility, and inflammation.                                       the joint benefits. As               hydrolyzed collagen                  the most out of                      and cardiovascular
❱❱ Skin elasticity was significantly higher                                      long as you are con-                 is a little different.               your collagen,                       health (after all,
   in women who took 2.5–5 grams of                                              suming “hydrolyzed                   It’s a “pre-digested”                use a high-quality                   your blood vessels
   collagen; skin moisture also improved.                                        collagen,” you’re                    protein that is already              collagen that is                     are composed of
❱❱ Supplementing with 1 gram of a                                                getting the same                     broken down into                     “fully hydrolyzed.”                  collagen).
   collagen extract led to a significant
   reduction of skin dryness and scaling,                                    that includes flavors, extracts, or other                                     products may also contain vitamin C,
   a lessening of lines and wrinkles,                                        ingredients. If a collagen product has a                                      which helps the body’s own production
   enhanced circulation, and a significant                                   yellowish or brownish color, or an “off”                                      of collagen, or hyaluronic acid, a lubricating
   increase in collagen levels in the skin.                                  taste, it’s likely lower in quality.                                          substance naturally produced by the
❱❱ Collagen supplementation was found                                           The most common supplement                                                 body that helps retain collagen in joints
   to stimulate tissue regeneration,                                         forms of collagen are powders, capsules,                                      and skin. Some blends also include
   reduce and prevent joint pain, slow                                       drink mixes, concentrated “shots,” and                                        biotin and silica, which benefit hair and
   bone density loss, and lessen skin aging.                                 gummies—choose the form that you                                              nails, or alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant
                                                                             think you’ll take most frequently. Some                                       that encourages collagen production.
What You Need to Know About
Buying & Taking Collagen                                                                              5 SUPER WAYS TO SUPPLEMENT WITH COLLAGEN
Studies suggest that a dosage of 2–10
grams per day of collagen is effective,                                          Ancient                                          Health Direct                                        Youtheory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TRY IT!
and higher doses aren’t harmful. Look                                            Nutrition                                        AminoSculpt                                           Collagen                  Youtheory is
                                                                                   Keto                                             Collagen                                            Powder                    giving away
for hydrolyzed collagen (also called                                             Collagen                                            Energy                                                                       24 boxes of
collagen hydrolysate), a form that’s been                                                                                                                                                                         Collagen
broken down to make it easier to digest                                                                                                                                                                           Powder. Be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  one of the
and absorb. Hydrolyzed collagen also                                                                                                                                                                              lucky win-
dissolves easily in cold water, making it                                                                                                                                                                         ners! Email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  your name
more convenient to take.                                                                                                                                                                                          and address
    For the highest quality, choose collagen                                                            Reserveage                                                                                                to promos@
                                                                                                          Nutrition                                            NeoCell                                            youtheory.
products made from organic poultry,                                                                      Freshwater                                             Beauty                                            com to enter.
                                                                                                          Collagen                                              Bursts                                            Please put
grass-fed cows, or sustainably sourced                                                                                                                         Gourmet
                                                                                                        Powder with                                                                                               “Better
fish. Pure collagen should be colorless                                                                  Hyaluronic                                            Collagen                                           Nutrition
                                                                                                           Acid &                                               Chews                                             Giveaway”
when mixed with water, and virtually
                                                                                                          Vitamin C                                                                                               in the sub-
tasteless, unless you’re using a blend                                                                                                                                                                            ject line.

Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier
eating habits. Find her at

44                           • JUNE 2018
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