Crayon Skills Development Program 2021 for Partners - 1-days courses within Modern Work & Security,Azure and Power Platform Crayon Finland

Page created by Maria Reeves
Crayon Skills Development Program 2021 for Partners - 1-days courses within Modern Work & Security,Azure and Power Platform Crayon Finland
Crayon Skills Development Program 2021
                  for Partners
1-days courses within Modern Work & Security,Azure and Power Platform
                           Crayon Finland
Crayon Skills Development Program 2021 for Partners - 1-days courses within Modern Work & Security,Azure and Power Platform Crayon Finland
Six 1-day courses in May
                                                                                             Not technical

      May 3, 2021                 May 4, 2021                     May 7, 2021                          May 19, 2021                      May 20, 2021                       May 21, 2021
    Getting started          Azure Governance                  Microsoft Power                      Licensing for M365                    Deploying                       Windows 10 in the
      with Azure                                               Platform – App in                   and demonstrations                   Windows Virtual                    Enterprise with
                                                                     a Day                            of key features                      Desktop                        Endpoint Manager

              1                            2                                3                                    4                                  5                                     6
In this workshop students    After moving and creating     Workshop covering the                    This class will teach students      In this class students will       Intune has been upgraded to a
will get a solid basic       resources in Azure some       capabilities of the Microsoft            about the current licensing of      learn how to size,                completely new portal and is
understanding of how         customers are struggling by   Power Platform technologies –            products in Microsoft 365. This     architecture and build a          now called Endpoint
Microsoft Azure works        the lack of a robust cloud    Power Apps, Power Automate               workshop will not only cover a      Windows Virtual Desktop           Manager. In this class
and learn how to start       governance structure. Not     and Dataverse. You will learn to:        licensing discussion and use-       Infrastructure.                   students will learn about the
building workloads.          only large organizations                                               cases, it will also include                                           changes and learn how to
                             need governance. We will      •   Create custom business               demonstrations of the key           Workshop outline:                 onboard clients to Azure AD
Workshop outline:            review the native services        applications without writing         features in a real-life scenario                                      and Endpoint Manager in a
                             in Azure that can help you        code.                                to provide a better                 •   Design and build Azure AD     cloud-only and hybrid
•    Introduction to Cloud                                 •   Build sophisticated business                                                 DS Services
                             on your governance                                                     understanding of the user                                             scenario.
     Computing                                                 processes and complex data                                               •   Design and build a Windows
                             journey.                          relationships within your            value.
•    Basics of the Azure                                                                                                                    Virtual Desktop
                                                               applications.                                                                                              Workshop outline:
     Platform                                                                                                                               Infrastructure
•    Tooling to work with    Workshop outline:             •   Connect your app to a variety of     Workshop outline:                   •   Configuring Monitoring and    •   Configuring and deploying
     Microsoft Azure                                           data sources to bring it to life.                                            Patching in WVD                   Microsoft Desktop Analytics
•    Azure Storage           •   Microsoft Azure Today     •   Share your apps inside your          •   Business Standard vs Business   •   Monitoring and Protecting     •   Onboarding Windows 10 Devices
•    Azure Networking        •   Azure Subscriptions           organization securely.                   Premium                             the WVD Infrastructure            to Azure AD Endpoint Manager
•    Azure Compute           •   Management Groups                                                  •   Licensing comparison, why to    •   Configure Advanced            •   Configuring and deploying the
•                            •   Azure Policy                                                           sell E5 on top of E3                                                  Azure AD Hybrid
     Azure App Services                                    Workshop outline:                                                                Profiling                     •   Managing Updates and
•    Azure SQL Databases     •   Azure RBAC                                                         •   Comparing different Azure AD    •   Protecting WVD Services           Compliance with Endpoint
•    ARM Templates           •   Cost Management                                                        SKUs (Basic, Office 365 Apps,       with Azure Firewall
                                                           •   Introduction to the Power                P1, P2)
                                                               Platform                                                                 •   Distribute Custom Images in   •   Securing devices and services with
                                                                                                    •   Overview and comparison of          WVD                               Endpoint Manager
          Level 100                                        •   Overview of Power Apps
                                    Level 200 / 300                                                     different available security                                      •   Deploying Software with Endpoint
                                                           •   Creating Canvas apps                     SKUs                                                                  Manager
                                                           •   Introduction to the Dataverse                                                       Level 200              •   Deploying Windows 10 devices
                                                           •   Creating Model-driven apps                                                                                     with AutoPilot
                                                                                                               Level 100
                                                           •   Using Power Automate flows
                                                                                                                                                                                       Level 200
                                                                        Level 50
Crayon Skills Development Program 2021 for Partners - 1-days courses within Modern Work & Security,Azure and Power Platform Crayon Finland
Four 1-day courses in June
       June 10, 2021                         June 11, 2021                    June 21, 2021                               June 22, 2021
    Azure: Modernize                    Azure: Getting Started            Discovering Windows                         Discovering Windows
    Applications with                    with Azure DevOps                   Powershell for                              Powershell for
      PaaS services                                                       Administrators, Part 1                      Administrators, Part 2

             7                                       8                                     9                                          10
In this session we will learn how   Azure DevOps provides developer       In this class students will learn the   In this class we build on the knowledge
to move legacy application to       services for support teams to plan    basic of PowerShell. After this         acquired in the first part and add
modern Azure Services like Azure    work, collaborate on code             course students will be able to         advanced skills such as PowerShell
App Services, Azure Functions,      development, and build and deploy     achieve basic programming tasks         Remoting, Error Handling and much
Azure SQL Databases and             applications. Azure DevOps            using PowerShell and write basic        more.
Containers. In the end of the       supports a culture and set of         scripts for on-premises and cloud
workshop, we will check how         processes that bring developers and   services administration.                Workshop outline:
Azure DevOps fits into this new     project managers and contributors
application deployment process.     together to complete software         Workshop outline:                       •   Writing advanced functions
                                    development. In this workshop we                                              •   Using what if and confirm
Workshop outline:                   will learn how Azure DevOps can       •   Finding and running                     statements
                                    help your company build better,           commands, using about files         •   Coding user interfaces and
•   Azure App Services              faster and more reliable              •   Working with the pipeline               manuals
•   Azure Functions                 applications.                             (filtering, enumerating objects,    •   Working with error handling
•   Azure SQL Databases                                                       sending data as output)             •   Using Json and XML to format
•   Containers in Azure             Workshop outline:                     •   Working with PSProviders and            data
•   Introduction to Azure                                                     PSDrives                            •   Working with Desired State
    DevOps                          •    Introduction to Azure DevOps     •   PowerShell and WMI                      Configuration and Just Enough
                                    •    Plan and track work with Azure   •   Working with variables, arrays          Administration
         Level 200 / 300                 Boards                               and hash tables                     •   Advanced debugging of code
                                    •    Managing Source Control with     •   Working with if statements and      •   Introduction to PowerShell
                                         Azure Repos                          loops                                   Workflows
                                    •    Implementing CI/CD with Azure    •   Introduction to functions           •   Retrieving data from other sources
                                         Pipeline                                                                     (SQL Server or Azure SQL)
                                                                                         Level 200
                                                  Level 200                                                                    Level 200 / 300

Microsoft MVP – Most Valuable Professional
Jens Gilges
Jens Gilges is a 20-year IT veteran with extensive
experience in the Security and Cloud- infrastructure

He has trained, certified and prepared thousands of
people for the future. He is recognized around the
world as a subject matter expert, and his expertise is
in extremely high demand.

Jens spends his time mixed between teaching
Microsoft 365, Infrastructure and Security topics.

In addition Jens provides consultancy services to
organizations of all sizes as well as direct to vendors.

Microsoft MVP – Most Valuable Professional
Tiago Costa
Tiago Costa is a Cloud Architect and Advisor and International
speaker for the Microsoft Cloud.

For the past years he has been architecting and developing solutions
using Microsoft Azure for some of the fortune 500 companies. Due
to his strong real-world experience, Tiago regularly teaches
Microsoft Azure classes around the world. Microsoft Azure MVP
since 2016 for his community efforts in promoting and sharing
knowledge with the community.

Tiago has 40+ Microsoft Certifications including MCT – Microsoft
Certified Trainer and got awarded as MCT Regional Lead since 2016
every year. He’s the founder of the Azure Portugal User Group.

Microsoft MVP – Most Valuable Professional
Julian Sharp
Julian has been with Readynez almost since the start 11 years ago.

He has been an MCT since 2007 and he is a subject matter expert in
all aspects of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement through advice,
optimization and training.

Julian has worked with Dynamics since first release and has over the
past years used Azure to enhance solutions for users.

He is an official Microsoft Business Application MVP and is one of
the most widely recognized experts for Power Platform and
Dynamics 365 within the Microsoft Community.
Practical information
• Where: All courses will be conducted virtually (Microsoft Teams)

• When: 6 days in May and 4 days in June, all from 10.30 am till 17.30 pm (EET, Finnish time).
  You are free to choose which courses you want to attend (mix and match as needed)

• Target group: The bulk of the training program is technical training for consultants and
  specialists. 2 courses are equally relevant for sales and presales. These are ”Microsoft
  Power Platform – App in a Day” + ”Licensing for M365 and demonstrations of key features”

• Price: 125 € / seat / training day (VAT 0%)

• Please use enclosed registration list to sign up
Any questions, please reach out

Heikki Rakkolainen
Channel Lead | Crayon Oy
Telephone: +358 40 849 1404
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