CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...

Page created by Wesley Perkins
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
CPF Board’s Transformation Journey:
Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow
Singapore Healthcare Management
3 August 2021

Mr Augustin Lee
CEO, Central Provident Fund Board
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
Serving CPF Members with Pride for 66 Years

      $450B in assets       $3B in annual                 $17B in annual      $2B in annual
   for 4M CPF members     insurance premiums             housing payments   healthcare expenses

         8th largest        2nd largest                       90%                   70%
                               insurer                                         hospitalisations
         pension fund                                         home
                            in Singapore                                        do not incur
           globally                                         ownership

*Out-of-Pocket expenses                     RESTRICTED                                            2
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
Serving CPF Members with Pride for 66 Years

      90M digital         900K calls          580K members served
 transactions performed    answered           across 5 service centres

        Top                 Top 3                      Top 3
    Government            Government                 Government
     e-service             call centre              service centre

                             RESTRICTED                                  3
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
EY conducted Customer Service Benchmarking Study 2021

                                          Apple   Starbucks    Netflix   Uniqlo

 CPF      IRAS
                                                  Food Panda   Lazada     DBS



        12 public agencies                   15 leading private organisations
                             RESTRICTED                                           4
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
CPFB top public agency in 2021 EY Service Benchmarking Study

              Overall perception of service                                    Improvement since 2019
                                                         7.6                                                              0.8
      CPFB                                                                  CPFB

        ICA                                             7.5
                                                                            Grab                                    0.7
  MOE/NLB                                         7.3
                                                                        ICA/IRAS                              0.6
PA/IRAS/SPF                                   7
                                                                      SingTel/PA                        0.5
       LTA                              6.9
                                                                     Citibank/LTA                 0.4
 NEA/MOM                          6.8

   SSG/HDB              6.4                                    Zoo/Changi Airport           0.3

              Top public sector agency                                              Top improvement
                                                        RESTRICTED                                                        5
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...

Trust is..

    Not just what members SAY:                    But what members DO:

                                                      11% fewer
                   94%                                withdrawals when
                 satisfied with                       they are entitled to
                 CPF services
                                                      35% more
                    160                               top-ups when
                                                      they don’t have to
             compliments for every
                                                      14% more
                                                      payout deferrals when
                                                      they don’t have to
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
Cannot Afford to Rest on our Laurels

          Increasing reliance on                Proliferation of DRUMS
          CPF for retirement                    in a social media-rich

          Opportunities & risks                 Stagnating workforce
          posed by new                          growth: doing more with
          technologies                          less

                      Innovation Climate is Key
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
Unpacking “Innovation Climate”

                               Innovation Climate
                             (Based on Employee Engagement Survey Results)

1.   “I am empowered to make improvements in my
                                                                 2018            2020
2. “Senior management in this organisation
   supports people who come up with new
3.   “People in this organisation are recognised for              69%
     coming up with new and innovative ways of
                                                            PS 2018: 67%     PSHE 2018: 74%
4. “I have access to resources that allow me to pilot
   or implement innovative ideas”                                                             8
CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
Practical Tips
      from CPFB’s
transformation journey

CPF Board's Transformation Journey: Delivering Today, Reinventing Tomorrow Singapore Healthcare Management 3 August 2021 - Singapore Healthcare ...
Tip 1: Start with Grand Goals to
 Tip 1: Start
Strive  For with Problems to be Solved

            “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to
             gather wood, divide the work, and give orders.

             Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and
             endless sea.”

                 – The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Tip 1: Start with Grand Goals to Strive For

     Our Ambitions, encapsulated in START NOW

       S     olutions without Boundaries

       T     ech and Apps at the Leading Edge          N     otifications without Letters

       A      ssurance against Dynamic Risks           O     perations without Mundane Work

       R     etirement without Worry                   Workforce that Achieves Together
       T     ransactions without Hardcopies
                                                RESTRICTED                                    11
Tip 1: Start with Grand Goals to Strive For

     Unhappiness with CPF is Downstream, but Solutions Lie Upstream

                                              RESTRICTED              12
Tip 1: Start with Grand Goals to Strive For

     Rejected Appeals Management Protocol (RAMP) is the result of
     Solutions without Boundaries
            Partner upstream agencies to help more than 3,500 members in 2020

                                              RESTRICTED                        13
Tip 1: Start with Grand Goals to Strive For

      Why Transactions without Hardcopies and Notifications without
                In 2018, the
             combined height of

               8.5 million
                   hardcopy letters sent

                                                     Mount Everest x 2

                      cartons of
                  hardcopy forms and
                 supporting documents                                    14
Tip 1: Start with Grand Goals to Strive For

      A Tall Task, but not Insurmountable

                                              35%   Reduction in height
                                                    of hardcopies
                                                    (2018 base)

                                2 x
                                    Mt Everest
                                                                        35%    Reduction in height
                                                                               of hardcopies
                                                                               (2018 base)

                                                           1.3 x

                                                                                     0.6 x

                         2018                       2020   RESTRICTED         2021
Tip 2: Nothing kills Innovation like Bureaucracy
          Counter-narratives are needed

Tip 2: Nothing Kills Innovation like Bureaucracy

         Convention                      “We have an annual planning cycle, with
                                           some allowance for new projects”

           Narrative                               “Good ideas can arise at any time”

           At CPFB                            We fund all good ideas, at any time:
                                                      through TEAM RF

Tip 2: Nothing Kills Innovation like Bureaucracy

         Convention                        “Layers of clearance prevent fraud and error”

                                          “Prevention is (not always) better than Cure”

           At CPFB                      Risk-based approach – from ex-ante clearance,
                                           to ex-post detection using data analytics

Tip 2: Nothing Kills Innovation like Bureaucracy

         Convention                           “We have Rule XXX because something
                                            happened some time ago which necessitated
           Narrative                     “Let’s not inconvenience the 95% because of the

           At CPFB                                   Leadership Principle:
                                        “Provide context, encourage sound judgement”

Tip 3: Release the Energies of
          Every Staff

Tip 3: Release the Energies of Every Staff

     Create Platforms for Ground-Up Innovation and Ideas

                                                          Pitch to Management

                                                          Protected Time

                                                          Celebrate Successes

                                                          Safe Fail
Tip 3: Release the Energies of Every Staff

      Ground-Up Initiative: Faster Insurance Claims

         Automate assessment of Home Protection Scheme (HPS) claims cases with machine
                  learning model, enabling faster processing with less resources

                    Paves the way for a wider application on similar operational processes

Tip 3: Release the Energies of Every Staff

      Ground-Up Initiative: One-Stop Resource Portal

          Staff picked up coding skills online to develop website for School of Service and

              Coding lessons from online sources

              Using open                     Watching many
             source toolkit                  Youtube videos

Tip 3: Release the Energies of Every Staff

      Ground-Up Initiative: Let’s Talk CPF

                                             Fully in-house production – including CPFB Officers as narrators
                                                o Achieves cost savings (vs 5-figures per episode
                                                    commercially) while showcasing ingenuity of staff

                                             Taps into global upward trend of younger age groups listening
                                             to podcasts – an under-utilised platform within Government

                         Spotify                          Apple Podcasts               Google Podcasts

Tip 3: Release the Energies of Every Staff

      CSI Teams

                                             Cross-cutting issues
                                             Cross-disciplinary members
                                             Mix of seniority
Tip 3: Release the Energies of Every Staff

     We can Achieve More with our Volunteer and Partner Involvement

Tip 3: Release the Energies of Every Staff

                  CPFV Mobile App

Tip 4: Develop Catalysts to Accelerate

       Catalysts are self-help tools and
   platforms that staff can use to innovate
     and create products for themselves

Tip 4: Develop Catalysts to Accelerate Change

     Example 1: Typical Creation Process for Conditions of Contract (CoC)
     Legal Document is Time-Consuming and Tedious

                           Officer wishes to create a
                           Conditions of Contract for
                               goods & services

                            Officer obtains 50-page
                          template from procurement
                                      team                   Digesting &
                                                             iterating could take
                          Officer pores through ~40          up to 10 working
                         variables for decision making       days
                          with the procurement team

                        Legal reviews CoC and another
                                                              May take 3-5
                         document (Specifications) for        working days

                                                         RESTRICTED                 29
Tip 4: Develop Catalysts to Accelerate Change

     Document Composer: Automates Document Creation for Enhanced
     Efficiency and Accuracy
                        Officers create guided questionnaires                Users automatically generate customised
                            linked to document templates                         documents based on responses

                                                                RESTRICTED                                             30
Tip 4: Develop Catalysts to Accelerate Change

     Transformed Conditions of Contract Legal Document Creation
     Process is Easy-Breezy

                 Officer wishes to create a Conditions of
                      Contract for goods & services

                                                               Can be
             Officer opens CoC Document Composer, fills        completed in less
                                                               than 1 working
                 in the fields, save & generate the CoC        day, a 90%
                                                               reduction from

               Legal reviews CoC and another document           May take 1-2
                      (Specifications) for alignment            working days,
                                                                >50% reduction
                                                                from before

                                                            RESTRICTED             31
Tip 4: Develop Catalysts to Accelerate Change

     Example 2: Central Notification App: Self-Create and Disseminate
     Digital Notifications with Minimal IT Support

                                                             8.6M notifications sent
               Dear SXXXX232J
               Your latest CPF
                                                               annually which are
               Yearly Statement of
               Account is ready.
               View it at
               asms with your

Tip 4: Develop Catalysts to Accelerate Change

     Example 3: Content Management System: Rapid A|B Testing to
     Optimise Member Experience

                                                   Easy & Automated Testing

                                                Establish ‘winning’ formula through
                                                     testing of content/design

                                                Create capacity to focus on higher
         Design A                               value work; develop new features

                    Design B
Tip 5: “Culture Eats Strategy for
This is not how                                         Onwards!
we usually do                                           Let’s START
     things                                             NOW

            I’m just going
            with the flow

                    Bosses come and
                    go, let’s just stick
                   with what we know

Tip 5: “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast”

     CPFB’s Cultural Attributes for Success

                           Agile                                       Bold
                                                                       •       Innovate; break new ground
                           •   Anticipate change
                                                                       •       Undeterred by lack of
                           •   Value “Good enough but fast”
                               instead of “Perfect but slow”
                                                                       •       Explore; experiment; learn in
                           •   Improvise; adapt to the
                                                                               safe-fail environment

                       Customer-Obsessed                                   Data-Smart
                       •       Beyond customer-centric                     •    Drive management and ops
                       •       Have deep understanding of what                  decisions with data insights
                               customers value and what                    •    Anticipate future data needs
                               motivates them                              •    Share data, with safeguards
                       •       Meet customers’ need in advance
                               (even unspoken ones)
Tip 5: “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast”

      Our Cultural Attributes in Action: Agile and Bold

                                          CPF Online Nomination System –
                                       Industry 1st fully digitalised legal bequest

                                No precedent for
           Bold                 digitalising legal bequests
                                requiring witnesses

          Agile                Launched in 6 months

      Better than               Witnesses do not see
       Hardcopy                 nomination details

Tip 5: “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast”

      Our Cultural Attributes in Action: Customer-Obsessed

              Used data analytics to                                 Outcomes
           anticipate customers’ needs

       •    Identified at-risk members                             75% more
                                                  COVID-19      views on our housing
            who are unable to service
            home loans                                              FAQ webpage

       •    Proactively wrote to               Unprecedented
            members to allay anxiety;           Global Crisis      19% fewer
                                                                appeals to use more
            raise awareness of                                    CPF for housing
            available relief measures

Tip 5: “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast”

      Our Cultural Attributes in Action: Data-Smart


                                                            Establish relationship between
                                                            MediSave withdrawal limits and
                                                               healthcare cost inflation

                                                             Inform future policy reviews

You can adopt these tips too!
1. Start with Grand Goals to Strive For

2. Nothing Kills Innovation like Bureaucracy

3. Release the Energies of Every Staff

4. Develop Catalysts to Accelerate Innovation

5. “Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast”
Thank You!

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