How are people affected doing?

These are the changes from Friday's Lexington Happenings:
   VanRen is OFF Isolation. Thank you to this incredible team and all those from Fulton who
   Feura Bush came off isolation on Wednesday, 4/29. However, two days ago, Susan
       started showing some signs of illness. She has been placed on droplet precautions. We
       are awaiting results of her re-test.
   NEW: McQueen was placed on Isolation on Saturday as a staff member told us that she
       had tested positive for COVID-19. She was feeling ill and had been out of work since
       4/23. The Administrative team and Response team responded to the house and were able
       to get the home ready and staff trained. The six people supported were tested and results
       were negative. Six staff have tested negative and we are awaiting the results of the
       remaining 9 staff tested.
   We have 6 other people in 4 homes (Stahl, Prospect, Park & Bacon Brook) who are on
       droplet precautions and are awaiting test results. This is because we are being extra
       careful in isolating and testing anyone who is ill or may have returned from the hospital.

NEW: Our Community and How it affects us.

The epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. is in New York, and is particularly
concentrated in the New York City region. As of this writing, there have been 321,192 cases in
New York State. But the number of new cases in the state has reached a plateau, at least for
now, and Governor Cuomo has talked about re-opening areas upstate after May 15.

The plateau is, however, seen mostly in the NYC region. Albany County has seen a spike in
cases both in nursing homes as well as in the community. Albany county has become a new
epicenter for this virus with 1,294 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Fulton County has also seen a tremendous spike with COVID-19 cases in the past few days,
primarily because of positive cases of people who live at the Fulton Center, the former Fulton
County Infirmary. Because of the effect this will have on our small community, we have added
appropriate screening questions to our Visitors/Employee Logs about who may know/live with
someone who works there. While our hearts go out to the people who work and live at the Fulton
Center, this new spike in cases reminds us that we have to continue to be vigilant about our
preventative measures, now more than ever. We currently have 5 staff who have been tested due
to contact with the Fulton Center. As of this writing, Fulton County has 97 confirmed cases of
COVID-19. About 10% of the people tested have been positive, which is only slightly below

It is more important than ever to remind staff members to bring the preventative measures that
they learned at Lexington to their lives outside of work in their community. Practicing these
measures in their homes and in the public are just as important as putting these preventative
measures into place at work.
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community, please encourage everyone to:
STAY HOME as much as you can.
PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING – at least 6 feet between you and other people
COVER your cough and sneezes with a tissue, throw tissue in trash
CLEAN AND DISINFECT touched objects and surfaces daily
into contact with other people – please note that this is an Executive Order for all New Yorkers
issued by Governor Cuomo starting on April 17. We have handmade cloth coverings for every
employee; if anyone needs one.

NEW: Check in with your teams Face-to-Face via Zoom or Workplace Chat

The strength of Lexington is in the relationships you have with people that report to you. Although
it’s great to hear by phone how your staff are doing, and how we can best provide supports to
them and the individuals they care for, video tells us many other things – you can see people’s
faces and read their expressions and some body language, you can see what is going on in the
homes, and more. We are asking you to use video chats as much as possible when checking in
with your managers and staff members as a best practice until we can again meet face-to-face.
You can use Zoom or Workplace Chat.

REMINDER: New Clinical Supports:

The clinical team is offering new ways to reach out for mental health supports, both for managers
and for individuals. COPING WITH COVID-19 is a Zoom support group for residential, day and
support team management to come together to talk about the experiences of managing through
the stressors and challenges of living, working and coping with COVID-19. There are two
sessions each week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. Both will be facilitated
by Heidi Van Deusen, Candy Frasier and Maria Betts. Zoom info: Meeting ID: 918 6656 4361

For individuals supported at Lexington, the psychology team has put together a ZOOM GET
TOGETHER for anyone who wants to chat and spend time with friends online. People are
encouraged to join to chat, ask questions, share stories…but most importantly to spend time with
friends! These sessions are scheduled for Wednesdays, 10am-11am and will be facilitated by the
psych team. Zoom Info: Meeting ID: 917 3144 1641

For any questions about these new supports, please contact Susan Banks.

REMINDER: Nigra Arts Center Virtual Classes

Check out the amazing list of classes during the month of May at the Nigra Arts Center via Zoom.
Two classes/workshops per day are offered including Tuesday's Virtual Dance Party, Wednesday
night's Pictionary Air and more. To register, simply send an email to Hailey Lozier at with the name of your house, a contact person and phone number,
and class that you want to take. You will then get a registration email which will give you Zoom
meeting details, and anything special you might need for the class. Please note that people that
we support who live in the community are also welcome to take these classes, however the arts
center will not be able to deliver supplies. But, there are many classes that only need paper and a
writing utensil, and many don’t need any Call the Arts Center at (518) 661-9932 and ask for
  Maria, Lynette or Terry.

  NEW: Workplace Activity and Resource Center (for employees)

  A committee of Lexington employees have put together a great Activity and Resource Center for
  employees to access on Workplace called the Lexington Activity & Resource Center. This is a
  mental health/wellness/social group which provides all Lexington employees with a wealth of
  resources and materials on various activities to participate in. Within the group, the committee has
  provided different items such as a Weekly Activity Schedule outlining what’s available for each
  day: Activities, ideas, links and resources that can be accessed at any time; Live Virtual Wellness
  activities on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and Opportunities to connect with co-
  workers. Find the Group on Workplace and ask to join (everyone who is an employee is
  approved) or contact Meredith Fritch,

  We now have 711 employees using Workplace. Please continue to encourage your
  staff to accept the invite or contact Meredith if they need an invite.

  Employees should wear Surgical Masks only at Work; Cloth coverings are for people we
  support or for staff's personal use when not at Lexington.

  We have seen some wonderful photos in Workplace about all of the great work that your staff
  members are doing, but sometimes we can also see that masks are not being worn properly or
  cloth coverings are being used. Please follow this link (attached) for a visual reminder about how
  we should be wearing surgical masks only at work. Cloth coverings are for people we support or
  staff's personal use only. We are now providing each staff member with two surgical masks each
  week, along with paper bags to store them in. Please remind staff to:
  1) Wash hands before donning the mask
  2) Wear the colored side (blue) facing out/white side facing in
  3) Secure the strings behind the ears
  4) Press the metallic strip to fit the nose
  5) Fully cover the mouth and nose

 The picture at the top is Gaeyer at Van Ren video chatting with his friend while he
and his home are in isolation. If he and his staff can find a new normal even in such
                            challenging times, we sure can.
                THANK YOU for keeping the Lexington family strong.

                  With gratitude and tremendous respect for what you do,
Shaloni & Dan

For all Lexington Leaders' COVID-19 Updates, please click here |
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