COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow

Page created by Nicole Robinson
COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
 Roadmap Bulletin                                                                                            April 2021

                    Dear Resident,

                    The start of 2021 has been difficult. Health and care colleagues have responded to large numbers who
                    experienced the severest health impacts of Covid-19. Many residents have died. Our carers protected our
                    older and vulnerable residents and, alongside GPs, nurses and pharmacists, have rolled out the vaccination
                    programme prioritising those most at risk. The impact of vaccination is that we are not seeing infection
                    outbreaks at the scale we responded to in January and, even though cases continue, thankfully they are in
                    single figures among older and clinically vulnerable residents, because most are vaccinated.

                    However, ‘most’ is not all. Many who could be protected are not. If you are eligible for a vaccination and
have not had yours, please think about protecting yourself. If this is true of an older friend or relative, encourage them to read
information that gives them the confidence to be vaccinated. If you have questions or concerns - let’s talk about it. Speak to
your GP or contact me and my team via If a conversation helps inform, or - even better - leads
to a vaccination to protect one person, that is a wise investment of time. Please trust me when I say there are fewer people with
severe symptoms among those vaccinated. That is very different from three months ago.

12th April saw the start of the opening up of shops and services. As we follow the government’s four-step roadmap out of
lockdown, I ask you to focus on three key things: testing, vaccination and following the rules. The promise of a summer return to
COVID-19 rules-free life can only be kept if we don’t blow it, and that means working to roll out vaccination, make testing easy
and accessible for all, and following the rules as they change through the roadmap.

I would not be acting in the Borough’s best interest if I did not remind you all that this is a fragile time. Yes, infection rates are
low, allowing health and care services to resume normal non-covid care. Easing of lockdown has started. Schools have returned
from Easter. But, as easily as they reduce, infection numbers can and will increase if we don’t work together. It seems silly to say,
but viruses spread. We all know that; and they will spread if people are careless and become complacent. There have been 543
Covid-19 deaths in the Borough of people who tested positive within 28 days. Over a third of those were in January alone. We
must act together to reduce the risk of high rates reoccurring. We need cooperation from each and every resident.

It’s been a long time since this began. Almost all of us have suffered in some way; physically, mentally or financially. It’s been ‘all
hands on deck’ as most people have done their utmost to keep Hounslow as safe and healthy as possible.

I know people are tired of being asked “please keep following the restrictions”, but that is the only way we can get back to
seeing our loved ones and returning to normal life, hopefully by 21 June. We can be optimistic about the Borough’s future. It may
mean that we have to take a step back at times and reassess our response, because COVID-19 will be with us for the foreseeable
future. We must learn to live safely with it if we are to build a better Hounslow and fully reopen safely when the time is right. In
the meantime, the Council will continue working hard to keep you safe and informed, and will maintain financial support and
assistance with access to food.

Take the opportunity to consider what support you need for physical and mental wellbeing, whether that is accessing fitness
through One You Hounslow or accessing mental health support services. And for those who feel unsafe - in your own home
because of domestic violence, or in the workplace because of a lack of COVID-19 safety - please look on the website for
information or contact the council directly.

There have been amazing, positive moments even in this difficult time. For example, the number of people in the Borough
who signed up to Work Hounslow’s initiative to train for NHS roles has been staggering. And we’ve all seen so many instances
of neighbours looking after one another and people who have been champions for their community, sharing information and
advice. To each of those, thank you. Please keep going. You are making the difference.

It is that same, positive commitment we need now to get us to the end of the roadmap. Get Tested. Get vaccinated. Follow the
rules and be kind to each other.

Don’t Blow It.

Kelly O’Neill
Director of Public Health,
Hounslow Council
COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
four steps out of lockdown
    STEP 1 – 8 MARCH & 29 MARCH                                    STEP 2 – NO EARLIER THAN 12 APRIL
         EDUCATION                                                      EDUCATION
     8 MARCH
     - Schools and colleges open for all students                   - As previous step
     - Practical Higher Education courses

         SOCIAL CONTACT                                                 SOCIAL CONTACT
     8 MARCH                         29 MARCH
     - Exercise and recreation       - Rule of 6 or two             - Rule of 6 or two households outdoors
       outdoors with household         households outdoors          - Household only indoors
       or one other person           - Household only indoors
     - Household only indoors

         BUSINESS & ACTIVITIES                                          BUSINESS & ACTIVITIES
     8 MARCH                         29 MARCH                       - All retail
     - Wraparound care,              - Organised outdoor sport      - Personal care
       including sport for all         (children and adults)        - Libraries and community centres
       children                      - Outdoor sport and leisure    - Most outdoor attractions
                                       facilities                   - Indoor leisure inc. gyms (individual use only)
                                     - All outdoor children’s       - Self-contained accommodation
                                       activities                   - All children’s activities
                                     - Outdoor parent and child     - Outdoor hospitality
                                       group (max 15 people,        - Indoor parent and child groups (max 15 people,
                                       excluding under 5s)            excluding under 5s)

         TRAVEL                                                         TRAVEL
     8 MARCH                         29 MARCH
     - Stay at home                  - Minimise travel              - Domestic overnight stays (household only)
     - No holidays                   - No holidays                  - No international holidays

         EVENTS                                                         EVENTS
     8 MARCH                                                        - Funerals (30)
     - Funerals (30)                                                - Weddings, wakes, receptions (15)
     - Weddings and wakes (6)                                       - Event pilots

    STEP 3 – NO EARLIER THAN 17 MAY                                STEP 4 – NO EARLIER THAN 21 JUNE
         EDUCATION                                                     EDUCATION
     - As previous step                                             - As previous step

         SOCIAL CONTACT                                                SOCIAL CONTACT
     - Maximum 30 people outdoors                                   - No legal limit
     - Rule of 6 or two households indoors (subject to review)

         BUSINESS & ACTIVITIES                                         BUSINESS & ACTIVITIES
     - Indoor hospitality                                           - Remaining businesses, including nightclubs
     - Indoor entertainment and attractions
     - Organised indoor sport (adult)
     - Remaining accommodation
     - Remaing outdoor entertainment (including

          TRAVEL                                                       TRAVEL
     - Domestic overnight stays                                     - Domestic overnight stays
     - International travel (subject to review)                     - International travel

          EVENTS                                                        EVENTS
    - Most significant life events (30)                             - No legal limit on life events
    - Indoor events: 1,000 or 50% (plus pilots)                     - Larger events
    - Outdoor seated events: 10,000 or 25% (plus pilots)
    - Outdoor other events: 4,000 or 50% (plus pilots)
COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
Helping you to get
tested twice weekly
Thousands of residents, who do              Approximately 1 in 3 people with                want to thank every single one of
not have COVID-19 symptoms, have            COVID-19 have no symptoms and                   you who is getting tested regularly
been getting tested to make sure            could be spreading the virus without            because you are helping to save lives.
they are not spreading the virus            realising. Rapid tests provide quick and        We recommend you get tested twice
without knowing. More than 18,000           free testing and you get your results by        weekly to help keep you and your
‘rapid tests’ have been taken at our        email or text within 40 minutes.                loved ones safe.”
community mass testing sites in
Hounslow since the beginning of             Hounslow’s Director of Public Health,
the year, with everyone now able to         Kelly O’Neill, said: “Rapid tests are
benefit from the variety of testing         playing an important role in reducing
sites on offer.                             infection rates in the borough. We

    Hounslow                           Heston                            Isleworth                          Staines Rugby
    House                              Library*                          Library*                           Club
    7 Bath Road                        New Heston Road                   Twickenham Road                    Snakey Lane
    Hounslow TW3 3EB                   Hounslow TW5 0LW                  Isleworth TW7 7EU                  Feltham TW13 7NB

                                                         *Whilst libraries re-opened from 12 April, Heston Library and Isleworth
HOW TO GET A RAPID TEST:                                 Library will remain in use as rapid test sites only until further notice. Thank
                                                         you for your understanding.
      Book online:

                  Scan the QR code with
                  your smart phone

      020 7084 9697

      Monday - Sunday

      Danehurst activity centre
      Brentford on Mondays

      Tesco Superstore
      Feltham on Mondays

      Best Western Hotel
      Chiswick on Thursdays

      Sainsbury’s                 These locations
      Chiswick on Fridays         can be subject
                                   to change at
      Tesco                         short notice                                                                    Mobile Testing Unit
      Osterley on Fridays
COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
Local resident Maya
    Lodhi was delighted
    to receive her Covid

                           Over one hundred thousand Hounslow
                           residents and healthcare workers have
                           now received their first COVID-19
                           vaccination to protect themselves,
                           their loved ones and the community,
                           as the roll-out of the vaccination

                           programme continues at pace.

                           If you haven’t heard about yours yet,
                           don’t worry. The NHS will let you know
                           when it’s your turn. For those who
                           have received a vaccine you still need
                           to follow all the guidance including
                           social distancing, wearing face

                 PACE      coverings and hand washing.

COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
get tested.
      get the vaccine.
      follow the rules.

Hands, face, space & StAY LOCAL

You may be contacted by the NHS, your            If you receive a suspicious call, hang up.    Visit
employer, or a local GP surgery, to receive      Call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040            covid-vaccination-marshall-12487/ for
your vaccine. Make sure your surgery has         or the Police on 101 to report fraud or       details.
your latest telephone number and address.        identity theft.
On the day of your appointment bring your                                                      THANK YOU
invitation, a face covering and a pen to fill    SAFE AND EFFECTIVE                            Every jab is a step towards returning to
in the forms. Wear a loose-sleeved top.
                                                 There are no medical conditions that stop     a more normal life. COVID-19 can affect
After your appointment keep practicing           you having the vaccine and it gives you       people of any age. Protect yourself, your
Hands, Face and Space.                           the best protection against serious illness   loved ones and the Hounslow community
                                                 from COVID-19.                                by having your vaccine.
You may experience mild, flu-like side
effects after your vaccination. Take             As with any medicine, vaccines are
painkillers, like paracetamol, if you need to.   highly regulated. The NHS does not offer             SIGN UP
If you have a persistent high temperature,
or side-effect symptoms beyond 48-72
                                                 COVID-19 vaccinations to the public until            TO OUR
                                                 independent experts have said they are
hours, seek medical advice.                      safe. There are no medical conditions that
                                                                                                 HOUNSLOW MATTERS
                                                 stop you having the vaccine and it gives
Full protection only kicks in a week or two
                                                 you the best protection against serious
after your second dose, so come back for
                                                 illness from coronavirus. If you have            uk/getconnected
your second appointment.
                                                 specific questions that are not answered               or follow us on Twitter
                                                 by the NHS coronavirus vaccine website                   @LBofHounslow
STAY SAFE                                        please contact your GP surgery.                      for more details about our
                                                                                                       vaccine and testing sites.
Vaccinations are only available through
the NHS and are free of charge. The NHS          SHARE YOUR STORY
will never:
                                                 Tell us why you had your vaccination
•    Ask you for your bank account or            and what it was like. Do you have any
     card details.                               questions that you would like answered?
•    Arrive unannounced at your home
     to administer the vaccine.
•    Ask you to prove your identity
                                                                                               Scan here using
     by sending copies of personal               Become a marshal at a vaccination hub.        your smart phone
     documents, like your passport.
COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
                                                                                                               Shop local
                                                                                                               and help

                                                                                                               bounce back
                                                                                                               We have seen amazing
                                                                                                               community spirit during the
                                                                                                               COVID-19 pandemic and many
                                                                                                               local businesses in Hounslow

    when out and about as                                                                                      were at the heart of this.

                                                                                                               We are celebrating the

    stores reopen                                                                                              incredible contribution of these
                                                                                                               businesses by encouraging you
                                                                                                               to ‘Shop Local’ and explore the
                                                                                                               diverse and unique products
                                                                                                               and services available on our

                                                                                                               Soon the shops will reopen,
                                                                                                               and when they do, we
                                                                                                               encourage residents to shop
                                                                                                               safely instore or online.

    As shops, beauty, hair             order to safely reopen.              shop locally, support your local   By supporting local
    salons and restaurants                                                  businesses and walk or cycle       businesses you will:
    with outside eating areas          But it is not only retailers         wherever possible.
    start to reopen on 12 April,       who have to follow the                                                  •   Shop safely
    Hounslow residents are             guidance. Local residents are                                           •   Save local jobs
    reminded to continue to            asked to respect the rules            BUSINESS SUPPORT
                                                                             TOOLKIT                           •   Preserve the heart of
    shop safely.                       to help everyone stay safe.
                                                                             Hounslow Council has                  our community
                                       It is essential that everybody
                                                                             created tailor-made toolkits      •   Enjoy great deals
    Work has been underway to          continues to keep their               to support local retail and
    help permitted venues prepare      distance and take extra care          hospitality businesses.
                                                                                                                   that you may not get
    for reopening. This includes       to ensure proper hygiene and          The toolkits contain vital            elsewhere
    wider footways to allow for        cleanliness to contain the            information and useful            •   Get a personalised,
    social distancing, additional      spread of coronavirus.                resources about the
                                                                                                                   tailored shopping
                                                                             Government guidelines.
    signage on the high streets and                                          Visit               experience
    guidance on the conditions         When you do visit shops or            uk/ShopSafeShopLocal              •   Support entrepreneurs
    that businesses need to meet in    other businesses then please
                                                                                                                   offering unique

                                                                           !                                   •   Reduce your carbon
                                                                                                                   footprint by staying
                                                                                                               Spending money locally keeps
     DISTANCE                  COVERING              GUIDELINES
     Please keep your          Wear a face           Stores and shops will continue to implement a             the pound in Hounslow, and
     distance from other       covering over         queuing system of individuals 2m apart. Please            will ensure we maintain our
     individuals with the      your mouth and        respect this and any additional policies that stores      strong local communities, and
     exception of those        nose, unless          may choose to implement, such as one-way systems          build resilience as a borough.
     that share your same      exempt.               and separate entrances and exits.
     household.                                                                                                To find out more, visit
                                                                                 BIN IT, DON’T                 ShopSafeShopLocal
                                                                                 DROP IT
                                                                                 Ensure that you
                                                                                 always use a clean
                               USE YOUR CARD OVER
                               CASH WHERE POSSIBLE
                                                                                 handkerchief or tissue
                                                                                 to cough or sneeze                KEEP IT
     When in stores,
     avoid touching and
                               If you are able to, it is a
                               good idea to use a debit,
                                                             Wash or sanitise
                                                                                 into. Please ensure that
                                                                                 items such as tissues,            LOCAL
     picking up items          credit card or a smart        your hands          disposable gloves and             SUPPORTING
     unless you intend to
     purchase them.
                               phone to pay when you
                               are shopping.
                                                             regularly.          face coverings are
                                                                                 disposed of responsibly.
COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
Coronavirus support and advice
Supporting clinically extremely
vulnerable residents                                                   That date has now passed, but as we continue along the
Hounslow Council’s number one priority over the entire                 government’s roadmap out of lockdown, Hounslow’s Clinically
period of the pandemic has been to provide the fullest                 Extremely Vulnerable residents remain a priority for the Borough
possible support as quickly and effectively as possible to             when it comes to ensuring that information and support is easy
Clinically Extremely Vulnerable residents.                             to find, especially for those who plan to return to work.

The criteria for what it means to be Clinically Extremely              Our Community Hub plays a vital role in supporting thousands
Vulnerable broadened earlier this year to include 1.7 million          of residents across the borough and makes sure our most
more people nationally, over and above previously agreed               vulnerable and isolated residents receive the food supplies
health risks with new factors including ethnicity, weight and          they need and other essential support, which may range
potential deprivation by postcode.                                     from befriending to more complex care. Read more at www.
All residents determined to be Clinically Extremely Vulnerable
were advised by the Government to shield until 31 March 2021           Although they no longer need to shield, we encourage CEV
as we worked hard to ensure they had adequate access to                residents to get tested and get the vaccine when they are
support, COVID testing and vaccination appointments.                   eligible to do so.

 Disposal of waste from Lateral Flow Testing at home
    RECYCLABLE                                         NOT RECYCLABLE

   The outer cardboard packaging                       To safely dispose of the test kit,    Disposable gloves and masks
   and paper leaflets from the test kits               place all of the items from the       are not recyclable and should
   can be recycled.                                    test and the plastic packaging        be put in the general waste
                                                       into a bag and then place in your     bin.
                                                       general waste bin.

                                                                                              None of the plastic items or
                                                                                              plastic packaging should be
                                                                                              put into the recycling bin.

 Key services available to you if you need help and support include:
General inquires – 020 8583 2000                                                       For the most up-to-date government advice
                                                                                       and guidelines, visit:
Hounslow Community Hub – helps residents with getting food, medicine
and support – 020 7084 9697
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness – 020 8583 3942                    For support and advice available from the                                          Council and our partners please visit
Rough sleeping – 0300 500 0914
COVID-19 scams and fraud –                            For the latest updates and advice, sign up to
                                                                                       our coronavirus newsletter at
One You Hounslow mental health support – 020 8973 3530
Domestic violence – If you are in immediate danger call 999.
Or you can get in touch with Hounslow Domestic and Sexual Violence Outreach
Service by calling 07810 031 780
COVID-19 Roadmap Bulletin - London Borough of Hounslow
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