COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox

COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox


   COVID-19: Employer Alert –
   Employment Wage Subsidy
   20 August 2020

   The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (“EWSS”) will operate from
   1 September 2020 to 31 March 2021 and replaces the Temporary
   Wage Subsidy Scheme (“TWSS”) which will cease on 31 August 2020.

Revenue published its EWSS Guidelines         availing of the EWSS continue to be bound           • Have a tax clearance certificate
on 14 August 2020 in relation to the          by mandatory statutory employment
operation of the EWSS (available here)        obligations as well as the terms of an
(the “Guidelines”).                           employee’s contract of employment.                  TAX CLEARANCE
                                              Any changes to an employee’s terms                  Employers must possess a valid tax
It is worth noting from the outset that       and conditions of employment that
the Guidelines advise that the Minister                                                           clearance certificate to enter the EWSS
                                              employers may need to make as a result              and continue to maintain tax clearance
for Finance will continue to monitor the      of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
economy and may amend the terms of                                                                for the duration of the scheme, in order
                                              on their business such as reductions to             to receive the applicable EWSS payments.
the scheme, specifically the end date,        pay or hours, should be done following
the rate of subsidy payable and the                                                               If there are outstanding returns or
                                              consultation and with the express or                liabilities for the applicant or any of their
turnover test to determine employer           implied agreement of employees. Failure
eligibility. Employers who will be availing                                                       connected parties, tax clearance will be
                                              to do so may expose an employer to                  refused. Further information in relation
of the EWSS should therefore keep up to       employment claims in either the civil
date with the most recent Revenue and                                                             to applying for tax clearance is available
                                              courts or the Workplace Relations                   on the Revenue website here.
Government guidelines.                        Commission.
We have set out below an overview of the
current Guidelines.                                                                               EMPLOYER ELIGIBILITY
                                              REGISTRATION FOR THE EWSS
                                              Employers can register for the EWSS                 30% Test
TWO ELEMENTS                                  through ROS from 18 August. Employers
                                                                                                  An employer must be able to
The EWSS has the following two elements:      will be required to agree to a declaration
                                                                                                  demonstrate that:
                                              on registration which includes “I
1. It provides a flat-rate subsidy to         understand and accept that failure by               1. their business is expected to
   qualifying employers based on the          the business to adhere to the terms of                 experience a 30% reduction in turnover
   numbers of paid and eligible employees     the scheme could result in recoupment of               or orders between 1 July and 31
   on the employer’s payroll; and             monies together with interest, penalties and           December 2020 looking at the period
2. It charges a reduced rate of employer      prosecution. I undertake that the business             as whole rather than on a monthly
   PRSI of 0.5% on wages paid to eligible     will retain all records relating to the scheme,        basis; and
   employees.                                 including the basis of eligibility, for review by   2. this disruption is caused by COVID-19.
Importantly from an employment law                                                                This reduction in turnover or orders is
perspective, the Guidelines provide           Employers must:                                     relative to:
that “The scheme does not affect any
                                              • Be registered for PAYE/PRSI as an                 • the same 6 month period in 2019
legal obligations that the employer may
                                                employer                                            where the business was in existence
have to their employee as regards any
terms, conditions or entitlements of their    • Have a bank account linked to that                  prior to 1 July 2019;
employment, including pay.” Employers           registration                                      • where the business commenced

COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox
COVID-19: Employer Alert – Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme

     trading between 1 July and 1 November            caused by the pandemic, an alternative               the payroll and in receipt of gross wages
     2019, the date of commencement to 31             “reasonable basis” should be applied. The            of between € 151.50 and € 1,462 per
     December 2019; or                                Guidelines state that it is not possible to          week during the period of the EWSS.
• where a business commenced after                    be prescriptive as to what will satisfy this
                                                      test. It must however be the case that               The following categories of employees
  1 November 2019, the projected                                                                           are specifically excluded in the legislation
  turnover or orders for 1 July 2020 to 31            the 30% test cannot be applied to the
                                                      business in question before an alternative           underpinning the EWSS1:
  December 2020.
                                                      basis for assessing eligibility is used. In          1. Proprietary Directors
Employers should include all sources of               all such cases, guidance from Revenue
trade income when considering turnover                                                                       However, it was subsequently
                                                      should be sought through the relevant
specifically including sales, donations and                                                                  announced by the Minister for Finance,
                                                      Revenue Division/Branch responsible for
State Funding.                                                                                               Paschal Donohoe TD on 31 July 2020
                                                      the tax affairs of the employer concerned
                                                                                                             that the EWSS can be claimed in
Appendix I of the Guidelines provides                                                                        respect of certain proprietary directors
additional guidance on determining                                                                           (see details of announcement here).
                                                      MONTHLY REVIEW OF EMPLOYER
reduction in turnover or customer                     ELIGIBILITY                                            It is understood that a decision is
orders. The 30% reduction in turnover                                                                        being awaited on this point from the
or customer orders may be applied at                  Employers are required to undertake a                  Department of Finance and that the
the level of the entity as a whole or, if an          review on the last day of every month                  Revenue Guidelines will be updated as
entity is formally structured (and has been           (other than July 2020 and the final month              soon as a decision has been made.
since before the COVID-19 pandemic                    of the EWSS) to ensure they continue to
restrictions in March 2020) into individual           meet the eligibility criteria. If the business       2. Connected Parties who were not on the
Business Divisions, at the level of the               no longer qualifies, they should deregister             payroll and paid at any time between 1
individual Business Division.                         for the scheme from the following day                   July 2019 and 30 June 2020.
                                                      and cease claiming the subsidy.                        Where an employee has more than
• Each of the Business Divisions of such                                                                     one employment with more than one
  an entity which meets the eligibility               If circumstances change in a later month
                                                      and the employer is again eligible, they               eligible employer, each employer will
  criteria may be eligible for the subsidy.                                                                  make its own claim for the employee,
                                                      can reregister and claim from the date
• Each Business Division must have                    of reregistration. It is not possible to               ignoring any other employment.
  a clearly defined and distinct                      backdate the claim to include the period
  management structure in place                                                                            Where employees provide services
                                                      of deregistration.                                   for a company who meet the eligibility
  separate to the other Business
  Divisions.                                                                                               criteria, but, for payroll purposes, they
                                                                                                           are employed by an associated company,
• These structures must be formalised                 COMPLIANCE CHECKS                                    then the subsidy may be available
  and have been well established prior to             The EWSS is operated on a “self-                     provided the group can demonstrate,
  the pandemic.                                       assessment” basis. Revenue will                      with supporting documentation, that the
Helpfully, the Guidelines set out a number            undertake assurance checks and details               eligible employees were, wholly or mainly
of examples of the application of the test            on the operation of these checks will be             (i.e. more than 50%), employed in one
for different businesses such as retail,              provided in the coming weeks. Employers              or other of a group’s trading companies
hotels, transport service providers and               should therefore retain evidence of their            which meet the criteria.
service providers.                                    basis for entering and remaining in the
                                                                                                           RATE OF SUBSIDY
Reasonable Basis
                                                                                                           The rate of the weekly EWSS subsidy
Where application of the “turnover” and               ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES                                   the employer will receive per eligible
“customer orders” tests do not adequately             A subsidy can be claimed in respect of               employee is as follows:
demonstrate the disruption to a business              employees of an impacted business on

             GROSS WEEKLY PAY                                                                             SUBSIDY

             Employee paid more than €1,462 gross per week                                                No subsidy

             Employee paid between €203 and €1,462 gross per week                                         €203

             Employee paid between €151.50 and €202.99 gross per week                                     €151.50

             Employees paid less than €151.50 gross per week                                              No subsidy

    Financial Provisions (Covid-19) (No. 2) Act 2020 (No. 8 of 2020) which was enacted on 1 August 2020

COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox
COVID-19: Employer Alert – Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme

Gross weekly pay includes notional pay                  pay employees their full gross weekly pay.               BACKDATED CLAIMS IN LIMITED
(e.g. BIK) and is before deduction of items             Unlike with the TWSS however, there will                 CIRCUMSTANCES
such as pensions and salary sacrifice. It               be no tapering of the subsidy.                           Seasonal employees and new hires were
excludes any Department of Employment                                                                            excluded from the TWSS. EWSS eligible
Affairs and Social Protection benefits                                                                           employers, can backdate a claim for
which employees may have mandated                       PAYE AND PRSI                                            EWSS to 1 July 2020 in certain limited
to be paid to the employer (e.g. illness/               EWSS will re-establish the normal                        circumstances:
maternity/adoptive benefit, etc.). These                requirement to operate PAYE and normal
monies are disregarded when calculating                                                                          • The employer was not eligible for TWSS;
                                                        PRSI on all payments. This includes the                    or
the amount of the subsidy to be paid (if                regular deduction and remittance of
any).                                                   income tax, USC and PRSI at the normal                   • The employer had employees not
                                                        rates.                                                     eligible for TWSS but who are eligible
The subsidy will be paid directly into the                                                                         for EWSS (this excludes any employee
employer’s designated bank account once                 Significantly, employer PRSI will be                       that was ineligible for TWSS as their
a month in arrears, as soon as practicable              reduced to 0.5% in respect of employees                    net wages exceeded the permitted
after the return due date (14th of the                  for whom a subsidy is payable. The                         threshold due to tapering).
following month). Subsidies received                    reduced employer PRSI rate applies to the
are taxed as part of an employer’s                      gross weekly pay of the eligible employee                These employees will be benefit from
trading income but are disregarded in                   and not just the subsidy.                                the EWSS as part of a “sweepback” with
the calculation of the 30% reduction in                                                                          payment to be made in September 2020.
turnover.                                               There are currently no PRSI classes
                                                        in existence which apply the correct                     This briefing is not intended as legal advice
As mentioned above, the scheme does                     combination of employee PRSI and this                    and employers are advised to consult the
not impact an employer’s existing                       reduced employer PRSI rate so employers                  most recent Revenue Guidelines and their
obligations to employees in relation to                 PRSI will initially be given at the normal               tax and financial advisors in relation to the
terms and conditions of employment. On                  rate and a PRSI credit for the difference                Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme.
that basis, the expectation seems to be                 between this rate and PRSI at the 0.5%
that employers availing of the EWSS will                rate.



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COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox COVID-19: Employer Alert - Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme - Arthur Cox
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