COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY

Page created by Philip Dawson
COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
COVID-19 and the
Indian consumer
Responding in a time of crisis
COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
Across the globe COVID – 19 has impacted us at a primal level

         Protect myself and my family

                   Protect my livelihood

                     Protect my way of life

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COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
India is grappling with immediate ramifications of this outbreak

                                                   Forced to not leave                        Only essentials                           Rise in digital
                                                      home unless                            available as India                       consumption due
                                                    absolutely critical                        entered total                             to isolation
                             Social                                          Panic               lockdown             Digital
                           distancing                                        buying                                consumption

                                                       Lockdown                               Restricted                                     Fake
                         Innovative ways of              living              Fears and         services           Rise in fake news          news
                         maintaining social                               confusion led to                               and
                             distancing                                    panic buying                            misinformation
                                                                                                                    across social
                                                                                                                  media platforms

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COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
This black swan event has accelerated change on key customer dimensions

                                     Digital customer journey
                                     ►   Digital adoption to increase across all customer journeys - from pre-purchase to post-sales. The impending recession and
                                         consumer reluctance to engage physically will accelerate the evolution of ‘post – Covid digital-only’ models
                                     ►   Acceleration of new products and services to exploit this increased comfort with digital journeys

      2                                                                                     3
             Hyperlocal and online communities                                                   Healthy living
             ►   Hyperlocal community interaction to increase                                    ►   Greater focus on healthy living and proactive health
             ►   Digital person2person interaction
                                                                                                 ►   Increase in consumption of health, fitness, and supplements
             ►   Work from home
                                                                                                 ►   Increase in organic/healthy eating habits
             ►   Growth in the power of digital influencers
                                                                                                 ►   Move to online medical care and assistance

      4                                                                                     5
             Digital content consumption                                                         Consumers and the State
             ►   News and entertainment                                                          ►   Greater awareness of security and privacy
             ►   Digital learning                                                                ►   Set up of state surveillance infrastructure
             ►   Gaming, events and experiences                                                  ►   Discipline, accountability and traceability

Source: EY research

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COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
Consumer behaviour seems to have changed for good across these

                                           Digital customer                                      Hyperlocal and online                                                               Healthy                                                             Digital content                                                           Consumers and
                                               journeys                                              communities                                                                      living                                                              consumption                                                                 the state
                             Grofers - New orders up by 14-15%,                                 Post imposition of lockdown, many - “The number of people using                                           Voot - “What we would have expected to do in terms                                 Andhra Pradesh has made a list of
                             Number of orders from the existing users 2X                        organisations in India started using will hit 200,000 in the next one week,” said                                                of number of subscribers in 60 days, we have already                               25,000 people who are on COVID19 risk
     Lockdown situation -

                             the past week.                                                     virtual collaboration tools such as  Ankit Nagori, cofounder,                                                          done in the first 10 days.” Ferzad Palia, head of Voot                             due to their travel history. They are
                       Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams etc. to                        Select, youth, music and english entertainment of                                  tracking them through their mobile
         India specific

                                                                                                be virtually connected               asana-indians-go-big-on-yoga-from-                                                          Viacom18                                                                           numbers and alerting teams If somebody
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is breaking quarantine.
                                                                                               tools-for-remote-work-during-coronavirus/                 Sarva - Rolled out classes on Instagram earlier                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                         this week, saw 1,000-1,500 people have been                                                                                                                quarantined-people/story/399692.html
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Amazon - Change in content formats provided -
                                                                                                                                                         attending sessions every day.
                             Big Basket - There has been a 2x growth in                                                                                                                                                          various providers such as Amazon Prime are                                         Karnataka government directive the
                             traffic and revenue and there has been a                                                                                    asana-indians-go-big-on-yoga-from-                                      providing special free catalogue for family and                                    home quarantined coronavirus suspects
                             15-20 per cent increase in basket value                                                                                     home/articleshow/74741684.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 children to boost consumption                                                      & patients will have to send their selfies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          every one hour on
                              online-grocery-platforms-to-benefit-as-consumers-flock-to-                                                                 Portea - Live video consulting facility for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 free-offers-as-people-stay-home-11585036708397.html                                the Quarantine Watch, a mobile
                              shop-online/story/398600.html                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         application developed by government's
                                                                                                                                                         physiotherapy a full-fledged service a                                  Unacademy founder and CEO Gaurav Munjal said, "In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    revenue department to keep a track of
                                                                                                                                                         couple of weeks back.                                                   the last three weeks, learners who are watching free
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the isolated persons. The government
                                                                                                                                                  live classes have increased by 3x. We are clocking 30
                                                                                                                                                         is-stepping-in-to-serve-non-covid-19-patients-in-                                                                                                          warned the home quarantined people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 million minutes of watchtime on Unacademy every
                                                                                                                                                         india/article31179651.ece                                                                                                                                  that they will be sent to mass quarantine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 single day.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    centres if they violate the rule.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 companies-see-spike-in-number-of-students-11584724448197.html                       nation/those-in-home-quarantine-in-karnataka-directed-to-
International Market
   Learnings From

                             BAIC BJEV, Jetour - In China, online car                            DingTalk moved from 40th to 3rd                          Push Doctor - The pandemic has pushed                                  Yahoo! News unique audience increased by 24% (Daily                                 China has reportedly relied on mass
                             sales went up in the first weeks of the crisis.                     position in usage in China as                            digital health into the mainstream: Push                               Average - 21,727) in Japan amid COVID-19 concerns                                   surveillance of phones to classify
                             Baic Bjev and Jetour, the two brands with                           many companies have asked their                          Doctor saw a 30% increase in consultations.                             individuals by their health status and
                             digital retail experience have managed to                           employees to work from home                              Last week, consultations were up by 70%.                                                                                                                   restrict their movements.
                             secure a place among the Top 5 players in                  
                                                                                                  from-home-in-coronavirus-hit-china/                                                                                                                                                                               tracking-could-help-stem-spread-coronavirus-privacy-price
                             terms of search volume
                                              WeChat Work also saw a 10-fold
                                                                                                increase in usage

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COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
…posing unforeseen challenges for businesses across the nation

   Closure of front         Complete lack of             Major supply chain and     Working capital        Issues regarding         No contact with
    offices – sales        demand apart from             logistics issues due to     and cashflow          employee safety      customers who are not
outlet/showrooms etc.       essentials items                   lockdowns                issues                and losses       active on digital channels


    Creating awareness among                Providing customers with               Enabling employees with         Pushing/encouraging customers
       customers with new                  additional and emergency                required facilities to work        to adopt digital modes of
    company logos promoting                services to help them amid                     from home                purchasing or enquiring about a
         social distancing                     COVID-19 scenario                                                              product

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COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
Five key action areas emerge as the new epicentres of customer focus

 1. Re-baseline consumer insights                                                                   2. Empathetic branding

                     Re-learn        Personalize           (product, pricing, engagement)
   New                                                                                                 Re-imagining brand in       Integrated real time         Realign marketing
 segments                                                                                              the digital only world    marketing communication              spend
  emerge         Health-freaks   Remote-workers     Neo-digital    Hyper-local   DIY- enthusiasts

 3. Digital-only                                                                                    4. Remote collaboration

  Leap from           Redesign all parts of       Restructure customer              Launch                Competitive           Incubate cross-functional      Evaluate cultural
  physical to         customer journey to            operations for                 digital         collaboration in face of   teams (shift from functional    aspects of virtual
  digital-only           enable digital             Direct2Consumer                products          new consumer needs            focus to consumer)              teaming

 5. Virtualized sales and service

 Merged frontlines (Sales + Service)                 e-tail with reduced channel dependence                    Online consumer community based                Proliferation of self-
                                                                                                                        sales and service                     service, DIY culture

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COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
Planning the now, next and beyond scenarios is critical to survival

                                       Now                                         Next                                                              Beyond

                                                                              Consider non-crisis                       Prepare for                  Re-align brand
                                                                               related ‘escapist’                        recovery                    messaging with
                                             Scenario analysis                      comms                               campaigns                      ‘recovery’
                                             to model demand
                                                 changes                          Continued
                                                                                transparent &                       Direct-to-Consumer              Eliminate / reduce
                                                                              empathetic comms                           outreach                     physical assets
                    Re-baseline to             Ongoing brand
                     create new              sentiment tracking
                      segments                                                 Create, revise &
Customer reach

                                                                                enhance digital
                  Research impact            Align comms with                 customer journeys                          Invest in emerging digital technologies
                    by customer              sentiment analysis
                                                                               Prepare capacity
                     Understand              Use analytics for                  and content for
                  customer liquidity           targeted &                        self-service &                       Embed automation in Operations (CPQ, Order
                       impacts                “empathetic”                        digital sales                                 Execution, Fulfilment)
                   Immediate brand
                                                                                 Enable remote
                  sentiment analysis          Expand digital                   experiences with a
                                               resources &                       personal touch
                                             access for virtual
                  Communicate with
                                              sales & service                      Shore up
                  empathy & clarity
                                                                                 capability for
                                              Expand network                   digital payments
                                             capacity to handle
                   mitigation of any

                                              increased digital                                                                 Customer Behaviour Change
                  ‘tone-deaf’ comms                                                                                              Sustained Capability Build

                                                                            Time to realise
                                                    Re-baseline consumer insights                 Remote collaboration                   Digital-only
  Source: EY research
                                                    Empathetic branding                           Virtualized sales & service
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COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY
Call to action: immediate measures to ensure customer excellence in the face of
imminent challenges

                   Re-baseline                                  Empathetic                                                              Remote                                  Virtualized
                consumer insights                                                                    Digital-only
                                                                 branding                                                             collaboration                          sales and service
               ►   Focus on risk mitigation and          ►   Engage with customers          ►   Build and strengthen E-Com      ►   Enable “Work from home for         ►    Realigning after-sales service
                   business continuity                       through proactive                  relationships and shift focus       sales force” through digital            to provide best feasible

               ►   Proactively set customer                  communication and                  to active channels and              means                                   support

                   expectations regarding                    assistance                         customer segments               ►   Review all non value added         ►    Agile sales team management
                   changes to product and                ►   Demonstrate organisation’s     ►   Monitor regulatory                  activities to minimize physical         through beat restructuring,
                   service offerings                         brand and purpose in               requirements and approvals          movements/use of low cost               recrafting of roles and clear
                                                             communication with             ►   Expand network capacity to          automation                              communication
                                                             customers                          handle increased digital        ►   Explore use of emerging            ►    Redeploy ASP spends to
                                                         ►   Focus on tracking brand            demand                              technology and automation to            promote channel liquidity,
                                                             sentiment and conduct          ►   Pivot to identify and assess        reduce people contact and               channel partner loyalty and
                                                             analysis driven campaigns          new revenue streams                 eliminate risk                          new channels
               ►   Unlearn pre-COVID customer            ►   Communicate with empathy,      ►   Ensure website and digital      ►   Invest in emerging                  ►   Expand network capacity for

                   insights and re-learn their               be responsible with brand          ordering resilience to              technologies such as VR for             increased digital sales
                   expectations and needs to                 promises and promotions            eliminate the need of middle-       remote product walk-throughs            demand

                   create new segments                   ►   Use analytics for targeted         men like dealers, retailers         to enhance B2B sales                ►   Call Centre: Expand
               ►   Deepen customer research                  and relevant marketing         ►   Promote self-care and auto-         interactions                            resources & access for
                   efforts to understand which           ►   Enhance digital marketing in       ticket logging to eliminate     ►   Call centre: Seek to partner            remote workers to enable a
                   segments are impacted in                  B2B                                the need of contact centres         with external providers for             virtual contact centre
                   what ways                             ►   Prepare for recovery and a                                             over-flow or accelerated            ►   Consider AR or visual search
                                                             planned digital marketing /                                            capacity. Tap into the gig-             in a repair scenario
                                                             communication plan                                                     economy where appropriate

              Emergence   Pricing    Product Household           Digital    Nano                 Digital  Direct to Drone             Remote        Gig               Chatbots       Home        Online e-Service
                of new  innovation innovation  view             marketing targeting             adoption consumer deliveries          working     culture                        contact centers sales

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Source:         10 April 2020                       Presentation title
COVID-19 and the Indian consumer - Responding in a time of crisis - EY

                          Mahesh Makhija                      Shashank Shwet
                          Digital & Customer Leader – India   Customer & Design Expert

                          Ashish Nanda                        Shilpa Singhai
                          Consumer Products Leader - India    Frontline Expert

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