Real Estate Predictions 2021 - The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate ESG as a value driver for real estate - Deloitte

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Real Estate Predictions 2021 - The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate ESG as a value driver for real estate - Deloitte
Real Estate
Predictions 2021
The Impact of Social Good
on Real Estate
ESG as a value driver for real estate
Real Estate Predictions 2021 - The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate ESG as a value driver for real estate - Deloitte
The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate ESG as a value driver for real estate - Deloitte
The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2021

“ESG”, the generally used acronym for “Environmental, Social and Governance”, has
become an important business consideration all around the world. For instance, real
estate investors have an increasing focus on sustainability. However, ESG in real estate
can be so much more impactful. How can it become an important value driver?

ESG and real estate                                   Impact on the community                        developed countries, it may help to face
Once upon a time, real estate embodied the            However, the impact of ESG on the              new challenges, such as the increase
epitome of capitalism. The trend, however,            real estate industry goes beyond what          of population in urban areas and the
is growing quite the opposite way. The                is mentioned above. ESG, aside from            environmental concerns. Additionally,
application of ESG standards on real estate           fostering eco-friendly buildings, also         ESG standards are already proving to be
(notably by governments and developers                allows space to include considerations         decisive in infrastructure closings. This is
in many developed countries) has shown                about the impact of properties on the          because investments are beginning to face
that this asset class is also relevant when           community, covering aspects like diversity.    community oppositions, which is often
these guiding principles are being applied.           The real estate industry must respond to       due to the lack of ESG considerations,
Awareness is growing that real estate can             this challenge by creating opportunities       resulting in costly delays or changes to the
have a significant social impact either               through social impact investing, like multi-   initial project.
through the form of rehabilitation of public          tenant shared spaces or the transformation
spaces (indirectly attributing value to               of underutilized buildings into enthusiastic
existing real estate), affordable housing,
social housing, and care centers, or through
                                                      venues. In practice, the major obstacle is
                                                      that investors will need to reinvent their     “Sustainability is
an environmental focus investment on new              traditional investment models to match the
buildings such as green buildings.                    needs of the local community.
                                                                                                       here to stay or
Vital for investors
The correlative appetite that investors
                                                      ESG and infrastructure
                                                      Obviously, real estate and infrastructure        we may not be”
have for ESG, closes the loophole where               are closely related. For example, the real
more (long term) value is attributed to               estate industry is a major consumer of           Niall FitzGerald
real estate assets. Medium-to-long term               energy. Therefore, the construction of
profit is therefore considered and kept               more sustainable buildings, e.g. by means
with the usual lower risk volatility of a real        of new eco-friendly materials or smart         Smart cities
estate asset. Sustainability has become               technological heating or ventilation, not      Another expression of the ESG impact
increasingly vital to real estate investors.          only helps the environment, but it also        on infrastructure is the so-called “Smart
This is evident from the development                  boosts the return of the respective real       cities” initiative, which refers to urban
of the Sustainability guidelines of the               estate investment, improving investment        areas for which different innovative
European Association for Investors in                 performance. Governments around the            technological methods are designed. The
Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles (“INREV”)1            world are increasingly fostering these         output generated by such methods (e.g. in
to also adhere to investors’ needs. Another           new construction methods to improve            the form of data or statistics) can assure
indication is the increased participation in          the carbon print of cities and emissions       that city infrastructure is managed and
the 2020 GRESB real estate assessment.                mitigation. As such, it is also relevant to    organized more efficiently. Most of these
This is the investor-driven global ESG                take a quick look at the impact of ESG         methods are nowadays designed to allow
benchmark and reporting framework                     in infrastructure.                             ESG guidelines to span across the life of a
for listed property companies, private                                                               city, in the respective assets, community
property funds, developers and investors              Overcoming new infrastructural                 services and resources, including better
that invest directly in real estate2. ESG is          challenges                                     (and greener!) transportation, improved
therefore here to stay and will increasingly          Implementing an efficient ESG-focused          communication networks, optimization of
shape and influence real estate valuation,            infrastructure system is vital for             energy consumption, water supply, crime
and therefore real estate investment,                 undeveloped countries – it provides access     detection and waste.
as investors wish to allocate their                   to the most basic services like energy
commitments under this banner.                        and water for the community. Also, for


Real Estate Predictions 2021 - The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate ESG as a value driver for real estate - Deloitte
The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Some examples: Dubai, Singapore,                     Singapore is also a pioneer in this field.               affected how stakeholders look at vested
and Luxembourg                                       It has introduced the broader concept                    assets and has slowed down further (real
A successful example of a smart city is              of smart nation4. Some examples of                       assets) investing. COVID-19 has severely
Dubai3, which is tech-innovative in various          ESG tech innovations in Singapore are                    impacted real estate valuations. Due to
sectors. A few examples:                             the development of a cashless public                     the lockdown, site visits were hampered.
                                                     transport, the digital engagement and                    At the same time, many transactions were
          t ransportation: development              transformation of healthcare (“Telehealth”),             put on hold as this pandemic seems to be
           of the first hyperloop between            the development of a platform used as                    shifting people’s demands for use of real
           Dubai and Abu Dhabi and of                a channel between schools and parents                    assets, such as an increase in the search
           autonomous air taxis                      (“Parents Gateway”), and the development                 for bigger houses with gardens outside the
                                                     of “Lamppost as a Platform”, i.e. a project              urban areas, due to working from home).
          t ourism: project Oasis Eco Resort        which aims at maximizing the use of street               As much as the pandemic has slowed down
           which aims to build a sustainable         lampposts to monitor changes related                     economies and the real estate industry
           complex in the middle of the              to environmental conditions, installation                activity, the positive side of it is the wake-up
           desert                                    of cameras to analyze crowd build-ups                    call for investors to prioritize sustainable
                                                     and better monitor to increase safety in                 investments.
           ousing: project Martian city
          h                                          public spaces.
          aimed at build houses in the                                                                        The environmental factor
          desert for 600,000 people as               Finally, Luxembourg is also moving towards               In particular, COVID-19 has brought out
          a start for a 100-year Mars                the concept of a smart nation. For a more                the environmental factor by enhancing the
          colonization plan                          specific analysis on the digital innovations             urgent global need to decrease pollution
                                                     on our jurisdiction, please see Deloitte’s               and improve precarious sanitation
          energy: a mega solar park with            article on this topic5.                                  systems. In fact, the initial slow start of the
          the aim of making Dubai an eco-                                                                     adoption of ESG standards was probably
          friendly powerhouse                        The backlash from COVID-19                               built on the erroneous perception focusing
                                                     It is relevant to understand how these                   on positive social impact would reduce
          s ecurity: development of self-           concepts will develop in the midst of a                  financial return. It is becoming evident that
           driving police cars.                      worldwide pandemic. There is no doubt                    it is indeed the opposite.
                                                     that the current pandemic has so far has


The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2021

The social factor                                    on the degree of sustainability of financial     More developments
However, the major spotlight is on the               products, to channel private investment          Another recent development is the fact
social factor: COVID-19 seems to be                  towards sustainable investments while            that there are countries that already
reshaping how the community should                   preventing green washing9. Its phase-in          officially recognize that climate change
interact and behave from now on,                     implementation will start on 10 March            represents economic uncertainty and risk.
which also calls for a revaluation of the            2021. As a complement of this Regulation,        One of them is the US, where the Federal
current transport, technology and health             the European Supervisory Authorities             Reserve included climate change in their
infrastructures. This said, more than ever,          have developed a Joint Committee draft           list of financial stability risks (including real
it is key that millennial investors - as well as     Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on          estate) in the Financial Stability Report
governments - not only focus on traditional          ESG disclosures, for which a Consultation        of November 2020.15 Some countries
financial metrics but also on their ESG              Paper was published in April 2020,               are exploring the green bonds market,
performance in order to create a positive            seeking input on proposed ESG disclosure         such as Luxembourg and Germany. In
long-term impact.                                    standards for financial market participants,     this respect also note that the European
                                                     advisers and products.10 Luxembourg              Green Deal Investment Plan of 14 January
Recent global developments                           is already taking relevant steps in              2020 announced that the Commission
This reality brings us also to the                   this respect, such as the recent CSSF            will establish an EU Green Bond Standard
consequent topic of a global increase of             communication issued on 16th December            (GBS).16 Finally, the European Union is
guidelines and regulations related to ESG            2020 on regulatory requirements and fast         currently reviewing the regulation for
investments. The United Nations have                 track procedure in relation to the SFDR          the collective investment vehicle, the
outlined 17 sustainable development                  Regulation.11                                    European Long Term Investments Funds
goals in the UN 2030 Agenda for                                                                       (“ELTIFs”). ELTIFs are funds that attract
Sustainable Development, which must be               European Commission                              institutional and private funding to channel
achieved for a more global sustainable               Also as part of the Action Plan, last            their investments into long-term assets,
future. Also, these goals represent the              November the European Commission                 including real estate assets such as nursing
current challenges worldwide: poverty,               launched a public consultation12 on some         homes, schools, prisons, and social
inequality, climate change, environmental            of the criteria for determining which            housing. As such, ELTIFs can be a vehicle
degradation, peace and justice6. By adopting         economic activities can qualify for the          to enhance the access to ESG-focused
the Paris Agreement on climate change7               classification system for sustainable            investment.17
and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable               economic activities under the European
Development, the European Commission                 Taxonomy Regulation13 that focus on
developed an Action Plan in March 2018               climate change mitigation. Furthermore,
on different measures regarding financing            the European Union published a Directive
sustainable growth8.                                 back in 2014, which requires big companies
                                                     to disclose certain information about
Transparency                                         how they operate and manage social and
As part of the Action Plan, Regulation               environmental challenges.14
(EU) 2019/2088 on sustainable Finance
Disclosure regulation (SFDR) was published,
which aims to provide more transparency


The Impact of Social Good on Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2021

A successful “sustainability-proof”
This said, it is expected that the regulation
around ESG should continue to increase in
detail. Investors will probably be impacted
by ESG-related legal and regulatory
disclosures, for which proper advising from
experts may be needed. Also, there is no
doubt that the global real estate market
is already aware that ESG principles are
key for sustainable investments. In fact,
sustainable investing could soon become
the standard way of investing. In order
to achieve this, real estate investors
should ensure that the fund management
is aligned with their intended positive
social impact. At Deloitte we are looking
forward on embarking on this journey
with our clients to achieve a successful
“sustainability-proof” business.

Francisco Da Cunha
Partner | Tax M&A | LU

Filipa Belchior Coimbra
Assistant Manager | Tax M&A | LU

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