Page created by Eduardo Lane
MARCH/APRIL 2020   VOL. 6, NO. 2

                                   A magazine for the global HEOR community.

COVID-19: CRISIS               A GLOBAL

How Can the HEOR Community Contribute?


         THE ELDERLY

           WUHAN, CHINA

VOL. 6, NO. 2                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

David Thompson, PhD
                                  4		   ISPOR in the Time of Corona
Murtuza Bharmal, PhD, MS          ISPOR CENTRAL
Benjamin Craig, PhD               5		   From the President
                                  7		   ISPOR Speaks
                                  8		   HEOR News
Soraya Azmi, MBBS, MPH
(United States)                   10    Research Roundup
Agnes Benedict, MSc, MA           12    Conferences
(United Kingdom)
                                  14    From the Journals
Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn, PhD
(The Netherlands)                 15    From the Region
Yvonne Lee YL, PhD, MPH
                                  SPECIAL FEATURE
Martin Marciniak, PhD
(United States)                   18    The COVID-19 Virus in Wuhan, China: A Personal Story
George Papadopoulos
(Australia)                       FEATURE
Louise Parmenter, PhD, MSc        20    The State of Health Technology Assessment
(United Kingdom)
Marisa Santos, PhD, MD
                                  21    By the Numbers
Stephen W. Schondelmeyer, PhD     HEOR ARTICLES
(United States)
                                  27	Are Missing Data Properly Accounted for in Health Economics and
Mondher Toumi, MD, PhD, MSc           Outcomes Research?
                                  31     stimating Comparative Effectiveness When Patients Are Switching
                                        Treatments: A Real-World Challenge
                                  34	Call in the PROs: Giving Credence to the Patient’s Perspective in
The mission of Value & Outcomes
Spotlight is to foster dialogue       Healthcare Decision Making
within the global health
economics and outcomes            Q&A
research (HEOR) community
by reviewing the impact of        39	COVID-19: A Global Pandemic—Two Global Perspectives
HEOR methodologies on health
policy and healthcare delivery
to ultimately improve decision
making for health globally.

                                                                        Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 3
EDITORIAL STAFF                                         FROM THE EDITOR
Lyn Beamesderfer
Director, Publications

                                                             ur whole world has been turned upside down by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2,
Margaret M. Rafferty
Manager, Publications                                        and the exponential increases in cases and fatalities attributable to COVID-19, the                                          disease to which it gives rise. No person, family, community, or country is immune,
Jennifer A. Brandt                                      and at the time of writing, it is clear that things will get far worse before they will even begin
Editorial Assistant                                     to get better—for most countries, there is currently no light at the end of the tunnel.
                                                        Although the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic promises to be immense, many
ISPOR CORPORATE OFFICERS                                of us in the ISPOR community are fortunate enough to be able to maintain our current
Nancy S. Berg                                           employment and carry out our business relationships virtually, interacting with one
Chief Executive Officer/                                another via videoconferencing technologies and exchanging work products through email.
Executive Director                                      In this regard, we should consider ourselves lucky. But it’s a decidedly unlucky situation
Sue Capon                                               for those of us who were looking forward to convening this May in Orlando, Florida for
Chief Operating Officer                                 ISPOR 2020, which of course has been cancelled. All of us will have to do our best to make
Richard J. Willke, PhD                                  “Virtual ISPOR 2020” a productive and fruitful online event.
Chief Science Officer
Lucinda Orsini, DPM, MPH                                Value & Outcomes Spotlight prides itself on being agile in the face of rapidly changing
Associate Chief Science Officer                         circumstances and we have put that into practice in the current issue. Our planned theme
Betsy Lane                                              is the state of health technology assessment (HTA), and we have the usual feature article
Director and Chief Marketing                            providing a global overview of HTA practices, with an accompanying By the Numbers
& Communications Officer                                piece highlighting some interesting comparative statistics across countries. We also have
                                                        a variety of HEOR articles of interest, encompassing such topics as statistical handling
                                                        of missing data in outcomes research, methods for addressing treatment switching in
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                                                        comparative effectiveness research, and the use of patient-reported outcomes to give
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                                                        voice to the patient perspective in HTA.
Fax: 609-586-4982
                                                        In addition to all that, we have scrambled to assemble a wide range of content specific                                           to COVID-19. This begins with an insightful essay by ISPOR President Nancy Devlin, PhD
                                                        culminating in a call to action for those of us in the HEOR community to respond to this
VALUE & OUTCOMES SPOTLIGHT                              global crisis. We also have a first-person perspective from Siying Zou, PhD, who lives and
PUBLISHING, SUBSCRIPTION, AND                           works in the United States but grew up in Wuhan, China, where the virus originated. She
Value & Outcomes Spotlight
                                                        shares the anguish of hearing the news of her mother becoming ill with COVID-19 and
Print: ISSN 2375-866X                                   details the difficult patient journey that has affected her entire family. Finally, our Q&A
Online: ISSN 2375-8678
                                                        section includes 2 interviews of interest, one with Christian Lindmeier, a spokesperson for
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Published bi-monthly by:
                                                        the World Health Organization (WHO), and the other with Mirjam Kretzschmar, PhD, an
ISPOR                                                   infectious disease modeler with the University Medical Centre Utrecht in The Netherlands
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                                                        and a member of the ISPOR Modeling Task Force.
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© 2020 ISPOR—The professional society for health
economics and outcomes research.
While Value & Outcomes Spotlight is designed
to provide accurate information regarding the           David Thompson, PhD
subject matters covered, the views, opinions, and       Editor-in-Chief,
recommendations expressed, are those of the
contributors and not of the International Society for
                                                        Value & Outcomes Spotlight
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR).

COVID-19—A Call to Action for Health Economics and
Outcomes Researchers
Nancy J. Devlin, PhD, ISPOR President (2019-2020), Centre for Health Policy,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

I am writing this from New Zealand,
  where a state of emergency has
been declared and I am experiencing
                                             the COVID-19 pandemic will (and
                                             should) lead us to radically rethink
                                             our world. It has revealed failures in
my second week of lockdown. You              political leadership. It has highlighted
will no doubt also be adapting to            major weaknesses in public health and
the new personal, family, social, and        healthcare systems. It has brought to the
work circumstances in which we find          fore fundamental questions about the
ourselves. Having succeeded in the first     trade-offs society is prepared to make
challenge—figuring out good ways to          between population health and economic
work from home—the new challenge is          activity, while also reminding us about the
how to cope with uncertainty about how       interconnectedness between health and
long the pandemic will remain at crisis      wealth. There are also questions about           by government, healthcare systems,
levels, and what the implications will be    behavioral responses to the crisis and           businesses, and individuals generate
for our work and our families.               how to strike the right balance between          important questions that HEOR can help
                                                                                              to address.

    Economic damage from lockdown measures will not be equally                                The governments of the world have
                                                                                              taken very different strategies in reacting
    distributed—it is likely the misery from this will fall disproportionately                to and managing the pandemic, creating
    on the poor and those in secondary labor markets, including “gig                          a kind of wholesale natural experiment
                                                                                              about restrictions on travel, gatherings,
    economy” workers, who are pushed into poverty.                                            continuation of businesses and schools,
                                                                                              and self-isolation or quarantine.
I am amazed by the spirit and resilience     encouraging and compelling individuals
of my colleagues in Australia and around     to behave in a manner consistent with            Governments have had to make rapid-
the world. And I am full of admiration       collective interests.                            fire judgments about the willingness
for colleagues with young children;                                                           to sustain economic harm to contain
with childcare and schools closed, they      ISPOR is the leading international body          the health of people, in the presence
somehow continue to work, appearing          for health economics and outcomes                of considerable uncertainty as to the
on videoconferences with partners and        research (HEOR). As a community of               effectiveness of those strategies, the
children in the background, all vying for    20,000+ HEOR professionals worldwide,            period of time for which they will be
use of laptops and work spaces.              we have a responsibility to consider             required to be in place in order to
                                             the implications of the pandemic for             sustain that effectiveness, and their real
I did not imagine when I began my term       our HEOR scientific priorities. We need          societal cost. Evaluation to understand
as ISPOR President that one of the           to ensure HEOR evidence informs                  the differences in effects and costs
decisions the Board of Directors would       healthcare delivery and policy in and            of these measures will be difficult but
have to make this year was cancelling the    following the pandemic—the lessons that          essential to inform economic and health
ISPOR 2020 conference in Orlando (the        we can learn from this will be invaluable        policy in the post–COVID-19 world. Yet
first time in ISPOR’s 25-year existence      in planning for future, potentially much         these evaluations pose methodological
that it has cancelled a major event). This   more fatal, crises.                              challenges: the options are huge in scale
was not a decision taken lightly, and                                                         and far from “marginal” changes; the
considerable effort went into assessing      Identifying HEOR scientific priorities           perspective from which to evaluate them
the implications. But ultimately there was   for COVID-19 research                            necessarily extends beyond the narrow
no option: ISPOR is committed to global      Which ethics committee signed off approval       “healthcare perspective”; and what
health and we take seriously our duty of     for this worldwide study into comparative        decision rule do we use to judge value
care for the health and well-being of our    public healthcare systems?                       for money in such a context?
members and stakeholders.                    —Professor Jo Wolff, Oxford University,
                                               United Kingdom                                 The availability of data is a limiting factor
Beyond changing our immediate                                                                 in undertaking research at present.
personal and working circumstances,          COVID-19 and the responses to it                 Differences in the availability and use

                                                                                        Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 5
of testing confounds the interpretation       (eg, mental health problems, cancers),         program to take the place of the in-
of and comparisons between rates of           and future outcomes will be worse,             person event in Orlando. In addition to
infection in the populations of different     due to delayed diagnosis and missed            the plenaries and panel sessions which
countries, and the rates of mortality         treatment opportunities.                       had already been planned, we will add
among those infected. In some countries,                                                     an online preconference session where
testing and tracing was maximized; in         What are the implications for the health       HEOR aspects of the COVID-19 situation
other countries, access to testing was        and quality of life of those for whom          and their implications for future research
severely restricted, further complicating     this period of enforced isolation has          priorities will be discussed. I encourage
an understanding of transmission,             disrupted the delivery of essential            all ISPOR members to log in, tune in,
prevalence of illness, and the relative       services, such as those with mental            and engage. We welcome your ideas
effectiveness of strategies to limit these.   health problems and those with                 about how ISPOR can help to mobilize
What was the optimal strategy? And how        disabilities? What are the effects of          HEOR efforts now and over the
much avoidable harm did the world’s           isolation and lockdown on the quality          coming year to produce better data,
nations’ deviations from that cause?          of life of those without pre-existing          better evidence, and real solutions.
                                              mental health problems, but who are            It is important we learn as much as we
                                              now struggling with anxiety, depression,       can from this crisis—and the enormous
    COVID-19 and the                          and uncertainty? How has the lockdown
                                              affected vulnerable populations, including
                                                                                             human and economic cost that has and
                                                                                             is still to be incurred—to better prepare
    responses to it by                        elderly people in residential care?            us for the future.
    government, healthcare                    How are prioritization decisions being         At the start of the year, ISPOR embarked
    systems, businesses,                      made when demand exceeds capacity              on an important new project to establish
    and individuals generate                  in healthcare systems during the peaks
                                              of the COVID-19 crisis—particularly
                                                                                             HEOR research priorities. That project
                                                                                             has made excellent progress and is well
    important questions that                  in systems where “rationing” has not           positioned to incorporate new research
    HEOR can help to address.                 previously been accepted? Who is
                                              making these decisions—are they being
                                                                                             topics relating to COVID-19. ISPOR
                                                                                             leaders will meet in the coming months
                                              made consistently—and on what basis?           to establish ISPOR’s HEOR science
Economic damage from lockdown                 Who is benefiting and what is being            priorities for the next 5 years, informed
measures will not be equally                  sacrificed?                                    by results of that work.
distributed—it is likely the misery
from this will fall disproportionately        The pandemic has also revealed                 ISPOR and its member groups
on the poor and those in secondary            different levels of preparedness among         will organize special webinars and
labor markets, including “gig economy”        healthcare systems: lack of personal           discussions around COVID-19 and
workers, who are pushed into poverty.         protective equipment (PPE) for frontline       will continue to support its members
Given what we know about the                  staff may itself have led to a considerable    with the latest information on this
socioeconomic determinants of health,         avoidable burden of ill health. What           rapidly changing situation. ISPOR is
the health consequences of these              are the cost and benefits of improved          committed to its mission and to serving
economic measures will therefore also         PPE? What are the supply or other              its members and the broader healthcare
be unequally distributed—and will have        constraints that have led to PPE not           audience during the extraordinary global
implications for health well beyond the       being available for frontline clinical staff   healthcare crisis that COVID-19 presents.
immediate crisis. We need evidence on         during COVID-19? More broadly, what            The field of HEOR has never been more
that, so effective policy measures can be     is the appropriate balance between             important.
targeted.                                     spare capacity and technical efficiency in
                                              healthcare provision?                          Wherever you are, I hope you, your
Meanwhile, what is happening to supply,                                                      family, and your community stay safe and
demand, and access to other health
services during the pandemic in the
                                              This is far from an exhaustive account
                                              of the kinds of questions HEOR could
                                                                                             stay well. Be kind to each other.

world’s healthcare systems? What health       usefully address. ISPOR now has a
needs and healthcare utilization have         new and important role to facilitate us
been deferred, and what will be the           working together collectively as an HEOR
consequences of that in the post-COVID        community to establish the research
world? How have morbidity and mortality       priorities. And each of us, as ISPOR
from non-COVID infectious diseases            members, should consider how to pivot
(and from noninfectious causes) been          our research agendas, to use our skills to
affected by isolation and lockdowns?          address the new and emerging research
Presumably some will have been avoided        needs.
altogether (eg, car crash fatalities), and
some may worsen (eg, domestic abuse           ISPOR’s role
fatalities and injuries, alcoholism), while   As I write, ISPOR is working hard to
other health problems will be “stored up”     develop its first online conference

6 | March/April 2020 Value & Outcomes Spotlight

Dialogue With Decision Makers: Collaborating With Payers
to Advance Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Nadia Naaman, Senior Director Scientific & Health Policy Initiatives, ISPOR

A    few decades ago when ISPOR was
     founded, our members represented
mostly healthcare researchers and
                                                health systems throughout the world,
                                                the types of payers vary across countries
                                                and within countries. Payers can be
academicians. But over the years, slowly        government bodies at the national and/
but surely, our membership experienced          or regional/local levels, private/statutory
a steady expansion of different                 insurers (both for-profit and nonprofit),
stakeholder groups, such as regulators          and self-funding employers.
and assessors, payers and decision
makers, the life sciences industry,             As a multistakeholder organization
healthcare providers, and of course,            dedicated to improving healthcare
patient engagement organizations.               decisions, ISPOR recognizes that payers
                                                are a critical stakeholder group who
ISPOR believes that every healthcare            can help apply and advance the science              This year, ISPOR is excited to introduce
decision should be informed by the best         of health economics and outcomes                    new opportunities to promote the
scientific research derived from rigorous,      research (HEOR). In a strategic effort to           dialogue with decision makers that
proven methodologies. We also believe           start a dialogue and collaborations with            focus on the payer perspective. Our
that the research should be used and            these decision makers, ISPOR established            goal is to create a series of events and
applied by all healthcare stakeholders. As      a payer engagement initiative to increase           programs that bring together ISPOR’s
a way to address these needs, ISPOR has         ISPOR’s interaction with the payer                  multistakeholder audience and provide
established several councils to represent       community, to drive awareness about the             unique opportunities to interact and
these different stakeholders and has            benefits of HEOR in healthcare decisions,           collaborate with this influential payer
provided a platform where each of these         and to ultimately establish ISPOR as a              group. With the continued development
stakeholders can interact and engage in         key resource and trusted partner for                of high-cost therapies, payers and
discussions on key issues.                      healthcare payers around the world.                 manufacturers are increasingly engaging
                                                                                                    in performance-based managed entry
One of the stakeholder groups                   Since 2007, ISPOR has hosted an                     agreements. The collaborative nature
that ISPOR has dedicated a lot of               annual Health Technology Assessment                 of these payment schemes require all
effort and resources to cultivate               (HTA) Roundtable, which has grown                   parties to work in alignment. To ensure
and collaborate with are healthcare             to cover the 5 major regions of the                 the success of these arrangements there
decision makers, especially those               world. Roundtable attendees include                 is a need to agree on the information
responsible for reimbursement                   representatives from public HTA bodies,             provided by manufacturers at the time
policies for pharmaceuticals and other          public and private payers, decision                 of launch, and the proper processes
health technologies, as these are               makers, and government-contracted                   to collect and analyze real-world data
the core people who play an integral            academic centers (if no HTA body exists             post-launch. As a multistakeholder
role in the healthcare system. These            in the country). In North America, the              organization devoted to improving
decision makers are responsible for             active and candid participation of payers           healthcare decisions, ISPOR is well-suited
determining which health technologies           has been the key to the high level of               to further this discussion and come
are reimbursed, and this key group may          interest and sustained overall success of           closer to finding solutions.
or may not have the ability to influence        these roundtable events.
the final price of the product or service.                                                          Healthcare decision making is
In short, this group is collectively referred   ISPOR has many resources that are                   increasingly complex, and the best
to as “payers” and represents the public        relevant to payers; however, few payer              way to find solutions is to work across
and private organizations who ultimately        organizations are using these resources             stakeholder types toward a shared
decide whether a health technology is           in a systematic way. Recognizing the                outcome. ISPOR is dedicated to providing
reimbursed and at what price.                   importance of this key stakeholder                  an unbiased, collaborative environment
                                                group, many ISPOR members have asked                for interactive dialogue that includes
The ISPOR Book of Terms defines                 to have more payers participate at ISPOR            all perspectives across the healthcare
a “healthcare payer” as the party               conferences, as much of the research                continuum. We look forward to
responsible for the financing and payment       that has been conducted in the HEOR                 continuing to lead the way in improving
of healthcare for a population of eligible      field must be accepted and applied by               decision making in health for today,
persons. Due to the heterogeneity of            them.                                               tomorrow, and well into the future. •
                                                                                              Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 7

1 Employer Coverage                                                5
    Potential Costs of Coronavirus Treatment for People With            Does Pharma’s Future Lie in China? (pharmaphorum .com)
                           (Petersen-KFF Health System Tracker)         Nooman Haque, managing director, Life Sciences, Silicon
As the new coronavirus spreads within the United States,           Valley Bank UK, says if the pharmaceutical industry wants to
questions have arisen over the potential costs people may face     continue capitalizing on the power of collaboration, it needs
if they become severely ill and need treatment. To address         to open doors to cross-border investment. “Primarily, we
concerns over costs associated with the COVID-19 virus, Vice       believe the future lies in a partnership with China,” Haque says.
President Mike Pence met with a group of large private insurers,   “The East and West have their own very different healthcare
who agreed to waive copayments and deductibles for COVID-19        challenges, but it is precisely these differences that present us
tests. However, America’s health insurance plans clarified that    with a unique opportunity for cross-border collaboration.”
the out-of-pocket costs for treatment (such as hospitalizations
for more serious cases) would not be waived, meaning people        future-lie-in-china/?utm_campaign=Industry+news+&utm_
with private insurance who face deductibles could be on the        content=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
hook for large costs.

                                                                   6 Delivery in India: Addressing Information Gaps for Price           Estimating the Unit Costs of Healthcare Service
                                                                   Setting and Health Technology Assessment (Applied Health
     4 Ways Government Can Use AI to Track Coronavirus             Economics and Health Policy)
                                                                   India’s flagship National Health insurance program (AB-PMJAY)
Government health agencies can leverage artificial intelligence    requires accurate cost information for evidence-based decision
(AI) technology to limit the spread of the new COVID-19 virus      making, strategic purchasing of health services, and setting
and other diseases in 4 ways: prediction, detection, response,     reimbursement rates. To address the challenge of limited health
and recovery.                                                      service cost data, this study used econometric methods to   identify determinants of cost and estimate unit costs for each
                                                                   Indian state.

    ICER Indefinitely Postpones Public Meetings for      
    Sickle Cell Disease and Cystic Fibrosis, Expands Other

Assessment Timelines Up to 3 Months (ICER)                             Shared Decision Making: From Decision Science to Data
Like many other national and international healthcare                  Science (Medical Decision Making)
organizations holding regular meetings, the Institute for          According to this study’s authors, while accurate diagnosis of
Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has postponed some of          patients’ preferences is central to shared decision making,
its meetings and expanded the timeline on other assessments        often missing from clinical practice is an approach that links
because of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We are hopeful these            pretreatment preferences and patient-reported outcomes.
expanded timeframes will enable all stakeholders to instead        The authors (Azza Shaoib, Brian Neelon, and Leslie A. Lenert)
focus on meeting the needs of their patient communities during     propose a Bayesian collaborative filtering algorithm that
this national emergency.”                                          combines pretreatment preferences and patient-reported              outcomes to provide treatment recommendations.

     Medicare For All: If Not Now, When? (Health Affairs Blog)

                                                                   8 for Generating Large-Scale Cohorts From the EHR for
      While some pundits say the strong push by Democrats               Model-Assisted Cohort Selection With Bias Analysis
for Medicare for All may succumb to political realities, Adam
Gaffney argues that while the hurdles are formidable, “steep       Oncology Research (Flatiron Health)
political odds hardly compel us to abandon Medicare for All.”
                                                                   To efficiently build research cohorts of greater scale without
He says history suggests that movements organized around
                                                                   sacrificing quality, a team of data scientists, software engineers,
ambitious demands can over time create the conditions for
                                                                   and clinicians at Flatiron Health have developed a technique
their passage, and that demands for radical change often
                                                                   that combines machine learning and natural language
advance, rather than undermine, the prospects for more
                                                                   processing with human review called Model-Assisted Cohort
incremental progress in the interim.
                                                                   Selection with Bias Analysis to analyze the data found in
                                                                   unstructured documents, such as clinician notes and pathology
medium=social&utm_source=twitter                                   reports, in electronic health records (EHRs).

8 | March/April 2020 Value & Outcomes Spotlight

9                                                                       11
     The Interaction Between Price Negotiations and                           US Government Aims at High Insulin Prices With Plan
     Heterogeneity: Implications for Economic Evaluations                     for $35 Copay in Medicare (Reuters)
(Medical Decision Making)                                               The Trump administration in March turned back to its pledge to
Although economic evaluation is an important element of the             fight high US drug prices with a plan to limit the out-of-pocket
decision-making process for the reimbursement of drugs,                 cost for insulin, a life-saving medicine, to $35 per month for
and heterogeneity can be considered an explained variation              many people with diabetes who are enrolled in Medicare.
in clinical or economic outcomes based on the clinical and    
sociodemographic characteristics of patients, this study’s              government-aims-at-high-insulin-prices-with-plan-for-35-copay-in-
authors say to their knowledge, the relationship between                medicare-idUSKBN20Y1WG
price negotiations and population heterogeneity has not been

considered in the literature to date.                                          Hub Providers Can Be the Source of the Best Real-                      World Evidence (Pharmaceutical Commerce)

                                                                        Rational value-based contracts must be based on the ability to
       Competitive Physician Prices in Fee-for-Service                  track the outcomes or continued health of patients. While most
       Medicare (Health Affairs Blog)                                   of these data comes from payers’ claims records and electronic
Experts have criticized the administrative approach to setting          health records, another source of real-world evidence—and
traditional Medicare prices since its inception. But trying to set      one that could play into a much wider range of value-based
up a more competitive pricing system faces several challenges,          contracts—is the pharma industry’s hub and patient-support
as outlined by Bryan Dowd, Roger Feldman, and Robert                    providers, which routinely gather data from patients. “In some
Coulam: (1) the degree to which services are “shoppable” by             cases, they are in touch with them daily, not just for medical
beneficiaries; (2) provider consolidation, which reduces the            data, but scads of data on patients’ moods, emotions, and
number of bidders and imparts pricing power to the remaining            concerns,” says Nicholas Basta.
providers; and (3) the inherent reluctance of consumers to    
change providers, which can make the market less price                  the-source-of-the-best-real-world-evidence/

                                                                                          Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 9

Section Editor: George Papadopoulos, Emerald Corporate Group Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia

Healthcare decision makers (whether they are payers, regulators, clinicians, or health economists) have to
grapple with a variety of evidence presented to them. Interpretation of Kaplan-Meir plots or response rates are
but 2 presentations of that evidence, and we have selected 2 recent articles that discuss the presentation and
interpretation of these data. Finally, qualitative health-preference research also can be utilized, and we present a
paper that discusses a set of guidelines to improve the frequency and quality of reporting.

Proposals on Kaplan–Meier plots in medical research and               Reporting formative qualitative research to support the
a survey of stakeholder views: KMunicate                              development of quantitative preference study protocols
Morris T, Jarvis C, Cragg W, Phillips P, Choodari-Oskooei             and corresponding survey instruments: guidelines for
B, Sydes M. BMJ Open. 2019;9(e030215): doi:10.1136/                   authors and reviewers
bmjopen-2019-030215                                                   Hollin I, Craig B, Coast J, Beusterien K, Vass C, DiSantostefano R,
                                                                      Peay H. Patient. Published online: December 2019.
Summary                                                               Summary
We all use Kaplan-Meier curves or plots, but how is the               Hollin, et al have developed a set of guidelines for authors and
information best communicated to both decision makers and             reviewers to improve the frequency and quality of reporting of
non-decision makers? What is the level of uncertainty in the          quantitative health preference research. The guidelines focus
difference estimates in survival time between the treatment           on formative qualitative research used to develop robust and
groups? In this BMJ Open article, Morris, et al present research      acceptable quantitative study protocols and corresponding
on improvements that can be made to the presentation                  survey instruments in health preference research.
of Kaplan-Meier curves to show the status of patients over
time, and to illustrate the uncertainty of the estimates. The         The guidelines have 5 components with subcomponents:
authors then survey stakeholders in order to understand               1. Introductory material (4 domains)
which improvements are preferred. The authors created 6               2. Methods (12)
improvements of the “standard” Kaplan-Meier plot from 3               3. Results/findings (2)
published phase III randomized trials, and surveyed 1174              4. Discussion (2)
participants over a 6-week period. Most proposals were more           5. Other (2)
popular than the “standard” Kaplan-Meier plot. The most
popular proposals were in 2 categories:                               Relevance
                                                                      Qualitative research is not often published, but the publication
1. An extended table beneath the plot depicting the numbers           of formative qualitative research is a necessary step toward
at risk, censored and having experienced an event at periodic         strengthening the foundation of any quantitative study. These
timepoints.                                                           guidelines should aid researchers, reviewers, and regulatory
                                                                      agencies, and at the same time, promote the transparency
2. Confidence intervals around each Kaplan-Meier curve, the           within health preference research.
latter one a favorite of mine.
                                                                      Response rates and durations of response for biomarker-
Relevance                                                             based cancer drugs in nonrandomized versus randomized
The presentation of an extended table beneath the plot                trials
depicting the numbers at risk (Plot A in Figure 2 of the paper),      Gyawali B, D’Andrea E, Franklin J, Kesselheim A. J Natl Compr Canc
together with confidence intervals around the estimates (Plot E       Netw. 2020;18(1):36-43. doi:10.6004/jnccn.2019.7345
in Figure 2), would greatly increase the ability of both expert and
non-expert decision makers to understand the survival times           In this original research article, Gyawali, et al evaluated whether
more easily. Kaplan-Meier plots remain an important tool in           the response rates and durations of response of targeted
research and analysis and the development of a more visually          cancer drugs observed in nonrandomized controlled trials (non-
meaningful presentation of the result is a great step forward.        RCTs) are consistent when these drugs are tested in randomized
                                                                      controlled trials (RCTs). The authors compared the response
                                                                      rates and median durations of response in non-RCTs versus
                                                                      RCTs using the ratio of response rates and the ratio of durations
                                                                      of response (defined as the response rates [or durations
                                                                      of response] in non-RCTs divided by the response rates [or

10 | March/April 2020 Value & Outcomes Spotlight

durations of response] in RCTs). The ratio of response rates or   Note: The preceding texts are simplified summaries of the published
durations of response was pooled across the trial pairs using     articles. They do not contain an opinion on an in-depth analysis
random-effects meta-analysis. Both non-RCTs and RCTs were         the results obtained by the authors. The selection of these works
available for 19 drug-indication pairs selected. The response     was made based on overall relevance to the HEOR community,
rates and durations of response in non-RCTs were greater than     not a product of a literature review or of a methodological quality
those in RCTs in 63% and 87% of cases, respectively. The pooled   selection.
ratio of response rates was 1.06 (95% CI, 0.95–1.20), and the
pooled ratio of durations of response was 1.17 (95% CI, 1.03–

1.33). Response rates and durations of response derived from
non-RCTs were also poor surrogates for overall survival derived
from RCTs.

As more and more drugs, especially new targeted cancer drugs,
are slated to receive regulatory approval globally, based on
durable responses in non-RCTs, this is important research to
consider. A critical eye should be cast over the use of durable
responses data derived from non-RCTs, because the responses
could be overestimates and poor predictors of survival benefit.
The authors conclude that caution must be exercised when
approving or prescribing targeted drugs based on data on
durable responses derived from non-RCTs.   •

                                                                                   Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 11
ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research

        ISPOR 2020 Conferences
                                                   Virtual ISPOR 2020
                                                   May 18-20
                                                   HEOR: Advancing Evidence to Action
                                                   May 14: New Plenary Session “HEOR in the Era of COVID-19”
                                                   May 18-20: Virtual Conference

                                                   ISPOR-FDA Summit 2020
                      Using Patient-Preference Information in Medical Device
                               Regulatory Decisions: Benefit-Risk and Beyond
                                                             Summit Postponed
                                                   Visit the website for updates

                                                     12-15 September
                                                     Seoul, South Korea
                                                     Next Generation Healthcare in Asia Pacific:
                                                     Where Technology Meets Patients to Improve Care
                                                     Abstract Notifications: 10 June
                                                     Early Registration Deadline: 28 July

                                       14-18 November | Milan, Italy
                                               Improving Health: Establishing
                                                 Incentives and Sharing Value
                                       Early Registration Deadline: 6 October
                                   Abstract Submissions Open Through 8 July

        Looking ahead to 2021 Conferences:
        ISPOR 2021                ISPOR Latin                 ISPOR Europe 2021
        May 15-19                 America 2021                6-10 November
        Montreal, Canada          Mexico City, Mexico         Paris, France               

12 | March/April 2020 Value & Outcomes Spotlight
The Society’s Annual Conference
Is Now a Virtual Event


      Virtual ISPOR 2020
      MAY 18-20
      HEOR: Advancing Evidence to Action

      The 3-day virtual conference will include issue panels,
      workshops, podium presentations and symposia, as well as
      3 featured plenary sessions:

      • Health Policy—Designing for the Future
      • HEOR and Clinical Decision Making—Advancing Meaningful Progress
      • On the Road to Enhanced Cost-Effectiveness Analysis—New Directions, New Milestones

      A virtual plenary session, HEOR in the Era of COVID-19, scheduled for May 14
      10:00AM-12:00PM EDT, will be offered free to members and non-members.

      The Virtual Short Course Program will be available beginning in June.
      Visit the ISPOR website for dates and times.

      Detailed program information and registration will be announced soon.

      Visit for updates.

                                                                 Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 13

Section Editors:
Soraya Azmi, MBBS, MPH, Beigene, California, USA; Agnes Benedict, MSc, MA, Evidera, Budapest, Hungary

Value in Health. 2020;                         based health study and indicated they       or polyclinic were preferred by 85% of
                                               would be available for future studies.      respondents; few preferred vaccinations
23(2):200–208.                                 Participants were randomized into 4         in their own home or other options.
Optimal Design of Population-Level             groups. People in Group 1 received          Importantly, 76% perceived the vaccine
                                               a survey regarding their thoughts           as safe, but few people considered
Financial Incentives of Influenza
                                               about the flu vaccine (which was to be      themselves being at risk of infection
Vaccination for the Elderly                    completed in 2 months), and a SGD           without the vaccine (35%).
Mu Yue, Yi Wang, PhD, Chng Kiat Low,           $10 (US $6.90) shopping voucher (this
Joanne Su-yin Yoong, Alex R. Cook              served as the control group). In the 3      Circumstances related to the flu vaccine
                                               intervention groups, people were asked      are unique in Singapore in many
Influenza (or the flu) is caused by 3 types    to fill in the survey and also to go for    ways: there is less seasonality due to
of influenza virus. It is a rapidly evolving   the vaccine (at their own cost, at SGD      its equatorial location, the funding of
virus, causing 3 to 5 million severe cases     $32 [US$22.08]), in return for a small      healthcare is based on medical savings
per year and approximately 260,000             compensation of SGD $10, $20, or $30        account, and it is a developed yet
to 560,000 deaths per year.1 The case          (US $6.90, $13.80, and $20.69) in the       small country. However, the topic of
fatality is highest among high-risk            form of shopping vouchers. The outcome      the paper is very important, especially
patients (ie, children, the elderly, and       measured was “participation within 2        considering the current COVID-19 virus
people with other comorbidities). It is a      months,” corresponding to returning the     pandemic. Flu is a potentially deadly
seasonal disease mostly occurring in the       survey in Group 1 and returning both the    disease among high-risk groups and that
winter but can happen any time along           survey and vaccination certificate dated    can put additional strain on the health
the equator. Flu vaccines are developed        within the study period. Letters returned   system given the presence of COVID-19.
twice a year to match the predicted mix        from unknown addresses and those            Although a vaccine is available for the
of types of viruses for the coming season.     vaccinated within the previous 6 months     flu, the awareness of the severity of the
Vaccination is recommended annually            were excluded from the denominator for      disease and the uptake of the vaccine
for the high-risk groups, but several          calculating the participation.              are very low. Direct financial incentives
countries recommend it to everyone.                                                        may have an important role in targeting
There are some countries where it is           Overall response was 9.3%, with highest     the high-risk groups. However, more
offered free of charge (United Kingdom),       in Group 1 (16.9%) and extremely low        ideas will be needed to substantially
or at a relatively low cost.1 However,         values in the 3 other groups (4.5%, 7.5,    increase the number of patients showing
uptake of the flu vaccination is variable.     and 9.2%, respectively). Nevertheless,
                                               the increase in the total incentive from
                                                                                           up for their annual flu shots.    •
In the United Kingdom, where a universal       SGD $10 to $20 (US $6.90, $13.80) in
vaccine program for school children            shopping voucher value was statistically
                                                                                           1. World Health Organization. Influenza
was introduced in 2013, a retrospective        significant; further increase was not.      (Seasonal). Ask the expert: Influenza Q&A. 6
observational study of 500 primary             However, in terms of trends, both           November 2018. Archived from the original
care practices (~700,000 children)             males and females were more likely to       on 30 November 2019. https://www.who.
showed an increase in vaccination              participate if SGD $30 (US $20.69) was      int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/influenza-
uptake from 2012–2013 to 2013–2014             offered versus SGD $10 (US $6.90),          (seasonal). Accessed March 20, 2020.
in targeted children aged 2 to 3 years,        while some other demographic factors
                                                                                           2. Rajaram S, Steffey A, Blak B, Hickman
both in children with a high-risk medical      mattered: Chinese elderly were more
                                                                                           M, Christensen H, Caspard H. Uptake
conditions (from 40.7% to 61.1%) and           sensitive to incentives, as well as the
                                                                                           of childhood influenza vaccine from
those without (from 1.0% to 43.0%).2           nonworking elderly, and those over 75
                                                                                           2012–2013 to 2014–2015 in the UK and
According to the United Kingdom’s official     years responded much more strongly          the implications for high-risk children: a
statistics on seasonal flu vaccines, the       to the incentives. The authors looked       retrospective observational cohort study.
uptake among individuals over 65 years         for the “optimal” financial incentive       BMJ Open. 2016;6:e010625. doi:10.1136/
of age was 71.3% in 2018, and among            but considered the vaccine uptake as        bmjopen-2015-010625.
those at high risk, 46.9%.3 In Singapore       an external variable. Therefore, this is
(Yue et al),4 the current uptake of the flu    not a true optimization along multiple      3. GOV.UK. Official Statistics. Seasonal flu
                                                                                           vaccine uptake in GP patients: monthly
vaccine is around 15% among school             parameters. Their key finding is that
                                                                                           data, 2019 to 2020.
children and 17% among the elderly,            considering transmission dynamics, an
despite recommendations for vaccination        incentive between SGD $10 and $20 (US
from the local ministry of health. We          $6.90 and $13.90) minimizes the cost        to-2020. Accessed March 20, 2020.
review the article by Yue et al studying       per completed vaccination from a health
the impact of a financial incentives among     system perspective.                         4. Yue M, Wang Y, Low CK, Yoong J S-Y,
the elderly in Singapore.                                                                  Cook AR. Optimal design of population-level
                                               In terms of the survey results, of those    financial incentives of influenza vaccination for
The authors invited 4000 individuals,          who responded, vaccinations that took       the elderly. Value Health. 2020;23(2):200-208.
who all participated in a population-          place in a general practitioner’s office

14 | March/April 2020 Value & Outcomes Spotlight

ISPOR’s Health Technology Assessment and Patient Representative Roundtables:
Strengthening Patient-Centered Decision Making in Asia Pacific and Globally
Robert Selby, MBA, Director, Global Networks (Asia Pacific and Latin America), ISPOR, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA

A     gainst the backdrop of rapid
      institutional reforms and
development for national health
                                             Association of China, China Organization
                                             for Rare Diseases, Philippine Alliance
                                             of Patient Organizations, Vietnam
                                                                                             impact analysis, and health economics
                                                                                             (budget impact analysis and health
                                                                                             economic analysis were optional
technology assessment (HTA) in               Hemophilia Group, China Rare Disease            previously). Additionally, the government
China, ISPOR hosted HTA and Patient          Organizations Development Network               is also engaging in a program of high-
Representatives Roundtable discussions       (Mainland China), and the Psoriasis             volume centralized purchasing of
in Beijing, China on 25 October 2019.        Association Taiwan.                             generics through their “4+7 Plan,” which
ISPOR’s HTA and Patient Representative
Roundtables are platforms to advance
scientific methods, facilitate information
sharing about the development of HTA,
                                                  A major thread of discussion centered around ways payers are
and strengthen the role HTA plays in              bringing access of high-cost innovative therapies to patients while
optimizing healthcare decisions. These
roundtables are ideal opportunities
                                                  still maintaining acceptable budgets.
for ISPOR to bridge the gap between
technology assessors, private and public     The key topics of the roundtables               has led to lower prices for a wide variety
payers, regulators, and patients, and        centered on managing high-cost                  of medicines.3 While such approaches
the discussions focus on innovative          therapies and patient participation in          have yielded rapid and dynamic results,
ways to improve health globally and          HTA and healthcare decision making.             how these changes will affect the
make healthcare decision making              Participants presented specific cases of        healthcare system in terms of systematic
more patient-centric. ISPOR HTA and          managed entry schemes, negotiation              and transparent processes toward value
Patient Representatives Roundtables          mechanisms and approaches for pricing           and efficacy assessment, prioritization
are convened regularly in Asia Pacific,      and reimbursement, HTA harmonization            and access, and health technology
Europe, Latin America, Middle East and       across the globe, HTA in universal health       innovation remains to be seen.
Africa, and North America.1,2                coverage implementation, and patient
                                             involvement in healthcare decisions.            Risk-sharing agreements or other
The ISPOR Asia-Pacific HTA and Patient                                                       managed-access programs have
Representatives Roundtables enjoyed          Improving Patient Access to                     been in practice in South Korea and
broad representation from key experts        Innovative Technologies                         Australia for several years and have
and decision-making bodies from the          A major thread of discussion centered           provided incentives and pathways
region, including the Pharmaceutical         around ways payers are bringing access          for the adoption of promising new
Benefits Advisory Committee (Australia);     of high-cost innovative therapies to            technologies for vulnerable patients
Health Technology Assessment in India        patients while still maintaining acceptable     where limited data may exist. While
(India); HTA Committee (Indonesia);          budgets. Jurisdictions are taking highly        there have been some examples of
Health Insurance Review & Assessment         varied approaches to this issue, ranging        success with these programs, significant
Service and National Evidence-based          from direct centralized negotiation in          challenges remain, particularly regarding
Healthcare Collaborating Agency              China to outcomes-based arrangements            capacity and bandwidth of payers
(South Korea); Center for Drug               in Australia and South Korea. Chinese           in collecting data and assessing the
Evaluation (Taiwan); National Institute      payers have leveraged their purchasing          relevant evidence. And since many of
of Public Health and National Institute      power and large market to extract steep         these arrangements are only active for
of Social Security and Population            price cuts for many orphan drugs and            4 to 5 years per contract, the questions
Research (Japan); Health Technology          have also sped up review and approval           surrounding long-term efficacy and value
Assessment Section, Ministry of Health,      processes significantly. The Chinese            are harder to answer. Many studies
Malaysia; Philippine Health Insurance        government is also conducting more              that utilize narrow time horizons or
Corporation (Philippines); Agency for        frequent comprehensive reviews and              surrogate endpoints for the candidate
Care Effectiveness (Singapore); Health       updates of the national reimbursement           interventions are said not to adequately
Intervention and Technology Assessment       drug list, with the latest update occurring     capture the full costs and value that
Program (Thailand); and HTA department       in 2019. Currently, all new therapies           are expected to be realized throughout
(Mongolia). Patient organizations that       under consideration are required to             the technology’s life cycle. Additionally,
were represented included the Heart to       undergo review in the areas of clinical         the arrangements themselves can
Heart Foundation (Thailand), Lymphoma        efficacy, pricing benchmarks, budget            bring substantial risk and uncertainty.

                                                                                      Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 15
Thus, some payers still feel hesitant to      inclusion of consumer representatives.       assessment of treatment effects,
pursue these types of arrangements            While these examples are encouraging,        and key methodological issues in
(except in very special cases). It was        there are still questions among              pragmatic randomized controlled trials.
expressed by many participants that to        patients as to whether this is enough,       Regionally, however, there are questions
make such arrangements more feasible          as these representatives do not have         surrounding managing uncertainty,
in the region, additional work needs          voting power in some jurisdictions           including what structure and resources
to be done by innovators to generate          and may have a limited capacity in           are needed to clarify the impact and
acceptable evidence for payers to             providing input. Patient groups also         relevance of data. Specifically, how do
mitigate uncertainty and risk wherever        question whether such a small patient        we collectively define an intervention’s
possible. For example, there should be        delegation on these committees could         level of impact or magnitude of benefit?
enough of an initial correlation within       be truly representative of the broader       Is it just high unmet need being met?
the clinical trials and a sufficiently        community, even if they may be expertly      What is a significant clinical benefit—is
robust accompanying body of outcomes          qualified. And for groups that still lack    it defined in terms of breadth or depth?
data to support effective decision            formal participation mechanisms in their     How do patients value judgments
                                                                                           differ from society as a whole? And the
                                                                                           question of changing priorities and
     According to one prominent patient advocate in the region,                            realities in the light of evolving evidence

    data are an important tool for patient organizations to present                        and perspectives necessitates clarity of
                                                                                           approaches surrounding disinvestment
    their case to decision makers, and that without data, a patient                        and de-listing of technologies.

    is just another person with an opinion.                                                What Can Patients Contribute?
                                                                                           Based on the notable efforts many
making.4 Payers should also have a            respective jurisdictions or feel that such   patient organizations are making in the
better understanding of the potential         processes are lacking, advocacy remains      region, it was clear that patient data are
market impact of reimbursement and            their primary recourse, which has its own    one of the most powerful witnesses they
renegotiation decisions, which could          limitations. While progress is occurring,    can provide. According to one prominent
affect the availability of certain products   much more needs to be done to ensure         patient advocate in the region, data
in their countries.                           that these processes are achieving the       are an important tool for patient
                                              ultimate objective of making decisions       organizations to present their case
Patient Involvement in HTA in Asia            patient-centric. To that end, key            to decision makers, and that without
Pacific: Where Are We?                        questions have emerged, namely:              data, a patient is just another person
As patients and patient advocates             (1) What is the proper role of patients in   with an opinion. Patient representative
are becoming empowered to take                HTA and healthcare decision making?          organizations have taken incredible
ownership of their healthcare, they           (2) Where should patients get involved in    efforts to generate patient-centric data
are increasingly laying pressure on           the process? and (3) What can patients       for decision makers, as well as publishing
HTA bodies and policy makers and              meaningfully contribute to the process?      reports and presenting to policymakers
emphasizing the importance of their                                                        to emphasize the special considerations
involvement in informing policy and           Managing Uncertainty: Local Data             that HTA needs to make for rare
HTA decisions. At the same time, there        Constraints and Future Investment            diseases. Patient-generated data can
is rising consensus in the region among       Many jurisdictions in Asia Pacific           provide insights into patient preferences
policymakers that healthcare decision         struggle with a paucity of local             and priorities for policymakers, and
making and delivery should be patient-        population data, which means that            patient inputs can help researchers to
centric and equitable. Many jurisdictions     many important reimbursement                 better capture the burden of disease and
in the region have already formally           decisions must be taken based on             cost of illness. Jurisdictions in the Asia
incorporated patient involvement in           potentially limited relevant evidence.       Pacific region have incorporated various
their HTA processes. In Taiwan, 2 patient     Challenges remain in making data and         mechanisms for capturing patient data
representatives are invited to participate    evidence available and adaptable for         and perspectives. For example, Taiwan
in the Pharmaceutical Benefit and             local considerations. China is taking        has fielded a patient questionnaire
Reimbursement Standard joint meeting          large strides toward incorporating           with an online submission form and
as nonvoting members. In Australia,           and utilizing big data in healthcare         guidelines to generate patient feedback;
the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory          decision making at all levels, with the      Australia also utilized a similar feedback
Committee has 2 expert consumer               establishment of a China Real World          process. Nonetheless, quality of feedback
(patient) representatives, and schedules      Data and Studies Alliance (ChinaREAL)        and patient data remains a challenge, as
consumer hearings to facilitate dialogue.     and investment in data infrastructures.5     there is no formal system for assessing
Australia also established the HTA            The ChinaREAL collaboration                  validity or considering conflicts of interest
Consumer Consultative Committee               has resulted in the production of            (lobbying influences) in Australia.
in 2017 that provides strategic advice        technical guidance documents
and support to the principal Health           including databases and registries for       A key challenge for the future will be
Technology Assessment Committees              research purposes, epidemiological           making patient inputs and data more
and the Department of Health with the         and statistical considerations in the        meaningful for payers and impactful in

20 | March/April 2020 Value & Outcomes Spotlight
health policy. The first part of this relates   needs to be done to strengthen health
to the ability of patient organizations         infrastructures and to bridge evidence
                                                                                                          Additional information
to effectively leverage their voice             gaps globally through health economics
and position as a credible and vital            and outcomes research. Finally, it will be                The next ISPOR Asia Pacific HTA and Patient
stakeholder in the process. To lend             essential for HTA stakeholders to more                    Representative Roundtables will take
more weight to their voices, “expert            actively facilitate translation of their                  place during the ISPOR Asia Pacific 2020
patients” are needed—both globally and          recommendations into policy. A model                      Conference, to be held on 12-15 September
regionally—to strengthen the foundation         for this could be Malaysia, which involves                2020 in Seoul, South Korea. For more
for organizational/institutional                government payers in assessment                           information on these and other initiatives,
participation and incorporation of              priority setting through criteria and                     please visit:
perspectives, and education will remain         discusses evidence with decision makers                   councils-roundtables.
a critical part of this. Patients should        on the local context.
also be better advocates (not just for
their specific diseases but for their           This report is adapted from presentations
stakeholder group as a whole), as they          and discussions that occurred during ISPOR
will be more effective in a unified way.        HTA and Patient Representative roundtables
A “turfing” mentality still exists among
some patient societies as they vie for
                                                - Asia Pacific on 25 October 2019.     •
influence and limited resources.                References
                                                1. ISPOR Health Technology Assessment
The other part of this relates to the           Roundtables. International Society for
quality of patient data. For policymakers       Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes
the question becomes: What kind of              Research.
data are really helpful for decision            member-groups/councils-roundtables/
making? With respect to qualitative data,       health-technology-assessment-council/
decision makers count specific and rich         health-technology-assessment-roundtables.
patient testimonials (ones that share           Accessed January 2, 2020.
patients’ personal disease experience           2. ISPOR Patient Representatives Roundtables.
and effects on the quality of their lives )     International Society for Pharmacoeconomics
as most useful to them. From a research         and Outcomes Research. https://www.ispor.
standpoint, patient perspectives have           org/member-groups/councils-roundtables/
the potential to ensure that clinical trial
                                                roundtables. Accessed January 2, 2020.
and observational study designs have
assumptions, objectives and endpoints           3. Yue X.. “4+7” Drug procurement reform in
that are better aligned with the real           China. China National Health Development
world to optimize outcomes.6                    Research Center, Beijing, China, 2019. https://
Conclusions                                     Accessed March 12, 2020.
For HTA to be successful, it should be
timely, relevant and practically usable for     4. Adamski J, Godman B, Ofierska-Sujkowska
                                                G, et al. Risk sharing arrangements for
decision makers, and follow an inclusive
                                                pharmaceuticals: potential considerations
and transparent process that proactively
                                                and recommendations for European payers.
emphasizes local horizon scanning               BMC Health Serv Res. 2010;10(153). https://doi.
and priority setting. Patients are a key        org/10.1186/1472-6963-10-153.
stakeholder group for healthcare and
                                                5. Sun X. Real world evidence in China:
should be actively involved in HTA, but
                                                current practices, challenges, strategies and
where and how they are involved in the          developments, presented at ISPOR Asia Pacific
process needs to be clarified further.          2018 Conference, Tokyo, Japan. https://www.
Moreover, there is an important role for
patients to play in clinical trial design       ap-2018/china-2nd-plenary-for-handouts.
and in the design and interpretation of         pdf?sfvrsn=5fbc7719_0. Accessed March 12,
observational studies.                          2020.
                                                6. Johnson LB, Smalley JB. Engaging the
Development and utilization of local            patient: patient-centered research. In: Hall
data will be an essential priority for          K, Vogel A, Croyle R, eds. Strategies for Team
Asia Pacific countries in the immediate         Science Success. [[City, Country: Springer
term to mitigate global data reliance.          [[full company name]]; 2019. https://doi.
Patient-reported outcomes data are              org/10.1007/978-3-030-20992-6_10.
also set to play a more prominent role
in future evidence considerations,
including in China. Further works

                                                                                                 Value & Outcomes Spotlight March/April 2020 | 15
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