Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative

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Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
April 2022

European Human
Biomonitoring Initiative
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
2                                                                                                                                                                  Table of contents                 3

                                                                                                     1                   2 3 4                                                         5
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 733032

Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the European
Human Biomonitoring Initiative, led by the German Environment Agency, was jointly implemented
by 120 partners from 30 participating countries – 25 EU member states plus Norway, Switzerland,          4-5                6-7              8 - 11           12 - 13                  14 - 15
Iceland, Israel and the UK, and the European Environmental Agency from 2017-2022.                  What is HBM4EU?       Who are we       Stakeholder’s   Science to policy      One substance, one
                                                                                                                                           perspective                              assessment

For more information on the HBM4EU please get in touch with us:

                                                                                                     6 7 8 9 10
HBM4EU Coordinator:
    • German Environment Agency,

HBM4EU Knowledge Hub:
    • European Environment Agency,

For further information visit us:
                                                                                                        16 - 19             20- 22           23 - 27          28 - 67                  68 - 69
                                                                                                   Health impacts of   HBM4EU Aligned     European HMB    HBM4EU Priority          Our scientific
Follow us on our social media channels at:                                                            chemicals           studies           Laboratory      Substances             achievements
    • Twitter: @HBM4EU
    • Facebook: @HBM4EU
    • LinkedIn: HBM4EU - Human Biomonitoring for Europe

                                                                                                   11 12 13 14 15
    • Instagram: hbm4eu

                                                                                                        70 -73              74-75             76 - 81           82 - 83                84 - 85
                                                                                                    National Hubs      Outreach to the       Insights     Building capacities     Measuring impact
                                                                                                                           public                           across Europe

                                                                                                   16 1786 - 87
                                                                                                    What is next?
                                                                                                                           88 - 91
                                                                                                                       Final Conference
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
4      What is HBM4EU?                     5

    aims to advance human
    biomonitoring in Europe by    We are
    providing evidence of the     HBM4EU
    exposure of EU citizens to
    chemicals and their effects
    on human health in order to
    support policy making.
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
6                 Who are we                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7

HBM4EU - a strong network to
support human biomonitoring
and environmental health
policies in Europe
                  written by The German Environment Agency

The exposure of citizens to chemicals and related health                       Human Biomonitoring (HBM) is a key tool to investigate                            Making
impacts are in the center of public and political concern.                     the exposure of people, and to inform regulators and                                                                                                   Scientific and
Reliable data are the prerequisite on which policies,                          citizens about the extent of the pollution of the human                                                                                               Administrative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Knowledge                                      Ethics
regulation and information for the general public must                         body, the sources and meaningful protective measures.                                                                                                  Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hub                                         Board
be based to safeguard a healthy life in a healthy Europe.                                                                                                                                                                          Project Coordinator,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Co-Coordinator, Secretariat

        fter years of intense          loops. With this new and innovative    HBM Platform, which covers all        and evidence were supplied
        work from national HBM         network, HBM4EU was not only           components of HBM studies, and 3)     by HBM4EU. The results show                                                                                            Science to
                                                                                                                                                               Board (GB)                                                                    Policy
        programmes in Europe           able to react quickly to consulting    Exposure and Health, which deals      clearly that we need to put more
                                                                                                                                                               Programme                                                                     Pilar 1
and the successfully finalised co-     and research needs, but also to        with the research of innovative       effort into information for the                                                 Steering
                                                                                                                    general public and multipliers, as
                                                                                                                                                               Owners, EU
funded EU projects ESBIO, COPHES       provide an excellent basis for         methods to determine the relation
and DEMOCOPHES, the need to            future partnerships and projects.      between exposure and health.          such for the consumer behaviour             Agencies
establish a permanent HBM on a             HBM4EU is a European Joint         The respective expertise of each      which results in a permanent                                                                               European
European level became urgent.                                                 country is bundled in ‘National       exposure of human bodies to                                                                                   HBM                    Exposure
                                       Programme, funded by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Plataform                and Health
    Since 2017, the German             European Commission under              Hubs’, which function as conduits     plasticizers. Not only regulations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pilar 2                   Pilar 3
Environment         Agency        is   its H2020 programme with 74M           to both sides between HBM4EU          for the environment are necessary,
coordinating the European Human        EUR. The project is located on         and the member countries to           but also a clear plastic strategy
Biomonitoring Initiative which         the intersection between science       ensure that national requirements     that focuses on human data and                                                Management
comprises 116 partner institutions     and policy. It was designed to use     are fed.                              effectively prevents the pollution                                             Board (MB)
from 30 members countries.             gained scientific knowledge to             The project’s large scale was     of the human body. This serves                                            Project Coordinator,
Over 5 and a half years, HBM4EU        answer urgent policy questions         quite a challenge for setting up      just as an example and more                                               Co-Coordinator, Pilar
established      highly    capable     concerning prioritised substances      an efficient and transparent          conclusions like this can be drawn                                           Leaders, Work
networks, which have developed         and substance groups. The              cooperation,      but    HBM4EU       based on HBM4EU findings.                                                  Package Leaders,
a new mode of cooperation              Governing Board which mainly           produced data that can serve              We as the coordination team at                                           National Hub
including the generous, prompt         consists of representatives of         as a baseline to evaluate the         the German Environment Agency                                                 Coordinator
and free sharing of data. This         the Ministries responsible for         success of the measures taken         would like to express our heartfelt
network ensures political support      the national programmes is the         to operationalise the Chemicals       gratitude to the entire consortium
through the engagement of the          ultimate decision-making body          Strategy for Sustainability and       of the HBM4EU project and all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                National Hubs
national Programme Owners and          of HBM4EU. The Management              the Zero Pollution Agenda in the      partners for putting endless hours
the EU Policy Board, and includes      Board did the steering of the          frame of the European Green           in this fascinating and challenging
scientific Europe-wide excellence      project. Both boards are in close      Deal. The results of HBM4EU           project. The intensive and fruitful
by     involving    governmental       exchange with the Stakeholder          clearly show that the levels of       collaboration between all partners
and research institutions alike.       Forum and the Advisory Board,          some substances in the human          and national efforts dedicated
Valuable knowledge of the scientific   which act as consulting bodies for     body of the European population       to HBM4EU during our journey
communities and EU agencies            HBM4EU. The activities developed       are still so high that adverse        were the basis which made this
served as foundation for the           under the project are organised        health effects cannot be excluded     project a success and made the
planning of work even before the       in work packages clustered under       according to current knowledge        establishment of our network
beginning of the project, and have     three pillars: 1) Science to Policy,   and that there is an urgent need      possible. In addition, it was a great
been continuously refined and          which ensures the translation of       to address mixtures effects in risk   pleasure and honour for us to act               HBM4EU governance structure
expanded by ongoing feedback           results into policy, 2) European       assessment. Accordingly, proposals    as coordinators in this process.
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
8               Stakeholder’s perspective                                                                                                                                                                                       9

                                                                                                               In order to protect citizens from chemical risk, it is crucial to comprehensively
                                                                                                           understand the compounds present in our living environment and their

                                 “The role of HBM in a new                                                 effects. HBM4EU has been instrumental in advancing the field of human
                                                                                                           biomonitoring and informing environmental protection policies in the EU.
                                 European Chemicals Strategy                                               Since its inception it has been working to build a strong knowledge base and

                                 for Sustainability“
                                                                                                           has contributed to important EU initiatives such as the Chemical Strategy for
                                                                                                           Sustainability and the Zero Pollution Action Plan. HBM4EU has also served
                                                                                                           in several consultations in the EU on the restriction of use of substances, by
                                                                                                                                                                                                   — Carmen Laplaza Santos

                                                                                                           providing evidence on the levels of exposure to compounds such as pesticides,           Head of Unit ‘Health
— Thomas Jakl                          itizens have the right        new substances and recently
Deputy Director-General of                                                                                 mercury, chromium VI and many others. It is for this reason that HBM4EU is              Innovations’, People
                                       to know what they             detected toxicological effects,                                                                                               Directorate of the DG Research
the Ministry of Environment of                                                                             a major tool to share harmonised information at the European level, limit
Austria, which is responsible          are exposed to, what          in particular to ensure a high                                                                                                and Innovation, European

for chemicals policy             chemicals are in their bodies       level of protection of vulnerable     chemical exposure and prevent illnesses stemming from it. We hope to see this           Commission

                                 and how their health is affected.   groups such as children.              programme’s achievements used to expand knowledge and further protect
                                 Understanding and responding           On its way towards “zero           people and the environment in the upcoming Partnership for the Assessme.
                                 to citizens’ concerns, raising      pollution“ Europe is relying on
                                 public awareness and making         a robust and sustained
                                 science accessible were core        comprehensive             human
                                 parts of the HBM4EU initiative,     biomonitoring programme to
                                 which I am regarding as a true      assess the risk of chemicals in the       The conclusions of the HBM4EU project are very timely. This year, the
                                 masterpiece among all the           bodies of European citizens and       European Commission is busy defining policy options for revising key legislation
                                 projects performed under the        to assess the associated health       such as REACH. We need to have a vision of which chemicals are present in
                                 Horizon 2020 Programme.             impacts. Human Biomonitoring          the bodies of European people and in which quantities. This is key to improve
                                    This project bridged science     already today is the guardian
                                                                                                           our understanding of their impact, and hence an important element in our
                                 and policy while at the same        angel for chemicals policy. And
                                                                                                           policy making. Therefore the Commission will also continue to foster research
                                 time equipping the European         chemicals policy itself stands in
                                 Union’s chemicals policy with       the very centre of the Union’s        and (bio)-monitoring to better understand and prevent chemicals-related
                                 both an effective tool of quality   flagship initiative: Within the       risks and drive innovation in chemical risk assessment and regulatory science           — Cristina de Avila
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Head of Unit Sustainable
                                 control as well as an intelligent   framework of the Green Deal           through our framework programme for research and innovation.                            Chemicals DG Environment,
                                 “early     warning      system“.    we all together have to join                                                                                                  European Commission

                                 HBM4EU tells us if the risk         hands to accomplish transition
                                 management measures we set          towards a circular economy.
                                 in place are doing their job and    And it is beyond doubt that this
                                 effectively reduce the chemical     giant undertaking desperately
                                 burden. It tells us to adjust       needs a wise and well equipped
                                 our instruments to embrace          guardian angel.
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
10               Stakeholder’s perspective                                                                                                                                                                                             11

                                      Programmes like HBM4EU are crucial to detect what toxic chemicals                     Metals play a crucial role in society. They enable existing and emerging
                                  accumulate in the human body. But they also show the presence of certain              technologies and represent a strategic and recyclable resource. Managing the
                                  toxic chemicals which should not be in the human body in the first place.             potential risks associated with their manufacturing and uses is a key priority.
                                  The message must be: Exposure to toxic chemicals needs to be stopped,                 This requires in-depth knowledge on exposure and understanding the possible
                                  stronger regulation is needed. We know that women are affected differently            impacts. HBM provides very useful information to achieve this and identify
                                  by chemicals. Therefore, more gender disaggregated data is needed and had             where to further reduce exposure, if so needed.
                                  to be taken into account in decision making and risk assessments. We will
                                                                                                                                                                                                          — Violaine Verougstraete
— Johanna Hausmann                use HBM4EU data to call for action on the political agenda.
Senior Policy Advisor,                                                                                                                                                                                    Chemicals Management
Chemicals and Health,                                                                                                                                                                                     Director, Eurometaux
Consultant for WECF

                                                                                                                            The EEB welcomes the important HBM4EU results and we hope
                                      HBM4EU is a sorely needed public health tool for providing real-life data         that this project takes us one step closer to the establishment of a
                                  to policy makers on the widespread daily exposure of Europeans to harmful             permanent biomonitoring program in the EU. HBM4EU data is relevant
                                  chemicals such as pesticides, phthalates, Bisphenol A and PFAS and the impact         because it can support regulatory action to reduce exposure to highly
                                  these may have on our health. HEAL is pleased that the project has successfully       hazardous chemicals, such as those included in the EU Restriction
                                  delivered the first comparable data to answer policy questions, which must            Roadmap, PFAS and bisphenols. This biomonitoring project is a showcase for
                                  be used to trigger new legislative measures to reduce people’s exposure and           the benefits of prioritising, supporting and evaluating policy measures when it
                                  protect our health, especially those most vulnerable.                                 comes to reducing the exposure to hazardous chemicals and their mixtures.         — Tatiana Santos
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Policy Manager Chemicals &
— Dr Angeliki Lyssimachou                                                                                                                                                                                 Nanotechnology, European
Senior Science Policy Officer,                                                                                                                                                                            Environmental Bureau
Health and Environment

                                                                                                                            Being part of the HBM4EU’s journey was very exciting and educational for
                                       HBM4EU is a good example of transparent and open collaboration between           me. Now I am curious, how this area will develop further and to what extend
                                  authorities, academia, civil society and industry. We were very pleased to actively   it can support SME to navigate in a highly complex regulatory framework
                                  support and contribute to the HBM4EU program. We use human biomonitoring              like the EU’s chemicals legislation.
                                  data as an appropriate tool for specific and key evaluations because they
                                  offer complementary and distinct advantages over other exposure monitoring
                                  methods currently in place or under development. As demonstrated during                                                                                                 — Marko Susnik
                                  all the work, while the work generate very useful information for experts, it is                                                                                        Senior Advisor Chemical Policy,
—Dr Michel Cassart                                                                                                                                                                                        Austrian Economic Chamber and
                                  important to remain very careful about how to communicate and use the data                                                                                              Advisor to the Secretary General
Sustainability Director,
Plastics Europe                   because taken out of context and without the necessary scientific background,                                                                                           on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited

                                  the generated information can be misused.
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
12               Science to policy                                                                                                                                                         13

Bridging science and policy to
better protect human health
Protecting the health of European citizens is a priority of the European Union. In this context, the science-policy
interface of the HBM4EU is particularly important, ensuring up-to-date and coordinated science-based information
for policy makers responsible for managing risks to human health from chemical exposure.

         ne of the overarching       general population and workers         Highly   exposed    groups     like replaced by substitutes that        HBM4EU partners are actively
         goals of HBM4EU was         to chemicals and their effects on      workers present a concern, have entered the human body                  identifying      windows        of
         to    actively   engage     human health and provided new          as occupational exposure to and that can now be quantified              opportunities     in   regulatory
with policy makers to translate      tools to facilitate the use of these   specific chemicals may be several in a large proportion of the EU       processes on chemicals where
scientific results into effective    results. For instance, to allow        times higher than environment population. Moreover, analysis of         they might feed in evidence.
policies and make a step forward     interpretation of HBM data in a        exposures experienced by the exposure determinants reveals              HBM4EU has fed results and data
in protecting citizens’ health       health risk context, HBM4EU’s          general population. Harmonized how the internal dose may be             into chemical-specific regulatory
across Europe. Hence, HBM4EU         scientists derived HBM Guidance        occupation studies on exposure to attributed to multiple upstream       processes led by the European
designed its research programme      Values for the general public          chromium VI, to diisocyanates and sources, emphasising the need to      Commission, the European
to answer concrete policy            and for workers for a number of        to hazardous chemicals in e-waste consistently regulate substances      Chemicals Agency, the European
questions from EU and national                                                                                                                      Food Safety Authority, and
                                     substances. These health-based         handling have yielded results that across policy domains.
policy makers. After 5 years of      guidance values were widely                                                  All data from HBM4EU were         Secretariat of the Minamata
                                                                            support improved protection of
top-notch research, we have          endorsed after a consultation                                            shared with national and EU           Convention on Mercury at the
answered key policy questions,                                                                                                                      United Nations Environment
                                     process involving all HBM4EU                To provide coherent datasets policy makers as soon as they
such as whether chemical bans                                                                                                                       Programme. HBM4EU is also
                                     partners, with the methodology         that can be used in decision were quality assured – to ensure
successfully reduced exposure                                                                                                                       supporting regulatory measures
and how exposure to substitutes
                                     made available to the scientific       making at European level, that they are available to support
                                                                                                                                                    addressing priority substances,
has evolved over time, whether
                                     community.                             significant efforts were devoted for regulatory decision-making
                                                                                                              as soon as possible. Additionally,    such as the ongoing proposal to
people in certain regions are at          Another tool is the set of        to harmonising methodologies
                                                                                                              HBM4EU established a trust-           restrict a wide range of per- and
risk, and how the chemical body      indicators, developed to assess        and standardising data collection
                                                                                                              based cooperation and data-           polyfluoroalkyl      substances
burden varies with sex, age, and     time and spatial trends in the         under HBM4EU. The HBM4EU
                                                                                                              sharing process between all           (PFAS) under REACH and the
socio-economic status.               exposure of European citizens to       Aligned studies have generated
                                                                                                              parties to enable the consortium to   recent EFSA draft opinion on
                                     chemicals and to get a picture of      new human biomonitoring data
     HBM4EU results on human                                                                                  react on short notice to knowledge    Bisphenol A.
                                     the population at risk. HBM4EU         on the current internal exposure
exposure to chemicals in                                                                                      needs, such as the request from          Looking forward, HBM4EU
                                     first developed an approach            of the general population to a
products, such a phthalates and                                                                               the Directorate-General for Health    results will be used as baseline
                                     to producing European HBM              selection of HBM4EU priority
bisphenols, and potential health                                                                              and Food for information on           against which the success of
impacts, support regulatory action   indicators and proposed two types      substances and effect biomarkers
                                                                                                              human exposure to copper.             the EU Chemicals Strategy for
to make products safer. Health-      of indicators, indicators of internal  in over 10,000 European
                                                                                                                  Exploring the different ways      Sustainability and Zero Pollution
based human biomonitoring            exposure derived directly from         citizens. The data is available
                                                                                                              human biomonitoring and health        Action Plan will be measured. We
guidance       values      provide   biomarker concentrations and           at the European Human
                                                                                                              surveys might be combined is          have also contributed to shaping
benchmark values against             indicators of health risk, comparing   Biomonitoring        Dashboard,
                                                                                                              another opportunity explored by       the next research agenda for
which to compare exposure in the     exposure concentrations to             which also includes human
                                                                                                              HBM4EU, as it would produce an        chemical at European level -
general population, as well as in    HBM guidance values. These             biomonitoring data from previous
                                                                                                              extensive database for research       the European partnership for
the occupational context. Evidence   indicators have been produced          studies collated under the
                                                                                                              to support policy decisions.          the assessment of risks from
of exposure to multiple chemicals    for bisphenol and per- and             HBM4EU project. Furthermore,
                                                                                                              Combined surveys are cost-            chemicals (PARC).
at the same time supports efforts    polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS),     aggregate data is included in effective, reducing the resources
                                                                                                                                                        HBM4EU has realised the
to consistently address mixtures     which both have high policy and        the Information Platform for required to collect information
                                                                                                                                                    vision of a human biomonitoring
in risk assessments, while work to   societal relevance, as well as for     Chemical Monitoring (IPCHEM), and recruit participants, while at
                                                                                                                                                    programme in Europe to support
identify chemicals of emerging       cadmium, phthalates, and DINCH,        facilitating the use and reuse the same time collecting more
                                                                                                                                                    the delivery of chemical safety for
concern that may pose a health       a non-phthalate plasticizer. These     of human biomonitoring data information from each study
                                                                                                                                                    Europe’s population – it is now time
risk through non-target screening    indicators can be used to assess       in regulatory processes and participant. Guidelines for how to
                                                                                                                                                    to make it a permanent reality.
provides early warnings of           the effectiveness of current EU        research.                         combine cross-sectional health
potential risks.                     chemicals regulations and to             HBM4EU results confirm surveys and human biomonitoring
   HBM4EU generated scientific       identify the need for additional that legacy chemicals subject to studies at general population level
knowledge on the exposure of the     action to protect citizens.           regulation are in many cases being are now available.
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
14                  One substance, one assessment                                                                                                             One substance, one assessment              15

Reconciling chemical
legislation with the state
of HBM science
                    written by Dr Robert Barouki

Scientists in the field of chemical safety often face                               highlight the mechanisms of action corresponding
a dilemma when they need to present the different                                   to groups of substances? Depending on which
classes of chemicals and their regulation: should they                              classification is chosen, the outcome may end up being
first address the different professional sectors and                                quite different. These questions can be addressed by
legislations? Or should they focus on the substance                                 filling the gap between regulation and exposure and
irrespective of its sources? Or even should they                                    toxicological sciences.

       he Chemical Strategy for           sources and from different routes       information both on the actual        current legislation/sectors, but
       sustainability has highlighted     (ingestion, inhalation, skin). In the   level of contamination that can       also from the perspective of the
       the “one substance one             exposure science field, this is now     initiate a health effect, and on      substances themselves.
assessment” concept. This would           referred to as the “Aggregated          the contribution of the different          Yet, this is not enough.
be a major improvement over               Exposure Pathways” or AEP.              exposure sources and pathways.        The Chemicals Strategy also
the current situation in which the        Furthermore, HBM takes into                 Clearly the combination of         highlights the importance of
same substance can be evaluated           consideration the physiological         internal dose data and exposure        certain mechanisms of action
and eventually regulated in               steps that lead to internal             pathway analysis is an important       such as endocrine disruption
different sectors, sometimes with         dose such as the absorption,            contribution to decision making        and immunotoxicity and of the
different conclusions. This is the        distribution, metabolism and            and to the protection of citizens.     mixture issue. Therefore the
case for example if the substance         excretion. In addition, in the case                                           “one substance one assessment”
has different properties and                                                                                             should not be interpreted as an
applications, e.g. as a biocide                                                                                          approach that would not take
or in consumer products or in                    "The Chemicals Strategy for                                             into consideration the grouping
cosmetics. This has been primarily                                                                                       of chemicals according to their
justified by the fact that legislations
                                                 Sustainability has highlighted
                                                                                                                         mechanisms of action or that
are      sector-dependent          and           the one substance one                                                   would separate the assessment of
decisions are focused on acting                  assessment concept."                                                    substituents from that of parent
on the source of contamination                                                                                           chemicals. Au contraire, the
without taking into consideration                                                                                       “one substance one assessment”
the presence of multiple sources.  of storage of persistent chemicals              With this in mind, a sector-based     approach is in fact the first step
Indeed, for a long time, the       in the body (persistent organic                 decision making is not sustainable    towards a mechanism-inspired
only available information was     pollutants, some metals), HBM                   and may not be protective enough.     assessment of chemicals and
the amount of contaminants         also integrates the release of the              By focusing on a substance            towards an improved rational
in different sources with little   chemicals from their storage sites,             approach, HBM is an essential         assessment of mixtures.
information on the impact of       e.g. adipose tissue and bone, in                step for the implementation of the
combinations of intakes. This has  the bloodstream. Furthermore, it               “one substance one assessment”
changed with the development of    should be stressed that the internal            promoted by the Chemical
human biomonitoring (HBM) and      dose of contaminants is the actual              Strategy for Sustainability. A
kinetic modeling.                  trigger for the adverse outcome                 straightforward implication of
    By assessing the internal dose pathways. When combined with                    this conclusion is that data on

                                                                                                                                                                                              © Fulvio Ciccolo
of chemicals, HBM integrates the computational tools such as                       chemicals should be presented
intake of chemicals from different PBPK, HBM studies provide critical              both from the perspective of the
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
16            Health impacts of chemicals                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17

Health impacts of chemicals

The interest of assessing     Chronic obstructive                 Reproductive health                  Brain development                        Cancer
exposure to chemicals         pulmonary disease
                                                                                                                                                Cancer is a group of diseases               Several (16 out of 18) of the
in human biomonitoring        Chronic obstructive pulmonary       Reproductive health refers to the    Thyroid hormone is important
                                                                                                                                                                                        HBM4EU priority substances have                NOSE
                                                                  male and female reproductive         for brain development especially         involving abnormal cell growth.                                                                                  BRAIN
is ultimately to evaluate     disease (COPD) is a chronic                                                                                                                               carcinogenic properties, with varying     AND NASAL
                                                                  systems    including    fertility,   during the fetal and postnatal           Majority of the cancers are due                                                     SINUSES
how     it   affects    our   inflammatory lung disease                                                                                                                                 levels of evidence from studies. For        Cadmium
                                                                  menstruation,        pregnancy,      period.     Thyroid        hormone       to genetic mutation and a small
health. HBM4EU priority       causing    no    non-reversible                                                                                                                           example, acrylamides are shown                                           SKIN
                                                                  menopause,      and      several     deficiency may cause retarded            proportion due to inherited
                              breathing difficulties. COPD is                                                                                                                           to have a possible association                   LUNG                    Arsenic
substances were selected,                                         chronic health problems such         maturation, intellectual deficits, and   genetics. In Europe, cancer is the                                                  Acrylamide                   PAHs
                              usually caused by a long-term                                                                                                                             with female breast, endometrial,
among other criteria,         exposure inhaled irritants such     as endometriosis.                    neurological impairment.                 most frequent non-communicable          and ovarian cancers. The main
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Arsenic                   BREAST
according to the level        as tobacco smoke, which damage          Pesticides are shown to be           One cause for thyroid                disease and the second most             exposure sources for acrylamide are
of current knowledge          lungs and airways.                                                       dysfunction may be EDCs which            common cause of death. Common           occupational exposures, smoking,                  Lead                   Pesticides
                                                                  associated with an increased                                                                                                                                            PAHs                   Benzophenones
about hazards they pose                                                                                disrupt thyroid hormone of               contributing factors are tobacco        and diet in humans. Acrylamide
                                 Exposure to pesticides,          risk of female infertility and                                                                                                                                     Pesticides
                                                                                                       mothers and foetuses. Bisphenol          smoking, diet and obesity, lack of      occurs naturally in starchy foods                                        LIVER
to human health. All the      especially    organophosphate       miscarriage and cause increased                                                                                                                                                                Arsenic
                                                                                                       A has been shown to affect thyroid       physical activity and infections.       during cooking processes at high              KIDNEY
examined       substances     and carbamate insecticides          length of the menstrual cycle.
                                                                                                                                                                                        temperatures such as frying, baking,        Acrylamide
                                                                                                       hormone levels in pregnant women         WHO estimates that around 20
have been associated          and some herbicides, lead and       They may also be associated                                                                                                                                          Arsenic
                                                                                                                                                % of the disease burden is due          and grilling.                                     Lead
                              PAHs has been associated            with delayed pubertal onset.         which implies that boys may have                                                                                                   PFAS                   Lead
with some adverse health                                                                               increased risk of ADHD-related           to    environmental        (including       In the meta-analysis, among         Benzophenones
                              with increased risk of COPD.        Among males, occupational
effects, including severe                                                                              behaviours and girls internalising       occupational) factors, and thus         non-smokers, higher levels of dietary                                    GASTROINTESTINAL
                              Cadmium, chromium, arsenic          use of pesticides is shown to                                                                                                                                                                  TRACT
impacts, depending on                                                                                  and externalising behaviours.            preventable. About 120,000 work-        exposure for acrylamide have shown           BLADDER                     Acrylamide
                              and diisocyanates are possibly      be associated with decreased                                                                                                                                         Anilines
                                                                                                                                                                                        to have a possible association with
the dose and duration of      associated with increased risk of   sperm quality.                           Many       pesticides      exert     related cancer cases and 80,000                                                        Arsenic                   PROSTATE
                                                                                                                                                                                        endometrial and ovarian cancer but                                       Arsenic
exposure. Affecting various                                                                            toxicological effects, including on      related fatalities occur each year as
                              COPD and/or decreased risk of           New emerging chemicals,                                                                                           not with breast cancer.                     TESTICLES
organs and systems in the                                                                              thyroid signalling. The mother/          a result of exposure to carcinogens                                                                              Cadmium
                              lung function.                      such as replacement flame                                                                                                 Cadmium (Cd) is one of the                   PFAS
                                                                                                       child cohort studies have shown          at work in the EU. Evidence supports
human body, this section                                          retardants, have been shown to                                                                                        most toxic metals that is present
                                                                                                       that organochlorine (OC) pesticides      association between anilines,
introduces diseases linked                                        have adverse health effects on                                                                                        in the environment naturally and
                                                                                                       may exert significant thyroid            arsenic, cadmium, chromium VI,
to the HBM4EU priority                                            reproductive health by in vitro                                                                                       due to human activities in industry
                                                                                                       hormone       inhibitory    effects.     mycotoxins and PAHs and different       and agriculture. In the general
substances.                                                       studies.
                                                                                                       Organophosphorus          pesticides     cancers. For acrylamide, aprotic        population, the main sources of                           Substances with
                                                                                                       (OPPs) and carbamates have been          solvents, benzophenones, flame          cadmium are cigarette smoke, food,                        carcinogenic effects:
                                                                                                       associated with thyroid dysfunction,     retardants, lead, mercury, PFAS,                                                                  Aprotic solvents, emerging
                                                                                                                                                                                        water and ambient air. Cd is an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  chemicals, flame retardants,
                                                                                                       increased hyperthorydism and             pesticides, and phthalates there are    endocrine-disrupting chemical that                        mercury, mycotoxins and
                                                                                                       brain function impairment.               possible associations with cancers.     demonstrates estrogen like activity.                      phthalates have no specific data
Newspaper April 2022 HBM4EU - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
18                  Health impacts of chemicals                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        19

       Bisphenols            PFAS           Phthalates           PAH           Pesticides         Arsenic              Mercury      Cadmium

                                                          Glucose                 Lipid                      Blood
                                                         metabolism             metabolism                  pressure

                 Associations between metabolic syndromes and HBM4EU Priority Substances
     (color of the line refers to the substance and line type to the component of the metabolic syndrome)

                                                                            Endocrine disrupting                  Attention deficit hyperactivi-     Alzheimer’s disease                  Asthma                                     Scan the QR codes to access peer-reviewed
Osteoporosis                           Metabolic syndrome
                                                                            chemicals                             ty disorder                                                                                                        publications on the topic
                                                                                                                                                     Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is          Asthma is one of the most
Osteoporosis is a disease affecting    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a       Endocrine disrupting chemicals        Attention deficit hyperactivity
                                                                                                                                                     the most common form of              common chronic diseases.                          Reproductive           Metabolic
bone health of 200 milion people       cluster of conditions: increased     (EDCs) are chemicals or chemical      disorder      (ADHD)      is   a
                                                                                                                                                     dementia affecting memory. It is     Mechanisms      lying     behind                     health              syndrome
worldwide. Traditional risk factors    blood pressure (hypertension),       mixtures that interfere with the      neurodevelopmental disorder
                                                                                                                                                     a progressive disease interfering    asthma’s development are
for osteoporosis are high age, early   diabetes/increased         blood     human endocrine system and            characterised by hyperactivity,
                                                                                                                                                     with      cognitive     abilities,   complex and include host
menopause, low body weight, diet       sugar, obesity, and abnormal         disrupt hormone levels, or how        inattention, lack of focus, weak
                                                                                                                                                     behaviour and functioning of the
without sufficient calcium and         cholesterol levels increasing        our body reacts to different          impulse control and exaggerated                                         factors such as genetics and
                                                                                                                                                     affected person.
vitamin D concentration, smoking       the risk of several diseases         hormones.                             emotions. Its more common                                               sex, and environmental factors,
                                                                                                                                                         Current evidence suggests the
and unhealthy drinking. Evidence       including cardiovascular disease,        A group of EDCs includes          among children but also                                                 like exposure to allergens or
                                                                                                                                                     association between exposure
exists that certain environmental      dementia, cancer, and type 2         pesticides, plasticizers such as      diagnosed among adults.                                                 smoking. Various environmental
                                                                                                                                                     to pesticides and increased risk                                                          Cancer               Asthma
substances may also increase the       diabetes.                            phthalates, bisphenol A, heavy            Current evidence indicate                                           chemicals may also affect the risk
                                                                                                                                                     of AD. For mercury, cadmium,
risk of osteoporosis.                       Exposure to EDCs has been       metals such as lead, brominated       that several environmental                                              of asthma development and can
                                                                                                                                                     arsenic, and lead a possible
    A possible link between            identified as an additional          flame retardants and UV filters.      chemicals and heavy metals may     association has been observed        escalate asthma symptoms.
osteoporosis and the body              and inadvertent risk factor for      Exposure to EDCs happens              be associated with increased       but more studies are needed.             Exposure to PAHs and
burden of heavy metals, such           metabolic disorders. Exposure        through air, food and water,          risk of ADHD. Moderately high                                           some pesticides is associated
                                                                                                                                                        Current knowledge comes
as cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb),         starts already in utero and          skin or in case of foetuses and       association between ADHD and       mainly from occupational studies     with increased risk of asthma.
and industrial chemicals such          continues throughout the human       breastfed children, through the       lead, phthalates and bisphenol     where exposures are higher than      Diisocyanates and Cr(VI) cause                                           Alzheimer’s
as phthalates and per- and poly-       lifespan. Highly vulnerable groups   mother. EDCs are present in           A has been observed while          among the general population.        asthma with specific sensitization.               Osteoporosis             disease
fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has      are pregnant women, small            pesticides, plastic, food storage     more limited evidence suggest
been observed.                         children, certain occupational       materials,    electronics     and     possible association also with
                                       groups, and people with low          building materials, personal          PAHs, flame retardants, mercury,
     About 23% of osteoporosis
                                       socioeconomic status.                care products, sunscreens, and        and pesticides.
cases could be attributed to
cadmium exposure. Food is                  At least bisphenol A, PFAS,
the most significant source of         phthalates, PAHs, pesticides,            EDCs are associated with                                                                                                       Chronic obstructive                              Attention deficit
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pulmonary disease               Brain          hyperactivity disorder
exposure to Cd, nevertheless           arsenic, mercury, and cadmium        several health problems including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (COPD)                  development             (ADHD)
other sources, contribute to the       have been shown to be associated     those linked to reproductive
total human exposure, such as          with increased risk of MetS.         health,    child     development,
the inhalation of tobacco smoke or                                          immune       system,      cancers,
particulate matter from ambient                                             metabolic syndrome, coronary
air for example.                                                            disease, and neurological and
                                                                            learning disabilities.
20                HBM4EU Aligned studies                                                                                                                                                   21

Harmonizing human
biomonitoring surveys
across Europe
Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an important tool not only                  countries lack such a national programme and collect HBM
for understanding exposure to chemicals and supporting                   data in the frame of specific research projects. Hence, the
environmental and health policy development, but also                    studies are fragmented and heterogeneous. Up until now,
for awareness raising campaigns or remediation actions.                  there was not an overarching strategy within Europe, and
Some EU countries have HBM programmes that monitor                       current studies were not harmonized or aligned to meet
exposure to a wide variety of chemicals. Examples are the                common goals. Therefore, to generate comparable HBM
German GerES studies the Czech-HBM (Czech Republic),                     data across Europe, ongoing and planned HBM studies
ELFE (France), PROBE (Italy), BIOAMBIENT.ES (Spain) or                   from different European countries and regions have been
FLEHS (Flanders, Belgium). However, most European                        aligned under the HBM4EU Aligned studies initiative.

       he importance of this                                             were set to include subjects of          initiative. Each participating study
       work is highlighted by the
                                     A primary goal of                   different socio-economic status,         contributed with a maximum of
       European Commission’s HBM4EU was to                               for example, or living in areas with     300 samples per age group, except
announcement of the European build up an EU-                             different degree of urbanisation         for a few studies that participated
Green Deal,        the Chemicals’                                        (e.g. rural and urban). Specific         with a reduced number of subjects”
Strategy for Sustainability and the
                                     wide surveillance                   priority chemicals were nominated.       reports Dr Eva Govarts, researcher
Zero-Pollution Action Plan for a of the exposure of                      For instance, pesticides were            and statistician at VITO Health.
                                                                         studied in children and adults,          According to the expert, “individual
toxic-free environment. Having European citizens
                                                                         bisphenols in adults and PFAS in         biomonitoring data from more than
reliable and comparable HBM
exposure data representative of
                                     to chemicals.                       teenagers. “Within each age group        43,000 analyses were performed,
                                                                                                                  covering 16 chemical groups”.
                                                                         EU-wide coverage was achieved by
the EU population is crucial to feed
                                                                         including a number of countries               “The obtained exposure data
into chemical risk assessment and “In a first step this was meant                                                 show the current exposure levels
                                                                         per European region - North,
support chemical policy making. aligning         and      harmonising
                                                                                                                  in European population. This
                                     national HBM programmes as          East, South, West - in proportion
    “The HBM4EU Aligned studies                                          to the number of inhabitants             data can be used as a baseline for
                                     much as possible. New EU-wide
is the first large scale survey in                                                                                comparisons, for instance between
                                     biomonitoring data have also        of the regions” specifies Liese
which ongoing HBM initiatives in                                                                                  European regions and between
                                                                         Gilles, researcher at VITO Health.
                                                                                                                                                           + ISRAEL   + CYPRUS

                                     been generated in the HBM4EU                                                 existing, as well as new international
Europe are aligned and data                                              “Samples were collected between
                                     Aligned     studies”     stresses                                            monitoring programmes. The data
and questionnaire information the expert. In order to select             2014-2021 to reflect recent
                                                                                                                  has been compared to existing
harmonized, laying the foundation participating studies, a theoretical   exposure levels”, she adds.
                                                                                                                  health guidance values in order to
of a sustainable European sampling frame was developed                       “This resulted in 3431 samples       assess whether observed exposure
HBM platform in support of defining criteria to obtain an EU-            collected from children 6-11 years       levels exceed safe limits. Generated
environmental        and     health representative sample.               from 14 countries, 2950 samples          exposure data are used in (mixture)
chemicals policy” states Prof            For the samples, three age      from teenagers aged 12-19 years          risk assessment. Moreover, exposure
Greet Schoeters, University of groups were selected, a selection         from 11 countries and 3716               data is being used for identifying
Antwerp, Environment and Health, that facilitated comparison with        samples from adults 20-39 years          exposure       determinants       and
Flemish Institute for Technological other international programmes       from 12 countries. In total 37 studies   investigating possible exposure-
Research (VITO Health).              such as Health Canada. Criteria     from 23 countries took part in this      effect associations” explains Govarts.

                                                                                                                                                                                 @RNDR Studio
22                 HBM4EU Aligned studies                                                                                                                                                            European Human Biomonitoring Laboratory Network                                     23

                                                                                                                                        The Human Biomonitoring
                                                                                                                                        Laboratory Network, a key
                                                                                                                                        asset in supporting human
                                                                                                                                        biomonitoring and risk
                                                                                                                                        assessment in Europe
                                                                                                                                        Many European countries run human biomonitoring (HBM)                         biomonitoring data is limited. There is an urgent need for
                                                                                                                                        programmes to monitor exposure levels of environmental                        harmonizing the design and implementation of human
                                                                                                                                        chemicals, some of them on a regular basis. However,                          biomonitoring studies, as well as sample and data analysis
                                                                                                                                        these programmes had previously worked independently                          across national borders to improve health protection and
                                                                                                                                        of one another. As a result, the comparability of human                       chemical policies in Europe.
In March 2021, the European Human      study population. This association
Biomonitoring Dashboard, which         between smoking and higher           The European Human Biomonitoring Dashboard
                                                                            includes data:

visualises summary statistics from     cadmium levels was already
62 human biomonitoring data            reported as well.                                                                                       he one-of-a-kind European       was created after inventorying         Accident Insurance explains how     human samples with a high
                                                                            From existing HBM studies:                                         Human        Biomonitoring      potential candidate laboratories       the process played out for his      quality and in a comparable
collections from 15 European                “We are about to incorporate
countries       was      launched.     all data from the HBM4EU Aligned
                                                                            • 61 HBM data collections                                          Laboratory Network includes     with capacity to perform chemical      institute. “Our lab participated    way. Technical difficulties were
“We wanted to make human               studies within the dashboard.        • 15 countries                                              166 laboratories, together with the    analysis of the samples coming         as reference laboratory for some    resolved, especially for certain
biomonitoring data accessible to       Even though the project ends in      • 17 substance groups                                       Quality Assurance/Quality Control      from the different studies in          biomarkers supporting the QA/       groups of substances, such
a broader community, allowing          June 2022, the website will remain   • 152 biomarkers                                            (QA/QC) programme, has been the        HBM4EU. “The main goal of the          QC programme, as well as in the     as, organophosphate flame
users to explore levels and trends     online for the next 10 years to      • 13 unique matrices                                        key to achieve comparable results      HBM Laboratory Network was             HBM4EU training school. In this     retardants and phthalates. ”An
in the exposure of European            ensure continuity and access                                                                     of high quality in HBM4EU and to       on one hand, to ensure the             way, we helped other candidate      important contribution has been
citizens to chemicals” highlights      to the data”, reports Schoeters.     From HBM4EU Aligned studies:                                connect human biomonitoring            quality and comparability of the       laboratories to fine tune their     the development of materials,
professor Schoeters.                   Additionally, HBM4EU data is         • 3431 samples collected from children 6-11 years from 14   laboratories in Europe.                analytical results in HBM4EU           methods, identify and solve         such as the Standard Operating
                                       openly accessible via IPCHEM, the      countries,                                                    Professor Argelia Castaño,         and on the other, to identify          technical difficulties, and build   Procedures for example, all of
    The data in the dashboard
                                       Information Platform for Chemical    • 2950 samples from teenagers aged 12-19 years from 11      Director of the National Center for    the analytical capacities in EU        up capacities. The HBM4EU           them available in the HBM4EU
also confirms earlier findings. For
                                       Monitoring, available to risk          countries                                                 Environmental Health (CNSA) at the     Member States to support human         QA/QC programme was very            Online Library on the project
instance, observed concentrations
                                       assessors and researchers for use,   • 3716 samples from adults 20-39 years from 12 countries    Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CNSA-   biomonitoring”, declares Dr Marta      labour intensive, but in the end,   website”, explains Dr Susana
of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
                                       thus multiplying the added value                                                                 ISCIII) in Spain and leader of the     Esteban, senior scientist at CNSA-     a great success story. Most of      Pedraza-Díaz at CNSA-ISCIII and
(PFOS) in blood are generally
                                       of this new evidence base.                                                                       European Human Biomonitoring           ISCIII and a leader of this activity   the participating laboratories      responsible for the library.
lower in female compared to
                                                                                                                                        Platform, sets out the objective       within HBM4EU.                         significantly improved their            More than 43,000 analyses
male subjects within the same               “We are thankful to the study
                                                                                                                                        of the work. “We have built a              The network, spanning across       results over the four rounds, and   have been performed by 34 of
study population. This was already     coordinators and data owners
                                                                                                                                        European platform for human            28 European countries, includes        many succeeded in obtaining the     the 74 qualified laboratories
reported in literature, explained by   who managed and executed the
                                                                                                                                        biomonitoring, with harmonized         laboratories with experience in the    HBM4EU certificate for various      from 26 European countries.
the elimination of PFAS through        studies within their country or
                                                                                                                                        tools and laboratory networks to       organisation of Interlaboratory        exposure biomarkers”.               The Trace Analytical Laboratory
menstruation, and for mothers          region and shared their data,
also through delivery and lactation.   making them widely available for                                                                 provide comparable information         Comparison Investigations (ICIs)          The usefulness of this           of the Research Centre for Toxic
Another example is cadmium.            risk assessment and management.                                                                  on the levels and determinants         and External Quality Assessment        network has been proven during      Compounds in the Environment
Observed concentrations of             We are also developing a protocol                                                                of chemical exposure in citizens.      Schemes (EQUAS), laboratories          the project since it has also       at Masaryk University in Czechia,
cadmium in blood are generally         enabling further use of the data                                                                 The performance of HBM studies         that participated successfully in      supported capacity building         the Department of Growth and
higher in smokers compared to          in other projects via the VITO                                                                   in a harmonised way and the            the QA/QC programme, as well           of national laboratories in the     Reproduction at Rigshospitalet
non-smokers within the same            data platform”.                                                                                  application of rigorous quality        as expert laboratories that have       participating countries. As Prof    in Denmark and the Institute for
                                                                                                                                        control measures ensure that           acted as reference laboratories.       Castaño explains, “overall, the     Prevention and Occupational
                                                                                                                                        observed differences in exposure       Dr Holger Koch, scientific head        programme has been a complete       Medicine of the German Social
                                                                                                                                        levels to chemicals are not related    of laboratory at the Institute for     success and has demonstrated the    Accident Insurance at Ruhr-
                                                                                                                                        to variability in analytical methods   Prevention and Occupational            capacity of European laboratories   Universität Bochum in Germany
                                                                                                                                        and protocols”. The network            Medicine of the German Social          to analyse contaminants in          are three examples of laboratories
24                European Human Biomonitoring Laboratory Network                                                                                       25

                                                                                                                     Qualified laboratories in
                                                                                                                     HBM4EU QA/QC
                                         5                                                                            Austria
                                                                                                                      Croatia                 0
                                                                                                                      Cyprus                  1
                                                      4                                                               Czech Republic

                                                                                  6                                   Finland                 2

                                         9                                    1
                                                                                                                      Hungary                 1
                                                                                                                      Iceland                 0

              3                5                                                                                      Israel                  0
                                                                                                                      Ireland                 1
                                                                                                                      Italy                   3
                                                                                                                      Latvia                  1
                                     1                  4                                                             Lithuania               1

                                                                 6                                                    Luxembourg              1

                                                                                                                      Norway                  1

                                                                                                                      Poland                  2
                                         6             2    1
                                                                  1                                                   Portugal
                                                                                                                      Slovenia                2
                                                                                                                      Spain                   7

                                                                                                                      Sweden                  2
                                                                                                                      Switzerland             1

                                                                                                                      The Netherlands         3

8                                                                       1




The European Human Biomonitoring Laboratory                                                             2
Network includes 166 laboratories in total

that belong to the network.          across borders presented the          in Europe, as well as the knowledge-   The     Human       Biomonitoring
They were responsible for            greatest challenge. Despite all the   and technical gaps that need to        Laboratory Network is the
analysing nearly 32% of the total    difficulties, we have generated an    be filled in the upcoming years        project’s legacy for future human
number of samples. As Dr Holger      impressive collection of European     to support human biomonitoring         biomonitoring actions in Europe.
Koch explains, “we analysed many     human biomonitoring data, which       studies. We have proven the value      This network will also provide
samples for HBM4EU, from several     will be used in many other research                                          the arena for the exchange of
                                                                           of such a network, and with that,
                                     projects. In addition, during all
different countries”.                                                      the need to continue, extend           expertise among high-skilled
                                     these years the laboratories have
    Hanne Frederiksen, senior                                              and consolidate the network in         laboratories and for supporting the
                                     worked closely together, building
researcher at Rigshospitalet                                               the future as it will be an asset in   less experienced ones, providing
                                     not only a network of competence,
identifies some key challenges.                                            support of future HBM and risk         solid evidence and data in support
                                     but also establishing great working
“Sample and data transfer            relationships to be sustained         assessment studies. It will be the     of policy making promoting the
agreements, securing permissions     after HBM4EU”.                        focal point for analytical expertise   protection of citizens’ health.
from countries and handling the          By setting up the network, adds for development of new methods
individual contracts required by     Castaño, we have identified the and be a guarantee for analytical
some countries to transfer samples   inequalities of analytical capacities results of high quality.
26               European Human Biomonitoring Laboratory Network                                                                                                                         27

                              Phthalates/DINCH                                                                                 Flame retardants
                              Phthalates   DINCH   Bisphenols      PAHs   Arsenic Acrylamide Mycotoxins Pesticides UV filters   OPFRs   HFRs       PFAS     Mercury Cadmium    Chromium

                                                                                   Urine                                                       Serum          Hair    Urine
     Matrix                                                                                                                                                                     Serum
                                                                                                                                                                      Blood       +

     Number of biomarkers           15       2           3          13         6           2       1         9          2         4        6         12        1        1         1

     Total number of
     samples analysed               5616    5960       3613        3169       900       795      1304      2188       975       1875     728       1663      1242     2647      3596

     Number of laboratories
     that analysed the samples       9       9           8           7         2           3       4         2          1         6        3           7       1        9         9

     Number of countries where
     the laboratories are located    8       8           8           4         2           3       4         2          1         6        2           7       1        9         8
28                 HBM4EU's priority substances                                                                                                                                                                          HBM4EU's priority substances          29

                                                                                                                                                                                       Arsenic                                                           Mycotoxins

Choosing our battles: the

HBM4EU prioritisation
                                                                                                                                                                     Cadmium                                                        Phthalates
HBM4EU has established a European Union-wide human                                improve health in Europe. A prioritisation strategy was                                                           retardants
biomonitoring programme to generate knowledge on                                  necessary to determine and meet the most important
human internal exposure to chemical pollutants and their                          needs of both policy makers and risk assessors, as well
potential health impacts in Europe, in order to support                           as the needs of participating countries and a broad range
policy makers’ efforts to ensure chemical safety and                              of stakeholders.

             his strategy, published    For the first step, relevant ministries   For the second step, a panel              for biomarker measurement.
             at the International       and agencies at European and              of 11 experts in epidemiology,            “Finally, in addition to the
             Journal of Hygiene and     national levels, as well as members       toxicology, exposure sciences, and        ranking and categorisation of                                                                                                  Aprotic
Environmental Health, consisted         of the Stakeholder Forum, which           occupational and environmental            the substances, the resources                             Mercury                        Lead
of three mains steps” explains Dr       is made of non-governmental               health scored each of the                 available for the project and the                                                                                             solvents
Joana Lobo, expert on Chemicals,        organisations, industry and trade         substances/substance            groups    alignment with the policy priorities
Environment and Human Health            unions, each nominated up to 5            using prioritisation criteria including   at European level were considered
                                        substances/substance groups of            hazardous properties, exposure            to produce a final priority list of
at the European Environment
                                        concern for policymakers. These           characteristics,      and      societal   substances/substance groups”
Agency. “Mapping of knowledge
                                        nominations were collated into a          concern. The scores were used to          reports Lobo.
gaps identified by policy makers
                                        preliminary list of 48 substances/        rank the substances/substance                There were two prioritisation
was the first step, followed by the
                                        substance groups, which was               groups. In addition, substances           processes finalised in HBM4EU,
prioritisation of substances using
a scoring system. Then a list of
                                        subsequently shortened to a               were categorised according to the         and a third one that was initiated           Per-/
priority substances reflective of the
                                        list of 23 after considering the          level of current knowledge about          and included categorisation of
                                                                                                                                                                   polyfluorinated                  Chemicals
                                        total number of nominations               their hazards, extent of human            substances but not scoring. This
scoring, as well as of public policy                                                                                        process will be finalised in PARC,       compounds                     of emerging                      Bisphenols
                                        each substance/substance group            exposure (through the availability
priorities and available resources      received and the nature of the            of HBM data), regulatory status and       the follow-up partnership to                (PFAS)                       concern
was generated”, she adds.               nominating entities.                      availability of analytical methods        HBM4EU.

                                                                          Contaminants of food                   Chemical mixtures
                                                                           and drinking water
                                                  PHAs                                                                                                                                                                                                    Polycyclic
                       Environmental                                          Acrylamide
                                                                                                                                                                                     Chromium VI                                                          aromatic
                       contaminants               Arsenic                     Mycotoxins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Acrylamide                           hydrocarbons
                                                     Pesticides                                   PFAS
                                                     Cadmium                                    Phthalates

                                                                                                               Chemicals in
                                                                                                             consumer goods
                                                 chemicals                                                    Benzophenones
                                                                                                              Flame retardants                                                                     Diisocyanates
                                               Diisocyanates and                                               Aprotic solvents                                      Chemical                      and Anilines
                                                 anilines family                                                                                                                                                                    Pesticides
                                                  Chromium VI                                                                                                        mixtures                          family
                 Chemicals of emerging concern
30                 HBM4EU's priority substances - Acrylamide                                                                                                                                                                                                                           31

Dietary acrylamide may play
                                                                                                                                           living in urban areas seemed to be   data, we observed an increase of       among pregnant women” states
                                                                                                                                           associated to higher urinary levels  acrylamide exposure between the        the expert. Although a toxic effect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Main achievements
                                                                                                                                           of acrylamide in children. “That     year 2000 and 2018 in European         of acrylamide on the neurological     • One peer review

a role in cancer, fetal growth
                                                                                                                                           might be explained by the fact       non-smoking adults and children.       system is known in animals              publication published, two
                                                                                                                                           that in those households, there is   "However, a new study analyzing        and occupationally exposed              submitted, two drafted
                                                                                                                                           poor awareness of healthy food       adult samples collected after          humans, there are no studies on
                                                                                                                                           habits. Boiling or steaming is a     2018, does not show an increasing                                            • Synthesis of the evidence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       neurodevelopmental functional

and neurodevelopment: what
                                                                                                                                           safer method of cooking in terms     exposure levels, rather declining”.                                            on the relationship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       effects in the general population
                                                                                                                                           of acrylamide, and healthy diet in   3 years after the implementation                                               between acrylamide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       exposed to acrylamide, thus there
                                                                                                                                           general”.                            of the mitigation tools, our results                                           and cancer risk, fetal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       is an urgent need for further           growth and neurological

do we know so far?
                                                                                                                                               The food industry and local may show first slight effects of            research to examine whether pre-        alteration.
                                                                                                                                           authorities have made efforts these new measurements, in                    and perinatal acrylamide exposure
                                                                                                                                           since the discovery of acrylamide particular for adults.                                                          • Cancer risk assessment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       might impair neurodevelopment
                                                                                                                                           in foods in 2002 to reduce               Foetal growth and neurological                                             calculation for acrylamide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in humans”.
                                                                                                                                           acrylamide formation during alterations due to acrylamide is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Despite a better understanding • Evaluation of time
                                                                                                                                           food processing. However, only in another concern that has been                                                  trends and exposure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the impact of acrylamide
Acrylamide is a chemical employed in the industry to                         population. It was found to form naturally in starchy         November 2017, the EU legislation addressed during the project.                                                  determinants based on
                                                                                                                                           established measures to reduce Acrylamide may cross the placenta            on cancer, fetal growth, and
produce polyacrylamides that, in turn, are used for                          food cooked at high temperature and low moisture                                                                                                                               European studies (possibly
                                                                                                                                           levels of acrylamide in food and set and lead to the exposure of the        neurological system in humans,
different purposes such as flocculants, dyes, paper,                         including baking, frying, grilling, toasting or roasting as                                                                                                                    two papers, one is drafted)
                                                                                                                                           safe benchmark levels for specific unborn child. “In a systematic           there are still many uncertainties
and textiles. In 2002, acrylamide was first detected in                      well as in processed foods. Acrylamide is also produced                                                                                   that need further research. In the
                                                                                                                                           foods. Food establishments must review of the literature, we found
foods, which arose a health concern for the general                          in tobacco smoking.                                           identify food processing steps that high acrylamide exposure                meantime, we strongly encourage
                                                                                                                                           that can result in the formation during pregnancy is associated             policies aiming to reduce the levels
                                                                                                                                           of acrylamide in foods and take with reduced birth weight, birth            of acrylamide exposure through

                                                                                                                                           action to reduce those levels length and head circumference.                targeted public health education
        crylamide     has      toxic   biomonitoring studies to obtain
                                                                                                                                           to a minimum. “In a time-trend If confirmed, these findings                 and awareness.
        effects on the nervous         an accurate acrylamide exposure.             Nervous system                                         analysis of published and new suggest that dietary intake of
        system, adverse effects            Aside from occupational                  damage
                                                                                                                                           European human biomonitoring acrylamide should be reduced
on foetal growth development,          exposures and smoking, diet is
reproduction system and the            the main source of exposure in
immune system and triggers             humans. During the HBM4EU
skin reactions such as irritation                                                   Cancer
                                       project, urine samples from
and allergy in humans. It causes       children and adults collected
cancer in animals, although it has
                                       between 2014 and 2021 in four
not been confirmed in humans.                                                       Immune
                                       countries including Italy, Germany,          system
“In HBM4EU we have performed
                                       France and Norway and in six ones            damage
a systematic review of the
                                       including Portugal, Spain, France,
association between acrylamide
                                       Luxemburg, Germany and Iceland
dietary intake and risk of different                                                Skin irritation
                                       respectively, were analysed to
type of cancers and we observed                                                     and allergies
                                       assess current values and exposure
no association whatsoever”,
                                       determinants. “We concluded
explains Dr Federica Laguzzi, who
                                       that 96% of the adults and 99% of
works at the Karolinska Institutet.                                                 Impaired foetal
                                       the children sampled had levels
However, a recent study indicates                                                   development
some evidence of a slight positive     exceeding the European guidance
association between acrylamide         values" explains Dr Federica
exposure and risk of endometrial       Laguzzi. Regarding geographical              Reproductive
and ovarian cancer, particularly       differences, the highest values              system
among never smokers, and of            of acrylamide exposure were                  damage
breast cancer in pre-menopausal        observed in Southern countries
women” says Prof. Marco Vinceti,       for both children and adults.
from the Environmental, Genetic        “Determinants of these differences
and Nutritional Epidemiology           are still unclear, although dietary
Research Center in Italy. These        factors such as fried potatoes and
studies are based on self-reported     coffee were clearly associated
dietary questionnaires that may        with higher urinary concentration
not capture acrylamide dietary         of acrylamide in adults whereas
estimation well. Hence, further        low socio-economic status and
research is needed using human         demographic factors such as
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