Court Disposition and Condition Codes - Minnesota ...

Court Disposition and Condition Codes
The court reports the basic adjudication/disposition information for each count shown on the
court disposition report as a Court Disposition code. The disposition code does not provide any
information about the type, length, or conditions of the sentence imposed. The sentence length
is shown in the pronounced sentence, conditional confinement, and/or probation. The type of
sentence (Stay of Execution or Stay of Imposition) and other conditions of the sentence are
recorded in the court condition codes, as dollar amounts in the appropriate fields, or are written
out in the comments field. This is the list of codes, abbreviations, and definitions that are used
on the Criminal History records. The list of definitions is included to help you interpret the entries
on our Criminal History records.

                           Court Disposition Codes
Description                                                   CCH Abbreviation                Codes
Acquitted                                                     ACQUITTED                       301
Acquitted By Reason Of Insanity                               ACQT INSANE                     302
Acquitted By Reason Of Mental Incompetence                    ACQT MENTAL                     303
Case Continued Without Findings                               CONTINUED                       304
Charge Dismissed                                              DISMISSED                       305
Charge Dismissed Due To Insanity                              DISM INSANE                     306
Charge Dismissed Due To Mental Incompetence                   DISM MENTAL                     307
Charge Still Pending Due To Insanity                          PEND INSANE                     308
Charge Still Pending Due To Mental Incompetence               PEND MENTAL                     309
Convicted                                                     CONVICTED                       310
Convicted Of Lesser Offense                                   CONV LESS OFN                   311
Deferred                                                      DEFERRED                        312
Dismissed - Civil Action                                      DISM CIV ACTION                 313
Extradited                                                    EXTRADITED                      314
Pardoned                                                      PARDONED                        315
Probation Before Conviction                                   PROB PRE CONVT                  316
Sentence Commuted                                             COMMUTED                        317
Adjudication Withheld                                         ADJUC W/HELD                    318
Mistrial                                                      MISTRIAL                        320
Executive Clemency Granted                                    EXEC CLEMCY                     321
Found Insane                                                  INSANE                          322
Found Mentally Incompetent                                    MENT INCOMP                     323
No True Bill                                                  NO TRUE BILL                    324
Count(s)/Charge(s) Dropped                                    COUNT DROPPED                   325
Failure To Appear-Bench Warrant Issued                        FAIL APPEAR                     326
Returned (Escapee)                                            RET ESCAPEE                     327
Returned For Violation Of Release                             RET VIOL REL                    328
Adjudication Unknown                                          ADJUD UNKNOWN                   329
Count Combined With Other Count                               COUNT COMB                      380
Appeal Dismissed                                              APPEAL DISM                     381
Multiple Charges-One Disposition                              MULT CHG 1 DISP                 390
Appeal Denied                                                 APPEAL DENIED                   391
Discharged Per Court Order                                    DISC COURT ORD                  392
Judgement Upheld (Affirmed)                                   AFFIRMED                        393
Judgement Set Aside (Reversed)                                REVERSED                        394

Last Updated 1/5/2007                                                           Page 1
Court Disposition Codes
Description                              CCH Abbreviation       Codes
Case Remanded                            REMANDED               395
Case Reversed And Remanded               REVERSE & REMAN        396
Conviction Set Aside                     CONV SET ASIDE         397
Diversion                                DIVERSION              501
Discharged From Probation                DISCH F/PROB           502
Continued for Dismissal                  CONT FOR DISM          503
Probation Violation                      PROB VIOLATION         504
Probation Violation – Continued          PROB VIOL-CONT         505
Probation Violation –Revoked             PROB VIOL-REVOK        506
Appealed                                 APPEALED               700
Stricken                                 STRICKEN               701
Vacated                                  VACATED                702
Probation Violation-Continued            PROB VIOL-CONT         705
Probation Violation-Revoked              PROB VIOL-REVOK        706
Diversion Revoked                        DIVERSION REVOK        709
EJJ Probation Violation                  EJJ PROB VIOL          725
Change of Venue                          CHANGE OF VENUE        727
Probation Only                           PROBATION ONLY         728
Certified as Adult                       CERT AS ADULT          729
Teen Court                               TEEN COURT             730
Executed Adult Sentence                  EJJ EX ADLT SNT        731
Hung Jury                                HUNG JURY              732
No Adjudication-Same Course of Conduct   NO ADJUD SAME COURSE   734
Adjudicated Delinquent                   ADJUD DELINQUNT        735
Continued without Adjudication           CONTINUE NO ADJ        736
Extradition Waived                       EXTRADITE WAIVD        737
Dismissed Conditions Met                 DISMISS CON MET        738
Adjudicated Petty Offender               ADJ PETTY OFND         740
Adjudicated Traffic Offender             ADJ TRAFFIC OFND       741
Defendant Failed to Appear               FAILED TO APPEAR       910
Consolidated                             CONSOLIDATED           915
Closed – Administrative Action           CLOSED                 925
Transferred to Other Jurisdication       TRANS OTH JURISD       930
Disposition Deleted                      DISPOSIT DELETE        950
Sentence Deleted                         SENTENCE DELETE        960

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Court Disposition Codes
Definitions Of Court Disposition Code

301    Acquitted - The court or jury has returned a verdict of Not Guilty.

302    Acquitted By Reason Of Insanity - The court or jury has returned a verdict of Not Guilty
       due to a finding of insanity.

303    Acquitted By Reason Of Mental Incompetence - The court or jury has returned a
       verdict of Not Guilty because it's determined that the defendant is mentally incompetent.

304    Case Continued Without Findings - The charge is continued indefinitely without
       findings of innocence or guilt.

305    Charge Dismissed - The charge is discharged without further court action or for a
       juvenile when the charge is “Found Not True”.

306    Charge Dismissed Due To Insanity - The charge is discharged without further court
       action because it's determined that the defendant is insane.

307    Charge Dismissed Due To Mental Incompetence - The charge is discharged without
       further court action because it is determined that the defendant is mentally incompetent.

308    Charge Still Pending Due To Insanity - The charge will not be pursued at the present
       time due to a determination of insanity, while the defendant is sent to an institution for
       study and observation regarding his/her competence to stand trial. There is no
       disposition on the matter and the charge is still open.

309    Pending Due To Mental Incompetence - Prosecution has been delayed while the
       defendant is sent to an institution for study and observation regarding his/her competent
       to stand trial. There is no disposition on the matter and the charge is still open.

310    Convicted - The court finds the defendant guilty of the charge.

311    Convicted Of Lesser Offense - Original charge is reduced, and the defendant is
       convicted of a lesser offense. (No longer used as of 1/1/94)

312    Deferred - The court finds the defendant guilty of the charge but the sentence is deferred
       by the judge to a later date for reasons other than ordering a presentence investigation.

313    Dismissed - Civil Action - The criminal court dismisses the charge but leaves the case
       open for civil litigation.

314    Extradited - The surrender of an individual by one state to another of an individual
       accused or convicted of an offense outside the state having custody, and within the
       jurisdiction of the other state.

315    Pardoned - Exemption of an individual from the punishment previously imposed for a
       crime he/she has committed.

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Court Disposition Codes
Definitions Of Court Disposition Code
316     Probation Before Conviction - Used most often when the defendant is sentenced
        under the guidelines of M.S. 152.18 for drug charges, however, an individual may get a
        316 on any charge; the defendant is given probation by a judge without conviction. A
        disposition reporting a 316 should be followed at a later date by either a disposition of
        dismissal if the defendant meets the requirements of the probation sentence and is
        discharged from probation, or a conviction and sentence if the defendant fails to meet the
        requirements of the probation sentence. This code is different from the Arrest
        Disposition Code 214, in that the action took place in court.

317    Sentence Commuted - Defendant is given a new sentence or defendant's sentence is
       reduced. In conjunction with this code, Supervision Status Code 424 should be used if
       the defendant is, in fact, released from a custodial agency (prison).

318    Adjudication Withheld - The judge withholds or continues without adjudication for a
       specified period of time. Per TCIS directions to the courts there should not be an entry in
       the Stay of Imposition field or pronounced field. There should be time in the probation
       field or a specified length of stay.

320    Mistrial - A mistrial is declared when it is determined that the trial of action cannot stand
       in the law due to want of jurisdiction, a wrongful drawing of jurors, disregard of other
       fundamental requisites, or a hung jury.

321    Executive Clemency - An executive act of grace exempting an individual from
       punishment for a crime he has committed.

322    Found Insane - The defendant is declared to be insane. This code should only be used
       if there has not been an acquittal or dismissal.

323    Found Mentally Incompetent - The defendant is declared to be mentally incompetent,
       but there has not been an acquittal or dismissal.

324    No True Bill - A grand jury returns a verdict of no finding on an indictment.

325    Count(s)/Charge(s) Dropped - Used when no final adjudication is determined for a
       specific count(s)/charge(s), and the count(s)/charge(s) is dropped from further

326    Failure To Appear-Bench Warrant Issued - Used when a defendant fails to appear in
       court, when lawfully directed, and a bench warrant has been issued.

327    Returned (Escapee) - Defendant is apprehended after escaping from confinement and
       returned with no additional sentence to the institution from which he/she escaped.

328    Returned For Violation Of Release - Defendant is returned to custody after violating the
       conditions of a conditional release, e.g., parole, work furlough. Do not use for probation
       violation because defendant can be convicted of a probation violation as well.

329    Adjudication Unknown - Used if the case went to court but the outcome is unknown.

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Court Disposition Codes
Definitions Of Court Disposition Code

380    Count Combined With Other Count - Used when a count(s)/charge has been
       combined with another count(s)/ charge. (Historic use only)

381    Appeal Dismissed - Used when a case has been reviewed by an appellate court and
       the court dismissed the appeal.

390    Multiple Charges - One Disposition - Defendant is arrested for multiple offenses but
       receives one disposition. Each offense should be entered on the court's final disposition
       report with the Court Disposition Code of 390. Prior to assignment of this code, a record
       was entered indicating that the defendant was convicted of all charges but the counts to
       which the disposition applied were unknown. (Historic use only)

391    Appeal Denied - An attempt is made to have a case reviewed by the appellate court and
       the court fails to see any benefits or just cause for doing so; it denies the appeal.

392    Discharge Per Court Order - The charges have been discharged per court order on

393    Judgement Upheld (Affirmed) - An appeals court declares that a judgement is right and
       valid and must stand as rendered.

394    Judgement Set-Aside (Reversed) - Appeals court reverses the judgement of a lower

395    Case Remanded - A case is sent back to the same court from which it came for further

396    Case Reversed and Remanded - To vacate a judgement and send it back to the court
       of original jurisdiction for further review.

397    Conviction Set-Aside - Used when conviction is set-aside in certain instances, pursuant
       to a court order.

399    Appealed - Used when an appeal has been filed on the disposition of a case. (Historic
       use only, see new disposition code of 507)

501    Diversion - Used when an individual is placed in a diversion program.

502    Discharge from Probation - The defendant has been discharged from probation.

503    Continued for Dismissal - The judge withholds or continues without adjudication for a
       specified period. If there are no violations during the probationary period the charge will
       be dismissed. There should not be an entry in the Stay of Imposition field or Pronounced
       field(s). Any jail time is entered as conditional confinement. There should be either
       probation or a length of stay shown. This disposition report should be followed by
       dismissal when the individual is discharged from probation.

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Court Disposition Codes
Definitions Of Court Disposition Code

504    Probation Violation - The defendant has violated the conditions of probation and/or

505    Probation Violation – Continued

506    Probation Violation – Revoked

700    Appealed - Defendant filed an appeal with a higher court for a ruling on some element of
       his/her trial (evidence, sentence, etc.).

701    Stricken - Case or charge has been removed from the record.

702    Vacated - Case or chage has been anulled, set aside, or recinded.

705    Probation Violation-Continued
       The individual has violated the conditions of probation but is still not convicted of the
       charge (previously 318, 316 etc). The individual may have his probation time or sentence
       conditions changed. The individual s probation is not revoked.

706    Probation Violation-Revoked
       Those charges that were previously recorded as a 310 should always report 506 if a
       violation occurs. The individual has violated the conditions of probation, has been
       previously convicted, or as a result of this violation is now being convicted of the charge
       (previously 318, 316 etc) . The court may impose the original sentence or resentence
       the individual on the violation.

709    Diversion Revoked -

725    EJJ Probation Violation - An Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile violated the conditions of
       his/her probation.

727    Change of Venue - self explanatory

728    Probation Only - Used in juvenile cases where the individual has not been adjudicated
       guilty but will be required to serve probation

729    Certified as Adult - Used when a juvenile has been certified by the court to be treated
as     an adult.

730    Teen Court – (( further definition not provided ))

731    EJJ Executed Adult Sentence - Used when an adjudicated juvenile violates the
       conditions set by the court and the previously stayed adult sentence is now executed.

732    Hung Jury - Jury was unable to reach a verdict.

734    No Adjudication - Same Course of Conduct - Used when an individual is found guilty
       by a jury on multiple counts, but these counts are all the result of a single course of
       conduct. The judge invalidates the verdict on all but one count.

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Court Disposition Codes
Definitions Of Court Disposition Code

735    Adjudicated Delinquent – Used when a juvenile is adjudicated delinquent. Do not use
       a “310 convicted” on a juvenile record because they cannot be “convicted” under statute.

736    Continued without Adjudication – (( Definition not provided ))

737    Extradition Waived – (( Definition not provided ))

738    Dismissed Conditions Met - Case is dismissed because the subject complied with the
       conditions set by the court.

740    Adjudicated Petty Offender – Juvenile is adjudicated guilty of a petty offense.

741    Adjudicated Traffic Offender – Juvenile is adjudicated guilty of a traffic offense.

910    Failed to Appear - Defendant failed to appear for the court date. This is an
       administrative disposition which is not legally a conviction.

915    Consolidated With Another Case – These are cases that were consolidated at the
       local level. The final disposition is on the case they were consolidated with.

925    Closed – This is an administrative closing. for example, if a warrant goes unserved for a
       year the court may close the case.

930    Transferred to Other Jurisdiction – These are most often transfers to the tribal courts.

950    Disposition Deleted – (( Definition not provided ))

960    Sentence Deleted – (( Definition not provided ))

Note: If the disposition report provides additional comments on the reasons why a particular
disposition was reached please enter the remarks in Court Comments. The Court Sentence
Condition Codes are used to record any special conditions imposed by the court. Only the
codes listed below may be used in this field:

Last Updated 1/5/2007                                                        Page 7
Court Sentence Condition Codes
Description                                              CCH Abbreviation       Codes
Bad Conduct Discharge (Military Use Only)                BAD CON DIS            330
Bail Forfeiture                                          BAIL FORF              331
Confinement or Fine                                      CONF OR FINE           332
Confinement in Hospital                                  CONF HOSP              333
Court Costs Only                                         COURT COSTS            334
Death Sentence                                           DEATH SENT             335
Dishonorable Discharge (Military Use Only)               DISHON DISC            336
Fine and/or Court Costs                                  FINE & COST            338
Forfeiture Of Pay (Military Use Only)                    FORFEIT PAY            339
Indeterminate Confinement                                INDET CONFINE          340
Indeterminate To Majority                                INDETERM-MAJ           341
Life                                                     LIFE                   342
Charge Dropped (Abandoned)                               CHARGE DROP            344
Probation                                                PROBATION              345
Probation - Supervised (Historic records only)                                  A345
Probation - Unsupervised (Historic records only)                                B345
Restitution                                              RESTITUTION            346
Restitution And Court Costs                              REST & COST            347
Due To Conviction On Other Charge (Use With 305          DISM CONV O/CHG        348
Per Restitution Or Cost Paid (Use with 305 Only)         PER REST/COST          349
Nolled, Nolle Prossed, Or Nolle Prosequi                 NOLLED                 350
        (no longer used in Minnesota)
Split Sentence (Confinement Followed By Probation        SPLIT SENT             351
        Or Special Parole Term)
Serving Time On Another Charge                           SER OTH TIME           352
Motion of U.S. Attorney                                  BY PROS ATTY           353
Turned Over To Another Agency                            TURNED OVER TO         354
Nolle Prosse With Leave                                  NOLLE W/LV             355
Nolo Contendere                                          NOLO CONTEN            356
Guilty Plea                                              GUILTY PLEA            357
Sentence Unknown                                         SENT UNKNOW            358
Sentence Suspended                                       SENT SUSPND            359
Sentence To Maximum Pending Results of OB/Study          MAX OB/STDY            360
Probation Denied                                         PROB DENIED            361
Conviction Set Aside                                     CONV SET ASIDE         362
Concurrent                                               CONCURRENT             363
Consecutive                                              CONSECUTIVE            364
Credited With Time Served                                CRED W/TIME SRV        365
Appealed (do not use as of 11/15/95 Historic use only)   APPEALED               366
Nights                                                   NIGHTS                 367
Weekend Confinement Only                                 WKEND CONF             368
Pretrial Diversion Satisfactorily Completed              DIVERSION COMPL        369
        (Use With CDN 305)

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Court Sentence Condition Codes
Description                                 CCH Abbreviation       Codes

Combined Charges                            COMB CHARGE            370
Added Confinement Sentence                  ADD CONF SENT          371
No Information Filed                        NO INFO FLD            372
Imposition Of Sentence Stayed               IMPOS SENT STYD        373
Execution Of Sentence Stayed/Suspended      EXEC SENT STYD         374
Confinement Condition Of Probation          CONF COND PROB         375
Amended Complaint                           AMEND COMPLT           376
Sentence to Service                         SENT TO SERVE          377
Pay Bail                                    PAY BAIL               378
Home Detention/Electronic Surveillance      HOME DETENTION         379
Post Conviction Relief (replaced by 388)    POST CONV RELIEF       380
Post Conviction Relief                      POST CONV RELIEF       388
Safe Streets Sentencing                     SAFE STREET SENT       398
Intermediate Sanctions                      INTERM SANCTION        399
Adjudicated Juvenile Sex Offender           ADJ JUV SEX OFN        505
Predatory Sex Offender                      PRED SEX OFFEND        506
Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile              EXT JURISD JUV         507
Dangerous/Career Offender                   CAREER OFFENDER        508
Danger to Public Safety                     DANGER PUB SAF         509
Predatory Crime                             PREDATORY CRIME        510
Departure From Guidelines                   DEPART F/GUIDE         511
Workhouse                                   WORKHOUSE              520
Restitution Joint and Several               REST JNT & SEV         521
Work Release Privileges                     WORK RELEASE           522
Work Service in Lieu of Fines               WORK LIEU FINE         523
Work Service in Lieu of Jail                WORK LIEU JAIL         524
Community Work Service                      COMM WORK SERV         525
Credit Treatment Time to Jail Time          CRED TREAT JAIL        526
Electronic Monitoring                       ELECTRIC MONIT         527
Domestic Abuse Monitoring                   DOM ABUSE MONIT        528
Conditional Release                         COND RELEASE           529
No Early Release                            NO EARLY RELEAS        530
Juvenile Probation Not to Exceed Age 19     JUV PROB END 19        531
Confinement or Community Work Service       CONF/COMM WK SERV      532
Waive Surcharges                            WAIVE SURCHARGE        533
Waive Fine                                  WAIVE FINE             534
No Disorderly Conduct                       NO DISORD COND         539
Comply with Conditions                      COMPLY CONDIT          540
No Same or Similar Violations               NO SAME/SIMILAR        541
Obey All Laws and be of Good Behavior       OBEY ALL LAWS          542
No Contact With Victim or Victim's Family   NO CONTACT VICT        543
No Driving Without Valid Drivers License    NO DRIVE W/O DL        544
No Alcohol Violations                       NO ALCOHOL VIOL        545
No Possession Alcohol and/or Drugs          NO POSS ALC/DRG        546
Added Conditional Confinement               ADD COND CONFIN        547
Abstain from Drugs and/or Alcohol           ABSTAIN DRUG/ALC       548
No DL Violations                            NO DL VIOL             549
No Driving without Insurance                NO DRVE W/O INS        550

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Court Sentence Condition Codes
Description                                       CCH Abbreviation        Codes

No Assaultive Behavior                            NO ASSAULT BEHA         551
No Drinking & Driving                             NO DRINK & DRIV         552
Forfeit Vehicle                                   FORFEIT VEHICLE         553
Surrender License Plates                          SURR LIC PLATES         554
Impound License Plates                            IMPOUND PLATES          555
Driver Improvement Clinic                         DRV IMPROV CLNC         556
In-patient Treatment                              IN-PAT TREATMT          557
Treatment Ordered                                 TREATMENT ORDER         558
Drug Abuse Program                                DRUG ABUSE PROG         560
Chemical Dependency Treatment                     CHEM DEP TREAT          561
Mental Health Treatment                           MENT HEALTH TRE         562
Sex Offender Evaluation and/or Treatment          SEX OFF TREAT           563
Counseling                                        COUNSELING              564
Attend Alcoholics Anonymous                       ATTEND AA               565
Alcohol Monitor                                   ALCOHOL MONITOR         566
Alcohol Assessment                                ALCOHOL ASSESS          567
DWI Clinic                                        DWI CLINIC              568
Attend Narcotics Anonymous                        ATTEND NARC AN          569
Chemical Dependency Evaluation and or Treatment   CHEM DEP EV/TRE         570
Psychological Evaluation                          PSYCH EVAL              571
Random Breath and/or Urine Testing                RANDOM B/U TEST         572
Medical Treatment/Outpatient Treatment            MED TREAT/OUTPA         573
Victim Impact Panel                               VICTIM IMPACT P         574
Conviction Deemed to be a Misdemeanor             CONV DEEM MISD          575
Obtain GED                                        OBTAIN GED              576
Maintain Employment                               MAINTAIN EMPLOYMNT      577
Obtain Driver's License                           OBTAIN DRIV LIC         578
Cognitive Skills Training                         COG SKILL TRAIN         579
No Gang Association                               NO GANG ASSOC           580
Work Service in Lieu of Restitution               WORK LIEU REST          581
Domestic Abuse Evaluation                         DOM ABUSE EVALU         582
Register as a Sex Offender                        REG AS SEX OFFEND       583
Provide DNA Sample                                PROVIDE DNA SAMP        584
Sentence to Serve in Lieu of Fine                 SNT SRV LU FINE         585
Sentenced to Serve in Lieu of Time                SNT SRV LU TIME         586
No Reckless and/or Careless Driving               NO RECK DRIVING         587
No Drug/Alcohol Traffic Charges                   NO DRG/ALC TRAF         588
Aftercare                                         AFTERCARE               589
Domestic Abuse Program                            DOM ABUSE PROG          590
No Stalking Violations                            NO STALKING VIO         591
No Harassment Violations                          NO HARASS VIOL          592
No Order for Protection Violations                NO OFP VIOL             593
No Weapons Violations                             NO WEAPON VIOL          594
Rule 25 (relates to change of venue)              RULE 25                 595
Anger Management                                  ANGER MANAGEMENT        596
MADD Victim Impact Panel                          MADD VICTIM PAN         597
No Ordinance Violations                           NO ORDINANC VIO         598

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Court Sentence Condition Codes
Description                                    CCH Abbreviation        Codes

No Building Violations                         NO BUILDING VIO         599
Rules and Regulations                          RULES/REGULATIO         600
Be Fingerprinted                               BE FINGERPRINTD         601
No Firearms                                    NO FIREARMS             602
Forfeit Weapons                                FORFEIT WEAPONS         603
Report to Agent as Directed                    REPORT TO AGENT         604
Advise Agency of Employment/Residence Change   RPT JOB/RESIDE          605
Notify Agency of Arrest or Summons             RPT ARRST/SUMMO         606
Cooperate and be Truthful with Agent           COOPERATE/TRUTH         607
Obtain Permission Before Leaving the State     OBT PERM LV STA         608
No Contact With Victim                         NO CONT VICTIM          610
No Contact With Witness(es)                    NO CONT WITNESS         611
No Contact, With Exceptions                    NO CONT W/EXCPT         612
No Contact With Co-Defendant(s)                NO CONT CO-DEFD         613
No New Arrests                                 NO NEW ARRESTS          620
No Drug Paraphernalia                          NO DRUG PARAPH          621
No Drug Related                                NO DRUG RELATED         622
No Marijuana Charges                           NO MARIJ CHARGE         623
No Mood Altering Chemicals                     NO MOOD CHEM            624
No Contact-Person Associated w/Illegal Drugs   NO CONT ILL DRG         625
No Criminal Damage to Property                 NO CRIM DAM PRO         630
No Violence                                    NO VIOLENCE             631
No Resisting Arrest                            NO RESIST ARRST         632
No False Information                           NO FLSE INFORM          633
No Theft                                       NO THEFT                634
No Check Charges                               NO CHECK CHARGE         635
No Prostitution                                NO PROSTITUTION         636
No Indecent Conduct                            NO INDECEN COND         637
No Misdemeanor Violations                      NO MISDM VIOL           638
No Trespassing                                 NO TRESPASSING          639
DL Suspended                                   DL SUSPENDED            650
No Fleeing Police                              NO FLEE POLICE          651
No Hit and Run                                 NO HIT AND RUN          652
No Tampering Charges                           NO TAMPER CHGS          653
No Speeding                                    NO SPEEDING             654
No Boating Violations                          NO BOATING VIOL         655
No Moving Violations                           NO MOVING VIOL          656
No Snowmobile Violations                       NO SNOWMOBL VIO         657
No Misdemeanor Moving Violation                NO MIS MOVE VIO         658
No Traffic Related Charges                     NO TRAFFIC CHGS         659
No Traffic Related Convictions                 NO TRAFFIC CONV         660
No Registration Violations                     NO REGIST VIOL          661
No Open Bottle Charges                         NO OPEN BOTTLE          662
Obtain Employment                              OBTAIN EMPLOYMT         670
Job Readiness                                  JOB READINESS           671
No Unexcused Absences                          NO UNEX ABSENCE         672
Write Letter of Apology                        WRITE APOLOGY           673
Psychiatric Evaluation/Treatment               PSYCH EVAL/TRET         674
Take Medications As Prescribed                 TAKE MEDICATION         675

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Court Sentence Condition Codes
Make and Maintain Contact w/Attorney               CONTACT W/ATTY          676

Description                                        CCH Abbreviation        Codes

Submit to Random Searches                          RANDOM SEARCHES         677
Do Not Enter Bars or Liquor Stores                 NO BARS                 678
Sign Waiver of Extradition                         SIGN EXTR WAIVR         679
Released On Own Recognizance                       REL OWN RECOGNZ         680
Referred to Court Services                         REF CRT SERVICE         681
Stay Holding Facility Until Committed              HOLD F/COMMITMT         682
Vol Remain Hold Facility Until Discharged          VOL HOLD T/DISC         683
Social History/Predisposition Investigation        PRESD INVESTIGA         684
Keep Court/Attorney Informed of Address            INFORM ADDRESS          685
Reimburse the State                                REIMBURSE STATE         686
Alford Plea                                        ALFORD PLEA             687
Follow All Probation Instructions                  FOLLOW PROBINST         688
Intensive Supervision Program                      INTENSIVE SUPV          689
No Possess/Use Pornographic/Sexual Material        NO PORN/SEX MAT         690
No Access to or Use of Internet Without Approval   NO INTERNET USE         691
Submit to Polygraph Exams as Directed              POLYGRAPH EXAMS         692
Provide Proof of Insurance                         PROOF INSURANCE         693
Maintain Insurance                                 MAINT INSURANCE         694
No Driving During Release or While on Probation    NO DRIVE                695
Life Without Parole                                LIFE NO PAROLE          696
Alive at 25-Defensive Driving Course               ALIVE AT 25             697

Last Updated 1/5/2007                                            Page 12
Court Sentence Condition Codes
Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

330    Bad Conduct Discharge - Defendant is given a bad conduct discharge from the military
       service as part of his sentence.

331    Bail Forfeited - Defendant was convicted and the sentence is forfeiture of bail, includes
       forfeiture of bail to pay fine/restitution, etc.

332    Confinement Or Fine - Used when the defendant has the choice of confinement or
       payment of a fine.

333    Confinement In Hospital - Confined in the hospital is part of the sentence.

334    Court Costs Only - Used when the only monetary punishment is for court costs.

335    Death Sentence - Used when the defendant is given the death sentence. (Not
       applicable in Minnesota)

336    Dishonorable Discharge - A dishonorable discharge from military service is part of the
       defendants sentence..

338    Fine and/or Court Costs - Used when the combined monetary amount to be paid is a
       combination of fine and/or court costs and the amount of each is unknown.

339    Forfeiture Of Pay - Defendant must forfeit part of his/her military pay.

340    Indeterminate Confinement - Confinement is ordered, but the amount of confinement
       time is unknown.

341    Indeterminate To Majority - Defendant must serve a confinement sentence, the
       confinement time is unknown but may include to majority (maximum) length.

342    Life - Used when the defendant is given a life sentence. Do not make an entry in the
       Pronounced, Probation, Conditional Confinement,Length of Stay or Credit for Time
       Served fields.

344    Charge Dropped - A sentence is dismissed as a result of a charge(s) being dropped.

345    Indeterminate Probation - Used when the defendant received a probation sentence or
       length of stay but the length of time is unknown.

346    Restitution - Restitution is imposed as part of the sentence but the monetary amount is
       unknown. Do not use if there is an amount in the restitution amount field.

347    Restitution And Court Costs - Restitution and Courts Costs are imposed as part of the
       sentence but the monetary amount of both is unknown. There should not be an entry in
       either the restitution or court costs field.

348    Due To Conviction On Another Charge - Used when the charge has been dismissed
       due to a conviction on another charge. (Used only in conjunction with disposition of 305)
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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

349    Restitution Or Cost Paid - Used when the charge(s) is dismissed with the payment of
       restitution and/or costs (Used only in conjunction with disposition code of 305).

350    Nolled, Nolle Prossed Or Nolle Prosequi - Used when the charge(s) is dismissed as a
       result of a nolled, nolle prossed, or nolle prosequi motion on the part of the prosecuting

351    Split Sentence - Used when the defendant receives a split sentence of confinement to
       be followed by probation.

352    Serving Time On Another Charge - Used when the defendant is serving time or is
       confined as a result of a conviction on another charge.

353    Motion Of U.S. Attorney - Used when the court accepts a motion of the prosecuting

354    Turned Over To Another Agency - Used when the court, after completion of action,
       turns the defendant over to another agency (includes another state or county).

355    Nolle Prosse With Leave - Used when the charge(s) is dismissed as a result of a nolle
       prosse with leave decision.

356    Nolo Contendere - Used when the defendant pleads nolo contendere (no contest) to the

357    Guilty Plea - Used when it is reported that the defendant pled guilty. (reference only, do
       not use on current disposition reports).

358    Sentence Unknown - Defendant was convicted but the actual sentence and conditions
       are unknown.

359    Sentence Suspended - Used when a sentence is suspended but the amount of time
       suspended is unknown. On old historical reports the Court Suspended Sentence (CSS)
       field should be left blank.

360    Sentence To Maximum Pending Results Of OB/Study - Used when the defendant is
       sentenced to the maximum time pending results of an observation study.

361    Probation Denied - Used when the court has denied a request for probation.

362    Conviction Set Aside - Used when the conviction of charge is set aside

363    Concurrent - The defendant will serve the confinement time on this charge at the same
       time as it is served on another conviction, on this or another case. Note: All convictions
       are considered to be concurrent unless it is specifically stated that the sentence is

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

364    Consecutive - The defendant must serve this sentence after serving the sentence on
       another charge, either on this or another case.

365    Credited With Time Served - Used when the defendant is given credit for time already
       served while awaiting sentence.

366    Appealed Sentence - Used when the defendant appeals the sentence received, as of
       11/15/95 no longer used, substitute disposition code 700.

367    Nights - Defendant will serve confinement time at night.

368    Weekend Confinement Only - Defendant will serve confinement time on weekends.

369    Pretrial Diversion Satisfactorily Completed - Used when the charge(s) is dismissed as
       a result of the defendant successfully completing pretrial diversion.

370    Combined Charge - Used when one sentence is imposed for multiple charges. The
       sentence is entered on one of the charges and the remaining charges will show a 370
       without any other conditions of the sentence.

371    Added Confinement Sentence - Used when the defendant receives an added sentence
       of confinement for a violation committed while in confinement, such as possession of
       narcotics, attempted escape, or escape.

372    No Information Filed - Used when no sentence information was filed.

373    Imposition Of Sentence Stayed - Used when the defendant has been convicted but the
       court does not impose a sentence. The defendant may be placed on probation with or
       without supervision, may be required to serve conditional confinement and/or adhere to
       other conditions set by the court.

374    Indeterminate Sentence Stayed/Suspended - Used when a sentence of an
       indeterminate length has been stayed or suspended.

375    Confinement Condition Of Probation - Used when the imposition or execution of
       sentence was stayed and the defendant must serve a period of confinement as a
       condition of his/her probation.

376    Amended Complaint - Used when a change has been made to the original complaint
       thru the filing of an "Amended" complaint or on the record during a court proceeding by
       the prosecuting attorney.

377    Sentence to Service - Defendant has a choice of performing sentence to service work
       while serving confinement.

378    Pay Bail –

379    Home Detention - Defendant will serve confinement time confined at home.
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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

380    Post Conviction Relief - Do not use, substitute 388.

388    Post Conviction Relief - Defendant has been granted relief on some aspect of the
       original sentence.

398    Safe Streets Sentencing - Defendant is ordered to participate in a program for repeat
       DWI offenders.

399    Intermediate Sanctions - Defendant is ordered to participate in a program in lieu of jail.

505    Adjudicated Juvenile Sex Offender - The court has adjudicated the defendant as a
       Juvenile Sex Offender.

506    Predatory Sex Offender - The court has designated the defendant to be a Predatory
       Sex Offender.

507    Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile - Enter when the defendant is an Extended Jurisdiction

508    Dangerous/Career Offender - The defendant, convicted of a violent crime, with two or
       more prior convictions for commission of, attempts to commit, or conspiracy to commit
       violent crimes. This designation justifies or allows a departure from the sentencing

509    Danger to Public Safety - A finding by the court that the defendant is a threat to the
       community. This designation justifies or allows a departure from the sentencing

510    Predatory Crime - A finding by the court that the defendant is convicted of a felony
       violation of predatory behavior. (A felony violation of 1st. 2nd, 3rd degree murder, 1st,
       2nd, degree manslaughter, 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree assault, simple robbery, 1st degree and
       2nd degree robbery, kidnapping, false imprisonment, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th degree
       criminal sexual conduct, incest, tampering with a witness, 1st degree arson, or 1st
       degree burglary.)

511    Departure From Guidelines - Any sentence that departs from the sentencing guidelines
       for the violation.

520    Workhouse - Sentenced by the court to serve conditional confinement time in the county

521    Restitution Joint & Several - The amount of restitution is imposed on multiple
       defendants who are each equally responsible for the amount of restitution imposed.

522    Work Release Privileges - Defendant is allowed release from confinement to continue
       employment and must return to confinement after work hours are completed.

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

523    Work Service in Lieu of Fines - Defendant is given the option to pay the fine or
       completing community work service.

524    Work Service in Lieu of Jail - Defendant is given the option of serving time or
       completing community work service.

525    Community Work Service - Defendant is ordered to complete a specified amount of
       community work service as a condition of the sentence.

526    Credit Treatment Time to Jail Time - Time spent in approved treatment center is
       credited toward a jail sentence imposed by the court.

527    Electronic Monitoring - Defendant is ordered to wear an electronic monitoring device
       (radio frequency transmitter) at all times as a condition of the sentence.

528    Domestic Abuse Monitoring - Defendant is required to use an electronic monitoring
       device to protect victims of domestic abuse as a condition of the sentence. (Currently
       only being tested in the tenth judicial district)

529    Conditional Release - If an offender completed the sentence as a pattern sex offender,
       less any good time, and if the offense was committed before August 1, 1993, he is
       placed on conditional release for the remainder to the statutory maximum period or for
       ten years. Conditions may include successful completion of treatment and aftercare in a
       program approved by the Commissioner of Corrections.

530    No Early Release – A defendant is not eligible for probation, parole, discharge or
       supervised release until that person has served the full term of imprisonment as provided
       by law (609.11) if s/he:
           is convicted and sentenced for an offense where a dangerous weapon other than a
           firearm was used,
           possessed and/or used a firearm,
           or is convicted and sentenced for a felony drug offense under chapter 152

531    Juvenile Probation Not to Exceed Age 19 - A Juvenile's probation may not exceed the
       youth's 19th birthday.

532    Confinement or Community Work Service - The defendant has the option of serving
       confinement or performing community work service.

533    Waive Surcharges - Any surcharges that could be assessed on a fine are waived; the
       judge will usually do this in cases of financial hardship.

534    Waive Fine - All fines are waived. At times, these are waived on the condition that the
       defendant complete other conditions on the sentencing order.

539    No Disorderly Conduct - The defendant is ordered not to commit any disorderly
       conduct violations.

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

540    Comply with Conditions - The court orders the defendant to comply with all conditions
       of the sentence.

541    No Same or Similar Violations - The court orders that the defendant not have any
       same or similar violations as a condition of the sentence.

542    Obey All Laws/Be of Good Behavior - The court orders the defendant to obey all laws
       and be of good behavior as a condition of the sentence.

543    No Contact With Victim and/or Victim's Family - As a condition of the sentence, the
       court orders that the defendant shall have "No contact with the victim and/or the victim's

544    No Driving Without Valid DL - As a condition of the sentence the defendant must not
       drive without a valid driver's license.

545    No Alcohol Violations - As a condition of the sentence the defendant must not receive
       additional Alcohol Violations.

546    No Possession Alcohol and/or Drugs - The defendant must abstain from possessing
       alcohol and/or drugs as a condition of the sentence.

547    Added Conditional Confinement - When convicted of a probation violation the
       defendant is required to serve additional conditional confinement, but no new sentence
       has been imposed.

548    Abstain from Drugs and/or Alcohol - The defendant must abstain from using alcohol
       and/or drugs as a condition of the sentence.

549    No DL Violations - The defendant must not commit other driving violations.

550    No Driving Without Insurance - The defendant must not drive without insurance.

551    No Assaultive Behavior - The defendant must have no further assaultive behavior
       toward the victim or any other person(s).

552    No Drinking & Driving - The defendant is ordered not to drink and drive.

553    Forfeit Vehicle - Defendant is ordered to forfeit his/her motor vehicle.

554    Surrender License Plates - Defendant is ordered to surrender his vehicle license plates
       to the Court; the plate will be returned after a specified period of time.

555    Impound License Plates - A Law Enforcement agency is ordered to locate the vehicle
       and take the plates; this is permanent.

556    Driver Improvement Clinic - Defendant is ordered to attend a driver improvement clinic.

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

557    In-patient Treatment - Defendant is ordered to complete in-patient treatment.

558    Treatment Ordered - Defendant is ordered to complete treatment (unspecified type).

560    Drug Abuse Program - Defendant is ordered to successfully complete a drug abuse
       program as a condition of the sentence.

561    Chemical Dependency Treatment - Defendant is ordered to successfully complete a
       chemical dependency treatment program as a condition of the sentence.

562    Mental Health Treatment - Defendant is ordered to successfully complete a Mental
       Health treatment program as a condition of the sentence.

563    Sex Offender Evaluation/Treatment - Defendant is ordered to enter and successfully
       complete a sex offender evaluation and treatment program as a condition of the

564    Counseling - Defendant is ordered to go to counseling as a condition of the sentence.

565    Attend Alcoholics Anonymous - Defendant is ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous
       as a condition of the sentence.

566    Alcohol Monitor - Defendant is ordered to participate in an alcohol monitoring process
       as a condition of the sentence.

567    Alcohol Assessment - Defendant is ordered to undergo an alcohol assessment as a
       condition of the sentence.

568    DWI Clinic- Defendant is ordered to attend a DWI clinic as a condition of the sentence.

569    Attend Narcotics Anonymous - Defendant is ordered to attend Narcotics Anonymous
       as a condition of the sentence.

570    Chemical Dependency Evaluation/Treatment - Defendant is ordered to enter and
       successfully complete a chemical dependency evaluation as a condition of the sentence.

571    Psychological Evaluation - Defendant is ordered to complete a Psychological
       evaluation as a condition of the sentence.

572    Random Breath/Urine Testing - Defendant is ordered to comply with random breath
       and/or urine testing as a condition of the sentence.

573    Medical Treatment/Outpatient - Defendant is ordered to receive medical treatment.

574    Victim Impact Panel - Defendant is ordered to participate in a Victim Impact Panel as a
       condition of the sentence.

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes
575     Conviction Deemed a Misdemeanor - The conviction is considered a misdemeanor as
        a result of the defendant successfully completing the conditions of the sentence.

576   Obtain GED - The judge has ordered that the defendant complete their high school
      equivalency diploma.

577   Maintain Employment - The judge has ordered that the defendant remain employed for
      the duration of probation, etc.

578   Obtain Driver's License - The judge has ordered that the defendant obtain a valid
      driver's license. This may mean that the defendant has to pay off fines, etc., in order to
      have a driver's license reinstated.

579   Cognitive Skills Training - The defendant must complete a course or obtain counseling
      on improving their cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are how the defendant processes
      information to make judgements.

580   No Gang Association - The defendant is ordered not to associate with any known gang

581   Work Service in Lieu of Restitution - Defendant may perform community work service
      in lieu of restitution.

582   Domestic Abuse Evaluation - Defendant is ordered to complete a Domestic Abuse
      evaluation as a condition of the sentence.

583   Register as a Sex Offender- Defendant is ordered to register as a sex offender with the

584   Provide DNA Sample - Defendant is ordered to provide a DNA sample to the BCA.

585   Sentence to Serve in Lieu of Fine - Defendant may complete a Sentence to Service
      work program in lieu of paying the fine or court costs.

586   Sentenced to Serve in Lieu of Time - Defendant may complete a Sentence to Service
      work program in lieu of serving confinement time.

587   No Reckless and/or Careless Driving -– (( Definition not provided ))

588   No Drug/Alcohol Traffic Charges -– (( Definition not provided ))

589   Aftercare – Defendant is required to participate in an aftercare program

590   Domestic Abuse Program - Defendant is ordered to attend a domestic abuse program.

591   No Stalking Violations - Defendant must not commit any stalking violations.

592   No Harassment Violations - Defendant must not commit any harassment violations.

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

593    No Order for Protection Violations - Defendant must not commit any Order for
       Protection violations.

594    No Ordinance Violations - Defendant must not commit any further weapons violations.

595    Rule 25 – (( Definition not provided ))

596    Anger Management – Defendant must attend anger management training.

597    MADD Victim Impact Panel – (( Definition not provided ))

598    No Weapons Violations - Defendant must not commit any ordinance violations.

599    No Building Violations - A Housing court appearance results in criminal charges. The
       defendant must not commit any building violations.

600    Rules and Regulations – (( Definition not provided ))

601    Be Fingerprinted – The Judge orders that the defendant report to have his/her
       fingerprints taken and submitted to the BCA so that a criminal history record can be
       established or updated.

602    Do not to Ship, Transport, Possess or Receive Firearms or Ammo

603    Forfeit Weapons

604    Report to Agent As Directed

605   Advise Agent of Employment or Residence Changes - Advise Agent prior to changing
employment and/or residence

606  Notify Agency of Arrest or Summons - Notify Agent if arrested and/or issued a

607    Cooperate and be Truthful with Agent - Cooperate and be truthful with Agent in all

608    Obtain Permission Before Leaving the State - Obtain Permission from Agent before
leaving the state

610    No Contact With Victim(S)

611    No Contact With Witness(Es)

612    No Contact, With Exceptions – (( Definition not provided ))

613    No Contact With Co-Defendant(s)

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

620    No New Arrests

621    No Drug Paraphernalia

622    No Drug-Related Charges

623    No Marijuana Charges

624    No Mood-Altering Chemicals

625    No Contact w/Person Associated with Illegal Drugs

630    No Criminal Damage To Property

631    No Violence To Person Or Property

632    No Resisting Arrest

633    No False Information

634    No Theft Charges

635    No Check Charges

636    No Prostitution

637    No Indecent Conduct

638    No Misdemeanor Violations

639    No Trespassing

640    No Loitering

650    DL Suspended

651    No Fleeing Police

652    No Hit And Run

653    No Tampering Charges

654    No Speeding

655    No Boating Violations

656    No Moving Violations

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Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

657    No Snowmobile Violations

658    No Misdemeanor Moving Violations

659    No Traffic-Related Charges

660    No Traffic-Related Convictions

661    No Registration Violation

662    No Open Bottle Charges

670    Obtain Employment

671    Job Readiness – (( Definition not provided ))

672    No Unexcused Absences

673    Write Letter Of Apology

674    Psychiatric Evaluation/Treatment

675    Take Medications In The Prescribed Dosage And Frequency

676    Make and Maintain Contact w/Attorney

677    Submit to Random Searches

678    Do Not Enter Bars or Liquor Stores

679    Sign Waiver of Extradition

680    Released On Own Recognizance

681    Refer To Court Services

682    Stay At Holding Facility Until Committed Bed Is Available

683    Voluntarily Remain At Holding Facility Until Duly Discharged

684    Social History/Predisposition Investigation

685    Keep Court/Attorney Informed Of Current Address

686    Reimburse The State

687    Alford Plea - An Alford Plea is actually a guilty plea by "No Contest". They feel the
       evidence is such that they will be found guilty.
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 Definitions Of Court Sentence Condition Codes

688   Follow All Probation Instructions

689   Intensive Supervision Program

690   No Possess/Use Pornographic/Sexual Material

691   No Access to or Use of Internet Without Approval

692   Submit to Polygraph Exams as Directed

693   Provide Proof of Insurance

694   Maintain Insurance

695   No Drive – The Judge strictly forbids and driving during release or probation.

696   Life Without Parole

697   Alive at 25-Defensive Driving Course

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