Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology

Page created by Megan Chandler
Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
2017 International
Course Guide

                MELBOURNE • SYDNEY
               MIT CRICOS Provider No. 01545C (NAT), 03245K (NSW)
             Federation University Australia CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
General Information
Welcome Message from Federation University Australia                                              3
Why study at Federation University Australia at MIT Melbourne & Sydney                            4
Living in Melbourne, Australia                                                                    5
MIT Melbourne Campus                                                                              6
Living in Sydney, Australia                                                                       7
MIT Sydney Campus                                                                                 8
Teaching and Learning                                                                            10
Entry Requirements & Academic Calendar                                                           10

The Business School
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)                                                                12
Bachelor of Business (Management)                                                                13
Graduate Diploma of Management                                                                   14
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting                                                      15
Master of Professional Accounting                                                                16
Master of Business Administration                                                                17

School of Engineering and IT
Bachelor of Information Technology                                                               19
Bachelor of Information Technology (Business Systems)                                            20
Graduate Diploma of Technology (Enterprise Systems)                                              21
Graduate Diploma of Technology (Software Engineering)                                            22
Master of Technology (Enterprise Systems)                                                        23
Master of Technology (Software Engineering)                                                      24

How to apply – International students                                                            25
Important information for International students                                                 26
Before you travel                                                                                27
Fees and Charges                                                                                 28

International Student Application Form                                                           29

2                                                                        International Prospectus 2017
Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
Welcome to Federation
University Australia.
You are about to discover a range of
study options available at Federation
University Australia.

FedUni strives to make its students active
and enthusiastic participants in university
and community life. The University’s
dedication to the best learning and
teaching opportunities is demonstrated
by our number one ranking for teaching
quality by the Good Universities Guide –
for a record 8 consecutive year. FedUni
is also renowned for its inclusive and
friendly environment – and continues
to rank highly for full-time graduate
employment. There are many good
reasons for you to consider the extensive
study options offered by FedUni, where
you will learn to succeed.

We wish you well in your studies.

Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
Why study at Federation University
Australia at MIT Melbourne & Sydney
Federation University of Australia (FedUni) is the third oldest site of Higher
Learning in Australia with around 25,000 international and domestic
of 144 years of tertiary education with the freedom and dynamism that
comes with being a multisector University with close links to local industry
and technology. MIT Campuses are in the Central Business Districts of
Melbourne and Sydney where our students can enjoy convenient eating
places, bookstores, excellent shopping and public transport.

MIT Melbourne & Sydney helps you get there faster MIT Melbourne
& Sydney has three trimesters in one calendar year, each trimester
being equal to one traditional semester. This gives you an option to
complete your degree faster than conventional semester systems at other
universities. This can save you time and put you ahead of your peers in
the employment market. For example, you could complete a three year
bachelor degree (traditionally completed over six semesters) in two years
(completed over six trimesters).

Note: The academic calendar is less than 16 months for two year fast track option.

Industry relevant programs FedUni’s programs are regularly updated to
suit changes in the international environment. The University’s close links
with industry plays an important role in the design of programs which greatly
EHQHıWWKHQHZJUDGXDWH                                                            Counselling and support services
                                                                                     Studying in a new environment can sometimes be
employed all over the world including Japan, Singapore, UK, UAE, Russia,             counselling and support. The counsellor can provide
USA and Canada.                                                                      advice on a wide range of personal or welfare matters.
Career development MIT Melbourne and Sydney are committed to helping                 counsellor is here to lend an ear, and lend a hand. The
you make a successful transition from study to employment. Our career                counsellor is committed to understanding your situation,
development services include career counselling, job search assistance,              and exploring with you the possibilities for bringing about
resume and interview skills training as well as workshops and seminars               positive changes. For assistance, contact:
throughout the academic year to help develop your professional skills.      or phone
                                                                                     (+613) 8600 6700 (Melbourne) or
Meeting professional bodies MIT Melbourne & Sydney holds regular                     (+612) 8267 1400 (Sydney).
seminars with Professional Bodies on our campuses. Professional Bodies
are invited to speak about the work opportunities available when you                 Disability
graduate. These seminars are a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more           Our counselling service assists people with permanent
about graduate placements and to keep up-to-date on requirements for                 and temporary disabilities in gaining access to programs
particular industries in Australia and overseas. People who can advise you           and facilities and assists them to achieve their personal
on how to improve your job prospects.                                                and academic goals. Our experienced counsellors
                                                                                     have knowledge and expertise in access and equity
Study Assist Program The Study Assist Program can help you                           issues, and in facilitating adjustments to our educational
understand what is expected of you from an academic point of view.                   environment. If a physical, sensory or learning disability
They help you improve the skills and techniques you need to achieve                  or other disability or medical condition may impact
your academic goals. Various areas of study are covered by the program.              on your ability to achieve your academic goals, our
These include: best practice for study, referencing, report writing, essay           FRXQVHOOLQJVWDijPD\EHDEOHWRDVVLVW\RX
researching, time management and exam preparation. They also cover                   or phone (+613) 8600 6700 (Melbourne) or
strategies for understanding concepts and applying them successfully.                (+612) 8267 1400 (Sydney).

Smaller class sizes are better for learning Our class sizes are                      Student activities
smaller than traditional universities. This smaller class size encourages            MIT Melbourne & Sydney’s Student Services and
SDUWLFLSDWLRQ GHYHORSV FRQıGHQFH DQG HQVXUHV \RX UHFHLYH DFDGHPLF           Engagement Departments run a number of recreational
support. MIT Melbourne & Sydney lecturers are encouraged to give                     events for students to attend throughout the year. These
students individual attention – helping make sure you understand the                 events are a great way to meet other students and make
lessons – and giving you the support you need to help pass your course.              new friends while having fun.

4                                                                                                            International Prospectus 2017
Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
Living in Melbourne, Australia
Australia is an ethnic melting pot. It’s a country known for world-famous                                   FACTS AND FIGURES
natural wonders, diverse landscapes and a vibrant multicultural society                                     Population: 4.5 million (Melbourne City & surrounding areas) [1]
that practices almost every religion and lifestyle. Since 1945 more than                                    Time zone: UTC/GMT +10 hours.
six million people from across the world have come to Australia to live.                                    Language: English. Australia is a multicultural country, and
There are 226 languages spoken here – after English, the most popular                                       therefore, it is common to hear people speaking a variety of
are Mandarin, Italian, Arabic, Cantonese and Greek.                                                         languages.
                                                                                                            Currency: Australian Dollar (AUD$).
The island continent is almost as big as the USA, but has a population                                      Climate/Weather: Moderate oceanic. It is often said that
of only 24 million people (most of whom live within 50 kilometres of the                                    Melbourne has “four seasons in one day”. The weather is
coast). Australia’s coastline stretches almost 50,000 kilometres and has                                    TXLWHXQSUHGLFWDEOHWKHUHIRUH\RXDUHDGYLVHGWRWDNHDQ
more beaches (over 10,000) than any other country. Inland, there are                                        umbrella and a jumper whenever you go out, to be prepared
vast areas of semi- arid and desert areas.                                                                  for all weather conditions.Hats, cool clothing and maximum
                                                                                                            UV protection (30+) sunscreen are basic necessities during
All major cities, and the nation’s capital, are wonderfully liveable, offer                                 summer, and a long sleeved-jacket and warm clothes are
great cultural liberty and exceptional quality of life.                                                     recommended for winter.
                                                                                                            Summer - December to February, warm and dry, with
Melbourne is the capital of Victoria and Australia’s second largest city. As                                maximum average temperatures around 26-30 degrees
home to over 4.5 million people - and over 140 different nationalities – it                                 Celsius (79-86 degrees Fahrenheit).
has grown to be Australia’s most cultured city, recognised for its quality                                  Autumn - March to May.
restaurants, outstanding art and culture, and excellent shopping.                                           Winter - June to August, usually cool, with a mix of clear,
                                                                                                            sunny weather, and cold and damp conditions. Temperatures
It is also Australia’s sporting capital, home to world-class sporting events like                           in winter can range from 2-19 degree Celsius (36-66 degrees
the Melbourne Formula One Grand Prix, the Australian Open tennis, the Phillip                               Fahrenheit).
Island Motorcycle Grand Prix, and an annual International Test Cricket series.                              Spring - September to November.
                                                                                                            Living costs: AUD$ 19,830 per year. (approximately)
The environment is clean. The cost of living is affordable. The quality of                                  The living cost stated above is an annual estimate and should
housing and education is high. Melbourne has been voted ‘the world’s                                        be used as a guide only. This amount does not include
most liveable city’ for the 6th year in a row.                                                              tuition fees, airfares, purchasing furniture, security bonds
                                                                                                            for apartments or OSHC. Your living costs can also vary
For further information, please visit:                                                                      according to your lifestyle, personal choices, and the type of                                                                                    accommodation you choose. It is advised that you allocate                                                                                      a budget of approximately AUD$ 3,000 for initial costs of
                                                                                                            establishing yourself in Melbourne, and a further $1,000 for
[1] - (2015, July 09). Australia’s Capital Cities. McCrindle. Retrieved from
mccrindle-blog/australias-capital-cities                                                                    the purchase of a personal computer.

Students at the State
Library of Victoria which is
just 4 minutes walk from
MIT’s Melbourne Campus

Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
MIT Melbourne Campus
                                                                                                  MIT Melbourne Campus is located in the heart of
                                                                                                  the city, situated among shops, restaurants, the
                                                                                                  Queen Victoria Market, and entertainment outlets,
                                                                                                  it gives you a host of options for relaxing between
                                                                                                  lectures. A short walk to some of Melbourne’s
                                                                                                  favourite parks and gardens, all major banks,
                                                                                                  WKH FHQWUDO SRVW RĴFH DQG ZLWK HDV\ DFFHVV
                                                                                                  WR SXEOLF WUDQVSRUW WKH FDPSXV RijHUV \RX WKH
                                                                                                  perfect balance between study, work and play.
                                                                                                  The State Library of Victoria is a short walk away
                                                                                                  – and provides fantastic extra study resources
                                                                                                  teaching and learning facilities.

                                                                                                  These include modern computer labs,
                                                                                                  computer networking labs, wireless internet, a
                                                                                                  comprehensive library with the latest electronic
                                                                                                  information services, bookshop, computer shop,
                                                                                                  students lounge, prayer room, campus security,
                    288                                                                           ıUVWDLGIDFLOLWLHVDFDUHHUDGYLVRU\VHUYLFHVWXG\
                    LA TROBE STREET                                                               support and counselling.
                    MELBOURNE, VIC,
                    3000 AUSTRALIA

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                                            La trob                             State

                                             Melbourne                          Library
                                                                                            ll St


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                                                                                                                               TRAVELLING TO

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                                                   St Francis’                                                                 MELBOURNE MIT
                                                   Church                                                                      CAMPUS

                                                                                                                               The MIT Melbourne
       m St

                                                           le St
                                                    Lonsda                                                                     Campus is easily
                                                                                                                               accessible by bus, train,
                                                                                                                               tram or car.

                                                                                                                               For Melbourne public
                                                                                                                               transport information,
                                                                                                                               please visit

Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
Living in Sydney, Australia
Sydney: The Gateway to Australia                                                                            FACTS AND FIGURES
Renowned as a dynamic and cosmopolitan city, Sydney combines                                                Population: over 4.9 million. [1] Sydney is Australia’s
excellent business and education facilities with great leisure activities.                                  largest city
Sydney is famous for its World Heritage-listed Sydney Opera House and                                       Time zone: UTC/GMT +10 hours.
is one of the world’s favourite cities.                                                                     Language: English. Australia is a multicultural country,
                                                                                                            and therefore, it is common to hear people speaking a
Sydney is Australia’s oldest and largest city and is set on one of the world’s                              variety of languages.
most stunning harbours, fringed by easy-to-reach, sandy beaches. The city                                   Currency: Australian Dollar (AUD$).
has a sunny, moderate climate which contributes to Sydneysiders’ relaxed                                    Climate/Weather: Moderate oceanic – warm
OLIHVW\OHDQGORYHRIWKHJUHDWRXWGRRUV7KHUHDUHıYHPDMRUQDWLRQDOSDUNV                               summers and mild winters. Hats, cool clothing and
around Sydney with 8,000 square kilometres of open space. Sydney’s                                          maximum UV protection (30+) sunscreen are basic
multicultural restaurant and cafe scene is enhanced by outstanding local                                    necessities during summer, and a long sleeved-jacket
fresh produce and world-class wines.                                                                        and warm clothes are recommended for winter.
                                                                                                            Summer - December to February, warm and dry, with
Sydney has a dynamic arts and cultural scene and is home to some of                                         maximum average temperatures around 26-30 degrees
Australia’s leading arts organisations such as Opera Australia, Sydney                                      Celsius (79-86 degrees Fahrenheit).
Theatre Company, the Sydney Symphony and the Sydney Dance Company.                                          Autumn - March to May.
                                                                                                            Winter - June to August, usually cool, with a mix of
For further information, please visit:                                          clear, sunny weather, and cold and damp conditions.
                                                                                                            Temperatures in winter can range from 2-19 degree
                                                                                                            Celsius (36-66 degrees Fahrenheit).
                                                                                                            Spring - September to November.
                                                                                                            Living costs: AUD$ 19,830 per year. (approximately)
                                                                                                            The living cost stated above is an annual estimate and
                                                                                                            should be used as a guide only. This amount does
                                                                                                            not include tuition fees, airfares, purchasing furniture,
                                                                                                            security bonds for apartments or OSHC. Your living
                                                                                                            costs can also vary according to your lifestyle, personal
                                                                                                            choices, and the type of accommodation you choose.
                                                                                                            It is advised that you allocate a budget of approximately
                                                                                                            AUD$ 3,000 for initial costs of establishing yourself
[1] - (2015, July 09). Australia’s Capital Cities. McCrindle. Retrieved from
                                                                                                            in Sydney, and about $1,000 for the purchase of a
mccrindle-blog/australias-capital-cities                                                                    personal computer.

Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
MIT Sydney Campus

                                                                                                         The MIT Sydney Camp Campus is located in Sydney’s
                                                                                                         Central Business Dist  District (CBD) next to Darling
                                                                                                         Harbour, one of the city’s largest shopping,
                                                                                                                     entertainment precincts. The Campus
                                                                                                         food and entertainmen
                                                                                                         is just a short walk ffrom the Pitt Street Mall,
                                                                                                                             Building and Chinatown, and
                                                                                                         Queen Victoria Buildi
                                                                                                         provides easy access to public transport and
                                                                                                         all the facilities of a world
                                                                                                                                    w      class city. Campus
                                                                                                         facilities and services include excellent teaching
                                                                                                         and learning facilities,
                                                                                                                          facilities modern computer labs,
                                                                                                         wireless internet, comprehensive
                                                                                                                                  co                library with
                                                                                                         the latest electronic information services,
                                                  g ret St
                                               Marga                                                     bookshop, student lounge, prayer room,
                                                                                                         and counselling.

                                                      Erskine St
                       Shelley S
             Lime St

                                                                                             George St


                                                                                                                                 SUSSEX STREET

                                                                                                                                 SYDNEY, NSW,
                                                                                                                                 2000, AUSTRALIA
                                                      King St
                                                                                                                                      TRAVELLING TO
                                                                                                                                      SYDNEY MIT CAMPUS
                                                                                                                                      MIT Sydney Campus is
                                                                                   York St

                                                                                                                                      easily reached by bus,
                                                           Kent St

             Sea life
                                          Sussex St

                                                                                                                                      train, ferry or car.
             Aquarium                                                                                                                 For Sydney public
                                                                                                                                      transport information,

                                                                                                                                      please visit

Pyrmont St                                                 Market St

   Darling                                                                                                                     International Prospectus 2017
Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
Course Guide 2017 International - - Melbourne Institute of Technology
Teaching and Learning
A WIDE RANGE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS                                      Academic Calendar 2016-2018
learn. Courses are taught using a range of methods including: lectures,            2016
seminars, tutorials and laboratory sessions, group discussions and
projects, individual research projects, class presentations, case methods          Trimester               Orientation
and industry based projects.                                                       November                7-11 Nov 2016
                                                                                   Start Date              End Date
As a rule, you will learn the core information in larger lectures. These are
followed by smaller group practicals that allow you to further explore what        14 Nov 2016             25 Feb 2017
you’ve been taught. Great importance is placed on understanding and
applying theories and concepts. You will also be encouraged to critically          2017
                                                                                   Trimester               Orientation
YOU ARE AN INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL                                                  March                   13-17 Mar 2017
All FedUni at MIT Melbourne & Sydney students are encouraged to ask                Start Date              End Date
questions and express personal viewpoints. You will be expected to spend
                                                                                   20 Mar 2017             24 Jun 2017
course of study.
                                                                                   Trimester               Orientation
As with all universities, you will be expected to take responsibility for your     July                    10 -14 Jul 2017
own learning, and develop your own mature self-directed learning habits.
                                                                                   Start Date              End Date
HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT                                                              17 Jul 2017             21 Oct 2017
To help you, there are Study Skills workshops and mentor assistance
units of study, or wanting to further develop their learning and personal          Trimester               Orientation
management skills.                                                                 November                6 -10 Nov 2017
                                                                                   Start Date              End Date
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                                 13 Nov 2017             24 Feb 2018

Academic Entry Requirements
Undergraduate Programs
As a minimum, applicant must have at least successfully completed                  Trimester               Orientation
Australian Year 12 or overseas equivalent. Some programs may require               March                   12-16 Mar 2018
program in this booklet. For further information visit at           Start Date              End Date
                                                                                   19 Mar 2018             23 Jun 2018
Postgraduate Programs
As a minimum, applicant must have at least successfully completed an
Australian bachelor degree or overseas equivalent, with minimum grades             Trimester               Orientation
or marks in relevant subjects. In addition to the minimum academic                 July                    9 -13 Jul 2018
                                                                                   Start Date              End Date
there are listed in each program in this booklet. For further information, visit                                                                     16 Jul 2018             20 Oct 2018

English Language Requirement
                                                                                   Trimester               Orientation
(International students only)
Students who do not meet the English Language requirement can                      November                5 - 9 Nov 2018
undertake English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program at MIT Melbourne             Start Date              End Date
or Sydney English Language Centre. For further information please visit:                                                                     12 Nov 2018             23 Feb 2019

10                                                                                               International Prospectus 2017
School of

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
CRICOS Program Code 044114D Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 3 years (6 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of an Australian Year 12 or equivalent.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline                                                                           SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
Bachelor of Business (Management)
CRICOS Program Code 088132E Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 3 years (6 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of an Australian Year 12 or equivalent.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

                                                                                    SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
                                                                                    Year 1 Trimester 1
                                                                                    •   Elective
                                                                                    •   Management Principles
                                                                                    •   Principles of Accounting and Finance
                                                                                    •   Fundamentals of Law

                                                                                    Year 1 Trimester 2
                                                                                    •   Principles of Economics
Program Outline                                                                     •   Introduction to HRM
Graduate Diploma of Management
CRICOS Program Code 085208C Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 1.5 years (3 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of an Australian Bachelor degree or overseas equivalent. Applicants holding other
academic or professional qualifications and/or with no work experience may also be granted admission to the program following an evaluation
of their academic and professional skills; or Applicants without tertiary qualifications, but with significant managerial work experience, and
an assessed capacity to undertake study at this level may also be granted admission. Professional qualification and work experience will be
assessed by faculty Program Co-ordinator.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
This program has been designed as both an entry and exit point for the                  SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
Master of Business Administration.                                                      Year 1 Trimester 1
                                                                                        •   Accounting and Finance
Career Opportunities                                                                    •   Human Resource Management
This program is designed for managers to upgrade their skills and                       •   Organisations: Behavior, Structure, Process
which will have become evident to them in their current employment, or
new opportunities with alternative employers following completion of the                Year 1 Trimester 2
program. Careers include business analyst, business consultant, business                •   Elective
manager, business owner,general manager, human resources manager,                       •   Elective
marketing manager, researcher and strategic planner.                                    •   Elective
                                                                                        •   Elective

                                                                                        Year 2 Trimester 3
                                                                                        •   Managing the Legal Environment
                                                                                        •   Management in a Global Business Environment
                                                                                        •   Strategy and Management of Change
                                                                                        •   Strategic Enterprise Planning

14                                                                                                            International Prospectus 2017
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting
CRICOS Program Code 085209B              Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 1.5 years (3 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of an Australian Bachelor degree or overseas equivalent. Applicants holding other
academic or professional qualifications and/or with no work experience may also be granted admission to the program following an
evaluation of their academic and professional skills. Applicants without tertiary qualifications, but with significant managerial work experience,
and an assessed capacity to undertake study at this level may also be granted admission. Professional qualification and work experience will
be assessed by Federation University, faculty Program Co-ordinator.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
The Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting has been developed                           SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
as both an entry point and an exit point for the Master of Professional                      Year 1 Trimester 1
Accounting. Please see Master of Professional Accounting (below) for                         •   Commercial Law
further program outline information.                                                         •   Business Economics
                                                                                             •   Accounting Concepts and Practices
Career Opportunities                                                                         •   Information Systems Design and Development
The Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting will enable you to                               for Accountants
                                                                                             Year 1 Trimester 2
• Banker                                                                                     •   Corporate Law
• Professional Accountant                                                                    •   Research and Statistical Methods for Business
• Stockbroker                                                                                •   Corporate Accounting
                                                                                             •   Cost and Management Accounting

                                                                                             Year 2 Trimester 3
                                                                                             •   Taxation Law and Practice
                                                                                             •   Auditing and Assurance Services
                                                                                             •   Financial Management
                                                                                             •   Financial Accounting

Master of Professional Accounting
CRICOS Program Code 085211G Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 2 years (4 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Completion of an undergraduate degree in a non-accounting discipline; or equivalent
This program is intended for applicants with an undergraduate degree in a non-accounting discipline who are looking for a career in professional
accounting. It can also meet the needs of people who have significant experience working in accounting and who now wish to increase their
knowledge, skills, and recognition and employment options by having a high-level qualification in this area. In exceptional circumstances,
applicants who do not have a bachelor’s degree may be admitted on the basis of relevant work experience, and demonstrated capacity to
undertake the program as determined by Federation Business School, following an evaluation of their academic and professional skills.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
The Master of Professional Accounting has been designed for students                        SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
comprehensive program of study in Accounting theory and practice that                       • Accounting Concepts and Practices
is recognised by both CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia                     • Information Systems Design and Development
professional accountant. In addition to core subject areas of Accounting,                   • Business Economics
Financial Management and Auditing. You will be introduced to related                        • Commercial Law
disciplines, including Business Law, Taxation, Information Systems,
Economics and Quantitative Methods.                                                         Year 1 Trimester 2
                                                                                            •   Corporate Accounting
Career Opportunities                                                                        •   Cost and Management Accounting
Graduates may be employed in a wide variety of commercial, government                       •   Corporate Law
and professional settings. Careers include banker, professional accountant,                 •   Research and Statistical Methods for Business
stockbroker. The Master of Professional Accounting will enable you to
pursue a pathway to qualify as a professional accountant.                                   Year 2 Trimester 3
                                                                                            •   Financial Accounting
Professional Recognition                                                                    •   Auditing and Assurance Services
This program is recognised by Certified Practising Accountants (CPA)                        •   Financial Management
Australia.                                                                                  •   Taxation Law and Practice

                                                                                            Year 2 Trimester 4
                                                                                            •   Business, Society and the Planet
                                                                                            •   Elective
                                                                                            •   Elective
                                                                                            •   Elective

                                                                               Rabindra Rimal, Nepal
                                                                               “I really enjoyed my time at MIT, as the lecturers
                                                                               were very approachable. As an international
                                                                               student, the very friendly and supportive
                                                                               environment provided by MIT helped me to engage
                                                                               properly in a multicultural studying environment. I
                                                                               am very thankful to FedUni at MIT, as they provided
                                                                               me with what I needed to excel through my MPA
                                                                               program. I would highly recommend international
                                                                               students to join FedUni at MIT.”

16                                                                                                              International Prospectus 2017
Master of Business Administration
CRICOS Program Code 085210J           Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 2 years (4 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: A Bachelor degree or equivalent professional qualification. Applicants holding other academic or professional
qualifications and/or with no work experience may also be granted admission to the program following an evaluation of their academic
and professional skills; or Applicants without tertiary qualifications, but with significant managerial work experience, and an assessed
capacity to undertake study at this level may also be granted admission. Professional qualification and work experience will be assessed
by faculty Program Coordinator.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
Excel in the rapidly changing business world with our MBA and become a                SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
global business leader, world-class manager or successful entrepreneur.               Year 1 Trimester 1
You have an existing degree and now want a competitive business edge.                 •   Organisations, Behaviour, Structure, Processes
                                                                                      •   Business, Society and the Planet
You’ll learn the suite of most important business skills like accounting,             •   Marketing Management
School of
and IT

              International Prospectus 2017
Bachelor of Information Technology
CRICOS Program Code 074009A               Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 3 years (6 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of an Australian Year 12 with final-year mathematics courses, or overseas equivalent.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
An exciting industry where change is rapid. IT is a key skill and the foundation for a                SAMPLE STUDY
broad range of careers. Career roles are diverse and varied, and employment in IT is                  PROGRAM
projected to continue to grow. Employers are looking for innovative people, people who                Year 1 Trimester 1
can solve problems and can look at the bigger picture. Our IT graduates are highly sought             •   Programming 1
of study with a range of electives, or to focus on specialised stream.                                •   Network Operating Systems
                                                                                                      •   Introduction to Multimedia
management and organisation, fundamental techniques and strategies involved with                      Year 1 Trimester 2
problem solving, and you are introduced to concepts such as programing, databases,                    •   Database Management Systems
networks, operating systems and hardware. You will gain a strong, broad knowledge in                  •   Programming 2
foundation topics, that prepare you for second and third year when you will delve more                •   Computing or Maths/Stats Elective
graphical model, or a data model, of how data will be stored. You will have learnt how to
facilitate and execute the installation and maintenance of system software, review system             Year 2 Trimester 3
software updates, and tailor system software to maximise hardware functionality.                      • Network Protocols and Services
                                                                                                      • Webpage and Multimedia Design
data modelling - systems software and data analysis, and will have developed skills,                    Design
which will help you to remain at the forefront of this vibrant and rapidly developing sector.         • Elective

Career Opportunities                                                                                  Year 2 Trimester 4
The Bachelor of Information Technology will provide you with a fundamental knowledge                  • Introduction to IT Project
of IT (along with skills in key areas including cloud computing and mobile application                • Management World Wide Web
development) and allow you to keep your options wide open in the IT industry.                           Technology 2
                                                                                                      • Computing or Maths/Stats Elective
student gets to put their own stamp on the program, and as such determine the career
path followed. Some students choose to add breadth to their studies, with a wide variety              Year 3 Trimester 5
of electives chosen, whereas other students choose to add depth, and choose electives                 •   Project 1
focused in a particular area of interest.                                                             •   Information Security
                                                                                                      •   Computing or Maths/Stats Elective
•   Applications developer         •   IT consultant               •   Project manager                •   Elective
•   %XVLQHVVLQWHOOLJHQFHRĴFHU   •   IT manager                  •   Software engineer
•   Computer engineer              •   Integration analyst         •   Systems administrator          Year 3 Trimester 6
•   Computer systems engineer      •   Multimedia application      •   Systems analyst                •   Professional Development
•   Data warehouse administrator       developer                   •   Systems designer               •   Project 2
•   Database administrator         •   Multimedia developer        •   Systems manager
                                                                                                      •   Computing or Maths/Stats Elective
•   Database administrator         •   Network engineer            •   Team leader
    developer                      •   Network manager             •   7UDLQLQJRĴFHU                •   Computing of Maths/Stats Elective
•   Hardware technician            •   Programmer                  •   Web designer

Professional Recognition
This course has been accredited to the Professional Level by the
Australian Computer Society (ACS) and re-accreditation is due
in 2017. Accreditation makes you eligible for ACS membership.

    Sagar Pandey, Nepal
    “Studying Bachelor of IT at MIT under Federation University has paved
    my steps towards the Global IT industry. Located in the heart of the city
    in the most liveable city in the world, FedUni at MIT has an up-to-date
    course structure, library with full of supportive resources and interaction
    with leading industries in my educational field. I feel proud to be the part of
    FedUni at MIT and will never regret my decision to join the university.”

Bachelor of Information Technology
(Business Systems)
CRICOS Program Code 065125E Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 3 years (6 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of an Australian Year 12 with final-year mathematics courses, or overseas equivalent
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
You’re a ‘tech-nut’ who wants to carve a career working with the latest               SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
technologies. Maybe you’d like to build online stores, manage the IT networks         Year 1 Trimester 1
Designed with your career in mind, you’ll learn the skills that companies             •   Communications and Technology
in modern business environments. You will develop an understanding of                 •   Business Information Systems
the organisational settings in which information systems are used, and
recognise the threats and opportunities of technology in business.                    Year 1 Trimester 2
                                                                                      •   Management Skills
This degree examines - with a strong emphasis on electronic commerce -                •   Programming 1
the organisational and technological issues that are needed for the analysis          •   Network Operating Systems
and design of business information systems. It provides a state-of-the-               •   Database Management Systems
art program that considers modern principles and theories of computing
together with the practical applications of technology.                               Year 2 Trimester 3
                                                                                      •   Webpage and Multimedia Design
You’ll explore e-business, information security, multimedia, knowledge                •   Business Statistics
management, databases and more, while you learn the important business                •   Elective
skills needed to help you cut it in the fast-moving corporate world. You will         •   Elective
tools and their applications, and learn to understand the role of technology          Year 2 Trimester 4
in managing knowledge and information and become capable of critically                •   IT Project Management Techniques
evaluating currently existing technology systems and new developments.                •   Information Security
                                                                                      •   Elective
Career Opportunities                                                                  •   Elective
Careers include business analyst, computer engineer, computer
systems auditor, computer systems engineer, data modeller, database                   Year 3 Trimester 5
administrator, database designer, electronic commerce administrator,                  •   Project 1
hardware technician, information management administrator, information                •   E-Commerce Systems & Technologies
manager, management consultant, sales representative, specialist                      •   Emerging Technologies in Business
consultant, systems analyst, systems designer, training and support team              •   Elective
leader and training manager.
                                                                                      Year 3 Trimester 6
A specialisation in business systems will equip you with the skills to study          •   Professional Development
the overall business and information needs of an organisation, in order               •   Project 2
to develop solutions to business and related systems problems. Your                   •   Elective
through the building and programming stages of the systems development
process. You will work closely with clients to identify their requirements and
needs of the organisation.

The constantly expanding information infrastructure has opened up many
career opportunities for information systems graduates, ranging from the
very technical to the very business-oriented.

Professional Recognition
This course has been accredited to the Professional Level by the Australian
Computer Society (ACS) and re-accreditation is due in 2017. Accreditation
makes you eligible for ACS membership.

20                                                                                                       International Prospectus 2017
Graduate Diploma of Technology
(Enterprise Systems)
CRICOS Program Code 080503C Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 1.5 years (3 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of a recognised 3-year Australian Bachelor degree or overseas equivalent.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
The Graduates of the Enterprise Systems stream will be immersed into an             SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
ever changing, IT global economic where a shortage of skilled IT workers            Year 1 Trimester 1
in new growth areas such as cloud computing, mobility, data warehousing,            •   Database Management Systems
business intelligence, and big data techniques is prominent.                        •   Programming 1
                                                                                    •   Enterprise Systems
This stream includes courses that utilise SAP – the world’s largest enterprise      •   Business Process Analytics and Change
software company. Students will be well prepared to undertake SAP                   •   IT Professional Engagement
                                                                                    Year 1 Trimester 2
Students enrolled in SAP related courses will have the option to choose             •   Cloud Computing
from two pathway, ERP advanced (Fed University Course) and ERP                      •   Information Security
VSHFLDOLVDWLRQ )HG 8QLYHUVLW\ &RXUVH  6$3 &HUWLıFDWLRQ  %RWK WKHVH        •   Professional Research and Communication
pathways are comprised of lectures, tutorials and laboratories. These               •   Elective
contacts are based on Federation University and SAP U-Academy material.
                                                                                    Year 2 Trimester 3
SAP facility enables students from Federation University to undertake               • IT Service Management and Professional Culture
accessible anywhere within Australia via online facilities. Students can            • Leadership in IT Project Management
study at their own pace being supported through an online call centre.

Career Opportunities
There is a shortage of skilled IT workers in new growth areas such as               Zhanna Shefer,
cloud computing, mobility, data warehousing, business intelligence, and
big data techniques.                                                                Kazakhstan
                                                                                    “As a FedUni student at MIT, I’ve had a
*UDGXDWHVıQGHPSOR\PHQWLQ                                                       great experience. The lecturers there are
• ERP systems operation               • SAP consultant                              highly skilled and very professional, and
• ERP Project Manager                 • ERP Data Analyst                            most of them have received PhDs. The
• Functional analyst                  • ERP Business Analyst                        number of students is small which means
                                                                                    it is easier to get support from lecturers
                                                                                    when it is needed. The university’s facilities
                                                                                    are also great; there is everything a student
                                                                                    might need and more. However, the
                                                                                    most important for me is the friendly staff.
                                                                                    From the very beginning they help the
                                                                                    students, guide them and care for them.
                                                                                    As an international student from a very
                                                                                    different education system, I appreciate the
                                                                                    support and guidance I’ve received from
                                                                                    the university’s staff, and their readiness to
                                                                                    assist if any problem occurs.”

Graduate Diploma of Technology
(Software Engineering)
CRICOS Program Code 080506M Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 1.5 years (3 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of a recognised 3-year Australian bachelor degree or overseas equivalent.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
Graduates of this program will also have the specialist knowledge required         SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
to understand and implement advanced software engineering techniques -             Year 1 Trimester 1
design, implement and maintain IT systems using a well-informed software           •   Database Management Systems
engineering approach and create high quality software in a systematic              •   Programming 1
industries including security and defence, education, aerospace, health,           •   Business Process Analytics and Change
                                                                                   Year 1 Trimester 2
Career Opportunities                                                               •   Cloud Computing
Careers include programmer, SAP consultant, software analyst, software             •   Information Security
engineer, systems administrator, systems designer and systems tester.              •   Professional Research and Communication
                                                                                   •   Elective
As a software engineer you will create, maintain and modify computer
software as well as analyse current software products. You will also               Year 2 Trimester 3
evaluate new programming tools and techniques.                                     • IT Service Management and Professional Culture
                                                                                   • Project 1
                                                                                   • Leadership in IT Project Management

22                                                                                                     International Prospectus 2017
Master of Technology (Enterprise Systems)
CRICOS Program Code 080493M Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 2 Years (4 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of a recognised 3-year Australian bachelor degree or overseas equivalent.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
Designed to prepare students to succeed in roles that use Enterprise                                     SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
System (ES) Technology to manage, integrate and expand business                                          Year 1 Trimester 1
endeavours. This post-graduate program gives students the opportunity                                    •   Database Management Systems
to gain a deep understanding of relevant topics and technology pertaining                                •   Programming 1
to ES (like ERP, SCM, and CRM) , BPR, Big Data, Business Analytics,                                      •   Enterprise Systems
Cloud Computing, IS Security, Project Management and IT strategy, using                                  •   Business Process Analytics and Change
some cutting edge technologies from leading vendors like SAP, IBM, SAS
and Teradata. Students will participate in ERP simulation games which                                    Year 1 Trimester 2
teach ERP concepts “by doing”.                                                                           •   Cloud Computing
                                                                                                         •   Information Security
This program provides students with an opportunity to gain up to date                                    •   Professional Research and Communication
knowledge and skills to analyse, implement and use ES. It further enhances                               •   Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
the student ability to comprehend how and why these systems provide
economic, technological, operational and strategic value to adopting                                     Year 2 Trimester 3
organisation. It unleashes the strategies to manage ES implementation in                                 • Leadership in IT Project Management
RUGHUWRDFKLHYHWKHDQWLFLSDWHGEHQHıWV                                                                • Project 1
                                                                                                         • Supply Change Operations and Management
To provide hands on experience with ES, courses in this program are
embedded with software’s from leading ES vendors like SAP. Students not                                  Year 2 Trimester 4
only develop skills in learning SAP but also gain the opportunity to prepare                             • IT Service Management and Professional Culture
and HANA. By doing this, students will have a competitive advantage                                      • Real Time Analytics
in the job market. Master of Technology (ES) is accredited by Australian
Computer Society (ACS) as a professional level courses. The ACS has
reciprocal arrangements with many international computer societies and                              SAP Accreditation Costs**
                                                                                                    Training                       Exam                       Total
Career Opportunities                                                                                $0                             $0                         $0
There is a shortage of skilled IT workers in new growth areas such as
cloud computing, mobility, data warehousing, business intelligence, and
                                                                                                    REALTIME ANALYTICS
big data techniques. Careers include application consultant, business
consultant, communication role, developer, ERP business analyst, ERP                                Training                       Exam                       Total
data analyst, ERP project manager, ERP systems operation, functional                                $3500                          $500                       $4000
analyst, marketing role, programmer, SAP consultant, software analyst,
solution engineer, solution expert, sales / account executive, systems                              BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE &
administrator, systems designer and systems tester.                                                 DATA WAREHOUSING

Professional Recognition                                                                            Training                       Exam                       Total
This program holds Professional - Provisional Level accreditation with the                           $8500                         $500                       $9000
Australian Computer Society (ACS).
                                                                                                    **SAP Cost (examination and certification) are over and above FedUni
                                                                                                    tuition fees and may be subject to change without prior notice

   SAP Accreditation
   What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)? SAP’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is a proven, trusted foundation – built to support
   the world’s largest organisations as well as small and midsize companies in 25 different industries. Leverage role based access to critical data,
   applications and analytical tools – and streamline your processes across procurement, manufacturing, service, sales, finance, and human resources.
   SAP is the most significant player in ERP systems on the world stage – with more than 60% market saturation. SAP training and certification opens
   a whole world of employment opportunities, with SAP consultants commanding very large remunerations. Federation University Australia is proud
   to be recognised as a SAP education partner, and a member of SAP University Alliance Program (UAP) and SAP
   University Academy (U-Academy).

   SAP training and certification options The cost listed below are to obtain SAP certification. Whilst these costs are
   additional to the FedUni tuition fees, the overall cost of obtaining SAP certification via FedUni is significantly below
   standard industry cost per course. For fell FedUni fee information, please refer to our fees website.

Master of Technology (Software Engineering)
CRICOS Program Code 080497G Availability: Melbourne, Sydney

Program duration: 2 Years (4 Trimesters)
Academic Requirements: Successful completion of a recognised 3-year Australian bachelor degree or overseas equivalent.
English Language Requirement (International Students only): IELTS 6.0 (Academic), with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

Program Outline
Graduates of this program will also have the specialist knowledge required
to understand and implement advanced software engineering techniques -             SAMPLE STUDY PROGRAM
design, implement and maintain IT systems using a well-informed software           Year 1 Trimester 1
engineering approach and create high quality software in a systematic              •   Database Management Systems
industries including security and defence, education, aerospace, health,           •   Information Security
EXVLQHVVDQGıQDQFH                                                               •   Enterprise Systems

Career Opportunities                                                               Year 1 Trimester 2
Graduates may find employment in a variety of industries with the                  •   Software Engineering: Analysis and Design
production of medium to large scale software. Careers include                      •   Comparative Programming Languages
programmer, SAP consultant, software analyst, systems administrator,               •   Professional Research and Communication
systems designer and systems tester.                                               •   Software Engineering Methodologies

Professional Recognition                                                           Year 2 Trimester 3
This program holds Professional - Provisional Level accreditation with the         • Enterprise Programming
Australian Computer Society (ACS).                                                 • Project 1
                                                                                   • Leadership in IT Project Management

                                                                                   Year 2 Trimester 4
                                                                                   • IT Service Management and Professional Culture
                                                                                   • Project 2 (Software Development)
                                                                                   • Software Testing

                                                                                    Sharanjeet Kaur,
                                                                                    “Studying at MIT has given me the chance
                                                                                    to interact with students from a diverse
                                                                                    range of backgrounds and culture. I
                                                                                    received the best support from everyone
                                                                                    and teachers are very kind and their
                                                                                    classes are very interesting. They make
                                                                                    sure that every class is fun, educational
                                                                                    and interactive. Overall, MIT has helped
                                                                                    me to develop a positive attitude towards
                                                                                    my studies.”

24                                                                                                     International Prospectus 2017
How to Apply: International
UNDERGRADUATE                                   ACCEPTING YOUR OFFER
(COURSEWORK)                                    with detail:
Please read the information below               • 7KHSURJUDP\RXKDYHEHHQRijHUHG
to ensure that your application is              • 7KHDQQXDOWXLWLRQSD\DEOH
complete to enable processing. If you           • 7KHSURJUDPFRPPHQFHPHQWGDWH
need assistance with completing your            • 7KHGHSRVLWUHTXLUHG
application, please contact Admission           • 7KHDPRXQWRI2YHUVHDV+HDOWK&RYHU 26+& SD\DEOH
Department at admissions@mit.            • $Q\FRQGLWLRQV

Step 1                                          7KHŕ$FFHSWLQJ
Important Information for
International Students
Whilst studying in Australia your visa is   As a prospective International student,    OVERSEAS STUDENTS (ESOS)
subject to a number of visa conditions      you are required to enroll any of your     The Department of Education regulates
that you must comply with. It is your       school-age dependents in Australian        WKH(626$FWDOHJDOIUDPHZRUNWKDW
responsibility as a visa holder to be       government or non-government               governs the responsibility of education
aware of these conditions. For detailed     schools, and pay full fees for their       institutions towards overseas students.
information on student visa conditions,     study. Please check beforehand             The legislation ensures quality
please visit the DIBP website at            with DIBP or an Australian Diplomatic      education and consumer protection              Missions about bringing your family, as    for students studying in Australia on
Stud/More/Visa-conditions/visa-             there are certain restrictions depending   a student visa. For a brief overview
conditions-students                         on the Assessment Level of your            of the ESOS Framework, including
                                            country.                                   your rights and responsibilities as an
YOUR RIGHTS AND                                                                        overseas student, go to: https://
RESPONSIBILITIES                            You will also need to provide OSHC
The Educational Services for Overseas       membership for your family. Please         Regulatory-Information/Pages/
Students (ESOS) Act regulates               note that your student visa Assessment     Regulatoryinformation.aspx
the education and training sector’s         criteria may change if your family is
involvement with overseas students          accompanying you.                          DEFERRING, SUSPENDING AND
studying in Australia on student visas.                                                CANCELLING ENROLMENTS
To view the ESOS Framework, please          WORK OPPORTUNITIES                         MIT is obliged to notify DE – DIBP of
visit https://internationaleducation.       As an International student, you           any changes to your enrolment. This              are permitted to engage in paid            PD\DijHFW\RXUVWXGHQWYLVD
Before you travel

                                                                                      Student Hostels
                                                                                      There are many privately run
                                                                                      student hostels located near
                                                                                      both MIT Melbourne and Sydney.
                                                                                      Unlike backpacker hostels, these
                                                                                      hostels provide a longer term
                                                                                      accommodation for students.

                                                                                      Facilities vary from hostel to hostel,
                                                                                      however most provide furnished or
                                                                                      unfurnished single or shared rooms,
                                                                                      and provide access to communal
                                                                                      lounge, kitchen, bathroom and
                                                                                      meals. Cost generally includes
                                                                                      water, gas and electricity.

                                                                                      Private rental and share
                                                                                      You could choose to rent a house
                                                                                      or an apartment with friends or
PRE-DEPARTURE INFORMATION                   ORIENTATION                               other students, through the private
Before travelling to Australia, we          The Orientation program is designed       UHQWDOPDUNHWZKLFKFDQRijHUDQ
strongly recommend that you read the        to help you settle into your life and     independent and private long term
Pre- departure Guide, published on          studies in Australia. All new students    accommodation. Costs of renting
our website at This         are required to attend the Orientation    a place vary depending on the
guide provides detailed information         Program, the dates of which are stated    location, the type of property and
about your trip to Australia, living in     LQ\RXU/HWWHURI2ijHU                  the number of people sharing.
Australia, and most importantly about                                                 Most rental properties are not
your student life at MIT.                   The program provides you with             furnished and do not include
                                            information on facilities and services    meals, so you will need to consider
AIRPORT PICK UP                             available on campus, as well public       additional costs such as buying
Airport reception service is available      transport, shopping, recreational         furniture, telephone connection,
to all international students arriving      activities, working part-time, student    gas, water, electricity and food.
in Melbourne or Sydney airport,             visa obligations and health cover (for
upon request (charges apply, see            international students). Your course      For information on rental
page 30). Student will be met at            enrolments and timetabling also takes     accommodation, please visit:
the arrivals hall and taken to their        place during this period.       
accommodation. Airport reception is                                         
usually undertaken as part of the airport   Orientation is also a great way to meet
pickup/ accommodation package,              RWKHUQHZVWXGHQWVDVZHOODVWKHVWDij
and bookings must be made at least          who will be teaching and assisting you    )RUWKRVHZKRDUHQRWDEOHWRıQG
two weeks in advance, prior to the          during your time at MIT.                  anyone to share with, the following
student’s arrival.                                                                    ZHEVLWHVPD\DVVLW\RXLQıQGLQJ
                                                                                      shared accommodation:
You can get further information on                                          
airport maps and arrival information on                                               ^^^ÅH[TH[LZJVTH\                                                 
or Sydney – www.sydneyairport.                                              

Fees and charges
 Program                                                                                      CRICOS Program Code                        Tuition Fees
 Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)                                                            044114D                                    AUD$ 12,350 per trimester
 Bachelor of Information Technology                                                           074009A                                    AUD$ 11,850 per trimester
 Bachelor of Information Technology (Business Systems)                                        065125E                                    AUD$ 11,850 per trimester
 Bachelor of Business (Management)                                                            088132E                                    AUD$ 12,350 per trimester
 Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting                                                  085209B                                    AUD$ 13,800 per trimester
 Graduate Diploma of Management                                                               085208C                                    AUD$ 13,800 per trimester
 Graduate Diploma of Technology (Enterprise Systems)                                          080503C                                    AUD$ 12,750 per trimester
 Graduate Diploma of Technology (Software Engineering)                                        080506M                                    AUD$ 12,750 per trimester
 Master of Business Administration                                                            085210J                                    AUD$ 13,800 per trimester
 Master of Professional Accounting                                                            085211G                                    AUD$ 13,800 per trimester
 Master of Technology (Enterprise Systems)                                                    080493M                                    AUD$ 12,750 per trimester
 Master of Technology (Software Engineering)                                                  080497G                                    AUD$ 12,750 per trimester

 Sevice                                                                                                                                  Fees
 Processing charge                                                                                                                       AUD$ 100
 Change of Program Fee (same provider)                                                                                                   AUD$ 100
 Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)                                                         Three months (single)                      AUD$ 146
                                                                                              Three months (couples)                     AUD$ 414
                                                                                              Three months (family)                      AUD$ 598
                                                                                              Six Months (single)                        AUD$ 292
                                                                                              Six months (couples)                       AUD$ 827
                                                                                              Six Months (family)                        AUD$ 1,195
                                                                                              One year (single)                          AUD$ 583
                                                                                              One Year (couples)                         AUD$ 1,654
                                                                                              One Year (family)                          AUD$ 2,390
 Airport pick up (one way)                                                                    Tullamarine airport                        AUD$ 125
                                                                                              Avalon airport                             AUD$ 275
                                                                                              Sydney airport                             AUD$ 130
 Accommodation placement fee                                                                  Melbourne                                  AUD$ 245
                                                                                              Sydney                                     AUD$ 245
 Home stay, full board (one cooked meal)                                                      Melbourne                                  AUD$ 275 per week
                                                                                              Sydney                                     AUD$ 275 per week


28                                                                                                                                           International Prospectus 2017
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