Country Performance Reporting Template - Document for preparing country Biennial Review report on progress made for achieving the Malabo ...

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Document for preparing country Biennial Review report on progress made for achieving the Malabo
                                Declaration Goals and Targets

       Country Performance Reporting

                                                                                  Draft March 2021
Country Performance Reporting Template on progress made for implementing the June 2014 Malabo Declaration

Name of Country:

  Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                 1|P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 1.1
   Country CAADP               What major action was undertaken in the
   Process                     last two years (or since the last BR report)                                      Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION1.1
     CAADP process to
     be fully completed
     at the country level:                                                         Progress as at 2021
                               Parameter                                                                   If No, comment and expected date to complete
     Reach 100% of the                                                                 Yes or No
     completion, by the
     year 2022.                1. Existence of communication on internalizing
                               or domesticating the Malabo Declaration, p1

                               2. Existence of National Roadmap for
     CAADP process
                               implementing the Malabo Declaration, p2
     completion Index          3. Existence of Malabo-compliant NAIP
     (CAADPPro) for the
                               Appraisal Report, p3
     current review
     period (2020-2021).
                               4. Existence of a Malabo-compliant NAIP, p4

                               5. Malabo-compliant NAIP priorities reflected in
                               national budget, p5

                               6. Existence of Malabo-compliant NAIP M&E
                               system, p6

                               7. Existence of Malabo-compliant NAIP
                               implementation progress report, p7

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        2|P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 1.2
   CAADP based                 What major action was undertaken in the
   Cooperation,                last two years (or since the last BR report)                                        Enter text
   Partnership &               to help acheive this target?, ACTION1.2

     Multi-sectorial           Parameter/Sub-parameter                         Progress as at 2021 (yes or No)                           If No, comments
     coordination body
     and multi-                1. Existence of quality terms of
     stakeholder body          refereence (TORs), Qc1
     fully established
                                 1a. Existence of the TORs (yes or
     and operational at
     national level              no), pTOR1
     (reach 100% for the                                               i. Alignment of the objectives
     Quality of multi-          1b. Reflection of the key              ii. Roles and responsibilities
     sectorial and multi-       elements (yes or no), pTOR2
     stakeholder                                                       iii. Roadmap
     coordination body,                                                Iv. Buget
     Qc ) by 2022.                                                     i. Government
                                                                       iii. Private sector
     Indicator:                 1c. Representation of                  iv. Research and knowledge
     Existence of, and
                                stakeholders (yes or no), pTOR3        organizations
     Quality of multi-
     sectorial and multi-                                              v. Farmer organizations
     coordination body                                                 vi. Development Partners
     (Qc) for the current                                              i. Government
     review period (2020-                                              ii.CSOs,
     2021).                                                            iii. Private sector
                                 1d. Relevance of membership
                                                                       iv. Research and knowledge
                                (yes or no), pTOR4
                                                                       v. Farmer organizations
                                                                       vi. Development Partners
                                1e. Existence of list of official
                                nominees (number + seniority) and
                                affiliation (yes or no), pTOR5

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        3|P a g e       Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Parameter                         Sub-parameter                                                  Progress as at 2021
                               2. Level of implementation of
                               the coordination actions, Qc2
                                                                 Total number of meetings planned in the
                                                                 TORs for the evaluation period, NmT
                                2a. Performance for
                                meetings held, pIMP1             Total number of meetings organized during
                                                                 the evaluation period, NmO

                                                                                                                   Meeting 1:
                                                                                                                   Meeting 2:
                                                                 Number of invitations received by the             Meeting 3:
                                                                 stakeholders for each meeting, NIN(i)
                                2b. Level of engagement,                                                           Meeting 4:
                                pIMP2                                                                              ...
                                                                 Total number of required participants in the
                                                                 TORs, NINT

                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                                          Progress as at 2021

                               3. Level of participation and inclusiveness, Qc3

                                3a. Total number of organizations, Norg

                                3b. Total number of meetings organized, NmO
                                                                                                                   Meeting 1:
                                                                                                                   Meeting 2:
                                3c. Number of organizations present at the meetings organized, ∑Norgi              Meeting 3:
                                                                                                                   Meeting 4:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                       4|P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                                        Progress as at 2021

                               4. Level of commitment to decisions, Qc4
                                4a. Total number of recommendations taken during the evaluation period,
                                4b. Total number of decisions taken with out of the number of
                                recommendations during the evaluation period, NDT
                                4c. Number of decisions implemented, NDI

                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                                        Progress as at 2021

                               5. Level of Representation, Qc5

                                5a. Total expected senior attendance per meeting, TSA

                                5b. Total number of meetings organized, NmO
                                                                                                                 Meeting 1:
                                                                                                                 Meeting 2:
                                5c. Observed total senior attendances at each meeting, OSAi                      Meeting 3:
                                                                                                                 Meeting 4:

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                     5|P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 1.3
   CAADP based                 What major action was undertaken in the
   Policy &                    last two years (or since the last BR report)                                         Enter text
   Institutional               to help acheive this target? ACTION1.3
   Review/ Setting/
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                                             Progress as at 2021
     policies and              1. Evidence-based policies and strategies evidence: EPE
     institutions that
     support planning
     and implementation           1a. Total number of policies and strategies in the NAIP, TNP
     are established and
     implemented by the
     country to deliver           1b. Number of policies and strategies that are evidence-based, NEP
     on Malabo (reach
     100% for the
     Evidence-based            2. Supportive institutions (laws and regulations): EPI
     policies, supportive
     institutions and             2a. Number of policies and strategies elements in the NAIP that required
     human resources,
                                  supportive institutions (laws and regulations), NRI
     EIP) by 2020.
                                  2b. Number of policies and strategies that have the required institutions
                                  (laws and regulations) NIP
     Indicator:                3. Full-time equivalent staff dedicated to agricultural policy planning,
                               implementation and M&E within the Ministry of agriculture: FTE
     policies, supportive
     institutions and
     corresponding                3a. Number of required fulltime staff positions for planning and M&E, FTP
     human resources
     (EIP) for the current
     review period (2020-         3b. Number of staffing positions filled, FTS

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        6|P a g e        Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 2.1i
   Public                      What major action was undertaken in the
   Expenditures to             last two years (or since the last BR report)                                                  Enter text
   Agriculture.                to help acheive this target? ACTION2.1i

     Target:                   Parameter/Sub-parameter                        2015            2016                2017               2018               2019              2020
                               1. Total Government Expenditure
     itures to agriculture     in local currency units (TGE)
     as part of national
     expenditures, to at       2. Governement Agriculture
     least 10% from the        Expenditure in local currency units
     year 2015 to 2025.        (GAE)
                                   2a. GAE on crops
                                   2b. GAE on livestock
     agriculture                   2c. GAE on forestry
     expenditure as % of           2d. GAE on fishery
     total government
     expenditure (ţGAE)
                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 2.1ii
   Public                      What major action was undertaken in the
   Expenditures to             last two years (or since the last BR report)                                                  Enter text
   Agriculture.                to help acheive this target? ACTION2.1ii

     Target:                   Parameter/ Sub-parameter                2015                 2016               2017                2018               2019                2020
     Ensure adequate
     intensity of
                               1. Governement Agriculture
     agricultural              Expenditure in local currency
     spending by               units (GAE) -- Refer to 2.1i
     keeping annual
     Governement               2. Agriculture value added in
                               local currency units (AgVA)
     expenditure as % of
     agriculture value             2a. AgVA for crops
     added to no less              2a. AgVA for livestock
     than (or at a                 2a. AgVA for forestry
     minimum of) 19%
     from the year 2015            2a. AgVA for fishery
     to the year 2025.

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                          7|P a g e          Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:
  expenditure as % of
  agriculture value
  added (GAEAgVA)

  PC 2.1iii
   Public                      What major action was undertaken in the
   Expenditures to             last two years (or since the last BR report)                                         Enter text
   Agriculture.                to help acheive this target? ACTION2.1iii

     Ensure that Official                                                     2015
                               Parameter                                                  2016             2017              2018              2019              2020
     Assistance (ODA)          1. ODA for agriculture, gross
     committed to              disbursements in current US$
     implement the             (agODAD)
     NAIPs is fully            2. ODA for agriculture, commitments
     disbursed to
                               in current US$ (agODAC)
     countries. The
     target is to have
     100% ODA                 ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:
     annually from 2015
     to 2025.

     Official development
     assistance for
     disbursement as % of

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        8|P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 2.2
   Domestic Private            What major action was undertaken in the
   Sector                      last two years (or since the last BR report)                                         Enter text
   Investment in               to help acheive this target? ACTION2.2

     Ensure that               Parameter                                         2015       2016              2017             2018             2019              2020
     investment leverage       1. Domestic private sector investment in
     at least X times
     domestic private
                               agriculture in current US$ (DPrIA)
     investment in             2. Agriculture value added in current US$
     agriculture sector        (AgVA)
     by 2025.
                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:
     Ratio of domestic
     private sector
     investment in
     agriculture to
     agriculture value
     added (ţDPrPb)

  PC 2.3
   Foreign Private             What major action was undertaken in the
   Sector                      last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
   Investment in               to help acheive this target? ACTION2.3

     Target:                                                                     2015                                                           2019              2020
     Ensure that               Parameter                                                    2016             2017              2018
     government                1. Foreign private direct investment in
     investment leverage       agriculture in current US$ (FPrIA)
     at least Y times
     foreign private
                               2. Agriculture value added in current US$
     direct investment in      (AgVA)
     agriculture sector
     by 2025.                 ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        9|P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
  Ratio of foreign private
  sector investment in
  agriculture to
  agriculture value added

  PC 2.4
   Market Access to            What major action was undertaken in the
   Agricultural                last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
   Finanace.                   to help acheive this target? ACTION2.4

     Ensure that 100%                                                2015
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                              2016        2017             2018             2019               2020
     of men and women
     engaged in                1. Total number of men and
     agriculture have          women engaged in
     access to financial       agriculture (NtAg = NtAgM +
     services to be able       NtAgW)
     to transact                   1a. Number of men
     agriculture                   engaged in agriculture
     business, by 2025.
                                   1b. Number women
     Indicator:                    engaged in agriculture
  Proportion of men and            (NtAgW)
  women engaged in
  agriculture with access      2. Total number of men and
  to financial services %      women engaged in
  (ţAgFs)                      agriculture that have access
                               to financial services (NfsAg =
                               NfsAgM + NfsAgW)
                                   2a. Number of men
                                   engaged in agriculture that
                                   have access to financial
                                   services (NfsAgM)
                                   2b. Number of women
                                   engaged in agriculture that

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        10 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
have access to financial
                                  services (NfsAgW)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.1i
   Access to                   What major action was undertaken in the
   Agriculture                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                            Enter text
   inputs and                  to help acheive this target? ACTION3.1i

     Target:                                                                                 2015                                                       2019           2020
     Ensure minimum            Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                    2016           2017            2018
     use of fertilizer for
     African agriculture       1. Total fertilizers consumption (N+P, N+P+K) in Kg, Fc
     development at               1a. Nitrogen fertilizer consumption (N, FAOSTAT
     level of
                                  code 3102) in Kg, Fc1
     consumption of at
     least 50 kilograms           1b. Phosphate fertilizer consumption (P, FAOSTAT
     per hectare of               code 3103) in Kg, Fc2
     arable land, from            1c. Potash fertilizer consumption (K, FAOSTAT
     2015 to 2025.                code 3104) in Kg, Fc3

     Indicator:                2. Arable Land and Permanent Crops in hectare, L
     consumption                  2a. Arable land in hectares, L1
     (kilogram of
     nutrients) per               2b. Permanent crops land area in hectares, L2
     hectare of arable
     land) (Fz)
                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        11 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.1ii
   Access to                   What major action was undertaken in the
   Agriculture                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                              Enter text
   inputs and                  to help acheive this target? ACTION3.1ii
                                                                                          2015                                                          2019            2020
     Target:                   Parameter                                2000                           2016            2017            2018
     Increase the size of
     irrigated areas (as       Irrigated areas in hectares (IA)
     per its value
     observed in the
     year 2000), by           ▪ Sources of verification and Specific comments:
     100% by the year

     Growth rate of the
     size of irrigated area

  PC 3.1iii
   Access to                   What major action was undertaken in the
   Agriculture                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                              Enter text
   inputs and                  to help acheive this target? ACTION3.1iii

     Target:                   Parameter/Sub-parameter                           Crop             2015          2016          2017          2018           2019          2020
     Double (100%
     increase) the                                                     Crop 1:
     current levels of
     quality agricultural                                              Crop 2:
     inputs for crops          1. Total national quality agriculture
     (seed), livestock         inputs requirement for the              Crop 3:
     (breed), and              selected crop in kg, AgIRi
     fisheries                                                         Crop 4:
     (fingerlings), by the
     year 2025 from the
                                                                       Crop 5:
     year 2015.
                                  1a. Total area cultivated of the     Crop 1:
                                  selected crop in ha, Ac1             Crop 2:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                           12 | P a g e    Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Growth rate of the
                                                                    Crop 3:
     ratio of supplied
     quality agriculture                                            Crop 4:
     inputs (seed, breed,
     fingerlings) to the                                            Crop 5:
     total national inputs
     requirements for the                                           Crop 1:
     commodity(in %), is
     : (ţAIt )                                                      Crop 2:
                                  1b. Recommended seed rate of
                                                                    Crop 3:
                                  the selected crop in kg/ha, Rs1
                                                                    Crop 4:

                                                                    Crop 5:

                                                                    Crop 1:
                                                                   Crop 2:
                               2. Total amount of quality seed of
                               improved varieties supplied for the Crop 3:
                               selected crop in MT, AgIS1
                                                                   Crop 4:
                                                                    Crop 5:

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

                               Parameter                            Livestock                2015         2016         2017           2018           2019            2020
                               1. Total number of female
                               animals at reproductive age,            Goats

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        13 | P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
                               2. Total number of female
                               animals at reproductive age              Goats
                               that are artificially                     Pigs
                               inseminated, NfcRal1

                               3. Extent to which female                Sheep
                               animals are artificially                 Goats
                               inseminated at national level
                               by farmers, Ri = NfcRal1 /                Pigs
                               NfcRa1                                   Camel

                                                                            2015                                                                                  2020
                               Parameter                                                   2016             2017              2018              2019

                                               Livestock (poultry)

                               1. Total number of chicken, Nch

                               2. Total number of day old chicks
                               supplied, NDOC
                               3. Extent to which day old chicks are
                               used at the national level by farmers,
                               Ri = NDOC / Nch

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                      14 | P a g e    Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly

                               1. Total capacity (in number of fish) of
                               fish ponds, Cfp

                               2. Total number of improved
                               fingerlings supplied , NFgi
                               3. Extent to which the imporved
                               fingerlings are used at the national
                               level by farmers, Ri = NFgi / Cfp

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.1iv
   Access to                   What major action was undertaken in the
   Agriculture                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                             Enter text
   inputs and                  to help acheive this target? ACTION3.1iv

     Target:                                                              2015                                                        2019             2020
     All farmers have
                               Parameter                                                 2016        2017            2018
     access to quality         1. Number of farmers having
     agricultural              access to Agricultural Advisory
     advisory services         Services, NFAgAS
     that provide locally
     relevant knowledge,       2. Total number of farmers, NF
     information and
     other services by
     2018.                    ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

     Proportion of
     farmers having
     access to Agricultural
     Advisory Services

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                           15 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.1v
   Access to                   What major action was undertaken in the
   Agriculture                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                           Enter text
   inputs and                  to help acheive this target? ACTION3.1v

     Target:                                                                  2015                                                               2019              2020
     Increase the level of     Parameter/Sub-parameter                                       2016            2017              2018
     Investments in
     Agricultural              1. Total Agricultural Research
     Research and              Spending in local currency units (lcu),
     Development to at         TARS
     least 1% of the           1a. Salaries (for scientists with PhD,
     Agricultural GDP,         MS, and BS), W
     from 2015 to 2025.
                               1b. Program and operations cost, POC
     Total Agricultural        1c. Capital investment, CI
     Research Spending         2. Agriculture value added in local
     as a share of AgGDP
                               currency units (lcu), AgVA

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.1vi
   Access to                   What major action was undertaken in the
   Agriculture                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                           Enter text
   inputs and                  to help acheive this target? ACTION3.1vi

     Target:                                                                    2015                           2017             2018              2019              2020
                               Parameter                                                      2016
     Ensure that 100%
     of farmers and            1. Total adult agricultural population in
     agribusiness              the country, NTFHh
     interested in
     agriculture have
     rights to access the         1a. Number of men, NTFHhM
     required land by
                                  1b. Number of women, NTFHhW

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        16 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Proportion of adult       2. Number of agricultural population
     agricultural              with secure land rights, NFHhSL
     population with
     ownership or secure          2a. Number of men, NFHhSLM
     land rights over
     agricultural land            2b. Nuber of women, NFHhSLW

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.2i
   Agricultural                What major action was undertaken in the
   Productivity                last two years (or since the last BR report)                                               Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.2i
     Double (100%
     increase) the
     current agricultural
     labor productivity        Parameter                                                   2015        2016           2017           2018          2019               2020
     levels by the year
     2025 from the year        1. Agriculture added value in constant local
     2015.                     currency units (AgVA)
                                   1a. Agriculture added value in current local
     Indicator:                    currency units (AgVAcu)
     Growth rate of
                                  1b. AgVA deflator (Agdef)
     Agriculture value
     added per                 2. Total number of agricultural workers (incl.
     agricultural worker       crops, livestock, forestry, fishreries and
     (ţAgW)                    aquaculture) (W)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and Specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                          17 | P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.2ii
   Agricultural                What major action was undertaken in the
   Productivity                last two years (or since the last BR report)                                                 Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.2ii
     Double (increase by
     100%) the current
     agricultural land
     productivity levels,
     by the year 2025          Parameter                                                     2015          2016           2017           2018           2019             2020
     from the year 2015.
                               1. Agriculture added value for crops and livestock
     Indicator:                in constant local currency units (AgVAcl)
     Growth rate of                1a. Agriculture added value for crops and
     agriculture value             livestock in current local currency units
     added per hectare of          (AgVAcu)
     agricultural land
     (ţAgL)                         1b. AgVA deflator (AgVAdef)

                               2. Agricultural land in hectares (L3)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and Specific comments:

  PC 3.2iii
   Agricultural                What major action was undertaken in the
   Productivity                last two years (or since the last BR report)                                                 Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.2iii
     Double (100%
     increase) the
     current agricultural      Commodity                   Parameter                                2015         2016          2017         2018          2019            2020
     yield levels, by the
     year 2025 from the                                    1.1. Total production in tonnes
     year 2015.                                            (Pd1)
                               1:                          1.2. Total size of the
     Indicator:                                            production unit (in ha for crops
     Growth rate of the                                    and number for livestock) (L1)
     yield of commodity i

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        18 | P a g e          Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
2.1. Total production in tonnes

                               2:                     2.2. Total size of the
                                                      production unit (in ha for crops
                                                      and number for livestock) (L2)

                                                      3.1. Total production in tonnes

                               3:                     3.2. Total size of the
                                                      production unit (in ha for crops
                                                      and number for livestock) (L3)

                                                      4.1. Total production in tonnes

                               4:                     4.2. Total size of the
                                                      production unit (in ha for crops
                                                      and number for livestock) (L4)

                                                      5.1. Total production in tonnes

                               5:                     5.2. Total size of the
                                                      production unit (in ha for crops
                                                      and number for livestock) (L5)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and Specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                   19 | P a g e    Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.3
   Post-Harvest Loss           What major action was undertaken in the
                               last two years (or since the last BR report)                                              Enter text
     Target:                   to help acheive this target? ACTION3.3
     Halve (decrease by
     50%) the current
     levels of Post-
     Harvest Losses            Commodity               Parameter                                 2015         2016          2017         2018          2019            2020
     (PHL), by the year
                                                       1.1. Production (million tons) of
     2025 from the year
     2015.                                             the commodity 1, Pd1
                                                       1.2a. Loss at Harvesting; Lhv
     Reduction rate of
                                                       1.2b. Loss at Storage; Lst
     Post-Harvest Losses
     for (at least) the 5      1:                      1.2c. Loss at Transport; Ltr
     national priority
     commodities, and                                  1.2d. Loss at Processing; LPr
     possibly for the 11
     AU agriculture                                    1.2e. Loss at Packaging; Lpc
     priority commodities
     (ţPHL)                                            1.2f. Loss at Sales; Lsl
                                                       2.1. Production (million tons) of
                                                       the commodity 2, Pd2
                                                       2.2a. Loss at Harvesting; Lhv

                                                       2.2b. Loss at Storage; Lst

                               2:                      2.2c. Loss at Transport; Ltr

                                                       2.2d. Loss at Processing; LPr

                                                       2.2e. Loss at Packaging; Lpc

                                                       2.2f. Loss at Sales; Lsl
                                                       3.1. Production (million tons) of
                                                       the commodity 3, Pd3

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                            20 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
3.2a. Loss at Harvesting; Lhv

                                                  3.2b. Loss at Storage; Lst

                                                  3.2c. Loss at Transport; Ltr

                                                  3.2d. Loss at Processing; LPr

                                                  3.2e. Loss at Packaging; Lpc

                                                  3.2f. Loss at Sales; Lsl
                                                  4.1. Production (million tons) of
                                                  the commodity 4, Pd4
                                                  4.2a. Loss at Harvesting; Lhv
                                                  4.2b. Loss at Storage; Lst
                               4:                 4.2c. Loss at Transport; Ltr
                                                  4.2d. Loss at Processing; LPr
                                                  4.2e. Loss at Packaging; Lpc
                                                  4.2f. Loss at Sales; Lsl
                                                  5.1. Production (million tons) of
                                                  the commodity 5, Pd5
                                                  5.2a. Loss at Harvesting; Lhv
                                                  5.2b. Loss at Storage; Lst
                               5:                 5.2c. Loss at Transport; Ltr
                                                  5.2d. Loss at Processing; LPr
                                                  5.2e. Loss at Packaging; Lpc
                                                  5.2f. Loss at Sales; Lsl

                             The 11 AU strategic agricultural commodities are: Rice, Maize, Legumes, Cotton, Oil palm, Beef, Dairy, Poultry and
                             fisheries, Cassava, Sorghum and Millet.

                             Insert more commodities if necessary or not listed in the 11 AU strategic agricultural commodities.

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                       21 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.4
   Social Protection           What major action was undertaken in the
                               last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
     Target:                   to help acheive this target? ACTION3.4
     Commit within
     national budgets,
     budget lines that
     amount to 100% of
                                                                                   2015                                           2018             2019
                               Parameter                                                       2016             2017                                                2020
     the total resource
     requirements for          1. Budget Allocation to social protection
     coverage of the           Cash Transfers for food and cash reserves
     vulnerable social         in local currency units, BACT
     groups, from 2015         2. Budget Allocation to social protection
     to 2025, for use to       Emergency Food Supplies in local currency
     support social
                               units, BAEFS
     initiatives, and to       3. Budget Allocation to social protection
     address any               School Feeding in local currency units, BASF
     eventual disasters
     and emergencies           4. Budget Allocation to social protection
     with food and             Other protective services in local currency
     nutrition security        units, BAOther
     implications.             5. Total Budget Allocation to social
                               protection in local currency units, (TBASP =
                               BACT + BAEFS + BASF + BAOther)
     Budget lines on
     social protection as      6. Total Budget Requirements for social
     percentage of the         protection in local currency units, TBRSP
     total resource
     requirements for
     coverage of the                                                               2015                                           2018             2019
                               Data                                                            2016             2017                                                2020
     vulnerable social
     groups (ţSP)

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        22 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
1a. Total number of beneficiaries of Cash
                               Transfers for food and cash reserves, nBACT

                               2a. Total number of beneficiaries of
                               Emergency Food Supplies, nBAEFS
                               3a. Total number of beneficiaries of School
                               Feeding, nBASF

                               4a. Total number of beneficiaries of Other
                               Protective Services, nBAOther

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                       23 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.5i
   Food security               What major action was undertaken in the
   and Nutrition               last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.5i
     Bring down child
     stunting to 10%, by                                                          2015                                                            2019              2020
     the year 2025.            Parameter/Sub-parameter                                        2016             2017               2018
                               1. Percent of children 0-59 month of age
     Prevalence of             that is stunted (St)
     stunting (% of                1a. Total number of children 0-59
     children under 5              months of age (T)
     years old) (St)           2. Percent of male children 0-59 month of
                               age that is stunted (Hm)
                                   2a. Total number of male children 0-59
                                   months of age (Tm)
                               3. Percent of female children 0-59 month
                               of age that is stunted (Hw)
                                   3a. Total number of female children 0-
                                   59 months of age (Tf)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.5ii
   Food security and           What major action was undertaken in the
   Nutrition                   last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.5ii
     Bring down                                                                   2015
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                                        2016              2017              2018            2019              2020
     underweight to 5%
     or less, by the year
                               1. Percent of children 0-59 month of age
                               that is Underweight (Uw)
     Indicator:                    1a. Total number of children 0-59
     Prevalence of                 months of age (T) -- refer to 3.5i
     underweight (% of         2. Percent of male children 0-59 month of
     children under 5          age that is Underweight (Hum)
     years old) (Uw)

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        24 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
2a. Total number of male children 0-59
                                   months of age (Tm) -- refer to 3.5i
                               3. Percent of female children 0-59 month
                               of age that is Underweight (Huf)
                                   3a. Total number of female children 0-
                                   59 months of age (Tf) -- refer to 3.5i

                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                             2015        2016             2017              2018             2019             2020
                               Prevalence of underweight (% of children
                               under 5 years old), Uw

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.5iii
   Food security and           What major action was undertaken in the
   Nutrition                   last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.5iii
     Target:                                                                                                                                      2019              2020
     Bring down wasting        Parameter/Sub-parameter                                        2016              2017              2018
     to 5% or less, by the
     year 2025.                1. Percent of children 0-59 month of age
                               that is wasted (W)
     Indicator:                    1a. Total number of children 0-59
     Prevalence of                 months of age (T) -- refer to 3.5i
     wasting (% of             2. Percent of male children 0-59 month of
     children under 5          age that is wasted (Hwm)
     years old) (W)                2a. Total number of male children 0-59
                                   months of age (Tm) -- refer to 3.5i
                               3. Percent of female children 0-59 month
                               of age that is wasted (Hwf)
                                   3a. Total number of female children 0-
                                   59 months of age (Tf) -- refer to 3.5i

                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                            2015         2016             2017              2018             2019             2020

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        25 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Prevalence of wasting (% of children
                               under 5 old), W

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.5iv
   Food security and           What major action was undertaken in the
   Nutrition                   last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.5iv
     Bring down
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                           2015         2016             2017               2018            2019              2020
     to 5% or less, by the
     year 2025.                1. Proportion of the population that is
                               undernourished (% of the country's
                               population), U
     Prevalence of
     undernourished (%
                                  1a. Total population (T)
     of the country‘s
     population that is           1b. Number of people undernourished
     undernourished (U)           (Sf)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 3.5v
   Food security and           What major action was undertaken in the
   Nutrition                   last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.5v
     Increase the
     proportion of
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                           2015         2016             2017               2018            2019              2020
     women at
     reproductive age          1. Proportion of minimum Dietary
     that attain the           Diversity-Women, MDDW
     minimum dietary
     diversity by 50%,            1a. Total number of women at
     by the year 2025.            reproductive age (15-49 yrs), WT

     Indicator:               ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        26 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Growth rate of the
     proportion of
     Minimum Dietary

  PC 3.5vi
   Food security and           What major action was undertaken in the
   Nutrition                   last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.5vi
     At least 50% of                                                              2015
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                                        2016              2017              2018            2019              2020
     children 6-23
     months that receive
                               1. Proportion of children 6-23 month of
     the minimum
     acceptable diet by        age that meet the Minimum Acceptable
     the year 2025.            Diet (MAD)
                                   1a. Total number of children 6-23
     Indicator:                    months of age (T1)
     Proportion of 6-23        2. Percent of male children 6-23 month of
     months old children       age that is stunted (HmM)
     who meet the
                                   2a. Total number of male children 6-23
     Minimum Acceptable
     Diet (MAD)
                                   months of age (Tm1)
                               3. Percent of female children 6-23 month
                               of age that meet the Minimum
                               Acceptable Diet (HwM)
                                   3a. Total number of female children 6-
                                   23 months of age (Tf1)

                               Parameter                                         2015         2016             2017               2018            2019              2020
                               Proportion of 6-23 months old children
                               who meet the Minimum Acceptable
                               Diet, MAD

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        27 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.5vii
  Food security and            What major action was undertaken in the
  Nutrition                    last two years (or since the last BR report)                                            Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION3.5vii
     Reduce the level of
     food insecure
                               Parameter                                           2015            2016             2017             2018             2019            2020
     Individuals by 50%,
     by the year 2025.         Proportion of the population experiencing
                               moderate and severe food insecurity, FIES
  Proportion of moderate
  and severe food             ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:
  insecurity in the
  population based on the
  Food Insecurity
  Experience Scale (FIES)
  PC 3.6i
    Food Safety                What major action was undertaken in the
                               last two years (or since the last BR report)                                            Enter text
     Target:                   to help acheive this target? ACTION3.6i

     Operational and
     functional food           Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                2020                            If No, comments
     safety systems that       1. Existence of legal or policy and institutional frameworks on
     meet international        food safety, FSSI1= average (Lw(i)).
     best practices                1a. Existence of national food safety policy, act or law
     established (reach            updated at least in the last 10 years and covering the entire
     100% for the Food             food chain, Lw1 PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE)
     Safety Systems                THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY
     Indicator, FSSI) by
     2025.                        a) A food safety policy, act or law covering the entire food
                                     chain DOES NOT exist.
                                  b) A food safety policy, act or law exists, but it does not
                                     cover the entire value chain.
     Indicator:                   c) A food safety policy, act or law covering the entire food
                                     chain exists BUT not updated in the past 10 years
  Food Safety Systems             d) A food safety policy, act or law covering the entire food
     Indicator, % (FSSI)
                                     chain exists AND updated in the past 10 years

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        28 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
1b. Existence of risk based food safety standards for at least
                                  5 priority commodities Lw2
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) The country has not set/adopted any food safety
                                   b) The country has food safety standards not based on
                                       country-specific risk assessments
                                   c) The country has food safety standards based on
                                       country-specific risk assessments or regionally
                                       harmonized standards for less than 5 priority
                                   d) The country has food safety standards based on
                                       country-specific risk assessments or regionally
                                       harmonized standards for at least 5 priority
                                  1c. Existence of competent regulatory institutions with
                                  clear mandates and coordination mechanims, Lw3
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) The food safety mandates of regulatory institutions
                                      are split across various government institutions and
                                      mandates are not clear
                                   b) The food safety mandates of regulatory institutions
                                      are split across various government institutions and
                                      mandates are clear, but coordination is inefficient
                                   c) The food safety mandates of regulatory institutions,
                                      split across various government institutions or in a
                                      single agency, are clear and coordination is efficient

                               2. Quality of monitoring and surveillance programmes, FSSI2=
                               average (MS(i)).

                                  2a. Existence of a risk-based and coordinated food safety
                                  monitoring/surveillance plan, MS1

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                       29 | P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) The country does not have a food safety
                                       monitoring/surveillance plan
                                   b) The country has a food safety monitoring/surveillance
                                       plan, but it is not risk-based
                                   c) The country has a risk-based food safety
                                       monitoring/surveillance plan, but its’ implementation
                                       is not well coordinated
                                   d) The country has a risk-based food safety
                                       monitoring/surveillance plan, and its’ implementation
                                       is well coordinated
                                  2b. Existence of a national epidemiological
                                  database/system for storing information on food borne
                                  diseases, MS2
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) A national epidemiological database/system for
                                       storing information on foodborne diseases
                                       (prevalence, incidence, mortality) does not exist.
                                   b) A national epidemiological database/system for
                                       storing information for foodborne diseases
                                       (prevalence, incidence, mortality) exists, but it covers
                                       less than 50% of the country’s area
                                   c) A national epidemiological database/system for
                                       storing information for foodborne diseases
                                       (prevalence, incidence, mortality) exists, covering
                                       more than 50% of the country’s area
                                  2c. Existence of a food safety response system with
                                  standard operating procedure, traceability and recall
                                  systems, MS3
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                       30 | P a g e         Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
a) A response system for food safety events, including
                                      standard operating procedures, traceability and recall
                                      systems, does not exist
                                   b) A response system for food safety events exists, but
                                      without a standard operation procedure
                                   c) A response system for food safety events exists, with a
                                      standard operation procedure, BUT NO traceability
                                      and/or recall systems
                                   d) A response system for food safety events exists, with a
                                      standard operating procedure, traceability and recall

                                  2d. Participation in reliable food safety information
                                  notification systems, MS4
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) The country DOES NOT participate in reliable food
                                      safety information notification systems
                                   b) The country participates in reliable food safety
                                      information notification systems

                               3. Laboratory infrastructure, analytical capacity and laboratory
                               performance, FSSI3= average (Lab(i)).

                                  3a. Existence of national assessment of in-country
                                  laboratory capacity (either through national programmes
                                  or accreditation processes), Lab1
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) A national assessment of in-country laboratory
                                      capacity does not exist
                                   b) A national assessment of in-country laboratory
                                      capacity exists but last conducted more than 10 years

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                       31 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
c) A national assessment of in- country laboratory
                                      capacity exists and last conducted within the past 10
                                  3b. Existence of demonstrable government programmes to
                                  build, equip (including human resource) and sustain
                                  competent laboratories, Lab2 = average (Elt(i))

                                         Elt 1: - Existence of national training programme for the
                                         qualification of laboratory analysts

                                   a) National training programme for qualification of lab
                                       analysts DOES NOT exist
                                   b) National training programme for qualification of lab
                                       analysts exists
                                     Elt 2: - Existence of national laboratory standards
                                     qualification/accreditation programme
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) A national programme for laboratory standards
                                       qualification/accreditation DOES NOT exist
                                   b) A national programme for laboratory standards
                                       qualification/accreditation exists
                                     Elt 3: - Existence of national budget to support
                                     laboratory infrastructure and instruments maintenance
                                     as well as operational and CAPEX requirements
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) National budget to support laboratory infrastructure
                                      and instruments maintenance as well as operational
                                      and CAPEX requirements does not exist
                                   b) National budget to support laboratory infrastructure
                                      and instruments maintenance as well as operational
                                      and CAPEX requirements exist, but adequate funds are
                                      not disbursed

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                          32 | P a g e         Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
c) National budget to support laboratory infrastructure
                                        and instruments maintenance as well as operational
                                        and CAPEX requirements exists, and adequate funds
                                        are disbursed
                                  3c. Existence of competent laboratories (government,
                                  official or private) and their demonstrable fitness for
                                  purpose; Lab3=average (Elt(i))

                                     Elt 1: - Existence of Food testing laboratory
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) Food testing laboratory is not available in the country
                                   b) The country has at least one food testing laboratory
                                     Elt 2: - Existence of Laboratory capability (infrastructure
                                     and instrumentation)
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) Laboratories exist, but they do not have functional
                                   b) Laboratories exist with adequate infrastructure for
                                       rapid screening tests only (e.g. ELISA)
                                   c) Laboratories exist with infrastructure to perform
                                       standard chemical and biological analysis
                                     Elt 3: -Existence of suitably trained people (capacity)
                                     relative to the food safety regulations, (e.g at best the
                                     lab MUST be able to measure the analyte in the specific
                                     matrix as stipulated by the food law
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) The country lacks suitably trained people (capacity)
                                      relative to food safety regulations
                                   b) The country has suitably trained people (capacity)
                                      relative to food safety regulations (e.g at best the lab
                                      MUST be able to measure the analyte in the specific
                                      matrix as stipulated by the food law)

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        33 | P a g e       Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Elt 4: - Existence of accredited laboratories in food
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) The country does not have accredited laboratories in
                                      food analysis.
                                   b) Accredited laboratories in food analysis exist in the

                                     Elt 5: - Participation in an accredited Proficiency Test
                                     Scheme and inter-laboratory comparison programmes
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) Food laboratories in the country DO NOT participate in
                                      accredited Proficiency Test Scheme and inter-
                                      laboratory comparison programmes.
                                   b) Food laboratories in the country participate in
                                      accredited Proficiency Test Scheme and inter-
                                      laboratory comparison programmes.

                               4. Existence of programmes to facilitate/encourage
                               compliance to food safety standards, FSSI4= average (Prog(i)).

                                  4a. Existence of national capacity building programmes on
                                  GAP, GMP and GHP Prog1 =average (Elt(i))

                                     Elt 1: Existence of Capacity building on GAP.
                               TO YOUR COUNTRY
                                   a) National capacity building programmes on GAP DO
                                       NOT exist
                                   b) National capacity building programmes on GAP exist

                                    Elt 2: Existence of capacity building on GMP)
                               TO YOUR COUNTRY

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                       34 | P a g e       Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
a) National capacity building programmes on GMP DO
                                       NOT exist
                                   b) National Capacity building programmes on GMP exist
                                     Elt 3: Existence of Capacity buiding on GHP.
                               TO YOUR COUNTRY
                                   a) National capacity building programmes on GHP DO
                                       NOT exist
                                   b) National capacity building programmes on GHP exist
                                  4b. Existence of national capacity building programmes in
                                  recognized quality management systems, e.g., HACCP, ISO;
                                  Prog2 , PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY
                                   a) National capacity building programmes in recognized
                                       quality management systems, e.g., HACCP, ISO etc. DO
                                       NOT exist
                                   b) National capacity building programmes in recognized
                                       quality management systems, e.g., HACCP, ISO etc.

                                  4c. Existence of national food safety awareness raising
                                  programmes/activities; Prog3= Average (Elt(i))

                                     Elt 1: Workshops
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY
                                   a) National food safety awareness raising workshops DO
                                       NOT exist
                                   b) National food safety awareness raising workshops

                                     Elt 2: Television/radio programmes
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) National food safety awareness raising TV/radio
                                      programmes DO NOT exist

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                     35 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
a) National food safety awareness raising TV/radio
                                       programmes exist
                                     Elt 3: Billboards
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) National food safety awareness raising billboards DO
                                       NOT exist
                                   b) National food safety awareness raising billboards exist
                                     Elt 4: Other National campaigns
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) National food safety awareness raising national
                                       compaigns DO NOT exist
                                   b) National food safety awareness raising national
                                       campaigns exist
                                  4d. Existence of national support/incentive for industry and
                                  producers (including private sector/SMEs), Prog4
                                  PLEASE SELECT THE OPTION (ONLY ONE) THAT BEST
                                  APPLIES TO YOUR COUNTRY

                                   a) National support/incentive for industry and producers
                                      (including private sector/SMEs) DOES NOT exist
                                   b) National support/incentive for industry and producers
                                      (including private sector/SMEs) exists

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                      36 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.6ii
    Food Safety                What major action was undertaken in the
                               last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
     Target:                   to help acheive this target? ACTION3.6ii

     Reach at least 50%                                                                      2015
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                    2016           2017          2018           2019           2020
     for the Food Safety
     Health Indicator          1. Rate (%) of reduction of foodborne diarrheal
     (FSHI), by 2025.          diseases, FSHI1

     Indicator:                  1a. Total population in a given year, TPi

  Food Safety Health            1b. Number of diarrheal disease cases per year,
     Indicator, % ( FSHI)      NCDDi

                               2. Rate (%) of reduction of deaths in children under five
                               years of age due to foodborne diarrheal diseases, FSHI2

                                  2a. Total population of children in a given year TPCi

                                  2b. Number of cases of diarrheal mortality per year
                                  in children under 5, NCDMi

                               3. Rate (%) of reduction of the cases of liver cancer
                               (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) caused by dietary exposure
                               to aflatoxin, FSHI3

                                  3a. Number of Liver Cancer cases per year NHCCi

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        37 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 3.6iii
    Food Safety                What major action was undertaken in the
                               last two years (or since the last BR report)                                           Enter text
     Target:                   to help acheive this target? ACTION3.6iii

     Reach at least 50%
     for the Food Safety                                                                      2015
     Trade Indicator (         Parameter/Sub-parameter                                                      2016          2017           2018           2019          2020
     FSTI), by 2025
                               1. Number of shipments of food commodities exported
                               per year TNSt
                               2. Unit rejection rate which is number of rejections per
  Food Safety Trade            USD 1 million export URR= (TRt/TVSt)*USD1,000,000
     Indicator, % ( FSTI)
                                  2a. Total value of shipment of food commodities
                                  exported per year TVSt
                               3. Number of rejected shipments based on food safety
                               related trade violations in exported food commodities
                               per year TRt = ∑(TRV(i)). Please specify the violation type
                               (e.g. aflatoxins, salmonella etc.) and the number of
                               rejections for each question below.
                                   3a. Violation type 1 and number of rejections TRV1

                                  3b. Violation type 2 and number of rejections TRV2

                                  3c. Violation type 3 and number of rejections TRV3

                                  3d. Other violations and number of rejections TRV4

                               4. Total Rate of rejection per year, TRRt = ∑(RRV(i))

                                  4a. Rate of Rejection for violation type 1

                                  4b. Rate of Rejection for violation type 2

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                         38 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
4c. Rate of Rejection for violation type 3

                                  4d. Rate of Rejection for violation type 4

                               5. Rate of reduction in unit rejection of food
                               commodities due to food safety violation (non-
                               compliance) on the basis of data disaggregated by type
                               of violation, FST= (1-(URRt/URR2015)) *100

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 4.1i
   Agricultural GDP            What major action was undertaken in the
   and Poverty                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                              Enter text
   Reduction                   to help acheive this target? ACTION4.1i

     Sustain annual
     agricultural GDP          Parameter                                                                              2016        2017          2018
     growth of at least                                                                                  2015                                                2019        2020
     6%, from the year
                               1. Agriculture value added, in constant local currency units
     2015 to the year
     2025.                     (AgVA)

     Indicator:                   1a. Agriculture value added, in current local currency units
     Growth rate of the           (AgVAcu) (*)
     agriculture value
     added, in % (aAgVA)
                                  1a (i). AgVA for crops, in current local currency units

                                  1a (ii). AgVA for livestock, in current local currency units

                                  1a (iii). AgVA for forestly, in current local currency units

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                         39 | P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
1a (iv). AgVA for fisheries & Aquaculture, in current local
                                  currency units

                                  1b. AgVA deflator (AgVAdef)

                               1c. AgVA deflator base
                               year (AgVAdef-year)

                             (*) Computed 1a. each year by summing up 1a (i) to 1a (iv)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and Specific comments:

  PC 4.1iii
   Agricultural GDP            What major action was undertaken in the
   and Poverty                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                             Enter text
   Reduction                   to help acheive this target? ACTION4.1iii

     Reduce poverty
     level by at least         Parameter                                                 2016             2017                2018
     50%, at national                                                 2015                                                                        2019                2020
     poverty line, from
     the year 2015 to the      1. Population size, number
     year 2025.                (Pops)


Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        40 | P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
Reduction rate of
     poverty headcount
     ratio, at national        2. National poverty line (NPL)
     poverty line,
                               3. Number of pepole under
                               the poverty line (NPoor)

                               4. Poverty headcount ratio at
                               national poverty lines (% of
                               population), (phrN)

                               ▪ Sources of verification and Specific comments:

  PC 4.1iv
   Agricultural GDP            What major action was undertaken in the
   and Poverty                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                            Enter text
   Reduction                   to help acheive this target? ACTION4.1iv

     Reduce poverty
     level by at least         Parameter                                                2016             2017                2018
     50%, at                                                         2015                                                                        2019                2020
     poverty line, from        1. Population size, number
     the year 2015 to the      (Pops) -- refer to 4.1iii
     year 2025.

     Reduction rate of         2. Poverty international
     poverty headcount         poverty line (INPL)
     ratio, at international
     poverty line,
                               3. Number of pepole under
                               the international poverty line

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        41 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
4. Poverty headcount ratio at
                               international poverty lines (%
                               of population), phrI

                              ▪ Sources of verification and Specific comments:

  PC 4.1v
   Agricultural GDP            What major action was undertaken in the
   and Poverty                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                            Enter text
   Reduction                   to help acheive this target? ACTION4.1v

     Contribute to
                                                                                        2015                                                          2019            2020
     poverty reduction         Parameter                                                             2016            2017             2018
     by reducing the gap
     between the               1. Farm gate price in current lcu per kg, FgPi
     wholesale price and       (i=1,2,3,4,5)
     farm-gate price, by           1a. Commidity 1: name
     50% by the year               1b. Commidity 2: name
     2025, from the year           1c. Commidity 3: name
                                   1d. Commidity 4: name
     Indicator:                    1e. Commidity 5: name
     Reduction rate of the     2. Farm gate sale value in current lcu, FgSi
     gap between the           (i=1,2,3,4,5)
     wholesale price and           2a. Commidity 1: name
     farmgate price                2b. Commidity 2: name
     (ţfgws)                       2c. Commidity 3: name
                                   2d. Commidity 4: name
                                   2e. Commidity 5: name
                               3. Average weighted farm gate price in current
                               lcu per kg, wFgP
                               4. Wholesale/Market Price, WsPi
                               4a. Commidity 1: name
                               4b. Commidity 2: name
                               4c. Commidity 3: name

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        42 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
4d. Commidity 4: name
                               4e. Commidity 5: name
                               5. Wholesale/Market Value, WsVi
                               5a. Commidity 1: name
                               5b. Commidity 2: name
                               5c. Commidity 3: name
                               5d. Commidity 4: name
                               5e. Commidity 5: name
                               6. Average weighted Wholesale/Market Price,

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 4.2
   Inclusive PPPs for
                               What major action was undertaken in the
   commodity value
                               last two years (or since the last BR report)                                                Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION4.2
     Establish and/or
     strengthen inclusive      Commodities                                              1             2                3                4               5                6
     partnerships (PPP)        1. Priority commodity value chains, list {PCi}
     for at least five (5)
     priority agricultural
     commodity value
     chains with strong        Commodit                                                        2015                  2017           2018              2019              2020
     linkage to                               Parameter                                                   2016
     agriculture, by           1              1a. Total volume (tonnes) of sales for
     2025.                                    the priority commodity i, VTi
                                              1b. Volume (tonnes) of sales at
                                              farmgate level of the priority
     Indicator:                               commodity i, Vsmhi
     Number of priority                       1c. Number of smallholders integrated
                                              into the value chain of the priority
     commodity value
                                              commodity i, Nsmhi
     chains for which a

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                          43 | P a g e     Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PPP is established                  1d. Total number of suppliers that are
     with strong linkage                 supplying the market of the value chain
     to smallholder                      of the priority commodity i, NTi
     agriculture (Nc)
                               2         2a. Total volume (tonnes) of sales for
                                         the priority commodity ii, VTii
                                         2b. Volume (tonnes) of sales at
                                         farmgate level of the priority
                                         commodity ii, Vsmhi
                                         2c. Number of smallholders integrated
                                         into the value chain of the priority
                                         commodity ii, Nsmhi
                                         2d. Total number of suppliers that are
                                         supplying the market of the value chain
                                         of the priority commodity ii, NTii
                               3         3a. Total volume (tonnes) of sales for
                                         the priority commodity iii, VTiii
                                         3b. Volume (tonnes) of sales at
                                         farmgate level of the priority
                                         commodity ii, Vsmhii
                                         3c. Number of smallholders integrated
                                         into the value chain of the priority
                                         commodity iii, Nsmhii
                                         3d. Total number of suppliers that are
                                         supplying the market of the value chain
                                         of the priority commodity iii, NTiii
                               4         4a. Total volume (tonnes) of sales for
                                         the priority commodity iv, VTiv
                                         4b. Volume (tonnes) of sales at
                                         farmgate level of the priority
                                         commodity iv, Vsmiv
                                         4c. Number of smallholders integrated
                                         into the value chain of the priority
                                         commodity iv, Nsmiv
                                         4d. Total number of suppliers that are
                                         supplying the market of the value chain
                                         of the priority commodity iv, NTiv

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                44 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
5              5a. Total volume (tonnes) of sales for
                                              the priority commodity v, VTv
                                              5b. Volume (tonnes) of sales at
                                              farmgate level of the priority
                                              commodity v, Vsmv
                                              5c. Number of smallholders integrated
                                              into the value chain of the priority
                                              commodity v, Nsmv
                                              5d. Total number of suppliers that are
                                              supplying the market of the value chain
                                              of the priority commodity v, NTv

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 4.3
   Youth job in                What major action was undertaken in the
   agriculture                 last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
                               to help acheive this target? ACTION4.3
     Create job
     opportunities for at                                                        2015                          2017             2018              2019              2020
                               Parameter/Sub-parameter                                       2016
     least 30% of the
     youth in                  1. Total number of youth at working age
     agricultural value        in the country, TNYthi
     chains, by the year
     2025.                     2. Number of youth that is engaged in
                               new jobs in agricultural value chains,
                               (cumulative counting from the year
     Indicator:                2015), AgNYth
     Percentage of youth          2a. Number of youth who do any
     that is engaged in           agriculture related work as paid
     new job                      employees for any agriculture
     opportunities in             entreprise or SME (AgNythE)
     agriculture value
                                  2b. Number of youth who work as
     chains (ţYth)
                                  self-employed in their own business
                                  or profession or on their own farm

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        45 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
2c. Number of youth who work 15
                                  hours per week or more as unpaid
                                  workers in a family-operated
                                  enterprise (AgNythFE)

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

  PC 4.4
   Women                       What major action was undertaken in the
   participation in            last two years (or since the last BR report)                                          Enter text
   Agriculture                 to help acheive this target? ACTION4.4

     Ensure that 20% of                                                                         2015
                              Parameter                                                                      2016          2017          2018          2019          2020
     rural women have
     access to productive
     assets, including        1. Total number of women engaged in agriculture (Ntw)
     land, credit, inputs
     and financial            2. Number of women that make decisions about
     services and             agricultural production (NDE1)
     (empowered) by           3. Number of women that have access to and decision-
     2023.                    making power about productive resources (NDE2)
     Indicator:               4. Number of women that have control over use of income
     Proportion of rural      (NDE3)
     women that are
                              5. Number of women that in leaderhip in the community
     empowered in
     agriculture, (ţWE)       (NDE4)
                              6. Number of women that have time allocation for leisure
                              7. Number of women empowered in agriculture [NwE = f
                              (NDE1, NDE2, NDE3, NDE4, NDE5)]

                              ▪ Sources of verification and other specific comments:

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        46 | P a g e   Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
PC 5.1
   Intra-African               What major action was undertaken in the
   Trade in                    last two years (or since the last BR report)                                             Enter text
   agriculture                 to help acheive this target? ACTION5.1
   commodities and

     Target:                   Parameter                                                                                    Currency
     Triple intra-African
     trade in agricultural     1. Select the trade value reporting currency
     commodities and
     services, by the year
     2025 from the year                              1. Current value of intra-African trade (imports and Exports) of agriculture goods and services

                                         Parameter 1.1a: Value of intra-African imports of agriculture goods, in current value (vMg)
     Indicator:                SITC Description
     Growth rate of the                               Agricultural products (Standard International Trade Classification       2015
                               and Coding                                                                                               2016     2017     2018    2019     2020
     value of trade of                                or SITC sections 0, 1, 2, 4 minus 27 and 28 in section 2)
     commodities and
     services within
     Africa, in constant US
     dollars (ţIAT)

Malabo M&E, & Reporting to AU Assembly                                        47 | P a g e      Data updated to end-2020, for the 2021 Progress Report to the January 2022 AU Assembly
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