Page created by Rebecca Castillo
                                                    £7.00 per annum

         Crops ripening in the Corvedale sunshine

             August 2020
Help is on hand from your local parish councillors. If you or anyone you know of is in need of help
 or wants to help during the current Coronavirus crisis, please contact your local parish councillor
who will initially try to coordinate help. It is not going to be a short crisis and obviously as time goes
        on and the Government/Shropshire Council adapt and legislate, things will change.

    COUNCILLOR                              LOCATION                      CONTACT NO
         Gary Trim                        Abdon and Heath                    07977 431112
       Rowland Price                      Abdon and Heath                    07974 972364
       Chris Yarwood                      Abdon and Heath                    07977 912322
         Chris Snow                       Abdon and Heath                    07791 851515
        Lee Durnall                       Abdon and Heath                    07496 227557
      Mike Woodhouse                         Bache Mill                      01584 841265
       David Hedgley                          Bouldon                        01584 841068
       Stephen Povall                          Corfton                       01584 861623
         Jacki Watts                         Culmington                      01584 861473
        Andrew Pike                          Culmington                      01584 861361
       Tom O’Boyle                        Diddlebury village                 01584 841690
        Amie Watson                       Diddlebury village                 07486 414742
       Robert Povall                           Seifton                       01584 861284
         

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                                                                                                
                                                           Ditton Priors                       
                                          Morning/Evening

                                                                                                 

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                                                                                             Not Mon/Wed/Thu

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CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                          August 2020
Copy for September 2020 Magazine
To make sure your contribution is included in the September 2020 magazine, please send by email
to by SATURDAY 15th AUGUST 2020 at the latest.
ADVERTISEMENTS. If you would like to advertise in the Corvedale News or amend an existing advertisement,
please contact our Advertising Manager by SATURDAY 15th AUGUST 2020 at the latest for inclusion in the next
issue: All adverts must be in electronic format and sent in either jpg or Word format.

PICTURES. We are always very pleased to receive high quality pictures of scenes or events around the Corvedale to
add to our library for use on the front cover. Email to

EDITOR’S NOTE. If anyone knows of other events taking place within their immediate area in the next few months,
could they please let the Editor know so these may be included in the Dates for Your Diary.

DON’T FORGET. If you are aware of anyone who does not receive the Corvedale News in your area but would like
to, please have a word with your distributor.
FINANCE. If you have an outstanding subscription, please pass it to your distributor. If this is not possible, you can
contact our Treasurer (giving your name and address): Martin Jones, Yew Tree Cottage, Corfton Bache, SY7 9LE.

DISCLAIMER. Views expressed in this paper are those of the relevant authors and not necessarily those of the
Corvedale News team. We reserve the right to edit or omit any material submitted for publication. No liability is
accepted for loss or damage arising from any omission of copy or advertising, and the appearance of advertisement
does not imply endorsement or recommendation. The Corvedale News is published and distributed entirely by
volunteers, with production costs defrayed by advertising and subscriptions.

OUR MAGAZINE is designed, set and printed by: Craven Design and Print, Email:
Unit 1, Stokewood Road, Craven Arms Business Park, Craven Arms, SY7 8NR. Tel: 01588 673972

Information for Subscribers - List of Distributors and Their Areas
     Name              Address             Area Served                Name              Address            Area Served
                    Garage Cottage,                                                 Yew Tree Cottage,     Corfton/Corfton
 Mrs P Baynham                               Westhope               Mr M Jones
                      Westhope                                                          Corfton                Bache
                                         Broadstone, Rowe
  Mrs B Bowers        Hungerford                                                   Culmington Court,
                                         Lane, Hungerford           Mr D Jubb                            Culmington Part 2
 Mrs N Brentnall       Pool Farm,         Brookhampton                                 The Moors,
                     Brookhampton                                   Mrs S Lewis                           Diddlebury Part 1
    Mrs M           The Old Rectory,
  Buckingham            Abdon                                                        6 North Sutton
                                                                   Ms C Morgan                                 Sutton
                                           Peaton, Peaton                               Cottages
 Mrs D Clinton     Sunnycroft, Peaton
                                                                                   Diddlebrook Barn,
                                          Corfton, Pedlar’s        Mr G Neden                             Diddlebury Part 2
 Mrs C Crowther      Corfton Lodge                                                     Diddlebury
  Mrs C Evans       Aston Munslow         Aston Munslow            Mrs C Roberts                             Munslow,
                                         Broncroft, Baucott,                       Millichope Lodge,        Beambridge/
 Mr I Hankinson Broncroft, Broncroft      Balaam’s Heath,          Mrs F Sutton
                                                                                       Beambridge            Millichope
                   Sparchford Cottage,   Culmington Part 1            Mrs J            The Moors,
Mrs V Hardwick                                                                                               Bache Mill
                       Sparchford                                   Woodhouse          Diddlebury

 Mr D Hedgley/                           Bouldon, Wynett’s            Mrs K        Upper House Farm,
                        Bouldon                                                                             Middlehope
  Mrs M Holt                                  Bank                  Woodhouse         Middlehope

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                           August 2020
Community Contacts

 SOUTH SHROPSHIRE CITIZENS ADVICE                                               PHILIP DUNNE
  You can access information and advice at our South                               Member of Parliament
  Shropshire Bureau by calling into the Ludlow Youth                            for the Ludlow Constituency
          Centre, Lower Galdeford, Ludlow:                                  54 Broad Street, Ludlow SY8 1GP
     10am - 3pm Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday                                       tel: 01584 872187
 or by ringing the Countrywide Telephone Advice Line:                               fax: 01584 876345
                     03444 991100                                     email:
                                                                           54 Broad Street, Ludlow, SY8 1GP
 10am - 3pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
             and Tuesday 10am - 6pm
                                                                     DIDDLEBURY PARISH COUNCIL
 Patients of Shrewsbury Road Doctors’ Surgery in Craven Arms
  are able to book appointments directly with the existing CA
                                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE
               outreach by contacting the surgery.                             OFFICER
                                                                      Diddlebury Parish Council has a contract with a local
                                                                    resident, Mr Gary Trim. He is our EMO (Environmental
 SHROPSHIRE UNITARY COUNCILLOR                                      Maintenance Officer) and carries out minor maintenance
                                                                      work around the parish, excluding along the B4368.
                 Cllr. Cecilia Motley                                 If you are aware of any ditches which need clearing,
           Councillor, Corvedale Division                              vegetation which needs to be cut back, road signs,
                                                                       bus shelters, noticeboards or bridge railings which
           Portfolio Holder, Rural Services
                                                                     need cleaning, repainting or repairing, please let either
                & Local Communities                                   the Chairman or the Clerk know, so that instructions
                 Shropshire Council                                               can be passed on to the EMO.
                    01588 672192                                    Chairman - 01584 841068 Clerk - 01568 770741

  The Corvedale Community Environmental Group usually meets monthly at The Swan Pub at 7.00pm
      on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Anyone interested in discussing environmental issues in a
                           friendly atmosphere is welcome to come along.

Church Contacts

  Church of England                           Catholic Church                               Methodist Chapel
  Rev’d John S Beesley                        Canon Christopher Walsh                       Craven Arms: For service
  St Michael’s Rectory                        St Peter’s RC Church                          times and ministers, please
  Munslow                                     Henley Road, Ludlow                           contact the Shropshire
  SY7 9EU                                     SY8 1QZ                                       and Marches Circuit Office
  tel: (01584) 841488                         tel: (01584) 872906                           tel: (01743) 874923                    

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                                 August 2020
Church News
                                                                         In the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, Satan offered
                                                                         him the chance to be a super hero, to be adored and feted.
                                                                         Instead, however, Jesus chose a different path. He chose the
                                                                         path of servant and constantly refused to be the hero. Not
                                                                         only did he choose a different path but he chastised James
                                                                         and John when they sought power and position. Peter was
                                                                         rebuked for refusing to have his feet washed. Those in
                                                                         religious power consistently found Jesus challenged them
                                                                         for abusing their positions. Jesus’ challenge is for the leader
                                                                         to be a servant, not a hero; to seek the path of service,
                                                                         generosity, hospitality, compassion and self-giving.
                                                                         Even in the business world it is now widely recognized that
                                                                         the hero leader or heroic CEO is more hindrance than help.
                                                                         As Jim Collins, the author of Good to Great, says: Virtually
                                                                         everything our modern culture believes about the type of
                                                                         leadership required to transform our institutions is wrong.
                                                                         It is also dangerous. There is perhaps no more corrosive
                                                                         trend to the health of our organisations than the rise of
                                                                         the celebrity CEO, the rock-star leader whose deepest
                                                                         ambition is first and foremost self-centric.
Letter from the Archdeacon of                                            If you feel a call to leadership in the Church then perhaps
Hereford and Ludlow                                                      you need to stop and ask yourself what is your motivation,
It is said we are shaped by our culture.                                 do you want to serve or be served? A good friend of mine
If that is true, then one of the strongest                               used to ask prospective ordinands, at their first meeting,
leadership motifs is that of the hero                                    how they’d feel if he asked them to sweep up the leaves on
leader. In film, we have James Bond,                                     his drive, or to help him wash the dishes. He understood that
Indiana Jones and Princess Leia; in television, we have                  leadership began and ended with “servant-heartedness”.
Doctor Who, Buffy and Danger Mouse. We are surrounded
                                                                         So heroic leaders need not apply! What is wanted here
by heroes (I’m a big action film and sci-fi fan).
                                                                         and now in our church as we emerge from Covid-19 are
So often, however, they are flawed individuals: some like                servant-hearted leaders who are ambitious for the Kingdom
Bond or The Doctor are anti-heroes just staying the right                and not for themselves. They are those who point to Jesus
side of the line but edging on many occasions into the                   as the one who transforms lives and society; they recognise
ambiguous middle ground, the grey moral no-man’s land                    they are only signposts to a Kingdom that is both here and
of society’s values. Some like Batgirl or the Green Arrow                yet to come.
seem to have turned to the darkness to right the wrongs
                                                                         If you feel you are called to leadership that points to Jesus,
of society and they are shaped by a deep inner drive and
                                                                         then the Church needs you!
personal angst.
                                                                                                                       Derek Chedzey
Many of the old heroes like Captain America and Wonder
Woman knew which side of the line they stood, firmly in
the light, righting wrongs with justice, compassion and
fairness. We could always tell the good guy or girl because
they wore the white hat (The Lone Ranger) while the bad                   Flowers and Brasses - Diddlebury
guys always wore black (Darth Vader).
The problem for the Church is that these heroes and anti-
heroes always win the day, good always triumphs, and the                  2nd     Mrs. Francis
hero wins the applause and adulation. This is extremely                   9th     Mrs. Francis
seductive for those who seek or feel called to leadership                 16th    Mrs. Husband
positions: being the saviour raises us to the standard of                 23rd    Mrs. Husband
hero. It places us at the centre of the action, it creates status,
                                                                          30th    Mrs. J Woodhouse
position and power, but it also creates problems. There is
only one saviour in the Christian story and it isn’t one of us.           Please only do this is you feel you are able to

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                              August 2020
Church News (continued)
Letter from the Rectory                                               will still be open for private prayer. Please do not come
                                                                      to church if you have symptoms of Covid-19. If you are
As I am writing this the lockdown continues to be eased –
                                                                      someone who falls into one of the ‘vulnerable’ categories
in most places. Over the past few months we have seen a
                                                                      please think carefully about whether or not you should
gradual easing of restrictions and in some respects at least
                                                                      come to services – in the end it is your decision and we will
life is starting to feel more normal.
                                                                      understand completely if you don’t feel the time is right for
As part of that process of re-opening, we now have                    you to come to church yet. We have to record who attends
permission to re-start services in churches, although                 each service for track-and-trace purposes: the details kept
inevitably this comes with limits on what we can do and               will be destroyed after three weeks. All of this is, of course,
it will be a different experience to that which has been              dependant on the Coronavirus situation: if it deteriorates
familiar. Amongst the differences we have to observe are              we may find that we have to stop meeting again. We will
2 metre social distancing and not being allowed to sing.              follow national guidance. We plan to record some of the
Given the size of some of our church buildings, a 2 metre             services and to upload these to YouTube. Recording will be
distance between people is going to severely restrict how             done so that congregation members are not in the picture.
many people we can fit into the building and so, initially            There will also be Evensong on Zoom twice each month.
at least, we are asking you to contact me before each
                                                                      At the time of writing the services in coming weeks are
service to let me know that you’d like to come. So long
                                                                      planned to be:
as we can physically fit you in within the limits imposed
upon us everyone is welcome - whether you have been a                        Sunday July 26th
churchgoer before or not. We won’t be having the usual                       10am      Holy Communion at Munslow
pattern of services to start with: we’ll see how it goes and                 6pm       Evensong at Tugford
we can review it all each month as we need to. We will
be continuing to put services on YouTube for those who                       Sunday August 2nd
would like to join us but don’t yet feel that sitting in church              10am      Holy Communion at Diddlebury
with others is for them.                                                     6pm       Evensong on Zoom

Services won’t be the same as those we have been used                        Sunday August 9th
to, and this will be the most drastic change any of us                       10am      Holy Communion at Munslow
will have experienced in our lives. However, if we had a                     6pm       Evensong at Culmington
time machine and could travel back to see how worship                        Sunday August 16th
has changed during the time our buildings have stood, we                     10am      Holy Communion at Diddlebury
would find that at some times it was not unlike that we                      6pm       Evensong on Zoom
have known, but at other times it was very different. It is
easy to become too focussed on the peripherals and not                       Sunday August 23rd
on why it is that we gather as a worshipping community.                      10am      Holy Communion at Munslow
What actually matters is not the music or what the service                   6pm       Evensong at Abdon
looks like but that we come together as the people of God
to worship Him, to pray for the world and its people and                     Sunday August 30th
to equip ourselves to spread the good news of His love for                   10am      Holy Communion at Diddlebury
all people. We look forward to being able to do this again.                  6pm       Evensong on Zoom

                                         Rev’d John Beesley           In addition, the services of Compline continue on
                                                                      Wednesday evenings. They will be uploaded to the
Church Services in August                                             YouTube channel each Wednesday and will remain there
The churches continue to be open daily (but see below) for            for you to access whenever you might like.
people to go to sit, to pray, and to take time to be with God.        To ensure we can fit everyone into the building within
We are now able to resume services, but with restrictions.            distancing requirements, please let me know if you plan
The main restrictions are that we have to observe are                 to come to a service – email or
2 metre social distancing and that we are not allowed to              telephone 01584 841488.
sing. Holy Communion is permitted but the congregation                We can now have baptisms, weddings and funerals in
will receive the bread only. To reduce the level of cleaning          church subject to restrictions, particularly that we can have
required the church buildings will be closed for 72 hours             no more than 30 people in the church. Please get in touch if
after each service has taken place – this will usually affect         I can help – with this or anything else.
a maximum of two buildings a week so other churches
                                                                                                               Rev’d John Beesley

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                      August 2020

Readers’ Photos
August’s theme is pets. Here and throughout this months edition you will find pictures of readers’ pets.

                       Ben                                                  Bella

                      Rags                                               Mouse & Bee

                   Chip & Crisp                                        Magnus & Fricka
CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                 August 2020

Readers’ Photos

                   Bailey                                              Bobby

                     Fly                                              Roscoe

                           PHOTOGRAPHS WANTED
   For the September magazine we would love to receive your photographs for on the subject of
    We will continue to have a different theme for the magazine each month for the duration
   of the lockdown. Also, please let us have any pictures which you would like us to consider
                        for use as a cover photo of the Corvedale News.
                    Please send all photos to:

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                     August 2020
Pub quiz - Answers
We hoped you enjoyed exercising            13.   Gnasher.                          33.   Wilfred Owen.
your minds on last month’s pub quiz.       14.   Six                               34.   Abdon Burf (Brown Clee).
Here are the answers:                      15.   Wallace.                          35.   Malcolm Saville.
ROUND 1 -                                  16.   Throw it into the lake.           36.   The Sun Inn, Corfton.
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE                          17.   Bristol.                          37.   2009.
1.  1215.                                  18.   An Excise Officer.                38.   Watling Street.
2.  John.                                  19.   The Old Curiosity Shop            39.   Lead.
3.  24                                     20.   David Hockney.                    40.   Ironbridge Gorge.
4.  Mike Pence.                            ROUND 3 - MUSIC                         ROUND 5 -
5.  Mali.                                  21.   Two violins, viola, cello.        GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
6.  Homeland.                              22.   Cream.                            41.   Juniper berries.
7.  Sauternes.                             23.   Tenor saxophone.                  42.   Varieties of potato.
8.  Bill and Ben.                          24.   Eroica, Pastoral, Choral.         43.   Hawaii.
9.  42 (from the Hitchhiker’s Guide        25.   Four.                             44.   640.
    to the Galaxy).                        26.   Aida.                             45.   Gloster (sic) Meteor,
10. 1066 – Battle of Hastings (extra       27.   The Quarrymen                     46.   Palladium.
    mark if you also said Battle of        28.   George Formby.                    47.   Seoul.
    Stamford Bridge!).
                                           29.   Joan Sutherland.                  48.   Gavin Williamson.
ROUND 2 -                                  30.   Twelve.                           49.   29.
ARTS AND LITERATURE                        ROUND 4 -                               50.   The Sun.
11. (The Tragedy of) Hamlet,               LOCAL KNOWLEDGE
    Prince of Denmark.                     31. A variety of damson.                       Your quizmaster - Martin Jones
12. Manchester.                            32. St Catherine.

The Corvedale Kitchen

Homemade coleslaw            Serves 8-10

This is the perfect addition to a summer salad or barbecue and far nicer than anything you can
buy in the shops. It can be made in advance and will keep well in the fridge for several days.

Half a small white onion                2 heaped tablespoons of mayonnaise
Small white cabbage                     2 heaped tablespoons of plain yoghurt
2 large carrots                         Tablespoon of freshly chopped chives (optional)
2 tablespoons of salad dressing         Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1. Finely chop the onion, thinly slice the cabbage and grate the carrots. This can be done by hand or in a food processor.
2. Place these ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly.
3. Add the salad dressing and mix again.
4. Add the mayonnaise, yoghurt and black pepper and mix to combine.
5. Top with the chopped chives.
6. Chill until required.                                                                                    Dulcie Davies

              Don’t forget! If you have any favourite recipes you would like to share, do email them to Please don’t include anything that’s tricky to make, has too many ingredients,
                           or contains anything we can’t spell, pronounce, or buy locally!

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                            August 2020

                   PUBLIC NOTICE
                         Planning application 20/02519/OUT
       Proposed residential development for the erection of 12 Dwellings and
      operational development support (revised scheme) on land to the east of
                           The Moors View, Diddlebury.
 DPC has decided, based on advice from the National Association of Local Government
 and taking present Government advice into consideration, that the best practical and
 safest way to deal with this planning application is via a Zoom meeting.
 This meeting will be held online via Zoom on Wednesday 12th August at 7.00pm.
 We would encourage people to send their views to Shropshire Council’s Planning
 Portal, which is done by logging on to Shropshire Planning, quoting the planning
 number - 20/02519/OUT. DPC will read and take note of all public comments
 logged on the Planning Portal and such comments will also form part of the Planning
 Officer’s considerations. Alternatively, email your comments directly to DPC using a
 dedicated email address - . DPC will take note of all
 the comments received and these comments will form the basis of DPC’s consideration
 of the public consultation on the matter.
 People who wish to join in with the Zoom meeting on the 12th August are requested
 to email the clerk using with a request to do so NO
 LATER than Tuesday 11th August. Email invitations, as is normal with Zoom
 meetings, will then be sent to them allowing them to request admission to the meeting
 at the appropriate time by following the instructions in the invitation, which will
 contain the necessary Meeting ID and Password.
 The format of the meeting will be as per the EGM Agenda, which will be publicised
 on DPC’s website, in the Corvedale News, on the Corvedale Google Group and
 displayed on notice boards around the parish prior to the meeting.
 The public responses considered in the meeting by DPC will be based on the written
 submissions to the Planning Portal and those sent to the clerk. DPC will also be
 prepared to hear from a few people representing groups of residents, such as the PPSG,
 FAG and the applicants’ representatives. These groups can request to participate in
 the Zoom meeting by emailing the clerk using to
 make their intentions to participate known. Hopefully, by doing this we will be in a
 position to record the parish council’s views on the application as well as having given
 parishioners and the applicants a say, and thus register our views for other bodies
 relevant future planning consideration.
 Even though the meeting will be held on Zoom the conduct of the meeting will reflect
 normal meeting protocols.
                                       D Hedgley – Chair of Diddlebury Parish Council

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                     August 2020

Poetry Corner
This month’s theme is Covid-19. If you have written any                                     ~
poems, or have any favourites you would like to have printed               Kath Woodhouse: Covid-19
in future editions of the Corvedale News, please send them                Our reader Kath’s views on the virus
to                    Geoff Neden
                              ~                                             What is the world coming to?
                                                                             We are all in lockdown now
    W J Webster: Thoughts on Staycations
                                                                      Because a deadly disease came from China
      A topical few lines based loosely on Masefield
                                                                          It caught us unawares somehow
            We must go down to the sea again.
                                                                        This deadly disease is called coronavirus
               To a sea as grey as the sky,
                                                                               It upsets our lungs and heart
             Where all we’ll get is an icy dip.
                                                                            It begins with flu like symptoms
              And nothing to warm us dry.
                                                                           And we are told to isolate to start
          We must go down to the beach again
                                                                             Then came social distancing,
         Where the jetsam’s swept in on the tide
                                                                          We must all stay two metres apart
    And joins whatever’s been chucked down and left
                                                                         The testing programme got underway
               To litter the landward side.
                                                                                 After a very late start
          We must stroll down on the front again
                                                                        The businesses and schools are all silent
            And recall what Its like to inhale
                                                                          The young ones are finding it hard
         Not the sea-salty tang of fresh coastal air
                                                                          The cafes, pubs, diners are empty.
          But car fumes and chip fat gone stale.
                                                                           No movement much on the cards
           We must go down to the sea again
                                                                             Just a brisk walk or bike ride.
          Where the view is of turbines or mist
                                                                         Or a queue at the shops, must be quick
     And the rain’s lurking ready to drizzle or drench
                                                                          The virus will spread like wildfire,
         On the whim of the winds as they list.
                                                                             From mouth to mouth in a tick
This poem is published with the kind permission of The
Spectator                                                                The politicians and scientists are busy
                            ~                                             Giving us facts and figures each day
    Anon: I’m Fine, Thank You (abridged)                                 The graphs take a lot of understanding
     This poem was suggested by one of our readers                  But there’s light at the end of the tunnel they say
          There is nothing the matter with me.                           Their latest goal is to find a vaccine
               I’m as healthy as I can be.                               They need guinea pigs to have a jab
            I have arthritis in both my knees                             They say there’s a long list waiting
          And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.                       And they will process the results in the lab
         My pulse is weak, and my blood is thin                        Our National Health workers are brilliant
        But I’m awfully well for the shape I’m in.                      The doctors and nurses go that last lap
             Arch supports I have for my feet                               To help and comfort the needy
        Or I wouldn’t be able to be on the street.                  They deserve more than the Thursday night clap
          Sleep is denied me night after night,                       They are there at the end to give comfort
         But every morning I find I’m all right.                       Regardless of their own health and pain
        My memory is failing, my head’s in a spin                   They leave family and loved ones behind them
        But I’m awfully well for the shape I’m in.                      As they don PPE clothing once again
          Old age is golden, I’ve heard it said;                          The carers are still doing their duty
       But sometimes I wonder as I get into bed                        Visiting patients at home with no alarm
      With my ears in the drawer my teeth in a cup,                  The care homes are looking after the elderly
         My eyes on the table until I wake up.                       Trying to keep them safe and free from harm
        I get up each morning and dust off my wits                       Our thoughts are with all the families
         And pick up the paper and read the obits.                      That have lost loving members to date
     If my name is still missing, I know I’m not dead                   Our prayers and hopes are for the future
      So I fix me some breakfast and go back to bed.                      That this deadly disease will abate.
This poem is in the public domain                                                          ~
CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                August 2020
                                And finally…
                   There once was a virus called Covid,
                  Whose symptoms were really quite horrid.
                         It came here from China.
                             Perhaps on a liner.
                     And we cannot even get trollied!
                      This ghastly new virus from China
                     Made from Pangolins bits in a diner.
                         Has arrived here in Blighty
                         Causing mayhem almighty.
                 We should send it straight back to the blighter.

        Thisbe                                                      Dickens

        Willow                                                       Sam

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                         August 2020

               LUDLOW                                                  LUDLOW

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                                                        Please call: 07974 495803
     07805 312168           /ludlowsalvage                  07805 312168          /ludlowfirewood

    Plot 1, Station Yard, Station Road,                    Plot 1, Station Yard, Station Road,
 Woofferton, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 4AW                Woofferton, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 4AW                     

 For the past seven years there has been a ‘Diddlebury Parish Google Group’ which runs alongside
 the Diddlebury Parish Website – Over time, the coverage of the group
 has expanded so that it now includes members from several neighbouring parishes and further afield.
 With the Corvedale News being issued electronically via the group for the duration of the pandemic,
 it seemed a good time to reflect this expanded coverage with a name change and accordingly, the
 Group has been renamed ‘The Corvedale Google Group’. The Google group is a fast and efficient
 way of getting information to a large number of people. It is particularly useful in circulating
 information during times of crisis such as flooding or the current COVID-19 pandemic. It is run
 by volunteers and is not for profit. It is free to use.
 In the past the group has been used to publicise community events such as the Corvedale Show,
 activities at the village halls, local road closures, pub quiz dates, relevant information issued by
 Shropshire Council and last-minute changes to/cancellations of events. Anyone who wishes to inform
 the local community of similar items is welcome to do so, by contacting me. Membership of the
 group has increased by 60% in the last month.
 If you think you would find this Google group useful or know of anyone whom you think might
 benefit from membership, please ask them to send an email to me and I will add them to the
 distribution list. My email address is: No unsuitable material will ever
 be sent. You will not be bombarded with emails and can opt out at any time. Your email address
 will not be disclosed to any third parties.                                             Geoff Neden

CORVEDALE NEWS                              August 2020

What’s On in the Dale

          PUBS AND
    Did you know that a number of
     local pubs and restaurants are
    setting up take away services in
            their local areas?

   This way you can still enjoy your
    favourite pub / restaurant meals
   in the comfort of your own home.

   Using these take away services is
    also a good way of supporting
     local businesses during this
        difficult time for them.

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                             August 2020

Corvedale Garden Group
The Corvedale Garden Group hasn’t been able to meet since February as all the venues we had planned to
visit have been closed since lockdown down. However, we made an exception this month and met in small
numbers to honour Ella Whitehead who died recently. Her garden effects raised the excellent sum of £363
for the Alzheimer’s Society.
The August meeting is cancelled. Fingers crossed for September!
                                                                                                                      Cath Burley

Culmington Parish Pandemic Volunteers
Culmington Parish Council would like to thank Gilli Coutts, Mark Littlejohn and all of the volunteers for the enormous
effort you made to ensure that the people of the parish were supported during the pandemic lock-down period. It has been
a very difficult and stressful period for many and having support from local people has made such a difference. Thank
                                                                                               Heather Coonick - Clerk

Corvedale Book Group

Waiting For Sunrise by William Boyd                                   course of his duties, by another spy who
                                                                      doesn’t trust him.
A sub-group of us continues to meet monthly for the book
group on Zoom. We miss those members who are not with                 From there the book becomes a little like a Brian Rix farce
us and it isn’t the same, but it remains a delight to read and        where the characters keep meeting and re-meeting in new
share books and to find out how other people’s views alter            situations: a Zeppelin raid, a literary party, at Claverleigh
our perceptions of what we have read and sometimes make               Hall with his mother and step-father, in a theatre, in
us read the book again to reflect on new insights.                    seedy hotels on the south coast and on Hampstead Heath.
                                                                      Lysander manages to complete his task and pay off his debt
A few years back, we had read and enjoyed ‘The Ice-cream
                                                                      to the British government. To tell you more would be to
War‘ which we felt was a better example of Boyd’s work.
                                                                      spoil the plot.
‘Waiting for Sunrise’ had more mixed reviews in the press
and the comments matched those made by the group.                     The story starts slowly with a long and vivid description
However, it seemed an apt title for these Covid times!                of Lysander’s boarding house and landlady in Vienna.
                                                                      Vienna is evocatively described, as is Hettie’s wardrobe, in
Lysander Rief is a young man with a difficulty affecting
                                                                      great detail. His surroundings and the atmospheres are well
his personal relationship with his fiancé, Blanche - the tall,
                                                                      drawn. Life at Claverleigh Hall is also drawn well and here
pale and willowy actress with whom he works. He goes
                                                                      we meet the more interesting character of Major Hamo
to Vienna to try the fashionable cure of psychoanalysis,
                                                                      Rief, Lysander’s uncle who has always protected his back.
not with Sigmund Freud, whom he meets in a cafe, but
with Dr Bensimon who effects a cure using his theory                  The book seems to have too many themes and too many
of ‘parallelism’. This essentially involved Lysander in               characters and locations. It jumps from one to another in
rewriting the truth about an episode in his childhood to              time, which on occasion makes it difficult to follow. The
make it more palatable. ‘Et voila’, as the French would say,          end was unpredictable and there were several loose ends.
he is cured.                                                          The overall opinion was that it was neither literature nor
                                                                      a proper spy story. Other William Boyd books read by
In the waiting room he meets Captain Alwyn Munro and
                                                                      group members had had more coherence, and were enjoyed
Miss Hettie Bull, who become major characters in the
                                                                      more – ‘Any Human Heart’, ‘Sweet Caress’, ‘Ordinary
book. Hettie entices him to the barn where she works as a
                                                                      Thunderstorms‘. The literary reviews described it as
sculptor and they begin an affair. When she later accuses
                                                                      ‘evocative and experimental’ or ‘a story of no great depth
him of rape, Captain Munro and his colleagues bail him out
                                                                      or pretensions’. Both are accurate.
and he is spirited back to England via Geneva. There is, of
course, a cost both financial and personal. Lysander is in            For our meeting on August 13th we will read David
the army but is given a special role on account of his fluent         Attenborough’s ‘Journeys to the other side of the world’. It
German to uncover the agent ‘Andromeda’. He crosses                   may be the nearest we get to a foreign holiday for a while.
no man’s land and becomes a spy. He gains the required                                                                Cath Burley
information and is returned to London, wounded in the

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                  August 2020

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                                                   During these unprecedented times, it is more
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                                                     have no right of inheritance whatsoever –
                                                        the “common law spouse” is a myth.

                                                         If you would like to make a Will,
                                                      please email us or visit our website for
                                                       details of our Fixed Fee Will Service:


CORVEDALE NEWS                             August 2020

   Domestic Appliance Repairs
   Same Day/Next Day Service
             where possible

       07971 252 069
                                    Washing Machines
 NORMAN...07816 875 233                  Dryers
     Or please leave a message...       Cookers
      01588 638 677                      Ovens

CORVEDALE NEWS                                         August 2020

                                            BIOMASS, AIR &
                                          GROUND SOURCE
                                       (RHI GRANTS AVAILABLE)

         FULLY INSURED                  STOVES & FIREPLACES

                                       BOILERS & WOODBURNING
      SCRAPPAGE SCHEME                        COOKERS

      TEL: 01584 878552               OVER 50 STOVES ON DISPLAY
                                          FULL INSTALLATION
                                          & BUILDING WORKS

                                           IN HOUSE TEAMS

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                            August 2020

Summer Fun at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre!
Summer is here and the holidays are jam packed with fun                          Code Makers and Breakers -
for all the family at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre!
                                                                                  Summer Holidays Activity
There are family activities on every weekday of the Summer
                                                                                   Monday 20th - Friday 24th July
holidays from Monday 20th July to Friday 28th August.
                                                                                  Monday 10th - Friday 14th August
Communicate in all different ways in the Code Makers and
Breakers activity for 4 - 11 year olds, make paper and an             Experiment with morse code, semaphore and braille,
imprint from a leaf or flower on cloth in the Paper Making            learn a Makaton nursery rhyme and watch smoke signals
and Leaf Hammering activity for 3 - 11 year olds and make             being made.
a stick house that can withstand the huff and puff test in the                     Monday - Friday, 1pm - 2.30pm.
Three Little Pigs activity for 3 - 11 year olds.                       £4.00 per accompanied 4 - 11 year old. Booking advised.

Activities are Monday to Friday 1pm-2.30pm and are 4 per
accompanied child. Booking advised. All social guidelines
                                                                           Paper Making and Leaf Hammering -
will be adhered to and the sessions will take place outside,                    Summer Holidays Activity
under cover.                                                                       Monday 27th - Friday 31st July
A new self-led family activity for this summer will launch                        Monday 17th - Friday 21st August
on 25th July, the Purple Prickles Meadow activity trail               Design and make your own recycled paper, adding grass
where you and your family can take a walk in the deep                 and flowers from our meadows or bits of wool and coloured
dark woods and connect with the characters from a popular             paper. Make the print of a leaf or flower of your choice on
children’s book.                                                      cloth to take home.
The Centre has two clubs on the last Saturday of every                            Monday - Friday, 1pm - 2.30pm.
month, Discovery Tots for under 3’s and Discovery Club                £4.00 per accompanied 3 - 11 year old. Booking advised.
for children aged 3 and over.
Learning Officer, Stephanie Bellows, says “We are really              Three Little Pigs - Summer Holidays Activity
excited to be able to start running our family activities                          Monday 3rd - Friday 7th August
again. They are fun for all the family to do together. The                        Monday 24th - Friday 28th August
safety of our staff and visitors is important to us so we are         Can you build a house which will withstand the huff and
running our activities outside, following social distance             puff test? Enjoy this traditional tale told from a different
guidelines.”                                                          point of view, test your building skills and enjoy a toasted
                                                                      marshmallow on a campfire.
              What’s on at the                                                    Monday - Friday, 1pm - 2.30pm.
        Discovery Centre this month?                                  £4.00 per accompanied 3 - 11 year old. Booking advised.

                     In our Gallery                                         Discovery Tots - Hungry Caterpillars
                  16th July - 31st August                                             25th July - 10am-10.45am
                       10am - 5pm                                     Hear the story of the Hungry caterpillar, make a paper
Free entry. All pieces on display available to purchase               caterpillar and go out to search for a real one.
                   Alice Draws the Line                                     £2.50 per child, adults go free, just turn up.
                                                                       Please bring wellies and appropriate outdoor clothing.
Alice is an artist that grew up on the borders of Shropshire,
Herefordshire and Powys. She pursued a successful career
in education and kept a daily sketchbook as a hobby. Now                   Discovery Club - Beautiful Butterflies
the hobby has become the career and Alice continues with                                25th July - 11am-12pm
the daily drawings, which are predominantly botanical,                Take a walk in the meadows to find beautiful butterflies and
seasonal and inspired by the surroundings.                            enjoy themed crafts.
                        Chris Prayel                                        £2.50 per child, adults go free, just turn up.
                                                                       Please bring wellies and appropriate outdoor clothing.
A selection of watercolour, acrylic and mixed media
paintings. Featuring trees, sunflowers, landscapes and
dragonflies.                                                              For more information please call 01588 676 060

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                                August 2020

The sky at night in the Corvedale

This is the first in an occasional series of articles on the          (i.e. no moonlight) is 30 days (or more specifically 29 days,
night sky in the Corvedale. One of the best things about              12 hours and 44 minutes). A full moon has an age of 15
living in rural Shropshire is, that it is dark at night. There        days, and will rise at the setting of the sun. It will be highest
are not many people living in the UK who can say that they            and give maximum brightness at midnight GMT. From
can step outside their house, and see the same skies as their         days 1 - 14 the moon rises and sets gradually later than the
ancestors, the same stars and planets, and phases of the              sun, each day an additional 48 minutes, continuing in the
moon. For the majority of people in Britain today, the night          same way from day 16 to the next new moon.
sky is orange from low pressure sodium street lighting, and
                                                                      Let’s determine the moon’s age on 1st August 2020. Davis
they do not have the opportunity to marvel at the heavens,
                                                                      tells us to take the year (2020) and add 1, unless we are
and contemplate the vastness of creation.
                                                                      in January or February (2021). We then divide by 19, and
In 1594 John Davis wrote a text book on navigation                    see what the remainder is (7). I know that 2014 perfectly
called ‘The Seaman’s Secrets’. He had a career of world               divides by 19. We multiply that by 11 (77) and add all
exploration in the service of Queen Elizabeth the First, and          the months from March inclusive (83) and the day of the
charted, amongst other places, the Davis Strait between               month (84).
Canada and Greenland which bears his name. He came to a
                                                                      This is where we have to adjust for the loss of the 11 days
sticky end on the 5th December 1604 at the hands of some
                                                                      in 1752 when Britain changed from the Julian calendar
pirates whom he had captured off the coast of Singapore.
                                                                      to the Gregorian calendar. So, take away 11 (73). Then
Among the fascinating tips and tricks that he passes on               we take away all the full 30-day cycles in that and get the
to the student world navigator is a remarkable means of               noon’s age of 13, two days before a full moon. It will rise
working out the amount of moonlight that we can expect in             approximately 96 minutes before sunset, and will give
the Corvedale on any night. We are lucky enough to have               plenty of light to walk to the pub and back!
no streetlighting, and are thus connected through the ages
                                                                      For more 16th century wisdom see
to our ancestors who only had natural sources of light.
Firstly, Davis reminds us that from new moon to new moon
                                                                                                                     Dr Tim Hughes

        Caring for God’s Acre - Munslow’s Summer Tidy-Up
              In the Burial Ground or in St Michael’s Churchyard, Munslow
     Join our volunteers for a practical day, clearing away the summer’s overgrowth, now that the wild
     flowers have gone to seed. This year the variety and display of wild flowers has been stronger and
    more varied than ever. For the first time, there have been white as well as pink campions. If only we
   could be successful in establishing yellow rattle, then stronger growing grasses could be thwarted, then
                     the job would be easier – despite two attempts, no success as yet.
                                           Wednesday 26th August
      Alex has arranged a new date for Munslow’s visit, now that we are allowed to meet together again,
      but we still need to pay attention to social distancing as per the current guidelines. The God’s Acre
    teams are meeting in smaller groups, usually about five or six, in number, to keep distances regulated.
    Volunteers are requested to bring their own tools and gloves, lunch and refreshments – this means that
               I will not need to make my usual cakes, for which, some people may be grateful.
             Remember to wear suitable footwear and gloves. For more information please contact
                Anne Donnelly (841213) alternatively, contact Alex Logan:
                                                                                        Anne Donnelly

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                        August 2020

  The local solution to your pest problems
    For fast, safe treatment of a wasp nest
            this summer call Wayne
       07779461397 / 01588 638 746

   *Professional pest control for the South
   Shropshire area. Most pests treated incl.
      moles, rats, mice, flies, fleas etc*                     The Pizza Trailer
                                                          Traditional Neapolitan wood fired pizza served                        from our restored vintage horse trailer,
                                                          based in south Shropshire. Our vintage trailer
                                                           pizzeria is the perfect choice for all events
                                                              from weddings to corporate functions.
      Morville St Gregory
   Our delicious, quality English sparkling and               Now doing Friday
    white wines produced from locally grown
 grapes are suitable for any event. Whether you
                                                              & Saturday Pizza
are celebrating a special occasion or just want to               deliveries!
  relax with a delightful glass of wine we think
           you will enjoy our products.

       Discounts for orders for weddings                                     For more details
             and other functions.
         To discuss your requirements
          and to order please contact:
             Richard or Jill 01584 841021
     (or at The Walled Garden, Delbury Estate,                                       Email:
 01584 841222 when open from March–September)
                 or Ian 01584 841331.

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                       August 2020

   Contact the Advertising Manager

                                              Are you green
                                          fingered and have a
                                           couple of hours to
                                            spare each week?

                                          If so, then Corvedale Centre for Children
                                                 would love to hear from you.
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CORVEDALE NEWS        August 2020

CORVEDALE NEWS        August 2020

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                         August 2020

August Crossword - by Artemonas

      ACROSS                                                       DOWN
      7)    A trainee doctor on the street? Nearly     (6)         1) Men glad to be messed up                          (7)
      8)    Enthusiast to laze around                  (6)         2) Dreams about a drug that damaged                  (7)
      10)   Thousand degree relative                   (7)             a reputation
      11)   Most of the meal was top                   (5)         3) Apart from a team                                 (5)
      12)   Some of the sleeve notes aren’t odd        (4)         4) Polishes again but still rejects                  (7)
      13)   Maybe sun is very strong tobacco           (5)         5) First first lady (and President)                  (5)
                                                                       seems agitated
      17)   Becomes new suit for singles               (5)
                                                                   6) Sounds like floor tale                            (5)
      18)   What’s for dinner? Some nuts               (5)
                                                                   9) Aunt Meg and I’d find one of great size           (9)
      22)   Let it be mainly uncultivated              (5)
                                                                   14) Aware that at this time the monarch              (7)
      23)   Joy of the French lamp                     (7)             is around
      24)   Stretch out old nurse                      (6)         15) Welsh rowers get lifting!                        (7)
      25)   Home of Lord Rook?                         (6)         16) Hurried around chest in front                    (7)
                                                                   19) Tired and stone(d)?                              (5)
                                                                   20) Final two round many a European coin             (5)
                                                                   21) Nothing in the home on the surface               (5)

Across: 1) fairs, 4) pleas, 10) arrival, 11) raise, 12) steal, 13) wrestle, 15) vine, 17) steed, 19) alert, 22) lime,
        25) related, 27) aspen, 29) chair, 30) ailment, 31) ready, 32) steel
Down: 2) agree, 3) revolve, 5) large, 6) aviator, 7) pause, 8) blown, 9) seven, 14) ream, 16) idle, 18) tillage,
        20) leaflet, 21) trick, 23) ideal, 24) unite, 26) tired, 28) piece

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                               August 2020
Corvedale Past and Present
A Word on the Subject of Castles
I don’t know about you, but I have complicated responses               We might take the example of the three local castles in The
to Victorian words and thinking, loving so much of it. Yet             Corvedale, Holdgate, Corfham and Broncroft. Prominent
so many of their ideas were based on the solid rock of their           sites? Yes, no doubt, and still intended to show the locals a
own conceptions and beliefs. These days, perhaps, we                   thing or two, but these were now the seat of men of de-facto
are more circumspect. Certainly, the idea of a castle and              legitimacy with status, administering laws and encouraging
its occupants engendered in a book like Ivanhoe (strictly              new developing technologies in agriculture and industry.
speaking pre-Victorian), might engender the vision of the              So, perhaps not surprisingly, these castles are rooted in the
chivalrous knight and a noble cause against the backdrop               valley floor, not commanding surrounding high ground.
of a mighty stone castle. But it may be less than complete.            These new Castellans were still exploiting their riverine
                                                                       estates, still controlling surrounding villages and extensive
The origin of castles was not English; indeed, apart from a            hunting grounds, from what was then a headquarters, a
few examples, they were unknown in England prior to the                totemic status symbol, a centre of law, a place to lavish
Norman Conquest. Their beginnings were far from noble in               targeted hospitality, a military academy, a hunting lodge, a
concept and probably not primarily military.                           fortified home, a bank, a prison and – above all – a place to
The whole business started in Italy and France in the last             inspire awe. It might even have been used as a fortress when
few decades before the first Millennium, tough times in                times required.
Western Europe, with local, and often self-styled, ‘nobles’.
They had a taste for land grabbing and carving out a place
for themselves in a cutthroat feudal hierarchy. The castle
evolved as a highly visible warning to the local peasantry to
knuckle under, and characteristically appeared on a rocky
prominence. The new ‘Castellan’ not only felt solidity under
his feet but had the option of building in stone straight away.
In the lowlands the alternative was throwing up an earthen
‘mott’. These motts might not bear masonry for many
decades although a wooden fortress had less ‘awe factor’.
The knight, an ancient concept, was reinvented in these
times, but we can forget Ivanhoe. We should think instead
more of a mounted bully-boy retainer, perhaps himself
drawn from the ranks of the cowed poor, who was willing to
inflict on his erstwhile neighbours the oppression he himself
would have sorely feared. So, a local ‘Count’ – let us say
in Anjou, in Northern France, which was to spawn a whole               I am drawn back time and again to the fascinating and
generation of English Kings in the 12th century – might, if            complex site at Corfham (SO 52.85): the residual humps
he wanted to, ‘tool-up’ to control his locale. The castle was          and bumps are seen to the left. However, had this place
the ‘must-have’ weapon, out of which his mounted knights               merely been a fortress we might agree with the explanation
could clatter to ‘protect’ the local villagers. The voices of          board on the site which expresses the opinion that this castle
the poor were, of course, never recorded, but they might               was somewhat ‘pointless’!                      Peter Cornah
have preferred ‘protection racket’ as a description! You can
even imagine that scattered populations were ‘encouraged’
to cluster new villages around the castle-rock. We might
feel the shiver down their spines whenever they lifted eyes
from the ground.
When the new Norman overlords came to England they
must have been regarded as little more than barely reformed,
quakingly fierce, Norse pirates albeit with a veneer of
mainstream Christian civilisation. Their spectacular land-
grab of the most prosperous and organised country in Europe
was followed by a ‘carve-up,’ as vast estates were presented
to near allies of The Conqueror. True to form, these men
were enthusiasts for this now not-so-new castle technology,
but perhaps with a slightly more nuanced application.                                             Maesy

CORVEDALE NEWS                                                                                                             August 2020

Parish Councils

                                              DIDDLEBURY PARISH COUNCIL
         During the suspension of council meetings, Diddlebury Parish Council (DPC) has carried out the following
          actions using delegated powers during June and July 2020. These actions will be incorporated into the
               Parish Council’s Minutes for its meeting on 22nd July 2020 for publication on DPC’s website.

Planning: 20/02161/FUL - proposed dwelling south west of             There are further details about
Red Brick Barn, Corfton. (The Donkey Patch), namely erection                  this in a separate Notice from the Chairman, which is in this
of a dwelling with garage, alteration of existing access and                  Magazine and on DPC’s website and notice boards.
installation of septic tank. Councillors considered this application          To view this, and any other applications, parishioners can go
and unanimously strongly objected to it.                                      to the “Planning” section of our website to discover current
20/02197/VAR - application for the variation of Condition No                  planning applications and can then examine the applications on
2 attached to the planning permission ref. 16/03628/FUL for                   Shropshire Council’s planning portal and leave their comments
the development of the old poultry units at Corfton. Councillors              on that portal. Equally, any concerns parishioners may have
considered this application and by a majority objected to it.                 about planning matters (or any other matters) can be discussed
19/03538/OUT - outline application (access, scale for                         with the Chairman or the Clerk by telephone, post or email.
consideration) for the erection of 3 detached houses and garages,             Finance: the Finance Report for June 2020 was approved
creation of a new vehicular access and installation of a private              by the councillors and cheques to the value of £756.58 were
treatment plant on land to the north west of Lower House,                     issued. The invoices were checked and the cheques signed by
Corfton. This application was objected to by DPC and permission               the Chairman and Cllr O’Boyle. Cllr O’Boyle also verified the
was refused by SC. However, the matter has now been appealed                  Clerk’s reconciliation of the DPC’s accounts book and HSBC
to the Secretary of State. The Planning Inspector’s ref. is                   bank statements.
APP/L3245/W/20/3251667. His decision is awaited.                              Meetings: the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd
20/02519/OUT (new application) - Outline application (all                     July 2020 at 7.00pm and will take place via Zoom. That meeting
matters reserved) for the erection of 12 dwellings and operational            will be followed by the EGM mentioned above, at 7.00pm on
supporting development (revised scheme) at land to the east of                Wednesday 12th August 2020 to deal with planning application
The Moors View, Diddlebury.                                                   20/02519/OUT.
DPC will be considering this application at an EGM on the                     Requests for invitations to join these meeting must be emailed to
12th August at 7.00pm via a Zoom remote meeting. Anyone                       the Clerk via
who wishes to join in this Zoom meeting must send a request                   Contacts: if parishioners have any queries or concerns, please
for an invitation to the Clerk via a dedicated email address -                contact either the Chairman or the Clerk.

           Agendas and full copies of the Minutes can be viewed by visiting the Diddlebury Parish Council website at:
                  or obtained from the Clerk, Mrs J de Rusett,
         No. 1 Pipe Aston Barns, Pipe Aston, Ludlow SY8 2HG. Tel: 01568 770 741. email:

                                         ABDON AND HEATH PARISH COUNCIL
        Summary of Minutes of Abdon and Heath Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 2nd July 2020 via Zoom
Present: Cllr Durnall (Chair), Cllrs Price, Yarwood, Trim and Snow;           out. Some were returned. There have been adverts in local magazines
Clerk: W. Richards.                                                           and on notice boards. The Clerk has five spare but residents have been
Public involvement: No members of the public involved.                        contacting her for missing kits. Signs will be erected by the Police
                                                                              around parishes.
Absences: Cllr Motley Shropshire Council.
                                                                              Highways, including Potholes: The previous list remains. The top road
Declarations of interest: None.                                               in Abdon is bad, as are the sections from Manor House to Upper House,
Approval of last meetings minutes: the minutes of the meeting held            by the Village Hall. Wynetts, and Tugford to Abdon. Tugford Phone Box
on 9th January 2020 had been distributed and unanimously approved.            is in bad state of repair. This was discussed and Cllr Trim volunteered to
Signature TBC.                                                                clean it: thanks given.
Finance: Approval of Audit - Internal audit completed by H. Audin             Correspondence: Emails to the Clerk were discussed and copies of Cllr
voluntarily: thanks given. The accounts are exempt from external audit        Motley’s report were distributed.
due to the low turnover. Opening balance was £5,829, Income £1,460,           Items of consideration for the next meeting: Cllr L. Durnall wishes
Outgoing £1,785. Closing Balance £5,504.                                      to stand down as Chairman and proposed Cllr Snow. Seconded by Cllr
Budget going forward: There had been no marquee income due to                 Price and unanimously agreed.
Covid-19. The Budget was discussed The EMO cost £225 last year and            Date of next meeting: Thursday 13th August: AGM. 7:30pm
it was agreed to continue at same level.
                                                                              There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:42
SmartWater update: West Mercia Police have posted all of the packs

            Next meeting: Thursday 13th August (AGM) 7:30pm • To see full copy of minutes please contact the Clerk
   ABDON & HEATH PARISH COUNCIL ( Including: Balaam’s Heath, Baucott, Brookhampton, Holdgate & Tugford
                   Wendy Richards - Parish Clerk: Tel: 07813 271 274

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