Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré

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Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
is a leading European independent provider of
brokerage and consulting services specializing
in property & casualty and life & health
insurance and the provision of corporate
                                                            SIACI SAINT HONORE, partner of culture,
services with strong market positions in         supports the reconstruction of Notre Dame cathedral.
Europe and around the world.

                              Corporate risk insurance
                                        Market Report
                                                    2020 Renewals
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
CULTURE OF                                                    CONTENTS
        2019                                            5.    FOREWORD

        THE CULTIVATION                                 6.    INNOVATING FOR OUR CLIENTS

                          is an European leader
   IS ABOVE ALL A STATE   in risk management
                                                        12.   REINSURANCE ALTERNATIVE TRANSFER

               OF MIND    consulting and insurance      14.   THIRD PARTY & ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY
                          brokerage with strong
                          international growth across   16.   CONSTRUCTION
                          all of its markets.
                                                        20.   MOTOR FLEETS
                          With entrepreneurial
                          shareholders, and             22.   FINANCIAL RISKS
                          shareholding management
                                                        26.   MARINE & CARGO
                          and employees, the Group’s
                          independence and the          30.   POLITICAL RISKS
                          development of its culture
                          of excellence are             34.   CREDIT - SURETY
                          guaranteed.                   36.   AVIATION
                                                        38.   CINEMA-AUDIOVISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS-CANCELLATION
                                                        40.   SPORT & GLOBAL EVENTS
                                                        42.   SIACI GLOBAL PARTNERS
                                                        44.   GLOBAL OVERVIEW OF THE INSURANCE MARKET
                                                        46.   PARTNER OF CULTURE
                                                        47.   AN INDEPENDENT EUROPEAN LEADER
                                                        48.   2018 KEY FIGURES
                                                        49.   INTERNATIONAL
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré

Hervé Houdard
Vice Chairman of the Executive Board
Managing Director

                     The worsening financial results reported by players in the direct insurance market are
                     leading to a hardening of coverage and pricing conditions while, in comparison, the
                     reinsurance market remains stable and very steady, as was confirmed at the Rendez-
                     Vous de Monte Carlo conference in September 2019.

                     In this strained economic climate for all players in the corporate risk market, the
                     teams at SIACI SAINT HONORE have made every effort, based on their day-to-day
                     dealings with their clients and insurers and reinsurers in France and around the world,
                     to provide an accurate forecast of renewal conditions.

                     We hope you find it useful.

                        With its values of independence, expertise, innovation and availability rooted
                        in its corporate culture, SIACI SAINT HONORE anticipates changing trends
                        in markets and risks to find solutions which guarantee the security and
                        development of its clients.
                        The cultivation of excellence is above all a state of mind.

SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                             2020 MARKET REPORT   5
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré

                                                                                                                                    “      In this market context, SIACI SAINT HONORE provides sustainable,

                                                                                                                                           innovative solutions in the ongoing pursuit of its clients’ interests.

                                                                                                                                    Against this backdrop, SIACI SAINT HONORE continues to seek innovative solutions
    Mylène Poisson-Lebel                                                                                                            supported by clear, proactive communication.
    Director of Markets and Placement                                                                                               Our added value is based on our ability to put forward innovative angles and alternative
    Corporate Risk and Insurance                                                                                                    arrangements in the ongoing pursuit of our clients’ interests and establish sustainable
                                                                                                                                    partnerships between our clients and their insurers.

                                                                                                                                    Nevertheless, it remains important to monitor future economic trends:
                                     In 2019, the players in the insurance market had to adjust their results, resulting in
                                                                                                                                    Will we see Brexit in 2020 or the renewal of the transition period? What impact will
Foreword                             increased vigilance on high-risk business and/or specific activities leading to delayed
                                                                                                                                    that have on our business lines?
                                     renewal conditions which varied from one insurer to another and even within the
                                     same insurance company (terminations, decreased capacity and pricing increases).               What will be the effect of the presidential elections in the United States and certain
Lines of Expertise                                                                                                                  regions of Africa?
                                     Looking ahead to 2020, we can see that the insurance market is more reactive while
                                     the trend in the reinsurance market remains more nuanced and positive.                         How will European countries be impacted by the growing litigation culture in the
Global Overview                                                                                                                     United States and the reverberations from the US insurance market with its losses
                                     We are not seeing a generalized, dogmatic inversion of the cycle; there can be no              in Third-Party Liability?
                                     windfall effect for insurers, but alternative, pragmatic and constructive discussions
Our Group                            thanks to SIACI SAINT HONORE’s skills in forward planning, negotiation and                     Will we be victims of a major cyber-attack requiring countries to establish rules to
                                     innovation, skills which are increasingly in demand, tried and tested.                         provide coverage over and above a certain amount as was the case after 9/11?

                                     Even if we are no longer seeing a downward trend, the upward swing in the direct               Our analysis, our projects and our negotiating strengths, together with our influential
                                     insurance market remains focused on the insurance branches identified in 2019                  role within the insurance and reinsurance market, are at the heart of our approach and
                                     and on activities which have incurred losses and/or where there is a high level of             constitute a shared and integral driver of our placement strategy policy in this context.
                                     exposure (manufacturing processes, product recall, geographical areas, and US

                                     This upward swing, triggered by a worsening loss experience, has led to a reduction
                                     in capacity, admittedly theoretical in absolute terms but nevertheless real, through the
                                     closure of underwriting desks at international insurers and even at Lloyd’s syndicates,
                                     as well as the issue of the insurability of certain risks and certain industrial activities.

           6    2020 MARKET REPORT                                                                            SIACI SAINT HONORE    SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                       2020 MARKET REPORT   7
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
General trend                                  Market capacity
                                           We saw a significant strengthening of the      With combined capacity of more than
                                           market at the end of 2018, particularly        €6 billion, unchanged from 2018, the
                                           for business with high-level fire risks,       Property and Casualty insurance market
                                           machinery breakdown, critical natural          continues to have excess capacity.
                                           events, supplier failures and/or files where
                                           claims had been made.                          The AXA CS & XL CATLIN merger (AXA
                                                                                          XL) represents a potential reduction of
                                           This trend became more marked in               5%, which will not be significant in terms       Frédéric Durot
                                           the second quarter of 2019 with the            of capacity supply and will be offset by
                                           negotiation of the 2019 renewals in July       organic growth.
                                                                                                                                           Property & Casualty
                                           and preparations for the 2020 renewals.
                                                                                          Two players are currently moving into
                                           In addition to double-digit pricing            Property and Casualty insurance,
                                           increases, there was a reduction in the        PACIFICA in the SME/SMI market who
                                           market share of the lead insurers in           will not be dealing with brokers, and
                                           volatile business lines due to their claims    BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY (BHSI) on
                                           experience and/or their exposure, with         the major accounts market.

                                           increased demand for prevention and

                     Property & Casualty   By the end of the Rendez-Vous de Monte
                                           Carlo conference in September 2019, it
                                           could be seen that this remedial measures
                                           were being driven more by the direct           Other than in exceptional cases such as
                                           insurance market than the reinsurance          business where risks are deemed to be
                                           market whose positions are more stable.        lower (real estate, airports, metalwork,
                                                                                          well-insured non-cellular plastics, etc.) the
                                           This is illustrated by worsening results       pricing increases applied are in double-
                                           from the major property and casualty           digits.
                                           insurers following 2017 which was marked
Foreword                                   by the natural events Harvey, Irma and         Accounts where claims have been made
                                           Maria (H.I.M.) and an increase in the          and/or where risks are volatile are seeing
                                           number of fire losses.                         increases of 25% or more.
Lines of Expertise
                                           Moreover, some insurers receive                Insurers, and in particular the large lead
                                           instructions from their branches based         insurers, have a policy of reducing their
Global Overview                            in the US, the UK or Germany, markets          market shares, which puts pressure on
                                           where there have been large pricing            placements. This serves to accentuate
                                           increases since 2018.                          the rising pricing trend.
Our Group
                                           Long-term agreements, and/or extensions        Additional retention (captives) is a tool
                                           to them, are more difficult to obtain          that helps mitigate increases or even
                                           and are no longer rewarded by pricing          preserve the insurability of the most
                                           reductions.                                    significant risks.

                                           SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                         2020 MARKET REPORT              9
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
Coverage improvement
                                                     Regulation                                           First Party Silent Cyber
     Long-term agreements and/or extensions
     to them are more difficult to obtain in spite   The subject of the BEAT tax in the
     of pricing increases.                           US, where the market had struggled
                                                     to position itself in 2018, has now
     We are not seeing guaranteed reductions         been addressed by all major lead                 Among the symptoms of a hard Property & Casualty market is adversity to risks deemed to add volatility
     other than in Supplier Failure at tier 2       insurers.                                        to an already suffering Property & Casualty branch.
     or higher which is subject to restrictions
      and the special case of FM Global who          In practice, the reinsurance of                  Exposure to critical Natural events, CBI (supplier failure), and NDBI (non-damage business interruption)
      are reviewing some of the extensions           local policies in the US is treated              is affected and Cyber even more so, especially as the insurance of cyber risks is a branch which is now
      which make their riders so generous (in        in such a way (direct reinsurance                structured in terms of underwriting, brokerage and the insurance and reinsurance markets.
      particular in Cyber).                          by co-reinsurers) that the tax (5%
                                                     in 2018, 10% in 2019 and 12.5% in                Cyber extensions for both direct Damage (data recovery) and Consequential business interruption
     The phenomenon of the Yellow vests            2020) does not apply.                            losses are now either refused by the Property and Casualty insurers, or maintained at very low levels,
     has led some insurers to raise the issue
                                                                                                      a maximum of €1 million, and are subject to complex questionnaires which seem somewhat irrelevant
     of the duration of an event, whether
                                                                                                      to the insureds’ IT departments.
     in relation to Political violence or, by
     analogy, Natural events.
                                                                                                      In a hard market, some insurers and reinsurers want to challenge the coverage of material damage
                                                                                                      caused by Cyber-related factors. This challenge ranges from a strict exclusion to the exclusion of damage
                                                                                                      other than fire or explosion or, more moderately, a sub-limit.
     Claims                                                                                           We believe it is not necessarily appropriate to cover Cyber risks within a Property & Casualty program,
                                                                                                      whether it be loss of data, service failures or business interruption due to a simple loss of data.
     There were several fire losses of more
     than €20 million in 2019, particularly in                                                        The wording of Property & Casualty policies is not designed to cover slow-developing Cyber phenomena
     the waste sector but also in agrifood and                                                        in space and time. As a result, Cyber coverage within a Property & Casualty policy may not provide the
     logistics. This type of claim is on the rise                                                     correct response. Our philosophy is that Cyber must be covered by policy wordings which have been
     and impacts on the results and the attitude                                                      adapted, constructed and negotiated by expert brokers and specialized insurers.
     of insurers. More than ever, prevention is
     the key to negotiating successful terms                                                          On the other hand, we are always against material consequences and the resultant Business interruption
     and conditions.                                                                                  losses being excluded or restricted, what is known as Silent Cyber.

     Yellow vests: the impact of this                                                                 A fire in a transformer, an explosion in a chemical reactor, machinery breakdown in a turbine, caking in a
     phenomenon in 2018/2019 has been                                                                 glass or metal-melting furnace, or a batch of wafers ruined during the etching process in a semiconductor
     significant, generating more than €150                                                           plant cannot be excluded or limited because they were caused by a Cyber-attack.
     million in Property & Casualty and
     Business Interruption claims, not including                                                      Likewise, the Cyber market does not have the capacity to cover the potential maximum level of claims
     non-damage business interruption losses                                                          arising from scenarios such as this nor the expertise to assess this type of industrial risk.
     which are seldom insured.
                                                                                                      Some reinsurers want Property & Casualty policies to specify their position more clearly in terms of
     Natural events: after 2017 and its critical                                                      Cyber and Silent Cyber. We agree it is preferable for policy wordings to be direct rather than implied.
     natural events (total insured losses: $144
     billion including Harvey, Irma & Maria at
     $92 billion), global claims in 2018 were
     significant at $80 million, the highest since
     2012, excluding 2017.

     There have been no major Natural event
     losses in 2019 but the hurricane season
     in the Caribbean and the Southeast of
     the US (mid-August to late October) will
     set the trend as it often does.

10   2020 MARKET REPORT                                                   SIACI SAINT HONORE   SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                                   2020 MARKET REPORT     11
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
Variations in interest rates have had a           After a record year in 2017 marked by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  major impact on reinsurers’ results. In 2019,     losses from natural disasters of €135 billion,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  assets managed by the sector amount               2018 was also difficult for reinsurers (€76
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to around USD 29,000 billion worldwide,           billion). Damage due to natural disasters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  including around EUR 7,800 billion in the         in 2017 and 2018 combined amounted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  euro zone (source: ECB).                          to €200 billion, the highest amount ever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    recorded over a two-year period.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  According to an impact study conducted in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2019, the 1% increase in returns on assets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  managed by reinsurers is equivalent on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  average to a 6.5% increase in premiums.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alternative risk transfer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Etienne Charpentier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  In early August 2019, the US central bank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Captives                                                     Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (the Federal Reserve or Fed) announced                                                                           Alternative Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a reduction in interest rates of around 0.25      The number of captives decreased                               and Transfers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  percentage points taking them to below            between 2014 and 2018 both globally and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2.25% for the first time in eleven years          in Europe, in line with developments in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and investors expect further reductions           P & C markets.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in the coming quarters from all central                       Number of captives at 31/12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  banks. For P&C reinsurers, the effects of                 (excluding cells and compartments)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  interest rate cuts should therefore lead to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7 000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the same upward pricing trend on portfolios

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  as for insurers, even if the structure of their

                             Alternative transfer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6 800
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6 874
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  liabilities will allow them to spread these                        6 778
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  increases over time. Even if reinsurance          6 600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6 700
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  should not be directly impacted, at the time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6 400
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of writing uncertainty persists regarding                                              6 451
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Doha Tabouri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6 337
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Brexit and the long-term impacts on the           6 200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  reinsurance market.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6 000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  On the French market, requests for                         2014    2015    2016        2017           2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Source : Business Insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the transfer of Facultative Reinsurance
                              Reinsurance                                                                         Combined ratios of
                                                                                                             the top 50 global reinsurers                                                                         are increasing. The change in insurers’
Foreword                                                                                                                                                                                                          underwriting policies due to worsening            In Europe, the decrease is due mainly to
                              After two years, 2017 and 2018, which                               120
                                                                                                          89,7          90,4          95,2           110,1        102,3
                                                                                                                                                                              8                                   results has resulted in additional internal       the closure of captives which had been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  referral requirements leading to decreases
Lines of Expertise            were marked by a large number of Natural                            100                                                33,6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    set up in Guernsey since 2016.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Provision - Recovery rate (%)
                              event losses, the reinsurance market is                             80
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in their net retention. The most impacted
                                                                                Combined ratios

                                                                                                          33,5          34,2          34,7
                              going through a period of transition in an                          60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  activities are those with high volatility:        Given the hardening of the terms being

Global Overview               uncertain global economic environment.                              40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  agrifood, automotive, petrochemicals,             offered and the pricing increases seen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in the P&C market, this trend has now
                              At a global level, the margins of major                                     56,2          56,2          60,6           76,5          68,2       2                                   waste, and metallurgy.
                              reinsurers are at historically low levels while                     20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reversed with a wave of captives planned in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Moreover, the nature of requests for the
Our Group                     the reversal of provisions to improve the                            0
                                                                                                          2014          2015          2016           2017          2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  transfer of Facultative Reinsurance has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2019 for several French groups, particularly
                              loss ratio has been a frequent occurrence                                                                                                                                                                                             in Luxembourg and Malta.
                                                                                                        Expense Ratio          Global C/P           Provision recovery rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  evolved: even if requests for de-risking
                              for some years now. Room for maneuver                                                                          Source: AM Best data and research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  remain at a high level, for example in            The programs in question are tranches
                              is very limited in this field.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  damage coverage for particular sites or           of property & casualty and third-party
                              By way of reminder, the combined ratios           Traditional capital available in the                                                                                              through the transfer of tranches of internal      liability retention with these captives also
                              in the reinsurance market were greater            reinsurance market has been stable                                                                                                deductibles, requests for the transfer of         serving the purpose of directly accessing
                              than 100% in 2017 and 2018.                       since 2014 while the amount of alternative                                                                                        quota shares are increasingly significant         the reinsurance market.
                                                                                capital has doubled over the same period.                                                                                         thus pushing up transfer volumes.
                              At a global level there is still surplus                                                                                                                                                                                              In addition, the French authorities stated
                                                                                However, the rapid growth in alternative
                              capacity in reinsurance, with traditional                                                                                                                                           As far as pricing is concerned, in a general      intention to attract captives is generating
                                                                                capital anticipated by some observers
                              reinsurance accounting for approximately                                                                                                                                            context of increased P&C premiums in the          interest in France for the 2020/2021
                                                                                following the accommodating monetary
                              80% of global capacity and the remaining                                                                                                                                            direct market, reinsurers are tending to          renewals, even though the regulatory
                                                                                policies pursued by the central banks,
                              20% coming from.                                                                                                                                                                    become competitive again.                         framework, which has introduced a more
                                                                                including the ECB since 2012, has not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    flexible provisioning regime, has not
                                                                                come to pass. This trend should be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    changed despite lobbying by industry
                                                                                confirmed in 2019/2020.

         12   2020 MARKET REPORT                                                                                                                SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                                 2020 MARKET REPORT                        13
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
Pricing                                         Coverage improvement
                                                                                                                              The market continues on a downward trend        Insurers are more cautious than before
                                                                                                                              mainly on medium-sized risks with little        when it comes to coverage extensions and
                                                                                                                              exposure and no losses.                         exclusion waivers, especially on recently
                                                                                                                                                                              written business.
                                                                                                                              On the other hand, business where there
                                                                                                                              have been losses or which have more             They study them on a case-by-case
                                                                                                                              sophisticated coverage is being subjected       basis subject to being provided with good
                                                                                                                              to remedial measures (pricing increases,        quality technical information. Underwriting
                                                                                                                              increased retention using deductibles or the    restrictions are tending towards greater            Marion Ory
                                                                                                                              development of captive arrangements, or         standardization rather than customization.          Director
                                                                                                                              even reduced coverage…). It is important to                                                         Third-Party and
                                                                                                                              underline that certain business sectors due                                                         Environmental Liability
                                                                                                                              to their high exposure to the risk of product
                                                                                                                              withdrawals, recalls or contamination are
                                                                                                                              no longer benefiting from soft market

                              Third Party &                                                                                   Claims

        03                    Environmental Liability                                                                         The number of claims continues to rise due         Regulated Professions
                                                                                                                              to an ever-increasing claims culture, the          Capacity in Professional Third-Party Liability for Regulated Professions
                                                                                                                              development of even stricter regulations           remains stable with high levels which vary depending on the business
                                                                                                                              and an ever-growing demand for coverage            sector.
                                                                                                                              of environmental risks.
                              General trend                                                                                                                                      The Legal and Accountancy sectors continue to see good loss ratios
                                                                                                                                                                                 which make it possible for insurers to maintain capacity. However, a
                                                                                                                              The loss ratios of third-party liability
                                                                                                                              insurers are worsening, requiring higher           worsening of results can be seen on some symbolic key accounts.
                              At a time of rising claims and concentration   Awareness of environmental risks on the
                              of players, the French Corporate Liability     part of businesses and increasing exposure       premiums to cover the same risks.                  In other sectors, worsening results have led the market to make a
Foreword                      Insurance market is hardening.                 in this area (ecological damage, damage          In addition, insurers are strongly impacted
                                                                                                                                                                                 number of technical adjustments and further restrict underwriting
                                                                             to biodiversity, etc.) are contributing to the                                                      policy. Exits from the market continue particularly in the real estate
                              Good-quality risks continue to obtain                                                           by claims for the cost of the withdrawal/          diagnostics sector. Overall, the good loss experience means that
                                                                             development of insurance in this sector.
Lines of Expertise            the same or even attractive budgetary                                                           recall/ contamination of products which            pricing remains stable.
                              conditions while loss-making business now                                                       are significantly damaging their results,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Increases remain marginal and are applied to certain loss-making
                              often faces remedial action confirming a                                                        and many sectors are affected: agrifood,
Global Overview               trend seen in 2018 and reinforced during
                                                                             Market capacity                                  automotive, cosmetology, pharmaceuticals,
                                                                                                                                                                                 accounts (real estate professions, real estate agents, real estate
                                                                                                                                                                                 diagnostics, etc.). The small number of players in this sector limits
                              the 2019 renewals.                                                                              and mass distribution.
                                                                             The capacity available to companies is                                                              competition. Coverage remains stable even though per-loss coverage
Our Group                     In general, insurers are continuing to grant   slightly down: Tokio Marine’s withdrawal         The review of the underwriting policies for        is subject to discussion and increasingly difficult to negotiate.
                              long-term agreements (LTAs) of 2 or even       from underwriting, the uncertainty               these types of coverage, begun in 2019,            For some more exposed sectors such as real estate and finance,
                              3 years or agree to negotiate rollovers.       regarding future underwriting policy and         has been confirmed in particular through           insurers are tending more and more to limit their coverage.
                              On the other hand, pricing reductions          the capacity rolled out by the AXA CS/XL         reduced capacity, the increase in retentions       Deductible levels remain low which means insurers can target them
                              remain exceptional and we are even seeing      group is influencing the market.                 and geographical restrictions.                     if results are poor.
                              increases during LTAs. Compliance rules        In addition, the worsening of combined                                                              Regulations are particularly cumbersome and new insurance
                              are being applied much more strictly.          ratios across the branch raises fears of                                                            requirements are regularly produced such as Intermediaries in
                              The market remains competitive on good         a reduction in the commitments of some                                                              Participatory Financing, or even the merger of some professions
                              quality risks and for mid-cap companies        insurers who are already becoming more                                                              (bailiffs, auctioneers) and interprofessionality.
                              excluding sensitive activities such as         and more selective in their underwriting.                                                           Specialist insurers are adjusting fairly well to these regulatory and
                              pharmaceuticals, oil, chemicals, medical,      This phenomenon can already be seen                                                                 organizational developments by making changes to policy wordings
                              automotive and agrifood.                       for some risks which have seen losses,                                                              and coverage.
                                                                             making it necessary to resort to more
                              Insurers are keeping a closer eye on the       co-insurance. However, the arrival of
                              number of increases in claims and we are       new players such as Berkshire Hathaway
                              seeing more frequent claims assessments        should be borne in mind.
                              and more requests for risk audits.

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Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
Pricing                                           Coverage improvement
                                                                                                                            The upcoming pricing increase in the               echnical Risks/Construction All
                                                                                                                            continental market was preceded by a              Risks (France): an increase in demand
                                                                                                                            hardening of the London market. However, it       for coverage in the field of renewable and
                                                                                                                            remains attractive for atypical hard-to-ensure    geothermal energy and photovoltaics can
                                                                                                                            risks in the French market.                       be clearly seen again this year.
                                                                                                                                                                              Nevertheless, few insurers are working
                                                                                                                                                 London      Continental      on developing new products to support            Édouard Marron
                                                                                                                                                 Market        Europe         their clients.                                   Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Construction & Energy
                                                                                                                             Liability                                        Severe restrictions on the coverage of
                                                                                                                                                                              natural events may come into play from
                                                                                                                             General                                          2020. Insurers are becoming reluctant in
                                                                                                                                            +5% to + 15% Stable at + 5%
                                                                                                                                                                              this area, calculating their exposure very
                                                                                                                             Excess /      + 2,5 % to + 5%                    carefully and reducing their risk more and
                                                                                                                                                           Stable at + 5%
                                                                                                                             Umbrella       + 5% à + 10%                      more often by increasing the deductible
                                                                                                                                                                              or the rate or even making significant
                                                                                                                             Professional                                     reductions in coverage.
                                                                                                                                          +50% to + 200% + 5% to + 25%

        04                    Construction
                                                                                                                                                                               ontractor’s Liability insurers continue to
                                                                                                                                                                              look closely at operating procedures, from
                                                                                                                             Annual                             Stable        design to implementation and the quality
                                                                                                                                            +20% to + 40%                     of the products and materials being used
                                                                                                                             program                           at + 25%
                                                                                                                                                                              on construction sites.
                                                                                                                                           Stable at + 15% + 5% to + 10%
                                                                                                                             projects                                         Coverage of financial loss remains limited.
                                                                                                                                                                              The insurance market is adapting to
                                                                                                                                                                              operational constraints and making efforts
                                                                                                                            In T
                                                                                                                                echnical Risks/Construction All              to adapt to new needs.
                              General trend                                  Market capacity                                Risks (France),the rates envisaged for
Foreword                                                                                                                    2020 are certainly no longer following a          Questions continue to be asked about the
                                                                                                                            downward trend but neither are they clearly       scope of mandatory Decennial Liability
                              The insurance market continues to undergo      Capacity in terms of T   echnical Risks/      on the rise. The conditions which emerge          insurance.
Lines of Expertise            great change with the arrival of new players   Construction All Risks (France) r emains      clearly will essentially be more adapted to
                                                                                                                                                                              With the current development of the
                              who, unlike traditional insurers, are more     stable in this competitive market.             the risk than to the client’s circumstances.
                                                                                                                                                                              construction sector (Building Information
                              inventive and innovative, particularly when
Global Overview               it comes to Construction All Risks.            In Contractor’s Liability, capacity stands   Pricing conditions for drilling and offshore      Modeling or BIM and energy performance),
                                                                             at around €500 million which is largely        risks remain extremely high due to the            insurers are developing new products to
                              With the emergence of new needs from           insufficient for major French projects.        shortage of players and/or the total              support their clients, most often in the
Our Group                     clients seeking dynamism and speed,                                                           withdrawal of some players in these               form of optional coverage, distinct from
                              these new players are managing to adapt        The recent failure of players in the           sectors. Following a significant decline in       the decennial requirement, for fear of
                              to the demand and to offer new, simple         Contractor’s Liability market have             Contractor’s Liability in recent years,         destabilizing the system set up under
                              and flexible products without necessarily      strengthened the position of traditional        prices are tending to rise.                      the Spinetta law. The trend is towards
                              being more competitive but wholly in line      insurers and so limited the amount of                                                            digitalization of the offering.
                              with client expectations.                      capacity available.                            A hardening of the market can be seen for
                                                                                                                            risks where losses have occurred where it
                              Construction and civil engineering             In Decennial Liability, both the corporate   is sometimes difficult to seek compensation
                              companies continue to export their             and engineering sectors remain open.           (in particular due to a lack of insurance) or
                              expertise internationally in an attempt        There is, however, reluctance in the market    in more exposed business sectors.
                              to conquer new markets, particularly in        to cover certain risks, particularly in the
                              Eastern Europe, Asia and South America,        field of renewable energies and innovative      ecennial Liability c onditions are following
                              leading insurers to rethink their business     techniques.                                    the same trend as Contractor’s Liability
                              model and expand their reach.                                                                 insurance.

         16   2020 MARKET REPORT                                                                      SIACI SAINT HONORE    SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                            2020 MARKET REPORT              17
Corporate risk insurance Market Report - 2020 Renewals - Siaci Saint Honoré
Regulation                                       Claims
                                                                                                                  Renewable Energy
     The ruling of May 16, 2018 transposes            The high level and frequency of claims in
     Directive (EU) 2016/97 of January 20, 2016       the Construction sector continues. Players
     on the Insurance Distribution Directive          in this sector are constantly reducing costs
     or IDD into French law. In this respect          (lower quality materials and less qualified        Of the players operating in the Renewable Energy segment, only a few have developed
     it reinforces and unifies the regulatory         staff) but we are seeing the slow structuring      a specific Renewable Energy line. Capacity is €70 million (Construction/Operation/
     framework of commercial practices                of after-sales services.
                                                                                                         Financial losses).
     within the insurance sector by creating
     a new legal regime which applies to the          Our observations remain the same as
                                                                                                         Market capacity is more limited when it comes to m
                                                                                                                                                           ethanation. Few insurers want to
     distribution of insurance products and no        last year: a significant increase in the
                                                                                                         commit to this type of high-exposure risk and a process which is still recent.
     longer only to intermediation.                   average cost per claim (which has tripled
                                                      in 10 years) and in the number of legal            Capacity remains stable in Hydroelectricity but varies from one insurer to another.
     The IDD is structured around 5 main pillars:     cases. This phenomenon means much
                                                      longer handling and settlement times               The local market has little or no capacity for offshore renewable energy and insurers
      rofessional capacity: Distributors must
                                                      and a resulting proportional increase in           seem unwilling to get involved in this sector which is struggling to develop in France.
     have the appropriate knowledge and skills
                                                      management fees.
     to meet the needs of clients.                                                                       Insurers remain reluctant to provide coverage for rooftop photovoltaics, particularly
      uty of advice: T
     D                      he distributor must      The impact of this high loss ratio is inevitably   because of the very high number of claims and the low level of pooling across the
     provide clear information on the product         reflected in an increase in premiums and a         portfolio.
     through a traceable advisory process             hardening of the conditions being granted.
                                                                                                         High-level and frequent claims in existing onshore wind farm portfolios could reduce
     making it possible to source all objective       SIACI SAINT HONORE is adapting
     information on the product before making                                                            the scope of the coverage being offered by insurers.
                                                      its insurance programs while offering
     a decision with full knowledge of the facts.     alternatives to its clients through innovative     Drilling operations and the resulting high-level losses severely restrict Geothermal
     I nformation: D   etails on the type of        and adapted claims management service.             capacity. Pricing conditions remain costly and there is low-level involvement by insurers.
      insurance, summaries of coverage,
      arrangements for the payment of
      premiums, key exclusions, obligations,
      policy duration, etc.
      ransparency: R
     T                      emuneration and
     conflicts of interest: control of capital, and
     justification (preliminary market analysis).
      roduct governance and transparency:
     The players are responsible for ensuring
      that the product and its distribution meet
      actual needs.
     In the context of the IDD, SIACI SAINT
     HONORE has worked to ensure its
     Construction insurance offerings comply
     with the standards by creating a database
     of Insurers to guarantee a comprehensive
     and impartial market consultation for each
     piece of business, while standardizing our
     responses in order to provide our clients
     with added technical value based on clear
     and objective criteria.

18   2020 MARKET REPORT                                                           SIACI SAINT HONORE
Pricing                                          Insured vehicle
                                                                                                                                After several years of strong competition
                                                                                                                                between insurers, prices are stabilizing
                                                                                                                                or increasing slightly on balanced risks.        The introduction of the Insured Vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                 Database in France in early 2019 was
                                                                                                                                However, remedial measures, budgets or           successfully implemented and is now fully
                                                                                                                                guarantees may be requested on business          operational.
                                                                                                                                with chronic deficits.                           Authorized players such as the French
                                                                                                                                The technical approach may differ from           Mandatory Insurance Fund (Fonds de               Laurent Nicolet
                                                                                                                                one insurer to another for the same risk.        Garantie des Assurances Obligatoires or          Director
                                                                                                                                This requires ongoing risk analysis and          FGAO), law enforcement agencies and              Motor Fleet
                                                                                                                                increasingly frequent market consultations       insurers can now access this data, which
                                                                                                                                by the broker.                                   should make it possible to reform how the
                                                                                                                                                                                 risk is managed in the short term as there
                                                                                                                                                                                 will be more effective sanctions for failing
                                                                                                                                                                                 to insure a vehicle.
                                                                                                                                Coverage improvement                             The introduction of this new tool will
                                                                                                                                                                                 ultimately have a positive impact for clients
                                                                                                                                The coverage provided by automobile              as the number of unsuccessful claims for

        05                    Motor Fleet                                                                                       insurers is by definition extremely stable       compensation due to a lack of insurance
                                                                                                                                and innovation in this field is almost non-      should significantly decrease.

                                                                                                                                On major risks where policy wording is
                                                                                                                                very broad, and exclusions are becoming             Emergence of
                                                                                                                                the exception, improvements are relatively
                                                                                                                                rare.                                               new type of risk
                                                                                                                                                                                    The last few years have seen
                              General trend                                      Market capacity
Foreword                                                                                                                                                                            the emergence and development

                              Insurers are placing increasingly high             The automotive market is mature enough
                                                                                                                                Claims                                              of a new way of using vehicles:
                                                                                                                                                                                    very short self-service hires or
Lines of Expertise            Third-Party Liability deductibles on large
                              risks which can reach €50,000 or more.
                                                                                 to allow its players to operate there with
                                                                                 effective placement management.
                                                                                                                                The average cost of material damage
                                                                                                                                                                                    car sharing (including between
                                                                                                                                                                                    private individuals) where a vehicle
                                                                                                                                claims is constantly rising (around 3% per
                                                                                                                                                                                    can be hired several times a day,
                              As a result, we are seeing an increase             Most insurers want to maintain or even         year) although this is offset by a drop in
Global Overview               in demand for self-insurance for clients           increase their automotive turnover as          frequency, particularly in large fleets where
                                                                                                                                                                                    chauffeured vehicles, electric
                                                                                                                                                                                    scooters, etc.
                              with large fleets of vehicles, leading to a        long as they remain within predefined          the prevention measures introduced several
                                                                                                                                years ago are successfully bearing fruit.           This type of risk has required
Our Group                     drop in the premium volumes transferred            standards.
                                                                                                                                                                                    efficient and costly IT tools to
                              to insurers.
                                                                                 However, where frequent high-level claims      The increase seen over many years in                closely monitor the hires and the
                              Although most insurers are resistant to            have been made, the business becomes           serious bodily injuries continues to grow and       resulting claims.
                              it, the setting up of self-insurance funds         more and more complex to place.                poses real problems in terms of balancing           Despite the implementation of these
                              directly managed by the broker can be                                                             the accounts, making it difficult to place          tools, it is clear that the claims
                              an effective solution for clients with the         This is the case of short-term hires,          some types of business.                             experience is not what the insurers
                              elimination of a large part of frictional costs.   passenger transportation (including
                                                                                                                                It is not unusual to see claims exceeding           would have wished.
                                                                                 fleets of chauffeured vehicles) and freight,
                              Some insurers will still agree to reinsure         particularly delivery services.                €5 million which greatly destabilizes not just      Many operators abandon the activity
                              this type of self-insurance fund in return                                                        the account but also the broker’s portfolio.        after only a few months in business.
                              for an excess premium which provides                                                                                                                  The sector is highly concentrated.
                                                                                                                                Retention by insurers, which is generally           The French Mobility Bill currently
                              protection for the policyholder if something
                                                                                                                                very high, means they bear the full cost, with      before Parliament should provide
                              goes wrong.
                                                                                                                                reinsurers only intervening on exceptionally        a more precise legal framework on
                              The trend is also towards higher                                                                  high-level claims.                                  the use of new means of mobility
                              deductibles, especially for large fleets.                                                                                                             and the resulting obligations for both
                                                                                                                                                                                    operators and hirers.

         20   2020 MARKET REPORT                                                                          SIACI SAINT HONORE    SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                           2020 MARKET REPORT                 21
In terms of pricing, the upward trend           More recently, the entry into force of the
                                                                                                                                continues and although the North American       new legislative provisions of October
                                                                                                                                markets saw demand for a pricing increase       2018 on the prevention of tax evasion will
                                                                                                                                of nearly 25% on average for a return to        raise questions about the scope of the
                                                                                                                                profitability at the beginning of the period,   coverage provided under Directors’ and
                                                                                                                                in the end the average increase has not         Officers’ Liability Insurance policies and
                                                                                                                                been as high in Europe. It is estimated to      how it interacts with the Third-Party Liability
                                                                                                                                have been less than 5% until July 2019          policies held by financial institutions.
                                                                                                                                for the major risks of French groups, with
                                                                                                                                increases exceeding 25% remaining               To answer these questions, it should be
                                                                                                                                exceptional.                                    borne in mind that insurance policies are              Mickaël Robart
                                                                                                                                                                                designed to provide the widest possible
                                                                                                                                A sharp increase has also been seen in                                                                 Director
                                                                                                                                                                                coverage of the consequences of directors’             Financial Risks
                                                                                                                                premium rates for IPO programs for listings     and officers’ liability in the course of
                                                                                                                                in Europe on EURONEXT.                          their duties, regardless of regulatory
                                                                                                                                The situation is even more complicated for      developments.
                                                                                                                                businesses being listed for the first time in
                                                                                                                                                                                The growing number of claims remains a
                                                                                                                                the US, especially on the NASDAQ. The
                                                                                                                                                                                global phenomenon. It is however, more
                                                                                                                                number of insurers likely to be involved
                                                                                                                                                                                prevalent in the United States and is linked
                                                                                                                                in these operations is very small and the
                                                                                                                                                                                to the growing number of Securities Class
                                                                                                                                conditions of coverage much poorer, with
                                                                                                                                                                                Actions but also affects other issues such

        06                    Financial Risks
                                                                                                                                premiums reaching exorbitant levels.
                                                                                                                                                                                as M&A transactions.
                                                                                                                                Driven by the loss experience, coverage
                                                                                                                                in fraud programs was reviewed in 2015          In Europe the settlement of major claims
                                                                                                                                with restrictions on the coverage of external   is illustrated by the case of the “carbon
                                                                                                                                fraud. Insurers have not moved from this        emissions fraud”. We continue to see the
                                                                                                                                position.                                       same increase in the frequency of claims
                                                                                                                                                                                particularly in Italy in relation to tax and the
                                                                                                                                In Directors’ and Officers’ Liability the       proliferation of class actions in Northern
                                                                                                                                quality of the coverage being negotiated        Europe. Tax litigation is on the rise and
                                                                                                                                remains excellent. Many extensions have         businesses leaders are being increasingly
                              Directors’ and                                  For the first time in over 10 years since         become standard and insurers have               affected in this area, including in France.
Foreword                                                                      the financial crisis, these measures have         agreed to review a number of exclusions
                              Officers’ Liability                             affected all geographical zones, North            and have clarified their position through       Claims against business leaders following
                                                                              America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle             the settlement of complex claims. Excess        data breaches are significant but are
Lines of Expertise            In 2019, driven by the international leaders,
                                                                              East.                                             insurers are flexible and more likely to        confined chiefly to North America
                              the Financial Lines market escalated the        While long-standing leaders such as               deliver drop-downs on sub-limits or
Global Overview               implementation of corrective measures to        AIG, CHUBB, AGCS or ZURICH have                   renewed capacity if limits are exhausted.
                              bring about a return to profitability in the
                              face of more frequent claims across all
                                                                              now significantly reduced their respective
                                                                              market shares, they nevertheless remain
                                                                                                                                The increase in the number of new
                                                                                                                                regulations and the high level of claims
                                                                                                                                                                                   2020 Outlook
Our Group                     lines and more particularly in Directors’       opinion leaders with the ability to take the      have led insurers to review the scope              A continuing trend of claims and defense costs on the increase.
                              and Officers’ Liability (Securities claims,     market with them.                                 of coverage of regulatory procedures
                              M&A, violation of anti-fraud regulations                                                          involving listed but also unlisted companies:      An uncertain global economic climate and the rise of repressive
                                                                              Total market capacity remains stable
                              and regulatory procedures).                                                                       anti-money laundering, anti-corruption and         regulations. The economic struggle driven by sanctions imposed by
                                                                              overall in spite of takeovers and in particular
                                                                                                                                embargoes. The issue of US sanctions               regulators using extraterritorial regulations will contribute to maintaining
                              Insurers have reviewed their underwriting       the creation of the new player, AXA XL.
                                                                                                                                on Iran will undoubtedly drive insurers to         a global upward trend in claims.
                              strategy and are now analyzing their entire     These mergers have, however, led to the
                                                                              redesign of insurance programs driven             impose new restrictions or exclusions.             Continuing upward pressure on premiums throughout the year,
                              portfolios with sometimes drastic decisions
                                                                              by a reduction in the overall cumulative                                                             with particular attention being paid to the first insurance lines being
                              in cases of worsening loss experience                                                             Insurers are offering new policy wordings
                                                                              capacity of these players.                                                                           purchased by major listed groups or those with assets in excess of
                              (zero tolerance and an attempt to reach                                                           and have defined a strategy for and drafted
                                                                                                                                                                                   €10 billion.
                              a balanced premium/claims ratio), pricing       In addition, most insurers are now                coverage of financial sanctions: AFA (the
                              conditions considered to be particularly low                                                      French Anti-Corruption Agency), FCPA,              Excess lines will not be sufficient to offset these increases due to
                                                                              limiting their front-line exposure to a
                              or companies undergoing great change/                                                             GDPR, tax administration, and so on, for           historically low rates that will also be under review.
                                                                              maximum of €15 million. This trend has
                              restructuring which present an aggravated       been accompanied by the positioning or            example by requesting the agreement                Due to the global trend being followed by all players, we also feel that
                              risk profile; worsening of results, strong      strengthening of some international players       of the regulatory authorities before any           competition between markets in different zones will have little effect
                              international growth through acquisition,       such as HCC, QBE, Navigators, Beazley,            payment of compensation related to a               on the competitiveness of the offerings.
                              stock market listing, etc.                      or ANV and Sompo.                                 sanction.

         22   2020 MARKET REPORT                                                                         SIACI SAINT HONORE     SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                            2020 MARKET REPORT                      23
Mergers & Acquisitions                                                                                                     Cyber

                                                                                                                      The global Cyber insurance market continues to grow and will soon reach $4 billion in premiums. Europe is
The US market has become extremely competitive and the purchase of W&I solutions has been extended to
                                                                                                                      late in adopting Cyber coverage. It currently accounts for only 10% of the premiums collected and France
certain sectors which had been previously refused or ignored, such as pharmaceuticals, energy, and even
                                                                                                                      less than €100 million. Global theoretical capacity remains high, at close to €800 million, with more suppliers
financial institutions, but also to all geographical zones.
                                                                                                                      but with each of them offering individually decreasing capacity.
In 2019 almost all M&A insurers withdrew from operations with strong Chinese connections due to a recent
                                                                                                                      The front-line premium rate will face upward pressure at renewals in this last quarter and early 2020. Moreover,
claim based on false accounting entries.
                                                                                                                      degression on Excess lines should also remain weak. Accordingly, by allocating premiums between vertical
The arrival followed by the rapid withdrawal of insurers from these markets had hampered the development of this      insurance lines, insurance companies are showing that they see the Cyber risk profile as catastrophic in
solution. The Asian insurance giants are also developing solutions to support Chinese investments in European         the extreme. This is a direct consequence of losses in the US but also lessons learned from the devastating
and US markets. We believe that some insurers should be able to sustain a long-term position in China and             NotPetya incident of 2017.
Southeast Asia with the support of specialized brokers and the development of local expertise.
                                                                                                                      That being said, given the level of development of Cyber insurance today, needs are far from being met even
In continental Europe and the United Kingdom, liability guarantee insurance initially used by investment funds        if business interruption coverage were to be included in a standalone cyber insurance program, the limits
is becoming more and more integrated into companies’ acquisition processes. Having been widely used in                available on the market would only cover a small portion of the estimated losses.
transactions in the United Kingdom for more than 20 years, it is now established in the Netherlands and the           The Cyber market provides coverage of only €500 million for Business interruption losses compared to €2
Nordic countries.                                                                                                     billion or more in the Property & Casualty market.
Although the first French transactions insured by the London market date back to the beginning of the 1990s,          However, the non-damage business interruption market is not intended to cover operating losses resulting
liability guarantee insurance has undeniably gained popularity in France in recent years, with an average of          from a malicious or accidental Cyber event.
150 insured transactions, including a growing percentage coming from corporate clients making acquisitions.
Southern Europe has long been behind but is catching up with France and many transnational transactions are           The most cautious insurance companies, pushed by their reinsurers, are adding non-cumulation and
taking place in Spain, Portugal and Italy.                                                                            maximum aggregate loss clauses to their Property damage and Cyber insurance policies to avoid claims
                                                                                                                      being made under two programs.
New players have recruited dedicated underwriting teams and overall theoretical capacity has increased to more
than €800 million. However, we have seen the withdrawal of some Lloyd’s syndicates which had relied on MGAs           However, property and casualty insurance programs must cover material damage resulting from a Cyber event
to develop their business, including on the continent. At the same time, insurers are segmenting their offerings      with no upper limit. Property & casualty insurers must therefore clarify their coverage in a positive manner.
and developing their expertise in Real Estate transactions (which now account for half of insured transactions)       A similar analysis can be drawn between third-party and professional liability insurance policies for events
and tax indemnity coverage solutions.                                                                                 causing bodily injury and/or material damage.
The number of claims is on the rise and effective claims management has boosted confidence in this product            The argument over the lack of Cyber risk pricing in traditional Third-Party Liability and Property & Casualty
and the fact that it is being recommended by lawyers and investment banks suggests this will continue.                policies is irrelevant in a market which is reviewing and analyzing its key accounts. Rather, the reason is to
                                                                                                                      be found in the lack of analysis of Cyber risks by traditional lines and the desire to maintain their profitability
Claims are mainly related to tax or the reliability of financial statements, although claims relating to employment
                                                                                                                      in this uncertain climate.
and employment contracts, in France and Spain in particular, are on the rise. Among the points to bear in mind
in terms of underwriting is the analysis by insurers of Cyber risk exposure with the insurers requiring insurance     Insurers’ efforts to adjust pricing conditions will also provide the opportunity to clarify the scope of the
due diligence to be carried out on the dedicated coverage purchased by the targets.                                   coverage in order to limit discussions on potential silent coverage.

The merger of two companies is a crucially vulnerable time in risk governance. The French National Cybersecurity
Agency, ANSSI, recently reminded companies of the need to include IT security in the acquisition process or
face the threat of negotiations being directly impacted, or the new entity being compromised financially or in           Together we will have to face the following key challenges:
terms of its reputation. In addition to separate security and vulnerability profiles, each entity may have specific
security priorities which need to be harmonized. There are more and more data regulations and, in terms of               ❙   Review exclusions from traditional P&C, Third-Party Liability and Marine programs to exclude only
compliance risks, we need to have a vision which encompasses and exceeds the European regulation, GDPR.                      what is covered under dedicated Cyber programs;
                                                                                                                         ❙   At the same time, limit Cyber products including coverage of bodily injury or material damage;
                                                                                                                         ❙   Ensure that cases of Cyber-Fraud affecting third parties are properly covered;
                                                                                                                         ❙   Maximize business interruption coverage and develop solutions which include Supplier and Client
                                                                                                                             failure in the business interruption coverage;
                                                                                                                         ❙   Clarify the terms of Cyber policies, for example the concept of Cyber war versus Cyber terrorism or
                                                                                                                             the definition of the insured’s information system;
                                                                                                                         ❙   Be aware of the underwriting intentions of insurers faced with the increased take-up of Cloud solutions
                                                                                                                             by insureds and the consequences for full coverage of the risks they generate.
Marine & Cargo                                   We are also seeing a trend reversal
                                                                                       with a reduction in the market shares
                                                                                       underwritten by each insurer and an
                                      The trend described in our 2018 edition,         increase in the number of co-insurers
                                      continues as we saw a further hardening of       whenever a significant amount of capacity
                                      conditions in the Marine insurance market        becomes available.
                                      in the first half of 2019. This trend is the
                                                                                       The capacity available depends on the
                                      ever-present consequence of the poor loss
                                                                                       business sector; apart from the Automotive
                                      ratio reported by insurers.
                                                                                       sector and certain raw materials, it is still
                                      In London, the first wave of capacity            accessible, with insurers favoring quality        Pierre Deleplanque
                                      reductions in 2018 was followed by               industrial business with no particular            Director
                                      a second, larger one, affecting some             technical profile.                                Marine & Cargo
                                      segments of the market more than others.
                                                                                       Excess capacity (over €50 million) is more
                                      Many Lloyd’s syndicates have ceased all          difficult to access and its price has often
                                      underwriting and others have been forced         increased from 20% to 50%.
                                      to reduce premiums while continuing to
                                                                                       The merger between AXA and XL has
                                      adjust pricing.
                                                                                       not yet had any real impact on the market.

                                      This is taking significant amounts of
                                                                                       We will be able to measure the effects of
                                      business away from the English market

                     Marine & Cargo
                                                                                       the new world leader’s policy in 2020 as
                                      to the continental market, with varying
                                                                                       it has been slow to get started.
                                      degrees of success. With a delay of
                                      approximately 6 months, the continental          More than ever, capacity purchasing
                                      market reacted less drastically but in a         strategy needs to be viewed across
                                      very noticeable manner.                          Europe as a whole and not only in the
                                                                                       French market.
                                      We are seeing the marked return of
                                      more disciplined underwriting across all         Large-scale, quality business can always
                                      segments.                                        be placed with good terms, including with
                                                                                       pricing reductions when the quality of the
                                      This reversal of trend manifests itself in
Foreword                              several ways:
                                                                                       statistical results allows.

                                      ❘    more selective underwriting
                                          A                                            The general trend, however, remains
Lines of Expertise                        policy, with the goal of profitability to   bullish to different degrees depending on
                                          the fore                                     the market segment.
                                                                                       In general, the creativity of brokers is being
Global Overview                       ❘    areful reading of the conditions
                                                                                       strongly challenged by insurers seeking to
                                          of coverage      w ith requests for
                                          amendments to or withdrawal of               return to basics.
Our Group                                 certain types of coverage allowing
                                                                                       In particular, storage coverage is
                                          the policies in question to be renewed
                                                                                       increasingly difficult to obtain from insurers
                                          under economic conditions acceptable
                                                                                       with reduced capacity on offer and the
                                          to the insurers
                                                                                       proliferation of warranties, sub-limits and
                                      ❘    equests for an increase in
                                          R                                            deductibles.
                                          deductibles o  r in the level of self-
                                          insurance through the increased use          With geopolitical tensions and incidents in
                                          of captives                                  the Persian Gulf, insurers have terminated
                                                                                       War Risk coverage and targeted energy
                                      ❘    ricing increases nevertheless
                                          P                                            products (oil and gas) operating in the
                                          targeting the least prof itable              region.
                                          compartments of the market, as a result
                                          of capacity withdrawals.

                                      SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                            2020 MARKET REPORT             27
The trend is still to expand integrated
     international insurance programs.
                                                                                                  Hull and P & I                                  The stability of P&I premiums observed at
                                                                                                                                                  the last renewal should in turn give way to
                                                       Regulation                                                                                 minimum increases of 2.50% to 5% at the
     Large and now mid-cap companies are                                                          After more than 10 years of almost              February 2020 renewal.
     adopting this strategy of managing their          Local insurance regulations are            continuous reductions in Hull and P&I
     transportation risks, assisted by brokers         being tightened up and there are           premiums, the change in market behavior         As far as Hull is concerned, an increase
     who are in a position to provide an               few countries where Non Admitted           was confirmed at the end of 2018.               in premiums of around 5% is expected on
     administration service, which for historical      Permitted (NAP) is still possible.                                                         good business. Some fleets with difficult
     reasons or reasons of efficiency (a single                                                   P&I renewals in the first quarter of            results are seeing their insurance budgets
     broker per country for all LOBs) is often         The effective management of                2019 were based mainly on unchanged             triple during renewals with major placement
     multi-network.                                    reinsurance and retrocession               premiums (but with possible adjustments         difficulties. The Yacht market is facing a
                                                       mechanisms is now essential                depending on the performance of each            sharp reduction in capacity and premiums
     The latest IUMI report describes losses           to optimize the operation of               policyholder). As for the Hull market,          are tending to increase from 20% to 100%,
     in a market greatly impacted by NAT CAT           international programs in an               its reversal was confirmed with almost          including business where no claims have
     events which increasingly worsening loss          increasingly restrictive environment.      systematic increases for all fleets, even       been made.
     ratios cannot absorb.                                                                        those with excellent results.
                                                       The tightening of sanctions,                                                               Finally, even if basic war risk rates (annual
     Added to this is the general average of           especially by the USA against Iran,        The London market was largely responsible       premium) have remained unchanged,
     the MV GRANDE EUROPA and MV                       Russia and some other countries,           for the market downturn, particularly Lloyd’s   with the geopolitical crisis in the Persian
     GRANDE AMERICA and the large-                     is driving insurers and brokers to         where 12 syndicates either stopped (10) or      Gulf, very significant additional war risk
     scale misappropriation of wheat stocks            be extremely strict when settling          limited (2) Hull business underwriting as       premiums now apply in this very busy
     in Ukraine.                                       claims but also upstream when the          of January 1, 2019 and where 80% of the         region.
                                                       insurance is being purchased.              syndicates reported global losses in 2018.
     It is in this worsening context that the                                                     Many international markets (particularly        Regulations, particularly European
     market over-reacts, particularly in London        Bulk sign-off agreements are still         in Asia) which depend directly, to varying      regulations, related on one hand to sanctions
     where Lloyd’s is on the frontline for all these   possible on a case-by-case basis,          degrees, on the underwriting capacity           and on the other to the increasingly specific
     risks.                                            after thorough due diligence               granted by Lloyd’s have in fact also            demands for identification of the final
                                                       has been carried out on the                reduced or simply stopped underwriting          beneficiaries of insurance policies, are
                                                       policyholder’s relationship with the       Hull business.                                  generating additional bureaucracy and
                                                       entities in sanctioned countries.                                                          restrictions to which the policyholders of
                                                                                                  The continental European market (in             the maritime world were unaccustomed.
                                                                                                  particular Scandinavia and France),
                                                                                                  which had more satisfactory loss ratios         With the introduction of sanctions, it has
                                                                                                  and financial results than London, is           become difficult or even impossible to do
                                                                                                  benefiting from this turnaround and, with       business with Iran and Venezuela.
                                                                                                  global capacity unchanged, is gaining
                                                                                                  market share.                                   Business involving Cuba is facing
                                                                                                                                                  increasing difficulties and is currently
                                                                                                  While there is no significant change, it is     prohibited at Lloyd’s.
                                                                                                  important to note that All risks coverage
                                                                                                  is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain
                                                                                                  for single and older vessels.

                                                                                                  As for war risks, the period of detention
                                                                                                  after which a total loss could be declared
                                                                                                  had been reduced from 12 to 6 months,
                                                                                                  but is now apparently being increasingly
                                                                                                  pushed back to 12 months.

28   2020 MARKET REPORT                                                      SIACI SAINT HONORE   SIACI SAINT HONORE                                                          2020 MARKET REPORT   29
The Terrorism and Political Violence            Overall capacity in the Terrorism and
                                                                                                                                 market has grown strongly in London over        Political Violence market has increased
                                                                                                                                 recent years and continues to grow in Paris     in recent years in respect of both pure
                                                                                                                                 with the arrival of new players such as         Terrorism risks and Political Violence
                                                                                                                                 AXA XL in 2018.                                 including war risks as well as the coverage
                                                                                                                                                                                 of Non-damage Business Interruption.
                                                                                                                                 The market is developing in order to
                                                                                                                                 keep pace with the new threats facing           The Political Risks, Terrorism and Political
                                                                                                                                 companies, with products that can               Violence market in Paris has become a
                                                                                                                                 increasingly cover non-tangible assets          reliable alternative to the London market.
                                                                                                                                 such as non-damage business interruption.       The Paris market currently has 7 insurers                Emmanuelle
                                                                                                                                                                                 with a Terrorism and Political Violence                  Biehler-Marghieri
                                                                                                                                                                                 specialty. It is therefore possible to set up            Director
                                                                                                                                                                                 programs with large capacity from Paris at
                                                                                                                                 Market capacity                                 competitive prices without having to turn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Political Risks

                                                                                                                                                                                 to the traditional London market.
                                                                                                                                 Overall capacity in the Political Risks
                                                                                                                                 market remains stable, but with a distinction
                                                                                                                                 depending on the public or private status
                                                                                                                                 of the insured risks.
                                                                                                                                 With regard to the non-payment risks of

        08                   Political Risks                                                                                     public purchasers, theoretical capacity has
                                                                                                                                 increased over the past year to $3.2 billion
                                                                                                                                 and a maximum duration of 20 years. In
                                                                                                                                 contrast, theoretical capacity for insuring
                                                                                                                                 private buyers has declined slightly to $2.2
                                                                                                                                                                                    Capacity per transaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Max capacity           Duration
                                                                                                                                 For non-trade related risks, credit risks                                                                   $bn            per year
                                                                                                                                 are not linked to a specific transaction
                                                                                                                                                                                      Political Risks
                                                                                                                                 but are similar to financial loans that
                             General trend                                     ❘   The impact of Brexit on capacity in the
                                                                                   UK market, and in particular the Lloyd’s      may, for example, cover working capital              Non-payment (public buyer)                              3,2                20
Foreword                                                                           syndicates in London which may not be         requirements. For these risks, market                Non-payment (private buyer)                             2,2                20
                             For Political Risks the end of 2019 and                                                             capacity has increased slightly to $1.7
                                                                                   able to operate as efficiently as before                                                           Financial guarantees / non trade related                 17                15
                             the beginning of 2020 will be marked by                                                             billion covering transactions for up to 20
Lines of Expertise           a number of geopolitical events including:
                                                                                   given the uncertainties around the
                                                                                                                                                                                      “Pure” political risks                                  3,2                25
                                                                                   UK’s scheduled exit from the European
                                                                                                                                                                                      Project funding                                         1,8                25
                             ❘     The trade war between the United                Union.                                        The table opposite provides a breakdown
                                                                                                                                                                                      Terrorism and Political Violence
Global Overview                    States and the People’s Republic of         In 2019, the Political Risks market is in       of theoretical market capacity per type of
                                   China, which impacts more on Beijing                                                                                                               Terrorism                                                 4                 5
                                                                               a period of transition. There has been a          coverage and per transaction which is in
                                   than Washington, where negotiations         slight increase in premium rates on both          practice moderated by the market’s appetite          Political violence                                      3,5                 5
Our Group                          are taking a long time to complete          credit risks and pure political risks; in spite   for a risk or a country, the aggregate               Non-damage Business Interruption                        150                 2
                             ❘     The protests in Hong Kong against the       of everything there is still an appetite on       risk for a country and the duration of               Terrorism and Political Violence (Paris market)
                                   Chinese Communist authorities where         the part of insurers to support clients in        the transaction. In the Paris market, this                                                                                 3 / 5 in
                                   the outcome is uncertain                                                                      theoretical capacity is moderated by the             Terrorism/Political Violence                            900
                                                                               the market: exporters, traders and financial                                                                                                                           construction
                             ❘     The recession in Germany and Japan,         institutions.                                     market’s appetite for a risk or a country and                                                             Policy
                                                                                                                                 the type of assets being covered.                    Non-damage Business Interruption                                            2
                                   which will affect most of the world’s                                                                                                                                                                 sub-limit
                                                                               The terrorist risk remains topical in 2019 and
                                   economies and mark the beginning of         poses a definite threat to civilian populations                                                                                                          Source SIACI SAINT HONORE
                                   a global recession in 2020                  and countries worldwide. The development
                             ❘     The general slowdown in world trade         of this scourge is complex due in particular
                                   due in particular to a growing number       to the development of the type of terrorist
                                   of populist and protectionist regimes       attack that has gone from mass to individual
                                   (Argentina, Italy, Turkey, Japan, Brazil,   attacks, with the need to follow specific
                                   Russia, India, etc.)                        profiles. In France, 10,000 individuals are
                             ❘     The tense geopolitical situation in the     being monitored by the Intelligence Agency
                                   Middle East, especially around the Strait   as “potential terrorists”.
                                   of Hormuz, through which more than a
                                   third of hydrocarbons pass on their way
                                   to the economic powers

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