Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund

Page created by Tyler Ellis
Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Corporate Profile
Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Company Overview
                                                                                                                                                               Shareholder Structure
       The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund (“SJIF”) was formed in 2017 by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia (“PIF”) and 16
       Jordanian commercial and Islamic banks, specializing in investing in Jordan’s infrastructure and high growth sectors.                                                      1.6%     Jordanian Islamic Banks

                                                                                                                                                                                  8.4%     Jordanian Commercial
       Based in Amman, Jordan, SJIF is a Limited Public Shareholding Company registered per the Jordan Investment Fund Law number 16
       for 2016.                                                                                                                                                                           Banks

       SJIF seeks to become a premier investment company in Jordan pursuing strategic and commercially viable opportunities in Jordan’s
       vital and promising Industries.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Public Investment Fund
       Through a dynamic approach, SJIF aims to achieve solid returns for its investors through projects that foster vibrant economic                                             90.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                            of Saudi Arabia
       activity and sustainable socio-economic impact.

       SJIF’s mandate is to deploy its $3 billion of committed capital in a range of diverse projects in line with the strategic direction of the PIF.

 SJIF Milestones

        April 2016                August 2016                 March 2017                  August 2017              December 2017                April 2018            2018 & 2019           2020 Onward
      Establishment of        MOU for Investment         Registration of Saudi              Company               Investment Strategy           Investment             Building SJIF      Capital Deployment
      Jordanian Saudi            Promotion                    Jordanian                   Incorporation                Approved            Professionals Started    foundation blocks         and Project
        Cooperation                                       Investment Fund                Completion and                                      Joining the Team        and investment            Execution
       Council (JSCC)                                                                      CEO Hiring                                                                    pipeline
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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Investment Strategy
 Investment Goals                                                                                                         Investment Principles
            SJIF seeks to be the premier investment company in Jordan, applying a rigorous investment                            Ticket sizes depend on investment track and range from $20m (existing companies)
            process to build a diversified portfolio of predominantly infrastructure and greenfield projects.                    to $500 (infrastructure).

            SJIF seeks to invest according to the following criteria:                                                            Stakes in existing companies ranging from a significant minority to a small majority.
           Commercial               Developmental               Alignment with
                                                                                                                                 Active involvement in all investments to support strategy and ensure robust
            viability                  impact                     PIF strategy

                                                                                                                                 Seeking partnerships (operational and financial) to support investments, operations,
                                                                                                                                 and to manage risk.

 Our Corporate Values

                      Commitment                                                                          Integrity                                                              Sustainability
SJIF is committed to the long-term prosperity of Jordan, which is            Upholding professional conduct and the highest ethical standards               SJIF was established with a vision of fueling continuous
   reflected in the company’s strategy and patient, long-term                   are cornerstones in SJIF’s activities and are crucial guiding            development and economic progress. Therefore, the company
investment approach, as well as in its relations with its partners,                       principles in its investment approach.                        works to ensure the long-term sustainability of all its projects and
employees, services providers, and the communities in which it                                                                                                                      activities.
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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Investment Strategy
Investment Tracks

                                                                                             Growth Capital
 PPP Infrastructure Projects                                                                 Supporting the growth and expansion of promising
 Pursuing viable, strategic infrastructure projects,                                         and successful businesses in sectors such as agri-
 executed on a PPP basis, that help enhance the                                              business, food processing, energy, and
 efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of the                                        pharmaceuticals by providing them with necessary
 Jordanian economy                                                                           equity funding and strategy support


 Strategic Sectors
 Leading, or actively participating in, private sector led
 opportunities in key economic sectors (primarily
 healthcare, technology, and tourism) to elevate
 capacities and stimulate economic growth

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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Jordan Investment Fund Law Number 16 for 2016
    The Jordan Investment Fund (“Fund”), a wholly-owned government
    entity chaired by the Prime Minister, was established per the Jordan                      Jordan Investment Fund Rights and Priority Projects
    Investment Fund Law No. (16) of 2016 (“Law”), vesting the concession         The Fund shall have the rights to own, invest, develop, manage and operate the following infrastructure
    rights for developing the projects listed in the Law.                        projects stipulated in the Law in partnership with the private sector under a PPP framework:

                                                                                              National railway                    Infrastructure                       Electrical
                                                                                              network project                     development project for              interconnection project
    Following the identification of priority infrastructure projects by the                                                       the city of Custodian of             with Saudi Arabia
    Jordanian Government, the Law was enacted to expedite the execution                                                           the two Holly Mosques
    of such complex projects whilst reducing execution risk.

                                                                                              Recreational city project           Crude oil and petroleum              Any other major
    Concession rights would be granted for a specific period (to be agreed                    in the Al Matal site in             products transportation              infrastructure or
    upon with the Fund on Public Private Partnership Model). After expiry of                  Aqaba                               to Jordanian refineries              development projects
    such period, all projects’ assets would be transferred to the government                                                      and consumption sites                approved by the Council
    at no additional fee.                                                                                                                                              of Ministers

                                                                                 The Fund has the right to partner with SJIF or its subsidiaries and to authorize it to own, manage and operate
                                                                                 any of the development and investment rights covered by the provisions of the Law and to the extent it
                                                                                 deems appropriate in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Board of Directors
          Hisham Attar                                                  Mohammad AlBalaihed
          Chairman                                                      Vice Chairman

          • Senior Director at PIF.                                     • Vice President at PIF.
          • Previously Principal at Amwal Al Khaleej.                   • Previously with Sanabel Investment, Saudi
          • Board member of Zain KSA, TAQA,                               Industrial Development Fund, and
            Dussur, and Arab Bank.                                        Deutsche Bank.
          • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Business                       • Board member of Saudi Investment
            Economics from Brown University.                              Recycling Company, Eastern Province
                                                                          Cement, Saudi Electricity Co, and Virgin
                                                                        • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Finance from
                                                                          Prince Sultan University.

          Walid Al Samhouri                                             Yazeed AlHammad                               Omar Alwir
          Director                                                      Director                                      Director
          • Senior Vice President at Arab Bank                          • Portfolio     Corporate     Governance      • CEO of Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund.
            heading the area of Jordan and covering                       Department Head at PIF.                     • Previously CEO of AB Invest and Capital
            other areas such as the Gulf and Egypt.                     • Previously with Bank Albilad and Saudi        Investments.
          • Previously, a Senior Vice President                           Capital Markets Authority.                  • Held roles at the Royal Hashemite Court
            covering North Africa and Lebanon.                          • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Business         and the Ministry of Planning and
          • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics,                       Administration from King Saud University      International Cooperation.
            Statistics & Public Administration from                       and master’s degree from University of      • Holds a bachelor’s degree in economics
            University of Jordan, and a master’s degree                   Hull.                                         with history and psychology minor from
            in Economics from University of Jordan.                                                                     the University of Pennsylvania.

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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Audit Committee
         Mohammed AlBalaihed                                      George Nahhas
                                                                                                                             Turki Al Luhaid
         Chairman                                                 Vice Chairman
         • Vice President at PIF and Vice Chairman of SJIF.       • Executive Director of the Investment and Financial       • A Saudi Certified Public Accountant, SOCPA, and a
         • Previously with Sanabel Investment, Saudi Industrial     Advisory Department at the Housing Bank for Trade          CPA.
           Development Fund, and Deutsche Bank.                     and Finance.                                             • Previously, a partner at Ernst & Young in Riyadh, Saudi
         • Board member of Saudi Investment Recycling             • Previously, he was a financial analyst at the Arab         Arabia, and at Ernst & Young in Switzerland.
           Company, Eastern Province Cement, Saudi Electricity      Advisors Group of the Arab Jordan Investment Bank,       • Enjoys a wide range of experiences in various sectors,
           Co, and Virgin Mobile.                                   and a corporate finance consultant at PKF.                 such as banking, capital markets, IT, oil and gas,
         • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Finance from Prince       • Holds a master’s degree in Business Administration         healthcare, contracting and construction, and real
           Sultan University.                                       from the University of Technology Sydney, and a            estate.
                                                                    bachelor's degree in Engineering - Project Management    • Chairman of the audit committee of the Company for
                                                                    from the Hashemite University in Jordan. He is a           Cooperative Insurance in Saudi Arabia.
                                                                    Certified Valuation Analyst.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee
         Hisham Attar                                             Yazeed AlHammad                                            Walid Al Samhouri
         Chairman                                                 Vice Chairman                                              Member

         • Senior Director at PIF and Chairman of SJIF.           • Portfolio Corporate Governance Department Head at PIF.   • Senior Vice President at Arab Bank heading the area of
         • Previously Principal at Amwal Al Khaleej.              • Previously with Bank Albilad and Saudi Capital Markets     Jordan and covering other areas such as the Gulf and Egypt.
         • Board member of Zain KSA, TAQA, Dussur,                  Authority.                                               • Previously, a Senior Vice President covering North Africa
           and Arab Bank.                                         • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration       and Lebanon.
         • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Business                    from King Saud University and master’s degree from       • Holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics, Statistics & Public
           Economics from Brown University.                         University of Hull.                                        Administration from University of Jordan, and a master’s
                                                                                                                               degree in Economics from University of Jordan.

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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Management Team
      Omar Alwir                                                  Nidal Abu Maizer                                Ahmad Alawamleh
      CEO                                                         CFO                                             General Counsel & Board Secretary
      • Previously CEO of AB Invest and Capital                   • Previously worked with Bupa Arabia, Edgo,     • Previously worked at Abu Dhabi Islamic
        Investments.                                                Global Investment House, and Atlas              Bank and Al Tamimi & Co.
      • Held roles at the Royal Hashemite Court and                 Investment Group (now AB Invest).             • Holds a bachelor’s degree in law from
        Jordan’s Ministry of Planning and International           • Held directorship roles in a number of          University of Jordan and master’s degree in
        Cooperation.                                                publicly listed and private companies.          banking and finance law from the
      • Holds a bachelor’s degree in economics with               • Holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in     University of London.
        history and psychology minor from the                       finance from Bentley University and an        • Admitted to the Jordanian bar in 2009.
        University of Pennsylvania.                                 EMBA from INSEAD.
                                                                  • He is a CFA charterholder.

       Omar Obeidat                                              Abdullah Aljundi                                 Zaid Dalabeeh
       Communications Manager                                    Senior Investment Professional                   Senior Investment Professional
      • Previously, he worked as manager of local                • Previously a member of the MENA Transaction    • Previously a member of the MENA
        media and programs department at the Royal                 Advisory Services and Assurance teams at EY.     Transaction Advisory Services team at EY
        Hashemite Court.                                         • Holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from        and started his career at Eagle Hills.
      • Holds a bachelor’s degree in translation from              University of Jordan and is a CFA level III    • Holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting
        Al Mustansirya University in Iraq and a                    candidate.                                       and finance from University of Exeter.
        business diploma from Bridge Business
        College in Sydney, Australia.

      Ahmad Fariz
      Senior Investment Professional
       • Previously worked in corporate strategy, M&A and
         risk management at Hikma Pharmaceuticals.
       • Holds a bachelor’s degree from Bentley University
         with a major in finance and minors in management
         as well as an MBA from IE Business School in Spain.
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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
Limited Public Shareholding Company

Office 03, Third Floor
40 Rafiq Al Hariri Avenue, Abdali
P.O.Box 5337, Amman (11183), Jordan

Telephone: +962 6 510 4422

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Corporate Profile - The Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund
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