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TAKE HOME Y FREE OUR AUTUMN 2019 Issue No. 55 COPY Open yourself to new ideas and challenges – as well as looking back to good times and achievements from the past The Association thanks Portsmouth City Council for their support in kind and encouragement given in many ways. Views and opinions expressed within do not necessarily coincide with Council policies.
page 2 | Autumn 2019 PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 Welcome to Pompey Mr Trump, during his visit made it clear that with new Trade Deals everything will that it’s pensioners/grandparents that save the country six hundred million Pensioner Magazine be on the table. I say clearly “hands off pounds in childcare and a similar amount our wonderful National Health Service” It in voluntary work in the NHS and other Issue No 55 cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that groups such as The Red Cross, and various We would all like to thank Alan for his he retracted this later after Mrs May made charitable organisations. outstanding service to the Association it clear that there will be two parties to All of this must remain the focus of our – we are glad that he will continue to these negotiations. campaigns in the coming year and I’m support us and write articles. There is still uncertainty as to the Brexit confident that we’re up to the task. Welcome to our new Chair Steve Bonner negotiations. Who knows, Boris the Many thanks to our dedicated committee who made a rousing acceptance speech – “wunderkind” may have worked his magic for their work behind the scenes. Also of we look forward to much more to come. by the end of this month. I’m not holding course to the hard working editors of this Alan gave a clear indication as to the aims my breath. splendid publication. of the Association which are To: Involve Influence and Inform. Regards The Pompey Pensioner Magazine will A NOVICES’ VIEW Steve Bonner support all of these aims. FROM THE CHAIR Since the last publication much has happened but notably a wonderful First report from It’s the first edition of the Pompey 75 Anniversary Celebration of D Day. Pensioner magazine since Alan Burnett Vice Chair Personally I found Mr Macron’s piece was elevated to the lofty heights of deeply moving Alan Burnett decided at this year’s AGM ‘President’… I will try my best to fill his My letter is going to cause great sorrow, to stand down as Chair of our Association; size 11’s as the new Chair. but I have seen you so full of courage Steve Bonner took on the roll leaving a that I don’t doubt that you will remain Many thanks to Alan for his unswerving vacancy in his post as Vice Chair. I was courageous if only for love of me. I am dying dedication to the PPA over many years. asked to step into this roll and accepted, for my country. My wish is for a France that First let me welcome new readers to our this was voted on and agreed at our AGM is free and for the French to be happy…a magazine as well as our existing members. although I was not present. France that is hardworking, industrious and The tasks ahead, as I see it, are to increase I met with Steve Bonner for a Motor sail honest. our membership in the hope that we in Chichester Harbour in an old restored If my hand is shaking as I write it is because I can address the problem of loneliness oyster boat. Steve was in his element at have a small pencil. amongst isolated seniors. the helm, the rest of us were disappointed I do not fear death, my conscience is as there was no wind to sail. Once ashore We need to expand our social activities to completely clear. Goodbye. Death is over a coffee I asked him the question, reach more of the 14,000 seniors in the calling me. ‘What does the Vice Chair do?’ his reply Portsmouth area. was, to just chair the meeting if I’m not I am sure that you have your favourite too We have to stabilise our income for these there. His next sentence was I’m NEVER – perhaps the farewell letter written by a activities. The proposed increase to £10 away. Hmm Hmm! husband to his wife read by Theresa May p.a. for membership was endorsed by the Next day I had an Email to say Steve NWG Skinner 3rd June 1944 members at our last meeting. was in Birmingham for the weekend. I My Darling, this is a very difficult letter to We will also be looking to register the quickly e-mailed Alan Burnett ‘Help’. I write. Portsmouth Pensioners Association as a was away baby-sitting for the weekend so Something may happen at any moment… Charitable Organisation. While this would I couldn’t do any preparation for the PP You and I have had some lovely years that furnish us with a wider scope to apply for meeting, Alan e-mailed me back and said seem to have passed at lightening speed. funds, it also brings a whole new range of we would do a double act. We met up for administrative problems which we’d need a meeting on the Monday morning and My thoughts at his moment on this lovely to deal with. went through the running list. Luckily the afternoon are with you all now. I can All of this aside, we must not lose sight Speakers were close to my heart as I had imagine you in the garden having tea with of the fact that we are a campaigning been following the plans for the Sea Front Janey and Anne getting ready to put them organisation: Beach Defence. As the time approached it to bed. With attacks on the Triple Lock on our was a bit nerve racking having to face my Although I would give anything to be back pension, plans to remove the Winter first audience of over 100 people. This is with you I have not had any wish at all to Heating Allowance, assaults on free tv where I Sink or Swim I thought! back down from the job we have to do. licences for the over 75’s and threats to If you were at this meeting I will let you our bus passes. decide how it went? There are now proposals to extend Since retiring I have found lots of different ‘working life’ to 75 years of age with areas to expand my life and learn new suggestions to bring ‘those outside of skills which is very exciting. economic activity’ back into work .(i.e I look forward to representing you as Vice retired people). Chair. Felicity McKenna Let us remind the current government
PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 Autumn 2019 | page 3 As far as campaigning will be adversely affected. Some will is concerned, we all struggle to pay the fee and their reliance know that national on TV for news and entertainment put politics is in turmoil, in jeopardy. That is why Portsmouth and issues such as Pensioners’ Association, together with the future funding of the MP for Portsmouth South, Stephen social care has been Morgan, joined thousands of campaigners side- lined. But there throughout the country to protest. We are local and national say that it is the Government should pay issues that should as they have done up to now and not the command our attention BBC. We wait to see whether the new and energy. As part Conservative government responds to the of the 60+ FESTIVAL case that has been made. Don’t hold your in October we will be breath! hearing from leading local councillors on But payment of TV licences is just one their vision of the city. example of the possible threat to the There are environmental welfare state and older people. issues such as pollution What may happen at the thick end of on our main roads, and the wedge!? the Southsea coastal defence scheme which Not only has the number of wealthy are important. There are pensioners been exaggerated, but a many older people in clearer knowledge of the actual cost the city who still don’t of benefits that are available to older claim their entitlements, people is needed. For example winter women who have been fuel payments cost annually £2.2bn, free WHAT TO DO? short- changed in terms of their pensions, bus travel £1bn. I do not know the cost and seniors who are at risk from isolation of provision of free prescriptions and eye WE DO. and loneliness. tests for the over 60s, ( although it is true President’s Preface So what about the real threat to our that two fifths of the NHS budget is spent on those 65 and over) but that is part of WE MUST BE ALERT TO THE standard of living? And how does the the wider commitment from the NHS to idea of the ‘thin edge of the wedge’ apply ‘THIN EDGE OF THE WEDGE’ to recent developments in relation to provide free health care at the point of delivery. Now that the responsibility of having universal benefits which up to now have to chair PPA meetings has been lifted helped us to live good later lives.? (The Most people accept that some degree from my shoulders, I am able to devote thin edge of the wedge refers to an initial of needs/means testing and individual myself wholeheartedly to research and event which while small in itself may contributions should apply in relation to campaigning on behalf of older people lead to other larger, more serious and paying for residential and day care, and locally and further afield.. I also hope to damaging problems) think it is fair that poorest pensioners maintain our links with organisations like should get help in relation to housing, As a campaigning movement for older health, heating and paying the council the City Council and Age UK, as well as people we must never be complacent. tax but it is winter fuel payments and the securing the future of the Pompey clinic There are many in Whitehall and bus pass that are likely to come under which we help to fund in Ethiopia. Westminster who seem to believe that attack in the next few years. Personally Current research projects include (1) how British older people are well off, enjoy far I would accept that some wealthy older the University impacts on local life and too many benefits and don’t contribute households do not need help paying their the city – especially involving students much to society. The Resolution Society, fuel bills and there may be a case for and older people and (2} the prevalence a House of Lords committee and the change. But I certainly would draw the of poverty amongst pensioners and Ratepayers Association to name but line at the bus pass. Not only because it children in the city. We need to provide three, have all argued that hard won keeps bus companies and routes viable, those in authority with detailed factual entitlements enjoyed by older people/ but also due the proven benefits the evidence of the needs of our older pensioners should be cut back and/ or system bring in terms of the environment population, as well as remind them of the means tested. They have questioned and encouraging social interaction. social and financial value of what we have the need for the triple lock on pensions, given and do contribute to the life of the the free bus pass, and the winter fuel Removing, limiting or means testing this city. We need to build on the Age Friendly allowance. And now for the first time it widely appreciated benefit constitutes City report which we published a couple is happening. Free TV licences for those the ‘thick end of the wedge’ which we of years ago. over 75 will, as of next year be limited to would not accept. It would be vigorously those on Pension Credit. Nearly 10,000 opposed by PPA and many others. Offers of help in these tasks is welcome. people in the city of Portsmouth alone
page 4 | Autumn 2019 PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 project, Dorothy Close Encounters at has turned her person for the patient to speak to or see. Patients can often be seen more quickly by Age UK Portsmouth life around with a nurse or physiotherapist for example. In a much improved some cases a GP practice may not even be If you heard someone say ‘Close social network. the right place for an enquiry. Encounters’ would you envisage an extra- When asked about Care navigators will play an important role terrestrial film? Rest assured this newest her experience in not only helping you to access faster Age UK Portsmouth service has very little of the Close health care but also ensuring that GPs can Alien involvement! Encounter service, dedicate more of their time seeing those Based at Age UK Portsmouth’s Bradbury Dorothy said: patients who most need their help. Centre, Close Encounters is a National “Your personality What is care navigation? Lottery funded project working in and outlook • Care navigation supports practices and partnership with Gosport Voluntary has really cheered me up, my lack of patients to make the best use of NHS Action and the South Central Ambulance companionship was really getting me resources. Service. It is a three-year project that down. You have changed my life and • It’s a model of care that improves access aims to help alleviate pressure on I don’t feel embarrassed to go out to primary care services for patients and ambulance services, supporting older anymore, I want to meet new people reduces GP pressure. frequent callers with no medical need. now.” • It allows front line staff to provide Their aim is to enhance quality of life by Alongside their Close Encounters project patients with more information about local improving access to community support, Age UK Portsmouth offer an extensive health and wellbeing services both within companionship, information, advice and range of services including Help Around and outside of primary care. advocacy services. The Home, Gardening, free solicitor • It’s about offering patient choice and help The service, committed to helping appointments, Veterans Befriending, to access the most appropriate service first. individuals who feel lonely or isolated, has Social Activities and Events, IT Training, It means other patients will find it easier to a dedicated team of staff who will meet Hairdressing and Chiropody. get a GP appointment. with service users in an environment that If you know someone who would benefit How it works suits them best –be that in their home, from a call from an Age UK Portsmouth When you make an appointment with or whilst enjoying a coffee at The Old team member or perhaps just requires your GP you will be asked for an outline George Café in the Bradbury Centre. The some information: of the problem followed by a series of team’s approach is friendly and informal, Phone 023 9286 2121 asking for a Close questions about the reason for wanting as goals are reached with the service user Encounters chat an appointment this will help the care which then facilitate an improved outlook email navigator ensure you see the person on life. Goals can be as uncomplicated or visit the Team at the Bradbury Centre, best suited to help you. They can refer to as gaining the confidence to join a 16-18 Kingston Road, PO1 5RZ. information about services in the practice, other NHS providers and the wider care and club, getting a new hair-do, or learning to use a computer. Support can also Care Navigators help to find support sector. Where appropriate they will your way around the health system direct the patient to these services. include Entitlement checks or help with GP practices in Portsmouth are You don’t have to do this. The care Blue Badge and Attendance Allowance introducing a scheme to help patients navigator will respect both your privacy applications. see or speak to the most appropriate and your right to say “No”. Most people will feel lonely at some point healthcare professional more quickly. You will never be refused an appointment in their lives. Around 230 practice staff across the city, with a GP. We often feel lonely when we don’t have including receptionists, have been trained Care navigators will never try to diagnose strong social relationships or are unhappy to become “navigators”. your problem or offer you clinical advice. with the ones we have. Loneliness is They won’t offer clinical advice but will This is about offering you the choice to see associated with depression, psychological help signpost you to the most appropriate other health professionals who are more state, mental health and sleep problems. health service for your needs. The GP is appropriate than the GP and who may Fortunately, support is becoming not always the best person to see or the often be able to see you more quickly. increasingly available to combat route for getting the most appropriate care The goal is to ensure that patients get the loneliness. faster. right care, at the right time, in the right Dorothy is 94 and a former Royal Air Force Dr Linda Collie GP clinical lead for NHS place with the right outcome. Radiographer who struggled with anxiety, Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group Patients can be offered choices allowing loneliness and lacked confidence following which has paid for the training said: them to go straight to the service which her move from Essex to Portsmouth. “We know it’s not always easy to navigate best suits their health and well-being Despite loving the area, Dorothy found local health services to find out who is best needs. herself struggling and losing the mobility placed to help you for a particular health Some might say this is yet another, she once had. Following cancer treatment problem or concern. worrying, intervention between patient last year she lost touch with all of her Care navigators have access to a directory and GP, and that, despite assurances, friends, she used to be very sociable of information about services to point unqualified people will be taking decisions and outgoing with a large circle of patients to the most appropriate source of about our health. companions. help, advice and support.” Sue Petrie With the support of the Close Encounter A GP might not be the most suitable
PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 Autumn 2019 | page 5 Mind the gender pension gap The gender pension gap is bigger than the gender pay gap according to latest government figures. Women in the UK receive 39.5% less pension income than men – twice as large as the current pay gap. This equates to an average annual shortfall of £7,000. Women workers generally have lower wages (therefore lower pensions) breaks in National Insurance or pension Solent WASPI Update contributions due to parenting, caring On Friday, 17th May, members of Solent WASPI were at neighbouring Hampshire County responsibilities or insecure or part time Council’s AGM/Full Council Meeting to support Councillor Malcolm Wade’s Notice of employment. Motion. Our member Carolyne Jacobs made a deputation to the Council, and a motion Marion Wilson - National Pensioners calling on the Government to consider making fair transitional arrangements for all 1950s Convention vice president said: “If you women was approved. While state pensions are a matter for national government, councils are low paid when you are working you have a role to play supporting local residents and lobbying Government on their behalf. will have a poor pension in retirement Subsequent media coverage included Carolyne’s excellent interview with Express FM-all so for many women struggling to make invaluable for spreading the message. ends meet doesn’t stop when they give up work.” A real opportunity to move the WASPI campaign in a new direction presented itself, On average women receive 25% less state following Shelagh Simmon’s interview for the Women`s Community Activism, a Heritage pension than men – including many of Lottery Funded project based at the University of Portsmouth. Project Co-ordinator, Dr those who before 1977 paid the Married Anna Cole, invited Shelagh and I to be part of a panel presenting “The past is before us: Women’s Stamp which does not entitle women’s working lives and the campaign against state pension inequality” at the Oral them to a state pension. History Society Annual Conference held on 5th/6th July at Swansea University. Shelagh As a result women’s median overall gave a compelling overview of the campaign and I presented audio clips from interviews pension is just 57% of men’s. conducted with four of our members. As Shelagh has observed, ‘Awareness can be raised in Married women are the poorest in terms many ways’. of personal income and previously In response to WASPI’s support for the tree-planting initiative, the Vote 100 Plant 100 married women are twice as likely as men project, on a cold afternoon in early March, Portsmouth South MP Stephen Morgan invited to be on means-tested Pension Credit. volunteers and supporters to a thank-you event at the Constituency office in Albert Road on In 2017 the average weekly amount of Friday 28th June. We are very grateful for Stephen`s ongoing support for WASPI. state pension received by a woman was One of the highlights of the year for campaigners is the annual Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival, £126.45 per week compared with £153.99 held 19-21 July this year. Solent WASPI attended on the final day and along with members for men. from other branches, took part in the procession through the village. WASPI is grateful for Among those over 65 only 43% of the support of the GMB and Unite unions for facilitating transport. women received any private/occupational The future for WASPI women is subject to a good deal of political and legal uncertainty. pension, and the median amount for these Amber Rudd, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, remains in place, in new Prime pensions is 53% of men’s. Minister Boris Johnson’s Cabinet, which is far from encouraging, despite his promise at Private pension scheme members election hustings in Cheltenham “to return to this issue with fresh vigour and new eyes and and savings vary widely according to see what I can do to sort it out. Because I’m occupational class, employed hours and ethnicity all intersecting with gender. Back to 60 and a conscious it’s been going on for too long.” We agree. Poverty blights the lives of many of Judicial Review Meanwhile, judgement on Back To 60’s today’s older women and limits what they can afford to do and socially isolates ‘Back to 60’ will never succeed. It Judicial Review, which took place on 5th/6th them. is a pity that it has been allowed to June, has been reserved. It is unlikely that a overshadow WASPI. decision will be made before October 1st. The equalisation of SPA (State Pension WASPIs maladministration remain on hold. Age) has been extremely badly handled But we are not going away! by DWP. WASPI is after fairness for Kathryn Rimmington / Shelagh Simmons women born in the 50s, many of whom 19/8/19 must be on supplementary benefits. If there was more fairness in these High court ruling - Judicial pensions the State might pay less in Review Over 60s challenge supplementary benefits and gain more Judges rule that the government’s handling of tax from the higher pensions. the pension age does not discriminate against Pat Bentley PP member women. 3/10/2019
page 6 | Autumn 2019 PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 Cracking Down on New Blue Badge Rules Statistics on Abuse of Blue Badges New rules about the use of Blue Badges Homeless People will make it easier for autistic people Five more motorists were prosecuted There are 320,000 homeless people in and others with invisible impairments to during May by Portsmouth City Council Britain a rise of 13,000 with thirty six secure a badge. for misusing Blue Badges to gain free people becoming homeless every day parking and were ordered to pay fines New government rules are likely to lead and nine recorded deaths every week. totalling £2,499, including court costs and to a significant increase in the number of According to Shelter one in two hundred surcharging. disabled people eligible for Blue Badges and twenty two people ie 174 homeless across England. people live in Portsmouth. In all five cases, the Blue Badge displayed Disabled people with Blue Badges already The Museum of Homelessness (MoH) and belonged to other people and was used find it almost impossible at peak times to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in their absence. Amongst those sent find a parking space. So, the government have been recording deaths since October to court were three University students has announced a new taskforce aimed at 2017 and have released figures as part using the badge to park closer to home clamping down on fraud and misuse to of the Dying Homeless Project. Nearly a or the University. Blue Badge misuse is ease the pressure on parking space. third of fatalities occur in emergency or a criminal offence which can lead to a temporary accommodation. The figures are prosecution resulting in a fine of up to The government was forced into making collated through coroners’ enquiries, media £1,000, plus an order to pay towards the changes because of its previous coverage, family testimony and freedom of the costs of the Council prosecution decision in 2014 to tighten the rules information requests to verify details of at and a criminal record. It can also lead which led to a judicial review case taken least 235 homeless people dying over the to confiscation of the badge. An Officer on behalf of an autistic man with learning last six months. can ask anybody in a vehicle to produce difficulties. The same figures for last year showed 449 a disabled badge to them for inspection. Justin Tomlinson, Minister for Disabled deaths recorded in 12 months – on average Failure to do so is a criminal offence. People said “It’s unacceptable that one every 20 hours. people with hidden disabilities still face Co-founder of MoH Jessica Turtle Councillor Lynne Stagg, Cabinet Member discrimination when using facilities like commented “People aren’t able to access for Traffic and Transportation at PCC said: parking spaces. Extending the scheme will the support they need. We are sure there ensure those with hidden disabilities are are many more deaths. Data is not being “It is disappointing to learn that in all of able to travel with greater ease and live these cases, the badge used belonged to a recorded or there is a delay while inquests more independent lives.” are resolved.” Chris Wood, head of policy family member. Abuse of this kind affects the everyday lives of genuinely disabled A disabled person will be automatically at Shelter said the levels of homelessness users and cannot be tolerated, no matter eligible for a Blue Badge if they are “a scandal. These deaths cannot be what the circumstances. receive eight points or more under ignored and we demand urgent action from the “moving around” activity of the the new Prime Minister.” If you drive on behalf of a Blue Badge mobility component of PIP or they Why has rough sleeping in Portsmouth holder as a relative, friend or carer, make receive the PIP mobility component and got worse? sure you know the rules and use the badge also score at least 10 points under the The Society of St James, a Hampshire based accordingly. You must be able to account “planning and following journey” activity homelessness charity, has identified the for the holder’s whereabouts when because making a journey causes them reasons for sleeping rough as a traumatic displaying the badge It’s that simple.” “overwhelming psychological distress.” childhood, alcohol and drug use and Others who do not qualify automatically mental health issues or any combination could still be eligible for a Badge if they of these. These issues exist in their lives pass an assessment to decide if they before they become homeless when cannot walk or undertake a journey these problems become more serious and without creating a risk of serious harm, entrenched. Rough sleepers are more likely “causing very considerable psychological to have been in care, to have witnessed distress” or “ very considerable difficulty violence at home, to have substance when walking”. misusing parents and to have left school without any qualifications. Homeless The extension has been welcomed so long people are more likely to have been in as efforts are made to sort out the misuse in prison than the average member of society. the current system. However, this does not explain the rise Sue Petrie in the number of people sleeping rough as these issues have not significantly changed. It appears that recent changes in the benefits system, the national housing shortage and cuts to services are at the root of the problem.
PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 Autumn 2019 | page 7 safe homes as key for keeping older folk but these have been rectified by the healthy and engaged citizens. contractor. On balance we liked what Ruth London from Fuel Poverty Action we saw and are less fearful of what might spoke of winter deaths caused by happen with the forthcoming Southsea hypothermia, lamented the scrapping Coastal defences so long as we are able of Green Deal that had started making to easily see all the activity on the Solent progress improving insulation of old and approaches to Portsmouth Harbour. housing stock and suggested the need for Blackpool and Cleveleys just had empty an Energy Bill of Rights. sea (and rain) with not a single boat in Discussion during Q&A revealed Scotland sight. Pensioners’ Conference had good social housing strategies leading to an enthusiastically supported call to Betty & I really struggled with the concept of admitting we were with a bunch of – Blackpool 2019 end Right to Buy in England & Wales pensioners (I’m still 29+ with a bus pass) (scrapped in Scotland years ago), need but once an Abba tribute band got into In the absence of other Pompey Pensioner for age friendly housing communities their swing at the last night’s social where volunteers Betty & I offered to attend to ease transition from independence we met someone who was an apprentice the Pensioners’ Parliament in Blackpool to interdependence and for street by in Portsmouth 40+ years ago and hasn’t Winter Gardens in June. street insulation (rather like the GIA been back since so we did our Shaping Blackpool was wet and gloomy which programme). Portsmouth Ambassadorial bit and then matched delegate’s and the opening The afternoon was devoted to the social hit the dance floor to (non fracking) shake speaker’s dismay with the announcement care crisis stating the need for local the world back into perspective ready to that free TV licenses for over 75s was to be authorities to be at the heart of local return to sunny Southsea. scrapped for anyone who doesn’t qualify provision linking health, social care and Charles Burns for Pension credit. License anger was a housing with a call for a Commissioner July 2019 thread throughout the conference so a for Ageing covering the devolved coach was organized to take campaigners administrations to champion the needs of to lobby at Manchester Media City after an ageing population. This has been done TOLPUDDLE FESTIVAL closing speeches on Thursday. in Northern Ireland so no need to reinvent After welcome to (wet) Blackpool the wheel. Apparently there has been and REMEMBRANCE by a (pensioner) councillor the first an offer of a Government Minister for presentation was from a pensioner who older people but this is considered a sop, On Sunday 21st July several members of turned into an inter-generational climate a way to spin vote winning sound bites Pompey Pensioners’ Association travelled change activist when she was chained rather than compiling a costed wish list by coach, at the invitation of the General with her son and granddaughter to of needs to be negotiated with politicians Municipal & Boilermakers Union, to the pipes at the Cuadrilla fracking site (post and bureaucrats and constructed into Dorset village of Tolpuddle. They then conference note – drilling has started an agreed programme to attract cross joined a march to the village church for again causing the first earth tremors in party consensus rather than short term the annual wreath laying ceremony on Blackpool since the Pensioners’ Parliament gerrymandering tactics that change every the grave of James Hammett. James was there!). time the minister does. Hammett was the only one, of the six This was followed by the Communication men sent to Australia in 1834 for fighting Workers Union General Secretary who Our Chairman has been provided with for better conditions and higher wages, spoke of growing inequality and called for a fuller of report of the sessions we who returned. a new deal providing greater job security attended for the committee to ponder then advised the CWU is looking to open (need to keep them occupied!) with its own post office as a template service a suggestion they consider if there hub and to work with local authorities are matters that are relevant to us in to do likewise. The growing inequality Portsmouth & SE Hants and in particular theme was continued with a report of support the proposal for the appointment Leeds University research finding that of a Commissioner for Older People metropolitan cities are concentrating to champion the needs of an ageing services and the importance of ‘Place’ population. (hubs?) for local communities citing the Blackpool Council provides free tram work done in Preston. passes for NPC delegates so on the first The afternoon finished with a disturbing night we went to Fleetwood, got off the report of how 2nd & 3rd generation tram into a greater downpour than when Windrush descendants are being deported we left conference so jumped back on the Day two morning theme was housing & tram to return to Blackpool where it was fuel poverty with a report of research by still raining! (is this climate change?) Stirling University which had devised a After the next day’s sessions, we took the board game prompting housing providers tram to Cleveleys to look at the recently to think outside their silos to devise completed sea defences. It is understood housing strategies for good, warm and there had been construction problems
page 8 | Autumn 2019 PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 for the change and not a previous The BBC Board claimed it was the ‘fairest Government. Why not raise the eligibility option to help the poorest pensioners.” age for free tv licences to 80 and those who are 75 and on pensioner credit? It follows consultation with 190,000 Penny Proudlock people of which 52% were in favour of reforming or abolishing free licences. Ready to go care plan delayed until 2020 “We think it’s fair to those over 75 but The prime minister has said his promised also to all our audiences for whom there blueprint for overhauling the crisis-hit was no appetite for the level of cuts social care system in England could be that would have been necessary if the delayed until next year. ( The average concession had been extended. weekly cost of nursing care in England Always look on the bright side of life according to Which magazine is £876, and There are people for whom this will be Optimists are likely to live longer there is a growing discrepancy in different unwelcome news . according to a recent study. The most parts of the country and amongst those We know we have a loyal audience over optimistic men and women increased who have to pay and those who do not) the age of 75 but we think many of them their lifespan on average by 11 to 15 per The new Prime Minister has said that a will understand the difficult position.” cent and had a better chance of reaching new plan would be ready to go once he Since then, because the number of 85 years of age than pessimists. These was in office. Now his proposals will be pensioners continues to grow and because results were maintained after other ready in ‘due course’. Nigel Morris we are all living longer, thus making more factors were accounted for, such as age, eligible for a free licence, the BBC has disease, education, alcohol use, exercise and diet. So ‘always look on the bright TELEVISION LICENCES been pondering if it can afford the bill. side of life’ is not just a song from ‘The In 2020 it’s estimated there will be around Life of Brian’, a positive outlook can make Up to 1.5 million over 75s who previously 4.6 million households eligible for the a difference to how long we live. received a free tv licence will have to pay over 75s scheme. Florence Snead from 1st June, 2020. This is a compromise. A third of the cost Free licences were first introduced for will be born by the BBC and two thirds Not all baby boomers are well off over 75s in 2000 by Culture Secretary passed on to ‘wealthier’ pensioners. There is a perception that all older people are well off and debt is more of a problem Chris Smith at the same time as half-price The elderly are the biggest consumers of for younger generations. However, this licences for the visually impaired as part BBC output, the average age of BBC tv is not born out by the evidence. Among of a Government programme to reduce audience is now over 62. 55-74 year olds recent research has shown pension poverty. How far should younger licence fee payers unsecured debt has risen by 34% in the By 2010 the cost of free licence fees for subsidise older viewers? past four years. Borrowing by nearly the over 75s had reached £36.5m half of this age bracket who are in debt As consumption of traditional tv by is not on luxuries but essentials such as In 2015 the Government said that by younger viewers continues to drop there home repairs, and covering day-to-day 2020 the BBC would take over the cost are questions about why they are being expenses. Equity release is not always the of providing free licences for over 75s as expected to pay for a service that the answer. Ros Altman part of the fee settlement at a cost of heaviest users get free.. £745 million – a fifth of the BBCs current budget by 2021/22 and to £1 billion by In the BBCs consultation in November Retiring at 75 is just not viable 2018 it was found that: It appears that increasing the retirement the end of the next decade. age to 75 has come from people with no In 2015 the BBC News website stated it 48% respondents were in favour of financial worries and who can give up would cover the cost of providing free continuing concessions to over 75s work whenever they wish. If I have to work tv licences for over 75s and in return the 37% were in favour of reforming the until 75 I am depriving others of getting licence fee would rise with inflation. This current rules jobs. And how can teachers, manual was referred to as ‘The Deal’ at a cost of labourers and nurses be expected to work £745 million, a fifth of the BBCs current 15% in favour of scrapping concessions to into their seventies? I am sure there are budget by 2021/22 in the run up to the over 75s many occupations in which it would not renewal of the BBC Charter in 2017. Pensioners are now less likely than any be viable to carry on working to this age. other group to live in poverty. Then the BBC announced that it would Also many pensioners are carers for older not pay for this even after putting up tv In 2000 46% of households with and younger relatives. Letter to guardian licences in 2017 for the first time since someone aged 75 or more were among 2010 and then in 2018 and again this year. the poorest in terms of income. Don’t blame the BBC for fee fiasco As a 78 year old pensioner I am not The BBC will scrap blanket free licences In 2012 that proportion had fallen to less against paying for my television licence. I for over 75s but households with one than 32%. This has come about because am, however, most disappointed that the person on Pension Credit (around 90,000 incomes of over 75s households have prime minister continues to perpetuate households) will still be eligible at a cost grown more rapidly than average. the myth that the BBC is responsible of 1.5 million by 2020.
PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 Autumn 2019 | page 9 Income, wealth and life expectancy of older people have improved significantly, Life President of Pompey Pensioner Assoc. pensioner poverty rates have fallen and and former RN submariner, Cyril Saunders, older households report higher well being 82,speaking to a reporter from The News on a range of metrics. said, ‘All of our politicians recently made a However big thing about the D Day veterans, the war Caroline Abrahams, director of Age UK generation and the debt owed to them. Many said there were “compelling arguments of these veterans will now have to pay £154 in favour of the over 75s tv licence for their TV licence. Actions speak louder than concession. We noticed how important tv is. One in four over 65s say this is their words – we put this country back on its feet main source of companionship” after the war and this is the thanks we get.’ Portsmouth MP urges Minister to be bold and unjust changes is aware of the damage local born MP was the statistical data for stand up for pensioners his Government is doing to Portsmouth how pensioners in his city will be affected. pensioners.” Mr Morgan has conducted his own when it comes to free Mr Morgan’s speech forced the research through listening to constituents TV licences Government Minister to justify the who responded to his letter. He used the Westminster hall debate today to inform policy change, particularly the notion of During a Westminster Hall Debate the Minister on how his city felt about attaching the benefit to Pension Credit, relating to free TV licences for over 75s, these changes. which has been widely criticised by Mr Morgan spoke forcibly in favour of experts and MPs alike. “We know that in Portsmouth South, from maintaining the benefit for pensioners. respondents of over 300, nearly 90 % The debate follows a Government led Stephen Morgan MP said: supported the continuation of the free TV decision to revoke the universally free TV “We know that around 1.3 million over- licence. licence for over 75s and instead only allow 75s are eligible for Pension Credit but do those with Pension Credit the benefit. Nearly 70% sighted loneliness as their not or cannot claim for the benefit. This main concern if the licence were to Mr Morgan said: means at least 650,000 of our poorest be revoked and over 30% considered pensioners facing an ominous new annual “This was an opportunity to voice the themselves to have a mobility issue or bill they simply can’t afford. concerns of my constituents. Following disability that made getting out difficult. my letter out to 10,000 people likely to The Governmernt has not taken this into What this suggests is that Portsmouth be affected, I have had a steady stream account and now those with the least people, especially those facing mobility of correspondence – including heart are set to lose the most. I have urged the issues and loneliness, are very concerned. wrenching accounts of the loneliness and Minister today to be bold and stand up isolation that will ensue after the free for hardworking-pensioners by halting the The Government has made a serious licence has been removed. implementation of this regressive policy misjudgement.” change.” I owe it to my constituents to make sure This is not the first time that the that the Minister responsible for these Another key message conveyed by the Portsmouth MP has tried to put pressure on the Governmernt to maintain the free TV licence for over 75s. To date, he has written to the PM, asked the Minister responsible, met with Age UK and Portsmouth Pensioners Association, submitted a string of written questions and sent out 10,000 letters to residents. On whether he will continue to campaign, Stephen Morgan said: “The battle against loneliness and isolation will go on. I will continue to raise this matter both in Parliament and in the constituency to ensure that those who are affected by these cruel, callous changes have a voice. The Government has the power to make these changes, we have responsibility to show them the pain they are causing.”
page 10 | Autumn 2019 PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 IN OUR RETIREMENT premises in Cosham, North End, Fratton and Southsea. So here is my guide to achieving a good retirement…. AND WHY? Standing back from the everyday sights of Play your part in improving the public Some people never retire – through choice retirement living, what can be suggested as realm, making our environment better or necessity. And some women have to overall patterns of activity? First, I suggest for all had to postpone their retirement plans retirees/pensioners can be divided into two (WASPI campaign} But a majority of us groups – ‘REMAINERS’ and ‘LEAVERS’. And Open yourself to new ideas and find ourselves leaving a lifetime of paid this is nothing to do with Brexit, so don’t challenges – as well as looking back to work. It can be a challenge to cope with throw down your copy of Pompey Pensioner good times and achievements from the the demands – and opportunities - of not in disgust. My classification is based on a past having a regular employment routine and duality of some people keeping up and Make the most of your skills and more ‘time on our hands’. A lot depends continuing the skills they developed in their experience to help others locally, on our domestic circumstances, health, paid employment, and others who make a nationally and internationally income, gender, hobbies and, possibly, what clean break and turn to different options. kinds of jobs we did in our working lives. Put yourself in other people’s shoes, And there are ample examples of both. take yourself out of your own trials and Looking at the statistics of longevity in As far as ‘ LEAVERS’ are concerned I know tribulations Portsmouth, it is clear that most people of a former professional footballer who can look forward to more than at least never goes to see a football match or even Enjoy precious times with family and decade of active retirement, and then some watch one on TV. Though he does play golf. friends and pass on tactful advice to more years when ill health constrains our A GP who has taken up painting and now the younger generation activities. For some who live longer – and it exhibits regularly in local art galleries. A Yield gracefully to the changing world, often women – there is a need to adapt to former surveyor who rides motorbikes and your declining capabilities and your seek an enjoyable and purposeful later life. windsurfs. A former IBM executive who own mortality We all have our own experiences, and that plays the saxophone, and another who of our family and friends. My dad didn’t grows ferns. A London cabbie who now Alan Burnett have a chance of any retirement, as a heavy restores derelict buildings and goes sailing, smoker he died of cancer in his mid sixties. and a former professor of economics aged 78 who plays and writes about cricket. A recent Saga Poll On the other hand, my great aunt Elsie The Nation’s Most Inspiring Over 60’s put had to retire early from teaching through As for’ ‘REMAINERS’, those who use their Richard Branson at the top for setting up deafness, and lived to the age of 106… work time skills after retirement, there are an airline, opening a chain of records shops she spent more than half of her life retired. former MPs, like lord Judd of Portsea, who and completing a world record flight across She played the organ in her local church, still ply their political passions in the House the Pacific. He beat David Attenborough grew flowers and vegetables, and took a of Lords, former music teachers who direct and the Queen in a poll of 2,000 people. real interest in us as youngsters. We all choirs, army veterans who run charities He is one of three businessmen (ed!) in the know people who have had their retirement for ex-servicemen and women, and Royal top ten along with Alan Sugar, James Dyson cut short and also plenty of people our Navy personal who now use their skills with (now of Singapore!) and Stephen Hawking age who make so much of their later lives the lifeboat movement. Many teachers (now dead) – volunteering, developing new hobbies, visit schools to mentor kids who are 48% of people identified hard work as an childminding, DIY tasks, writing and singing, struggling with their reading, and architects important and inspirational characteristic walking, cycling and swimming, and who refurbish properties in Normandy. 40% of people identified dedication and engaged in civic activities – like joining PPA! Electricians and decorators who help out via contribution to society While there are plenty of websites and local Age UK services, and former municipal 18% identified creativity demonstrated books advising us on how we retirees clerks who administer charity programmes . by the five actresses, Paul McCartney and should spend our time, I have not found any I am a ‘remainer’, a professional geographer Stephen Fry who appeared in the poll detailed study of who actually does what in who continues to make maps and take an Jeremy Corbyn got three times more votes Portsmouth or elsewhere. Looking around interest in the environment. than Theresa May. the city and observing the activities of fellow pensioners it would appear that there 1. Richard Branson What about you? 2. David Attenborough is as much diversity in their lifestyles as Be that as it may, most of us work out our 3. The Queen there is in their backgrounds and individual retirement diaries to suit ourselves and 4. Alan Sugar 5. Judy Dench circumstances. I see some of my older changing circumstances. We may be full of 6. James Dyson neighbours walking their dogs on Southsea good intentions …to de-clutter, learn to get 7. Helen Mirren 8. Stephen Hawking Common; hear of groups of former to grips with the digital world, take plenty of 9. Julie Walters colleagues/workmates meeting regularly exercise, eat sensibly, travel, spend quality 10. Paul McCartney for a meal and/or drink and talking about 11. Billy Connolly time with the family, volunteer, make the 12. Jeremy Corbyn the ‘old days’; observe the steady stream of most of every day. Often a combination of 13. Maggie Smith older patients at surgeries and in the waiting the above. Maybe we don’t always live up to 14. Joanna Lumley 15. Stephen Fry areas at QA hospital; admire those who these aspirations and spend time watching 16. Sean Connery participate in the busy programme of U3A; day time TV, drinking wine and not even 17. Michael Caine 18. Prince Phillip and witness busy coffee shops and the early saying hello to our neighbours. 19. Mick Jagger pints being consumed at Wetherspoons 20. Anthony Hopkins
PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 Autumn 2019 | page 11 Climate Change some statistics to make us pause for thought. Get Your Till Receipt! • 8.1 trillion kilometres are expected Giving a customer their till receipt has to be flown this year – the highest become less commonplace in some shops, on record garages and smaller supermarkets in • 986kg of CO2 is emitted on a the last year or two. ‘Do you want your return flight from London to New receipt?’ appears to encourage customers ECONOMICALLY York to refuse the offer and increasingly I find that a till receipt is now not being offered. INACTIVE? • 2% of global emissions are Yes, we all see these receipts pile up behind accounted for by the aviation the counter, but the till receipt is proof of The Intergenerational Fairness Committee sector – one of the world’s fastest of the House of Lords has recently purchase and provides a range of consumer growing polluters. protections. suggested removing the Triple Lock on our pensions, the winter heating allowance I now make a point of asking for receipts and the free TV licences for over 75s. and have recently spotted and been The latter has been imposed by the reimbursed for being overcharged £1.80 government on the BBC who are now when the item had wrongly been put being vilified as the ‘bad boys’ for saying through the till twice. On another they cannot fund it. occasion, I was not charged the special offer price and was reimbursed by £1. In the Iain Duncan Smith’s ‘think tank’ (The past, my till receipt has enabled me to take Centre for Social Justice) has picked goods bought on board a ferry to Trading up on the principles of the above cuts, adding the idea of increasing the pension A cashless society? Standards for a successful prosecution and The rise of the cashless society means reimbursement (there was no beer in the age to 75 by 2035. Don’t fret if you’re a sealed cans which had all leaked in the car) manual worker and just won’t have the millions of people will be disadvantaged as a result. Banknotes and coins are a and reimbursement for a mouldy in date physical ability to carry on…you’ll be malt loaf, for example. Most importantly, I retrained in an alternative more suitable necessity for 8 million people struggling with debt or living in rural communities. have benefited for several years from Coop occupation. We OAP’s have been labelled 10% vouchers which have only ever been ‘Economically Inactive’. Cash use has halved in the past 10 years, 74% of people still use it for example, to issued with a receipt. Finally, the till receipt Excuse me?!!!! give to charity, window cleaners are paid helps budgeting at home and is proof at We save the government around in notes and coins in 85% of cases. the store’s exit that the goods are bought £600,000 in childcare, enabling the The Access to Cash study highlighted a and not stolen. younger generation to return to work and number of problems: Karen probably the same, if not more, in the • There could be difficulties in rural voluntary sector; The League of Friends, communities where alternative ways to the Red Cross, umpteen charity shops, pay will be affected by poor broadband Community Centres and goodness knows • Those with physical or mental health how many other projects. problems might find it hard to use digital Striving to reflect the views ’Don’t know how I had the time to go to services and aspirations of the work’ is a well-known adage - • They may not have a bank account Portsmouth Pensioners’ Well if the Centre for Social Justice have Levels of debt might rise as budgeting is often easier with cash Association and the 36,000 their way you may well find out, we will be found jobs or retrained to make us • There may be a loss of independence for seniors of Portsmouth ‘Economically Active ‘once more! those who use cash as a lifeline when in Covering the issues that difficult or abusive relationships Maxine Bonner • There are higher prices for those are are vital to all Pompey PP member unable to benefit from online service or Pensioners. direct debits and this will increase.
page 12 | Autumn 2019 PompeyPensioner Issue No. 55 My Life, My Death in circumstances where a diagnosis of a life-limiting condition has been made. The advantage of an LPA over an Advance Decision, is the extent of its application Faye Evans, Partner at Churchers LLP A full discussion can then be had with and the level of flexibility it affords. If you no longer have the ability to make the medical practitioner/advisor as to Advance Decisions are specific to the or communicate your own decisions, who potential treatment, outcomes and treatments, conditions and circumstances decides what is in your best interests? decisions that you wish to make. In such specified within them. An LPA covers Depending on circumstances, there may circumstances it is far more likely that the every decision that pertains to your own be many voices in the mix: family, medical Advance Decision will then be found to be body. When choosing an Attorney, you professionals, social services, but what applicable. can fully discuss your wishes, concerns, happens if they don’t all agree? How do Advance Statement likes and dislikes. Your Attorney is then you make your voice heard? able to interpret your views and your An Advance Statement is a document feelings of how you would wish to There are two types of legal document that can accompany an Advance live your life, e.g. what you would feel which individuals can put in place to Decision. It is not legally binding but it is comfortable/uncomfortable with, what address this issue: informative to those who may be making you would consider a good quality of life 1. Advance Decision (otherwise known as best-interest decisions on your behalf. etc. and they then make decisions based Living Will); and Whereas an Advance Decision is specific upon this. Attorneys acting under an to treatment which you may or may not LPA are able to make decisions in a more 2. Lasting Power of Attorney for Health wish to receive, an Advance Statement is nuanced way than can be achieved by an and Welfare. more descriptive as to your likes, dislikes, Advance Decision. Advance Decision (Living Will) how you wish to be cared for and your To put an Advance Decision in place you reasoning behind the decisions made in You should choose your Attorney must be over 18 and have capacity (i.e. your Advance Decision. If considering an carefully. Ideally it should be somebody you understand the decisions being made Advance Statement, it is wise to consult who knows you well and with whom and the consequences of them). The a Solicitor and/or medical practitioner to you feel comfortable discussing personal document must be in writing, signed and ensure that you cover all necessary points. matters. You should have a full and frank witnessed, and (if it contains a refusal of discussion with them as to what your Lasting Power of Attorney for Health wishes are. The LPA can be used once it is life-sustaining treatment), it must state and Welfare (‘LPA’) that it will still apply even if your life is at fully signed and registered at the Office Your family/next of kin/friends do not of the Public Guardian (this incurs a court risk or shortened as a result of refusing have legal authority to make decisions fee, currently £82.00) but only if you have treatment. with regard to your health and welfare, lost the ability to make such decisions You do not need a Solicitor to make an whether medical or care related. Whilst yourself. Advance Decision, however, it is always health professionals will usually ask prudent to discuss this with a Solicitor A Lasting Power of Attorney for Health family members for their opinions, these and Welfare can be put in place alongside and seek their involvement to ensure will not necessarily be followed. The only that you are fully informed and that a Lasting Power of Attorney for Property way to ensure that another individual has and Financial Affairs to ensure Attorneys your reasons for making the decisions the legal right to make decisions on your are properly recorded. It should also be are empowered to deal with all aspects of behalf is to appoint them under a Lasting your affairs if you are no longer able to. remembered that the medical treatments Power of Attorney (‘LPA’). being addressed in Advance Decisions What if I have both? An LPA can be put in place by anyone can be complex; it is advisable to discuss It is possible to have both documents who has capacity and is over 18. LPAs can this with a medical professional in order in place, however, where there is an be put in place online or by contacting a to ensure that your understanding of overlap the most recent document will specialist Solicitor. There are a number of the consequences of your decisions are be followed. If you appoint an Attorney options contained within the document accurate. under an LPA and then put an Advance itself as well as a number of additional An Advance Decision will only be legally clauses which can be included depending Decision in place, provided the treatment binding if it is applicable i.e. you have upon your circumstances and these in question falls within the perimeter of lost capacity to make a decision about have legal ramifications. It is therefore the Advance Decision the Attorney will medical treatment and your Advance advisable to seek advice from a Solicitor not be able to overrule it. If the treatment Decision covers the circumstances in when putting an LPA in place to ensure or decision in question is not covered which you find yourself as well as the that it is properly tailored to your needs. in the Advance Decision, your Attorney treatment being considered. There must would be able to make the decision on An LPA allows you to choose who makes your behalf. be no reason to think you have changed decisions about your health and welfare if your mind since making your Advance If you have an Advance Decision in you are unable to. You may choose one or Decision. It is important that you review place and subsequently appoint an more individuals as your ‘Attorney(s)’ and your Advance Decision regularly and Attorney under an LPA, the LPA will take the powers given can be wide-reaching. keep a record that you have done so. It is precedence. You can include a power for your Attorney important that the appropriate people are to give or refuse consent to life-sustaining It should be remembered that decisions made aware that you have an Advance treatment. All decisions the Attorney concerning life-sustaining treatment do Decision in place: GP, friends, family etc. makes under the LPA must be in your best not extend to euthanasia which remains An Advance Decision is most appropriate interests. unlawful in England at this time.
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