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Election Information Election Day: WEDNESDAY 16 MAY 2018 Voting before Election Day The Privileges and Procedures Committee is required to If you are registered you can vote before Election Day at: publish the background and policies of the candidates in St Paul’s Centre, St Paul’s Gate, New Street, St Helier the forthcoming elections in accordance with the provisions Weekdays from 8.30am to 5.15pm from Monday 30 April and of the Public Elections (Expenditure and Donations) (Jersey) until 2pm on Monday 14 May 2018. Law 2014. The information is provided by each of the candidates themselves and the views expressed are Closed Bank Holiday Monday 7 May and Liberation Day those of the candidates and NOT of the Privileges and Wednesday 9 May 2018. Procedures Committee. Trinity Youth Centre This booklet does not contain the manifestos of candidates 10am-1pm on Saturday 5 May. who have been elected unopposed. These can be viewed on Communicare, St. Brelade the candidate’s page on 10am-1pm on Saturday 12 May. ELECTION 2018 Voting on Election Day The elected members of the States of Jersey are Senators, You can vote on Election Day, Wednesday 16 May, at your Connétables and Deputies. Parish or district polling station, which will be open from 8am On 16 May 2018, we will elect 8 Senators, 1 Parish to 8pm. Connétable and 26 Deputies for a term of office of 4 years (11 Parish Connétables and 3 Deputies have The polling stations on Election Day are: already been elected unopposed). Parish Venue Senators Grouville Parish Hall There are 8 vacancies for Senator in this election. Senators have an Island-wide mandate. If you are registered to vote, St. Brelade District No. 1 Parish Hall you can vote in the Senators election. St. Brelade District No. 2 Communicare The ballot paper for Senators will be white. St. Clement Parish Hall Connétables St. Helier District No. 1 Town Hall There is 1 remaining vacancy for Connétable in this election, St. Helier District No. 2 Springfield Stadium in St Mary. The Connétable is the administrative head of the Parish. You can vote for the Connétable if you are registered to St. Helier District No. 3* Rouge Bouillon School vote in St Mary. The Connétables in the other 11 Parishes have St. Helier District No. 4* First Tower School already been elected uncontested. The ballot paper for the Connétables will be blue. St. John Parish Hall St. Lawrence Parish Hall Deputies There are 26 remaining vacancies for Deputies in this election St. Martin Public Hall (3 Deputies have already been elected unopposed). Deputies St. Mary Parish Hall are elected in 17 districts corresponding to Parish boundaries St. Ouen Parish Hall or administrative districts within the Parish. You can vote for the Deputy or Deputies who are standing in the district where St. Peter Parish Hall you are registered to vote, unless a candidate or candidates St. Saviour District No. 1 Georgetown Methodist Church have already been elected uncontested. The ballot paper for Deputies will be green. St. Saviour District No. 2 Parish Hall St. Saviour District No. 3 Maufant Youth Centre Hustings Meetings The dates and venues of all candidate hustings meetings will Trinity Parish Hall be listed on All of the meetings will be filmed and will be uploaded to the website for viewing. * There is one election in the Districts of St Helier No. 3 and No. 4. Voters in those districts cast their votes at different polling stations on Register to Vote Election Day, depending on what district they live in. You have to be registered in order to vote. Anyone who was If you live in St. Helier, St. Saviour or St. Brelade and you are registered on the main Electoral Register can vote before not sure which district polling station to attend, you can find election day at a pre-poll station. out on or by contacting your Parish Hall. If your name is not on the main Electoral Register, you can put your name on the Supplementary Register (before noon on Wednesday 9 May 2018) and you will be able to vote on election day. You can register online at 2
Election Information Casting your votes at a polling station Completing the ballot paper When you arrive at the polling station or pre-poll voting The ballot papers will be different colours: station you will be asked for your name. You should have Senators - white some identification with you such as a driving licence or passport. You will then be asked which of the elections you Connétables - blue wish to vote in (Senators, Deputies and/or Connétables). Deputies - green You will be given ballot papers. The number of candidates you may vote for depends on You will then go to the voting booth to cast your vote what election you are voting in. by putting an ‘x’ beside the name(s) of your preferred candidate(s). Senators: You can vote for up to 8 candidates (see pages 8-16). Voting by post Connétables: You can vote for 1 candidate in the parish If you will be out of the Island on Election Day you can apply where you live unless a candidate has already been elected to vote by post. unopposed (see pages 47-48) Postal voting forms can be downloaded from Deputies: You can vote for up to the total number of or requested from your Parish Hall. For posting off Island you vacancies in your district unless candidates have already must return your application form by noon on Tuesday 8 May been elected unopposed (see your appropriate Parish/ 2018. For posting locally you must return your application form District pages). by noon on Friday 11 May 2018. Application forms should be sent to: Elections ballot paper The Postal + Pre-Poll Voting Officer, Here are example ballot papers for the elections of Senators, The Judicial Greffe, Royal Court House, Connétables and Deputies: Royal Square, St Helier, JE1 1JG When the Judicial Greffe receives your application, they will send you everything that you need to cast your vote: EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER Election for Connétable Election for Deputy 1. You will receive your ballot papers and a ballot paper Electors may vote for up to 1 candidate Electors may vote for up to X candidate(s) envelope. Mark an ‘x’ in the box alongside the name(s) LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name of your preferred candidate(s) then fold the ballot papers LAST NAME, First name EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name and put them inside the ballot paper envelope. LAST NAME, First name Election for Senator LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Electors may vote for up to 8 candidates Registered political party Registered political party 2. Fill out and sign the declaration of identity form. LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name 3. Put the ballot paper envelope and the declaration of Registered political party LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name identity form inside the return envelope and post it back LAST NAME, First name Registered political party to the Judicial Greffe, to be received no later than noon LAST NAME, First name on Wednesday 16 May 2018. LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name Voting if you are sick or disabled If you know you will not be well enough to go to a polling station to vote then you can arrange to vote in advance by The ballot paper will tell you the maximum number of completing an application form for a pre-poll home visit. candidates you may vote for. You do not need to use all of Application forms can be downloaded from your votes. You can vote for just one candidate if you wish. or requested from your Parish Hall. Please return your When voting, you should put a cross in the box beside the completed application form for a pre-poll home visit by noon name(s) of your preferred candidate(s). Thursday 10 May. The Postal + Pre-Poll Voting Officer, The Judicial Greffe, Royal Court House, Royal Square, St Helier, JE1 1JG If you fall ill on 16 May 2018 and cannot make it to your polling station, please contact your Parish Hall as soon as possible and they will send an official to you to take your vote. 3
Dzień wyborczy 2018 Dzień wyborczy 2018 Głosowanie w przypadku choroby, niepełnosprawności albo trudności z czytaniem lub pisaniem. Najbliższe wybory rządu państwa Jersey odbędą się 16 maja 2018. Jeżeli jesteś zarejestrowany na listę uprawnionych do głosowania, ale jesteś chory, niepełnosprawny albo masz Wyspa Jersey przechodzi przez ciekawy okres w swojej trudności z czytaniem lub pisaniem, w takim przypadku możesz historii. Wiele decyzji, które członkowie rządu muszą podjąć, oddać głoś zawczasu. Proszę skontaktuj się w tej sprawie z bezpośrednio oraz pośrednio dotyczą Twojego życia na Jersey. parishem w miejscu zamieszkania. Przedstawiciele rządu debatują i decydują o istotnych sprawach dotyczących prawodawstwa, ustawodawstwa, polityki publicznej, Głosowanie w punktach wyborczych opieki społecznej i budżetu państwa w Twoim imieniu. Należy Aby wziąć udział w wyborach należy zabrać ze sobą dowód być zarejestrowanym aby móc głosować. Rejestrując się teraz, tożsamości ze zdjęciem np. paszport, dowód osobisty lub prawo zapewniasz sobie gwarancję oddania głosu w dniu wyborów lub jazdy. Będziesz przywitany przez członka komisji wyborczej, który możliwość głosowania w punktach przedwyborczych w tygodniach po sprawdzeniu twojej tożsamości zaznaczy twoje imię na liście poprzedzających dzień wyborów. uprawnionych do głosowania oraz wręczy Tobie formularze wyborcze. Następnie będziesz mógł udać się do kabiny Również możesz zarejestrować się do głosowania elektronicznie wyborczej, gdzie postawisz krzyżyk ‘x’ obok imienia i nazwiska za pośrednictwem strony internetowej My Parish Online lub swojego kandydata.Po wypełnieniu formularza wyborczego korzystając z linku będziesz poproszony do wrzucenia go do urny wyborczej. Urzędnicy parisha będą obecni w lokalach wyborczych i Na kogo mogę głosować? udzielą wszelkiej pomocy w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań lub Są 3 listy kandydatów do rządu, na których będziesz głosować: niejasności dotyczących udziału w głosowaniu. Senators (8) W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań, prosimy o kontakt z Connétables (12) wydziałem States Greffe pod numerem 01534 441020 lub email: Deputies (29) SENATOR (SENATORÓW): Masz prawo głosować na WYPEŁNIANIE FORMULARZY WYBORCZYCH maksymalną ilość 8 senatorów, którzy są wybierani przez Formularze do głosowania będą wydrukowane w różnych wszystkich uprawnionych do głosowania mieszkańców Jersey kolorach: CONNÉTABLES (BURMISTRZÓW): Możesz głosować tylko na Senato (Senatorow) - w białym kandydatów z parisha w którym obecnie mieszkasz. Connétables (Constabli/Connétables) - w niebieskim DEPUTIES (DEPUTOWANYCH): Możesz głosować tylko na Deputies (Deputowanych) - w zielonym kandydatów z parisha lub rejonu w którym obecnie mieszkasz. Poniżej jest przedstawiony przykładowy wzór wypełniania (Niektóre większe parishe, są podzielone na rejony). formularza wyborczego: Jak mogę głosować? EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER Głosowanie przedwyborcze (pre-poll) Election for Connétable Electors may vote for up to 1 candidate Election for Deputy Electors may vote for up to X candidate(s) Jeżeli zarejestrowałeś/aś się do wyborów przed 9 kwietnia 2018, LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name możesz głosować już od 30 kwietnia 2018 do 14 maja od 8.30 do LAST NAME, First name EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER LAST NAME, First name 17.15 w punkcie wyborczym w St. Paul Gate przy New Street, w LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Election for Senator LAST NAME, First name Electors may vote for up to 8 candidates pariszu St Helier. Punkt będzie zamknięty 7 maja w Bank Holiday Registered political party Registered political party LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name (dzień wolny od pracy) oraz 9 maja 2018 roku w dniu święta LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name wyzwolenia Jersey. LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name Weekendowe punkty przedwyborcze będą również dostępne dla LAST NAME, First name Registered political party wszystkich uprawnionych do głosowania w Trinity Youth Centre od LAST NAME, First name 10.00 do 13.00 w sobotę 5 maja 2018 oraz w Communicare w St Brelade od 10.00 do13.00 w sobotę 12 maja 2018. Na formularzu wyborczym znajduje się informacja co Głosowanie w dniu wyborów (środa 16 maja) do maksymalnej liczby kandydatów na których możesz W dniu wyborów możesz głosować w parishu w którym jesteś głosować. Nie ma konieczności wypełniania wszystkich trzech uprawniony do głosowania. W tym dniu punkty wyborcze w formularzy. Można oddać głos tylko na jednego kandydata parishach będą otwarte od 8.00 do 20.00. jeżeli taka jest wola wyborcy. Oddając swój głos na poszczególnego/ych kandydata/ów Składanie głosu należy postawić krzyżyk w okienku odpowiadającym temu W określonych okolicznościach możesz głosować w domu lub kandydatowi. korespondencyjnie. Proszę skontaktuj się ze swoim parishem w sprawie objaśnień jak należy to zrobić. 4
Eleições 2018 Eleições 2018 Votar se estiver doente, se for incapacitado ou tiver dificuldades em ler e escrever. As próximas eleições terão lugar em Jersey, Se estiver inscrito para votar e está doente, for incapacitado na quarta-feira, dia 16 de maio de 2018. ou tiver dificuldades em ler e escrever, poderá votar A ilha está a passar por tempos interessantes. Muitas das antecipadamente. Para mais informação, por favor, contacte escolhas que os membros do governo devem fazer, afetarão a sua Junta de Freguesia. diretamente a sua vida quotidiana. Os membros do governo debatem e decidem questões Votar nas Eleições de importância pública e tomam decisões em seu nome, No dia da eleição necessita de ter consigo um documento relativamente, a leis, políticas, serviços públicos e despesas. de identificação com fotografia atualizada, como por exemplo, carta de condução ou passaporte. Será Pode registar-se online através do Website: My Parish Online cumprimentado pelo presidente da mesa que lhe entregará ou através do link: um boletim de voto. De seguida deve dirigir-se para a câmara de voto e aí deverá preencher com uma cruz (X) o Em quem posso votar? quadrado que está à frente do candidato em que deseja Existem 3 tipos de Membros do Governo em quem pode votar: votar. Ser-lhe-á pedido que introduza o seu boletim, Senators (8) devidamente dobrado, na urna. Connétables (12) Os representantes da Junta de Freguesia estarão na assembleia de voto para o/a poderem ajudar e esclarecer Deputies (29) sobre questões que tenha. SENATOR (SENADORS): Todos os eleitores podem votar, no Caso tenha alguma questão que deseje esclarecer, por máximo, em 8 Senadores que sejam eleitos em toda a ilha. favor, contacte o representante do governo através do seguinte número de telefone: 01534 441020 ou do correio CONNÉTABLES (REPRESENTANTE DA AUTORIDADE DA eletrónico: JUNTA DE FREGUESIA): Só pode votar nos Representantes da Autoridade da Junta de Freguesia (Connétable) onde vive. BOLETINS DE VOTO DEPUTIES (DEPUTADOS):Só pode votar nos deputados Os boletins de voto terão cores diferentes: da sua freguesia ou da região onde mora (algumas das Senator (Senadores) - Branco freguesias maiores estão divididas em regiões). Connétables (Representante Da Autoridade Da Como Votar Junta De Freguesia) - Azul Votar antes do Dia das Eleições ( secção de voto) Deputies (Deputados) - Verde Qualquer pessoa que esteja inscrita no recenseamento Veja aqui um exemplo dos boletins de voto: eleitoral pode votar na assembleia de voto algumas semanas antes do dia da eleição. A assembleia de voto estará aberta a todos os eleitores em St Paul’s Gate na New Street, St Helier EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER Election for Connétable Election for Deputy das 8h:30 às 17h:15, na segunda-feira, 30 de abril e até às Electors may vote for up to 1 candidate Electors may vote for up to X candidate(s) 14h:00 na segunda-feira, dia 14 de maio 2018. Encontra-se LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name encerrada nos feriados de segunda-feira, dia 7 de maio e de LAST NAME, First name EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER LAST NAME, First name quarta-feira, dia 9 de maio 2018. LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Election for Senator LAST NAME, First name Electors may vote for up to 8 candidates Registered political party Registered political party As assembleias de voto encontram-se também disponíveis LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name a todos os eleitores, em Trinity, no Centro da Juventude Registered political party LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name das 10h:00 às 13h:00, no sábado, dia 13 de maio 2018 e LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Registered political party no Communicare em St Brelade das 10h:00 às 14h:00, no LAST NAME, First name sábado, dia 12 de maio 2018. LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name Votar no Dia da Eleição (quarta-feira, 16 de maio) No dia da eleição, pode votar na junta de freguesia onde se Os boletins de voto indicam o número máximo de encontra inscrito. As assembleias de voto estarão abertas no candidatos em que pode votar. Não necessita de esgotar dia da eleição das 8:00 às 20h:00. todas as sua escolhas. Pode, simplesmente, votar num só candidato, se assim desejar.. Quando votar, deve colocar Votar por correio uma cruz na quadrícula que se encontra ao lado do (s) nome Em certas circunstâncias, pode votar por correio ou em (s) do (s) candidato(s) que prefere. casa. Para mais informação, por favor, contacte a sua Junta de Freguesia. 5
Jour des élections 2018 Jour des élections 2018 Voter le jour des élections générales (Mercredi 16 mai 2018) Les prochaines élections générales auront lieu Vous pouvez voter le jour même des élections générales dans la à Jersey le mercredi 16 mai 2018. Paroisse où vous êtes inscrit(e). Les isoloirs seront accessibles de L’île de Jersey vit une période intéressante. De nombreuses 8h à 20h, le jour des élections, dans l’enceinte du bureau de vote décisions que doivent prendre les membres des Etats vous de votre paroisse. affectent très directement et impactent votre vie quotidienne. Les membres des Etats débattent de sujets d’intérêt Vote postal général et prennent des décisions en votre nom Dans certains cas particuliers il peut être possible de voter par concernant les lois, les règlements, les services publics et voie postale ou à domicile. Merci de contacter les services de les dépenses publiques. votre paroisse pour plus de renseignements. Voter lorsque l’on est malade, en situation de handicap, ou lorsque l’on a des Vous devez être inscrit(e) sur les listes électorales pour avoir difficultés à lire ou à écrire. Si vous êtes inscrit(e) sur les listes le droit de voter. En vous inscrivant dès maintenant, vous électorales et que vous êtes malade, en situation de handicap pourrez voter le jour des élections ou bien de manière ou que vous avez des difficultés à lire ou à écrire, vous pouvez anticipée dans les bureaux de vote spécifiquement mis en bénéficier du vote anticipé. Merci de contacter les services de place pendant les semaines précédant le jour des élections. votre paroisse pour plus de renseignements. Pour vous inscrire en ligne, rendez-vous sur ou bien vous pouvez compléter le formulaire d’inscription et le retourner Voter aux élections générales aux services de votre paroisse. Si vous ne savez pas si vous êtes Lorsque vous irez voter, vous devrez présenter une pièce inscrit(e) sur les listes électorales, prenez contact avec les d’identité avec photographie tel un passeport ou un permis de services de votre paroisse afin de vous en assurer. conduire. Vous serez accueilli(e) par des membres du personnel qui pointeront votre nom sur les listes électorales et vous Pour qui puis-je voter ? remettront un bulletin de vote. Vous pourrez ensuite vous rendre Vous pouvez voter pour 3 catégories de membres des Etats dans l’isoloir afin d’effectuer votre vote en apposant un “x” à côté des noms des candidats auxquels vous souhaitez apporter votre Senators (8) voix. Il vous sera enfin demandé de déposer votre bulletin papier dans l’urne prévue à cet effet. Les équipes paroissiales se trouveront Connétables (12) dans les bureaux de vote et seront disponibles pour répondre à Deputies (29) toutes vos questions. Si vous avez des interrogations, merci de contacter les Greffes SENATOR (SÉNATEURS): chaque électeur peut voter pour 8 des Etats (States Greffe) au 01534 441020 ou par courriel à sénateurs au maximum, qui sont élus par l’intégralité de l’île. CONNÉTABLES (CONNÉTABLES): Vous pouvez seulement voter pour élire le Connétable de la paroisse dans laquelle vous BULLETINS DE VOTE résidez. Les bulletins de vote seront de différentes couleurs: DEPUTIES (DEPUTES): Vous pouvez seulement voter pour Senator (Sénateurs) - blanc élire les députés de la paroisse ou du district dans laquelle/ Connétables (Connétables) - bleu lequel vous résidez. (Les paroisses les plus importantes sont divisées en districts). Deputies (Députés) - vert Voici des exemples de bulletins de vote: Comment voter ? EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER Vote anticipé, avant le jour des élections Election for Connétable Electors may vote for up to 1 candidate Election for Deputy Electors may vote for up to X candidate(s) (pre-poll) LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Toute personne inscrite sur les listes électorales peut voter, LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name EXAMPLE BALLOT PAPER LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Election for Senator de manière anticipée, durant les semaines précédant le jour LAST NAME, First name Registered political party LAST NAME, First name Electors may vote for up to 8 candidates Registered political party des élections. LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Registered political party Registered political party LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Le bureau de vote anticipé, pour tous les habitants de l’île, se LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name Registered political party situe à St Paul’s Gate dans New Street, St Helier et sera ouvert LAST NAME, First name LAST NAME, First name de 8h30 à 17h15 à partir du lundi 30 avril (jusqu’à 14h) et jusqu’au Registered political party LAST NAME, First name lundi 14 mai 2018. Ce bureau est fermé lors des jours fériés : lundi 7 mai 2018 et mercredi 9 mai 2018, Jour de la Libération. Le nombre maximum de candidats pour lesquels vous pouvez Des bureaux de vote anticipé seront également disponibles, voter sera indiqué sur le bulletin. Vous n’êtes pas obligé d’utiliser pour tous les habitants de l’île, au Trinity Youth Centre de 10h tous vos votes. Vous pouvez voter pour un seul candidat si vous le à 13h le samedi 5 mai 2018 et au Communicare de St Brelade souhaitez. Pour voter, vous devez mettre une croix dans la case se de 10h à 13h le samedi 12 mai 2018. trouvant à côté du/des nom(s) du/des candidat(s) retenu(s). 6
Candidate Information Candidates standing for Election Senator (p8-16) Baudains, Gerard Le Fondré, John Moore, Kristina Troy, Gordon George Brée, Simon Lewis, Anthony Ocean, Stevie Vallois, Tracey Farnham, Lyndon Luce, Frank Pallett, Steve Ferguson, Sarah Maguire, Phil Risoli, Gino Gorst, Ian Mézec, Sam Scott, Moz Connétable and Deputy Grouville (p17) St. Helier - District 2 (p32-35) St. Ouen (p50-51) Connétable Deputy Connétable Le Maistre, John (re-elected unopposed) Alves, Carina Buchanan, Richard (elected unopposed) Deputy Dodds, Linda Deputy Labey, Carolyn (re-elected unopposed) Jennings, Geraint Le Clercq, Cliff Manning, Bernie Renouf, Richard St. Brelade (p18-19) Shelton, Barry Connétable Southern, Geoff St. Peter (p52-53) Jackson, Michael (elected unopposed) Ward, Robert Connétable Vibert, Richard (elected unopposed) St. Brelade - District 1 (p20) St. Helier - Districts 3/4 (p36-41) Deputy Deputy Deputy Creavy, Sean Young, John (elected unopposed) Ahier, Steve Huelin, Rowland Ayling-Phillip, Mary St. Brelade - District 2 (p21-23) Carrel, Jacqui St. Saviour (p54) Deputy de Faye, Guy Connétable Pike, Tony Gardiner, Inna Le Sueur – Rennard, Sadie (re-elected Tadier, Monty Higgins, Mike unopposed) Truscott, Graham Le Hegarat, Mary Tucker, Garel Rogers, Julian St. Saviour - District 1 (p54-56) Rondel, Richard Deputy St. Clement (p24-26) Southern, Anne Lewis, Isabella Connétable Maçon, Jeremy Norman, Len (re-elected unopposed) St. John (p42-43) O’Sullivan, Fiona Deputy Connétable Pamplin, Kevin Ash, Lindsay Taylor, Christopher Hugh (re-elected Freeman, Cloe unopposed) St. Saviour - District 2 (p57-58) Morrison, Samantha Deputy Deputy Pinel, Susie Philpott, Nigel Boylan, Jaime Renouf, Philip Pointon, Trevor Doublet, Louise Lewis, Kevin St. Helier (p27) St. Lawrence (p44-45) Connétable Connétable St. Saviour - District 3 (p59-61) Crowcroft, Simon (re-elected unopposed) Mezbourian, Deidre (re-elected unopposed) Deputy Deputy Coles, Tom St. Helier - District 1 (p27-31) Guida, Gregory Le Quesne, Andrew Deputy Morel, Kirsten O’Keeffe, Mary Labey, Russell Westwater, Sarah Perchard, Jess Lagadu, Jason Langdon, Kelly St. Martin (p46) Trinity (p62-63) Le Cornu, Nick Connétable Connétable Martin, Judy Stone, Karen (elected unopposed) Le Sueur, Philip (re-elected unopposed) Mash, Yann Deputy Deputy McNichol, John Luce, Steve (re-elected unopposed) Raymond, Hugh Wickenden, Scott Richardson, David R T St. Mary (p47-49) Connétable Gallichan, Juliette Le Bailly, John Deputy Baker, Mark Johnson, David 7
Standing for Senator Candidates standing for Senator Senators Pre-poll voting: On Wednesday 16 May 2018, the Island will elect 8 Senators St. Paul’s Centre, St Helier: for a term of office of 4 years. Senators have an Island-wide mandate. If you are registered • Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5.15pm 30 April – 11 May to vote, you can vote in the Senators election. • Monday 14 May 2018, 8.30am-2pm Who Can I Vote For? • Closed Bank Holiday Monday 7 and Liberation Day You can vote for a maximum of 8 candidates for Senator. Wednesday 9 May Check Parish pages for your polling station. Trinity Youth Centre: 10am-1pm, Saturday 5 May. Communicare, St Brelade: 10am-1pm, Saturday 12 May. Baudains, Gerard - Standing for Senator You’re not electing people to the However, as senator Bailache Assistant Chief Minister would be government, you’re electing them discovered, there is little support for the ideal place to lead change to the States. political parties. and, if successful, I would seek It’s ministers who make the And certainly none for the chaos of that post. After working in both decisions - and you’re not electing Super Constituencies. the committee and ministerial ministers. systems I have the necessary And a short time ago ministers experience and qualifications. The present system concentrates pretended everything was fine by power. producing a policy claimed to reflect I would also want responsibility people’s wishes. Do they seriously for Immigration. It is unaccountable. expect us to believe them? Our present open door policy It is incompetent. is the root cause of nearly all I’m standing for election A dozen ministers ruling the Island because I can no longer bear It is not fit for purpose. our problems and it’s a disgrace with the rest trying to uncover what’s to watch my Island suffer this Even Guernsey has a better system. going on is dysfunctional. We need that ministers have, for the past appalling government. Serious a system that gives all members a decade, wilfully avoided having a So how do we get out of this mess? modifications are required, and I say in government. Population Policy. have the determination, ability and Some candidates will give you well- I believe a modern version of the I’m not in the habit of making experience to drive the necessary meaning lists of solutions to our Committee System would be ideal promises I can’t keep, and so changes. problems. – but there are other options and offering a manifesto of feel-good A lot of people say the current Unfortunately, that’s a bit like buying promises that will only be ignored ultimately it is States members who States is the worst in living memory, new furnishings for a boat that would be disingenuous. That’s will decide. and many are relying on an influx of doesn’t float - until you fix the hull why my campaign focuses on the everything else is wishful thinking. That’s why selecting candidates two main issues from which all new faces at this election to change by the manifesto that most closely others flow: that. And many will offer ‘change’ matches your ideals (as is usual) will Well, it didn’t at the last election, without being explicit, whereas A revised System of Government no longer deliver. and it won’t at this one. I’m proposing an unambiguous and Immigration. solution for a specific problem. You want change? The reason is quite simple – since If elected, I promise to make I note some are proposing ‘equal- Then vote only for candidates who those my priority. 2005 the government has been the sized constituencies’ and party promise to overhaul ministerial Council of Ministers, not the States politics as a solution. government. Assembly. T: 855086 E: 8
Standing for Senator BRÉE, Simon - Standing for Senator years has had serious consequences prosperity is not being shared by negative impacts of Brexit, and on housing supply and pricing, all Islanders. The fact that we have the growing threat of actions from put increased pressure on our a high degree of unseen poverty overseas governments, dictates education system, and placed a with its direct impact on children, that government needs to be heavy burden on our underfunded and the increased use of food looking to stimulate growth in health and social services. This will banks, is something that shames all alternative industries. We can grow continue unless we address it now. of us. We have seen the economic the economy by supporting and The introduction of work permits, divide between the “haves” and encouraging small businesses and with varying conditions, that are the “have nots” steadily increasing. sole traders by reducing employer employer and job specific, for all I believe that we need to undertake social security contribution rates in the working population, would a complete review of our personal relative to the size of the business, I was born in Jersey, and have lived allow government to be proactive in income tax system, social security and by providing tax based most of my life on the Island, so can managing population growth, and contributions, and current and incentives to start-ups in the first 3 say with complete conviction that to meet a sensible, manageable, potential user pays charges. It is years of business. I fully understand the issues facing and acceptable target. wrong that the financial burden is Only by working together can we the Island and its people. Educated Housing and Future being increasingly borne by middle make a real and positive difference at Victoria College, I subsequently Development: Young families and lower income families. Removal to the lives of every member of our worked in the local finance industry trying to buy their first home of GST on food and children’s society. for 25 years before setting up my are finding it nearly impossible. clothing, a fairer tax system based own small business. We need a better solution than on ability to pay, and a raising of the There are a number of major issues cap on social security contributions just building new large scale facing our Island which need to be would be a step in the right developments. Government needs tackled; issues that potentially will direction. to encourage and work with the impact negatively on our quality of parishes to deliver more small scale The Economy: The Finance life, which is something we all should affordable home developments to industry is vitally important to our strive to protect, and improve for give those families hope. economy and continued prosperity, everyone. Income Tax, GST and User Pays and government needs to ensure Population Growth: the growth it continues to thrive in a stable well Charges: Despite the apparent in our population over the past 8 regulated environment. Potential growth in the economy, this Address: Le Becquet Carre, La Grande Route de la Cote, St Clement, JE2 6SF T: 840773 E: W: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: farNham, Lyndon - Standing for Senator and productive economy and develop • Establishment of the Fort Regent • Health – To deliver the new hospital. a fairer and more inclusive society. Future Group – committed to the • Population - To introduce new redevelopment and transformation of population policy aimed at reducing Achievements in Office 2014 – 2018 Fort Regent. long term population pressures without • Establishment of Visit Jersey - returning the Tourism sector to growth. • Establishment of an enhanced inter- compromising the stability of our island ferry service to improve social, economy or our community. • Establishment of Events Jersey – economic and sporting links between • Brexit - To ensure Jersey is well prepared introduction of Super League Triathlon the Channel Islands. for Brexit by maintaining as closely as world series. • Contributing to the end of ministerial possible the arrangements we currently • Publication of Rural Economy Strategy collective responsibility and supporting enjoy with Britain and the EU. Working for a Secure future – safeguarding the economic and new leadership and structure for the • Environment - To support further Since being appointed Minister for environmental future of agriculture. public sector. investment and initiatives to protect Economic Development, Tourism, • Establishment of Farm Jersey – Key Priorities our environment and to pioneer the Sport and Culture I have worked to enhanced promotion of agricultural • Economy - To continue to develop all introduction of environmentally friendly deliver strong, sustainable growth and sector. aspects of our economy and to provide technologies. increased diversity across our economy. • Establishment of Jersey Sport – to guide Jersey is in good shape with strong new jobs and career opportunities for • Infrastructure – To redevelop Fort and manage sports development and foundations, but the world is changing Islanders. Regent and to create new sporting and enable the participation in sport for and we must be ready to face the future • Public Sector - To ensure we are leisure facilities within the island together everyone in Jersey. with confidence. delivering the best possible value for the with further improvements to the island’s • Establishment of the Channel infrastructure, public realm and to provide Developing and maintaining a strong, tax payer before proposing changes to Islands Financial Ombudsman to greater Island access to people living with diverse economy is vital. It creates the taxes. independently resolve complaints disability. wealth required to help those in our about financial services providers in the • Education - To ensure the further community who find themselves in development of our education system • Transport – To continue to develop air Channel Islands. need and allows society to develop in a and children’s services and to provide a and sea links and improve value and • Rejuvenation of Channel Islands Lottery reliability for passengers. sustainable fashion and for the benefit sustainable funding solution for a new with growth of proceeds to charity from of everyone. higher education student grant scheme. My full manifesto is available at £685,000 in 2013 to £1.4 million in 2017. If elected I will continue to work on • Housing - To increase the supply of new behalf of all Islanders to build a strong homes. Address: Chant de la Mer, Le Mont Rossignol, St Ouen, Jersey JE3 2LN T: 01534 485107 E: W: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: 9
Standing for Senator Ferguson, Sarah - Standing for Senator The projections by Statistics Jersey policies and strategies. If we carry a practice which should flourish are that at 700 a year, by 2035 we on at 700 people a year, where under the plans put forward by the shall require 185 Le Marais blocks will we house people? The rate at new Chief Executive. and 6 new Primary Schools. which we are building, 1261 houses Having been fortunate enough to One of the reasons I brought over the past 4 years compares with attend university, I am keen that an amendment to the MTFP immigration of 1400 over the same those of our students who are in September 2016, after the period? Andium and the Housing qualified should not be prevented by election, was to get a better Trusts are making solid attempts because of funding. I will set out profile of the taxpaying public to provide more housing but it is more detailed funding plans on and to improve the picture of the difficult to build reasonably sized my website and during hustings. I demographics of immigration. dwellings because they are mainly also want those who have practical I am standing for this election in The Assembly did not support being squeezed into the urban talents not to be overlooked. response to the many of you who this although the tax department areas. This must be addressed in have asked me to stand. Through I will continue to work a number have started to investigate the the 2020 Island Plan as must the the opinions which you have of projects which I have initiated information which we need urgently long term development plan for expressed to me, it is clear that recently. You can read more about if we are to plan realistically for the St Brelades Bay. This was voted the main concerns continue to be my ideas in my manifesto and future. There are trends affecting for twice by the States, and is an immigration, population, taxes comments on the future, there are preferences important policy to maintain the Bay and charges and housing. And,, expressed by Islanders but without as a Tourist destination. therefore, indirectly, the. Economy. accurate information it is difficult The overlap between the But most importantly your vote is The policy underpinning all other your voice so please use it. realistically to combine these and Health and Social Services and policies is the immigration policy. make achievable plans. Social Security Departments, is Thank you. The essence of the proposal If elected I will bring an urgent demonstrated by the current made by the outgoing Council proposition to obtain this tax reviews for Social Security on of Ministers is that immigration information before the new strategic capacity to work and the assessment should not exceed the average of plan is crystallised. of incapacity. These emphasise the the immigration since 2001 or 700 necessity for more coordination and people per year. Without sound information it is cooperation between departments, difficult to coordinate the underlying Address: Soleil d’Hiver, Le Mont Sohier, St Brelade, JE3 8EA T: 07797 732891 or 01534 743625 E: TWITTER: Gorst, Ian - Standing for Senator I have represented Jersey, boosting of the local business community. Modernise government and the the Island’s reputation to protect Improve the lives of Islanders by: public sector: our financial services sector and to • Fighting to modernise government. • Improving the quality and supply of promote investment and trade for affordable housing. • Delivering better, value-for-money businesses of all sizes. • Lifting standards of living and promoting public services. If elected, I will continue this work, family friendly legislation to support • Providing streamlined services designed building on our strengths and working working families. to meet the needs of islanders. towards a community where everyone is treated fairly and has a future. I aim to: • Supporting vulnerable children and • Ensuring that we have sound finances to adults, the elderly and people with sustainably fund our public services. Deliver effective economic leadership in Experienced politician. Effective leader. mental ill-health. My nine core commitments: uncertain times by: Delivering change for Jersey. • Completing the reform of our children’s 1.Create an Affordable Housing • Protecting our Island’s prosperity and I have shown that I have the passion, services and implementing the Commission. the interests of businesses that drive our determination and expertise to lead our recommendations of the Care Inquiry economy. 2.Deliver support at a parish level for Island through tough economic and report. • Navigating through Brexit, making the the elderly in our community. political times. • Refocusing the competition regulator on most of the opportunities created. 3.Create a new Digital Academy. My focus has always been on improving reducing the cost of living. • Building on the strength of the financial 4.Young people’s contract - creating the lives of Islanders, maintaining a • Eliminating discrimination in all its forms. services industry and the traditional opportunities for young people. strong, stable economy and enhancing industries of farming, fishing and tourism. • Giving legal recognition to carers. Jersey’s international appeal. 5.University of Jersey. • Developing and expanding new, • Transforming health and social care During my time as Chief Minister, 6.Keep Jersey farming. diversified sectors of our economy such through improved infrastructure and economic growth has exceeded as digital. increased staffing levels. 7.Green Jersey – promote expectations and unemployment environmental sustainability in • Effectively represent Jersey on the • Giving schools more autonomy. figures have fallen to the lowest levels energy, transport and infrastructure. since 2009. Changes have been international stage by protecting our • Continued support for culture and reputation in the EU and further afield. 8.Our economic future – good growth, made to modernise government, to the arts. good Brexit, good reputation. encourage investment in affordable • Promoting investment and trade. • Encouraging active and sporting lifestyles housing and to establish the Long Term 9.Focusing Government upon • Implementing the recently published enhancing community health and Care Scheme for the elderly. serving Islanders: one Government, population policy with the co-operation wellbeing. balanced budgets. Address: Les Roches Fleuries, Les Relais, L’Étacq, St Ouen E: W: Facebook: Twitter: 10
Standing for Senator Le fondrÉ, John - Standing for Senator to make proper public sector the UK / Europe, improving their Whilst we may face troubled times reform. Change has been glacial. understanding of our constitutional ahead, I am positive for the future Organisational culture needs to position. We have a very good team of Jersey. I do not believe in quick dramatically improve, to benefit both in External Relations doing this. I political fixes. I believe in getting the the public and our workforce. regularly meet senior politicians right solution and can constructively I support the recent proposed from UK, Ireland, and Europe as the contribute to that future. changes to the public sector but Jersey representative for the British My Background we must maintain our good quality Irish Parliamentary Assembly ; a Jersey Born, Married with 2 children services, recognising that frontline full member of a BIPA Committee (school age). workers have borne the brunt of a (Economic Affairs) and Vice President of l’Assemblée Parlementaire de la Qualifications: Accounting and Proven Political Experience number of changes. I did not support Finance degree – Upper Second the further centralisation of political Francophonie (Jersey section). I have a professional background, and (Honours); Chartered Accountant. proven political experience, having power to the Chief Minister. Population and Housing been Assistant Minister to the Chief Professional Membership: Sustainable public finances to fund I support the review of housing. We Minister, and Treasury and Resources. Institute of Chartered Accountants services for our whole community must grasp the nettle as to how After 2014 I chose to join Scrutiny. I we handle immigration but with Information Systems Audit and ‘Low, broad and simple’ are the basic am currently President - Chairmen’s flexibility regarding work permits Control Association. tax principles I support. Changes in Committee (Scrutiny); Chairman - tax policy require careful consultation, and industry. Occupation: Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel; and should not be changed ‘on States Member (Deputy - 12½ Chairman - Brexit Review Panel; Conclusion the hoof’. We need a cohesive years); Chartered Accountant; Member - Hospital Review Panel I am well aware there is public tax system which is modern and Company Director. and have held Ministers to account disillusionment with the States fit for purpose. I am not generally particularly in decision making and Honorary: Trustee Les Vaux on issues including the Hospital; the supportive of new ‘user pays’ charges a failure to engage properly with Housing Trust (20+ years). Jersey International Finance Centre being introduced as measures to and Ministerial spending plans. people. I recognise the difficulties To have a voice, use your VOTE raise revenue. faced by ‘middle Jersey.’ I have My top priorities include : Please consider me for one of your Managing the implications of demonstrated that I am prepared votes for Senator Achieving greater value for money Brexit for Jersey to probe, challenge and tackle Over the last 6 ½ years the Council of In 2019 Britain will leave the EU. It is complex issues with integrity and Ministers have missed opportunities important to promote Jersey with professionalism. Address: 3 Avenue Petit Felard, Mont Felard, St Lawrence, JE3 1JE T: 01534 738379 E: W: Facebook: Twitter: LEWIS, Anthony - Standing for Senator • I want to move mental health higher • I want no GST on healthy foods like About me up the political agenda. More fruit, vegetables and milk, to improve Age: 49 understanding and reduced stigma. lifestyle and reduce obesity. Education: St Mary’s Primary School, One in four people have a mental Les Quennevais and Hautlieu (Head Environment health issue. Boy, 1986/87) • I will be a louder voice in the States Community for the environment. Employment: Jersey Evening Post • I will propose combining the existing • I want to see an Environment (reporter, news editor, assistant editor), hospital site with Parade Gardens as Ministry, separate from Planning. Channel 103 (news editor) a campus-style hospital, with lower Career highlights: Organising Side • I want more support for the Jersey buildings set in green parks and By Side show of public support by I will be a new champion for Equality, National Park and the Island’s gardens. 5,000 Islanders in St Ouen’s Bay after Community and the Environment. cultural heritage. • We need a tight-knit community. 2004 Boxing Day tsunami; walking the I am a different candidate, with a • We need a ban on single-use • Work, work, work. We need to have 2010 Jersey Marathon over six days; different voice who will run a different coffee cups. healthy lifestyle and balance. taking part in the 2012 Olympic Torch campaign – but ‘different’ is just what • We need more recycling. In relay; leading group of 112 Islanders Jersey needs. • I will support sensible measures Norway, 96% of bottles are who cycled from London to Paris in of population control. Population recycled, but in Jersey? Let’s do it. Why am I asking for your vote? forecast is 128,800 by 2035. 2012; keynote speaker at the 2018 CI My commitment to you: • We need to support the use of Equality and Diversity Awards. • I will support the creation of social lower emission vehicles, electric Recognition: NUJ (Jersey branch) Equality enterprises for communities. public transport, and more cycle Journalist of the Year; CI Sports • I will be a Champion in the States for • I believe in a major revival of the role ways. Personality of the Year Awards equality in our society. of parishes in community life. • We need all new homes to be Achievement of the Year award; UK • I want everyone, disabled and able • I support all healthy and sporting required to have solar panels, Stroke Association’s Life After Stroke bodied, treated the same. I feel a activities, such as the proposals for a with discount incentives for Awards winner of the 2012 Adult stigma. I want to remove the barriers new skatepark. homeowners. Courage Award. in society. We need more support. • I want the creation of a modern Family: Three sons: Rhys (23), Joe • I want to see a Minister for Equality in community sport and health centre (11) and William (5), and grandson the States. at Fort Regent. Milo (1). T: 07829 829 938 E: W: Facebook: Twitter: 11
Standing for Senator LUCE, Frank - Standing for Senator That is why, as a Jerseyman, and to offer in observation and 6. I should like to introduce a member of our community, I am comment. I should like to see a Jersey Honours system, with a going to put myself forward for voluntary committee of those title for recipients, which would election as a Senator: to bring to talented people be formed and promote and reward good the Chamber itself the thoughts, recognised, with the government service to our Island; feelings, and wishes of all Islanders providing facilities; they could 7. Give passion to politics to with the passion they deserve. I add depth to government encourage Islanders to get wish to serve our people and to decision-making and sit on a involved; bring back a semblance of the yearly changeover basis. 8. Hold each fortnight a Political very essence of good inclusive 2. That all politicians be made Surgery, to welcome meeting government, and that is precisely totally accountable for their The present standing Islanders, their thoughts and what I would do for my term of actions and face the correct government has to be the worst concerns; office, if elected. consequences thereof; to serve since the Second World 9 & 10. To listen, talk, act and War – feeble, ineffective, lacking Having stated my core reason in 3. That 2. above should apply to serve the Island to the best of robust leadership, integrity and running for electoral selection, the civil service and all others in my ability, if elected. identity, misusing public money namely to see ’joined-up’ serving the people of Jersey; on an epic scale. Many of its government – the Chamber and 4. That all major decisions on members, having been elected its Islanders working together for public spending be open to by the people to represent their our mutual benefit, easing the decision and scrutiny to all aims and wishes at government total disjointed discord of present in the States Chamber, an level are not in tune with public day politics. I shall pursue all and example being a new hospital, opinion, having their own every other aim to reach the goal a big spend at present to be left agenda. When held to account of better government, and list to one element of government by the public they become certain aims below. to decide; determined to ignore the public, 1. The Island is very lucky to have regardless. As a consequence, 5. That the government curb many principal residents who Islanders are angry and have little the prolific waste of public call Jersey their home – people faith in our political system. money and adopt a principle with real understanding and of prudent approach, centrally experience who have a lot controlled by a scrutiny panel. Address: 61 Marina Court, St Helier, JE2 3WB T: 07797 713 689 E: Maguire, Phil - Standing for Senator after 5 years. This is a direct Now the reason they do ths is violation of the data protection because they think that they are law and your human rights above the law. Apparently, there because they are destroying is a law that states that no civil legal documentation that you servant will be held responsible may require later should there for their actions. Well, I hate to be any issues that call for a say this, but this law has been re-assessment of any previous superceded. In 2000 when we years income tax. The real reason introduced the human rights that they’re doing is to hide their legislation, we introduced a mistakes in the hope that you requirement that any existing When I first stood back in 2010, one won’t have kept vital records law that are subsequently found of the two things I was campaigning yourself. But whatever the reason to infringe human rights are against was the Income Tax for this, it is a criminal act. automatically null and void Department’s wilful disregard for the Income Tax law. If they weren’t going to keep A law that allows the civil service to them, the least they should do violate the public without recourse Well, thanks in no small part, I’m is return them to the owners of is a direct violation of articles 7 sure, to a then-Deputy Gorst, the the information ie you. But they and 14. Income Tax Department mended its don’t, they destroy it and they I want to know why we have ways and started obeying the law. do so without notice to allow you not enacted this human rights Since then, that deputy has gone to ensure that you have proper legislation on any and every law on to become Chief Minister and copies. protecting civil servants and it would appear that the Income The really bad news is that other politicians. After all, it’s been Tax Department has thought that departments have seen the Income around for 18 years now. he would be too busy to notice Tax Department getting away with No one is above the law. Everyone and have gone back to the law- it and have decided to follow them should obey the same law - breaking ways. And they’re right. including Social Security, amongst including civil servants - especially Of the many ways that they break others. And they’ve been doing it civil servants. the law, the worst is that they for some time. dispose of all documentation Address: Ashton Lodge, Rue De Jambart, St Clement, JE2 6LA E: W: 12
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