Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage

Page created by Duane Rojas
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
Co2019      Pr og ra m
       ie Guide
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
$5 a box
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls
develop five key business and leadership
skills that last a lifetime:

        1       Goal Setting—as she sets cookie sales goals individually and
        with her team, creates a plan to reach them, and develops Cooperation and
        Team Building skills all along the way.

        2      Decision-Making—as she helps decide how her team will
        spend their cookie money, furthering her Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
        Skills that will help her throughout life.

        3      Money Management—as she takes cookie orders, handles
        customer’s money and gains valuable and Practical Life Skills around financial

        4      People Skills—as she learns how to talk, listen and work with
        all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop
        Healthy Relationship and Conflict Resolution skills she uses throughout her life.

        5      Business Ethics—as she is honest and responsible at every
        step of the cookie sale. Her business ethics here reinforce the Positive Values
        she is developing as a Girl Scout.

                              The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the
                              largest girl-led business in the country
                              and generates immeasurable benefits
                              for girls and our community. Through
                              Girl Scout Cookies, girls are doing
                              amazing things and becoming girls of
                              courage, confidence, and character
                              who make the world a better place!
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
Girl Scout Safety Guidelines

      Show You’re a Girl Scout
      Wear the Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.

      Buddy Up
      Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun.

      Be Street Wise
      Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout Cookies.

      Partner with Adults
      Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when they are taking orders,
      selling or delivering product. Girls who are Cadettes and older must be supervised by an adult
      and should never sell alone. Adults should be present at a cookie booth in any public place at all

      Plan Ahead
      Always have a plan for safeguarding money, and avoid walking around with large amounts of it,
      or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults, who should deposit it as
      directed by your Girl Scout council as soon as possible.

      Do Not Enter
      Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid
      selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys.

      Sell in the Daytime
      Use the phone and email to sell when it’s dark outside. Save door-to-door sales for daylight

      Protect Privacy
      Girls’ names, addresses, or email addresses should never be given out to customers. Use a group
      contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information, reorder
      or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the
      product sale. Girls should never take credit card numbers.

      Be Safe on the Road
      Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking
      along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles.

      Be Net Wise
      Take the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before going online and follow the specific guidelines
      related to marketing online. Remember, Girl Scouts now have a safe place to sell cookies online
      through Digital Order Card. Selling Girl Scout Cookies any other place on the web is still
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
How to Sell
         Girl Scout Cookies
Order Cards -January 11 to January 27
Girl Scouts will start the sale with their Order Cards, or Initial Order Sale, and use them to sell to friends,
family and anybody who likes to pre-order their favorite Girl Scout Cookies.

When girls sell using their Order Cards, they simply take the customers contact information - name,
address and phone number - and the amounts and varieties they would like to purchase on the Order
Card. We also ask that girls collect money up-front when possible to help save time when delivering

Girl Scouts who sell 250+ boxes during the Initial Order can earn this “Say it Boldly” Set

Goal Getter Card -January 28 to February 21
Once Girl Scouts turn in their Order Card for the Initial Order, they can continue selling using their Goal
Getter Card - to help them reach their GOALS!

And any girl that can sell an additional 30+ boxes during this time will earn the 2019 Goal Getter Diva

Walk-A-Bout - From when cookies are available to March 17
Cookies will be delivered in the last week of February. Once Girl Scout Cookies have arrived, girls should
make every effort to deliver all Initial Order boxes to customers first, but they can also continue sell-
ing by canvassing their neighborhoods with extra boxes - ask your troop leader how to get extra boxes
of cookies.

Booth Sales - February 22 to March 17
Girl Scouts have two ways they can participate in a Booth Sale (selling directly to custom-
ers in a public area): as a Troop Booth Sale, or as a Mom and Me Booth Sale!

Troop Booth Sales are scheduled with the troop and give girls an opportunity to work together and sell
as a team - ask how you as a parent can support your Girl Scout’s Troop by being a Booth Volunteer.

Mom and Me Booth Sales are booth sales that allow girls to continue selling as an individual girl. Please
contact your troop leader for more information and how you can participate!

Digital Order Card - January 4 to March 17
GSUSA and Little Brownie Baker have teamed up to provide a safe and fun way to sell Girl Scout Cookies
online through the Digital Cookie Program!

Girls will be invited to join Digital Order Card through an email sent to their primary guardian. Once a
girl is signed up she will be able to set goals, work on her financial literacy badges, customize her own
Online Store, and begin selling anywhere in the United States!

Please ask your troop leader for more information on this exciting way to sell!
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
By participating in the Girl Scout Cookie
  Program, girls earn amazing rewards that
       open up awesome opportunities!
Troop Proceeds
Through selling Girl Scout Cookies troops earn Troop Proceeds to support your daughter’s Girl Scout
Leadership Experience. It provides much needed funds for crafts, fieldtrips, badges and patches, troop
travel, and anything the troop needs. Troops earn between $0.60 to $0.75 per box sold!

Girl Rewards and Cookie Dough
Not only does the troop earn funds but each individual girl can set goals and earn many great rewards,
and more importantly, Cookie Dough, or cookie credit used for Girl Scout Programs.

Cookie Dough is Girl Scouts of Silver Sage’s primary way to recognize the hard work that Girl Scouts
and their families put into the Cookie Program. Cookie Dough is used just like “cash” - so treat it that way,
and don’t loose it! Once earned it can be used for:
      • Girl annual membership dues
      • Council and Service Unit sponsored activities
      • Council camp sessions
      • GSUSA Destinations and Getaways
      • Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Troop Travel
      • Merchandise from the Council Store

But that’s not all...
In addition to Cookie Dough, girls will earn amazing items and colorful patches based on the number
of boxes she sells during the stated time period. See below for all our 2019 Rewards and Cookie Dough
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
Tips and tools to help your Girl Scout make
        the most of her cookie sales!

• Collect money up-front and keep safe at all times.
• Turn in money as often as you can to troop leaders.
• Never give out cookies without payment first.
• Always get a receipt when turning in money or picking up product.

 • Role play and practice what your Girl Scout should say.
 • Let your daughter make the sale. She may look like she is
 struggling but she will learn more by doing it herself!
 • Use Cookies from the Heart, the council-wide donation
 program. Take the customer’s order and follow up with, “Would
 you also like to donate a box to the Idaho Food Bank?” (or
 whichever organization the troop has chosen).
 • Use the 5forFive! Contest with every sales opportunity! See
 below for details:

                      The 5forFive! Contest is designed to give girls a way to sell more
                      boxes and give back to the customers that best support our mission.
                      If a customer purchases 5 Boxes of Girl Scout Cookies they can
                      enter to win 5 Cases (60 Boxes) of Girl Scout Cookies. There are
                      5 total winners, one in each Girl Scouts of Silver Sage geographic
                      • Use the 5forFive Coupon at the point-of-sale to increase each
                          customers purchase - not just at delivery as a reward.
                      • Started in Silver Sage Council, and is now a national top
                        selling tool!

                                        The drawing will be held on Monday April 1,
                                        2019! Winners will be notified by phone and
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
Cookie Program Quick Facts:
•   Cookies are $5/box
•   All varieties on the Order Card, including Toffe-tastic and S’mores
•   Collect money up-front when selling
•   Turn in money as often as you can
•   Girls can use the Digital Cookie Program to sell online!!

            Cookie Program Quick Dates:
              Order Card Sales: January 11 - January 27
            Turn in order to Troop Leaders: by January 28
             Goal Getter Sales: January 28 - February 21
                   Cookies Arrive: February 165- 21
                 Booth Sales: February 22 - March 17
                  All money due to troop: March 18

          Cookie Program Quick Contacts:
             Troop Leader: _________________________

                           Membership Team
                          Phone: 208-377-2011
                       Toll Free: 1-800-846-0079
Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Cookie Program 2019 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage
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