Controversial approach to wolf management in the Czech Republic
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Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 Original Paper Controversial approach to wolf management in the Czech Republic Jana Lososová1*, Jindřiška Kouřilová1, Nikola Soukupová2 1 Department of Accounting and Finances, Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic 2 Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic *Corresponding author: Citation: Lososová J., Kouřilová J., Soukupová N. (2021): Controversial approach to wolf management in the Czech Republic. Agric. Econ. – Czech, 67: 1–10. Abstract: Expansion of the wolf in the Czech Republic results in an increasing conflict between nature conservationists and other landscape users. In March 2020, the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic issued the "Wolf Management Programme". The document provoked negative reactions from organisations of farmers, breeders, and hunters. The article deals with the key issues triggered by the conflict and the attitudes of actors involved. We want to clarify to what extent the solutions designed by individual parties help to mitigate the conflict and how the financial demands related to this issue have been evolving. The problem may seem marginal in the Czech Republic, but the wolf population density in some regions may already be close to its bearable maximum. Key problems are the identification of specific target numbers of wolves, the absence of zoning as a future option, and clear rules for dealing with direct encounters of wolves with humans. The benefit of wolf management is primarily the sum of preventive measures it aims to address, but the relationship with other main actors and the area of education and promotion is debatable as it re- presents a further increase in the absorption of public funds without guarantees of effectiveness. Keywords: compensations of damage; conflict; conservation; Wolf Management Programme From about 2014, the Czech Republic has shown marily focused on implementing the well-functioning a rapid expansion of wolf (Canis lupus), resulting in, system to finance preventative measures for protect- among others, a significant increase in the amount ing herds, implementing the fully operational system of damage to livestock. The Ministry of the Environment of damage investigation and compensations, a uniform (ME) tried to mitigate this growing conflict between the wolf monitoring system as well as determining the nature conservationists and other landscape users by is- clear steps to take when problematic individuals appear suing the "Wolf Management Programme" (Program (ME 2020). Some agricultural, breeding, and hunting péče o vlka obecného) through the Nature Conservation organisations have serious reservations about the pro- Agency of the Czech Republic (AOPK) in March 2020 posed Programme. In their opinion, none of the critical (hereinafter referred to as "Programme"). It is a manage- comments have been reflected in the document. ment plan primarily aimed at minimizing the emerging The aim of this article is to identify key issues brought conflicts related to the damage to farm animals. It is pri- about by the conflict and to compare the attitudes of ac- Supported by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (Project No. GAJU 121/2020/S). 1
Original Paper Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 tors in conflict. We want to clarify to what extent the tween the conservation objectives and other human in- solutions proposed by individual parties help to miti- terests. In such a case it is difficult to find an indepen- gate the conflict and how the financial demands related dent arbitrator and the goals we want to accomplish to this issue have been evolving. The paper is arranged need to be focused on (Redpath et al. 2015). The nature as follows. The following chapter lists the relevant lit- conservation manifests itself as a new party accumu- erature about the topic in question. The reference doc- lating speculative capital (Büscher and Fletcher 2015) uments and methods used are described in the third and, as such, it may have an adverse influence on not part. The fourth part presents and discusses the results only the economic activity of people but also the pro- (Programme objectives and key observations of oppo- tected species (Margulies and Karanth 2018). nents). The conclusion chapter summarizes the main Reduction or elimination of sheep grazing in the benefits and drawbacks of the Programme. Czech Republic would result in further deterioration of valuable grassland and disappearance of a wide THEORETICAL BACKGROUND range of biotopes of rare plant and animal species of a European importance (Krahulec et al. 2001). Land abandonment and village population decline Restoring the aesthetic landscape must be based in Europe led to the forest stand and scrubland spread- on a more rational balance of all factors affecting ing (Pereira and Navarro 2015), while the increasing its character. The sustainable harmonious landscape abundance of wildlife promoted the expansion of large of value can be restored only by ensuring that the land carnivores across the abandoned areas (Boitani and owners permanently benefit from their soil. Reckless Linnell 2015), e.g. in Poland and Germany (Nowak promotion of one factor at the expense of the others et al. 2011; Wagner et al. 2012). If large carnivores re- may result in totally unforeseeable impacts. colonize the areas where they have not occurred for The annual compensation for large carnivore dam- centuries and where the local inhabitants abandoned age in Europe comprises approximately EUR 28.5 mil- their protective methods of breeding, a very sensitive lion. Between 2005 and 2012, average costs per wolf problem occurs (Linnell 2013). Such situations may re- amounted to EUR 2 400 a year. To ensure mitigation sult in major economic losses as well as intensive social of conflicts, it is necessary to evaluate efficiency of the conflicts between conservationists and farmers who prevention and compensation programmes on a regu- feel endangered by the presence of large carnivores lar basis and to adjust them upon the scores of such (Redpath et al. 2013). evaluations (Bautista et al. 2019). Especially in the Wolves generate more negative attitudes than other context of enormous pressures on public financial re- predators (Dressel et al. 2015), even though they are not sources in the current crisis period caused by the coro- directly related to the material damage. Attitudes are navirus pandemic, it is necessary to give a reasonable usually more strongly associated with intangible costs assessment in terms of efficiency of inputs to individu- (Kansky and Knight 2014). Negative perceptions are al activities and to evaluate the necessity of other types stronger in the recolonized areas, whilst uninterrupted of aids. coexistence of a human being and carnivores produc- es higher degrees of tolerance (Kaczensky et al. 2004; DATA AND METHODS Majić and Bath 2010; Lososová et al. 2019). Apart from the predation on livestock (Milner et al. 2005; Nilsen The paper is based especially on the initiative and et al. 2005), the rapid wolf expansion is often consid- needs of agricultural and regional practice. Methodical- ered by local inhabitants as a reduction in the quality ly, it is comparison of clashing opinions of various groups of their lives. Protection of wolves and other carnivores of interest, discussions towards tackling the problem, is also referred to as a conflict between urban and rural and effective use of public resources in the context communities (Skogen et al. 2013). of subsidies granted for the purposes of implementing The term "human-wildlife conflict" (HWC) is un- conflicting measures. The opinions of the conservation derstood as a direct fight between people and wild institutions are opposed to those of breeders farming animals, but it is mostly a conflict between the advo- in predominantly ecologically valuable areas. Conflict cates of different human activities or groups of inter- management requires parties to recognize problems est (Margulies and Karanth 2018). Technical solutions as shared ones, and engage with clear goals, transparent may reduce impacts of the clash between people and evidence base, and awareness of a compromise. Where- wild animals, but they fail to tackle the conflicts be- as the subsidies, as a rule, come from the public financ- 2
Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 Original Paper es and the losses, or more exactly, their compensations, Pack are and will be increasing, the issue will become more Couple Territorial induvidual topical in the future. It is not only a question of financial aspects but also of certain risks stemming from chang- ing the landscape, its value for tourism, and the impact of behaviour of entities involved in the process of pro- moting the spread of predators in the landscape, in par- ticular, the direct and indirect induced costs of farms and the effects of proposed measures. The basic document is the Wolf Management Pro- Isolated observations are not shown gramme (ME 2020), which is being confronted with opinions of its critics. The article is based on the data Figure 1. Incidence of a wolf in 2018/2019 of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO), Ministry of the Source: AOPK (2020) Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Fi- nance, The Czech and Moravian Hunting Union ported by hunters will be higher (due to repeated ob- (CMMJ), agricultural associations, and other institu- servations), but such a major difference is striking. The tions. The study area is Broumovsko, where the rep- occurrence of approximately 10 animals had been rela- resentatives of breeders and municipalities have first tively stable up to 2014. There has been a sharp increase come together and started to solve the problem at an in- since 2014 and this trend corresponds to the growing stitutional level. It compares the scientific knowledge, damage and wolf population expansion in neighbour- data available in the relevant sectors, materials and ing countries (Lososová et al. 2019). knowledge of breeders, hunters, agricultural associa- It is a regional problem and the number of individu- tions and conservationists, which were obtained from als makes us tempt to downplay this conflict despite printed and digital documents and statements in me- the fact that the density of wolf population in some dia or by means of free interviews conducted in per- regions may already approach the maximum now. son, by telephone, or electronically. We analysed the It is of utmost importance to take account of the land- impacts of this problem on financial and non-financial scape character, afforestation, amount of the wild prey, indicators. methods of agricultural land cultivation, historical ex- To quantify the relationship between damage caused perience of inhabitants, population density, and attrac- by wolves and the number of wolves in the Czech Re- tiveness of the region for tourism. public territory, a simple linear regression based on an- The Wolf Management Programme presents the nual time series was used, in the form of: wolf as a prominent species of forest ecosystems which helps to regulate the numbers of wild ungulates. Ac- y = β0 + β1 × x + ε (1) cording to the official policies and conservationist organisations, the role of the wolf in the landscape where: y – dependent variable; β0, β1 – parameters of the is indisputable and utterly positive. Wolves play an im- regression equation; x – independent variable; ε – residual. portant disease control role in the ecosystem, and The issue applies to a number of countries which dif- in the areas where they are missing, ungulates may be- fer in their area, population, landscape type, the extent come significantly overpopulated and, as a result, the and history of wolf colonization, traditions in pastoral- damage to forest stands and the populations of smaller ism, and approach to solving the conflict in question. predators may increase significantly (ME 2020). These statements are supported by many scientific RESULTS AND DISCUSSION studies which are, however, frequently carried out at sites little affected by human beings (Hayward and Based on the AOPK (2020), there are about 13 wolf Somers 2009; Eisenberg 2013; Kuijper et al. 2016). Re- packs and three couples without the young (Figure 1), colonizing the areas substantially transformed by hu- which accounts for about 70 to 80 individuals moving man activities by large carnivores does not have to rep- around the Czech Republic territory. In the same pev- resent only positive impacts on the ecosystem function riod, the results of the CZSO survey showed 334 moni- (Fleming et al. 2012; Flagel et al. 2017). AOPK stems tored wolves [CZSO (2020); Figure 2]. One can expect from the trophic cascade hypotheses, which are often that the statistical data on the number of wolves re- recognized as the environmental laws without con- 3
Original Paper Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 500 Figure 2. Trend of the 450 incidence of large car- nivores on the hunt- 400 ing grounds 350 Incidence bet ween 300 April 1 and March 31 250 in the following year Source: CZSO (2020) 200 150 100 50 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Number of brown bears Number of Eurasian lynxes Number of Eurasian wolves vincing evidence (Allen et al. 2017). Also in the Pro- The Programme points to the experience gained gramme, this Agency often uses the frequently referred in a number of areas where the wolf population has study which was conducted in the Greater Yellowstone already established, the breeders began to employ apt Ecosystem, USA, and which is an example of ignor- preventative measures and the number of incidents ing the details not confirming the effects of trophic of attacks on livestock has been reduced. Specific areas cascades (Winnie 2014). There is strong evidence that are not cited in the Programme, but the trends in France wolves themselves are not responsible for all changes and Germany, for instance, do not support this state- attributed to them (Fortin et al. 2005; Mech 2012; Win- ment (Figures 3–4), even though the strictly watched nie and Creel 2017). Many questions regarding the controlled culling has been allowed in France for a few impacts of large carnivores on biological diversity are years. Comparison with other areas may be misleading yet to be answered and the positive effects within eco- owing to different conditions, such as a different ter- systems are not universal (Allen et al. 2017). The mere rain, traditions, economic conditions, and deep-rooted return of large carnivores may be of no avail in solv- breeding and protection practices. ing many environmental problems caused as a result The long-term aim of the Programme is to safe- of their extermination (Marshall et al. 2014; Wikenros guard a favourable conservation status for the species, et al. 2015). The aesthetic and cultural values of wolfs i.e. to ensure that the population of the species in its are substantial. If, however, a positive role of the wolf natural habitat will be viable for a long time. Accord- is accepted as dogma which fails to take into consider- ing to AOPK (2020), the occurrence of the wolf in the ation possible adverse impacts on other species, biodi- Czech Republic territory is now represented by indi- versity and sustainability, the controversy about wolves vidual population fragments on margins of the area will surely continue to swirl. of distribution. These separate fragments do not meet The primary aim of the Wolf Management Pro- even the minimum viable population parameters. gramme is to minimize emerging conflicts regarding The favourable conservation status is to be declared the damage to livestock. According to AOPK (2020), in 2021. The implementation plan is formed by a ta- this damage cannot be avoided in full and most herds ble of individual measures along with the timing. The are insufficiently protected against attacks by wolves. whole document fails to make it clear who is to carry Farmers were not prepared for such a rapid expan- out individual measures, who will be responsible for sion of a predator and some of them are still lagging taking them and how these measures will be financed. behind. The owners of insufficiently secured herds The Programme opponents were invited to comment are, however, not entitled to compensations of the on the document. It does not, however, mean that the damage caused by wolf attacks. The average growth comments made were understood and heard. The Pro- rate of these compensations between 2015 and 2019 gramme was objected by the following: amounts to 172% per year, which is really alarming, – Czech and Moravian Hunting Union; and the standard recommended preventative measures – Hunting Commission of the Agricultural Chamber do not seem to be sufficient. of the Czech Republic; 4
Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 Original Paper 900 856 800 700 600 500 419 381 400 300 268 237 200 152 159 161 123 80 61 85 100 43 1 10 1 1 0 0 1 19 8 24 24 0 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Number of wolf attacks Number of livestock killed, including defeated Figure 3. Trend in the number of wolf attacks on livestock in Lower Saxony Source: NLWKN (2020) – Association of Private Farming in the Czech Re- pecially on monitoring the unusual behaviour of in- public; dividual animals, making records on the wolves bred – Agricultural Association of the Czech Republic; in captivity, and preventing hybridisation. As part – Association of Sheep and Goat Breeders; of preventative measures, a network of collaborat- – Czech Beef Breeders Association; ing experts and workplaces and a network of rescue – Czech-Moravian Association of Agricultural Entre- shelters where the problematic wolves captured are preneurs; to be placed should be created. This is an expensive – PRO-BIO – The Association of Organic Farmers; solution which, in fact, means freezing the current – Young Agrarians Society of the Czech Republic. situation when the possibility of obtaining exemption According to the opponents, the main drawback of the to remove problematic animals is merely theoretical. document is that the specific target numbers of wolves The opponents point to the problematic development have not been set yet. These target numbers have not of unrestricted protection of other species. The for- been specified in neighbouring countries, either. De- merly protected beavers cause material economic dam- claring favourable conservation status (planned in 2021) age now and the zoning process has been set for them. will account for neither limit values nor the definition Protected otters cause such damage that some original of outbreak, if any. In general, conservationists consider aquatic species, such as the grayling (Thymallus thym- the wolf outbreak unreal, as they claim that when there allus) are threatened with extinction. The conservation is a shortage of food, the wolf restricts its reproduction of cormorants led to such damage to fish populations or migrates to a more suitable territory. that the government decided to pay out financial in- Another key proposal of opponents is zoning or deter- centives for their culling. mining the sites where the wolf might live in such a way According to the opponents, the Programme is based that would prevent excessive conflicts with the human on ideological grounds: It expresses interests of only being and unnecessary economic damage. This proposal one group represented by the Large Carnivore Initia- is not mentioned in the document even as a future op- tive for Europe (LCIE) and ignores those members tion. Although the Programme contains defining core of professional circles and the academia who disagree areas as a priority, these areas will not represent any- with this approach. The non-profit sector formerly rep- restriction in absolute protection and the wolf will con- resented by charitable organisations has transformed tinue to be given unrestricted protection throughout the to a strong player affecting the politicians and having Czech Republic. a huge influence on law-making. Every new problem The third essential comment was establishing clear entails an option of drawing money from public bud- rules for addressing direct conflicts between the wolf gets and a possible growth of the bureaucratic machine. and the man. In this case, the Programme focuses es- Using slogans such as payments for environmental 5
Original Paper Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 14 000 Figure 4. Trend in the number of wolf attacks 12 000 and farm animals killed 10 000 by wolves in France Source: FNO (2020) 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Number of wolf attacks Number of livestock killed services, green economy, ecosystem economy and bio- are not afraid to visit human dwellings or pull a horse logical diversity, the public, private, and non-govern- or calf down right in a village (Eggermann et al. 2009). mental sectors are looking for the ways to transform A successful attack on livestock represents an increased intangible use of the landscape into capital which may risk of predation in the next period, i.e. up to 55 attacks simultaneously "save" the environment and establish in the next 12 months (Karlsson and Johansson 2010). long-term methods of capital accumulation (Büscher The regression analysis based on available data of the and Fletcher 2015). trend in the wolf population and the trend in the com- Figure 5 shows the main cost streams and the aris- pensations of damage caused by wolves proves a high ing impacts of wolf population spreading in the regions statistical dependence (r2 = 0.993 2). An increase in the considerably affected by human activities. An unam- wolf population by 1 will result in the growth of com- biguous impact on the pastoral farming is the profit re- pensations of damage by EUR 654 a year (Figure 6), duction, even in the case of a farm unaffected by a wolf and the predicted compensations for 2020 amount attack. It is the economic situation of the farm that to EUR 275 442. Whereas the compensations increased decides on a change or termination of farming activ- in 2019, the amount of damage is likely to grow faster. ity, regardless of the amount of compensations. Com- No preventative measure is 100% efficient. A com- parison of benefits and impacts of the wolf population bination of a number of measures taken at the same expansion make it clear that especially the biodiversity time appears to be the most efficient. All protective impacts will require further scientific studies carried measures are not suitable for every breeder. They de- out with respect to the type of landscape and the meth- pend on the terrain type, size of grasslands, extent and ods of farming. structure of breeding, and other restrictions. A wolf AOPK states that the livestock makes up around 1% may overcome the structures used to prevent predators of the total consumed biomass by wolves. This indi- from hunting. A shepherd dog is not apt for every farm- cation is taken from the studies dealing with the wolf er as it is expensive, and despite its demanding train- dietary composition, usually the faeces composition ing it does not have to render a sufficient protection (Nowak et al. 2011; Wagner et al. 2012; Figueiredo et al. (Lososová et al. 2019). Permanent presence of a human 2020). Hunting in the wild is a very energy intensive is very efficient, but unreal for the economy of breed- hunting method and wolves therefore usually do not ing in local conditions. hunt more game than they eat. In case of attacks on pas- All of the measures employed have adverse effects tures, on the other hand, a wolf kills, injures or other- on the breeding economy, change in the breeder's sys- wise deteriorates much more animals than it can eat. tem and breeding practices (reduction of the animal Normally, farm animals are not a part of the diets performance, higher stress of farm animals, abortion of wild predators; it is the behaviour the predators of ewes, reduced milk yield). Protective measures also have learned (Much et al. 2018). The study carried out have an effect on the landscape continuity for other in Poland showed that dietary habits of wolf packs liv- animal species as well as an aesthetic value of the land- ing in similar conditions were very different. While scape and its attractiveness for tourism. Despite these some wolf packs do not approach pastures at all, others drawbacks, a majority of breeders adapt their way 6
Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 Original Paper Costs Direct Indirect Programmes Reduction of Reduced region and grants Game caught Farm animals pastoral attractiveness for promoting the farming tourism expansion of large carnivores Protected Covered from Covered by Fair game game public funds a farmer - less environmentally- friendly use of land - preventative Change in - preventative - change in measures biodiversity measures biodiversity - lost and - killed animals - reduced offer of otherwise regional organic - lost subsidies deteriorated products animals - increased administration - reduced performance - higher working demands - administrative load Figure 5. Diagram of wolf care costs Source: Own processing of farming to new conditions. It is not just about eco- under strictly defined conditions, authorize hunt- nomic reasons, but also about an enormous psycholog- ing of species protected under the Habitats Directive ical stress that the wolf presence entails. The breeders (No. C-674/17). who have experienced a wolf attacking their farm de- The agricultural sector as such represents an area scribe it as the worst experience they have encountered of a considerable economic, environmental and so- in their practice. cial value. The estimates of a global carrying amount The Programme reads that the foreign experience of ecosystem services expressed in monetary units are points to a possible co-existence with large carnivores. useful especially to raise awareness in regard of the size Breeder representatives, however, claim that pastoral of these services as opposed to other services provid- farming and an absolute protection of wolves have ed by human capital. Costanza et al. (2014) estimate not worked together anywhere and any efforts to re- that global land use changes between 1997 and 2011 duce damage to livestock and decrease the conflicts led to the loss of ecosystem services in the amount between the wolf and the man just copy the practices of USD 4.3 trillion to USD 20.2 trillion per year. Fré- which failed elsewhere. They think that most countries lichová et al. (2014) quantify the value of ecosys- where the wolves expanded adopted regulatory mea- tems in the Czech Republic in their study. For in- sures. The authorities in the Czech Republic claim that stance, pastures, natural grasslands, and wetlands the wolf management by means of hunting would con- are valued by them at EUR 452/ha, EUR 519/ha and tradict the European law. The opponents point to the EUR 13 917/ha, respectively. Pastoral farming is the recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European most environment-friendly method of agriculture. Union, which in response to the so-called preliminary The end of farming activity results in other additional ruling of the Finnish Supreme Administrative Court costs and any subsequent option of pasture use is ei- decided that the authorities in the member states may, ther economically or ecologically disadvantageous. 7
Original Paper Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 350000 350 000 Figure 6. Relationship between the occurrence of wolves and compensations of damage 300000 300 000 caused by them (2010–2019) Source: CZSO (2020); Ministry 250000 250 000 of Finance (2020) Refunds (EUR) Refunds (EUR) 200000 200 000 Heads Heads429; 429;EUR EUR275 275442 442 150000 150 000 100000 100 000 5050000 000 y= y =–5–5188.1458 188.1458+ +654.1545 654.1545× ×x x 00 00 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 Wolves Wolves(heads) (heads) The Programme is also aimed to pay attention to the CONCLUSION impact of the grey wolf on the game and to evaluate changes which may happen in ecosystems in coop- The Wolf Management Programme provides a use- eration with hunting organisations. It is beyond doubt ful comprehensive summary of problems which need that all impacts of the wolf on biodiversity, especially to be addressed in our territory in relation to wolf in a densely populated landscape and in an area trans- population expansion. Its benefit is especially the list formed by human activities, are not sufficiently covered of preventative measures it aims to address. Promo- and evaluated by the scientists. The same applies to how tion of preventative measures is always most efficient, much the behaviour patterns of predators are affected not only economically. The implementation plan, how- by different territories. According to the CMMJ repre- ever, contains only the timing of individual measures sentatives, wolves can under no circumstances replace without any specific details regarding related liabilities the planned culling carried out by humans. Sufficiently and financing. high numbers of wolves which would affect the amounts The relationship with other main stakeholders and of game are unreal in the Czech landscape. An increased the area of education and promotion, in particular, are wolf predation pressure on a wild boar make the wild questionable. The Programme represents a basis for boars form greater groups and leave the wild open spac- further increases in drawing public money by means es to get closer to the human settlements, which is al- of subsidies and grants, but it fails to provide assurance ready a big problem now. The CMMJ representatives regarding the effectiveness and real necessity of such declare that the information presented in printed media measures. on the damage caused by the hoofed game on the for- Apart from that, the Programme is considered est and other stands in the order of EUR millions is un- a mentoring tool that will educate farmers, hunters, true and that such an amount of damage is a fancy figure. and the public by means of individual measures and in- The representatives believe that the exaggerated form them "objectively" in cooperation with other pro- initiative aimed at the wolf protection is missing else- tectionist organisations. In our opinion, this approach where in the nature conservation, which is affected will not contribute to achieving the main aim of the by extraordinary media and marketing attractiveness Programme, i.e. mitigation of conflicts. Strengthening of the wolf in contrast to common partridges and cooperation should especially be geared towards the hares, which are a natural part of the current Central actors who criticize the Programme. It is important European cultural landscape and the numbers of which to listen to their views and to back up another view continue to decrease. with relevant facts. The situation where various groups 8
Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (1): 1–10 Original Paper of interest blame each other for dissemination of delu- Dressel S., Sandström C., Ericsson G. (2015): A meta-analysis sions and half-truths and concealment of information of studies on attitudes toward bears and wolves across makes it difficult to envisage that one of such groups Europe 1976–2012. Conservation Biology, 29: 565–574. will contribute to providing objective information Eggermann J., Gula R., Pirga B., Theuerkauf J., Tsunoda H., especially when it defends its own livelihood. What Brzezowska B., Rouys S., Radler S. (2009): Daily and season- is more, objective information often depends on the al variation in wolf activity in the Bieszczady Mountains, view the given group is inclined to. A perspective and SE Poland. Mammalian Biology, 74: 159–163. a wider context always matter. Unless there is a con- Eisenberg C. 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