Continuous and Daily Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy: Results from a 2-Year Open-Label Follow-On Study

Continuous and Daily Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy: Results from a 2-Year Open-Label Follow-On Study
Original Article

Continuous and Daily Oral Immunotherapy for
Peanut Allergy: Results from a 2-Year Open-Label
Follow-On Study
Brian P. Vickery, MDa, Andrea Vereda, MD, PhDb, Caroline Nilsson, MD, PhDc, George du Toit, MDd,
Wayne G. Shreffler, MD, PhDe, A. Wesley Burks, MDf, Stacie M. Jones, MDg, Montserrat Fernández-Rivas, MD, PhDh,
Katharina Blümchen, MDi, Jonathan O’B. Hourihane, MDj,k, Kirsten Beyer, MDl, Alex Smith, BScm,
Robert Ryan, PharmD, PhDb, and Daniel C. Adelman, MDm,n Atlanta, Ga; London, United Kingdom; Stockholm, Sweden;
Boston, Mass; Chapel Hill, NC; Little Rock, Ark; Madrid, Spain; Frankfurt and Berlin, Germany; Dublin and Cork, Ireland; and
Brisbane and San Francisco, Calif

    What is already known about this topic? The phase 3 PALISADE trial established the safety and efficacy of daily oral
    immunotherapy with Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea) allergen powder-dnfp (PTAH, formerly AR101) over a 1-year period in
    peanut-allergic children and adolescents.

    What does this article add to our knowledge? This follow-on study, which explored long-term PTAH therapy and
    alternative dosing regimens, demonstrated a potential benefit with continued daily PTAH treatment beyond 1 year.

    How does this study impact current management guidelines? This study may help inform selection of oral immu-
    notherapy dosing regimens and treatment duration in peanut-allergic individuals. It also supports the overall favorable
    benefit-risk profile of long-term oral immunotherapy with PTAH.

BACKGROUND: The randomized, controlled PALISADE trial                                   and 3A) or nonedaily (cohorts 2, 3B, and 3C) dosing regimens;
demonstrated the benefit of daily oral immunotherapy with                                PTAH-naive participants were built up to 300 mg/d PTAH,
Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea) allergen powder-dnfp (PTAH,                                   followed by maintenance dosing. At study completion, partici-
formerly AR101) in peanut-allergic children and adolescents.                            pants underwent an exit double-blind placebo-controlled food
OBJECTIVE: ARC004, the open-label follow-on study to PAL-                               challenge with doses up to 2000 mg peanut protein. Data were
ISADE, used 5 dosing cohorts to explore PTAH treatment                                  assessed using descriptive statistics.
beyond 1 year and alternative dosing regimens in peanut-allergic                        RESULTS: Overall, 358 (87.5%) eligible participants (4-17
individuals.                                                                            years) entered ARC004 (PTAH-continuing, n [ 256; PTAH-
METHODS: Active arm (PTAH-continuing) PALISADE                                          naive, n [ 102). Among PTAH-continuing participants,
participants who tolerated 300-mg peanut protein at the exit                            exposure-adjusted adverse event rates were 12.94 to 17.54/
double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge and placebo arm                          participant-year and 25.95 to 42.49/participant-year in daily and
(PTAH-naive) participants could enter ARC004. PTAH-                                     nonedaily dosing cohorts, respectively; most participants (83%)
continuing participants were assigned to receive daily (cohorts 1                       experienced mild or moderate adverse events. Daily dosing

a                                                                                       l
  Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga                                       Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pulmonology, Immunology and Critical Care
  Aimmune Therapeutics, London, United Kingdom                                             Medicine, Charité Universtãtsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
c                                                                                       m
  Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institutet, Sachs’ Children and Youth        Aimmune Therapeutics, Brisbane, Calif
    Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden                                                          Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco,
  Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom                       Calif
  Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass                                          Aimmune Therapeutics designed and sponsored the trial. Professional assistance
  Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina Food Allergy Initiative,          with editing, formatting, and coordinating author reviews was paid for by the
    Division of Allergy and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,       sponsor and provided by OPEN Health Medical Communications. There were no
    Chapel Hill, NC                                                                        agreements between the sponsor and the authors or their institutions that treated
  University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children’s Hospital,            the trial data as confidential information of the sponsor.
    Little Rock, Ark                                                                    Conflicts of interest: B. P. Vickery reports advisory board/consultant role with
  Allergy Department, Hospital Clinico San Carlos, IdISSC, Madrid, Spain                   Aimmune Therapeutics, AllerGenis, FARE, and Reacta; site investigator role
  Adolescent Medicine, Division of Allergology, Pneumology and Cystic Fibrosis,            with Aimmune Therapeutics, DBV, Genentech, and Regeneron; research grants
    Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany                                        from FARE and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland      (NIAID). A. Vereda is an employee and stockholder of Aimmune Therapeutics.
  Infant Centre and Pediatrics and Child Health, University College Cork, HRB              C. Nilsson reports grants to institution and advisory board fees from Aimmune
    Clinical Research Facility-Cork, Cork, Ireland                                         Therapeutics and speakers fees from MEDA, ALK, Thermo Fisher, and

1880     VICKERY ET AL                                                                                                            J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
                                                                                                                                                      MAY 2021

                                                                                    peanut-allergic population from North America and Europe,
  Abbreviations used                                                                aged 4 to 55 years, to receive PTAH or placebo for up to 12
        AE- adverse event                                                           months; the primary analysis population consisted of partici-
  DBPCFC- double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge                            pants aged 4 to 17 years.5 The PALISADE study demonstrated
       IDE- initial dose escalation
                                                                                    the benefit of once-daily OIT with PTAH, which resulted in
       OIT- oral immunotherapy
     PTAH- Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea) allergen powder-dnfp
                                                                                    desensitization, defined as an increase in the participants’
                                                                                    ability to tolerate increased amounts of peanut protein5; these
                                                                                    findings were further confirmed in the European phase 3
                                                                                    ARTEMIS trial.4
cohorts appeared to have higher desensitization rates than                             There remains a need for longer-term data on the safety and
nonedaily dosing cohorts. Of all PTAH-continuing cohorts,                           efficacy of OIT6,7 in the peanut-allergic population. Based on
cohort 3A had the longest daily dosing duration and the                             similar preliminary research related to OIT for other food
highest desensitization rates. Changes in immune markers                            allergies,8-10 an investigation into whether nondaily PTAH
with PTAH continuation demonstrated ongoing immuno-                                 maintenance regimens can match or improve the clinical
modulation. Outcomes in PTAH-naive participants mirrored                            benefits of a daily maintenance regimen was warranted. The
those of the PALISADE active arm.                                                   key objectives of ARC004, the exploratory open-label exten-
CONCLUSIONS: Continued daily PTAH treatment beyond 1                                sion to the PALISADE study, were to evaluate the safety/
year showed sustained safety and efficacy. Ongoing                                   tolerability of daily and nondaily maintenance regimens, to
immunomodulation was observed during the second year of                             explore the efficacy of different PTAH regimens with a
treatment. Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on                        double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) of
behalf of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma &                                 up to a single 2000-mg dose (cumulative dose, 4034 mg) of
Immunology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-                         peanut protein, and to evaluate the long-term immunologic
NC-ND license (                        effects of PTAH.
4.0/). (J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2021;9:1879-89)

Key words: Oral immunotherapy; Peanut allergy; Desensitiza-
tion; Allergic reactions; Dosing regimens
                                                                                    Trial design and participants
                                                                                       The ARC004 open-label trial (NCT02993107) was conducted
                                                                                    between December 29, 2016, and May 24, 2019, at 65 study sites
INTRODUCTION                                                                        across North America, the European Union, and the United
   Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies                          Kingdom (complete list of ARC004 investigators and sites in this
affecting children and adolescents in the United States and                         article’s Online Repository at and included
Europe.1,2 In the United States, peanut allergy is now a                            participants with peanut allergy who completed the phase 3 PALI-
treatable condition using oral immunotherapy (OIT), a prac-                         SADE trial (Figure 1). Complete inclusion and exclusion criteria for
tice expected to accelerate with the recent approval by the Food                    the PALISADE population are described in the primary publica-
and Drug Administration of Palforzia (Peanut [Arachis Hypo-                         tion.5 Participants who completed the PALISADE trial and either
gaea] allergen powder-dnfp [PTAH], formerly AR101).3 Two                            were assigned to treatment with PTAH and tolerated the 300-mg
phase 3, randomized, placebo-controlled trials testing daily                        dose at the exit DBPCFC or were assigned to the placebo arm in
OIT with PTAH in peanut-allergic children (PALISADE                                 PALISADE could elect to enter the ARC004 trial after providing
[NCT02635776] and ARTEMIS [NCT03201003]) have been                                  written informed consent and assent as appropriate (complete list of
completed.4,5 The phase 3 PALISADE trial enrolled a highly                          ARC004 investigators and sites in this article’s Online Repository).

 GlaxoSmithKline. G. du Toit reports research grants to institution and advisory       within the past 2 years with Aimmune Therapeutics and DBV Technologies. K.
 board fees from Aimmune Therapeutics. W. G. Shreffler reports membership on            Beyer reports advisory board/consulting fees from Aimmune Therapeutics,
 Scientific Advisory Board, Aimmune Therapeutics, and consultancies for DBV             ALK, Bausch & Lomb, Bencard, Danone, DBV, Hycor, Infectopharm,
 Technologies and Sanofi. A. W. Burks has received research support, advisory           Mabylon, Meda Pharma, Mylan, and Nestle; working on speakers bureau for
 board fees, and lecture honoraria/consultation fees from Aimmune Therapeu-            Aimmune Therapeutics, Allergopharma, Bencard, Danone, Di-Text, Hammer
 tics. S. M. Jones reports advisory board fees from Aimmune Therapeutics and           und Rall Media, Infectopharm, Meda Pharma, Med Update, Nestle, and
 FARE; personal fees from DBV Technologies; clinical trials grants from                Nutricia; and research grants from Aimmune, ALK, Danone, DBV, Good Mills,
 Aimmune Therapeutics, DBV Technologies, Astellas, Sanofi, Regeneron,                   Hipp, Hycor, Infectopharm, Nutricia, ThermoFisher, and VDI. A. Smith and R.
 FARE, Genentech, and the National Institutes of Health-NIAID. M. Fernández-           Ryan are employees and stockholder of Aimmune Therapeutics. D. C. Adelman
 Rivas reports consultancies for Aimmune Therapeutics, DBV, Novartis, and              is an employee and stockholder of Aimmune Therapeutics and has patents
 SPRIM; research funding from the European Commission and Ministry of                  pending for the following: US 16/542,198, PCT/US2019/046706, US 16/
 Economy and Competitiveness and The National Institute of Health Carlos III           721,805, and PCT/US2019/067634.
 of Spanish government; working on speakers bureau for ALK, Allergy Ther-           Received for publication September 18, 2020; revised November 24, 2020; accepted
 apeutics, Diater, Fundacion SEAIC, HAL Allergy, and Thermo Fisher Scien-              for publication December 10, 2020.
 tific. K. Blümchen reports consulting for Aimmune Therapeutics, DBV                 Available online December 24, 2020.
 Technologies, Bencard Allergie, and HAL Allergy; working on speakers bureau        Corresponding author: Daniel C. Adelman, MD, Aimmune Therapeutics, Brisbane,
 for Aimmune Therapeutics, DBV Technologies, HAL Allergy, Nutricia,                    CA 94005. E-mail:
 Thermo Fisher Scientific, ALK, Allergopharma, and Nestle; and conducting            2213-2198
 clinical trials for Aimmune Therapeutics, DBV Technologies, and Hipp. J. O’B.      Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Academy
 Hourihane reports advisory board fees from Aimmune Therapeutics; working              of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. This is an open access article under the CC
 on speakers bureau for Aimmune Therapeutics, DBV Technologies, Nutricia,              BY-NC-ND license (
 and Mead Johnson; and grants to institution/research funding and clinical trials
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT                                                                                           VICKERY ET AL       1881

    PTAH-Naive           Initial dose
  (Placebo-treated       escalation*               Updosing†           300 mg daily       Maintenance       300 mg daily‡            Exit
                               2 days            22–40 weeks†           ~24 weeks          DBPCFC             ~52 weeks            DBPCFC
    Daily dosing
       ~1 year
                                  Cohort 1
                                      First                    300 mg daily                    Exit
                                120 participants
                                                                28 weeks                     DBPCFC
                                  Daily dosing
                                   ~1.5 years

                                                     300 mg every          300 mg
      PTAH-                       Cohort 2             other day        twice weekly
    Continuing                                                                                 Exit
   (PTAH-treated                   121–170             4 weeks              24 weeks         DBPCFC

                                                                       3A                       300 mg daily                         Exit
                                                                Daily dosing
                                                                 ~2 years                         ~56 weeks                        DBPCFC

                                  Cohort 3                                        300 mg       300 mg every        300 mg
                                 All remaining          R                          daily         other day          BIW              Exit
                                 participants         1:1:1                       4 weeks         24 weeks       ~24 weeks         DBPCFC

                                                                                  300 mg       300 mg every 300 mg
                                                                                   daily         other day twice weekly              Exit
                                                                                  4 weeks         24 weeks     ~24-56 weeks        DBPCFC

                                        Daily dosing cohorts                     Non–daily dosing cohorts

FIGURE 1. ARC004 Trial design. All treatments were administered as tolerated. *Day 1, 0.5- to 3-mg or 6-mg PTAH as tolerated; day 2,
confirmation of ability to tolerate 3-mg PTAH. †From 3 mg to 300 mg daily, with dose escalation every 2 weeks. zAdministration of daily
or nonedaily dosing regimens was contingent on results; planned regimens were every other day, twice weekly, once weekly, or every
other week. Regimens less frequent than twice weekly were not instituted because of small cohort size and at the recommendation of
the Safety Monitoring Committee. All ARC004 completers had the option of entering the open-label ARC008 study of daily PTAH.

Although some adult (aged 18-55 years) participants (n ¼ 30) from           for cohorts 3A, 3B, and 3C. Both cohorts 1 and 3A represented the
PALISADE also enrolled in ARC004, outcomes reported here are                daily dosing cohorts and received 300 mg/d PTAH throughout their
confined to participants aged 4 to 17 years on entry into ARC004.            respective treatment periods (28 weeks and w56 weeks, respec-
Approvals were obtained from independent ethics committees. All             tively). Cohorts 2, 3B, and 3C represented the nonedaily dosing
the participants or a parent or guardian provided written informed          cohorts. Cohort 2 initially received 300 mg every other day (4
consent. Minor children provided assent in accordance with local            weeks) and then 300 mg twice weekly (24 weeks). Cohorts 3B and
requirements.                                                               3C initially received daily doses of 300 mg (28 weeks), followed by
   Allocation of participants in the ARC004 trial depended on the           300 mg every other day (4 weeks), and 300 mg twice weekly
treatment previously received in the PALISADE trial. Participants in        (duration of twice-weekly treatment varied). Dose modifications (eg,
the placebo arm of the PALISADE trial (PTAH-naive group) who                downdosing) were possible to ensure safety (see this article’s Online
entered ARC004 underwent initial dose escalation (IDE) followed             Repository at, and participants who did not
by updosing for 22 to 40 weeks, and subsequent maintenance dosing           tolerate a nonedaily dosing schedule could revert to a daily dosing
at 300 mg/d for approximately 24 weeks as previously described.5            schedule after repeating updosing.
After approximately 6 months of maintenance treatment, partici-                PTAH-naive participants who tolerated greater than or equal to
pants underwent a maintenance DBPCFC to evaluate their ability to           300 mg in the maintenance DBPCFC could continue to receive
tolerate up to 2000 mg (cumulative dose, 4043 mg) of peanut                 PTAH during weeks 28 to 84. All participants in both PTAH-naive
protein.                                                                    and PTAH-continuing groups who completed the trial were eligible
   Participants in the active treatment arm of PALISADE who                 for an exit DBPCFC of up to a single highest dose of 2000 mg of
successfully completed the 300-mg PALISADE exit DBPCFC                      peanut protein (cumulative dose, 4043 mg).
constituted the PTAH-continuing group; they were enrolled                      Prespecified stopping rules for individual participants and whole
sequentially into 1 of 5 cohorts (Figure 1); randomization was used         cohorts were included in the protocol (see this article’s Online
1882     VICKERY ET AL                                                                                               J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
                                                                                                                                         MAY 2021

Repository at, with the aim of not losing         Trial oversight, statement of ethics, and role of
the desensitization previously acquired in PALISADE.4 A Safety             sponsor
Monitoring Committee monitored the data on an ongoing basis and               The ARC004 trial was funded by Aimmune Therapeutics. Ap-
was responsible for applying the stopping rules. Participants who          provals from site-specific institutional review boards, ethics com-
completed the ARC004 trial could enter the ARC008 trial                    mittees, research ethics boards, or like authorities were obtained
(NCT03292484), which was designed to evaluate the long-term                before trial initiation. Further information on trial oversight, ethics,
safety of once-daily PTAH, and is still ongoing.                           and role of sponsor are provided in this article’s Online Repository at
Double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges
   The DBPCFCs in the ARC004 study were performed using the                RESULTS
practical allergy guidelines with modifications to accommodate the          Participant disposition
600-mg and 2000-mg dose levels11 and were conducted in the same               Of the 409 participants aged 4 to 17 years who completed the
manner as described in the PALISADE trial,5 but with an additional         PALISADE trial and were eligible, 358 (87.5%) entered the
highest dose of 2000-mg peanut protein (doses: 3, 10, 30, 100, 300,        ARC004 trial (Figure 2), including 102 of 115 (88.7%) com-
600, 1000, and 2000 mg). Further details regarding the adminis-            pleters in the placebo arm and 256 of 294 (87.1%) completers in
tration of DBPCFCs are provided in this article’s Online Repository        the active treatment arm. Of the 358 participants in ARC004, 7
at                                                withdrew consent before receiving the trial drug and were
                                                                           excluded from the safety population. Overall, 261 of 358
Assessment of safety and efficacy                                          (72.9%) participants completed the trial: 53.9% (55 of 102) of
    Safety and tolerability were assessed by monitoring the incidence      participants in the PTAH-naive group and 80.5% (206 of 256)
of adverse events (AEs), including allergy symptoms, systemic              of participants in the PTAH-continuing group. A total of 80.5%
allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, and allergic reactions. The severity of   (128 of 143) of participants receiving continued daily PTAH
AEs was assessed using the 5-point Common Terminology Criteria             (cohorts 1 and 3A) completed the trial compared with 69% (78
for Adverse Events (v.4.03). Hypersensitivity events (allergy symp-        of 113) who received nonedaily dosing regimens (cohorts 2, 3B,
toms) that occurred throughout the trial were summarized. Allergy          and 3C). At the time of completion of the ARC004 trial, par-
symptoms associated with accidental food allergen exposure were            ticipants receiving daily dosing in cohort 3A, and all participants
also reported.                                                             in nonedaily dosing cohorts (cohorts 2, 3B, and 3C), had
    Assessments of systemic allergic reactions were consistent with the    received PTAH for 2 years or more from the time of entry into
PALISADE study.5 Anaphylaxis was defined according to National              the parent trial (Figure 2).
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and Food Allergy and              By the end of the trial, all PTAH-naive participants remained
Anaphylaxis Network criteria.12 Severity was graded on a 3-point           on the daily dosing regimen. At trial completion, PTAH-
scale according to the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical            continuing participants in cohorts 3B and 3C remained in the
Immunology guidelines.13 Specifically, a “systemic allergic reaction”       twice-weekly regimen, and both cohorts had approximately the
refers to an anaphylactic reaction event of any severity, and              same length of treatment: 300 mg/d PTAH for 28 weeks, 300
“anaphylaxis” was used to distinguish anaphylactic reaction events         mg every other day for 4 weeks, and 300 mg twice weekly for 24
that were severe. The use of epinephrine as rescue medication was          to 56 weeks or more. A total of 94 PTAH-naive and 160 PTAH-
also assessed, and an epinephrine episode was defined as 1 or more          continuing participants who participated in ARC004 entered the
doses of epinephrine administered within a 2-hour interval.                ARC008 trial.
    During DBPCFCs, symptom severity was rated on a 5-point
scale: 1, mild; 2, moderate; 3, severe; 4, life-threatening; and 5,        Demographic and baseline characteristics
fatal. The desensitization response rate was defined as the proportion         Demographic and baseline characteristics of the safety popu-
of participants who tolerated each challenge dose level of peanut          lation (n ¼ 351 participants) at entry into ARC004 are presented
protein in the DBPCFC with no dose-limiting symptoms.                      in Table I. In the PTAH-continuing population, 64.5% (162 of
                                                                           251) of participants tolerated the highest dose of peanut protein
                                                                           (1000 mg) administered at ARC004 entry.
Immune biomarker assessment
    Baseline values for total IgE, peanut-specific IgE and IgG4, and        Treatment adherence and drug exposure
skin prick test assays were defined as the last available measurement          Treatment adherence was very high across both groups and all
before the first dose of PTAH on day 1 of the ARC004 trial for the          cohorts (see Table E1 in this article’s Online Repository at www.
PTAH-naive group, and as day 1 of the PALISADE trial for par-     The median percentage of days where a full
ticipants in the PTAH-continuing cohorts. The rest of the peanut-          or partial dose was consumed at home was 96% or more in both
specific IgE and IgG4 levels were measured using ImmunoCAP                  PTAH-naive and PTAH-continuing participants. Although
(Thermofisher; Uppsala, Sweden).14                                          treatment adherence was highest in cohort 2 (eg, dosing every
                                                                           other day), variability in adherence was observed in the other
Statistical analyses                                                       nonedaily dosing cohorts (Table E1).
   Given the lack of peer-reviewed, published evidence on                     The overall median duration of exposure to drug in the
nonedaily dosing regimens, the ARC004 trial was intentionally              PTAH-naive participants was 17.8 months. Median exposure
designed to be exploratory and hypothesis-generating in nature and         durations in daily dosing cohorts 1 and 3A were 7.2 and 13.0
was not powered to permit statistically meaningful comparisons.            months, respectively. For nonedaily dosing cohorts 2, 3B, and
Further details regarding the statistical analyses are provided in this    3C, median durations of exposure were 6.8, 12.7, and 16.5
article’s Online Repository at                    months, respectively. Complete data on trial drug exposure are
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT                                                                                                                 VICKERY ET AL           1883

                       PTAH-                                                                    PTAH-

                       Naive                                                                  Continuing
                      (n = 102)                                                                  (n = 256)

                Withdrew before
                                              Cohort 1               Cohort 3A                  Cohort 2                  Cohort 3B                 Cohort 3C
                                                (n = 112)                (n = 31)                 (n = 48)                    (n = 31)                  (n = 34)
                Discontinued         45
                Withdrew             30
                Adverse events        9
                Sponsor decision      3   Withdrew before                                  Withdrew before
                Investigator decision 1                       3                                                    2
                                          treatment*                                       treatment*
                Study site closure    2

                                          Discontinued        7   Discontinued        5    Discontinued            8   Discontinued         10   Discontinued         15
                                          Withdrew            4   Withdrew            3    Withdrew                5   Withdrew              4   Withdrew              2
                                          Adverse events      2   Adverse event       1    Sponsor decision        1   Adverse events        3   Adverse events        5
                                          DBPCFC failure      1   Sponsor decision    1    Investigator decision   1   Protocol violation    1   Sponsor decision      4
                                                                                           Other†                  1   Study site closure    1   Lost to follow-up     1
                                                                                                                       Other†                1   Other†                3

                  PTAH-Naive                  Cohort 1               Cohort 3A                  Cohort 2                  Cohort 3B                 Cohort 3C

                 (n = 55; 53.9%)           (n = 102; 91.1%)         (n = 26; 83.8%)         (n = 38; 79.2%)             (n = 21; 67.7%)           (n = 19; 55.9%)
                 Total treatment           Total treatment          Total treatment         Total treatment             Total treatment           Total treatment
                     duration:                duration:                duration:                duration:                  duration:                 duration:
                      ~1 year                ~1.5 years                ~2 years                 ~2 years                   ~2 years                ~2-2.6 years

                                                           Daily dosing cohorts           Non–daily dosing cohorts

FIGURE 2. Participant (aged 4-17 years) disposition. *Participants were not included in the safety population. †Other reasons for
discontinuation were enrollment in long-term safety study (cohort 2, n ¼ 1), recurrent AE (cohort 3B, n ¼ 1), anxiety related to dosing
(cohort 3C, n ¼ 1), loss of interest in study participation (cohort 3C, n ¼ 1), and study termination (cohort 3C, n ¼ 1).

presented in Table E2 in this article’s Online Repository at www.                         symptoms during the exit DBPCFC is presented in Table E3 in                                                                      this article’s Online Repository at

Desensitization rates at exit DBPCFC                                                      Safety and tolerability
   Among PTAH-continuing participants, desensitization rates                                 In the PTAH-continuing group, most patients across all co-
based on the highest tolerated single dose tested were higher in                          horts experienced at least 1 AE; however, exposure-adjusted AE
daily dosing cohorts than in nonedaily dosing cohorts                                     rates were lower in the daily dosing groups than in the nonedaily
(Figure 3). Across all peanut challenge doses, desensitization                            dosing groups (Table II). A total of 18 (6.1%) participants across
response rates were highest in cohort 3A, which had the longest                           cohorts 2, 3B, and 3C did not tolerate nonedaily dosing and
duration of daily dosing (56 weeks), and were lowest in cohort 2.                         reverted to daily dosing (cohort 2, n ¼ 9 of 46 [19.6%]; cohort
   Among PTAH-naive participants, desensitization rates at                                3B, n ¼ 5 of 31 [16.1%]; cohort 3C, n ¼ 4 of 34 [11.8%]).
peanut challenge doses of 1000 mg were 65.3% at maintenance                               Reasons for reversion to daily dosing included recurring
and 72.2% at exit; desensitization rates at peanut challenge doses                        treatment-related gastrointestinal, cutaneous, or respiratory AEs
of 2000 mg were 45.8% at maintenance and 51.4% at exit.                                   (n ¼ 9), failure to tolerate at least 600-mg peanut protein in the
                                                                                          exit DBPCFC (n ¼ 4), anaphylactic reaction (n ¼ 3), or other
Allergic symptoms at exit and maintenance                                                 reason based on the investigator’s discretion (n ¼ 2). Most of
DBPCFCs                                                                                   these 18 patients presented with treatment-related mild to
   In the PTAH-continuing group, more than 70% of partici-                                moderate gastrointestinal or respiratory AEs (eg, abdominal pain
pants in the daily dosing cohorts (cohorts 1 and 3A) had no                               and discomfort, nausea, oral pruritus, cough, and dyspnea); 3
symptoms at less than or equal to 600- and less than or equal to                          experienced related moderate systemic allergic reaction while on
1000-mg doses; approximately 69% of participants in cohort 3A                             nonedaily dosing. After reverting to daily dosing, treatment-
had no symptoms at less than or equal to 2000-mg doses (see                               related AEs remained gastrointestinal or respiratory in nature
Figure E1 in this article’s Online Repository at www.jaci-                                but were less frequent and mostly mild. One participant experi- In the nonedaily dosing cohorts, proportions                             enced a moderate systemic allergic reaction both during
of participants with no symptoms were approximately 52% to                                twice-weekly dosing and after reverting to daily dosing, and
73% at less than or equal to 600-mg, 40% to 59% at less than or                           subsequently discontinued treatment. The duration of exposure
equal to 1000-mg, and 24% to 46% at less than or equal to                                 in the 18 participants who had switched back to the daily dosing
2000-mg doses. Epinephrine use for the treatment of allergic                              regimen ranged from 0.2 to 9.2 months.
TABLE I. Demographic and baseline characteristics at ARC004 trial entry (safety population; N ¼ 351)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       VICKERY ET AL
                                                                                                                                         PTAH-Continuing (n [ 251)
                                                                                                     Daily dosing cohorts                                           Nonedaily dosing cohorts*
                                                                   PTAH-Naive               Cohort 1                  Cohort 3A                  Cohort 2                  Cohort 3B*             Cohort 3C*
                                                                    (n [ 100)              (n [ 109)                  (n [ 31)                   (n [ 46)                   (n [ 31)               (n [ 34)
Characteristic                                                       w52 wk                 w28 wk                     w56 wk                    w28 wk                     w56 wk                w56-84 wk
Median age (y) (range)                                           9.5 (5-17)               11 (5-17)                   9 (5-17)                 10 (4-17)                   9 (5-16)                9 (5-16)
Sex: male, n (%)                                                 65 (65.0)                57 (52.3)                  17 (54.8)                 25 (54.3)                  19 (61.3)               18 (52.9)
No. of systemic allergic reactions due to peanut
     during lifetime, n (%)
  0                                                               27   (27.0)             36    (33.0)                9   (29.0)               11    (23.9)               11   (35.5)             12    (35.3)
  1                                                               32   (32.0)             43    (39.4)               14   (45.2)               20    (43.5)               14   (45.2)             12    (35.3)
  2                                                               19   (19.0)             17    (15.6)                6   (19.4)                7    (15.2)                2   (6.5)               2    (5.9)
  3                                                                8   (8.0)               8    (7.3)                 1   (3.2)                 3    (6.5)                 3   (9.7)               5    (14.7)
  >3                                                              13   (13.0)              5    (4.6)                 1   (3.2)                 5    (10.9)                1   (3.2)               3    (8.8)
History of asthma, n (%)                                          47   (47.0)             47    (43.1)               14   (45.2)               28    (60.9)               16   (51.6)             16    (47.1)
Allergic rhinitis, n (%)                                          80   (80.0)             79    (72.5)               20   (64.5)               33    (71.7)               19   (61.3)             23    (67.6)
Atopic dermatitis, n (%)                                          56   (56.0)             67    (61.5)               22   (71.0)               32    (69.6)               18   (58.1)             17    (50.0)
Food allergies other than peanut, n (%)                           64   (64.0)             67    (61.5)               17   (54.8)               35    (76.1)               16   (51.6)             22    (64.7)
Immunoglobulin and SPT results, median (IQR)
  Total IgE (IU/mL)                                           484.5    (258-1127)       345.0   (194-783)         371.0   (114-952)          463.0   (239-996)         580.0   (234-1034)       520.5   (204-739)
  Peanut-specific IgE (kUA/L)                                 108.25    (32.9-277.8)      63.5   (20.9-247.5)       45.4   (2.73-220.5)       33.55   (5.82-187.5)       72.0   (10.5-259.0)     90.95   (35.1-301.0)
  Peanut-specific IgG4 (mgA/L)                                   0.5    (0.3-1.4)          6.1   (2.4-13.4)          7.4   (1.9-20.9)           5.5   (2.2-11.1)          9.8   (2.6-24.1)         9.4   (3.6-29.1)
  Peanut-specific IgE/IgG4 ratio                              187.49    (44.55-401.94)   13.26   (2.33-32.50)       6.14   (0.70-21.01)        5.83   (2.37-19.46)       7.13   (2.61-14.86)      7.69   (2.26-33.61)
  SPT mean wheal diameter (mm)                                 10.5    (8.5-13.5)         7.5   (5.5-10.0)          7.0   (4.0-9.5)           6.25   (4.0-9.0)           6.5   (4.5-10.0)         7.0   (5.0-8.5)
Single maximum dose tolerated at trial entry, n (%)
  1 mg                                                             8   (8.0)                   0                            0                          0                         0                     0
  3 mg                                                            17   (17.0)                  0                            0                          0                         0                     0
  10 mg                                                           27   (27.0)                  0                            0                          0                         0                     0
  30 mg                                                           20   (20.0)                  0                      1   (3.2)†                       0                         0                     0
  100 mg                                                          21   (21.0)                  0                            0                   1    (2.2)†                1   (3.2)†                  0
  300 mg                                                           3   (3.0)              16 (14.7)                   1   (3.2)                 7    (15.2)                4   (12.9)              2 (5.9)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
  600 mg                                                           2   (2.0)              25 (22.9)                  10   (32.3)               10    (21.7)                4   (12.9)              7 (20.6)
  1000 mg                                                          2   (2.0)              68 (62.4)                  19   (61.3)               28    (60.9)               22   (71.0)             25 (73.5)

IQR, Interquartile range; SPT, skin prick test.
Baseline values were relative to the start of ARC004.
*Participants in cohorts 3B and 3C underwent initial daily dosing for 28 wk.
†These patients did not meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria of the ARC004 study.

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                                                             98.6 98.1 100
                                                                             94.7                                 96. 2                                     96. 2
                                                                                           90.5            89.3
                                                       80                           81.8                                                             80.6                                            880.8
                      Percentage of participants (%)
                                                                                                                                 77.3 76.2
                                                                                                                          71.1                72.2
                                                                                                                                                                           68.2 66.7
                                                       40                                                                                                                                                                  42.9


                                                                      300 mg                                      600 mg                                    1000 mg                                  2000 mg

                                                               PTAH-Naïve (n = 72) ~52 weeks                         Cohort 1 (n = 103) ~28 weeks                             Cohort 2 (n = 38) ~28 weeks
                                                               Cohort 3A (n = 26) ~56 weeks                          Cohort 3B (n = 22) ~56 weeks                             Cohort 3C (n = 21) ~56-84 weeks

FIGURE 3. Desensitization rates based on the single highest tolerated dose at the exit DBPCFC (completer population; N ¼ 282). Hatch
marked bars indicate daily dosing cohorts.

TABLE II. Summary of treatment-emergent AEs (safety population; N ¼ 351)
                                                                                                                                                                                PTAH-Continuing (N [ 251)
                                                                              PTAH-Naive (N [ 100)
                                                                                    w52 wk                                                     Daily dosing cohorts                                     Nonedaily dosing cohorts*
                                                                                               Daily                                          Cohort 1               Cohort 3A            Cohort 2                  Cohort 3B*     Cohort 3C*
                                                                 IDE/updosing                 dosing                   Total                 (n [ 109)               (n [ 31)             (n [ 46)                   (n [ 31)       (n [ 34)
AE                                                                (n [ 100)                  (n [ 85)               (n [ 100)                 w28 wk                  w56 wk              w28 wk                     w56 wk        w56-84 wk
Any AE, n (%)*                                                      94 (94.0)                76 (89.4)               98 (98.0)               90 (82.6)                27 (87.1)           36 (78.3)                  28 (90.3)      33 (97.1)
AEs by grade/severity, n (%)
  1: mild                                                           41   (41.0)              45    (52.9)            37     (37.0)           58   (53.2)              15 (48.4)           22 (47.8)                  13 (41.9)      12   (35.3)
  2: moderate                                                       51   (51.0)              30    (35.3)            58     (58.0)           29   (26.6)              12 (38.7)           14 (30.4)                  15 (48.4)      18   (52.9)
  3: severe                                                          2   (2.0)                1    (1.2)              3     (3.0)             3   (2.8)                   0                   0                          0           3   (8.8)
Treatment-related AEs, n (%)                                        81   (81.0)              43    (50.6)            86     (86.0)           47   (43.1)              15 (48.4)           25 (54.3)                  14 (45.2)      24   (70.6)
Serious AEs, n (%)                                                        0                         0                        0                1   (0.9)                   0                   0                       1 (3.2)        1   (2.9)
Serious treatment-related                                                 0                         0                        0                     0                      0                   0                          0                0
     AEs, n (%)
AEs leading to                                                       7 (7.0)                  2 (2.4)                     9 (9.0)             3 (2.8)                      1 (3.2)               0                     2 (6.5)       1 (2.9)
     discontinuation, n (%)
Allergic reactions, n (%)                                           83 (83.0)                48 (56.5)               89 (89.0)               53 (48.6)                17 (54.8)           25 (54.3)                  21 (67.7)      28 (82.4)
Total exposure (participant-                                         43.76                    85.53                   129.29                  73.74                    31.53               25.95                      30.08          42.49
Exposure-adjusted AE rates†                                           54.80                       18.13                   30.54                12.94                       17.54              20.69                        13.86     30.10
Exposure-adjusted treatment-                                          36.65                       12.16                   20.45                5.64                        4.66               13.41                        3.39      20.60
     related AE ratesz

*Participants in cohorts 3B and 3C underwent initial daily dosing for 28 wk.
†Participants with >1 AE were counted only once using the highest severity and closest relationship to study product.
zExposure-adjusted event rates were defined as the total number of events divided by the total number of participant-years at risk during the period.

   In the PTAH-continuing group, the most commonly occur-                                                                                   Within the daily dosing groups, exposure-adjusted total
ring AEs and treatment-related AEs were of gastrointestinal and                                                                          treatment-related AEs per participant-year improved with time
respiratory origin, and occurred more frequently in the                                                                                  on treatment (Table II). There were 3 serious AEs occurring in 3
nonedaily dosing cohorts (see Table E4 in this article’s Online                                                                          participants undergoing daily dosing (1 participant each in
Repository at The incidence of severe                                                                          cohort 1, 3B, and 3C), all of which were unrelated to study drug
AEs was low, occurring in less than 3% of participants treated                                                                           (streptococcal infection, abdominal pain, and limb fracture). AEs
both daily (3 of 140; 2.1%) and not daily (3 of 111; 2.7%                                                                                leading to discontinuation of study treatment occurred in 7
[nonedaily portion of treatment]).                                                                                                       participants in the PTAH-continuing group. Of these AEs,
1886       VICKERY ET AL                                                                                                              J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
                                                                                                                                                          MAY 2021

TABLE III. Incidence of systemic allergic reactions in the PTAH-continuing group (N ¼ 251)
                                                            Daily dosing cohorts                                    Nonedaily dosing cohorts*
                                             Cohort 1 (n [ 109)        Cohort 3A (n [ 31)       Cohort 2 (n [ 46)    Cohort 3B* (n [ 31)      Cohort 3C* (n [ 34)
Systemic allergic reaction                        w28 wk                    w56 wk                  w28 wk                w56 wk                  w56-84 wk
Participants with at least 1 systemic               7 (6.4)                  5 (16.1)                     0                 2 (6.5)                10 (29.4)
     allergic reaction, n (%)
Participants with episodes of systemic
     allergic reaction, n (%)
  1                                                 4   (3.7)                1   (3.2)                    0                 2 (6.5)                  7 (20.6)
  2                                                 1   (0.9)                1   (3.2)                    0                    0                     3 (8.8)
  3                                                 1   (0.9)                2   (6.5)                    0                    0                        0
  >3                                                1   (0.9)                1   (3.2)                    0                    0                        0
Severity,† n (%)
  Mild                                              1   (0.9)                2 (6.5)                      0                 1 (3.2)                  3   (8.8)
  Moderate                                          4   (3.7)                3 (9.7)                      0                 1 (3.2)                  4   (11.8)
  Severe (including anaphylaxis)                    2   (1.8)                   0                         0                    0                     3   (8.8)
Participants with episodes requiring                7   (6.4)                4 (12.9)                     0                 2 (6.5)                  5   (14.7)
     epinephrine use, n (%)
Individual systemic allergic reaction
     episodes by trigger, n
  Trial product                                         7                        12                       0                   2                          10
  Other food allergen                                   5                        1                        0                   0                          2
  Nonefood allergen                                     1                        1                        0                   0                          1

*Participants in cohorts 3B and 3C underwent initial daily dosing for 28 wk.
†Participants with more than 1 systemic allergic reaction were counted only once using the highest severity.

throat irritation, systemic allergic reaction, hypersensitivity,                         allergic reactions, most (10 of 12) of which were mild or
abdominal pain, throat irritation, urticaria, and flushing                                moderate in severity. Nine participants in nonedaily dosing
occurred during daily dosing in cohorts 1 and 3A (all n ¼ 1);                            cohorts (cohorts 3B [n ¼ 2] and 3C [n ¼ 7]) experienced
abdominal pain, cough, and dyspnea occurred during twice-                                only mild or moderate systemic allergic reactions. No sys-
weekly dosing in cohorts 3B and 3C (all n ¼ 1). The most                                 temic allergic reactions occurred in cohort 2. The profile of
frequently occurring AEs and exposure-adjusted AEs considered                            systemic allergic reactions in the PTAH-naive group was
to be allergic reactions are presented in Tables E4 and E5,                              generally consistent with that observed during active treat-
respectively, in this article’s Online Repository at www.jaci-                           ment in the PALISADE trial. A total of 17.0% of participants                                                                          (17 of 100) experienced systemic allergic reactions and all
   Safety outcomes in the PTAH-naive group (Table II and                                 were of mild or moderate severity (see Table E6 in this ar-
Tables E4 and E5) were similar to those observed during active                           ticle’s Online Repository at; most
treatment in the PALISADE trial.5 Almost all (98%) participants                          systemic allergic reactions (72.7%) occurred 2 hours or less
in the PTAH-naive group experienced AEs; 86% experienced                                 after PTAH dosing.
treatment-related AEs. Most AEs in the PTAH-naive group                                     Treatment-related anaphylaxis (ie, severe systemic allergic re-
occurred during the IDE and updosing periods. Nine partici-                              action) occurred during daily dosing periods in 2 participants in
pants discontinued treatment because of AEs (IDE/updosing,                               cohort 1 and in 3 participants in cohort 3C; all 5 participants
n ¼ 7; daily dosing, n ¼ 2). Eosinophilic esophagitis (confirmed                          who experienced anaphylaxis were female (aged 5-15 years) and
by endoscopy) was reported in 2 PTAH-naive participants (1                               all but 1 had a history of systemic allergic reaction at baseline.
during updosing and 1 during maintenance) and led to treatment                           None of the 5 participants required prolonged hospitalization
discontinuation. One eosinophilic esophagitis event that                                 (observational visit only) or more than 1 epinephrine use. One of
occurred during updosing (12-mg PTAH, day 50) was severe                                 the 2 participants in cohort 1 who experienced anaphylaxis had a
and considered by the investigator to be unrelated to treatment.                         cofactor of intercurrent illness, but no predisposing cofactor was
The eosinophilic esophagitis event during maintenance (300-mg                            reported for the second participant. Of the 3 participants in
PTAH, day 293) was moderate and considered to be related to                              cohort 3C who experienced anaphylaxis during daily dosing, 2
PTAH. Symptoms resolved in both participants after discon-                               had predisposing cofactors of intercurrent illness, in combination
tinuation of PTAH.                                                                       with either fasting (n ¼ 1) or fatigue (n ¼ 1); the third partic-
                                                                                         ipant had cofactors that included exercise and allergic rhinitis (see
Systemic allergic reactions                                                              Table E7 in this article’s Online Repository at www.jaci-
   The proportion of participants in the PTAH-continuing                       
group who experienced a systemic allergic reaction ranged
from 0% to 29.4% across daily and nonedaily dosing cohorts                               Accidental exposure to food allergens
(Table III). Among participants in the daily dosing cohorts                                Accidental exposures to any food allergens occurred across all
(cohorts 1 and 3A), 12 participants experienced systemic                                 cohorts (see Table E8 in this article’s Online Repository at
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT                                                                                                                                                     VICKERY ET AL   1887

                                               100                                                                                               14

                                               90                                                                                                12

                                                                                                       Geometric mean (SD) IgG4 level (mg/A/L)
 Geometric mean (SD) IgE level (kUA/L)


                                                10                                                                                               -2

                                                0                                                                                                -4
        A                                       PALISADE Baseline    ARC004 Baseline     ARC004 Exit                            B                 PALISADE Baseline   ARC004 Baseline     ARC004 Exit
                                               140                                                                                               20
 Geometric mean (SD) IgE/IgG4 ratio (mg/A/L)

                                               110                                                                                               16
                                                                                                       Mean (SD) wheal diameter (mm)

                                               80                                                                                                12
                                               50                                                                                                 8
                                               20                                                                                                 4
                                               -10                                                                                                0
  C                                              PALISADE Baseline   ARC004 Baseline     ARC004 Exit                            D                 PALISADE Baseline   ARC004 Baseline     ARC004 Exit
                                                                                 PTAH-Naive      Cohort 1                                                 Cohort 2
                                                                                 Cohort 3A       Cohort 3B                                                Cohort 3C

FIGURE 4. Peanut-specific IgE and IgG4 levels and SPT wheal diameter: baseline vs trial exit. Geometric mean values for (A) peanut-
specific IgE, (B) IgG4, and (C) IgE/IgG4 ratio at PALISADE baseline, ARC004 baseline, and ARC004 study exit. (D) The SPT mean
wheal diameter at PALISADE baseline, ARC004 baseline, and ARC004 study exit. SPT, Skin prick test. PALISADE baseline values for
peanut-specific IgE and IgG4 and mean SPT wheal diameter were defined as the last available measurement before the first dose of the
trial product on day 1 of the ARC004 trial for the PTAH-naive group and as day 1 of the PALISADE trial for participants in the PTAH-
continuing cohorts.; none were associated with serious                                                                       the proportions of accidental exposures requiring treatment
symptoms. Most participants experienced no more than 1                                                                            were greater in daily dosing cohorts (cohorts 1 and 3A) than in
accidental exposure. At study entry, peanut-related exposures                                                                     nonedaily dosing cohorts (cohorts 2, 3B, and 3C), but the
were reported in approximately greater than or equal to 47% of                                                                    highest rate of 13.3% was seen in the nonedaily dosing cohort
participants across all PTAH-continuing cohorts. Generally,                                                                       3C (Table E8). Among PTAH-continuing cohorts, the number
1888     VICKERY ET AL                                                                                        J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
                                                                                                                                  MAY 2021

of events was small and thus no specific trend in the incidence        exposure-adjusted AEs and fewer severe systemic allergic reactions
of accidental exposures was observed across daily and                 that mainly occurred (during daily dosing periods in cohorts 1 and
nonedaily dosing cohorts or daily or nonedaily dosing periods         3C) in participants with modifiable cofactors. Overall, these
within individual cohorts.                                            findings suggest that the benefit-risk profile of daily dosing
   In PTAH-naive participants, more participants experienced          administered during the first 2 years of treatment was better than
accidental exposures during IDE/updosing (16%) than during            that of less frequent (nondaily) dosing.
maintenance (w12%); most participants experienced no more                Completion rates were higher in PTAH-continuing partici-
than 1 accidental exposure (Table E8). Approximately one-third        pants compared with PTAH-naive participants, which may have
of all accidental exposures were peanut related. Although most        stemmed from trial fatigue or the disappointment that partici-
exposures required treatment, epinephrine use was greater during      pants assigned to receive placebo felt after experiencing no
IDE/updosing than during maintenance periods.                         improvement in peanut tolerability at PALISADE completion.
                                                                      For PTAH-naive participants who completed ARC004, clinical
Use of epinephrine as rescue medication                               outcomes were generally consistent with those reported in the
   In the PTAH-continuing group (n ¼ 251), 15 participants            active arm of the PALISADE trial.5 A high proportion (254 of
had 1 use of epinephrine and 7 participants had more than 1 use       351 [72.4%]) of participants treated in ARC004 entered the
of epinephrine. Use of epinephrine occurred most frequently in        follow-on ARC008 study (NCT03292484).
cohort 3C (23.5%) and mainly occurred during twice-weekly                Before the phase 3 PALISADE and ARTEMIS trials, data
dosing in this cohort. Across all cohorts, most epinephrine epi-      related to OIT for peanut allergy were mainly derived from small-
sodes were associated with mild or moderate AEs. Two                  scale uncontrolled studies that appeared limited in various ways.4,5
epinephrine episodes each during daily dosing in cohorts 1 and        Recently published meta-analysis of peanut OIT (12 studies
3C were associated with severe AEs. No epinephrine episode in         examined by Chu et al15 and 27 studies examined by Grzeskowiak
PTAH-continuing participants was associated with a serious AE.        et al16) concluded that despite increasing desensitization, OIT
Overall, 24 of 37 (64.9%) epinephrine episodes were associated        increases the likelihood of allergic reactions.15 However, the
with treatment-related AEs. Most (91.9%) epinephrine use              duration of follow-up in all but 1 of the studies was less than 1 year
occurred at locations in community settings outside the trial site.   and none had explored the effect of dosing frequency.15,16 In
   Overall, 20 participants in the PTAH-naive group (n ¼ 100)         contrast, participants who received OIT with PTAH in the
had at least 1 epinephrine episode. Almost all epinephrine epi-       PALISADE trial and entered ARC004 had received more than 2
sodes were associated with mild or moderate AEs, and none were        years of treatment in some cases. Of note in the daily dosing co-
considered serious. Twenty-four of 30 (80%) epinephrine epi-          horts, desensitization rates across all peanut challenge doses up to
sodes were associated with treatment-related AEs. Most                1000 mg at the ARC004 exit DBPCFC (80.8%-100%) were
epinephrine use (63.3%) occurred at locations outside the trial       higher than those observed in the active treatment arm exit
site.                                                                 DBPCFC of the PALISADE trial (76.6%-50.3%)5; moreover,
                                                                      80.8% of participants in cohort 3A, which had the longest dura-
Change in peanut-specific IgE and IgG4 levels and                     tion of daily dosing, tolerated a single 2000-mg challenge
skin prick test wheal diameter                                        (cumulatively 4043 mg or equivalent to w14 peanut kernels)
   Change from baseline in immunoglobulin values (ie, peanut-         during DBPCFC. This was a meaningful improvement from
specific IgE and IgG4 levels) were consistent with continued           median tolerated dose of 10 mg (wone-tenth of peanut kernel) at
immunomodulation (Figure 4, A-C) from the time of entry into          the PALISADE baseline. In ARC004, there was a trend toward
PALISADE (ie, PALISADE baseline) to the ARC004 study exit.            lower rates of exposure-adjusted treatment-related AEs among
At the ARC004 study exit, IgE levels had decreased from the           PTAH-continuing participants who received daily dosing (cohorts
time of PALISADE entry in both PTAH-naive and PTAH-                   1 and 3A) than among those who received nonedaily dosing
continuing groups. IgG4 levels, which had increased in all            (cohorts 2, 3B, and 3C). Thus, continued administration of daily
PTAH-continuing cohorts from PALISADE entry to ARC004                 PTAH over an additional approximately 6-month to approxi-
entry, continued to increase to the time of ARC004 study exit in      mately 1-year period in ARC004 appeared to mitigate AE risk,
daily dosing cohorts 1 and 3A. Mean skin prick test wheal             while still effectively maintaining desensitization.
diameter in participants continuing PTAH decreased to a similar          Generalization of results from ARC004 to the wider peanut-
extent across all PTAH-continuing cohorts from the time of            allergic population may be limited because analyses were
PALISADE entry to ARC004 study exit (Figure 4, D).                    restricted to participants aged 4 to 17 years who had sensitivity to
                                                                      less than or equal to 100-mg peanut protein at the time of
DISCUSSION                                                            enrollment into the PALISADE trial, and those with poorly
   The approval of PTAH OIT for children and adolescents with         controlled asthma or chronic gastrointestinal disorders at
peanut allergy is reshaping the treatment paradigm for this pop-      screening were excluded. As an open-label extension of the
ulation. A high proportion of participants (87.5%) from the           PALISADE trial, the aim of the ARC004 trial was to collect data
PALISADE trial entered the ARC004 study with a high rate of           on the longer-term effects of PTAH OIT on the maturation of
retention to study completion. The ARC004 trial demonstrated          the immunomodulatory processes and the efficacy and safety of
that, in children and adolescents, continued daily treatment with     daily and nonedaily dosing regimens during the first 2 years of
PTAH beyond 1 year is safe and is associated with continued and       treatment, with the aim of providing further guidance on the
improved efficacy. Immunomodulation continued to mature                administration of peanut OIT in children and adolescents.
during the second year of treatment. During the second year of        Limitations of this study are the open-label trial design, which
PTAH treatment, daily dosing had a better safety and efficacy          resulted in the study being underpowered to detect significant
profile than nonedaily dosing, with lower rates of total               differences between groups or cohorts. Furthermore, all
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT                                                                                                           VICKERY ET AL            1889

participants were sequentially assigned to treatment, which could                  2. Nwaru BI, Hickstein L, Panesar SS, Roberts G, Muraro A, Sheikh A, et al.
                                                                                      Prevalence of common food allergies in Europe: a systematic review and meta-
have introduced bias, and cohort sizes were small.
                                                                                      analysis. Allergy 2014;69:992-1007.
                                                                                   3. Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc. Palforzia [package insert]. Available from: https://
CONCLUSIONS                                                                  Accessed April 11, 2020.
                                                                                   4. Hourihane JO, Beyer K, Abbas A, Fernandez Rivas M, Turner PJ, Blumchen K,
   Longer-term daily dosing of peanut OIT with PTAH resulted                          et al. Efficacy and safety of oral immunotherapy with AR101 in European
in improved safety and efficacy. After approximately 2 years of                        children with a peanut allergy (ARTEMIS): a multicentre, double-blind, rand-
continued daily treatment with PTAH, 80% of participants who                          omised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2020;4:
completed ARC004 were desensitized to 2000-mg peanut protein                          728-39.
(cumulatively 4043-mg peanut protein or equivalent to w14                          5. The PALISADE Group of Clinical Investigators, Vickery BP, Vereda A,
                                                                                      Casale TB, Beyer K, du Toit G, et al. AR101 Oral immunotherapy for peanut
peanut kernels). Immunologic changes suggest ongoing immu-                            allergy. N Engl J Med 2018;379:1991-2001.
nomodulation during the first 2 years of treatment. Longer-term                     6. Patrawala M, Shih J, Lee G, Vickery B. Peanut oral immunotherapy: a current
open-label daily dosing with PTAH appeared to have a better                           perspective. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2020;20:14.
overall benefit-risk profile than nonedaily dosing, with further                     7. Abrams EM, Chan ES, Sicherer S. Peanut allergy: new advances and ongoing
                                                                                      controversies. Pediatrics 2020;145:e20192102.
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daily dosing.5 Evaluation and confirmation of the benefits of long-                     Aparicio V, Piquer Gibert M, et al. Egg oral immunotherapy in children (SEI-
term daily dosing beyond 2 years with PTAH is required.                               CAP I): daily or weekly desensitization pattern. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2019;
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Acknowledgments                                                                       cessful cow’s milk oral desensitization. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2013;24:
   We thank the study participants and their families, the prin-                      376-81.
cipal investigators, members of the Aimmune Scientific Advisory                    10. Martin-Munoz MF, Alonso Lebrero E, Zapatero L, Fuentes Aparicio V, Piquer
                                                                                      Gibert M, Plaza Martin AM, et al. Egg OIT in clinical practice (SEICAP II):
Board for their contribution to study design and preliminary
                                                                                      maintenance patterns and desensitization state after normalizing the diet. Pediatr
review of results, and subinvestigators, trial coordinators, nurses,                  Allergy Immunol 2019;30:214-24.
dietitians, and other personnel at all the trial sites. We thank                  11. Sampson HA, Gerth van Wijk R, Bindslev-Jensen C, Sicherer S, Teuber SS,
Stephen Tilles for critical review of the manuscript and Lalith                       Burks AW, et al. Standardizing double-blind, placebo-controlled oral food
Akella for providing analytical support for this manuscript.                          challenges: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology-European
                                                                                      Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology PRACTALL consensus report.
Medical writing and editorial assistance were provided by Kal-                        J Allergy Clin Immunol 2012;130:1260-74.
pana Vijayan, PhD, and Elizabeth Hermans, PhD, of OPEN                            12. Sampson HA, Munoz-Furlong A, Campbell RL, Adkinson NF Jr, Bock SA,
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1889.e1       VICKERY ET AL                                                                              J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
                                                                                                                             MAY 2021



Principal Investigator                                                    Participating Site
Amal Halim Assa’ad            Banner University of Arizona Medical Center, Tucson, Ariz
John Andrew Bird              Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, Ark
Edwin Kim                     Allergy & Asthma Associates of Southern California dba Southern California Research, Mission Viejo, Calif
Stacie M. Jones               Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy Research LPCH at El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, Calif
Stephanie A. Leonard          Peninsula Research Associates, Inc, Rolling Hills Estates, Calif
Rima Rachid                   Allergy & Asthma Medical Group and Research Center, A.P.C., San Diego, Calif
Jonathan M. Spergel           Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego, San Diego, Calif
Julie Wang                    University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif
Mary Maier                    UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica, Santa Monica, Calif
Gregory Daniel Brooks         Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, Colo
Tara Carr                     Colorado Allergy & Asthma Centers, PC, Denver, Colo
Thomas B. Casale              National Jewish Health, Denver, Colo
Kari Nadeau                   Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC
Christina E. Ciaccio          Sarasota Clinical Research, Sarasota, Fla
Aikaterini Anagnostou         University of South Florida Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology Clinical Research Unit, Tampa, Fla
Jay M. Portnoy                Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Clinic, PA, Marietta, Ga
Morna J. Dorsey               Idaho Allergy and Research, Eagle, Idaho
David Jeong                   Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, Ill
David M. Fleischer            Comer Children’s Hospital, Chicago, Ill
Hey Chong                     Sneeze, Wheeze, & Itch Associates, LLC, Normal, Ill
Leon S. Greos                 Indiana University North Hospital, Riley Children’s Specialist, Carmel, Ind
Hemant P. Sharma              Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Boston, Mass
Rita Kachru                   Boston Children’s Hospital Boston, Mass
Girish Vitalpur               Chesapeake Clinical Research, Inc, White Marsh, Md
Jay Lieberman                 Johns Hopkins Hospital, Pediatric Clinical Research Unit, Baltimore, Md
Lyndon E. Mansfield            Michigan Medicine, Michigan Clinical Research Unit, Ann Arbor, Mich
Jacqueline A. Pongracic       Clinical Research Institute, Inc, Plymouth, Minn
Ned T. Rupp                   Children’s Mercy on Broadway, Kansas City, Mo
Wayne Shreffler                University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Clinical & Translational Research Center, Chapel Hill, NC
Allan Stillerman              Clinical Research of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Daniel H. Petroni             Nebraska Medical Research Institute, Inc, Bellevue, Neb
Pooja Varshney                Atlantic Research Center, LLC, Ocean, NJ
Michael J. Welch              Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Clinical Research Unit, New York, NY
Hugh H. Windom                Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Robert A. Wood                Baker Allergy, Asthma & Dermatology Research Center, LLC, Portland, Ore
Warner W. Carr                The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa
Stanley M. Fineman            Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, Pa
Georgiana Sanders             National Allergy and Asthma Research, LLC, Charleston, SC
Paul H. Ratner                Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital - Outpatient Building, Memphis, Tenn
Bruce Lanser                  'Specially for Children Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Clinic, Austin, Texas
Douglas T. Johnston           Children’s Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Ellen R. Sher                 Western Sky Medical Research, El Paso, Texas
Jonathan Matz                 Texas Children’s Hospital, Main Hospital, Houston, Texas
Moshe Ben-Shoshan             Central Texas Health Research, New Braunfels, Texas
Jason Abraham Ohayon          Sylvana Research Associates, San Antonio, Texas
Amarjit S. Cheema             Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, Wash
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT                                                                                      VICKERY ET AL        1889.e2

Principal Investigator                                                              Participating Site
Gordon L. Sussman                       Asthma, Inc, Clinical Research Center, Seattle, Wash
William H. Yang                         Triple A Lab, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Dareen D. Siri                          Cheema Research, Inc, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Stephen B. Fritz                        Ottawa Allergy Research Corp, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Lawrence D. Sher                        Gordon Sussman Clinical Research, Inc, Toronto, ON, Canada
Frank C. Hampel Jr                      McGill University Health Centre - Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montréal, QC, Canada
Kirsten Beyer                           Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Klinik fuer Pneumologie, Immunologie and Intensivmedizin, Berlin,
Katharina Blümchen                      Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Pädiatrische Allergologie,
                                          Pneumologie und Mukoviszidose, Frankfurt am, Main, Germany
Jonathan O'Brien Hourihane              Cork University Hospital, UCC Department of Paediatrics and Child Health Day Unit & Seahorse Day Unit,
                                          Level 1 & 2, Paediatric Outpatient Unit, Cork, Ireland
Maria Antonella Muraro                  Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova - UOSD Allergie Alimentari, Padova, Italy
Aline B. Sprikkelman                    Department of Pediatric Pulmonology & Allergology, Beatrix Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center
                                          Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Joanna N.G. Oude Elberink               University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Allergology, Groningen,
                                          The Netherlands
Montserrat Fernández-Rivas              Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón Alergology Department, Madrid, Spain
Maria Dolores Ibañez,                   Hospital Clínico San Carlos Alergology Department, Madrid, Spain
Caroline Nilsson                        Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Hospital Universitario Niño Jesús, Alergology Department, Madrid, Spain
George du Toit                          Barnforskningscentrum, SachsChildren and Youth Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Marina Tsoumani                         Seal Clinical Research Facility, Guy & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
Vibha Sharma                            Manchester University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust-Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, United
José Manuel Zubeldia Ortuño             Central Manchester University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust-Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital,
                                          Manchester, United Kingdom

INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA                                          5. Participants in the “build-up” phase of immunotherapy to
   Participants could enroll in the ARC004 study if they                     another allergen (ie, participants who have not reached
completed the PALISADE study, which consisted of participants                maintenance dosing)
in the active treatment arm who tolerated 300-mg peanut protein           6. Severe asthma as defined by the 2007 National Heart, Lung,
at the exit DBPCFC and participants in the placebo arm who                   and Blood Institute criteria
completed the exit DBPCFC. All participants entering ARC004               7. Mild or moderate asthma that is uncontrolled or difficult to
were required to provide written informed consent. Female                    control as defined by
participants of child-bearing potential were required to use                 a. FEV1 less than 80% of predicted value, or ratio of FEV1
effective birth control.                                                        to forced vital capacity less than 75% of predicted value,
   Exclusion criteria were early discontinuation from PALI-                     with or without controller medications (only for those 6
SADE, failure to tolerate 443-mg cumulative peanut protein                      years or older and able to do spirometry) or
dose with mild or no symptoms at the PALISADE exit                           b. Inhaled corticosteroid dosing of more than 500 g daily
DBPCFC, meeting any longitudinally applicable criteria for the                  fluticasone (or equivalent inhaled corticosteroids based on
PALISADE trial (outlined below), or any other condition that in                 the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute dosing chart)
the investigator’s opinion precludes participation for safety             8. History of intravenous, intramuscular, or steroid medica-
reasons.                                                                     tions administered in the following manner:
                                                                             a. History of daily oral steroid administration for >1 month
                                                                             b. Two-burst course of oral, intramuscular, or intravenous
Longitudinally applicable exclusion criteria                                    steroids, defined as more than or equal to 1 mg/kg of
 1. History of cardiovascular disease including uncontrolled or                 prednisone or prednisone equivalent of more than or
    inadequately controlled hypertension                                        equal to 1-week duration, in the past year
 2. History of chronic disease (other than asthma, atopic                 9. Inability to discontinue antihistamines for 5 half-lives before
    dermatitis, or allergic rhinitis) that is at significant risk of          the initial day of dose escalation, skin prick test, or
    becoming unstable or requiring a change in the chronic                   DBPCFC
    therapeutic regimen                                                  10. Lack of an available palatable vehicle food to which the
 3. History of eosinophilic esophagitis or other eosinophilic                participant is not allergic
    gastrointestinal disease                                             11. Use of any therapeutic antibody (eg, omalizumab, mepoli-
 4. Concurrent participation in any other interventional study               zumab, and reslizumab), any investigational peanut OIT
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