Use of oseltamivir in the treatment of canine parvoviral enteritis

Page created by Clyde Daniel
Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 20(1) 2010, pp 132–142
 Original Study                                                                                                   doi:10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x

Use of oseltamivir in the treatment of canine
parvoviral enteritis
Michelle R. Savigny, DVM, MS, DACVECC and Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM,

           Objective – To determine if oseltamivir with standard therapy for canine parvoviral enteritis ameliorates
           disease morbidity, mortality, or both; to document significant adverse effects associated with its use.
           Design – Prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
           Setting – University veterinary teaching hospital.
           Animals – Thirty-five dogs.
           Interventions – Standard therapy was administered to all dogs. Treatment dogs also received oseltamivir,
           while control dogs received an equivalent volume of placebo.
           Measurements and Main Results – Dogs were monitored daily according to a clinical scoring system,
           physical parameters, and diagnostic evaluations. Dogs in the treatment group gained a significant percentage
           of weight during hospitalization (mean, 12.6%; SD, 7.1%) versus the control dogs (mean, 4.5%; SD, 6.9%)
           (P 5 0.006). Treatment dogs did not have any significant changes in their white blood cell (WBC) count, while
           control dogs experienced a significant drop in their WBC counts during their initial stay. In addition, it did not
           appear that oseltamivir use was associated with any major adverse clinical effects.
           Conclusions – While a clear advantage to the use of oseltamivir was not established, a significant weight loss
           during hospitalization, as well as a significant decrease in WBC count were documented in the control group.
           No major adverse effects were identified that could be associated with oseltamivir administration. Based on
           these results, the true role of oseltamivir in the treatment of parvoviral enteritis remains speculative, although
           it is believed that further investigation is warranted.
           (J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2010; 20(1): 132–142) doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x

           Keywords: bacterial translocation, diarrhea, neuraminidase inhibitors

                                                                                 CPV infects and replicates in rapidly dividing cells,
                                                                              most notably the lymphoid organs, latter myeloid pro-
Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a single-stranded DNA                              genitor cells in the bone marrow, and intestinal epithelial
virus that was first discovered in 1978.1 It is a hardy,                      cells. Replication results in cell destruction, causing a
highly contagious virus that remains a cause of signifi-                      clinical disease characterized by severe vomiting, hem-
cant disease in young dogs. It is estimated that over 1                       orrhagic diarrhea, dehydration, and neutropenia. This
million dogs are affected each year in the United States2                     disease is almost universally fatal without treatment,
despite the availability of an effective vaccine.                             with reported survival rates of only 9% in an experi-
                                                                              mental model.3 Treatment increases this figure signifi-
                                                                              cantly, with reported survival rates ranging from 64%
                                                                              to 95%.2,4–10 Care given in specialized care settings
From the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA.
                                                                              has been associated with increased survival rates
                                                                              (96–100%)2,8 compared with nonspecialized care
Previously presented in abstract form at the 13th IVECCS, 2007, New Or-
leans, LA.                                                                    settings (67–75%).2,7 It is postulated that this increase
Funding provided by: The Barry and Savannah French-Poodle Memorial            may be due to the 24-hour care available, as well as the
No financial conflict of interest exists.
                                                                              likelihood that treatments such as plasma or colloid
                                                                              therapy are more likely to be used in such settings.2
Address correspondence and reprint requests to
Michelle R. Savigny, Columbia River Veterinary Specialists, 6818 E. Fourth
                                                                                 Therapy for CPV enteritis is supportive and aimed
Plain Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98661, USA. Email:               at controlling the clinical signs of disease. Multiple-

132                                                                                              & Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009
Oseltamivir in parvoviral enteritis

directed therapies have been studied, such as human re-                       gression of CPV enteritis in a nonviral-dependent man-
combinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor,8,9,11                        ner. In one report, 90% of dogs that died from CPV
equine antiendotoxin,7,12 recombinant bactericidal/per-                       enteritis had Escherichia coli cultured from their livers
meability-increasing protein,2 and interferon o13,14 with                     and lungs.24 Acute respiratory distress syndrome-like
variable or disappointing results. Early enteral nutrition                    changes in the lungs of these dogs on histopathologic
(EEN) has been the only modality to date to show prom-                        examination were also present, demonstrating the
ise for a shortened recovery time and decreased disease                       potential for organ failure secondary to the systemic
morbidity associated with CPV enteritis.10 However, the                       inflammation associated with this disease.24
need remains for a therapeutic agent that will help ame-                         The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy
liorate the morbidity and mortality of this disease, and in                   and adverse effects of oseltamivir when added to the
doing so also decrease the cost of treatment. While the                       standard treatment of CPV enteritis. Our hypothesis
survival rate with aggressive treatment is very good,                         was that oseltamivir would ameliorate the disease mor-
financial constraints often result in suboptimal treatment                    bidity and mortality associated with naturally occur-
with lower survival, or even euthanasia. This fact dem-                       ring CPV enteritis, thereby decreasing hospitalization
onstrates the clear need for a directed therapy to make                       time, as well as the need for colloid and other adjunc-
the appropriate treatment for CPV enteritis more finan-                       tive therapies.
cially feasible for owners or shelters.
   Oseltamivir is a neuraminidase (NA) inhibitor orig-
                                                                              Materials and Methods
inally designed to treat human influenza virus.15 It has
recently also shown efficacy in the treatment of avian                        Study design
influenza.16,17 Oseltamivir inhibits the viral NA enzyme                      The present study was a prospective, randomized,
and thus prevents the cleavage of sialic acid residues.                       blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial of the effects of
This cleavage is necessary for liberating newly formed                        oseltamivir in dogs with naturally occurring parvoviral
virons from the host cell, as well as for preventing the                      enteritis. Client-owned dogs and dogs from the local
aggregation of viral particles. Both the viron liberation                     animal shelter with CPV enteritis were recruited be-
and decreased aggregation are mechanisms necessary                            tween April 2005 and August 2006. A financial incen-
for the spread and dissemination of the virus through-                        tive was offered to the owner or agent to allow their
out the host in order to further infection. The NA en-                        dog to participate in the study. Inclusion criteria for
zyme is also needed for the virus to cleave the sialic                        enrollment included a positive CPV fecal antigen test,a
acid residues in mucin to allow for penetration                               presence of appropriate clinical signs (vomiting, diar-
of this protective layer and infection of respiratory                         rhea, lethargy, and anorexia), and lack of any treatment
epithelial tissue.                                                            before enrollment. Informed consent was received from
   Anecdotal reports of oseltamivir use in veterinary                         all owners or agents before any treatment at the Au-
medicine claim that it is associated with a less severe                       burn University Small Animal Teaching Hospital. The
form of disease and a quicker recovery when admin-                            study protocol was reviewed and approved by the An-
istered to dogs with CPV enteritis. However, unlike the                       imal Care and Use Committee of Auburn University.
influenza virus, CPV does not rely on NA for effective                           Following enrollment in the study, dogs were assigned
replication. Therefore, any beneficial effects that may                       to either the treatment or the control group randomly in a
be present would not be due to a direct antiviral action.                     block of 20 and then blocks of 10 dogs (equal numbers of
Human studies have shown a significant decrease                               dogs enrolled in each arm in each block). Group assign-
in the development of bacterial infections secondary                          ment was selected based on the blind drawing of a
to influenza when oseltamivir is used.15,18–23 This effect                    folded piece of paper designated for either treatment or
is believed to be due to a decrease in bacterial perme-                       control. Assignment was allocated by hospital personnel
ation through the mucin layer of the respiratory                              not directly involved in the clinical aspects of the trial.
epithelial cells, because NA is necessary for this pro-                       Group assignments were uncovered to the investigators
cess to occur. It is postulated that oseltamivir could also                   only at the conclusion of the study.
have a similar inhibitory effect on bacterial permeation
through the mucin layer of the gut epithelial cells. This                     Standard treatment
inhibition would decrease bacterial translocation,                            A treatment protocol was designed to standardize ther-
resulting in a potentially lower incidence of endo-                           apy between the 2 groups with the exception of
toxemia, sepsis, systemic inflammatory response, and                          oseltamivir administration to the treatment group
eventual multisystem failure, which is thought to be the                      and a placebo to the control group. No deviations
main mechanism of mortality of CPV enteritis. Thus,                           were made from this protocol for any of the patients.
oseltamivir could have an effect on the disease pro-                          An intravenous (IV) catheter was placed in all dogs,

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x                                                133
M.R. Savigny & D.K. Macintire

either a peripheral cephalic catheter or central venous           the day of discharge for the purpose of data analysis.
catheter in a jugular vein. Balanced electrolyte solu-            Postmortem exams were performed on all nonsurviv-
tionb, c was administered IV at an initial rate to replace        ing dogs.
an estimated dehydration deficit over a minimum of
2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours. If the dog was                  Oseltamivir treatment
assessed as being in shock, the crystalloid solution was          Dogs assigned to the treatment group received oseltam-
bolused at a rate of 10–30 mL/kg over approximately               ivirm (2 mg/kg, PO, q 12 h). An equivalent volume of a
20 minutes. Boluses were repeated until physical pa-              placebo, consisting of a standard suspension agent with
rameter evaluation by the attending clinician indicated           color additive, was administered to dogs in the control
that shock had resolved, and the remaining fluid deficit          group. Prior experience with oseltamivir by the authors
estimated to replace dehydration was administered                 has shown that dogs often react to its taste and fre-
as above. No patient required the administration of               quently vomit shortly after administration. Dilution of
colloidal solutions to treat a state of shock. Assessment         the oseltamivir with water (1:1) before administration
of hydration and perfusion status, as well as fluid rate          seemed to decrease these reactions; therefore, in this
choice for all dogs was performed by a single investi-            study, both oseltamivir and placebo were diluted (1:1)
gator (M.R.S.). After rehydration, the hydration status           with water to lessen the risk of adverse reaction to the
was reassessed via physical parameters and the fluid              oseltamivir. In addition, for dogs receiving chlorprom-
rate adjusted as deemed appropriate. Fluids were sup-             azine for protracted vomiting, an attempt was made to
plemented with potassium chloride,d dextrose,e                    dose this medication 30–60 minutes before administra-
or both, as needed based on laboratory results.                   tion of the oseltamivir or placebo to minimize the risk
   Ampicillinf (22 mg/kg, IV, q 8 h), enrofloxacing (5 mg/        of vomiting. Given its propensity for gastric adverse
kg, IV, q 12 h), and metoclopromideh (1–2 mg/kg/d, IV             effects (vomiting, nausea),15 significant adverse effects
infusion) were administered to all patients. If vomiting          associated with the administration of oseltamivir, de-
persisted at a rate of more than twice per 12-hour pe-            spite these precautions, was recorded using in the clin-
riod despite a maximum rate of metoclopramide, chlor-             ical scoring system used.
promazinei (0.5 mg/kg, SQ, q 8 h) was added. Pyrantel
pamoatej (10 mg/kg, PO) was administered to all dogs              Monitoring/data acquisition
within the first 3 days of arrival to eradicate intestinal        Historical data, including previous vaccination against
parasites. If the total protein (TP) measured using a             CPV and the duration of clinical signs as noted by the
refractometer fell below 35 g/L (3.5 g/dL), hetastarchk           owner or caretaker (rounded to the closest 12-h period
was infused at a rate of 10–20 mL/kg/d. If anemia, de-            of time), were obtained when this information was
fined as a packed cell volume (PCV)  20%, was pres-              available at study entry. Signalment for each dog was
ent, a blood transfusion was administered. The blood              also recorded, as was its estimated percentage of
product administered depended on availability at that             dehydration at entry. The estimated extracellular fluid
time, but was either packed red blood cells (10 mL/kg,            deficit was derived from a combination of clinical char-
IV, over 4 h) or a fresh whole blood transfusion                  acteristics such as skin turgor, mucous membrane color
(10–20 mL/kg, IV, over 4 h). If vomiting episodes were            and capillary refill time, pulse quality and heart rate,
o4 per 12-hour period, water and a bland dietl were               and ocular position (ie, sunken or not). Laboratory
offered. If either appeared to induce nausea by their             values, including PCV, TP, lactate, and urine specific
presentation, they were immediately removed from the              gravity when a voided sample was available, were also
animal. Voluntary eating was allowed through mild                 taken into consideration. Baseline diagnostic testing,
vomiting episodes (o4 per 12-h period). Food was not              consisting of a CBC, PCV, TP measured using a
force fed or tube fed to any dog.                                 refractometer, serum electrolyte concentrations (sodium,
   Discontinuation of IV fluids was at the discretion of a        potassium, and chloride), and blood glucose concentra-
single investigator (M.R.S.). This occurred primarily             tion, was evaluated for all dogs at entry. These values
when the animal was no longer vomiting and consis-                were monitored daily for all dogs. With the exception of
tently eating and drinking sufficiently to maintain               the CBC data, these values were not analyzed statistically
hydration. Once fluids were discontinued, all patients            but were monitored for guiding treatment decisions only.
were monitored for at least 12 hours before discharge             For white blood cell (WBC) values, the following vari-
from the hospital in order to ensure no relapse of clin-          ables were evaluated: initial total WBC, neutrophil
ical signs. The day of discharge was assigned as the day          (NEUT), and lymphocyte (LYMPH) counts; the absolute
when it was deemed the dog was healthy enough to be               nadir value and the day of hospitalization (with day of
discharged. In those animals that did not survive, the            presentation being Day 1) on which the nadir occurred
day of death was considered an endpoint equivalent to             for each of the WBC, NEUT, and LYMPH counts; and the

134                                            & Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x
Oseltamivir in parvoviral enteritis

number of days for which the counts for each value were                        of the 4 categories were totaled for each dog per day,
considered to show a clinically relevant decrease. These                       with a possible category score ranging from 0 (normal)
decreases were defined by a WBC o3.0  109/L, NEUT                             to 6 (most severely affected) per 24-hour period. In
o2.0  109/L, and LYMPH o1.0  109/L. In addition,                             addition, a cumulative score consisting of a total of all
the WBC count change from presentation (Day 1) to Days                         4 categories was calculated for each dog per day, with a
2, 3, 4, and 5 was analyzed for each group. The WBC data                       possible score ranging from 0 (normal) to 24 (most se-
in conjunction with clinical scores on presentation and                        verely affected). Occurrence of adverse events associ-
Day 4 were also analyzed. Day 4 was chosen for this                            ated with medication administration was a subjective
comparison to represent a period in time that should                           observation based on the timing of vomiting or in-
have encompassed NEUT and clinical recovery for most                           creased nausea in the immediate period following
dogs based on the expected timeline of disease progres-                        drug/placebo dosing. Other indicators of possible
sion as described previously.11 Body weight was recorded                       adverse reactions to oseltamivir administration could
twice daily, with the same scale used to monitor each dog                      also be indicated by the routine monitoring of other
during its stay for consistency. In addition, vital param-                     standard clinicopathologic data and physical exam
eters (heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, mu-                   characteristics throughout the study.
cous membrane color, and capillary refill time) were
assessed a minimum of twice daily, as were hydration
status and mentation. Days on which dogs demonstrated                          Statistical Analysis
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria
                                                                               The Shapiro-Wilks test was used to evaluate the distri-
were also calculated as a percentage of days of their total
                                                                               bution of continuous variables. Continuous variables
stay (days with positive SIRS criteria/total days in hos-
                                                                               not normally distributed are described as median (min-
pital  100%). SIRS was defined as the presence of at
                                                                               imum, maximum) and normally distributed continuous
least 2 of the following 4 criteria: (1) temperature 439.21C
                                                                               variables are described as mean (standard deviation).
(102.51F) or o37.81C (100.01F), (2) heart rate 4140/min,
                                                                               The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to test for differ-
(3) respiratory rate 440/min, or (4) total WBC count
                                                                               ences in not normally distributed continuous variables,
419.0  109/L or o6.0  109/L. These criteria were ex-
                                                                               while the t test was used for normally distributed vari-
trapolated from a recent study of dogs with CPV enteri-
                                                                               ables. Categorical variables were described using per-
tis,25 with the exception of a modification of respiratory
                                                                               centage and the Fisher’s exact test was used to test for
rate parameters from 420/min to 440/min. This mod-
                                                                               differences between the treatment and control groups.
ification was done in an effort to increase the specificity
                                                                               For all comparisons, a Po0.05 was considered signifi-
of the criteria, as it was noted that most dogs in this study
                                                                               cant. All statistical analyses were performed using a
had respiratory rates in the range of 21–36/min.
                                                                               statistical software program.n

Clinical scoring system
A previously published clinical scoring system10 was
used to evaluate 4 clinical attributes of each patient:                        A total of 35 dogs were enrolled: 19 in the treatment
attitude, appetite, vomiting, and feces. A score of 0                          group and 16 in the control group. Power analysis was
represented a clinically normal parameter, with in-                            not performed as part of the design of the study, but
creasing severity of signs as the score increased up to a                      post hoc analysis revealed that 47 dogs would be
maximum of 3 for each variable (Table 1). Scores were                          needed in each group to give the study a power of 0.80
assigned twice daily, to encompass the previous                                at a significance level of 0.05 based on measurement of
12-hour period, and were assigned by the same inves-                           outcome. Only 1 dog that was eligible during the trial
tigator for all dogs (M.R.S.). The clinical scores for each                    period was not included due to lack of owner consent.

Table 1: Clinical scoring system

Score       Attitude                          Appetite                            Vomiting                             Feces
0           Normal                            Normal                              Absent                               Well formed or absent
1           Mild to moderate depression       Voluntarily eats small amounts      Mild; once per 12 hours              Soft or pasty feces
2           Severe depression                 No interest in food                 Moderate; 2–5 times per 12 hours     Watery diarrhea, nonbloody
3           Collapsed or moribund             Not offered                         Severe; 46 times per 12 hours        Watery, bloody diarrhea

Scores for each category were assigned to each dog twice daily to encompass the previous 12-hour period.

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x                                                   135
M.R. Savigny & D.K. Macintire

All dogs that entered the study completed the trial.                                    20
There were 3 shelter dogs included in the study, all of
which were in the control group. Most dogs (30/35)

                                                                     % Weight Change
were of the mixed-breed variety, with the purebreds
consisting of 2 American Pit Bull Terriers and 1 each of
Dachshund, Beagle, and Labrador Retriever. The                                           0
median age of dogs in the control group was 14 weeks
(8, 36 w), while that of the treatment group was 12
weeks (8, 44 w) (P 5 0.50). Twenty-one of 35 (60%) dogs                                –10
were female, with 10 of 21 (48%) randomized to the
control group and 11 of 21 (52%) randomized to the
treatment group. Fourteen of 35 (40%) dogs were male,
                                                                                             Control                    Treatment
with 6 of 14 (43%) randomized to the control group and
8 of 14 (57%) to the treatment group (P 5 1.0). All dogs            Figure 1: Boxplots of percent weight change during hospital stay
were sexually intact. Vaccination status was known                  for control and treatment dogs. A significant difference (P 5 0.006)
for 10 of 16 (62%) dogs in the control group and 13 of              was found in the change in weight from entry until discharge
                                                                    between the control and treatment groups. The control group lost
19 (68%) dogs in the treatment group. Of these, 5 of 10
                                                                    a mean of 4.5% (6.9%) of their body weight, and the treatment
(50%) dogs in the control group had received at least 1
                                                                    dogs gained a small amount with the mean change of 2.6% (7.1%)
vaccination against CPV, whereas 6 of 19 (32%) in the               of their body weight. Percent weight change was calculated as
treatment group had been vaccinated at least once                   (discharge weight entry weight)/entry weight  100.
against CPV (P 5 1.0). The duration of clinical signs
before presentation was known for 15 of 16 (94%) con-
trol dogs and 16 of 19 (84%) treatment dogs. Mean days              the new calculation without these dogs resulted in a
sick before presentation for the control group was 1.4              mean percent weight change of 5.2% (7.5%), compared
days (0.9 d), while that for the treatment group was 1.8            with the mean percent weight change of 2.6% (7.1%) for
days (1.0 d) (P 5 0.31). No statistically significant differ-       the treatment dogs (P 5 0.006).
ences were found between groups in the baseline char-                  The percentage of days in the hospital that SIRS
acteristics of age, sex, vaccination status, or duration of         criteria were met was calculated for each dog. There
clinical signs before presentation.                                 was no significant difference between groups, with
   There was no significant difference between groups               control dogs meeting SIRS criteria a mean of 52% of
in the degree of estimated dehydration at entry. The                days, versus 54% for treatment dogs (P 5 0.91).
control dogs were estimated to have a mean fluid                       The WBC values that were evaluated (initial counts
deficit of 6.3% (1.5%), while the treatment dogs were               for WBC, NEUT, and LYMPH; the nadir values and day
estimated at 6.9% (1.7%) (P 5 0.35). In addition, there             of nadir; and clinically relevant decreases in counts for
was no statistical difference among the weights at entry            WBC, NEUT, and LYMPH) were compared between
or the weights at discharge between the 2 groups. Dogs              groups. No significant differences were found for any
in the control group had a median entry weight of                   of these values between groups. When entry (Day 1)
6.7 kg (1.8, 28.2 kg), and those of the treatment group             WBC counts were compared with counts on Days 2, 3,
4 kg (1.6, 25 kg) (P 5 0.21). At discharge, the median              4, and 5, significant differences were found for the con-
weight of control dogs was 6.5 kg (1.8, 27.3 kg) and that of        trol group but not the treatment group. The control
the treatment group was 4.4 kg (1.6, 28.6 kg) (P 5 0.42).           dogs, with a median WBC count on entry of 7.83 (0.59,
However, a significant difference was found in the                  18.3)  109/L, showed a significant decline on Day 2
weight change from entry until discharge. Dogs in the               (6.1 [0.39, 14.6]  109/L) (P 5 0.04), Day 3 (6.3 [0.5,
control group experienced a median change of 0.21 kg                10.9]  109/L) (P 5 0.04), and most notably on Day 4
( 2.8, 0.5 kg), while those in the treatment group had a            (2.49 [0.41, 13.6]  109/L) (P 5 0.009). No difference
median change of 0.07 kg ( 1, 3.6 kg) (P 5 0.01). This              from entry to Day 5 (3.33 [0.4, 11.0]  109/L) was found
correlates also to a significant difference in the percentage       (P 5 0.08). The treatment dogs, on the other hand, had no
of change in body weight ([discharge weight entry                   significant changes in their median WBC counts from
weight/entry weight]  100) (Figure 1). Dogs in the con-            entry (4.95 [0.5, 24.1]  109/L) to Day 2 (2.75 [0.46,
trol group had a mean change of            4.5% (6.9%), and         14.5]  109/L) (P 5 0.08), Day 3 (3.46 [0.46, 11.9]  109/L)
those in the treatment group a mean change of 2.6%                  (P 5 0.10), Day 4 (4.7 [0.71, 16,28]  109/L) (P 5 0.55), or
(7.1%) (P 5 0.006). When this analysis was repeated for             Day 5 (4.79 [0.78, 24.4]  109/L) (P 5 0.97) (Figure 2).
survivors only, the results were still found to be signifi-            It was noted that an approximately equal proportion
cant. The control group contained all 3 nonsurvivors, and           of dogs in each group experienced a severe decline in

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Oseltamivir in parvoviral enteritis

                         9                                                     Table 2: Comparison of values between groups across time

                         8                                                                     Treatment                       Control

                                                                                               Initial   Day 4     Day 5       Initial   Day 4      Day 5
                                                                               WBC              4.95     4.71      4.79         7.83      2.49n     3.28
 Median WBC (x1000/ul)

                         6                                                     Attitude         2        1         1            2         2         2
                                                                               Appetite         5        2         2            6         4         3
                         5                                                     Vomit            2        1         1            2         3         2
                                                                               Fecal            3        2         2            2         3         3
                                                                               Cumulative      12        7         6           13        11         9

                                                                               Median values for white blood cells (WBC) (  109/L), and average daily
                                                                               total clinical scores at presentation and on Days 4 and 5 of hospitalization.
                                                                               There was a significant decrease in WBC count from entry to Day 4 in the
                         2                                                     control group, but no significant changes over time in WBC count in the
                                                                               treatment group.
                         1          Control                                    n
                                                                                 Significant difference from initial count; P 5 0.009.
                             24 h         48 h      72 h        96 h   120 h
                                           Time of hospitalization             chlorpromazine was necessary in 10 of 19 (53%) dogs in
                                                                               the treatment group, and 9 of 16 (56%) dogs in the
Figure 2: Change in median white blood cell (WBC) count.
                                                                               control group. Dogs in the treatment group that did
Control dogs showed a significant decrease in WBC count from
entry (0 h) to hours 48, 72, and 96. nSignificant decrease from
                                                                               receive chlorpromazine did so an average of 21% of
presentation.                                                                  their days in the hospital, while the dogs requiring it in
                                                                               the control group were given chlorpromazine an aver-
                                                                               age of 30% of their days in the hospital. The overall
WBC, with nadirs occurring at o0.1  109/L in 7 of 16                          survival rate was 91% (32/35). Three dogs died, all
(44%) control dogs and 8 of 19 (42%) treatment dogs. Of                        from the control group, giving this group a survival
these, 2 of the control dogs did not survive (1 died,                          rate of 81% (13/16) compared with a survival rate of
1 euthanized) while there were no deaths in the treat-                         100% in the treatment group. The difference between
ment group. Because of the small number of dogs                                the 2 groups, however, was not significant (P 5 0.09).
involved, statistical analysis was not performed.                              Only 1 of the dogs that died was from the animal shel-
   When the clinical scores were compared day by day                           ter, the others were client owned. One animal was eu-
for each category as well as the cumulative total for that                     thanized after severe progression of clinical signs
day, no significant differences were found between                             despite treatment, and it was deemed that the dog
groups with the exception of Day 6 for the appetite                            was suffering and would not recover, while the other 2
score (P 5 0.02), when the treatment group scores were                         had natural deaths.
significantly lower (more normal). The trends in WBC                              Postmortem examinations were performed on all
and clinical scores for both groups are presented in                           nonsurviving dogs. Findings were consistent with a
Table 2. While there were no significant differences                           diagnosis of CPV enteritis. All dogs had diffuse, severe,
found in scores between groups, it can be seen that                            necrotizing enteritis. Bone marrow was examined in 2
there was a slight trend for lower scores over time in                         of 3 dogs, both showing sections of moderate hypo-
the treatment group. Vomiting, when it did occur, did                          cellularity. While 2 dogs were noted to have diffuse
not appear to be associated with administration of                             congestion and edema in their lungs, the third dog was
oral medications.                                                              found to have a mild interstitial pneumonia.
   No difference was found in the duration of hospital-
ization between the 2 groups. Dogs in the control group
had a mean stay of 5.9 days (2.6 d), and those of the
treatment group 6.0 days (2.3 d) (P 5 1.0). Colloid ther-                      The use of oseltamivir in addition to standard therapy
apy was not required often, as the median number                               for naturally occurring CPV enteritis did not result in a
of days on colloids for the control group was 0 days                           significant decrease in hospitalization time, treatments
(0, 3 d) and also 0 days (0, 5 d) for the treatment group                      needed, clinical scores, morbidity, or mortality. Dogs in
(P 5 0.5). None of the 16 dogs in the control group                            the treatment group, however, gained significantly
received a blood transfusion, while 2 of 19 (10%) dogs                         more weight than those in the control group, which
in the treatment group did (P 5 0.5). The addition of                          on average, lost weight. Initial dehydration was not

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x                                                           137
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different between groups and therefore was unlikely to            dogs receiving oseltamivir. While a direct link between
influence observed weight gain. In addition, it was               preservation of weight and outcome was not found,
noted that the control group experienced a significant            these findings were both present with oseltamivir
decrease in WBC count from entry (Day 1) to Days 2, 3,            administration and not in the control subjects.
and 4 of hospitalization, while those dogs in the treat-             A veterinary study investigating the effect of EEN on
ment group had no significant decline in WBC count for            dogs with parvoviral enteritis10 found that dogs in the
any of the initial 5 days of hospitalization.                     EEN group had a significant increase in weight from
   CPV does not rely on NA for replication. However,              entry on all days of the study, while the conventional
anecdotal reports of the use of oseltamivir in dogs with          group had no significant change in weight. In addition,
CPV enteritis have claimed decreased morbidity and                dogs in the EEN group showed a more rapid clinical
shortened recovery time in the treated dogs. It is spec-          improvement, based on normalization of clinical scores,
ulated that the drug may inhibit bacterial translocation          than did the conventional group. These results also
that subsequently leads to endotoxemia, sepsis,                   suggest that the change in weight might be a marker
SIRS, and death. Bacterial adherence and colonization             of disease severity. Dogs with less severe disease, as
of respiratory epithelial cells is potentiated in the pres-       interpreted based on clinical scores, are more apt to
ence of viral NA, and inhibited with NA blocking                  maintain their body weight. The mechanism for this
agents.19–21 It is believed that the bacteria that com-           effect, while yet to be truly elucidated, is thought to be
monly invade the lower respiratory tract express their            associated with improved enterocyte health secondary
own NA, thus enabling them to penetrate the protective            to the trophic effects of enternal nutrition, resulting in
mucin layer and infect the epithelial cells.19 Although           less bacterial translocation. Oseltamivir is postulated to
unproven, a similar mechanism may exist in the gas-               also help decrease bacterial translocation across the
trointestinal tract. Oseltamivir may exert a beneficial           gut endothelial cells by blocking the action of NA.
effect by inhibiting NA on enteric bacteria, preventing           Decreased bacterial adherence and subsequent bacterial
their translocation across the gastrointestinal mucosal           translocation would result in less cytokine release from
barrier. In CPV enteritis, the mucosal barrier is already         the gut-associated lymphatic tissue. By blocking bacte-
impaired, allowing easier passage of bacteria. If bacte-          rial translocation through NA inhibition, oseltamivir
rial NA plays a role similar to that in the lungs, the NA         could decrease disease severity both locally in the gas-
would cleave sialic acid residues on the gut epithelium,          trointestinal tract, and systemically. Reduced severity of
exposing receptor sites for bacterial adherence and               disease would likely contribute to weight gain in
further encouraging translocation. In addition, CPV               treated animals. Although the treatment group in
suppresses the dog’s immune system, both humoral                  the present study showed an increase in weight dur-
and cell-mediated factors, allowing for systemic spread           ing hospitalization, suggesting a less severe form of
of bacteria and the resultant deleterious effects. Further        disease, this improvement in disease morbidity was not
studies are needed to accurately define the actual                demonstrated with our clinical scoring system. This
mechanism behind the observed anecdotal benefits of               discrepancy could be due to an inherent limitation of
the use of oseltamivir to treat CPV enteritis.                    sensitivity with the scoring system utilized, or the pos-
   The importance and implications of weight gain                 sibility that there really was no effect. Although weight
associated with oseltamivir treatment are unknown at              gain in treated animals appears to be a beneficial effect
this time. Other studies have shown that a significant            associated with oseltamivir administration, the inter-
change in weight in study subjects is associated with an          pretation of the weight change and assignment of as-
improved outcome from infectious disease. In 1 inves-             sociations with this finding must be done with caution
tigation,20 mice treated prophylactically with oseltami-          because the actual mechanism is unknown and inter-
vir lost an average of only 5% of their body weight, and          pretations are speculative.
had a survival of 100% after an influenza and bacterial              A decline in WBCs is a considered a hallmark sign of
challenge. In contrast, the control mice lost an average          CPV infection. This decline is postulated to be due to
of 25% of their body weight, and no mice survived the             multiple effects, including lymphoid necrosis, a direct
same viral/bacterial challenge. Weight loss was corre-            toxic effect of CPV on neutrophil precursors in the bone
lated with increased severity of disease and decreased            marrow, as well as overwhelming consumption sec-
survival rate in the mice in the influenza study. In our          ondary to acute inflammation of the gut. The decline in
study, an increased survival rate and increased weight            WBC count has been associated with clinical signs in
gain were seen in dogs receiving oseltamivir. While the           CPV enteritis, both in timeline11 and outcome.9 Neutro-
actual mechanisms behind the weight gain in the dogs              phil nadir has been shown to coincide with the period
in the treatment group are unknown, one possible                  when clinical signs are at their worst, and leukopenic
explanation is that disease severity was decreased in             dogs have been demonstrated to have a decreased sur-

138                                            & Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x
Oseltamivir in parvoviral enteritis

vival. This decreased survival is speculated to be due to                     that adverse effects of oseltamivir were minimal, as were
the impaired ability of the immune system to fight off a                      beneficial effects on decreasing disease morbidity.
systemic infection and its associated inflammatory                               The intensity of treatment required and the expected
effects secondary to bacterial translocation. A higher                        cost of treatment were inferred based on additional
WBC count could mean a stronger immune system and                             therapy, such as colloid infusion or blood transfusions,
an increased ability to protect against the negative                          as well as prolonged hospitalization times. Colloids
effects of sepsis development. The control dogs in this                       were not frequently used, in contrast to a previous re-
study showed a significant decline in WBC count from                          port.25 Indications for the institution of colloid therapy
entry to Days 2, 3, and most notably to Day 4. The dogs                       were not elucidated in the previous study. Protocol in
receiving oseltamivir had no significant changes in their                     this study required decrease in total protein to 35 g/L.
WBC count from entry to any of the initial 5 days of                          Much more modest decreases, often around 40–45 g/L,
hospitalization. Although clinical scores did not show a                      are frequently used in the clinic setting as indication for
difference in disease severity, and survival rates, while                     treatment with colloids. A higher cutoff value as a trig-
different, were not significantly so, it can be argued that                   ger for colloid infusion likely would have increased the
this lack of WBC decline could be a protective effect of                      incidence of its use in this study. Blood transfusions
oseltamivir. Given a more sensitive clinical scoring sys-                     were also rarely indicated. The 2 cases that did require
tem and a larger number of dogs, this protective effect                       a transfusion received fresh whole blood, rather than
could potentially be associated with a decreased dis-                         packed red blood cells. Packed red blood cell availabil-
ease morbidity and mortality. Further studies are                             ity was very limited at the time of the first required
needed to more fully define this relationship.                                transfusion. In order to minimize differences in treat-
   Although the treatment dogs had a slightly lower                           ment between dogs, when the second transfusion be-
median WBC count on entry than the control dogs, this                         came necessary, although packed red blood cells were
difference was not found to be significant. Being that                        available, fresh whole blood from the previous donor
there was no difference in entry values for WBC count,                        was again administered. The total volume of crystall-
nor in the reported duration of clinical signs before en-                     oids as well as colloids administered between the 2
try, both groups should have been at approximately                            groups may have been helpful to evaluate. Dogs expe-
equivalent stages of their disease process and the time-                      riencing greater fluid loss from vomiting or diarrhea as
line of disease progression should not have differed                          well as having less voluntary intake per os would have
significantly between the groups. Thus, it appears that                       a greater IV fluid need. This would correlate with an
the lack of WBC count decline in the treatment group as                       increased severity of clinical signs and manifestation of
opposed to the control group is a beneficial effect of                        the disease process. Unfortunately, the collection of this
oseltamivir administration.                                                   data was not possible from certain dogs due to record-
   The main adverse effects of oseltamivir reported in                        ing errors or technical difficulties. Therefore this vari-
humans are gastrointestinal effects apparently due to di-                     able was not analyzed.
rect local irritation of the gastric mucosa.15 In the expe-                      The duration of clinical signs before presentation was
rience of the authors, dogs will also often react to the taste                not different between the groups. It has been reported
of the oseltamivir suspension and nausea and vomiting                         that for human influenza viral infections, oseltamivir is
can be encountered. Dilution with water just before ad-                       most effective if started within the first 12 hours of
ministration appears to minimize these effects. This prac-                    clinical signs, with efficacy decreasing up to 48 hours.26
tice was utilized in this study in an effort to not only                      For every 6-hour delay in starting oseltamivir, the du-
avoid uncovering group assignment and thereby institut-                       ration of illness is predicted to increase by approxi-
ing a bias, but also in an effort to keep the clinical scores                 mately 8%.26 Whether this also holds true for its use in
an accurate representation of the disease process in the                      CPV enteritis is unknown. Because replication of CPV
animal and not obscure these scores with drug reaction.                       does not depend on NA, administration of oseltamivir
However, it is still possible that oseltamivir caused in-                     in the early stages of infection is unlikely to diminish
creased vomiting and nausea as a side effect of the drug,                     viral replication and dissemination as with the influ-
thereby concealing any benefit evident by analysis of the                     enza virus, and thus a time-efficacy response is not ex-
clinical scores. There was a lack of any significant differ-                  pected. Rather, with the proposed mechanism against
ence in clinical scores between groups, specifically vom-                     bacterial translocation, oseltamivir may have a greater
iting and appetite scores, as well as the subjective                          impact when administered during the period of leu-
observation that administration of the oral medications                       kopenia and severe clinical signs. Further investigation
(oseltamivir or placebo) was not associated with increased                    is needed to expand on these speculations.
nausea or vomiting directly afterwards. Both of these ob-                        A clinical scoring system was utilized in order to
servations support the interpretation of results indicating                   evaluate the subjective criteria of attitude and appetite,

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x                                               139
M.R. Savigny & D.K. Macintire

as well as to quantify the severity of vomiting and                  ensuing endotoxemia, SIRS, and organ dysfunction that
characterize the feces to allow for comparison across                can develop. In this study, although certain physical and
dogs. One investigator (M.R.S.) had the responsibility               clinic pathologic parameters were monitored, there was
of assigning scores to all dogs to minimize interobserv-             no direct test for the presence of bacterial translocation
er variability. This investigator was also blinded to                or sepsis. SIRS criteria were evaluated, but this is a
group assignment in order to minimize bias.                          crude assessment, especially considering the confound-
   Values for each category and cumulative scores were               ing factors. As the dogs were starting to feel better, they
compared between the 2 groups for each day, and                      would oftentimes become very excitable when being
although mild trends could be seen for lower scores in               handled. This frequently resulted in an elevation of their
the treatment group, there were no significant differ-               heart rate to over 140/min, or their respiratory rate to
ences. This could be attributed to the small sample size             440/min. The presence of these 2 variables would
in this study, as well as the variability in the timeline of         classify these healthy, excitable puppies as
illness among dogs. Because dogs presented in all                    fulfilling the criteria SIRS. In addition, the effect of the
stages of their disease (ie, clinical symptoms for o12 h             virus itself on the WBC count confounds the definition
to up to 4 d), a comparison of scores per day may not                slightly. A WBC of o6.0  109/L can simply reflect
illustrate true differences and a larger group would be              destruction of progenitor cells in the bone marrow and
needed to further examine this effect. In addition, the              is not necessarily associated with systemic inflam-
clinical scoring system utilized is a very simple system,            mation. Other methods to evaluate for the presence of
and as such, was relatively insensitive in its ability to            bacterial translocation, endotoxemia, or SIRS may be
differentiate between various stages of aberrancy in                 more fruitful. Culture of mesenteric lymph nodes is
each of the clinical attributes. This scoring system failed          considered the gold standard in human medicine and
to identify subtle yet clinically significant differences. A         animal models for evaluation of bacterial transloca-
scoring system with a greater degree of stratification               tion.30 The feasibility of this procedure in this patient
between assigned values may allow for a greater sen-                 population (client-owned, live animals) and setting is
sitivity and a more accurate representation of the clin-             questionable. Other methods, such as blood cultures or
ical status of the patient.                                          measurement of serum endotoxin levels or other in-
   Limitations of this study do involve the concern of               flammatory mediators could be used to differentiate
administration of an oral medication to a vomiting                   animals in which bacterial translocation is present from
patient, and its potential for variable systemic absorption          those in which it is not. Further investigation would be
in the face of a diseased gastrointestinal tract. The specific       needed before any true conclusions can be made.
site of oseltamivir absorption from the gastrointestinal                Oseltamivir administration to animals is not an
tract has not yet been fully elucidated. It has been shown           approved use of the drug. However, this would not
to be absorbed equally from the stomach, proximal, and               be the first instance of off-label use of a medication in
distal small intestinal segments in an experimental                  veterinary medicine. Yet concern exists over the accept-
study.27 Colonic absorption does appear to occur, but to             ability of using this drug in animals. This concern
a lesser extent and with a greater delay than other sites.           revolves around the potential that use of the drug
Early safety studies of oseltamivir show that it has a               may enhance resistance to this medication, specifically
bioavailability of 73% in healthy dogs, with detectable              by the avian influenza virus. Oseltamivir is consi-
levels of the drug in plasma within approximately 30                 dered the first line agent in the prevention of a viral
minutes after oral administration.27 Oseltamivir does re-            epidemic if the avian influenza virus appears in the
quire transformation to its active metabolite by esterases           United States. There are a very limited number of drugs
located within the liver, and to a certain degree, within            currently available to treat or prevent avian influenza in
the intestinal system.28,29 The importance of the intestinal         humans; oseltamivir is one of these. If resistance to
system esterases is unknown. Because of this need for                oseltamivir develops, the ability to treat and prevent a
transformation, it is believed that oseltamivir effects are          viral epidemic could be severely hampered. Recently,
not due to a purely local action, but do require                     the World Health Organization has found that the
systemic distribution. The effect of a diseased gastroin-            number of strains of the avian influenza virus exhib-
testinal system such as that seen in CPV enteritis on the            iting resistance to oseltamivir has increased.31 How-
absorption, systemic distribution, and transformation                ever, the significance, etiology, and impact of this
is unknown at this time and future pharmacokinetic                   increased resistance are unknown at this time. While
studies, in this situation especially, are needed.                   oseltamivir was used in a companion pet population
   The reasoning behind any beneficial effect of oseltam-            in this study, the appropriateness of its continued use in
ivir in the treatment of CPV enteritis suggests that it              this setting in light of this increased resistance has yet
helps decrease bacterial translocation and therefore the             to be determined.

140                                               & Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00404.x
Oseltamivir in parvoviral enteritis

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                                                                                    13. De Mari K, Maynard L, Eun HM, et al. Treatment of canine par-
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                                                                                    14. Martin V, Najbar W, Gueguen S, et al. Treatment of canine par-
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Acknowledgement                                                                         challenge trial. Vet Microbiol 2002; 89:115–127.
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The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Kenneth                                       uraminidase inhibitors. Lancet 2000; 335:827–835.
                                                                                    16. Ward P, Small I, Smith J, et al. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and its po-
Drobatz for his assistance with the statistical analysis.                               tential for use in the event of an influenza pandemic. J Antimicrob
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d                                                                                   19. McCuller JA, Bartmess KC. Role of neuraminidase in lethal syn-
     Potassium chloride, Phoenix Pharmaceutical Inc, St Joseph, MO.
e                                                                                       ergism between influenza virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
     Dextrose 50% solution, Veterinary Laboratories Inc, Lenexa, KS.
     Ampicillin, Abraxis Pharmaceutical Products, Schaumburg, IL.                       J Infect Dis 2003; 187:1000–1009.
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