CONTACT - Hornby Parish Council

Page created by Stacy Arnold
CONTACT - Hornby Parish Council

                                                                       The local news of Hornby-with-Farleton
                                                                       Delivered in Hornby, Farleton, Claughton & Gressingham        No. 579
                   EAT OUT & HELP OUT!
                                                                                         February 2021
 Fabulous “Rustic Afternoon Tea Boxes” available to collect or
  delivered to your door on Sunday afternoon February 14th.

 The money raised will go to provide support for children and vul-
                  nerable families in Uganda.

   Each box is packed with fresh homemade goodies including a
  choice of sandwiches, sausage roll, beetroot and feta samosa,
      scone with jam and cream, biscuit and cake selection.

        To order your box(es) please contact Juliet Burd:
     email: for an order form or call
       07846 700918 to complete an order over the phone.

  Boxes are £15 each, delivery extra depending on distance and
                      number of boxes.

                     CRMI Children of Hope,
                     charity number 1125132

Final date for inclusion in the March 2021 edition is 19th February.   All front cover artworks this year are courtesy of the Hornby Art Group
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Happy new year!!

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Thank you to everyone
who managed to visit us in the Kirkby Lonsdale Shop during the
20 days we have managed to open!

The move to Kirkby is now complete and I am pleased to say we
have been welcomed with open arms. The passing footfall has            I have a unique range of glass ornaments, jewellery and dishes,
made a huge difference to this lovely business and I am so             handmade in Hornby, available to buy from my online Etsy shop.
pleased I can continue to offer the service and quality that Liz and    I am happy to deliver items to everyone living in the local area,
Pat started over 20 years ago.                                         Hornby, Farleton, Wray, Caton, Melling or arrange a suitable time
                                                                                            for you to collect them.
For all our lovely customers in Hornby I think we have managed to
meet all your requirements from the Kirkby shop.                                           Here are the shop details:
The situation with Covid-19 has had an impact on Flower Bank. as
it has with all small businesses, and with that comes some chang-      Items from my range are also available from Hornby Tea Rooms
es, some good, some a little sad.                                                          (Lockdown permitting)
                                                                              Please shop locally and support small businesses.
The sad news is that Flower Bank Hornby shop will not open
again. You can still use the number to order your flowers as this is
redirected to Kirkby Lonsdale, however, the Kirkby Lonsdale num-
ber is 015242 73668. Either number will guarantee you the fresh-
est of flowers just as you like them.

The good news is that when the lockdowns are over and we can
start to meet up with people and get out and about, we will be tak-
ing our flower workshops into the community. In this way we can
support our friends in the hospitality industry and create lots of
lovely activities to do with fresh flowers and old friends!

Keep safe

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Hart & Willow                                                                                               CORONAVIRUS HELP AVAILABLE
Upholstery                                                                                     Under the current government regulations, Helpline can still only help
                                                                                              with requests that do not involve volunteers being close to you, coming
* email:
* mobile: 07889950746                                                                                     into your house or taking you out in their cars.
* website:                                                            However, requests that do not involve such proximity such as the deliv-
For more information                                                                            ery of prescriptions & food can be phoned to the reception desk of
Please contact Emily                                                                                                    Hornby Institute on:
                                                                                               015242 22227 between 10.00 & 12.00 Monday - Friday each week.
                                                                                                  (Phone 07921 088 748 if there is an emergency of any kind)

                                                                                                                       VILLAGE STORES
                                                                 MARK WATSON
                                                                                                Phone the Village Stores on 015242 22111 to give in your order be-
 Mobile Hairdressing                                            HOME & GARDEN                 fore Wednesday lunchtime each week. Helpline will deliver it to you on
                                                                 MAINTENANCE                                                the Friday.
             by Louise                                                                         However, if you suddenly have to self-isolate, then please phone the
                                                                Digging, fencing, hedge
    City & Guilds Qualified                      07759680938 trimming,    mowing, paving,      shop & they will organise a delivery for you through Helpline as soon
                                                                planting, power washing,                                   as possible.
     Colours, Perms, etc.                        Low Bentham       spraying, strimming,
                                                 015242 62038     turfing, gutters cleared.
  For full details of services available,
    please telephone Louise Ridley                Loft insulating, pointing, rendering,
           on 01524 771071 or
                                                  No job too small, reasonable rates,                                LUNESDALE SURGERY
          Mobile 07740093765                                estimates given.
                                                                                                Prescriptions can be collected from Hornby Surgery whenever it is
                                                 Country K9 Dog Spa                             open. However, Helpline will deliver prescriptions to those living in
         A HOLLOWAY                                                                           Hornby & Farleton who are unable to get to the surgery for any reason.
           (Decorators)                          New professional dog grooming                              Phone 015242 22227 in advance between
          ESTABLISHED                            salon now open just up from the                                10.00 & 12.00 Monday to Friday
           over 35 years                             Highwayman at Burrow.                                            to arrange a delivery
                                                  Call Dawn on: 07399 802483
   Interior and exterior work                                                                                        BENTHAM SURGERY
      Tel: 01524 771880
      Mobile 07947 823457                                                                           Prescriptions can be collected from the Institute between
             email:                                                                                              10.00 & 12.00 Monday - Friday                           Rest Harrow Equestrian,                    Anyone living in Hornby & Farleton who cannot manage to get there,
  65, Brookhouse Road, Caton                        Woodman Lane, Burrow,                             should phone the Reception desk at the Institute on
                                                           LA6 2RL                               015242 22227 in advance to ask for a delivery through Helpline.
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Regular Group Meetings – HORNBY INSTITUTE
                                                                                Sarah Rycroft Therapies
Bentham prescriptions:     Monday - 10.00am - 12.00pm                              MICHT, ACMT
Lunesdale Probus:          Monday - Cancelled                               Supporting those with Cancer
Metafit with Kate:         Monday - 7.00pm - 7.30pm Cancelled
Pilates with Kate:         Monday - 7.40pm - 8.20pm Cancelled                      Light Touch work:
.                                                                                    Scarwork
Bentham prescriptions: Tuesday -10.00am - 12.00pm                           RLD (Reflexology Lymphatic
Pilates with Nickey:   Tuesday -10.00am - 11.00am Cancelled                          Drainage)
                                                                                   TMJ Therapy
Bentham prescriptions: Wednesday -10.00am - 12.00pm                           Fascial Facial Package
Bentham prescriptions: Thursday -10.00am - 12.00pm                                 Tel: 07736807157
Parish Council Meeting: 2nd Thursday (via zoom) - 7.00pm

Bentham prescriptions: Friday -10.00am - 12.00pm

Regular Group Meetings – OTHER VENUES
Social Bowling:            Monday -1.30pm Hornby Bowling Club


Editor:                    Julia Yates (015242) 36332 or
Collation:                 Chris Collins (015242) 21853 or
Distribution:              Ces Lloyd (015242 21851)
Electronic Distribution:   Paul Laycock on the village website
Treasurer:                 Dave Collins (015242) 21853 or
Advertising:               Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or
*Annual advertisement enquiries please contact Anne Somers no later than
30th November 2021.
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                                                  LUNESDALE DECORATORS                                            HORNBY PENSIONERS
                                                      (established 1960)                    Looking ahead: Very Happy New Year to all our mem-
                                                                                            bers for a healthy and enjoyable 2021.
 Sports Injuries, Back Pain,                               6 New Road,
Frozen shoulder, Acupuncture                                                                We have been discussing plans for the next few months
                                                     Kirkby Lonsdale LA6 2AD                and, sadly, we have decided we must cancel our March meeting. But
   and more (see website).
                                                                                            we are hopeful that the situation is starting to improve, and we may be
      Phone Chartered                             For a beautifully decorated home.         able to all get together before too long.
       Physiotherapist                             Contact details Simon Sedgwick
  Marie Colyer MSc MCSP                           015242 72907 or 07836789670.              Kath has made provisional arrangements with Bibby's for trips in the
       015242 62216                                             Email                       summer, and we have various other possible events in mind. Hopeful-
                                                    ly, we should have a clearer idea of how things are going by next                                                                    month, so watch this space. . .
                                                                                                                     HORNBY DROP-IN

                                                                                            Many thanks to the anonymous donor who gave £100 to the 50p book
                                                                                            we have at the drop-in.
   G A Willan & Son
       Electrical Contractor                           FANTASTIC CHOICE OF                  I know things have been very strange this last year, but
                                                     MATTRESSES AND DIVAN BEDS              may I give a gentle reminder that we are still collecting this
    Industrial – Commercial –
                                                                                            year. If you would like to donate any money then you can
      Domestic Installations                                                                either leave it with me, or with Jill and Barbara at the Insti-
   Security Alarms and Lighting                                                             tute between 10am – 12noon, Monday to Friday.
        Main Street, Hornby                                                                 Once again, many thanks and wishing you all very Happy and Healthy
                                                   Free Delivery - Free Removal
    telephone : 015242 – 21341                                                              New Year.
                                                                                            B Chamberlain.
           Funerals Ltd
         James G Macdonald
           24 hours service                                                                                                FOR SALE
        Private Chapel of Rest
      Ingleton, Burton, Bentham                                                              Stihl FS 45 Strimmer c/w harness and O&M manual in excellent,
   Austwick, Clapham, Settle, Wray’
   Hornby, Caton, Kirkby Lonsdale
                                                                                                              as-new condition — little used.
       And all surrounding areas
  We offer our own Funeral Plan on request                                                                                     £20
        6 Chapel Lane, Ingleton
          Carnforth LA6 3FX                                                                 Please make cheque payable to Contact to assist with its production
                                                        Roger Kuhlmann FPFS
          Office: 015242 41293
                                                        Chartered Financial Planner
          Home: 015242 61370
         Mobile: 07758 002260                           T. 01729 824267 & 07984 563702
                                                       Please contact: Norman Silcock — Hornby 21069
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                 HORNBY VILLAGE TRUST                                        Ascension & Cliff Small Funerals                              High Quality Day-Care
                     Calendar update                                                Independent Family Firm                                for Children Aged
        We hope you all had a peaceful Christmas and New Year.                          Owned & run by                                     3months – 11years
                                                                                                                                           * Free nursery entitlement
                                                                                    Robert & Kathryn Caunce                                available for children aged
        We did exceedingly well with our calendars last year and                                                                  AND
                                                                                                                                OUT OF     2-5 years * Flexible daily
        raised, after expenses, £840 – how wonderful is that! This will      Private Chapel, Pre-paid Funeral Plans             SCHOOL

be used to upgrade the car park with new white lines and a poster for     Ascension House, Copy Lane, Caton, LA2            * Ofsted rated Outstanding in all areas
the Honesty Box.                                                                           9QZ                                   The Old Dairy, High Biggins,
                                                                                                                                         Kirkby Lonsdale
So, what’s next? We thought about some postcards to send to friends              Tel: 01524 770886 (24 hours)                         Tel. 015242 73700
or for visitors to our village to buy. And some notelets; then, before                                                                Fax. 015242 73727
Christmas some cards both featuring our area. We have a lovely one                                                              Web:
                                                                                For Personal Caring Attention                   Email:
of St Mary’s nativity display already and hope that you might help with
some of your own. And then next year’s …. no, this year’s! ….
calendar. So, lots of photos please – who knows, you might see it in                    J R Harrison
our 2021 calendar.                                                              Traditional dry stone walling
                                                                          Local business specialising in traditional dry
We’re still looking for ideas for new clubs and people to run               stone walling and mortar stone walling as
                                                                           well as flag laying and stone facing. Digger,
them. Craft; sewing; gardening/plants; or anything that is of interest.                                                         Care & Commitment for your Peace of
                                                                          Tractor and Trailer work now also available.
Let us know and we’ll see what we can do.                                  All tasks considered; whether it’s wall gap-                       Mind
                                                                           ping on a small scale or projects of a larger        Ofsted rated us Outstanding in all
If you have some photographs, please send them to: -                                                                                         areas
                                                                           nature. To see examples of our work visit        30 hours free childcare for eligible 3 & 4 year                                                  our Facebook page ‘R T Harrison & Son ’.                               olds
                                                                          There is no charge for an estimate                15 hours free childcare for eligible 2 year olds
                                                                                                                            Out of School and Holiday Club available
                     HORNBY TEA ROOMS                                       so please feel free to contact us
                                                                                                                                          T: 015242 22288
                                                                                   on 07792901822
                      & POST OFFICE                                                or 015242 21494

                  Due to the new government announcement, we              Deborah McCulloch BSc(Hons) MICHT                           AUGHTON ROAD
                  have, with a heavy heart decided that the responsi-             Complementary Therapist                           BOARDING KENNELS
ble approach is to close until further notice.
                                                                              Reflexology • Swedish Massage •                       Day care service available
We will keep you updated through social media but if anyone is des-         Aromatherapy • Indian Head Massage              ‘Individual care and attention for your dog’
perate for anything please call 07711148222 and we will do our best to                Tel: 015242 22377                               Contact Helen on
help.                                                                               Mob : 07934 286428
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for                            Member of the                 
their valuable support.                                                       Federation of Holistic Therapists
We will be back .......when it is safe to do so.                                   Home visits if required                       High Snab Farm, Gressingham,
                                                                                   Gift vouchers available                            Lancaster, LA2 8LS
Stay safe everyone. Many thanks Anthea & Deborah
CONTACT - Hornby Parish Council
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                                                 The Old Vicarage Retirement Home
                                                   Main Street, Hornby, LA2 8JT
                                                Established in 1989, the home provides
Inspiring trust, passion and care to deliver      long and short term care and
   excellence to pets and their families.         respite care.
                                                 The home is registered with the Care
       Lancaster     01524 32696               Quality Commission and delivers quality
       Morecambe     01524 410867               care in a home from home atmosphere
       Milnthorpe    015395 62770               Please contact Mrs Helen Hinchliffe if
       Caton         01524 770615              you would like a brochure or to visit the
       24 hours emergency service                          Tel. 015242 21284

                                                                          Hornby Tea
        Hornby Post Office
          Opening Times                                        The Tea Rooms and gift shop is now
                                                               open for food takeaway, present
  Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday                                 needs and ice cream
            9am - 12pm
                                                            Monday - Friday 9am - 2pm
                                                            Saturday - Sunday 9am - 3pm
 Mail is collected from the external
         mail box at 4.45pm                    Eat in available in a safe socially distanced environment
        Monday to Saturday.                     and heated outside space available in our cafe garden
                                                 Serving illy coffee, Yorkshire tea, homemade light
     Health Lottery - £1 per play                                   meals and cakes.
           5 draws a week                       Selling a variety of Xmas decorations, gifts and cards,
                                                      preserves and pickles, and Xmas hampers.
          Tel: (015242) 21237                  Call (015242) 21237 for anything delivered or message
                                                          us via Facebook: HornbyTeaRooms
CONTACT - Hornby Parish Council
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                  HORNBY VILLAGE TRUST
         As you will all be aware the Covid pandemic has impinged
         greatly on all our finances. H.V.T. has been severely limited in
         its fund-raising capabilities; no room hiring income; no con-
certs or get-togethers and no Drop-in. However, we have tried very
hard to keep in touch with you through regular phone calls and also by
delivering the prescriptions from Bentham surgery. The helpline has
delivered groceries. from the village shop

To help the shortfall in our finances, we produced and sold a village
calendar and made Christmas wreaths and grave pots and applied for
any grants that were available.

The "100" Club is a valuable source of income and is now becoming
due again in March. It is basically a lottery in which once a year you
pay £10 per number that goes into a monthly draw. The prizes are as
above plus an extra £100 in December and an extra £50 in March,
June and September. This means that each number has 52 chances
of winning each year. The year runs from April to March. There is no
limit on the amount of numbers that you can buy.

The Institute is our only available community space and supports
many aspects of our village life. It is essential to our community spirit.
Shortly, someone with identification will be calling to see if you will
support us this year. If you can we would appreciate it very much. If
you wish we can also help with setting up a standing order (it saves us
time and shoe leather).                                                             Flower Bank                     Lune Valley
Yours sincerely
                                                                                   015242 73668              On screen exercises and movement
Jacque Lloyd (on behalf of Hornby Village Trust)                                                               with people who are shielding/
                                                                                                                     having chemotherapy.
                                                                                   Flower delivery             Easy to follow, on screen Fascial
                                                                             Weddings – Funeral Tributes    Facials if you are missing your time at
              DECEMBER “100" CLUB WINNERS                                                                                the Beautician.
                1st prize   £35   No.074   Mrs S Hartley                            Shop open:             
                2nd prize   £30   No.254   Mrs D Goodwin                                                           Mobile: 07934 785 797
                                                                                Monday to Saturday            Specialist experience with scarring
                3rd prize   £25   No.181   Mr F Balaam
                4th prize   £20   No.342   Mr C Alcock                               10am—5pm               after surgery, injury and radiotherapy
CONTACT - Hornby Parish Council
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                 PREMISES MANAGER VACANCY                                                               HORNBY VILLAGE TRUST
                                                                                                              Car Park
            This is an exciting opportunity for a dedicated and
                     highly motivated individual to join                             Electric Charging Station in the Car Park
                OneSchool Global UK Lancaster Campus                                 The government has made it clear that they want to phase out
         on a part time (0.6FTE 3 days per week) permanent basis as a                all petrol and diesel cars and replace them with electric
               Premises Manager working term time only.                              vehicles all by 2030. Taking this into account we have made enquiries
                                                                                     to see if it is possible for us to have Charging points in the HVT car
         For more information, please telephone 015242 22159                         park. We are waiting for a feasibility study to evaluate the success of
                                   or                                                this and will let you know the outcome
                            03301 373 682
             or email:                              Hornby Village Trust…. Car Park Fees
                                                                                     As a management committee, HVT is charged with making the best
                                                                                     use of all the assets we have to maximise the income needed to fund
        CATON AND BROOKHOUSE FRIENDSHIP CLUB                                         the £65,000 per year running and maintenance costs of Hornby Village
                                                                                     Institute, for the benefit of the residents of Hornby.
                    Due to information received regarding the closures at
                    the Victoria Institute during the latest lockdown, the           One of our assets is the car park and we are delighted to see that it is
                    AGM booked for the 21st of January 2021 had to be                being used by villagers and tourists every day. However, we receive
                    cancelled. In the meantime, our committee members,               very little income from parking and at present we are lucky if we find
elected in January 2020, have agreed to continue serving in order to keep            50p per week in the Honesty Box (situated at the entrance) even
the ongoing stability and decision making for the club.                              though there may be as many as 20 cars per day in the car park.
                                                                                     Soon you will see a notice asking users to pay a nominal fee towards
There is a light at the end of the tunnel with the roll out of vaccines. We          the upkeep of the car park and by doing so support the work of the In-
are still hopeful that our first trip out will be to Boundary Mill on the 15 th of   stitute.
April 2021 more information on this booking as government rules are
received.                                                                            We want to encourage people to use the shops and visit our beautiful
                                                                                     local area and it is not intended that villagers popping to the shops
There will not be a membership fee for paid up members from 2020. The                should pay, however, if you park your car there and catch the bus into
fee for new members will be £5.00.                                                   Lancaster or park overnight then we would ask you make your contri-
It was agreed that the 2020 programme and membership cards will be
used for 2021 with dates adjusted to keep the third Thursday in the month
in line for our trips and events.
                                                                                     Hornby Village Trust Committee
There is a message from your committee, please take care and stay safe
and we will all meet again very soon.                                                              JANUARY “100" CLUB WINNERS
For further information please call our secretary Benita on                                          1st prize £35 No.179 Mr J Kelly
01524 771943                                                                                         2nd prize £30 No.161 Mrs L Wareing
                                                                                                     3rd prize £25 No.020 Mrs J Lownes
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           Owing to the Coronavirus the club was not able to hold its
           usual Christmas party in December. Instead, a virtual Christ-
mas Carol Concert was held online on 3rd December. Invitations were
extended to partners, families and friends and other Rotary Clubs. We
were also joined by some members of the K Shoes Male Voice Choir.
It proved to be very enjoyable. The programme included several well-
loved carols, appropriate Christmas readings, a number of toasts to
deserving causes and a recipe for an extremely alcoholic Christmas
Fruit Cake!                                                                    Concerns have been raised regarding the safety of pedestrians and
                                                                               cyclists wandering up the narrow lanes of Roeburndale and surround-
The first meeting of 2021 was an occasion to meet up again, albeit             ing areas after dusk. Visibility is key, especially in these unlit areas.
online, and for members to simply enjoy swapping exchanges about
their best memories of 2020. Indeed, it was a year that we shall cer-          One farmer has stated he rounded a corner to find a couple which he
tainly not forget least of all because of the kind acts it produced. Unfor-    didn’t see until the very last moment. In his words “It is only a matter
tunately for me my new year has not begun well. I slipped on some ice          of time before there is an accident and someone is hit”. He urges
on 4th January and have broken 2 bones in my left wrist, now in plas-          people to carry a torch and be as visible as possible.
ter. However, on the bright side the vaccine is now being rolled out so
we can all look forward to getting back to a safer lifestyle.                              CATON THEATRE INTEREST GROUP
Keep well.                                                                     We have taken bookings already for a matinee
                                                                               performance of the West End hit comedy ‘One man two
Lilian                                                                         Governors’ on Saturday the 26th June 2021 at the Octagon
                   HORNBY DRAMA GROUP                                          Theatre Bolton. It helps the theatres to be able to show
                                                                               that they are taking advance bookings when applying for
                Nothing can keep us down! We might not be able to meet         government support.
                in person but with the help of a little bit of technology we
                have been able to get together virtually and hope to bring     We have reserved the same seats we had for last year when we had a
a little entertainment to the village. Written by Clare Leigh and Neil         super theatre visit to see Peter Pan, at the Grand Theatre Blackpool.
Read with a cast aged from 7 years old to around 80 we will soon be            We are taking expressions of interest for a matinee performance on
releasing the radio play:                                                      January 1st, 2022 for the pantomime Snow White.

                           The Dragon Papers                                   Costs for theatre seats and coach for both shows will be advertised
                                                                               when they are available.
             Set in 1940’s Hornby, the big question is whether
             or not the children will be able to keep top secret               We are looking forward with a little more hope now in seeing our old
                  documents safe from the enemy spies.                         friends and making new ones.

                                                                               For further information or to book call Jean on 01524 770980
We will let you know how to access the play as soon as it’s finished!          or Benita on 01524 771943
26                                                                          11

         JANUARY & FEBRUARY EXCERPTS FROM                                             ST MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, HORNBY
        HORNBY SCHOOL LOG-BOOKS 1901 - 1947
 25 Jan, 1901 - A half holiday was given this afternoon, it being the Proc-              (with OUR LADY’S, CATON, and ST JOSEPH’S,
lamation Day of the new King Edward VII.                                                            KIRKBY LONSDALE)

8 Feb, 1901 - The Thermometer is 40 degrees at 9 O’clock, the fire was                         Parish Priest: Fr Michael Docherty
lighted at 7 O’clock. The attendance during the week has been very poor                     Telephone: 015242 21246 / 07595771049
indeed especially among the infants. A nasty cough reduced their number
from 15 on Monday to 3 on Thursday.
2 Feb, 1904 - On Tuesday the children of Day and Sunday School had a
treat at the Castle and took part in the celebration of the Silver Wedding    News of our three parishes can be found on our website:
of Colonel and Mrs Foster. The school flag has been up since Tuesday at and a printed copy of our weekly
noon in honour of the occasion. The children and teachers contributed a       newsletter is posted each week in the porch of St Mary's.
handsome bouquet and two silver fruit dishes to mark their appreciation of
the many acts of kindness done to them byt the Squire and his family.
                                                                              The season of Lent begins early this year - Ash Wednesday is on 17th
27 Jan, 1908 - Monday was a very wet day. Many children were soaking          February and Easter Sunday is on 4th April! Spring is on the way, a
wet in feet and legs and was stripped and kept warm by wraps and cloaks       time of new beginnings and of hope.
whilst stockings, clogs and boots were dried.
                                                                              "The prayer of the heart is the source of all good, which refreshes the
10 Jan, 1910 - School opened on this date. During the holidays a larger       soul as if it were a garden." (St Gregory of Sinai)
heating apparatus has been fixed by Fenton & Co of Lancaster. Took the
names of Gerty Kitchen and Ed Parr off the registers. The latter has re-
moved to Bristol, the former for home work on the farm.
3 Feb, 1915 - Five local young men, who are serving in the Army, called
in school to receive the socks and scarfs which have been knitted by
scholars. They are going to the Front in a few weeks time. Frank Bain-
bridge cracked a window during the play hour with a stone.
28 Feb, 1922 - Holiday all day for Princess Mary’s wedding.
6 Jan, 1931 - Kenneth Lamb fell in the yard and cut his knee very badly.
23 Jan, 1936 - Dennis Emery fell in the boys’ yard and hurt his head on
the ice.
10 Jan, 1938 - Miss Bank away ill. Mrs E Fox, uncertified teacher, com-
menced duties temporarily in her place at a salary of £135 per annum.
10 Feb, 1947 - Boiler sprung a leak during the weekend and the pipes
were emptied by Mr Titterington who will attempt to repair the leak today.
Temperature at 10am 33 degrees F.
12                                                                            25

                                                                            It was all great fun; I had forgotten the policeman`s lecture, neither do I
                                                                            remember the excitement of the air raid warning.

                                                                            As to other excerpts from Contact: Messrs’ Shuttleworth, Norris, Stubbs,
                                                                            Goth, and Richardson must have been an earlier generation of familiar
                                                                            families, some of whom were employees of the castle estate. John K. Hal-
                    CAROL SINGING                                           head, eldest of the four sons of Tom, who farmed at Butt Yeats, later
        for the LANCASTER HOMELESS SHELTER                                  joined the police, married Miss Greenwood the very smart manageress of
                                                                            the Castle Hotel and was eventually chief of police in Bermuda.
You may remember that, as Coronavirus restrictions did not allow Car-
  ol Singing, all we could do this Christmas was ask for donations to       I note the prize for clean boots; no contemporary of mine wore them, our
               support the Lancaster Homeless Shelter.                      footwear, boys and girls,(including my sisters) wore clogs, made by Tom-
                  We were overwhelmed by the result.                        my Fisher, in what is now named The Cobblers Cottage (on Main Street
                                                                            by Bridge End) But then my father, who at the request of the then vicar,
                                                                            the Revd. Swainson, started the first ever `Lads Club`, meetings held
             The people of Hornby certainly have kind                       weekly in an upper room in the Royal Oak, identified John as having a
                      & generous hearts!!!                                  rather superior attitude; so perhaps he thought clogs were infra dig.

                                                                            The mention of chestnuts reminds me that in WW2 the only wild fruit gath-
 A grand total of £689.37 has been presented to the organisers of the       ered were rose hips, to be sent away for the manufacture of vitamin C–
                              LDHAS!!!                                      rich rosehip syrup. My mother was very active in this enterprise, aided by
                                                                            me and my two sisters also. I still remember well the best places to find
 The service is extremely thankful for your support as so many home-        them.
   less people are going through really hard times as a result of the
                              pandemic.                                     I note the entry for October 1944. I don`t remember the drilling and
                                                                            marching to banish the cold, but there was at least one occasion when
                LUNESDALE PROBUS CLUB 2021                                  school had to be closed because the central heating boiler `froze`.

                                                                            Donald Bell was the son of Billy; the castle estate stone mason.
            Despite our initial optimism it is highly unlikely that there
            will be any meetings of the club until after April.             In May 1943, aged eight, I began school in Lancaster at the Friends
                                                                            School, commuting by the Ribble bus; service 39.
In addition, Zoom meetings have been suspended until further notice
and a virtual Extraordinary General Meeting is scheduled to take place      Clogs: They were wonderfully comfortable, kept the feet warm and dry,
shortly to discuss future options                                           and were made to measure by Tommy. They had an alder- wood sole;
                                                                            the uppers, which came up to the ankle, were made from pliable leather.
                            THANK YOU                                       In the same way that horses’ hooves were protected by steel `shoes`, the
                                                                            wooden soles were protected by two steel `carkers`, one for the sole and
            Derek and Pat Seber thank everyone who has shown sup-           one for the heel. Rows of them in different sizes, could be seen hanging
            port for Derek during his illness this past year.               up on wires in Tommy`s shop window; they were a regular maintenance
            It has been much appreciated.                                   Sam Ashton.
24                                                                             13

                 HORNBY SCHOOL LOG-BOOK                                                                         TO RENT
                  Memoirs of a former pupil!                                                             ALLOTMENT PLOT
Some of the names mentioned from October 1912 are familiar, and sever-
al of my contemporaries must have been their descendants, for example,                               For further details please email
Dennis, Margaret and Frank Bainbridge. Hector Beck later farmed at                            
Whitray; I think his family are there still. It was originally owned by Hornby
Castle Estate.

I started school (now the Day Nursery) within a day or two of the declara-
tion of the second world war. My sister Mary came two years later, and
after another two years my younger sister Joan also. I soon made many
friends, but Gordon Willan was the closest. I well remember Nancy Norris,
I was once in a playlet, produced by Bessie Lamb, which included Nan-
cy`s sister Elsie, about a bossy girl from the town (Nancy) throwing her                           HORNBY VILLAGE TRUST
weight about. Our teacher was the taciturn but kindly Miss Polly Banks;                              Looking to the future
the headmaster, who took the senior class, was Mr Longbottom. Within
days the evacuees arrived, from Salford, with their unfamiliar songs and         Well, we didn’t quite get what we asked for at Christmas …
bewilderment at the lack of a fish and chip shop. Some were billeted in          THE VACCINE...but it is on its way and that can only be good
the village with families; we had one with us at Oak Bank, Dorothy Hop-          as it will allow us, as individuals and as a community, to get
ton. Other evacuees stayed in what had been the workhouse, now Lunes-            back to some sort of normality.
dale Court; each Christmas we had there a party and were entertained by
Jean Bargh on the piano. To cope with this invasion two additional teach-        So, the HVT committee can’t wait to be able to assist the Institute to
ers came, Miss Chritchley, and Miss Parker. The latter spent the rest of         reopen and begin again all the usual activities from the ‘Drop-in’ coffee
her life here in the village. We were issued with gas masks, to be carried       mornings, health and exercise groups, singing, drama and Jazz nights
at all times, and were rehearsed in how to put them on.                          to the reading group as well as introducing some new activities.
I had quite forgotten the free issue milk, and I wonder who supplied it?         We know it won’t be easy and will take time to re-adjust but we want to
The domestic milk supply was from two sources: in the city centre John           look forward and with that in mind here are some of our ideas:
Norris from Strands Farm delivered on foot pouring it into customers jugs,
on the doorsteps, from enormous, covered pails. In the outer regions e.g.,
Oak Bank it came from Bridgend, in bottles. Milk from these sources was          A luncheon club.
not pasteurised, just cooled.                                                    Supper evenings.
                                                                                 A Cinema group
I was intrigued by the item about repairs at Lambs Garage; a remarkable          Day and/or evening classes.
enterprise that repaired anything that moved, and some that didn`t, from         Tai Chi
bikes to Billy Richardson`s lorry.                                               Support groups
                                                                                 New website (currently under construction)
Everyone made blackout curtains; my mother made ours from a black
fabric (a light-weight oil cloth, no plastics back then) obtained by my father   If you have other ideas or offers of help, please contact any of the
from Williamsons, where he worked as internal auditor (until `called up`).       committee or drop a note into the Institute which is open for collections
                                                                       Contd.    and deliveries from 10am– 12noon, Monday to Friday.
14                                                                     23

                                                                                A TREAT FOR VALENTINES DAY

                                                                    LOVE POTION #9
                                                                    1/2 cup ice
                                                                    1/2 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)
                                                                    1 scoop ice cream (vanilla)
                                                                    1 ounce vodka (strawberry, vanilla, or clear)
                                                                    1/2 ounce crème de cacao (white)
                                                                    Garnish: strawberry

                                                                    Gather the ingredients.
                                                                    In a blender, add the ice, strawberries,
                                                                    vanilla ice cream, vodka, and crème de cacao.
                                                                    Blend until smooth.
                                                                    Pour into a chilled margarita glass.
                                                                    Garnish with a strawberry.
                                                                    Serve and enjoy!

          (painting courtesy of Hornby Art Group)

                TO A SNOWDROP
                                                                                           CAFÉ AMORE
Lone Flower, hemmed in with snows and white as they                                        COCKTAIL
     But hardier far, once more I see thee bend
         Thy forehead, as if fearful to offend,                                            1 ounce Cognac
    Like an unbidden guest. Though day by day,                                             1 ounce amaretto
   Storms, sallying from the mountain-tops, waylay                                         6 ounces coffee (black, or enough to fill)
     The rising sun, and on the plains descend;                                            Garnish: whipped cream
     Yet art thou welcome, welcome as a friend                                             Garnish: shaved almonds
   Whose zeal outruns his promise! Blue-eyed May
       Shall soon behold this border thickly set                                           Gather the ingredients.
      With bright jonquils, their odours lavishing                                         Pour the Cognac and amaretto into
      On the soft west-wind and his frolic peers;                                          an Irish coffee glass.
       Nor will I then thy modest grace forget,                                            Fill with hot coffee.
  Chaste Snowdrop, venturous harbinger of Spring,                                          Top with whipped cream and garnish
        And pensive monitor of fleeting years!                                             with shaved almonds.
                                                                                           Serve and enjoy!
                                               William Wordsworth
22                                                                            15
      HORNBY ST MARGARET’S PRIMARY SCHOOL                                              PROFESSIONAL DOG WALKING SERVICE
             Well, this year has started differently to any other in the      Available daily from 9am – 6pm
             history of Hornby St Margaret’s Primary School. Children
             returned to school for just one day before new Covid-19          Call Jonathan on 07873 768664 or 015242 22240
             restrictions were put in place. School remains open as a         to discuss your needs.
             hub for children of critical workers whilst most children
             are cracking on with their work at home.                         Reasonable rates.
We are SO PROUD of everything that the children are doing at home             I hold a BSc (Hons) degree in Animal Manage-
and grateful for the support that parents are giving. It’s not easy for an-   ment; a Canine First Aid certificate, an enhanced DBS check as well
ybody. The children are continuing to produce some great work                 as being an experienced dog walker. I am currently studying for a pet
though. In maths, the upper juniors have been revising reading timeta-        sitting and a dog walking diploma.
bles and infants have been learning about values of coins and practic-
ing making different totals. RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch has provided
inspiration for topic work for the juniors and the infants have been writ-                FED UP OF THE SAME OLD WALKS?
ing their own dog stories based on Hairy Maclary. Here is Livia’s:
                                                                              Walking in Lancashire is the website
                           The Dogs Day Out                                   for you!

Hairy Maclary went out of the gate with Pepper the Pug, Lucy the Lab-         With hundreds of walks to download and print, free, it also has books
   rador and Henry the Husky. He was happy to see his friends. First,         of walks, contact details for all the walking groups in the county and
  they went to the river and swimmed. The river was really cold. Next,        much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all
they trotted to the park and sniffed the smells in the bushes. Then they      the information is there in one place.
  saw Scarface Claw, the toughest cat in town, he hissed at them, but
 they were brave and chased them through town. Finally, they scared           John said ‘There is so much walking information on the web, but it is
            him away. They were tired from all that chasing.                  difficult to find. Walking in Lancashire (part of the Walking in England
                                                                              suite of websites ( – one for each county
                                                                              in England) has brought it together in one place so whether you are
                                                                              walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk
                                                                              suitable for you’.

                                                                              With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus
                                                                              long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and
Although Christmas feels like a long time ago now, we would still like
                                                                              wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy.
          to extend our sincere thanks for all the support that the
          community gave to our Christmas Raffle. To those who do-
                                                                              So, home or away, check out the websites and
          nated prizes and to those who bought tickets. We raised
                                                                              get walking!
          over £500 (and I’m still enjoying the contents of the hamper
          that we won!).
                                                                              John Harris
We will continue to let you know about all that the children are doing.
In the meantime, take care of yourselves.                                     email:
16                                                                           21
                TALES FROM A PARISHIONER                                              LOOKING FOR OR NEEDING SUPPORT?
                  The Bright Morning Star                                                   We may be able to help.
In 2013, The Great Gathering took place at the National Rail Museum,        How are you feeling today? We have been hear-
York to celebrate 75 years since Mallard claimed the world speed rec-       ing about the lack of psychological/mental health
ord for locomotives at 126mph, one which still stands. I was out-voted      support available for nurses, caring staff and indi-
as the boys and Grandad wanted to go so, with much muttering off we         viduals affected by this national Covid pandemic.
went – to queue for 45 minutes before we were even through the door!
Then I saw them, 6 A4 Pacifics in a semi-circle - Dwight D Eisenhow-        Many people find it difficult being on their own,
er, Mallard, Bittern, Union of South Africa, Dominion of Canada and Sir     unable to meet friends and family. Others are
Nigel Gresley. I’ve always liked steam trains, but this was something       anxious about going out for fear of catching the virus and sadly some
else! To this day I can remember how it felt; the sense of awe and          are dealing with the death of a loved one.
wonder looking at these mighty engines. The sense of history, power
and majesty. We spent a wonderful day there looking at all the en-          In September, Hornby Village Trust was given money by the Lottery to
gines; the turntable; the Bullet Train from Japan; exhibits; pictures and   care for and support our community during this crisis.
more. Then, off to see my 2nd favourite engine - 92220! Or more com-
monly known as the Evening Star. She was the last steam locomotive          For whatever reason if you feel you could use some professional sup-
built by British Rail, March 1960 in Swindon. She is a 9F, a powerful       port, please call for further information, and in strictest confidence,
freight engine who also pulled express passenger trains. Her beautiful
green and black livery with ‘wind shields’ – not a technical term I know    Pat Seber, Chair HVT.
– made her a joy to see; shame about the little boy with the embar-         015242 21449
rassed face in front of her!

There is also a Morning Star - 92207 - though people disagree as to its
heritage. It had a chequered career including an accident while being
renovated which resulted in repairs. In 1986, the day before it was
due to leave the scrap yard in Barry, she was renamed Morning Star.
It is said she was the first of the Star class and the Evening Star was
the last but I’m not sure about that. However, the romance of the
names is something I like and perhaps that is why 92207 was re-
named in that way – can railway men be romantic?

I might not know much about trains, but I have always liked them. On
my way home from school, I’d cut through the station using the bridge
over the tracks. Until the day the policeman asked me where I was
going and what was I doing! Nothing and no-where the younger me
answered. But, sadly, I never did that again. Then after having my
first child, from the Maternity Home’s window I could see them all
busily shunting around the goods yard like an abstract game of chess.

20                                                                          17
                             FOR SALE                                      My uncle worked in a signal box and, on the way to school, it was my
                                                                           job to ‘deliver’ his daily paper – he poked a hook out and I wedged the
                                       Small teak effect bureau approx.    paper into it. As the box was beside the bridge I could reach quite
                                                3’ tall - offers           easily. The little tales are numerous so perhaps I am a closet anorak!!

                                                                           But back to the stars – easily distracted am I. I found out that the
                                                                           Evening Star is commonly known as Venus, a bright star for lovers to
                                       Also a number of Zimmer frames      meet under perhaps. And the Morning Star is Sirius, the Dog Star! It
                                            free to a good home            belongs to the constellation Canis Major, Latin for "the greater dog” but
                                                                           nowhere near as romantic as Venus. I could always imagine it as a
                                                                           beautiful, sleek Saluki, that might work.

                      All enquiries to Helen at:                           Many a night I have spent shivering in the garden being educated
                 The Old Vicarage Retirement Home                          about the stars, planets, constellations etc – and can I remember what
          on: 015242 21284 or E-mail                  I was told – no. The only one I can identify is Orion’s Belt! At 12.30
                                                                           one very cold night there I am in my dressing gown talking to my
      HORNBY-WITH-FARLETON-PARISH COUNCIL                                  daughter hundreds of miles away – both of us looking at the red moon
             Thursday 14th January 2021                                    and yes, I’ve forgotten why it was red. Or out studying the I-Pad with a
                                                                           map which identifies the stars – talking to grandsons many miles
The annual budget was forecast, and the precept will now be applied        away!! But the best evening of all, and I do remember it in every de-
for. It was agreed to pay HVT, as a good will gesture, the room hire       tail, was in mid Wales miles from anywhere looking at the Milky Way!
that we would have paid since March 2020 if we hadn’t had to meet          Looking up and seeing the hundreds and thousands of stars was truly
remotely due to Covid-19.                                                  amazing. They were so far away yet looked so near – and uncompro-
                                                                           misingly beautiful.
Hannah Wallington has taken over as the new clerk, contact details
are below.                                                                 Oh yes, and my favourite engine – The Duchess of Hamilton – 46229,
                                                                           a Coronation Class with red livery. Well, it used to be, but they have
More detailed minutes will be available after they have been approved      now returned her to her streamlined form so might have to change my
at the next meeting.                                                       allegiance. Now the 6233, Duchess of Sutherland……………………...!
The next meeting will be held (via Zoom) on Thursday 11th February at
7pm.                                                                                           CHRISTMAS 2020 SALES
Joining instructions will be displayed on the agenda that will be placed    Hornby Winter Scene Charity Cards by local artist Chas Jacobs
in the notice boards on Monday 8th February, if you need any assis-
tance please contact the clerk.                                            Thank you to all who helped to raise £482 for St Margaret’s Roof Fund
                                                                           by purchasing cards during the Christmas period. Your support is
Take care of yourselves and those around you.                                                       greatly appreciated.

Miss. Hannah Wallington (Clerk)                                                                          Margie Dixon
07815 604527, 5 Monteagle Square, Hornby, Lancaster, LA2
18                                      19

                           A POLITE REMINDER

                    Removal of Christmas Wreathes from
                     graves in St Margaret's Churchyard,

       It would be appreciated by church yard maintenance volunteers if
     Christmas Wreathes could be removed by the beginning of February,
     2021. This is because, if left on the grave, the grass is killed or grows
     over the wreath and is not seen when mowing commences in spring.
                   The wire frames then damage the mower.

     Should you wish to retain your Christmas Wreath, please remove it by
     the end of January 2021, otherwise it will be removed and disposed of
                             during February 2021.

      If you choose to remove your wreath yourself, please dispose of it in
             the grey bin, as per Lancaster City Council instructions.
      Thank you to all who remove and dispose of their family wreath. It is
     greatly appreciated. As a consequence of your help, in 2020 we went
      down from five wheelie bins full to four wheelie bins full of Christmas
      Wreathes so reducing the time to about four weeks to dispose of the
       wreaths. You may also be interested to know that implementing the
     above instruction complies with the churchyard rules which are posted
                           on notices in the churchyard.

         Thanks goes to Ces Lloyd, Dave Connor, Rachel Murton, Richard
     Drew-Wilson, Philip and Edna Midgley, Christine Hatton, Martin Burns,
     Fiona Humphreys and Margie Dixon who tend the churchyard through-
        out the year by taking responsibility for at least one of the following
      jobs: mowing, strimming and edging, tending to the flower beds, path
     maintenance, bench maintenance, clearing ivy, removal of dead flow-
      ers and wreaths and lastly the five yearly job of removal into a skip of
                      the grave spoil deposited in the bunker.

             With thanks in anticipation of your help in this matter -

                                   Margie Dixon
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