RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School

Page created by Erin Weaver
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
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RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
Where the World Ends
                                                                                   by Geraldine McCaughrean

     Year 9                                  h e s e !
                                                                                    In the summer of 1727, a
                                                                                    group of men and boys
                                                                                    are put ashore on a

                                         d t
                                 uld rea
                                                                                    remote sea stack to
                                                                                    harvest birds for food.

   You sho
                                                                                    No one returns to collect
                                                                                    them. How can they
                                                                                    survive, imprisoned on
                                                                                    every side by the ocean?

                   The Art of Being Normal                After the Fire                Paper Butterflies
                        by Lisa Williamson                    by Will Hill              by Lisa Heathfield
                                                    Moonbeam lives inside           June’s life at home with
                    David Piper has always          the fence. She is not           her stepmother and
                    been an outsider. His           allowed to leave the            stepsister is a dark one.
                    parents think he’s gay.         property, or to talk to         She is trapped like a
                    The school bully thinks         outsiders, or speak her         butterfly in a net. But then
                    he’s a freak. Only his two      mind. Because Father            June meets Blister. In him
                    best friends know the real      John controlled every-          she sees the tiniest
                    truth – David wants to be       thing. Disobeying Father        glimmer of hope that she
                    a girl.                         John came with terrible         can be free.

                   The Curious Incident of the             The Poet X                        Wonder
                     Dog in the Night-Time            by Elizabeth Agevedo                by R. J. Palacio
                         by Mark Haddon             Xiomara Batista feels           August or “Auggie”
                    Christopher perceives the       unheard and unable to           Pullman, a ten-year-old
                    world entirely literally. He    hide in her Harlem              boy living in New York
                    relates well to animals but     neighbourhood. She              City, was born with a
                    has no understanding of         discovers slam poetry as        facial deformity that has
                    human emotions. Then one        a way to understand her         made it difficult for him
                    day, a neighbour’s dog is       mother’s religion and her       to make friends. He lives
                    killed and Christopher sets     own relationship to the         with his parents, his older
                    out to solve the murder.        world.                          sister Via, and his dog
                                                                                    Daisy. A moving tale.

                         Maggot Moon                    A Monster Calls                  Northern Lights
                        by Sally Gardner                   by Patrick Ness                by Philip Pullman
                   Maggot Moon tells the            A boy seeks the help of a       The first book of the
                   story of Standish                tree monster to cope with       trilogy, Northern Lights,
                   Treadwell, who lives in an       his single mother’s terminal    takes place in a universe
                   alternative1950s Britain         illness. The monster does       that is a little like ours
                   ruled by a ruthless regime.      not come walking often.         but also strikingly
                   As his family and friends        This time it comes to           different. A fantasy book
                   disappear around him,            Conor, and it asks for the      with lots of thrills and
                   Standish finds himself           one thing Conor cannot          adventures, following
                   involved in a plot to win        bring himself to do.            Lyra and her daemon
                   the race to the moon.                                            Pantalaimon.

                           Every Day                           One                   Lies We Tell Ourselves
                       by David Levithan                 by Sarah Crossan                  by Robin Talley
                   Every day a different life.      Writing in free verse,          Sarah Dunbar is one of
                   Every day in love with the       Sarah Crossan tells the         the first black students
                   same girl. This book is a        sensitive and moving            to attend the previously
                   unique love story about a        story of conjoined twin         all-white Jefferson High
                   teen who wakes up every          sisters Tippi and Grace.        School. She is put into
                   morning in a different           For them, it’s normal to        remedial classes, spat
                   body, living a different life.   step into the same skirt.       on and tormented daily.
                                                                                    A brave and stunning
                                                                                    novel about race and

                    The Boy in the Striped
                                                             Eragon                The Secret Commonwealth
                          Pyjamas                     by Christopher Paolini              by Philip Pullman
                         by John Boyne
                                                    This novel follows the          The second volume of Sir
                   Bruno sees a camp where          adventures of a farm boy        Philip Pullman’s The Book
                   prisoners wear striped           named Eragon who finds          of Dust sees Lyra, now
                   pyjamas. One day, Bruno          a mysterious stone in           twenty years old, and
                   decides to explore the           the mountains. A dragon         her daemon Pantalaimon
                   strange wire fence. As he        he later names Saphira          drawn into the complex
                   walks along the fence,           hatches from the stone,         and dangerous factions
                   he meets a Jewish boy            which was really an egg.        of a world that they had
                   named Shmuel, who he                                             no idea existed.
                   learns shares his birthday..

All available in your school library
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
The Fault In Our Stars                The Enemy                               Salt to the Sea
    by John Green                  by Charlie Higson                           by Ruta Sepetys
This book is about a           The Enemy is a post-                       Salt to the Sea is a
teenage girl, Hazel, who       apocalyptic horror novel.                  historical fiction. It tells
has been diagnosed with        The book takes place in                    the story of four
lung cancer and                London, United Kingdom,                    individuals in World War
reluctantly attends a          after a worldwide sickness                 II who make their way to
cancer support group,          has infected adults,                       the ill-fated MV Wilhelm
where she meets a young        turning them into                          Gustloff.
boy named Augustus             something akin to
Waters.                        cannibalistic zombies.

        Liccle Bit                 The Wolf Wilder                        A Good Girl’s Guide to
     by Alex Wheatle              by Katherine Rundell                          Murder
When Venetia starts pay-       When the Russian Army                           by Holly Jackson
ing Liccle Bit attention, he   threatens her very exist-                  Five years ago Andie
secretly hopes he’s on a       ence, Feo is left with no                  Bell was murdered by Sal
fast track to a first date.    option but to go on the                    Singh. The police know
Unfortunately, as a new        run. What follows is a                     he did it. Everyone in
gang war breaks out,           story of revolution and                    town knows he did it. But
he finds himself on a fast     adventure, about stand-                    having grown up in the
track to something much        ing up for the things you                  same small town that was
more sinister.                 love and fighting back.                    consumed by the crime,
                               And, of course, wolves.                    Pippa isn’t so sure.

      Animal Farm                       Bird Box                             The Weight of a
    by George Orwell               by Josh Malerman                         Thousand Feathers
Manor Farm is run by           A terrifying, Hitchcock-                      by Brian Conaghan
Mr Jones, a cruel and          esque psychological                        Seventeen-year-old Bob-
drunken farmer. One day,       horror. Malorie raises the                 by Seed is a devoted
the animals gather at          children the only way she                  son and big brother and
a meeting to listen to         can: indoors. The house                    an all-round firework of
Old Major, a wise old          is quiet. The doors are                    wit and charm, wise and
pig. Old Major makes           locked, the curtains are                   strong beyond his years.
a speech, calling for          closed, mattresses are                     He’s also a young carer
animals to rise up against     nailed over the windows.                   to his mum who’s suffering
their farmers.                                                            from debilitating MS.

  One Of Us Is Lying               Long Way Down                           The Miseducation of
  by Karen M. McManus              by Jason Reynolds                          Cameron Post
One of Us Is Lying is the      Tells the story of an                         by Emily M Danforth
story of what happens          African American teen
when five strangers walk       boy at a crossroads.                       Cameron Post is a 12
into detention and only        Determined to avenge                       year old Montana girl
four walk out alive.           his 19-year-old brother’s                  whose parents die in
Everyone is a suspect,         death, Will, age 15, takes                 a car crash just as she
and everyone has               his brother’s gun to kill the              is discovering her own
something to hide. Pay         person he’s certain is the                 homosexuality.
close attention and you        murderer, but it’s a long
might solve this.              way down in the elevator.

 Orphan Monster Spy            A Wizard of Earthsea                               Rebound
      by Matt Killeen               by Ursula Le Guin                        by Kwame Alexander
Set in Europe amidst           The story centres around                   Charlie is packed off
World War II and follows       a young magician                           to stay with his grand-
a Jewish 15 year old girl      named Ged. During a                        parents for the summer.
named Sarah. After her         magical duel, Ged’s spell                  There his cousin Roxie
mum is shot and killed at      goes awry and releases                     introduces him to a whole
a checkpoint, Sarah is         a shadow creature that                     new world: basketball.
forced onto the streets        attacks him. The novel                     A legend on the courts
alone and has no clue          follows his journey as he                  is born. But can Charlie
what the rest of her life      seeks to be free of the                    resist when trouble comes
holds.                         creature.                                  knocking once again?

        Billy Elliot             The Gender Game                             Queen of Air and
    by Melvin Burgess                by Bella Forrest                           Darkness
Set in 1984, Billy Elliot      In a world torn by                            by Cassandra Clare
is a young boy living in       gender, 19 year-old                        Caught in a race
a small County Durham          Violet Bates is sent to the                against time, Emma and
town, who discovers he         male’s world of Patrus to                  Julian must save the
has a talent for ballet,       retrieve an egg stolen                     world of Shadowhunt-
much to the dismay of his      from her beloved female’s                  ers before the deadly
father Jackie, leaving him     world of Matrus.                           power of the parabatai
torn between his dreams                                                   curse destroys them and
and the only life he’s ever                                               everyone they love.

                                                               All available in your school library
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
Everything Everything               The Hate U Give              The Perks of Being a
                          by Nicola Yoon                 by Angie Thomas                  Wallflower
                    Madeline suffers from a         The story follows events in        by Stephen Chbosky
                    rare disease called SCID.       the life of a 16-year-old       Charlie is coping with the
                    She calls it ‘bubble baby       black girl, Starr Carter,       suicide of his friend,
                    disease’ because she            who is drawn to                 Michael. To lessen the
                    lives in a metaphorical         activism after she              fear and anxiety of start-
                    bubble; she’s not allowed       witnesses the police            ing high school, Charlie
                    to leave her house. The         shooting of a childhood         starts writing letters to
                    only people she                 friend.                         a stranger, someone he
                    socialises with are her                                         heard was nice but has
                    mother and her nurse.                                           never met in person.

                   The Hitchhiker’s Guide to                 Coraline                    The Lost Hero
                          the Galaxy                       by Neil Gaiman                by Rick Riordan
                        by Douglas Adams            In Coraline’s family’s new      Jason and his friends, Leo
                    Seconds before the              flat there are 21 windows       and Piper, learn that they
                    Earth is demolished to          and 14 doors. 13 of the         are demigods (aka the
                    make way for a galactic         doors open and close.           god’s children) and go
                    freeway, Arthur Dent is         The 14th door opens to          to stay at the mysterious
                    plucked off the planet          a passage to another            Camp Half Blood. The
                    by his friend Ford Prefect.     flat, in another house just     story begins when Jason
                    This dynamic pair begin         like her own.                   wakes up on a bus full of
                    a journey through space.                                        kids on a field trip.
                                                    Only it’s different.

 Year 9 Non Fiction
 Autobiography, Plays, Poetry,
                  The Diary of a Young Girl           The Little Big Things             Milk and Honey
                          by Anne Frank                   by Henry Fraser                  by Rupi Kaur
                    Anne Frank was a young          Being challenged in life        Milk and Honey is a
                    Jewish girl living in           is inevitable, but being        collection of poetry and
                    Amsterdam during the            defeated is optional...         prose about survival, and
                    Holocaust. She receives         Henry was 17 when a             experience of violence,
                    a diary for her birthday.       tragic accident severed         abuse, love, loss, and
                    Anne’s diary begins at a        his spinal cord.                femininity. The book is
                    crucial point in her life,      Paralysed from the              divided into four
                    and in the diary Anne           shoulders down, he has          chapters, and each
                    depicts her life in hiding      conquered unimaginable          chapter serves a different
                    from the Nazis.                 difficulty to embrace life.     purpose.

                  Stories for Boys Who Dare            An Inspector Calls                 I am Malala
                        to Be Different                   by J.B. Priestley            by Malala Yousafzai
                           by Ben Brooks            A mysterious interrogator       When the Taliban took
                    There is an ongoing crisis      claims that he has seen         control of the Swat Valley
                    with regards to young           the dead body of Eva            in Pakistan, one girl spoke
                    men and mental health,          Smith/Daisy Renton earlier      out. Malala Yousafzai
                    with unhelpful gender           that day, and that he has       refused to be silenced
                    stereotypes contributing        been given “a duty” to          and fought for her right
                    to this malaise. Stories        investigate the Birlings’       to an education.
                    for Boys Who Dare to Be         responsibility for her
                    Different offers a welcome      death.
                    alternative narrative.

                              Happy                    Women in Science             How to be a Footballer
                          by Fearne Cotton             by Rachel Ignotosky               by Peter Crouch
                    Happy offers practical          Highlighting fifty nota-        Find out which players
                    ways of finding joy each        ble women to the fields         refuse to touch a football
                    and every day. Happiness        of science, technology,         before a game, discover
                    isn’t a mountain to climb,      engineering, and math-          why a load of millionaires
                    it’s just one foot in front     ematics, from the ancient       never have any shower-
                    of the other on the path        to the modern world. Full       gel, and hear what
                    of life, and here you’ll find   of striking illustrations and   Cristiano Ronaldo says
                    little steps that will help     infographics                    when he looks at himself
                    make the differences that                                       in the mirror.

All available in your school library
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
                                                                               by Robert Louis Stevenson

Year 10                   s e !
                                                                               In the novel, Dr. Jekyll
                                                                               transforms into Mr. Hyde, a
                                                                               man without a

                a d t h e                                                      conscience, through the

      should re
                                                                               use of potions. Eventually
                                                                               the transformations get

You                                                                            out of control, and his
                                                                               friends become aware of
                                                                               his situation.

       To Kill A Mockingbird             The Book Thief                              I am Thunder
              by Harper Lee               by Markus Zusak                          by Muhannad Khan
      A novel of a childhood in     Narrated by Death who                      Muzna Saleem dreams
      a sleepy Southern town        tells us about Liesel, a girl              of being a writer, but
      and the crisis of             growing up in Germany                      struggles with control-
      conscience that rocked        during World War II. These                 ling parents who only
      it. The story takes readers   are dangerous times.                       care about her studying
      to the roots of human         When Liesel’s foster family                to be a doctor. Muzna
      behaviour - to innocence      hides a Jew in their base-                 finds herself influenced
      and experience, kindness      ment, Liesel’s world is both               by extreme views but how
      and cruelty, love and         opened up, and closed                      far will she go to protect
      hatred.                       down.                                      what she believes in?

           We Are Young                        1984                              Pride and Prejudice
             by Cat Clarke              by George Orwell                             by Jane Austen
      On the same night Evan’s      Winston Smith wrestles with                A novel about five sisters
      mother marries local radio    oppression in Oceania,                     - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary,
      DJ ‘Breakfast Tim’, Evan’s    a place where the Party                    Kitty and Lydia Bennet
      brand-new step-brother        scrutinizes human actions                  - in Georgian England.
      Lewis is found unconscious    with ever-watchful Big                     Their lives are turned
      and terribly injured, the     Brother. Defying a ban on                  upside down when a
      only survivor of a horrific   individuality, Winston dares               wealthy young man (Mr.
      car crash. Evan decides       to express his thoughts in                 Bingley) and his best
      to find out what really       a diary.                                   friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in
      happened that night.                                                     their neighbourhood.

         The Red Necklace                How I Live Now                            Sally Heathcote
            by Sally Gardner               by Meg Rosoff                             Suffragette
      In the late eighteenth-       Fifteen-year-old Daisy is                       by Mary M Talbot
      century, Sido, the            sent from Manhattan to                     A graphic novel, Suffra-
      daughter of a self-indul-     England to visit her aunt                  gette is a gripping inside
      gent marquis, and Yann,       and cousins she’s never                    story of the campaign
      a Gypsy orphan raised to      met. Her aunt goes away                    for the vote. A tale of
      perform in a magic show,      on business soon after                     loyalty, love and courage,
      face a common enemy           Daisy arrives. The next day                it follows the fortunes of a
      at the start of the French    bombs go off as London                     maid-of-all-work swept up
      Revolution.                   is attacked and occupied                   in the feminist militancy of
                                    by an unnamed enemy.                       the era.

               Release              Are We All Lemmings and                        The House of Silk
            by Patrick Ness               Snowflakes?                              by Anthony Horowitz
      The novel takes place               by Holly Bourne                      A fine art dealer visits
      over the course of a          Welcome to Camp Reset.                     Sherlock Holmes and Dr
      single day. A dual            A place offering a shot                    John Watson to beg for
      narrative follows Adam,       at “normality” for Olive, a                their help. He is being
      a gay teenager with           girl on the edge, and for                  menaced by a strange
      evangelical Christian         the new friends she never                  man in a flat cap. In the
      parents, and the ghost        expected to make – who                     days that follow, his home
      of a murdered girl as she     each have their own                        is robbed, his family is
      traces the steps that led     reasons for being there.                   threatened. And then the
      up to her death.                                                         first murder takes place.

           Fahrenheit 451                      Beck                               The Colour Purple
           by Ray Bradbury                  by Mal Peet                              by Alice Walker
      In an oppressive future, a    Both harrowing and life-                   Celie, the protagonist
      fireman whose duty is to      affirming, the final novel                 and narrator, is a poor,
      destroy all books begins      from Carnegie Medal-                       uneducated, fourteen-
      to question his task. Guy     winning author Mal Peet is                 year-old black girl living
      lives in a lonely, isolated   the sweeping coming-of-                    in rural Georgia. Celie
      society where books           age adventure of a mixed                   starts writing letters to
      have been outlawed by         race boy transported to                    God because her father,
      a government fearing          North America.                             Alphonso, beats and
      an independent-thinking                                                  rapes her.

                                                                    All available in your school library
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
A Skinfull of Shadows             Brave New World                Am I Normal Yet?
                      by Frances Hardinge                by Aldos Huxley                by Holly Bourne
                    Twelve-year-old                A dystopian novel largely      All Evie wants is to be
                    Makepeace has learned          set in a futuristic World      normal. She’s almost off
                    to defend herself from         State of genetically           her meds and at a new
                    the ghosts which try to        modified citizens. The         college where no one
                    possess her in the night,      novel anticipates huge         knows her as the girl-who-
                    desperate for refuge,          scientific developments        went-crazy. She’s even
                    but one day a dreadful         that are challenged by         going to parties and
                    event causes her to drop       only by a single outsider.     making friends. There’s
                    her guard.                                                    only one thing left to tick
                                                                                  off her list…

                      The Secret Diary of                     Butter                         Emma
                         Adrian Mole                      by Erin Lange                 by Jane Austen
                         by Sue Townsend           “Butter” is a 423-pound        Although convinced
                   Adrian is thirteen years        lonely teen, nicknamed         that she herself will never
                   old and an incredible           after an incident in which     marry, Emma Woodhouse,
                   worrier. ‘The problems of       he was bullied into eating     a precocious twenty-
                   existence’ hit him hard, like   an entire block of butter.     year-old resident of the
                   spots, being in love and        Lonely and sick of his life,   village of Highbury,
                   the relationship between        Butter declares that he        imagines herself to be
                   his parents. He strongly        will eat himself to death      naturally gifted in
                   believes he is an               over a live webcast on         conjuring love matches.
                   intellectual.                   New Year’s Eve.

                           War Horse                 Eleanor Oliphant is                   Life of Pi
                      by Michael Morpurgo              Completely Fine                  by Yann Martel
                    Joey, a beautiful foal is         by Gail Honeyman            The story of a young man
                    sold to the army and           A story of an out-of-the-      who survives a shipwreck
                    thrust into the midst of       ordinary heroine whose         and months in a lifeboat
                    the war on the Western         deadpan weirdness and          with a large Bengal tiger
                    Front. Joey’s courage          unconscious wit make for       named Richard Parker.
                    touches the soldiers           an irresistible journey as     Early in Pi’s life, his father
                    around him, but his            she realises the only way      realises that his son’s
                    heart aches for Albert,        to survive is to open your     naiveté about the tiger
                    the farmer’s son he left       heart.                         may put Pi in danger.

                   I’m the King of the Castle                  Pulp                         Scythe
                            by Susan Hill                by Robin Talley               by Neal Shusterman
                    ‘I didn’t want you to          Abby Cohen can’t stop          In a world where disease,
                    come here.’ So says the        thinking about her senior      war and crime have been
                    note that the boy              project – classic 1950s        eliminated, the only way
                    Edmund Hooper passes           pulp fiction. She feels        to die is to be randomly
                    to Charles Kingshaw            especially connected to        killed (“gleaned”) by
                    upon his arrival at            one author, ‘Marian Love’,     professional scythes.
                    Warings.                       and becomes determined         A dark, gripping and
                    A chilling novel that          to track her down. Is          witty thriller.
                    explores the extremes of       Abby prepared for what
                    childhood cruelty.             she will find?

                        Trouble Makers               The Great Gatsby                     Sawbones
                       by Catherine Barter           by F. Scott Fitzgerald          by Catherine Johnson
                    Alena never really knew        Set during the Jazz Age,       Ezra’s knowledge of
                    her mother, who died           this is an exquisitely         human anatomy and skill
                    when she was a baby.           crafted tale of America        at the dissection table
                    She has grown up with          in the 1920s. The story is     will secure him a trade for
                    her older brother Danny        of the fabulously wealthy      life. However, his world is
                    and his boyfriend Nick.        Jay Gatsby and his love        turned on its head when
                    Now their home town is         for the beautiful Daisy        a failed break-in at his
                    threatened by a bomber         Buchanan and of lavish         master’s house sets off a
                    who has been leaving           parties on Long Island.        strange and disturbing
                    devices in supermarkets.                                      series of events.

                     The Picture of Dorian         The Lottery and other             Robinson Crusoe
                             Gray                          Stories                     by Daniel Defoe
                           by Oscar Wilde               by Shirley Jackson        An English sailor is
                    Dorian Gray believes the       A collection of short          marooned on a desert
                    only thing important in        stories. Shirley Jackson’s     island for nearly three
                    life is beauty. However,       chilling tales have the        decades. An ordinary
                    Dorian realises that he        power to unsettle and          man struggling to survive
                    will become less beautiful     terrify unlike any other.      in extraordinary circum-
                    as he grows older. He                                         stances, Robinson Crusoe
                    wishes the portrait an                                        wrestles with fate and the
                    artist painted would                                          nature of God.
                    become old in his place..

All available in your school library
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
Room                Things A Bright Girl Can                          The Burning
         by Emma Donoghue                      Do                                    by Laura Bates
      The story is told from the          by Sally Nicholls                    There’s nothing to trace
      perspective of a five-        Through rallies and                        Anna back to her old life.
      year-old boy, Jack, who is    marches, in polite drawing                 Nothing to link her to the
      being held captive in a       rooms and freezing prison                  ‘incident’.
      small room along with his     cells and the poverty-
      mother.                       stricken slums of the East                 At least that’s what she
      A powerful story of a         End, three courageous                      thinks … until the whispers
      mother and son whose          young women join the                       start up again.
      love lets them survive the    fight for the vote.

      Thirteen Reasons Why                The Martian                                   Trouble
              by Jay Asher                  by Andy Weir                              by Non Pratt
      Clay discovers several        Mark Watney is an                          Hannah’s smart and funny,
      cassette tapes recorded       astronaut on the Ares 3                    she’s also fifteen and
      by Hannah Baker, his          mission to Mars. The mis-                  pregnant. Aaron is new at
      classmate and crush, who      sion has to be aborted                     school and doesn’t want
      committed suicide two         in a massive dust storm, in                to attract attention. So
      weeks earlier. Hannah’s       which Watney is stuck with                 why does he offer to be
      voice tells him that there    a piece of a satellite and                 the pretend dad to
      are thirteen reasons why      lost in the dust storm. His                Hannah’s unborn baby?
      she decided to end her        crew leaves him on Mars,
      life. Clay is one of them.    believing him to be dead.

Year 10 Non Fiction
Autobiography, Plays, Poetry,
               Mythos                       Persepolis                           Brand New Ancients
            by Stephen Fry              by Marjane Satrapi                          by Kate Tempest
      The Greek myths are the       Marji, is ten years old. It’s              This book combines poem,
      greatest stories ever told.   the year after the Iranian                 rap, and humanist sermon.
      They are embedded             Revolution, and although                   Tempest shows how the
      deeply in the traditions,     her family has always                      old myths still live on in
      tales and cultural DNA        been secular, Marji must                   our everyday acts of
      of the West. Stephen Fry’s    wear a veil and attend a                   violence, bravery,
      Mythos perfectly captures     religious, girls-only school.              sacrifice and love like the
      these stories for the         She’s imaginative, but                     old gods.
      modern age.                   doesn’t really understand
                                    what’s happening.

      How Not To Be A Boy              A Child Called It                           This Book Is Gay
           by Robert Webb                 by Dave Pelzer                            by Juno Dawson
      Rules for being a man:        An autobiography of                        An uncensored look at
      Don’t Cry; Love Sport;        a young boy who is                         what it’s like to grow
      Play Rough; Drink Beer;       starved, beaten, and                       up as LGBT. Including
      Don’t Talk About Feelings.    tortured by his mother.                    testimonials from people
      But Robert Webb has           Despite this terrible                      across the gender and
      been wondering for some       beginning he manages to                    sexual spectrums. This is a
      time now: are those rules     turn his life around. David                frank, funny, fully inclusive
      actually any use? To          uses his faith, a positive                 book.
      anyone?                       attitude, and determina-
                                    tion to survive.

           Freakonomics                   Staying Alive                            Women in Sport
         by Steven D. Levitt &             by Neil Astley                          by Rachel Ignotofsky
          Stephen J. Dubner         Staying Alive is an                        Women in Sport features
      Freakonomics studies the      international anthology of                 50 profiles and
      riddles of everyday life      500 life-affirming poems                   illustrated portraits of
      from cheating and crime       fired by belief in the                     women athletes from the
      to parenting and sports.       human and the spiritual                   1800s to today including
      Through storytelling the      at a time when much in                     trailblazers, Olympians,
      authors show that             the world feels unreal,                    and record-breakers in
      economics is at root of       inhuman and hollow.                        more than 40 different
      how people get what                                                      sports.
      they want or need.

                                                                    All available in your school library
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
The Handmaid’s Tale
                                                                                  by Margaret Atwood

    Year 11                          s e !
                                                                                Offred is a Handmaid
                                                                                who lives in a dystopian
                                                                                world where women have

                           a d t h e                                            lost all of their rights.

                 should re
                                                                                Because of dangerously
                                                                                low reproduction rates,

  You                                                                           Handmaids are assigned
                                                                                to bear children for elite
                                                                                couples that have trouble

                          White Teeth                 The Kite Runner           Tess of the d’Urbervilles
                           by Zadie Smith              by Khaled Hosseini            by Thomas Hardy
                    This is the story of two      Amir is the son of a          John Durbeyfield is
                    North London families-        wealthy merchant, Hassan      stunned to learn that he
                    -one headed by Archie,        is his servant and            is the descendent of an
                    the other by Archie’s best    companion. So strong is       ancient noble family, the
                    friend, a Muslim              the bond between the          d’Urbervilles. Meanwhile,
                    Bengali named Samad           boys that Amir tries to       Tess, his eldest daughter,
                    Iqbal. Pals since they        right past wrongs against     joins the other village girls
                    served together in World      the only true friend he       in the May Day dance,
                    War II, Archie and Samad      ever had.                     where Tess meets a young
                    are an unlikely pair.                                       man.

                          A Whole Life               A Christmas Carol          The Silent Companions
                       by Robert Seethaler             by Charles Dickens            by Laura Purcell
                    Andreas Egger’s story is      In A Christmas Carol,         Some doors are locked
                    one of man’s relationship     aging businessman             for a reason...
                    with an ancient               Ebenezer Scrooge thinks
                    landscape, of the value       only of money. After the      With her new servants
                    of solitude, the arrival of   Ghost of Christmas Yet        resentful and the local
                    the modern world, and         to Come shows Scrooge         villagers actively hostile,
                    above all, of the moments,    his lonely and miserable      Elsie only has her
                    great and small, that         death, he changes his         husband’s awkward
                    make us who we are.           ways and becomes a            cousin for company. Or so
                                                  charitable person.            she thinks.

                  The Haunting of Hill House                 We                            Maus
                       by Shirley Jackson           by Yevgeny Zamyatin             by Art Spiegelman
                    The story of four seekers     The dystopian novel that      Using animals to portray
                    who arrive at the             inspired George Orwell’s      history, the graphic novel
                    notoriously unfriendly Hill   1984. In a glass-enclosed     Maus is a rich and en-
                    House. At first, their stay   city, ruled by the            gaging story. It follows the
                    seems destined to be          ‘Benefactor’, the citizens    authors parents’ story in
                    merely a spooky en-           of the totalitarian society   Poland during the 1930’s,
                    counter with inexplicable     of OneState live out lives    and describes their
                    phenomena. But Hill House     devoid of passion and         experiences as the Nazis
                    soon will choose one of       creativity - until D-503,     invaded and persecuted
                    them to make its own.         makes a discovery.            the Jewish population.

                        The Testaments             Oranges Are Not the             Never Let Me Go
                       by Margaret Atwood              Only Fruit                    by Kazuo Ishiguro
                    Margaret Atwood’s               by Jeanette Winterson       Never Let Me Go is set
                    sequel to The Handmaid’s      Jeanette is adopted and       in a dystopian world in
                    Tale picks up the story       brought up by her mother      which human clones are
                    more than fifteen years       as one of God’s elect.        created so that they can
                    after Offred stepped          Zealous and                   donate their organs as
                    into the unknown, with        passionate, she seems         young adults. The novel
                    the explosive testaments      destined for life as a        follows the life story of
                    of three female narrators     missionary, but then          Kathy, a clone who is
                    from Gilead.                  she falls for one of her      raised at a boarding
                                                  converts.                     school for future “donors.”

                   All The Light We Cannot              About Love                  How to be Both
                              See                      by Anton Chekhov                  by Ali Smith
                         by Anthony Doerr         Three short stories; “A       How to be both is a
                    This story is about a blind   Man in a Shell” is a          novel all about art’s
                    French girl and a German      grotesque Gogolian            versatility. There’s a
                    boy whose paths collide       comedy; “Gooseberries,”       renaissance artist of the
                    in occupied France as         a narrator’s impassioned      1460s. There’s the child of
                    both try to survive the       response; and “About          a child of the 1960s. Two
                    devastation of World          Love,” a poignant story of    tales of love and injustice
                    War II.                       failed relationships.         twist into a singular yarn.

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Frankenstein                       Illegal                            Norwegian Wood
       by Mary Shelley                  by Eoin Colfer                           by Murakami
A Gothic thriller, a            This is a powerful graphic                Toru Watanabe hears an
passionate romance, and         novel about one boy’s                     orchestral cover of the
a cautionary tale about         epic journey across                       Beatles’ song “Norwegian
the dangers of science,         Africa to Europe. Ebo’s                   Wood”, and he is
Frankenstein tells the story    journey takes him across                  suddenly overwhelmed by
of committed science            the Sahara Desert to                      feelings of loss and
student Victor Franken-         the dangerous streets of                  nostalgia. He thinks back
stein. Frankenstein assem-      Tripoli, and finally out to               to the 1960s, when so
bles a human being from         the merciless sea.                        much happened that
stolen body parts.                                                        touched his life.

  The Song of Achilles                   Beloved                             Neverworld Wake
     by Madeline Miller              by Toni Morrison                           by Marisha Pessl
Profoundly moving and           Sethe, a former slave, has                A mysterious man who
breathtakingly original,        been living with her eight-               calls himself the Keeper
this rendering of the epic      een-year-old daughter                     tells Beatrice, Kipling,
Trojan War is a dazzling        Denver. Sethe believes                    Whitley, Cannon, and
feat of the imagination,        they fled home because                    Martha that they are
a devastating love story,       of the malevolent pres-                   trapped in a Groundhog
and an almighty battle          ence of an abusive ghost                  Day–like existence called
between gods and kings,         that has haunted their                    Neverworld Wake. Only
immortal fame and the           house at 124 Bluestone                    one of them may return to
human heart.                    Road for years.                           the world of the living.

         The Help                        Othello                          Everything I Never Told
    by Kathryn Stockett           by William Shakespeare                           You
The book is narrated            Othello begins on a                             by Celeste Ng
by three very different         street in Venice, in the                  The book opens in 1977.
women; Minny, a black hot       midst of an argument                      Lydia Lee is dead, but all
headed maid, Aibileen,          between Roderigo and                      her family knows is that
another black maid who          Iago. Roderigo has been                   she hasn’t come down to
is raising her ‘seventeenth     paying Iago to help him                   breakfast. Lydia’s mother
white child’, and Miss          in his suit to Desdemona.                 goes up to her room to
Skeeter, a white woman          But Roderigo has just                     look for her, and finds
who wants to be a writer.       learned that Desdemona                    everything in its place
                                has married Othello.                      but no sign of Lydia.

The Prime of Miss Jean                    Circe                              Giovanni’s Room
        Brodie                      by Madeline Miller                        by James Baldwin
        by Muriel Spark         Circe must summon all                     When David meets
It is the early 1930s.          her strength and choose,                  Giovanni in a bohe-
At a school located in          once and for all, whether                 mian bar, he is swept
Edinburgh, a class of           she belongs with the                      into a love affair. But
ten-year-old girls begins       gods she is born from, or                 his girlfriend’s return to
two years of instruction        the mortals she has come                  Paris destroys everything.
with Miss Jean Brodie, a        to love. Essential for fans               David pretends the liaison
charismatic teacher who         of The Song of Achilles.                  never happened – while
claims again and again                                                    Giovanni’s life descends
to be in her “prime.”                                                     into tragedy.

       The Bell Jar              A Clockwork Orange                             Girls on Fire
       by Sylvia Plath              by Anthony Burgess                        by Robin Wasserman
This thinly veiled autobi-      A nightmare vision of the                 A shocking story of love
ography details the life        future, where criminals                   and violence and an
of Esther Greenwood, a          take over after dark, the                 addictive portrait of the
college woman who strug-        story is told by the                      intoxication of female
gles through a mental           central character, Alex,                  friendship. An unforgetta-
breakdown in the 1950s.         who talks in a brutal                     ble snapshot of girlhood:
With the pressure of mar-       invented slang that                       girls lost and found, girls
riage and the passé New         brilliantly renders his and               strong and weak, girls
York night life, what will      his friends’ social                       who burn bright and
become of Esther?               pathology.                                some who flicker away.

      Mrs Dalloway             The Tattooist of Auschwitz                 One Day in the Life of
     by Virginia Woolf               by Heather Morris                      Ivan Denisovich
Mrs. Dalloway chronicles        It was while tattooing                    by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
a June day in the life          18-year-old Gita that he                  The story of labour-camp
of Clarissa Dalloway, a         looked into her eyes and                  inmate Ivan Denisovich
day that is taken up with       fell hopelessly in love. The              Shukhov, it graphically
running minor errands in        Tattooist of Auschwitz                    describes his struggle to
preparation for a party         is their story, a story of                maintain his dignity in the
and that is punctuated,         beauty, hope, courage                     face of communist
toward the end, by the          and survival against the                  oppression.
suicide of a young man          odds.
she has never met.

                                                               All available in your school library
RECOMMENDED READ 2020 - Whitley Bay High School
Middlemarch               Anne of Green Gables             The Adventures of
                          by George Eliot              by L. M. Montgomery            Huckleberry Finn
                    Dorothea is an intelligent      Matthew and Marilla                 by Mark Twain
                    woman who makes a error         Cuthbert are unmarried        Huck recounts his
                    in judgment when she            siblings who live on their    adventures as he travels
                    chooses to marry Edward         ancestral farm, Green         down the river with a
                    Casaubon, a pompous             Gables. Matthew is sixty,     runaway slave, encounter-
                    scholar many years her          and since he is getting       ing a family involved in
                    senior. Dorothea hopes to       too old to handle farm        a feud, two scoundrels
                    be actively involved in his     work, the Cuthberts           pretending to be royalty,
                    work, but he wants her to       decide to adopt an            and Tom Sawyer’s aunt
                    serve as a secretary.           orphan boy to help him.       who mistakes him for Tom.

                     Brideshead Revisited                Brighton Rock                     Spring
                         by Evelyn Waugh                by Graham Greene                   by Ali Smith
                    Sebastian, a troubled           A gang war is rag-            Ali Smith’s latest novel
                    young man, descends             ing through the dark          turns its gaze on the
                    into alcoholism, drifting       underworld of Brighton.       migrant crisis and the rise
                    away from the family over       Seventeen-year-old Pinkie     of nationalism. It burns
                    a two-year period. He           has killed a man. Believing   with moral urgency at the
                    eventually finds some           he can escape retribution,    same time as feeling time-
                    solace as an under-por-         he is unprepared for the      less and playful.
                    ter and object of charity       courageous, life-embrac-
                    at a Catholic monastery         ing Ida Arnold.
                    in Tunisia.

 Year 11 Non Fiction
 Autobiography, Plays, Poetry,
                    I Know Why The Caged              Popshot Magazine                The Optician of
                           Bird Sings                                                   Lampedusa
                         by Maya Angelou            Popshot is an illustrated        by Emma Jane Kirby
                    Sent by their mother to         literary magazine that        From an award-winning
                    live with their devout, self-   publishes short stories,      BBC journalist, this moving
                    sufficient grandmother          flash fiction, and            book turns the testimony
                    in a small Southern town,       poetry from the literary      of an accidental hero
                    Maya and her brother,           new blood.                    into a timeless story
                    Bailey, endure the ache                                       about the awakening
                    of abandonment and the                                        of human courage and
                    prejudice of the local                                        conscience.

                          She is Fierce              Death of a Salesman                   Sincerity
                        by Ana Sampson                     by Arthur Miller           by Carol Ann Duffy
                    A powerful collection of        Willy Loman is on his last    This is Carol Ann Duffy’s
                    150 poems written by            legs. Failing at his job,     last full collection as Poet
                    women – from classic,           dismayed at the failure       Laureate, considered the
                    much loved poets to             of his sons, tortured by      greatest living poet of
                    bold modern voices.             his jealousy at the           our times. A frank,
                    Collected by Ana                success and happiness         disarming and deeply
                    Sampson, this collection        of his neighbour, Willy       moving exploration of
                    celebrates the centenary        spirals into a well of        loss and remembrance in
                    of women’s suffrage.            regret.                       their many forms.

                   Shakespeare The World                Girl Interrupted          The Story of English in
                         as Stage                      by Susanna Kaysen               100 Words
                            by Bill Bryson          A memoir from Susanna             by David Crystal
                    Bill Bryson makes sense         Kaysen, relating her          Crystal takes us along
                    of the man behind the           experiences as a young        the winding byways of
                    masterpieces. As he leads       woman in a psychiatric        language via the rude,
                    us through the crowded          hospital in the 1960s         the obscure and the
                    streets of Elizabethan          after being diagnosed         downright surprising.
                    England, he brings to           with borderline
                    life the places and             personality disorder.
                    characters that inspired
                    Shakespeare’s work.

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