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2 PREFACE Batro'Games and Raise Dead publishings have become creative studios and joined Studio Deadcrows within a new structure: Book in Game. Why? The objective: Running in studios will save time and Alleviate the administrative and fi- quality: the teams can fully devote nancial management that will be themselves to development and provided by Book in Game to al- creation by pooling their strengths low the studios to give free rein while maintaining their own identity to their imagination and offer you and editorial policy. their vision of RPG! Thanks to all the creators who join this adventure and trust us!
TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTA BENE Each game has its own universe, and there- PRESENTATION OF THE STUDIOS 4-5 fore, its modes of op- TUTORIAL ON ROLE-PLAYING GAMES 6-7 eration or its level of difficulty as a player MINDJAMMER 8-11 or gamemaster, begin- CAPHARNAÜM 12-15 ner or expert. VENZIA 16-17 Thus, as demonstrat- ed above, each game MONSTER OF THE WEEK 18-21 has been rated by the TECUMAH GULCH 22-23 members of the asso- IN NOMINE SATANIS MAGNA VERITAS 24-27 ciation according to its difficulty or its han- COLONIAL GOTHIC 28-29 dling. MANTOID 30-31 THE FILTH TRILOGY 32-33 GAMES TO COME 34 CREDITS 35 3
4 PRESENTATION OF THE STUDIOS Book in Game is an association of four studios who create and produce role-playing games. Here is a little bit more about them. Studio Deadcrows is an editorial collective which One last thing: Why the hell did we choose to call aims at versatility. In other words, it is not a closed ourselves the Dead Crows? team attached to a single type of media, but an Well, to understand why, you’ll have to read Am- organization that wants to evolve. We have start- nesya 2k51, our first role-playing game. A most ed the adventure with Amnesya 2k51 in 2005. peculiar gang lurks in the calle de lost Cuervos Muertos... What are we exactly? A group of diverse people combining their motiva- Raise Dead Edition is a new role-playing game tion, talent and expertise to create and translate publishing house whose primary goal is to reissue gaming projects. Using a professional approach, old creations of CROC, one of the most prominent we lead every project from the initial phase to the French RPG creator. First project in the running, In finishing line.L'intérêt ? Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas, great success of the author, published in its 4th edition more than The role of the Studio? 10 years ago and sold out at bookshops since 8 Bringing together the right talents around a given years. project, discovering promising young authors and Raise Dead Edition brings together multiple talents: illustrators, creating our own label, which we hope the Great Ones from Siroz, Asmodee, Descartes... will become a guarantee of quality. but also new writers and creators of role-playing games of all kinds. Their only goal is to work on these old games in
The youngest stu- order to bring them up to date in an edition of supe- We are distributed by Asmodee - Novalis in all spe- dio has arrived, rior quality compared to their previous versions and to cialised game shops in France, Switzerland, Belgium the Crime Man- enrich the games' universe. and Canada. sion, and it stands out from its elders Batro'Games is a French publisher known for its strange because it is only and horrifying games. dedicated to the "Violent". "Deviant". "Degenerate". creation and ani- These qualifiers are often used to present games from Batro'Games. But it would be reductive to limit oneself mation of life-size to them. Either we like or we don't like, but the undis- murder mysteries. puted common quality of all these games is that they force us out of our comfort zone. Batronoban is a real author, who proposes a different vision of role-play. A style that he managed to keep and apply to his last translated game: Colonial Gothic. The indie publisher is continuing his efforts to open a path to the more uncharted lands of the RPG practice 5
6 WHAT IS A ROLEPLAYING GAME? Simply a tabletop game with an associative nature allowing friends to meet for fun, thrills and... messing The essentials around! -Dice: No need to resort to artifices, disguises, or demonic of any type, sometimes ceremonies! NO! you do not even sus- pect their existence (as The role-playing game recipe is simple. 100-sided dice, yes yes). Here, for the novices, is a presentation of the -A GM: active ingredients of RPGs! If you see a weird-look- ing person behind a screen, they're either a computer scientist or a gamemaster. If they First, it is about staging players who em- limits of the rules, the appearance, the function, chants incantations in body characters in an imaginary or historical the origin of the character... On the other hand, the Elvish language, it world framed by precise rules and random situa- their numerical characteristics are obtained ran- is unlikely that it will im- tions that are imposed on the participants. domly by rolling the dice according to rules which We have the dungeon master or gamemas- differ from one RPG to the other. prove your internet con- ter (GM) or even the Narrator. Their role is to There are also non-player characters (NPCs): nection. prepare in the frame of the rules, the situations only the GM is authorized to play them (see the to which the players will be confronted. In other negation before the word "players"...). They em- words, they must be a screenwriter (or adapt- bellish the gaming universe and intervene more er!), an actor-player (they embody the NPCs), a or less in the scenario. It can be characters that director (they describe the places, atmospheres, have existed (there are risks of fanciful interpreta- NPCs...), a responsible referee (and "fair" if possi- tions and other anachronisms!) or totally fictional. ble!), Human Resources and Mood Manager! Then we have the player characters (PCs). Each of them must develop the role they want to em- body: to do so, they must first choose, within the
Scenario: guidelines for the development of the story. Figurines: to rep- resent the position of the characters. Screen: to hide GM Dice : to simulate elements chance. Map: description of the location of the characters. Rulebook @ Didier Guisserix Finally, we cannot forget the dice: the random- -to respect the rulesand learn to give and re- ness, chance, luck often intervenes and strong- ceive (we are not far from the values and spirit ly participates in the magic of any tabletop of a team sport). A RPG with players who do game. not respect each other and do not respect the RPGs highlight works of chance! Between the rules would be unbearable; fumble (complete failure) and the critical roll -to be entertained simply and fully... with dice (unexpected success), the effect of surprise is and ideas! guaranteed! Everyone knows the classic 6-sid- On the other hand, you need time, a lot of Nota Bene: ed dice, but there are also 4, 8, 10, 12, 20 and time, because preparing a RPG session is The costs incurred to play a 100-sided dice! complex and exciting! RPG are... It is an accessible game that allows: -access to Finally, and this is the most important, ridiculously low! a constructive leisure, especially for those who don't forget to have fun! You need dice, the rules of a develop scenarios based on historical reality; game, sheets of paper, pencils, -to make contact with others and to stimulate an eraser... and a little imagi- everyone's imagination, sociability and theatri- nation! cality (conviviality is de rigueur!); 7
8 MINDJAMMER Choose between a clan-based computer hack- er, a xenomorph serpent-like gunner, an inter- ADD-ONS: galactic cop or a spaceship and his humanoid The Corvus avatar (yes, in Mindjammer you can embody Cluster a spaceship), and board a hectic investiga- Price: €19.90 tion with major political consequences. mer Mindjammer E R O L E L E J E U D E R O L E Corvus st un recueil de scénarios exclusif à la précom- ançaise du jeu de rôle Mindjammer, emmenant une région lointaine et tumultueuse de la galaxie. un ensemble d’une centaine de mondes fraîche- r la Communalité. C’est un lieu où se croise de ns, idéologies et secrets bien gardés. Mais sa té, ce sont les ruines incroyablement anciennes ndues. Bien que discrètes, ces ruines auront un jeune transhumanité si cette dernière n’y prend de L’Amas de Corvus mèneront les person- mondes pour y résoudre des crises sanglantes, exotiques et même décider du destin d’une civi- portera sur Astoria Prime, la capitale du secteur crise impliquant les plus hautes instances de la -ils pour défendre leurs convictions ? gera les personnages dans les intrigues d’Utopia ocraties les plus puissantes de l’Amas de Corvus. mes de la Mémoire met en scène une station vren Secondus, planète étrange recouvertes de ques. Ce qui se cache dans ses entrailles pour- hanger à jamais la face de l’Amas de Corvus. ncestral voit les personnages parcourir la surface le-Lantaria, un monde hostile où les colons sont vivre dans de vastes cités souterraines. Toutefois hose de très ancien semble toujours à l’œuvre et stin des colons qui est en jeu. ISBN : 978-2-9558981-3-0 L’AVENTURE TRANSHUMANISTE AU SECOND ÂGE DE L’ESPACE par Sarah Newton 9 782955 898130 MINDAC05 - L’amas de Corvus 19,90 € L’Amas de Corvus An add-on that Summary: includes four sce- Mindjammer is a space opera game, focused on space exploration, narios that will world discovery and transhumanism. Star Trek or Mass Effect's little brother. lead characters on different worlds Author: Sarah Newton to solve bloody crises, discover ex- Genre: Space Opera otic cultures and even decide the Price 49.90 fate of an entire civilization. Complexity: Mindjammer: Gamemaster's book
The New Commonality of Humankind contacts and discover ancient civilizations (human or the countless lost worlds it settled by slower- otherwise), face the threat of the mysterious than-light colony ship thousands of years be- Venu or seek to escape the ubiquitous con- fore. The mighty Commonality thinks it knows trol of Commonality aboard your planeship. best, but not every rediscovered world wants Mindjammer is powered by a simple and intu- to join its interstellar melting pot. And there itive rule system: the Fate Core System. are mysteries—alien life forms, inhuman cul- It uses FATE dice with three types of results tures, technologies threatening to destabilise (-1, 0 and +1). The resolution of an action and even destroy human civilisation. goes through the roll of four dice added to Only the Mindjammers hold the Commonal- obtain a result between -4 and +4. This re- ity together—intelligent starships carrying sult is then adjusted according to various the Mindscape between worlds. The gaming modifiers (aspects, skills, etc.) to obtain a final possibilities are as endless as the universe. value indicating the quality of the result. You can, for example, join the SCI Force to ensure the assimilation of new worlds into the Commonality, explore distant exoplanets 9
10 The emulator of Sarah Newton, her rep- Studio Deadcrows: Mindjammer is a game by the inhabitants of the Chronicles world. resentation in the Mindscape, welcomes us that matured with time. Can you tell us a I was fascinated (even obsessed!) by this within the virtuality that she created to re- little about its genesis? "Commonality of Humankind", and I began to ceive us: S. N.: I've always wanted a universe for sci- describe it in much more detail. ence fiction RPG that would be both cred- I realized that there was the potential for a ible and contemporary with the concepts science fiction RPG... and technologies of sci-fi literature from the S. D.: Who are the authors whose work has 21st century. most influenced the game? In 2007 / 2008, I was letting my imagination S. N.: First, we have the writers of the golden wander through the prehistory of my world, age of science fiction, especially Cordwain- The Chronicles of Future Earth. A techno-fan- er Smith and Olaf Stapledon. Their writings tastic world set in a distant future that has are so free, they wrote in a world where there suffered a catastrophic fall to a mythical was very little history to constrain them. age. I had written notes on a "Commonality There are also our science fiction and con- of Humankind" of this prehistoric time, the de- temporary futurology authors like Iain Banks, tails of which had been completely forgotten Peter Hamilton, Dan Simmons, Ray Kurzweil, These dice are essential to Mind- jammer's gaming system.
Mindjammer Mindjammer TM TM L E J E U D E R O L E L e j e u d e r o l e L’AVENTURE TRANSHUMANISTE AU SECOND AGE DE L’ESPACE CITOYENS DE LA COMMUNALITÉ ! L’heure est à l’aventure ! L’humanité elle-même est sur le point d’être transfigurée à jamais ! Rejoignez-nous dans les mondes ultra sophistiqués du Noyau ou le Mindjammer chaos de la Bordure aux multiples conflits, et explorez les étoiles ! Nul ne sait ce que le futur nous réserve, mais les pages de ce livre renferment tout ce dont les agents de la Communalité auront besoin pour survivre et prospérer à l’Ère de la Redécouverte. Pour la première fois, le JDR de science-fiction transhu- maniste récompensé par un ENnie débarque en France, dans une nouvelle édition remise au goût du jour et entièrement réécrite pour le système Fate. Dans cet ouvrage destiné au joueur, vous trouverez : TM • Les règles complètes permettant de créer et incarner des per- sonnages dans l’univers de Mindjammer. Vous pouvez même jouer un vaisseau intelligent ! • L’histoire de la Nouvelle Communalité de l’Homme. • Les descriptions, historiques et cartes de nombreuses planètes et génotypes de l’espace de la Communalité. • Les règles de fonctionnement de la Noosphère et des mondes virtuels. L’UNIVERS VOUS ATTEND ! Embarquez votre blaster, faites vrombir les réacteurs d’astroplanage et télépensez vos ordres à la conscience de votre vaisseau. Rejoignez-nous et faites briller la lu- mière de la plus grande civilisation humaine dans le ADD-ON: Dominion firmament ! Cet ouvrage contient tout ce dont vous aurez besoin pour jouer à Mindjammer. Si vous souhaitez mener des par- ties, il est recommandé de consulter le Livre du meneur. Newton Price: €19.90 Sarah ISBN : 978-2-9558981-1-6 L’AVENTURE TRANSHUMANISTE AU SECOND ÂGE DE L’ESPACE par Sarah Newton 9 782955 898116 MINDLJ02 - Livre du joueur 44,90 € MINDLJ02 Livre du joueur Player's book Character's file Price: €44.90 Price: €3.50 James M. Gardner, with their transhumanist themes, us with rules to solve cultural conflicts, to influence the eschatological idea that the universe has a the trends of history, directly into the campaigns. purpose: to sow intelligence everywhere, to become The PCs may try to save or destroy rediscovered intelligent itself, to give birth to child-universes who, colonies potentially based on the Roman Empire, Dominion is an in their turn, will attain intelligence. ancient China, France of the Old Regime, the First S. D.: Mindjammer is a window to the future, but American Empire of the 22nd century... ideal book in we can also see it as a mirror of our past. Can which to discov- you tell us more? Find out more er the universe on Studio Deadcrows' website... of Mindjammer. S. N.: The concept of "History" by and large is of It suggests a sim- course one of Mindjammer's major themes. The di- plified version of alectic of history, the idea that history is a pro- the FATE system, cess that is formed but which forms us in return. In which makes the Mindjammer we can play with trends of this kind. scenarios partic- The Commonality is faced with enormous challenges ularly cinematic and dangers and the Mindjammer game provides and immersive. 11
12 CAPHARNAÜM The Tales of the Dragon-Marked In a world of mysteries and magic ADD-ONS borrowed from the exoticism and The Arcana of warmth of the East, on a marvelous Adventure land tanned by the sun and gorged Price: € 9.90 with the blood of the people, your destiny awaits you... Are you up to it? CAPHARNAÜM: Player's book Summary: An Arabian Nights inspired RPG, mixing heroism, adventure, travel and exoticism Fables and Chi- (published in English by Mindjammer Press). meras Price: € 21 Authors: Raphaël Bardas, François Cedelle, Pierre Coppet, Boris Courdesses, Na- dège Debray, Matthias Haddad, Frédéric Hubleur, Romain d'Huissier, Ju- lien Laroche, Didier Kurth, François Labrousse, Emmanuelle Lemasson, Yann Machurey, Willem Peebolte, Silvère Popoff, Samuel Zonato Genre: Medieval Fantasy Price € 49.90 Complexity: CAPHARNAÜM: Al Rawi's book
The mark of the dragons that you carry on On a sunny sea, the world is at the conflu- tuated by the comings and goings of the your back testifies it: you are an extraor- ence of the trade routes and represents a Saabi and Shiradim caravans... and those dinary being. As the Heir of the Dragons, strategic point for who wants to have a privi- mercenary troops who do not really believe you are destined to live great adventures leged access to all the continental lands. It is in the peace left in the Capharnaüm at the and to write the history of the world. said that history is made and unmade there, end of the Escartes knights' Holy Quest. The heroes that you will play are legendary that the threads that weave the world are all humans chosen by the dragons, guardians of knotted in its heart. the heavenly gates, to seek the kingdom of The known world is vast. Far to the west, the the gods. As bearers of the dragons' legacy, Escarte nations, worshipers of the quartered your characters will have to show strength, god, rest while preparing their next Holy astuteness and courage, to one day deserve Quest. their place beside Houbal, Shirad or Aether, North of the Inner Sea, the Agalanthean cit- the very powerful lords of the Creation. ies are no more than the shadow of the past greatness of the empire that once possessed the world. Then there is Jazîrat, the peninsula scorched by the sun of Houbal, life is punc- 13
14 In the distance, the black continent of Al- from Jazîrat: silk, spices, etc. But it is said that sea routes, the northern markets are home to Fariq'n still holds its secrets, while in the East, only the craziest sailors and criminals who the barbarian tribes of Krek'kaos. Although in Nir Manel and in Asijawi, countless goods have nothing to lose dare to navigate the extremely disorganized, the creatures that are produced which make the fortune of the dangerous Southern Seas. Finally, far from the populate the steppes and hostile mountains merchants of these cold-scarred regions carry out nu- merous raids each year towards the sunny southern regions. A world of witchcraft and mysteries: It is said that the gods inspire men and guide the arm of the faithful when they go into bat- tle. It is also said that they like to take human form to engage in the game of seduction with our women, mingle with our quarrels, and fight with us. CAPHARNAÜM: Nothing is more true! Mythology is on the The Kingdom of Heaven Price: € 29.90
NOVEL: CAPHARNAÜM CAPHARNAÜM: Atlas CAPHARNAÜM: The Al Rawi's Stories of the known world Miscellanea of Price: € 19.90 Price: € 25 Sapientia Price: € 19.90 CAPHARNAÜM: The Indomitable move. Gods and demons, djinns and mirages do ex- You will have to discover it yourself by leading your Traitors ist... A minor god sinking into madness and manipulat- character on the burning paths of Capharnaüm, us- by Raphaël Bardas ing men according to his delusions, ing his sword, witchcraft, charm or wisdom perhaps to Price: € 20. a mirage carrying a merchant caravan into the limbo reach the Sanctification and join the gods. Thief of the streets of of the magical world and a djinn who will give you a Do not wait, grab your scimitar, the fate of Ca- Jergath-the-Great, flying carpet if you release it from the lamp. Such are pharnaüm is in your hands! Makkan Ibn Aziz has the ingredients that you might encounter in a session eyes bigger than his of CAPHARNAÜM. In Jazîrat, within the Capharnaüm, belly. A bit too much you will be an adventurer like no other! of a fighter, a little Since the dawn of time, some children have been too much of a liar, born with a dragon mark on their backs, at heart he is excluded from level. These children are promised a great destiny. his clan and has no According to their people they are called Heroes, or choice but to leave Heirs of the Dragons, and are sometimes perceived as the kingdom of Kath- blessed by the gods, sometimes as branded by the rat to face the terri- devils... Where lies the truth? ble desert... 15
16 VENZIA Industrial cities as mysterious and superficial as the political intrigues that are tied in their ADD-ONS midst. Plunge into this universe combining the Venzia: Bestiary Venetian refinement with the steam of industri- Price: € 29.90 al production machines. Take a mask, and get ready to get wet. The flood is far from being the real danger. Summary: Venzia is a role-playing game taking place on a planet, Reggia. The Brother- An epic Venetian Renaissance themed game combined with the industry of hood of the a steampunk world. Hippogriffs Price: € 28 Author: Raphaël Bardas, Cédric Boulard, François Cedelle, Laurent Devernay, Gaëlle Soumagne, Samuel Zonato La Confrérie des Hippogriffes permettra de connaître tous les Genre: Steampunk e des Hippogriffes, ses membres, moyens matériels et humains. Vous uverez dans ces pages toutes les mations nécessaires pour enrichir sonnages et les histoires que vous Price n scène. uvrez deux nouveaux scénarios ème épisode la campagne de erins ». 25 de rôle de Raphaël Bardas, Roxane Bourget, François Devernay, Gaëlle Soumagne . Complexity: Couverture : Lohran écessaire pour jouer. ISBN : 978-2-37441-024-1 9 782374 410241 3 Venzia; corebook
This role-playing game is set on a planet mechanism allowing you to forge the destiny plore and unravel the mysteries of Reggia. submerged by the waves since the Diluvio, a of the characters through unforeseen events great cataclysm that occurred a few hun- feeding the story. dred years ago. The action takes place mainly in a city: Ven- Because of its origins and the importance giv- zia. This lacustrine city is kept afloat by an- en to intrigue, the universe of Venzia is rich in tediluvian technology now misunderstood. At surprises. The very origins of cities and Pilgrims the top of this urban stack stands the Doge's are shrouded in mystery. And what about the Palace, whose occupant is none other than Acqua Malefacente and strange creatures the employer of the players. that sometimes appear at the corner of an Venzia uses a proven and robust system, the alley? In order to avoid spoilers for the play- D6 System which allows you to manage the ers, all these secrets will be explained in the creation, the use, but also the optimization of first add-on, the screen of the gamemaster. the characters/players. For the PCs, the discovery of these secrets will Exclusive rules have been added to the D6 gradually take place. Their missions for the System. Thus, the Pilgrim-Dice is a particular Doge will put them in a prime position to ex- 17
18 MONSTER OF THE WEEK Were you impatiently looking forward to the next episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural or The X-Files, where each week the protagonists faced a new monster? Are you a fan of the Apocalypse system or were you waiting for the perfect opportunity to try it? Then, Monster of the Week was meant for you! Summary: Forget Van Helsing... think more of Buffy or Mulder. Indeed, Monster of the Week aims to take you into the world of American series of the 90s and 2000s, where every week the heroes had to fight a new monster. Author: Michael Sands Genre: Unclassified Price 34.90 Complexity: Monster of the week Corebook
You play a group of monster hunters. A se- in French on cret government agency, a family rooted in -2 settings are already unlocked (Heart- a supernatural tradition, an ancient esoteric breaker and Daedalus) giving you the op- group... portunity to have a background inspired by The corebook proposes twelve playbooks a flagship series with all the canons of the ready to play: the Chosen, the Crooked, the genre and a pilot episode. Divine, the Expert, the Flake, the Initiate, the - A bestiary, a French creation of a hundred Monstrous, the Mundane, the Professional, the pages gathering classic monsters and mon- Spell-slinger, the Spooky and the Wronger. It's sters from the twisted minds of our authors for you to decide. and the talented artist Kahouet. No fewer To facilitate the work of the GM and to save than 52 monsters! (One per week, then..) time, we offer exclusive French content: The bestiary is accompanied by a hunting -A Quickstart, with a complete scripted ad- board (screen of the GM), containing all the venture and pre-drawn characters is avail- essential information for a session of MOTW able for free online. (and on which you can hang the polaroid of -The characters playbooks are available your prey (goodies). 19
20 Monster of the Week is powered by the The basics are simple: Apocalypse, the system developed by Vin- Each Hunter can perform eight basic moves cent Baker for his Apocalypse World game. plus some that are specific to him. Adapted many times, this system is based on They also has five characteristics that allow simple concepts: them to visualize their strengths and weak- The gamemaster's priorities and principles, as nesses. When the result of a situation at stake well as basic moves. These are the levers that is not obvious, the player and the gamemas- manipulate the rest of the game regardless ter agree to use a move to solve it. of the decor. This move is linked to a characteristic, rang- To put it in place, you use the playbooks ing from -1 to +3. (archetypes of characters with their own Two six-sided dice are rolled and the results moves), the basic moves (common to all the are added to the characteristic which gives characters), the threats and the moves of the a result between 1 and 15, or more in case gamemaster. of a bonus. A result of 1 to 6 is a failure, with 7 to 9 the character succeeds, but there is a price to
Bienvenue dans Le Pharaon à l’abeill of the Week en version e, un setting de Monste française. Plus qu’un r plément vous offre scénario, ce petit sup- une toile de fond à parties. Vous y trouver la X-files ou Fringe ez : pour vos • un premier mystère , véritable « pilote » dans ce setting, de vos aventures • une description des figurants et des lieux • des suggestions de principaux, profils prêts-à-jouer de chasseurs, pour votre équipe • des arcs de dévelop pement possibles pour à venir. vos parties Ce premier mystè re prend place lors nissage, dans un d’un ver- musée de Wash célèbre les décou ington. On y verte tologue médiatique s étonnantes d’un égyp- , venu présenter de sa collection les objets trouv secret, dans la pyram és sur un site gardé ide d’un Pharaon inconnu de l’histo jusqu’ici ire et surnommé à l’abeille » . Mais « le Pharaon la fête tourne au funeste : une ou drame des créatures les invités. Heure déciment usement les agent (Bureau of Invest s du B.I.L igatio sur place. Arrêteront ns on Legends) sont déjà -ils le massacre le Pharaon à l’abei ? Qui est lle ? tions sont-elles dans Les réponses à ces ques- notre dimension ? Attention à ne pas tomber sur un os… Heartbreaker Dédalus Pharaoh and the bee Setting Setting Setting Prix : 9,90€ Prix : 9,90€ Prix : 9,90€ pay, 10 or more is a total success. Here is an example of a move: The Big Entrance: When you make a flam- boyant entrance in a dangerous situation, launch 2D6 + Cool. On a 10+, everyone stops to watch and listen to you until you have finished your "in- augural speech". On a 7-9, choose a person or a monster, who freezes, looks at you and listens until you finish speaking. In the case of failure, all the enemies pres- ent consider you the worst threat to them. 21
22 TECUMAH GULCH Enjoy adventures worthy of the best movies of Sergio Leone, Rio Bravo, The Magnificent Sev- en, Dances with Wolves or even Django Un- ADD-ONS Legends of chained, all thanks to Tecumah Gulch: Wild Arizona West Edition, with its sandbox setting and Price: €19.90 smooth gaming system. Summary: A role-playing game with a western vibe, with a quick and efficient gameplay like the bullet of a revolver. Expect to be tarred and feathered. Poker Deck Price: €15 Author: Cédric B. Genre: History Price: 44.90 Complexity: Tecumah Gulch ; Corebook
"The world is divided into two categories, my friend: those who have Tecumah Gulch and those who do not." Tecumah Gulch portrays the Wild West as it ments (defense, resilience), health points and was forged by legend, and especially by the poker dice to aim and increase damage. great westerns: fantastic rides in spectacu- The simplicity of the system allows players to lar landscapes, fights between strong-willed focus on the possibilities and choices that will characters, confrontation with the wilderness, have major consequences on the city of Te- justice carried out with ropes and revolvers... cumah Gulch and its region. The various as- Tecumah Gulch uses the D6 System, a simple pects necessary for the management of their and smooth mechanism designed to stage adventures are presented, allowing the future adventures at a fast pace. Many addition- gamemaster to pick and adjust according to al rules have been created specifically for their needs and preferences. Tecumah Gulch, in order to bring to your table all the atmosphere of the Wild West: Finally, the "Legends of Arizona" campaign by use of the lasso or Indian tracking signs, pok- Cédric B. and the scenarios offered as a bo- er games and duels between gunslingers. nus are totally exclusive. The D6 System has been designed to make shootouts faster and more lethal: fixed ele- 23
24 IN NOMINE SATANIS MAGNA VERITAS LOST GENERATION The year is 2015. Angels and demons re- incarnated in human bodies fight to make good or evil triumph. Good, it fits in one sentence. Success guaranteed... INS_MV_ecran du mj_ext.indd 1 Summary: Un jeu de CROC Play as an angel/demon taking control of humans in this post-apocalyptic Putain, quel est le con qui a coupé la lumière ? C’est ce qu’ont dû se dire tous les Anges et les Démons présents sur Terre, ce jour de mai 2006, lorsque le Grand Black-out leur a fait perdre conscience. horror atmosphere. Ils ont tous perdu la mémoire, d’un coup, comme ça, en même temps. Et quand cette mémoire est revenue, parfois des jours, des mois, des années plus tard, toute la hiérarchie avait disparu. Plus de contact avec le Paradis ou l’Enfer. Plus de supérieur. Author: Rien. La zone. Walou. Peau de zob. Un lendemain de promesse électorale. Aujourd’hui, en 2015, ils doivent apprendre à « revivre », seuls, comme des survivants, sans soutien et recherchés par les autres survivants d’en face. Ils sont la Génération Perdue. Jean-François Beney, Croc, Ebenezer Dickens, François Doucet, G. E. Bienvenue dans ce nouvel opus de In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas, le jeu de rôles de CROC où vous incarnez des Anges et des Démons, combattant pour faire triompher leur camp sur Terre… Ranne, Thomas Hervet, Sandy Julien, Patrick Renault, Emmanuel Salah, Et désormais, vous devez vous débrouiller pour survivre, sans papa et maman. Comme un nudiste à un défilé de haute couture ou un caniche à une convention zoophile. Alors ça fait quoi d’être à poil ? Laurent Sarfati Genre: Contemporary Fantasy Price Ce livre de 144 pages tout en couleurs contient toutes les règles pour jouer à In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas – Génération Perdue. Prix public conseillé : 40 € Dépôt légal : octobre 2015 40 ISBN : 979-10-95235-07-1 © Raise Dead Editions 2015 2 square Hector Guimard 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux Complexity: Imprimé en France par Canta Consulting INS - MV Corebook INV_RULES_COUV.indd 1 30/01/2018 14:45
30/01/2018 13:03 Hardback full color with selective varnish The player has the choice: either they answer mon-prince specialized in hijacking planes? and bookmark. As far as quality is concerned, 3 questions to determine his type of angel/ Are the leaders of this world manipulated? By all said and done, Raise Dead spared no demon and will search at the end of the book one or more sides? expense. for the correspnding character ready to play, It must be said that the game really left its or they create it from scratch from the more mark over its era, through 4 editions, nearly detailed options. 50 books and a crowd of convinced players! INS/MV is, according to its authors, made to be played with humor and irony. This humor In this caustic universe, the basics of the allows the game to not always be political- gaming system describe the new 666 dice, ly correct. Part of this humor comes from the the characteristics, the powers, and the pools fact that the game exploits an event in real - Health Points (HP) and Power Points (PP). world history as a foundation. For example, Then, the creation of an angel or demon (3 what would happen if a particularly idiotic pages each) are presented in the same for- and fanatical angel reacted violently to the mat. victory of a "transsexual deicide" at the Eu- rovision Song Contest? What if a Muslim de- 25
26 MV FÉVR IER 2015 INS MAI 2015 INS AOÛT 2015 2015 MV OCTO BRE NUMÉRO #1 NUMÉRO #2 NUMÉRO #3 NUMÉRO #4 E LA RUÉE VERS L’ORDUR PLE L’AFFAIRE ORMONT DE BEAU LIEU BREIZH CONNECTION LE BONHEUR, C’EST SIM FIL ! COMME UN COUP DE SCANDALE DES TAPIS PEneRS ANS : résistent pas ils sec ! au nettoyage à E SCANDALE SANITAIR Il fabrique de la boisson TRAGIQUE de fausses caps arrêté pour trafic ules ! MONOSPACE MORTEL : SCAN DALE DE S ÉPICsalée re, l’addition est ER!IES du lait bio dragées au poiv chocolatée avec ils roulaient à ! tombeau ouvert LA ROUMANIE, TÉMOIGNAGE : ÉMOUVANT : L’AUTRE PAYS LE DERNIER DES PLOMBIERS HIPPIE RÉVÈLE ELLE SE BAT POUR EMPÊCHER LES SECRETS DU! L’EXTINCTION MACRAMÉ PETITE FILLE MODÈLE, ELLE AIGUISE LA DES MENHIRS ! E SCANDALE CURIOSITÉ ET TRANCH! ANIMALIER : PAR SON CARACTÈRE LES FILS SPIRITUELS LE BOURRICOT DE LE PEN, INTERVILLES MARCHE À LA © Raise Dead Editions 2015 © Raise Dead Editions 2015 MENACÉ ! 2 square Hector Guimard 2 square Hector Guimard © Raise Dead Editions 2015 OUVREZ L’OEIL, CAROTTE ! 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux 2 square Hector Guimard Imprimé en France par Canta Consulting Imprimé en France par Canta Consulting 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux ET LE BON Imprimé en France par Canta Consulting INSMV_FD01_4PAGES_COUV.indd 1 02/09/2015 13:38 FD2_Couv1-4.indd 3 03/09/2015 12:57 1 T 4 DE COUV FAITS DIVIN 3.indd 3 04/09/2015 08:04 Couv1-4.indd 3 04/09/2015 13:22 DIVINE FACTS DIVINE FACTS DIVINE FACTS DIVINE FACTS DIVINE FACTS DIVINE FACTS N°1 N°2 N°3 N°4 N°5 N°6 Price: € 15 Price: € 15 Price: € 15 Price: € 15 Price: € 15 Price: € 15 MV MARS 2016 INS JUIN 2016 MV OCTO BRE 2016 JANVI ER 2017 MV MAI 2017 OCTOB RE 2017 INS INS NUMÉRO #1 NUMÉRO #2 NUMÉRO #3 NUMÉRO #4 NUMÉRO #5 NUMÉRO #6 SCANDALE EN PLEINE PA IX MÈRE-Gà saRAgaleND : MA NIF Sslog: ans, ÂME SŒ UR : ÉLECT IONS : DE S RE TRAIT ES ! UN BOURRE PIF est dans le pré. tte ? qui en veut Révisez vos les élections appr ochent ! L’horreur Ébats et débats un dentier pour trois le : Ils se partagent Longévité du coup font plaisir qui ces petits gestes REGIME DIVIN FLASH-BACKS : ENFANCE : BONNE DU CURÉ : AURA : CACAHUÈTES extrème ? Êtes-vous gardez la tête froide ! âmes sensibles vers un relooking en avoir ou pas ? PÉRIMÉES : ? e! bien enveloppé s’abstenir. Et c’est le dram CAUSA MORTIS N°1 INS_Causa-Mortis.indd 1 31/01/2018 16:29 CAUSA MORTIS N°2 INS_Causa-Mortis#2.indd 1 31/01/2018 16:46 CAUSA MORTIS N°3 INS_Causa-Mortis#3.indd 1 31/01/2018 16:49 CAUSA MORTIS N°4 CAUSA MORTIS N°5 CAUSA MORTIS N°6 Price: € 3.16 Price: € 3.16 Price: € 3.16 Price: € 3.16 Price: € 3.16 Price: € 3.16
ADD-ONS The Canticle of Maieutics Price: € 15 Qui a la plus grande ? Non, ce n’est pas de l’aura des survivants dont nous parlons. Il s’agit de l’influence des réseaux angéliques et démoniaques qui ont repris le flambeau du grand « pif-paf sur la tronche ». Quoi de mieux pour se rendre compte du fonctionnement de ces nouvelles organisations que vous en décrire quelques unes très typiques. De Londres à Chaumille-les-Loups, du métro parisien à la cité de la Belle-Butte de Craigny-les-Noises… Partez pour petit trip qui va vous révéler les coulisses de quatre réseaux (deux démoniaques et deux angéliques) aux moyens, aux objectifs et aux méthodes très différentes : Trust Me Corp, Le Pendule, Arsenal et Dédale vous ouvrent leurs portes et dévoilent leurs secrets. Vous découvrirez ce qui se trame derrière « l’Amicale des Contribuables Français en colère », « Allô Détresse Solitude », « les Rupins des Bois » et tant d’autres officines qui agissent dans l’ombre… Envie de voir la guerre des réseaux de plus loin, d’avoir un panorama plus complet ? Pas de souci : nous vous offrons une petite cartographie des réseaux avec le TOP 20. Mieux que le TOP 50 ! Alors, ça vous dit de pousser la chansonnette ? Cantique de la maïeutique Cela mérite bien un petit Cantique tout ça ! Cantique de la Maïeutique est une extension de 92 pages du jeu de rôles In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas – Génération Perdue. Le livre de règles de ce jeu écrit par CROC est indispensable pour pouvoir jouer. Enfin c’est vachement plus pratique de l’avoir… Dear readers of In Nomine Satanis – Magna In Nomine Satanis – Magna Veritas: Lost Prix public conseillé : 30 € Dépôt légal : novembre 2016 ISBN : 979-10-95235-08-8 © Raise Dead Editions 2016 2 square Hector Guimard 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux 9 791095 235088 Veritas: Lost Generation already has numerous Generation also includes a newsletter in PDF Imprimé en France par l’imprimerie ITF RDEINSCM add-ons, called Divine Facts. Each of them (around 20 pages long), in black & white. cantique de la mai�eutique_couv.indd 1 31/01/2018 08:38 One year has al- provides more information on a specific top- Each of them contains a scenario and some- ready gone by ic (veteran angels/demons, sorcerers, human times additional material. You can this news- since your char- groups, the Third Path...), with a substantial letter through the store on acters were awo- scenario linked to the this main theme. It also ken. They quickly encloses short stories and briefs. 48 pages, realized that na- full color, with a page of Prowess cards ture still abhors a vacuum. Pawns or targets? Part- ners or rivals? Leopards do not change their spots. 27
28 COLONIAL GOTHIC WEST OF EDEN At the time of New France, the 18th century ADD-ONS French colony in North America. We are in the On the Brink of Downfall, cam- year 1754, under the rule of Louis XV. The Sev- paign for CG en Years War is raging in Louisiana. It is five Price: € 24.90 years before the fall of Quebec... Summary: A RPG of horror, investigation and action in the time of New France in which you This campaign fight forces that are beyond ordinary mortals in the name of the French Crown. for Colonial Gothic: West of Author: Gabriel Brouillard, Graeme Davis, Richard Iorio Eden split in 4 chapters reveals Genre: unknown aspects Historical Horror of New France Price and the depth of 39.90 its historical and Complexity: horrific context. Moreover it Colonial Gothic: includes a GM Corebook screen displaying the illustration opposite.
A t war with the English, the characters a pinch of grueling journeys into the wild as culté of 12 increase the damage or allow the will be employed by the Company of well as a touch of political and cultural con- leader to graduate the success or failure of One Hundred Associates, funded by the flict. the action. Crown, officially dedicated to trade but, in The characters can also lose their mind or reality, focused on the fight against the su- become sick because of the horrors they see, pernatural and the monsters that haunt the supernatural or not: We provide a good list New World. of poisons and other diseases of the New A typical scenario: The players are commis- World! sioned by an occult organization, the Com- A little word about the rules: The characters pany of One Hundred Associates, against a are described by characteristics and skills. common enemy: Evil spirits and other horri- The game uses two 12-sided dice that are ble creatures who come out of the woods added together; their sum must always be at night, and perhaps the English and the equal to or greater than 12, taking into ac- Native American tribes allied to them. count the bonuses provided by the skills or Action, horror and investigation adventures other contextual advantages. The margins are therefore favored, but it is worth adding of success or failure against this fixed diffi- 29
30 MANTOID Play as Cyborgs, Hogmen and Golden Knights and try to survive this Chaos roller coaster! Reserved for adult players: There is thrash metal, drugs, gasoline: That's life! Summary: A trashy and unpredictable game in which you rush through the waves of MANTOID UNIVERSE BATROGAMES Aventures délirantes dans un monde chaotique et sans pitié petrol-magic and brave the dangers of the Chaos Sea. Fasten your seatbelt Les montagnes russes du Chaos and try to survive till the end. Dans ce jeu de science-fantasy rock'n roll, incarnez des hommes-porcs, des hommes-mantes, des chevaliers d'or et autres junkies au service du Chaos dans ce jeu thrash et imprévisible. Foncez à cent à l'heure sur les vagues de pétrol'magie, bravez les dangers de la Mer du Chaos, Author: accrochez-vous bien à votre siège et essayez de survivre jusqu'à la fin ! Dans ce guide, vous trouverez : Batro, with the help of Quentin Bachelet and✴✴✴ Guillaume Woerner Un jeu de rôle de science-fantasy délirante conçu pour des one-shot courts et endiablés Des règles très simples, idéales pour l'initiation Genre: Ne nécessite pas de préparation et se base sur l'improvisation ✴ Un univers complet pour les meneurs imaginatifs ✴ Illustré par un artiste underground fou ✴ Pour 4 à 8 joueurs dont un meneur de jeu Science-Fantasy Rock'n'Roll ✴ Nécessite au moins deux dés 12 par joueur ✴ Déconseillé aux mineurs UNIVERSE Price: 24.90 MANTOID ISBN 978-2-490197-00-2 Complexity: MANT01 24.90€ Mantoid Corebook
I ndirectly following Howling Planet and and unpredictability of this universe: Chaos itates, their character hesitates. If they go to Space Sword, this constitutes the third and incarnate! the toilet, keep playing. ultimate opus of the Chaos Trilogy. •To hell with dice: The gamemaster never •To hell with the endless rules: You won't Heavy metal, H.R. Giger, William Burroughs and rolls the dice. If necessary, the players can do find all the rules in the manual to cope with Druillet's comics are the main inspirations. This it for them. every situation. game is meant for: •To hell with the scripted scenarios: It is - those who love crazy and original universes, forbidden to prepare one's scenario. It must cut out for adventure. be created on the fly thanks to the ideas - barbarian and Rock'n'Roll one-shots, or provided! The gamemaster must be surprised one-shot campaigns. and improvise. - lovers of light rules and characters created •To hell with chairs: Stand up most of the in 4 minutes. time and make big gestures: non-verbal com- - fun sessions where everyone unleash their munication and dynamic posture are import- crazy selves! ant to transmit your Rock'n'Roll attitude to the •To hell with the balance of characters: players! The game seeks to simulate the instability •To hell with the meta-game: If a player hes- 31
32 THE FILTH TRILOGY "Before them stood the infinite ocean of wastes. It bore hundreds of different names in virtual- CONTAINS: ly every language spoken in the cosmos - all Flymen people, without exception, contemplated this Cockroachmen place sooner or later, since the beginning of time. But for all, here it was called: the pile of shit." Hogmen Summary: A game that plunges us into an underground universe which explores the themes of trash and pornography, all marked by the breathtaking atmosphere of the comic-like illustrations. Authors: Christophe Siébert and Batro Genre: Gross-fantasy Price: 34.90 Complexity: The Filth Trilogy The Gore-pork RPG
It goes without saying, this outra- - Ideas and synopses of scenarios. roll 4, 5 or 6 on one or more dice to succeed. geous satirical project which includes - Complete rules for creating human charac- Simple rules, with no headaches or narrativist porn is obviously reserved for an adult ters (living or undead), Hogmen, Cockroach- concepts! audience! men or Flymen. The Filth Trilogy consists of three bloody nov- - An index that references the topics covered els and a game of horror in one book in the in the three novels allows the gamemaster to tradition of Trash Editions or Dimension Trash easily find the desired information. (you will recognize French RPG authors!), and You can use creatures, places, and charac- the films Mimic, The Human Centipede, The Fly, ters for your own favorite games and univers- and let's not forget Naked Lunch. The idea is es; Monster of the Week, Unknown Armies, The also to present an author who is outside the World of Darkness, Lamentations of the Flame small world of RPG: Siébert, originating from Princess and Call of Cthulhu are excellent ex- the underground. amples. The rules are inspired by the Corpus Mechan- This role-playing game contains: ica designed by Yno. In essence, you throw - Staging tips. a handful of six-sided dice and you have to 33
34 TO BE RELEASED... O pus AnimA Ein Sp ie l um g rotesk e n Hor ror Squirrels Attack Fantasy Bitume Post-Apocalyptic Spring 2019 Winter 2019 Opus Anima Mantra 2 Steampunk Space Opera Fall 2019 Winter 2019 Awaken Nautilus Dark Fantasy Historical Steampunk Fall 2019 Spring 2020
CREDITS Getting together is a start, staying together is progress, working together is success. Henry Ford Stephan Barat CEO of Book in Games - Production Manager Jeff Editorial Director for RaiseDead Florian Marquet Editorial Director for Crime Mansion François Cedelle Editorial Director of Studio Deadcrows Morgane Munns Translation Director Batronoban Editorial Director of Batro'Games BOOK IN GAME Gaspard Lépine Legal Advisor 35
WELCOME INSIDE OUR HEADS! Book in Game is a versatile player on the RPG scene. It handles several activities: - editorial, with its 4 studios. - animations in conventions and stores. - commercial with the "Mansion's Bookstore" special- ized in role-playing games.
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