Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman

Page created by Barbara Wong
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Conservation Strategic Plan
                   2021 – 2030
The Conservancy's vision is to inspire a lifetime of exploration and stewardship of the natural
and cultural world by encouraging experiences with the wild that deepen understanding of the
 connections between nature and self. We preserve and restore the environment on Catalina,
promoting and modeling ecologically sustainable communities to create a healthier future for
                                  this Island and our Earth.

The mission of the Catalina Island Conservancy is to be a responsible steward
  of its lands through a balance of conservation, education and recreation.

                                                                          January 2021
                                                                           Avalon, CA
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Table of contents

   Core Values ............................................................................................................................. 3
   Why safeguard and cherish Catalina Island? .......................................................................... 4
   Purposes of the conservation plan........................................................................................... 5
   1. Long term resiliency ........................................................................................................... 6
   2. Plant communities and species ........................................................................................... 7
   3. Animal populations and species.......................................................................................... 8
   4. Research and partnership development .............................................................................. 9
   5. Cultural resources ............................................................................................................. 10
   6. Sustainability and balance................................................................................................. 11
   Appendix 1: Endemic Animal Species ................................................................................. 12
   Appendix 2: Endemic Plants ................................................................................................. 14
   Appendix 3: Invasive Plant Management Approach ............................................................ 16
   Appendix 4: Conservation Plan Framework ......................................................................... 18

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Core Values
All actions of the Conservancy – its Board, staff and volunteers – are guided by shared core
values integrated across all aspects of our work:

    We value and appreciate Catalina Island and its marine environment as a natural wonder, a
     haven for rare and native species, a place of enjoyment and respite in nature, and a
     treasured piece of California history.

    We believe that responsible stewardship of Catalina Island should be a thoughtful balance
     of conservation, education and recreation where each is pursued in ways that enhance the
     other without degrading the overall health of the ecosystem.

    We believe that 21st century conservation must be based in sound science and value both
     the current and future needs of society.

    We believe that life-long learning and educational experiences in nature can inspire people
     to become responsible stewards of the Earth.

    We believe that responsible and informed nature-based recreation is a powerful vehicle for
     engaging people in the on-going stewardship of natural and cultural resources.

    We believe that collaboration both with those who enjoy Catalina Island, and the
     organizations and individuals who can lend needed expertise, is fundamental to protecting
     nature’s wild places and ensuring that they remain accessible.

    We believe that sustainable conservation - protecting Catalina’s wildlands in perpetuity -
     requires a robust financial and operational model that holds the organization to the highest
     ethical, safety and management standards, and includes social enterprise as well as

    We value and appreciate the Conservancy’s dedicated staff, volunteers, supporters and
     partners, without whom it could not be successful in its mission.

    We believe that the success of the Conservancy on Catalina Island will become a model for
     helping to address the world’s environmental challenges and for shaping a sustainable

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Why safeguard and cherish Catalina Island?
Catalina Island is a special ecosystem beloved by millions of people with a unique opportunity to
use conservation to educate and create enjoyable experiences for everyone into the future. In
1972, when the Catalina Island Conservancy was formed, much of southern California’s
coastline was still wild. Today, Catalina Island, 20 miles offshore of the burgeoning Los Angeles
metropolis, is one of the largest privately held wild areas in the state and among the best-
preserved examples of undeveloped coastline in the region. More than 88% of its lands are
under protection (owned and managed by the Conservancy) and 98% of its surface is designated
open space in the Local Coastal Plan.

Catalina Island is a haven for biodiversity with 16 unique and rare plant communities and
at least 60 known species of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. Catalina
lies within The California Floristic Province, a biodiversity hotspot represented by the
Mediterranean-type climate characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. The
California Floristic Province is one of the global 36 ―biodiversity hotspots,‖ the most diverse
and threatened places on Earth, and is home to more than 3,000 species of vascular plants, 60%
of which are endemic to the Province. It is also one of the most threatened places on Earth,
having lost more than 70% of its primary native vegetation. Additionally, the Island possesses a
number of archaeological sites and cultural artifacts.
Each of us is part of the natural world, with our survival depending on healthy, functioning
ecosystems that provide the soil under our feet, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Open
spaces and natural areas are our supermarkets and our pharmacies; they are also places to build
physical health and seek intellectual and spiritual renewal. Natural places are the source of our
well-being – not an indulgence or an option, but a necessity. Catalina Island is such a place.
Catalina Island offers the kind of peace and respite usually found in more remote areas: clean air,
breathtaking vistas and unparalleled opportunities for people to connect with wild nature. As
wild spaces decline and the demand for access to those that remain rises, the Catalina Island
Conservancy will be ready to meet society’s desire for recreation and enrichment.

Catalina Island is changing. Its natural communities are evolving in response to new conditions
brought about by human activity, arrival of non-native species, climate change and varying water
availability. Our management goal therefore cannot be the preservation of Catalina Island as a
static landscape, an ideal fixed in time. The challenge of conservation is to maintain robust,
resilient ecosystems and healthy species while allowing for change, rather than to defend an
imagined historical ideal. We are informed by the past, but not beholden to it.

Our guiding principles include: a) Ecosystem change is inevitable and includes both positive and
negative elements; b) Management flexibility is necessary to this changing world; c) Adaptive
conservation requires innovative thinking and testing of new approaches; d) Our organization,
and the Island community as a whole, must adjust to the ongoing changes in the environment.
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

Purposes of the conservation plan

Catalina Island Conservancy 2030 Conservation Plan aims to present:

      Our vision for conservation on Catalina, conservation department goals and extra-
       departmental coordination plans.

      An adaptive conservation framework that can be critiqued, tested, improved and re-
       prioritized as new knowledge, threats and opportunities arise. We will update and revise
       the strategy at two-year intervals and conduct a rigorous “mid-term” evaluation of our
       progress and of this strategy by 2025.

      A logical plan for our daily activities that collectively will lead to short-term objectives
       and long-term desired outcomes (Appendix 4).

       An approach that inspires investment and partnerships on individual projects that
       contribute to the “big picture.”

      A process to help Conservancy staff communicate and collaborate with agencies,
       organizations and individuals concerned with our conservation ambitions.

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

1. Long term resiliency
An Island whose ecosystem is resilient and has the
capacity to adapt to future changes.

Catalina Island is a dynamic, evolving ecosystem that cannot
be managed towards a static, ideal state. One of our primary
goals is to plan for the long-term future of the Island. We
need to understand our ecosystems in order to develop
strategies to guide their inevitable changes due to factors such
as groundwater availability, climate, fires and arrival of new
                                                                   Resiliency issues we will address:
The inevitability of ecosystem changes and their impacts
require adaptive resource management. Our practices must be              Balanced use of water
continually informed by evolving knowledge and research.                 Fire mitigation
Understanding these complex processes and acting                         Invasive species management
                                                                         Climate change adaptation
accordingly is critical to ensuring our Island’s ecosystem is
resilient and adaptable to future changes.

Goal 1.1       Strategy to manage surface and groundwater resources to balance the needs
               of the Island’s ecosystem and human population.

Goal 1.2       Natural and man-made fire management plan compatible with conservation
               objectives without compromising life and property.

Goal 1.3       Complete removal of introduced mule deer.

Goal 1.4       Management of invasive plant species so that native species, their
               communities, and the Island ecosystem are not adversely affected.

Goal 1.5       Development of sufficiently precise climate change models so that the effects
               of climate change can be incorporated into land and water system
               management decision-making.

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

2. Plant communities and species
An Island with resilient natural plant communities in
which common and abundant species and rare and
endemic flora communities are not at risk.

Plants link the abiotic and living worlds, transforming
inanimate matter and energy into the materials necessary for
life. As such, they are the foundation of every terrestrial
ecosystem and make possible the vast array of life forms
comprising our biosphere. The health of a landscape can be
read in the health of its plants.                                 Programs we will implement:

Catalina Island offers a snapshot of southern California’s              Maintain rare, listed and endemic
vegetation as it might have looked before the population                   plants
growth and its resultant development in the 20 century. Our               Support rare plant communities
Island is steadily recovering from years of overgrazing by                Conserve native plant taxa
domestic animals and continues to experience heavy grazing                Monitor characteristic plant
impacts by certain non-native mammals. While showing                       communities
                                                                        Restore oak woodland and
some signs of recovery, oak habitats are still declining and a
range of endemic species continue to be limited in
distribution. While recognizing that a return to some imagined “pristine state” is impossible, we
aim to protect and manage all native floristic biodiversity while guiding landscape recovery.

Goal 2.1       Viable populations of all Catalina endemic and state- and federally-listed
               plant species are maintained through appropriate and necessary survey,
               inventory and management activities.

Goal 2.2       Viable native plant communities are maintained and supported through
               appropriate survey, inventory and management activities.

Goal 2.3       A genetic repository comprising at least 90% of Catalina’s native plant taxa
               is developed and maintained through seed banking, as well as conservation
               plantings—both in-situ and ex-situ.

Goal 2.4       The Island-wide conservation status of characteristic plant communities is
               assessed periodically so that evidence-based management decisions can be
               made and evaluated.

Goal 2.5       Reverse the 60-year decline of the oak (Quercus pacifica and Q. tomentella)
               woodland, estimated at 5,000 acres (or 31% of the Island).

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

3. Animal populations and species
An Island with resilient native animal populations
where rare and endemic Island fauna are not at risk.

Santa Catalina Island has a wider diversity of animals than most
of the other Southern California Channel Islands due to its
larger size and proximity to the mainland. While the terrestrial
habitat is slowly recovering from grazing, significant pressures
remain for the Island’s known and unknown animal denizens –
predation by cats and rats on mammals and birds, spread of
aggressive invasive ants and the vulnerability of oak, mesic and
aquatic habitats. We need to remain highly vigilant.
                                                                    Programs we will implement:
The most emblematic mammal, the Catalina Island fox, remains
listed as “threatened” by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a           Maintain Island fox population
term that recognizes their incredible recovery from near                  Protect rare, listed and endemic
extinction while retaining protection against the enduring                 animal species
threats on this heavily-visited Island. Though the population is          Manage introduced animal species
currently healthy, ongoing conservation work is necessary to
ensure this Island ambassador continues to thrive.

Exciting conservation opportunities remain. In 2020, during a remote camera research effort, a
live Catalina Island Shrew, an endemic species listed as a Species of Special Concern, was
observed for the first time since 2004. In the upcoming decade, the Conservancy will increase its
effort to document, understand and manage the lesser-known animals representing Catalina’s
diversity though strong research partnerships.

Goal 3.1       A healthy, resilient population of Santa Catalina Island foxes within the
               carrying capacity of the Island is maintained.

Goal 3.2       Sufficient knowledge of the population sizes and habitat requirements as well
               as the threats to rare, listed and endemic animal species to take management

Goal 3.3       Introduced animals (e.g., cats, honeybees, bullfrogs, rats, ants, starlings) are
               not having a widespread detrimental effect on native animal communities.

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

4. Research and partnership development

Catalina Island Conservancy is maximizing
opportunities for research and collaboration with
partners in academia, research institut ions, NGOs and
other land trusts to expand the knowledge and
educational base for its own and society’s management

Landscape level conservation management requires an                   Programs we will implement:
interdisciplinary approach where ecologists, taxonomists,
archaeologists, geologists, historians, botanists, wildlife                Develop and share
biologists, social scientists and others work together to increase            geospatial information
understanding of the Island’s natural systems. The Conservancy                and analysis
employs a group of specialized biologists and land managers,                 Collaborate with outside
knowledgeable of the Island’s resources and logistics, who                    researchers
partner with researchers and volunteers in the development and               Contribute to the
                                                                              protection of nearshore
implementation of long-term studies and provide data and
                                                                              marine systems
information in support of research. These opportunities will
continue to grow as more conservation issues are addressed and
new tools are developed. These partnerships provide key information to support the management
decisions by the Conservancy, are a source of future staff and provide a cost-effective way to
expand the reach of the organization.

There are several important conservation challenges and questions that need long-term and
focused research efforts to be answered effectively. Research on these conservation priorities is
essential for the Conservancy to continue to make sound, science-based decisions about the
management of the resources in its care. Unlike many islands that are isolated and hard to reach,
Catalina is ideally placed just 20 miles off the coast of Southern California for external input and
collaboration. Numerous universities and their scientists and educators are eager to collaborate
with the Conservancy to leverage knowledge and resources. More than 100 current and past
researchers have studied aspects of Catalina’s unique biodiversity and we look forward to
developing hundreds of new collaborations in the future.

Goal 5.1       Develop robust and up-to-date geospatial information to support
               Conservancy management and, as appropriate, make available to public,
               government and university collaborators.

Goal 5.2       Catalina Island is viewed as a living laboratory for the exploration of all
               manner of applied and theoretical questions through robust and long-term
               research collaborations.

Goal 5.3       Nearshore terrestrial and marine ecosystems (e.g. kelp forests) are abundant,
               healthy and secure from negative hydrological and ecological alterations.

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021 2030 - Shelli Herman
Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

5. Cultural resources

An Island where the rich, multi -millennia human habitation
of Catalina Island is inventoried, mapped and managed in
ways that reflect its value to future generations and, for
pre-historic sites, a sensitivity to the Native American
community while complying with applicable local, state and
federal laws.

Catalina has a rich history of human occupation. Native Americans
began to inhabit Catalina approximately 9,000 years ago. Removed
from the Island in the early 1820s, they left behind some 2,000 sites
of archaeological significance. Additionally, remnants of the Civil      Programs we will implement:
War and World War II eras are scattered across the Island joined by
historic buildings, the Wrigley Memorial and Botanic Garden, relics             Preserve indigenous
                                                                                 cultural resources
from mining, and cattle and sheep ranching.
                                                                                Protect historic
                                                                                 cultural resources
For prehistoric sites, a comprehensive plan should include                      Maintain healthy bison
cataloguing archeological sites and assessing their current condition;           population
what measures and technologies can be used to protect and preserve
delicate archaeological sites (including soapstone quarries, pictographs and petroglyphs and
other remnants); and how these sites (or a selection of them) can be best protected and
interpreted for the public. Through partnerships with appropriate experts, additional activities
may include documenting which groups besides the Tongva or Gabrielinos (the last indigenous
people known to reside on the Island) lived here; managing and storing major archaeological
collections; and what kinds of non-invasive explorations are possible given the locations and
types of resources.

In addition, the Conservancy maintains a non-native and historic herd of bison on Catalina Island
as a connection to an important historical period and an educational tool. These animals link to
one of the earliest conservation programs in the United States, the connections to filmmaking,
the transition of ranching to conservation and the value of tourism in educating a broader public
on the value of conservation.

Goal 5.1       Significant prehistoric cultural resources are identified, preserved and
               protected when possible (middens, habitation sites, lithic scatters, human
               remains, etc.).

Goal 5.2       Historic cultural resources (buildings, Wrigley Memorial and Botanic
               Garden, mines, etc.) are appropriately and safely managed to reflect their
               value to current and future visitors to the Island.

Goal 5.3       Bison population is maintained within an acceptable population size and
               distribution, balancing ecosystem impacts with their recreational, historical
               and cultural value.

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

6. Sustainability and balance
An organization that is a model in sustainability and in
which conservation efforts, education and recreation are
highly synergistic.

Conservation department will work closely with other
departments to achieve our organization’s mission to be a
responsible steward of its lands through a balance of
conservation, education and recreation.

Catalina Island provides a unique “living classroom” to engage         We will support and closely
                                                                       collaborate with our colleagues
children, families, students and professionals in life-long learning
about the natural and cultural history of Catalina, its conservation
challenges and the sustainable behaviors that will ensure its long-          Land stewardship/
term health and protection. We will continue to work hand-in-                 recreational presence
hand with our colleagues from the Education and the                          Operations
Communications Departments to provide information for                        Communication
education and public outreach programs that extend the                       Education
Conservancy mission to external audiences.                                   Sustainability best
An important element of managing a multiple-use landscape is
the determination of how much use is too much and the development of tools to define, measure,
monitor and enforce carrying capacity limits. We will collaborate with our colleagues from the
Operations Department to develop methodologies to set these limits and implement the best
management practices to achieve a balance between the impact of the various uses and the
resilience and recovery of the Island’s ecosystems.

We are also committed to providing thought leadership on formation and implementation of
sustainability policies and practices for the Conservancy in support of our organization’s vision
of “promoting and modeling ecologically sustainable communities.”

6.1    Sustain and promote excellence in sustainable nature-based recreation and
       ecotourism ensuring the long-term protection of Catalina.

6.2    Sustain and promote excellence in environmental education and communications in
       support of the Conservancy’s conservation management goals, and promote
       conservation values and behaviors to Catalina’s residents, visitors and a global

6.3    Develop and implement sustainable practices in the operations of the Catalina
       Island Conservancy including, but not limited to energy use, water use and
       discharge, waste/recycling, responsible sourcing practices and greenhouse gas

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

Appendix 1: Endemic Animal Species
Catalina California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi nesioticus)
Santa Catalina Island fox (Urocyon littoralis catalinae)
Santa Catalina Island deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus catalinae)
Santa Catalina Island harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis catalinae)
Santa Catalina Island shrew (Sorex ornatus willetti)

Bewick’s Wren (Thryomanes bewickii catalinae)
Catalina California quail (Callipepla californica catalinensis)
Catalina Hutton’s Vireo (Vireo huttoni unitti)

Avalon hairstreak butterfly (Strymon avalona)
Scarab beetle (Coenonycha clypeata)
Scarab beetle (Coenonycha fulva)
Scarab beetle (Phobetus ciliatus)
Scarab beetle (Serica catalina)
Catalina Walkingstick (Pseudosermyle catalina)
Catalina shield-back cricket (Neduba propsti)
Catalina orangetip butterfly (Anthocharis cethura catalina)
Dasytastes insularis
Dasytastes catalinae
Jerusalem cricket (Stenopelmatus n. spp.)
Horsehair worm
Thief ant (Solenopsis texana catalinae)
Silk-spinning cricket (Cnemotettix miniatus)
Catalina cicada (Okanagana hirsuta)
Strigota seclusa
Darkling beetle (Metoponium insulare)
Darkling beetle (Eleodes omissa catalinae)
Oligomerodes catalinae
Fuzzy weevil (Trigonoscuta catalina)
Euvrietta catalinae
Soldier beetle (Cantharis hatchi dorothyae)
Painted tiger moth (Arachnis picta meadowsi)
Scavenger moth (Holocera phenacocci)
Tortricid moth (Eucosma avalona)
Cambrid snout moth (Evergestis angustalis catalinae)
Blotched leaf miner (Amauromyza insularis)
Evylaeus avalonensis
Anthophora urbana catalinae
Cuckoo bee (Nomada avalonica)
Catalina long-horned bee (Exomalopsis cockerelli)

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

Catalina long-horned bee (Melissodes scottii)
Monkey grasshopper (Morsea californica catalinae)
Snout beetle (Stenoptochus inconstans)
Catalina crab spider (Misumenops importunes belkini)
Catalina millipede (Bollmaniulus catalinae)
Small millipede
Catalina centipede (Pectiniunguis catalinensis)
Catalina centipede (Pectiniunguis heathi catalinae)
Catalina mountain snail (Radiocentrun avalonense)
Avalon land snail (Micrarionta beatula)
Catalina Island snail (Micrarionta rufocincta)
Catalina snail (Micrarionta catalinae)
Catalina cactus snail (Xerarionta kellettii)
Catalina lancetooth snail (Haplotrema catalinense)

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

Appendix 2: Endemic Plants

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

Appendix 3: Invasive Plant Management Approach

   A. Survey and map all known Avalon populations of:
       Ailanthus altissima
       Arundo donax
       Caesalpinia spinosa
       Delairea odorata
       Tamarix ramosissima
These five species have been eradicated in the wildlands in the past with known populations in
the Avalon area. To continue this success story, we map these populations and monitor them
with the possibility of eradication Island wide.

   B. Survey/control all known active wildlands populations of:
       Ailanthus altissima                               Hedera helix
       Arundo donax                                      Lathyrus tingitanus
       Asphodelus fistulosus                             Malephora crocea
       Caesalpinia spinosa                               Pennisetum setaceum
       Centaurea solstitialis                            Pittosporum undulatum
       Centranthus ruber                                 Plecostachys serpyllifolia
       Cortaderia selloana                               Spartium junceum
       Cotoneaster pannosus                              Stipa tenuissima
       Cynara cardunculus                                Tamarix ramosissima
       Dimorphotheca fruticosa                           Tragopogon porrifolius
       Eriogonum fasciculatum                            Tribulus terrestris
       Genista linifolia                                 Vinca major
       Genista stenopetala

These species are known to dominate ecosystems and there are plenty of examples of them doing
so on the Island. Where they dominate, they alter plant communities and ecosystem function.
The most profound example would be flax-leaf broom (Genista linifolia) increasing erosion in
the Avalon area. These species are already prolific, and eradicating is not an option, so we
instead find areas to control so they do not continue spreading.

   C. Conduct early detection surveys in Avalon, Two Harbors and a prioritized subset of roads
      and trails for Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) target species:
       Acacia cyclops                                   Arctotheca calendula
       Aegilops triuncialis                             Brassica tounefortii

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

          Cenchrus echinatus                                 Lepidium draba
          Cenchrus longispinus                               Melinis repens
          Centaurea cyanus                                   Malephora crocea
          Centaurea diluta                                   Oenothera xenogaura
          Centaurea solstitialis                             Oncosiphon piluliferum
          Chrysanthemoides monilifera                        Parthenium hysterophorus
          Cytisus scoparius                                  Pilosella aurantiaca
          Cytisus striatus                                   Rhamnus alaternus
          Delairea odorata                                   Rytidosperma caespitosum
          Dittrichia graveolens                              Rytidosperma penicillatum
          Elaeagnus angustifolia                             Senecio leptophyllus
          Euphorbia helioscopia                              Senecio linearifolius
          Euphorbia terracina                                Senecio quadridentatus
          Galenia pubescens                                  Senna didymobotrya
          Helminthotheca echioides                           Tribulus terrestris
          Hypericum canariense                               Volutaria tubuliflora
          Lepidium chalepense
These are highly invasive species. If any of these species are found in the wildlands, they will
end up costing our program significant time and money. These species have the potential to alter
ecosystems – especially our more sensitive areas such as riparian herbaceous, coastal marsh and
maritime cactus scrub. Preventing them from entering the wildlands is one of the most cost-
effective pieces of our program.

Conservation Strategic Plan 2021-2030

Appendix 4: Conservation Plan Framework

5 year priority
Target No.

                                                                        Goal No.

              TARGET        DESIRED STATE             PROGRAM                         GOAL                                OBJECTIVES                                                                      2025 Results

                                                                                                       Complete a multi-phased, comprehensive review
                                                                                                       of surface and groundwater availability and water
                                                                                                       use requirements for the ecosystem and
                                                                                                                                                         Review existing literature pertaining to freshwater on Catalina Island and create a process for data review,
                                                                             Strategy to manage        individual watersheds in the context of competing
                            An Island whose                                                                                                              management and regular stakeholder interactions by 2022.
                                                                             surface and               demands for water in a changing climate.
                          ecosystem is resilient
             Long-term                              Balanced water           groundwater resources
 1                        and has the capacity                          1.1.                                                                        Create a prioritized resource plan and coordinate funding to finance project launch in 2023.
             resiliency                                  use                 to balance the needs of Develop innovating model to envision water use
                           to adapt to future
                                                                             the Island's ecosystem and climate change including Middle Canyon as a
                                changes.                                                                                                            Create a logistical plan for filling in water resource data gaps on Catalina Island by 2024.
                                                                             and human population. priority project by 2025.

                                                                                                       Document potential threat from loss of soil by

                                                                             Natural and man-made
                                                                             fire management plan      Develop a comprehensive fire ignition reduction    Minimize fire prevention physical disturbances to the land (fire breaks and vegetation alteration for
                                                   Fire management           compatible with           and fire management strategy with relevant         defensible space).
                                                         plan                conservation objectives   stakeholders (Avalon fire department, LA County
                                                                             without compromising      fire department) by 2023.                          Ensure that rare plant communities are not unnecessarily impacted during fire control efforts.
                                                                             life and property.

                                                                                                                                                          Present to the CIC board a deer removal roadmap with policy, technical, financial and risk-management
                                                                             Complete removal of                                                          analyses in 2021.
                                                                        1.3.                           Full deer removal from the island by 2031.
                                                                             introduced mule deer.
                                                                                                                                                          Gain Board approval, put together a resource plan and begin fundraising in 2022.

                                                   Impact of invasive                                                                                     Continue current control and prioritization efforts under existing grant commitments and plans.
                                                                             Management of
                                                                                                                                                          By 2022 complete resurvey of island for invasive plants using ground, drone and helicopter survey
                                                                             invasive species so that
                                                                             native species, their    Continuously eradicate or manage to low levels
                                                                             communities, and the ecosystem threatening nonnative plant species.
                                                                                                                                                          By mid-2022 complete the revision of invasive plant management plan.
                                                                             Island ecosystems are
                                                                             not advserely affected.
                                                                                                                                                          By 2027, eradicate or reduce to low maintenance levels all target invasive species.

                                                                                                                                                          Follow and promote phytosanitation best practices within the CIC and public in Avalon.
                                                                             Development of
                                                                             sufficiently precise
                                                                             climate change models
                                                                                                                                                          In collaboration with outside researchers, develop Catalina-specific climate models to predict effects of
                                                                             so that the effects of
                                                                                                    Develop climate change models by 2025 and             climate change on Catalina Island and aid in management decisions and prioritization (e.g., restoration of
                                                    Climate change      1.5. climate change can be
                                                                                                    adaptation strategy by 2027.                          riparian habitats, mesic coves, north-facing microrefugia, aquatic habitats, and prioritization of sensitive
                                                                             incorporated into land
                                                                                                                                                          species, habitats and ecological processes.
                                                                             and water system
                                                                             management decision-
5 year priority
Target No.

                                                          Goal No.

             TARGET   DESIRED STATE      PROGRAM                        GOAL                                OBJECTIVES                                                                       2025 Results

                An Island with                                Viable populations of all
                resilient natural                             Catalina endemic and
                plant communities,                            state- and federally-
       Plant    in which common                               listed plant species are                                                   Yearly inventories of all rare plant taxa, with collation and analysis of data.
                                     Rare, Listed and                                   Locate, evaluate status, and manage as necessary
 2 communities and abundant                              2.1. maintained through
                                     Endemic Plants                                     key rare and endemic flora
    and species species and rare and                          appropriate and                                                            Where appropriate, completion of seed bulking- and vegetative propagation efforts.
                endemic flora                                 necessary survey,
                communities are not                           inventory and
                at risk.                                      management activities.

                                                              Viable native plant
                                                              communities are
                                                              maintained and
                                         Rare plant                                 Locate, evaluate status, and manage as necessary Research and management actionstaken to protect and restore: mesic coves, ironwood and island oak
                                                         2.2. supported through
                                        communities                                 key rare and endemic plant communities.          groves, riparian habitats, Coreopsis thickets, beach/dunes, salinas.
                                                              appropriate survey,
                                                              inventory and
                                                              management activities

                                                               A genetic repository
                                                               comprising at least 90%
                                                               of Catalina’s native      Maintain floristic biodiversity at genetic and
                                                               plant taxa is developed   organism level, provide local provenance plant
                                       Program (ex-situ,                                                                                     Continue current ex-situ, in-situ and seed conservation efforts and activities. Formalize relationships with
                                                          2.3. and maintained            material for restoration projects, climate change
                                         in-situ, seed                                                                                       off-island seed and genetic banks with formal MOU.
                                                               through seed banking,     and disturbance (catastrophic fire) hedge in
                                      conservation; incl.
                                                               as well conservation      perpetuity.
                                                               plantings—both in-situ
                                                               and ex-situ .

                                                              The island-wide
                                                              conservation status of
                                                              characteristic plant                                                          Develop Catalina Island biodiversity scorecard by 2023.
                                                                                        Key internal, long-term or episodic ecological data
                                          Long-term           communities is
                                                                                        collection activities and programs required to
                                         Community       2.4. assessed periodically, so                                                     Develop a plan for long term monitoring (inclding plots).
                                                                                        manage Island ecosystem using "adaptive
                                         Monitoring           that evidence-based
                                                                                        management" approach.
                                                              management decisions                                                          Develop updated vegetation map by 2022.
                                                              can be made and
                                                              Reverse the 60 year
                                                              decline of the oak
                                                                                         Follow up on the findings of Oak Symposium.
                                       Oak woodlands          (Quercus pacifica and                                                          Develop an oak restoration plan by end 2021.
                                        and chaparral    2.5. Quercus tomentella )
                                         restoration          woodland, estimated                                                       Implement the plan through 2025 and beyond.
                                                              5000 acres (or 31% of
                                                              the Island).
5 year priority
Target No.

                                                                Goal No.

             TARGET     DESIRED STATE          PROGRAM                         GOAL                              OBJECTIVES                                                                      2025 Results

                                                                                                                                                 Continue to implement the following actions: 1) Annual fox trapping program including vaccine
                      An Island with                                 A healthy, resilient                                                        administration for distemper and rabies, 2) weekly aerial radio surveys of radio-collared "sentinel" foxes, 3)
                      resilient native                               population of Santa                                                         capacity to respond to reports of fox mortality by evaluating cause of death (e.g. paying for necropsy) and
   Animal                                                                                      Maintain low threat from disease through aerial
                      animal populations                             Catalina Island foxes                                                       rehabilitating injured animals (e.g. Quail Valley vet clinic, Avalon Veterinarian), 4) perform or collaborate
 3 populations                                  Island Fox      3.1.                           telemetry, vaccinations, annual population
                      where rare and                                 within the carrying                                                         with outside researchers on necessary or appropriate research about the Island fox; 5) continue to
   and species                                                                                 monitoring and health evaluation.
                      endemic Island fauna                           capacity of the Island is                                                   participate in Island Fox work group.
                      are not at risk.                               maintained.
                                                                                                                                                 Continuously re-evaluate CIC involvenemnt and effort on managing Island fox.

                                                                     Sufficient knowledge of
                                                                                                                                                 By 2023, advance basic knowledge of key taxa (e.g. shrew, deer mouse, townsend bat, Hutton vireo)
                                                                     the population sizes
                                                                                                                                                 sufficient to make decisions about need for additional research.
                                                                     and habitat                Locate, evaluate status and threats, and manage
                                             Rare, Listed and        requirements as well as   as necessary key rare and endemic fauna (e.g.,
                                                                                                                                                Develop research collaborations focusing on gaps in basic biodiversity knowledge of Catalina Island
                                             Endemic Animal     3.2. the threats to rare,      Catalina shrew, Townsend's big-eared bat, Island
                                                                                                                                                especially invertebrates, herpetofauna and migratory birds by 2025.
                                                 Species             listed and endemic        Loggerhead Shrike, Scripps's murrelets, etc.) by
                                                                     animal species is         2027.
                                                                                                                                                By 2027, develop and implement species management plans as needed by research results, and initiate ad
                                                                     sufficient to take
                                                                                                                                                hoc management actions as needed.
                                                                     management actions.

                                                                                                                                             Continue to implement current early detection of non-native mesocarnivores (e.g. raccoons, possums) by
                                                                                                                                             deployment of game cameras at baited traps in Two Harbors and other locations and capacity to respond
                                                                     Introduced animals are
                                                                                                                                             to all reports of mesocarnivores on Catalina Island.
                                                                     not are not having a   Reduce threat to island ecosystem and fauna from
                                                                3.3. widespread detrimental introduced animals (e.g. introduced, feral) by
                                                Animals                                                                                      By 2030, or earlier if feasible, develop management plans for other introduced animals and obtain funding
                                                                     effect on native       2035.
                                                                                                                                             for research and management
                                                                                                                                                 Evaluate the impact of ground squirrel herbivory on restoration efforts

                Catalina Island
                Conservancy is
                opportunities for                                    Develop robust and up-
                research and                                         to-date geospatial
                collaboration with                                   information to support                                                      Take the following actions: 1) continue to maintain up-to-date geospatial information in the Conservancy's
                                                                                               Maintain an essential mapping and analysis
   Research and partners in              Geospatial                  Conservancy                                                                 geospatial database including regular acquisition of data layers 2) Collaborate with California State
                                                                                               function for conservation research and
 4 Partnership academia, research     Information and           4.1. management and, as                                                          University Long Beach (CSULB) to develop database for housing research, geospatial and long-term
                                                                                               management, sustainable operations, and nature-
   Development institutions, NGOs         Analysis                   appropriate, make                                                           monitoring data, 3) In collaboration with outside researchers, perform sophisticated landscape and
                                                                                               based recreation.
                and other land trusts                                available to public,                                                        predictive modeling analyses of species, habitats and communities on Catalina Island
                to expand the                                        government and
                knowledge and                                        university collaborators.
                educational base for
                its own and society's
                management needs.
5 year priority
Target No.

                                                                    Goal No.

               TARGET      DESIRED STATE           PROGRAM                        GOAL                               OBJECTIVES                                                                      2025 Results

                                                                                                                                                   1. Create a tiered strategic research plan and prioritize research goals and interests of Conservancy to
                                                                                                                                                   support its core conservation mission and which can best benefit from third-party partnerships by 2022.
                                                                                               Establish Catalina Island Conservancy as a relevant 2. Use a new business model approach to reimagine and define costs and cost-recovery associated with
                                                                                               player within California Islands conservation       different models of research station support and logistics.
                                                                        Catalina Island is
                                                                                               community.                                          3. Create a template program for interactions with third-party (mostly university) researchers that can be
                                                                        viewed as a living
                                                                                                                                                   shared at an early stage in the interaction with each to manage expectations (complete by end of 2023).
                                                                        laboratory for the
                                                                                               Establish strong partnerships with academia,        For example, Reinvigorate our partnership with USC for logistics, room and board at the USC Wrigley
                                               Outside Research         exploration all manner
                                                                                               research institutions, land trusts and government Marine Science Center. Complete a formal agreement with USC for this specific partnership by winter
                                                     and           4.2. of applied and
                                                                                               agencies.                                           2022.
                                                Collaborations          theoretical questions
                                                                                                                                                   4. Identify new funding opportunities, both for the Conservancy alone or in partnership with universities,
                                                                        through robust and
                                                                                               Leverage or encourage outside research projects environmental organizations, land trusts, etc. to support the larger research interests on Catalina and set
                                                                        long-term research
                                                                                               and collaborations to fill knowledge gaps of basic the stage for joint fund-raising each year by 2023.
                                                                                               species diversity or ecosystem processes outside 5. Create a new information portal to both, maintain and update an archive of current and past research,
                                                                                               internal capabilities.                              especially on species of interest (annually).
                                                                                                                                                   6. By 2026 analyze business model for both the internal research and the third-party research partnerships
                                                                                                                                                   to evaluate opportunities for expansion of this role and the Field Station model.

                                                                     Nearshore terrestrial
                                                                     and marine ecosystems
                                                                     (e.g. kelp forests) are                                                         Continue the following actions: 1) Co-chair Marine Protected Area Catalina Island Workgroup, 2) Develop
                                               Nearshore Marine                              Support achievement of nearshore marine goal
                                                                4.3. abundant, healthy and                                                           long-term research and monitoring collaboration with CSULB or other universities investigating
                                                 Ecosystems                                  through successful partnerships.
                                                                     secure from negative                                                            terrestrial/marine ecosystem coupling
                                                                     hydrological and
                                                                     ecological alterations.

                         An Island where the
                         rich, multi-millennia
                         human habitation of                                                      Consolidate existing Catalina information on
                         Catalina Island is                                                       Indigenous sites and collaborate with PCIAP and
                         inventoried,                                                             the Traditional Council of Pimu to create a living Develop protocols and trainings for all CIC staff and visiting interns and researchers by 12/21, and
                                                                       Significant prehistoric
                         mapped, and                                                              repository of locational, published, and traditional educational guides by 2025.
                                                                       cultural resources are
                         managed in ways                                                          knowledge with confidentiality, access and
                                                                       identified, preserved
             Cultural    that reflect its value    Indigenous                                     distribution protocols by 2025.                      Create maps for all CIC staff and visiting interns and researchers by 12/21 and educational guides by 2025
 5                                                                5.1. and protected when
             Resources   to future generations cultural resources                                                                                      that integrate confidentiality and protection of the sites
                                                                       possible (middens,
                         and, for pre-historic                                                    Develop a managment plan with short and
                                                                       habitation sites, lithic
                         sites, a sensitivity to                                                  longterm curation, interpretation, and education Meet as necessary PCIAP/Tongva Tribal members to promote better communication and quicker response
                                                                       scatters, human
                         the Native American                                                      for all Indigenous collections under CIC control     times to issues and threats
                                                                       remains, etc.).
                         community and                                                            with PCIAP and the Traditional Council of Pimu by
                         applicable local,                                                        2025.
                         state and federal
5 year priority
Target No.

                                                              Goal No.

             TARGET   DESIRED STATE         PROGRAM                          GOAL                               OBJECTIVES                                                                      2025 Results

                                                                   Historic cultural
                                                                   resources (buildings,
                                                                   Wrigley Memorial
                                                                   Garden, mines, etc.) are
                                          Historic cultural                                                                                     Complete assessment of historical buildings and create full, actionable project management plans for each
                                                              5.2. appropriately and        Implement management plans for each by 2030.
                                             resources                                                                                          by 2025.
                                                                   safely managed to
                                                                   reflect their value to
                                                                   current and future
                                                                   visitors to the Island.

                                                                   Bison population is       Document ecological impacts of bison, and have a
                                                                   maintained within an      plan for taking mitigation actions if necessary by Study potential impact of the bison herd on the ecosystem of zones 2-3, to complete this ecological study
                                                                   acceptable population     2025.                                              before the end of 2025.
                                                                   size and distribution,
                                               Bison          5.3.
                                                                   balancing ecosystem       Implement actions (health monitoring,              Create a cohesive database, including our historical records of bison presence, to create a conservation
                                                                   impacts with their        reintroduction, birth control) to manage bison     department dedicated repository on bison. This data shall be available to the board of directors by end
                                                                   recreation/cultural       population size and health.                        2021 (consider capacity).

                                                                                             Land stewardship is balanced with recreational
                  An organisation that                             Sustain and promote                                                           Create a defined plan for studying this subject, engage partners and pursue financial resources with the
                                                                                             presence through identification of visitor carrying
                  is a model in                                    excellence in                                                                 2023 goal of having a funded process.
                  sustainability and in     Recreational           Sustainable Nature-
 6                which education,           presence/        6.1. Based Recreation and                                                         Complete the carrying capacity study that uniquely balances land stewardship and recreational presence,
   and balance                                                                               Implement best practice standards and develop
                  recreation and            operations             Ecotourism ensuring                                                          gain board approval with specific action items, goals and deadlines by 2025.
                                                                                             efficient ways to evaluate and reduce impacts to
                  conservation efforts                             the long-term
                                                                                             biodiversity stemming from development and
                  are synergistic                                  protection of Catalina.                                                      Other results to be developed with Operations crew in 2021.
                                                                                             maintenance of necessary infrastructure.

                                                                   Sustain and promote
                                                                   excellence in
                                                                   Education and
                                                                   Communications in
                                                                   support of the
                                                                                             Continue to provide information for education
                                            Education &                                      and public outreach programs that extend the
                                                              6.2. conservation                                                                 To be developed by 2021 Q2 end
                                          Communications                                     Conservancy mission to external audiences in an
                                                                   management goals, and
                                                                                             efficient manner.
                                                                   promotes conservation
                                                                   values and behaviors to
                                                                   Catalina’s residents,
                                                                   visitors and a global
5 year priority
Target No.

                                                           Goal No.

             TARGET   DESIRED STATE      PROGRAM                         GOAL                              OBJECTIVES                                                                2025 Results

                                                               Develop and implement
                                                               sustainable practices in
                                                               the operations of the
                                                                                                                                      Creation and implementation of a Sustainability Policy for the Conservancy that provides the guidelines for
                                                               Catalina Island
                                                                                        Develop a baseline by year 2023 and start     implementing and maintaining sustainable practices across the whole spectrum of Conservancy operations
                                                               Conservancy including,
                                      Sustainability best                               implementing a sustainability plan by 2024.   and projects. This would be followed by a “green audit” of Conservancy operations and the
                                                          6.3. but not limited to,
                                          practices                                                                                   implementation of a Sustainability Plan with a set of criteria, practices and priorities.
                                                               energy use, water use
                                                               and discharge,
                                                               waste/recycling and
                                                               greenhouse gas
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