CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.

Page created by Jane Alexander
CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Cold Spring   Newport
                      Fort Thomas   Alexandria            July 2021


one of this year's
Art After Hours
The annual event
is back with music,
food, and of
course, art.
Continue > Page 3

Prize Machines                                   Book Care
for Children!                                    Packages
Page 2                                           Page 2
CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Who to talk to
Cold Spring
                                              We suggest
David Anderson, Branch Manager                STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: OUR STAFF’S QUINTESSENTIAL
Carrico/Fort Thomas                           SUMMER ROAD TRIP MOVIES!
Pam Posik, Branch Manager

Newport                                                       Almost Famous
Chantelle Phillips,                                           It's a classic movie about a 15-year-old kid with a passion for music who gets the
Branch Manager & Assistant Director                           dream of a lifetime writing for Rolling Stone about a new band. Set in the 1970s, it
                                                              follows the band as they tour on the road.
                                                               — Brittany Parr, children’s services programmer, Cold Spring Branch
Carrie Ratterman, Branch Supervisor

Outreach Services @ Newport
Carol Freytag,                                                The Muppet Movie
Outreach Services Coordinator                                 Kermit and Fozzie travel to Hollywood, crossing paths with all the classic Muppets
                                                              from Miss Piggy to Gonzo; plus, Kermit has to outrun the evil Doc Hopper who
Administration @ Cold Spring
                                                              wants Kermit to be the face of his French fried frog legs restaurant. It's a silly
JC Morgan, Director
                                                              musical that’s fun for everyone!
Andrew Moorhead, Communications
                                                               — Emily Nestheide, library page, Cold Spring Branch
Melissa Yankee, Human Resources

Board of Trustees                                             Tommy Boy
Meeting                                                       It stars Chris Farley and David Spade as they go on a quest to save Tommy's family's
The Campbell County Public Library’s                          auto part business. Battling his stepmom’s desire to close the business and cash
Board of Trustees meets at 5:30 pm on the                     out on the benefits, Tommy does his best (sorta) but complete mayhem ensues.
third Wednesday each month. All board                          — Danielle Turner, adult/teen services programmer, Cold Spring Branch
meetings are open to the public. Next
meeting dates and locations are:

• July 21 at Cold Spring                                      Thelma and Louise
                                                              The friendship between the two women is loving and inspiring, despite the tragic
• Aug. 18 at Newport
                                                              parts of the story. Plus, you get to see beautiful desert scenery.
• Sept. 15 at Fort Thomas
                                                              — Lisa Kuhn, patron services assistant, Newport Branch
• Oct. 20 at Alexandria

Check Out                                     machines! No change required. Just drop a
                                              token – given to children at checkout – into          Book Care
the Library’s                                                                                       Packages
                                              the slot for a surprise item, which may include
                                              jokes, temporary tattoos, stickers and fun facts.
                                              The prize machines are fun for kids of all ages.

New Prize                                                                                           Bring the library home via our Book Care

                                                                                                    Package service for children and teens of all
                                                                                                    ages. Simply make a request and the library
                                                                                                    will pull up to 10 books and audio materials
Visiting the library just got a little more                                                         that fit your interests. This is a great way
rewarding. You may have noticed a new                                                               to make some progress on your Summer
addition to the Cold Spring, Carrico/Fort                                                           Reading logs! Request a Book Care Package
Thomas and Newport branches: prize                                                                  at

CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Morning Light
                                                                                                                           by Everage King

Meet Everage King, continued                      “Mostly I spend my days thinking of what           “It's always exciting to hear people express
from the cover                                    to paint next,” King said of his life post-        the effect that my work has on them,” said
                                                  retirement.                                        King, who has shown at the event twice
Showcasing 13 local artists who work in a
                                                                                                     before. “The feedback helps me understand
range of styles and mediums, Art After Hours
                                                  Take a look at King’s work, which he describes     where my work is going and how effective
will be held Friday, July 30 from 7-9 pm at the
                                                  as impressionist, and you might notice             it is. I really want to do work that says
Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch.
                                                  cityscapes home to Greater Cincinnati.             something – not just a pretty picture
                                                  Currently living in the Queen City, he says        but makes a statement that people can
Each artist will be available to discuss their
                                                  the environment he’s in informs his work.          understand and receive.”
work with items available to purchase. Plus,
patrons can relax to music by blues musician      In Dayton, for example, he created more
                                                  culturally-focused work on subjects like           Art After Hours is free and open to the public;
Ricky Nye; enjoy floral arrangements from
                                                  heroes and sports figures.                         the Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch will close
Fort Thomas Florist & Greenhouses; and revel
                                                                                                     at 5 pm to set up for the event. Patrons can
in fried goodness served up by Moonrise
                                                  “In Cincinnati what I’m finding is landscapes,”    expect a bit of everything, from pottery to
                                                  King said. “Things that have to do with            woodcarving to photography. For more
                                                  architecture catch my eye. I deal with shapes      information, visit
One artist who will be in attendance is
Everage King, a retired art teacher and           and forms and the interrelationships of
former preparator at the Cincinnati Art           colors.”
Museum. Primarily a painter, King’s love of art
traces back to his childhood, where he would      King plans to bring several prints to Art After
draw comics and cartoons like Superman.           Hours, some of which he described: one
                                                  depicts a marshy area in Anderson Township
After high school, he served two years in the     lush with greenery (pictured on right);
U.S. Army; and in 1979 earned a bachelor’s        another is a blue-hued cityscape in which a
in Fine Arts in Education at the University       hazy Cincinnati skyline backdrops building
of Cincinnati. Nearly 20 years of teaching        rooftops (pictured above); a single flower rises
                                                                                                                              Anderson Marsh
followed, along with 15 years at CAM until        out of dead growth in yet another. Along with
                                                                                                                              by Everage King
his 2014 retirement from the latter.              other prints, originals will also be available.

CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
July Calendar

Cool Critters Outreach
4 pm Tuesday,
July 13

Programs                                          taking along on summer adventures.               life, such as clownfish. Make your own using
All state and federal COVID-19 mandates will      Ages 11-19. Take & Make.                         foam and pipe cleaners. Grades 1-5.
be followed.                                                                                       Take & Make.
                                                  CCPL Roblox Club
Book Discussions                                  4 pm Saturday, July 24                           Young Ones
                                                  Play different Roblox games every month          Registration required, unless noted.
Registration required.
                                                  on private VIP servers hosted by Campbell
                                                  County Public Library staff. Ages 8-14.
                                                                                                   Baby Time
Cam's Kids Book Club                                                                               10 am Tuesday, July 6
4:30 pm Tuesday, July 27                          Play online.
                                                                                                   Help build your baby’s language skills
Don't Let Them Disappear by Chelsea Clinton.                                                       through engaging and interactive songs,
Grades 1-5. Zoom.                                 Families                                         rhymes, simple movement and books.
                                                  Registration required.                           Newborn-2. No need to register. YouTube.
Registration required.                            Cool Critters Outreach                           Story Time at Alexandria Park
                                                  4 pm Tuesday, July 13                            10 am Wednesday, July 7
Snuffle Mats                                      This interactive and educational opportunity     This special outside story time aims to help
                                                  gives you an up-close, personal look at the      children develop literacy skills through
4 pm Thursday, July 29
                                                  fascinating world of snakes, lizards, dragons,   stories, songs and games. Program held
Your pets will have a grand time with this food
                                                  spiders and more. Zoom.                          outside at Alexandria Community Park.
and treat puzzle mat. Take & Make.
                                                                                                   All ages. In-person.

Teens & Tweens                                    Children                                         Family Story Time
Registration required                             Registration required.                           10 am Tuesday, July 20
                                                                                                   Miss Molly will read a book and present
Animal Felt Bags                                  DIY Sea Anemone                                  learning activities to engage your child and
4 pm Thursday, July 15                            4 pm Wednesday, July 14                          help them develop important literacy skills.
This cute crafted animal bag is perfect for       Sea anemone are used as shelter by marine        All ages. Zoom.

CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Cold Spring
July Calendar

                                                                                                                         Legos for Adults
                                                                                                                        5-6:45 pm Friday,
                                                                                                                                   Jul 23

Programs                                       Adults                                          Legos for Adults
All state and federal COVID-19 mandates will   Registration required.                          5-6:45 pm Friday, July 23
be followed.                                                                                   Why do kids get to have all the fun? Build
                                                                                               Lego kits with other adults. In-person.
                                               Dungeons and Dragons
Book Discussions                               on Roll20
Registration required.
                                                                                               Teens & Tweens
                                               5 – 8 pm Friday, July 2                         Registration required.
                                               Join Dungeon Master Clara as she leads you
You’ve Been Booked!
7-8:45 pm Monday, July 5
                                               through a virtual D&D adventure! All you need   Flavor of the Month Gaming
                                               is your computer and an internet connection.    5-7 pm Monday, July 12
My Hero Academia vol. 1 by Kohei Horikoshi.
                                               Ages 13+. Play online.                          Revisit popular game titles - Minecraft, Five
Adults and teens welcome. In-person or Zoom.                                                   Nights at Freddy’s, Fortnite, Overwatch - that
                                                                                               you may have forgotten about. In-person.
Cup of Crime Book Club                         Floral Arrangements
7 pm Wednesday, July 14                        with Amber                                      Shrinky Dink Crafts
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. In-    5-7 pm Friday, July 9
                                                                                               5-7 pm Monday, July 19
person or Zoom.                                Amber from Broken Oaks Farm will teach you      Shrinky Dinks – polystyrene sheets that can be
                                               how to make beautiful floral arrangements       cut into shapes and, when heated, shrunk to
Tuesday Book Club                              sure to brighten your home.                     one-third of its original size – can be made into
10-11:30 am Tuesday, July 20                   In-person or Zoom.                              keychains, suncatchers and more. Ages 11-19.
The Library Book by Susan Orlean. In-person                                                    In-person.
or Zoom.                                       Green Cleaning with Ronda
                                               5-7 pm Friday, July 16                          Sharpie Tie Dye
                                                                                               5-7 pm Monday, July 26
Real Men Read                                  Ronda from the Campbell County Extension
                                                                                               Create detailed designs on t-shirts without
7-9 pm Thursday, July 22                       Office will teach patrons how to make their
                                                                                               the mess of traditional tie-dye using Sharpie
The Ghosts of Eden Park by Karen Abbott. All   own cleaning supplies at home.                  markers and rubbing alcohol. Ages 11-19.
welcome. In-person or Zoom.                    In-person or Zoom.                              In-person.

CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Cold Spring, continued                              Drive-Thru Movie                                    Summer Slime Party
                                                    11-12:30 pm Saturday, July 24                       4 pm Thursday, July 15
Teen End of Summer Trivia Event                     Let’s DIY little cars and watch Zootopia.           Make slime with simple ingredients.
5-6:30 pm Saturday, July 31                         Children will get to take home a movie-             Grades 1-5. In-person.
Celebrate making it through another season          themed goodie bag. In-person.
of Summer Reading with a game of trivia. You                                                            Children's Theatre Presents:
may even win prizes! Ages 11-19. Zoom.              Happy Birthday Harry Potter                         Once Upon a Time Workshop
                                                    11 am Saturday, July 31                             4 pm Thursday, July 22
Families                                            Harry Potter turns 41 this year! Let’s celebrate    Explore the history of fairy tales with
Registration required, unless noted.                the magical world of Harry Potter with crafts,      Cincinnati Children's Theatre while
                                                    trivia and games. In-person.                        workshopping unique stories.
Fourth of July Party                                                                                    Grades 1-5. In-person.
11 am Saturday, July 3                              Children
Celebrate the Fourth of July with games, crafts     Registration required.                              End of Summer Reading
and trivia at the library! In-person.                                                                   Ice Cream Social
                                                    Juice & Paint                                       4 pm Thursday, July 29
Newport Aquarium Presents:                          4 pm Thursday, July 1                               Celebrate another fun Summer Reading with
Scales & Tails                                      Paint alongside Mrs. Megan B. as she guides         ice cream-related trivia, crafts and take-home
11 am Saturday, July 10                             you through instructions. Afterward, grab a         treats. Grades 1-5. In-person.
Discover the reptilian world during this unique     snack bag and juice. Grades 1-5. In-person.
experience as we feature three reptiles,                                                                Young Ones
ranging from snakes, lizards, turtles and           Pirate Cork Boat                                    Registration required, unless noted.
tortoises. In-person.                               4 pm Monday, July 5
                                                    Did you know that pirate ships varied in size       Toddler Time
Rocket Science                                      and shape? Caravels, for example, were light        10 am Wednesdays, July 7, 14, 21 & 28
4 pm Friday, July 16                                sailing ships developed in the late 1400s and       Stories, songs and bouncy rhymes that will
Build a rocket with a film canister, alkaline-      up to 65 feet long. Put your pirate skills to the   exercise your little ones’ busy bodies and
seltzer tablets and water. No need to register.     test by making a miniature ship out of cork.        busy minds. Ages 2-3. In-person.
YouTube.                                            Grades 1-5. Take & Make.
                                                                                                        Baby Time
Outdoor Science                                     Craftapalooza                                       10 am Tuesday, July 27
11 am Saturday, July 17
                                                    4 pm Thursday, July 8                               Help build your baby’s language skills
Have you ever made a soda bottle explode
                                                    Craftapalooza is here! What creations can           through engaging and interactive songs,
using an alkaline-seltzer tablet? Our rocket
                                                    you make with a hodgepodge of materials?            rhymes, simple movement and books.
scientist host will bring this classic experiment
                                                    Grades 1-5. In-person.                              Newborn-2. No need to register. Youtube.
– and others – to our outside space. In-person.

Children's Theatre Presents:
Once Upon a Time Workshop
4 pm Thursday,
July 22
CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Carrico/Fort Thomas
July Calendar

                           Bruce Crippen                                     Margie Lakeberg

                    Kathleen Piercefield                                        Tiffany Greene

Programs                                         Trivia Night                                     Nature Print Paper
All state and federal COVID-19 mandates will     7 pm Friday, July 23                             4 pm Wednesday, July 7
be followed.                                     This month’s trivia night theme is Animals       Use sun-sensitive printing paper with plants
                                                 Around the World. Have fun with family and       and leaves found in nature to make artwork.
Book Discussions                                 friends for a chance to win a $25 gift card.     Ages 11-19. Take & Make.
Registration required.                           Teens also welcome. Zoom.
                                                                                                  Butterfly Suncatcher
Coffee & Conversation                            Color-Your-Own                                   4 pm Thursday, July 22
2 pm Wednesday, July 14                          Animal Suncatcher                                In this program you will be provided with all
The Good Neighbor by Maxwell King. In-           2 pm Tuesday, July 27                            the materials needed to create a butterfly
person or Zoom.                                  Create an animal suncatcher using a mason        suncatcher! Ages 11-19. In-person or Take &
                                                 jar ring, coloring sheets, colored pencils and   Make.
Adults                                           olive oil. In-person or Take & Make.
Registration required.                                                                            Nature Watercolor
                                                 Art After Hours                                  4 pm Thursday, July 29
                                                 7 pm Friday, July 30
Animal Silhouette                                                                                 Hone your creativity by creating nature
                                                 See info on page 3. No need to register.
Watercolor Postcard                                                                               scenes with watercolor paint. Ages 11-19.
                                                 In-person.                                       In-person or Take & Make.
2 pm Tuesday, July 6
Use an animal stencil and watercolor paint to
                                                 Teens & Tweens                                   Teen Summer Safari Party
make a fun postcard. In-person or Take & Make.
                                                 Registration required
                                                                                                  4 pm Saturday, July 31
Cat Coloring & Calligraphy                       Summer Game Day for Teens                        Join us on a virtual Safari! We will have trivia,
6 pm Thursday, July 15                           4 pm Thursday, July 1                            games and even a fun craft. Pick up a Take &
Learn calligraphy basics and then put your       Compete in wacky outdoor challenges in           Make bag of goodies to make our party even
skills to the test on a cat print cardstock.     honor of the Summer Olympics. Ages 11-19.        more exciting. Ages 11-19. Zoom.
Take & Make.                                     In-person.

CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Animal Poses Yoga
                                                                                                                         2 pm Saturday,
                                                                                                                                July 17

Carrico/Fort Thomas, continued                    Fantastical Animals                              Beaded Bird Keychains
                                                  4 pm Wednesday, July 28                          4 pm Wednesday, July 21
Families                                          Watch the movie Dragons: Gift of the Night       Perch a parrot keychain on your backpack
Registration required, unless noted.              Fury then make a mythical animal egg.            or keys to keep you company. Grades 1-5.
                                                  In-person or Take & Make.                        In-person or Take & Make.
Winnie the Pooh
Interactive Movie                                 Children                                         Puppy Tales
4 pm Thursday, July 1                             Registration required.                           2-4 pm Saturday, July 31
Go on an adventure with Winnie the Pooh.                                                           Come read a story or two to a specially
Sing along, act out scenes or relax and enjoy     Sew Colorful Animals                             trained therapy dog. Sessions will be 15
the movie. In-person or Take & Make.              4 pm Friday, July 2                              minutes. Library staff will contact you to
                                                  Color and stitch adorable animals. Grades 1-5.   schedule a specific time. Grades 1-5.
Clay Day: Animal Shapes                           Take & Make.                                     In-person.
2 pm Saturday, July 3
All you need to bring is your imagination.        Mixed Media Bird Art                             Young Ones
We’ll supply the play dough, tools and animal     4 pm Wednesday, July 7                           Registration required, unless noted.
molds. Let’s see what we can create! In-person.   Create delightful bird art using paper, paint,
                                                  feathers and more. Grades 1-5. In-person or      Together Time Tales
Sock Animals                                      Take & Make.                                     10:30 am Thursdays, July 1, 15 & 29
2 pm Saturday, July 10                                                                             Miss Jennifer will read stories, lead learning
Stuff, tie and turn boring socks into cuddly      Animal Animation                                 activities and help your little ones develop
animals. In-person or Take & Make.                4 pm Thursday, July 15                           important literacy skills. Ages 3-5. In-person
                                                  Bring life to your animal art using flipbooks.   or Zoom.
Summertime on the Farm                            Grades 1-5. In-person or Take & Make.
4 pm Friday, July 23                                                                               Movers & Shakers
Find out what’s happening on Good Green           Animal Poses Yoga                                10:30 am Fridays, July 9 & 23
Earth Farm this summer! What animals were         2 pm Saturday, July 17                           Shake, move and sing in this active, musical
born in spring and how much have they             Move and stretch your body with certified        story time. Ages 2-3. In-person.
grown? No need to register. YouTube.              yoga instructor Phoenix Wilson as she guides
                                                  you through a beginner-level yoga class with     Baby Time
Paint an Animal Bank                              a special emphasis on animal poses. Grades       10 am Tuesday, July 20
                                                                                                   Help build your baby’s language skills
2 pm Saturday, July 24                            1-5. In-person.
                                                                                                   through engaging and interactive songs,
Paint your animal bank realistically or with an
                                                                                                   rhymes, simple movement and books.
original design. In-person or Take & Make.
                                                                                                   Newborn-2. No need to register. YouTube.

CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
July Calendar

                                                                                                                   Friends Book Sale
                                                                                                                          9 am- 5 pm
                                                                                                                            July 8-10

Programs                                          Young Adult for Grown Adults                 Friends Book Sale
All state and federal COVID-19 mandates will      7 pm Tuesday, July 20                        9 am- 5 pm Thursday-Saturday, July 8-10
be followed.                                      Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M.            Ready to kick back with summer reads? Mark
                                                  McManus. In-person or Zoom.                  your calendar for The Friends of the Library’s
Book Discussions                                                                               used book sale, held in the Friends Room
Registration required.
                                                  Adults                                       on the lower level of the Newport Branch.
                                                                                               A large selection of items will be available,
                                                  Registration required, unless noted.
Newport Book Club                                                                              with prices ranging from 25 cents to $3 for
7 pm Tuesday, July 6                                                                           select titles, as well as free books. No need to
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern.             Water Candles                                register. In-person.
In-person or Zoom.                                5:30 pm Monday, July 5
                                                  Water and candles don't normally mix, but
Tween Book Club                                                                                DIY Cocktails
                                                  we've found a way to bring the odd pairing   5:30 pm Monday, July 12
4 pm Friday, July 9
                                                  together via this cute craft. In-person or   Enjoy an evening learning to create cocktails,
Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly. Register
                                                  Take & Make.                                 just in time for the summer season. No need
for a free copy of the book to keep.
Ages 8-14. Zoom.                                                                               to register. YouTube.

CONNECTIONS one of this year's Art After Hours artists - The annual event is back with music, food, and of course, art.
Cat Toys
5:30-7 pm Monday,
July 12

Newport, continued                                Finger Puppets                                     soap activity. Ages 8-14. In-person or Zoom.
                                                  3:30 pm Friday, July 9
Cat Toys                                          Add some theatrics to your storytelling with       Magazine Animals
5:30 - 7 pm Monday, July 12                       finger puppets. Ages 11-19. In-person or           3:30 pm Friday, July 23
Create two toys for your cat. They may or may     Take & Make.                                       Use cool patterns in old magazines to create
not thank you for it. In-person or Take & Make.                                                      animal art. Ages 11-19. In-person or
                                                  Unicorn/Dragon Jars                                Take & Make.
Napkin Folding                                    4 pm Wednesdays, July 14
4 pm Monday, July 19                              Your tale is only beginning. Create a lantern to   Glow Clouds
Take your table decorating to the next level      show you the way. Ages 11-19. Take & Make.         3 pm Wednesday, July 28
with these simple techniques sure to help                                                            Light your path with this dreamy DIY glow
your guests feel welcome. Take & Make.
                                                  Animal Tic Tac Toe                                 cloud. Ages 11-19. In-person.
                                                  4 pm Friday, July 16

Teens & Tweens                                    Create an animal-themed game with wooden           Slimepalooza
                                                  circles and coloring supplies. Ages 8-14.          4 pm Saturday, July 31
Registration required
                                                  Take & Make.                                       Get your kit, watch the videos, decide who
Tween Scene: Animal Mosaics                                                                          made the best slime, then make your own!
                                                  Tween Scene: Cat Paw Soap                          Ages 11-19. Take & Make.
4 pm Tuesday, July 6
                                                  4 pm Tuesday, July 20
Create one-of-a-kind mosaics with dyed
                                                  Keep your hands purrfectly clean with this DIY
beans. Ages 8-14. In-person or Take & Make.

Families                                          Reptiles and Amphibians with                       Create Your Own Camouflage
Registration required, unless noted.              the Louisville Nature Center                       1 pm Wednesday, July 28
                                                  1 pm Friday, July 23                               Can you see me? Learn about the different
Animal Suncatchers                                Meet different reptiles and amphibians             ways that animals camouflage themselves
11 am Saturday, July 3                            virtually with the Louisville Nature Center!       and use the provided materials to make
Decorate animal-themed suncatchers with a         Zoom.                                              some camouflage of your own! Grades 1-5.
variety of paint colors. After all, what better                                                      In-person.
way is there to capture the summer sun?           Nocturnal Critter Crew
In-person.                                        11 am Saturday, July 24                            Young Ones
                                                  Nocturnality is an animal behavior                 Registration required, unless noted.
Shelter Pet Portraits                             characterized by being active during the
11 am Saturday, July 10                           night and sleeping during the day. Learn           Baby Time
Did you know that when animal shelters            about nocturnal animals and their cool             10 am Tuesday, July 13
include drawings of their adoptable pets that     abilities during this program. Plus, try out fun   Help build your baby’s language skills through
those pets are more likely to get adopted?        activities. In-person.                             engaging and interactive songs, rhymes,
Let’s make some pet portraits and help some                                                          simple movement and books. Newborn-2.
local animals in need of homes. In-person or      Egg Carton Fish                                    No need to register. YouTube.
Take & Make.                                      11 am Saturday, July 31
                                                  Join us for a perfect summertime craft! No         Storytots
Summer Movie Series:                              fishing skills are required to catch these fish.   10 am Thursday, July 8 & 22
How to Train Your Dragon                          In-person.                                         The songs we sing and books we read at story
9 pm Saturday, July 10                                                                               time can have a positive influence on young
Park your car in Newport's side lot and kick      Children                                           minds. Ages 3-5. In-person.
back with some popcorn for a screening of         Registration required.
How to Train Your Dragon. In-person.                                                                 Ready for K Through Play
                                                  Jungle Jeopardy                                    10 am Monday, July 12 & 26
Rock Turtles                                      1 pm Wednesday, July 14                            Learn about different types of animals every
11 am Saturday, July 17                           Test your knowledge of various animal life by      week during Summer Reading while building
Decorate your garden or home with this easy       playing this famous quiz game. Grades 1-5.         skills for kindergarten readiness. Ages 3-5.
rock painting craft. In-person.                   In-person.                                         In-person.

                                                                                                                           Jungle Jeopardy
                                                                                                                          1 pm Wednesday,
                                                                                                                                    July 14
                                                                                                           NONPROFIT   ORG
                                                                                                            US  POSTAGE
                                                                                                            COVINGTON KY
                                                                                                            NEWPORT     KY
                                                                                                              PERMIT 902
                                                                                                             PERMIT 143

Cold Spring Branch
3920 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, KY 41076
859-781-6166 — email:

Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch
1000 Highland Avenue
Fort Thomas, KY 41075
859-572-5033 — email:

Newport Branch
901 East Sixth Street
Newport, KY 41071
859-572-5035 — email:

Alexandria Branch
8333 Alexandria Pike
Alexandria, KY 41001
859-572-7463 — email:

Library Express
Pick up holds and return items
Silver Grove — Firehouse
Melbourne — St. Philip Parish Center

Cold Spring, Carrico/Fort Thomas and
Newport Branches                         LOOKING
Monday-Thursday 9 am – 9 pm
Friday		           9 am – 7 pm           AHEAD
Saturday		         9 am – 5 pm
Sunday		           1 pm – 5 pm
                                         Spotlight Series
Alexandria Branch
Tuesday-Friday    11 am – 7 pm           Spotlight Series returns at 7 pm Thursdays,
                                         August 12, 19 & 26 at the Newport Branch. The
Saturday		        11 am – 5 pm           series delves into regional topics via author
Sunday & Monday Closed                   talks. Registration is required. Check out the
                                         lineup, in order of appearance:
July 4 – All Branches Closed
                                         • The Authentic History of Cincinnati Chili– Dive
                                           into the rich history of local chili parlors in
Services                                   communities across Greater Cincinnati with
Patron Services: 859-572-5041              author Dann Woellert.

Storytelling: 859-572-5039               • Cincinnati: An Illustrated History– Author Jeff
                                           Suess will guide patrons through the history,
Download books & music:                    legends and landmarks of the Queen City.          • Falcon Takes Flight presents Railsplitter – The
Download the library app:                  local theatre company will read selections                          from Pulitzer Prize finalist and Guggenheim
                                           Fellow Maurice Manning’s Railsplitter.

Visit us online @
                                         ADA Compliance Statement
                                         The Library makes every reasonable effort to provide equal access to all patrons. Please contact
                                or call ext. 8 at your local branch at least 72 hours prior to an event to arrange
@Campbellkylib                           for accommodation. All facilities and meeting rooms are ADA compliant.
You can also read